Lesson Four

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Lesson Four

Text: Conversation (from "My Family and Other Animals" by Gerald

Grammar: Subjunctive Mood (contd.)
The use of the subjunctive mood in "as if" clauses, in an object
clause after the verb "wish", in a subject clause after "It's high
time ..."

As soon as we had settled down (влаштувались) and started to enjoy the
island,2 Larry3 wrote to all his friends and asked them to come out and stay. The
fact that the villa was only just big enough to house (розмістити) the family had
not occurred to him (не прийшло йому в голову).
"I've asked a few people out for a week or so," he said casually (ненавмисно)
to Mother one morning.
"By all means, dear," said Mother unthinkingly.
"I thought it would do us good to have some intelligent and stimulating
company4 around."
"I hope they're not too highbrow5 (високоінтелектуальні), dear," said
"Good Lord, Mother, of course they're not; just extremely charming
(надзвичайно чарівні), ordinary people. I don't know why you've got this fear
about people being highbrow."
"I don't like the highbrow ones," said Mother sadly. "I'm not highbrow, and I-
can't talk about poetry and things. But they always seem to imagine, just because
I'm your mother, that I should be able to discuss literature with them. And they
always come and ask me silly questions just when I'm in the middle of cooking."
"I don't ask you to discuss art with them," said Larry, a little illtemperedly,
"but I think you ought to (повинна) try to hide your awful taste in literature. I fill
the house with good books and I find your bedside table piled with cookery books,
gardening books, and the most unpleasant-looking mystery stories. I can't think
where you pick these things up."
"They're very good detective stories," said Mother. "I borrowed them from the
Larry gave a short, angry sigh (зітхнув) and picked up his book again.
"You'd better let the Pension Suisse6 know when they're coming," Mother
"What for?" asked Larry surprised.
"So they can reserve the rooms," said Mother equally surprised.
"But I've invited them to stay here," Larry pointed out.
"Larry! You haven't! Really you are most thoughtless (бездумний). How can
they possibly stay here?"
"I really don't see what you're making such a fuss (суєта) about," said Larry
"But where are we going to sleep?" said Mother, very much upset in her
mind. "There's hardly enough room for us, as it is. You'll just have to write to those
people and put them off."
"I can't put them off," said Larry, "they're on the way."
"Really, Larry, you are the most annoying person. Why on earth 7 didn't you
tell me before? You wait until they're nearly here, and then you tell me."
"I didn't know you were going to treat the arrival of a few guests as if it were
a catastrophe," Larry explained.
"But, dear, it's so silly to invite people when you know there's no room in the
"I do wish you'd stop fussing," said Larry; "there's quite a simple solution to
the whole matter."
"What?" asked Mother suspiciously (підозріло).
"Well, since the villa isn't big enough, let's move to one that is."
"Don't be ridiculous. Whoever heard of moving into a larger house because
you've invited some friends to stay?"
"What's the matter with the idea? It seems a perfectly sensible (розумний)
solution to me; after all, if you say there's no room here, the obvious thing to do is
to move."
"The obvious thing to do is not to invite people," said Mother.
"I don't think it's good for us to live like hermits," said Larry. "I really invited
them for you. They're a charming crowd. I thought you'd like to have them. Liven
things up a bit for you."
"I'm quite lively enough, thank you," said Mother. "How many have you
"Oh, just a few... two or three... They won't all be coming at once. I expect
they'll turn up one by one."
"I think at least you might be able to tell me how many you've invited," said
"Well, I can't remember now. Some of them didn't reply, but that doesn't
mean anything ... they're probably on their way and thought it was hardly worth
letting us know. Anyway, if you plan for seven or eight people I should think that
would cover it."
"You mean, including ourselves?"
"No, no, I mean seven or eight people as well as the family."
"But it's absurd, Larry; we can't possibly fit thirteen people into this villa,
with all the good will in the world."
"Well, let's move then. I've offered you a perfectly sensible solution. I don't
know what you're arguing about."
Larry gave her a hurt look, and picked up his books. There was a long silence,
during which Larry calmly read his book.
"I wish you wouldn't just lie there," Mother said at last. "After all, they're
your friends. It's up to you to do something."
Larry put down his book.
"I really don't know what you expect me to do, "he said. "Every suggestion
I've made you've disagreed with."
"If you made sensible suggestions I wouldn't disagree."
"I don't see anything ridiculous in anything I suggested."
"But, Larry, dear, do be reasonable (будьте розумним). We can't just rush to
a new villa because some people are coming. I doubt whether we'd find one in
time, anyway. We are not moving to another villa," said Mother firmly; "I've made
up my mind about that."
She straightened her spectacles, gave Larry an angry look, and walked off
towards the kitchen, expressing determination in every inch.
The new villa was enormous...

1. Gerald Durrell was born in Jamshedpur, India, in 1925. A well-known
zoologist, director of the Jersey Zoological Park founded by him in 1958. He has
written a number of books describing his animal-collecting expeditions to different
parts of the world. His book "The Overloaded Ark", "The Drunken Forest", "The
Whispering Lad", "Three Tickets to Adventure" and others have been translated
into many languages. "Conversation" is a chapter from "My Family and Other
Animals" (1967) giving a humorous picture of the life of the Durrell family
(mother, daughter and three sons) on the Greek island of Corfu (1934—1939).
2. the island of Corfu
3. Larry: Lawrence Durrell, Gerald's eldest brother, now a well-known
English writer, the author of "Bitter Lemons", "Justine" and other books.
4. company: in the sense of "companionship"общество, компания (людей)
it is uncountable, e.g. We're having company tonight.У нас сегодня гости. The
Browns are excellent company. Брауни дуже приємні люди.
5. highbrow: persons with intellectual, literary and artistic tastes and
interests superior to those of most people високоінтелектуальний; доступний
лише для обраних; заумний; з претензією на вченість; снобістський
6. Pension Suisse(Fr.): the local hotel
7. on earth(coll.): in "Why (how, etc.) on earth...?" it is used to strengthen
the interrogative words.

Occur vi траплятися, відбуватися 2) зустрічатися, траплятися 3) спадати
на думку When did the accident occur? Such an idea never occurred to me. It
occurred to me that I could phone him. Didn't it ever occur to you to talk to him
about it?
Intelligent a розумний; кмітливий; тямущий; знаючий, розуміючий; обч.
an intelligent person (answer, look, etc.); intelligence n розум, інтелект;
Charming а чарівний, милий a charming girl (smile, house, place, etc.);
charm n чарівність, шарм; привабливість, принадність;
Ordinary а звичний, звичайний; ординарний; повсякденний; простий,
нескладний; простий, одинарний; одиночний 2) пересічний, заурядний,
посередній; банальний an ordinary person (day, job, dress, etc.)
Fear n страх, острах, боязнь 2) побоювання Не had no fear of (about)
anything or anybody. Phr. for fear of через побоювання She never travels in a
car for fear of an accident. He did not speak for fear of making a mistake. fear vi/vt
боятися; лякатися 2) побоюватися We feared for his health. They feared the
worst. She feared that she might miss the train.
Temper n 1. характер a good (sweet, bad, uncertain, etc.) temper; to be ill-
(bad-, quick-, etc.) tempered бути злим, дратівливим 2. настрій, to be in (a) good
(bad) temper; Phr. lose (one's) temper виходити з себе; keep (control) one's
temper стримувати себе
ought to (usage similar to "should") (модальне дієслово)) має, повинен,
слід I think I ought to help them. He ought not to have spoken to her like that.
Pile n купа; штабель; пачка, зв'язка; стопка a pile of books (paper, clothes,
etc.); pile vt складати, звалювати в купу (pile up) ; штабелювати 2)
навантажувати, навалювати, завалювати (pile on, pile upon)
borrow vt братии в борг to borrow books (money, etc.) from smb
Equal а однаковий, рівний 2) рівноправний equal parts (sides; rights, etc.)
He has no equal in chess, unequal а нерівний, нерівноцінний unequal chances for
success — нерівні шанси на успіх 2) нерівноправний; несправедливий;
(in)equality n (не) рівність (людей) 2) (не)рівноправність 3) (не)однаковість
equally adv нарівно, порівну 2) в однаковій мірі; так само, однаково to be
equally good (clever; surprised, interested, etc.) He knows French and English
equally well.
Fuss n нервовий, збуджений стан 2) суєта, метушня; хвилювання з-за
дрібниць What is all this fuss about? Phr. make a fuss (about smth/of smb); fuss
vi хвилюватися з-за дрібниць, метушитися (fuss about); (over, with) надмірно
піклуватися (про кого-небудь) , носитися (з ким-небудь) 2) приставати з
дрібницями, набридати; турбувати; fussy а метушливий, нервовий (про
людину) to be fussy about one's health (children, clothes, food, etc.)
Room n (lit. & fig.)місце, простір There is room enough for everybody here.
There is no room for doubts. Phr. make room (for smb) посунутися, звільнити
місце Не moved to make room for two more people.
Annoy vt дратувати, набридати, турбувати, тривожити Не annoyed us
with his silly questions. She was annoyed with the child, annoyance n досада,
неприємність; прикрість 2) докучання, приставання annoying дратівливий,
докучливий an annoying person (habit, etc.)
Treat vt звертатися, обходитися, відноситися, розглядати to treat smb
well (badly, kindly, with attention, etc.); to treat smb as a child (friend, stranger,
etc.); to treat smth lightly (seriously, etc.) He treated my words as a joke. treatment
n звернення, поводження
as if=as though conj якби, начебто, нібито Не looks (looked) as if he were
Suspect vt підозрювати I suspect (that) they know all about our arrangement.
Phr. suspect smb of smth (doing smth); suspicion n підозра to be under (above)
suspicion; suspicious а підозрілий, недовірливий a suspicious look (character,
etc.); to be suspicious of smb ставитись до когось з підозрою
Since conj оскільки Since he is absent we'd better put off the discussion.
Sense n 1. почуття, відчуття, свідомість The five senses are sight (зір),
hearing (слух), smell (нюх), taste (смак) and touch (дотик). Phr. a sense of duty
(humour, proportion, etc.) 2. сенс, значення There is much (little, no, etc.) sense
in his words (in what he says; in discussing the question now, etc.); What's the
sense of doing that? Phr. common sense здоровий глузд She showed a lot of
common sense. Talk sense говорити по суті справи You'd better listen to him, he
is talking sense. The telegram did not make sense, sensible а розумний,
розсудливий 2) відчутний, помітний 3) усвідомлюючий, розуміючий; який
відчуває, чутливий a sensible man (idea, suggestion, solution, etc.); sensible
advice (words, etc.) senseless непритомний; байдужий, жорстокий 2)
безглуздий, дурний
Include vt включати, містити Не was included in the delegation. The price
for the goods includes packing.

Settle down in (at some place) оселитися (жити), облаштуватися
by all means обов’язково, неодмінно
by no means жодним чином
I (you, he, etc.) had better (do smth) мені (тобі, йому і т.д.) краще
(радше) зробити щось
as it is так як є
put smb off 1. відкладати, відстрочувати 2) відкараскатися (від кого-
небудь) ; скасувати (що-небудь)
after all врешті решт
turn up раптово з'являтися, приходити, приїжджати
(the) good will добра воля
It's up to you (him, etc.) (to do smth) тобі, йому і.т.д. вирішувати (як
One by one по одному, окремо по одному
fit smb (smth) into smth (some place) розмістити когось (десь)


Ex. I. Answer the following questions.
1. Why did Larry want all his friends "to come out and stay"? He thought it
would do him and his mother good to have some intelligent and stimulating
company around
2. Why didn't Mother like his highbrow friends? – Because she’s not high-
brow, and she can't talk about poetry and things. And they always come and ask
her silly questions just when she’s in the middle of cooking
3. Why did Larry think she ought to hide her "awful taste in literature"? –
Because he fills the house with good books but he foud her bedside table piled
with cookery books, gardening books, and the most unpleasant-looking mystery
4. Why did Mother expect Larry to let the Pension Suisse know about his
friends? – To let guests reserve the rooms.
5. Why did Larry refuse to do so? – Because he invited them to stay in his
6. Why did Mother say that he was thoughtless? – Cause there are not enough
rooms for guests.
7. Why did she tell Larry to write to his friends to put them off? - There's
hardly enough room for both of them, as it was and they didn’t have place for the
guests to stay.
8. Why couldn't he do so? – Because the guests were already on their way.
9. What did Larry suggest as a "simple solution to the whole matter"? - To
move into a larger villa.
10. What did he say that made his mother reply that she was quite lively
enough? – He said he really invited them for his mom. The friends are a charming
crowd and he thought mother would like to have them. Liven things up a bit for
11. Why didn't Larry tell her how many friends he had invited? – because the
friends didn’t reply
12. What made Mother say that Larry had been unreasonable in what he did?
– because of his suggestion to move to another villa.
13. What happened in the end? – They still moved to another villa

Ex. 2. Find in the text the English for:

1. йому не спало на думку - had not occurred to him
2. приносити користь – do smb good.
3. звичайні, милі люди – charming, ordinary people.
4. сперечатися про мистецтво - to discuss art
5. літературний смак - taste in literature
6. книги з кулінарії й садівництва - cookery books, gardening books.
7. сердито зітхнути - angry sigh
8. забронювати номер у готелю - reserve the rooms
9. здіймати галас через дрібниці – make a fuss because of the little things.
10.нестерпна людина - annoying person
11.простий вихід із ситуації, що склалася - a simple solution to the whole
12.розумне рішення - sensible solution
13.надзвичайно чарівні люди – extremely charming people
14.приїжджати по одному - turn up one by one
15.бути в дорозі – be on the way
16.при всьому бажанні - with all the good will in the world
17.розмістити у будинку 13 людей - fit thirteen people in the house
18.подивитись з образою – give a hurt look
19.спокійно продовжувати читати - calmly read the book
20.врешті решт – eventually

Ex. 3. Give the four forms of the verbs:

enjoy, stay, occur, hide, find, pile, borrow, let, sleep, upset, annoy, treat, fuss,
turn, reply, fit, argue, hurt, lie, agree.

Ex. 4. Paraphrase the following sentences using "had better".

1. I advise you to get down to business at once if you want it done in time. - you
had better get down to business at once if you want it done in time.
2. I don't advise you to sit long in the sun. – You had better not sit long in the sun
3. The one sensible thing for him to do is to tell them the whole truth. – he had
better tell the truth
4. I think you should take a warm coat with you to be on the safe side. – you had
better take a warm coat with you to be on the safe side.
5. Tell her that it would be more useful for her to read the book in the original than
in translation. – She had better read the book in the original than in translation.
6. I think he should go away on a short visit some place, it would do him good. –
he had better go away on a short visit some place, it would do him good
7. The only sensible thing for you to do, I think, is to look through the report again
before handing it in. – you had better look through the report again before handing
it in.
8. I shouldn't advise you to make a fuss about such a little thing. – You had better
not make fuss about such a little thing.
9. If you want to get well, you should obey the doctor's orders. – you had better
obey the doctor’s orders
10. Take my advice and don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today. – you
had better not put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Ex. 5. Translate the following sentences using "had better".

1. Нічого особливого не трапилось, і вам би краще не здіймати галас через
дрібниці. – Nothing special has happened and you had better not make a fuss
about such little things.
2. Останнім часом ви погано виглядаєте. Вам би краще подумати про своє
здоров’я. – You’ve been looking bad these days. You had better think about/take
care of your health.
3. Вона хвилюється і їй важко розмовляти. Їй би краще спочатку
заспокоїтися. – She’s worrying and she’s hard to talk. She had better calm down
4. Нам би радше дослухатись його слів. Він говорить по суті справи. – We
had better listen to his words. He speaks to the heart of matter.
5. Ви не показуйте свого засмучення. Тримайтесь начебто нічого не
трапилось – Don’t show your sadness.Act as if nothing has happened
6. Навіщо нам їхати на вокзал? Ви краще замовіть квитки по телефону. – Why
we should go to the station? You had better order tickets by the phone
7. Нам би краще поквапитись, інакше ми запізнимось на концерт. – We had
better hurry up or we’ll be late for the concert.
8. Мені би було варто перечитати книгу, перш ніж висловлювати свою точку
зору. – I would rather reread the book before expressing your opinion.

Ex. 6. Translate thе following sentences using "as it is (was)".

1. Мені треба йти. Я вже і так запізнююсь. – I gotta go. I’m late as it is.
2. Не варто ставити ще одну шафу в кімнату. Там і без неї немає місця. –
Don’t put another wardrobe in the room. There’s no place even without it as it is.
3. Не треба більше нічого пояснювати – і так все зрозуміло. – there’s no need
explain anything more – everything is clear as it is.
4. Не змінюйте нічого у своїй доповіді, залиште все так як є – Don’t change
anything in your report, leave everything as it is.
5. Домовленість залишилась такою як є. – The deal left as it was.
6. Пальто без паска все одно сидить на ній гарно. – The coat without a belt fits
her well as it is.
7. Обидві сторони залишили контракт без змін, таким, яким він є. – Both sides
left a contract without changes as it is.


Ex. 7. Study the following phrases; a) recall the. sentences in which they are used
in the text, and b) use them in sentences of your own.
settle down (осістіся/поселитись) - As soon as we had settled down and
started to enjoy the island, Larry wrote to all his friends and asked them to come
out and stay
occur to smb; (прийти в голову) - The fact that the villa was only just big
enough to house the family had not occurred to him.
ask smb out (for the weekend) (запросити когось) - Larry wrote to all his
friends and asked them to come out and stay
by all means (обов’язково, неодмінно) – “By all means, dear,"
fear about smth/smb (страх перед кимось/чимось) - I don't know why
you've got this fear about people being highbrow.
taste in literature (смак в літературі) - I don't ask you to discuss art with
them," said Larry, a little illtemperedly, "but I think you ought to try to hide your
awful taste in literature
borrow smth from smb (позичити щось у когось) - I borrowed them from
the doctor.
fuss about (метушитись) - I really don't see what you're making such a fuss
room for (кімната для) - There's hardly enough room for us, as it is
put smb off (відштовхнути) - You'll just have to write to those people and
put them off.
solution to the matter (вирішення питання) - there's quite a simple solution
to the whole matter.
liven up (оживити/підбадьорити) - Liven things up a bit for you.
turn up (піднятись) - I expect they'll turn up one by one
one by one - I expect they'll turn up one by one
fit into (вписуватись в)
be up to smb.(залежить від когось)

Ex. 8. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs.

1. I have something important to tell you in connection of their offer.
2. He would have never borrowed money from you without good reason.
3. She told herself that she probably was making a fuss about nothing.
4. There isn't much sense in warning him about the dangers of the trip, he
knows it all himself.
5. Her taste in clothes is admirable, she's very particular about what she
6. As was to be expected, all those present piled him with questions of his
7. I wish we could find a more sensible solution to the problem.
8. He had an unpleasant feeling as if he were suspected of telling a lie.
9. Her friends visited her daily to liven up her stay at the hospital.
10. He couldn't fit the key into the lock.
11. After supper Father settled down in his favorite armchair with the evening
paper, as was his habit.
12. There is hardly another student in our group who could equal your friend
with intelligence.
13. Though she has a driver's license, she seldom drives with fear by meeting
in an accident.
14. "May I come on Monday?" "by all means."
15. I'd like to ask you out to our country place in the weekend. Why stay to
town in such fine weather? We've got room enough to half a dozen people at least.
16. She always turns up when she is least in all expected.
17. With all the good will in the world I can't help you, I'm no good at solving
such problems.
Ex. 10. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the models.
M o d e l 1: The girl looks pretty.
She is a pretty-looking girl.
1. The student works hard. He is sure to make great progress. 2. The fellow
looks suspicious to me. 3. What is your impression about the man? He looks
intelligent to me. 4. The house looked ordinary. 5. It is her style to wear coats that
fit her close. 6. He always means well.
M o d e l 2: He is known for his good nature.
He is good-natured.
1. She has a kind heart, she won't hurt a fly. 2. I like people with a strong
mind. 3. I never knew she had such a quick temper. 4. Have you noticed that he
mostly uses his left hand. 5. The child has dark hair and blue eyes. 6. I still
remember him as a boy, rather thin with a pale face, long legs and narrow
shoulders. 7. She is a woman of middle age.

Ex. 13- Fill in the blanks with a suitable word in the correct form. Translate the
sentences into Russian.
to annoy; annoying (2); to borrow; charm; to fear; to fuss; intelligence;
intelligent; to occur; ordinary; to pile; room (2); sense (2); sensible; to suspect;
suspicion; temper; to treat; treatment

1. She ... the matter lightly, as if it were of no importance. 2. We arrived to

find them in the middle of their packing, the whole place ... with boxes and
packages of all size. 3. At the time her words made little ... to me, I was to
understand their full meaning much later. 4. He had the ... habit of... books and
then forgetting to return them. 5. There were some cold stares her way. If earlier
she had only ... that people were talking behind her back, now she knew it for
certain. 6. You may disagree with the author's ... of the problem, but still there
seems to be a lot of ... in his approach. 7. The girl's real ... was not in her looks,
which happened to be quite ..., but in her manner. 8. Whenever she visited her
aunts they would ... about her as if she were a little girl. It was terribly ...! 9. The
new assistant was everything the manager had hoped for and even more, he was
quick, ... and hard-working. 10. The suggestions he had made were quite ... and we
saw no reason why they shouldn't be accepted. 11. She had the two things that so
seldom go together—beauty and ... . 12. A seemingly unimportant incident ..., and
if it hadn't been for a well-wishing friend, he would have let it pass unnoticed. 13.
She read the letter and all became clear. There was no longer ... for doubt. 14. He
was certain to have been ... by the interruption, but he never showed it. 15. Failing
to get a reply to my telegram, I began to ... the worst. 16. He had never expected
his honesty to be doubted and himself treated with ... . 17. He wished he could
learn to keep his ... when dealing with people. 18. He moved up to make ... for
another person.

Ex. 14. Paraphrase the following, using words and word combinations from the
text, and making all necessary changes.
common sense; had better; to put smb off (3); to make a fuss; to turn up; to
borrow; to treat; to occur (2); to be up to smb; to annoy; to settle down; to talk
sense; no sense in doing smth; fearless; suspicion; by all means; to go on

1. It had been our idea and it was for us to make the necessary arrangements.
2. He finally appeared, looking extremely disturbed. 3. What she needs is a little
more practical knowledge of life. 4. His very first failure at the competitions
made him give up sports. 5. She continued talking as if nothing had happened. 6,
I wished she would stop asking those silly questions which only made people
angry. 7. I asked if I could have the use of his car for a couple of hours. 8. She
had promised to do it for certain. 9. The accident took place shortly after our
arrival. 10. He was full of determination to finish the job and no difficulties could
stop him. 11. We thought that the best thing for him to do would be to look upon
the whole matter as a joke. 12. We all agreed it was about time he got married
and had a home of his own. 13. The matter was small and unimportant and we
just couldn't understand why he got all nervous and excited about it. 14. I had my
doubts about his honesty and good will but decided to keep them to myself for a
time. 15. It's useless trying to prove something to a person who won't listen. 16. It
came into my head that probably my friend had meant well and it was no fault of
his if things went wrong at the last moment. 17. At last, I remarked to myself with
satisfaction, the fellow was saying something worth listening to.

Ex. 15. Speak on the following topics, using the words and phrases given below.
1. Settling Down In a New Place
to move; Bournemouth*; England; the island of Corfu; the Mediterranean sea;
to travel by train (boat); a tiring journey; finally; to arrive safely; to be impressed
by the beauty of; to take a villa; just big enough to house the family; no modern
conveniences; to settle down; to have lots of things to take care of

2. Larry Has a Bright Idea

a sudden sort of person; to be used to having one's way; to feel cut off from
the world; to be eager for some intelligent, stimulating company; to have highbrow
tastes in literature; to have no one to talk art to; to waste no time; to send out
invitations; to describe smth in detail; to have no common sense; not to occur to
smb; not enough room in the house

3. Larry Breaks the News to Mother
to take up the matter with smb; to mention smth casually; finally; to come to
the point; to explain patiently; to express one's point of view; not to like smb's taste
in literature; to think badly of mystery stories; detective stories, books on cookery
and gardening; to expect understanding from smb; to mean well; to do smth for
smb's sake only

4. Mother Fails to See Larry's Point

to be puzzled; to be caught by surprise; not to suspect anything; to be annoyed
with smb; to have fears about smth; to put smb off; no room; to be packed like
herrings in a tin; to fail to fit thirteen people into the house; to point smth out to
smb; to have no patience with smb; to advise; to let the Pension Suisse know about
the arrival of several people; to reserve rooms; to try to make smb drop his idea; to
get more and more worried; to find it difficult to manage things as it is; to treat
smth as a catastrophe

5. Larry Suggests a Solution

to fail to understand; to make a fuss about smth; not to be put off;. the guests;
impossible; to get in touch with smb; to be on one's way;. smth ought to be done; a
perfectly sensible solution; from smb's point of view; had better; to move at once;
without a fuss; to lose one's temper; to argue that ...; to do good to smb; after all; to
liven things up a bit; not to arrive all at once; to turn up one by one

6. Mother Puts up a Fight

to be full of determination; to have one's mind made up; to be firm in one's
decision; to refuse to be talked into doing smth; to see no sense in moving; to look
ridiculous; to rush from house to house; to realise; hopeless; to give up.

7. Larry Has His Own Way

the new villa; enormous; lot of room; to (un)pack; to get things arranged once
more; to settle down; finally.


Subjunctive Mood (continued)

The use of the Subjunctive Mood in "as if (as though)" clauses*

In modern English the Indicative Mood is fairly common in "as if (as though)" clauses,
e.g. Try to act as if nothing is the matter.
You act as if you are the only person who knows anything about it.
You act as if nothing has happened
Ex. 18. Study the following chart, translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

manner or comparison 1. You are telling me all it were good news.

adverbial clauses of
2. He spoke he knew what he was talking
3. He was looking at the about.
as if (as
house he had made it himself.
4. She had a feeling
5. He spoke English she had known him all her life.
he had been studying it for many

6. It isn't you were a child.


7. She spoke and it as if (as she would never stop.

seemed though) the letter had been written by a
8. It looked child.

Ex. 19. Open the brackets using the correct form of the Subjunctive Mood.
1. His manner was cheerful as ever as if nothing (had happened).
2. He asked me funny questions, it was as if he (hadn’t followed the story) the
3. He didn't pay attention to her cutting remarks as though was/he had
been used to being treated like that.
4. She walked proudly as though the world belonged to her.
5. She looked as if she was hurt by his remark.
6. The line between his eyes deepened as if he were puzzling over something.
7. They looked as if they were brother and sister but not husband and wife, so
much alike they were.
8. She was crying as if her heart was broken.
9. They treated her as if she was a little girl.
10. They met him as if they had expected him.
11. He introduced her to his brother as though they hadn’t met before.
12. I felt funny as if I (to start) crying at any moment.
13. She sounded quite cheerful over the telephone as if she (to look) forward
to the trip.
14. The house looked as though it (not to see) paint for a long time.
15. She was listening to me as if she (to annoy).

Ex. 20. Answer the following questions according to the model.

M o d e l : How do you like the suit on Peter? (to fit; to be made to measure).
It fits him as if it were made to measure.
1. Have you seen him after the accident? How does he look? (nothing; to
happen to him) 2. How did she take the news? (to take it calmly; to be nothing
unusual about it) 3. How does this foreign student speak Russian? (to study the
language for many years) 4. How did he take our decision? (to be a surprise to
him) 5. Have you heard anything about the film? (to look; to be worth seeing) 6.
How did he speak about the task given him? (to sound cheerful; to be happy about
it) 7. Did he believe the story? (to look suspicious; not to believe it) 8. How do you
feel after the swim in the lake? (to drop ten years) 9. How did they treat him? (to
be their brother) 10. Did they include me in the expedition? (to speak of; to be
included) 11. How did she like the story? (to seem; to be touched)

Ex. 21. Translate the following sentences.

1. У нього такий вигляд, начебто він кудись поспішає. – He looks as if he
was in a hurry
2. Вона поводилась так, нібито її усе було байдуже. – She acted as if she
didn't care about anything.
3. Дощ йшов декілька днів і здавалось, що він ніколи не припиниться. –
It had been raining for several days as if it would never stop.
4. Вони їхали з такою швидкістю, нібито їх хтось переслідував. – they
were driving at such speed as though someone was following them.
5. Він говорить про це так, нібито те, що він зробив, було звичайною
справою. – He talks about it as if he was shocked by finding this out.
6. Він дивився на нас так, нібито був здивований, тим, що знайшов нас
тут. – He looked at us as if he was shocked by finding us here.
7. Вона дивилась униз з острахом і їй здавалось, що вона падає. – She
was looking down with fear as if she seemed to be fallen.
8. У неї такий вигляд, нібито вона хворіє. – She has a look as if she was ill.

The use of the Subjunctive Mood in an Object Clause after

the verb "wish"

Ex. 22. Study the following chart, translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

he (you, etc.) were more attentive.

it weren’t raining.
I wish
I hadn’t missed the chance.
she (you, etc.) would take interest in such problems.
I could go with them too.

Ex. 23. Practise the following according to the model.

Model I (a) She is fussy. I wish she weren't fussy.
(b) He is not healthy. I wish he were healthy.
1. She is very suspicious about people. 2. He is not a man of principle. 3. It's
not up to me to make a decision. 4. There isn't enough room for all of us here. 5.
She is not well enough. 6. His suggestion is not sensible. 7. He is lazy. 8. She is
wasting time when there is such a rush of work. 9. They are too highbrow for my
taste. 10. The kid is so annoying.

M o d e l II (a) He has no sense of humour.

I wish he had a sense of humour.
(b) She always piles my table with her things.
I wish she didn't pile my table with her things.
1. She has no sense of proportion. 2. They don't know their duty. 3. He always
borrows money. 4. I just can't get rid of this unpleasant feeling. 5. I don't know
what they are suspecting him of. 6. He always interrupts people when they are
talking. 7. She often misses her English lessons.

M o d e l III (a) He missed the 8.30.

I wish he hadn't missed the 8.30.
(b) He didn't apologize to her.
I wish he had apologized to her.
They put off the meeting till Friday. 2. This idea occurred to me too late. 3. They
didn't include me in the team. 4. He has never been frank with me. 5. I wasted a lot
of time on this foolish mystery story. 6. She didn't hide her awful taste in literature.
7. I followed his advice. 8. They didn't reserve rooms at the hotel for us as they had
promised to.

M o d e l IV (a) He will go by the night train.

I wish he wouldn't go by the night train.
(b) She won't apologize.
I wish she would apologize.
(c) You are not following me.
I wish you would follow me.
1. He won't give up smoking. 2. He will borrow the from his neighbour. 3. She
won't admit that she is wrong. 4. They will repeat the same mistake. 5. He will start
arguing again. not listening to me.

Ex. 24. Answer the following questions according to the model, mind the form of
the auxiliary verb.
M o d e l : Are you an early riser? I wish I were.
1. Is she good-tempered? 2. Can he do it alone? 3. Have you ever travelled by
air? 4. Will they put off their visit? 5. Is she fit for the job? 6. Did you sleep well?
7. Has he settled down anywhere? 8. Did they treat her kindly? 9. Will he arrive to-
day? 10. Are you a fast reader? 11. Can you read fifteen pages in half an hour? 12.
Is their suggestion sensible?

Ex. 25. Open the brackets using the correct form of the Subjunctive Mood.
1. I wish you wouldn’t fuss about such unimportant things.
2. He wished he had taken care of the difficulties himself.
3. I wish you had minded your own business.
4. She felt so lost in this strange city that she wished she had someone to keep
her company.
5. He wished the child in the next room hadn’t cried and he had got a little
6. I wish she never had written this letter.
7. She wished she taught him a good lesson.
8. I wish you had talked him into giving up the foolish idea.
9. He wished we had put off the party till next Saturday.
10. I wish you took yourself in hand.
11. I wish you would stay another couple of days. There is so much I'd like to
talk to you about.

Ex. 26. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Subjunctive Mood in an
object clause after the verb "wish".
I. I am sorry I have given you so much trouble. – I wish I hadn’t given you so
much trouble
2. You had better put off your visit to them. – I wish you would put off your
visit to them
3. Why are you talking shop all the time? - I wish you hadn’t talked shop all
the time
4. I am sorry I don't know whom he has told about that. – I wish I had known
whom he has told about that
5. Too bad, we have to change trains twice. – I wish we wouldn’t change train
6. He is not a man of his word, I am sorry to say. – I wish he were a man of
his word.
7. He wanted to have a seat facing the engine. – He wished he had had/wold
have a seat facing the engine.
8. It would be nice if he agreed to deliver a lecture on modern art. – I wish he
would agree to deliver a lecture on modern art
9. You had better take up a job to your taste. – I wish you would take up a job
to your taste
10. I should not have shown my surprise. – I wish I hadn’t shown my surprise
11. She had better treat his words with attention. – I wish she would treat his
words with attention.
12. What a pity I missed such a wonderful chance.- I wish I hadn’t missed
such a wonderful chance.
Ex. 27. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Хотілось би, щоб ви залишили цю тему. 2. Шкода, що нам всім не вистачає
місця в машині. 3. Хотілось би скористуватись вашою порадою, проте це
неможливо. 4. Хотілось би, щоб хтось прояснив це питання. 5. Шкода, що цю
книгу не включили до списку літератури на цей. 6. Вони шкодували, що не
полетіли до Парижу літаком, вони зекономили би 1 день. 7. Даремно вона не
дала йому пораду. 8. Шкода, що її немає з нами. 9. Йому хотілось, щоб хтось
інший потурбувався про квитки. 10. Шкода, що у неї запальний характер. 11.
Добре би було нам оселитись тут. 12. Їй хотілось би говорити англійською.
14. Шкода, що у неї немає почуття відповідальності.

The use of the Subjunctive Mood in a Subject Clause after

"it is high time"

Ex. 28. Study the following chart, translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

's (is) (high/about) time the children were in bed.

was they knew how to behave.

Ex. 29. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb.
1. It's time you (to take) better care of your health. – It’s high time took care of
your health.
2. She said it was time you (to get) rid of this bad habit. – She said it was high time
she got rid of bad habit.
3. It's high time something (to be done) about your discipline. – It’s high time
something was done about your discipline.
4. It's about time she (to learn) to do without your help. – It’s about time she learnt
to do without your help.
5. They said it was time he (to tell) us what he was after. – They said it was time he
told us what he was after.
6. It is time you (to stop) wasting your efforts and (to get) down to real work. – It is
time you stopped wasting your efforts and got down to real work.
7. I call it a waste of time. It's time somebody (to put an end to it). – I call it a
waste of time. It’s time somebody put an end to it.
8. It's high time you (to learn) to be more particular about how you speak to
people. - It’s high time you learnt to be more particular about how you speak to
9. Isn't it time you (to leave) him alone? – Isn’t it time you left him alone?

Ex. 30. Paraphrase the following sentences using the Subjunctive Mood.
1. He looked at the clock on the station building and understood that it was time
for him to get on the train. 2. It's time for you to stop fussing. You make everybody
nervous. 3. He was so much in the book that he didn't notice it was high time for
him to leave. 4. You are no longer a young man. It's time for you to settle down. 5.
I think it's time for us to get down to business. 6. It's high time for the new method
to be introduced into our work. 7. Isn't it time for you to be more sensible?

Ex. 31. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Пора б організувати виставку його картин. - It's time organized the exhibition
of his art. 
2. Пора б визнати його метод як найбільш ефективний. -  It's high time
recognized his methods as effective. 
3. Вже час припинити цю безглузду суперечку. - It's high time stopped this silly
4. Тобі давно пора відрекомендувати мене своїм друзям. - It's high time
recommended your friends to me. 
5. Йому давно вже час розпочати самому заробляти на життя. -  It's about time
he started earning for his life. 
6. Вам давно пора би вибачитися. - It's high time you apologized 
7. Чи вже не час обговорити його пропозицію? - Is it time discussed his offer?
8. Викладач сказав, що всім давно пора б розпочати підготовку до екзамену. -
The professor said it's hight time everyone started preparing to the examination. 
9. Вам давно пора би мати почуття відповідальності. – It’s time you felt

They argued for a long time but finally came to an agreement

Why are you angry? You are to blame for what happened after all
Why are you worried about him? Finally, he has to know how to behave
After a series of failures he finally decided to stop smoking
The text wasn’t so difficult as we expected after all
She tried on a dozen of coats but finally chose the first one
Leave everything as it is, do not add the last item. It will change nothing after all
After a long search he finally found what he was looking for.

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