Biology Combined Notes

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The basic elements and their bonding ability,

macromolecules and their structures and their
role and general law of thermodynamics in
biological systems.
Sl No Topics Page
1 Introducing the topic 2
Elements of Life, Explanation about the important elements in 3
2 any organism. Electronegativity of the element, Importance of
Different types of bonds, Some examples of different types of 7
bonding in the biological systems, Water and phospholipids
4 Carbohydrates and ATP 17
5 Proteins and their structure 23
6 Enzymes and how enzyme works 28
7 Bioenergetics Pathways and pH 31

Introduction to the course
Purpose of Biology for Engineers

“As engineers, we are always looking into how to modify or improve an

existing system. We must hold the key to combining the fields of
engineering and biology, and this course is designed to provide a logical
understanding about biology from an engineering perspective. So our aim
is to understand the logical principles of biology, inspire the ideas from it
to have a useful creativity in the engineering field”

Elements of Life, Explanation about the important elements in any organism.
Electronegativity of the element, Importance of carbon.

Chemistry of life:

The atomic composition of the cell: H = 63%, O = 24% C = 10%, N = 1.4 %, P = 0.2 % & S = <

Trace amount: Ca, Cl, K, Na, Mg, Mn, Fe, Se, I etc

Let us understand what an element is and where these elements related to life are present
in the periodic table by simple pictures.

When we look at the composition of elements, C, N, O & H constitutes more than 95%. They are
also lightest elements in the periodic table (As we go down in the periodic table, atomic number
is going to increase so as atomic mass)

Suppose we want to design a moving machine like car what are the critical things we
look for before selecting material to construct a body of the car? One of the criteria should be
Materials used should not be heavy (fuel efficiency is going to decrease). The backbone element
of life is carbon and carbon is the appropriate element to become a backbone element of life,
since no element is present above carbon in periodic table which can have similar properties
and lighter than carbon.

Important properties of these elements are their ability to form bond with other
elements to form compounds/molecules. Let us see the molecular composition of the life.
80% is water & the dry weight of remaining 20% contains 50% protein, 15% carbohydrates,
10% lipids & fats & 15% nucleic acids.

Formation of these molecules and the interaction between these molecules depends on the
chemical properties of the important six elements we mentioned it before. In this course, we just

learn Chemistry to logically understand the structure and functions of Biomolecules and their

Two important properties we are concentrating in this course to understand the elements used in
life are valency and electronegativity. The Valency of an atom is unpaired electron in the outer
orbital of the shell. This gives an opportunity for the element to combine with other element.

Valency of H = 1, C=4, 0 = 2, N = 3 or 4, P = 3 or 5 and S = 2 (As shown in the figure), 4, 6

Covalent Bond: sharing of a pair of valence electrons by two similar or dissimilar elements.

C−C single bond. Energy required to break them is equal to 80 Kcal/mol

C=C double bond (more energy is required to break them compared to single bond between
C≡C triple bond (more energy is required to break them compared to double bond)

Covalent bonds are very strong. Suppose if we compare covalent bond strength to say
random energy fluctuation in daily life- random thermal fluctuations at room temperature are on
the order of 0.6 kilocalories per mole. Covalent bonds are extremely stable, usually, unless
something is attacking them and breaking them.

Different types of bonds, Some examples of different types of bonding in
the biological systems, Water & phospholipid their importance in existence of

Atoms in a molecule attract shared electrons in varying degrees, depending on the element.
The attraction of a particular element for the electrons of a covalent bond is called its
electronegativity. The more electronegative this element is, the more strongly it pulls shared
electrons towards itself. If an element bonded to more electronegative element, the electrons of the
bond are not shared equally therefore, There exists a polarity between them. This type of bond is
called polar covalent bond. Such bonds vary in their polarity depending on the relative
electronegativity of the two elements. For example the bond between the hydrogen atom and
oxygen atom in water molecule is quite polar.

How do we know that polarity exist between two atoms of elements? What is the measuring

Please refer the figure above. Suppose if the difference in electronegativity between the two
atoms is 0.5 and more, there exist polarity.

Example: carbon and hydrogen C-H the difference in electronegativity is 0.4 so it is non-
polar. Carbon and oxygen C-O The difference is 1.0 therefore polarity exist.

Ionic Bond: transfer of electrons from one atom to another atom to form bond. The atom
should form ions i.e. it should be in ionic state (positively charged or negatively charged) before
it forms bond with another oppositely charged ion. The bonds are strong as long as it is not
disturbed. If it is disturbed it becomes fragile. Ex: Once the water is added to NaCl, the ionic bond

Water and Phospholipid

Life on earth began in water and evolved there for three billion years before spreading
onto land. Although most of the water in liquid form, it is also in solid form and gaseous form.
Water is the only solvent, it is present in all the three phases and interchange of the phases will
enormously affect the life on the earth. We look into some of the important properties of water
that make earth suitable for life.

Polar covalent bonds in water molecules results in hydrogen bonding

The hydrogen bonds form, break and re-form with great frequency. Each lasts only a few
trillionths of a second, but the molecules are constantly forming new hydrogen bonds with a
succession of partners. Therefore at any instant, all water molecules are hydrogen bonded to their

Cohesive and adhesive properties of water

Water molecules stay close to each other as a result of hydrogen bonding. Although the
arrangement of molecules in a sample of liquid water is constantly changing, at any given moment
many of the molecules are linked by multiple hydrogen bonds. These linkages make water more
structured than most other liquids. Collectively, the hydrogen bonds hold the substance together,
a phenomenon called cohesion.

Adhesion, the clinging of one substance to another, also plays a role. Adhesion of water to cell
walls by hydrogen bonds helps counter the downward pull of gravity

Moderation of Temperature by Water

Water moderates air temperature by absorbing heat from air that is warmer and releasing the
stored heat to air that is cooler. Water is effective as a heat bank because it can absorb or release
a relatively large amount of heat with only a slight change in its own temperature.How it can do

The ability of water to stabilize temperature stems from its relatively high specific heat.
The specific heat of water is 1 calorie per gram and per degree Celsius, abbreviated as 1 cal/g_°C.
Compared with most other substances, water has an unusually high specific heat. Because of the
high specific heat of water relative to other materials, water will change its temperature less when
it absorbs or loses a given amount of heat. We can trace water’s high specific heat, like many of
its other properties, to hydrogenbonding. Heat must be absorbed in order to break hydrogen bonds;
by the same token, heat is released when hydrogen bonds form. A calorie of heat causes a relatively
small change in the temperature of water because much of the heat is used to disrupt hydrogen
bonds before the water molecules can begin moving faster. And when the temperature of water
drops slightly, many additional hydrogen bonds form, releasing a considerable amount of energy
in the form of heat.

What is the relevance of water’s high specific heat to life on Earth? A large body of water
can absorb and store a huge amount of heat from the sun in the daytime and during summer while
warming up only a few degrees. At night and during winter, the gradually cooling water can warm
the air. This is the reason coastal areas generally have milder climates than inland regions. The
high specific heat of water also tends to stabilize ocean temperatures, creating a favorable
environment for marine life. Thus, because of its high specific heat, the water that covers most of
Earth keeps temperature fluctuations on land and in water within limits that permit life.

Floating of Ice on Liquid Water

Water is one of the few substances that are less dense as a solid than as a liquid. In
other words, ice floats on liquid water. While other materials contract and become denser
when they solidify, water expands. How it helps for life?

Water: The Solvent of Life

Water is a very good solvent. Many reactions take place in an organism. For almost all
the reactions, water acts as a solvent.

Possible Evolution of Life on Other Planets with Water

Biologists who look for life elsewhere in the universe have concentrated their search on
planets that might have water. To date, more than 200 planets have been found outside our solar
system, and there is evidence for the presence of water vapor on one or two of them. In our own
solar system, Mars has been most compelling to biologists as a focus of study. Like Earth, Mars
has an ice cap at both poles.

Lipids and phospholipids:

Lipids are hydrophobic molecules. The hydrophobic behavior of lipids is based on their molecular
structure. Although they may have some polar bonds associated with oxygen, lipids consist mostly
of hydrocarbon regions. Lipids are varied in form and function. They include waxes and certain
pigments, but we will focus on the most biologically important types of lipids: fats &

A fatty acid has a long carbon skeleton, usually 16 or 18 carbon atoms in length. The
carbon at one end of the skeleton is part of a carboxyl group, the functional group that gives these

molecules the name fatty acid. The rest of the skeleton consists of a hydrocarbon chain. The
relatively nonpolar C¬H bonds in the hydrocarbon chains of fatty acids are the reason fats are
hydrophobic. Fats separate from water because the water molecules hydrogen bond to one another
and exclude the fats. In making a fat, three fatty acid molecules are each joined to glycerol by an
ester linkage, a bond between a hydroxyl group and a carboxyl group. The resulting fat, also called
a triacylglycerol, thus consists of three fatty acids linked to one glycerol molecule.

The terms saturated fats and unsaturated fats are commonly used in the context of
nutrition. These terms refer to the structure of the hydrocarbon chains of the fatty acids. If there
are no double bonds between carbon atoms composing a chain, then as many hydrogen atoms as
possible are bonded to the carbon skeleton. Such a structure is said to be saturated with hydrogen,
and the resulting fatty acid therefore called a saturated fatty acid. An unsaturated fatty acid has
one or more double bonds, with one fewer hydrogen atom on each double-bonded carbon. Nearly
all double bonds in naturally occurring fatty acids are cis double bonds, which cause a kink in the
hydrocarbon chain wherever they occur

Phospholipids are essential for cells because they make up cell membranes. Phospholipid
is similar to a fat molecule but has only two fatty acids attached to glycerol rather than three. The
third hydroxyl group of glycerol is joined to a phosphate group, which has a negative electrical
charge in the cell. Additional small molecules, which are usually charged or polar, can be linked
to the phosphate group to form a variety of phospholipids. The two ends of phospholipids show
different behaviour toward water. The hydrocarbon tails are hydrophobic and are excluded from
water. However, the phosphate group and its attachments form a hydrophilic head that has an
affinity for water. These strange behaviour molecules are called amphipathic molecules. When
phospholipids are added to water, they self-assemble into double-layered structures called
“bilayers,” shielding their hydrophobic portions from water. At the surface of a cell, phospholipids
are arranged in a similar bilayer. The hydrophilic heads of the molecules are on the outside of the

bilayer, in contact with the aqueous solutions inside and outside of the cell. The hydrophobic tails
point toward the interior of the bilayer, away from the water. The phospholipid bilayer forms a
boundary between the cell and its external environment; in fact, cells could not exist without

Carbohydrates & ATP

Carbohydrates include both sugars and polymers of sugars. The simplest carbohydrates are the
monosaccharides, or simple sugars; these are the monomers from which more complex
carbohydrates are constructed. Disaccharides are double sugars, consisting of two
monosaccharides joined by a covalent bond. Carbohydrates also include macromolecules called
polysaccharides, polymers composed of many sugar building blocks.

Monosaccharides (from the Greek monos, single, and sacchar, sugar) generally have
molecular formulas that are some multiple of the unit CH2O. Glucose (C6H12O6)(multiple of six),
the most common monosaccharide, is of central importance in the chemistry of life. In the structure
of glucose, we can see the trademarks of a sugar: The molecule has a carbonyl group (C_O) and
multiple hydroxyl groups (— OH). Depending on the location of the carbonyl group, a sugar is
either an aldose (aldehyde sugar) or a ketose (ketone sugar). Glucose, for example, is an aldose;
fructose, an isomer of glucose, is a ketose. (Most names for sugars end in -ose.) Another criterion
for classifying sugars is the size of the carbon skeleton, which ranges from three to seven carbons
long. Glucose, fructose, and other sugars that have six carbons are called hexoses. Trioses (three-
carbon sugars) and pentoses (five-carbon sugars) are also common.

A disaccharide consists of two monosaccharides joined by a glycosidic linkage, a covalent
bond formed between two monosaccharides by a dehydration reaction. For example, maltose is a
disaccharide formed by the linking of two molecules of glucose. Also known as malt sugar,
maltose is an ingredient used in brewing beer. The most prevalent disaccharide is sucrose, which
is table sugar. Its two monomers are glucose and fructose. Plants generally transport carbohydrates
from leaves to roots and other nonphotosynthetic organs in the form of sucrose. Lactose, the sugar
present in milk, is another disaccharide, in this case a glucose molecule joined to a galactose

Polysaccharides are macromolecules, polymers with a few hundred to a few thousand

monosaccharides joined by glycosidic linkages. Some polysaccharides serve as storage material,
hydrolyzed as needed to provide sugar for cells. Other polysaccharides serve as building material
for structures that protect the cell or the whole organism. The architecture and function of a

polysaccharide are determined by its sugar monomers and by the positions of its glycosidic

Both plants and animals store sugars for later use in the form of storage polysaccharides.
Plants store starch, a polymer of glucose monomers, as granules within cellular structures known
as plastids, which include chloroplasts. Synthesizing starch enables the plant to stockpile surplus
glucose. Because glucose is a major cellular fuel, starch represents stored energy. The sugar can
later be withdrawn from this carbohydrate “bank” by hydrolysis, which breaks the bonds between
the glucose monomers. Most animals, including humans, also have enzymes that can hydrolyze
plant starch, making glucose available as a nutrient for cells. Potato tubers and grains—the fruits
of wheat, maize (corn), rice, and other grasses—are the major sources of starch in the human diet.

Most of the glucose monomers in starch are joined by 1–4 linkages (number 1 carbon to
number 4 carbon), like the glucose units in maltose. The simplest form of starch, amylose, is
unbranched. Amylopectin, a more complex starch, is a branched polymer with 1–6 linkages at the
branch points. Animals store a polysaccharide called glycogen, a polymer of glucose that is like
amylopectin but more extensively branched. Humans and other vertebrates store glycogen mainly
in liver and muscle cells. Hydrolysis of glycogen in these cells releases glucose when the demand
for sugar increases.

Structural Polysaccharides

Organisms build strong materials from structural polysaccharides. For example, the
polysaccharide called cellulose is a major component of the tough walls that enclose plant cells.
On a global scale, plants produce almost 1014 kg (100 billion tons) of cellulose per year; it is the
most abundant organic compound on Earth. Like starch, cellulose is a polymer of glucose, but the
glycosidic linkages in these two polymers differ. The difference is based on the fact that there are
actually two slightly different ring structures for glucose. When glucose forms a ring, the hydroxyl
group attached to the number 1 carbon is positioned either below or above the plane of the ring.
These two ring forms for glucose are called alpha (α) and beta (β), respectively. In starch, all the
glucose monomers are in the α configuration. The glucose monomers of cellulose are all in the β
configuration, making every glucose monomer “upside down” with respect to its neighbors.

The differing glycosidic linkages in starch and cellulose give the two molecules distinct
three-dimensional shapes. Whereas certain starch molecules are largely helical, a cellulose
molecule is straight. Cellulose is never branched, and some hydroxyl groups on its glucose
monomers are free to hydrogen-bond with the hydroxyls of other cellulose molecules lying parallel
to it. In plant cell walls, parallel cellulose molecules held together in this way are grouped into
units called microfibrils. These cable-like microfibrils are a strong building material for plants and
an important substance for humans because cellulose is the major constituent of paper and the only
component of cotton.

Enzymes that digest starch by hydrolyzing its α linkages are unable to hydrolyze the β
linkages of cellulose because of the distinctly different shapes of these two molecules. In fact, few
organisms possess enzymes that can digest cellulose. Animals, including humans, do not; the
cellulose in our food passes through the digestive tract and is eliminated with the feces. Along the
way, the cellulose abrades the wall of the digestive tract and stimulates the lining to secrete mucus,
which aids in the smooth passage of food through the tract. Thus, although cellulose is not a
nutrient for humans, it is an important part of a healthful diet. Most fresh fruits, vegetables, and
whole grains are rich in cellulose. On food packages, “insoluble fiber” refers mainly to cellulose.

Some microorganisms can digest cellulose, breaking it down into glucose monomers. A
cow harbors cellulose digesting prokaryotes and protists in its stomach. These microbes hydrolyze
the cellulose of hay and grass and convert the glucose to other compounds that nourish the cow.
Similarly, a termite, which is unable to digest cellulose by itself, has prokaryotes or protists living
in its gut that can make a meal of wood.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

ATP is an important source of energy for cellular processes. ATP consists of an organic
molecule called adenosine attached to a string of three phosphate groups: Where three phosphates
are present in series, as in ATP, one phosphate may be split off as a result of a reaction with water.
This inorganic phosphate ion, HOPO32-, is often referred as a phosphate group.

While losing this group, it releases energy equivalent to 7.3 Kcal/mol. Energy required for
most of the chemical reactions in the cell is used by releasing phosphate group. Energy is also
stored in the form of ATP by the cell.

Proteins and their structure

Proteins are the most abundant biological macromolecules, occurring in all parts of the cell. Proteins also
occur in great variety; thousands of different kinds, ranging in size from relatively small peptides to huge polymers
with molecular weights in millions. Nearly every dynamic function of a living being depends on proteins. In fact, the
importance of proteins is underscored by their name, which comes from the Greek word proteios, meaning “first,”
or “primary.” Proteins account for more than 50% of the dry mass of most cells, and they are instrumental in almost
everything the organism does. Some proteins speed up chemical reactions, while others play a role in defense,
storage, transport, cellular communication, movement, or structural support.

The basic building blocks of proteins are amino acids. Twenty different amino acids are commonly found in
proteins. All 20 of the common amino acids are α-amino acids. They have a carboxyl group and an amino group
bonded to the same carbon atom (α carbon). They differ from each other in their side chains, or R groups, which
vary in structure, size, and electric charge, and which influence the solubility of the amino acids in water. The
common amino acids of proteins have been assigned three-letter abbreviations and one-letter symbols, which are
used as shorthand to indicate the composition and sequence of amino acids polymerized in proteins.
The primary structure of a protein is simply the linear arrangement, or sequence, of the amino acid residues that
compose it. Many terms are used to denote the chains formed by the polymerization of amino acids. A short chain
of amino acids linked by peptide bonds and having a defined sequence is called a peptide; longer chains are referred
to as polypeptides. Peptides generally contain less than 20–30 amino acid residues, whereas polypeptides contain
as many as 4000 residues. We generally reserve the term protein for a polypeptide (or for a complex of polypeptides)
that has a well-defined three-dimensional structure.

Secondary structure, are the result of hydrogen bonds between the repeating constituents of the polypeptide
backbone (not the amino acid side chains). Within the backbone, the oxygen atoms have a partial negative charge,
and the hydrogen atoms attached to the nitrogen have a partial positive charge; therefore, hydrogen bonds can
form between these atoms. Individually, these hydrogen bonds are weak, but because they are repeated many times
over a relatively long region of the polypeptide chain, they can support a particular shape for that part of the protein.
One such secondary structure is the α- helix, a delicate coil held together by hydrogen bonding between every fourth
amino acid. The other main type of secondary structure is the β- pleated sheet. In this structure two or more strands
of the polypeptide chain lying side by side (called β strands) are connected by hydrogen bonds between parts of the
two parallel polypeptide backbones.

Turns Composed of three or four residues, turns are located on the surface of a protein, forming sharp bends that
redirect the polypeptide backbone back toward the interior. These short, U-shaped secondary structures are
stabilized by a hydrogen bond between their end residues. Glycine and proline are commonly present in turns. The
lack of a large side chain in glycine and the presence of a built-in bend in proline allow the polypeptide backbone to
fold into a tight U shape. Turns allow large proteins to fold into highly compact structures. A polypeptide backbone
also may contain longer bends, or loops. In contrast with turns, which exhibit just a few well-defined structures,
loops can be formed in many different ways.
Tertiary structure is the overall shape of a polypeptide resulting from interactions between the side chains (R groups)
of various amino acids. One type of interaction that contributes to tertiary structure is—somewhat misleadingly—
called a hydrophobic interaction. As a polypeptide folds into its functional shape, amino acids with hydrophobic
(nonpolar) side chains usually end up in clusters at the core of the protein, out of contact with water. Thus, a
“hydrophobic interaction” is actually caused by the exclusion of nonpolar substances by water molecules. Once
nonpolar amino acid side chains are close together, van der Waals interactions help hold them together. Meanwhile,
hydrogen bonds between polar side chains and ionic bonds between positively and negatively charged side chains
also help stabilize tertiary structure. These are all weak interactions in the aqueous cellular environment, but their
cumulative effect helps give the protein a unique shape. Covalent bonds called disulfide bridges may further
reinforce the shape of a protein. Disulfide bridges form where two cysteine monomers, which have sulfhydryl groups
(¬SH) on their side chains, are brought close together by the folding of the protein. The sulfur of one cysteine bonds
to the sulfur of the second, and the disulfide bridge (¬S¬S¬) rivets parts of the protein together. All of these different
kinds of interactions can contribute to the tertiary structure of a protein.

Tertiary Structure of a Protein.

Quaternary structure is the overall protein structure that results from the aggregation of these polypeptide subunits.
Example: collagen, which is a fibrous protein that has three identical helical polypeptides intertwined into a larger
triple helix, giving the long fibers great strength. This suits collagen fibers to their function as the girders of
connective tissue in skin, bone, tendons, ligaments, and other body parts. Collagen accounts for 40% of the protein
in a human body. Hemoglobin, the oxygen-binding protein of red blood cells is another example of a globular protein
with quaternary structure. It consists of four polypeptide subunits, two of one kind (α) and two of another kind (β).
Both α and β subunits consist primarily of α-helical secondary structure. Each subunit has a nonpolypeptide
component, called heme, with an iron atom that binds oxygen.

Enzymes and how enzymes functions

Biochemical Pathways
Living organisms can be divided into two large groups according to the chemical form in which they obtain carbon
from the environment. Autotrophs can use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as their sole source of carbon, from
which they construct all their carbon containing biomolecules. Heterotrophs cannot use atmospheric carbon dioxide
and must obtain carbon from their environment in the form of relatively complex organic molecules such as glucose.
Multicellular animals and most microorganisms are heterotrophic.

Metabolism, the sum of all the chemical transformations taking place in a cell or organism, occurs through
a series of enzyme-catalyzed reactions that constitute metabolic pathways. Each of the consecutive steps in a
metabolic pathway brings about a specific, small chemical change, usually the removal, transfer, or addition of a
particular atom or functional group. The precursor is converted into a product through a series of metabolic
intermediates called metabolites. The term intermediary metabolism is often applied to the combined activities of
all the metabolic pathways that interconvert precursors, metabolites, and products of low molecular weight.

Catabolism is the degradative phase of metabolism in which organic nutrient molecules (carbohydrates,
fats, and proteins) are converted into smaller, simpler end products. Catabolic pathways release energy, some of
which is conserved in the formation of ATP and reduced electron carriers (NADH, NADPH, and FADH2); the rest is
lost as heat.

In anabolism, also called biosynthesis, small, simple precursors are built up into larger and more complex
molecules, including lipids, polysaccharides, proteins, and nucleic acids. Anabolic reactions require an input of
energy, generally in the form of the phosphoryl group transfer potential of ATP and the reducing power of NADH,

For metabolism, catabolism and anabolism to occur in the cell, the substrate has to go through biochemical
pathways. The goal of the lecture is to understand the energetics of typical pathway reactions and the basic
principles of energetics of any biochemical reaction.
In all the heterotrophs glycolysis (breaking up of sugar) takes place. In this biochemical pathway glucose is
converted in to pyruvate. To understand the energetics of typical pathways of reaction, glycolysis is studied as an
example. Before that, we will understand the basics of chemical reaction energetics.
Energetics of the reaction: Because biological systems are generally held at constant temperature and
pressure, it is possible to predict the direction of a chemical reaction from the change in the free energy G, named
after J. W. Gibbs, who showed that “all systems change in such a way that free energy [G] is minimized.” In the case
of a chemical reaction, reactants ↔ products, the change in free energy ΔG is given by

ΔGproducts - ΔGreactants

The relation of ΔG to the direction of any chemical reaction can be summarized in three statements:

■ If ΔG is negative, the forward reaction (from left to right as written) will tend to occur spontaneously.
■ If ΔG is positive, the reverse reaction (from right to left as written) will tend to occur.
■ If ΔG is zero, both forward and reverse reactions occur at equal rates; the reaction is at equilibrium.
The standard free-energy change of a reaction ΔG’o is the value of the change in free energy under the
conditions of 298 K (25oC), 1 atm pressure, pH 7.0 (as in pure water), and initial concentrations of 1 M for all reactants
and products except protons, which are kept at 10-7 M (pH 7.0). Most biological reactions differ from standard
conditions, particularly in the concentrations of reactants, which are normally less than 1 M.

The actual change in free energy ΔG during a reaction is influenced by temperature, pressure, and the initial
concentrations of reactants and products and usually differs from ΔG’o. Most biological reactions—like others that
take place in aqueous solutions—also are affected by the pH of the solution. We can estimate free-energy changes
for different temperatures and initial concentrations, using the equation

ΔG = ΔGo' +RT ln [Q] = ΔGo'+ RT ln [product]/[reactant]

Where R is the gas constant of 1.987 cal/(degree·mol), T is the temperature (in degrees Kelvin), and Q is the initial
concentration ratio of products to reactants.

Regardless of the ΔGo’ for a particular biochemical reaction, it will proceed spontaneously within cells only
if ΔG is negative, given the usual intracellular concentrations of reactants and products. For example, the conversion
of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) to dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP), G3P ↔ DHAP has a ΔGo’ of -1.840
kcal/mol. If the initial concentrations of G3P and DHAP are equal, then ΔG = Go’, because RT ln 1 = 0; in this situation,
the reversible reaction G3P↔ DHAP will proceed in the direction of DHAP formation until equilibrium is reached.
However, if the initial [DHAP] is 0.1 M and the initial [G3P] is 0.001 M, with other conditions being standard, then Q
in Equation given equals 0.1/0.001 = 100, giving a ΔG of + 0.887 kcal/mol. Under these conditions, the reaction will
proceed in the direction of formation of G3P.

The ΔG for a reaction is independent of the reaction rate. Indeed, under usual physiological conditions, few,
if any, of the biochemical reactions needed to sustain life would occur without some mechanism for increasing
reaction rates. As we described in the previous lecture, the rates of reactions in biological systems are usually
determined by the activity of enzymes, the protein catalysts that accelerate the formation of products from
reactants without altering the value of ΔG.

Cellular processes use two tricks in energetics to make energetically unfavorable reactions in to favorable

Trick 1) An Unfavorable Chemical Reaction Can Proceed If It Is directly coupled with an Energetically
Favorable Reaction: Many processes in cells are energetically unfavorable (ΔG › 0) and will not proceed
spontaneously. Cells can carry out an energy-requiring reaction (ΔG1 › 0) by coupling it to an energy-releasing
reaction (ΔG2 ‹ 0) if the sum of the two reactions has a net negative ΔG. Suppose

A ↔ B ΔG1 › 0 (reaction 1)
C ↔ D ΔG2 ‹ 0 (reaction 2)
A + C ↔ B + D ΔG ‹ 0 (overall reaction)
In most of the directly coupled reactions, cellular processes use ATP ↔ ADP + Pi ΔG = - 7.3 kcal/mol as
reaction 2.
Trick 2) An Unfavorable Chemical Reaction Can Proceed If It Is indirectly coupled with an Energetically
Favorable Reaction: Suppose
In a series of reactions like V ↔ W ↔ X ↔ Y↔ Z
X ↔ Y ΔG3 › 0 (reaction 3)
Y ↔ Z ΔG4 ‹‹ 0 (reaction 4)
If the concentration of Y is zero and concentration of X increases, due to very high concentration difference
(analyze with the equation ΔG = ΔGo' +RT ln [Q] = ΔGo'+ RT ln [product]/[reactant]) some amount of y is going to
form. Since the reaction Y ↔ Z ΔG2 ‹‹ 0, Y will be converted to Z spontaneously.
Now let us analyze the bioenergetics of glycolysis pathway. In glycolysis 6 carbon sugar glucose is converted
into 3 carbon pyruvate. In anaerobic condition, in some organisms pyruvate will be converted to ethanol and carbon
dioxide. In some organisms, it is converted into lactate. First one billion years after existent of life, this was the only
pathway used by cellular process to produce energy. The step by step conversion of glucose to pyruvate is given in
the figure (not necessary to remember). Analyze the pathway- wherever ΔGo’ becomes positive, direct or indirect
coupling of reaction takes place in the pathway and cellular processes keeps ΔG always negative or zero.


↓ ↓
Ethanol + CO2 Lactate
(yeast) (human)

Calculate the amount of ATP produced by the glycolysis pathway. The net ATP produced is 4-2= 2. Two
ATP’S are invested to produce 4 ATPs.

After glycolysis pyruvate moves into mitochondria in aerobic organisms and produces 34 ATPs by utilizing
oxygen as shown in the figure. The biochemical pathways of glycolysis, respiration, anabolic reactions are
interrelated as shown in the picture below.


When some substances dissolve in water, they release hydrogen ions (H+), which are actually

single, positively charged protons. Hydrogen ions can attach to other molecules and change their
properties. For example, the protons in “acid rain” can damage plants, and you probably have
experienced the excess of hydrogen ions that we call “acid indigestion.” Here we will examine the

properties of acids (defined as substances that release H+) and bases (defined as substances which

accept H+). We will distinguish between strong and weak acids and bases and provide a

quantitative means for stating the concentration of H+ in solutions: the pH scale.

ACIDS RELEASE H+ When hydrochloric acid (HCl) is added to water, it dissolves, releasing

the ions H+ and Cl- :

HCl → H+ + Cl-

Because it’s H+ concentration has increased, such a solution is acidic. Acids are substances that

release H+ ions in solution. HCl is an acid, as is H2SO4 (sulfuric acid). One molecule of sulfuric

acid will ionize to yield two H+ and one SO42-. Biological compounds that contain —COOH (the

carboxyl group) are also acids because —COOH → —COO- + H+ Acids that fully ionize in

solution, such as HCl and H2SO4 are called strong acids. However, not all acids ionize fully in
water. For example, if acetic acid (CH3COOH) is added to water, some will dissociate into two

ions (CH3COO- and H+), but some of the original acetic acid remains as well. Because the reaction

is not complete, acetic acid is a weak acid.

BASES ACCEPT H+ Bases are substances that accept H+ in solution. Just as with acids, there

are strong and weak bases. If NaOH (sodium hydroxide) is added to water, it dissolves and ionizes,

releasing OH– and Na+ ions:

NaOH → Na+ + OH–

Because the concentration of OH- increases and OH- absorbs H+ to form water (OH- + H+ →

H2O), such a solution is basic. Because this reaction is complete, NaOH is a strong base. Weak

bases include the bicarbonate ion (HCO3-), which can accept a H+ ion and become carbonic acid

(H2CO3), and ammonia (NH3), which can accept a H+ and become an ammonium ion (NH4+).

Biological compounds that contain —NH2 (the amino group) are also bases because

—NH2 + H+ → —NH3+

ACID–BASE REACTIONS MAY BE REVERSIBLE, when acetic acid is dissolved in
water, two reactions happen. First, the acetic acid forms its ions:


Then, once the ions are formed, some of them re-form acetic acid:


This pair of reactions is reversible. A reversible reaction can proceed in either direction—left
to right or right to left—depending on the relative starting concentrations of the reactants and
products. The formula for a reversible reaction can be as


In terms of acids and bases, there are two types of reactions, depending on the extent of the

■ The ionization of strong acids and bases in water is virtually irreversible.

■ The ionization of weak acids and bases in water is somewhat reversible.

WATER IS A WEAK ACID AND A WEAK BASE The water molecule has a slight but

significant tendency to ionize into a hydroxide ion (OH-) and a hydrogen ion (H+). Actually,

two water molecules participate in this reaction. One of the two molecules “captures” a
hydrogen ion from the other, forming a hydroxide ion and a hydronium ion:

2 H2O → OH- + H3O+

The hydronium ion is, in effect, a hydrogen ion bound to a water molecule. For simplicity,
biochemists tend to use a modified representation of the ionization of water:

H2O → H+ + OH-

The ionization of water is important to all living creatures. This fact may seem surprising, since
only about one water molecule in 500 million is ionized at any given time. But this is less
surprising if we focus on the abundance of water in living systems, and the reactive nature of

the H+ ions produced by ionization.

• Pure water has a H+ concentration of 10-7 M.

• A 1 M HCl solution has a H+ concentration of 1 M.

• A 1 M NaOH solution has a H+ concentration of 10-14 M.

This is a very wide range of numbers to work with—think about the decimals! It is easier to

work with the logarithm of the H+ concentration, because logarithms compress this range as

shown in figure.

Since the H+ concentration of pure water is 10–7 M, its pH is –log(10–7) = –(–7), or 7. A smaller

negative logarithm means a larger number. In practical terms, a lower pH means a higher H +

concentration, or greater acidity. In 1 M HCl, the H+ concentration is 1 M, so the pH is the

negative logarithm of 1 (–log 100), or 0. The pH of 1 M NaOH is the negative logarithm of 10–
, or 14. A solution with a pH of less than 7 is acidic—it contains more H+ ions than OH–

ions. A solution with a pH of 7 is neutral (without net charge), and a solution with a pH value
greater than 7 is basic.

Why is this discussion of pH so important in biology? Many biologically important molecules

contain charged groups (e.g., —COO–) that can interact with the polar regions of water to form

their structures. But these groups can combine with H+ or other ions in their environment to

form uncharged groups (e.g., —COOH). These uncharged groups have much less tendency to

interact with water. If such a group is part of a larger molecule, it might now induce the
molecule to fold in such a way that it stays away from water because it is hydrophobic. In a

more acidic environment, a negatively charged group such as —COO– is more likely to

combine with H+. So the pH of a biological tissue is a key to the three-dimensional structures

of many of its constituent molecules. Organisms do all they can to minimize changes in the pH
of their watery medium. An important way to do this is with buffers.

BUFFERS The maintenance of internal constancy—homeostasis— is a hallmark of all

living things and extends to pH. As we mentioned earlier, if biological molecules lose or

gain H+ ions their properties can change, thus upsetting homeostasis. Internal constancy is

achieved with buffers: solutions that maintain a relatively constant pH even when
substantial amounts of acid or base are added. How does this work?

A buffer is a solution of a weak acid and its corresponding base—for example, carbonic

acid (H2CO3) and bicarbonate ions (HCO3–). If an acid is added to a solution containing

this buffer, not all the H+ ions from the acid stay in solution. Instead, many of them combine
with the bicarbonate ions to produce more carbonic acid:

HCO3– + H+ → H2CO3

This reaction uses up some of the H+ ions in the solution and decreases the acidifying effect of

the added acid. If a base is added, the reaction essentially reverses. Some of the carbonic acid

ionizes to produce bicarbonate ions and more H+, which counteracts some of the added base.

In this way, the buffer minimizes the effect that an added acid or base has on pH. This buffering
system is present in the blood, where it is important for preventing significant changes in pH
that could disrupt the ability of the blood to carry vital oxygen to tissues. A given amount of
acid or base causes a smaller pH change in a buffered solution than in a non-buffered one.
Buffers illustrate an important chemical principle of reversible reactions, called the law of mass
action. Addition of a reactant on one side of a reversible system drives the reaction in the
direction that uses up that compound. In the case of buffers, addition of an acid drives the
reaction in one direction; addition of a base drives the reaction in the other direction. We use a
buffer to relieve the common problem of indigestion. The lining of the stomach constantly
secretes hydrochloric acid, making the stomach contents acidic. Excessive stomach acid

inhibits digestion and causes discomfort. We can relieve this discomfort by ingesting a salt
such as NaHCO3 (“bicarbonate of soda”), which acts as a buffer.

Mendel’s rules for inheritance, chromosomal theory of
inheritance, relationship of Mendelian inheritance to meiosis
and pedigree analysis of genetic disorder diseases.

Sl No. Class Page No.

8 Mendelian concept of inheritance and Logic of Mendel 2
9 Monohybrid cross and segregation 7

10 Terminologies, Back cross and test cross, Dihybrid cross, Law of independent assortment. 12

11 Chromosomes and cell division, chromosomal theory of inheritance 19

12 Morgan’s experiment, X-linked inheritance 23
13 Pedigree analysis 30


All of us have some characters similar to our parents or grand parents. Many of us like to
look like or behave like our parents. Our grandparents, most of them are farmers, selected the
best seeds for their next season. All of them knew that the best seeds have the best characters.
Characters are passed to next generation through seeds. Seeds comes from flowers. Bees visit
flowers for honey. Flowers contain honey fine powders.

Here we are trying to understand logically, how a normal man like Mendel who had lowest
grades in Biology could do such meticulously planned experiments? Above all he had failed for a
teaching certificate in natural sciences! On the other hand Mendel studied physics, mathematics and
chemistry along with important aspects of biology. This mathematical back ground enabled Mendel to
plan his experiments, draw out a theory and experimentally evaluate it.
We are logically going to understand what brought Mendel to understand the concept.
Remember to consider the context that are looking at this from Mendel's perspective. He knew
nothing about meiosis, never considered chromosomes or whether they had anything to do with
what he was investigating. The word "gene" was invented after his death. All he did was breed
peas, and do some high quality thinking. All this done between 1856 and 1863!
It is also interesting to see what is Mendel’s previous knowledge? Sometimes early in his
life he worked as a gardener and done the beekeeping. He also studied practical and theoretical
philosophy and physics at the University of Olomouc, Czech republic. He happened to see the
research of hereditary traits of plants and animals, in the department of natural history and
agriculture. He also worked as a substitute high school teacher. He failed in getting a certificate
for teacher and send to University of Vienna for further study on a sponsorship. He returned and
again worked as physics teacher, but failed on the oral part of examination. Finally he was taken
the superior priest of the monastery.
Mendel’s work can be divided into the following steps: (A) Preparation for experiments (B)
Choice of experimental material (C) Planning and execution of experiment (D) Interpretation of
experimental results and (E) Further testing of his observations.
A. Preparation for Experiments
How do to an experiment? The laboratory should be accessible! That is Mendel approached the
head of the department of Natural history and agriculture where he was working as a priest for
permission to use the 2 hectar experimental garden intended to study differences in plants. His
colleges conducted studies on the heredity of sheep. Why he wanted the entire full 2 hectares
rather a few cents or pots? If we need to have a reliable results, the sample size should be very
high! Therefore how much land you need to cultivate around 20,000 pea plants? Ask a farmer!
B. Choice of the experimental material
First he decided to work on plants? Do you know why? Plants attain reproductive age very soon
compared to many animals, the number of plantlets from a plant will be very high, Many plants

can be grown together and above all plants reproduce through seeds which we will get from
flowers!. Now the question is which plant? Shall we take a mango tree? Here comes the advantage
of critical observation. The feasibility. It is Pea plants, because very easy to cultivate, flowers are
big (think why?), number of plantlets produced from one flower will be more and above all its
generation time is less. But the most important thing? What is the aim of the experiment? To study
variation in plants? So we need to study variation. Examples of variation? Flower color, seed color,
seed size and shape, flower position etc. So the experimental plant should have easily recognizable
variations. From the Mendel’s observations it is the Pea.
C. Planning and execution of the experiment
Selection of variations: He selected the following characters: 1. Seed shape [Spherical Vs
Wrinkled]; 2. Seed color [Yellow Vs Green], 3. Flower color [Purple Vs white], 4. Pod shape [inflated
vs constricted], 5. Pod color [green pod vs yellow], 6. Flower position [Axial vs Terminal] and 7.
Plant size [Tall Vs Dwarf] (The first logic of Mendel: Easy recognizable separate characters for
observation -that had well-defined, contrasting alternative traits)
Why he selected seven characters? How did he do? He selected seven variations
simultaneously in each experiment or separate experiments for separate variations? What you
feel? He conducted different experiments for different characters first of all to see that whether
he is getting the same kind of results in each case, secondly it is easy to follow the inheritance of
one character at a time rather all together. That was the second logic of Mendel.
This third logic of Mendel from the knowledge he may got from his practical knowledge on
agriculture and theoretical knowledge he got from mathematics. Does Mendel randomly selected
seeds? We should know which characters seeds are inherited? We are studying variation, should we
select seeds which show consistent inheritance or variable inheritance? The choice should be of
consistent inheritance. He knew that it is possible to raise plants with consistent inheritance by
crossing sibling plants. That is Mendel used well defined seeds as the starting material in all his
experiments involving thousands of plants. So if we want to test the fuel efficiency of 10 different
bikes, we should use the same experimental conditions in all the cases against one variability. This is
the spectacular logic he applied and the basis of Mendel’s success.

The fourth logic is experimental. How to do controlled breeding? We want to cross a tall
plant with a dwarf plant. So we need to ensure that only the pollen grain of the tall plant is falling
on the stigma of the dwarf plant and vice versa. How to do this? Simply bag the flower bud, cut
the stamens of the experimental flower, take the pollen grain from the other flower using a brush,
“paint” on the stigma of the initial flower, bag it again to avoid unwanted entry of other pollen
grain. (See the animation). Get the seeds from the flower and observe for the variation intended
to study!
Here is the fifth logic. He just crossed only once. All other experiments involved self-
pollination. i.e., he allowed mixing of two different characters only once. Why not twice or thrice?
As simple as this, first let us start from simple things! So do the cross only once, avoid complexity
and evaluate the results.

Now comes the sixth and final logic. Looking behind a character how many generations we
should follow after crossing? Again comes the simplicity and reproducibility. Just followed the first
generation after crossing.
So in short he started with the same experimental plan is as follows:

Tall plants Dwarf plants

True breeding Tall plant True breeding dwarf plant

First filial generation (F1) Cross product (Self pollinate)

Second filial generation (F2) Raise the plants look for variation how it was passed

Do the counting for the variations, tabulate

Figure 1
The seven variations observed in Pea plant that Mendel followed: Are they easily recognizable?

Figure 2 Flower structure of Pea: Observe the reproductive parts of the flower.

Photo of Mendel’s Experimental Model i.e. Green Peas:

Mendel’s controlled experiments and elucidation of the results



All of us now that pollen grains of one flower falls on the stigma of another flower or same flower. From the
stigma the male nucleus of the pollen grain reaches the ovary and fertilizes an egg to produce a zygote. In
plants fertilized zygote produces the seed and the ovary produces the fruit. The problem faced by Mendel is
controlled pollination. Suppose he want to cross a tall plant with a dwarf plant. In this case the pollen grains of
dwarf plant only should fall on the stigma of the dwarf plant or vice versa. How to achieve this? (Solve this
problem with the help of the following figure and the animation provided)


We have seen what Mendel’s logics were and how he executed the experiments. After his experiments the
results were carefully tabulated by him. Analyze the following table showing the tabulation of Mendel

What you find here?

(A) Only one character appeared in the F1 generation

(B) Both characters were appeared in the F2 generation, but not in equal percentage
(C) A character which disappeared in the F1, reappeared in F2
(D) The results are consistent in all the seven characters
(E) There is no blending of characters

The analysis of the results clearly indicate the following

The character which appeared in the F1 is having the higher percentage in F2 i.e. almost three
times to that of the disappeared character in F1. What you will conclude from these results? The character
which is appeared in the F1 is also dominating in F2 also. This is the Dominant character. The other or
alternative character which is disappearing in the F1 generation is also less in number compared to
dominant character. This is Recessive character. (Law of Dominance).

Many of us, including Mendel, expected a blended phenotype in F1. But it didn’t happen.
Why? Can’t the characters blend? The experimental results in all the seven characters studied by Mendel
didn’t showed any blending (i.e. when we cross a Tall and Dwarf plant we can expect a plant intermediate
between tall and dwarf; but it didn’t happen). This further means that some “units” which functions as
discrete particles are responsible for characters. Since the character which disappeared in the F1 reappeared
in F2 it is logic to conclude that these units occur as pairs. It means that two discrete units are responsible for
the “Tall” character. Otherwise any given individual can be homozygous (Dominant/Dominant or
Recessive/Recessive) or heterozygous (Dominant/Recessive). We can express the alternate forms of
characters (dominant or recessive) as alleles. Also we know at present that character means a gene. So alleles
are alternate forms (in fact variables) of a gene.
The factors can be represented as any letter forms (similar to polynomials). For example a tall
plant can have TT or Tt. A dwarf plant can be represented as tt. This binomial expression is the genotype.
In conclusion the “units” (or factors) are discrete, they never blend and are responsible for passing
character from one generation to next ie inheritance.

Why two units of inheritance? Not three or four? We have father and mother. i.e. we have
characters both from our father and mother. A character is represented by two units. One unit inherited
from father and one from mother. So the gamete contains one unit. This is the core idea of Mendel’s
inheritance. At present the “units” proposed by Mendel is known as gene.

The following figures illustrates a typical Mendelian cross.

Now study the following cross which can be represented in the form of a Punnett square (A simple grid
representing all possible gametes and combinations. Given the credit to Reginald Crundall Punnett, a
British geneticist)

In conclusion the units of inheritance are never blended, but segregated independently during
reproduction (Law of segregation). This is the second core idea of Mendel’s theory.

Another illustration is here for you regarding the cross between a Tall plant and a Dwarf plant.
This illustration represents Mendel’s core ideas.

Terminologies, Back cross and Test Cross, Dihybrid cross
Verification of Mendel’s hypothesis:

He did verification experiments for his hypothesis, as illustrated below.

Similarly the following figure illustrates a dihyrbid test cross

Mendel has modelled one experiment, he executed and finally he tested it. This type of cross is knows a
test cross (Crossing the unknown genotype with the recessive parent). It can predict the genotype to be
tested based on the phenotypic ratio of the cross output.

Probability laws govern Mendelian inheritance: The

Study of dihybrid cross

Initially Mendel did all his experiments by analyzing only one character at a time – monohybrid
cross. Based on his results, he has tested his hypothesis of dominance and segregation. After this
he wanted to study the inheritance of two characters at a time – the dihybrid cross

The experiment is planned in such a way to analyze the following:

Whether the alleles maintain the association they had in the parental generation: For this
he crossed pure breeding spherical seed and yellow seed color pea plant with a wrinkled
seed green seed color pea plant. If the alleles maintain the association, he is expecting
only the parental types in the F2 generations (Why not F1 generation?)
If the alleles maintain the association, the F1 gametes will be SY and sy. As a result the
probability of Spherical and yellow seed peas: wrinkled and green seed peas will be 3:1
(i.e.only two phenotypes). If they segregate independently he was expecting four
different phenotypes.

The experiment and the results are illustrated as below

He didn’t get a 3:1 ratio in F2 generation. New types were obtained in F2. It means that the alleles
didn’t maintain the same association as seen in the parental types, rather they assorted
independently (Law of Independent Assortment).

Mendel and his Mathematics predictions.

You have a 1 rupee coin and 5 rupee coin. You are going to toss it together. What is the
probability of getting a tail in both cases? (Are the two events linked to each other or

Probability of getting a 1 rupee tail = ½. Probability of getting a 5 rupee tail = ½

Hence the probability of getting both tail = ½ X ½ = ¼ i.e. 25%.
In a homozygote (SS), the probability of producing a S gamete is 1

In a heterozygoute (Ss), the probability of producing a S gamete is ½ and s gamete is also ½

Now consider the F2 generation. The probable gametes here are S and s.
Hence the probability of getting SS is ½ X ½ = ¼ i.e. 25% are homozygous dominant
The probability of getting ss is ½ X ½ = ¼ i.e. 15% are homozygous recessive
Adding probabilities: What is the probability of getting Ss and sS?

Probability of Ss (S from sperm and s from egg) = ½ X ½ = ¼

Probability of sS (s from sperm and S from egg) = ½ X ½ = ¼

Both Ss and sS are heterozygotes and will have the same phenotype. Hence added probability is
¼ + ¼ = ½ ie 50% will be heterozygotes.

Now can we calculate the probabilities in dihybrid cross?

In F2 generation, the probabilities are illustrated below

Now what is the probability of getting an SS homozygote ? i.e. ¼
The probability of getting heterozygote (i.e. Ss or sS) is ¼ + ¼ = ½

The added probability (i.e. spherical seed ) = ¾

Now calculate the probability of yellow seed using the above reasoning? It will be ¾

Hence what is the added probability of getting a spherical seed and yellow seed = ¾ X ¾ = 9/16
(Since both events are independent i.e. independent assortment)

What will be the probability of getting a yellow and wrinkled seed?
Probability of yellow seed = ¾
Probability of wrinkled seed = ¼

Hence the added probability = ¾ X ¼ = 3/16

Using the same logic it is easy to calculate the probability of wrinkled yellow seed is 3/16 and
wrinkled green seed is 1/16.

Mendel did all these statistical problems. Because of his mathematical knowledge, he could
easily predict, the ratio obtained in F2 generation of monohybrid and dihybrid crosses are simply
a statistical event and the factors are independent of each other.

You should understand both; i.e. doing a genetic problem by using probability and by using a
Punnett square.

It is also possible to test the dihybrid genotypes as illustrated below. Similar to monohybrid test cross, it
is possible to predict the genotype of a phenotype by crossing with a true recessive parent. The prediction
is based on the characteristic phenotypic ratio we will get in this cross.

Chromosomes and cell Division, Chromosomal Theory
Mendel experiments: Did he predict
(Meiosis accounts for segregation)
The segregation of Mendelian factors is because of meiosis

Mendel proposed mechanisms of heredity. Mendel had no knowledge of chromosomes or meiosis.

But he speculated that cells contained some type of factor that carried traits from one generation to
the next. The scientific importance of Mendel’s work remained unrecognized for several years. Most
probably Mendel believed that for each character there is a factor. Currently we know that this factor
is a gene (or an allele) that is located on a chromosome. They show characteristic segregation and
independent assortment are due to meiosis (Illustrated below).

So if we have a cell with a genotype Ss it should produce two types gametes, i.e. one type
with S and another type with s. Mendel said the two alleles will segregate. Our current knowledge
is that meiosis accounts for segregation. This is exactly matches what Mendel speculated from
his results. He also proved that each factor segregates when traits passed from one generation
to another generation.

What happens in mitosis? A cell with genotype Ss just produces two daughter cells with
the same genotype as illustrated above and there is no segregation.

Now you will see how alleles assort independently during meiosis when we consider a dihybrid

Mendelian principles doesn’t applies to all cases of inheritance.

Whether all the inheritance follows Mendelian pattern? Human have several traits like hair
pattern, skin color, tasting ability, shape of ear and so on. How many chromosomes we have? 23
pairs. So if Mendel’s rules we apply, we should have only 23 chromosomes. Hence it becomes
clear that a chromosome can contain more than one factor. Now we have to think that who is the
luckiest Man? It is Mendel. He selected seven characters. Each character was regulated by a gene and
they were located in seven different chromosomes. Now we know that Pea plant has seven chromosomes.
Suppose if the traits selected by Mendel resides on the same chromosome, he will not get a 9:3:3:1 ratio
as expected.

In short if we get a ratio of 9:3:3:1, we can assume that the genes we selected are located on different
chromosome. If we are not getting this ratio, then genes may be on same chromosome. The genes on the
same chromosome means that they are linked.

The seven chromosomes of Pisum sativum. Luckily the seven genes for the selected traits by
Mendel was located on seven different chromosomes leading to his success in modelling his
hypothesis and successful testing. If it was not, Mendel might have failed in his efforts. Hence
many people believes that Mendel was the luckiest person.

Two types of cell Division

Morgan’s experiments
Morgan and his Drosophila: Mendel’s hypothesis is rejected in Morgan’s experiments
[Chromosomal theory, Connecting Mendel to Morgan, Linkage and crossing over]

Thomas Hunt Morgan and his students of Columbia University did pioneering works to explain
heredity from the beginning of 1909. He explored the Mendel theories in Drosophila
melanogaster, the fruit fly as the experimental organism. He selected fruit fly because of its small
size, easy to grow and breed and its short generation time.
Thomas H. Morgan correctly perceived that the success of genetic investigators depended
critically upon the choice of the organism to be investigated. Much of the work in the early years
had centred upon agricultural plants and animals: we knew how to grow successive generations
of them, and the information had direct practical bearing. Morgan abandoned agricultural utility
in favor of experimental utility-plants just took too long between generations, and they took up
too much space. Morgan wanted an organism with which one could carry out many crosses, with
many progeny, easily and quickly. With this in mind, he began to investigate the genetics of
Drosophila. No genetic varieties were available in Drosophila, so Morgan set out to find them.
He obtained his first mutant in 1910, from normal red eyes to white. At last he could set out to
examine Mendelian segregation.


First, Morgan crossed the white-eyed male he had found to a normal female, and he looked to
see which trait was dominant in the F1 generation: all the progeny had red eyes. Now, would
the white-eye trait reappear, segregating in the F2 progeny as Mendel had predicted? In the F2,
there were 3470 red-eyed flies and 782 white-eyed flies, roughly a 3:1 ratio. Allowing for some
deficiency in recessives, this was not unlike what Mendel’s theory predicted. But in this first
experiment, there was a result that was not predicted by Mendel’s theory: all the white-eyed
flies were male!

At this point, Morgan had never seen a white-eyed fly that was female. Morgan preferred a
straightforward test: if any of the F2 females carried the white-eye trait but did not show it, then
it should be revealed by a test cross to the recessive parent. It was. Crossing red-eyed F2 females
back to the original white-eyed male, he obtained 129 red-eyed females, 132 red-eyed males,
and 88 white-eyed females, 86 white-eyed males.
Again, this was a rather poor fit to the expected 1:1:1:1 ratio due to a deficiency in recessives.
The important thing, however, was that there were fully 88 white-eyed female flies. Clearly, it
was not impossible to be female and white-eyed. Why, then, were there no white-eyed females
in the original cross?

We know that in mammals and many other animals sex is determined by chromosomes
i.e. XX will be female and XY will be male. Thus, sperm may contain either an X or a Y
chromosome, while all the female gametes will contain a copy of the X chromosome. In forming
a zygote, sperm that carry an X chromosome will produce an XX zygote (female), while sperm
that carry a Y chromosome will produce an XY zygote (male). This simply model explained the
1:1 proportions of males to females usually observed, as well as the correspondence of sex with
chromosome cytology.

This theory provided a really simple explanation of Morgan’s result, and he was quick to see it:
what if the white-eye trait is resided on the X chromosome? Morgan had only to assume that
the Y chromosome did not have this gene (it was later shown to carry almost no functional genes).
Knowing from his previous crosses that white-eye is a recessive trait, the results he obtained
could be seen to be a natural consequence of Mendelian segregation!
Thus, a typically Mendelian trait, white-eye, is associated with an unambiguously chromosomal
trait, “sex.” This result provided the first firm experimental confirmation of the chromosomal
theory of inheritance. This association of a visible trait that exhibited Mendelian segregation
with the sex chromosome (sex linkage) was the first case in which a specific Mendelian gene
could be said to reside on a specific chromosome. It firmly established the fusion of the
Mendelian and chromosomal theories, marking the beginning of modern genetics.

In the above cross, the normal allele is red, the recessive allele is white. Red is dominant
over white. Whenever the white male is crossed with a true breeding red female the result is
both male and female flies are red eyed. Whenever a red male is crossed with a true breeding
white female all male offspring’s are whited eyed and female flies are red eyed. So the gene for
the trait eye color in Drosophila resides on X linked chromosome. This inheritance is X linked
recessive. We can show X linked inheritance in the pedigree chart illustrated below.
Did you note three things (1) in females, both X chromosomes should carry the recessive
allele for the expression of white eye color. Hence this is an X linked recessive trait. (2) Males
have only one X chromosome. Hence the trait will express even if the X chromosome contains
the recessive allele (3) X linked recessive traits are more frequently occurs in males compared to
females. The reason is that males have only one X chromosome. Hence the recessive allele will

Recombination of linked genes: crossing over

From the independent assortment of chromosomes revealed that the traits that do not match
those of either parent for e.g.: the cross between a pea plant with yellow-round seeds that is
heterozygous for both seed color and seed shape (a dihybrid YyRr) and a plant with green-
wrinkled seeds homozygous for both recessive alleles (test cross) 1:1:1:1 half of the offspring are
called parental types and another with new combinations of seed shape and color are called
recombinant type with 50% frequency of recombination. The proof that the genes were located
on chromosomes was provided by single small fly.
Thomas Hunt Morgan’s drosophila dihybrid experiments for the body color and wing size.
Wild type flies have gray bodies and normal-sized wings. In addition to these flies, Morgan had
managed to obtain, through breeding, doubly mutant flies black body and wings much smaller
than normal, called vestigial wings. Mutant alleles are recessive to the wild – type alleles. Morgan
wanted to know whether the genes for body color and wing size were genetically linked, and if
so, how this affected their inheritance. The alleles for body color are b_ (gray) and b (black), and
those for wing size are vg_ (normal) and vg (vestigial). Morgan mated true-breeding P (parental)
generation flies—wild-type flies with black, vestigial-winged flies—to produce heterozygous
F1 dihybrids (b_ b vg_ vg),all of which are wild-type in appearance. He then mated wild-type F1
dihybrid females with black, vestigial-winged males. This testcross will reveal the genotype of
the eggs made by the dihybrid female.
The resulting flies had a much higher proportion of the combinations of traits seen in the
P generation flies (called parental phenotypes) than would be expected if the two genes assorted
independently. Morgan thus concluded that body color and wing size are usually inherited
together in specific (parental) combinations because the genes for these characters are near each
other on the same chromosome. The Predicted ratios if genes are located on different
chromosomes were 1:1:1:1. If the genes are located on the same chromosomes and parental
alleles are always inherited together then the ratio is 1:1:0:0.
However, both of the combinations of traits not seen in the P generation (nonparental
phenotypes) were also produced in Morgan’s experiments, suggesting that the body-color and
wing-size alleles are not always linked genetically. To understand this conclusion, we need to
further explore genetic recombination, the production of offspring with combinations of traits
that differ from those found in either parent.
Since most offspring had a parental (P generation) phenotype, Morgan concluded that
the genes for body color and wing size are genetically linked on the same chromosome. However,
the production of a relatively small number of offspring with non parental phenotypes indicated
that some mechanism occasionally breaks the linkage between specific alleles of genes on the
same chromosome.

What Morgan expected is a 1:1:1:1 ratio (Recollect Mendel’s dihybrid test cross ratio)
Total individuals = 965+944+206+185 = 2300
Parental types = 965 + 944 = 1909
Non parental types or recombinant types = 391

Recombination frequency =( Recombinant types/Total individuals) X 100

= (391/2300) X 100 = 17% (We can also write recombination frequency as 0.17 assuming
that maximum recombination is 1)
Now we have to see why the new phenotypes (non-parental phenotypes) occurs?

The new phenotypes appear because of exchange of genes between homologous chromosomes
that occurs during meiosis (swapping). This event is known as crossing over. Look at the following
illustration to understand the process.

If we consider Morgan’s Drosophila testcross result offspring from the testcross for body color
and wing size most of the offspring (>50%) had parental phenotypes and about 17% of offspring
were recombinants. This suggested that the two genes were on the same chromosome.
With these results, Morgan proposed that some process must occasionally break the physical
connection between specific alleles of genes on the same chromosome. And this process is called
crossing over which accounts for the recombination of linked genes. When replicating the
homologous chromosomes are paired during prophase of meiosis I, an exchange of end portions
of two non-sister chromatids takes places leading to crossover.

Towards the genetic map

The probability of recombination between two loci increases with distance. Morgan’s found
recombination frequencies of many genes through experiments and used these frequencies to
construct a genetic map or mapping the genes. A genetic map tells the distance between two
genes. The following illustration helps us to find how to do a genetic map. It is measured in terms
of centimorgan or cM.

The recombination frequencies can be used for making genetic maps. Morgan’s group conducted
several crosses in Drosophila. After finding out the frequency he was able to apply for
construction of genetic map because the more the distance between two loci, the more will be
the recombination. It means the distance between genes can be calculated based on this. The
unit is cM (Centimorgan) or map units (1cM = 1 map unit). The following illustration shows an
illustration of genetic mapping by Morgan.

Flemming was a German military physician. He found cells contains the coloured genetic
material, the chromosomes (Chrome = color; some = body). This is in fact the factor represented
by Mendel. Even he discovered that chromosomes splits longitudinally during cell division (His
illustration is given below). This is what happens during mitosis. We know, in meiosis the
longitudinal splitting happens after crossing over.

The chromosomal theory was not the work of a single scientist by Mendel or Morgan. Many
people experimented over decades on it. Indeed, the first logic steps were initiated during 1860
by the mathematician Mendel and evolutionary biologist Charles Darwin. The probable
mechanism of transmission from one generation to next was speculated by the discovery of
chromosomes by Walther Flemming, a German biologist. Now to connect between chromosomes
and heredity. This was done by Boveri, Sutton and Morgan during the dawn of 20th century. Thus
the chromosomal theory came out which experimentally proved that chromosomes are
responsible for transmission of trait from one generation to next.

In fact Mendel was a Physicist (and philosopher), Darwin was a naturalist, Morgan was a
zoologist. Above all Flemming was a military physician!!


Life has evolved on earth gradually. Most of the life forms have two different sex, what
we say is a male and a female or a + strain and a – strain. Why life preferred two genders? Male
and Female? It would have been simple for the life if only one gender is existing and all of them
will reproduce.
The advantage lies on the recombination event. During sexual reproduction, the
chromosome number of the gametes are reduced into half through meiosis. We have seen that
meiosis accounts for segregation and assortment. We have also seen the non-parental genotypes
appeared in the F2 generation of dihybrid cross. It means sexual reproduction gives an
opportunity for variation through meiotic recombination. Hence life systems are not static, they
are dynamic. They are evolving. The most perfect life machine will always be preferred by the
nature. Others will disappear, the survival of the fittest. It means the best character is inherited
over the generations.
As we have seen with the Mendel and Morgan inheritance can be dominant or recessive
Now let us go through the different types of inheritance. Before discussing that we should
see how to represent the inheritance in the form of a diagram. This is known as pedigree. The
basic rules of pedigree chart is give below.

Now calculate the probability of the children getting affected in a cross . The male can
be homozygous dominant or heterozygous. If he is homozygous dominant, the probability of an
unaffected child is zero. This probability will be 50% if he is heterozygous in each child birth. Now

see the probability in the case of a recessive inheritance . The probability of getting the
child having the recessive character is zero, because we know that the expression of a recessive
character occurs only in case of homozygous condition of the alleles. But the unaffected child
may be a carrier of the allele, even though he or she is not expressing the trait. The above types
of inheritance illustrated here appears on both sexes. Hence the factor or the gene is resided on
the autosomes. So an autosomal inheritance can be autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive.

Autosomal dominant trait

X Linked Recessive mode of inheritance

Did you noted three things (1) In females, both X chromosomes should carry the recessive
allele for the expression of white eye color. Hence this is an X linked recessive trait. (2) Males
have only one X chromosome. Hence the trait will express even if the X chromosome contains
the recessive allele (3) X linked recessive traits are more frequently occurs in males compared to
females. The reason is that males have only one X chromosome. Hence the recessive allele will
In some other cases, X linked characters may appear in dominant pattern also. Illustration is given

Some of the traits only appear in males because the gene for this trait are located on Y
chromosome. They are passed by father to all of his sons, but not daughter. The illustration is
given below


The following table explains the features of different patterns of inheritance

Diseases or traits can pass from one generation to another generation. Many of them follow
typical Mendelian inheritance. The following table gives few examples

Trait or disease Type of inheritance

Color blindness X linked recessive
Hemophilia X linked recessive
Huntington disease Autosomal dominant
Sickle cell anemia Autosomal recessive
Tongue rolling Autosomal dominant
Hand clasping Clasp your hands together. Notice whether your
left or your right thumb is on top. If the left thumb
is on top you have the dominant trait (C), the right
thumb is recessive
Alport syndrome X linked dominant
ADP/ATP translocase The gene responsible for this enzyme that moves
ADP into and ATP out of mitochondria has been
linked to Y chromosome

First observation for inheritance being related to a metabolic pathway
Archibald Garrod was an English physician. He observed that many children exhibited a symptom
- the urine turns dark brown immediately after urination, i.e. when exposed to air. Further
analysis indicated that the frequency of the disease was more common in children of
consanguineous (within the family marriage e.g. Cousin-Cousin, uncle-niece) marriages.
Simultaneously, Garrod found the concepts involved in rediscovery of Mendelian inheritance
inspiring. A pedigree chart allowed Garrod to determine that the couples had a recessive allele
causing the child to be homozygous recessive.
Biochemical composition of the urine was investigated by Garrod and observed the following
pattern for normal individuals or heterozygous individuals.

So in homozygous recessive cases the reaction is blocked.

This was an indication that inheritance is responsible for turning the urine black. Garrod
speculated this fact, but was unable to identify the enzyme or the gene. However an exact
confirmation required several years of study. In 1958, the enzyme was identified –homogentisic
acid oxidase and in 1996 the gene was identified.
Chromosomes contain both proteins and DNA: What is the evidence that which chemical
component carries the genetic information?
Chromosome is a combination of two chemicals: DNA and Proteins:
The chromosome is a dynamic structure in the sense that it condenses and expands during
various stages of the cell cycle. Chromosome is a mixture of two different components (i) DNA
and (ii) proteins in higher quantity compared to DNA. In fact, DNA is bound to proteins. This
unique combination accounts for dynamicity of the structure. What we see or represent for a

chromosome is the most condensed state of chromatin fibers (DNA fiber). This can be visually
seen during the metaphase of the cell division (Fig 1).

Figure 1: Dynamicity of the chromatin fibers – they expand and contract according to the stage of the cell cycle: M=Mitotic phase
(Division phase), G1 and G2 are gap phases and synthesis of the raw materials occurs during the Synthesis (S phase). [Figure
adapted from Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th edition, Page 211, Fig 11.8]

The circumstantial evidences and logic to assume that DNA is the genetic material:
Living creatures exhibit a great diversity. Similar traits are observed in living forms of the same
kind (species), while differences are observed between different species. It means that the
genetic composition of living forms of one kind differs from that of the other kind. This exactly
means their amount will differ. So can we prove it? This theory was proven by Robert Feulgen,
who developed a red colored dye which binds to DNA. It stains DNA material red inside the
nucleus. So the intensity of the red color is an approximate estimate of the DNA it contains. This
dye is known as Feulgen stain. The Feulgen staining techniques presented the following
information: It was in the right position (inside the nucleus) and the color intensity varied
between two species.

The need of more cause and effect evidence!

The Feulgen staining only provided a circumstantial evidence. We should prove with a cause and
effect situation that DNA carries the genetic information and not the proteins. How to do it?

Frederick Griffith was a physician from England. He was working with bacteria, which are visible
only under a microscope. Pneumonia was taking many lives during his time. So he wanted to
develop a vaccine for pneumonia. He found that there exists two forms (strains) of the bacteria
which causes pneumonia, Streptococcus pneumonia. These strains are: Smooth (S) and Rough (R)
Smooth forms care capable of causing the disease, while rough forms do not cause the disease.
The reason is that the smooth forms are hidden inside a proteinaceous cover, so it can cheat the
firewall (The immune system), while rough forms are not able to utilize that trick, as they lack the
protein coat. Hence the firewall will definitely catch and eliminate them. Now he planned and
executed the experiments as illustrated in figure 2.

Figure 2: The experiments conducted by Griffith with the bacteria and mouse. [Figure adapted from Sadava et al, Life: The science
of Biology, 9th edition, Page 268, Fig 13.2].

The above figure illustrates that in the experiment 4the material present in the S form transforms
the material present in the R form. So we can say that some transforming principle is responsible
for this change from an R form to S form of bacteria. How to identify this transforming principle?
The scientific group led by Oswald Avery of Rockefeller University cracked this problem. Their
experiment is illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Identifying the “transforming principle”. [Figure adapted from Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th edition,
Page 269, Fig 13.1]

The above work was published without much impact in 1944 because, many were not aware of
the fact that DNA is complex enough to give the diverse output. Moreover many were still
wondering whether microscopic small creatures, like bacteria, has genes in it.

The impact of this work was intensified after another experimental work published in 1952 by
Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase at Carnegie Laboratory of Genetics. They were trying to
determine whether DNA or protein contains the genetic material by using a bacteriophage (a
virus that attacks and kills the bacteria). Why they have selected a virus? Because virus is
composed of just two components that we are trying to sort, the protein cover and the DNA
inside it (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Hershey and Chase experiment. [Figure adapted from Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th edition, Page 271,
Fig 13.4]

DNA structure:

Figure 1- Timeline of events in the discovery of DNA structure. Image courtesy

The race for DNA structure:

The structure of DNA remained elusive until experimental

evidence of many types were considered together in a
theoretical framework. Figure 1 indicates the various
experiments which acted as steps towards the discovery of the
correct DNA structure.

The most crucial evidence was obtained using X-ray

crystallography. Some chemical substances, when they are
isolated and purified, can be made to form crystals. The
positions of atoms in a crystallized substance can be inferred
from the diffraction pattern of X- rays passing through the

The events that provided information about this vital molecule

are described in the following text.

Chemical composition of DNA:

Biochemists knew that DNA was a polymer of nucleotides. Each nucleotide consists of a molecule of the
sugar deoxyribose, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen containing base.

Figure 2- Chemical composition of DNA monomers. The only

differences among the four nucleotides of DNA are their
nitrogenous bases: the purines adenine (A) and guanine (G),
and the pyrimidines cytosine (C) and thymine (T). Image
courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th

In 1950, biochemist Erwin Chargaff reported that

DNA from many different species—and from
different sources within a single organism—
exhibits certain regularities. In almost all DNA,
the following rule holds: The amount of adenine
equals the amount of thymine (A= T), and the
amount of guanine equals the amount of cytosine
(G = C).
Figure 3- Chargaff's rule- In DNA, total abundance of purines is equal to total abundance of pyrimidines. Image courtesy- Sadava
et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th edition.

In 1952, Rosalind Franklin was able to obtain an X-ray diffraction pattern for certain DNA fibers. This
experiment provided the greatest help required by the scientists to deduce the DNA structure.

Figure 4- The positions of atoms in a crystallized chemical substance can be inferred by the pattern of diffraction of X rays passed
through it. The pattern of DNA is both highly regular and repetitive. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th

Around the same time, Linus Pauling proposed a triple stranded helical structure for DNA. Linus Pauling
had discovered the helical nature of protein folding and deduced that the same folding pattern may be
followed by DNA. The structure proposed by Linus Pauling had the phosphate groups of the nucleotides
facing inside the helical core. However, such a structure would result in the phosphate group repulsion
(due to the negatively charged oxygen groups). Almost unbelievable that the man who had such a
command over chemical bonds would get this wrong.

Figure 5- DNA structure as proposed by Linus Pauling (Top view). The negatively charged oxygen atoms repel each other and would
cause the strands to disassociate. Image courtesy-
Double stranded structure discovery by Watson and Crick:

The English physicist Francis Crick and the American geneticist James D. Watson, who were both then at
the Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge University, used model building to solve the structure of DNA.

Watson and Crick attempted to combine all that had been learned so far about DNA structure into a single
coherent model. Rosalind Franklin’s crystallography results (see Figure 4) convinced Watson and Crick
that the DNA molecule must be helical (cylindrically spiral). Density measurements and previous model
building results suggested that there are two polynucleotide chains in the molecule. Modeling studies also
showed that the strands run in opposite directions, that is, they are antiparallel; that two strands would
not fit together in the model if they were parallel.

Figure 6- DNA model proposed by Watson and Crick made several assumptions. The nucleotide bases are on the interior of the
two strands, with a sugar-phosphate backbone on the outside. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th

Figure 7-To satisfy Chargaff’s rule (purines = pyrimidines), a purine on one strand is always paired with a pyrimidine on the opposite
strand. These base pairs (A-T and G-C) have the same width down the double helix, a uniformity shown by x-ray diffraction. Image
courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th edition.
Figure 8- In late February of 1953, Crick and Watson built a
model out of tin that established the general structure of DNA.
This structure explained all the known chemical properties of
DNA, and it opened the door to understanding its biological
functions. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of
Biology, 9th edition.

Important properties of DNA structure:

1. The double stranded helix has a uniform

2. The two strands rum in opposite direction
3. The backbone of each strand is made up of sugar
phosphate groups linked by phosphodiester bonds
4. The two strands are held together by hydrogen
bonding between the nitrogenous bases.

Meselson and Stahl experiment:

This experiment was instrumental in proving that DNA follows a semiconservative model of replication. A
cell while undergoing division requires that old cell to produce copies of DNA that can be transferred to
the new cells. The new cells receive a copy of the parent cell’s DNA.

Figure 9- Watson and Crick suggested a

semiconservative model of replication, wherein
each parental strand acts as a template for
synthesizing a new complementary strand. In this
model, each daughter molecules consists of one old
strand (from parent molecule) and one newly
synthesized strand. Image courtesy-

Meselson and Stahl made clever use of

radiolabelled (15N) heavy isotope of
nucleotides and a density gradient of
Cesium chloride (CsCl) to provide
evidence for the semiconservative model
of replication.

They collected some of the bacteria after

each division and extracted DNA from the samples. To separate the DNA from the cells at different
generation on basis of density, they developed a density gradient solution in a test tube using CsCl. They
found that the density gradient was different in each bacterial generation:
• At the time of the transfer to the 14N medium, the DNA was uniformly labeled with 15N, and hence
formed a single band corresponding with dense DNA.

• After one generation in the 14N medium, when the DNA had been duplicated once, all the DNA was of
intermediate density.

• After two generations, there were two equally large DNA bands: one of low density and one of
intermediate density.

• In samples from subsequent generations, the proportion of low-density DNA increased steadily.

Figure 10- Meselson and Stahl experiment to prove that DNA replicates in a semiconservative manner. The researchers grew
another E. coli culture on 15N medium, then transferred it to normal 14N medium and allowed the bacteria to continue growth.
Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th edition.

The results of this experiment can be explained only by the semiconservative model of DNA replication.
In the first round of DNA replication in the 14N medium, the strands of the double helix—both heavy with
N—separated. Each strand then acted as the template for a second strand, which contained only 14N
and hence was less dense. Each double helix then consisted of one 15N strand and one 14N strand, and was
of intermediate density. In the second replication, the 14N-containing strands directed the synthesis of
partners with 14N, creating low-density DNA, and the 15N strands formed new 14N partners. The crucial
observation demonstrating the semiconservative model was that intermediate-density DNA (15N–14N)
appeared in the first generation and continued to appear in subsequent generations. With the other
models, the results would have been quite different:

• If conservative replication had occurred, the first generation would have had both high-density DNA
(15N–15N) and low-density DNA (14N–14N), but no intermediate density DNA.

• If dispersive replication had occurred, the density of the new DNA would have been intermediate, but
DNA of this density would not continue to appear in subsequent generations.

Figure 11- Monomer of DNA (nucleotide monophosphate). The monomers exist within the
strand in monophosphate form.

Figure 12- During the formation of a phosphodiester bond, the incoming

monomers are in nucleotide triphosphate form. The cleavage of the beta and
gamma phosphate provides the energy needed for phophodiester bond
formation. This reaction is catalyzed by DNA polymerase.

Figure 13- Nitrogenous bases of DNA and RNA. Uracil is

present in RNA instead of Thymine.
Figure 14- Hydrogen bonding between the nitrogenous bases of DNA.

Figure 15- The purines (A and G) pair with the pyrimidines (T and C,
respectively) to form base pairs that are equal in size and resemble the rungs
on a ladder whose sides are formed by the sugar–phosphate backbones. The
deoxyribose sugar (left) is where the 3′ and 5′ carbons are located. The two
strands are antiparallel. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of
Biology, 9th edition.

This concludes the chase for discovery of DNA structure. The next section describes the process of DNA
Kornberg, Arthur, an American physician and biochemist, was the first to discover how monomers of
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) duplicate within bacterial cells and also the first to devise a cell free method
for replicating DNA. For these achievements he shared the 1959 Nobel Prize in physiology.

Arthur Kornberg isolated a new enzyme from E. coli, “DNA polymerase”, which had the property to
assemble nucleotides and manufacture DNA. The cell free setup for replicating DNA was developed in
vitro (in a test tube) by providing a pool of free nucleotides, a DNA primer (he used calf thymus DNA), a
source of magnesium ions, and ATP.

Kornberg used DNA polymerase to verify one of the essential elements of the Watson - Crick Model of
DNA structure: DNA is always polymerized in the 5´ to 3´ direction (H-CH2 sugar phosphate bonds to H-O
sugar phosphate bond; new nucleotides are added at the 3´ end).

The findings of Kornberg experiment provided conclusive evidence that the double stranded helical model
provided by Watson- Crick was accurate.

Kornberg designed the following experiment to determine the growing end for DNA replication process

The reaction used certain key ingredients as follows-

1. Labelled nucleotides (contained the radioactive phosphorus isotope 32P)

2. DNA primer (he used calf thymus DNA),
3. a source of magnesium ions, and ATP

The procedure for the assignment is as follows:

Initiation of the reaction using unlabelled nucleotide as the nucleotide precursor.

Add radioactive (32P) nucleotide for a brief period, and then quickly stop the reaction.

At the completion of the experiment, Kornberg observed that 32P nucleotides attached only to the 3’-OH
end of the growing strand.

The results of the experiment clearly indicated that the newly synthesized strand grows at the 3’-OH end.
DNA replication:

Semiconservative DNA replication in the cell involves a number of different enzymes and other proteins.
It takes place in two general steps:

• The DNA double helix is unwound to separate the two template strands and make them available for
new base pairing.

• As new nucleotides form complementary base pairs with template DNA, they are covalently linked
together by phosphodiester bonds, forming a polymer whose base sequence is complementary to the
bases in the template strand.

The process of replication occurs within a region called the replication bubble, which contains all the
enzymes required for replication and the DNA strands to be replicated. The replication bubble consists of
two replication forks, in which the synthesis of DNA proceeds in the two opposite directions.

Figure 19- Replication bubble with two replication forks proceeding

in opposite directions

Replication is carried out due to the efficient working

of various enzymes involved in DNA replication.

DNA is replicated through the interaction of the

template strand with a huge protein complex called
the replication complex, which contains at least four
proteins, including DNA polymerase. All chromosomes
have at least one region called the origin of replication (ori), to which the replication complex binds with
high specificity.

The first event at the origin of replication is the localized unwinding and separation (denaturation) of the
DNA strands. There are several forces that hold the two strands together, including hydrogen bonding
and the hydrophobic interactions of the bases. An enzyme called DNA helicase uses energy from ATP
hydrolysis to unwind and separate the strands. Proteins called single-strand binding proteins bind to the
unwound strands to keep them from reassociating into a double helix. This process makes each of the two
template strands available for complementary base pairing.

Three types of DNA polymerase exist which assist in the process of DNA replication.

 DNA polymerase I
 DNA polymerase II
 DNA polymerase III

The function of these DNA polymerases is revealed as the process of DNA replication is studied further.

The first DNA polymerase to act in the replication complex is DNA polymerase III, whose function is to
extend the new strand.
A DNA polymerase elongates a polynucleotide strand by covalently linking new nucleotides to a previously
existing strand. However, it cannot start this process without a short “starter” strand, called a primer. In
DNA replication, the primer is usually a short single strand of RNA (Figure 14). This RNA primer strand is
complementary to the DNA template, and is synthesized one nucleotide at a time by an enzyme called a
primase. The DNA polymerase III then adds nucleotides to the 3′ end of the primer and continues until
the replication of that section of DNA has been completed. Thus the basic function of DNA polymerase III
is to extend the new strand starting from one end of the RNA primer.

DNA polymerase I (discovered by Arthur Kornberg) degrades the RNA primer, and adds DNA in its place.

This action of DNA polymerase I causes the resulting new strand to have a small gap. This gap is filled in
by DNA ligases. When DNA replication is complete, each new strand consists only of DNA.

Figure 20- DNA polymerase requires a primer to initiate replication.

Primase is the enzyme which provides an RNA primer. DNA
polymerase attaches nucleotides to the end of this RNA primer and
extends the new strand. Note: the new strand is DNA in nature and
not RNA. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology,
9th edition.

The two daughter strands resulting from a double

stranded parent grow differently. The DNA double helix
is antiparallel in nature, therefore:

• One newly replicating strand (the leading strand) is

oriented so that it can grow continuously at its 3′end as
the fork opens up.

• The other new strand (the lagging strand) is oriented

so that as the fork opens up, its exposed 3′end gets
farther and farther away from the fork, and an
unreplicated gap is formed. This gap would get bigger
and bigger if there were not a special mechanism to
overcome this problem.

Synthesis of the lagging strand requires the synthesis of relatively small, discontinuous stretches of
sequence. These discontinuous stretches are synthesized just as the leading strand is, by the addition of
new nucleotides one at a time to the 3′ end of the new strand, but the synthesis of this new strand moves
in the direction opposite to that in which the replication fork is moving. These stretches of new DNA are
called Okazaki fragments (after their discoverer, the Japanese biochemist Reiji Okazaki). While the leading
strand grows continuously “forward,” the lagging strand grows in shorter, “backward” stretches with gaps
between them. A single primer is needed for synthesis of the leading strand, but each Okazaki fragment
requires its own primer to be synthesized by the primase. DNA polymerase III then synthesizes an Okazaki
fragment by adding nucleotides to one primer until it reaches the primer of the previous fragment. At this
point, DNA polymerase I removes the old primer and replaces it with DNA. Left behind is a tiny nick—the
final phosphodiester linkage between the adjacent Okazaki fragments is missing. The enzyme DNA ligase
catalyzes the formation of that bond, linking the fragments and making the lagging strand whole.
Single strand
binding protein


Figure 21- Synthesis of the leading strand. Image courtesy- Biology, by Campbell et al.

Figure 22- Synthesis of the lagging strand. Image courtesy-

Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th edition.
Figure 23- Sliding DNA clamp increases the efficiency of polymerization by keeping the enzyme bound to the substrate, so the
enzyme does not have to repeatedly bind to template and substrate. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology,
9th edition.

During DNA replication, the progress of the replication fork generates positive supercoils ahead of the
replication machinery and negative supercoils behind it. The DNA can be supercoiled to such an extent
that if left unchecked it could impede the progress of the protein machinery involved. This is prevented
by DNA topoisomerase, which makes single-stranded nicks to relax the helix.

Small circular chromosomes, such as those of bacteria (consisting of 1–4 million base pairs), have a single
origin of replication. Two replication forks form at this ori, and as the DNA moves through the replication
complex, the replication forks extend around the circle. Two interlocking circular DNA molecules are
formed, and they are separated by an enzyme called DNA topoisomerase. DNA polymerases are very fast.
In E. coli, replication can be as fast as 1,000 bases per second, and it takes 20–40 minutes to replicate the
bacterium’s 4.7 million base pairs.
Figure 24- Replication in a bacteria having circular DNA.

Human DNA polymerases are slower than those of E. coli, and

can replicate DNA at a rate of about 50 bases per second.
Human chromosomes are much larger than those of bacteria
(about 80 million base pairs) and linear. Large linear
chromosomes such as those of humans contain hundreds of
origins of replication. Numerous replication complexes bind to
these sites at the same time and catalyze simultaneous
replication. Thus there are many replication forks in eukaryotic

Figure 25- Larger linear chromosomes, typical of nuclear DNA in eukaryotes,

have many origins of replication. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The
science of Biology, 9th edition.
Activity of telomerase:

Replication of the lagging strand occurs by the addition of Okazaki fragments to RNA primers. When the
terminal RNA primer is removed, no DNA can be synthesized to replace it because there is no 3′end to
extend. So the new chromosome has a bit of single-stranded DNA at each end. This situation activates a
mechanism for cutting off the single stranded region, along with some of the intact double-stranded DNA.
This is a part of DNA repair mechanism. Thus the chromosome becomes slightly shorter with each cell

Figure 26- Removal of the RNA primer at the 3′ end of the template for the lagging strand leaves a region of DNA— the telomere—
unreplicated. In continuously dividing cells, the enzyme telomerase binds to the 3′ end and extends the lagging strand of DNA, so
the chromosome does not get shorter. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th edition.

An enzyme, appropriately called telomerase, catalyzes the addition of any lost telomeric sequences.
Telomerase contains an RNA sequence that acts as a template for the telomeric DNA repeat sequence.
DNA Replication proofreading:

DNA must be accurately replicated and faithfully maintained. The price of failure can be great; the
accurate transmission of genetic information is essential for the functioning and even the life of a single
cell or multicellular organism. Yet the replication of DNA is not perfectly accurate. So the problem arises
in preserving life.

DNA repair mechanisms help to preserve life. DNA polymerases initially make significant numbers of
mistakes in assembling polynucleotide strands. Without DNA repair, the observed error rate of one for
every 105 bases replicated would result in about 60,000 mutations every time a human cell divided.
Fortunately, our cells can repair damaged nucleotides and DNA replication errors, so that very few errors
end up in the replicated DNA.

Cells have at least three DNA repair mechanisms at their disposal:

•A proofreading mechanism corrects errors in replication as DNA polymerase makes them.

•A mismatch repair mechanism scans DNA immediately after it has been replicated and corrects any base-
pairing mismatches.

• An excision repair mechanism removes abnormal bases that have formed because of chemical damage
and replaces them with functional bases.

Most DNA polymerases perform a proofreading function each time they introduce a new nucleotide into
a growing DNA strand. When a DNA polymerase recognizes a mispairing of bases, it removes the
improperly introduced nucleotide and tries again. The error rate for this process is only about 1 in 10,000
repaired base pairs, and it lowers the overall error rate for replication to about one error in every 1010
bases replicated.

Figure 27- Proofreading activity during DNA replication. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th edition.

After the DNA has been replicated, a second set of proteins surveys the newly replicated molecule and
looks for mismatched base pairs that were missed in proofreading. Mismatch repair mechanism might
detect an A-C base pair instead of an A-T pair. The repair mechanism “knows” whether the A-C pair should
be repaired by removing the C and replacing it with T or by removing the A and replacing it with G (it can
detect the “wrong” base)because a DNA strand is chemically modified some time after replication. In
prokaryotes, methyl groups (—CH3) are added to some adenines. In eukaryotes, cytosine bases are
methylated. Immediately after replication, methylation has not yet occurred on the newly replicated
strand, so the new strand is “marked” (distinguished by being unmethylated) as the one in which errors
should be corrected. When mismatch repair fails, DNA sequences are altered. One form of colon cancer
arises in part from a failure of mismatch repair.

Excision repair mechanisms deal with damage due to high-energy radiation, chemicals from the
environment, and random spontaneous chemical reactions. Individuals who suffer from a condition
known as xeroderma pigmentosum lack an excision repair mechanism that normally corrects the damage
caused by ultraviolet radiation. They can develop skin cancers after even a brief exposure to sunlight.

Figure 28- DNA repair mechanisms. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th edition.
RNA (ribonucleic acid) is a key intermediary between a DNA sequence and a polypeptide. RNA is
an informational polynucleotide similar to DNA, but it differs from DNA in three ways:
• RNA generally consists of only one polynucleotide strand.
• The sugar molecule found in RNA is ribose, rather than the deoxyribose found in DNA.
• Although three of the nitrogenous bases (adenine, guanine, and cytosine) in RNA are identical
to those in DNA, the fourth base in RNA is uracil (U), which is similar to thymine but lacks the
methyl (—CH3) group
In the process of RNA synthesis, the information contained in DNA is transcribed into RNA. During
transcription, the information in a DNA sequence (a gene) is copied into a complementary RNA
sequence. The process occurs in the nucleus and the resulting RNA is carried to the cytoplasm,
where the protein synthesis occurs.

Figure 1- Sites of transcription and translation (protein synthesis) in a eukaryotic cell. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The
science of Biology, 9th edition.

Figure 2- The nucleotide Thymine (present only in DNA) is replaced by

Uracil (present only in RNA). The pairing of the ribonucleotides obeys
the same complementary base-pairing rules as in DNA, except that
adenine pairs with uracil instead of thymine. Image courtesy- Sadava
et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th edition.

Single-stranded RNA can fold into complex shapes by internal base pairing. Three types of RNA
participate in protein synthesis:
• Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries a copy of a gene sequence in DNA to the site of protein
synthesis at the ribosome.
• Transfer RNA (tRNA) carries amino acids to the ribosome for assembly into polypeptides.
• Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) catalyzes peptide bond formation and provides a structural framework
for the ribosome.

Figure 3- Types of RNA. Transcription is responsible for the synthesis of mRNA, tRNA and ribosomal RNA (rRNA), who play important
roles in protein synthesis. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th edition.

Transcription requires several components:

• A DNA template for complementary base pairing; one of the two strands of DNA
• The appropriate nucleoside triphosphates (ATP, GTP, CTP, and UTP) to act as substrates
• An RNA polymerase enzyme- Like DNA polymerases, RNA polymerases are processive; that is,
a single enzyme–template binding event results in the polymerization of hundreds of RNA bases.
But unlike DNA polymerases, RNA polymerases do not require a primer and do not have a
proofreading function.
Transcription occurs in three stages:
a) initiation,
b) elongation, and
c) termination

a) INITIATION- Transcription begins with initiation, which requires a promoter, a special

sequence of DNA to which the RNA polymerase recognizes as a start site and binds very
tightly. Eukaryotic genes generally have one promoter each, while in prokaryotes and
viruses, several genes often share one promoter. Promoters are important control
sequences that “tell” the RNA polymerase two things:

• Where to start transcription
• Which strand of DNA to transcribe (which of the two strands of DNA will act as template for
producing a single RNA strand)
Part of each promoter is the initiation site, where transcription begins. Groups of nucleotides
lying “upstream” from the initiation site (5′ on the non-template strand, and 3′ on the
template strand) help the RNA polymerase bind.

Figure 4- Initiation of RNA synthesis by RNA polymerase. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th edition.

b) ELONGATION- Once RNA polymerase has bound to the promoter, it begins the process of
elongation. RNA polymerase unwinds the DNA about 10 base pairs at a time and reads
the template strand in the 3′-to-5′direction. Like DNA polymerase, RNA polymerase adds
new nucleotides to the 3′ end of the growing strand, but does not require a primer to get
this process started. The RNA transcript produced is antiparallel to the DNA template
Because RNA polymerases do not proofread, transcription errors occur at a rate of one for
every 104 to 105 bases. Because many copies of RNA are made, however, and because they
often have only a relatively short life span, these errors are not as potentially harmful as
mutations in DNA.

Figure 5- Successive addition of ribonucleotides to the 3' growing end of the newly synthesized RNA transcript.

c) TERMINATION- Just as initiation sites in the DNA template strand specify the starting
point for transcription, particular base sequences specify its termination. For some genes,
the newly formed transcript falls away from the DNA template and the RNA polymerase.
For others, a helper protein pulls the transcript away.

Figure 6- Process of elongation and termination in transcription of RNA. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology,
9th edition.

Difference in transcription between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

 Initiation:
In bacterial cells, the holoenzyme (RNA polymerase plus sigma) recognizes and binds directly to
sequences in the promoter. In eukaryotic cells, promoter recognition is carried out by accessory
proteins (transcription factors) that bind to the promoter and then recruit a specific RNA
polymerase (I, II or III) to the promoter.

RNA processing:
In prokaryotes, several adjacent genes sometimes share one promoter; however, in eukaryotes,
each gene has its own promoter, which usually precedes the coding region.
Eukaryotic genes undergo a systematic process called RNA processing to produce a mature mRNA
from pre mRNA.
Eukaryotic genes may contain noncoding base sequences, called introns (intervening regions).
One or more introns may be interspersed with the coding sequences, which are called exons
(expressed regions). Both introns and exons appear in the primary mRNA transcript, called pre-
mRNA, but the introns are removed by the time the mature mRNA—the mRNA that will be
translated—leaves the nucleus (figure 1). Pre-mRNA processing involves cutting introns out of
the pre-mRNA transcript and splicing together the remaining exon transcripts.
Eukaryotic gene transcripts are processed before translation: The primary transcript of a
eukaryotic gene is modified in several ways before it leaves the nucleus: both ends of the pre
mRNA are modified, and the introns are removed.

steps in the processing of pre mRNA
take place in the nucleus, one at each
end of the molecule.
• A G cap is added to the 5′ end of the
pre-mRNA as it is transcribed. The G
cap is chemically modified
(methylated) guanosine triphosphate
(GTP). It facilitates the binding of mRNA
to the ribosome for translation, and it
protects the mRNA from being digested
by ribonucleases that break down

Figure 7- Addition of 5' cap. Image courtesy-

Genetics- : A Conceptual Approach; by Benjamin A.

Figure 8- Addition of 50 to 250 adenine nucleotides at the 3 end is called Polyadenylation, which occurs after transcription is
completed. Image courtesy- Genetics- : A Conceptual Approach; by Benjamin A. Pierce

• A poly A tail is added to the 3′ end of the pre-mRNA at the end of transcription. In both
prokaryotic and eukaryotic genes, transcription begins at a DNA sequence that is upstream (to
the “left” on the DNA) of the first codon (i.e., at the promoter), and ends downstream (to the
“right” on the DNA) of the termination codon. In eukaryotes, there is usually a “polyadenylation”
sequence (AAUAAA) near the 3′ end of the pre-mRNA, after the last codon. This sequence acts as
a signal for an enzyme to cut the pre mRNA. Immediately after this cleavage, another enzyme
adds 100 to 300 adenine nucleotides (a “poly A” sequence) to the 3′ end of the pre-mRNA. This
“tail” may assist in the export of the mRNA from the nucleus and is important for mRNA stability.

The next step in the processing of eukaryotic
pre-mRNA within the nucleus is removal of the
introns. If these RNA sequences were not
removed, a very different amino acid sequence,
and possibly a nonfunctional protein, would
result. A process called RNA splicing removes
the introns and splices the exons together.

Figure 9- The process of splicing beta globin gene. (UTR-

untranslated region).

Alternative splicing

Figure 10- Alternative Splicing Results in Different mRNAs and Proteins In mammals, the protein tropomyosin is encoded by a gene
that has 11 exons. Tropomyosin pre-mRNA is spliced differently in different tissues, resulting in five different forms of the protein.

Alternate splicing is a mechanism in which the differential splicing of the same pre- mRNA gives
rise to different proteins, which may have different functions. It can be a deliberate mechanism
for generating a family of different proteins from a single gene. For example, a single pre-mRNA
for the structural protein tropomyosin is spliced differently in five different tissues to give five
different mature mRNAs. These mRNAs are translated into the five different forms of
tropomyosin found in these tissues: skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, fibroblast, liver, and brain.

Genetic code

If genes are segments of DNA and if DNA is just a string of nucleotide pairs, then how does the
sequence of nucleotide pairs dictate the sequence of amino acids in proteins?

Simple logic tells us that, if nucleotide pairs are the “letters” in a code, then a combination of
letters can form “words” representing different amino acids. We must ask how the code is read.
How many letters in the RNA make up a word, or codon, and which specific codon or codons
represent each specific amino acid.

The logic is that the nucleotide code must be able to specify the placement of 20 amino acids.
Since there are only four nucleotides, a code of single nucleotides would only represent four
amino acids, such that A, C, G and U could be translated to encode amino acids. A doublet code
could code for 16 amino acids (4 x 4). A triplet code could make a genetic code for 64 different
combinations (4 X 4 X 4) genetic code and provide plenty of information in the DNA molecule to
specify the placement of all 20 amino acids.

Also, this genetic code is redundant in

nature. After the start and stop codons,
the remaining 60 codons are far more than
enough to code for the other 19 amino
acids— and indeed there are repeats
(Figure 1). Thus we say that the genetic
code is redundant; that is, an amino acid
may be represented by more than one

Figure 1- Table of genetic code. Three letter code for

amino acids.

Deciphering the genetic code:
In 1961, Marshall Nirenberg and Heinrich Matthaei mixed poly(U) with the protein synthesizing
machinery of E. coli in vitro and observed the formation of a protein! The main excitement
centered on the question of the amino acid sequence of this protein. It proved to be
polyphenylalanine—a string of
phenylalanine molecules attached
to form a polypeptide. This clearly
meant that “words” consisting
purely of U somehow caused the
incorporation of phenylalanine.
Figure 2- Nirenberg and Matthaei used a test-
tube protein synthesis system to determine the
amino acids specified by synthetic mRNAs of
known codon composition. Image courtesy-
Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 7th

H. Gobind Khorana then conceived

and carried out the experiment that
decisively revealed the nature of the genetic code. He synthesized artificial messages more
complex than Nierenberg’s and analyzed the resulting polypeptides. His data are shown below.
“(XY)n” means “XYXYXY ...”, and the resulting amino-acid couplet also repeats indefinitely (e.g.,
Ser-Leu-Ser-Leu-Ser-Leu ...).

Preparation for Translation: Linking RNAs, Amino Acids and Ribosomes

The translation of mRNA into proteins requires a molecule that links the information contained
in mRNA codons with specific amino acids in proteins. That function is performed by tRNA. Two
key events must take place to ensure that the protein made is the one specified by mRNA:

 tRNA must read mRNA correctly.

 tRNA must carry the amino acid that is correct for its reading of the mRNA.

Transfer RNAs carry specific amino acids and bind to specific codons

The codon in mRNA and the amino acid in a protein are related by way of an adapter—a specific
tRNA with an attached amino acid. For each of the 20 amino acids, there is at least one specific
type (species) of tRNA molecule.

The tRNA molecule has three functions:

It carries (“charged”) an amino acid, it associates with mRNA molecules, and it interacts with

At the 3′ end of every tRNA molecule is a site to which its specific amino acid binds covalently.
The charging of each tRNA with its correct amino acid is achieved by a family of activating
enzymes, known more formally as aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases At about the midpoint of tRNA
is a group of three bases, called the anticodon that constitutes the site of complementary base
pairing (hydrogen bonding) with mRNA. Each tRNA species has a unique anticodon, which is
complementary to the mRNA codon for that tRNAs amino acid. At contact, the codon and the
anticodon are antiparallel to each other. As an example of this process, consider the amino acid

 The DNA coding region for arginine is 3′-GCC-5′, which is transcribed, by complementary
base pairing, to the mRNA codon 5′-CGG-3′.
 That mRNA codon binds by complementary base pairing to a tRNA with the anticodon 3′-
GCC-5′, which is charged with arginine.

Figure 3- tRNA with a specific anticodon for arginine interacts with one arginine amino acid. This is called an activated tRNA.
Activated tRNA specifically recognizes the codon on mRNA and produces hydrogen bonds at the site of anticodon-codon
interaction. (Note the anticodon and codon are complementary to each other).

Ribosomes act as the workbench for translation:
Ribosomes are required for the translation of the genetic information in mRNA into a polypeptide
chain. Each ribosome consists of two subunits, a large one and a small one. In eukaryotes, the
large subunit consists of three different molecules of rRNA and about 45 different protein
molecules, arranged in a precise pattern. The ribosomes of prokaryotes are somewhat smaller
than those of eukaryotes, and their ribosomal proteins and RNAs are different.

Figure 4- Ribosome Structure Each ribosome consists of a large and a small subunit. The subunits remain separate when they are
not in use for protein synthesis. Its structure enables it to hold the mRNA and charged tRNAs in the right positions, thus allowing
the growing polypeptide to be assembled efficiently. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 7th edition.

A given ribosome does not specifically produce just one kind of protein. A ribosome can use any
mRNA and all species of charged tRNAs, and thus can be used to make many different
polypeptide products.
On the large subunit of the ribosome are four sites to which tRNA binds (Figure 4). A charged
tRNA traverses these four sites:
 The T (transfer) site
 The A (amino acid) site
 The P (polypeptide) site
 The E (exit) site
An important role of the ribosome is to make sure that the mRNA–tRNA interactions are precise:
that is, that a charged tRNA with the correct anticodon (e.g., 3′-UAC-5′) binds to the appropriate
codon in mRNA (e.g., 5′-AUG-3′). When this occurs, hydrogen bonds form between the base pairs.
But these hydrogen bonds are not enough to hold the tRNA in place. The rRNA of the small
ribosomal subunit plays a role in validating the three-base-pair match. If hydrogen bonds have
not formed between all three base pairs, the tRNA must be the wrong one for that mRNA codon,
and that tRNA is ejected from the ribosome.

Translation Process: RNA-Directed Polypeptide Synthesis
Like transcription, translation occurs in three steps: initiation, elongation, and termination.
The translation of mRNA begins with the formation of an initiation complex, which consists of a
charged tRNA bearing what will be the first amino acid of the polypeptide chain and a small
ribosomal subunit, both bound to the mRNA. The rRNA of the small ribosomal subunit binds to a
complementary ribosome recognition sequence on the mRNA. This sequence is “upstream”
(toward the 5′ end) of the actual start codon that begins translation.
The mRNA start codon in the genetic code is AUG. The anticodon of a methionine charged tRNA
binds to this start codon by complementary base pairing to form the initiation complex. Thus the
first amino acid in the chain is always methionine.

Figure 5- Initiation of translation begins with formation of an initiation complex (step 2). Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The
science of Biology, 7th edition.


The polypeptide elongates from the N terminus. A charged tRNA whose anticodon is complementary to
the second codon on the mRNA now enters the open A site of the large ribosomal subunit. The large
subunit then catalyzes two reactions:

 It breaks the bond between the tRNA in the P site and its amino acid.
 It catalyzes the formation of a peptide bond between that amino acid and the one attached to
the tRNA in the A site.

Because the large subunit performs these two actions, it is said to have peptidyl transferase activity.
In this way, methionine (the amino acid in the P site) becomes the N terminus of the new protein. The
second amino acid is now bound to methionine, but remains attached to its tRNA by its carboxyl group
(—COOH) in the A site.

Figure 6- The incoming charged tRNA recognizes

the specific codon on the mRNA and enters into the
A site. Peptidyl transferase activity of the large
subunit causes the transfer of amino acid on the
first tRNA (at P site) on the second tRNA (at A site)
and a peptide bond is formed between these
amino acids. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life:
The science of Biology, 7th edition.

After the first tRNA releases its

methionine, it dissociates from the
ribosome, returning to the cytosol to
become charged with another
methionine. The second tRNA, now
bearing a dipeptide, is shifted to the P
site as the ribosome moves one codon
along the mRNA in the 5′-to-3′ direction.
The elongation process continues, and
the polypeptide chain grows, as the steps
are repeated. Elongation factors assist
the elongation of a polypeptide chain.

Figure 7- Elongation of polypeptide: (a) The
next charged tRNA enters the open A site.
(b) Its amino acid forms a peptide bond with
the amino acid chain in the P site, so that it
picks up the growing polypeptide chain
from the tRNA in the P site. (c) The tRNA in
the P site. Image courtesy- Sadava et al,
Life: The science of Biology, 7th edition.


The elongation cycle ends, and translation is terminated, when a stop codon—UAA, UAG, or
UGA—enters the A site. These codons encode no amino acids, nor they bind tRNAs. Rather, they
bind a protein release factor, which hydrolyzes the bond between the polypeptide and the tRNA
in the P site. The newly completed protein thereupon separates from the ribosome. Its C
terminus is the last amino acid to join the chain. Its N terminus, at least initially, is methionine,
as a consequence of the AUG start codon. In its amino acid sequence, it contains information
specifying its conformation, as well as its ultimate cellular destination.

Figure 8- Events of termination of polypeptide chain. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 7th edition.

Figure 9- Signals that start and stop transcription and Translation. These act as a boundary for the mRNA and protein synthesis.
Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 7th edition.

Evolution means change over a period of time. The idea that living beings may have evolved from simple
compounds is a fascinating concept. Evolution is the process by which modern organisms have descended from
ancient organisms. In other words, species are not constant, they change over time. The change observed so that
the population is better adapted to their environment.
The study of evolution provides an insight into the investigation for nature of life, origins of life, diversity of
various living beings and the similarities and differences in their structure and function.
The origin of life has different theories and these theories are uncertain. The major theories for the origin of life
1) Special creation
This theory is supported by most religions, civilizations. The basis of this theory is that life was created by a
supernatural power at a particular time. While this theological approach concentrates on the reason behind
creation of beings scientific theories concentrate on the how these beings came into existence. There is no
intellectual conflict between scientific and theological theories as they are mutually exclusive realms of thought.
2) Spontaneous creation
The theory suggested that life arose from non-living matter. This theory was highly popular and coexisted with
the special creation theory. Aristotle (384-322 BC) believed in this theory and said that life did not arise just from
pre-existing parents but also from by spontaneous generation due to natural forces.
This theory fell from favor as more advancements in science. In 1688, Redi observed that the little worms which
arise in decaying flesh were fly larvae. He supported the idea of biogenesis, which states that life can arise only
from pre-existing life.
In 1765, Lazzaro Spallanzani observed that vegetables would not support growth of other life forms after intense
heat treatment and sealing. Based on Spallanzani’s work Louis Pasteur designed several experiments and finally
disapproved the theory of spontaneous creation.

3) Cosmozoan
This theory does not suggest a mechanism for origin of life but favors the idea that life on earth has an
extraterrestrial origin. In 1908, Arrhenius proposed the cosmozoan or panspermia theory. This theory assumed
the existence of advanced civilization on other planets in our galaxy and life on earth and many other planets
were infected from these advanced civilized planets.
4) Biochemical evolution
As per this theory, life arose as per the chemical and physical laws. In 1923, Oparin suggested that from the
simple compound like nitrides, oxides, ammonia, methane many complex organic compounds were formed
gradually under the influence of electric charges, ultra-violet rays. The accumulation of the simple compounds in
the oceans resulted in the production of the primeval soup from which life could have arisen.
In 1953, Stanley Miller a graduate student of Harold Urey designed an apparatus for stimulating condition
prevalent on earth at the time of abiogenic evolution of organic substances. The apparatus has a spark chamber
with two electrodes, a flask for boiling and a condenser. Miller used a mixture of methane ammonia, hydrogen
and water. The mixture was exposed to electric discharges, following by condensation and then boiling. It was
continued for 18 days. Miller was able to identify 15 amino acids, organic acid, ribose sugar and purine, adenine.
Several theories were propounded to explain the evolution.
Lamarck’s theory of evolution
Jean Baptiste Lamarck was a French naturalist who proposed a theory based on inheritance of acquired
characteristics the offspring then adapt further, advancing evolution of the species.
He explained that the use and disuse of certain abilities led to the organism to gain or lose the ability. In support
of Lamark’s theory, some of the characters indeed passed from parents to offspring like development of strong
biceps muscles in blacksmith, elongated body and loss of limbs in snakes due to continuous creeping through the
holes and crevices, migration of both the eyes towards the upper side in flat fishes living on the bottom of sea,
lengthening of neck in the giraffe due to its continuous use in reaching to the leaves and fruits of high rise tree.
This theory put more importance on need of the animal and considers it strong enough to device ways to form
organs needed for adaptation.
This theory was discredited as the use or disuse of all the abilities does not cause transfer abilities to next
generation (eg. healthy parents need not always have healthy children). The experiments carried out by August
Weismann proved to be a major criticism against Lamarkism. He had cut off the tails of rats for about 80
generations, but tailless offsprings were never born,
Theory of Natural selection:
In June 1831, the H.M.S. Beagle set sail from England and 22 year-old Charles Darwin took up an unpaid position
on this voyage. Darwin had begun his studies as a medical student, then became a divinity student at Cambridge.
But neither field excited him, much to his father’s disappointment. Darwin become interested in geology and
spent some time studying geology informally. After three years of surveying the South American coast, the
Beagle reached San Cristobal (Chatham) in September 1835. The Beagle spent 5 weeks in the Galapagos.
The voyage helped Darwin to observe the variety of differences which occurred in the same species on these
different islands. Also, he observed completely different species exclusive to some islands. Thus Darwin’s
greatest scientific contribution was that he could provide a logical insight into how and why evolution occurred.
Charles Darwin propounded the theory of Natural selection. When there are differences in organism’s abilities to
survive and reproduce based upon inheritable traits natural selection takes place. As per Thomas Malthus, every
generation in a species, more offspring are produced than actually survive due to limited resources. Survival of
any individual is not random, and it depends on hereditary factors. Those individuals with favorable inheritable
traits will survive and reproduce. Those with less favorable inheritable traits will be eliminated. This will lead to
a gradual change in the entire population, favorable hereditary variations accumulating over time and the species
will change.
Darwin devoted 20 years in generating evidence to support his ideas. Wallace wrote to Darwin telling him his
ideas on natural selection. This geared Darwin into publishing his ideas. Thomas Wallace and Darwin agreed to
publish similtaneous papers. Darwin's book, The Origin of Species, was an immediate sensation.
Darwin has described his views on evolution as follows:
“Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and death, the most exalted object which we are capable of
conceiving, namely, the production of higher animals, directly follows. There is grandeur in this view of life,
with its several powers, having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that,
whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless
forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved.”

There are several observed cases of Natural selection.

1. Insects resistance to insecticides
Insecticides are sprayed on crops to protect them from attack of various insects. Some insects which are
resistant to the insecticides, survive the use of insecticides on crops. Thus their progeny flourishes, while
the others which are susceptible will be killed by the insecticides. This is a result of genetic variability in
the population of insects. Those with the beneficial genetic makeup will survive and flourish.
2. Bacterial resistance to antibiotics
Antibiotics are targeted against bacteria. Some bacteria possess the antibiotic resistance gene in their
plasmid. They can survive even in the presence of antibiotics. Bacteria have the capacity to transfer the
plasmid to other bacteria by transformation. Therefore all the bacteria with the plasmid having antibiotic
resistance gene survive in the presence of antibiotic.

3. Increased frequency of sickle cell anemia in Africans.

The protein in red blood cells (RBCs) that transports oxygen from the lung to metabolically active tissues,
like muscle, where it is needed. The discovery of haemoglobin S (HbS) by Linus Pauling and colleagues in
1949 was the first demonstration that the production of an abnormal protein could be the cause of a genetic
disorder. In 1956, Vernon Ingram identified the abnormality in the amino acid sequence of the β-globin chain
(β6Glu→Val). This abnormality resulted in the normal concave cells gaining a sickled appearance.
Figure 1- The structure of hemoglobin protein in the RBCs. Sickle cell anemia id produced due to mutation event
in the beta chain of hemoglobin.

Figure 2- The abnormal cells of RBC as seen in Sickle cell Disease (SCD) compared with the normal RBCs. The
sickle shape of the abnormal cells obstructs the blood flow and causes blood blockage in the thin capillaries
causing extreme pain.
Figure 3- The gene for the beta chain of hemoglobin in normal RBCs codes for glutamic acid, which is hydrophilic
in nature. The mutation in the gene coding for beta chain changes the codon on the mRNA to code for valine
instead of glutamic acid. Valine is hydrophobic in nature.

Figure 4-Basic pathophysiological mechanism of sickle cell disease: the polymerization of deoxy-HbS. The
replacement of a glutamic acid by a valine residue at position 6 in the β-globin polypeptide chain characterizes
the abnormal haemoglobin of SCD: HbS. The presence of hydrophobic valine in the beta chain acts as a
hydrophobic pocket to which the other hydrophobic residues (phenylalanine and leucine) in the beta chain bind.
At low oxygen pressure, deoxy-HbS polymerises and gets organised in long polymer fibres that deform, stiffen,
and weaken the red blood cell

Inheritance of sickle cell anemia

The character of having a sickle cell is recessively inherited and follows the Mendelian pattern of inheritance
for a recessive train. The normal cell phenotype is dominant.

Figure 5- Inheritance of sickle cell disease. hbA stands for normal RBC gene and hbS stands for sickle shaped
RBC gene. The recessive trait of a RBC being sickle shaped is not expressed phenotypically in a heterozygous
individual. The phenotype of a sickle cell is expressed in a homozygous recessive individual. Thus the trait follows
Mendelian inheritance pattern for a recessive character.

The sickle cell eventually bursts and dies. Under low oxygen conditions (high altitude or after rigorous
exercise), a heterozygous individual for the sickle cell trait, RBCs start showing the sickled phenotype. These
heterozygous individuals realize oxygen scarcity in their cells under such conditions as the sickling of cells
reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of RBCs.
Sickle cell and resistance to malaria:
The reduced oxygen carrying capacity gives the heterozygous individual protection against malaria. Malaria
pathogen completes a part of its early life cycle in the RBCs. The early stages of the malaria pathogen’s
development requires oxygen to complete its life cycle. Since in the heterozygous individuals the RBCs have
a low capacity to carry oxygen, the malaria pathogen is not able to survive. Thus, the heterozygous and
homozygous recessive individuals are protected from malaria.
Figure 6- SCD and malaria resistance.

Evolution to protect against death by malaria:

The effect of natural selection is evident in the distribution of the sickle cell trait in areas where malaria is
found to be indigenous. Thus, hinting that the process of evolution may have used the sickle cell trait as a
protection against malaria, in these regions.

Figure 7- Geographic distribution of malaria and the appearance of sickle cell trait.

Darwin’s theory of natural selection was had one major loophole. The theory could not explain the inheritance of
traits from one generation to next. Existence of vestigial organs could not be explained using natural selection.
Overspecialisation of some structures like antlers and tusks of elephants becomes a hindrance to these organisms.
This fact that these structures that were hindrance to the organism being inherited could not be explained.
Importance of Population genetics:
Natural selection is understood on observing the changes which occur in a population rather than in an individual.
Technically, evolution results from the change in gene frequencies within a population overtime. Therefore, in
order to understand evolution, it would be important to describe those events that change gene frequencies in a
population. Darwin could not explain how adaptive inheritable traits are passed on.
Biologists did not have a good understanding of the genetic details of how natural selection works until the field
of transmission genetics was established in the early 1900s. At that time, the rediscovery of Gregor Mendel’s
publications paved the way for the development in the 1930s and 1940s of the field of population genetics. As
the principles of evolution were integrated with the principles of modern genetics during this period, a new
understanding of evolutionary biology—known as the Modern Synthesis—emerged. This was when biologists
began to study mechanistic aspects of evolution as well as the broad evolutionary patterns that were so evident
in nature.
-----------------------------------------------------------------1 hour

There are several evidence for evolution:

1. Fossil evidence: Fossils are the preserved remains of ancient organisms. The remains of the organisms
can be found in preserved form in sap, mineral replacement, in ice, or traces e.g. footprints, molds. Fossils
demonstrate the existence of intermediate forms of species, thus demonstrating evolution. The given
figure shows how the ancient whales spent more time immersed, hence their nostrils where at the tip of
the nose. Over the years, as they
migrated to seas, the nostrils
occupied a space higher on the
skull. At present, whales can break
the surface of sea because their
nostrils are on the top beginning of
Figure 8- Ancient whales spent more time immersed, hence their nostrils where at the tip of the the skull.
nose. Over the years, as they migrated to seas, the nostrils occupied a space higher on the
skull. At present, whales can break the surface of sea because their nostrils are on the top
beginning of the skull.
2. Embryonic evidence: The embryonic stages of various organisms share similar features for eg. the duck
and chick embryo both have presence of webbed feet (Fig. 2). The later stages of development in the chick
embryo causes the death of the layer in the
interdigital zone since the chick has no use of
webbed feet in its habitat.
3. Genetic evidence: The DNA sequences in a
gene family are usually different from one another.
As long as at least one member encodes a functional

Figure 9- The embryo of duck and chick share a common structure

protein, the other members may mutate in ways that
initially. The molding of limbs in duck and chick embryo change the functions of the proteins they encode. For
evolution, the availability of multiple copies of a gene allows
for selection of mutations that provide advantages under certain
circumstances. If a mutated gene is useful, it may be selected
for in succeeding generations. If the mutated gene is a total loss
(pseudogene), the functional copy is still there to carry out its
role. The presence of pseudogenes is an evidence of evolution
in the gene. The gene family encoding the globins is a good
example of the gene families found in vertebrates (Fig. 3).
Figure 11- A pathway for evolution of globin genes. (1) It is
thought that the modern globin gene has evolved from an These proteins are found in hemoglobin and myoglobin (an
ancestral form as the result of fusion between two of the globin
exons. (2) A primitive globin gene has one exon. (3) Duplication oxygen-binding protein present in muscle). The globin genes
of the globin gene followed by (4) a mutation that produced
two different genes α and β gene (5) a process of genetic all arose long ago from a single common ancestral gene. In
rearrangement caused genes (α and β) to separate (6) & (7).
Further events of mutation generating the globin gene that
adults, each hemoglobin molecule is a tetramer containing two
exists today. The human α and β genes are present on identical α-globin subunits, two identical β-globin subunits,
chromosome 16 and 11.
Figure 10-Evolution of globin gene and four heme pigments. During human development,
different members of the globin gene cluster are expressed at
different times and in different tissues. This differential gene expression has great physiological
significance. Hemoglobin is a tetramer of four polypeptide units. A characteristic organization is realized
while studying the globin genes from various organisms like mammal or fish, each of them contains three
exons and two introns. Globin like polypeptides such as plant leghemoglobin and the muscle protein
myoglobin, reveals the presence of four exons and three introns.
Billions of years ago, when the earth was devoid of life, there was also no oxygen in the air. The first life
developed about 3.8billion years ago, the water vapor, nitrogen, methane and ammonia where used for
food and energy. It is expected that the metabolic reactions were catalyzed by metals such as iron and
magnesium. With the emergence of photosynthetic organisms around 3.5 billion years ago, the
atmosphere of earth was remarkably changed. Oxygen produced as a result of photosynthesis was
released into the atmosphere and gradually came
to be the most important constituent of
atmosphere. Life forms appeared on earth
utilizing this abundant oxygen on the
atmosphere. The oxygen has to bind to a carrier
and not supposed to react with that carrier. After
binding it has to be transported to cells.
Chlorophyll, which is evolved earlier for
photosynthesis, is a porphyrin ring containing
magnesium. Another porphyrin ring containing
Figure 4- Comparison of Plant chlorophyll and hemoglobin structure (Image
credit: iron is called heme. Heme bound to globin
molecule is called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin
binds to oxygen in the lungs and gives blood its red color.
Myoglobin is a single polypeptide chain while
vertebrate hemoglobins are tetrameric. Both are
oxygen binding proteins. Leghemoglobin is also
bind to oxygen, but found exclusively in root
nodules of legume plants like soyabean.

Figure 12-Phylogenetic tree showing the evolutionary

history of globin protein
We need to understand how a small change in a molecule has led to the diverse functions. For this we need to
examine molecules such as haemoglobin, myoglobin, haemocyanin, leghaemoglobin and chlorophyll. All of
them are modified porphyrins.

They can accommodate different metal atoms at their centers. They are very
stable due to their conjugation (alternating single and double bonds). Nature
has utilized the properties of porphyrin ring in different ways for multiple

Let us examine haemoglobin. As all of us know it is the oxygen

carrying molecule of blood. O2 is only marginally soluble (< 0.0001 M) in
blood plasma at physiological pH. Hence by relying into the dissolved
Figure 13-Porphyrin structure oxygen in the blood may not be feasible for the life systems to move on.
Therefore the evolution has occurred for the better transport of oxygen
molecule. Animals requires the development of a mechanism to actively transport oxygen through the system.
We have about 150 g of the protein which is known as haemoglobin (Hb) per liter of the blood. This is an
effective oxygen carrier that the concentration of O2 in the blood stream reaches 0.01 M the same
concentration as air. Once the Hb-O2 complex reaches the tissue that consumes oxygen, the O2 molecules are
transferred to another protein myoglobin (Mb) which transports oxygen through the muscle tissue.
Now let us logically examine the haemoglobin molecule. Each haemoglobin is a combination of four
polypeptide chains: two alpha and two beta subunits. Each chain has an associated heme group which can bind
to oxygen. Thus one Hb molecule binds with four oxygen molecules. The structure of heme group is given

An Fe(II) atom is present at the centre of each heme. Four

of the six coordination sites around this atom are occupied by
nitrogen atoms from a planar porphyrin ring. The fifth
coordination site is occupied by a nitrogen atom from a histidine
side chain on one of the amino acids in the protein. The last
coordination site is available to bind an O2 molecule. Now we
need to analyze why four protein parts? The distance between the
iron atoms of adjacent hemes in hemoglobin is very
large between 250 and 370 nm the act of binding an
O2 molecule at one of the four hemes in hemoglobin leads to a
significant increase in the affinity for O2 binding at the other
hemes. Thus a cooperative interaction occurs that makes Hb an
excellent carrier for oxygen.
The structure of myoglobin suggests that the oxygen-
carrying heme group is buried inside the protein portion of this
molecule (similar to Hb). This enables the pairs of hemes group
Figure 14-Myoglobin molecule from coming too close together. This is important, because these
proteins need to bind O2 reversibly and the Fe(II) heme, by itself, cannot do this. When there is no globin to
protect the heme, it reacts with oxygen to form an oxidized Fe(III) atom instead of an Fe(II)-O2 complex.
What made the necessity of two oxygen binding molecules? Hb has four haeme group while myoglobin
carries only one heme group. The affinity of Mb with oxygen is higher than the affinity of Hb with oxygen. This
difference is related to its different role: whereas hemoglobin transports oxygen, myoglobin's function is to store

Mb and Hb structure

Figure 15-Mb and Hb subunits are structurally similar with 8 alpha helices and oth containing a heme group. But Mb is monomeric while Hb is
heterotetramer (2 alpha and 2 beta subunits)

Being large Hb can’t enter muscle tissue. Further to prevent from clotting, blood has to move. Hence Hb is not
an ideal structure for delivering oxygen in muscle tissues and its storing. Since myoglobin is a storage protein,
its affinity towards oxygen should not differ with its concentration. Hence evolution has favored a similar
molecule, a monomeric protein which is more compact. Thus the life systems have utilized the heme group for
two different functions (i) for transporting oxygen and (ii) for storing oxygen. This has achieved by combining
the heme group with different proteins ie the globin part.
Also it is interesting to see, why there is a requirement of a protein part ie amino acids attached with heme group.
When molecular oxygen encounters an isolated heme molecule, it rapidly converts the Fe(II) to Fe(III). The
oxidized heme binds oxygen very poorly. Obviously, if this happened to the Fe(II) groups of hemoglobin and
myoglobin, the proteins would be less useful as oxygen carriers. Oxidation of the heme iron is prevented by the
presence of the distal histidine side chain, which prevents the O 2from forming a linear Fe–O–O bond. The bond
between Fe and O 2 is bent, meaning that this bond is not as strong as it might be. Weaker oxygen binding means
easier oxygen release.

Chlorophyll is the molecule that traps this 'most

elusive of all powers' - and is called a photoreceptor. It is
found in the chloroplasts of green plants, and is what makes
green plants, green. The basic structure of a chlorophyll
molecule is a porphyrin ring (similar to haeme) coordinated
to a central atom. This is very similar in structure to the heme
group found in hemoglobin, except that in heme the central
atom is iron, whereas in chlorophyll it is magnesium.

Figure 16-Structure comparison of heme and chlorophyll


Haemocyanin is another evolved compound from the

porphyrin ring. Instead of Fe, haemocyanin has Cu in it.
This also serves as an oxygen carrier in some animals.

Figure 17- Structural comparison of haemoglobin and


This is the oxygen carrier found in the root nodules of legumes. It is synthesized in a symbiotic interaction with
nitrogen fixing bacteria in the root nodules. Similar to haemoglobin it is red in color and carries oxygen for the
growing bacteria in the root nodule.
Now it is easy for us to understand that among the
molecules discussed such as haemoglobin, myoglobin,
haemocyanin and leghaemoglobin, there is a similarity in
the structure. Just by modifying a small part such as
replacement of the central atom (Fe /Cu/Mg) of the
porphyrin ring these molecules are modified (evolved) to
perform diverse functions. This is nature’s chemical
engineering and are products of evolution.

Figure 18- Structural comparison of hemoglobin, leghemoglobin,

myoglobin and beta subunit of hemoglobin
4. Form and function evidence: The function of
a biological structure can be inferred from it shape.
If we take our own bodies to illustrate, we know that
ear is a canal with a funnel shaped external ear. We
know that the external ear is funnel shaped for
focusing sounds from the atmosphere. It is possible
to explain that why many animals have more sound
perception than humans based on the architecture of
external ear. Vestigial organs are remains of a
structure that was functional in some ancestor but is
Figure 19- The forelimbs of vertebrates evolved from an ancestral pattern. no longer functional in the organism in question. For
Even vertebrates as dissimilar as whales and bats have the same basic
arrangement of bones. The shades are based on homologous bones. example, humans have a tail bone (the coccyx) but
no tail.
-----------------------------------------------------------------2 hours

The mechanisms responsible for evolution are:

1. Mutation
The origin of genetic variation is mutation. Accurate
DNA replication, transcription, and translation all
depend on the reliable pairing of complementary
bases. Errors occur, though infrequently, in all three
processes—least often in DNA replication. But, the
consequences of DNA errors are the most severe
because only they are heritable. Mutations are
heritable changes in genetic information, which may
occur spontaneously or may be induced.
Mutations have different phenotypic effects
Figure 20- Mutations may or may not affect the protein phenotype. Image
courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th edition.
phenotypically, we can understand mutations in terms
of their effects on proteins and their function:

All mutations are alterations in the nucleotide sequence of DNA. At the molecular level, we can divide mutations
into two categories:
• A point mutation results from the gain, loss, or substitution of a single nucleotide. After DNA replication, the
altered nucleotide becomes a mutant base pair. If a point mutation occurs within a gene (rather than in a noncoding
DNA sequence), then one allele of that gene (usually dominant) becomes another allele (usually recessive).

• Chromosomal mutations are more extensive than point mutations. They may change the position or
orientation of a
DNA segment
without actually
removing any
information, or
they may cause a
segment of DNA
to be duplicated
or irretrievably
lost.Changes in
nucleotides are
not the most
Figure 21- Point mutations. Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of Biology, 9th edition.
changes that can
occur in the genetic material. Whole DNA molecules can break and rejoin, grossly disrupting the sequence of
genetic information. There are four types of such chromosomal mutations: deletions, duplications, inversions and
translocations. These mutations can be caused by severe damage to chromosomes resulting from mutagens or by
drastic errors in chromosome replication.
Effects of mutation:

Mutations provide the scope for evolution: A

mutation in somatic cells may benefit the organism
immediately. Second, a mutation in germ line cells
may have no immediate selective advantage to the
organism but may cause a phenotypic change in
offspring. If the environment changes in a later
generation, that mutation may be advantageous and
thus selected for under these conditions.

Germ line and somatic mutations can be

harmful: Mutations in germ line cells that get
carried to the next generation are often deleterious,
especially if the offspring are homozygous for a
harmful recessive allele. In their extreme form,
such mutations produce phenotypes that are lethal.
Lethal mutations can kill an organism during early
development, or the organism may die before
Figure 22- Chromosomal Mutations Chromosomes may break during
replication, and parts of chromosomes may then rejoin incorrectly. The letters maturity and reproduction.
on these chromosome illustrations represent large segments of the
chromosomes. Each segment may include anywhere from zero to hundreds or
thousands of genes. . Image courtesy- Sadava et al, Life: The science of
Biology, 9th edition.

2. Gene flow may change allele frequencies

Frequency of appearance of an allele also depends on the migration of individuals and movements of gametes
between populations. This is called as gene flow. If the arriving individuals survive and reproduce in their
new location, they may add new alleles to the population’s gene pool, or they may change the frequencies of
alleles already present if they come from a population with different allele frequencies.
3. Genetic drift:
In small populations, random changes in allele frequencies from one generation to the next may produce large
changes in allele frequencies over time. This is called as genetic drift.
During population bottlenecks, genetic variation can be reduced by genetic drift. In this case, disasters such
as floods and fires can drastically reduce the size of the population, leaving by chance, individuals that are
not necessarily representative of the original population. A population forced through a bottleneck is likely
to lose much of its genetic variation. Genetic drift can have similar effects when a few pioneering individuals
colonize a new region. Because of its small size, the colonizing population is unlikely to have all the alleles
found among members of its source population. The resulting change in genetic variation, called a founder
effect, is equivalent to that in a large population reduced by a bottleneck.
4. Nonrandom mating can change genotype frequencies
Mating patterns may alter genotype frequencies if individuals in a population do not choose mates at random.
-----------------------------------------------------------------1 hour
Constraints in evolution:
All life forms are constrained by various factors. For example, the growth in cell size is constrained by the
stringencies of surface area-to-volume ratios. Folding of protein is limited by the bonding capacities of their
constituent molecules. And the energy transfers that fuel life must operate within the laws of thermodynamics.
Evolution works within the boundaries of these universal constraints.
The additional constraints which will be placed on evolution are:
1. Development process constraints evolution:
Evolutionary changes cannot start from scratch happen in this way. Current phenotypes of organisms are
constrained by historical conditions and past selective pressures. The new species is formed or evolved
from an existing species by incremental change. The old species is not discarded but it is changed. Thus
evolution occurs from one form to another.
Metamorphosis of the tadpole larva into an adult frog is one of the most striking transformations in
biology. In amphibians, metamorphosis is initiated by hormones from the tadpole, and these changes
prepare an aquatic organism for a terrestrial existence.
The developmental constraints prevent the organism from producing a change which is extremely
different from the ancestors.
2. Trade-offs constraint evolution
Adaptations frequently impose both fitness costs and benefits. For an adaptation to evolve, the fitness
benefits it confers must exceed the fitness costs it imposes—in other words, the tradeoff must be
worthwhile. For example, there are metabolic costs associated with developing and maintaining certain
conspicuous features (such as antlers or horns) that males use to compete with other males for access to
females. The fact that these features are common in many species suggests that the benefits derived from
possessing them must outweigh the costs.
3. Short-term and long-term evolutionary outcomes sometimes differ
The short-term changes in allele frequencies within populations can be observed directly, they can be
manipulated experimentally, and they demonstrate the actual processes by which evolution occurs. By
themselves, however, they do not enable us to predict long-term evolutionary changes. Long-term patterns
of evolutionary change can be strongly influenced by events that occur so infrequently (a meteorite
impact, for example) or so slowly (continental drift) that they are unlikely to be observed during short-
term studies. The ways in which evolutionary processes act may change over time with changing
environmental conditions.
-----------------------------------------------------------------30 min
1) Taylor, D.J., Green, N.P., Stout, G.W. and Soper, R., 1997. Biological science (Vol. 983). Cambridge,
United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
2) Sadava, D.E., Hillis, D.M., Heller, H.C. and Berenbaum, M., 2009. Life: the science of biology (Vol. 2).
3) Hall, B. and Strickberger, M.W., 2008. Strickberger's evolution. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Historical overview of vaccine development:

The first recorded attempts to deliberately induce immunity were performed by the Chinese and
Turks in the fifteenth century. They were attempting to prevent smallpox, a disease that is fatal
in about 30% of cases and that leaves survivors disfigured for life. Reports suggest that the dried
crusts derived from smallpox pustules were either inhaled or inserted into small cuts in the skin
(a technique called variolation) in order to prevent this dreaded disease.

1718- Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, the wife of the British ambassador in Constantinople,
observed the positive effects of variolation on the native Turkish population and had the
technique performed on her own children.

1798- Edward Jenner observed milkmaids who had contracted the mild disease cowpox were
subsequently immune to the much more severe smallpox, Jenner reasoned that introducing fluid
from a cowpox pustule into people might protect them from smallpox. To test this idea, he
inoculated an eight-year-old boy with fluid from a cowpox pustule and later intentionally infected
the child with smallpox. As predicted, the child did not develop smallpox. However, this method
is ethically incorrect.

1870- Louis Pasteur had succeeded in growing the bacterium that causes fowl cholera in culture,
and confirmed this by injecting it into chickens that then developed fatal cholera.

Figure 1- After returning from a summer vacation, he and colleagues resumed their experiments. 1st set of experiments involved
old cholera bacterial culture, which caused the chickens to develop the disease on inoculation (inject) with the bacterial culture.
However, the chickens recovered from the disease. In the second set of experiment, the chickens were inoculated with a new
culture. The chickens who had been inoculated earlier and had survived the first set of experiment survived this stage as well.
However, those chickens that were not inoculated earlier, developed the disease and died.
Figure 2- Pasteur extended these findings to other diseases, demonstrating that it was possible to attenuate a pathogen and
administer the attenuated strain as a vaccine. In a now classic experiment performed in the small village of Pouilly-le-Fort in 1881,
which marked the beginnings of the discipline of immunology.

In 1885, Pasteur administered his first vaccine to a human, a young boy who had been bitten
repeatedly by a rabid dog. The boy, Joseph Meister, was inoculated with a series of attenuated
(weakened) rabies virus preparations. The rabies vaccine is one of very few that can be successful
when administered shortly after exposure. Joseph lived, and later became a caretaker at the
Pasteur Institute, which was opened in 1887 to treat the many rabies victims that began to flood
in when word of Pasteur’s success spread; it remains to this day an institute dedicated to the
prevention and treatment of infectious disease.


A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. A vaccine

typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism and is often made
from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins. The agent
stimulates the body's immune system to recognize the agent as foreign, destroy it, and keep a
record of it, so that the immune system can more easily recognize and destroy any of these
microorganisms that it later encounters.
Figure 3- Cascade of immune reactions. On contact with an antigen, the Antigen presenting cell (APC) present the antigen to an
effector cell. The effector cell recognizes the antigen that the APC holds at its cell surface and releases proteins that calls more
immune cells to destroy the antigen. The effector cell has a second function of division (proliferation)
Figure 4- Primary response- When an antigen is encountered by the immune system for the first time, the body takes more time
to recruit and activate all the cells and destroy the antigen. The result of primary response is destruction of the antigen and
memory cells. Memory cells remember the properties of the antigen and in case of a second attack by the same antigen, cause a
more rapid and more vigorous response. This is called the secondary response.
Figure 5- Primary response of antigen indicated in blue line. Primary and secondary response to antigens indicated by black line

Vaccine mode of action:

Immunization is the process of eliciting a long-lived state of protective immunity against a

disease-causing pathogen. Exposure to the live pathogen followed by recovery is one route to
immunization. Vaccination, or intentional exposure to forms of a pathogen that do not cause
disease (a vaccine), is another. In an ideal world, both engage antigen-specific cells and result in
the generation of memory cells, providing long-lived protection. However, vaccination does not
ensure immunity, and a state of immune protection can be achieved by vaccination.
A state of immunity can be induced by passive or active immunization. Short-term passive
immunization is induced by the transfer of preformed antibodies. Natural infection or vaccination
can induce active immunization and lead to long-term immunity.
Figure 6- Immunity can be gained by passive or active way

Types of vaccines:
Five types of vaccines are currently used or under experimental consideration in humans: live,
attenuated (avirulent) microorganisms; inactivated (killed) microorganisms and purified
macromolecules (subunits).

Figure 7- Types of vaccines

Live vaccines have the advantage of inducing both humoral and cell-mediated immunity, and can
produce more effective overall protective immunity. However, live, attenuated vaccines carry
the risk of reversion, which is not an issue with recombinant forms.
Scientists produce inactivated vaccines by killing the disease-causing microbe with chemicals,
heat, or radiation. Such vaccines are more stable and safer than live vaccines: The dead microbes
can’t mutate back to their disease-causing state. Inactivated vaccines usually don’t require
refrigeration, and they can be easily stored and transported in a freeze-dried form, which makes
them accessible to people in developing countries.
Isolated protein components of pathogens expressed in cell culture can be used to create
effective vaccines, especially when the toxic effects of the pathogen are due to discrete protein
products. Polysaccharide and other less immunogenic vaccines may be conjugated to more
immunogenic proteins to enhance or maximize the immune response.

Some vaccines show effect on a pathogen, however this effect is lost in the offsprings of the
pathogen: Example of influenza vaccines

The virions are surrounded by an outer envelope, Inserted into the envelope are two
glycoproteins, hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA).
Figure 8- Influenza virus particle.

The first time a human influenza virus was isolated

was in 1934; this virus was given the subtype
designation H0N1 (where H is hemagglutinin and N is
neuraminidase). The hemagglutinin trimer binds to
sialic acid groups on host-cell glycoproteins and
glycolipids. Neuraminidase, as its name indicates,
cleaves N-acetylneuraminic (sialic) acid from nascent
viral glycoproteins and host-cell membrane
glycoproteins, an activity that presumably facilitates
viral budding from the infected host cell.

A number of vaccines have been designed that target

hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. However, the virus still is capable of surviving against the
vaccines because of two processes that the virus is capable of:

1. Producing a series of spontaneous point mutations that occur gradually, resulting in minor
changes in HA and NA.
2. Producing sudden emergence of a new subtype of influenza, who’s HA and possibly also
NA are considerably different from that of the virus present in a preceding epidemic.

Evolution of the immune system:

The innate immune system acts as the first line of defense and exists to provide early defense
against pathogen attack, and to alert the adaptive immune system to the fact that pathogen
invasion has begun. Many attributes of the innate immune system cells like macrophage cells are
very similar to the movement of the most primitive organism amoeba. However, at such a basic
level of organism, a stronger defense mechanism is not present. Innate immunity in eukaryotes
can be thought of as arising from the need of a unicellular microorganism such as an amoeba to
discriminate between food and other amoebas. Innate immunity in eukaryotes allows the initial
recognition of a foreign pathogen. However, this initial defense system does not provide the
memory response required to identify a second round of attack by the pathogen. Therefore, a
vaccine cannot be designed for such an organism that can only raise the innate response.

Genomic analysis of plants and animals provides evidence that a sophisticated mechanism of
host defense was in existence by the time the ancestors of plants and animals diverged.

It has been known for at least 50 years that all jawed fish can mount an adaptive immune
response. On the other hand, hagfish and lampreys, which are jawless vertebrates, lack all signs
of an adaptive immune system: they do not have organized lymphoid tissue, they lack primary
immune responses, and most importantly, they do not exhibit immunological memory. It was
only in 1998 that the answers to these questions began to become apparent.

Adaptive immune system is the second line of defense of the immune system. In jawed fish and
all ‘higher’ vertebrates, adaptive immunity is possible because a transposable element invaded a
stretch of DNA, presumably a gene that was similar to an immunoglobulin gene. On the other
hand, hagfish and lampreys, which are jawless vertebrates, lack all signs of an adaptive immune
system: they do not have immune organs, they lack primary immune responses, and most
importantly, they do not exhibit immunological memory. By contrast, even cartilaginous fish, the
earliest jawed fish to survive to the present day, have organized immune organs, albeit primitive,
and the ability to mount adaptive immune responses.

Thus the ability of mounting an adaptive immune response allows the organism to enlist cells for
clearing out the invading pathogen and most important, produce memory cells for the specific
pathogen (launch a secondary immune response). Such organisms which can mount an adaptive
immune response and a secondary immune response can be vaccinated.

An operon is a group of genes transcribed at the same time. It is only found in prokaryotes. They regulate
biochemical process. Each operon consists of a promoter, an operator and a regulator whose products
function in a common pathway.

The lactose operon or the lac operon is one of the

many operons that operates in bacteria. The lac
operon encodes a set of genes that are involved in
the metabolism of a simple sugar, lactose.

Figure 1- Lactose is a disaccharide composed of two sugars

(galactose and glucose) with a βlinkage between carbon 1 of
galactose and carbon 4 of glucose

The lac operon encodes three proteins (i)

β‐galactosidase - the product of the lacZ
gene (ii) lactose permease - the product of
the lacY gene and (iii) lactose
transacetylase -the product of the lacA
gene. All these genes are transcribed from
a common promoter site.

Figure 2- Activity of β galactosidase and lactose permease in the metabolism of lactose

Escherichia coli use either glucose or lactose. There can be four options like:

1. When glucose is present and lactose is absent the E. coli does not produce β galactosidase.

2. When glucose is present and lactose is present the E. coli does not produce β galactosidase.

3. When glucose is absent and lactose is absent the E. coli does not produce β galactosidase.

4. When glucose is absent and lactose is present the E. coli does produce β galactosidase

Figure 3- Lac operon (R- Regulatory gene (i) codes for repressor protein; O- operator)

The regulation of lac operon

When lactose is absent, a

repressor protein is continuously
synthesized. It binds to the
operator site of the lac operon.
The operator site is located just in
front of the three genes of the
operon. As a result of repressor
binding the RNA polymerase is not
able to move forward to the three
genes. Therefore the transcription
of the genes are blocked. The
repressor protein is synthesized from regulator genes

Figure 4- Repression of lac operon expression in absence of lactose

When lactose is present, a

small amount of a sugar
allolactose is formed within the
bacterial cell. This fits onto the
repressor protein at another
active site (allosteric site). This
causes the repressor protein to
change its shape (a
conformational change). It can
no longer sit on the operator
site. RNA polymerase can now
reach its promoter site and
transcribes the gene lac Z, lac Y
and lac A. As a result, the
lactose can be metabolized.
Figure 5- Activation of lac operon in
presence of lactose

When glucose and lactose are

present RNA polymerase can sit on the promoter site but it is unstable and it keeps falling off. For
stabilizing RNA polymerase another protein is needed known as the activator protein. The activator
protein only works when glucose is absent. In this way E. coli only makes enzymes to metabolize other
sugars in the absence of glucose.

Catabolite Repression of the lac Operon: Choosing the Best Sugar to Metabolize:

An additional control system is superimposed on the repressor–operator system. This control system is
thought to have evolved because the cell can capture more energy from the breakdown of glucose than
it can from the breakdown of other sugars. If both lactose and glucose are present, the synthesis of β-
galactosidase is not induced until all the glucose has been utilized. Thus, the cell conserves its energy pool
used, for example, to synthesize the Lac enzymes by utilizing any existing glucose before going through
the energy-expensive process of creating new machinery to metabolize lactose.

The glucose breakdown product modulates the

level of an important cellular constituent—cyclic
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). When glucose
is present in high concentrations, the cell’s cAMP
concentration is low; as the glucose concentration
decreases, the cellular concentration of cAMP
increases correspondingly. The high concentration
of cAMP is necessary for activation of the lac
operon. cAMP binds with CAP (catabolite activator
protein) to form the cAMP-CAP complex. This
complex then binds to the CAP binding site on the
lac operon and increases the affinity of RNA
polymerase for the lac promoter. In this way, the
catabolite repression system contributes to the
selective activation of the lac operon.

Figure 6- The operon is inducible by lactose to the maximal levels when cAMP and CAP form a complex. (a) Under conditions of
high glucose, a glucose breakdown product inhibits an enzyme, preventing the conversion of ATP into cAMP. (b) Under conditions
of low glucose, there is no breakdown product, and therefore the enzyme is active and cAMP is formed. (c) When cAMP is present,
it complexes with CAP. (d) The cAMP–CAP complex acts as an activator of lac operon transcription by binding to a region within
the lac promoter.

Viruses are the simplest form of life and they exist on the borderline between the living and the
inanimate, non-biological world. They are mostly DNA/RNA that happen to be wrapped in a
coating (termed a capsid). The capsid affords protection for the viral genes and allows viral genes
to gain entrance to appropriate host cells. They are obligate parasites in the sense that they can
only replicate after they have invaded and parasitized a host cell. However, the distinction of
viruses from living organisms is drawn on basis of following observable facts about viruses:
 Virus particles are produced from the assembly of preformed components, whereas other
agents grow from an increase in the integrated sum of their components and reproduce by
 Virus particles themselves do not grow or undergo division.
 Viruses lack the genetic information that encodes apparatus necessary for the generation
of metabolic energy or for protein synthesis.
Life cycle of viruses:
The following steps represent the generalized productive life cycle for animal viruses:
A) The virus attaches to host receptor on the plasma membrane through its many attachment
B) The host plasma membrane surrounds the virus and draws it into the cell, a process called
C) Viral envelope fuse with endosomal membrane releasing nucleocapsids
D) Nucleic Acid (NA) of virus covered by capsid proteins
E) Viral NA enters cytoplasm
F) Viral NA serves as a template for new viral NA
G) Nucleocapsid enters the nucleus and begins the process of morphogenesis
H) Envelope proteins pass through the ER and golgi body
I) Nucleocapsid movement to membrane
J) Budding process
K) Viral particle release

Classification of eukaryotic Virus:
The primary characteristics used to differentiate eukaryotic viruses are associated with their
nucleic acid. First, viruses may be separated based on whether they are DNA viruses or RNA
viruses. The nucleic acid may be single-stranded (ss) or double-stranded (ds), depending on the
species. If the ssRNA is able to function as mRNA it is referred to as plus strand RNA (+RNA); if
it is the equivalent to antisense RNA it is known as minus strand RNA (−RNA). Virion shape is
also used to differentiate among the viruses since they have a number of distinctive forms:
cylindrical or helical, spherical, icosahedral, bulletshaped, or even more complex shapes.

Replication strategies:
This genetic material is the source for coding all the proteins needed for the virus to survive and
propagate in a host cell. After the process of replication or protein synthesis stages are completed,
new virus particles are produced by the association of the newly synthesized protein coats and the
newly synthesized virus genetic material. The replication of the nucleic acid is extremely diverse,
however, some general features can be outlined.
+ ssRNA Virus genome replication
Single-stranded +RNA viruses, such as picornviruses and togaviruses, maybe directly translated.
Aviral encoded RNA-dependent RNA polymerase is produced early on and catalyzes the
transcription of intermediate complementary −RNA strands. The minus strands then serve as
templates for the synthesis of genomic +RNAs.

RT directed +ssRNA virus genome replication

Retroviruses are an unusual group of +RNA viruses in that they synthesize new +RNA using a
DNA template. The plus genome is converted in a step-wise manner to a dsDNA molecule by
reverse transcriptase, which is carried by the virus. Reverse transcriptase subsequently synthesizes
a DNA strand complementary to the first and the resulting dsDNA integrates into the host genome.
Finally +ssRNA are created using the dsDNA as template

- ssRNA virus genome replication
Single-stranded −RNA viruses are those with nucleic acids (genomes) that cannot be translated.
The −RNA strand serves as a template for the synthesis of +RNA that functions as mRNA. Viral
proteins translated from the mRNA promote the synthesis of full-length +RNA strands that
function as templates for the synthesis of full-length −RNA genome strands. Usually the virus
brings into the cell an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase for making viral mRNA.

ds RNA virus
Double-stranded RNA viruses, such as reoviruses, are segmented and carry a dsRNA-dependent
RNA polymerase which they use to transcribe their genomes. The RNA segments and the mRNA
molecules specified by them only encode for one protein each. These viruses replicate their dsRNA
genomes by producing many copies of plus strand RNA that are not translated, but serve as
templates for the synthesis of complementary minus strands.

ds DNA virus genome replication

The simplest viruses to understand are those with genomes of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA).
Once the nucleocapsid of this type of virus enters the cell, it proceeds to the nucleus where it
mimics the genome of the host cell. The viral genome is replicated using the host cell DNA
polymerase, and the viral genome is transcribed by the host cell RNA polymerase. The resulting
transcripts carrying information encoding viral proteins is then transported to the cytoplasm and
and viral proteins are produced with the host ribosomes. These newly synthesized viral proteins
are used as the protein capsid around newly replicated viral DNA molecules. These new virions
are released from the cell and trigger new rounds of replication. But some viruses produce their
own DNA polymerase and use them for the next round of replications.

Making the most of a limited genome: In a continuous arrangement of one nucleotide after the
other, it is possible that a second reading frame could be formed in which nucleotide number 2 to
4 forms the first codon, nucleotide number 5 to 7 forms second codon and so on. It is easy to
imagine that on similar lines, a third reading frame is also possible. So we can imagine that
depending on whichever reading frame is used during translation, the same gene may produce two
or three entirely different polypeptide or proteins from the same gene.
The above information showing how the same nucleotide sequence of an mRNA be read as three
different proteins due to alterations of the reading frame. While in the first reading frame, the
mRNA sequence shall be translated as “Ile-leu-Arg-Phe-Ser” amino acid residues; in the second
the same mRNA will be translated into “Phe-Cys-Glu-Leu-Leu”. In the third reading frame, the
translation will be termed prematurely as a stop codon gets created.
Overlap of genes within a genome
Though in most organisms, a gene normally encodes only one polypeptide or protein as translation
always begins on the same reading frame, in several viruses, the same DNA base sequence codes
for two different proteins by employing two different reading frames giving raise to overlapping
genes. For example, virus or bacteriophage has two overlapping genes in its genome. Overlapping
genes are also observed in the genomes of virus or phage. It has been suggested that because of
the fixed, small size of viral capsid, viruses require economical use of a limited amount of DNA
to code for the variety of proteins needed to infect a host cell and replicate within it. Overlapping
genes provide an opportunity to achieve this. Normally, overlap of genes is considered as a
primitive characteristics of a genome.

What is recombinant DNA technology?

Molecular biology technique borrows many of its principles based on observation of the
microbial world. In the early 1960s, before the advent of gene cloning, studies of genes often
relied on indirect or fortuitous discoveries, such as the ability of bacteriophages to incorporate
bacterial genes into their genomes. A huge contribution to recombinant DNA technology is based
on the products and processes followed by the microbes.

The cornerstone of most molecular biology technologies is the gene. To facilitate the study of
genes, they can be isolated and amplified. One method of isolation and amplification of a gene
of interest is to clone the gene by inserting it into another DNA molecule that serves as a vehicle
or vector that can be replicated in living cells. When these two DNAs of different origin are
combined, the result is a recombinant DNA molecule. Although genetic processes such as
crossing-over technically produce recombinant DNA, the term is generally reserved for DNA
molecules produced by joining segments derived from different biological sources. The
recombinant DNA molecule is placed in a host cell, either prokaryotic or eukaryotic. The host cell
then replicates (producing a clone), and the vector with its foreign piece of DNA also replicates.
The foreign DNA thus becomes amplified in number, and following its amplification can be
purified for further analysis.

Insights from bacteriophage lambda (l) cohesive sites

In 1962, Allan Campbell noted that the linear genome of bacteriophage λ forms a circle upon
entering the host bacterial cell, and a recombination (breaking and rejoining) event inserts the
phage DNA into the host chromosome. Reversal of the recombination event leads to normal
excision of the phage DNA. Further analysis revealed that phage λ had short regions of single-
stranded DNA whose base sequences were complementary to each other at each end of its linear
genome. These single-stranded regions were called “cohesive” (cos) sites.

Figure 1- Cloning (insertion) of viral DNA into bacterial (host) cell. The cohesive ends are complementary to each other and thus
gain a circular form in the host after insertion.

Complementary base pairing of the cos sites allowed the linear genome to become a circle within
the host bacterium. The idea of joining DNA segments by “cohesive sites” became the guiding
principle for the development of genetic engineering. With the molecular characterization of
restriction and modification systems in bacteria, it soon became apparent that the ideal
engineering tools for making cohesive sites on specific DNA pieces were already available in the
form of restriction endonucleases. Hamilton Smith and co-workers demonstrated unequivocally
that restriction endonucleases cleave a specific DNA sequence. The activity of cutting by
restriction endonucleases, mostly, produced cohesive ends. Restriction endonucleases (also
referred to simply as restriction enzymes) received their name because they restrict or prevent
viral infection by degrading the invading nucleic acid.

Modification system.

At the time, it was known that methyl groups were added to bacterial DNA at a limited number
of sites. Most importantly, the location of methyl groups varied among bacterial species. Arber
and colleagues were able to demonstrate that modification consisted of the addition of methyl
groups to protect those sites in DNA sensitive to attack by a restriction endonuclease. Methyl-
modified target sites are no longer recognized by restriction endonucleases and the DNA is no
longer degraded. Once established, methylation patterns are maintained during replication. In
contrast, foreign DNA that is unmethylated or has a different pattern of methylation than the
host cell DNA is degraded by restriction endonucleases.

Cutting and joining DNA

Two major categories of enzymes are important tools in the isolation of DNA and the preparation
of recombinant DNA: restriction endonucleases and DNA ligases. Restriction endonucleases
recognize a specific, rather short, nucleotide sequence on a double-stranded DNA molecule,
called a restriction site, and cleave the DNA at this recognition site or elsewhere, depending on
the type of enzyme. DNA ligase joins two pieces of DNA by forming phosphodiester bonds. To
increase the efficiency of the reaction, researchers often use the enzyme terminal
deoxynucleotidyl transferase to modify the blunt ends (no cohesive ends). For example, if a
single-stranded poly(dA) tail is added to DNA fragments from one source, and a single stranded
poly(dT) tail is added to DNA from another source, the complementary tails can hydrogen bond.
Recombinant DNA molecules can then be created by ligation.

It should be appreciated that the entire framework of molecular cloning rests heavily on the
contributions made by the microbial world.

Molecular cloning

The basic procedure of molecular cloning involves a series of steps:

First, the DNA fragments to be cloned are generated by using restriction endonucleases.

Second, the fragments produced by digestion with restriction enzymes are ligated to other DNA
molecules that serve as vectors. Vectors can replicate autonomously (independent of host
genome replication) in host cells and facilitate the manipulation of the newly created
recombinant DNA molecule.

Third, the recombinant DNA molecule is transferred to a host cell. Within this cell, the
recombinant DNA molecule replicates, producing dozens of identical copies known as clones. As
the host cells replicate, the recombinant DNA is passed on to all progeny cells, creating a
population of identical cells, all carrying the cloned sequence.

Finally, the cloned DNA segments can be recovered from the host cell, purified, and analyzed in
various ways.

Vector DNA

Cloning vectors are carrier DNA molecules. Four important features of all cloning vectors are that
they: (i) can independently replicate themselves and the foreign DNA segments they carry; (ii)
contain a number of unique restriction endonuclease cleavage sites that are present only once
in the vector; (iii) carry a selectable marker (usually in the form of antibiotic resistance genes or
genes for enzymes missing in the host cell) to distinguish host cells that carry vectors from host

cells that do not contain a vector; and (iv) are relatively easy to recover from the host cell. There
are many possible choices of vector depending on the purpose of cloning.

Plasmid DNA as a vector

Plasmids are naturally occurring extrachromosomal, double-stranded circular DNA molecules

that carry an origin of replication and replicate autonomously within bacterial cells. The plasmid
vector pBR322, constructed in 1974, was one of the first genetically engineered plasmids to be
used in recombinant DNA. Plasmids are named with a system of uppercase letters and numbers,
where the lowercase “p” stands for “plasmid.” In the case of pBR322, the BR identifies the original
constructors of the vector (Bolivar and Rodriquez), and 322 is the identification number of the
specific plasmid. pUC18 is a derivative of pBR322.


Plasmid vectors are modified to contain a specific antibiotic resistance gene and a multiple
cloning site (also called the polylinker region) which has a number of unique target sites for
restriction endonucleases. Cutting the circular plasmid vector with one of these enzymes results
in a single cut, creating a linear plasmid. A foreign DNA molecule, referred to as the “insert,” cut
with the same enzyme, can then be joined to the vector in a ligation reaction. Ligations of the
insert to vector are not 100% productive, because the two ends of a plasmid vector can be readily
ligated together, which is called self-ligation. But, if the vector is joined with a foreign insert, the
5′-phosphate is provided by the foreign DNA. Another strategy involves using two different
restriction endonuclease cutting sites with noncomplementary sticky ends. This inhibits self-
ligation and promotes annealing of the foreign DNA in the desired orientation within the vector.

Transformation: transfer of recombinant plasmid DNA to a bacterial host

The ligation reaction mixture of recombinant and nonrecombinant DNA described in the
preceding section is introduced into bacterial cells in a process called transformation. The
permeable “competent” cells are then mixed with DNA to allow entry of the DNA into the
bacterial cell. Successfully transformed bacteria will carry either recombinant or nonrecombinant
plasmid DNA. Multiplication of the plasmid DNA occurs within each transformed bacterium. A
single bacterial cell placed on a solid surface (agar plate) containing nutrients can multiply to
form a visible colony made of millions of identical cells. As the host cell divides, the plasmid
vectors are passed on to progeny, where they continue to replicate. Numerous cell divisions of a
single transfomed bacteria result in a clone of cells (visible as a bacterial colony) from a single
parental cell. This step is where “cloning” got its name. The cloned DNA can then be isolated from
the clone of bacterial cells.

Figure 2- Production of recombinants and transformation

Recombinant selection

What needs to be included in the medium for plating cells so that nontransformed bacterial cells
are not able to grow at all? The answer depends on the particular vector, but in the case of
pUC18, the vector carries a selectable marker gene for resistance to the antibiotic ampicillin.
Ampicillin, a derivative of penicillin, blocks synthesis of the peptidoglycan layer that lies between
the inner and outer cell membranes of E. coli. Ampicillin does not affect existing cells with intact
cell envelopes but kills dividing cells as they synthesize new peptidoglycan. The ampicillin
resistance genes carried by the recombinant plasmids protects against ampicillin.
Nontransformed cells contain no pUC18 DNA, therefore they will not be antibiotic-resistant, and
their growth will be inhibited on agar containing ampicillin. Transformed bacterial cells may
contain either nonrecombinant pUC18 DNA (selfligated vector only) or recombinant pUC18 DNA
(vector containing foreign DNA insert). Both types of transformed bacterial cells will be ampicillin-

resistant. Further screening may be done to separate out the recombinant from non-
recombinant types.

Figure 3- Recombinant selection on a selective media

The final step is purification of the plasmid DNA and can be further used for various purposes.

Application of molecular cloning

Molecular cloning provides scientists with an essentially unlimited quantity of any individual DNA
segments derived from any genome. This material can be used for a wide range of purposes,

including those in both basic and applied biological science. A few of the more important
applications are i) To study the genome organization and gene expression; ii) Production of
recombinant proteins; iii) Transgenic organisms/genetically modified organisms (GMOs);
Although most GMOs are generated for purposes of basic biological research (transgenic mouse),
a number of GMOs have been developed for commercial use, ranging from animals and plants
that produce pharmaceuticals or other compounds (pharming), herbicide-resistant crop plants,
and fluorescent tropical fish (GloFish) for home entertainment. iv) Gene therapy; Gene therapy
involves supplying a functional gene to cells lacking that function, with the aim of correcting a
genetic disorder or acquired disease. Gene therapy can be broadly divided into two categories.
The first is alteration of germ cells, that is, sperm or eggs, which results in a permanent genetic
change for the whole organism and subsequent generations. This “germ line gene therapy” is
considered by many to be unethical in human beings. The second type of gene therapy, “somatic
cell gene therapy”, is analogous to an organ transplant. In this case, one or more specific tissues
are targeted by direct treatment or by removal of the tissue, addition of the therapeutic gene or
genes in the laboratory, and return of the treated cells to the patient. Clinical trials of somatic
cell gene therapy began in the late 1990s, mostly for the treatment of cancers and blood, liver,
and lung disorders.

Figure 4- Human insulin production using molecular cloning. The production of human insulin chains in bacterium is a classic
example of the application of molecular cloning for improving human life. Initially, bovine and porcine sources were used for the
purpose of human insulin production. However, this gave rise to various ethical and medical problems. These problems are
successfully overcome by recombinant DNA technology to produce insulin in bacteria.



Presentation of the problem: We need a pump to uplift water to a tank. The

requirement of a pump is to pull water against the gravity. Look at the human body. We
do also have a pump (heart) to circulate blood. Now imagine tall tree. In plants, there
are no standing tanks, pumps (hearts), or valves that can move water up trees. The leaves
at the tip of the tree must get water to survive and for preparation of food. Do a tree have
a pump to pull water against the gravitational force? How much water can a tree process?
How do they prevent loss of water? Today we know that a big tree can process around
3000 liters of water a day. What are the motive forces of water movement in plants?
What will be the speed of transport?
The route map of water transport in plants
Root HairCortex cells-Xylem vessels of rootXylem vessels of stemXylem vessels
of leafStomata (Escapes in the form of water vapor—Transpiration)

The hurdles of water relations in plants: (a) Water absorption (b) Water transport in
xylem upwards against gravitational pull (c) Transport of sap in Phloem
Water absorption: The water absorbing cell of the root is the root hair. Root hair cell is
a root epidermal cell with a hair like projection. This is an adaptation to increase the water
absorbing area. Another advantage of this root hair architecture is to maintain contact
with the soil by bending into the soil particle and penetrating into the crevices. If you take
a root, you will find a root hair zone where the frequency of the root hairs are high. This
is towards the root tip. Hence all part of the root are not absorbing water. Because root
is an organ which is multifunctional: (i)To absorb water and mineral ions (ii) To support
the plant

SEM pictures of root hairs in Rice

The cell wall is made up of cellulose. It is hydrophilic in nature. Root hair cell imbibe
water. From here water enters the cell sap through osmosis. The water movement till
the xylem cell is through osmosis. Then it enters xylem cell by the transpiration pull.
So the water absorbed by the root has to move radially to reach the xylem. Here is the
three possible ways of radial transport till the xylem vessel.
The figure showing the radial conduction of water in three different ways Apoplastic
(through the non-living cell wall), symplastic (through the living parts ie cytoplasm) and
transcellular (water crosses the cell wall and cell membrane and also through the vacule)

Now the question is xylem is a dead tissue. How it is enabled with features of water

The root of water movement in the plant is through xylem vessels. It is the longest
pathway of water transport. In a plant 1 m tall, more than 99.5% of the water transport
pathway through the plant is within the xylem, and in tall trees the xylem represents an
even greater fraction of the pathway. Why the plant evolved with a dead tissue for
water conduction?
Xylem is dead. It means it has no membranes and no organelles. Its cross walls and
contents will break down. Hence it is a continuous system (the lumina) from root till the
leaf end. Its walls are deposited with lignin. This makes it rigid. It is more
hydrophobic. The another advantages are (i) Being dead it can transport toxic
substances (ii) Chilling does not stop water movement.

The motive forces of water movement: Capillary force, Transpiration pull

(cohesion tension) and root pressure

(A) Capillary force

We know the from the school days that roots absorb water and minerals from the soil.
The water is transported to the leaves and is necessary for the preparation of food through
photosynthesis. Look at the following figure and find the analogy. What is the force
Xylem vessels are narrow and dead without cross walls making it an ideal system to
develop capillary force. This facilitates the water movement upward.
The capillary force is very minimal and it is unable to lift water to very high levels as in the
case of a tree. People use paper towels (and thus, capillary action) to wipe up liquid spills.

(B) Transpiration Pull (The cohesion Tension)

During transpiration water evaporates from the leaf and escape through the stomata. The
water column is continuous from root hair till the stomata. As one molecule escapes,
another one is pulled into the xylem. This is because of cohesive forces.

(C) Root pressure

A pressure is developed in xylem vessels when water is absorbed by root hair cells.
This is the root pressure. Roots generate positive hydrostatic pressure by absorbing
ions from the soil. The absorption of ion requires energy ie ATP. Hence there is a
metabolic pump. Ie the energy through the respiration of root hair cells itself.

Now do you think that the from capillary water is in soil till the stomatal end is a
continuous column? This is the Concept of the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum.
Now look at the speed

In plants all cells are not living. It is a system or combination both dead and living
cells emerged as an efficient mechanism of water transport!
Mechanisms of enhancing efficiency of water absorption in plants

Mycorrhizae: This is a symbiotic relationship formed between root cells and fungus.
The fungus helps in water absorption and mineral absorption. The fungal filaments
are much finer than root hairs. Hence they can reach further areas of soil where root
hair is unable to reach. In return plant cells provide food and shelter for fungus. This
association can be found in most of the plants.

Velamen tissue: Many orchids are epiphytes. How do they absorb water? Orchids
are equipped with special roots known as velamen roots. The outer layer of these
roots are made up of velamen tissue. This is a dead tissue like xylem. Velamen
tissue directly absorbs moisture from the atmosphere by imbibition. Now the nearby
living cells absorb water from the velamen tissue.
Water absorption in hydrophytes: In these plants the function of root is merely
restricted for anchorage. They do not have root hairs. Xylem is poorly developed
in Hydrophytes as the water absorption takes place all over the body. In these plants
stomata are inactive.
Mechanisms of phloem transport

In contrast to xylem phloem is a living tissue. It has cross walls. It transport the sap
which contains mainly sugar apart from hormones. In phloem sap can be transported
in both directions. How?

This can be explained on the basis of “Source sink” relationship. The leaves are the
source of sugar. The sink is the consuming end may be a root which store it. Phloem
sap can be transported in any direction needed so long as there is a source of sugar
and a sink able to use. The source and sink may be reversed depending on the
season, or the plant's needs. Sugar stored in roots may be mobilized to become a
source of food in the early spring when the buds of trees, the sink, need energy for
growth and development of the photosynthetic apparatus.
The accepted mechanism needed for the translocation of sugars from source to sink
is called the pressure flow hypothesis.

The movement of sugars in the phloem begins at the source, where (a) sugars are
loaded (actively transported) into a sieve tube. Loading of the phloem sets up a
water potential gradient that facilitates the movement of water into the dense
phloem sap from the neighboring xylem (b). As hydrostatic pressure in the phloem
sieve tube increases, pressure flow begins (c), and the sap moves through the
phloem. Meanwhile, at the sink (d), incoming sugars are actively transported out
of the phloem and removed as complex carbohydrates. The loss of solute produces
a high water potential in the phloem, and water passes out (e), returning eventually
to the xylem.

Can xylem and phloem gets blocked? Whether air bubbles are forming there?
Xylem and phloem can be blocked due to physical blockages with secondary
metabolites such as phenolics. Blockages can also be possible with viral particles
or phytoplasma. This can lead to wilt of the plant and death.
Water moving up in the xylem or up and down in phloem has to be continuous
channel. If any air bubbles are formed, water fails to move.

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