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Clinical Atlas of 

Canine and Feline Dermatology
Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology

Edited by

Kimberly S. Coyner, DVM, DACVD

Dermatology Clinic for Animals
Lacey, WA, USA

This edition first published 2020
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Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data

Names: Coyner, Kimberly S., editor.
Title: Clinical atlas of canine and feline dermatology / edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
Description: Hoboken, NJ : Wiley-Blackwell, 2020. | Includes bibliographical references and index. |
Identifiers: LCCN 2019003283 (print) | LCCN 2019004616 (ebook) | ISBN 9781119226321 (Adobe PDF) | ISBN 9781119226314 (ePub) |
ISBN 9781119226307 (hardback)
Subjects: LCSH: Dogs–Disease. | Cats–Disease. | Veterinary dermatology. | MESH: Skin Diseases–veterinary | Dog Diseases–diagnosis |
Dog Diseases–drug therapy | Cat Diseases–diagnosis | Cat Diseases–drug therapy | Atlas
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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
For Marc, my best friend, my support, my love.


List of contributors  xv
Preface  xvii
Acknowledgments  xix
About the companion website  xxi

1 Dermatology diagnostics  1
1.1 Skin scrapings  1
1.2 Cytology – Skin and ear  4
1.3 Cytology – Mass aspirates  6
1.4 Trichograms  8
1.5 Dermatophyte culture technique  15
1.6 Wood’s lamp examination  15
1.7 Dermatophyte culture medium selection and incubation  16
1.8 Identification of dermatophytes  16
1.9 Dermatophyte PCR  18
1.10 Bacterial culture  19
1.11 Skin biopsies  19
1.12 Allergy testing  22

2 Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses  23

2.1 Primary lesions  23
2.1.1 Macule/Patch 23
2.1.2 Papule/pustule 23
2.1.3 Plaque 26
2.1.4 Vesicle/bulla 27
2.1.5 Wheal 28
2.1.6 Nodule 29
2.1.7 Cyst 30
2.2 Primary or secondary lesions  31
2.2.1 Alopecia 31
2.2.2 Scale 34
2.2.3 Crust 35
2.2.4 Follicular cast  36
2.2.5 Comedo (Comedones)  36
2.2.6 Pigment change  37
2.3 Secondary lesions  40
2.3.1 Epidermal collarette  40
2.3.2 Scar 40
2.3.3 Excoriation 41
2.3.4 Erosion 42
2.3.5 Ulcer 42
2.3.6 Lichenification 43
viii Contents

2.3.7 Callus 44
2.3.8 Fissure 44

3 Lesion location and differentials  47

3.1 Face  47
3.1.1 Nasal planum  47
3.1.2 Lips/Eyelids 47
3.1.3 Muzzle 49
3.2 Ears  56
3.2.1 Pinnal margin  56
3.2.2 Pinna 57
3.2.3 Outer ear canal  57
3.3 Paws  60
3.3.1 Interdigital 60
3.3.2 Palmar metacarpal/plantar metatarsal  63
3.3.3 Paw pad  63
3.3.4 Nailbed 65
3.4 Claws  66
3.5 Perianal/perivulvar  67
3.6 Tail  68
3.7 Pressure points (elbows/hocks)  69
3.8 Trunk (dorsal and/or lateral)  70
3.9 Inguinal/axillary  78
3.10 Oral cavity  81

4 Causes and workup for pruritus in dogs and cats  85

Algorithm 4.1  Pruritic dog – Causes/Workup  86
Algorithm 4.2  Pruritic cats – Causes/Workup  87

5 Causes and workup for alopecia in dogs and cats  89

Algorithm 5.1  Canine non‐inflammatory truncal alopecia – Causes/Workup  90
Algorithm 5.2  Canine multifocal alopecia – Causes/Workup  91
Algorithm 5.3  Feline alopecia – Causes/Workup  92

6 Breed‐related dermatoses  93
Table 6.1  Canine breed‐related dermatoses  93
Table 6.2  Feline breed‐related dermatoses  107

7 Parasitic skin diseases  111

Table 7.1  Canine and feline ectoparasites  112
Demodex  112
Sarcoptes  113
Notoedres  114
Otodectes  114
Cat fur mite  114
Cheyletiella  114
Lice  115
Chiggers  115
Hookworm Dermatitis  115
Cuterebra  115
Myiasis  115
Fly bite dermatitis  116
Pelodera dermatitis  116
Dracunculiasis  116
Spider bite  116
Contents ix

Fleas  117
Ticks  117
Table 7.2  Flea control product options  130
Table 7.3  Tick control product options  130

8 Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections  133

Table 8.1  Superficial bacterial skin infections  133
Impetigo  133
Pyotraumatic dermatitis  133
Intertrigo  133
Mucocutaneous pyoderma  133
Bacterial overgrowth syndrome  134
Bacterial folliculitis  134
Algorithm 8.1  Approach to chronic recurrent bacterial pyoderma  143
Table 8.2  Deep bacterial skin infections  144
Bacterial furunculosis  144
Canine acne  144
Callus furunculosis  144
Acral lick dermatitis  144
Pedal folliculitis/furunculosis  145
Post‐grooming furunculosis  145
Table 8.3  Meticillin resistance  150
Table 8.4  Underlying causes for recurrent pyoderma  152
Table 8.5  Commonly used antibiotics for canine pyoderma  152
Table 8.6  Topical antibacterial products  153
Table 8.7  Subcutaneous bacterial infections  154
Subcutaneous abscess  154
Botryomycosis  155
Cellulitis  155
Necrotizing fasciitis  155
Actinomycosis  155
Nocardiosis  156
Plague  156
L‐form infection  156
Table 8.8  Mycobacterial infections  159
Non‐tuberculous mycobacteria  159
Feline leprosy  160
Canine leproid granuloma  160
Obligate mycobacterial infections/tuberculosis  161
Table 8.9  Yeast infections  164
Malassezia  164
Candida  165
Table 8.10 Dermatophytosis  170
Table 8.11  Environmental decontamination in dermatophytosis  180
Algorithm 8.2  Treatment of generalized dermatophytosis  181
Table 8.12  Deep fungal, oomycete, and algal infections  182
Blastomycosis  182
Cryptococcosis  182
Histoplasmosis  183
Coccidioidomycosis  184
Sporotrichosis  184
Phaeohyphomycosis  185
Pythiosis  185
Lagenidiosis  186
Zygomycosis  187
Protothecosis  187
x Contents

  9 Viral, rickettsial, and protozoal dermatologic diseases  199

Table 9.1  Viral dermatologic diseases  200
Feline herpesvirus dermatitis  200
Feline calicivirus dermatitis  201
Viral papillomas – Dogs/Cats  201
Cowpox virus  203
Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP)  203
Canine distemper  203
Table 9.2  Rickettsial diseases  208
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever  208
Ehrlichiosis  208
Table 9.3  Protozoal diseases  210
Leishmaniosis  210
Toxoplasmosis  211

10 Allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats  215

Table 10.1  Hypersensitivity disorders and treatment of allergic skin diseases  216
Algorithm 10.1  Canine atopic dermatitis treatment  231
Table 10.2  Allergy treatment toolkit  232
Table 10.3  Allergy testing: Intradermal and serologic methods  235
Table 10.4  Considerations in allergen formulation  236
Table 10.5  Protocols for allergen specific immunotherapy (ASIT)  237
Table 10.6  Performing an adequate diagnostic hypoallergenic diet trial  239
Table 10.7  Feline manifestations of cutaneous allergy  244
Table 10.8  Eosinophilic granuloma complex  248

11 Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders  255

Table 11.1  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders  256
Discoid lupus erythematosus  256
Pemphigus foliaceus  256
Pemphigus vulgaris  256
Vesicular cutaneous lupus erythematosus  257
Mucocutaneous lupus erythematosus  257
Alopecia areata  257
Uveodermatologic syndrome  257
Autoimmune subepidermal blistering diseases  258
Vasculitis  259
Post‐vaccination injection site alopecia  259
Drug eruption  260
Erythema multiforme  260
Toxic epidermal necrolysis  261
Sterile panniculitis  261
Sterile granuloma/pyogranuloma  261
Juvenile cellulitis  262
Plasma cell pododermatitis  262
Pseudopelade  262
Symmetric lupoid onychitis  263
Nasal arteritis  263
Metacarpal/metatarsal fistulas  264
Canine sterile neutrophilic dermatitis (Sweet’s‐like syndrome)  264
Canine acute eosinophilic dermatitis with edema (Well’s-like syndrome)  264
Superficial suppurative necrolytic dermatitis  265
Contents xi

Systemic lupus erythematosus  265

Algorithm 11.1  Treatment of canine pemphigus foliaceus  269
Algorithm 11.2  Treatment of feline pemphigus foliaceus  270
Table 11.2  Typical glucocorticoid doses for treatment of autoimmune and immune-mediated disorders  286
Table 11.3  Non‐steroidal immunosuppressant or immunomodulatory drugs as adjunctive
or primary treatments of autoimmune/immune‐mediated diseases  287

12 Endocrine skin diseases  291

Table 12.1  Canine endocrine skin diseases  292
Hypothyroidism  292
Spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism (HAC, Cushing’s disease)  292
Iatrogenic hypercortisolemia  293
Atypical Cushing’s disease (ACD)  293
Food‐induced Cushing’s disease  293
Topical corticosteroid application  293
Pituitary dwarfism  293
Calcinosis cutis  294
Exogenous estrogen‐related alopecia  294
Spontaneous hyperestrogenism  294
Spontaneous hyperandrogenism  295
Tail gland hyperplasia  295
Table 12.2  Trilostane treatment and monitoring  303
Table 12.3  Endocrine skin diseases of cats  304
Hyperthyroidism  304
Hypothyroidism  304
Hyper adrenocorticism (HAC)  304
Feline acquired skin fragility  305
Diabetes mellitus (DM)  305
Acromegaly  305

13 Non‐endocrine alopecia  309

Table 13.1  Non‐endocrine alopecia of dogs  310
Localized Alopecia  310
Post‐clipping alopecia  310
Traction alopecia  310
Congenital follicular/ectodermal dysplasia  310
Regional to Multifocal Alopecia  310
Color dilution alopecia  310
Black hair follicular dysplasia  310
Non‐color, breed‐related follicular dysplasia  310
Cyclic flank alopecia  311
Pattern alopecia  311
Follicular lipidosis  311
Generalized Alopecia  311
Alopecia X  311
Anagen/telogen effluvium  312
Non‐color breed‐related follicular dysplasia  312
Table 13.2  Non‐endocrine alopecia of cats  318
Congenital hypotrichosis  318
Hair shaft disorder of Abyssinian cats  318
Pili torti  318
Feline preauricular “alopecia”  318
Feline pinnal alopecia  318
xii Contents

Feline psychogenic alopecia  318

Mural folliculitis  319
Mucinotic mural folliculitis  319
Pseudopelade  319
Trichorrhexis nodosa  319
Feline paraneoplastic alopecia  319

14 Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis  323

14.1 Approach to otitis  323
14.2 Otoscopic examination  323
14.3 Choice of otic medications  323
Algorithm 14.1  Diagnostic and treatment steps for acute otitis externa  324
14.4 Indications for systemic steroid/antibiotic therapy in otitis treatment  326
14.5 Choice of otic cleanser/flushes  326
Algorithm 14.2  Diagnostic and treatment steps for chronic otitis  327
14.6 Educate owners on how to correctly use ear flushes  328
14.7 Diagnosis and treatment of otitis media  330
14.8 When to refer for surgery  333
14.9 Ototoxicity 333
Table 14.1  Ototoxic agents  336

15 Metabolic/nutritional/keratinization dermatologic disorders  345

Table 15.1  Keratinization, metabolic, and nutritional disorders  346
Seborrhea (secondary)  346
Vitamin A responsive dermatosis  346
Sebaceous adenitis  346
Schnauzer comedo syndrome  347
Nasodigital hyperkeratosis  348
Callus  348
Xeromycteria  349
Ear margin dermatosis  349
Canine acne  349
Feline acne  350
Zinc responsive dermatosis  350
Necrolytic migratory erythema  351
Exfoliative dermatitis associated with thymoma  351
Xanthomas  352
Split paw pad disease  352

16 Congenital/hereditary dermatologic disorders  363

Table 16.1  Congenital/hereditary dermatologic disorders  364
Primary seborrhea  364
Idiopathic facial dermatitis of Persian and Himalayan cats  364
Ichthyosis  365
Nasal parakeratosis of Labrador Retrievers  365
Dermatomyositis  365
Congenital alopecia  366
Cutaneous asthenia (Ehlers Danlos)  366
Mucinosis  366
Urticaria pigmentosa  367
Ulcerative nasal dermatitis of Bengal cats  367
Dermoid sinus  367
Acrodermatitis  367
Acral mutilation syndrome  368
Contents xiii

Congenital keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) and ichthyosiform dermatosis in the Cavalier King
Charles Spaniel (CKCS)  368
Exfoliative cutaneous lupus erythematous  368
Epidermolysis bullosa  368

17 Pigmentary dermatologic disorders  375

Table 17.1  Pigmentary dermatologic disorders  376
Lentigo  376
Acquired hormone‐associated  376
Acquired post‐inflammatory hyperpigmentation  376
Vitiligo  377
Nasal hypopigmentation “snow nose”  377
Nasal hypopigmentation “Dudley nose”  377
Acquired aurotrichia  377
“Dalmatian bronzing” syndrome  377

18 Environmental skin disorders  385

Table 18.1  Environmental skin disorders  386
Solar dermatitis  386
Burns  387
Radiant heat dermatitis  389
Frostbite  389
Irritant contact dermatitis (ICD)  389
Grass awns/burs  390
Post traumatic alopecia  390
Hygroma  391
Pressure sore  391

19 Skin tumors  401

Table 19.1  Benign and malignant skin tumors in dogs and cats  402
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)  402
Bowenoid in situ carcinoma  402
Basal cell carcinoma  403
Sebaceous gland tumors  403
Follicular tumors  404
Dilated pore of Winer  405
Follicular cyst  405
Cutaneous horn  405
Apocrine gland tumors  406
Feline ceruminous (apocrine) cystomatosis  407
Perianal gland tumors  407
Apocrine gland tumors of anal sac origin  407
Lipoma  408
Infiltrative lipomas  408
Liposarcoma  408
Mast cell tumor  409
Fibroma  409
Dermatofibroma  409
Nodular dermatofibrosis  410
Acrochordon  410
Mammary tumors  410
Hemangioma  411
Hemangiosarcoma  412
Cutaneous progressive angiomatosis  412
Hemangiopericytoma  413
xiv Contents

Lymphangioma  413
Lymphangiosarcoma  413
Fibrosarcoma  413
Cutaneous epitheliotropic lymphoma  414
Cutaneous non‐epitheliotropic lymphoma  415
Feline cutaneous lymphocytosis  415
Plasmacytoma  415
Melanocytoma  416
Malignant melanoma  416
Canine cutaneous histiocytoma  417
Canine reactive cutaneous histiocytosis  417
Canine systemic histiocytosis  417
Feline progressive histiocytosis  417
Canine cutaneous langerhans cell histiocytosis  418
Collagenous hamartoma  418
Calcinosis circumscripta  418
Transmissible venereal tumor  419
Feline lung‐digit syndrome  419

20 Dermatology formulary  453

Table 20.1  Systemic antibiotics  454
Table 20.2  Systemic antifungals  458
Table 20.3  Systemic antiviral/antiprotozoal medications  459
Table 20.4 Antihistamines  459
Table 20.5  Systemic glucocorticoids  461
Table 20.6  Non-steroidal immunomodulating and immunosuppressive drugs  463
Table 20.7  Behavior modifying medications/analgesics  467
Table 20.8  Systemic antiparasitic drugs  468
Table 20.9  Topical antiparasitics  470
Table 20.10  Nutritional supplements/vitamins/retinoids  471
Table 20.11  Non‐glucocorticoid hormones  472
Table 20.12  Topical non‐steroidal antipruritic therapies  474
Table 20.13  Topical glucocorticoids  475
Table 20.14  Topical antimicrobials/otics  475
Table 20.15  Topical antiseborrheics  477
Table 20.16  Topical immunomodulators and retinoids  477

Index  479

List of contributors

Patricia Ashley, DVM, DACVD Heide Newton, DVM, DACVD

Veterinary Allergy and Dermatology Services Dermatology for Animals
Springfield, OR, USA Tucson, AZ, USA

Jacquelyn Campbell, DVM, DACVD Anthea Schick, DVM, DACVD

Animal Allergy and Dermatology of Colorado Dermatology for Animals, Gilbert, AZ, USA
Colorado Springs, CO, USA Dermatology for Animals, Scottsdale, AZ, USA

Kimberly S. Coyner, DVM, DACVD Amy Shumaker, DVM, DACVD

Dermatology Clinic for Animals VCA Southshore (Weymouth) Animal Hospital
Lacey, WA, USA South Weymouth, MA, USA

Alexandra Gould, DVM

Dermatology Clinic for Animals, Lacey, WA, USA
Animal Allergy and Dermatology, Las Vegas, NV, USA


Veterinary dermatology can be, at once, inspiring, inter- list of differential diagnoses, and utilize and interpret
esting, and frustrating. When I first became a general appropriate diagnostics to make the correct diagnosis.
practice veterinarian I disliked dermatology cases, as they I asked for input from six other experienced private prac-
all seemed to have similar symptoms with a huge laundry tice veterinary dermatologists to obtain a wide range of
list of possible causes and I had no idea where to start practical knowledge. We present efficient algorithms for
diagnostically. The dermatology books I had access to diagnosis and treatment of the most common clinical
were excellent, but discussed dermatology diagnosis and presentations of dermatologic disorders in companion
treatment disease by disease, and the animals that entered animals, including pruritus, alopecia, otitis, atopy, pyo-
my exam room did not walk in with their diseases labelled derma, dermatophytosis, and pemphigus foliaceus. We
on their charts. After a frustrating time in general prac- tried to include many pictures in our descriptions of diag-
tice, I had the fortunate and life‐changing experience of nostic techniques, lesions, and diseases, as dermatology
working with Dr. Linda Medleau, the brilliant veterinary is the most visual specialty. Once the diagnosis is achieved,
dermatologist at the University of Georgia, who taught then treatment options are presented in simple tables
me the joy and ease of veterinary dermatology. I learned easily referenced in a busy practice. Treatment options
that with consideration of species, breed, clinical signs, are presented not as an exhaustive or dogmatic list, but as
and recognizing pattern and type of lesions, as well as I and my collaborators would choose to ideally treat our
using a simple and methodical workup of every case, der- patients; when appropriate, first‐line, second‐line, and
matology became an intuitive and enjoyable specialty. third‐line treatments are offered. A dermatology formu-
When I was asked to design a new veterinary dermatol- lary gives more detail of specific drugs and topical thera-
ogy atlas, I envisioned a book which did not only present pies which were available at the time of publication. This
cases disease by disease, but by how the animals present Atlas is not intended to replace a veterinary dermatology
to veterinarians, as itchy, crusty, and/or alopecic, then reference book such as Small Animal Dermatology, but to
guided readers how to accurately recognize specific help busy private practitioners treat dermatology patients
lesions and patterns of lesions to formulate a reasonable efficiently and accurately.


I am indebted to all my friends and amazing dermatolo- great images, and to all my dermatology patients and
gists who contributed their knowledge and images to this their dedicated owners who make veterinary dermatol-
book, to the VINers who very helpfully donated many ogy such a fulfilling specialty.

About the companion website

This book is accompanied by a companion website:

The website features video clips, demonstrating dermatologic diagnostic techniques, including skin scrapings and
cytology, aspiration of skin masses for cytology, and biopsy.

Dermatology diagnostics
Kimberly S. Coyner, DVM, DACVD
Dermatology Clinic for Animals, Lacey, WA, USA

Indications: ●● For scabies, multiple wide superficial scrapings of

crusted, papular, or alopecic lesions on elbows, pinnal
●● All cases with hair loss, scaling, crusting, papules, margins, and ventral trunk should be obtained
­pustules, lichenification, or otitis should be screened for (Figures 1.5 and 1.6).
infectious organisms with skin scrapings and surface skin –– The mites live in the stratum corneum and are often
cytology; flea combing to screen for fleas and flea feces few in number, and consequently false negative
as well as for lice is also necessary, even in indoor pets. scrapings are common, so any animal with pruritus
●● These quick and easy in‐house tests will not only allow consistent with scabies should be trial‐treated with
for the accurate diagnosis of the dermatitis and guide appropriate acaricidal therapy.
appropriate therapy, but are also revenue generators. ●● For surface living Cheyletiella mites, wide superficial
●● Additionally, with the emerging problem of antibiotic‐ scrapings of scaly lesions are obtained; these large
resistant bacterial skin infections, cytology to monitor ­surface‐dwelling mites are quite visible on 4× magnifi-
response to antimicrobial therapy is important and cation (Figure 1.7).
can guide decisions about culture submission. –– Mites can also be low in number, and as for scabies
●● The first important consideration is to buy a good micro- empiric acaricidal therapy is often prescribed in
scope! There are numerous affordable, high quality suspect cases.
microscopes available; I use the Swift M10 series biologi- –– In some cases, Cheyletiella mites can be found using
cal lab microscope, but there are many other options. multiple applications of clear acetate tape onto scaly
●● It is important to teach our veterinary technicians and areas; after sample collection the tape is applied to a
assistants how to appropriately take care of micro- microscope slide (no oil or stain is used) and
scopes,  and there are numerous online resources observed under 4×.
including ●● Demodex mites live in hair follicles and so require
cleaning.html. deeper skin scrapings.
–– The dulled blade is scraped briskly in one direction
on the skin (be careful not to press down on the
blade which could cause cutting of the skin) until
1.1 ­Skin scrapings (See video on capillary oozing is observed on the skin as well as
companion website) on  the blade (Figure 1.8). Intermittently squeezing
the sampled skin area between scrapings can be
●● Skin scrapings are used to diagnose mites such as sca- helpful to express mites and increase scraping yield
bies, Demodex, and Cheyletiella. (Figures 1.9 and 1.10A–1.10C).
●● A dulled #10 scalpel blade or medical curette/spatula –– Demodex mites can also be obtained using hair
and mineral oil are used to collect skin debris (Figures plucks placed into mineral oil, then observe the
1.1–1.4), which is then mixed with more mineral oil on roots to look for mites (especially helpful for hard
a microscope slide and observed under 4–10×, with to scrape areas such as paws, eyelids, and lips, or in
the condenser down for maximum contrast. very thickened, scarred areas of skin; Figure 1.11).

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
2 1  Dermatology diagnostics

Figure 1.1  The scalpel blade is dulled by repeatedly scraping the Figure 1.2  Mineral oil is applied to the dulled blade and the
edge on a hard surface. microscope slide.

Figure 1.3  Mineral oil is applied to the lesion to be scraped. Figure 1.4  Accumulated debris on the blade is mixed into the
mineral oil on the microscope slide.

Figure 1.5  Superficial skin scraping. Figure 1.6  Scabies mite (10× with digital zoom).
1  Dermatology diagnostics 3

Figure 1.7  Cheyletiella mite (10×). Figure 1.8  For Demodex, scrape until capillary oozing is observed.

Figure 1.9  Squeeze the scraped area to increase mite yield. Figure 1.10A  Demodex canis mites (4× with digital zoom).

Figure 1.10B  A Demodex mite at 4× with the microscope Figure 1.10C  The same mite with the microscope condenser up;
condenser down. the mite is washed out and less visible.
4 1  Dermatology diagnostics

Figure 1.11  Demodex mites from a hair pluck, encased in keratin Figure 1.12  Demodex mite on a tape prep (4×).
around a hair root (4× with digital zoom).

Figure 1.13  Mixed (neutrophils, macrophages, plasma cells) Figure 1.14  Eosinophilic inflammation found on impression
inflammation due to deep interdigital pyoderma (100×). smear from a feline eosinophilic plaque (100×).

–– Additionally, samples can be obtained by repeatedly –– Inflammatory cells are not found on normal skin
squeezing the skin and then applying clear acetate cytology.
tape to the squeezed area, then the tape is applied to ●● Samples are applied to a microscope slide and stained
a microscope slide (no stain) and observed under with Diff‐Quik or similar stain, scanned under 10× to
4–10× for mites (Figure 1.12). identify an area of interest, then observed under
●● Infectious agents which can be found on skin cytol-
1.2 ­Cytology – Skin and ear ogy  include cocci and rod bacteria, Malassezia and
(See videos on companion website) fungal  organisms, and protozoal organisms such as
●● Skin and ear cytology can be used to obtain informa- ●● Neutrophilic or pyogranulomatous inflammation can
tion on bacterial or Malassezia infection, as well as to be supportive of an infectious or inflammatory process
characterize inflammatory infiltrate. (Figure 1.13).
●● Skin cytology. ●● An eosinophilic infiltrate is supportive of a hypersensi-
–– Less than one of each type of organism (yeast, cocci, tivity dermatitis (Figure 1.14).
or rod) per oil‐immersion field (OIF) is seen in nor- ●● Acantholytic cells can suggest pemphigus complex (but
mal skin. can also be seen with chronic bacterial or dermatophyte
1  Dermatology diagnostics 5

Figure 1.15  Acantholytic cells and neutrophils in a case of canine Figure 1.16A  To sample a pustule, a needle is used to rupture the
pemphigus foliaceus (100×). pustule and the contents are smeared onto a microscope slide.

Figure 1.16B  Cytologic evaluation of pustule contents reveals Figure 1.17  Impression smear: Lichenified skin is firmly pressed
neutrophils and intracellular cocci (100×). onto the microscope slide. Clinically, the lichenification and
hyperpigmentation are suspicious for Malassezia dermatitis.
infection) and support the need for biopsy and histo-
logic diagnosis (Figure 1.15).
●● Skin cytology can be obtained in a variety of ways: –– For interdigital lesions, samples can be obtained via
–– If a pustule is present, it can be ruptured with a nee- direct impression of the interdigital web onto a slide,
dle and the contents smeared onto a slide (Figures cotton tipped swab of interdigital debris which is
1.16A and 1.16B). then rolled onto a slide, or by acetate tape impres-
–– If a moist or greasy lesion is present, it can be sam- sion (see acetate tape impressions below). In cases
pled by firmly pressing a microscope slide on the of paronychia, nailbed debris can be collected with a
surface of the lesion (Figure 1.17). dull blade or the wooden end of a cotton swab, then
–– For dry scaling or diffuse crusting lesions, use of smeared onto a microscope slide.
a dulled scalpel blade without mineral oil can be –– Acetate tape impressions can be used to sample
helpful to collect surface debris which is then dry, lichenified, and interdigital areas. A piece of
smeared like a spatula onto the microscope slide clear (not frosted) acetate tape is firmly pressed
(Figures 1.18A–1.18D). If larger crusts are pre- to  the lesion, then applied onto a microscope
sent, use the blade or microscope slide edge to slide  over a few drops of blue Diff‐Quik stain
raise the  edge of the crust and then obtain an (or stained using routine Diff‐Quik stain omitting
impression smear of the exudate or debris under methanol) and observed under 40–100× (Figures
the crust. 1.19A–1.19F).
6 1  Dermatology diagnostics

(A) (B)

Figures 1.18A and B  The lichenified skin is scraped with a dry, dull scalpel blade.

Figure 1.18C  The accumulated debris is smeared onto the Figure 1.18D  Cytology reveals streaming neutrophilic debris and
microscope slide. bacterial cocci, but no Malassezia are found (100×).

●● For otic cytology, gently obtain a swab of external ear debris –– Saprophytic fungal spores (Figure 1.29).
(insert the swab into the canal no further than the proximal –– Stain precipitate (Figure 1.30; to avoid this, stain
vertical canal, Figure 1.20), then roll the swab onto a micro- solutions should ideally be changed weekly).
scope slide; both ear samples can be placed onto one slide
with each side labeled (Figure 1.21A and 1.21B).
–– Otic cytology: 1.3 ­Cytology – Mass aspirates
a) >3 yeast/OIF in dogs and >1 yeast organism/OIF (See videos on companion website)
in cats may be considered abnormal (Figure 1.22).
b) >5 cocci/OIF and >1 rod/OIF is considered ●● Ideally, every new mass should be evaluated. Dermal
abnormal (Figures 1.23 and 1.24). or subcutaneous masses can be aspirated for in‐house
c) Presence of inflammatory cells is also abnormal. cytology in order to determine:
●● Red herrings: Non‐significant cytology findings which –– If the mass is inflammatory vs. cyst vs. potential
can mimic infectious organisms include: neoplasia.
–– Melanin granules (Figures 1.25A and 1.25B). –– Potential need for biopsy or tissue cultures (if neo-
–– Keratohyalin granules (Figure 1.26). plastic cells or inflammatory cells are seen).
–– Simonsiella oral bacteria, huge rod bacteria, often –– If sample submission to a reference laboratory for
found on the lips and paws (Figure 1.27). pathology evaluation will be needed or diagnostic (if
–– Pollen (Figures 1.28A–1.28C). suspected neoplastic cells are found).
1  Dermatology diagnostics 7



Figures 1.19A and B  For a tape prep, the clear acetate tape is repeatedly impressed onto the lichenified skin; to sample interdigital
areas, the web is pressed up onto the tape.

(C) (D)

Figures 1.19C and D  The tape is then applied onto the microscope slide on top of a drop of blue Diff‐Quik stain.

–– Procedure: d) Use a second slide for gentle squash prep to form

a) Use a 25–22 g needle and a 3–6 cc syringe. monolayer of cells (Figure 1.31C).
b) Insert needle into lesion, aspirate, redirect, and e) Stain with Diff‐Quick, observe under 10× to
aspirate again (Figure 1.31A; if lesion is vascular, find  a diagnostic area, then observe under
then only insert needle in once then withdraw to 40–100×.
avoid blood dilution). –– Appropriate action based on findings:
c) Take needle off syringe, draw air into syringe, a) Potential “wait and see” nodules: Follicular cysts
replace needle and expel needle contents onto (Figure 1.32), lipoma (Figure 1.33), histiocytoma
slide (Figure 1.31B). (Figure 1.34).
8 1  Dermatology diagnostics

Figure 1.19E  Cytological analysis reveals keratinocytes with Figure 1.19F  In a different case, numerous Malassezia are found
scattered neutrophils and cocci (100×). on tape prep (100×).


Figure 1.20  To obtain otic cytology, the cotton swab is inserted Figure 1.21A and B  The swabs are then rolled onto one slide, left
into the ear canal, no further than the vertical canal. and right ears are labeled.

1.4 ­Trichograms
b) We need biopsy +/− staging lesions: mast cell
tumor (Figure 1.35), lymphoma (Figure 1.36), ●● Indications for trichogram/microscopic hair shaft
plasmacytoma, melanoma (Figure 1.37). evaluation when faced with cases of localized or gener-
c) We need biopsy/special stains/tissue alized alopecia include:
c ultures: Pyogranulomatous inflammation
­ –– To evaluate anagen/telogen ratio (Figures 1.38 and 1.39):
(Figure 1.13). a) Anagen: Growing stage of the hair follicle, dur-
d) We need biopsy: everything else. ing which the follicle is actively producing hair.
1  Dermatology diagnostics 9


Figure 1.22  Cytology of yeast otitis (100×).

Figure 1.21A and B  (Continued)

Figure 1.23  Cytology of bacterial otitis caused by cocci bacteria Figure 1.24  Cytology of a mixed bacterial otitis (100×).

Figure 1.25A  Melanin pigment granules found on cytology of a Figure 1.25B  Cytology demonstrating melanin granules on an
dry skin scraping of a black dog (100×). epithelial cell, surrounded by cocci and rod bacteria (100×).
10 1  Dermatology diagnostics

Figure 1.26  Cytology of an epithelial cell with large pink Figure 1.27  An epithelial cell from a lip fold impression, colonized
intracellular keratohyaline granules which vary in shape and by very large Simonsiella oral bacteria (100×).
size (100×).

Figure 1.28A  Pollen on a skin scraping (10×), which could potentially be mistaken for a parasite egg.



Figures 1.28B and C  Pollen on skin cytology obtained by tape prep (100×).
Figure 1.29  In this skin cytology, lightly pigmented epithelial cells Figure 1.30  This skin cytology shows epithelial cells and
are seen as well as a pigmented environmental mold spore, likely amorphous purple debris which is stain precipitate (100×).
Alternaria (100×).



Figure 1.31A–C  Aspiration of a dermal mass for cytology.
12 1  Dermatology diagnostics

Figure 1.32  This skin mass aspirate cytology shows amorphous Figure 1.33  Most cells and lipid from lipoma aspirates will
keratinaceous debris consistent with a benign follicular cyst/ dissolve in the methanol stain, but sometimes the delicate
tumor (100×). adipocyte cells can be found (100×).

Figure 1.34  Cytology of a histiocytoma shows round cells with Figure 1.35  Cytology of a mast cell tumor demonstrating round
moderate light blue, wispy cytoplasm, occasional small vacuoles, cells with purple granules (100×).
and some nuclei can be indented in a “kidney bean” shape (100×).

Figure 1.36  Impression smear cytology of cutaneous lymphoma Figure 1.37  Cytology of a cutaneous melanocytoma, showing
showing round cells (lymphoblasts) with large nuclei and scant round to stellate cells with dark pigment granules; numerous red
dark blue cytoplasm (100×). blood cells are also present (100×).
1  Dermatology diagnostics 13

Figure 1.38  A typical club shaped anagen hair root (10×). Figure 1.39  The telogen hair root has a spear shape (10×).

Figure 1.41  This trichogram demonstrates hair damage due to

Figure 1.40  Trichogram of an overgrooming cat shows hairs aggressive brushing (4×).
sheared off mid‐shaft (10×).

b) Telogen: Resting stage of the hair follicle, in which

the non‐growing hair is retained in the follicle
and subsequently lost.
–– To investigate barbering potential in cases in which
the animal is not witnessed to be licking or chewing
at the fur (Figure 1.40).
–– To evaluate hair shaft integrity in cases of suspected
chemical or physical injury to the fur such as aggres-
sive brushing (Figure 1.41).
–– To evaluate hair shaft pigment distribution, in sus-
pected cases of color dilution alopecia (Figure 1.42).
–– To evaluate potential hair shaft infection such as
dermatophytosis (Figure 1.43).
●● The hair cycle can vary with breed, age, gender,
­season, and health status:
–– Beagles were reported to have approx. 50  :  50
Figure 1.42  Trichogram of a dog with color dilution alopecia; ­anagen  :  telogen ratio in one study (Al‐Bagdadi,
note the clumps of pigment causing distortion of the hair cuticles Titkemeyer, and Lovell, 1977), though another
as well as the hair root (10×). ­reference states 20 : 80.
14 1  Dermatology diagnostics

Figure 1.43  Trichogram of a cat with dermatophytosis showing

the dermatophyte organisms invading the walls of the hair shaft,
creating a “rotten log” appearance. The hair was obtained in this
case via skin scrapings, causing the micelle of red blood cells
within mineral oil above the affected hair (10×).

Figure 1.44  Wood’s lamp examination of a dog with Microsporum

canis; the infected hair shafts fluoresce apple green.

Figure 1.45B  The toothbrush bristles are then gently and partially
embedded into the dermatophyte culture media.

–– In a study of Boxers and Labradors, more telogen

hairs were found during the hottest months of the
year, and an increase in anagen hairs during the
coldest months (Favarato and Conceição, 2008).
Figure 1.45A  Toothbrush samples are obtained with a new
toothbrush vigorously brushed across affected areas.
–– The mean percentage of telogen hairs was 93, 90,
and 55.3% for Boxer, Labrador, and Schnauzer.
–– Adult Labradors housed indoors had >80% telogen
–– Nordic breeds are thought to have a telogen predomi- hairs in all seasons.
nant cycle (10 : 90) (Dunstan et al. 2001); Welle and –– Dogs with continuously growing haircoats (i.e.
Wiener, 2016), though one study on normal Huskies Poodles) have approx. 90% anagen hair bulbs (simi-
showed a 50 : 50 anagen/telogen ratio (Diaz et al. 2006). lar to humans).
–– There is no exact “normal ratio” but observing ⚪⚪ Trichogram of a Poodle with only 50% anagen roots

trends in anagen and telogen hairs can be helpful. may increase suspicion for possible endocrinopathy.
1  Dermatology diagnostics 15



Figure 1.46A and B  Use a high‐quality Wood’s lamps ideally with magnification.

1.5 ­Dermatophyte culture technique –– The MacKenzie toothbrush technique is helpful to

screen asymptomatic carriers, and to obtain sam-
●● To obtain samples for dermatophyte culture, use ples from animals undergoing antifungal treatment
sterile hemostats to pluck hairs from around the in which skin lesions have clinically resolved. In
periphery of a newly formed or expanding skin these cases, the toothbrush is stroked over the entire
lesion, and avoid areas which may have been recently body, concentrating especially in areas with prior
medicated. lesions and, in cats, on the face, ears, and paws.
●● Ideal hairs to select are those in areas of active crust- –– In cases of suspected onychomycosis, the tooth-
ing, and hairs which appear damaged or misshapen brush can be used on the affected nail bed; addition-
and/or fluoresce under a Wood’s lamp (Figure 1.44). ally, samples of nail bed fur can be obtained with
●● In addition to hair plucks (which can potentially miss sterile hemostats, and the proximal affected nail can
infected hairs and may not sample infected epithelium be sampled using a scalpel blade to shave off small
adequately), it is ideal to also obtain samples using the pieces of keratin (precleaning of the nail with alco-
MacKenzie toothbrush technique: hol is recommended to help reduce accumulated
–– In this technique, a new toothbrush is removed from saprophytic or environmental fungal organisms). If
its packaging and the toothbrush is rubbed gently an avulsed toenail is considered for fungal culture,
over the suspect area, including the skin and haired the distal part of the nail should be discarded, and
margins of alopecic or scaly lesions (Figure 1.45A). ideally samples for culture obtained by scraping the
–– If culturing a suspected asymptomatic dermato- proximal concave aspect of the claw.
phyte carrier, use the toothbrush to sample the fur
over the entire body, ending on the face and paws.
–– The toothbrush bristles are then gently embedded into 1.6 ­Wood’s lamp examination
the fungal culture media, taking care not to embed the
bristles too deeply (which risks displacement of culture ●● Wood’s lamps and black lights are different!
media when the bristles are removed (Figure 1.45B). –– A Wood’s lamp is a UV light which emits wave-
–– Hair and debris which are caught within the bristles length 320–450 nm (peak 365 nm), filtered through
can be removed with sterile hemostats and then a cobalt or nickel filter.
placed on the fungal culture surface. –– A black light is composed of a clear glass that filters
–– Toothbrushes can be obtained inexpensively in bulk medium and short‐wave UV light and emits a
from dollar stores or from online distributors. large  amount of blue visible light along with long
16 1  Dermatology diagnostics

wave UV light; It is hard to see fluorescence due ●● Microscopic examination can be done in the clinic, or
to the large amount of visible light. the entire culture plate can be sent to a reference labo-
–– An example of a black light is the light bulb in a bug ratory for fungal identification (usually at a reduced
catcher. cost compared to fungal culture).
●● Use a Wood’s lamp with electric plug and magnification ●● To facilitate fungal sporulation and identification, it is
(Figure 1.46A and 1.46B): helpful to use a DTM plate which also has a separate area
–– Warm up for five to ten minutes before use, light’s of plain Sabouraud’s agar or rapid sporulation medium
wavelength and intensity are temperature dependent. (RSM) which do not contain inhibiting agents.
–– Expose fur for three to five minutes, some ringworm ●● According to a fungal culture manufacturer’s recom-
strains may be slow to fluoresce (or our eyes are mendations (, culture media should
slow to adapt to darkness). be stored at 2–25°C (36–77°F) and protected from
–– Examine in dark room, hold lamp a few inches away light prior to inoculation.
from skin/fur. –– Plates should be allowed to warm to room tempera-
●● Pluck fluorescing hairs (Figure 1.44) for dermatophyte test ture prior to inoculation.
medium (DTM) and direct microscopic examination. –– Prior to and during inoculation procedures, plates
●● False negative Wood’s lamp results can occur in 20–50% should be handled in a manner that minimizes expo-
of Microsporum canis cases (usually due to user error), sure of the media to the environment. Expired plates
in all Microsporum gypseum and Trichophyton menta- or plates that exhibit drying, cracking, discoloration,
grophytes cases, and after use of topical iodine. microbial contamination, or other signs of deteriora-
●● False positive Wood’s lamp reactions can occur due to tion should not be used. The presence of excessive
pyoderma, Demodex, keratin, soap, topical medica- condensation may appear in plates that have been
tions, and carpet fibers. damaged by exposure to temperature extremes.
●● The fluorescent metabolic product is a pigment that is ●● Fungal cultures should be incubated at room tempera-
incorporated into the hairs and will remain even when ture (25–30°C) with 30% humidity.
the fungus is dead. ●● Most organisms will appear within 7–10 days, how-
●● As infection resolves, fluorescence is lost in the proximal ever plates should be kept for 14–21 days, especially
hairs and glowing tips may remain yet be culture negative. when no growth is seen initially, or when the sample
has been obtained from a pet currently under therapy
with antifungal medications.
1.7 ­Dermatophyte culture medium –– According to one DTM manufacturer (,
selection and incubation dermatophyte culture plates may be incubated in full
light, although some recommend incubation in the dark
●● DTM contains Sabouraud’s dextrose agar with to avoid UV light‐induced inhibition of fungal growth.
cycloheximide, gentamycin, and chlortetracycline as –– In dry climates, culture plates should be placed in
antifungal and antibacterial agents to retard growth of plastic bags or containers to prevent dehydration of
contaminant organisms. Additionally, the pH indica- the media which can inhibit growth of organisms.
tor phenol red is added. ●● After 48–72 hours, begin examining the plates daily for
–– Dermatophytes preferentially metabolize protein in characteristic media color changes and fungal growth.
the culture medium, causing alkaline metabolites ●● If optimal dermatophyte culture storage conditions, daily
and turning the yellow fungal culture medium to a observation of fungal colony growth and media color
red color at exactly the same time as the dermato- change, and subsequent microscopic identification of sus-
phyte colony appears. pect fungal organisms are not feasible in the individual
–– Most other fungi initially utilize carbohydrates with clinic situation, then submission of skin and hair samples
resultant acidic metabolites; these saprophytic fungi (placed in a sterile red top tube) from suspect cases to a
can eventually consume protein and cause media veterinary reference laboratory for fungal culture is recom-
color change, but this usually happens several days mended to avoid misdiagnosis. Even some veterinary der-
after fungal growth occurs. matologists elect this option to minimize the chance of
●● Daily observation and logging of fungal growth corre- false negative or false positive dermatophyte cultures.
lated with media color change is thus very important
in correctly interpreting DTM culture results.
●● Additionally, since some non‐dermatophyte fungal 1.8 ­Identification of dermatophytes
organisms can cause positive media color change
­concurrent with colony growth and mimic dermato- ●● Macroscopic fungal colony morphology is an impor-
phytes, microscopic examination of all suspect colo- tant first step in determining if a dermatophyte is
nies is very important to avoid misidentification. present.
1  Dermatology diagnostics 17

Figure 1.47  A dermatophyte culture plate growing Microsporum Figure 1.48  Microsporum gypseum has a white to buff‐colored,
canis; white to cream cottony colonies with concurrent media slightly powdery appearance.
color change.

Figure 1.50  Dermatophytes are never black, green, or gray; this

Figure 1.49  Trichophyton mentagrophytes colonies are white to dermatophyte culture has numerous contaminant colonies, and
cream in color with a powdery to granular texture. any colonies of interest should be recultured onto a new plate.
Contaminant fungi can also cause media color change usually
after several days of incubation.

●● Microsporum and Trichophyton, the most important

dermatophytes in dogs and cats, appear as white, light blue, or the blue Diff‐Quik solution (basophilic
yellow, tan, or buff‐colored, cottony to powdery ­thiazine dye).
appearing colonies (Figures 1.47–1.49). ●● The slide is examined under 10–40× for the
●● Dermatophytes are never black, green, or gray ­characteristic dermatophyte macroconidia.
(Figure 1.50). ●● In early cultures, only fungal hyphae with no macroco-
●● Microscopic evaluation of suspect fungal growth is nidia may be seen (especially in cases of Trichophyton),
also important, since some environmental fungi can and these cultures should be incubated longer to allow
mimic dermatophytes in gross colony morphology and for spore development.
ability to turn the media red. ●● M. canis has numerous large spindle‐shaped, thick‐
●● Gloves should be worn to avoid transmission of walled spores with a terminal knob and six or more
dermatophyte spores to the hands. A small piece
­ internal cells (Figure 1.51).
of clear acetate tape is gently touched to the surface of ●● M. gypseum produces numerous large spindle‐shaped
the fungal colony and then the tape is applied to a spores with thin walls, no terminal knob, and six or
glass slide over a drop of blue stain such as methylene less internal cells (Figure 1.52).
18 1  Dermatology diagnostics

Figure 1.52  Microsporum gypseum produces numerous large

spindle‐shaped spores with thin walls, no terminal knob, and six
or less internal cells (40×).

Figure 1.51  Microsporum canis has numerous large spindle‐

shaped, thick‐walled spores with a terminal knob and six or more
internal cells (40×).

Figure 1.54  Spiral hyphae are also suggestive of Trichophyton

mentagrophytes (40×).

Figure 1.53  Trichophyton mentagrophytes produces sparse, cigar‐ –– If toothbrushes are submitted, wrap the head of the
shaped spores with thin walls; there are numerous round sample in a plastic bag (do not tape shut) and then
microconidia (40×). place this into a second bag.
–– If crusts or scales are submitted, use a sterile red top
●● T. mentagrophytes produces long cigar‐shaped tube. Dry skin scraping samples can be collected
­macroconidia with thin walls; spores may be few in using a skin scraping spatula or forceps.
number; spiral‐shaped hyphae are also characteristic ●● Because dermatophyte PCR is very sensitive, false neg-
of Trichophyton (Figures 1.53 and 1.54). ative results are rare, but can occur if not enough
●● In cases in which the fungal species cannot be easily material is submitted for analysis; it is important to
identified in the clinic, then the dermatophyte culture submit adequate hairs with intact roots.
should be submitted to a veterinary reference labora- ●● Because PCR testing accurately identifies fungal DNA
tory for fungal identification. but does not discriminate between viable and nonvia-
ble fungal DNA, discordant test results between PCR
and dermatophyte culture can occur when dead der-
1.9 ­Dermatophyte PCR matophyte DNA is detected by PCR in successfully
treated animals in which the dermatophyte culture is
●● In recent years, dermatophyte PCR (polymerase chain negative.
reaction) has become an available screening test for –– Rarely, a positive PCR may be misinterpreted as clini-
dermatophyte infections in dogs and cats. cal infection if a single environmental dermatophyte
●● Samples for PCR should be obtained from lesions spore such as M. gypseum or Trichophyton is
using a toothbrush and by collecting scales and crusts. ­coincidentally picked up.
1  Dermatology diagnostics 19

●● Fungal PCR is reported as positive or negative. Unlike ●● Alternatively, bacterial skin cultures can be performed
follow‐up dermatophyte cultures in which decreasing by obtaining a 4–6 mm punch biopsy of papule, pus-
colony counts can be assessed as a measure of tule, or crusted lesion, which is then placed in a sterile
­treatment efficacy, PCR cannot accurately determine red top tube (+/− with 0.25–0.5 cc sterile/not bacterio-
number of dermatophyte spores present. static saline to keep it moist; contact the laboratory
●● Ideally, both dermatophyte PCR and dermatophyte you are using to determine their preferred submission
culture should be used concurrently for optimal diag- protocol), then submit for macerated tissue culture.
nosis of dermatophytosis, then follow‐up dermato- –– Lidocaine has antibacterial properties, so ideally use
phyte cultures are obtained by toothbrush technique sedation to obtain biopsies for culture.
every one to two weeks to determine when treatment ●● It is important to always perform skin (or ear) cytology at
may be discontinued (after two negative cultures). the time of culture in order to be able to interpret culture
results, for example, if cocci bacteria were seen on cytol-
ogy, but only rods were cultured, this indicates that the
1.10 ­Bacterial culture culture should be rechecked by the lab or resubmitted.
Or if only yeast are found on cytology of skin or ears,
●● Culture is indicated if there is poor response to empiric then this would mean bacterial culture is not indicated.
antibiotics, deep pyoderma, or rod bacteria on skin
●● In superficial infections, aerobic bacterial culture is 1.11 ­Skin biopsies (See videos on
the only culture needed. companion website)
●● In animals with draining tracts or nodules, samples
may also be needed for anaerobic culture, fungal ●● Skin biopsies should be performed in cases of sus-
­culture, or mycobacterial culture. pected neoplasia, vesicular or ulcerative diseases, unu-
–– In these cases, a deep tissue biopsy rather than a sual or atypical cases, and in cases which have not
swab is the best sample. responded to conventional trial therapy.
●● Prior to culture, stop topical and systemic antimicrobi-
als for 48 hours if possible (however, if numerous bacte-
ria are found on cytology despite antibiotic treatment,
culture delay may not be necessary).
●● To obtain the culture sample, options include using
a sterile culturette to swab a freshly ruptured pus-
tule (Figure 1.55) or lift a crust and use the swab to
sample the exudate under crust. In dry lesions, use a
saline moistened swab to rub under rim of epidermal
collarette or to vigorously rub several scaly areas
(Figure 1.56).

Figure 1.56  When pustules are not present, use a saline

Figure 1.55  A sterile culturette for aerobic culture is used to moistened culturette to sample under multiple crusts and submit
sample a pustule ruptured by a sterile needle. for aerobic culture.
20 1  Dermatology diagnostics

–– In general, skin biopsies should be performed within –– Do not surgically prep or disinfect the areas, as
three to four weeks of the onset of the disease, since important skin debris will be lost.
more chronic lesions can be difficult to interpret –– Do not exceed a total lidocaine dose of 5 mg/kg for
due to changes secondary to infection, scarring, or dogs or 2.5 mg/kg for cats (2% lidocaine = 20 mg/ml);
steroid therapy. lidocaine may be diluted 1 : 1 with saline if needed
●● Check cytology of superficial or crusty lesions prior to for small patients.
biopsy; since secondary infection can alter histopatho- ●● 6 mm punch biopsies are preferred for most cases;
logic findings (e.g. discoid lupus and mucocutaneous 4 mm punches may be necessary for difficult areas
pyoderma appear very similar histologically), pretreat- such as near the eye, on the ear, and on the nasal
ment with antibiotics for two to three weeks may be ­planum or footpads of smaller patients.
necessary. –– Use new, sharp biopsy punches, as older used
●● Steroid therapy can also change biopsy results, and ones  tend to shear and distort tissue and create
ideally patients should not receive oral or topical ster- artifact.
oids within two to three weeks and injectable long‐ ●● Excisional biopsy with a scalpel may be indicated for
acting steroids within six to eight weeks of performing larger or nodular lesions or for diseases of the subcuta-
the biopsy procedure (severe, life‐threatening cases neous fat.
would obviously be an exception to this rule). ●● Place the area of interest in the center of the biopsy
●● If possible, choose primary lesions such as papules, pus- punch and do not include a significant amount of nor-
tules, vesicles, macules, or nodules. In suspected cases mal skin with the biopsy (Figure 1.58A and 1.58B); the
of discoid lupus erythematosus, select early depig- only time a lesion should be biopsied on the margin is
mented lesions (before erosion or scarring occurs). in the case of an ulcerative skin disease.
–– Even if primary lesions are not present, diagnostic –– If a large lesion appears different in the center and
information can be obtained from crusts, which leading edges, biopsy both areas.
should be carefully preserved with the skin biopsies. ●● Push the biopsy punch down gently in a rotational
Lesions which are less likely to be diagnostic include motion in one direction to avoid shearing artifact until
excoriations, ulcers, or chronically scarred areas. the epidermis and dermis are penetrated and the
●● More information is gained by performing multiple biopsy punch rotates freely.
(three to five) samples, obtained from a variety of –– When handling the skin biopsy, avoid crush artifact
lesions. by grasping only the subcutaneous tissue with
●● To obtain biopsy samples, local anesthetic (0.5–1 cc of thumb forceps (Figure 1.59).
1–2% lidocaine injected with a 25G needle subcutane- –– Prior to fixation, skin biopsies can be placed fat side
ously under the lesion) and/or mild sedation will be down on pieces of wooden tongue depressor to pre-
needed (Figure 1.57). vent tissue folding and aid in orientation when sam-
–– Hair overlying the lesion may be gently clipped, but ples are processed.
the clipper blades should not touch the skin. ●● Biopsies from radically different lesions or nodules
should be tagged with a suture or placed in individu-
ally labeled containers for differentiation.
●● Within five minutes of obtaining the specimens, skin
biopsies should be fixed in 10% neutral phosphate
buffered formalin (minimum 10 parts formalin to
1 part tissue for adequate fixation).
●● Close skin biopsy sites with 3‐0 Nylon in a simple
interrupted or cruciate pattern (Figure 1.60A and
1.60B). To close biopsy sites in difficult to access places
for future suture removal, use absorbable suture.
●● When obtaining a sample for tissue cultures, place the
biopsy in a sterile red top tube (+/− with 0.25–0.5 cc
sterile/not bacteriostatic saline to keep it moist; con-
tact the laboratory you are using to determine their
preferred submission protocol).
●● Skin histopathology results are optimized by utilizing
experienced dermatopathologists.
–– In cases with histologic inflammation suspected to
Figure 1.57  Lidocaine is injected using a 25G needle be related to infectious disease, special stains to
subcutaneously under the lesion to be sampled. highlight organisms are indicated, and many
1  Dermatology diagnostics 21

(A) (B)

Figures 1.58A and B  Place the biopsy punch in the center of the area of interest, then push down gently in a rotational motion in one
direction to avoid shearing artifact until the biopsy punch rotates freely.

­ermatopathologists will add these stains on at

no extra cost.
–– Special stains which may be needed include Gram
stain for bacteria, GMS (Gomori methenamine sil-
ver)and/or PAS Periodic acid–Schiff ) stains for fun-
gal organisms and Zygomycetes such as pythiosis,
and acid‐fast stains for mycobacteria and filamen-
tous bacteria.
●● It is also essential to give a complete signalment and
history, including description and distribution of
lesions, other symptoms and results of pertinent diag-
nostic tests, current or past therapy/response to ther-
apy, and the clinician’s differential diagnoses. Many
pathologists will accept and appreciate digital patient
photographs. These elements are important to allow
the pathologist to formulate an accurate diagnosis, and
Figure 1.59  Avoid crush artifact by grasping the subcutaneous if there are questions, most pathologists are happy to
tissue/fat with the forceps. discuss their findings with the clinician.

(A) (B)

Figures 1.60A and B  Close the biopsy site with two to three simple interrupted, or one or two cruciate sutures.
22 1  Dermatology diagnostics

1.12 ­Allergy testing –– Rule out adverse food reaction with a carefully

­performed prescription or home cooked hypoal-
●● It is important to emphasize that allergy testing is not lergenic diet trial for six to eight weeks with no
a first line screening test in the work up of dogs and other treats, table scraps, rawhides, milkbones, pill
cats with dermatologic disease. pockets, fish oil, chewable flavored medications,
●● Allergy testing for environmental allergens, whether or supplements.
by serology or intradermal testing, is only performed –– Serology for food allergy is not accurate and cannot
when the clinical diagnosis of atopic dermatitis has be used as an alternative to a hypoallergenic diet
been made by first ruling out all other causes of trial.
­pruritus/dermatitis. ●● The purpose of allergy testing is to determine which
–– Rule out parasites with skin scrapings and trial allergens will be selected for a hyposensitization
­treatment for parasites such as fleas and mites. vaccine.
–– Rule out infection with cytology/culture and ●● Please see Chapter  10 for more information about
­treatment of infectious organisms. allergy testing and allergen selection.

­References/Further reading
Albanese, F. (2017). Canine and Feline Skin Cytology: Dunstan, R.W., Credille, K.M., Mansell, J. et al.
A Comprehensive and Illustrated Guide to the A common sense approach to the morphology of
Interpretation of Skin Lesions via Cytological Examination. alopecia: Addressing 10 points of follicular confusion.
Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. In: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Meeting of
Al‐Bagdadi, F.A., Titkemeyer, C.W., and Lovell, J.E. (1977). American Academy of Veterinary Dermatology and
Hair follicle cycle and shedding in male beagle dogs. Am. American College of Veterinary Dermatology. Norfolk,
J. Vet. Res. 38 (5): 611–616. USA, 2001
Beco, L., Guagere, E., Lorente Mendez, C. et al. (2013). Favarato, E.S. and Conceição, L.G. (2008). Hair cycle in
Suggested guidelines for using systemic antimicrobials dogs with different hair types in a tropical region of
in bacterial skin infections (1): diagnosis based on Brazil. Vet. Dermatol. 19 (1): 15–20. https://doi.
clinical presentation, cytology and culture. Vet. Rec. 172 org/10.1111/j.1365‐3164.2007.00642.x.
(3): 72–78. Miller, W.H., Griffen, C.E., and Campbell, K.L. (2013).
Bowman, D. (2014). Georgis’ Parasitology for Muller and Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology, 7e.
Veterinarians, 10e. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders. St Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.
Coyner, K. (2010). How to perform and interpret Moriello, K.A. (2014). Feline dermatophytosis. Aspects
dermatophyte cultures. Vet. Med. 105 (7): 304–307. pertinent to disease management in single and
Coyner, K. (2011). Skills laboratory: how to perform skin multiple cat situations. J. Feline Med. Surg. 16 (5):
scraping and skin surface cytology. Vet. Med. 106 (11): 419–431.
554–563. Moriello, K.A. and Leutenegger, C.M. (2018). Use of a
Coyner, K. (2011). Skills laboratory: skin biopsy. Vet. Med. commercial qPCR assay in 52 high risk shelter cats for
106 (10): 505–507. disease identification of dermatophytosis and
Diaz, S.F1., Torres, S.M., Nogueira, S.A. et al. (2006). The mycological cure. Vet. Dermatol. 29: 66–e26.
impact of body site, topical melatonin and brushing on Welle, M.M. and Wiener, D.J. (2016). The Hair follicle: a
hair regrowth after clipping normal Siberian Husky comparative review of canine hair follicle anatomy and
dogs. Vet. Dermatol. 17 (1): 45–50. physiology. Toxicol. Pathol. 44 (4): 564–574.

Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses

Kimberly S. Coyner, DVM, DACVD
Dermatology Clinic for Animals, Lacey, WA, USA

One of the most important skills to master when commonly, cutaneous lymphoma can cause patches
approaching a dermatology case is to correctly identify of skin and fur depigmentation.
skin lesions and to know what diseases are associated 2) Increased red blood cells in the skin due to h
­ emorrhage
with what type of skin lesions. We tend to define lesions or vascular dilation/inflammation.
as primary lesions (those that develop spontaneously as
Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:
a direct manifestation of an underlying disease, such as a
papule or pustule due to folliculitis), and secondary 1) Post‐inflammatory hyperpigmented or depigmented
lesions (which evolve from a primary lesion, such as an lesions are located in prior areas of inflammation/
epidermal collarette evolving from a pustule, or excoria- infection.
tions induced by pruritus/scratching of a popular derma- 2) Pigmented viral macules are often found on the
titis). In some cases, lesions can be both primary or ventral trunk and may eventually become slightly
secondary in character, such as alopecia which can be a raised/scaly (Figure 2.1).
primary issue in an alopecic breed, but in a different 3) Senile pigmented macules can occur anywhere.
patient may be secondary to many other diseases 4) Lentigo in orange cats causes dark macules on nasal
including folliculitis, endocrinopathy, or self‐induced
­ planum, lips, and eyelids (Figure 2.2).
barbering due to pruritus. Being able to correctly ­identify 5) Vitiligo often affects face/nose/paws (Figure 2.3).
primary lesions, or recognize that a secondary lesion 6) Atopic patches often occur on the lateral a­ xillary and
evolved from a prior primary lesion, can help ­narrow inguinal areas (Figure 2.4).
down a list of ­ differentials and guide further 7) Thrombocytopenic ecchymoses are most ­visible in
diagnostics. thinly furred areas (Figure 2.5).
8) Cutaneous lymphoma often causes ­depigmentation
on the lips, nasal planum, and eyelids and may also
involve paw pads and trunk.
2.1 ­Primary lesions
2.1.1 Macule/Patch
1) Cytology of lesions which are inflamed or scaly to
Definition: evaluate for type of inflammatory cells and bacteria.
2) Complete blood count/platelet count/coagulation
1) Macule  –  a circumscribed flat area of color change
panel/tick titers in cases of hemorrhagic skin lesions.
<1 cm diameter.
3) Biopsy in cases of suspected viral infection, immune
2) Patch  –  a circumscribed flat area of color change
mediated disease, or neoplasia.
>1 cm diameter.
Common causes:
2.1.2 Papule/pustule
1) Pigment change (increased or decreased melanin) in
the skin cells due to inflammation, immune mediated
disease (vitiligo), viral infection of epidermal cells, 1) Papule  –  a solid elevated lesion <1 cm diameter; a
or  aging changes, or as a normal finding on nasal small, raised, solid bump usually originating from
and lip/eyelid mucosae of orange cats (lentigo). Less an  underlying infected hair follicle, and typically
Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
24 2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses

Figure 2.1  A dog with pigmented macules due to papilloma


Figure 2.2  A cat with lentigo, a normal pigment variation in

orange cats.

Figure 2.3  A dog with depigmented macules and patches due to

vitiligo; the normal nasal reticular pattern is preserved.

inflamed and may have slight surface crusting but not

producing pus (Figure 2.6A and 2.6B); may be part of
a more generalized rash on the skin.
2) Pustule – a small circumscribed elevation of the skin
(epidermis or hair follicle) containing pus and having
an inflamed base. It often evolves from a papule in
cases of bacterial, demodectic, or dermatophyte
induced folliculitis (Figure 2.6A and 2.6B).
Common causes:
1) Folliculitis/infection of hair follicles due to bacteria,
Demodex mites, or dermatophytosis.
2) Other skin parasites such as fleas, scabies, Cheyletiella,
and lice can also cause papules/pustules due to direct
damage to the skin by biting, or by inducing a second-
ary infection.
3) Papules can also be seen with chronic sun damage
(solar dermatosis, Figure 2.7).
4) Tiny papules in non‐haired areas such as the groin Figure 2.4  A dog with an erythematous axillary patch due to
can be a primary lesion of atopic dermatitis. atopic dermatitis.
2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses 25

5) Pemphigus foliaceus causes pustules which span

­multiple hair follicles (Figure 2.8) and rupture quickly,
leaving crusts.
Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:
1) Bacterial pyoderma most commonly occurs on the
trunk, groin, and axillary areas and can sometimes
involve the neck and perineum; lesions can be local-
ized or generalized and can be symmetric or asym-
metric. Bacterial pyoderma less commonly involves
the legs or face, including ear pinnae.
2) Demodex and dermatophytosis commonly affect the
face and paws but can occur anywhere on the body
and can be localized/asymmetric or generalized.
3) Solar dermatitis most commonly occurs on non‐
Figure 2.5  A dog with hemorrhagic macules and patches due to
pigmented skin on the groin, axillary areas, trunk,
thrombocytopenia. and face.
4) Pemphigus foliaceus commonly affects the face, ear pin-
nae, trunk, neck, legs; footpads and nasal planum can
also be affected. Pustules are transient/rupture quickly,
and often only residual crusting is seen clinically.

(A) (B)

Figures 2.6A and B  Inguinal papules and pustules due to bacterial folliculitis in an atopic dog.

Figure 2.7  Papules caused by solar dermatitis. Figure 2.8  A dog with pustules due to pemphigus foliaceus.
26 2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses

Figure 2.9  Cytology of pustules reveal neutrophils with numerous Figure 2.10  Cytology of pemphigus pustule contents reveal
intracellular and extracellular cocci bacteria. neutrophils and large acantholytic cells.

Figure 2.11  A dog with scaly hyperpigmented inguinal plaques due Figure 2.12  A cat with raised erythematous moist inguinal
to bacterial infection; viral pigmented plaques can appear similar. plaques secondary to atopy and flea bite hypersensitivity.

Diagnostics: Common causes:

1) Superficial and deep skin scrapings for parasites. 1) Chronic inflammation due to skin infection (bacterial,
2) Cytology to evaluate for type of inflammatory cells Demodex, dermatophyte, Malassezia, viral), allergic
and bacteria (Figure 2.9), as well as to screen for acan- inflammation, solar dermatitis, calcinosis cutis,
tholytic cells on suspected cases of pemphigus folia- cutaneous lymphoma.
ceus (Figure 2.10).
Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:
3) Culture (aerobic) if bacteria are seen despite prior
empiric antibiotics, or infection is recurrent. 1) Infectious/inflammatory lesions can occur any-
4) Biopsy and dermatophyte culture if papules/pustules where but are more common on the inguinal area
persist despite treatment of any secondary infection, or (Figure 2.11).
if no organisms are found on cytology and scrapings. 2) Feline eosinophilic plaques occur more commonly on
the trunk, axilla, and groin (Figure 2.12).
2.1.3 Plaque 3) Solar dermatitis occurs in white‐coated, short‐haired
dogs in areas of thinly haired skin (Figure 2.13).
4) Calcinosis cutis most commonly occurs on the dorsal
1) A flat‐topped, firm, raised skin lesion >1 cm diameter. shoulders/trunk, axillae, and groin (Figure 2.14).
2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses 27

Figure 2.13  A raised erythematous plaque due to solar Figure 2.14  A dog with gritty raised plaques due to calcinosis
dermatitis. cutis induced by chronic prednisone treatment.

Figure 2.15  A blood filled bulla on the dorsal trunk of a dog due Figure 2.16  Inguinal bullae due to severe solar dermatitis.
to solar thermal damage after a long walk.

Diagnostics: Common causes:

1) Superficial and deep skin scrapings for parasites. 1) Immune mediated diseases (i.e. pemphigus vulgaris, bul-
2) Cytology to evaluate for type of inflammatory cells lous pemphigoid, erythema multiforme, toxic epidermal
and bacteria. necrolysis, systemic and cutaneous lupus, epidermolysis
3) Culture (aerobic) if bacteria are seen despite prior bullosa (Figure 11.8A), dermatomyositis).
empiric antibiotics, or infection is recurrent. 2) Viral diseases (herpes virus, calicivirus, pox virus).
4) Biopsy and dermatophyte culture if plaques persist 3) Acute epithelial damage caused by irritants/caustic
despite treatment of any secondary infection, or if no chemicals/burn (Figures 2.15 and 2.16).
organisms are found on cytology and scrapings. 4) Mucinosis in Shar‐Pei dogs.

Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:

2.1.4 Vesicle/bulla
1) Immune‐mediated diseases often affect the face,
­pinnae, oral cavity, nasal planum, and paw pads.
1) Thin‐walled, fluid‐filled sac <1 cm diameter (vesicle) 2) Herpes and calicivirus often affect the face and oral
or >1 cm (bulla) containing clear to blood‐tinged cavity.
fluid. In most cases lesions are very fragile and rup- 3) Mucinosis occurs in Shar‐Pei dogs and often affects
ture easily, leaving an ulceration which may crust. trunk and limbs (Figure 2.17).
28 2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses

Figure 2.17  Mucin filled vesicles in a Shar-Pei dog. Source: Photo Figure 2.18  Acute urticarial reaction to a shampoo in an atopic dog.
courtesy of Dr. Amy Shumaker, DACVD.

Figure 2.19  Urticarial wheals in a dog due to food allergy, with

surrounding crusted excoriations due to scratching/self‐trauma. Figure 2.20  This French Bulldog has a bacterial folliculitis which
can mimic hives; careful examination of the skin under the raised
Diagnostics: tufts of fur reveals slightly crusty papules.

1) Cytology to evaluate for any inflammatory cells or

Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:
2) Biopsy of intact vesicle, if present, or margin of 1) Lesions may begin on the face or nose of dogs which
­erosion/ulceration. have been stung by an insect, then hives can general-
ize and are usually pruritic.
2.1.5 Wheal 2) In haired areas, wheals cause the fur to raise up
slightly into tufts.
3) Wheals/hives are flat topped and come and go, never
1) An acute, flat‐topped, firm, raised, edematous lesion losing fur or becoming crusted; this differentiates
which can range in size from 4 mm–1 cm; also known as them from a bacterial folliculitis which can also cause
hives (Figures 2.18 and 2.19). Large coalescing wheals raised tufts of fur on the trunk that can be mistaken
involving the lips/eyelids is termed angioedema. for hives, however they will eventually crust and lose
fur (Figure 2.20).
Common causes:
1) An acute allergic reaction to an insect bite or sting,
drug or vaccine, or in chronic cases, to food or an 1) Cytology to evaluate for any inflammatory cells or
environmental allergen. bacteria.
2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses 29

2) Biopsy shows eosinophilic inflammation and edema. (Figure 2.25), or miscellaneous disorders such as
3) Obtain a thorough history including onset of lesions, ­calcinosis circumscripta.
possible insect exposure, and drug history including
Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:
shampoos, vaccines, and oral drugs, and discontinue
anything that is new. In chronic cases, begin a hypoal- 1) Tumors can occur anyplace on the body and are
lergenic diet trial for possible food allergy. ­usually single in number, though sebaceous adenomas
can be multiple in older dogs.
2) Histiocytic disorders and sterile granulomas can
2.1.6 Nodule
cause multiple nodules on multiple areas of the body
Definition: and can occur rapidly.
3) Calcinosis circumscripta usually occurs in areas of
1) A solid mass >1 cm diameter.
trauma such as elbows, tongue, paw pads, or on pin-
Common causes: nal margins after ear crop.
1) Nodules can be caused by tumors (benign or
­malignant, Figures 2.21–2.23), infectious or sterile
granulomas (Figure 2.24), histiocytic disorders

Figure 2.22  A cat with a distal limb subcutaneous

hemangiosarcoma. Source: Photo courtesy of Dr. Eric Hoots, DACVS.

Figure 2.21  A sebaceous epithelioma.

Figure 2.24  An ulcerated granulomatous mass on a cat caused by

Figure 2.23  A mast cell tumor on the lip of a Pug. a mycobacterial infection.
30 2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses

Figure 2.25  A dog with a histiocytoma on the eyelid; this resolved Figure 2.26A  A follicular cyst.
spontaneously in six weeks.

Figure 2.26B  This Norwegian Elkhound had multiple

intracornifying epitheliomas, which would often open and drain
flocculent material.

Figure 2.26C  The atopic Bulldog had multiple interdigital

follicular cysts which would become inflamed, rupture, and drain.
1) Fine needle aspirate for cytology to evaluate for any
inflammatory or neoplastic cells or organisms.
2) Biopsy; if initial cytology shows inflammatory cells, 2) Interdigital cysts are distended inflamed obstructed
then tissue cultures may be needed. hair follicles which occur secondarily to underlying
atopy, food allergy, conformational abnormalities +/−
2.1.7 Cyst obesity, and then rupture and cause infected granulomas
(Figure 2.26C).
1) Epithelial lined cavity containing fluid or cellular and/
or sebaceous debris. 1) Fine needle aspirate of non‐inflammatory sebaceous
or follicular cysts for cytology usually shows amor-
Common causes:
phous keratinaceous debris (Figure 2.27A); aspirate of
1) Usually originate from hair follicles or glands. apocrine cyst typically shows clear to light yellow
acellular to poorly cellular fluid, or sometimes brown
Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:
turbid fluid due to melanin content (i.e. apocrine
1) Cysts can occur anyplace on the body and are usually cystomatosis); aspirates of ruptured and inflamed
single, though can be multiple especially in predisposed interdigital cysts shows pyogranulomatous inflamma-
breeds (Figures 2.26A and 2.26B). tion which may include eosinophils, keratin, and hair
2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses 31

Figure 2.27A  Cytology of a fine needle aspirate of the follicular Figure 2.27B  Cytology of a draining interdigital cyst/granuloma
cyst reveals amorphous keratinaceous and/or sebaceous material often shows neutrophils and macrophages; eosinophils, keratin,
and may also contain melanin granules. and fragments of degenerating hair shafts may also be found.
Bacteria may be few in number and difficult to find due to severity
of inflammation (100×).

Figure 2.28  A dog with multifocal alopecia due to bacterial

folliculitis; Demodex or dermatophyte infections can appear
identical, and skin scrapings and cytology are indicated ±
dermatophyte culture if definitive organisms are not found on
screening tests.
Figure 2.29  A dog with alopecia due to pruritus and severe bacterial
fragments; bacteria may be present in low numbers and Malassezia skin infections secondary to atopy and food allergy.
or obscured by inflammatory infiltrate (Figure 2.27B).
2) Biopsy.
3) Culture interdigital cysts to guide antibiotic t­ reatment 2) Pruritus/barbering (Figures 2.30A and 2.30B).
while the underlying cause is addressed. 3) Endocrinopathies.
a) Hypothyroidism (Figure 2.31).
b) Hyperadrenocorticism.
c) Excess sex hormone (endogenous vs. exogenous).
2.2 ­Primary or secondary lesions 4) Follicular dysplasia/Hair cycle disorder.
a) Breed related, i.e. Doberman, Irish water spaniel,
2.2.1  Alopecia (Also see chapters 12 and 13)
Curly coated retriever.
Definition: b) Alopecia X.
c) Canine recurrent flank alopecia (Figure 2.32A).
1) Localized, multifocal, or generalized loss of hair.
d) Pattern baldness (Figure 2.32B).
5) Immune‐mediated disorders.
Common causes:
a) Alopecia areata (Figure 2.33A), mural folliculitis,
1) Folliculitis (bacterial [Figures 2.28 and 2.29], dermatomyositis (Figure 2.33B).
Demodex, dermatophyte). b) Vaccine reaction.
32 2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses

Figure 2.30A  A dog with pedal barbering due to atopy.

Figure 2.30B  A cat with lumbar barbering due to flea bite


Figure 2.31  A dog with truncal hypotrichosis due to


6) Keratinization disorders.
a) Color dilution alopecia (Figure 2.34), black hair
follicular dysplasia.
b) Sebaceous adenitis. Figure 2.32A  A dog with regional alopecia and
7) Congenital or breed related alopecia (Figure 2.35). hyperpigmentation due to seasonal flank alopecia.
8) Scarring due to prior injury (trauma, burn) or prior
severe infection or inflammatory disease causing older animals (unless iatrogenic Cushing’s or exposure
follicular destruction. to human transdermal hormone replacements).
4) Follicular dysplasia is non‐pruritic, symmetrical, and
Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:
often affects lumbar area/trunk.
1) Folliculitis usually causes patchy, multifocal hair 5) Immune‐mediated alopecic diseases are usually non‐
loss  often associated with scaling/crusting/papules pruritic and cause multifocal alopecia that can mimic
+/− pruritus. folliculitis but papules/crusting are not present.
2) Barbering occurs in areas the pet can reach with paws 6) Vaccine‐induced alopecia usually occurs a few weeks
or mouth or by rubbing. to months post vaccination (especially rabies).
3) Endocrinopathies cause non‐pruritic (unless secondar- 7) Color dilution alopecia and black hair follicular dyspla-
ily infected) symmetrical truncal, neck, and tail ­alopecia sia affect 6mo–18mo, affect blue, fawn, or black fur,
that spares the head and distal limbs, usually occur in and is non‐pruritic (unless secondary infection occurs).
2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses 33

Figure 2.33A  A Miniature Pinscher with facial and pinnal alopecia

due to alopecia areata.

Figure 2.32B  A young Boston Terrier with non‐inflammatory

ventral neck alopecia due to pattern baldness.

Figure 2.33B  Patchy facial scarring alopecia in a Sheltie with

Figure 2.34  A dog with generalized non‐inflammatory alopecia
due to color dilution alopecia.

8) Sebaceous adenitis often occurs in Standard poodles,

Akitas, Vizslas, and Havanese, but can occur in any
breed, causes follicular casting in most affected dogs,
and may or may not be pruritic.
9) Congenital/breed related alopecias are present at
birth or soon after.
1) Skin scrapings for mites.
2) Skin cytology for bacteria.
Figure 2.35  Congenital alopecia in a Sphynx cat. 3) Dermatophyte culture.
34 2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses

Figure 2.36A  Scaling caused by a superficial pyoderma in an Figure 2.36B  Scaling due to Cheyletiella infection.
atopic dog.

Figure 2.36C  Scaling due to cutaneous lymphoma. Figure 2.36D  A cat with thymoma‐associated exfoliative dermatitis.

4) Trichogram to screen for color dilution alopecia

if  appropriate, or to evaluate hairs for evidence of
­barbering/self‐induced alopecia. endocrinopathy, fatty acid or other nutritional
5) CBC/Chemistry panel/urinalysis/thyroid panel +/− i­ mbalance, harsh shampoos; sebaceous adenitis,
adrenal testing if endocrinopathy suspected. ­cutaneous epitheliotropic lymphoma (Figure 2.36C),
6) Skin biopsies if no infectious agents are found. feline thymoma‐associated exfoliative dermatitis
(Figure 2.36D).
2.2.2 Scale 2) Primary (rare): Keratinization disorders such as
­ichthyosis (Figure 2.37), primary seborrhea.
Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:
1) Accumulation of fragments of surface epithelium
which can be adherent or exfoliative, small to 1) Scaling on the periphery of an alopecic lesion can
large flakes of keratin varying in color from white/ suggest folliculitis.
Common causes:
1) Skin scrapings for mites.
1) Secondary (more common): Inflammation due to 2) Skin cytology for infection.
any  cause (infection (Figure 2.36A)/allergy/parasite 3) Dermatophyte culture.
(Figure 2.36B), xerosis of the skin due to underlying 4) Biopsy.
2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses 35

Figure 2.37  Adherent scaling in an American Bulldog due to Figure 2.38  Crusting caused by deep pyoderma.

Figure 2.40  Periocular crusting due to zinc responsive


2) Primary (less common): Zinc responsive dermatosis

(Figure 2.40), hepatocutaneous syndrome (superficial
necrolytic dermatitis).
Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:

Figure 2.39  Pinnal crusting in a cat due to pemphigus foliaceus. 1) Pruritic crusts occur in areas the animal can reach to
scratch, chew, or rub.
2) Crusts due to pyoderma are often (but not always) on
the trunk.
2.2.3 Crust 3) Crusts due to scabies are often on pinnal margins and
pressure points.
4) Crusts due to immune‐mediated disease are often (but
1) Accumulation of dried exudate which may include not always) on the face/muzzle, pinnae, and paw pads.
pus, blood, and skin cells. 5) Crusts due to hepatocutaneous syndrome are often
on the paw pads and pressure points, +/− face or
Common causes:
1) Secondary (more common): Pruritus/self‐trauma, 6) Crusts due to zinc responsive dermatosis are often on
inflammation due to any cause (infection (Figure 2.38)/ the lips, eyelids, pressure points, +/− paw pads and
allergy/parasite/immune‐mediated disease (Figure 2.39). inner pinnae.
36 2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses

(A) (B)

Figures 2.41A and B  Follicular casting due to sebaceous adenitis.

2) Primary: Sebaceous adenitis most common, rarely
primary seborrhea, vitamin A responsive dermatosis.

Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:

1) Sebaceous adenitis tends to symmetrically affect the
dorsal trunk, and also can affect the dorsal head/muzzle
and outer pinnae.
1) Skin scrapings for mites.
2) Skin cytology for infection.
3) Dermatophyte culture.
4) Biopsy.

2.2.5  Comedo (Comedones)

Figure 2.42  Follicular casts on the pinnae due to generalized Definition:

1) Dilated plugged hair follicle which may be closed at
the surface (“whitehead”) or open (“black head”).
Diagnostics: Common causes:
1) Skin scrapings for mites. 1) Secondary (more common): Demodicosis (Figure 2.43),
2) Skin cytology for infection and to evaluate inflamma- dermatophytosis (Figure 2.44), bacterial folliculitis,
tory cells/screen for acantholysis. endocrinopathy (Figure 2.45), overuse of topical or
3) Bacterial culture if bacteria are found on cytology systemic steroids (Figure 2.46), solar dermatosis,
despite prior empiric antibiotics. friction/callus sites.
4) Dermatophyte culture. 2) Primary: Schnauzer comedo syndrome (Figure 2.47),
5) Biopsy. feline acne, alopecic breed related (Chinese crested),
vitamin A responsive dermatosis (rare).
2.2.4  Follicular cast Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:
Definition: 1) Schnauzer comedones occur on the dorsal midline.
1) Keratinaceous debris wrapped around proximal hair 2) Comedones due to endocrinopathy and overuse of
shafts (Figures 2.41A and 2.41B). systemic steroids occur on the dorsal trunk and groin.
3) Comedones due to overuse of topical steroid products
Common causes:
occur at the site of application.
1) Secondary (more common): Demodicosis (Figure 2.42), 4) Comedones due to solar dermatosis occur in thinly
dermatophytosis, bacterial folliculitis. haired, non‐pigmented skin.
2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses 37

Figure 2.43  Perivulvar comedones due to demodicosis in the Figure 2.44  Comedones in a cat due to dermatophytosis.
same dog.

Figure 2.45  Comedones in a dog due to endocrine disease. Figure 2.46  Comedones and milia on the groin of an atopic dog
overtreated with topical steroid sprays and ointments.

5) Comedones due to friction occur on pressure points

such as elbows and ventral chest (Figure 2.48).
1) Skin scrapings for mites.
2) Skin cytology for infection.
3) Lab work/endocrine testing if appropriate based on
age and location of comedones.
4) Biopsy.

2.2.6  Pigment change

1) Hypopigmentation/hypomelanosis: loss of epidermal
melanin. Hyperpigmentation/hypermelanosis: increased
epidermal melanin.
Figure 2.47  Comedones on the dorsal midline of a Miniature 2) Leukoderma: white skin. Leukotrichia: White fur.
Schnauzer. 3) Melanoderma: dark skin. Melanotrichia: Dark fur.
38 2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses

Figure 2.49A  Post inflammatory depigmentation due to

mucocutaneous pyoderma.

Figure 2.48  Comedones on the ventral sternum of a Miniature

Dachshund due to chronic friction/pressure.

Figure 2.50  Nasal depigmentation due to discoid lupus, note the

Figure 2.49B  Generalized hyperpigmentation secondary to
nasal reticular pattern is lost.
demodicosis and Malassezia dermatitis.

Common causes:
1) Both hypo and hyperpigmentation of skin and fur can
occur after an inflammatory event (infection due to
bacterial, fungal, or parasitic causes [Figures 2.49A
and 2.49B], trauma, allergy, immune‐mediated skin
2) Hypopigmentation of skin and fur on the eyelids and
nose is characteristic of uveodermatologic syndrome.
3) Nasal planum hypopigmentation also commonly occurs
in discoid lupus (Figure 2.50), pemphigus foliaceus,
vitiligo, and Dudley or Snow nose (Figure 2.51).
4) Cutaneous epitheliotropic lymphoma commonly causes
hypopigmentation of nasal planum, lips, eyelids +/−
paw pads (Figures 2.52 and 2.53).
5) Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (reticulated/
latticework appearance) of the inguinal and axillary
Figure 2.51  Nasal pigment loss with retention of normal reticular skin and inner pinnae is common in canine atopic
nasal pattern, due to Dudley nose. dermatitis (Figure 2.54).
2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses 39

Figure 2.52  Depigmentation of nasal planum and facial skin and Figure 2.53  Paw pad depigmentation due to epitheliotropic
fur due to epitheliotropic lymphoma. lymphoma.

Figure 2.54  Post inflammatory inguinal hyperpigmentation due

to atopy.

6) Diffuse hyperpigmentation of the skin is common in

canine endocrine dermatoses (Figure 2.55).
7) Vitiligo is an immunologic disease targeting melano-
cytes and can cause both leukoderma and leukotrichia.
Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:
1) Facial, nasal, and/or paw pad hypopigmentation
suggests immune‐mediated disease or cutaneous
­ Figure 2.55  Inguinal hyperpigmentation due to hypothyroidism.
2) Inguinal and axillary reticulated hyperpigmentation
suggests atopic dermatitis. suggest immune‐mediated disease, especially ery-
3) Diffuse truncal hyperpigmentation with hair loss thema multiforme and cutaneous or mucocutaneous
suggests endocrinopathy. lupus erythematosus (Figure 3.77).
4) Hyperpigmentation in the centers of circular areas 6) Hyperpigmented macules on the nasal planum and
of  alopecia with peripheral scaling (epidermal lips of orange cats is a common benign change called
­collarettes) is commonly seen with canine bacterial lentigo (Figures 17.2A and B).
pyoderma. 7) Hyperpigmented macules and scaly raised plaques in
5) Hyperpigmentation around ulcerated or eroded cats are commonly due to papillomavirus induced
lesions on the groin/axillae/perianal/perivulvar areas squamous cell carcinoma in situ (Bowen’s disease).
40 2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses

Diagnostics: 2) Cats: Most commonly due to dermatophytosis (Figure

8.24E) but can also occur with bacterial pyoderma
1) Skin scrapings for mites.
and immune‐mediated diseases.
2) Skin cytology for infection and to evaluate inflamma-
tory cells. Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:
3) Bacterial culture if bacteria are found on cytology
1) Truncal and inguinal epidermal collarettes are typical
despite prior empiric antibiotics.
for canine bacterial folliculitis.
4) Dermatophyte culture.
2) Epidermal collarettes due to dermatophytosis tend to
5) Biopsy.
be few in number and asymmetrical and can occur
anyplace, including the limbs, face, and ears.
3) Epidermal collarettes due to pemphigus foliaceus
2.3 ­Secondary lesions (lesions tend to involve the trunk, limbs, and head equally.
which occur as sequelae or
progression of primary lesions)
1) Skin scrapings for mites.
2.3.1  Epidermal collarette 2) Skin cytology for infection and to evaluate inflamma-
tory cells/screen for acantholysis.
3) Bacterial culture if bacteria are found on cytology
1) Circular rim of scaling around an alopecic lesion, despite prior empiric antibiotics.
which originated initially from a prior pustule or bulla 4) Dermatophyte culture.
then expanded outward. 5) Biopsy.
Common causes:
2.3.2 Scar
1) Dogs: Most commonly due to bacterial pyoderma
(Figures 2.56 and 2.57), less commonly to dermato-
1) Fibrous tissue which has replaced damaged dermis
phytosis, insect bites, and immune‐mediated
+/− subcutis.
Common causes:
1) Prior severe skin trauma such as very deep chronic
infection, chronic ulcerative immune‐mediated diseases
such as vasculitis (Figure 2.58), sterile panniculitis
(Figure 2.59), burns, or trauma.
Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:
1) Facial scarring can occur after severe juvenile
2) Focal to patchy truncal scarring can occur after severe
3) Serpiginous truncal scars can occur after thermal
solar injury.

Figure 2.56  An atopic dachshund with inguinal epidermal Figure 2.57  An atopic French Bulldog with truncal epidermal
collarettes. collarettes due to bacterial pyoderma.
2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses 41

Figure 2.58  Scarring due to vasculitis. Figure 2.59  Scarring post treatment of sterile panniculitis.

Figure 2.60  Excoriations due to self‐trauma in a pruritic dog. Figure 2.61  Facial excoriations in an atopic cat.

4) Rabies vaccine‐induced localized vasculitis can Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:

induce follicular atrophy and scar formation at the
1) Lumbar excoriations/barbering often signify flea bite
prior injection site.
Diagnostics: 2) Axillary, facial, and pedal excoriations are common in
canine atopic dermatitis and adverse food reaction.
1) Biopsies demonstrate fibrosis but usually cannot elu-
3) Facial and truncal excoriations are common with
cidate prior cause of the scarring.
feline atopic dermatitis and adverse food reaction
(Figure 2.61).
2.3.3 Excoriation
1) Skin scrapings for mites, trial treatment for
1) Erosion or ulceration caused by chewing/scratching/ ectoparasites.
self‐trauma (Figure 2.60). 2) Skin cytology for infection and to evaluate inflam-
matory cells.
Common causes:
3) Bacterial culture if bacteria are found on ­c ytology
1) Ectoparasites. despite prior empiric antibiotics.
2) Hypersensitivity dermatitis (atopy, food allergy, con- 4) Dermatophyte culture.
tact hypersensitivity). 5) Biopsy is usually not helpful but may support under-
3) Secondary bacterial or yeast infections. lying hypersensitivity.
42 2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses

Figure 2.62  Erosion due to vasculitis.

Figure 2.63  Thickening and ulceration of the lip in an atopic cat

(indolent ulcer) which was poorly steroid responsive due to
untreated secondary bacterial infection.

1) Skin scrapings for mites, trial treatment for
2) Skin cytology for infection and to evaluate inflam-
matory cells.
3) Bacterial culture if bacteria are found on cytology
despite prior empiric antibiotics.
Figure 2.64  Paw pad ulcers due to vasculitis. 4) Biopsy on the margin of the lesion to include intact

2.3.5 Ulcer
2.3.4 Erosion
1) Epidermal defect with exposure of dermis.
1) Shallow epidermal defect that does not expose dermis
Common causes:
(Figure 2.62).
1) Deep infection due to bacterial or fungal organisms,
Common causes:
such as canine deep pyoderma, feline mycobacteriosis.
1) Self‐trauma due to the same causes as excoriation, see 2) Feline indolent ulcer (Figure 2.63).
2.3.3 Excoriation. 3) A physical cause such as trauma or thermal/chemical
2) Rupture of a vesicle caused by an immune‐mediated burn.
disease. 4) Immune‐mediated disease such as vasculitis (Figure
2.64), sterile panniculitis (Figure 2.65), systemic lupus
Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:
erythematosus (SLE), nasal arteritis (Figure 2.66), severe
1) See 2.3.3 Excoriation for distribution of excoriations discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE), epidermolysis
due to self‐trauma. bullosa, pemphigus vulgaris.
2) Erosions due to immune‐mediated disease are not 5) If located over a mass, underlying granuloma (induced
usually pruritic and often involve the face, pinnae, by a foreign body or deep infection) or neoplasia
and mucocutaneous junctions. (Figure 2.67).
2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses 43

Figure 2.66  Nasal ulceration due to nasal arteritis.

Figure 2.65  Truncal ulcerations and draining tract due to sterile


Figure 2.67  Ulcerations on the paws of a cat with lymphoma.

Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:

1) Canine deep pyoderma commonly occurs on the dor-
sal and lateral trunk. Figure 2.68  Chronic bacterial pyoderma can create
2) Feline mycobacteriosis can occur anywhere but com-
monly occurs on the inguinal and lumbar areas.
3) Feline indolent ulcer occurs on the lip mucocutane-
ous junction.
4) Immune‐mediated diseases commonly affect the face, 2.3.6 Lichenification
nasal planum, oral cavity, pinnae, and paw pads.
1) Thickened, elephant‐like skin which is also often, but
1) Cytology for infection. not always, hyperpigmented.
2) Bacterial +/− fungal cultures, ideally deep tissue
Common causes:
3) Biopsy for pathology and special stains for organisms 1) Signifies chronic inflammation due to friction or
if deep infection suspected. chronic bacterial (Figure 2.68) or Malassezia infection
4) If immune‐mediated disease is suspected, it’s impor- (Figure 2.69), secondary to an underlying primary
tant to biopsy on the margin of the ulcerated lesion to hypersensitivity dermatitis (parasite, atopy, food
include intact epidermis, and to sample several areas. allergy), endocrinopathy or keratinization disorder.
44 2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses

Figure 2.69  Lichenification due to Malassezia dermatitis caused Figure 2.70  An elbow callus in a large breed dog.
by hypothyroidism.

Differentials based on lesion distribution/location: Diagnostics:

1) Commonly seen on the ventral neck, inguinal, and axil- 1) If crusting, inflammation, and/or drainage are
lary areas of atopic dogs with secondary infections. ­present, perform cytology for infection +/− culture
if  organisms are present despite prior empiric
Diagnostics: antibiotics.
1) Skin scrapings for mites, trial treatment for 2) Biopsy is not usually helpful and can be difficult to
ectoparasites. heal due to location.
2) Skin cytology for infection.
3) Bacterial culture if bacteria are found on cytology 2.3.8 Fissure
despite prior empiric antibiotics. Definition:
4) Dermatophyte culture.
5) Biopsy is usually not helpful but may support under- 1) Linear cleavage through epidermis +/− into dermis.
lying hypersensitivity. Common causes:
1) Thickened, inelastic, or crusted skin or paws sub-
2.3.7 Callus jected to inflammation or friction/trauma.
Definition: 2) Often occurs on paw pads, nasal planum, pinnal mar-
gins, oral, and anal mucocutaneous borders.
1) A noninflammatory hyperplastic response of the skin
causing thickening and hair loss, most commonly on Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:
pressure points such as elbows and hocks; can become 1) Hyperkeratotic fissured paw pads can be caused by
secondarily infected. immune‐mediated diseases (pemphigus foliaceus),
Common causes: zinc responsive dermatosis, hepatocutaneous syndrome
(Figure 2.71), severe chronic sarcoptic mange (Figure
1) Chronic pressure/friction. 2.72), and canine distemper.
2) Hyperkeratotic fissured nasal planum can be due
Differentials based on lesion distribution/location:
to idiopathic nasodigital hyperkeratosis (Figure 2.73),
1) Most commonly occurs on lateral elbows (Figure 2.70), severe nasal pyoderma (Figure 2.74) pemphigus
hocks, ventral sternum, and hips. ­foliaceus, hepatocutaneous syndrome.
2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses 45

Figure 2.71  Fissured, hyperkeratotic paw pads due to Figure 2.72  Fissured, hyperkeratotic paw pads due to chronic
hepatocutaneous syndrome. untreated sarcoptic mange; this is a rare finding.

Figure 2.73  Crusting and fissuring of the dorsal nasal planum Figure 2.74  Nasal planum crusting and fissuring due to nasal
due to idiopathic nasodigital hyperkeratosis. Mucocutaneous mucocutaneous pyoderma secondary to atopic dermatitis.
nasal pyoderma can appear identical but no bacteria were found
on cytology.
3) Fissured lip and anal mucocutaneous junction lesions 1) Skin scrapings for mites, trial treatment for
can be due to mucocutaneous pyoderma or immune‐ ectoparasites.
mediated disease (vasculitis, mucocutaneous lupus 2) Skin cytology for infection.
erythematosus). 3) Bacterial culture if bacteria are found on cytology
4) Fissured ear margins can be due to pinnal vasculitis despite prior empiric antibiotics.
or chronic repetitive trauma due to head/ear flapping 4) Dermatophyte culture.
secondary to otitis and/or hypersensitivity (parasite, 5) Biopsy.
atopy, food).

­Further reading
Albanese, F. (2017). Canine and Feline Skin Cytology: A Beco, L., Guagere, E., Lorente Mendez, C. et al. (2013).
Comprehensive and Illustrated Guide to the Interpretation Suggested guidelines for using systemic antimicrobials in
of Skin Lesions via Cytological Examination. Cham, bacterial skin infections (1): diagnosis based on clinical
Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. presentation, cytology and culture. Vet. Rec. 172 (3): 72–78.
46 2  Dermatology lesions and differential diagnoses

Coyner, K. (2011). Skills laboratory: how to perform skin Meckenburg, L., Linke, M., and Tobin, D. (2009). Hair Loss
scraping and skin surface cytology. Vet. Med. 106 (11): Disorders in Domestic Animals. Ames, IA: Wiley Blackwell.
554–563. Miller, W.H., Griffen, C.E., and Campbell, K.L. (2013).
Coyner, K. (2011). Skills laboratory: skin biopsy. Vet. Med. Muller and Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology, 7e.
106 (10): 505–507. St Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.

Lesion location and differentials

Kimberly S. Coyner, DVM, DACVD
Dermatology Clinic for Animals, Lacey, WA, USA

Although any disease can potentially affect any part of d) Ulcerated

the body, some diseases occur more commonly in cer- Immune‐mediated disease (PF, DLE, systemic lupus
tain parts of the body, and certain parts of the body are erythematosus/SLE, erythema multiforme/EM, vas-
more prone to certain diseases, so consider the lesion culitis, histiocytosis, sterile granuloma; Figure 3.10).
location as well as the lesion to formulate your differen- Deep fungal infection (i.e. cryptococcosis, blasto-
tial diagnosis. This chapter lists the most common dis- mycosis, histoplasmosis, aspergillosis, coccidioi-
eases by location and type of lesion; the diagnosis of all domycosis; Figure 3.11A).
these diseases is, as always, obtained by first performing Viral (i.e. feline herpesvirus, Figure 3.11B).
baseline dermatologic diagnostics of skin cytology (+/− Neoplasia (i.e. cutaneous lymphoma, squamous
culture if bacteria are found despite empiric antibiotics), cell carcinoma).
skin scrapings and plucks for mites in haired areas, +/−
dermatophyte culture or PCR and/or biopsies depending
on initial test results. Symmetry of lesions is also helpful 3.1.2 Lips/Eyelids
to consider: infections and neoplasia tend to be asym- a) Alopecic
metrical, while immune‐mediated diseases and endo- Infection (bacterial, yeast, Demodex, or dermato-
crinopathies tend to be symmetrical. phyte; Figures 3.12A and 3.12B).
Barbering due to rubbing/pruritus due to hyper-
sensitivity dermatitis (Figure 3.13).
3.1 ­Face Immune‐mediated disease (dermatomyositis/DM,
vasculitis, Figure 3.14).
3.1.1  Nasal planum
b) Crusty
a) Crusty Self‐trauma/pruritus due to hypersensitivity der-
Nasal pyoderma (Figure 3.1) matitis (Figures 3.15A and 3.15B).
Idiopathic nasodigital hyperkeratosis (Figure 3.2) Infection: Mucocutaneous and/or lipfold pyo-
Immune‐mediated disease (i.e. pemphigus derma (Figure 3.16A); Malassezia dermatitis
foliaceus/PF, Figure 3.3) (Figure 3.16B), feline herpesvirus dermatitis.
Metabolic disease (hypothyroidism, hepatocutane- Demodicosis (Figure 3.17).
ous syndrome, Figure 3.4) Juvenile cellulitis (Figure 3.18).
Parasympathetic nose (chronic unilateral demar- Immune‐mediated disease (i.e. PF, vasculitis [Figure
cated crusting, Figure 3.5) 3.19], mucocutaneous lupus erythematosus/
b) Depigmented/loss of reticular pattern MCLE, DM).
Nasal pyoderma Metabolic disease (i.e. zinc responsive dermatosis [Figure
Immune‐mediated disease (i.e. PF, discoid lupus 3.20], hepatocutaneous syndrome [Figure 3.21]).
erythematosus/DLE, Figure 3.6) c) Depigmented
Cutaneous lymphoma (Figure 3.7) Mucocutaneous pyoderma
c) Depigmented, normal nasal reticular pattern Immune‐mediated disease (PF/EM/vasculitis/DM/SLE)
Vitiligo (Figure 3.8) Cutaneous lymphoma (Figure 3.22)
Snow nose/Dudley nose (Figure 3.9) Vitiligo (if non‐ulcerated, Figure 3.23)

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
48 3  Lesion location and differentials

Figure 3.1  Nasal crusting caused by a bacterial infection,

secondary to atopy.

Figure 3.2  Chronic non‐pruritic hyperkeratosis of the dorsal nasal

planum is typical canine idiopathic nasodigital hyperkeratosis.

Figure 3.3  A dog with pemphigus foliaceus with associated nasal

planum depigmentation, erosion, and crusting.

Lips/Eyelids (cont.)
d) Ulcerated
Deep bacterial or fungal infection.
Feline rodent ulcer secondary to allergic dermatitis
(Figure 3.24).
Immune‐mediated disease (PF/pemphigus vulgaris
(PV)/DLE/SLE/EM/vasculitis/MCLE, drug erup-
tion Figure 3.25).
Neoplasia (cutaneous lymphoma [Figure 3.26A],
squamous cell carcinoma [Figure 3.26B]).
e) Mass
Oral papilloma (Figure 3.26C)
Figure 3.4  In this dog with hepatocutaneous syndrome,
Infectious granuloma (fungal, mycobacterial) crusting moist dermatitis is present on the nasal planum as well
Neoplasia lips and eyelids.
3  Lesion location and differentials 49

Figure 3.6  In this dog with discoid lupus there is loss of nasal
planum pigment, as well as cartilage.

Figure 3.5  Parasympathetic nose is characterized by chronic

unilateral nasal hyperkeratosis; no bacteria were found on cytology.

Figure 3.8  A dog with vitiligo; note the retention of the normal
reticular nose print pattern.

3.1.3 Muzzle
a) Alopecic
Infection (bacterial, Demodex, or dermatophyte,
Figure 3.27A)
Barbering due to rubbing/pruritus due to hyper-
sensitivity dermatitis (Figure 3.27B)
Hypothyroidism (Figure 3.28)
Canine recurrent (flank) alopecia
Figure 3.7  Cutaneous lymphoma often causes nasal planum Immune‐mediated disease (i.e. vasculitis, DM,
depigmentation which starts on the ventral aspect. Figure 3.29)
50 3  Lesion location and differentials

Figure 3.10  In this dog nasal depigmentation was shown on

biopsy to be due to sterile granuloma syndrome.
Figure 3.9  Dudley nose is characterized by a strip of central
planum hypopigmentation which may wax and wane and never
becomes eroded or crusted.

Figure 3.11A  Unilateral nasal swelling and ulceration which was Figure 3.11B  Crusting, erythema and erosion on the nasal
determined to be due to coccidioidomycosis. planum and dorsal nose of a cat with herpesvirus dermatitis.

Figure 3.12A  Alopecia and lichenification due to bacterial and Figure 3.12B  Alopecia caused by barbering/pruritus due to atopy
yeast blepharitis in an atopic dog. and secondary yeast cheilitis.
3  Lesion location and differentials 51

Figure 3.13  An atopic chihuahua with periocular barbering. Figure 3.14  Non‐pruritic scarring alopecia of the eyelids caused
by vasculitis.

Figure 3.15A  Periocular barbering, erythema, and crusting due to Figure 3.15B  Crusting and erythema on the lip of an atopic cat
atopic dermatitis and secondary bacterial blepharitis. with an eosinophilic granuloma complicated by bacterial
mucocutaneous pyoderma.

Figure 3.16B  Focal crusts on the lips of this allergic spaniel

Figure 3.16A  Mucocutaneous and lipfold pyoderma in an showed both bacterial cocci and yeast on cytology and crusts
atopic dog. resolved with antimicrobial therapy.
52 3  Lesion location and differentials

Figure 3.18  Alopecia and thickened skin in a puppy with

chronically untreated juvenile cellulitis; lesions slowly resolved
with immunosuppressive therapy.

Figure 3.17  Crusting on the lips and eyelids of this puppy

mimicked juvenile cellulitis but was due to Demodex.

Figure 3.19  Eyelid crusting in this cat was due to pemphigus Figure 3.20  Symmetrical adherent crusting on the eyelids of a
foliaceus. dog with zinc responsive dermatosis related to a deficient diet.
3  Lesion location and differentials 53

Figure 3.21  Lip crusting and erosion due to hepatocutaneous Figure 3.22  Patchy lip depigmentation due to cutaneous
syndrome; paw pads and pressure points were all symmetrically epitheliotropic lymphoma; unlike vitiligo the depigmentation was
affected. associated with intense erythema and erosion on other parts of
the body.

Figure 3.23  Patchy lip depigmentation due to vitiligo; there is no Figure 3.24  A severe rodent ulcer on the lip of a cat secondary to
associated inflammation. allergic dermatitis.

Muzzle (cont.)
b) Crusty Immune‐mediated disease (PF/PV/DLE/SLE/EM/
Infection (bacterial, dermatophyte, or Demodex, Figure vasculitis/drug eruption; Figure 3.32)
3.30A; feline herpesvirus dermatitis, Figure 3.30B) Neoplasia (cutaneous lymphoma, squamous cell
Feline mosquito bite hypersensitivity (Figure 3.30C) ­carcinoma (SCC)
Immune‐mediated disease (i.e. pemphigus folia- d) Acute erosive moist or crusted erythematous plaques
ceus [Figure 3.31], juvenile cellulitis) on dorsal muzzle
Metabolic disease (zinc responsive dermatosis, Canine eosinophilic facial furunculosis (Figure 3.33)
hepatocutaneous syndrome) e) Chin papules/pustules/furuncles
c) Ulcerated Acne (Figure 3.34), Demodex (Figure 3.35), derma-
Feline herpesvirus dermatitis tophyte, contact sensitivity
Figure 3.26A  Eyelid and lip ulcers and crusts due to cutaneous
lymphoma; note the depigmentation.

Figure 3.25  Acute erosions and crusts on the eyelids and lips of a
dog with a drug eruption due to an antibiotic.

Figure 3.26C  Multiple smooth to fronded exophytic pink lip

masses due to canine oral viral papillomas.
Figure 3.26B  Asymmetrical chronic lip ulceration in an older cat
due to squamous cell carcinoma.

Figure 3.27A  Patchy alopecia and hyperpigmentation with

peripheral crusting on the muzzle due to dermatophytosis. Figure 3.27B  Distal muzzle barbering due to atopy.
3  Lesion location and differentials 55

Figure 3.28  Non‐inflammatory alopecia and hyperpigmentation Figure 3.29  Scarring alopecia on the muzzle of a sheltie with
on the dorsal muzzle can be a sign of hypothyroidism. dermatomyositis (DM).

Figure 3.30A  Severe muzzle alopecia and crusting due to Figure 3.30B  Adherent crusting on the dorsal muzzle of a cat due
demodicosis. to herpesvirus dermatitis.
56 3  Lesion location and differentials

Figure 3.30C  Crusts, papules, and erythema on the dorsal muzzle

of a cat with mosquito bite hypersensitivity. Source: Photo
courtesy Dr. Amy Shumaker, DACVD.

Figure 3.31  Muzzle crusting due to pemphigus foliaceus.

Figure 3.32  Acute muzzle ulceration due to a drug eruption.

3.2 ­Ears
3.2.1  Pinnal margin
a) Crusty +/− alopecic
Ear margin seborrhea, pinnal marginal dermatosis
(Figure 3.36)
Figure 3.33  Acute plaque‐like to nodular moist furunculosis on
Pinnal vasculitis (Figures 3.37A and 3.37B) the dorsal muzzle is characteristic of canine eosinophilic facial
Scabies (Figures 3.38A and 3.38B) furunculosis.
Barbering due to hypersensitivity dermatitis (atopy
or food allergy, Figure 6.30) Neoplasia (sun‐induced feline squamous cell carci-
Zinc responsive dermatosis (Figure 3.39) noma, Figure 3.41)
b) Erosive/ulcerated Frostbite
Immune‐mediated disease (especially vasculitis c) Mass
[Figure 3.40], pinnal thrombovascular necrosis, Neoplasia
cold agglutinin disease) Calcinosis circumscripta (post ear crop)
3  Lesion location and differentials 57

Figure 3.34  Severe feline acne characterized by draining furuncles. Figure 3.35  Chin furunculosis due to Demodex.

Figure 3.37A  Early pinnal vasculitis characterized by

alopecia and a tiny ulceration.

b) Erosive/ulcerated
Immune‐mediated disease (i.e. vasculitis, pinnal
thrombovascular necrosis, EM [Figure 3.46],
cold agglutinin disease)
c) Alopecia with no inflammation/crusting
Figure 3.36  Ear margin seborrhea in a dachshund; follicular casts
can be seen with careful examination.
Pattern baldness (Figure 3.47)
Yorkie leather ear
Overuse of topical steroids (Figure 3.48)
3.2.2 Pinna d) Mass
a) Crusty +/− alopecic Neoplasia
Immune‐mediated disease (i.e. pemphigus foliaceus Histiocytosis (Figure 3.49A)
[Figures 3.42A and 3.42B], vasculitis [Figure 3.42C]) Leproid granuloma (Figure 3.49B)
Infection (bacterial, Demodex, dermatophyte;
Figure 3.43A) 3.2.3  Outer ear canal
Self‐trauma/pruritus due to hypersensitivity derma- a) Ulceration
titis (atopy/food allergy/parasite, Figure 3.43B) Severe infection (esp. Pseudomonas)
Metabolic disease (zinc responsive dermatosis, Immune‐mediated disease (i.e. PF, EM [Figure 3.50])
Figure 3.44) b) Adherent crusts
Sebaceous adenitis (Figure 3.45) Sebaceous adenitis (Figure 3.51)
58 3  Lesion location and differentials

Figure 3.37B  Pinnal vasculitis causing crusting and ulceration Figure 3.38A  Canine sarcoptic mange causing pinnal marginal
of the distal pinna. alopecia and severe pruritus.

Figure 3.38B  Feline Notoedres causing pinnal marginal crusting Figure 3.39  Zinc responsive dermatosis in a young Boston terrier,
and pruritus. causing adherent fronded crusts on pinnal margins.

Figure 3.40  Ulceration of pinnal skin and cartilage caused by Figure 3.41  Pinnal ulceration and crusting in a cat due to
vasculitis triggered by rabies vaccination. solar‐induced squamous cell carcinoma.
Figure 3.42A  Pinnal crusting and alopecia due to pemphigus

Figure 3.42B  Crusts also involved the concave pinnal surface.

Figure 3.42C  Ulceration on the distal concave pinna of a

chihuahua due to rabies vaccine-induced vasculitis.
Figure 3.43A  Asymmetrical pinnal alopecia and crusting due to

Figure 3.43B  Pinnal barbering/crusting caused by self‐trauma Figure 3.44  Crusting and scaling on the concave pinna of a Husky
due to atopy and food allergy. with zinc responsive dermatosis.
60 3  Lesion location and differentials

Figure 3.45  Pinnal scaling and follicular casting due to sebaceous Figure 3.46  Pinnal ulceration due to erythema multiforme.

Figure 3.47  Non‐inflammatory symmetrical caudal auricular

alopecia in a Boston Terrier due to pattern baldness.

Figure 3.48  Marked pinnal alopecia and cutaneous atrophy due

Outer ear canal (cont.) to overuse of topical steroids in a cat.

c) Masses
Polyp (Figure 3.52)
3.3 ­Paws
Neoplasia (i.e. SCC [Figures 3.53A and 3.53B],
3.3.1 Interdigital
­ceruminous gland adenoma [Figure 3.54]/adeno-
carcinoma, plasmacytoma) a) Inflamed/moist/crusted
Apocrine cystadenomas (blue tinged cystic masses, Hypersensitivity (atopy, food allergy, Figures 3.55A
Figure 19.18B) and 3.55B)
3  Lesion location and differentials 61

Figure 3.49A  Hypotrichotic pink dermal pinnal masses due to

reactive histiocytosis.

Figure 3.49B  Similar masses in a different dog were due to

leproid granulomas, a mycobacterial infection.

Figure 3.50  Ulceration and crusting in the ear canal of a dog with
erythema multiforme.

Figure 3.51  Adherent crusts and scales in the ear canal of a dog
with sebaceous adenitis.

Figure 3.52  Otoscopic view of a cat with an inflammatory polyp.
62 3  Lesion location and differentials

Figure 3.53A  An inflamed ulcerated ear canal mass in a dog with Figure 3.53B  In this cat with chronic otitis, the canal is occluded
recurrent otitis which was found on biopsy to be squamous cell by a diffuse squamous cell carcinoma.

Figure 3.54  A smooth sessile canal mass in a dog which was

found on excisional biopsy to be a ceruminous gland adenoma.
Figure 3.55A  Severe interdigital erythema, swelling, and fibrosis
due to atopic dermatitis.

Interdigital (cont.)
Infection (bacterial and/or Malassezia secondary
to hypersensitivity; Figures 3.56 and 3.57)
Demodex (Figure 3.58)
Plant awn/grass foreign bodies (Figure 3.59)
b) Mass
Follicular cyst (dilated/inflamed interdigital hair
­follicle due to allergy/licking/secondary infection
and/or conformational abnormality or obesity
causing increased pressure on area, Figure 3.60)
Granuloma (due to grass awn or ruptured follicular cyst)
Figure 3.55B  Interdigital erythema and crusted excoriations in a Viral papilloma (Figure 3.61)
cat with atopic dermatitis. Neoplasia
3  Lesion location and differentials 63

Figure 3.56  An atopic Bulldog with severe bacterial


Figure 3.57  Interdigital inflammation and brown fur discoloration

in an atopic dog with Malassezia pododermatitis.

Figure 3.58  Severe interdigital swelling with draining tracts due

to demodicosis.
Figure 3.59  An interdigital draining tract due to a grass awn (foxtail).

3.3.2  Palmar metacarpal/plantar metatarsal

a) Inflamed/crusted +/− moist
Hypersensitivity (atopy, food allergy)
Canine metacarpal/metatarsal fistulas (Chapter 6,
Figure 6.26; Chapter 11, Figure 11.21A–11.21C)

3.3.3  Paw pad

a) Crusty
Idiopathic nasodigital hyperkeratosis (Figure 6.14B)
Metabolic (zinc responsive [Figure 3.62], hepa-
tocutaneous syndrome, Figure 3.63)
Immune‐mediated (esp. pemphigus foliaceus,
Figure 3.64)
Dermatophytosis (Figure 3.65)
Viral papilloma
Figure 3.60  Draining dorsal interdigital cysts/granuloma due to Neoplasia (i.e. cutaneous lymphoma, Figure 3.66)
atopic dermatitis. Parasitic (hookworm dermatitis, Pelodera)
Figure 3.61  An acute fronded interdigital mass which was
Figure 3.62  Paw pad crusting due to zinc responsive dermatosis
biopsied as a viral papilloma.
in a Husky.

Figure 3.63  Crusting and ulceration affecting the paw pads of a

dog with hepatocutaneous syndrome.

Figure 3.64  Paw pad crusting caused by pemphigus foliaceus.

Figure 3.66  Severe paw pad crusting and ulceration in a dog with
cutaneous epitheliotropic lymphoma.

Figure 3.65  This cat’s paw pad crusting and scaling was due to
3  Lesion location and differentials 65

Figure 3.68  Central circular paw pad ulcerations in a terrier with

rabies vaccine induced vasculitis.

Figure 3.67  A young German Shepherd dog with chronic

recurrent peripheral foot pad ulcerations which spontaneously
heal, typical of split paw pad disease.

Figure 3.70A  Paw pad depigmentation due to cutaneous


d) Mass or swelling
Calcinosis circumscripta (Figure 3.70B)
Fungal granuloma
Figure 3.69  A cat with paw pad ulcers and crusts due to lymphoma. Plasma cell pododermatitis (Figures 3.70C and 3.70D)

Paw pad (cont.) 3.3.4 Nailbed

b) Ulcerated a) Inflamed/moist/crusted
Trauma Infection (bacterial and/or Malassezia secondary
Split pawpad disease (Figure 3.67) to hypersensitivity, Figures 3.71 and 3.72)
Immune‐mediated disease (i.e. vasculitis [Figure Demodex
3.68], plasma cell pododermatitis) Dermatophyte
Neoplasia (i.e. SCC, cutaneous lymphoma, Figure 3.69) Immune‐mediated (i.e. pemphigus [Figure 3.73],
c) Depigmented ­vasculitis, SLE)
Immune‐mediated disease (i.e. vitiligo if non‐ulcerated, b) Mass
vasculitis) Neoplasia (i.e. SCC, melanoma, lymphoma, subun-
Neoplasia (i.e. cutaneous lymphoma [Figure 3.70A], gual keratoma)
amelanotic melanoma) Viral papilloma
66 3  Lesion location and differentials

Figure 3.70B  A firm, gritty pink to white mass on the paw pad Figure 3.70C  Diffuse spongy paw pad swelling and scaling in a
caused by calcinosis circumscripta. cat with plasma cell pododermatitis.

Figure 3.70D  Plasma cell pododermatitis can affect one paw

more severely or be bilaterally symmetric.
Figure 3.71A  An atopic dog with bacterial paronychia.

3.4 ­Claws
a) Onychodystrophy/Onychogryphosis (abnormal,
twisted, and or thickened)
One or two nails: dermatophytosis (Figure 3.74),
trauma to nailbed, subungual keratoma, neopla-
sia (SCC/melanoma)
Multiple/most nails: Symmetric lupoid onychodys-
trophy (SLO) (Figure 3.75), vasculitis, severe
b) Onychomadesis (nail loss)
One or two nails: dermatophytosis, trauma to nail-
bed, subungual keratoma, neoplasia
Figure 3.71B  An atopic cat with bacterial paronychia. Multiple/most nails: SLO, vasculitis
3  Lesion location and differentials 67

Figure 3.72  Brownish discoloration of the proximal toenail and

nailbed due to Malassezia paronychia, secondary to atopy.

Figure 3.73  Purulent paronychia due to pemphigus foliaceus in a cat.

Figure 3.74  Thickened and yellowish toenails due to

onychomycosis in a dog with generalized dermatophytosis.

Figure 3.75  A dog with dystrophic, crumbly toenails due to

3.5 ­Perianal/perivulvar lupoid onychodystrophy.

a) Inflamed/moist/crusted +/− erosive

Infection (bacterial and/or Malassezia secondary b) Draining tract
to hypersensitivity, Figure 3.76) Anal sacculitis
Vulvar fold dermatitis due to conformation +/− Perianal fistula (Figure 3.78)
urinary leakage Deep bacterial or fungal infection
Immune‐mediated disease (pemphigus/EM/mucous c) Mass
membrane pemphigoid/MCLE (mucocutaneous Neoplasia
lupus erythematosus), Figure 3.77) Perianal adenoma
68 3  Lesion location and differentials

Figure 3.77  Vulvar and perivulvar ulceration and post‐

inflammatory hyperpigmentation in a dog with mucocutaneous
lupus erythematosus (MCLE).

Figure 3.76  Perianal inflammation and lichenification due to

chronic bacterial and yeast infection, secondary to atopy.

Figure 3.79  Tail alopecia due to hypothyroidism and secondary


Figure 3.78  A German Shepherd with deep draining tracts due to

perianal fistulas.

3.6 ­Tail
a) Alopecia
Endocrinopathy (hypothyroid [Figure 3.79],
Cushing’s, sex hormone, [Figure 3.80])
Vasculitis (tail tip, Figure 3.81)
Repetitive trauma (“happy tail,” Figure 3.82)
Tail gland hyperplasia (focal alopecia on dorsal
proximal tail, Figure 3.83)
Sebaceous adenitis (Figure 3.84) Figure 3.80  Tail alopecia due to sex hormone imbalance.
3  Lesion location and differentials 69

Figure 3.81  Tail tip scarring alopecia due to vasculitis.

Figure 3.82  Tail tip swelling and scarring due to repetitive trauma
(“happy tail”).

Figure 3.83  Hypotrichosis and comedone formation on the

dorsal proximal tail due to tail gland hyperplasia.

Tail (cont.)
b) Scaling/crusting
Infection (bacterial/fungal [Figure 3.85]/Demodex,
[Figure 3.86])
Sebaceous adenitis
Pemphigus foliaceus (other areas will be affected)

3.7 ­Pressure points (elbows/hocks)

a) Callus (non‐pruritic alopecic thickened lesion due to
friction, common in large heavy dogs, Figure 3.87)
b) Pyoderma (pustules/draining tracts due to excessive
Figure 3.84  Tail hypotrichosis due to sebaceous adenitis.
friction pushing hairs into follicles, Figure 3.88)
c) Scabies (pruritic crusts/alopecia/excoriations,
Figure 3.89)
d) Pressure sore (focal deep ulcer, often infected) f ) Follicular cysts due to pressure (Figure 3.90A)
e) Calcinosis circumscripta (alopecic or haired dermal g) Vasculitis (crusted +/− ulcerated, Figure 3.90B)
mass which contains white gritty acellular material h) Hepatocutaneous syndrome (crusted/inflamed;
on aspirate) ­pawpads usually also affected; Figure 3.90C)
70 3  Lesion location and differentials

Figure 3.85  Multifocal areas of alopecia and scaling on the tail of Figure 3.86  Crusting and hair loss on the tail due to generalized
a dog with dermatophytosis. Demodex.

Figure 3.88  Severe elbow callus dermatitis and furunculosis in a

dog with hepatocutaneous syndrome.

b) Alopecia – lumbar/tailhead
Flea bite hypersensitivity (Figures 3.94A and 3.94B)
c) Alopecia – asymmetric/patchy or focal
Infection (bacterial/fungal/Demodex; Figures
Figure 3.87  Elbow callus in a large‐breed dog. Pruritus due to underlying hypersensitivity dermatitis
(parasite/atopy/food, Figures 3.98A, 3.98B, and 3.99)
Solar dermatitis (white haired areas; Figure 3.100)
3.8 ­Trunk (dorsal and/or lateral) Immune‐mediated (alopecia areata, [Figure 3.101],
vaccine‐induced localized vasculitis [Chapter 6,
a) Alopecia – symmetric, not inflamed or pruritic Figures 6.42, 6.43, and 6.58])
Endocrinopathy (hypothyroid, hyperadrenocorticism, d) Papules/pustules/crusts
sex hormone dermatosis, Figures 3.91A and 3.91B) Infection (bacterial/fungal/Demodex; Figures
Alopecia X (Figure 3.92) 3.102–3.104)
Color dilution alopecia/black hair follicular dyspla- Post‐grooming furunculosis (occurs within
sia (Figure 3.93) 1–5  days post grooming, often due to
Canine recurrent flank alopecia (Chapter 2, Figure Pseudomonas, very painful, multifocal draining
2.32; Chapter 6, Figures 6.5, 6.23) ulcers, Figures 3.105A and 3.105B)
3  Lesion location and differentials 71

Figure 3.89  Scabies causes pruritus, alopecia, papules, and crusts

which commonly affect elbows and hocks.

Figure 3.90A  Raised pink alopecic nodules to plaques on the

elbow of a large‐breed dog which were determined to be follicular
cysts which formed secondary to chronic friction and trauma to
the hair follicles on this pressure point.

Figure 3.90B  Erosions and crusts on the hock due to vasculitis.

Trunk – dorsal and/or lateral (cont.)

Pemphigus foliaceus (Figure 3.106)
Solar dermatosis (Figure 3.107)
e) Comedones
Schnauzer comedone syndrome (Figure 3.108) Figure 3.90C  Hock crusts and ulcerations due to
Endocrinopathy (hypothyroid, hyperadrenocorti- hepatocutaneous syndrome; note the marked paw pad
cism, sex hormone dermatosis) hyperkeratosis.
72 3  Lesion location and differentials

Figure 3.91A  Truncal alopecia due hypothyroidism and a Figure 3.91B  Truncal hypotrichosis due to Cushing’s disease.
secondary bacterial pyoderma.

Figure 3.92  A Husky with alopecia involving the trunk, proximal Figure 3.93  Truncal alopecia involving only the black hairs in a
limbs, and tail due to Alopecia X. dog with black hair follicular dysplasia.

Trunk – dorsal and/or lateral (cont.)

Infection (bacterial/Demodex/dermatophyte,
Chapter 2, Figures 2.43 and 2.44)
Solar dermatitis (white‐skinned areas, Figure 3.109)
f ) Follicular casting
Sebaceous adenitis (Figure 3.110)
g) Greasy dorsal truncal haircoat
Infection (bacterial, yeast, Demodex injai, [Figure
h) Plaque
Calcinosis cutis (Figure 3.112)
i) Easily torn skin
Figure 3.94A  Lumbar alopecia and erythema in a dog caused by Ehlers Danlos (Figure 3.113)
barbering due to flea bite hypersensitivity. Feline fragile skin syndrome (Figure 3.114)
3  Lesion location and differentials 73

Figure 3.95  Patchy truncal hypotrichosis in a dog with bacterial


Figure 3.94B  Lumbar alopecia and erythema in a cat caused by

barbering due to flea bite hypersensitivity.

Figure 3.97  Scarring alopecia and hyperpigmentation on the

trunk caused by dermatophytosis.

Figure 3.96  Patchy truncal alopecia due to generalized


Trunk – dorsal and/or lateral (cont.)

j) Draining tracts
Panniculitis  –  sterile/immune‐mediated (Figures
Panniculitis  –  infectious (mycobacterial,
Actinomyces [Figure 3.119], Nocardia)
Foreign body (grass awn) Figure 3.98A  Truncal barbering due to atopic dermatitis in a dog.
74 3  Lesion location and differentials

Figure 3.98B  Truncal barbering due to atopic dermatitis in a cat. Figure 3.99  Patchy truncal barbering and erythema in a dog with
food allergy.

Figure 3.100  A Pit bull Terrier with truncal hypotrichosis and

crusts due to solar dermatitis.
Figure 3.101  A dog with extensive non‐pruritic truncal
hypotrichosis which was determined on biopsy to be due to
alopecia areata.

Figure 3.102A  Patchy areas of truncal crusting and alopecia due

to bacterial pyoderma in an atopic dog.
Figure 3.102B  Patchy areas of truncal crusting and alopecia due
to bacterial pyoderma in an atopic dog.
3  Lesion location and differentials 75

Figure 3.103  Truncal alopecia due to generalized demodicosis in Figure 3.104  Extensive truncal crusting caused by
a dog receiving chronic steroids for an autoimmune disorder. dermatophytosis in a dog with Cushing’s disease.

Figure 3.105A  American Bulldog with post‐grooming furunculosis; Figure 3.105B  Close‐up of the same dog demonstrating
sedation was required for shaving due to marked pain. hemorrhagic ruptured follicles.

Figure 3.106  Severe generalized and truncal crusting due to Figure 3.107  A dog with solar dermatosis; note the crusts and
pemphigus foliaceus. inflammatory bullae are restricted to non‐pigmented areas.
76 3  Lesion location and differentials

Figure 3.108  Comedones on the dorsal midline of a Miniature Figure 3.109  Comedones on the lateral trunk of a sunbathing
Schnauzer. American Bulldog indicative of solar dermatosis.

Figure 3.110  A dog with truncal hypotrichosis and follicular Figure 3.111  A Terrier with an extremely greasy truncal hair coat
casting caused by sebaceous adenitis. caused by Demodex injai.

Figure 3.112  Raised inflamed, gritty, dorsal truncal plaques due Figure 3.113  A young cat with no history of steroid exposure, but
to calcinosis cutis caused by prolonged steroid administration. easily torn skin due to Ehlers Danlos.
3  Lesion location and differentials 77

Figure 3.114  Feline fragile skin syndrome due to Cushing’s Figure 3.115  A Sheltie with truncal draining tracts due to sterile
disease causing large areas of skin tearing. panniculitis.

Figure 3.116  Truncal draining tracts due to sterile panniculitis. Figure 3.117  A Miniature Dachshund with truncal draining tracts
and scarring due to sterile panniculitis.

Figure 3.119  Truncal draining tracts and scarring in this

Figure 3.118  Truncal draining tracts due to sterile panniculitis hunting dog were due to actinomycosis likely carried in by a
complicated by methicillin resistant Staph infection. migrating foxtail.
78 3  Lesion location and differentials

Figure 3.120B  Inguinal erythema and moist dermatitis caused by

overgrooming in an atopic cat.

Figure 3.120A  Inguinal erythema due to atopic dermatitis.

Figure 3.122A  Inguinal erythema and lichenification due to

Malassezia dermatitis triggered by food allergy.

3.9 ­Inguinal/axillary
a) Erythema
Hypersensitivity dermatitis (atopy [Figures 3.120A
and 3.120B], food allergy, contact)
Figure 3.121  Intense inguinal erythema and post‐inflammatory
hyperpigmentation caused by bacterial overgrowth in an Infection (bacterial/fungal/Demodex, Figures 3.121,
atopic dog. 3.122A, and 3.122B)
Solar dermatosis
3  Lesion location and differentials 79

Figure 3.123  Inguinal papulocrusting dermatitis caused by a

bacterial folliculitis in an atopic dog.

Figure 3.122B  An atopic cat with inguinal Malassezia dermatitis.

Figure 3.125  Periareolar crusting in a cat with pemphigus


c) Lichenification
Bacterial and/or Malassezia overgrowth (Figure
Figure 3.124  Inguinal crusts and bullae due to chronic solar
3.126A and 3.126B)
d) Comedones
Endocrinopathy (hypothyroidism, hyperadrenocor-
ticism, sex hormone dermatosis; Figures 3.127A
and 3.127B)
Inguinal/axillary (cont.)
Infection (bacterial/Demodex/dermatophyte, Chapter 2,
b) Papules/pustules/crusts Figures 2.43 and 2.44)
Infection (bacterial/fungal/Demodex; Figure 3.123) Solar dermatosis
Solar dermatosis (Figure 3.124) e) Plaques
Immune‐mediated disease (i.e. periareolar crust- Calcinosis cutis (Figure 3.128)
ing in feline pemphigus foliaceus, Figure 3.125) Eosinophilic plaque (Figure 3.129)
80 3  Lesion location and differentials

Figure 3.126B  Inguinal lichenification and hyperpigmentation

due to Malassezia dermatitis triggered by atopy.

Figure 3.126A  Inguinal lichenification due to bacterial

overgrowth in an atopic dog.

Figure 3.127A  Marked inguinal comedone formation as well as Figure 3.127B  Inguinal comedones induced by chronic
hyperpigmentation due to hypothyroidism. exogenous steroid treatment.

Inguinal/axillary (cont.)
h) Draining tracts
f ) Ulceration Mycobacteriosis (Figures 3.132 and 8.16A and B)
Immune‐mediated disease (i.e. erythema multi- Lymphangiosarcoma (Figure 3.133)
forme [Figure 3.130A], VCLE [Figure 3.130B]) i) Localized to multifocal areas of cutaneous atrophy/
g) Linear preputial dermatosis (Figure 3.131) due to tes- easily torn skin/milia
ticular tumor or exposure to human transdermal j) Overuse of topical steroid creams or sprays (Figures
­hormone replacement creams 3.134A and 3.134B)
3  Lesion location and differentials 81

Figure 3.129  Numerous oval to linear eosinophilic plaques in an

atopic cat.

Figure 3.128  Raised, inflamed, gritty inguinal plaques caused by

calcinosis cutis in a Cushingoid dog.

Figure 3.130B  Serpiginous inguinal ulcerations in a sheltie with

vesicular cutaneous lupus erythematosus.

3.10 ­Oral cavity
a) Erythema
Gingivitis/periodontal disease
Epitheliotropic lymphoma (Figure 3.135)
b) ­Plaque or mass
Oral eosinophilic granuloma (Figure 3.136)
Figure 3.130A  Inguinal and perivulvar ulcerations in a dog with Fungal granuloma
erythema multiforme. Foreign body granuloma
82 3  Lesion location and differentials

Figure 3.131  This intact male dog with an enlarged testicle due Figure 3.132  A cat with a crusted draining inguinal nodule due to
to a Sertoli cell tumor has enlarged nipples and pathognomic mycobacteriosis.
linear preputial dermatosis.

Figure 3.133  Diffuse purplish discoloration of fat with Figure 3.134A  Inguinal cutaneous atrophy with milia and easily
serosanguinous oozing due to an inguinal lymphangiosarcoma. torn skin caused by overuse of a steroid spray.

­Oral cavity (cont.)

Ingestion of caustic substance
Calcinosis circumscripta (tongue, Figures 19.44B Canine chronic ulcerative paradental stomatitis
and C) (CUPS)
Granulomatous glossitis due to burdock ingestion ­Oral cavity (cont.)
(Figure 18.6E) Feline stomatitis
Neoplasia Feline herpes (Figure 9.3) or calicivirus
c) Ulceration Immune‐mediated disease (drug reaction, ery-
Burn thema  multiforme [Figure 3.137], vasculitis
3  Lesion location and differentials 83

Figure 3.135  Marked gingival mucosal hyperemia in a dog with

cutaneous epitheliotropic lymphoma.

Figure 3.134B  In this dog, a potent steroid spray was used 2–3
times a week for six months, causing marked hair loss, cutaneous
atrophy, and separation of a prior spay incision on the ventral
midline; the darker pink areas are underlying muscle.

Figure 3.137  Oral and lip mucosal ulcerations in a dog with

erythema multiforme triggered by an antibiotic.

­Oral cavity (cont.)

[Figure 3.138], toxic epidermal necrolysis, pem-
phigus vulgaris [Figure 3.139], epidermolysis bul-
losa acquisita (Figures 11.8A–C), SLE)
Congenital immunobullous disease (epidermolysis
Figure 3.136  A raised sublingual eosinophilic granuloma Neoplasia (Figures 3.140A and 3.140B)
triggered by food allergy in a cat.
84 3  Lesion location and differentials

Figure 3.138  Linear lingual erosions in a dog with vasculitis. Figure 3.139  Extensive ulceration of the hard palate in a dog with
pemphigus vulgaris.

Figure 3.140A  An ulcerated lip mucosal mass which was revealed Figure 3.140B  An ulcerated oral squamous cell carcinoma in a cat.
on biopsy to be a squamous cell carcinoma.

­Further reading
Beco, L., Guagere, E., Lorente Mendez, C. et al. (2013). Miller, W.H., Griffen, C.E., and Campbell, K.L. (2013).
Suggested guidelines for using systemic antimicrobials Muller and Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology, 7e.
in bacterial skin infections (1): diagnosis based on Elsevier Mosby: St Louis, MO.
clinical presentation, cytology and culture. Vet. Rec. 172 Meckenburg, L., Linke, M., and Tobin, D. (2009). Hair
(3): 72–78. Loss Disorders in Domestic Animals. Wiley‐Blackwell:
Coyner, K. (2007). Diagnosis and treatment of solar Ames, IA.
dermatitis in dogs. Vet. Med. 102 (8): 511–515. Olivry, T. (2006). A review of autoimmune skin diseases in
Coyner, K. (2011). Skills laboratory: how to perform skin domestic animals: I – superficial pemphigus. Vet.
scraping and skin surface cytology. Vet. Med. 106 (11): Dermatol. 17 (5): 291–305.

Causes and workup for pruritus in dogs and cats

Kimberly S. Coyner, DVM, DACVD
Dermatology Clinic for Animals, Lacey, WA, USA

A)  Pruritus is a common reason for pet owners to –– If pruritic crusting lesions suggestive of infec-
­present their animals for veterinary care. The list of tion are present and inflammatory cells are
possible causes for pruritus is long and can be daunt- found on cytology but no organisms, then con-
ing but, in the majority of cases, causes for pruritus in sider dermatophyte culture and/or skin biopsies
dogs and cats can be broken down into three main for dermatopathology.
categories: C)  Treat infection with appropriate anti‐infective oral
●● Parasites (fleas, mites). and topical therapies (see Chapter 8), and even if no
●● Infections (bacterial, fungal). mites are found on skin scrapings, trial treat with an
●● Allergies (to fleas, food, or environmental aller- antiparasitic medication such as an isoxazoline effec-
gens, less commonly contact allergy). tive for fleas and mites such as Sarcoptes in dogs or
–– Many animals have a combination of these three Demodex in cats; these mites can be difficult to find
factors. on scrapings and can mimic allergies.
Less common causes for pruritus include: ●● A short course (two to three weeks) of oral anti‐

●● Immune‐mediated disorders such as pemphigus inflammatory steroids or oclacitinib (dogs) can be

foliaceus. given if needed for relief of pruritus while infection
●● Keratinization disorders such as sebaceous and parasites are treated, but avoid long acting
adenitis. steroid injections and continue antibiotics beyond
●● Cutaneous epitheliotropic lymphoma. when steroids or oclacitinib have finished.
●● Paraneoplastic disorders. D)  If pruritus persists despite infection and parasite con-
–– All of these also have crusting, scaling, or follicu- trol, and if any prior crusts associated with infection
lar casting which does not resolve with treat- have resolved, then begin the allergy workup and
ment for infection. symptomatic antipruritic medications to keep the pet
●● Cats may overgroom due to behavioral causes or comfortable while the underlying allergy is addressed.
pain. ●● If symptoms are non‐seasonal begin hypoaller-

B)  To identify the cause of the pruritus and prescribe genic diet trial.
appropriate treatment, in each case it is important to ●● If symptoms are seasonal/intermittent then con-

perform the basic dermatologic diagnostics: sider allergy testing/desensitization therapy vs.
●● Flea combing. medical management for atopy, see Chapter 10.
●● Skin scrapings for mites. E)  If pruritus with crusts/scales persist despite infection
●● Skin cytology to evaluate if bacteria or yeast are treatment/cytologically verified clearance of infec-
present, as well as to evaluate inflammatory cell tion and parasite control, then biopsy for dermatopa-
types present. thology (stop steroids two to four weeks prior).
–– If bacteria are present on cytology despite F)  See the following algorithms (Algorithms 4.1 and 4.2)
empiric antibiotic treatment, then aerobic for further details on causes and workup of pruritus
­bacterial skin culture is indicated. in dogs and cats.

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
Algorithm 4.1  Pruritic dog – Causes/Workup.

Parasites Infections Allergy

Fleas Insects Mites Bacterial Yeast +/– Dermatophyte Atopy Food Flea +/– Contact

Flea Comb Skin Scrapings +/– Culture if Cytology +/– Dermatophyte 6mo–5yr Any age Any age/breed Any age/breed
recurrent/ culture by toothbrush
refractory technique and/or PCR Seasonal or Non-seasonal Seasonal +/– Much less common
non-seasonal non-seasonal than other allergies
Not usually very steroid
Often steroid and responsive, but may Lumbar +/– inguinal Seasonal (if plant relat-
oclacitinib responsive respond to oclacitinib pruritus/barbering/ ed) or non-seasonal
Trial treat with isoxazoline, unless secondary dermatitis
imidacloprid/moxidectin or infection present Concurrent GI signs in Dermatitis affects thinly
selamectin anti-parasitic Treat infection with: See Chapter 8 for up to 40% Partially steroid haired skin in areas
(selamectin is ineffective treatment Can occur in any responsive and directly contacting
for demodex) - chlorhexidine/azole breed, but some Can occur in any oclacitinib if fleas surface
shampoos/spray/mousse breeds are genetically breed, but some inconsistently
- 0.05% diluted bleach predisposed breeds are genetically controlled May be partially steroid
sprays/soaks predisposed responsive
- +/– systemic
antimicrobials for 2–4
weeks minimum

Diagnosed by ruling Treat all pets with

Recheck in 2–3 weeks out all other causes of Diagnosed by prescription flea pre- Diagnosed by re-
pruritus prescription or ventative sponse of patient to
home-cooked novel removal of
protein or prescription Treat environment with suspected contact
Culture if infection hydrolyzed diet trial for flea adulticide + insect allergen; biopsy
persists on recheck minimum 6–8 weeks growth regulator
cytology despite empiric
See Chapter 10 for
If recurrent, identify and treatment
treat underlying cause
(parasitic, allergic,

*Less common causes for pruritus: Pemphigus foliaceus, cutaneous epitheliotropic lymphoma, sebaceous adenitis
Algorithm 4.2  Pruritic cats – Causes/Workup.

+/– Overgrooming
Parasites Infections Allergy due to behavioral +/– Pain

Fleas Insects Mites Bacterial Yeast Dermatophyte Atopy Food Flea

Flea Comb Skin Scrapings +/– Culture if Cytology Dermatophyte culture Age of onset usu- Any age/breed Any age/breed Much less com- Much less com-
recurrent/ by toothbrush ally 6–36 months/ mon than other mon than other
refractory technique and/or PCR any breed Non-seasonal Seasonal +/– causes causes
Seasonal or Facial to gener- Oriental breeds Bladder or
non-seasonal alized pruritus Lumbar +/– in- predisposed gastrointestinal
+/– otitis guinal and neck discomfort can
Trial treat with isoxazoline, Facial to gener- pruritus/barbering/ Behaviorial/ cause inguinal
imidacloprid/moxidectin or See Chapter 8 alized pruritus Concurrent GI dermatitis psychogenic and/or perineal
selamectin anti-parasitic for treatment +/– otitis signs in up to 40% alopecia is rarely barbering
Treat infection with ap-
(selamectin is ineffective for Partially steroid the primary dis-
propriate systemic and/
demodex) Often steroid Not usually very responsive if fleas ease, diagnosed Spinal or renal
or topical antimicrobial
responsive unless steroid responsive inconsistently by ruling out all pain can cause
therapies x 2–4 weeks
secondary controlled other causes for lumbar and/or
infection present, overgrooming flank barbering
Recheck in 2–3 weeks however response
to steroids can
lessen with time
Culture if infection
persists on recheck Diagnosed by
cytology despite empiric prescription or Treat all pets with
antibiotics home-cooked prescription flea Behavioral Lab work
novel protein or preventative modification: including
If recurrent, identify and prescription urinalysis and
Diagnosed by hydrolyzed diet Treat environment Stress reduction
treat underlying cause fecal examination
ruling out all other trial for minimum with flea adulticide
(parasitic, allergic, for parasites
causes of pruritus 6–8 weeks + insect growth Feliway diffuser/
regulator spray Radiographs to
assess spine and
Fluoxetine screen for
1mg/kg/day urolithiasis
See Chapter 10 Consult Abdominal
for treatment behaviorist ultrasound

*Less common causes for pruritus/crusting/scaling: Pemphigus foliaceus, cutaneous epitheliotropic lymphoma, paraneoplastic dermatitis; all are diagnosed by biopsy Gabapentin trial,
5mg/kg PO q 12–
24 hrs
**Feline hyperesthesia can be a manifestation of neurologic, orthopedic, behavioral, medical, parasitic, or allergic disorders and requires multi-modal workup

Causes and workup for alopecia in dogs and cats

Kimberly S. Coyner, DVM, DACVD
Dermatology Clinic for Animals, Lacey, WA, USA

A) Alopecia is another common reason for pet owners ○○ If bacteria are present on cytology despite
to present their animals for examination, and can be empiric antibiotic treatment, then aerobic bac-
localized, regional, or generalized, and may or may terial skin culture is indicated; see Chapter 8.
not be associated with pruritus, crusting, or scaling. ●● If alopecia with crusting lesions suggestive of

●● Location or distribution of alopecia can be a help- ­infection are present and inflammatory cells are
ful clue in determining etiology; see Chapter 3. found on cytology but no organisms, then consider
●● Self‐induced alopecia due to pruritus or associated ­dermatophyte culture (see Chapter 8) and/or skin
with crusting/scaling suggests hypersensitivity and/ biopsies for dermatopathology.
or infection, less commonly immune‐mediated dis- ●● Less commonly, immune‐mediated skin or follicu-

eases or keratinization disorders; see Chapter 4. lar diseases and canine solar dermatitis can also
B) Non‐pruritic symmetric alopecia involving the trunk cause focal to multifocal alopecia which may or
and tail in dogs can be due to follicular, keratiniza- may not be crusty or pruritic, and are diagnosed by
tion, or endocrine disorders, and age of onset, breed, ruling out infection and biopsy/dermatopathology;
and hair color of the dog should be considered prior see Chapters 11 and 18.
to diagnostics such as labwork or skin biopsies. ●● See Algorithm 5.2 describing causes and workup

●● See Algorithm 5.1 describing causes and workup for canine focal to multifocal alopecia.
for canine non‐inflammatory alopecia. D) Causes and workup for alopecia in cats are similar to
●● See Chapter 12 for further discussion of endocrine dogs, with a few exceptions.
alopecia and Chapter 13 for further discussion of ●● Endocrine alopecia is very rare in cats.

non‐inflammatory/non‐infectious alopecia in dogs ●● Alopecia caused by overgrooming due to behavio-

and cats. ral causes or pain can occur but is uncommon

C) Multifocal punctate, patchy, or circular alopecia in compared to parasitic, allergic, and infectious
dogs is often due to infectious causes of folliculitis causes of alopecia.
(bacterial, Demodex, dermatophyte) and is usually ●● Paraneoplastic alopecia due to liver or pancreatic

associated with scaling/crusting +/− comedones; neoplasia is a rare disorder unique in older cats,
pruritus may or may not be present. causing extensive alopecia and easily epilated fur
●● These infections are often secondary to an under- on the ventral trunk/medial limbs; underlying skin
lying allergy, endocrine, or keratinization disorder. has a shiny appearance.
●● To identify the cause of the alopecia and prescribe –– Facial and pedal hairloss and crusting may also
appropriate treatment, in each case it is important be present.
to perform the basic dermatologic diagnostics: –– Secondary bacterial and yeast infections are
–– Flea combing. common.
–– Skin scrapings for mites. –– Weight loss and systemic illness are also present.
–– Skin cytology to evaluate if bacteria or yeast are ●● See Algorithm 5.3 describing causes and workup for

present, as well as to evaluate inflammatory cell feline alopecia and Chapter 13 for further d­ iscussion
types present. of non‐inflammatory/non‐infectious alopecia.

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
Canine Truncal +/– Tail Alopecia:
Non-inflammatory, Non-pruritic

1 – 8 weeks 3 mo – 3 years Any Age >3 years

Blue/black color, Plush – coated breed

unusual dilute color (e.g. Pomeranian,
Artic breeds)


Congenital Alopecia; Color dilution

“Alopecia X” Alopecia universalis, Hypothyroidism Hypercortisolemia Sex hormone excess
alopecia, black hair
(Hair cycle arrest) telogen/anagen
Rare: Congenital follicular dysplasia
(will also have other
symptoms such as
stunted growth Endogenous Exogenous

Biopsy; +/– Trichogram (melanin Eliminate other causes of Trichogram PE; drug hx; CBC, chemistry profile; TT4,
labwork/thyroid clumping), biopsy endocrine alopecia; biopsy (hair stage), FT4ED, TSH; UCCR; LDDST/ACTH stim
panel if suspect biopsy +/– adrenal sex hormone panel; Abd U/S
Algorithm 5.2  Canine multifocal alopecia – Causes/Workup.

Canine Focal/Multifocal Alopecia

Focal Multifocal

Immune-mediated disease Solar dermatitis

Vaccine Pemphigus foliaceus Alopecia areata Vasculitis (may be More common

reaction (Initial lesions are or pseudopelade ulcerated and/or in light-colored,
pustules and crusts) (non-inflammatory/not crusted short-coated dogs
Folliculitis crusted)
reaction to Self-induced Affects thinly-haired,
(may or may not be pruritic) topical med non-pigmented skin

Depending on
Biopsy chronicity and severity
Consider lesions include
alopecia, comedones,
Dermatophyte Demodex Bacterial Parasite Atopy Food follicular cysts,
erosions, ulcers,
crusts, and draining
Secondary bacterial
pyoderma is common
Skin scraping for mites Flea comb

Parasite treatment trial Skin scrapings for mites

Skin cytology for infection Parasite treatment trial

Dermatophyte culture by Hypoallergenic diet trial Consider sun expo-

toothbrush technique or sure history, breed,
dermatophyte PCR Atopy diagnosed by ruling and lesion location
out all other pruritic
diseases (See Chapter 10) Identify and treat
secondary infection

Algorithm 5.3  Feline alopecia – Causes/Workup.

Feline Alopecia

Focal Multifocal Generalized/Severe


Immunologic Paraneoplastic
follicular disease alopecia

Lymphocytic Alopecia areata or Cutaneous Easily epilated fur
reaction to
mural folliculitis pseudopelade lymphocytosis on ventral trunk
topical med
and medial limbs,
Folliculitis revealing “shiny
(may or may not be pruritic) Self-induced
Less common 2° bacterial & yeast
Consider Biopsy
history; infection common
Associated with
pancreatic or liver
Dermatophyte Demodex Bacterial Parasite Atopy Food Behavioral Pain neoplasia

Concurrent weight
loss and lethargy
usually present,
though lab work
Skin scraping for mites Flea comb Diagnosed by Orthopedic Urogenital GI may be normal
ruling out other
Parasite treatment trial Skin scrapings for mites causes for
Skin cytology for infection Parasite treatment trial

Dermatophyte culture by Hypoallergenic diet trial Biopsy

toothbrush technique or Labwork including U/A
dermatophyte PCR Atopy diagnosed by ruling & fecal Abdominal ultrasound
out all other pruritic
diseases (See Chapter 10) Radiographs to screen for
arthritis, urolithiasis

Abdominal ultrasound

Breed‐related dermatoses
Kimberly S. Coyner, DVM, DACVD
Dermatology Clinic for Animals, Lacey, WA, USA

Table 6.1  Canine breed‐related dermatoses.

Dog breed Common condition Figures

Afghan Fluffy haircoat change post neutering (this occurs to some extent in most
double coated dogs but is more noticeable in Afghans and setters)
Airedale Canine recurrent flank alopecia
Akita Sebaceous adenitis, pemphigus foliaceus, uveodermatologic syndrome Figures 6.1A and 6.1B
American Bulldog Ichthyosis, solar dermatitis, atopy/food allergy Figure 6.2
Belgian Tervuren/ Vitiligo Figure 6.3
Bernese Mountain Systemic and malignant histiocytosis
Boston Terrier Zinc responsive dermatosis, atopy/food allergy Figure 6.4
Boxer Canine recurrent flank alopecia, dermoid cysts on head, mast cell tumors, Figures 6.5 and 6.6
distal pinnal ulcers often secondary to pruritus/repetitive ear flopping due to
atopy/food allergy
Bull Terrier Lethal acrodermatitis, solar dermatitis
Cavalier King Oral eosinophilic granulomas, primary secretory otitis media, syringomyelia Figures 6.7A–6.7C
Charles Spaniel induced head/neck pruritus, congenital keratoconjunctivitis sicca and
ichthyosiform dermatosis
Cairn Terrier Ichthyosis
Chihuahua Rabies vaccine‐induced pinnal vasculitis, sterile panniculitis, pattern Figures 6.8–6.11A and 6.11B
baldness, color dilution alopecia, atopy/food allergy
Chinese Crested Comedones/follicular cysts Figure 6.12
Chow Pemphigus foliaceus, Alopecia X, uveodermatologic syndrome Figure 6.13
Cocker Spaniel Proliferative otitis and recurrent pyoderma due to atopy/food allergy, Figures 6.14A and 6.14B
vitamin A responsive dermatosis, idiopathic nasodigital hyperkeratosis
Collie/Sheltie Dermatomyositis, discoid lupus erythematosus, systemic lupus Figures 6.15 and 6.16
erythematosus, vesicular lupus erythematosus, reactive histiocytosis,
superficial spreading pyoderma
Curly Coated Follicular dysplasia

(Continued )

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
94 6  Breed‐related dermatoses

Table 6.1  Canine breed‐related dermatoses (Continued)

Dog breed Common condition Figures

Dachshund Alopecia areata, pinnal marginal dermatosis and vasculitis, sterile Figures 6.17–6.19
panniculitis, pattern baldness
Dalmatian Atopy, solar dermatitis
Doberman Acral lick dermatitis, follicular dysplasia, color dilution alopecia, Figures 6.20 and 6.21
Pinscher hypothyroidism, vitiligo
English Bulldog Acrochordonous plaques, canine recurrent flank alopecia, pododermatitis/ Figures 6.22–6.25
interdigital cysts, intertrigo, atopy/food allergy
Flat Coated Systemic and malignant histiocytosis
German Shorthair Acral mutilation, exfoliative cutaneous lupus erythematosus Figures 16.8A–D
German Shepherd Metatarsal/metacarpal fistulas, perianal fistulas, nodular dermatofibrosis, Figures 6.26–6.30
lupoid onychodystrophy, discoid lupus erythematosus, systemic lupus
erythematosus, mucocutaneous lupus erythematosus, vitiligo,
mucocutaneous pyoderma, deep pyoderma, pinnal marginal scaling due to
atopy/food allergy
Golden Retriever Ichthyosis, reactive histiocytosis, atopy/food allergy Figure 6.31
Greyhound Bald thigh syndrome, corns Figure 6.32
Fox Terrier Demodex injai, atopy/food allergy
Havanese Sebaceous adenitis Figures 6.33A and 6.33B
Husky Zinc responsive dermatosis, uveodermatologic syndrome, eosinophilic Figure 6.34
Irish Setter Fluffy haircoat change post neutering Figure 6.35
Irish Water Follicular dysplasia
Jack Russell Ichthyosis, rabies vaccine‐induced pinnal vasculitis, Trichophyton Figures 6.36A, 6.36B,
Terrier dermatophytosis and 6.37
Keeshond Intracornifying epitheliomas (ICE tumors), Alopecia X Figure 6.38
Labrador Nasal parakeratosis, atopy/food allergy, color dilution alopecia (silver labs) Figures 6.39 and 6.40
Malamute Alopecia X, zinc responsive dermatosis Figure 6.41
Maltese Rabies vaccine‐induced injection site alopecia Figure 6.42
Miniature Pattern baldness
Miniature Poodle Alopecia X, rabies vaccine‐induced injection site alopecia Figure 6.43
Miniature Schnauzer comedo syndrome, aurotrichia, canine recurrent flank alopecia, Figures 6.44–6.46
Schnauzer superficial suppurative necrolytic dermatitis, viral pigmented plaques
Norfolk Terrier Ichthyosis
Norwegian Intracornifying epitheliomas (ICE tumors)
Pitbull Terrier Solar dermatitis, atopy/food allergy Figures 6.47A, 6.47B,
and 6.48
Pomeranian Alopecia X Figure 6.49
Pug Pigmented viral plaques, mast cell tumor, atopy/food allergy Figures 6.50 and 6.51
6  Breed‐related dermatoses 95

Table 6.1  Canine breed‐related dermatoses (Continued)

Dog breed Common condition Figures

Portuguese Water Follicular dysplasia

Rhodesian Dermoid sinus Figure 16.6A
Rottweiler Vitiligo, lupoid onychodystrophy Figure 6.52
Samoyed Sebaceous adenitis, Alopecia X, uveodermatologic syndrome
Schipperke Alopecia X‐like disorder
Shar-Pei Mucinosis, atopy/food allergy Figures 6.53A and 6.53B
Shih Tzu Demodex injai, Malassezia dermatitis, atopy/food allergy Figure 6.54
St. Bernard Nasal arteritis Figure 6.55
Standard Poodle Sebaceous adenitis Figures 6.56A and 6.56B
Standard Nasal arteritis, canine recurrent flank alopecia
Vizsla Sebaceous adenitis
West Highland Malassezia dermatitis secondary to atopy/food allergy, previously termed Figure 6.57
White Terrier epidermal dysplasia; ichthyosis
Yorkshire Terrier Rabies vaccine‐induced injection site alopecia, atopy/food allergy, Figures 6.58 and 6.59
dermatophytosis, color dilution/black hair follicular dysplasia, “leather ear”

Figure 6.1A  An Akita with uveodermatologic syndrome causing Figure 6.1B  An Akita with uveodermatologic syndrome, causing
depigmentation of the nasal planum and eyelid fur as well as uveitis as well as depigmentation and crusting of the nasal
uveitis. planum and eyelids.
96 6  Breed‐related dermatoses

Figure 6.2  An American Bulldog puppy with ichthyosis, causing Figure 6.3  A Belgian Malinois with patchy depigmentation of the
the typical “fish scale” lesions. nasal planum, lips, and muzzle due to vitiligo.

Figure 6.4  A Boston Terrier puppy with adherent pinnal Figure 6.5  A Boxer with patchy truncal hypotrichosis and
hyperkeratosis due to zinc responsive dermatosis. hyperpigmentation due to canine recurrent flank alopecia.

Figure 6.6  A Boxer with distal pinnal crusts and ulcerations Figure 6.7A  Oral eosinophilic granulomas in a Cavalier King
triggered by repetitive ear flapping due to atopy and food allergy. Charles Spaniel.
6  Breed‐related dermatoses 97

(B) (C)

Figures 6.7B and C  Primary secretory otitis media, during and post middle ear flush to remove mucous.

Figure 6.8  Distal pinnal crusted ulceration in a Chihuahua due to Figure 6.9  A Chihuahua with sterile panniculitis causing deep
rabies vaccine‐induced vasculitis. truncal ulcerations and draining tracts; the immune‐mediated
disease was complicated by secondary deep bacterial infection.

Figure 6.10  Non‐inflammatory temporal hypotrichosis in a Figure 6.11A  Generalized non‐inflammatory hypotrichosis in a
Chihuahua due to pattern baldness. blue Chihuahua due to color dilution alopecia.
Figure 6.11B  Trichogram of remaining hairs demonstrate pigment Figure 6.12  Numerous small follicular cysts in a Chinese Crested
clumping in hair shafts consistent with color dilution (4×). dog; lesions are present symmetrically on all limbs.

Figure 6.14A  Idiopathic nasal planum hyperkeratosis in a Cocker


Figure 6.13  Pemphigus foliaceus causing crusting on the muzzle

and nasal planum of a Chow.

Figure 6.14B  Hyperkeratotic paw pads were present in the Figure 6.15  A young Sheltie with dermatomyositis causing
same dog. patchy facial alopecia and scarring.
6  Breed‐related dermatoses 99

Figure 6.16  Oval to serpiginous inguinal erosions and crusts in a Figure 6.17  A Miniature Dachshund with non‐inflammatory
Sheltie due to vesicular cutaneous lupus erythematosus. alopecia and hyperpigmentation due to alopecia areata.

Figure 6.18  Distal pinnal alopecia, scarring, and cartilage Figure 6.19  Patchy truncal scarring alopecia and draining tracts
deformation in a Miniature Dachshund with pinnal vasculitis; due to sterile panniculitis in a Miniature Dachshund.
lesions were previously ulcerative but healing has occurred post
immunosuppressive therapy.

Figure 6.21  Patchy non‐inflammatory flank alopecia in a young

Figure 6.20  Acral granuloma in a Doberman Pinscher. Doberman Pinscher due to follicular dysplasia.
Figure 6.22  Raised rubbery dermal masses (acrochordons) on the Figure 6.23  The same Bulldog also had patchy flank alopecia and
dorsal neck of a food allergic English Bulldog; lesions virtually hyperpigmentation due to canine recurrent flank alopecia.
resolved after a hypoallergenic diet was instituted.

Figure 6.24  An atopic English Bulldog with a ruptured and Figure 6.25  A Bulldog with facial fold intertrigo.
infected interdigital cyst/granuloma.

Figure 6.26  Firm swelling with draining tracts and serosanguinous Figure 6.27  Perianal fistulas in a German Shepherd causing
discharge in a German Shepherd with metatarsal/metacarpal fistulas. crateriform ulcerations and purulent drainage.
Figure 6.29  A German Shepherd dog with mucocutaneous lupus
erythematosus; note the vulvar erosions/ulcerations and perivulvar
latticework hyperpigmentation common to this disorder; similar
Figure 6.28  Discoid lupus erythematosus in a German Shepherd lesions were present on the anal and perianal area.
causing pigmentation and erosion on the dorsal nasal planum
extending to haired skin; early lesions with just depigmentation and
loss of nasal reticular pattern are present on the ventral nares.

Figure 6.31  Diffuse non‐pruritic truncal scaling in a Golden

Retriever with ichthyosis.

Figure 6.30  Patchy pinnal marginal and outer pinnal hypotrichosis

and scaling in an atopic German Shepherd; lesions and pinnal‐pedal
response when pinnal margins were scraped mimic sarcoptic mange,
and trial treatment for scabies was performed with no improvement
but complete resolution occurred with treatment for atopy.

Figure 6.32  A Greyhound footpad corn; note the round area of

toepad smoothness with associated fissuring; the dog presented Figure 6.33A  A Havanese with sebaceous adenitis which caused
for lameness. hypotrichosis and scaling involving the trunk, thighs, and head.
Figure 6.33B  On close examination, adherent scaling and
follicular casting is present. Skin scrapings for mites and cytology
were negative, diagnosis was made on biopsy/dermatopathology.

Figure 6.34  Periocular alopecia, erythema, and adherent crusting

in a husky with zinc responsive dermatosis.

Figure 6.35  An Irish Setter with a fuzzy truncal coat which

developed after neutering; this occurs to some extent in most
double coated dogs but is more noticeable in Setters and Figure 6.36A  Pinnal ulceration in a Jack Russell Terrier caused by
Afghans. Source: Photo courtesy of Dr. Babette Taugbol. vasculitis post rabies vaccination.

Figure 6.37  A Jack Russell Terrier with alopecia, crusting, and

hyperpigmentation on the face and muzzle caused by Trichophyton
mentagrophytes; the dog had a prior history of seasonal atopy, was
intensely pruritic and had been unsuccessfully treated for allergies with
Figure 6.36B  This dog also had central paw pad ulcerations. immunomodulating medications for one year prior to presentation.
Figure 6.38  A Norwegian Elkhound with numerous raised, often
hyperkeratotic sometimes cystic, dermal masses on the trunk which
biopsy confirmed as intracornifying epitheliomas (ICE tumors).

Figure 6.39  Nasal planum hypopigmentation and dorsal planum

adherent hyperkeratosis in a young Labrador with nasal parakeratosis.

Figure 6.41  A Malamute with Alopecia X characterized by non‐

Figure 6.40  A Silver Labrador with color dilution alopecia pruritic truncal, neck, and tail hypotrichosis with loss of primary
characterized by non‐pruritic truncal hypotrichosis, coarse wiry hairs/retention of fuzzy secondary hairs, non‐inflammatory alopecia,
primary hairs, and increased lighter fuzzy secondary hairs. and hyperpigmentation on the caudal thighs. Full labwork, thyroid
panel, and urine cortisol creatinine ratio were normal.

Figure 6.43  A Miniature Poodle with focal alopecia and indurated

skin on the lateral thorax which occurred six weeks post rabies
vaccination; biopsy revealed marked nodular lymphocytic to
Figure 6.42  A Maltese with scarring alopecia on the right thigh and granulomatous inflammation associated with crystalline vaccine
shoulder associated with prior rabies vaccinations in both locations. adjuvant and overlying follicular damage.
Figure 6.44  Numerous comedones and mild hypotrichosis on the Figure 6.45  A Miniature Schnauzer with superficial suppurative
dorsal midline of a Miniature Schnauzer with Schnauzer comedo necrolytic dermatitis (a.k.a. sterile pustular erythroderma of
syndrome. Miniature Schnauzers) causing severe generalized violaceous
erythema which progressed to erosions and crusting on the
pinnae; disease occurred after a limonene shampoo. The dog was
febrile and severely systemically ill and labwork revealed
neutrophilia, hypoalbuminemia, and elevated liver enzymes; she
recovered after prolonged hospitalization for supportive care
including steroids and plasma transfusion.

Figure 6.46  Numerous pigmented macules and small plaques

caused by papilloma virus infection in a Miniature Schnauzer;
lesions progressed after treatment with oclacitinib for the dog’s Figure 6.47A  A Pitbull Terrier with solar dermatitis causing
atopic dermatitis. minimally pruritic ventrolateral truncal hypotrichosis, scarring,
erythema, papules, and crusts which had been previously
unsuccessfully treated as atopic dermatitis.

Figure 6.47B  A more severely affected Pitbull Terrier with solar

dermatitis causing raised, painful, sometimes draining, and
crusted bullae on the inguinal area. Figure 6.48  An atopic Pitbull Terrier with secondary severe
pyoderma caused by MRSP.
Figure 6.50  Numerous inguinal pigmented macules and plaques
Figure 6.49  A Pomeranian with Alopecia X causing truncal, neck, in a Pug caused by papilloma virus infection; lesions progressed
and tail hypotrichosis and hyperpigmentation. Full labwork, after chemotherapy for mast cell tumor.
thyroid panel, and urine cortisol creatinine ratio were normal.

Figure 6.52  Stubby dystrophic toenails in a Rottweiler with

Figure 6.51  A pink raised mass on the face of a Pug; cytology symmetric lupoid onychodystrophy.
determined it was a mast cell tumor.

Figure 6.53B  The same dog had innumerable small mucinotic

vesicles on the trunk and legs which would ooze viscous clear
fluid when ruptured.

Figure 6.53A  A young Shar-Pei with severe diffuse swelling of

muzzle and eyelids caused by mucinosis.
Figure 6.54  A Shih Tzu with Malassezia dermatitis due to
underlying atopy; note the erythema, hypotrichosis, and sticky Figure 6.55  Nasal arteritis in a St. Bernard dog; the central nasal
yellowish crusts on the medial limbs and axillae. Yeast were found ulceration had been present and slowly progressive for 18 months
on recheck skin cytology after the dog was treated for prior prior to arterial rupture which prompted owners to seek medical care.
cytologically diagnosed bacterial overgrowth.

Figure 6.56A  A Standard Poodle with sebaceous adenitis causing Figure 6.56B  Closer examination of affected skin reveals
generalized hypotrichosis on the trunk, limbs, tail, and head including adherent scaling and follicular casting. Skin scrapings for mites
the pinnae; remaining hair is wispy and straight rather than curly. and cytology were negative; diagnosis was made on biopsy/

Figure 6.58  Focal scarring alopecia on the shoulder of a Yorkshire

Terrier post rabies vaccination.

Figure 6.57  Severe ventral truncal and limb alopecia,

lichenification, and hyperpigmentation in an atopic West
Highland White Terrier caused by Malassezia dermatitis as well as
MRSP infection.
6  Breed‐related dermatoses 107

Table 6.2  Feline breed‐related dermatoses.

Cat breed Common condition Figures

Abyssinian Psychogenic alopecia, atopy, food allergy Figure 6.60

Bengal Atopy, food allergy, ulcerative nasal dermatitis Figures 6.61A and 6.61B
Burmese Congenital hypotrichosis, cutaneous asthenia (Ehlers–Danlos‐like syndrome)
Persian Dermatophytosis, facial fold dermatitis, idiopathic facial dermatitis (dirty face syndrome) Figures 6.62 and 6.63
Rex Malassezia dermatitis, follicular dysplasia Figure 6.64
Siamese Vitiligo, food hypersensitivity, psychogenic alopecia Figure 6.65
Sphynx Malassezia dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, urticaria pigmentosa Figures 6.66–6.68

Figure 6.60  An atopic and food allergic Abyssinian cat with

temporal excoriations; a hypoallergenic diet partially improved
her pruritus then allergy immunotherapy based on intradermal
testing caused complete remission of her pruritus.
Figure 6.59  An atopic Yorkie with marked barbering and
erythema present on the limbs and ventral trunk.

Figure 6.61B  A Bengal cat with ulcerative nasal dermatitis.

Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Cherry Douglas DVM.

Figure 6.61A  A food allergic Bengal cat with an oral eosinophilic

108 6  Breed‐related dermatoses

Figure 6.62  A Persian cat with patchy facial alopecia and crusting
due to dermatophytosis. Figure 6.63  Severe moist facial dermatitis in a Persian cat with
idiopathic facial dermatitis.

Figure 6.64  A Rex cat with non‐inflammatory alopecia on the

head/ears which also involved the dorsal tail.

Figure 6.65  A Siamese cat with atopic dermatitis complicated by

psychogenic/behavioral overgrooming.

Figure 6.66  A Sphynx cat with Malassezia dermatitis secondary to

Figure 6.67  A Sphynx cat with severe pruritus and self‐trauma to
atopy. Source: Photo courtesy of Dr. Ann Trimmer, DACVD.
the dorsal shoulders caused by a hypersensitivity dermatitis.
6  Breed‐related dermatoses 109

Figure 6.68  Urticaria pigmentosa in a Sphynx kitten. Source: Photo courtesy of Dr. Amy Shumaker, DACVD.

­Further reading
Bryden, S.L., White, S.D., Dunston, S.M. et al. (2005). Miller, W.H., Griffen, C.E., and Campbell, K.L. (2013).
Clinical, histopathological and immunological Muller and Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology, 7e. St
characteristics of exfoliative cutaneous lupus Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.
erythematosus in 25 German short‐haired pointers. Moriello, K.A., Coyner, K., Paterson, S., and Mignon, B.
Vet. Dermatol. 16 (4): 239–252. (2017 Jun). Diagnosis and treatment of dermatophytosis
Clark, R.D. and Stainer, J.R. (1994). Medical and Genetic in dogs and cats: Clinical Consensus Guidelines of the
Aspects of Purebred Dogs. Fairway, KS: Forum World Association for Veterinary Dermatology. Vet.
Publications Inc. Dermatol. 28 (3): 266–e68.
Clark, R.D. (1992). Medical and Genetic and Behavioral Narama, I., Kobayashi, Y., Yamagami, T. et al. (2005).
Aspects of Purebred Cats. Fairway, KS: Forum Pigmented cutaneous papillomatosis (pigmented
Publications Inc. epidermal nevus) in three pug dogs; histopathology,
Hernblad Tevell, E., Bergvall, K., and Egenvall, A. (2008). electron microscopy and analysis of viral DNA by the
Sebaceous adenitis in Swedish dogs, a retrospective polymerase chain reaction. J. Comp. Pathol. 132:
study of 104 cases. Acta Vet. Scand. 50 (1): 11. 132–138.
Jackson, H.A. (2004 Feb). Eleven cases of vesicular Olivry, T., Rossi, M.A., Banovic, F., and Linder, K.E. (2015).
cutaneous lupus erythematosus in Shetland sheepdogs Mucocutaneous lupus erythematosus in dogs (21 cases).
and rough collies: clinical management and prognosis. Vet. Dermatol. 26 (4): 256–e55.
Vet. Dermatol. 15 (1): 37–41. Torres, S.M., Brien, T.O., and Scott, D.W. (2002). Dermal
Leeb, T., Muller, E.J., Roosie, P., and Welle, M. (2017). arteritis of the nasal philtrum in a Giant Schnauzer and
Genetic testing in veterinary dermatology. Vet. three Saint Bernard dogs. Vet. Dermatol. 13 (5):
Dermatol. 28 (1): 4–e1. 275–281.
Mauldin, E. (2013 Jan). Canine ichthyosis and related White, S.D., Bourdeau, P., Rosychuk, R.A. et al. (2001).
disorders of cornification in small animals. Vet. Clin. Zinc‐responsive dermatosis in dogs: 41 cases and
North Am. Small Anim. Pract. 43 (1): 89–97. literature review. Vet. Dermatol. 12 (2): 101–109.

Parasitic skin diseases

Heide Newton, DVM, DACVD
Dermatology for Animals, Tucson, AZ, USA

All treatments listed for parasites other than fleas and at a time with the option to change to another treatment
ticks are extra‐label unless otherwise specified. Only one if adverse effects or inefficacy is noted.
of the listed antiparasitic treatments should be employed

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
Table 7.1  Canine and feline ectoparasites.

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Canine demodicosis Localized: Patch(es) of hypotrichosis Mite identification via skin scraping Localized: In most cases spontaneous resolution will occur within a
(Figures 7.1A–7.18B, 2.42, 2.43, +/− comedones, erythema and/or most commonly; tape preparation, few months and no treatment is required; Goodwinol (rotenone)
3.30A, 3.58, 3.111) scaling and variable pruritus often hair plucks, cytology of exudate ointment and benzoyl peroxide gel may be used.
Demodex canis on face, forelimbs, and/or bilateral from furuncles; rarely, biopsy may  
Demodex injai ceruminous otitis externa. be needed for very scarred areas Otic Demodex: Use a topical otic product containing ivermectin or
Demodex cornei (short bodied   such as paws. milbemycin as labeled for treatment of ear mites, or instill 0.1 ml
Demodex mite) has been shown to Generalized: Numerous patches of   0.1% ivermectin into affected ear once daily until 2 weeks beyond
be a variant of D. canis. hypotrichosis, erythema, follicular Cytology to rule out secondary negative ear swab. Isoxazoline insecticides also likely effective.
  hyperkeratosis, comedones, and bacterial infections.  
Juvenile (<4 yr) and adult (>4 yr) follicular casts; +/− peripheral   In cases of generalized, D. canis, D. injai, and demodectic
onset. lymphadenopathy; secondary Adult onset cases: Screen labwork pododermatitis, treat for 4 weeks beyond negative skin scraping (no
  bacterial folliculitis and furunculosis and thyroid panel for underlying live or dead mites or eggs):
Predisposed breeds: American in some cases. immunosuppressive disease.  
Staffordshire Terrier, English   1. First‐line treatment: Isoxazoline insecticides:
Bulldog, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, D. injai: Greasy seborrhea of dorsum Fluralaner 25 mg/kg PO q12w.
Shar-Pei, West Highland White and face and variable pruritus. Afoxolaner 2.5 mg/kg PO q4w.
Terrier; for D. injai, Fox Terrier   Sarolaner 2 mg/kg PO q4w.
and Shih Tzus are predisposed. Pododermatitis: Interdigital and  
digital erythema, alopecia, 2. Second‐line treatment options:
furunculosis, edema, and often Avermectinsa (caution with herding breeds):
secondary bacterial infection. 1% Ivermectin 0.4–0.6 mg/kg PO q24h.
1% Doramectin 0.6 mg/kg PO/SQ q7d.
0.1% Moxidectin 0.2–0.4 mg/kg PO q 24h.
2.5% Moxidectin topically q7d (Advantage Multi®).
3. Other treatment options:
Milbemycin 1–2 mg/kg PO q24h.
Amitraz dips (0.03–0.05% or 250 ppm) q1–2w (licensed treatment,
but rarely used due to superior efficacy and safety of isoxazoline
Systemic avermectins cannot be used in combination with
ketoconazole or spinosad insecticides (Comfortis®, Trifexis®) due to
risk of severe toxicity.
Bathe with benzoyl peroxide‐containing shampoo for follicular
flushing of mites; follow with conditioner to avoid overdrying.
Control secondary bacterial infections with chlorhexidine shampoos
1–2 times weekly alternating with benzoyl peroxide shampoo and/or
chlorhexidine wipes/mousse/spray +/− systemic antibiotics for
severe generalized or deep pyoderma.
Avoid immunosuppressive medications.

0004280187.INDD 112 06/28/2019 04:02:47

Feline demodicosis Localized: Patch(es) of Mite identification via skin scraping, Treat for 4 weeks beyond negative skin scraping (no live or dead
Demodex cati hypotrichosis, erythema, scale and tape preparation, fecal floatation. mites or eggs):
(Figures 7.19A–7.19C) variable pruritus often at face, head,    
cervical region, and/or bilateral Screen labwork for underlying 1. First‐line treatment options: Isoxazoline insecticides:
ceruminous otitis externa. immunosuppressive metabolic or Fluralaner 40 mg/kg topically q12w.
  retroviral disease. 2–4% lime sulfur dips q7d.
Generalized: Alopecia, scale,  
erythema, crust, and 2. Second‐line treatment options:
hyperpigmentation, with variable 2.5% Moxidectin topically q7d (Advantage Multi).
pruritus at face, head, neck, trunk, 1% ivermectin 0.3 mg/kg PO q24h.
and limbs; often associated with 1% doramectin 0.4–0.6 mg/kg PO or SQ once weekly.
underlying systemic disease or Milbemycin 1–2 mg/kg PO q24h.
Address underlying immunosuppression.
Feline demodicosis Pruritus, alopecia, erythema, and Mite identification via skin scraping, Same as D. cati.
Demodex gatoi scale often at lateral thorax, ventral tape preparation, fecal floatation.  
(Figures 7.20A–B) and lateral abdomen, and medial Treat all in contact cats simultaneously.
limbs; contagious to other cats.
Canine scabies Progressive and intense pruritus Definitive diagnosis can be difficult Selamectin (licensed treatment Revolution®) dosed topically
Sarcoptes scabiei involving ventral trunk, elbows, and may rest on clinical signs and extralabel at q2w × 3tx.
(Figures 7.21–7.24B, 3.38A, 3.89) hocks, paws, face, and pinnae with response to treatment. Moxidectin (licensed treatment Advantage Multi®)
papules, crusts, erythema, and   topically q30d × 2tx.
alopecia; with chronicity, bacterial Skin scraping (mites difficult to Fluralaner 25 mg/kg PO q12w.
pyoderma, lichenification, and find). Afoxolaner 2.5 mg/kg PO q4w.
hyperpigmentation occur.   Sarolaner 2 mg/kg PO q4w.
Positive pinnal‐pedal reflex. 1% ivermectin 0.2–0.4 mg/kg PO or SQ q7d × 3tx.
  Milbemycin 1–2 mg/kg PO q7–14d × 3 tx.
Cytology to rule out secondary 2–3% lime sulfur dips q 1–2w × 4–6w.
bacterial or Malassezia infections. 1% doramectin 0.2 mg/kg SQ or PO q7d × 4–6w.
Fipronil spray 2 pumps per lb. q14d × 3tx.
Treat all in contact dogs simultaneously.
Control secondary bacterial or Malassezia infections with
miconazole/chlorhexidine shampoos or sprays/mousse/wipes every
1–2 days on affected areas.
Tapering 2–3 week course of prednisone (starting at 0.5 mg/kg/d) or
oclacitinib 0.4–0.6 mg/kg PO BID × 7–14 days then once
daily × 7–14 days (use in dogs >1 yr of age only).

0004280187.INDD 113 06/28/2019 04:02:47

Table 7.1  Canine and feline ectoparasites (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Feline scabies Progressive pruritus, crusts, Definitive diagnosis can be difficult Selamectin topically q2w × 3tx (Revolution®)
Notoedres cati thickened skin and hypotrichosis at and may rest on clinical signs and Moxidectin topically q2–4 weeks × 3tx (Advantage Multi).
(Figures 7.25–7.27, 3.38B) pinnae, head, neck and can spread to response to treatment. 1% ivermectin 0.2–0.3 mg/kg SQ q14d × 4–6w.
rest of body.   1% doramectin 0.2–0.3 mg/kg SQ q 1–2w for 4–6w.
Skin scrapings (mites may be 2–4% lime sulfur dips q7d × 6w.
difficult to find). Fluralaner likely effective.
Treat all in contact cats simultaneously.
Ear mites Otic pruritus with dark dry “coffee Mite identification in otic debris. Selamectin (licensed treatment Revolution) dosed topically at
Otodectes cynotis grounds” otic debris.   q2–4w × 3tx.
(Figures 7.28–7.30)  
Ectopic mites can cause pruritus on Cytology for secondary yeast or Moxidectin topically q30d (licensed treatment Advantage Multi).
face, neck, and trunk which can bacterial otitis externa. Fluralaner 25 mg/kg PO or 40 mg/kg topically q12w.
mimic allergy. Ivermectin 0.2–0.3 mg/kg SQ q14d × 2tx or PO q7d × 3tx.
Contagious to other mammals. Topical otic preparations with ivermectin, milbemycin, or mineral
  oil can be used, but systemic therapy still recommended for
Secondary yeast or bacterial otitis ectopic mites.
externa common.  
Treat all in contact dogs and cats simultaneously.
Cat fur mite Variable depending on chronicity Mite or egg identification on hair Moxidectin/imidacloprid (Advantage Multi) topically q14d × 2tx.
Lynxacarus radovskyi and extent of infestation ranging shafts (trichogram), superficial Fluralaner 25–50 mg/kg PO once.
(Figure 7.31) from minimal pruritus and “salt and scrapings or acetate tape Fipronil topically q2w or lime sulfur dips q7d.
pepper” appearance with dull, dirty preparations.
coat to intense pruritus with  
generalized maculopapular to Caudal body sites may yield more
exfoliative dermatitis and alopecia. mites.
Can be contagious to others from
direct contact or fomites.
Cheyletiellosis Variable to no pruritus, dorsal dry Mite identification in hair/scale Selamectin topically q2w × 3tx.
Cheyletiella sp. scale, variable hair loss, erythema, samples. 2–3% lime sulfur dips q7d × 3–4tx.
(Figures 7.32–7.34) and/or papules. Fipronil spray 6 ml/kg q14d × 4–6w.
    1% ivermectin 0.2–0.3 mg/kg SQ q14d × 2tx or PO q7d × 3tx.
Predisposed breeds: Cocker Spaniel Contagious to other mammals (not Milbemycin 2 mg/kg PO q7d × 3tx.
species specific). Fluralaner 25 mg/kg PO q12w.
Treat all in contact dogs and cats simultaneously.

0004280187.INDD 114 06/28/2019 04:02:47

Pediculosis (Lice) Scale and pruritus with secondary Louse identification in hair/scale Fipronil spray 6 ml/kg q14d × 2tx.
Dog: Trichodectes canis excoriations, papules, and crusts. samples collected by flea combing or Selamectin topically q2w × 2tx.
(Figure 7.35)   tape preparation. Imidacloprid topically q14d × 2tx.
Linognathus setosus Contagious among same mammal Moxidectin (Advantage Multi) topically q2w × 2tx.
(Figure 7.36) species (host specific). 1% ivermectin 0.2–0.3 mg/kg SQ q14d × 2tx or PO q7d × 3tx.
  1% doramectin 0.2–0.4 mg/kg PO/SQ weekly × 4w.
Cat: Felicola subrostratus  
(Figure 7.37) Groom and clip away mats.
Treat all in contact dogs/cats simultaneously and thoroughly clean
environment and fomites.
Trombiculosis Seasonal (late summer and fall) Clinical signs, mite identification. Fipronil spray q14d (dogs and cats).
“Chiggers” pruritus, papules, crusts at legs, Permethrin spray or spot on (dogs only).
Eutrombicula alfreddugesi paws, head, ears, ventrum; orange‐  
Neotrombicula autumnalis red mites may be tightly attached to Avoid exposure to outdoor environments or reinfestation can occur.
(Figure 7.38) skin; history of environmental
exposure in woods or fields.
Hookworm Dermatitis Papules, erythema, hyperkeratosis, Clinical signs, hookworm eggs on Antihelminthic treatment such as pyrantel, fenbendazole,
Ancylostoma braziliense alopecia, interdigital and pawpad fecal flotation, and history of poor ivermectin, or milbemycin for all in contact dogs.
Ancylostoma caninum swelling, with variable amounts of sanitation.  
Uncinaria stenocephala pruritus or pain, affecting body Clean kennels and premises with emphasis on feces removal.
parts in contact with ground  
especially paws, distal limbs, and Routine monthly heartworm prevention products are protective.
History of poor sanitation in grass
or dirt kennels or exposure to
unsanitary dog parks.
Cuterebra sp. Localized swelling with fistula, often Clinical signs and identification of Incise or spread fistula and gently extract larva with forceps using
(Figures 7.39A–7.39C) at cervical region and observed larva removed from fistula. care to avoid crushing larva and extract completely, then treat as any
during August, September, and open wound.
Myiasis Larvae visible on or in the skin with Identification of larvae in wounds. Clip hair and clean lesions, surgically debride affected tissue, and
(infection with fly larvae, a.k.a. punched out round holes often near manage wound care.
maggots) neglected wounds or nose, eyes,  
(Figure 7.40) mouth, anus, or genitalia. First‐line treatment (achieve fastest kill of larvae): Nitenpyram or
  spinosad/milbemycin at label doses.
Often is a disease of neglect.  
Second‐choice treatment (due to slower kill of larvae): spinosad or
afoxolaner at label doses.
Treat underlying predisposing factors such as poor hygiene or living
Avoid fly exposure (house indoors) and eliminate fly attracting and
breeding sites (such as manure piles).

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Table 7.1  Canine and feline ectoparasites (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Fly bite dermatitis Erythema and hemorrhagic crusts at Clinical signs and history of outdoor Topical antibiotic and corticosteroid‐containing ointments.
(Figures 7.41A and 7.41B) tips or folds of pinnae. exposure to flies.  
  Fly repellents or permethrin containing flea products to prevent fly
Variable pruritus. bites.
Black fly bites can appear as Avoid fly exposure (house indoors) and eliminate fly attracting and
peracute round target red to purple breeding sites (such as manure piles).
lesions on the ventral trunk; lesions
are not raised, non‐painful, and
non‐pruritic and resolve within a
few days.
Pelodera dermatitis Ventral (paws, limbs, perineum, Clinical signs, identification of Moxidectin 2.5%/imidacloprid 10% topically q2w × 2tx.
(a.k.a. rhabditic dermatitis, ventral thorax, and abdomen) nematode larvae on trichogram, skin  
cutaneous infestation with larvae erythema and alopecia with variable scrapings and/or biopsy, and history Avoid exposure to decaying organic material that may harbor
of Pelodera strongyloides) pruritus, papules and crusts, and of exposure to filthy, damp decaying nematode larvae.
secondary bacterial or yeast organic material.  
infections.   Treat secondary bacterial or yeast infections with appropriate
Cytology to evaluate secondary topical or systemic therapies.
bacterial or yeast infections.
Dracunculiasis Single to multiple painful or pruritic Clinical signs and identification of Surgical excision of nodules.
Dracunculus insignis nodules on limbs, head, or abdomen adult nematodes or larvae on  
  that ulcerate and do not heal, cytology or histopathology. Avoid contact with contaminated water and avoid ingestion of
Rare and reported in dogs and cats. sometimes adult worms are seen in intermediate host.
Spider bite Bites are painless or minimally Clinical signs, history of a spider Immediate wound care (if witnessed) should include cleansing, cold
Brown recluse (Loxosceles) spiders painful; initially a small area of bite, if known. compresses, confinement and elevation of the bitten extremity if
occur predominately in the South localized inflammation occurs   possible, oral analgesics and antihistamines; pentoxifylline may be
Central region of the United States, which subsequently spreads then Definitive diagnosis is usually helpful to increase circulation and reduce vascular inflammation.
although there are localized necrosis and ulceration impossible, and misdiagnosis is  
reported sightings as far north as develop due to cytotoxicity from frequent. Dapsone (an inhibitor of neutrophil function) has been used in some
Illinois and as far as the east and venom components people with anecdotal benefit, though is controversial in humans.
west coast areas (Figure 7.42). (sphingomyelinase D) and localized The use of hyperbaric oxygen has been shown useful in small clinical
  production of cellular inflammatory studies but is also controversial.
They live in dark, warm, dry places mediators.  
such as woodpiles, crevices, barns, Early excision of bite lesions and oral or intralesional injection of
in attics, trees, and in small corners corticosteroids could worsen necrosis and are contraindicated.
or in shoes, clothing, or bedding.  
Wound care of necrotic or ulcerated lesions includes debridement of
necrotic tissues, culture‐directed antibiotic therapy for secondary
infections, and delayed excision of eschars, with skin grafting if
With proper wound management, necrotic wounds will heal over in
1–8 weeks; scarring may occur.

0004280187.INDD 116 06/28/2019 04:02:47

Fleas Identification of fleas and/or flea Flea and/or flea feces (“flea dirt”) Routine use of topical or oral flea control product(s) per label
Ctenocephalides felis felis feces (“flea dirt”) and/or Dipylidium identification. instructions (see Table 7.2) for all pets in household, selected based
(Figures 7.43 and 7.44) caninum (tapeworm) on physical   on client ability and willingness to administer, flea burden, and other
  examination. Dipylidium caninum (tapeworm) ectoparasite exposure.
Echidnophaga gallinacea (sticktight   identification in patient feces or  
fleas) For individuals with hypersensitivity fecal flotation. Environmental treatments:
to flea saliva allergens: variable   Indoors: thorough vacuuming of all floors and furniture, washing of
pruritus, often at caudal trunk. Clinical signs and exposure warrant pet beds, pesticide treatments of home with sodium borate or
  therapeutic trial of flea control. combination of pyrethrins/pyrethroids and insect growth regulator,
Anemia due to blood loss, especially professional extermination recommended for best results.
in small patients with heavy  
infestations. Outdoors: Remove organic debris, restrict pet access to infested
Sticktight fleas are usually found
embedded in the skin on pinnae,
eyelid, and between the toes.
Ticks Identification of ticks on physical Tick identification. Manual removal of attached ticks.
(Figures 7.45 and 7.46) examination.  
    Routine use of topical or oral tick control product(s) per label
Rhipicephalus sanguineus Less commonly, progressive instructions (see Table 7.3) for all pets in household, selected based
  ascending flaccid paralysis (“tick on client ability and willingness to administer, tick burden, and other
Dermacentor variabilis paralysis”). ectoparasite exposure.
Ixodes scapularis Spinose ear tick found on otoscopic
  examination, can trigger secondary
Amblyomma otitis externa.
Otobius megnini (spinose ear tick)

0004280187.INDD 117 06/28/2019 04:02:47

118 7  Parasitic skin diseases

Figure 7.1A  Demodex canis mites and nymphs (10×). Figure 7.1B  A canine Demodex mite found on cytology of an
inflamed paw, (100×).

Figure 7.2  Demodex canis egg (10× with digital zoom). Figure 7.3A  Short bodied form of Demodex canis (40×).

Figure 7.3B  Size comparison between the short bodied (top of

photo) and typical (bottom of photo) Demodex canis mites; the
short bodied form is also more translucent (4×). Figure 7.4A  Demodex injai, the long bodied Demodex (4×).
7  Parasitic skin diseases 119

Figure 7.4B  This dog had a mixed Demodex mite infection;

Demodex injai is at the top of the photo and Demodex canis at the
bottom (10×).

Figure 7.5  An elderly dog with demodicosis localized to one paw.

Figure 7.6  A young Bulldog with generalized demodicosis; a Figure 7.7  An elderly Cocker Spaniel with generalized
secondary Malassezia infection was present as well. demodicosis which also affected the ear pinna.
Figure 7.9A  Localized alopecia and comedones in a dog with
localized Demodex; dermatophytosis can look identical.

Figure 7.8  A young Bulldog with localized Demodex on the lip

and chin.

Figure 7.9B  A young Sheltie with localized demodicosis on Figure 7.10  Demodex and Malassezia infections caused this
the eyelid. Basset Hound’s ventral neck dermatitis.

Figure 7.11A  Severe crusting and ulceration on the ventral neck Figure 7.11B  The same dog after sedation for hydrotherapy to
of a Wolfhound puppy with generalized demodicosis; the dog was remove accumulated exudate.
intensely painful and pruritic due to secondary methicillin
resistant staph deep pyoderma.
Figure 7.12  Demodicosis in this Chihuahua caused patchy
alopecia and hyperpigmentation.

Figure 7.13  An elderly dog with severe demodicosis and

secondary deep pyoderma on the face.

Figure 7.14  An elderly Terrier mix with generalized demodicosis Figure 7.15  Painful pododermatitis caused by demodicosis and
triggered by internal neoplasia. secondary deep pyoderma.

Figure 7.16  Demodicosis in a hypothyroid dog causing alopecia, hyperpigmentation, and comedones on the limbs and trunk.
122 7  Parasitic skin diseases

Figure 7.17B  The same puppy had Malassezia otitis triggered by

demodectic otitis.

Figure 7.17A  A young Maltese puppy with demodicosis that

mimics juvenile cellulitis.

Figure 7.18A  Severe generalized demodicosis and Malassezia Figure 7.18B  The same dog after treatment with ivermectin for
dermatitis in Chihuahua mix. four months.
7  Parasitic skin diseases 123

Figure 7.19B  Linear facial alopecia due to Demodex cati which

was triggered by a steroid inhaler for asthma.

Figure 7.19A  Demodex cati (10× with digital zoom).

Figure 7.19C  On skin scraping from this cat numerous

Demodex cati mites, nymphs, and eggs were found (4×). Figure 7.20A  Demodex gatoi (40×).
Figure 7.20B  A cat with demodicosis caused by D. gatoi: note the Figure 7.21  Sarcoptes scabiei adult mite (in the center), nymph
extensive hypotrichosis on the outer pinnae, dorsal neck, and shoulders. (upper right corner), and eggs (lower left corner) (10×).

Figure 7.22A  A Shih Tzu with sarcoptic mange; the involvement Figure 7.22B  The same dog also had pinnal marginal alopecia
of the hocks and elbows is pathognomonic. typical for scabies and atypical facial alopecia.

Figure 7.23  Numerous scabies eggs in an immunosuppressed dog Figure 7.24A  Alopecia and severe crusting on the hock of a dog
(10×). with severe chronic untreated scabies.
Figure 7.25  A Notoedres cati mite (10×).

Figure 7.24B  Crusting also involved the toes of the same dog.

Figure 7.26  Pinnal marginal crusting in a cat with notoedric mange. Figure 7.27  Crusting encompassed the caudal aspect of the pinna.

Figure 7.28A  Otodectes cynotis nymph and adult (10×). Figure 7.28B  Otodectes cynotis eggs (10×).
Figure 7.29  Black granular otic discharge typical for Otodectes

Figure 7.30  A Yorkshire Terrier with severe Otodectes infestation

of ears and head.

Figure 7.31  The cat fur mite, Lynxacarus radovskyi (4×). Figure 7.32  Cheyletiella mites (adult in the center, nymph in top
Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Cindy Krach, DVM. left) and an egg (10×).

Figure 7.33  A closeup of a Cheyletiella mite, notice the clasping Figure 7.34  A Cocker Spaniel with dry dorsal truncal scaling due
mouth parts (10× with digital zoom). to Cheyletiella infestation.
7  Parasitic skin diseases 127

Figure 7.36  Linognathus setosus, the sucking dog louse (4×).

Figure 7.35  Trichodectes canis, the chewing dog louse (4×).

Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Jaime Logan, DVM.

Figure 7.37  Felicola subrostratus, the feline louse (4×). Figure 7.38  A chigger, likely Eutrombicula alfreddugesi (4×).
Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Megan Petroff, DVM. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Sam Elder, DVM.

Figure 7.39A  A small fistulated wound on the flank of a dog Figure 7.39B  Closeup of the same dog, note the cuterebra
caused by Cuterebra. peeking out from the fistula opening.
Figure 7.39C  The cuterebra larva after removal. Figure 7.40  Numerous maggots in a necrotic wound on a dog.

Figure 7.41B  The housemate of the dog in Figure 7.41A.

Figure 7.41A  Acute red target lesions on the groin of a dog due to Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Brad Green, ACVIM.
black fly bites. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Brad Green, ACVIM.

Figure 7.42  A circular necrotic eschar suspected to be a spider Figure 7.43A  Numerous fragments of flea feces found on flea
bite on the flank of a dog. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Lewis combing of a dog with fleabite hypersensitivity.
Verner, DVM.
7  Parasitic skin diseases 129

Figure 7.43B  Ctenocephalides felis fleas.

Figure 7.44  Barbering erythema and excoriations on the dorsal

lumbar area of a dog with fleabite hypersensitivity.

Figure 7.45  Rhipicephalus sanguineus adult females, males, and a Figure 7.46  Ixodes scapularis adult female. Source: Image courtesy
nymph. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Dr. David Jones. of VIN and Alanna Holmes, DVM.
130 7  Parasitic skin diseases

Table 7.2  Flea control product options.

Route Labeled efficacy

Ctenocephalides C. felis felis C. felis felis

Flea control products Topical Oral felis felis eggs larvae

Afoxolaner X X
Dinotefuran/permethrin/ X X X X
Fipronil/s‐methoprene X X X X
Fipronil/pyriproxyfen/ X X X X
Flumethrin/imidacloprid X X
Fluralaner X X
Imidacloprid/pyriproxyfen X X X
Imidacloprid/permethrin/ X X X X
Nitenpyram X X
Sarolaner X X
Selamectin X X X
Spinetoram X X
Spinosad X X

Table 7.3  Tick control product options.

Labeled efficacy

Amblyomma americanum Dermacentor variabilis Ixodes scapularis Rhipicephalus sanguineus

Tick control products (Lone Star tick) (American dog tick) (Black‐legged tick) (brown dog tick)

Afoxolaner X X X X
Amitraz collar Species not specified
Deltamethrin collar X X X
Dinotefuran/permethrin/ X X X X
Fipronil/s‐methoprene X X X X
Fipronil/ X X X X
Flumethrin/imidacloprid collar X X X X
Fluralaner X X X X
Imidacloprid/permethrin/ X X X X
Sarolaner X X X
Selamectin X
7  Parasitic skin diseases 131

­Further reading
Becskei, C., Cuppens, O., and Mahabir, S.P. (2018). Lerpen Duangkaew, L. and Hoffman, H. (2018). Efficacy of
Efficacy and safety of sarolaner in the treatment of oral fluralaner for the treatment of Demodex gatoi in
canine ear mite infestation caused by Otodectes two shelter cats. Vet. Dermatol. 29 (3): 262.
cynotis: a non‐inferiority study. Vet. Dermatol. 29 (2): Lucio‐Forster, A., Eberhard, M.L., Cama, V.A. et al. (2014).
100–e39. First report of Dracunculus insignis in two naturally
Becskei, C., De Bock, F., Illambas, J. et al. (2016). Efficacy infected cats from the northeastern USA. J. Feline Med.
and safety of a novel oral isoxazoline, sarolaner Surg. 16 (2): 194–197.
(Simparica™), for the treatment of sarcoptic mange in Miller, W.H., Griffen, C.E., and Campbell, K.L. (2013).
dogs. Vet. Parasitol. 222: 56–61. Muller and Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology, 7e.
Beugnet, F., Halos, L., and Larsen, D. (2016). Efficacy of St Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.
oral afoxolaner for the treatment of canine generalised Ordeix, L., Bardagí, M., Scarampella, F. et al. (2009). Demodex
demodicosis. Parasite 23: 14. injai infestation and dorsal greasy skin and hair in eight
Bowman, D. (ed.) (2014). Georgi’s Parasitology for wirehaired fox terrier dogs. Vet. Dermatol. 20 (4): 267–272.
Veterinarians, 10e. St Louis, MO: Elsevier. Paterson, T.E., Halliwell, R., Fields, P.J. et al. (2014). Canine
Căpitan, R.G.M. and Noli, C. (2017). Trichoscopic generalized demodicosis treated with varying doses of a
diagnosis of cutaneous Pelodera strongyloides infestation 2.5% moxidectin+10% imidacloprid spot‐on and oral
in a dog. Vet. Dermatol. 28 (4): 413–e100. ivermectin: parasiticidal effects and long‐term treatment
Frédéric Beugnet, F., Halos, L., Larsen, D. et al. (2016). outcomes. Vet. Parasitol. 205: 687–696.
Efficacy of oral afoxolaner for the treatment of canine Sastre, N., Ravera, I., Villanueva, S. et al. (2012). Phylogenetic
generalized demodicosis. Parasit. Vectors 9: 392. relationships in three species of canine Demodex mite
Fourie, J.J., Liebenberg, J.E., Horak, I.G. et al. (2015). based on partial sequences of mitochondrial 16S rDNA.
Efficacy of orally administered fluralaner (Bravecto™) or Vet. Dermatol. 23 (6): 509–e101.
topically applied imidacloprid/moxidectin (advocate®) Short, J. and Gram, D. (2016). Successful treatment of
against generalized demodicosis in dogs. Parasit. Vectors Demodex gatoi with 10% Imidacloprid/1% Moxidectin.
28 (8): 187. J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Assoc. 52 (1): 68–72.
Han, H.S., Chen, C., Schievano, C., and Noli, C. (2018 May Silbermayr, K., Joachim, A., Litschauer, B. et al. (2013). The
6). The comparative efficacy of afoxolaner, spinosad, first case of Demodex gatoi in Austria, detected with
milbemycin, spinosad plus milbemycin, and nitenpyram fecal flotation. Parasitol. Res. 112 (8): 2805–2810.
for the treatment of canine cutaneous myiasis. Vet. Six, R.H., Becskei, C., Mazaleski, M.M. et al. (2016).
Dermatol. [Epub ahead of print]. Efficacy of sarolaner, a novel oral isoxazoline, against
Han, H.S., Noli, C., and Cena, T. (2016). Efficacy and two common mite infestations in dogs: Demodex spp.
duration of action of oral fluralaner and spot‐on and Otodectes cynotis. Vet. Parasitol. 222: 62–66.
moxidectin/imidacloprid in cats infested with Taenzler, J., Liebenberg, J., Roepke, R.K.A. et al. (2016).
Lynxacarus radovskyi. Vet. Dermatol. 27 (6): 474–e127. Efficacy of fluralaner administered either orally or
Hutt, J.H., Prior, I.C., and Shipstone, M.A. (2015). topically for the treatment of naturally acquired
Treatment of canine generalized demodicosis using Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis infestation in dogs. Parasit.
weekly injections of doramectin: 232 cases in the USA Vectors 23: 14.
(2002–2012). Vet. Dermatol. 26 (5): 345–349, e73. Taenzler, J., de Vos, C., Roepke, R.K.A. et al. (2017).
Johnstone, I.P. (2002). Doramectin as treatment for canine Efficacy of fluralaner against Otodectes cynotis
and feline demodicosis. Aust. Vet. Pract. 32: 98–103. infestations in dogs and cats. Parasit. Vectors 10: 30.

Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Kimberly S. Coyner, DVM, DACVD
Dermatology Clinic for Animals, Lacey, WA, USA

Table 8.1  Superficial bacterial skin infections.

Superficial or surface pyoderma Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Impetigo Non‐pruritic pustules not Clinical signs. Topical antibacterial therapy i.e.
  associated with follicles, on Cytology. chlorhexidine.
Often seen in young puppies. sparsely haired areas of the skin Skin scrapings to rule out Rarely, refractory lesions may
such as inguinal area; rupture of Demodex. require oral antibiotics for
pustules results in epidermal 10–14 days.
collarettes and scaling.
Pyotraumatic dermatitis Areas of acute, painful, moist, Clinical signs. May need sedation to clip/clean,
(Figures 8.1A and 8.1B) inflammatory dermatitis created Cytology +/− aerobic bacterial follow with a 1–2 week course of
  by self‐trauma. culture if bacteria are present oral anti‐inflammatory steroid
Often occurs in thickly coated Peripheral papules/pustules or despite prior or current and topical astringents/
dogs with underlying flea thickened lesions indicate antibiotics. antibacterial products +/−
allergy or atopy. pyotraumatic folliculitis. Skin scrapings to rule out topical steroids or pramoxine,
Demodex. avoid alcohol containing
If peripheral papules/pustules
noted, or if lesion is thickened,
then a 2–4 week course of
systemic antibiotics would be
In recurrent cases identify and
treat underlying allergic cause.
Intertrigo Dermatitis occurs in areas of Clinical signs. Cleanse area q 1–3 days with
(Figures 8.2A–8.2G) skin folding such as face folds, Cytology +/− aerobic bacterial antibacterial wipe, flush, or
lipfold, tail fold, and vulvar area. culture if bacteria are present shampoo; apply topical antibiotic
Lesions are areas of moist despite prior or current cream or solution daily for
inflammatory dermatitis with antibiotics. 5–7 days.
surface bacterial overgrowth. Skin scrapings/hair plucks to Refractory cases may require
rule out Demodex. surgical excision of excessive
Mucocutaneous pyoderma Erythema, inflammation, Clinical signs. Topical antibacterial therapy i.e.
(Figures 8.3A–8.3E) crusting +/− depigmentation of Cytology +/− aerobic bacterial mupirocin BID × 14 days.
lip margins, eyelids, nares, or culture if bacteria are present +/− for severe cases systemic
anus. despite prior or current antibiotics × 3–4 weeks.
antibiotics. In recurrent cases identify and
Skin scrapings/hair plucks to treat underlying cause (see
rule out Demodex. Table 8.4).


Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
134 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Table 8.1  Superficial bacterial skin infections (Continued)

Superficial or surface pyoderma Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Bacterial overgrowth Lesions of erythema, scaling, Clinical signs. Antibacterial shampoos,

syndrome lichenification, Cytology +/− aerobic bacterial conditioners, and/or sprays in
(Figures 8.4A–8.4M) hyperpigmentation, odor, culture if bacteria are present combination with a 3‐week
pruritus, and eventual alopecia. despite prior or current minimum course of systemic
Often present on the ventral antibiotics. antibiotics.
trunk, axillary, and inguinal Skin scrapings to rule out In recurrent cases identify and
areas. Demodex. treat underlying cause (see
No papules, pustules, or Table 8.4 and Algorithm 8.1).
epidermal collarettes are
Mimics Malassezia dermatitis.
Bacterial folliculitis Primary lesions are papules Clinical signs. Antibacterial shampoos,
(Figures 8.5A–8.5P) (small [1–2 mm] raised, Cytology +/− aerobic bacterial conditioners, and/or sprays in
sometimes crusted pink or red culture if bacteria are present combination with a 3‐week
bumps) and pustules. despite prior or current minimum course of systemic
As the lesions mature and antibiotics. antibiotics (1 week beyond
progress, expanding areas of Skin scrapings to rule out complete healing).
alopecia and surrounding Demodex. In recurrent cases identify and
scaling (epidermal collarettes), +/− Dermatophyte culture. treat underlying cause (see
hyperpigmentation, and Table 8.4 and Algorithm 8.1).
lichenification can develop. Rare idiopathic cases of
recurrent bacterial folliculitis
may respond to
immunomodulating bacterins
(Staphage Lysate®, Delmont Labs;
ImmunoRegulin®, Neogen Corp).

Figure 8.1A  An area of acute moist dermatitis, which occurred Figure 8.1B  Pyotraumatic folliculitis secondary to atopy in a
due to contact reaction to shampoo. Labrador.
8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections 135

Figure 8.2A  Face fold intertrigo in a Bulldog. Figure 8.2B  Bacterial and Malassezia face fold intertrigo in an
atopic Shih Tzu.

Figure 8.2D  Face fold cytology of the dog in Figure 8.2C revealed
Figure 8.2C  Moist facial fold dermatitis in an allergic French Bulldog. neutrophils, eosinophils, and cocci bacteria (100×).

Figure 8.2E  Vulvar fold dermatitis caused by Pseudomonas infection. Figure 8.2F  Severe vulvar fold intertrigo with ulceration;
Pseudomonas was also cultured from this dog.
136 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Figure 8.2G  Lip fold pyoderma in an allergic dog. Figure 8.3A  Lip mucocutaneous erosion and exudation in a food
allergic Boxer.

Figure 8.3B  Nasal mucosal crusting and purulent exudate Figure 8.3C  The same dog as in Figure 8.3B after a four‐week
secondary to atopic dermatitis. course of antibiotics.

Figure 8.3D  Severe ulcerative mucocutaneous pyoderma Figure 8.3E  The same dog as in Figure 8.3D after a four‐week
originating from the eyelids. course of antibiotics.
8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections 137

Figure 8.4B  Bacterial overgrowth on the ventral neck of an

allergic Pug; note the resemblance to Malassezia dermatitis.

Figure 8.4A  Bacterial overgrowth in an atopic Miniature Pinscher

causing erythema, hyperpigmentation, and lichenification on the
groin and medial thighs.

Figure 8.4D  Lichenification and hyperpigmentation on the

ventral neck and medial limbs of an allergic Chihuahua; despite
Figure 8.4C  Marked erythema and lichenification in an atopic clinical appearance only bacteria and no yeast were found on
Shih Tzu due to bacterial overgrowth. cytology.
138 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Figure 8.4E  Bacterial overgrowth causing marked erythema and lichenification in an atopic Terrier.

(F) (G)

Figures 8.4F and G  Lichenification, hyperpigmentation, and adherent yellowish crusting on the groin and medial limbs caused by
bacterial and yeast overgrowth in a Beagle with hypothyroidism and atopic dermatitis.
Figure 8.4I  Severe lichenification and erythema of the paws due
to bacterial and yeast infection caused by atopic dermatitis.

Figure 8.4H  Cytology of the affected skin demonstrates

numerous cocci bacteria and Malassezia (100×).

Figure 8.4J  Cytology of the affected skin shows a mixed Figure 8.4K  This food allergic and atopic Labrador had severe
population of rod and cocci bacteria (100×). chronic methicillin resistant staphylococcal pyoderma.

Figure 8.4L  Hyperpigmentation, erythema, and mild Figure 8.4M  Cytology of the affected skin showed mostly rod
lichenification due to bacterial overgrowth in an atopic Shih Tzu. shaped bacteria.
140 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Figure 8.5A  Inguinal papules and pustules in an atopic dog. Figure 8.5B  As lesions mature, circular areas of crusting develop.

Figure 8.5C  In chronic spreading pyoderma lesions often become Figure 8.5D  Numerous crusted papules due to bacterial folliculitis
centrally hyperpigmented, as in this hypothyroid dog. in an atopic German Shepherd.

Figure 8.5E  In this atopic Dalmatian, numerous small areas of brown Figure 8.5F  When the lesions were shaved the underlying
(bronze) fur discoloration were present on the trunk and limbs. papular dermatitis was revealed.
Figure 8.5H  Epidermal collarettes (circular areas of alopecia,
erythema, and peripheral crusting) caused by bacterial folliculitis
in an atopic French Bulldog.

Figure 8.5G  Patchy truncal hypotrichosis and scaling caused by

bacterial folliculitis in an atopic Pitbull.

Figure 8.5J  Severe chronic methicillin resistant staphylococcal

pyoderma in an atopic Bulldog; hyperpigmentation and
lichenification are developing.

Figure 8.5I  In this epidermal collarette on a Miniature Dachshund,

central post‐inflammatory hyperpigmentation is developing.



Figures 8.5K and L  Patchy hypotrichosis and scaling on the trunk and limbs of an atopic Labrador with methicillin resistant staphylococcal folliculitis.
142 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Figure 8.5M  Patchy hypotrichosis and scaling with a dull coat are
common symptoms of bacterial folliculitis in long coated dogs.

Figure 8.5N  Crusting and erythema on the ventral neck of an

atopic cat with secondary bacterial folliculitis.

Figure 8.5O  Alopecia, crusting, and erythema on the limb of an Figure 8.5P  Cytology demonstrates neutrophils and numerous
allergic cat with secondary pyoderma. intra and extracellular cocci bacteria (100×).
Algorithm 8.1  Approach to chronic recurrent bacterial pyoderma.

Treat with three week minimum

course of topical anti-bacterial
shampoo/mousse/spray +/– oral

Resolves Relapses within 1–2 weeks Recurs within 1–3 months

No further Suspect bacterial antibiotic Begin workup of

workup needed resistance underlying cause

Parasites Allergy Endocrine Keratinization


Skin scraping Atopy Usually older Biopsy

Give antibiotics based on animals
culture for 3 weeks Trial treat with Flea Allergy
minimum, 1–2 weeks be - isoxazoline CBC/Chem
yond normalcy Food Allergy panel/UA
Resolves Continue frequent topical See Ch.10 Thyroid
anti-bacterial therapies profile
during and post antibiotic
treatment +/– Cushing’s

Infection recurs

*If an underlying cause cannot be identified,

Begin workup of underlying begin immunomodulating therapy with a
disease bacterin product
Table 8.2  Deep bacterial skin infections.

Deep pyoderma Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Bacterial furunculosis Focal to multifocal areas of thick crusting, Clinical signs. Systemic antibiotics for 6–12 weeks (2 weeks
(Figures 8.6A–8.6J) alopecia, inflamed bullae, and/or Cytology +/− aerobic bacterial culture if beyond complete clinical resolution), frequent
ulcerative draining skin lesions, often bacteria are present despite prior or antibacterial shampoos/sprays.
pruritic or painful. current antibiotics. In recurrent cases identify and treat underlying
Skin scrapings to rule out Demodex. cause (see Table 8.4 and Algorithm 8.1).
+/− Dermatophyte culture.
Canine acne Nonpainful, nonpruritic papules, pustules, Clinical signs. Mupirocin BID or benzoyl peroxide gel daily until
(Figures 8.7A and 8.7B) bullae +/− draining tracts on the chin or Cytology +/− aerobic bacterial culture if lesions resolve then 1–2 times weekly as needed
  muzzle. bacteria are present despite prior or for control.
More common in large, young, short current antibiotics. For severe cases, give systemic antibiotics for
coated dogs and may be induced by Skin scrapings to rule out Demodex. 4 weeks minimum.
friction or trauma to the chin which +/− Dermatophyte culture.
pushes the short hairs under the skin.
Callus furunculosis Inflammation, swelling, ulceration, and Clinical signs. Treat infection with mupirocin BID and systemic
(Figure 8.8) draining tracts affecting pressure points Cytology +/− aerobic bacterial culture if antibiotics based on culture for 6 weeks minimum.
Most commonly affects giant breeds. such as lateral elbows/hocks in large breed bacteria are present despite prior or Hydrotherapy and bandaging needed for open
dogs or sternal callous in deep chested current antibiotics. lesions.
breeds. Skin scrapings and hair plucks to rule out Ensure dog lays on padded bedding or has padded
Demodex. appliances placed over wound (i.e. Dogleggs®).
+/− Dermatophyte culture.
Acral lick dermatitis Alopecic, firm, raised, thickened plaque or Clinical signs. Antibiotics based on culture for 8 weeks minimum
(Figures 8.9A–8.9C) nodule which may become ulcerated, Cytology +/− aerobic bacterial culture if (2 weeks beyond complete clinical resolution).
  often found on the dorsal carpus, or bacteria are present despite prior or Obtain culture sample by tissue biopsy, or by
A multifactorial disorder often associated dorsolateral metatarsus. current antibiotics. firmly squeezing affected tissue to extrude deep
with underlying atopy, food allergy, Regional lymphadenopathy may be Skin scrapings and hair plucks to rule out exudate for culture (this may require the dog to be
trauma, endocrinopathy, bone pain, present. Demodex and dermatophyte culture. muzzled or sedated); surface culture may not
neuropathy, or behavioral causes, and Lesion is intensely pruritic +/− painful, Identify and treat underlying cause(s): reflect deep infection.
then perpetuated by a secondary deep causing incessant licking. Prescription hypoallergenic diet trial Oral NSAIDs to reduce pain/inflammation.
pyoderma. Other clinical lesions consistent with +/− allergy testing/desensitization in Prevent licking with E. collar or bandaging.
underlying allergic skin disease may be pruritic dogs; radiographs to screen for In some cases oclacitinib or Cytopoint may be
present, i.e. interdigital, inguinal, facial, or underlying bone or joint pathology, helpful to reduce licking, however oclacitinib can
outer ear erythema. labwork to screen for metabolic disease in make infection harder to treat and should be
older dogs. discontinued within 2–4 weeks and antibiotics
should be continued for several weeks thereafter.
Some cases benefit from behavior modifying
medications such as fluoxetine or clomipramine as
part of combination treatment, but purely
behavioral causes for acral granulomas are rare.

0004280188.INDD 144 06/28/2019 03:33:49

Pedal folliculitis/furunculosis Interdigital erythema, pustules, bullae, Clinical signs. Systemic antibiotics for 6–12 weeks (2 weeks
(Figures 8.10A–8.10F) nodules, fistulas, alopecia, and swelling. Cytology +/− aerobic bacterial culture if beyond complete clinical resolution).
  Often seen in large, short coated dogs, bacteria are present despite prior or Frequent antibacterial shampoos/sprays/wipes to
Often associated with underlying atopy, variably painful and pruritic. current antibiotics. help speed healing and prevent infection
food allergy, endocrinopathy, May be associated with regional Skin scrapings and hair plucks to rule out recurrence.
demodicosis, etc. lymphadenopathy and/or swelling of Demodex. Identify and address underlying cause (see
In some cases, isolated recurrent or associated metacarpus or metatarsus. +/− Dermatophyte culture. Table 8.4 and Algorithm 8.1).
chronic lesions are associated with Focal areas of scarring/interdigital cyst formation
abnormal weight bearing, elbow may be amenable to surgical resection or laser
dysplasia, or obesity and subsequent ablation.
formation of single interdigital cysts,
often between P2–3 or P4–5 on front
paws of large breed dogs.
Post‐grooming furunculosis Usually occurs within 24–48 hours after Clinical signs. Pending culture, begin systemic antibiotic therapy
(Figures 8.11A and 8.11B) grooming and is manifested by areas of Cytology. with fluoroquinolones if rod bacteria are found on
  intense localized erythema and swelling Aerobic bacterial culture. cytology, or a cephalosporin antibiotic if cocci are
Contaminated shampoos or grooming which evolve into punctate foci of Skin scrapings to rule out Demodex. found on cytology.
apparatus, or over‐zealous scrubbing of erythema, erosion, painful hemorrhagic +/− Dermatophyte culture. Sedation usually needed for clipping and cleaning
short hairs “against the grain” are bullae, and drainage. of lesions.
implicated as causal factors. Lesions are usually on the dorsal trunk and Pain control with opioids may be needed, +/−
Staphylococcus pseudintermedius, occur more commonly in short coated dogs. intravenous fluids and supportive care for severely
Pseudomonas, Proteus and E. coli have Affected dogs may be lethargic or febrile; affected or systemically ill dogs.
been grown in pure or mixed culture first sign may be difficult to localize back
from lesions. pain.

0004280188.INDD 145 06/28/2019 03:33:49

146 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Figure 8.6A  Inflamed bullae and draining tracts due to deep Figure 8.6B  Bacterial furunculosis on the paws due to demodicosis.
pyoderma in an atopic Golden Retriever.

(C) (D)

Figures 8.6C and D  Inguinal and axillary deep methicillin resistant staphylococcal pyoderma causing ulcerative lesions in two atopic
German Shepherds.

Figure 8.6E  Ulcerations and draining tracts due to deep Figure 8.6F  Deep bacterial paronychia causing swelling and
pyoderma in an atopic dog. drainage in an atopic Terrier.
Figure 8.6G  Cytology of deep pyoderma often shows pyogranulomatous Figure 8.6H  An atopic cat with secondary deep pyoderma caused
inflammation; bacteria may be difficult to find (100×). by methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

Figure 8.6I  Deep bacterial pyoderma on the ventral chin of an Figure 8.6J  Severe ulcerative deep pyoderma caused by methicillin
allergic cat. resistant Staphylococcus aureus secondary to food allergy in a cat.

Figure 8.7B  In this allergic Bulldog, severe canine acne has

Figure 8.7A  Lip and chin pustules in a Pug due to canine acne. caused scarring and draining tracts.
Figure 8.8  Callus furunculosis on the lateral hock on an older Labrador.

(A) (B)


Figures 8.9A–C  Patchy scarring, thickened skin, alopecia, ulceration, and crusts (acral granulomas) on the dorsal carpus/metacarpus of
three atopic dogs.
Figure 8.10A  Interdigital swelling and draining tracts in an atopic

Figure 8.10B  A dorsal interdigital draining granuloma in an

atopic Bulldog.

Figure 8.10C  In this dog with pedal furunculosis, an inflamed Figure 8.10D  A Pitbull Terrier with bacterial pododermatitis
follicular cyst is present between P4–5. secondary to atopy.

(E) (F)

Figures 8.10E and F  An atopic Labrador mix with pedal furunculosis.
(A) (B)

Figures 8.11A and B  An American Bulldog with an acute onset of painful furunculosis, which occurred after being groomed.

Table 8.3  Meticillin resistance.

Definition what is meticillin? ●● Name changed from methicillin in 2005.

●● A narrow spectrum beta‐lactam antibiotic.
●● Most labs now use the more stable oxacillin for resistance testing.
●● Meticillin (or oxacillin) resistant Staphylococcus are considered resistant to all Beta‐lactam
antibiotics (penicillins and cephalosporins).
●● MRSP = meticillin resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (called Staphylococcus intermedius
in the past); this is not the same as MRSA which usually affects humans.
Multidrug resistance Many MRSP infections in dogs have multidrug resistance: Resistant to three or more different
families of antibiotics:
Macrolides and lincosamides
Most common meticillin ●● S. pseudintermedius
resistant (MR) Staphylococcal ●● S. schleiferi (coagulase negative)
species isolated in small animals ●● Staphylococcus aureus (uncommon except in horses)
●● Staphylococcus hyicus (rare)
Risk factors for development of ●● Use of antibiotics
resistance –– Especially fluoroquinolones and beta‐lactams
●● Admission to a veterinary hospital for >1 day
–– Hospitalization
–– Surgical procedures
–– Comparable to “Health care‐associated” MRSA in humans (HA‐MRSA)
When to suspect resistance Patient not clinically responding to appropriate dosage and duration of empiric antibiotic therapy:
●● Verify infection still bacterial (perform cytology).
●● Verify sufficient duration of treatment for improvement to have occurred.

●● Do not simply choose a different antibiotic empirically.

●● Remember these bacteria have genes selecting for multidrug resistance.

●● It is imperative to obtain culture and sensitivity.

Best practices to obtain culture ●● If pustule is present use small gauge needle to puncture and collect culture from that location.
●● If no pustule present then lift any crust present and obtain with frequent rubbing of culture tip at
that location repeatedly to create “frictional erythema”.
●● Often there is erythema and scale at leading edge of superficial spreading pyoderma and this is a
location to focus for culture.
●● Verify with cytology the recovery of coccoid bacteria at location of culture.
●● Stop topical antibacterial therapies 48 hours prior.
●● It is still okay to culture even if patient is on antibiotics as long as you still see bacteria on cytology.
Table 8.3  Meticillin resistance (Continued)

Antimicrobial treatment of ●● Antibiotic selection based on appropriate culture.

MRSP in a patient ●● Utilize appropriate dosage to limit development of further resistance.
●● Utilize appropriate duration (10–14 days beyond clinical resolution) to ensure full resolution of
●● Identify and treat underlying cause of pyoderma simultaneously.
●● In cases of resistant pyoderma consultation with and/or referral to area dermatologist is
recommended to identify and aggressively manage any underlying chronic primary disorder.
Additional supportive treatments Reduce host exposure:
of MRSP patient and ways to ●● Frequent bathing of pet.
minimize transmission ●● Frequent hand washing and use of alcohol hand sanitizers by owners.

●● Cleaning of common surfaces and washing of bedding.

Reduce host susceptibility:

●● Control underlying primary disease.

●● Consider underlying hypersensitivity (refer to Chapter 10 on hypersensitivity disorders) and

endocrinopathies in older dogs.
What do I tell owners of patient ●● Since the gene that confers meticillin resistance can be shared between different Staphylococcal
with MRSP? species it is worthwhile to discuss the health status of humans in the household and, typically,
standard precautions outlined above are sufficient
●● Concerns arise if humans in household are immunocompromised, or have medical issues such as
dialysis port, feeding tube, etc. then recommend having them discuss directly with their primary
physician as perhaps more intensive monitoring is necessary in their care regimen.
Recommend minimized contact with the MRSP veterinary patient in
these rare but special circumstances.
●● is a great resource for owner reference and trustworthy
internet advice.
Infection control measures ●● Staff should properly identify “at‐risk” patients when possible:
within your hospital –– Surgical patients
–– Wounded patients
–– Dermatologic patients
–– Hospitalized patients
●● Appropriate cleaning of exam rooms and common areas between patients.
●● Alcohol‐based hand sanitizers placed in each exam room, and common treatment areas:
–– Should contain 70–90% alcohol
–– Use after contact with any/every patient
–– Need to be readily accessible
●● Frequent hand washing between patients.
Infection control program Have a documented infection control program:
●● Develop protocols:
–– Staff handling of patient with MRSP,
–– How and when is cleaning performed of exam room, and common areas in these cases
–– Laundry and waste management
●● Ensure that protocols are followed.

●● Act as a resource for infection control questions.

●● Ensure proper training of new staff.

●● Surveillance of infections:

–– Active and passive surveillance methods.

●● Communicate with staff regarding infection control issues.

Reminder All dogs carry S. pseudintermedius.

Clinical infection is uncommon and requires a defect in skin barrier often caused by an underlying
disease or anatomical predisposition.
Opportunistic infections possible:
–– Hypersensitivity disorders
–– Otitis (often due to underlying hypersensitivity)
–– Urinary tract
–– Surgical sites
–– Wounds
Treating MRSP is no different than treating MSSP (meticillin susceptible Staphylococcus
●● Simply have fewer systemic options

●● Motivated to treat more intensively with topicals

●● Motivated to look more diligently at underlying cause
152 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Table 8.4  Underlying causes for recurrent pyoderma.

Hypersensitivity dermatitis Follicular dysplasia

●● Atopy ●● Color dilution alopecia
●● Food allergy ●● Congenitally alopecic breeds

●● Flea allergy dermatitis Keratinization abnormalities

Parasites ●● Zinc responsive dermatosis
●● Fleas ●● Sebaceous adenitis

●● Demodex ●● Ichthyosis

●● Scabies ●● Primary seborrhea

●● Hypothyroidism
●● Hyperadrenocorticism

●● Sex hormone excess

Table 8.5  Commonly used antibiotics for canine pyoderma.

●● Avoid antibiotics to which staphylococcal bacteria are usually intrinsically resistant, including amoxicillin, ampicillin, penicillin,
tetracycline, and non‐potentiated sulfonamides.
●● Most veterinary dermatologists use cephalosporins, clindamycin, clavulanated penicillin, or potentiated sulfonamides as first‐line
therapy for canine pyoderma.
●● Fluoroquinolones are used as second‐line therapy when indicated by culture for deep/fibrotic infections, and for Pseudomonas
infections. Veterinary labeled fluoroquinolones are preferred over generic ciprofloxacin due to marked variability of ciprofloxacin
absorption in dogs.
●● Doxycycline, chloramphenicol, and aminoglycosides are used more rarely, and usually as dictated by culture results in meticillin‐
resistant staphylococcal infections.
●● After an antibiotic has been selected, it should be dispensed at the correct dosage, administered at the correct dosing interval, and used
for a sufficient period. Underdosing an antibiotic due to concern for cost savings for the client will only cost more in the long run due
to increased time to cure and increased chance of inducing bacterial resistance, necessitating more expenses such as cultures and
additional antibiotic courses.
●● Regular rechecks are important to determine response to therapy and need for medication refills or therapy modifications.

Antibiotic Dose

Cephalexin 22–30 mg/kg PO BID – TID

Cefadroxil 22 mg/kg PO BID
Cefpodoxime 5–10 mg/kg PO once daily
Cefovicin 8 mg/kg SC once. A second injection (same dose/route) may be administered if response to therapy is not complete
7 days later (for Staphylococcus intermedius infections) and 14 days later for Staphylococcus canis (group G) infections.
Maximum treatment should not exceed two injections (adapted from label information; Convenia®, Pfizer.)
Amoxicillin/ 13.75–22 mg/kg PO BID – TID
Trimethoprim 30 mg/kg PO q24 hours, or 15 mg/kg PO BID
Ormetoprim 55 mg/kg PO Day 1, then 27.5 mg/kg PO once daily
Clindamycin 11 mg/kg PO BID
Lincomycin 15.4 mg/kg PO q8h or 22 mg/kg PO q12h
Enrofloxacin 5–20 mg/kg PO once daily; 10 mg/kg or higher preferred
Marbofloxacin 2.75–5.5 mg/kg PO once daily
Orbifloxacin 2.75–7.5 mg/kg PO once daily
Doxycycline 5 mg/kg PO q12h or 10 mg/kg PO q24h with food
Minocycline 5–10 mg/kg PO BID with small amount canned food
Chloramphenicol 30–40 mg/kg PO TID with food; tell owners to wear gloves
8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections 153

Table 8.6  Topical antibacterial products.

Topical product Activity Advantages Disadvantages

Chlorhexidine 2–4% Effective against most Gram‐positive Works in the presence of Occasional contact sensitivity; if
  and Gram‐negative bacteria; organic debris, rarely dog is more inflamed or pruritic
Available in several equivalent and excellent minimum sensitizing, and has good after use then change to different
formulations (shampoo, bactericidal activities of 2, 3, and 4% residual activity on the skin even antibacterial topical.
conditioner, spray, flush, chlorhexidene shampoos for S. after 29 hours.
wipes). pseudintermedius (both methicillin‐ Antimicrobial activity is
susceptible and methicillin‐resistant). superior to povidone iodine and
ethyl lactate, and is non‐drying
compared to benzoyl peroxide.
Benzoyl peroxide Oxidizing agent to damage bacterial Antibacterial effect can persist Can cause cutaneous drying,
2.5–5% membranes. for 48 hours. Also, keratolytic, erythema, and pruritus.
antipruritic, and degreasing. Compared to chlorhexidene,
Increases transepidermal water benzoyl peroxide shampoo
loss, decreases glandular required a higher concentration
secretions, and has a follicular and longer period of incubation
flushing action. Helpful in dogs of 30–60 minutes for bacterial
with greasy seborrhea, may killing in vitro (Loeffler, Cobb,
need to transition to milder and Bond, 2011).
product to prevent overdrying
as skin condition improves.
Ethyl lactate 10% Penetrates hair follicles and sebaceous Less likely to cause undesirable Some studies have shown it to be
glands where it is hydrolyzed by side effects compared to benzoyl less effective than chlorhexidene,
bacterial lipases into lactic acid and peroxide. or even support bacterial growth
ethanol. This decreases skin pH, (Young et al. 2012). In vitro, ethyl
inhibits bacterial lipases, and lactate shampoo required a
produces a bacteriostatic and higher concentration and longer
bactericidal effect. period of incubation of
30–60 minutes for bacterial
Triclosan Bisphenol bactericidal agent. OTC (over the counter) Less effective than benzoyl
The FDA finalized a rule, December peroxide against S.
2017, that triclosan and 23 other pseudintermedius and is not
active ingredients are not generally effective against Pseudomonas.
recognized as safe and effective or use
in OTC health care antiseptic
Iodine Iodine is thought to damage bacterial Excellent antibacterial Poor residual activity of
proteins causing bacterial cell death. properties, and is available in 4–8 hours, higher potential for
shampoo, solution, and scrub contact sensitization compared
forms. to other topicals.
Bleach/Oxychlorine Hypochlorous acid damages bacterial Non‐irritating, water based Though in vitro studies have
compounds cellular membranes in a similar spray, anecdotally helpful when demonstrated antibacterial
mechanism of action as the used BID in cases of canine efficacy (Uri et al. 2016), a recent
neutrophil oxidative burst. pyoderma, and is often used as double‐blind, placebo controlled
Topical diluted bleach solution at adjunctive therapy to bathing, study of 19 pyoderma dogs
either 0.05% (500 ppm) or 0.005% conditioners +/− systemic (8 treated with a commercial
(50 ppm) hypochlorite antibiotics in cases of oxychlorine spray BID × 4 weeks,
concentrations, is a well‐tolerated methicillin resistant pyoderma. and 11 treated with saline
antiseptic that also exhibits anti‐ BID × 4 weeks) showed no
inflammatory properties. difference between treatment
groups in lesion scores and
post‐treatment bacterial
numbers on cytology (Udenberg
et al. 2015).

154 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Table 8.6  Topical antibacterial products (Continued)

Topical product Activity Advantages Disadvantages

Bleach/Oxychlorine A 0.05% dilution of 6% household

compounds (cont.) bleach (not splash free
variety) = approx. 30 ml bleach
diluted into 1 gal of water, which is
sprayed or sponged onto the entire
body then allow to sit 5–10 minutes
before rinsing (or some
dermatologists allow the pet to dry).
In humans, the typical bleach dilution
is 0.005%, which equates to 120 ml
(about ½ cup) of 6% bleach mixed in a
full 40 gal bathtub.
2% Mupirocin ointment Bactericidal within 24–48 hours of Helpful in treatment of localized Not effective for Pseudomonas.
application to most Gram‐positive pyodermas in dogs, such as
bacteria. nasal or mucocutaneous
pyoderma, interdigital
granulomas, canine acne, and
pressure point pyoderma.
Silver sulfadiazine 1% Binds to cell components, including Broad spectrum of activity, Some studies have shown slower
DNA, thereby inhibiting excellent vs. Pseudomonas. healing time in wounds treated
transcription, interferes with bacterial Effective in vitro at 0.1%. with silver sulfadiazine.
Chloroxylenol Halophenol; likely damages microbial — In vitro, chloroxylenol shampoos
membranes. were ineffective for both
staphylococcal and Pseudomonas
bacteria, and viable bacteria
could be isolated from all
shampoo dilutions at most time
points (Young et al. 2012).
2% Acetic acid/2% boric A prior study of acetic acid and boric — In vitro, acetic acid–boric acid
acid acid solution indicated synergistic shampoos were ineffective for
activity of the ingredients and killing both staphylococci and
of S. pseudintermedius at a Pseudomonas (Young et al.
concentration of 5.0% boric acid and 2012).
0.5% acetic acid.

Table 8.7  Subcutaneous bacterial infections.

Infection Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Subcutaneous abscess Fluctuant swelling which often Clinical signs, microscopic Lance/drain and flush abscess with
(Figures 8.12A and 8.12B) ruptures and drains septic examination of purulent dilute chlorhexidine solution, may
Caused by penetrating purulent fluid.  exudate +/− culture if abscess need Penrose drain for 3–5 days.
wound or trauma such as Often caused by Pasteurella persists despite empiric Systemic antibiotics for 7 days; select
interanimal aggression; multocida in cats (oral flora) antibiotics. empiric antibiotic with good coverage
abscess occurs 2–4 days post but can also be caused by for P. multocida such as a penicillin
trauma. other bacteria including (amoxicillin +/− clavulate).
S. pseudintermedius, Neuter intact animals.
Streptococci, and anerobic
bacteria. Screen cats with recurrent or refractory
abscesses for retroviral infections
+/− obtain tissue biopsies/cultures to
screen for more unusual bacterial
infections such as mycobacteria,
Actinomyces and Nocardia.
Table 8.7  Subcutaneous bacterial infections (Continued)

Infection Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Botryomycosis (bacterial Chronically draining wounds Clinical signs, cytology and Surgically excise focal lesions or if
pseudomycetoma) or nodules which contain culture of tissue grains, biopsy excision is not possible then debride
Usually associated with prior small, white, sand‐like for histopathology and special affected tissue, prolonged
penetrating wound or granules composed of stains (Gram, Brown‐Brenn). (6–12 weeks) systemic antibiotics
migrating foreign body and granulomatous inflammatory based on tissue culture; with
caused by Staphylococci, but debris surrounding bacteria. numerous lesions, combination
other bacteria can also be antibiotic therapy with rifampin may
present. be helpful.

Cellulitis Affected areas are edematous, Clinical signs, history, Debride devitalized tissue/
Deep infection which spreads friable, discolored, and drain cytology of exudate. hydrotherapy, administer antibiotics
laterally into subcutaneous seropurulent fluid. based on culture for 4 weeks minimum,
(SQ) tissues. 2 weeks beyond clinical resolution;
pending culture begin broad spectrum
Often preceded by puncture antibiotic with good coverage for
wound or trauma or by Staphylococci and anaerobes such as
extension of severe chronic clavulanated amoxicillin.
Pain control is important.
Necrotizing fasciitis Acute, markedly painful Clinical signs, history. Aggressive debridement of affected
(Figures 8.13A and 8.13B) inflammation and edema Positive “finger test”: SQ tissue tissue early in disease course and
Usually preceded by history of which can involve a limb or easily separated from fascia by leaving treated area open to enable
puncture wound or blunt the trunk or neck; skin is blunt dissection. daily wound care and irrigation;
trauma; bacteria track SQ discolored/devitalized and surgical consultation recommended.
drains serohemorrhagic fluid. Sample (culturette or
fascial planes into muscle and aspiration) of leading edge of Medical treatment alone usually not
fat causing progressive necrosis. Affected animals are necrotic area for cytology and successful due to poor antibiotic
Concurrent shock common systemically ill, febrile, weak, aerobic/anaerobic bacterial penetration of affected areas and
(“toxic shock syndrome”). hypotensive (canine cultures. continued production of bacterial
streptococcal toxic shock exotoxins.
Most common bacteria syndrome), and labwork can Cytology: May see chains of
involved in animals are Streptococcal bacteria and Antibiotics based on cultures for
demonstrate leukocytosis or 4–6 weeks; pending culture results
Streptococcus Group G (esp. leukopenia with left shift inflammatory cells; in older
Streptococcus canis, a necrotic areas, secondary begin clindamycin 11 mg/kg BID + a
+/− elevated liver values,
commensal organism on azotemia, hypoalbuminemia infection with other bacteria is beta‐lactam antibiotic +/−
canine skin and mucosae, common. gentamycin.
and/or coagulopathy.
facultative anaerobe), but Biopsy of leading edge of Avoid NSAIDs and fluoroquinolones,
other reported organisms necrotic area for as they have been associated with
include S. pseudintermedius, histopathology. poorer outcomes.
Acinetobacter baumannii. Supportive care essential: pain control,
Tissue destruction and intravenous fluids and colloids, plasma
extension occurs due to transfusions if indicated.
bacterial exotoxins and Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may be
proteases. beneficial, if available.
Actinomycosis Four clinical presentations: Cytology of lesion aspirate Surgical excision or debridement of
(Figures 8.14A and 8.14B) cervicofacial, thoracic, followed by biopsies for affected tissue followed by 3–4 months
Actinomyces sp. is an oral and abdominal, and subcutaneous. anaerobic culture of tissue and minimum course of antibiotics; high
GI bacteria which can cause In dogs, often involves the histopathology/special stains dose penicillins are preferred.
infection via bite wounds or head/neck, thorax, lumbar SQ (Gram, Brown‐Brenn, GMS Amoxicillin (20–40 mg/kg PO q6–8h,
migrating foreign bodies fat, and epaxial muscles. (Gomori methenamine silver): give on empty stomach); other possibly
such as grass awns. organism is anaerobic (facultative effective antibiotics include clindamycin,
Lesions in dogs and cats can or obligate), Gram‐positive,
Large breed and hunting present as firm and fibrous erythromycin, doxycycline,
non‐acid fast, and filamentous. chloramphenicol, ceftriaxone.
dogs more commonly masses, chronic abscesses,
affected. draining tracts, and Isolation of Actinomyces sp. Prognosis fair to guarded, relapse can
osteomyelitis. Pyothorax or can be difficult, as organism is occur in 15–42% of cases.
peritonitis can occur. slow growing and can be
overgrown by other bacteria; a
Purulent exudate may be negative culture does not rule
odorous and may contain out Actinomyces.
yellow tissue granules.
Antimicrobial susceptibility
In animals with severe or chronic testing may not be available
infection, leukocytosis with left due to lack of standard testing
shift, anemia, hypoalbuminemia, guidelines.
and hyperglobulinemia may be
present. Presurgical MRI or lesional
ultrasound may be helpful to
identify inciting migrating
foreign body.
156 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Table 8.7  Subcutaneous bacterial infections (Continued)

Infection Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Nocardiosis Three clinical forms: Cytology of lesion aspirate Drain/debride affected tissue, followed
(Figures 8.15A and 8.15B) cutaneous/ subcutaneous, followed by biopsies for by prolonged antibiotic therapy ideally
Nocardia sp. is a soil bacteria pulmonary, and disseminated. aerobic culture of tissue and based on culture/sensitivity; treat until
which can infect animals Lesions include chronically histopathology/special stains 1 month beyond clinical normalcy.
through a puncture or bite draining wounds/abscesses or (Gram, Brown‐Brenn, acid‐ First choice antibiotic: Potentiated
wound. ulcerated nodules and often fast): organism is aerobic, sulfonamides (15–30 mg/kg PO q12h);
occur on ventral abdomen in Gram‐positive, partially‐ acid‐ other drugs which may be effective
cats or on the limbs; fast, and filamentous with include erythromycin, minocycline,
lymphadenopathy common right angle branching. cefotaxime; animals with systemic
and pyothorax can occur. Small Isolation of Nocardia sp. can infections should be treated with
tissue granules may be present. be difficult, as organism is combination antibiotic therapy.
Pulmonary or cutaneous slow growing and can be Prognosis guarded, especially with
disease can progress to overgrown by other bacteria; a systemic disease, but this may be due
disseminated disease. negative culture does not rule to delay in diagnosis; treatment
out Nocardia. success is better with earlier disease
immunosuppressive disease Antimicrobial susceptibility diagnosis and appropriate therapy.
often present. testing may not be available
due to lack of standard testing
Leukocytosis with left shift, guidelines.
anemia, and
hyperglobulinemia common.
Plague Bubonic form: Abscessed Clinical signs, cytology of Wear gown, gloves, and masks to
(Yersinia pestis) draining skin lesions and purulent exudate: neutrophils handle suspected infected animals;
Y. pestis is a bacterium lymph nodes. and characteristic “safety pin” quarantine infected animals and
carried by fleas and Pneumonic form: Lung infection appearance of causative double bag/incinerate cage waste.
transmitted to rodents such after inhalation of organisms. coccobacillus bacteria. Lance/drain/flush abscess.
as prairie dogs, ground Septicemic form: Organisms Serology: Y. pestis antibodies Begin antibiotic treatment pending
squirrels, and rats; dogs and are carried in the blood and (not helpful in peracute diagnostics, preferred drugs include
cats are infected by contact infect internal organs. infection). gentamicin 2–4 mg/kg IM or SC
with infected fleas or Culture, direct fluorescent q12-24h for severely ill animals;
rodents. Acutely draining abscesses
with systemic sighs of illness: antibody or PCR of exudate doxycycline 5–10 mg/kg PO BID may
A regionally acquired disease fever, lethargy, anorexia, fluid. be used for milder bubonic cases.
in areas west of the Rocky lymphadenopathy, cough. Chloramphenicol is also effective.
Mountains in the US; present Treat for 3 weeks minimum.
on all continents except Incubation period is 1–3 days
Australia and Antarctica. if ingested/inhaled or 2–6 days Asymptomatic exposed animals: treat
after exposure to infected flea with doxycycline for 7 days.
Zoonotic. or exposure of skin wound. Apply a fast‐acting flea adulticide and
Cats are more susceptible than continue year‐round flea control in
dogs, and mortality rate in endemic areas.
untreated cats is up to 75%;
survival rates are up to 90%
with prompt treatment.
L‐form infection Chronically draining Clinical signs, history, Doxycycline or tetracycline given until
Partially cell wall‐deficient abscesses, often over joints. characteristic radiographic at least 1 week beyond complete
bacteria that can be induced Often causes reactive bony findings. healing.
by prior antibiotic exposure. periosteal reaction. Cytology: Pyogranulomatous
Fever is common; polyarthritis inflammation; bacteria cannot
and distant abscess formation be visualized.
may occur. Culture: Bacteria are difficult
to culture.
Labwork: Leukocytosis and
Radiographs: Periarticular soft
tissue swelling and periosteal
8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections 157

Figure 8.12A  A subcutaneous abscess in a cat causing a fluctuant Figure 8.12B  When the lesion was incised, purulent fluid emerged.
painful swelling.



Figures 8.13A and B  Deep ulcerative dermatitis and sloughing of the skin due to necrotizing fasciitis in a Shar-Pei.
158 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Figure 8.14B  Cellulitis and draining tracts on the ventral chest of

a cat due to actinomycosis. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and
Chad Lakey, DVM.

Figure 8.14A  Lumbar scarring and draining tracts in a hunting

dog due to actinomycosis.

(A) (B)

Figures 8.15A and B  Firm subcutaneous masses and draining tracts on the ventral trunk of a cat caused by nocardiosis. Source: Images
courtesy of Dr. Amy Shumaker, DACVD.
Table 8.8  Mycobacterial infections.

Mycobacterial infection Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Non‐tuberculous (NTM) Presents as cutaneous or Aspirate/cytology: Pyogranulomatous inflammation Antibiotics ideally based on culture and sensitivity are given
(Figures 8.16A–8.16C) subcutaneous nodules which which may show mycobacterial organisms with for 6–12 months, 2 months beyond complete normalcy.
  may be ulcerated or draining, special stains (Ziehl–Neesen/acid‐fast); organisms  
Rapidly growing chronic draining tracts with can be few in number and difficult to find and are not After 4–6 weeks of initial antibiotics, aggressive surgical
mycobacteria(RGM): many scarring (granulomatous visible with routine HE stains (though negative removal/debridement of scarred infected SQ tissue is
species. panniculitis) often on the dorsal staining organisms may be seen). recommended if possible to remove sequestered infection.
Slow growing: lumbosacral area, flanks, or    
Mycobacterium avium ventral inguinal fat pad in cats; Biopsy of a non‐ruptured affected SQ area for Pending susceptibility results, or if mycobacterial sensitivity
complex. lesions may be painful. culture, histopathology, and special stains to look for is not possible, then begin combination antibiotic therapy
    mycobacterial organisms. with two or three of the following:
Caused by facultative Less commonly causes   1)  Pradofloxacin 3–5 mg/kg PO q24h.
pathogenic, opportunistic pneumonia or rarely Fine needle aspirate with large gauge needle through 2)  Clarithromycin 5–15 mg/kg PO q12h.
saprophytes in soil, water, or disseminated disease. intact skin over mass, with direct inoculation of plate 3)  Doxycycline 5–10 mg/kg PO q12–24h.
vegetation.   or blood culture bottle can also be used to obtain
M. avium is usually associated diagnostic culture.  
with underlying   Antibiotic therapy choice is guided by mycobacterial species
Numerous species can cause
immunosuppressive disease and Tissue biopsy of affected subcutaneous fat should be identified on culture or PCR:
infection; most common
can cause gastrointestinal (GI), cut in three prices; submit one piece in formalin for M. fortuitum is generally treated with
causative species in the US
respiratory and central nervous histopathology/special stains, place the second pradofloxacin + clarithromycin; other typically effective
are Mycobacterium fortuitum
system (CNS) disease in addition sample in sterile tube for macerated aerobic/ options include cefoxitin, amikacin, and clofazimine; 29% are
and Mycobacterium chelonae.
to skin disease in dogs and cats. anaerobic and mycobacterial tissue culture to screen sensitive to doxycycline. Generally resistant to trimethoprim.
  for clinically similar infections such as  
Infection is preceded by a
RGM infections are rare in dogs; Actinomyces/Nocardia and certain fungi (contact M. chelonae‐abscessus is generally susceptible to
penetrating wound, often cat
reported cases have had one to your reference lab to determine their preferred pradofloxacin combined with amikacin, cefoxitin, or
fight, contaminated by dirt or
multiple firm to fluctuant or submission material and method); place the third clofazimine; also often sensitive to ciprofloxacin,
draining subcutaneous masses sample in a sterile container in the freezer for clarithromycin, and azithromycin. Usually resistant to
on the dorsum, flank, thorax, or possible further testing such as PCR. doxycycline and older fluoroquinolones. DO NOT combine
Obese cats predisposed to
neck.   pradofloxacin (or moxifloxacin) with azithromycin or
infections with RGM, as the
Antibiotic susceptibility of mycobacterial species clarithromycin to treat this mycobacterial species.
causative bacteria prefer fat.
ideal, but can be difficult to obtain depending on  
regional laboratory capabilities. M. smegmatis is usually susceptible to
Siamese, Abyssinian, and
  pradofloxacin + doxycycline; other usually effective options
Somali cats predisposed to
Mycobacterial PCR performed on fresh tissue or include fluoroquinolones, trimethoprim; often resistant to
M. avium infection, which is
exudate on slides (save non‐formalin fixed tissue clarithromycin. Avoid enrofloxacin in cats because of risk of
a systemic infection and not
samples in freezer); also, may be difficult to obtain retinal damage using high doses for long periods.
usually cutaneous.
depending on regional laboratory capabilities;  
veterinary diagnostic laboratories at veterinary M. avium should be treated with clarithromycin + rifampin
schools are increasingly offering PCR or can be (monitor for hepatotoxicity); other drug options to include
contacted to obtain a recommendation of where to in the multidrug protocol include doxycycline, clofazimine,
send samples for PCR. pradofloxacin, amikacin; usually resistant to older
Prognosis is guarded depending on lesion severity and owner/
patient compliance with need for prolonged antibiotic therapy.


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Table 8.8  Mycobacterial infections (Continued)

Mycobacterial infection Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Feline leprosy Lesions are alopecic +/− See NTM diagnostics above; fine needle aspirate Surgical removal of masses may be curative with localized
(Figures 8.17A–8.17C) ulcerated movable single to cytology of lesions often demonstrates numerous lesions.
  multiple movable cutaneous organisms, however, bacteria cannot be cultured and  
Caused by Mycobacterium nodules on the head, limbs, and PCR/molecular diagnostics are needed for definitive Post operatively, or in cases which cannot be treated
lepraemurium, occasionally trunk. diagnosis of causative mycobacterial species. surgically, 2–3 drug combination therapy with
Mycobacterium visible,   clarithromycin, pradofloxacin, and rifampin (monitor for
Mycobacterium tarwinense Regional lymph nodes may be hepatotoxicity) or clofazimine are recommended;
and Mycobacterium enlarged but systemic disease is doxycycline, older fluoroquinolones, and aminoglycosides
lepraefelis and other novel uncommon (except for M. visible may be helpful.
species depending on and M. lepraefelis).  
geographical prevalence. Treat 2–3 months beyond complete resolution of lesions;
  some cases require lifelong clarithromycin.
Infection usually occurs after
rodent bites/injury and is
more common in outdoor
adult male cats.
Canine leproid granuloma Single to multiple well Aspirate for cytology: Numerous macrophages with Lesions in many cases resolve spontaneously due to host cell
(Figures 8.17D and 8.17E) circumscribed, firm, nonpainful variable numbers of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and mediated immune response within 2–4 months of onset.
  dermal masses which may be neutrophils. Macrophages often contain negatively  
Caused by a novel alopecic or ulcerated; secondary stained (clear) rod bacteria on Diff‐Quik and H&E In persistent cases, surgical excision can be curative.
mycobacterial species. Staphylococcal infections can stain.  
  occur and chronic severe lesions   For severe cases, a 4–8 week course of combination
Most commonly affects short can cause scarring. Biopsy: Pyogranulomatous inflammation with antibiotic therapy with oral rifampin 10–15 mg/kg PO q24h
coated large breeds such as   intracellular ZN/acid‐fast stain positive bacteria, (monitor for hepatotoxicity) and clarithromycin 7.5–
Boxers which are housed Lesions usually occur on the however, bacteria cannot be cultured. 12.5 mg/kg PO q12h or doxycycline 5–7.5 mg/kg PO q12h
outdoors in temperate or pinnae (especially the dorsal ear   may be effective or pradofloxacin (or moxifloxacin).
subtropical environment. fold) and head but can occur PCR on tissue biopsy supports the causative bacteria
  elsewhere on the body. is a member of the Mycobacterium simiae‐related
Likely inoculated into the   group.
skin by biting insects. No systemic involvement or

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Mycobacterial infection Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Obligate mycobacterial Firm dermal nodules which may See NTM diagnostics Euthanasia should be considered due to risk of zoonotic
infections/tuberculosis be ulcerated and/or non‐healing above. transmission.
Mycobacterium bovis draining wounds.    
Mycobacterium microti   Mycobacterial culture is the reference standard for If treatment is chosen then:
Mycobacterium tuberculosis In dogs, cutaneous lesions occur diagnosis but can take 4–12 weeks to grow; PCR Dogs: Localized lesion: Give isoniazid 10–20mg/kg/day
  at site of prior penetrating injury. analysis of culture or tissue specimens is available and (maximum 300 mg/day) + rifampin 10mg/kg/day for 6
More common in young adult In cats, lesions often occur on is much faster. months (monitor labwork q 2 weeks for hepatic disease) +
outdoor cats and dogs, the face, paws, tailbase, or   pyrazinamide 15–40 mg/kg/day added for first 2 months or
infection often occurs from perineum; can extend to Specialized laboratories to determine antibiotic isoniazid/rifampin alone for 9 months.
infected bites or fights. underlying muscle or bone. susceptibility are ideal, such as the National Animal Dogs: Disseminated infection: Give isoniazid and rifampin
    Disease laboratory in Ames, IA, and the National with ethambutol 10–25mg/kg/day or pyrazinamide, or both,
Zoonotic Localized to generalized Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver, CO. and continue beyond 9 months.
lymphadenopathy common.   Cats: Initially use 3 drugs (rifampin, pradofloxacin, and
  Clinical laboratory findings may include leukocytosis, clarithromycin or azithromycin) for 2 months, followed by 4
Can involve lungs, GI tract or hyperglobulinemia, and non‐regenerative anemia. more months of continued 2 drug therapy with rifampin and
cause disseminated disease with   either pradofloxacin or clarithromycin/ azithromycin. If
hepatosplenomegaly, pleural Radiography and ultrasonography may reveal pleural triple therapy cannot be given then treatment with 2 drugs is
effusion, weight loss, and fever. or pericardial fluid, enlarged tracheobronchial lymph continued for 6–9 months minimum, at least 3 months
nodes, interstitial to nodular pulmonary infiltrates, beyond lesion resolution.
and hepatosplenomegaly.
Intradermal testing can be performed using 0.1 ml
purified protein derivative (PPD) from M.
tuberculosis (supplied by US Dept. Agriculture) or
Bacillus Calmette‐Guerin (BCG) injected
intradermally on the inner pinna or medial thigh; a
positive reaction is indicated by development of a red
raised indurated and eventually necrotic lesion at the
injection site 48–72 hours later.
Another method of tuberculin testing for dogs is to
measure baseline body temperature and if normal
then inject 0.75ml PPD subcutaneously and monitor
rectal temperature every two hours for 12 hours; a
2 °F (1.1 °C) temperature increase is interpreted as a
positive test result.

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162 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

(A) (B)

Figures 8.16A and B  Scarring and draining tracts on the ventral abdomen of a cat due to mycobacterial infection. Source: Images
courtesy of Dr. Carine Laporte, DACVD.

Figure 8.16C  An ulcerated draining mass due to mycobacteriosis Figure 8.17A  Firm subcutaneous masses with draining tracts on
in a cat. the paws of a cat with feline leprosy. Source: Image courtesy of VIN
and Kevin Butler, DVM.
8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections 163

Figure 8.17C  Fine needle aspirate for cytology showed

pyogranulomatous inflammation with numerous negative
staining rod bacteria present within macrophages (100×).
Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Kevin Butler, DVM.

Figure 8.17B  A similar non‐ulcerated lesion on the lateral thigh of

the cat in Figure 8.17A. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Kevin
Butler, DVM.

Figure 8.17E  Fine needle aspirate for cytology showed

Figure 8.17D  Multiple raised pink, sometimes eroded and crusted macrophages engulfing numerous negative staining rod bacteria
dermal masses caused by leproid granulomas on the ear of a Pitbull (100× with digital zoom). Source: Images courtesy of Samantha
Terrier. Source: Image courtesy of Samantha Lockwood, DVM. Lockwood, DVM.
Table 8.9  Yeast infections.

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Canine Malassezia dermatitis Greasy scaling, lichenification, +/− alopecia Cytology of affected skin may show Localized infections: Daily ketoconazole or
(Malassezia pachydermatis; Figures and hyperpigmentation often affecting inflammatory cells and few to many miconazole or 4% chlorhexidene containing
8.18A–8.18K) ventral neck, axilla, and inguinal areas; Malassezia organisms +/− concurrent topical therapies (wipes/sprays/
  usually very pruritic and pruritus is poorly bacteria. mousse) + 2–3 times weekly azole shampoos.
Normal organism in low numbers on skin, responsive to steroids, oclacitinib and    
paws, and ear canals, creates infection Cytopoint. In animals with Malassezia hypersensitivity 50 : 50 white vinegar/water sprays can be
most commonly due to underlying   only a few organisms can cause marked helpful astringent in intertriginous areas.
hypersensitivity dermatitis (atopy, parasite, Malassezia pododermatitis causes pruritus.  
or adverse food reaction), endocrinopathy interdigital erythema/pruritus and often Refractory cases may benefit from topical
(hypothyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism), dark brown discoloration of interdigital fur nystatin cream applied BID.
or breed related keratinization disorder. and proximal toenails +/− greasy dark  
  keratosebaceous nailbed debris. Generalized infection or pododermatitis:
Can occur in any breed but more common Combine topical therapies with oral
in Westies, Shih Tzus, Basset Hounds, ketoconazole (dogs only), non‐compounded
Cocker Spaniels. fluconazole/itraconazole 5–10 mg/kg/day or
terbinafine 30 mg/kg/day × 3 weeks.
+/− pulse azole treatment 2–3 days per week
for control of recurrent cases.
Identify and treat underlying cause.
Feline Malassezia dermatitis Greasy dark keratosebaceous nailbed debris Cytology of affected skin may show Localized infections: Daily ketoconazole or
(M. pachydermatis, M. sympodialis; which may be asymptomatic in Rex and inflammatory cells and few to many miconazole or 4% chlorhexidene
Figures 8.19A–8.19C) Sphynx cats. Malassezia organisms +/− concurrent containing topical therapies (wipes/sprays/
    bacteria. mousse).
Normal organism in low numbers on skin, Dark greasy keratosebaceous debris on the    
paws, and ear canals, creates infection ventral chin, axillae, and inguinal area which In animals with Malassezia hypersensitivity Generalized infection: Combine topical
most commonly due to underlying may be very pruritic and poorly steroid only a few organisms can cause marked therapies with oral non‐compounded
hypersensitivity dermatitis (atopy, parasite, responsive (any breed). pruritus. fluconazole or itraconazole 5–10 mg/kg/day
or adverse food reaction), metabolic or terbinafine 30 mg/kg/day × 3 weeks.
disorder (hyperadrenocorticism, diabetes  
mellitus), retroviral infection, or neoplastic Identify and treat (if possible) underlying
disorder. cause.

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Candida dermatitis Predisposed areas include mucous Cytology of affected areas shows purulent Correct underlying cause, if possible.
(Candida albicans, C. parapsilosis most membranes, mucocutaneous junctions, inflammation with numerous round to  
common species; Figures 8.20A–8.20D) outer ears, and interdigital areas. oblong yeast organisms. Avoid excessive moisture.
Normal inhabitants of the ears, nose, oral     Localized lesions are treated with clipping/
cavity, and anus which can rarely cause On mucous membranes, lesions are Narrow‐based or multilateral budding and drying and application of topical antifungal
opportunistic infections in macerated ulcerations covered with gray plaques. pseudohyphae may occur (in contrast to agents such as nystatin, azole or terbinafine
moist areas.   Malassezia). cream, or amphotericin B lotion BID–TID
  Skin lesions include papules/pustules which   until resolution.
Predisposing causes include evolve into moist exudative plaques and Biopsy: Neutrophilic inflammation with  
immunosuppressive metabolic conditions ulcers. yeast organisms in surface keratin. Oral, widespread mucocutaneous or oral
such as diabetes mellitus,     lesions require systemic antifungal therapy
hyperadrenocorticism, immunosuppressive Pododermatitis may occur and affect only Fungal culture. (non‐compounded itraconazole or
medications, or prolonged antibiotic one or two paws. fluconazole) for 2–4 weeks, 7–10 days
therapy.   beyond healing.
Otic infections are characterized by
erythema, moist exudation, and pruritus.
Creamy preputial or vaginal discharge may

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Figure 8.18A  Alopecia, hyperpigmentation, and lichenification
caused by Malassezia dermatitis in a hypothyroid Bloodhound.

Figure 8.18B  Lichenification and erythema due to Malassezia

dermatitis secondary to atopy in a Westie.

Figure 8.18C  Alopecia erythema and yellowish scaling caused by Figure 8.18D  Moist, inflamed interdigital dermatitis with dark
Malassezia infection in an atopic Shih Tzu. brown fur discoloration caused by Malassezia in an atopic Labrador.

Figure 8.18E  Impression smear for cytology demonstrates numerous Malassezia organisms (100×).
8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections 167

Figure 8.18F  Marked inguinal lichenification and Figure 8.18G  Yellowish adherent greasy crusting on the paws of
hyperpigmentation due to Malassezia dermatitis triggered by an atopic Shih Tzu due to Malassezia pododermatitis.

Figure 8.18H  Dark brown discoloration of the proximal toenail Figure 8.18I  In this white dog with chronic Malassezia
and paw fur is caused by Malassezia infection. pododermatitis, the fur and toenails have turned dark brown.
168 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Figure 8.18J  Malassezia paronychia demonstrating erythema,

mild crusting, and dark brown nailbed debris.

Figure 8.18K  Cytology of the nailbed debris shows numerous

Malassezia yeast (100×).



Figures 8.19A and B  Malassezia dermatitis in an atopic cat causing inguinal erythema with brown epithelial debris; the cat was
intensely pruritic.
Figure 8.19C  Malassezia dermatitis on the groin of an atopic Sphynx cat. Source: Images courtesy of Dr. Ann Trimmer, DACVD.



Figures 8.20A and B  Marked interdigital erythema, swelling, and moist exudative dermatitis caused by Candida infection in a diabetic dog.



Figures 8.20C and D  Cytology revealing round to teardrop shaped Candida organisms, which occasionally formed pseudohyphae (100×).
8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections 173

Figure 8.21B  Localized hypotrichosis, papules, and crusts caused

by Microsporum gypseum on the neck of a dog.

Figure 8.21A  Alopecia and crusting on the tail of a dog caused by

localized Microsporum canis infection.

Figure 8.22A  Patchy alopecia and hyperpigmentation on the face Figure 8.22B  Alopecia, erythema, and crusting on the paws of the
of an elderly Terrier caused by Trichophyton mentagrophytes. dog in Figure 8.22A.
174 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Figure 8.22C  Patchy truncal alopecia, scaling, and Figure 8.22D  Alopecia, erythema, and thickened dystrophic
hyperpigmentation in a Chihuahua with dermatophytosis due to toenails in a dog with an 18 month history of dermatophytosis
Trichophyton. due to Trichophyton mentagrophytes.



Figures 8.22E and F  Raised, alopecic, pink, sometimes crusted dermal masses in young Weimaraner caused by dermatophyte kerions.

Figure 8.22H  Inguinal crusts, erythema, and hyperpigmentation

Figure 8.22G  Spreading alopecia and hyperpigmentation with a due to dermatophytosis in a Pomeranian receiving
crusty border caused by dermatophytosis in a Yorkie. immunosuppressive therapy for vasculitis.
Figure 8.22I  A Maltese with severe generalized dermatophytosis Figure 8.22J  Wood’s lamp examination of an alopecic skin lesion
due to Microsporum canis; underlying liver cancer was suspected. on a dog reveals apple green hair shaft fluorescence consistent
with Microsporum canis infection. Source: Image courtesy of
Alexandra Gould, DVM.

Figure 8.22K  Skin surface cytology of a dog with Microsporum Figure 8.22L  A dermatophyte culture of Microsporum canis
canis infection reveals numerous round to oval dermatophyte showing characteristic white to light yellow fungal colonies with
arthroconidia (100×). concurrent media color change.

(M) (N)

Figures 8.22M and N  Tape cytology of the surface of the fungal colonies shows the characteristic large thick‐walled spindle‐shaped
Microsporum canis macroconidia with six or more internal cells (8.22M is 4× and 8.22N is 10×).
176 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Figure 8.22P  Dermatophyte culture of Microsporum gypseum

showing a white powdery colony with concurrent media
color change.

Figure 8.22O  Surface skin cytology of a dog with Microsporum

gypseum infection showing fungal hyphae and inflammatory
cells (100×).

Figure 8.22Q  Tape cytology of the surface of the Microsporum gypseum fungal colony showing numerous thin‐walled macroconidia with
less than six internal cells (4×).

(R) (S)

Figures 8.22R and S  Skin surface cytology of a dog with Trichophyton infection demonstrating fragmented fungal hyphae (100×).
8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections 177

Figure 8.22T  Dermatophyte culture of Trichophyton mentagrophytes showing white colonies with media color change occurring concurrently.

(U) (V)

Figures 8.22U and V  Tape cytology of the surface of the Trichophyton mentagrophytes colony showing fungal hyphae, numerous round
to oval microconidia, and occasional cigar‐shaped thin‐walled macroconidia (8.22U is 4× and 8.22V is 10× with digital zoom).

Figure 8.23B  Focal alopecia and scaling on the paw of a cat with
Figure 8.23A  Localized dermatophytosis causing pinnal alopecia, localized dermatophytosis. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Karen
erythema, and scaling in a cat. Moriello, DACVD.
Figure 8.23C  Dark keratinaceous chin debris caused by Figure 8.23D  Intensely pruritic, erythematous, crusting dermatitis
dermatophytosis in a cat. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Karen on one medial foreleg due to Microsporum canis infection in a cat.
Moriello, DACVD.

Figure 8.24B  Multifocal alopecia and crusting on the neck and

pinna of a cat with generalized dermatophytosis.

Figure 8.24A  Patchy alopecia and crusting on the face of a cat

with generalized dermatophytosis. Source: Image courtesy of
Dr. Karen Moriello, DACVD.

Figure 8.24C  Adherent crusting due to Microsporum canis Figure 8.24D  Paw pad scaling and small erosions in a cat with
infection in a cat. generalized dermatophytosis.
Figure 8.24E  An epidermal collarette on the trunk of a cat caused Figure 8.24F  Alopecia and crusting on the caudal auricular area
by Microsporum canis infection. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. of a cat due to Microsporum canis infection. Source: Image
Karen Moriello, DACVD. courtesy of Dr. Karen Moriello, DACVD.

Figure 8.24G  Wood’s lamp examination of the cat in Figure 8.24F

demonstrates strong apple green hair shaft fluorescence. Figure 8.24H  Patchy lumbar alopecia and scaling in a cat with
Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Karen Moriello, DACVD. dermatophytosis mimicking flea allergy dermatitis.

Figure 8.24I  Trichogram of a cat with dermatophytosis Figure 8.24J  Skin surface cytology of a cat with Microsporum canis
demonstrating fuzzy infected hair shafts (4×). infection showing numerous dermatophyte arthroconidia (100×).
180 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Table 8.11  Environmental decontamination in dermatophytosis.

location or factor Decontamination methods/frequency

Hard floors Disinfection of non‐porous surfaces – steps:

1)  M echanical removal of all hair and debris via vacuuming or sweeping.
●● Disinfectants will not work in the presence of organic debris.

2)  Wash the target surface with a detergent until the area is visibly clean.
●● Detergents must be rinsed from the target surface because some may inactivate disinfectants.

3)  The final step is the application of a disinfectant to kill any residual spores.
Effective disinfectants:
●● Preferred: Accelerated hydrogen peroxide (AHP) products (e.g. Accel, Rescue) or household cleaners with label
efficacy against Trichophyton spp.
●● Potassium peroxymonosulfate (e.g. Virkon™ S).

●● Bleach (1 : 10 to 1 : 100 concentration).

Twice weekly cleaning/disinfection is recommended.

●●This includes mechanical removal of hair, washing and disinfection of target areas.
Wood floors Daily removal of pet hair using dusting clothes, flat mops, sweeping, etc.
Carpeting Vacuuming alone does not decontaminate the surfaces but is recommended to remove gross debris including infective hairs.
●● Disinfect the vacuum with AHP spray and/or wipes.
Carpeting can be decontaminated by washing twice with a carpet shampooer with detergent or via hot water extraction.
Heavily contaminated carpets are best decontaminated by pretreatment with a disinfectant and then washed with a
beater brush carpet shampooer.
Household cleaners with label efficacy against Trichophyton spp. are effective as well as 1% potassium
Twice weekly cleaning/disinfection is recommended:
●● This includes mechanical removal of hair, washing and disinfection of target areas.

Furniture Vacuuming alone does not decontaminate the surfaces but is recommended to remove gross debris including infective hairs.
●●Disinfect the vacuum with AHP spray and/or wipes.
Clothing A recent study found that washable textiles could be decontaminated via mechanical washing in any water
temperature and that bleach was not needed.
Two washings on the longest wash cycle were effective.
It is important not to overload the machine to allow for maximum agitation.
After wash, disinfect the interiors of washing machine and dryer by spraying the surfaces with an AHP product at
appropriate dilution.
Kennels Daily removal of pet hair from the room/area where the pet is being confined using dusting clothes, flat mops,
sweeping, etc.
A daily one‐step antifungal cleaner can be used on days between more thorough cleanings.
8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections 181

Algorithm 8.2  Treatment of generalized dermatophytosis.

Generalized dermatophytosis with consistent

clinical signs diagnosed by positive dermatophyte
culture and/or PCR with microscopic
confirmation of culture and/or direct

Treat topically to Examine +/– culture in

Treat systemically to kill contact animals to determine
decontaminate fur and Decontaminate environment
fungus within hair follicles if they may require systemic
reduce contagion
anti-fungal treatment

Either separate non-infected

Twice weekly:
animals or prophylactically
• Anti-fungal cream (e.g. • Itraconazole 5mg/kg/day treat with weekly anti-fungal
terbinafine, miconazole) to (non-compounded; can • Vacuum/sweep hard surfaces
shampoo or dip
focal lesions twice daily pulse treat week on/week off • Wash with detergent cleaner/
• 2% lime sulfur dip twice in cats) rinse
weekly • Apply anti-fungal disinfectant:
• Terbinafine 30mg/kg/day (in
• 2% Miconazole/ accelerated peroxide product
cats can pulse treat week or OTC bathroom disinfectant
2% Chlorhexidene shampoo on/week off after 21 days) labeled as effective vs.
twice weekly Trichophyton
• 0.2% Enilconazole dip • Sweep wood floors daily
twice weekly (not available
in US)

• Wash exposed clothing twice
on longest cycle or until fur is
not visible
• Do not overload washer
• Bleach not needed
• Disinfect interior of washer and
dryer with accelerated peroxide
product or OTC bathroom
disinfectant labeled as effective
vs. Trichophyton

• Vacuum twice weekly
• Disinfect vacuum head with
accelerated peroxide product
• Steam clean
• Disinfect twice using beater
brush carpet shampooer and
anti-fungal shampoo

• Clean daily as for hard surfaces
with one step anti-fungal
188 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Figure 8.25B  The same dog as in Figure 8.25A; ulcerative draining

tracts were present on the shoulder. Source: Image courtesy of
Meghan Solc, DVM.

Figure 8.25A  Ulcerative nasal dermatitis due to blastomycosis in

a dog. Source: Image courtesy of Meghan Solc, DVM.

Figure 8.25C  Multiple, crusted, truncal draining tracts caused by Figure 8.25D  Nasal ulceration and depigmentation in a dog due
blastomycosis. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Andrew Simpson, to Blastomyces infection. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Andrew
DACVD. Simpson, DACVD.
8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections 189

Figure 8.25E  Alopecic nodules on the limb of a dog caused by Figure 8.25F  Purulent paronychia due to blastomycosis in a dog.
blastomycosis. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Andrew Simpson, Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Andrew Simpson, DACVD.

Figure 8.25G  Paw pad swelling and ulceration in a dog caused Figure 8.25H  Draining tracts on the paw of a cat due to
by blastomycosis. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Andrew Simpson, blastomycosis. Source: Image courtesy of Massimo Beccati,
DACVD. Medico Veterinario.
190 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Figure 8.25I  Draining tracts on the paw of a cat due to blastomycosis. Figure 8.25J  Cytology of a draining tract demonstrating
Source: Image courtesy of Massimo Beccati, Medico Veterinario. inflammatory debris and a single large budding Blastomyces organism
(100×). Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Drew Sullivan, DVM.

(A) (B)

Figures 8.26A and B  A cat with a swollen ulcerated nose caused by cryptococcosis. Source: Images courtesy of Sara Morar, DVM.

(C) (D)

Figures 8.26C–D  Cytology of a cat with cryptococcosis demonstrating round fungal organisms with thick capsules and narrow‐based
budding (100×).
8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections 191

Figure 8.27A  Ulcerative facial dermatitis caused by

histoplasmosis. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Michele
Rosenbaum, DACVD.
Figure 8.26E  Cryptococcal yeast; red blood cells are also in the
field (100×).

Figure 8.27B  Cytology of the affected area demonstrates

numerous small oval to oblong Histoplasma organisms within
macrophage cytoplasm (100×). Source: Image courtesy of Figure 8.28A  Ulcerations and draining tracts caused by
Dr. Michele Rosenbaum, DACVD. coccidioidomycosis in a dog.

Figure 8.28C  Swelling of the dorsal muzzle caused by

Figure 8.28B  Cellulitis with small draining tracts on the paw of a coccidioidomycosis. Source: Images courtesy of Dr. Tom Lewis,
dog due to coccidioidomycosis. DACVD.
(A) (B)


Figures 8.29A–C  Ulcerated, draining lesions on the paws caused by sporotrichosis in a cat. Source: Images courtesy of Dr. Michele
Rosenbaum, DACVD.

Figure 8.29D  The same cat had crusted papules on the face and Figure 8.29E  Swelling and alopecia on the dorsal nose of a cat with
chin. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Michele Rosenbaum, DACVD. sporotrichosis. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Jackie Campbell, DACVD.
Figure 8.29F  Alopecia, swelling, and draining tracts on the nose
of a cat due to sporotrichosis. Source: Image courtesy of
Figure 8.29G  Pyogranulomatous inflammation with numerous
Dr. Heather Willis‐Goulet, DACVD.
oval to bullet‐shaped Sporothrix organisms (100×). Source: Image
courtesy of Dr. Jackie Campbell, DACVD.

Figure 8.29H  Severe facial ulceration and exudative dermatitis as Figure 8.30A  Ulcerative paw pad lesions caused by Bipolaris
well as crusted and eroded nodules on pinnae caused by fungal infection in an immunosuppressed dog.
sporotrichosis. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Han Hock Siew.

Figure 8.30B  Scrotal phaeohyphomycosis in an immunosuppressed dog.
194 8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections

Figure 8.30C  Surface cytology of the lesion in Figures 8.29B

showed the pigmented fungal organism (100×).

Figure 8.30D  Phaeohyphomycosis causing swelling, ulceration,

and crusting on the nose of a cat. Source: Image courtesy of VIN
and Tammy Brown, DVM.

Figure 8.30E  Severe ulceration and necrosis on the pinna of a cat Figure 8.30F  Ulceration and gray discoloration of a paw pad
due to phaeohyphomycosis. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and caused by phaeohyphomycosis. Source: Image courtesy of VIN
Tammy Brown, DVM. and Stephen Bailey, DVM.
Figure 8.31A  Cellulitis and draining tracts on the ventral chest of a dog caused by pythiosis. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Ralph
Pope, DVM.

(B) (C)

Figures 8.31B and C  Ulcerative, purulent skin lesions with underlying bone exposure in a dog caused by pythiosis. Source: Images
courtesy of Dr. Robert Schick, DACVD.

Figure 8.32A  A necrotic, deeply ulcerative lesion on the metatarsus of a dog caused by lagenidiosis. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Med.
Vet. C. Nett‐Mettler, Diplomate ACVD & ECVD.
(B) (C)

Figures 8.32B and C  Cytology of the patient in Figure 8.32A demonstrating inflammatory cells and large, poorly staining hyphae with 90°
branching characteristic of this organism (Fig. 8.32B is 4× and Fig. 8.32C is 100×). Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Med. Vet. C. Nett‐Mettler,
Diplomate ACVD & ECVD.



Figures 8.33A and B  Ulcerative granulomas on the paw pads of a dog caused by Prototheca infection. Source: Images courtesy of
Dr. Becca Mount, DACVD.

Figure 8.33C  The same dog as in Figures 8.31A and 8.31B; similar crusted nodules were present on the pinna. Source: Image courtesy of
Dr. Becca Mount, DACVD.
8  Bacterial, fungal, oomycete, and algal infections 197

­References/Further reading
Banovic, F., Olivry, T., Bäumer, W. et al. (2018). Diluted Gunn‐Moore, D.A. (2014). Feline mycobacterial infections.
sodium hypochlorite (bleach) in dogs: antiseptic efficacy, Vet. J. 201 (2): 230–238.
local tolerability and in vitro effect on skin barrier Hillier, A., Alcorn, J.R., Cole, L.K. et al. (2006). Pyoderma
function and inflammation. Vet. Dermatol. 29 (1): 6–e5. caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in dogs: 20
Beco, L., Guaguère, E., Lorente Méndez, C. et al. (2013). cases. Vet. Dermatol. 17 (6): 432–439.
Suggested guidelines for using systemic antimicrobials Hillier, A., Lloyd, D.H., Weese, J.S. et al. (2014). Guidelines
in bacterial skin infections (1): diagnosis based on for the diagnosis and antimicrobial therapy of canine
clinical presentation, cytology and culture. Vet. Rec. 172 superficial bacterial folliculitis (Antimicrobial Guidelines
(3): 72–78. Working Group of the International Society for
Beco, L., Guaguère, E., Lorente Méndez, C. et al. (2013). Companion Animal Infectious Diseases). Vet. Dermatol.
Suggested guidelines for using systemic antimicrobials 25 (3): 163–175e42–3.
in bacterial skin infections (2): antimicrobial choice, Kloos, I., Straubinger, R.K., Werckenthin, C., and Mueller,
treatment regimens and compliance. Vet. Rec. 172 (6): R.S. (2013). Residual antibacterial activity of dog hairs
156–160. after therapy with antimicrobial shampoos. Vet.
Connolly, P., Hage, C.A., Bariola, J.R. et al. (2012). Dermatol. 24 (2): 250–e54.
Blastomyces dermatitidis antigen detection by Laporte, C., Boothe, D., Cruz‐Espindola, C. et al. (2016).
quantitative enzyme immunoassay. Clin. Vaccine Quality assessment of compounded fluconazole capsules
Immunol. 19: 53–56. and oral suspensions in the United States. Vet. Dermatol.
Coyner, K. (2011). Skills laboratory: how to perform skin 27 (Supplement S1): 6–121.
scraping and skin surface cytology. Vet. Med. 106 (11): Loeffler, A., Cobb, M.A., and Bond, R. (2011). Comparison
554–563. of a chlohexidine and a benzoyl peroxide shampoo as
Coyner, K. (2012). The emergence and prevalence of sole treatment in canine superficial pyoderma. Vet Rec
MRSA, MRSP, and MRSS in pets and people. Vet. Med. 169 (10): 249.
107 (12): 516–521. Loreto, E.S., Tondolo, J.S.M., Zanette, R.A. et al. (2014).
Coyner, K. (2013). Managing MRSA, MRSP, and MRSS Update on pythiosis immunobiology and
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Viral, rickettsial, and protozoal dermatologic diseases

Kimberly S. Coyner, DVM, DACVD
Dermatology Clinic for Animals, Lacey, WA, USA

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
Table 9.1  Viral dermatologic diseases.

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Feline herpesvirus Acute infection symptoms include Clinical presentation, cytology to screen Supportive care for acute infection includes fluids,
dermatitis sneezing, oculonasal discharge, for secondary infection. nutritional care, antibiotics for secondary bacterial
(A.k.a. feline rhinotracheitis conjunctivitis +/− corneal or lingual ulcers,   infection (doxycycline or clavulanated amoxicillin).
virus; Figures 9.1–9.4, fever, lethargy, and hyporexia. Biopsy: intranuclear viral inclusion bodies  
Chapter 3, Figure 3.11B)   may be present but can be difficult to find. Steroids are contraindicated.
  Cutaneous lesions can include crusting, Necrosis of sweat glands is a unique  
DNA virus. erythema, and erosions/ulcers on the feature. Eosinophils are prominent and Famciclovir: Typical dose is 125 mg PO BID in adult cats,
Most infected cats become haired dorsal nose, the non‐haired nasal can mimic allergic dermatoses; careful or up to 40–90 mg/kg BID‐TID; monitor renal function
chronic carriers; stress or planum, and/or the eyelids; rarely, crusting evaluation by a dermatopathologist is and reduce dose in cats with renal disease.
immunosuppressive lesions on other locations such as the trunk recommended. Treat until skin disease has resolved, which can take
medications can cause and paws may occur.   several weeks.
reactivation of clinical   Herpesvirus PCR testing of skin biopsy.  
disease. Lesions may be pruritic or non‐pruritic, can Topical antiviral treatment with acyclovir cold sore cream
be slowly progressive over several weeks applied daily to lesions or topical imiquimod applied 2–3
and secondary bacterial infection may consecutive days per week may be helpful (transient
occur. worsening of inflammation may occur with imiquimod).
Recombinant feline interferon omega: One cat with
herpes virus dermatitis responded well to 6 injections
administered over 23 days of 1.5 million units (MU) kg of
rFeIFN‐ω, in 4 treatments; half the interferon dose was
injected perilesionally and intradermally and the other
half subcutaneously; the other 2 treatments were SQ
(subcutaneous) only (Gutzwiller et al. 2007).
Other varied interferon doses and administration
protocols are in the literature for treatment of mostly
respiratory and ocular herpes, including:
Recombinant human IFNα at 10 000 U/kg subcutaneously
once daily for 14 days or 1 million units/m2 SQ three
times weekly.
Recombinant feline IFNω three 5‐day cycles of once‐daily
subcutaneous injections of 1 million units/kg on days 0,
14, and 60.
Oral lysine: In one study, once‐daily oral administration
of 400 mg of L‐lysine to cats latently infected with FHV‐1
was associated with reduced viral shedding following
changes in housing and husbandry but not following
corticosteroid administration, however a recent meta‐
analysis found no demonstrable benefit for L‐lysine
administration for the treatment of herpes (Maggs,
Nasisse, and Kass, 2003).

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Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Feline calicivirus Acute symptoms: Sneezing, conjunctivitis, Clinical signs. Supportive care for acute infection includes fluids,
dermatitis oculonasal discharge, oral ulcerations, fever, Biopsy: Epidermal necrosis, keratinocyte nutritional care, antibiotics for secondary bacterial
  lethargy, anorexia. ballooning degeneration +/− edema and infection.
RNA virus.   vasculitis.  
  Cutaneous lesions may include ulcerations   Traditional antiviral drugs ineffective (due to effect on
20–30% of infected cats on the lips, nasal planum, and paw pads. A Calicivirus PCR or IHC only DNA or retroviruses) or toxic to cats (ribavirin).
become chronic carriers. pustular, inguinal dermatitis has been (immunohistochemistry) on skin biopsy  
described in 2 cats post spay. or PCR on conjunctival/oral swabs. Feline interferon‐ω has been shown to inhibit FCV
  replication in vitro (Radford et al. 2009), however,
In the early 2000s a new virulent form of controlled studies in clinical cases have not been
calicivirus emerged which causes facial and published.
limb edema, liver disease, sepsis, and
30–50% mortality especially in adult cats;
some affected cats also have cutaneous
lesions including crusting and ulceration of
the nose, lips, pinnae, eyelids, and paws.
Viral papillomas Six different clinical syndromes occur due Clinical appearance, biopsy: Epidermal Azithromycin 10 mg/kg PO once daily × 10 days.
Dogs to infection of different body sites and hyperplasia with characteristic koilocytes  
(Figures 9.5–9.16) different types of papilloma viruses: and epidermal cells with intracytoplasmic Surgical or laser excision, and cryosurgery can be used for
    viral inclusions. persistent lesions.
DNA virus. Oral papillomas (CPV1): One to multiple,    
  initially smooth, raised, white to pink Viral immunohistochemistry and PCR Interferon alpha 1 million IU SQ 3 times per week, or oral
There are at least 18 types dermal masses progressing to exophytic usually utilized in research setting. interferon 1000–20 000 IU PO daily (anecdotal).
of papillomavirus in dogs, white, pink, or gray masses on the lips and  
and most animals harbor mucous membranes +/− tongue. Lesions Topical 5% imiquimod applied once daily to isolated
papillomaviruses on the skin occur acutely and progress or wax and cutaneous papillomas can be helpful.
without clinical infection wane over several weeks. Most cases will  
due to immune control. spontaneously resolve within 6–8 weeks, Discontinue/avoid immunosuppressive medications
Immune suppression and though regression may take up to one year including steroids, cyclosporine, and oclacitinib.
genetic factors contribute to in some dogs.  
development of clinical Rarely, massive oral papilloma infections No commercial vaccine is currently available for canine
lesions. filling the oral cavity and esophagus can papillomaviruses. However, at the time of writing
  occur in dogs with presumed recombinant vaccines for CPV1 and CPV2 with an
Papillomaviruses are spread immunosuppression. anecdotal response rate of 40–50% when used for the
by direct contact and   treatment of papillomavirus infection were available from
opportunistic viral infection Cutaneous papillomas (CPV 1, 2, 6, 7) Dr. Hang Yuan at the Center for Cell Reprogramming,
occurs after skin or mucosal exophytic form: Single to multiple, pink to Georgetown University, Washington, USA.
injury exposes basal gray, pedunculated, small dermal masses
epithelial cells to the virus often on the head and paws; usually occur
which then replicates in the in older dogs.
infected epithelial cell as it
differentiates then is Inverted papillomas: Raised, pink to gray,
eventually shed containing smooth, round lesions with a central
infectious virus particles at keratin containing cup/pore which occur
the skin surface.  most commonly on the ventral trunk in
young dogs.

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Table 9.1  Viral dermatologic diseases (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Viral papilloma (dogs, Cutaneous viral pigmented plaques

continued) (Chi‐papillomavirus triggered): Multiple,
Cell mediated immunity is round to oval, black, 1–10 mm diameter
required for resolution of macules which become raised and scaly,
clinical infection, though occur most commonly on the ventral trunk
antiviral IgG blocks and medial limbs; Pugs and Miniature
infection of new basal cells. Schnauzers are predisposed. Lesions can
spontaneously regress, or persist and
spread; rare malignant transformation to
squamous cell carcinoma can occur.
Venereal papillomas: Raised, papillomatous
plaques on penile or vaginal mucosa; not
well described.
Pedal papillomas: One to multiple, raised,
exophytic masses involving the paw pads and/
or interdigital areas; lesions can be painful or
pruritic and secondary bacterial infection can
occur; occur most commonly in young dogs.

Viral papillomas Four clinical syndromes: Clinical presentation. Cutaneous papillomas: Surgical excision curative.
Cats Cutaneous papillomas: Rarely described,    
(Figures 9.17–9.20) single, small, exophytic alopecic lesions. Biopsy Viral plaques and BISC: Surgical or laser excision can be
    curative but new lesions can develop in other locations;
There are at least 4 types of Oral papillomas: Rarely described; sessile to topical 5% imiquimod cream applied q1–2 days can cause
feline papillomaviruses. papillomatous masses on the tongue which partial to complete lesion regression but can cause side
likely spontaneously resolve. effects such as local inflammation, vomiting, increased
  liver enzymes, and neutropenia; keep Elizabethan collar
Viral plaques and Bowenoid in situ on during treatment to prevent grooming/ingestion.
carcinomas (BISC) (usually caused by  
FcaPV‐2): Viral plaques are multiple, oval, Sarcoids: Wide surgical excision is the treatment of choice
usually pigmented, slightly raised, scaly if possible, however, lesions tend to be locally invasive
plaques <1 cm diameter; can progress to and recurrence is common; other treatment
BISC which are larger, can be ulcerated and considerations may include radiation therapy and topical
crusted and can eventually progress to imiquimod.
invasive squamous cell carcinoma. Bowen’s
lesions are more common in older cats and
on the head, neck, and limbs. Viral plaques
and BISCs can variably spontaneously
resolve, remain static or slowly increase in
size and number, though lesions in Devon
Rex and Sphynx cats tend to be more rapidly
progressive and aggressive with development
of invasive squamous cell carcinoma. 

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Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Viral papilloma (cats, Feline sarcoid (cutaneous fibropapillomas):

continued) Caused by cross‐species infection by bovine
papillomavirus BPV‐14. Occur most
commonly as firm, pink, smooth to exophytic,
non‐ulcerated masses on the nose, lips, and
digits of young adult cats living in rural
environments. PV DNA is localized to dermal
mesenchymal tissue, not the epidermis.

Cowpox virus Most common primary lesion is a single Clinical signs. No specific therapy; in most cats, skin lesions heal
  ulcerated nodule on the head, neck, and   spontaneously over 4–5 weeks, permanent scarring may
  front leg or paw. Skin biopsy: Ballooning degeneration of occur.
Rodents are natural hosts,   epithelial cells with necrosis of epithelium  
cats are infected though 1–3 weeks after initial infection, widespread and outer root sheath; eosinophilic, In kittens and immunosuppressed cats, severe generalized
bites sustained when secondary skin lesions develop anywhere intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies are cowpox infections can be fatal.
catching infected rodents; on the body and consist of small epidermal present within keratinocytes of epidermis  
cat to cat transmission is nodules which ulcerate +/− oral vesicles/ and hair follicles as well as sebaceous Supportive care, fluids, nutritional support, treat
uncommon. ulceration. Cutaneous lesions may be glands. secondary bacterial infection if present.
Most commonly occurs in   Serologic testing: Cannot differentiate Steroids are contraindicated.
outdoor cats living in rural Secondary bacterial infection may occur. cowpox from Orthopoxviruses.  
environments     Advise owners of zoonosis risk.
  Some cats have systemic signs of fever, Virus isolation from fresh tissue or PCR
Endemic in Europe and anorexia, lethargy, respiratory disease, and preferred for diagnosis.
western Asia. diarrhea.
Zoonotic. Dogs can develop infection characterized
by single, ulcerated nodules which resolve
Feline infectious In addition to typical systemic symptoms, Biopsy: Vasculitis, granulomatous Prednisolone used at anti‐inflammatory to
peritonitis (FIP) occasionally described to cause raised inflammation. immunosuppressive doses can be temporarily palliative
  intradermal papules which may ulcerate on   and helpful to reduce inflammation and stimulate
A Coronavirus (RNA virus) the neck, legs, and trunk due to vasculitis. Please refer to appropriate infectious appetite.
ubiquitous in domestic cats,   disease texts for details on diagnosis  
is shed in the feces, and is Skin fragility has been reported in one cat of FIP. Newer therapies under development include protease
particularly common where with FIP. inhibitors and Polyprenyl Immunostimulant; please refer
conditions are crowded. to appropriate infectious disease texts for details on
treatment of FIP.
Canine distemper Skin lesions can include an acute pustular Clinical signs Supportive care: Fluids, nutritional support, antibiotics
(Figure 9.21) dermatitis on the groin, or later in the CBC: Lymphopenia, hypoalbuminemia, for secondary bacterial infection, anti‐seizure
  disease marked nasodigital hyperkeratosis hypo or hyperglobulinemia. medications.
A Paramyxovirus which (“hard pad disease”) Serology: Elevated distemper IgM.  
usually affects non‐     There is no specific antiviral therapy.
vaccinated dogs <4 mo old. Other symptoms include fever, purulent Skin biopsies: Keratinocyte viral inclusion  
oculonasal discharge, cough/pneumonia, bodies, occasional multinucleate, Severe encephalitis may require euthanasia.
vomiting, diarrhea. In some dogs that syncytial giant cells in epidermis.
survive the acute illness phase, later onset Viral immunohistochemistry on skin
seizures or myoclonus can develop. biopsies or conjunctival swabs.

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Figure 9.2  Erosive blepharitis due to herpesvirus infection.

Figure 9.1  Crusting, erythema, and erosion caused by herpesvirus

dermatitis on the dorsal nose of a cat.

Figure 9.4  An asymmetric, alopecic, scarred, crusted facial lesion

Figure 9.3  Lingual ulcers and stomatitis in a cat with herpes due to herpesvirus dermatitis. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Ann
infection. Trimmer, DACVD.

Figure 9.5  Canine oral viral papillomas on the lip of a young dog.
9  Viral, rickettsial, and protozoal dermatologic diseases 205

Figure 9.6  In this young Bulldog with viral papillomas, both lips Figure 9.7  Oral viral papillomas; lesions usually begin as smooth
and haired skin were affected. pink papules which enlarge and become fronded.

Figure 9.8  Inverted papillomas on the groin of a young Boxer. Figure 9.9  Inguinal pigmented viral plaques in a Rottweiler with
immunosuppression due to lymphoma.

Figure 9.10  Pigmented viral plaques on the inner pinna of a young Boxer.
Figure 9.12  Numerous pedal papillomas in a dog with a
congenital immunodeficiency disorder.

Figure 9.11  Plaque‐like to pedunculated pigmented viral

papillomas in a Bulldog on oclacitinib.

Figure 9.14  A pedal papilloma in a young Doberman.

Figure 9.13  Numerous pedal papillomas in a dog with a

congenital immunodeficiency disorder.

Figure 9.15  Raised firm interdigital masses which appeared acutely in a young Bulldog, biopsy revealed viral papilloma.
Figure 9.16  Surface cytology of one of the interdigital masses Figure 9.17  Multiple, pigmented, raised, rough dermal viral
revealed large, bizarre, viral‐infected epithelial cells as well as a plaques on the temporal area and pinna of a cat.
secondary bacterial overgrowth (100×).

Figure 9.19  Bowen’s disease on the temporal area of a cat

complicated by secondary Malassezia infection.

Figure 9.18  This cat’s Bowenoid pinnal lesion was very


Figure 9.20  Pink, firm masses on the nasal planum and gingival Figure 9.21  Large, inguinal pustules in a dog due to distemper virus
mucosa of a cat with feline sarcoid. infection. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Brian Stewart, DVM.
Table 9.2  Rickettsial diseases.

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Skin lesions in dogs can include petechiae/ Clinical signs. Effective antibiotic options:
(Rickettsia ricketsii, Figure 9.22) ecchymoses due to thrombocytopenia,   Doxycycline 5–10 mg/kg PO or IV BID × 1 week;
  edema, necrosis, and ulcerations on skin, Tetracycline 22 mg/kg PO or IV TID × 1–2 weeks; or
paws, oral cavity, nasal planum, and Labwork: Leukocytosis, anemia, Enrofloxacin 3 mg/kg PO or SC BID for 1 week.
A rickettsial disease carried by scrotum. thrombocytopenia, elevated liver Chloramphenicol 25–50 mg/kg PO TID × 1 week.
Dermacentor ticks, occurs throughout   enzymes, hypoalbuminemia.  
the US, more commonly in mid‐Atlantic  
and eastern US and mid‐southern states; Lymphadenopathy is common. Supportive care: IV fluids (use with care due to
also reported in Canada, Mexico, Central   RMSF serology: High IgM or increased vascular permeability), nutritional support.
and South America. 4‐fold increase in IgG (occurs  
  Systemic signs include fever, lethargy, 2–3 weeks post infection).
epistaxis, uveitis, polyarthritis, hepatic   Use acaricidal parasiticides to kill ticks and prevent
Incubation period is 2–14 days after disease/icterus, dyspnea, reinfestation.
exposure. meningoencephalitis, renal failure. RMSF PCR on whole blood.

Skin biopsy: Necrotizing vasculitis.

Ehrlichiosis Skin lesions in dogs can include petechiae/ Clinical signs. Effective antibiotic options:
(Ehrlichia canis, Figures 9.23 and 9.24) ecchymoses due to thrombocytopenia,   Doxycycline 10 mg/kg/day × 3–4 weeks;
  and rarely crusting on the dorsal muzzle Tetracycline 22–30 mg/kg PO or IV TID × 3–4 weeks.
or a pruritic papulocrustous dermatitis. Labwork: Leukopenia, anemia, Chloramphenicol 25–50 mg/kg PO TID × 3–4 weeks.
A rickettsial disease carried by ticks,   thrombocytopenia,  
most commonly the Brown Dog tick; hyperglobulinemia,
canids are reservoir hosts. Lymphadenopathy is common. hypoalbuminemia. Supportive care: IV fluids, nutritional support.

Worldwide distribution except for Systemic signs include fever, lethargy, Ehrlichia serology: IgG > 1 : 80 Use acaricidal parasiticides to kill ticks and prevent
Australia. epistaxis, uveitis, polyarthritis, (15 days post infection). reinfestation.

Incubation period 8–20 days. Ehrlichia PCR.

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Figure 9.23  This Greyhound with ehrlichiosis and severe
thrombocytopenia had vasculitis evidenced by subungual nail
hemorrhage and nail loss.

Figure 9.22  Erythematous macules, erosions, and crusts due to

vasculitis on the lateral thorax of a dog infected by Rocky
Mountain Spotted Fever.

Figure 9.24  Patchy, truncal alopecia with crusts and erosions Figure 9.25  Patchy truncal alopecia, erythema and silvery scaling
caused by Ehrlichia canis triggered vasculitis. due to leishmaniasis.

Figure 9.26  Close up view of scaling truncal lesions caused by Leishmania infection.
Table 9.3  Protozoal diseases.

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Leishmaniasis Skin lesions are Clinical signs. Leishmania treatment guidelines and prognosis in dogs are based on stage of disease:
(Leishmania infantum variable and include Cytology of lesions and lymph Stage I Mild disease: Negative to low positive Leishmania titer, mild skin disease, lymphadenopathy,
Figures 9.25–9.29) exfoliative scaling, node aspirate: normal labwork: Treat with allopurinol +/− miltefosine or meglumine. Prognosis good.
  alopecia, erythema, Pyogranulomatous
A protozoal parasite crusts, ulcerations of inflammation +/− intra or Stage II moderate disease: Moderate skin disease, lymphadenopathy, weight loss, fever, anemia,
which is transmitted by skin, nasal planum, extracellular protozoal hyperglobulinemia Low to high Leishmania antibody titer, hypoalbuminemia, no to mild proteinuria
sandflies, endemic in oral cavity, or paw organisms/amastigotes. with no azotemia: Treat with allopurinol + meglumine antimoniate (treatment of choice) or
the Mediterranean, pads, nasal or paw   miltefosine, prognosis good to guarded.
southern Europe, pad hyperkeratosis, Skin biopsies for
Africa, Asia, and onychogryphosis, dermatopathology: Variable Stage III Severe disease: Medium to high Leishmania antibody titer, Stage I and II signs + renal
Central and South pustular, lymphoplasmacytic to disease; treat with allopurinol + meglumine antimoniate (treatment of choice) or miltefosine,
America; also endemic acantholytic or pyogranulomatous dermatitis prognosis guarded to poor.
in Foxhounds in the nodular dermatitis. and perifolliculitis with
eastern US and Canada, Lymphadenopathy is sebaceous gland destruction Stage IV Very severe disease: Medium to high Leishmania antibody titer, Stage III signs +
and endemic foci have common. and ortho to parakeratotic pulmonary thromboembolic disease and/or nephrotic syndrome/end stage renal disease with
been found in TX, OK,   hyperkeratosis +/− intra or marked proteinuria: treat palliatively with allopurinol alone and follow IRIS guidelines for renal
OH, MI, and AL. Cases Systemic signs extracellular protozoal failure treatment, euthanasia based on quality of life.
in non‐Foxhound include fever, weight organisms/amastigotes  
breeds have occurred loss, hyporexia, (Giemsa stain helpful to Drug dosing:
elsewhere in the US, lethargy, vomiting, demonstrate organisms). Allopurinol is given at a dose of 10 mg/kg PO BID for at least 6–18 months, and possibly lifelong to
either in dogs imported diarrhea, uveitis, Lichenoid interface dermatitis, prevent relapse. Allopurinol may be discontinued if there are no clinical or labwork abnormalities
from endemic regions, lameness, vasculitis, and acantholytic and when there is a marked decrease of antibody levels (to negative or borderline by a quantitative
or in dogs exposed to hepatosplenomegaly, pustular dermatitis can be serological assay). In addition, allopurinol might need to be discontinued if the side effect of marked
infected dogs via PU/PD, renal failure. seen. xanthine crystalluria occurs and is uncontrollable by low purine diets or by drug dose reduction.
fighting or breeding.     Miltefosine 2 mg/kg PO once daily × 4 weeks; this is a currently available in Europe as an animal
Vertical transmission Symptoms can occur Leishmania serology drug called Milteforan 20 mg/ml, Virbac. In the United States Miltefosine is available in human
appears to be the most months to years after immunofluorescence antibody medicine as a 50 mg capsule (Impavido®, Profounda Inc.).
common means of exposure and tend to test (IFAT) and enzyme‐linked Meglumine antimoniate 75–100 mg/kg once a day or 40–75 mg/kg twice a day for 4 weeks, S.C. (not
infection transmission be slowly immunosorbent assay (ELISA). available in the United States at the time of writing).
in the US. A potential progressive.   Other promising drugs with more limited data include marbofloxacin 2.75 mg/kg PO once daily × 28 days
sandfly vector,   Leishmania PCR (of skin and domperidone 1 mg/kg PO BID, a dopamine D2 receptor antagonist used as an immune stimulator.
Lutzomyia shannoni, is In dogs with a strong biopsy, lymph node aspirate, Amphotericin B in the lipid emulsion or liposomal form 0.25–0.5 mg/kg IV q48 hours or 3 times a
present in the southern TH1 immune whole blood, conjunctival week until a cumulative dose of 5–10 mg/kg is reached.
and southeastern response, exposure scrapings; RT PCR has Treatment of cats has little published information; allopurinol and meglumine antimoniate are most
United States, but there can cause serologic superior sensitivity to frequently used, however studies on pharmacokinetics and safety of these drugs in cats are lacking
is no documentation of conversion but no traditional or nested PCR). (Hervás et al. 1999). Allopurinol 10‐20mg/kg PO q 12‐24 hours is usually clinically effective (Pennisi
infection transmission clinical disease.   et al. 2015). One case responded to three 4‐week courses of 5 mg/kg meglumine antimoniate
at this time.   CBC/Chemistry panel may SQ + ketoconazole 10 mg/kg PO once daily.
  In cats, skin lesions demonstrate leukocytosis,
Most common in young can include a leukopenia, anemia, Monitoring:
adult and older dogs, nodular or crusting thrombocytopenia, In clinically affected animals, treatment can cause clinical remission but relapse often occurs
Boxers and German dermatitis on the hypoalbuminemia, months to years later; the goal or treatment is to reduce parasite load, treat organ damage caused by
Shepherds are face, pinnae or paws hyperglobulinemia, azotemia, the infection, and improve immune response.
predisposed.  +/− exfoliative and elevated liver values.  Response to treatment is monitored by assessing body condition/weight, skin lesions, and CBC/
scaling. Chemistry panel/UA one month after starting treatment, then every 3–4 months for the first year,
then every 6–12 months forever to screen for relapse of infection. Recheck Leishmania titer every 6
months for a year then once a year is also recommended to assess response to treatment and screen
for relapse of infection. If infection relapses clinically, then retreatment is initiated.

0004280189.INDD 210 06/28/2019 02:56:54

Leishmaniasis (cont.) UA often shows proteinuria, Prevention:
Can also affect cats, decreased urine specific In endemic areas regular use of antiparasitic products with repellant action against sand flies is
though they are gravity, +/− casts. recommended, including veterinary registered products containing synthetic pyrethroids,
resistant to infection permethrin, or deltamethrin (dogs only). Additional preventative measures include keeping dogs
and symptoms are indoors from dusk to dawn during peak sand fly activity, removing microhabitats favorable to sand
usually milder. flies such as piles of wood and stones near the home and usage of indoor insecticides.
Zoonotic. There is no effective vaccine against Leishmania available in the United States. Two registered
canine vaccines: FML‐QuilA (Leishmune® in Brazil, and LiESP/QA‐21 (CaniLeish® in Europe. These
vaccines, consisting of parasite purified fractions with saponin derivative adjuvants, have been
shown to confer significant (but not 100%) protection against disease and death under natural
Toxoplasmosis In additional to Biopsy: Pyogranulomatous or Clindamycin 10 mg/kg PO TID × 4 weeks.
(Toxoplasma gondii) typical systemic necrotizing dermatitis and Supportive care: IV fluids, nutritional support.
  signs, occasionally vasculitis with Toxoplasma  
A multisystemic described to cause organisms. Advise owners of zoonosis risk.
protozoal ulcerative skin  
disease; cats are the lesions in dogs and Please refer to appropriate
primary host, are cats. infectious disease texts for
infected by ingesting Lymphadenopathy is details on diagnosis of
rodent intermediate common. toxoplasmosis.

0004280189.INDD 211 06/28/2019 02:56:54

212 9  Viral, rickettsial, and protozoal dermatologic diseases

Figure 9.27  Cytology of the scaly skin lesion in Fig. 9.26 showed Figure 9.28  Cytology of the scaly skin lesion in Fig. 9.26 showed
macrophages and numerous intra and extracellular Leishmania macrophages and numerous intra and extracellular Leishmania
amastigotes (100×). amastigotes (100×).

Figure 9.29  Pinnal scaling and ulceration in a dog with leishmaniasis.
9  Viral, rickettsial, and protozoal dermatologic diseases 213

­References/Further reading
Bol, S. and Bunnik, E.M. (2015). Lysine supplementation is Munday, J.S., Thomson, N.A., and Luff, J.A. (2017).
not effective for the prevention or treatment of feline Papillomaviruses in dogs and cats. Vet. J. 225: 23–31.
herpesvirus 1 infection in cats: A systematic review. Oliva, G., Nieto, J., Foglia Manzillo, V. et al. (2014). A
BMC Vet. Res. 11: 284. randomised, double‐blind, controlled efficacy trial of the
Fenimore, A., Carter, K., Fankhauser, J. et al. (2016). LiESP/QA‐21 vaccine in Naïve dogs exposed to two
Evaluation of intranasal vaccine administration and Leishmania infantum transmission seasons. PLoS Negl.
high‐dose interferon‐α2b therapy for treatment of Trop. Dis. 8 (10): e3213.
chronic upper respiratory tract infections in shelter cats. Oliva, G., Roura, X., Crotti, A. et al. (2010). Guidelines for
J. Feline Med. Surg. 18 (8): 603–611. treatment of leishmaniasis in dogs. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc.
Freeman, K. (2010). Update on the diagnosis and management 236 (11): 1192–1198.
of Leishmania spp. infections in dogs in the United States. Pedersen, N.C., Kim, Y., and Liu, H. (2018). Efficacy of a 3C‐
Top Companion Anim. Med. 25 (3): 149–154. like protease inhibitor in treating various forms of acquired
Gill, V.L., Bergman, P.J., Baer, K.E. et al. (2008). Use of feline infectious peritonitis. J. Feline Med. Surg. 20 (4):
imiquimod 5% cream (Aldara) in cats with multicentric 378–392.
squamous cell carcinoma in situ: 12 cases (2002–2005). Vet. Pennisi, M.‐G., Cardoso, L., Baneth, G. et al. (2015). LeishVet
Comp. Oncol. 6 (1): 55–64. update and recommendations on feline leishmaniosis.
Gradoni, L. (2015). Canine Leishmania vaccines: Still a long Parasit. Vetors. 8: 302.
way to go. Vet. Parasitol. 208 (1–2): 94–100. Pesavento, P.A., MacLachlan, N.J., Dillard‐Telm, L. et al.
Greene, C.E. (2012). Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat, 4e. (2004). Pathologic, immunohistochemical, and electron
St Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders. microscopic findings in naturally occurring virulent
Gutzwiller, M.E., Brachelente, C., Taglinger, K. et al. (2007). systemic feline calicivirus infection in cats. Vet. Pathol. 41
Feline herpes dermatitis treated with interferon omega. Vet. (3): 257–263.
Dermatol. 18 (1): 50–54. Peterson, C.A. and Barr, S.C. (2009). Canine Leishmaniasis in
Hervás, J., Chacón‐M De Lara, F., Sánchez‐Isarria, M.A. et al. North America: Emerging or newly recognized? Vet. Clin.
(1999). Two cases of feline visceral and cutaneous North Am. Small Anim. Pract. 39 (6): 1065–vi.
leishmaniosis in Spain. J. Feline Med. Surg. 1: 101–105. Radford, A.D., Addie, D., Belák, S. et al. (2009). Feline
Lange, C.E. and Favrot, C. (2011). Canine calcivirus infection. ABCD guidelines on prevention and
papillomaviruses. Vet. Clin. North Am. Small Anim. management. J. Feline Med. Surg. 11 (7): 556–564. https://
Pract. 41 (6): 1183–1195.
Legendre, A.M., Kuritz, T., Galyon, G. et al. (2017). Polyprenyl Radford, A.D., Coyne, K.P., Dawson, S. et al. (2007). Feline
immunostimulant treatment of cats with presumptive non‐ calicivirus. Vet. Res. 38 (2): 319–335.
effusive feline infectious peritonitis in a field study. Front. Solano‐Gallego, L., Miro, G., Koutinas, A. et al. (2011).
Vet. Sci. 4: 7. LeishVet guidelines for the practical management of canine
Maggs, D.J., Nasisse, M.P., and Kass, P.H. (2003). Efficacy of oral leishmaniosis. Parasit. Vectors 4: 86.
supplementation with L‐lysine in cats latently infected with Thomasy, S.M. and Maggs, D.J. (2016). A review of
feline herpesvirus. Am. J. Vet. Res. 64 (1): 37–42. antiviral drugs and other compounds with activity
Malik, R., Lessels, N.S., Webb, S. et al. (2009). Treatment against feline herpesvirus‐1. Vet. Ophthalmol. 19
of feline herpesvirus‐1 associated disease in cats with (Suppl 1): 119–130.
famciclovir and related drugs. J. Feline Med. Surg. Thomasy, S.M., Shull, O., Outerbridge, C.A. et al. (2016). Oral
11 (1): 40–48. administration of famciclovir for treatment of spontaneous
Möstl, K., Addie, D., Belák, S. et al. (2013). Cowpox ocular, respiratory, or dermatologic disease attributed to
virus infection in cats: ABCD guidelines on prevention and feline herpesvirus type 1: 59 cases (2006–2013). J. Am. Vet.
management. J. Feline Med. Surg. 15 (7): 557–559. Med. Assoc. 249 (5): 526–538.


Allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats

Jacquelyn Campbell, DVM, DACVD
Animal Allergy and Dermatology of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
Table 10.1  Hypersensitivity disorders and treatment of allergic skin diseases.

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Urticaria/ Acute or chronic onset. History. Acute:

Angioedema   Clinical exam: 1)  Glucocorticoid injection: dexamethasone SP 0.5–1 mg/kg IM. Dose
(Figures 10.1A– Variably pruritic, erythematous, 1)  May be helpful to circle some individual dependent on severity with up to 2 mg/kg IV if life threatening angioedema.
10.1F) flat ‐topped wheals ranging in lesions and follow behavior over time as 2)  If life threatening anaphylaxis give epinephrine (adrenaline) 0.01 mg/kg IM
  diameter from 5–15 mm; lesions in true urticaria typically each lesion using a 1 mg/ml (1 : 1000 solution); maximum dose of 0.3 mg in patients
do not become scaly or lose fur. lasts no more than 24 hours. <40 kg and 0.5 mg in patients >40 kg; intravenous fluid therapy for
    2)  Diascopy (Figure 10.1E): Place glass circulatory support.
No age or sex +/− large edematous swelling of slide over erythematous lesions. If 3)  Concurrent antihistamine: diphenhydramine 2–4 mg/kg PO or IM every
predilection. face or body. lesions blanche with the pressure of 8 hours for 3 to 10 days.
    slide then lesions are due to
Atopic dogs may +/− concurrent systemic 4)  If respiratory distress is present give aminophylline 5 mg/kg IV over 10 min
vasodilation (urticarial). or terbutaline 0.01 mg/kg SQ.
have increased risk. anaphylactic symptoms such as Note: If lesions persist longer than 24 hours
vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty 5)  Suspected cause should be identified and avoided. Consider stinging or
in the same location or do not blanche on biting insects, drugs, vaccines, food allergens, environmental pollens, dusts
breathing, collapse. diascopy, consider pyoderma in short or dander, intestinal parasitism.
coated breeds which can present similarly
(Figure 10.1F), or urticarial vasculitis. 6)  Long‐term antihistamines can be considered.
1)  Careful and thorough investigation for underlying trigger to include but not
limited to: strict hypoallergenic diet trial, parasite treatment trial, deworming
for intestinal parasites, review of drug/supplement/vitamin history,
environmental exposure investigation (plants, insects, duration in sun etc.).
2)  For cases with recurrent insect bite/sting induced anaphylaxis,
hyposensitization to insect venoms may be considered, but availability is
very limited.
3)  In cases where no trigger can be identified, consider atopy/allergy testing
and/or referral to area dermatologist.
4)  For animals with a history of recurrent episodes of life threatening
anaphylaxis, providing pet owners with epinephrine may be appropriate:
●● A dog greater than 20–45 kg BW can receive 0.3 mg epinephrine (EpiPen).

●● Dispensing the epinephrine in syringes containing the correct calculated

dose should be considered for small dogs and cats, as even the EpiPen Jr.
will deliver above the recommended dose of epinephrine.
●● Store epinephrine at 20–25° C, replace after 3 months.

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Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Contact Varied degrees of macular and History, clinical signs. Strategies for management:
hypersensitivity papular dermatitis which tend to   1)  Remove contact allergens with saline rinsing or bathing using a soap free,
(Figures 10.2A– be confined to hairless or Rule out other differentials; if contact hypoallergenic shampoo.
10.2D) sparsely haired areas of skin in hypersensitivity is not immediately 2)  Treat any secondary pyoderma or Malassezia infection appropriately.
  contact areas including ventrum, apparent based on history then clinician 3)  Identify offending allergen and avoid contact.
Rare compared to muzzle, and pinnae. must rule out other pruritic diseases with
atopic dermatitis.   following strategy concurrently: 4)  Apply mechanical barriers such as t‐shirt, socks, if allergen cannot be
Ear canal may be affected if ●● Parasite treatment trial to rule out flea
history of topical otic allergy, Sarcoptes, and so on. 5)  Topical glucocorticoids applied every 12 hours:
medications. ●● Cytology for bacterial/yeast infections. ●● Low potency such as hydrocortisone.
  ●● Otic cytology (contact otic reactions ●● High potency such as mometasone, betamethasone, triamcinolone
A reaction that typically requires characterized by cytology showing (caution with long‐term use as these products can cause skin atrophy and
prolonged or repeated contact neutrophils, lymphocytes, and absence comedones).
with offending allergen of microbes). 6)  Oral glucocorticoids:
including but not limited to:
●● Demodex with deep skin scrape. ●● Prednisone 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg/day for 5 to 10 days.
●● Plants.
●● Dermatophyte with DTM or PCR ●● Methylprednisolone 0.4 to 0.8 mg/kg/day for 5 to 10 days.
●● Topical ointments, lotions, or
otic formulations. testing. 7)  Pentoxifylline 10 to 15 mg/kg PO BID to TID prior to exposure may be
●● Food allergy with adequate diet trial (see helpful.
●● Home furnishings or
cleansers. Table 10.6). If cannot identify allergenic trigger then referral to area dermatologist should
●● Dog foods.
  be considered.
Response to confinement accomplished by
  thorough bathing and isolation of animal
Cases have history of slowly in new environment demonstrating
spreading lesions to adjacent resolution of lesions; clinical signs typically
areas. resolve within 7 to 10 days.
Chronic lesions are often If complete confinement not possible then
alopecic plaques with variable barrier/protective gear may be utilized.
pigmentation, excoriation, and  
lichenification. Atopic dogs may show some improvement
  in clinical signs, but response is not 100%.
Secondary pyoderma,  
Malassezia dermatitis, or Identification of the offending allergen may
seborrheic skin disease may be best be accomplished with the aid of a local
present. dermatologist and patch testing.


0004280190.INDD 217 06/28/2019 06:03:08

Table 10.1  Hypersensitivity disorders and treatment of allergic skin diseases (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Atopy Signs may be seasonal or Historical and clinical criteria help support An integrated approach to atopy treatment is necessary including control of
Dogs non‐seasonal. diagnosis of atopic disease, but it remains a secondary bacterial and yeast infections, control of concurrent parasite and/or
(Figures 10.3A–   diagnosis of exclusion. food allergy, restoration of epidermal barrier, carefully directed use of
10.3N) Pruritic dermatitis with or   symptomatic medications to manage remaining inflammation and pruritus, and
  without skin changes; pruritus Positive clinical response (85% controlled) consideration of allergy testing/desensitization to address underlying cause of
Usually occurs in occurs prior to skin lesions in with 0.5 mg/kg/day of oral glucocorticoid pruritus/infections and try to reduce need for symptomatic drugs. See
dogs between most dogs; in some dogs such as prednisone is supportive of atopy Algorithm 10.1 and Table 10.2.
6 mo‐3 yr old. pruritus may not be evident diagnosis.  
  until pyoderma occurs.   Therapeutic options include:
Can occur in any   Historical seasonality if present is helpful; 1)  Oclacitinib (Apoquel®) 0.4–0.6 mg/kg PO per day (if used long‐term, check
breed, but Affected areas include front for dogs with non‐seasonal symptoms, CBC/Chemistry panel 4–6 weeks after starting then CBC/Chemistry panel/
predisposed breeds paws, concave (inner) surface of atopy is a diagnosis of exclusion and ruling UA q6–12 mo).
include Shar‐peis, pinnae, external orifice of ears, out concurrent hypersensitivity including: 2)  Glucocorticoids at anti‐inflammatory dosage:
Cocker Spaniels, flexor surface of metacarpi or ●● Prednisone 0.5 mg/kg/day PO
English Bulldogs, metatarsi, axillae, ventral 1)  Perform skin scraping for mites; if none
●● Methylprednisolone 0.4 mg/kg/day.
Labradors and abdomen, inguinal, periocular, found a diagnostic trial of isoxazoline or
Golden Retrievers, and perioral. selamectin (Revolution®) is still ●● Triamcinolone 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg/day PO daily to every other day.

Pugs, and Terriers.   recommended. Once clinical signs are controlled in 1–2 weeks then dosage of steroid is tapered
Initially lesions present as 2)  Perform cytology and address any to the lowest effective dose q2–3 days for clinical control; monitor CBC/
pruritus followed by erythema, concurrent secondary itch factors such Chemistry panel/UA q6–12 mo.
papular dermatitis, and with as pyoderma, or Malassezia dermatitis.  
chronicity excoriations, crusts, 3)  Perform a DTM or dermatophyte PCR Do not exceed a maximum yearly total prednisone dose of BW (kg) × 30. If
hyperpigmentation, to rule out dermatophyte. prolonged steroids are required, then considerations should be made for
lichenification, and alopecia. non‐steroidal drug options including oclacitinib (Apoquel®), Cytopoint®, or
  4)  Perform adequate hypoallergenic diet ciclosporin (Atopica®) to mitigate the long‐term effects of chronic steroid use.
Recurrent otitis externa is a trial for food allergy (see Table 10.6).
common symptom. It is important to emphasize that allergy 3)  Lokivetmab (Cytopoint®) 2 mg/kg every 4 to 8 weeks SC.
  testing is not a first‐line screening test in
the workup of dogs and cats with 4)  Ciclosporin (Atopica®)
Secondary bacterial pyoderma
and Malassezia dermatitis are dermatologic disease. (microemulsion/modified ciclosporin) 5 mg/kg/PO per day.
common.   ●● Therapy takes 4 to 6 weeks to reach steady state.

  Once the clinical diagnosis of atopy has ●● Concurrent steroid may be needed during initiation period then once
Other symptoms can include been achieved by ruling out all other pruritus is controlled steroid is tapered off.
acral lick dermatitis and allergic possible causes for symptoms, then
●● Pet managed with lowest daily to every other day regimen of ciclosporin.
airway disease. intradermal or serologic allergy testing is
●● Check CBC/Chemistry panel 4–6 weeks after starting then CBC/
used as a management tool to determine
allergens to include in immunotherapy. Chemistry panel/UA q6–12 mo).
5)  Allergy testing and desensitization (see Table 10.3; Tables 10.4 and 10.5
for formulation protocols).
6)  Supportive therapies (helpful but not very potent):
●● Antihistamines.

●● Oral and topical fatty acids.

●● Topical antipruritic and/or antimicrobial therapies including bathing,

conditioners, sprays, mousses.

0004280190.INDD 218 06/28/2019 06:03:08

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Food allergy Non‐seasonal pruritus which Food allergy testing (serologic, salivary, 1)  Maintenance of appropriate hypoallergenic diet.
(Adverse food may be regional or generalized; hair, intradermal) are non‐diagnostic and 2)  Avoidance of dietary allergen(s).
reaction) can present identically to atopic of no clinical value. 3)  Control of any secondary skin infections.
Dogs dermatitis.  
(Figures 10.4A–   Response to hypoallergenic diet trial
10.4E) Variably responsive to confirms diagnosis (see Table 10.6).
  glucocorticoids and may range  
Most common food from poor to good. Symptoms improve within 6 to 12 weeks of
allergens in dogs:   restricted diet.
beef, dairy, chicken, Distribution variable but may  
and wheat. involve face, pinnae, axillae, Hypoallergenic diet options include home
  inguinal region, paws, perianal, cooked novel protein diets or prescription
Any age can be and dorsolumbar region. novel or hydrolyzed diets.
affected with    
increased index of Can present with pruritus and Choose ingredients with consideration of
suspicion in dogs absence of clinical lesions. prior diets, avoid hydrolyzed chicken and
with symptoms   soy diets in dogs which previously received
starting <1 or Lesions include erythema, chicken or soy containing diets.
>7 yr old. papules progressing to alopecia,  
  excoriations, crusts, All treats, flavored medications, bones,
Can occur in any hyperpigmentation, and flavored toys, etc. must be withdrawn.
breed but lichenification.  
predisposed breeds   Provocative challenge will confirm
include Cocker Chronic otitis may be the sole diagnosis with recurrence of symptoms
Spaniels, Labradors clinical sign or accompany those within 1–10 days of reintroduction of
and Golden listed above. suspect allergen.
Shar-peis, Terriers, Secondary pyoderma, and
Boxers, German Malassezia infections are
Shepherds. common.
A diet change is not +/− gastrointestinal symptoms
usually in the including frequent normal
history and dogs stools, loose stools, diarrhea,
can be fed the diet vomiting, and flatulence in
for 2 yr before onset 10–15%.
of clinical signs.

(Continued )

0004280190.INDD 219 06/28/2019 06:03:08

Table 10.1  Hypersensitivity disorders and treatment of allergic skin diseases (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Canine Flea Bite Presence of adult fleas and their History, clinical examination. Control of pruritus can be accomplished with one of the following:
Allergy feces on the pet (flea feces can   ●● Apoquel® PO at 0.4–0.6 mg/kg/day.
(Figures 10.5A– be confirmed by placing on If fleas/flea feces are present on ●● Prednisone PO at 0.5 mg/kg/day until clinical response then taper off over
10.5E) moist white paper or cotton examination or client confirms history of 4 weeks as fleas are controlled.
ball). flea exposure, diagnosis is straightforward;  
  if no fleas/flea feces are present, diagnosis Control of secondary bacterial folliculitis with appropriate antibiotics.
It is important to note that many can be more challenging.  
dogs can harbor some parasites   Flea control measures both within the environment and on the animal.a
without substantial clinical signs To determine likelihood of exposure  
except mild pruritus. question: The importance of environmental control is often overlooked; new residual
  ●● Client environmental or on‐pet flea
insecticides and insect growth regulators can markedly reduce if not eliminate
Acutely dogs experience intense control program for all pets in household fleas from pet and in‐home premises within 2 to 3 months.
pruritus with sudden turning, including felines.  
biting, scratching, rolling. ●● Frequent bathing or swimming. Treatment plan:
  ●● Dog’s encounters with groomer, day 1)  Educate pet owners and veterinary staff on the biology of fleas infesting pets.
Flea allergy is a common cause care, dog park, or wildlife. It is important to note that due to flea life cycle fleas may continue to emerge
of pyotraumatic dermatitis (“hot within premises for 1 to 3 months after initiation of treatment protocol.
Physical exam findings including Treatment of all in contact pets within household is a key factor.
Lesions typically located at dorsolumbar, tail distribution. 2)  Implement mechanical control measures such as frequent vacuuming and
dorsal lumbar area, flanks, base   flea traps.
of tail, and hindlimbs and Positive response to flea treatment trial. 3)  Application of insect growth regulators including but not limited to:
include hypotrichosis, papules,   ●● Juvenile hormone analogs including pyriproxyfen 1%w/v, methoprene.
erythematous plaques, and Skin biopsy is non‐diagnostic.
●● Insect development inhibitor lufenuron.
Note: Flea allergic dogs may have minimal 4)  Administration of flea adulticides including but not limited to:
Within a relatively short period, flea burden which can constitute a ●● Isoxazolines including fluralaner, afoxolaner, sarolaner.

hours to days, self‐induced challenge in convincing owner to initiate a ●● Neonicotinoids including imidacloprid, nitenpyram, dinotefuran.

erosions, ulcerations, treatment plan. ●● Spinosad.

excoriations, and lichenification ●● Metaflumizone.
can occur. ●● Oxydiazines including indoxacarb 13%.
●● Avermectins including selamectin, moxidectin.
Dogs with concurrent atopic
dermatitis will experience more ●● Phenylpyrazoles including fipronil.

severe pruritus and progression. ●● Pyrethroids, permethrin, flumethrin (NOT ON CATS).

In chronic cases, secondary a
Caution with pyrethroids, permethrin containing products in households with
bacterial pyoderma, felines as these are toxic and can be fatal if feline is exposed inadvertently.
hyperpigmentation, and
lichenification can develop.

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Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Canine Sudden onset of papules, History, clinical exam, and ruling out other 1)  Any secondary pyoderma should be treated with appropriate antibiotics of
eosinophilic nodules, crusts, and exudative differentials. 3 to 4 week duration.
furunculosis lesions of muzzle, bridge of   2)  Glucocorticoids:
of face nose, and periocular areas; Cytology of lesions shows numerous ●● Prednisolone PO at 1 to 2 mg/kg BID to q24h.
(Figures 10.6A– nonhaired nasal planum is eosinophils.
●● Methylprednisolone PO at 1 to 2 mg/kg BID to q24h.
10.6C) spared. Bacteria on cytology may be seen if
    secondary pyoderma present. ●● Once lesions are improved a gradual taper of steroids over 2 to 4 weeks is

Likely triggered by Lesions may be minimally to   warranted. Tapering steroids too quickly may lead to recurrence of
insect bite/sting. intensely pruritic and variably Dermatohistopathology shows infiltrative symptoms.
painful. eosinophilic perifolliculitis, folliculitis, and
  furunculosis. Infiltration with neutrophils,
Some appear otherwise healthy lymphocytes, and macrophages, +/−
while others are systemically ill dermal hemorrhage and collagen
and may exhibit fever, anorexia, degeneration.
and malaise.
Rarely generalized lesions may
be noted involving extremities,
and glabrous skin of ventral
Canine Affects oral mucosa, and rarely Clinical appearance may distinguish from Glucocorticoids are the most well described treatment:
eosinophilic haired skin on trunk, limbs, face, other diseases, but biopsy is recommended ●● Prednisone PO 0.5 to 2 mg/kg/day.
granuloma or on paws. for confirmation. ●● Methylprednisolone PO 0.5 to 2 mg/kg/day.
(Figure 10.7)     ●● Administer until clinical resolution then steroid dose is slowly tapered over
  Lesions of skin characterized by Histopathology shows perivascular to weeks to months to lowest dosage that controls symptoms.
Breed predilection nodules and plaques with diffuse inflammation composed primarily
seen in Cavalier variable ulceration. of eosinophilic and histiocytic cells, some Additional treatments of consideration and for steroid sparing include:
King Charles   of which surround collagen fibers and form ●● Surgical CO laser to ablate lesion.
Spaniel, German Oral lesions are well‐demarcated flame figures and palisading granulomas.
●● Cyclosporine.
Shepherd, Siberian yellow to green granulomatous Variable degrees of ulceration, necrosis,
Husky, and Bull plaques to nodules. edema, mucin, and fibrosis may be present. ●● Chlorambucil.
Mastiff. ●● Refractory or recurrent cases may benefit from referral to area specialist
(dermatologist or dentist) depending on location of lesions.
(Continued )

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Table 10.1  Hypersensitivity disorders and treatment of allergic skin diseases (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Atopy See Table 10.7 for extensive Historical seasonality if present is helpful; Therapeutic options include:
Cats descriptions of the following for cats with non‐seasonal symptoms atopy 1)  Management of secondary pruritic conditions including flea infestation and
(Figures 10.8A– patterns: is a diagnosis of exclusion and ruling out microbial (bacteria/Malassezia) overgrowth.
10.8O)   concurrent hypersensitivity (food allergy, 2)  Essential fatty acids and antihistamines may be attempted but lack potency.
  Pruritus can manifest in a parasite hypersensitivity, dermatophyte). It is important to consider the difficulty in medicating most felines when
Usually occurs variety of reaction patterns:   prescribing these low potency items.
between 6 and ●● Miliary dermatitis. Good clinical response (85% improved) 3)  Glucocorticoids.
24 months. ●● Head and neck pruritus. usually occurs with label dosage of
Atopica® or glucocorticoids, however, Oral administration preferred for consistency of control:
●● Self‐induced alopecia. ●● Prednisolone or methylprednisolone initially 1–2 mg/kg/day PO then tapered
response can diminish with chronicity.
●● Eosinophilic dermatitides. to 0.5–1 mg/kg every other day.
  Dermatohistopathology is non‐diagnostic. ●● Dexamethasone tablets (or give injectable solution orally if liquid easier) 0.1
Head, neck, ears, ventral   to 0.2 mg/kg/day taper to 0.1 mg/kg every 72 h or less.
abdomen, caudal thighs, lateral It is important to emphasize that allergy ●● Triamcinolone 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg/day PO than tapered to every 48 to 72 hours
thorax, and forelegs. testing is not a first‐line screening test in for maintenance.
  the workup of dogs and cats with ●● Generally steroid dosage is tapered in 7 to 14 days after initiation to the
Other symptoms can include dermatologic disease. lowest effective dosage that controls the clinical signs.
otitis externa, recurrent  
pyoderma and Malassezia If intolerant to oral medications then repository steroid injectable formulations
Once the clinical diagnosis of atopy has can be considered.
dermatitis, and allergic airway been achieved by ruling out all other ●● Repository steroid less desirable due to higher risk of long‐term side effects
disease. possible causes for symptoms, then including diabetes mellitus and skin fragility.
intradermal or serologic allergy testing is
●● Repository steroid less desirable due to risk of recurrent flare of disease as
used as a management tool to determine
allergens to include in immunotherapy. injection efficacy can diminish at variable durations depending on patient
  and disease factors.
See Table 10.3. ●● Triamcinolone (Kenalog) 0.11–0.22 mg/kg SC/IM: effect typically lasts 7 to 15 days.

●● Methylprednisolone acetate (Depo‐Medrol®) 10–20 mg SC/IM per cat depending

on cat size and severity of symptoms; effect typically lasts 4 to 8 weeks.
In cats which require frequent or long‐term steroids, then consider non‐
steroidal treatment options:
4)  Ciclosporin modified (Atopica®) initially dosed at 7 mg/kg/day PO.
●● Takes 4 to 6 weeks to achieve therapeutic benefit, and steroids initially can be
utilized concurrently to maintain control in the patient.
●● Once patient is 4 to 6 weeks into therapy concurrent steroid dosage is tapered
and discontinued.
●● If patient well controlled on ciclosporin then dosage or frequency is lowered
to the lowest dose that maintains clinical control.
●● Typically well tolerated with gastrointestinal upset reported and more
common in the initiation phase.
●● Ciclosporin should not be prescribed to indoor/outdoor cats due to risk of
exposure to FELV, FIV, and toxoplasmosis.
●● Check labs/Toxoplasma titer pre‐treatment, then CBC/Chemistry panel
6 weeks into treatment, then CBC/Chemistry panel/UA q6–12 months.

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Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

5)  Apoquel® (extralabel) 0.4–0.6 mg/kg PO q12–24 h has been used by some

dermatologists and practitioners with improvement in approx. 50% of cats;
labwork should be carefully monitored, as Apoquel safety has not been
studied in cats.
Note Cytopoint® is not labeled or effective for cats, and may trigger reaction as
it contains caninized antibody (dog specific).
6)  Allergy testing and desensitization (see Tables 10.3–10.5).
7)  Topical therapies including bathing, conditioners, sprays, mousse are
considered but less ideal in cats due to grooming behaviors.
8)  Referral to area dermatologist for comprehensive management.
Food Allergy See Table 10.7. Food allergy testing (serologic, salivary, 1)  Maintenance of appropriate hypoallergenic diet (see Table 10.6).
Cats   hair, intradermal) are non‐diagnostic and 2)  Avoidance of dietary allergen(s).
(Figures 10.9A– Pruritus can manifest in a of no clinical value. 3)  Control of any secondary skin infections.
10.9F) variety of reaction patterns:  
  ●● Miliary dermatitis. Response to hypoallergenic diet trial
Can occur at any ●● Head and neck pruritus. confirms diagnosis (see Table 10.6).
age, but mean age ●● Self‐induced alopecia.
of onset is 4–5 yr. Symptoms improve within 6 to 12 weeks of
●● Eosinophilic dermatitides.
  restricted diet.
Predisposed breeds:    
Siamese. Commonly affected areas Hypoallergenic diet options include
  include head, neck, ears, ventral prescription novel protein diets, or
Most common food abdomen, caudal thighs, lateral hydrolyzed diets (see Table 10.6).
allergens in cats: thorax, and forelegs.  
beef, fish, and   All treats, flavored medications, flavored
chicken. Other symptoms can include toys must be withdrawn.
otitis externa, recurrent  
pyoderma Provocative challenge will confirm
and Malassezia dermatitis, and diagnosis with recurrence of symptoms
allergic airway disease. within 1 to 10 days of reintroduction of
  suspect allergen.
Frequent normal stools, loose
stools, diarrhea, vomiting, and
flatulence occur in 10–15%
of cases.
(Continued )

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Table 10.1  Hypersensitivity disorders and treatment of allergic skin diseases (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Feline Flea Bite Presence of adult fleas and their History, clinical examination. Control of pruritus can be accomplished with any of the following:
Allergy feces on the pet (flea feces   ●● Methylprednisolone PO 0.8 to 2 mg/kg/day.
(Figures 10.10A and can be confirmed by placing If fleas/flea feces are present on ●● Prednisolone PO 0.5 to 2 mg/kg/day.
10.10B) on moist white paper or examination or client confirms history of ●● Dexamethasone tablets (or give injectable solution orally if liquid easier) 0.1
  cotton ball). flea exposure, diagnosis is straightforward; to 0.2 mg/kg/day taper to 0.1 mg/kg every 72 h.
  if no fleas/flea feces are present, diagnosis
The most common Unlike dogs that have a fairly can be more challenging. Taper off over 2 to 3 weeks while fleas are controlled.
feline typical clinical presentation, cats    
hypersensitivity can have a variety of clinical To determine likelihood of exposure, Flea control measures both within the environment and on the animal.
diseases in flea signs including the following question client regarding environmental or The importance of environmental control is often overlooked.
endemic areas. commonly observed on‐pet flea control program for all pets in New residual insecticides and insect growth regulators can markedly reduce if
presentations: household and lifestyle of feline. not eliminate fleas from pet and in‐home premises within 2 to 3 months.
●● Miliary dermatitis consisting    
of acutely of multiple, small, Positive response to flea treatment trial. Treatment plan:
●● Educate pet owners and veterinary staff on the biology of fleas infesting pets.
crusted papules that may be  
easier to feel than see. Skin biopsy is non‐diagnostic. It is important to note that due to flea life cycle fleas may continue to emerge
  within premises for 1 to 3 months after initiation of treatment protocol.
Progression of lesions to larger Treatment of all in contact pets within household is a key factor.
crusted papules and plaques Note: Flea allergic cats may have minimal
flea burden which can constitute a ●● Implement mechanical control measures such as frequent vacuuming and
with excoriations and
ulcerations. Lesions can be diagnostic challenge. flea traps.
generalized. ●● Application of insect growth regulators including but not limited to:

●● Symmetrical alopecia of –– Juvenile hormone analogs including pyriproxyfen 1%w/v, methoprene.

caudal dorsum and flank area –– Insect development inhibitor lufenuron.
is a common distribution of ●● Administration of flea adulticides including but not limited to:
FAD. Ventrum, forelimbs, –– Isoxazolines including fluralaner, afoxolaner, sarolaner.
head, and neck are also
commonly affected. Alopecia –– Neonicotinoids including imidacloprid, nitenpyram, dinotefuran.
may be the only clinical sign –– Spinosad.
with owners convinced that –– Metaflumizone.
hair is falling out rather than a –– Oxydiazines including indoxacarb 13%.
component of over‐grooming. –– Avermectins including selamectin, moxidectin.
●● Excoriations, erosions, ulcers,
–– Phenylpyrazoles including fipronil.
and crusting of face, head, and
neck. * Caution with pyrethroids, permethrin containing products in households with
●● Eosinophilic granuloma felines as these are toxic and can be fatal if feline is exposed inadvertently.
complex reaction pattern as
described within this chapter.

0004280190.INDD 224 06/28/2019 06:03:08

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Mosquito bite Early lesions include mildly to History, clinical exam, and response to ●● Confinement indoors especially during dawn and dusk.
hypersensitivity severely pruritic wheals, confinement in mosquito free environment ●● Insect repellents.
Cats papules, plaques, erosions, and   ●● Plant derived essential oils including citronella, eucalyptus, peppermint,
(Figures 10.11A– crusts on bridge of nose, pinnae, Cytology of lesions often demonstrates lavender, tea tree oil, neem. Due to grooming behavior of cats these various
10.11D) and less commonly margins of eosinophils, variable neutrophils, +/− oils may cause gastric irritation.
  foot pads. coccoid bacteria if secondary pyoderma
●● Synthetic products including permethrin based DEET can be TOXIC to cats
No sex or breed   present.
predisposition With chronicity progresses to   unless specifically formulated for cats.
observed. nodules, crusts, excoriations, Differential diagnoses include ear mite ●● Extreme caution with insect repellents including permethrins and

  and pigmentary changes. infestation, dermatophytosis, food allergy, pyrethroids which are toxic to cats.
Cats often between   atopy, herpesvirus dermatitis, autoimmune If exposure cannot be avoided then oral glucocorticoids are reliably effective:
8 months of age to Regional lymphadenopathy may disorders such as pemphigus, and solar ●● Prednisolone 0.5 mg – 2 mg/kg PO per day.
6 years, but any age be observed. induced dermatitis. ●● Dexamethasone tablets (or give injectable solution orally if liquid easier) 0.1
may be affected. to 0.2 mg/kg/day taper to 0.1 mg/kg every 72 h.
  ●● Methylprednisolone PO at 1 to 2 mg/kg/day.
Summer and
●● Triamcinolone PO 0.1 to 0.5 mg/kg/day.
outdoor lifestyle are
risk factors. Once disease control is achieved and patient is stable steroid dosage is tapered
and discontinued; typically decrease dosage by 25 to 50% q2 weeks.
Prognosis is good, but scarring may occur.
Eosinophilic An inflammatory cutaneous or Refer to Table 10.8. Refer to Table 10.8.
granuloma oral disease that develops as a
complex result of underlying
See Table 10.8. hypersensitivity such as atopy,
food allergy, or parasite

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Figure 10.1A  Acute angioedema in a Pug due to a vaccination
reaction. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Carie Wisell, DVM.

Figure 10.1B  Acute urticarial wheals on the nose and eyelids of

an allergic Pitbull due to a suspected insect bite reaction.

Figure 10.1C  Urticaria in a Yorkie induced by an allergic reaction

to a shampoo.

Figure 10.1D  Urticarial wheals in a Pitbull which occurred during

intradermal allergy testing.

Figure 10.1E  Diascopy: blanching of the skin under the pressure

of the glass slide demonstrates vasodilation was the cause for the Figure 10.1F  Bacterial folliculitis in an atopic Pitbull; the raised tufts
marked erythema which occurred in a dog minutes after receiving of fur can mimic hives, but careful examination of the skin under the
a morphine premedication. tufted fur revealed scaling and easily epilated fur due to infection.
10  Allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats 227

Figure 10.2A  An acute papular, ventral, truncal dermatitis due to Figure 10.2B  Marked pinnal inflammation and exfoliative scaling
a plant induced contact dermatitis in a dog; skin lesions resolved in a dog with a contact hypersensitivity reaction to eardrops
with removal of the dog from the plants and recurred with containing xenodine.
subsequent exposure. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Dr. Carol

(C) (D)

Figures 10.2C and D  Spreading periocular alopecia and erythema due to a contact hypersensitivity reaction to neomycin.
Figure 10.3B  An atopic West Highland White Terrier with marked
barbering/erythema and moderate lichenification on the trunk and limbs.

Figure 10.3A  Inguinal erythema and slight lichenification due to

atopic dermatitis.

Figure 10.3D  Palmar carpal barbering/erythema/excoriations

typical for atopic dermatitis.
Figure 10.3C  Eyelid barbering and excoriations in an atopic
Shiba Inu.

Figure 10.3E  Marked ventral truncal alopecia, erythema, and lichenification in an atopic Jack Russell Terrier with secondary bacterial overgrowth.
Figure 10.3F  Severe pedal barbering with lichenification in an
atopic dog with secondary methicillin resistant Staph infection.

Figure 10.3G  Barbering, erythema, and lichenification on the

ventral trunk and limbs of an atopic Westie with secondary
bacterial and yeast skin infections.

Figure 10.3H  Severe truncal and limb barbering in an atopic

Shiba Inu.

Figure 10.3I  Severe interdigital inflammation, swelling, and

hyperplasia in a Pitbull with atopic dermatitis.

Figure 10.3J  Outer ear and inner pinnal inflammation and lichenification due to atopy and secondary chronic otitis.
230 10  Allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats

Figure 10.3K  An atopic dog with eyelid barbering, erythema, and Figure 10.3L  Allergic and Malassezia pododermatitis caused
post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. by atopy.

Figure 10.3N  In this atopic Pug, chronicity of allergic

inflammation has caused axillary post inflammatory
hyperpigmentation with mild lichenification caused by mild
bacterial overgrowth.

Figure 10.3M  A patch of intense axillary erythema caused by

atopic dermatitis; no infection was present.
Algorithm 10.1  Canine atopic dermatitis treatment. A multipronged approach to treatment of atopic dermatitis; addressing pruritus, improving the epidermal barrier, controlling
secondary infections, and using allergen specific immunotherapy are all important to optimize treatment success.

Atopic Dermatitis Treatment

Ensure flare factors such

as ectoparasites, bacterial/
yeast skin infections and Treat pruritus Improve Control Allergen
food allergy are controlled epidermal secondary specific
barrier infections immunotherapy

Mild Moderate/Severe
Topical ceramide Topical Oral antibiotics Immunomodulating The only treatment-
or essential oil antimicrobial for severe cases therapy which addresses
spot-ons therapies or cases refrac- the cause of the
tory to topical Staph bacterins disease and can
Oral Omega 6/ Chlorhexidene therapies alone induce tolerance to
Antihistamines Omega 3 Topical Combine mild therapies omega3 fatty Azoles allergens
EFAs antipruritic acid supplemen- Oxychlorine
with stronger medications
Anecdotal 180mg therapies tation Silver
effectiveness EPA/10kg Anti-bacterial
Shampoos/ Ceramide con- plant extracts
Poor quality Fatty acid sprays/ taining shampoo/
evidence of supplemented mousses/spot sprays/mousse/ Ideal for patients
efficacy diet ons Oral steroids Oclacitinib Cytopoint® Cyclosporin (limited or Aerobic bacterial skin with symptoms that
tapered to lowest anecdotal culture indicated if last > 3-4 mo/yr
Oatmeal possible dose/ Pros: Fast acting, Pros: Fast acting, Pros: Effective evidence of pyoderma persists
Pramoxine effective, side ef- effective, side in 80% of dogs, efficacy) despite empiric Helpful in 60-80%
Hydrocortisone fects uncommon effects rare often better than antibiotics of patients to
Fatty acid and Do not exceed a oclacitnib and Allergen specific reduce pruritus and
anti-pruritic maximum yearly Cons: expensive Cons: expensive immunotherapy Increased risk of medication needs
Cytopoint for
plant extract total prednisone for long term use, for long term use, (successful treat- methicillin resistant by > 50%
control of allergic
containing less effective for less efffective for ment correlates Staph.infection occurs
dose of BW(kg) otitis and
products with reduced with: Takes 2-12 months
x 30 otitis and otitis and pododermatitis
transepidermal • >2 antibiotic cours- for full effect, so
pododermatitis pododermattis
Pros: fast acting, Cons: expensive, water loss) es in prior 6 mo symptomatic treat-
inexpensive Monitor PE, takes 2-6 weeks • too short treatment ment is continued
bloodwork, UA for full effect, duration while allergen has
Cons: Acute side +/- urine culture q causes GI upset • too low antibiotic time for effect
effects: PU/PD/ 6 months dose
in 20% of pa-
PP/polyphagia • prior exposure to Continued lifelong
Long term fluoroquinolones and in most patients
Monitor PE, β lactams
side effects
bloodwork, UA • prior hospitalization
depending on
dose/treatment +/- urine culture q
duration: Weight 6 months
gain, muscle
calcinosis cutis
increased risk for
UTIs, ligament
Monitor PE,
bloodwork, UA
+/- urine culture q
6 months
Table 10.2  Allergy treatment toolkit.

target Therapy Efficacy Adverse effects Dosage Monitoring/cost

Improving Bathing to remove Helpful but low potency. Contact reaction to topicals Weekly bathing generally No specific monitoring needed.
epidermal cutaneous allergens. rare but possible. recommended.  
barrier and   Low to moderate cost depending on
minimizing Topical therapies Topical spray or mousse product.
allergen including ceramides and products to improve lipid
exposure phytosphingosines to barrier can be utilized daily.
restore cutaneous lipid Examples: Douxo,
barrier. Dermoscent products.
Inhibiting Antihistamines Limited evidence to support Safe with rare sedation Hydroxyzine 2 mg/kg PO BID. No specific monitoring necessary.
histamine efficacy. reported.  
release     Diphenhydramine 2 mg/kg Low cost.
Generally considered low Rarely some patients may PO BID to TID.
potency. experience unexpected Cetirizine 1 mg/kg PO once
agitation/anxiety. daily.
Cats: Chlorpheniramine
2–4 mg PO BID.
Anti‐pruritic/ Fatty acid Moderate evidence of None expected, although high Dogs and cats: No specific monitoring needed.
anti‐ supplementation. effectiveness, but low potency. dose may cause loose stool, 180 mg EPA/10 lb BW.  
inflammatory   avoid in patients with history of   Low to moderate cost depending on
Effects are mild and may only pancreatitis. Author prefers Welactin or product.
allow dose reductions of other Nordic Naturals.
Anti‐pruritic/ Oral glucocorticoids. Typically, very effective. Short‐term PU/PD/PP/panting. Dogs: Prednisone at 0.5 mg/ Short‐term monitoring not
anti‐   kg/day PO. necessary.
inflammatory Long term concerns of Methylprednisolone PO at  
iatrogenic Cushing’s including 0.4 mg/kg/day, taper to lowest Long‐term recommend chemistry
alopecia, pot belly, muscle effective alternate day dose, panel, urinalysis, urine culture every
atrophy, calcinosis cutis, i.e. 0.25–0.5 mg/kg PO QOD. 6 months.
hepatopathy, and diabetes    
mellitus. Cats: Prednisolone or Do not exceed a maximum yearly
methylprednisolone 1–2 mg/ total prednisone dose of BW
kg/day, taper to lowest (kg) × 30. If prolonged steroids are
effective alternate day dose, required, then considerations should
i.e. 0.50–1 mg/kg PO QOD. be made for non‐steroidal drug
options including oclacitinib
(Apoquel®), Cytopoint®, or
ciclosporin (Atopica®) to mitigate the
long‐term effects of chronic steroid
Low cost.

0004280190.INDD 232 06/28/2019 06:03:23

Anti‐pruritic/ Oclacitinib (Apoquel®). Typically effective. Side effects uncommon. Starting dosage at 0.4 to Not for use in dogs under 1 year of
anti‐     0.6 mg/kg BID for up to age, or in dogs with serious
inflammatory Rapid onset. Can predispose to 14 days, followed by once infection, demodicosis, or neoplastic
opportunistic infections such as daily dosing. condition.
Demodex, pyoderma, viral    
papillomas, pneumonia. Dosing in the evening may Currently no specific monitoring
  improve control in some. interval is recommended, but annual
Rare sedation, polydipsia, GI   Chemistry panel, CBC, and
upset. Dividing once daily dosage to urinalysis is prudent in dogs, more
  lower dose BID may provide frequently in cats.
Rare hepatic enzyme elevation more continuous control in  
or leukopenia. some patients. Monitor for development of
  infections including pyoderma,
Not labeled for use in cats demodicosis, and neoplasia.
nor found to be consistently  
effective, reported extralabel Moderate to high cost.
use helpful in 40% of cats.
Anti‐pruritic/ Ciclosporin modified®. Typically effective. Short‐term GI upset is Starting dosage of 5 mg/kg/ Check pretreatment CBC/Chemistry
anti‐   common (anorexia, vomiting, day PO (dogs); 7 mg/kg (cats). panel in dogs/cats and toxoplasmosis
inflammatory Maximal effect with this diarrhea), but often is mild and   titers in cats, then recheck CBC/
therapy can take 4 to 6 weeks resolves in 1 to 3 weeks; If response seen dose may be Chemistry panel 4–6 weeks after
to achieve (owners typically freezing capsules helps reduce tapered to lowest dose that starting then CBC/Chemistry panel/
will not see immediate chance of GI upset. maintains control. UA q6–12 months.
improvement, so may need      
concurrent oral steroids for Rare but possible side effects Typically reduce dosage by Moderate to high cost; in dogs,
the first 3–4 weeks of include gingival hyperplasia, skipping 1 to 2 days per week combining with oral ketoconazole
treatment). increased hair growth, and and assessing over 2 to 4 2.5–5 mg/kg reduces cyclosporin
opportunistic infections such as weeks if stable then further dose (and cost). Keep cats inside to
dermatophytosis, viral reduction in dose frequency reduce risk of contracting
papillomatosis, toxoplasmosis, is considered. toxoplasmosis.
deep fungal or mycobacterial

(Continued )

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Table 10.2  (Allergy treatment toolkit Continued)

target Therapy Efficacy Adverse effects Dosage Monitoring/cost

Anti‐pruritic Lokivetmab (Cytopoint®). Very effective for most dogs. Occasional injection site 2 mg/kg of body weight No specific monitoring typically
    pruritus. subcutaneously every 4 to necessary, but annual Chemistry
“Caninized” anti‐IL31 Works within 1 to 3 days.   8 weeks. panel, CBC, and urinalysis is
antibody.   Rare self‐limiting, malaise,   prudent.
Typically lasts 4 weeks or vomiting or diarrhea. Extra label usage of Cytopoint  
longer in some. more frequently than every 4 Moderate to high cost depending on
  weeks is not recommended. size of patient.
Initial injection may only last  
2 to 3 weeks until steady state Each vial is for single use only.
is reached.  
  Not labeled or effective for
In small number of dogs cats.
ineffective or loses efficacy after
1 to 2 doses due to development
of neutralizing antibodies.
Modification of Allergen immunotherapy Efficacy depends on multiple Injection site pruritus. Dosage schedules outlined in Initial cost of testing can be
immune is the only therapy able variables outlined elsewhere   Table 10.5. significant, but long‐term
response to treat the underlying but in the hands of a board‐ Rarely facial swelling, hives, maintenance is typically low to
cause of the pruritus and certified dermatologist this vomiting, or diarrhea typically moderate cost.
infections. therapy typically improves noted at induction of therapy  
  patient symptoms and reduces and would require dosage Cost per month of allergen will
Goals of therapy include: symptomatic drug needs by modifications. typically be far less than Apoquel® or
●● Halting progression of 50% or more, in 3 out of 4 Cytopoint® in a large breed dog.
disease. patients.  
●● Dosage reduction of   Consider these variables when
symptomatic drug Many owners hoping to avoid treating a life‐long disease that
therapies. drug therapies are excited typically worsens each year.
about this therapeutic option.

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10  Allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats 235

Table 10.3  Allergy testing: Intradermal and serologic methods.

Testing method Intradermal test (Figures 10.12A–10.12C) In vitro serum test

What is it Detects immediate skin reactivity to intradermal Detects reaginic antibody to specific allergens (pollens,
measuring? injection of allergen extracts consisting of pollens, dust mites, dander, molds) in serum.
dust mites, dander, and molds. Skin reactivity is a
combination of reaginic antibody, mast cells, and
type I cutaneous hypersensitivity.
Does it test for food No No. Many labs offer a food allergen panel, however
allergy? serology for food allergy panel is not accurate and lacks
sensitivity and specificity. Clients’ funds are better spent
on a prescription hypoallergenic diet trial which is
diagnostic and potentially therapeutic.
Test results Yes Antihistamines and cyclosporine/oclacitinib likely do
inhibited by Withdrawal times for antihistamines, oral not interfere, systemic steroid withdrawal
glucocorticoids or glucocorticoids, topical/otic glucocorticoids, and recommendations vary per laboratory.
antihistamines? ciclosporin/oclacitinib are 7, 14, 14, and 0 days,
Withdrawal of long acting steroid injections for 6 to
8 weeks.
Sensitivity % 70 to 90 70 to 100
Specificity % >90 0 to 90 (depending on laboratory technology)
False negatives Yes Yes
Can the test be Very unlikely. Possible
completely negative
in an atopic pet?
False positives Yes Yes
How is this test Guides selection of allergens based on patient Guides selection of allergens based on patient history,
useful? history, seasonality, and clinical signs. Does not seasonality, and clinical signs. Does not diagnose atopy.
diagnose atopy.
Interpretation of Only perform this test if intention is to formulate Only perform this test if you plan to formulate
results? therapeutic allergen for patient, since allergen therapeutic allergen for patient, since allergen avoidance
avoidance is not possible. The expense of the test is not possible. The expense of the test warrants careful
warrants careful analysis of results in combination analysis of results in combination with patient history
with patient history and needs when formulating a and needs when formulating a recipe for the pet. Refer
recipe for the pet. Refer to Tables 10.4 and 10.5. to Tables 10.4 and 10.5.
Preferred method? Intradermal testing is generally considered the gold With improved technology and validation of tests this
standard. Test results may be paired with serology in method has become more reliable.
referral setting.
Patient with cardiac Not ideal to sedate for intradermal testing. Preferred method if sedation is not medically ideal for
disease or sedation patient.

It is important to emphasize that allergy testing is not a first‐line screening test in the workup of dogs and cats with dermatologic disease.
Once the clinical diagnosis of atopy has been achieved by ruling out all other possible causes for symptoms, then intradermal or serologic allergy
testing is used as a management tool to determine allergens to include in immunotherapy.

0004280190.INDD 235 06/28/2019 06:03:23

Table 10.4  Considerations in allergen formulation.

Form of
allergen Sublingual (SLIT) Subcutaneous (ASIT)

Why choose/ Administered once to twice daily. Administered every 1 to 4 weeks depending on the
frequency?   patient.
Relatively easy to administer.  
  Many owners are able to administer injections at home.
Ideal if injections are difficult for owner or pet and in  
small pets. Cost is typically lower than SLIT.
Allergens to Based on testing undertaken to identify significant Based on testing undertaken to identify significant
include? allergens for inclusion. allergens for inclusion.
Intradermal testing remains gold standard. Intradermal testing remains gold standard.
Results are then correlated with patient history. Results are then correlated with patient history.
Cross reactivity of allergens should be considered; there Cross reactivity of allergens should be considered; there
are numerous online resources or consult with allergy are numerous online resources or consult with allergy
testing laboratory or area veterinary dermatologist. testing laboratory or area veterinary dermatologist.
Pollen data is useful to reference during patient flare Pollen data is useful to reference during patient flare
periods. periods.
Can I mix Generally, avoiding pollens and molds in the same Generally, avoiding pollens and molds in the same
molds with mixture is ideal, however, due to glycerinated mixture is ideal.
pollens? preservative found in SLIT this may be acceptable  
depending which pollens and molds are in the Often second mold vial is needed if significant mold
combination. reactions are noted.
Number of Depends on patient reactions, and amount that can be Depends on patient reactions, and amount that can be
allergens in achieved in vial. achieved in vial.
Area dermatologist may be useful in selection of Area dermatologist may be useful in selection of allergens
allergens and formulation. and formulation.
Reference laboratories typically charge an additional fee Reference laboratories typically charge an additional fee
for each allergen above 12 allergens. for each allergen above 12 allergens.
Initiation of Typically started at 2–50 ul pumps once or twice daily Various protocols exist.
therapy? with lower concentration mixture initially, followed by  
higher concentration for maintenance. Some Allergen extract typically administered in steadily
dermatologists start at 1–140 ul pump once daily of increasing volumes and concentrations during induction.
maintenance allergen concentration and reduce dose if
any pruritus flare occurs (uncommon).
Significant Generally lower risk with oral allergen administration. Client to monitor pet for 1 hour following injection.
events? Rare reactions include facial itching or swelling or Significant reactions include hives, facial swelling,
occasional generalized itch flare. increased pruritus.
GI upset rare. Signs of anaphylaxis may rarely occur including vomiting,
  diarrhea, weakness, collapse.
Oral ulcers or injuries increase risk of adverse reaction,
recommend to temporarily stop SLIT post dental
Changes to Allergic reaction to allergen indicates the right mixture, Allergic reaction to allergen indicates the right mixture,
make with but dose modifications are necessary. but dose modifications are necessary +/− pretreatment
adverse   with antihistamine or a dose of oral steroid 1 hour prior
events? to allergen.
These patients may ultimately respond well but require These patients may ultimately respond well but require
careful instruction. careful instruction.
Consultation with area dermatologist is recommended. Consultation with area dermatologist is recommended.

0004280190.INDD 236 06/28/2019 06:03:23

10  Allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats 237

Table 10.5  Protocols for allergen specific immunotherapy (ASIT).

Hyposensitization and induction protocols with aqueous extracts.

Concentration ASIT dosage ASIT frequency SLIT dose/frequency

100 to 200 PNU Although referenced it is the author’s opinion Lower dosage working 1 to 2–50 ul pumps once to twice
(protein nitrogen that this concentration lacks potency and is up to higher dosage daily.
units) unlikely of benefit, nor necessary. every 3 to 7 days.  
Unlikely of benefit, nor necessary.
1000 to 2000 PNU This concentration also lacks potency and is Lower dosage working 1 to 2–50 ul pumps once to twice
not utilized in the author’s practice. up to higher dosage daily.
  every 3 to 7 days.  
Starting with 0.1 ml and working up to 1.0 ml Unlikely of benefit, nor necessary.
volume in 0.1 ml increments.
10 000 to 20 000 PNU Starting with 0.1 ml and working up to 1.0 ml Lower dosage working 1 to 2–50 ul pumps once to twice
volume in 0.1 ml increments. up to higher dosage daily, or 1–140 ul pump once daily.
every 3 to 30 days.a
Consider size of Toy breeds and patients less than 15 lb may Toy breeds and patients less than
patient benefit from reduced concentration or dosage. 15 lb may benefit from reduced
concentration or dosage.

Modifications in Allergen specific immunotherapy (ASIT).

Observation ASIT modification

Increased pruritus following injection? Lower amount administered.

Increased pruritus prior to next injection? Decrease interval between injections.
Seasonal flare? Correlate significant pollens to timing of flare, and modify recipe if good correlation exists.
Significant reaction to allergen Consultation with area dermatologist recommended.
administration such as hives, vomiting, Concentration of allergen and dosage should be reduced.
diarrhea, facial swelling. In‐hospital monitoring of patient following injection during induction phase necessary.
May consider alternate formulation such as SLIT.
 If good response is seen the interval between injections may be lengthened, but it is important to note that allergen immunotherapy is life‐long
in most patients. Most patients require administration of allergen every 7 to 14 days as maintenance.
It is important to note that virtually no attempts have been made to standardize hyposensitization schedules and there is no published research to
support correct allergen dosage or frequency in companion animals.
Adjustments in allergen can maximize therapeutic efficacy and are the cornerstone to good dermatologic management. Every patient requires
careful consideration to the variables of allergen recipe ingredients, concentration, dosage, and frequency.

0004280190.INDD 237 06/28/2019 06:03:24

238 10  Allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats

Figure 10.4B  An atopic and food allergic Labrador with severe

secondary MRSP pyoderma.

Figure 10.4A  A Pitbull with severe chronic barbering,

lichenification, and alopecia due to food allergy.

Figure 10.4D  Eyelid excoriations due to food allergy in an elderly


Figure 10.4C  The same dog as in Figure 10.4B, six weeks later

after receiving daily chlorhexidine baths and dilute bleach soaks
for four weeks as well as sublingual immunotherapy and a
prescription hypoallergenic diet trial. Figure 10.4E  Pinnal marginal crusting, erythema, and erosions
caused by food allergy in an older Great Dane.
Table 10.6  Performing an adequate diagnostic hypoallergenic diet trial.

Diet option Sources Pros Cons

Home‐prepared Nutritionist formulated Gold standard as variables are Time consuming.

resource via American College theoretically controlled with less  
of Veterinary Nutrition, or risk of contamination with Risk of client utilizing inadequate
European College of Veterinary offending allergenic proteins or recipe or resource leading to
Nutrition. carbohydrates. nutrient deficiency.
Alternatively, web‐based service Client compliance.
such as  
Should not be utilized in growing
May be difficult to find options in
pets with concurrent urinary,
renal, or hepatic disease.
Not recommended in cats without
direct involvement of board-
certified veterinary nutritionist.
Prescription Ensuring that hydrolysate has Variety of commercially available Palatability may be diminished
hydrolyzed protein no peptides greater than 1 to prescription diets. depending on the product, but most
dietsa 3 kDa would give greatest   manufacturers offer full refunds and
  chance of eliminating residual Convenient guarantee their product.
Protein is hydrolyzed allergens.    
into individual amino   Cost of diets may be a factor for Some pet owners may not find
acids or peptides using Avoid hydrolyzed chicken and some pet owners. hydrolysate an attractive option.
acids or proteases. soy diets in dogs which  
previously received chicken or Some hydrolyzed diets also
soy containing diets. labeled for control of urolithiasis,
renal disease, or growth.
Prescription novel As over the counter (OTC) Convenient May be difficult to find a novel
protein dietsa diets extend options in   protein for some patients due to
marketing achieving novel Generally have good palatability. prior exposure to OTC novel
proteins has become   protein diets.
challenging. Variety of options.  
    May be difficult to find options in
Rabbit, crocodile, alligator, Cost of diets may be a factor for pets with concurrent urinary,
kangaroo are currently the some pet owners. renal, or hepatic disease, or those
most ideal options. with growth needs.
 Prescription diets typically perform contamination control testing at certain time points in manufacturing to ensure that the diets are not
contaminated with alternate proteins. Cross contamination of OTC commercial diets in processing is of concern and thus theoretically
prescription diets are less likely to contain offending food allergens as contaminants are not listed on the label.
●● Owner compliance with any of these diets is an inevitable and consistent challenge.

●● Owners often do not comprehend the strict nature of a diet trial or believe that small indiscretions will not affect disease control.

●● Owners begin to drift from original instruction and will begin to layer in what they believe the pet needs.

●● Training staff to assist in education and follow‐up with these patients is useful.

●● Consideration of flavored monthly preventatives or daily supplements is critical.

●● Ideally, all non‐essential oral medications, vitamins, toys, treats, and supplements are discontinued. If medications are necessary during diet trial

then utilize non‐flavored options.

Tips for improved diet trial compliance include:
●● Specific written instructions.
●● Comparison of the need for a strict diet trial to well recognized peanut allergy in humans highlights the small amount of exposure necessary to

trigger an intense reaction in the patient.

●● Sending home prescription diet approved treat options.

●● Send home canned food appropriate for diet trial for owners to use to administer medications.

●● Having owners list all flea/heartworm preventatives, supplements, vitamins, and toys is helpful in identifying areas that need attention.

●● Having knowledgeable support staff to follow up with client at two and four weeks into the diet trial to address concerns.

●● Having owners provide packages of OTC products that they believe may be acceptable allows the practitioner to educate client and help guide

●● Remind owners the food trial duration is finite.

●● Comparison of a diabetic child wanting candy to a possibly food allergic dog wanting chicken or other non‐hypoallergenic treat can be helpful,

as many pet owners view their pets as children and understand that “parents have to know what’s best for their children.”
●● Have several hypoallergenic diet options and brands to fit with individual clients’ lifestyles and personal beliefs.
240 10  Allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats

(A) (B)




Figures 10.5A–E  Lumbar barbering and excoriations due to flea bite hypersensitivity.
Figure 10.6B  Surface cytology demonstrating numerous
eosinophils. 100×

Figure 10.6A  Acute raised crusted masses on the dorsal distal

muzzle of a Chihuahua due to canine eosinophilic facial furunculosis.

Figure 10.7  Raised erythematous oral plaques in a Cavalier King

Charles Spaniel with oral eosinophilic granulomas.

Figure 10.6C  Severe exudative nasal dermatitis due to canine

eosinophilic facial furunculosis; a secondary bacterial infection
contributed to exudate. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and
Jennifer Smallwood, DVM.

Figure 10.8B  Inguinal barbering and small crusted eosinophilic

Figure 10.8A  Extensive barbering of the ventral trunk and medial plaques due to atopic dermatitis in a cat.
thighs in an atopic cat.
242 10  Allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats

Figure 10.8C  An Abyssinian cat with atopy; temporal and outer

ear canal erythema, barbering, and small excoriations are present.

Figure 10.8D  Pinnal and temporal barbering and excoriations in

an atopic cat.

Figure 10.8E  The same cat had extensive barbering and Figure 10.8F  Facial excoriations in an atopic cat.
excoriations on the lateral face and lips; cytology demonstrated
secondary bacterial pyoderma.
Figure 10.8G  Cytology of the affected skin in the cat pictured in Figure 10.8H  In addition, further careful examination of cytology
figure 10.8F showed marked allergic inflammation. 100x showed neutrophils with intracellular cocci bacteria indicating a
secondary bacterial pyoderma. 100x

Figure 10.8I  Patchy dorsal truncal barbering in an atopic cat

mimicking flea bite hypersensitivity.

Figure 10.8J  Crusted, bacterial paronychia secondary to atopy in a cat.

Figure 10.8L  Marked inguinal barbering with moist dermatitis

Figure 10.8K  Inguinal barbering and excoriations in an atopic cat. due to atopic dermatitis and secondary pyoderma.
Table 10.7  Feline manifestations of cutaneous allergy.

Eosinophilic granuloma
Manifestation Miliary dermatitis Head/neck pruritus Self‐induced alopecia complex

Clinical Papulocrustous dermatitis Papular and Usually symmetrical alopecia on flanks, Eosinophilic
signs that usually is seen on the erythematous abdomen, dermatoses consist of:
face and dorsal aspects of dermatitis with and dorsum caused by over‐grooming. ●● Eosinophilic plaques
the body. secondary   ●● Eosinophilic
  excoriations Trichogram of affected areas will show granulomas
Lesions are small papules occurring on face broken hair shafts. This may be the only ●● Indolent ulcers
topped by yellow crust. and neck. clinical sign in a hypersensitivity.
Lesions may be difficult Behavioral causes of overgrooming cannot Refer to Table 10.8 for
to visualize but are be presumed until comprehensive workup further detail.
palpable. for allergic, parasitic, and infectious
  diseases has been completed.
May be associated with
facial lesions or alopecia.
Testing/ Flea combing, DTM, dermatophyte PCR, trichography, skin scrapings for parasites, skin cytology and appropriate
treatment antimicrobials for secondary infections, parasite treatment trial (isoxazoline parasiticide), hypoallergenic diet trial,
therapeutic steroid trial (prednisolone 0.5–1 mg/kg/day PO).

Feline hypersensitivity disorders include flea bite hypersensitivity, atopic‐like disease, and adverse reaction to food. Most cats with cutaneous
hypersensitivity disorders present with one or more of these distinct cutaneous reaction patterns.
Recheck in 4 weeks to assess control. Addressing all variables simultaneously restores comfort to the patient in rapid manner and allows strategic
observation of control as variables are changed. For example, if pet is well controlled can begin to taper steroids and if flare of disease is seen
despite hypoallergenic diet and parasite treatment then atopic dermatitis is likely. Referral to area dermatologist warranted if patient is not well
controlled within 4 to 6 weeks of evaluation, or to assist in diagnostic workup and management.

Figure 10.8M  Atopic dermatitis caused periocular barbering, Figure 10.8N  A seasonal atopic flare in a cat caused muzzle
excoriation, and secondary bacterial infection in this cat. rubbing, barbering, and excoriations.

Figure 10.8O  Interdigital erythema and crusted excoriations in a cat due to atopy; a secondary bacterial infection was also present.
(A) (B)

Figures 10.9A–B  Food allergy in this cat caused barbering, excoriations, and secondary bacterial pyoderma/pododermatitis.

Figure 10.9C  Severe ulcerative, purulent, temporal dermatitis in a Figure 10.9D  Cytology of the exudate in the cat showed marked
food allergic cat with severe secondary deep pyoderma caused by neutrophilic and eosinophilic inflammation with numerous intra
methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus; the cat had failed to and extracellular cocci and rod bacteria. Culture grew MRSA. 100x
respond to steroid injections.

Figure 10.9E  The same cat after topical and oral antibiotic Figure 10.9F  A food allergic cat with secondary deep pyoderma
treatment based on culture and a hypoallergenic diet trial. due to MRSA.
246 10  Allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats

Figure 10.10A  Lumbar barbering in a cat with flea bite Figure 10.10B  Patchy inguinal barbering and miliary dermatitis
hypersensitivity. due to flea bite hypersensitivity.

Figure 10.11A  Alopecia, crusting, and papular dermatitis on the Figure 10.11B  The same cat as in Figure 10.11A: Crusted lesions
nose of a cat with mosquito bite hypersensitivity. Source: Image caused by mosquito bite hypersensitivity are present on the paw
courtesy of Dr. Amy Shumaker DACVD. pads. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Amy Shumaker DACVD.
10  Allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats 247

Figure 10.11C  Multiple crusted papules on the dorsal nose of cat Figure 10.11D  Inflamed erosions on the dorsal nose of cat due to
due to mosquito bite hypersensitivity. Source: Image courtesy of mosquito bite hypersensitivity. Source: Image courtesy of Dr.
Dr. Thomas P. Lewis II DACVD. Thomas P. Lewis II DACVD.

(A) (B)

Figures 10.12A and B  Intradermal allergy tests in two dogs; positive reactions are raised, red wheals.
Table 10.8  Eosinophilic granuloma complex.

Eosinophilic granuloma Eosinophilic plaque Indolent ulcer

Eosinophilic disease (Figures 10.13A–10.13H) (Figures 10.14A–10.14F) (Figures 10.15A and 10.15B)

Clinical presentation Single to multifocal, raised to nodular, Single to multifocal raised, Unilateral or bilateral lesions of the
erythematous, firm swellings. firm, papular erythematous upper lip at mucocutaneous junctions at
+/− crusting elevations of the skin. the philtrum or adjacent to upper canine
+/− ulceration +/− crusting tooth.
+/− alopecia +/− ulceration Well demarcated, variably sized ulcers.
+/− pruritus Lesions are intensely pruritic. +/− induration and swelling.
    Typically not painful or pruritic.
Lesions can occur anywhere on body. Lesions can occur anywhere Ulcer can be progressive and enlarge and
  on body including oral cavity. become disfiguring.
Oral cavity can be affected including hard palate
which may hemorrhage.
Diagnostic testing ●● Clinical exam and history.
during examination ●● Physical exam: Evaluate for other concurrent signs of allergy including miliary dermatitis, pruritus of head and neck,
symmetrical alopecia.
●● Cytology for secondary infections and presence of eosinophils, +/− neutrophils.
●● Culture if infection persists cytologically despite empiric antibiotics.
●● Trichography and skin scraping for parasites.
●● Flea combing/parasite treatment trial with isoxazoline parasiticide.
●● Dermatophyte culture or PCR.
●● If refractory to treatment consider referral to area dermatologist.
●● Biopsy for histopathology.
Histopathology Granuloma: Nodular to diffuse granulomatous dermatitis with multifocal areas of collagen surrounded by cytolytic
eosinophils, and extruded granular material referred to as flame figures.
Plaque: Varied degrees of epidermal hyperplasia, erosion, ulceration, and a prominent eosinophilic dermal infiltrate.
Indolent ulcer: Hyperplastic, ulcerative, superficial perivascular to interstitial dermatitis and fibrosis. Inflammatory cells are
predominantly neutrophils, and mononuclear cells; eosinophils are not typically found.
Diagnostic workup for Important to pursue underlying etiology which include:
underlying disease Hypersensitivity disorders:
●● Flea hypersensitivity: Rule out with appropriate flea treatments (see Table 10.1).

●● Food allergy requires diagnostic hypoallergenic diet trial (see Table 10.6).

●● Environmental allergy (atopy) which is a diagnosis of exclusion and/or response to anti‐inflammatory glucocorticoid
●● Bacterial infection: Administer appropriate antibiotic treatment for 3–4 weeks.

●● Parasite (Otodectes, Cheyletiella, Demodex, Notoedres): Perform appropriate parasite treatment trial (isoxazoline
●● Dermatophytosis: Perform dermatophyte culture or PCR.

●● Herpes dermatitis can mimic eosinophilic granulomas: Look for other clinical signs (ocular/respiratory) to support +/−
lesions that worsen with anti‐inflammatory/ immune‐suppressive therapies.
Management 1)  Treat infection with a 3–4 week course of systemic antibiotic.
●● In one small study (Wildermuth, Griffin, and Rosenkrantz, 2012), a 3 week course of clavulanated amoxicillin caused a
96% reduction in size of eosinophilic plaques and a 43% reduction in size of lip ulcers.
2)  Typically responds well to systemic glucocorticoids, although some lesions require high dosages.
●● Prednisolone or methylprednisolone 1 to 2 mg/kg/day PO initially, reassess at 14 to 21 days.

●● Dexamethasone PO tablets (or give injectable solution orally if liquid easier) 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg/day taper to 0.1 mg/kg
every 72 h.
●● Triamcinolone PO at 0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg/day initially.

●● Once disease control is achieved and patient is stable steroid dosage is tapered. Typically decrease steroid dosage by 25
to 50% initially and observe for 2 to 4 weeks, then continue to taper dose by 25 to 50% q2 weeks to ideally alternate day
therapy or lowest effective dosage. Speed of taper depends on patient factors such as side effects of steroid therapy, and
severity of disease.
●● Intralesional steroids can be helpful for some eosinophilic granulomas:

–– Triamcinolone: Usual dose is 1.2–1.8 mg; inject around lesion at 0.5–2.5 cm intervals. Do not exceed 0.6 mg at any
one site or 6 mg total dose.
–– Methylprednisolone acetate: 10 to 20 mg total dose infused around lesion.
3)  If unable to taper steroids or disease is severe or chronic then add modified ciclosporin PO 7 mg/kg/day.
4)  In cases with underlying atopy referral to area dermatologist and consideration for allergy testing and desensitization (see
Table 10.3).
Additional therapies ●● Twice‐weekly or weekly subcutaneous injections of 2.5 MU interferon omega.
●● Oclacitinib® 0.6 mg/kg PO BID × 14 then once daily to effect anecdotally used in some cases; this is extralabel and labwork
should be carefully monitored.
●● Progestagens such as megestrol acetate should be avoided due to risk of severe adverse effects and availability of safer
treatment modalities.
●● Additional therapeutic considerations include surgical excision or CO2 laser ablation of granuloma lesions.
10  Allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats 249

Figure 10.12C  Intradermal allergy testing in a cat; positive test

reactions in cats are subtler than in dogs.

Figure 10.13A  A red, raised, granular mass caused by an

eosinophilic granuloma under the tongue of an atopic cat.

Figure 10.13B  The same cat had ulcerative eosinophilic

granulomas on the hard palate and upper lip.

Figure 10.13C  Barbering and a raised, linear eosinophilic

granuloma on the medial thigh of an atopic cat.
250 10  Allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats

Figure 10.13D  A large, sublingual eosinophilic granuloma in a Bengal cat with food allergy.

(E) (F)

Figures 10.13E–F  Eosinophilic granulomas on the lip of two atopic cats.
10  Allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats 251

(G) (H)

Figures 10.13G–H  Raised, moist, inflamed, medial thigh masses due to eosinophilic granulomas in an atopic cat.

Figure 10.14A  A large, inguinal eosinophilic plaque in an atopic cat. Figure 10.14B  Numerous small crusted eosinophilic inguinal
plaques in an atopic cat.

Figure 10.14C  Raised moist inguinal eosinophilic plaques in an Figure 10.14D  The same cat as in Figure 10.14C after a course of
atopic cat; cytology showed inflammation with numerous antibiotics once infection was resolved, a 2 week prescription of
bacteria. oral prednisolone resolved small residual eosinophilic plaques.
252 10  Allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats

Figure 10.14E  Impression cytology of an eosinophilic plaque Figure 10.14F  Cytology of a different eosinophilic plaque case
demonstrating numerous eosinophils and neutrophils. 100x showed there was significant secondary bacterial pyoderma. 100x

Figure 10.15A  Lip swelling and ulceration due to indolent ulcers

in an atopic cat.

Figure 10.15B  Severe, chronic indolent ulcers causing lip

deformation and scarring.

­References/Further reading
Buckley, L. and Nuttall, T. (2012 Jul). Feline eosinophilic Foster, A.P. and Roosje, P.J. (2005). Update on feline
granuloma complex(ities): some clinical clarification. immunoglobulin E (IgE) and diagnostic
J. Feline Med. Surg. 14 (7): 471–481. recommendations for atopy. In: Consultations in Feline
Cave, N.J. (2006). Hydrolyzed protein diets for dogs and Internal Medicine, vol. 5 (ed. J.R. August), 229–238.
cats. Veterinary Clinics of North America Small Animal Philadelphia: Saunders WB.
Practice 36: 1251–1268. Gaschen, F.P. and Merchant, S.R. (2011 Mar). Adverse food
Foster, A.P. (2002). Diagnosing and treating feline atopy. reactions in dogs and cats. Vet. Clin. North Am. Small
Vet. Med. 97: 226–240. Anim. Pract. 41 (2): 361–379.
10  Allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats 253

Kennis, R.A. (2006 Jan). Food allergies: update of Olivry, T., DeBoer, D.J., Favrot, C. et al. (2010). Treatment
pathogenesis, diagnoses, and management. Vet. Clin. of canine atopic dermatitis: 2010 clinical practice
North Am Small Anim. Pract. 36 (1): 175–184. guidelines from the international task force on canine
Loewenstein, C. and Mueller, R.S. (2009). A review of atopic dermatitis. Vet. Dermatol. 21: 233–248.
allergen‐specific immunotherapy in human and Olivry, T., Foster, A.P., Mueller, R.S. et al. (2010).
veterinary medicine. Vet. Dermatol. 20: 84–98. Interventions for atopic dermatitis in dogs: a systematic
Mueller, R.S., Fieseler, K.V., Zabel, S. et al. (2005). review of randomized control trials. Vet. Dermatol.
Conventional and rush immunotherapy in the treatment 21: 4–22.
of canine atopic dermatitis. In: Advances in Veterinary Olivry, T. and Mueller, R.S. (2003). International task force
Dermatology, vol. 5 (ed. A. Hillier, A.P. Foster and on canine atopic dermatitis. Evidence‐based veterinary
K.W. Kwochka), 61–69. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. dermatology: a systematic review of the
Mueller, R.S. and Olivry, T. (2017 Aug). Critically appraised pharmacotherapy of canine atopic dermatitis.
topic on adverse food reactions of companion animals (4): Vet. Dermatol. 14: 121–146.
can we diagnose adverse food reactions in dogs and cats Olivry, T. and Mueller, R.S. (2017 Feb). Critically appraised
with in vivo or in vitro tests? BMC Vet. Res. 13 (1): 275. topic on adverse food reactions of companion animals (3):
Mueller, R.S., Olivry, T., and Prelaud, P. (2015 Aug). prevalence of cutaneous adverse food reactions in dogs
Critically appraised topic on adverse food reactions of and cats. BMC Vet. Res. 13 (1): 51.
companion animals (1): duration of elimination diets. Olivry, T. and Mueller, R.S. (2018 Jan). Critically appraised
BMC Vet. Res. 11: 225. topic on adverse food reactions of companion animals
Mueller, R.S., Olivry, T., and Prelaud, P. (2016 Jan). (5): discrepancies between ingredients and labeling in
Critically appraised topic on adverse food reactions of commercial pet foods. BMC Vet. Res. 14 (1): 24.
companion animals (2): common food allergen sources Scott, D.W., Miller, W.H., and Griffin, C.E. (2013). Muller &
in dogs and cats. BMC Vet. Res. 12: 9. Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology, 7e. Philadelphia:
Noli, C., Foster, A., and Rosenkrantz, W. (2014). Veterinary Elsevier.
Allergy. UK: Wiley. Wildermuth, B.E., Griffin, C.E., and Rosenkrantz, W.S.
Olivry, T. (2001). The American College of Veterinary (2012). Response of feline eosinophilic plaques and lip
Dermatology. Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis, ulcers to amoxicillin trihydrate‐clavulanate potassium
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, vol. 81: therapy: a randomized, double‐blind placebo‐controlled
3/4. New York: Elsevier. prospective study. Vet. Dermatol. 23 (2): 110–118, e24‐5.


Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders

Amy Shumaker, DVM, DACVD
VCA Southshore (Weymouth) Animal Hospital, South Weymouth, MA, USA

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
Table 11.1  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders.

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Special considerations Treatment

Discoid lupus Nasal planum depigmentation Cytology to evaluate for presence of Rule out mucocutaneous Immunomodulation: Doxycycline and
erythematosus (DLE) progressing to loss of normal bacteria; treat infection prior to pyoderma (may need a niacinamide;
(Figures 11.1A–11.1C; Chapter 2, cobblestone architecture, erythema, biopsy, as mucocutaneous pyoderma 4–6 week treatment with Combine with topical steroids and/or
Figure 2.50; Chapter 3, Figure 3.6; scaling, crusting, and ulceration. can appear identical to DLE on systemic or topical topical 0.1% tacrolimus.
Chapter 6, Figure 6.28) biopsy. antibiotics).
Lesions may also affect exposed portions If severe may need to
of the pinnae and periocular regions. Biopsy early areas of depigmentation, Sunlight may exacerbate immunosuppress with corticosteroids
Rarely can affect remote sites such as avoid ulcers. clinical disease; +/− adjunctive azathioprine or
digital pads, perianal region. recommend sun avoidance. cyclosporine; see Tables 11.2 and 11.3.
Histopathology: Basal cell apoptosis
and degeneration, lichenoid‐interface
Pemphigus foliaceus (PF) Pustular disease but pustules often are Cytology: Numerous neutrophils Should rule out Canine PF: Immunosuppressive
(Figures 11.2A–11.2K; Chapter 2, transient, resulting in erosions and (generally nondegenerate) dermatophytosis, especially medications, combine oral steroids
Figures 2.8, 2.10, 2.39; Chapter 3, yellow crusts. Alopecia often present and surrounding acantholytic Trichophyton spp. with adjunctive non‐steroidal
Figures 3.3, 3.19, 3.31, 3.42A extensive. keratinocytes; screen for and treat immunosuppressive medications; see
and B, 3.64, 3.125; Chapter 6, bacterial infection as severe infection Sunlight may exacerbate pemphigus treatment Algorithms 11.1
Figure 6.13) Crusting often affects head, face, and can cause acantholysis and alter clinical disease; and 11.2 and Tables 11.2 and 11.3.
ears, including nasal planum. Paw pads biopsy findings. recommend sun avoidance.
Breed predispositions: Akitas, often involved, with fissuring often Canine pemphigus erythematosus
Chow chows, with Cocker noted. Variable pruritus. Biopsy intact pustules and center of may respond to doxycycline/
Spaniels, Dachshunds, and crusts; take 4–6 mm punch biopsy niacinamide and topical 0.1%
Labrador Retrievers also listed in Disease can wax and wane and can often samples, no prep, preserve crusts with tacrolimus ointment.
studies. be complicated with secondary bacterial underlying tissue.
infections. May have constitutional Feline PF: Oral immunosuppressive
Age of onset is typically middle signs, especially if disease is more acute Histopathology: Crusts and steroids may be effective as
age. in nature. intraepidermal pustules with monotherapy, in refractory cases add
neutrophils and acantholytic adjunctive non‐steroidal
A facially restricted form of pemphigus keratinocytes; eosinophils can be immunosuppressive medications; see
is sometimes termed pemphigus present in varying degrees. Algorithms 11.1 and 11.1 and Tables
erythematosus. 11.2 and 11.3.
Pemphigus vulgaris Initial lesions are vesicles and bullae that Biopsy intact vesicles or margins of Should workup for possible Immunosuppressive medications,
(Figures 11.3A–11.3C; rapidly progress to erosions and ulcers. ulcers. neoplastic conditions to combine oral steroids with adjunctive
Chapter 3, Figure 3.139) rule out paraneoplastic non‐steroidal immunosuppressive
Primarily affects oral cavity and Histopathology: Suprabasilar cleft due pemphigus. medications; see Tables 11.2 and 11.3.
Age of onset is typically middle mucocutaneous junctions but can to acantholysis, resulting in a “row of
age. involve other areas. tombstone” appearance. Obtain thorough drug Treat secondary infections with
history to rule out drug‐ antibiotics.
May also have pawpad and clawbed induced pemphigus.
involvement with onychomadesis.
Systemic signs (fever, anorexia) often

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Vesicular cutaneous lupus Focal to coalescing serpiginous erosions Biopsy/Histopathology: Interface May be exacerbated by Immunosuppressive medications,
erythematosus and ulcerations affecting primarily the dermatitis with vesiculation at the sunlight exposure. combine oral steroids with adjunctive
(Figure 11.4; Chapter 3, Figure ventral abdomen, groin, and medial dermoepidermal junction. Apoptotic non‐steroidal immunosuppressive
3.130B; Chapter 6, Figure 6.16) thighs. keratinocytes often present. medications; see Tables 11.2 and 11.3.
Breed predispositions: Mucocutaneous junctions, buccal
Shetland Sheepdogs and Rough mucosa, and concave pinnae may also be
Coated Collies. involved.
Mucocutaneous lupus Well‐demarcated erosions/ulcerations of Biopsy after resolving secondary Secondary infection often Doxycycline and niacinamide +/− oral
erythematosus genital/perigenital, anal/perianal, infections as histopathologic features present. and/or topical steroids or topical
(Figures 11.5A–11.5C; Chapter 3, perioral, or periocular regions. Nasal overlap those of mucocutaneous tacrolimus.
Figure 3.77; Chapter 6, Figure 6.29) planum may also be involved. Lesions pyoderma.
  generally symmetric. Hyperpigmentation
Breed predispositions: often present surrounding ulcerated
German Shepherds. regions or in previously affected areas.
Alopecia areata Patchy noninflammatory alopecia Trichogram may reveal dysplastic, Hair regrowth may be a Cyclosporine 5 mg/kg/day.
(Figures 11.6A–C; primarily involving head or face. “exclamation” point hairs. lighter color or white.
Chapter 2, Figure 2.33A;    
Chapter 6, Figure 6.17) May become more generalized and may Biopsy/Histopathology: Lymphocytes
  affect the more darkly colored areas. surrounding and invading the anagen
Breed predispositions: German Leukotrichia often results. bulb (bulbitis).
Shepherds, Dachshunds, and
Beagles may be predisposed.
Uveodermatologic syndrome Acute uveitis often present (often Biopsy/Histopathology: Decreased or Sunlight may exacerbate Immunosuppressive medications,
(a.k.a. Vogt‐Koyanagi‐Harada‐like bilateral, may be unilateral). absent melanin in basal layer in clinical disease, combine oral steroids with adjunctive
syndrome, (Figure 11.7; Chapter 6,   chronic lesions; in early lesions, recommend sun avoidance. non‐steroidal immunosuppressive
Figures 6.1A and 6.1B) Depigmentation of nose, lips, eyelids, lichenoid dermatitis containing medications; see Tables 11.2 and 11.3.
  and hair (often of the face), and less so of macrophages with engulfed melanin  
Breed predispositions: Akita and the footpads, scrotum, and hard palate granules. Aggressively treat uveitis with
arctic breeds most often, often noted following onset of uveitis,   appropriate therapies, recommend
described in many other breeds. but can precede uveitis. Occasionally Requires extensive ophthalmic ophthalmology consultation.
oral ulcerations present. workup and monitoring as uveitis is  
  often severe and can rapidly progress Require routine eye monitoring and
Majority of skin lesions are mild: to blindness. treatment for uveitis and sequela.
Well‐demarcated depigmentation +/−
erythema, scaling, but can progress to
more marked lesions with variable degrees
of erosion, ulceration, and crusting. Patchy
leukotrichia often surrounds areas of
cutaneous depigmentation but more
generalized leukotrichia/leukoderma may
be present in some cases.
Clinical signs of uveitis include: photophobia,
blepharospasm, lacrimation, corneal
edema, glaucoma, retinal detachment,
cataract development, blindness.
(Continued )

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Table 11.1  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Special considerations Treatment

Autoimmune subepidermal Complex of diseases characterized by Biopsy/Histopathology: Subepidermal With a histopathology Majority of these diseases often have
blistering diseases vesicles or blisters often filled by vesiculation. report supporting an poor prognoses and often difficult to
  transudates or serum that frequently   AISBD, need to take age of treat (MMP is the exception), and
Bullous Pemphigoid (BP) erupt, resulting in erosions and Salt‐split skin indirect patient, breed, and clinical consultation with a veterinary
  ulcerations. immunofluorescence and collagen IV presentation into account dermatologist is recommended.
Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita   immunostaining can help differentiate as this can aid in  
(EBA) BP: Initial lesions are often erythematous which AISBD is present (only distinguishing which type Glucocorticoids +/− azathioprine or
(Figures 11.8A–11.8C) macules, patches, or plaques that available at selected veterinary of AISBD. doxycycline with niacinamide, see
  progress to vesicles with subsequent schools such as North Carolina State). Tables 11.2 and 11.3.
Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa ulceration. Primary sites affected include
Acquisita (JEBA) skin, oral cavity, and mucocutaneous
  junctions. Typically lacks footpad
Linear IgA Disease (LAD) involvement. Oral involvement rarely
  plays a role or occurs later in disease
Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid process
(MMP; Figure 11.8D)  
EBA: Great Danes predisposed. Male
predisposition. Occurs primarily in
young dogs. Lesions: Erythema,
urticarial plaques, vesicles, pustules,
ulcers. Lesions typically affect face, oral
cavity, pinna, axilla and groin. In most
cases, footpads are affected, with
sloughing and ulceration (distinguishes
this disease from many of the other
AISBD). Constitutional signs often
MMP: German Shepherd dogs
predisposed. Lesions: Tense vesicles,
hypopigmentation, erythema. Lesions
often begin in oral cavity, perinasal
region, paragenital region, lips,
periocular region. Lesions are often very
symmetric. Slowly progressive disease.
Footpads rarely affected.

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Vasculitis Disease of the cutaneous vasculature Biopsy/Histopathology: Obtain thorough drug and Correct/eliminate any underlying
  that can result in various clinical Degree of inflammation can vary vaccination history. triggers.
(Figures 11.9A–11.9J; Chapter 2, presentations and is the potential result from marked to mild (cell‐poor) with  
Figures 2.58, 2.64; Chapter 3, of multiple causes. differing types of inflammatory cells. For milder presentations, recommend
Figures 3.14, 3.37B, 3.40, 3.42C,   Inflammation is generally centered immunomodulation with doxycycline,
3.68; Chapter 6, Figures 6.8, 6.18, Lesions predominantly affect pinnae, tail around vessels. Many cases have niacinamide, and/or pentoxifylline.
6.36A and 6.36B) tip, footpads, elbows, limbs, lips, oral thrombus formation within vessels.  
mucosa, claws.   For more affected patients, combine
Lesions often present as erythematous to CBC/Chemistry panel: Tick titers or immunomodulating therapy with
purpuric plaques, bullae, eschar, and PCR should be performed. immunosuppressive medications
ulcers. Additional lesions include including oral steroids, cyclosporin,
erythemic papules, pustules, and or azathioprine, see Tables 11.2 and
urticaria or ischemic dermatopathy 11.3.
characterized by non‐inflammatory
alopecia, scale, and scarring. May have
areas of pitting edema.
Affected claws may exhibit
onychodystrophy, petechiation within
the claw and have exudate. Claws may
slough (onychomadesis).
Affected pads may have ulcers (often
central portion of pad), hyperkeratotic
plaques, or develop leukoderma.
Post‐vaccination injection site Complete alopecia +/− scaling, Consider history, signalment, lesion Lesions often occur Pentoxifylline; topical tacrolimus to
alopecia hyperpigmentation, fat atrophy at appearance/location. 1–6 months following focal lesions; treatment response may
  injection site; appearance depends upon   vaccination; rabies take several months;
(Figures 11.10A and 11.10B; stage of the lesion. Biopsy both center and periphery of vaccination most can self‐resolve; some never resolve.
Chapter 6, Figures 6.42, 6.43, 6.58)   lesion and include SQ (subcutaneous) commonly implicated.  
  Distant lesions may occur at the same fat. Subsequent vaccinations risk
Breed predispositions for time or develop later: Paw pad ulcers,   recurrence of alopecia or
vaccine‐induced vasculitis: Jack pinnal +/− pressure point crusts/ulcers. Histopathology: Changes consistent development of generalized lesions,
Russell Terriers, Chihuahuas, with cell‐poor vasculitis; pale‐staining consider vaccine titers instead of
Miniature Poodles, Bichons, collagen and atrophied hair follicles. boosters if possible or using different
Maltese, Yorkies. Basophilic material surrounded by vaccine manufacturer.
macrophages can be found consistent
with vaccine product.
(Continued )

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Table 11.1  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Special considerations Treatment

Drug eruption Variable presentation and can mimic Thorough drug history is essential in Any drug (oral, topical, Discontinue the suspected inciting
(a.k.a. cutaneous adverse drug many diseases, or can occur during diagnosis as clinical signs and injectable, or inhalant) can drug.
reaction) treatment of a prior disease, such as a histopathology can overlap those of cause an eruption.  
  drug reaction to an antibiotic used for other diseases. Cytology of lesions to   Implement supportive therapies as
(Figures 11.11A–11.11F, pyoderma. rule out infection. Antibiotics tend to be the needed (topical and systemic meds).
Chapter 3, Figure 3.32)     more commonly associated  
  Lesions can include macular and papular Biopsy/Histopathology: Varies and causes of drug eruptions, Can treat with immunosuppressive
Breed predilections: eruptions, sterile pustules, nodules, features often overlap those of other with sulfonamides, doses of glucocorticoids (although
Dobermans (sulfonamides); vesicles or bulla, ulcers, erythema immune‐mediated diseases. penicillins, and often poorly responsive), CSA
Miniature Schnauzers multiforme, vasculitis, toxic epidermal cephalosporins being the (cyclosporine) or pentoxifylline.
(sulfonamides, shampoo). necrolysis. more commonly implicated  
  antibiotics. Human IVIG (intravenous
Systemic symptoms such as fever,   immunoglobulin) may be helpful in
lethargy, anorexia may occur, in severe A drug reaction may occur severe cases.
cases labwork abnormalities including shortly after initial
leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, exposure, after subsequent
elevated liver enzymes may occur. exposures, or even after
being on a drug for chronic
periods of time.
Erythema multiforme Lesions are generally symmetrical and Obtain thorough drug history. Should investigate Correct underlying cause. Some mild
(EM, Figures 11.12A–11.12C; most commonly affect the ventrum   underlying triggers, cases may spontaneously regress.
Chapter 3, Figures 3.46, 3.50, (axillae, groin), mucocutaneous junctions, Biopsy/Histopathology: Panepidermal including drug exposure  
3.130A, 3.137) oral cavity, pinnae, and pawpads. keratinocyte apoptosis with (primarily antibiotics), For idiopathic and more severe cases,
  lymphocytic satellitosis. Interface infections, especially viral immunosuppressive drugs are
Variable lesion presentation, but often dermatitis may be present. infections, or neoplasia. recommended: (glucocorticoids,
erythematous macules or elevated azathioprine, CSA, see Tables 11.2
papules that can spread peripherally and 11.3).
resulting in central clearance and  
producing annular or arciform lesions. Pentoxifylline may also be of benefit.
Additional lesions include urticarial  
plaques and vesicles/bullae that may Human IVIG may be helpful in severe
ulcerate as well as adherent crust cases.
overlying erythemic macules.  
  In persistent or refractory cases a
Erythematous mucosal lesions may be food elimination diet trial should be
present. Oral vesicles and bullae may performed as food allergy has been
form and result in ulcerative lesions. reported as a possible cause.
In cats, the trunk and mucocutaneous
junctions are predominantly affected
with ulcerative and crusted lesions.
More severely affected animals on
presentation may be systemically ill.

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Toxic epidermal necrolysis Often have acute onset of constitutional Consider drug history. Often underlying triggers, Discontinue any suspected trigger
  signs (pyrexia, lethargy, depression,   including drugs, (drug) or correct underlying cause,
(Figures 11.13A and 11.13B) hyporexia/anorexia) along with eruption Biopsy: Avoid ulcers/biopsy at vaccinations, neoplasia, replace fluids (often requires
  of multifocal to generalized margins of ulcers. infections. hospitalization), wound management
(Stevens‐Johnson syndrome is erythematous macules or patches of the   to prevent sepsis.
considered a form of TEN, body and mucosa, progressing to Histopathology: Full‐thickness  
although milder in presentation.) vesiculobullous lesions that can become necrosis of the epidermis with sparse Cyclosporine (5–7 mg/kg/d IV or PO)
necrotic and ulcerate. inflammatory changes. In chronic reportedly effective.
  lesions, the epidermis separates from  
Frequently positive Nikolsky sign the dermis. IVIG administration can be effective.
(epidermis sloughs with minor lateral  
pressure). Use of glucocorticoids controversial
  and may increase risk of sepsis.
Oral mucosa and pawpads are often
involved. May also have involvement of
rectal, esophageal, conjunctival, and
tracheal mucosa. Often painful.
Sterile panniculitis Deep‐seated cutaneous nodules. Nodules Cytologic evaluation often reveals Pancreatitis and pancreatic Immunosuppressive medications,
  may be single or multiple and vary in suppurative, pyogranulomatous or tumors should be ruled out combine oral steroids with adjunctive
(Figures 11.14A–11.14D; size. Can be soft to firm on palpation. granulomatous inflammation with as these can be causes of non‐steroidal immunosuppressive
Chapter 2, Figures 2.59 and 2.65;   lipid or fat cells. There is an absence panniculitis. medications; see Tables 11.2 and 11.3.
Chapter 3, Figures 3.115–3.118; Nodules can be fixed to overlying of microorganisms.  
Chapter 6, Figures 6.9, 6.19) epidermis, but often there are ulcerative   Immunomodulating therapy with
lesions with draining tracts producing an Biopsy of intact nodule and submit for doxycycline and niacinamide may be
oily, yellowish brown to hemorrhagic tissue cultures (aerobic/anaerobic, helpful or steroid sparing.
discharge. +/− fungal or mycobacterial) and
  histopathology including special
Pain may be associated with lesions. stains for organisms (acid fast, PAS,
  GMS) should be performed to rule
Constitutional signs may be present, out underlying infectious causes.
especially vomiting and abdominal pain  
if pancreatitis is associated. Histopathology: Pyogranulomatous
inflammation of subcutaneous fat
with no microorganisms on special
Sterile granuloma/ Dogs: Nonpruritic papules, plaques, Biopsy for histopathology and Consider PCR testing for May respond to doxycycline and
pyogranuloma nodules that are firm and often painless. cultures (aerobic/anaerobic/fungal/ Leishmania in endemic niacinamide.
  Lesions may be “donut‐shaped.” mycobacterial) performed to rule out areas.  
(Figures 11.15A–11.15E;   infectious causes. For severe or refractory cases:
Chapter 3, Figure 3.10) Lesions often alopecic, can ulcerate and   Immunosuppressive medications,
  become secondarily infected. Can have Biopsy/Histopathology: Nodular to combine oral steroids with adjunctive
Breed predispositions: solitary lesions, but usually multiple. diffuse granulomatous to non‐steroidal immunosuppressive
Dachshunds, Collies, Doberman   pyogranulomatous dermatitis with no medications; see Tables 11.2 and 11.3.
Pinschers, English Bulldogs, Great Lesions primarily affect bridge of nose, organisms on special stains (acid fast,
Danes, Boxers, Weimaraners, muzzle, and periocular region, pinnae, PAS/GMS).
Golden Retrievers. and paws.

(Continued )

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Table 11.1  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Special considerations Treatment

Sterile granuloma/ Cats: Erythemic to violaceous papules Same as for dogs. Same as for dogs.
pyogranuloma (cont.) and nodules that can coalesce into
plaques. Lesions often affect head,
muzzle, pinnae, paws. Rare.
Juvenile cellulitis Acute facial swelling, especially lips, Skin scrapings and plucks to rule out Disease can be recurrent if Immunosuppressive therapy with
(a.k.a puppy strangles) eyelids, muzzle. Marked submandibular demodicosis, cytology for bacterial treatment course is not prednisone 2 mg/kg/day until lesions
(Figures 11.16A–11.16C; lymphadenopathy present. pyoderma. long enough or suboptimal resolve then slowly taper off over
Chapter 3, Figure 3.18)     doses of steroids are used. 4–6 weeks.
  Initial lesions are papules and pustules, Biopsy/Histopathology: Dermal  
Breed predispositions: which may be transient. Edema often granulomas and pyogranulomas, Doxycycline can be helpful steroid
Golden Retriever, Dachshund, present. often centered around follicles and sparing therapy.
Gordon Setter.   obliterating sebaceous glands.
  Progression of lesions often results in
Age; generally young puppies 3 wk ulceration and crusting, occasionally
to 4 mo, however some older dogs fistulation and draining tracts.
have been reported.  
Pinnae are often edematous and otitis
externa is often present.
Can have more generalized lesions with
subcutaneous nodules affecting the
trunk, preputial, or perianal regions.
Lethargy and depression may be present.
Plasma cell pododermatitis Soft swelling of multiple footpads Aspiration cytological evaluation may Concurrent diseases may Doxycycline 5–10 mg/kg PO once
  (“mushy” on palpation), with the central reveal numerous plasma cells. be present including FIV daily (hide in pill pocket or follow pill
(Figures 11.17A–11.17C; metacarpal/metatarsal pads being the   and renal disease; labwork with 5 cc water to reduce risk of
Chapter 3, Figures 3.70C and primarily affected pads. Digital pads may Biopsy/Histopathology: Marked including retroviral esophageal ulceration).
3.70D) be affected but to a lesser degree. Rarely dermal and often pannicular screening is indicated.  
  only one pad affected. infiltration of plasma cells. In refractory cases, oral
Occurs in cats, very rare in dogs.   immunosuppressive steroids or
Often mild scaling of affected pads cyclosporine 7 mg/kg/day until lesion
noted. resolution then taper.
Ulceration and lameness may occur.
Affected cats may rarely have concurrent
plasmacytic nasal swelling.
Pseudopelade Variably‐sized, grossly non‐ Biopsy with histopathology to rule out Generally poorly responsive to
  inflammatory, often well‐circumscribed other conditions such as alopecia treatment but anecdotal reports of
(Figures 11.18A and 11.18B) patches of alopecia affecting one or areata and lymphocytic mural improvement with cyclosporine or
multiple areas of the body. folliculitis. cyclosporine combined with

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Alopecia can become diffuse, sparing Biopsy/Histopathology: Pleocellular
only the head and neck. mural inflammation primarily
  directed toward the isthmus.
Occasionally scaling and
hyperpigmentation may be present but
pruritus is absent.
In cats, a symmetrical alopecia may
initially be noted involving the face,
progressing to the ventrum, legs, paws.
Nail disease (onychorrhexis and
onychomadesis) may also be present.
Symmetric lupoid onychitis Variable combinations of onychoschizia CBC/Chemistry panel +/− tick titers. Secondary infection First attempt with
(SLO) (splitting of the claw), onycholysis Rule out Leishmania in endemic areas. sometimes present. immunomodulation: Sole treatment
  (separation of the claw), and     with pentoxifylline 25 mg/kg BID or
(Figures 11.19A and 11.19B; onychomadesis (sloughing of the claw) Perform hypoallergenic diet trial. May need to manually combine with doxycycline/
Chapter 3, Figure 3.75; Chapter 6, affecting one to multiple claws.   remove separating claws to tetracycline and niacinamide.
Figure 6.52)   Biopsy of distal phalange ideal but prevent sequestration of  
  Lameness may be first sign noted. often not needed, as clinical infection under claws; this Nutritional support with fatty acids.
Breed predispositions: German   presentation, normal labwork, and requires general anesthesia.  
Shepherds, Gordon Setters. Can initially affect one paw, but will lack of other skin lesions are all For refractory or severe cases, oral
progress to affect all paws within weeks. consistent with diagnosis of SLO. immunosuppressive steroids,
  cyclosporin 5 mg/kg/day.
Biopsy/Histopathology: Interface
dermatitis, often lichenoid, between
the clawbed epithelium and dermis.
Nasal arteritis An ulcerative disease of the center of the Clinical signs often pathognomonic. Significant hemorrhage Initially oral immunosuppressive
  nasal planum in dogs, caused by   may be present in more steroids are helpful for quicker results,
(Figures 11.20A–11.20C; immune‐mediated inflammation of the Cytology of exudate to rule out affected cases, requiring then long‐term immunomodulating
Chapter 6, Figure 6.55) walls of the nasal arteries. secondary infections. surgery to tie off the artery. treatment with doxycycline/
      niacinamide; see Tables 11.2 and 11.3.
Occurs most commonly in St. There is a chronic, deep, often triangular Biopsy/Histopathology: Necrosis, Scarring is often noted  
Bernards and Standard shaped, ulceration in the center of the hemorrhage; deep dermal arteries/ following remission. Once initial hemorrhage/infection has
Schnauzers, but can occur in nose/nasal planum which can become arterioles beneath ulcer exhibit resolved, topical anti‐inflammatory
other breeds as well. crusty and inflamed due to secondary proliferation of spindle cells. therapy with 0.1% tacrolimus
bacterial infection. ointment applied 1–2 times daily to
  the nose is often helpful.
Not usually painful or pruritic, though
dogs may rub at the nose if secondary Cyclosporin 5mg/kg/day PO can be
infection is present. helpful for refractory cases.
In some dogs, acute arterial bleeding can
occur which can be severe enough to
cause anemia and surgery to ligate the
artery may be needed.

(Continued )

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Table 11.1  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Special considerations Treatment

Metacarpal/metatarsal fistulas Fistula with serosanguinous exudate at Clinical signs often pathognomonic. Surgical removal of First‐line treatment:
  central plantar metatarsus just proximal   fistulation usually only Control secondary bacterial infections
(Figures 11.21A–11.21C; to metatarsal pad, often bilateral and Cytology of exudate to rule out results in temporary with localized bathing with
Chapter 6, Figure 6.26) sometimes affecting metacarpus in secondary infections. resolution chlorhexidine shampoos 1–2 times
  similar fashion.   weekly or sprays/mousse/wipes every
Most commonly affects German Biopsy/Histopathology: Marked 1–2 days on affected areas; topical
Shepherd dogs; rarely affects inflammation involving panniculus; corticosteroids or 0.1% tacrolimus
other breeds including pyogranulomas may be present. ointment to affected areas q24h until
Weimaraners. Fibrosis is often present. resolution.
Second‐line or refractory cases:
Immunomodulating treatment with
doxycycline and niacinamide +/− oral
prednisolone 1 mg/kg/d × 2–3 weeks,
tapered to lowest effective dose,
ideally 0.25–0.5 mg/kg q48h or lower;
for steroid‐sparing effect, add
cyclosporine 5 mg/kg PO
q24h × 4–8 weeks then taper to q48h.
Canine sterile neutrophilic Marked erythematous macules, papules, Obtain thorough drug history. Discontinue any drug that may be the
dermatitis or plaques that may have pustules   inciting trigger.
(a.k.a. Sweet’s‐like syndrome). associated within them. May have edema Biopsy with histopathology: Moderate  
  or ulceration. to marked dermal neutrophilic Response to glucocorticoids is a
(Figure 11.22)   infiltrate, with some clustering of hallmark of this disease.
  Extracutaneous signs are often present inflammation around follicles. Edema
Rare disease occurring only in and can include leukocytosis, fever, often present. Vasculitis should not be
dogs. lethargy, lameness, possibly from a present.
  polyarthropathy, pneumonia.
Many cases occur following drug
administration, upper respiratory,
or GI infections or associated with
paraneoplastic syndrome.
Canine acute eosinophilic Acute onset of erythematous macules, Obtain thorough drug and GI history. Drug withdrawal.
dermatitis with edema progressing to serpiginous plaques and    
(a.k.a. Eosinophilic Dermatitis, wheals. Lesions predominantly located on Biopsy/Histopathology: Marked Systemic immunosuppressive
Well’s‐like syndrome) the ventral abdomen, pinnae, and thorax. dermal edema with marked glucocorticoids.
    eosinophilic infiltrate. Flame figures
Occurs rarely in dogs. Edema may be present, affecting the face may be present.
or becoming generalized and often pitting.
In several reported cases, GI symptoms
(vomiting, diarrhea) preceded the
cutaneous signs by 1–10 days.

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Superficial suppurative Erythematous papules with edema,   Obtain grooming history as Symptomatic therapy (fluids,
necrolytic dermatitis coalescing into plaques. Suppurative Biopsy/Histopathology: Epidermal many Schnauzers have a antibiotics).
  crusts present. Pustules are often pustulation (subcorneal to history of recent  
(Figures 11.23A–11.23D) transient. panepidermal), often forming crusts. shampooing. Reactions are Pentoxifylline 15–10 mg/kg q8–12h.
  Lesions can progress to ulceration and more commonly implicated  
(a.k.a. sterile pustular exfoliation. with insecticidal shampoos. Cyclosporine 5–8 mg/kg/day.
erythroderma of Miniature   Signs often occur within  
Schnauzers). Lesions may occur anywhere, but 48–72 hours of grooming. Immunosuppressive glucocorticoids.
  predominate on the trunk.
Breed predispositions: Miniature  
Schnauzers. Extracutaneous signs may be present,
  including fever, depression, leukocytosis.
Often occurs within 48–72 hours Some reported deaths.
of shampooing often with an
insecticidal shampoo.
Systemic lupus erythematosus Skin lesions present in 40–50% of cases, SLE is a complex diagnosis to have to ANA can be positive with Immunosuppressive medications,
(SLE) high degree of variability. make, and the diagnosis is made many inflammatory combine oral steroids with adjunctive
    based on presence of a combination of diseases and so cannot be non‐steroidal immunosuppressive
(Figures 11.24A and 11.24B) Lesions range from mild scarring to consistent clinical and used by itself for diagnosis medications; see Tables 11.2 and 11.3.
  widespread ulcerations. Mucocutaneous clinicopathologic abnormalities. of SLE.
Breed predisposition: German involvement may be present. Patients with 4 of the following
Shepherd dogs.   criteria justifies a diagnosis of SLE;
  Depigmentation of nasal planum and SLE is probable when 3 criteria are
Rare disease. eyelids may be present, with concurrent present or in cases of polyarthritis
erythema, erosions, ulceration, and with a positive ANA.
crusting. Focal ulcerations of the paw Criteria: Skin lesions/consistent
pads may be present. histopathology, photosensitivity, oral
  ulcers, polyarthritis, serositis, renal
Joint disease is often most common disease (proteinuria, casts),
clinical sign. Additional systemic signs neurologic disorders, hematologic
include fever, anemia, disorders (hemolytic anemia,
glomerulonephritis, ulcerative stomatitis, thrombocytopenia), positive ANA.
pleuritis or pericarditis, neurologic Biopsy (sample margins of ulcers or
abnormalities. erosions).
Histopathology: Vacuolation and
apoptosis of basal cells; dermal–
epidermal separation and ulceration.
Histiocytic disorders See Chapter 19

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(A) (B)


Figures 11.1A–C  Variable degrees of nasal planum depigmentation, erosion, and crusting due to discoid lupus erythematosus;
Figures A and B also show cartilage loss.

Figure 11.2B  Truncal erythema, alopecia, and crusts in a dog with

pemphigus foliaceus; marked pruritus mimicking allergic
Figure 11.2A  Marked facial crusting due to pemphigus foliaceus. dermatitis was present.
11  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders 267

Figure 11.2C  Patchy truncal alopecia. Scaling and crusting due to Figure 11.2D  Marked paw pad hyperkeratosis due to pemphigus
pemphigus foliaceus. foliaceus.

Figure 11.2E  Pemphigus foliaceus induced peripheral paw Figure 11.2F  Large non‐follicular pustules caused by pemphigus
pad inflammation and hyperkeratosis. foliaceus.

Figure 11.2G  Pustule cytology demonstrating sterile neutrophilic Figure 11.2H  Milder, yellowish, paw pad crusting due to
inflammation with large, round acantholytic cells (100×). pemphigus foliaceus.
268 11  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders

Figure 11.2I  Marked facial crusting in a cat due to pemphigus Figure 11.2J  Pemphigus foliaceus often causes periaureolar
foliaceus. crusting in cats.

Figure 11.2K  Pinnal crusts and erosions due to pemphigus foliaceus.
11  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders 269

Algorithm 11.1  Treatment of canine pemphigus foliaceus.

Canine Pemphigus Foliaceus Treatment Algorithm

• Make sure there is no pyoderma, demodex, or

dermatophytosis that can mimic or complicate pemphigus
• Cytology, scrapings, dermatophyte culture/PCR +/– bacterial
culture if bacteria found on cytology despite empiric antibiotics

Facial restricted lesions Generalized lesions

• Tetracycline or doxycycline and No remission • Begin oral immunosuppressive steroid therapy

niacinamide immunomodulatory after 3 months
• Prednisone or (methyl)prednisolone 2–4 mg/kg/day or
treatment (see formulary) or becomes
• Triamcinolone 0.2–0.4 mg/kg/day, or
• Topical 0.1% tacrolimus BID • Dexamethasone 0.1–0.3 mg/kg/day
• Topical steroids can also be • Give induction steroid dose for 3–6 weeks or until lesions are
used, but monitor for cutaneous 95–100% resolved, then slowly taper over 3–6 months to
atrophy, taper to lowest effective lowest effective dose
frequency and potency • Prednisone or (methyl)prednisolone 0.5–1 mg/kg PO QOD
• Triamcinolone 0.05–0.1 mg/kg PO q2–3 days, or
• Dexamethasone 0.05–0.1 mg/kg PO q2–3 days
• Most cases of canine PF also require adjunctive
non–steroidal immunosuppressive medications
• Start at the same time as the steroid
• Choose one of the following:

• Modified oral • Mycophenolate mofetil • Azathioprine PO 2 mg/

cyclosporine 5–10 mg/kg/ 10–15 mg/kg PO BID until kg/day x 2–4 weeks then
day until remission remission and steroid has QOD
• Taper steroid dose over been tapered first, then • Do not combine with
several months try to taper frequency tetracycline/doxycycline
• May cause GI upset due to increased risk of
• Then try to taper
cyclosporine to QOD hepatotoxicity

• Can be combined with

mycophenolate mofetil or
azathioprine in refractory
• Check CBC/Chem q
2–3 weeks × 3 months,
then CBC/Chem/UA q 4–6
• Can cause
Check CBC/Chem/UA in
4 weeks then q 6 months
hepatotoxicity, pancreatitis

• If crusts flare despite treatment or as drugs are

tapered, recheck skin scrapings/cytology for
infection prior to increasing immunosuppressive meds.
• If remission is not achieved despite adequate
immunosuppression and no infection is present,
recommend referral to dermatologist.
270 11  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders

Algorithm 11.2  Treatment of feline pemphigus foliaceus.

Feline Pemphigus Foliaceus Treatment Algorithm

• Prednisolone PO 2–6 mg/

kg/day, or
• Methylprednisolone PO
1.6–4.8 mg/kg/day)

Remission within
1–2 months
No remission or flare as
steroid tapered
• Taper prednisolone slowly
• Reduce dose by 20–25% q
3–6 weeks) over 3–6 months
to lowest effective dose/ Add oral modified
frequency for control Flare or cannot taper cyclosporine 5–10 mg/kg/day
• Ideal maintenance dose/ prednisolone to QOD
frequency 0.5 – 1 mg/kg PO
q 2–4 days
No remission after 6 weeks

• Continue cyclosporine • Change steroid to:

• Try to slowly taper off • Oral triamcinolone (0.4–2 mg/kg/day
prednisolone over 3–6 months to induce, taper to 0.1–0.2 mg/kg PO q
48–72 hrs) or
• Oral dexamethasone (0.2–0.4 mg/kg/
day to induce, taper to 0.05–0.1 mg/kg
Remission maintained off Flare off PO q 48–72 hrs)
prednisolone prednisolone
• +/– add chlorambucil 0.1–0.2 mg/kg/
day PO x 2–4 weeks then taper to q 2–7
days, monitor CBCs

• Continue cyclosporine • Restart prednisolone

• Try to slowly taper • Continue cyclosporin
frequency to q 5 mg/kg PO
2–3 days for maintenance
• Increase frequency if flare
occurs No remission or cannot
taper to QOD prednisolone

Continue both prednisolone • Change steroid to:

and cyclosporine at lowest
• Oral triamcinolone (0.4–2 mg/kg/day to
effective dose/frequency
induce, taper to 0.1–0.2mg/kg PO q 48–
72 hr) or
• Oral dexamethasone (0.2–0.4 mg/kg/day
to induce, taper to 0.05–0.1mg/kg PO q
48–72 hrs)
• +/– add chlorambucil 0.1–0.2 mg/kg/day
PO × 2–4 weeks then taper to q 2–7 days,
monitor CBCs

• If crusts flare despite treatment or as drugs are

tapered, recheck skin scrapings/cytology for
infection prior to increasing immunosuppressive meds.
• If remission is not achieved despite adequate
immunosuppression and no infection is present,
recommend referral to dermatologist.
11  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders 271




Figures 11.3A–C  Numerous oval skin ulcerations and nailbed ulcers in a cat with pemphigus vulgaris. Source: Images courtesy of
Dr. Trish Ashley, DACVD.
272 11  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders

Figure 11.4  Oval to serpiginous inguinal ulcerations in a Sheltie with vesicular cutaneous lupus erythematosus.

Figure 11.5A  A dog with mucocutaneous lupus erythematosus Figure 11.5B  Mucocutaneous lip ulceration and crusting due
(MCLE) causing painful anal mucosal ulcerations. to MCLE.

Figure 11.5C  The same dog as in Figure 11.2B two months after treatment with doxycycline/niacinamide.
11  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders 273

(A) (B)

Figures 11.6A and B  A dog with patchy alopecia due to alopecia areata.

Figure 11.6C  Alopecia universalis in a Miniature Pinscher. Figure 11.7  Patchy facial leukotrichia, nasal planum
depigmentation, and uveitis in an Akita with uveodermatologic
274 11  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders



Figures 11.8A–C  A Great Dane with epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, demonstrating lesions progressing from fluid‐filled vesicles to
punctate to confluent, full thickness ulceration of lip mucosa. Source: Images courtesy of Dr. Charlie Walker, BVetMed CertSAD MRCVS.

Figure 11.8D  Mucosal and gingival ulcerations in a dog with mucous membrane pemphigoid. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Trish
Ashley, DACVD.
11  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders 275

(A) (B)



Figures 11.9A–D  Pinnal vasculitis causing pinnal crusting, ulceration, and deformation.
(E) (F)


Figures 11.9E–G  Paw pad crusting and erosion due to vasculitis.

Figure 11.9H  Vasculitis on the thorax of a septic German Figure 11.9I  Crusts and ulcerations on the hocks due to
Shepherd. vasculitis.
11  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders 277

Figure 11.9J  Truncal vasculitis triggered by tick borne disease.

(A) (B)

Figures 11.10A and B  Rabies vaccine‐induced vasculitis on the right lateral thigh of a Bichon.

Figure 11.11A  Numerous erythematous erosions in a Collie due Figure 11.11B  Muzzle and nasal planum ulceration caused by a
to an adverse drug reaction to trimethoprim sulfa. drug eruption to cephalexin.
Figure 11.11C  Ulcerated anal mucosa in the same dog as 11.11B. Figure 11.11D  Lip mucocutaneous ulcerations in a dog which
had an adverse drug reaction to carprofen.



Figures 11.11E and F  Patchy alopecia, crusts, and inflamed papules/macules in a dog with a drug reaction to cephalexin;
biopsy demonstrated drug‐induced pemphigus foliaceus.

(A) (B)

Figures 11.12A–B  Erythematous crusted erosions on the inner pinna and inguinal area of a dog due to erythema multiforme.
11  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders 279

Figure 11.12C  Severe erythema multiforme with secondary MRSA infection; the dog had been treated for several weeks at a primary
clinic prior to specialty referral and unfortunately died of sepsis and renal failure shortly after presentation.

(A) (B)

Figures 11.13A and B  Toxic epidermal necrolysis in a Miniature Pinscher; full thickness ulcerations were present on the groin, paw pads
and oral cavity; the dog died. Disease onset occurred within a few days of multiple vaccinations.

Figure 11.14A  Crusting, draining, truncal lesions due to sterile Figure 11.14B  In this Chihuahua with sterile panniculitis, severe,
panniculitis. atrophic scarring occurred.
280 11  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders

Figure 11.14C  A Chihuahua with sterile panniculitis, note the Figure 11.14D  Hemorrhagic oily exudate from a draining tract
irregular swelling of the truncal fat. caused by sterile panniculitis.

Figure 11.15A  A pink, raised, flat topped plaque in a Collie due to Figure 11.15B  Patchy depigmentation of the nasal planum and
sterile granuloma. frontal muzzle; biopsy showed sterile granulomatous inflammation.

Figure 11.15C  Patchy alopecia on the dorsal head of a Miniature Figure 11.15D  This Labrador mix had generalized chronic
Pinscher with histopathology consistent with sterile granuloma. alopecia and crusting due to sterile granulomatous dermatitis.
11  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders 281

Figure 11.15E  Inflamed, swollen/eroded, and crusted eyelids due

to sterile granuloma/pyogranulomas.

Figure 11.16A  Juvenile cellulitis in a Golden Retriever mix;

scarring alopecia is present on the distal muzzle and eyelids but
the non‐haired nasal planum is spared. Source: Image courtesy of
Dr. Carine Laporte, DACVD.

Figure 11.16C  In this Pitbull puppy with juvenile cellulitis, a

Figure 11.16B  A Poodle mix puppy with marked crusting and severe secondary bacterial infection is contributing to
thickened inflamed skin on the distal muzzle due to juvenile inflammation and nasal planum dermatitis. Source: Image
cellulitis. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Carine Laporte, DACVD. courtesy of Sara Morar, DVM.
282 11  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders

Figure 11.17A  Plasma cell pododermatitis causing extensive Figure 11.17B  Severe plasma cell pododermatitis resulting in
ballooning paw pad swelling. paw pad ulceration.

Figure 11.17C  Nasal swelling also caused by plasmacytic Figure 11.18A  Extensive scaling and hypotrichosis which was
inflammation in a cat with concurrent plasma cell pododermatitis. found on biopsy to be due to pseudopelade. Source: Image
courtesy of VIN and Becky Arthur, DVM.
Figure 11.18B  Patchy alopecia due to pseudopelade on the head of a Vizsla. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Jennifer Prior, DVM.

Figure 11.19A  Lupoid onychitis in a West Highland White Terrier; Figure 11.19B  A Greyhound with lupoid onychitis; he responded
nails normalized with pentoxifylline and a hypoallergenic diet; well to doxycycline and niacinamide.
after three months pentoxifylline was discontinued and the
toenails continued to be normal.

(A) (B)

Figures 11.20A and B  A Hound mix with nasal arteritis pre‐ and post‐treatment with cyclosporine.
Figure 11.20C  A Bloodhound with nasal arteritis and a severe Figure 11.21A  A German Shepherd dog with metacarpal fistulas;
secondary nasal bacterial pyoderma causing marked crusting. irregular, firm scarring and small draining tracts with seropurulent
exudate are present just proximal to the metacarpal pad.

Figure 11.21B  In this German Shepherd with metacarpal/ Figure 11.21C  A Weimaraner dog with swelling and draining
metatarsal fistulas, more extensive scarring and fistulation are tracts caused by metatarsal fistulas; small areas of similar swelling
progressing proximally. were present on the toes as well. He responded well to
doxycycline and topical tacrolimus.

Figure 11.22  Acute dorsal truncal, draining tracts and nodules in a dog with Sweet’s syndrome; he was also febrile, lethargic, and had
diarrhea; biopsies and cultures demonstrated sterile neutrophilic inflammation.
11  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders 285

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figures 11.23A–D  Acute purplish skin discoloration and pinnal crusting in a critically ill Miniature Schnauzer with superficial suppurative
necrolytic dermatitis; the discoloration did not blanche on diascopy (B), indicating vascular leakage of red blood cells was the cause for
the skin discoloration.
286 11  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders

Figure 11.24A  Crusting on the periocular areas, dorsal muzzle,

and nasal planum in a dog; biopsy results and labwork including
ANA (antinuclear antibody) were consistent with SLE.
Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Andrew Simpson, DACVD.

Figure 11.24B  Serpiginous inguinal ulcerations in a dog

with systemic lupus erythematosus. Source: Image courtesy of
Dr. Andrew Simpson, DACVD.

Table 11.2  Typical glucocorticoid doses for treatment of autoimmune and immune‐mediated disorders (use low end of dose range
for dogs and high end of dose range for cats).

Steroid Induction dose Maintenance dose

Prednisone/Prednisolone 2–4 mg/kg/day 0.5–1 mg/kg q 48 hours

Methylprednisolone 1.6–4 mg/kg/day 0.5–1 mg/kg q 48 hours
Dexamethasone 0.2–0.4 mg/kg/day 0.05–0.1 mg/kg q 48–72 hours
Triamcinolone 0.4–2 mg/kg/day 0.1–0.2 mg/kg q 48–72 hours

Common side effects of steroids include increased thirst, urination, appetite, weight gain, hepatopathy, increased risk of diabetes, hypertension,
increased risk of infections (urinary tract and cutaneous), calcinosis cutis.
Monitoring: CBC, Chemistry panel, UA every six months to evaluate for liver enzymes elevations, blood and urine glucose for evidence of
diabetes and evidence of urinary tract infections.
Table 11.3  Non‐steroidal immunosuppressant or immunomodulatory drugs as adjunctive or primary treatments of autoimmune/immune‐mediated diseases.

Drug Dose Indications Side effects Monitoring

Azathioprine 2 mg/kg/day for 2–4 wk, tapering Adjunctive therapy for treatment for many AI Vomiting, diarrhea, CBC, platelet count, Chemistry
to q48h. diseases, including pemphigus, vasculitis. hepatotoxicity, q2–3 wk for the first 3 mo then q6
myelosuppression, pancreatitis, mo.
opportunistic infections.
Cyclosporine modified 5–10 mg/kg/day with attempts Adjunctive treatment for many AI diseases Vomiting, diarrhea, gingival CBC, Chemistry panel, UA
to taper to 5 mg/kg q48h. (pemphigus [especially in cats], vasculitis, VCLE). hyperplasia, urinary tract q6–12 mo.
Primary treatment in sebaceous adenitis, alopecia infection, hirsutism,
areata, pseudopelade, erythema multiforme, TEN, papillomatosis.
panniculitis, and perianal fistulas.
Chlorambucil Dogs: 0.1–0.2 mg/kg/day for Used as adjunctive therapy in refractory AI diseases Myelosuppression, vomiting, CBC, platelet count, Chemistry
2–4 wk then q2–7d. (primarily pemphigus, vasculitis). diarrhea, anorexia. panel q2–3 wk for 2–3 mo then q6
Cats: 0.1–0.2 mg/kg PO q24h;
usually ½ of a 2 mg tablet once
daily for larger cats.
Alternate dosing schedule: 2 mg
PO q48h for cats >4 kg and 2 mg
PO q72h for cats <4 kg.
Dapsone Dogs: 1 mg/kg q8h. Used as adjunctive therapy in refractory pemphigus. Myelosuppression, vomiting, CBC, platelet count, Chemistry
Effective in treatment of neutrophilic vasculitis. diarrhea, neuropathies, panel, UA every 2–3 wk for first 3
cutaneous drug eruptions. mo then q3–4 mo.
Doxycycline 5 mg/kg q12h or 10 mg/kg q24h. Used as principle treatment combined with Vomiting, diarrhea, Periodic CBC, Chemistry panel;
niacinamide in treatment for discoid lupus hepatopathy. possible increase in risk of
erythematosus, certain forms of vasculitis (vaccine‐ hepatotoxicity if combined with
induced), symmetric onychitis, or pemphigus Esophagitis can occur in cats, other potentially hepatotoxic drugs
erythematosus (facially localized pemphigus). follow each dose with 15–30 ml such as azathioprine.
Can be used as adjunctive therapy for many AI/ water.
immune‐mediated diseases.
Cats: Sole treatment for plasma cell pododermatitis.
Hydroxychloroquine 5–10 mg/kg/day. Has been used in treatment of refractory canine None reported in dogs; GI There is little information regarding
discoid lupus erythematosus, systemic lupus symptoms reported in people. safety in dogs; consider periodic
erythematosus, and exfoliative cutaneous lupus CBC, Chemistry panel monitoring.
erythematosus (as sole therapy or combined In patients with cardiac
with CSA). abnormalities, consider ECG
monitoring and routine eye exams.
(Continued )

0004322045.indd 287 6/28/2019 3:17:32 PM

Table 11.3  Non‐steroidal immunosuppressant or immunomodulatory drugs (Continued)

Drug Dose Indications Side effects Monitoring

Leflunomide Dogs: 2–4 mg/kg/day. Adjunctive treatment for pemphigus. Lethargy, GI disturbance, CBC, platelet count, Chemistry
  Treatment in histiocytic diseases (systemic myelosuppression. panel q2 wk for 2–3 mo then
Cats: 10 mg/cat/day then taper histiocytosis, reactive histiocytosis). q4–6 weeks.
to q2–3 days when in remission.
Mycophenolate mofetil Dogs: 10–15 mg/kg q12h; can Adjunctive therapy for AI diseases, especially Primarily GI (vomiting, CBC, platelet count, Chemistry
attempt taper once disease is in pemphigus in dogs. diarrhea, hematochezia), panel at 2–4 weeks then q4–6 mo.
remission. occasionally myelosuppression.
Niacinamide 250 mg q12h for dogs <10 kg; Used as principle treatment combined with Lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, No monitoring required.
500 mg q12h for dogs >10 kg. doxycycline in treatment for discoid lupus anorexia; caution for use in
erythematosus, certain forms of vasculitis (vaccine‐ patients with seizure disorders.
induced), symmetric onychitis, or pemphigus
erythematosus (facially localized pemphigus).
Can be used as adjunctive therapy for many AI/
immune‐mediated diseases.
Pentoxifylline 15–25 mg/kg q8–12h/day; once Used primarily in vasculitis cases and for treatment Gastrointestinal (vomiting, None
in remission can be tapered. of symmetric onychitis. diarrhea).
Sulfasalazine 10–40 mg/kg q8h. Used primarily as adjunctive therapy in refractory Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, CBC, Chemistry panel q2 weeks for
pemphigus cases and other neutrophilic disorders. anemia, hepatotoxicity. 6 weeks then q2–4 mo; tear
production checked q2–4 weeks.
Tacrolimus 0.1% Applied topically to affected area Often used as adjunctive treatment for discoid lupus Occasional local irritation, No monitoring required.
ointment twice daily for 2 wk then tapered erythematosus, localized problem areas of hair loss.
to every 1–2d. pemphigus and perianal fistulas.

0004322045.indd 288 6/28/2019 3:17:32 PM

11  Autoimmune and immune‐mediated dermatologic disorders 289

­Further reading
Ackerman, A.L., May, E.R., and Frank, L.A. (2017). Use of Mueller, R.S., Rosychuk, R.A., Jonas, L.D. et al. (2003).
mycophenolate mofetil to treat immune‐mediated skin A retrospective study regarding the treatment of
disease in 14 dogs – a retrospective study. Vet. Dermatol. lupoid onychodystrophy in 30 dogs and literature
28 (2): 195–e44. review. J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Assoc. 39 (2): 139–150.
Banovic, F., Olivry, T., and Linder, K.E. (2014). Ciclosporin Olivry, T. and Linder, K.E. (2009). Dermatoses affecting
therapy for canine generalized discoid lupus desmosomes in animals: a mechanistic review of
erythematosus refractory to doxycycline and acantholytic blistering skin diseases. Vet. Dermatol.
niacinamide. Vet. Dermatol. 25 (5): 483–e79. 20 (5–6): 313–326.
Banovic, F., Robson, D., Linek, M. et al. (2017). Therapeutic Olivry, T., Rossi, M.A., Banovic, F. et al. (2015).
effectiveness of calcineurin inhibitors in canine vesicular Mucocutaneous lupus erythematosus in dogs (21 cases).
cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Vet. Dermatol. 28 (5): Vet. Dermatol. 26: 256–e55.
493–e115. Plumb, D.C. (2018). Plumb’s Veterinary Drug Handbook,
Kim, H.J., Kang, M.H., Kim, J.H. et al. (2011). Sterile 9e. Stockholm, Chichester: Wiley.
panniculitis in dogs: new diagnostic findings and Rosenkrantz, W. (2004). Pemphigus: current therapy.
alternative treatments. Vet. Dermatol. 22 (4): 352–359. Vet. Dermatol. 15 (2): 90–98.
Mauldin, E.A., Morris, D.O., Brown, D.C., and Casal, M.L. Schulz, B.S., Hupfauer, S., Ammer, H. et al. (2011).
(2010). Exfoliative cutaneous lupus erythematosus in Suspected side effects of doxycycline use in dogs – a
German shorthaired pointer dogs: disease development, retrospective study of 386 cases. Vet. Rec. 169 (9): 229.
progression and evaluation of three immunomodulatory Yager, J. (2014). Erythema multiforme, Stevens–Johnson
drugs (ciclosporin, hydroxychloroquine, and syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis: a comparative
adalimumab) in a controlled environment. review. Vet. Dermatol. 25 (5): 406–e64.
Vet. Dermatol. 21 (4): 373–382.


Endocrine skin diseases

Patricia Ashley, DVM, DACVD
Veterinary Allergy and Dermatology Services, Springfield, OR, USA

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
Table 12.1  Canine endocrine skin diseases.

Condition Cutaneous symptoms Systemic symptoms Diagnosis Treatment, expected response, monitoring, comments

Hypothyroidism Variable; include alopecia Variable but include ↓TT4, ↓fT4 by equilibrium dialysis; ↑cTSH Oral levothyroxine; 0.02 mg/kg BID (best given on an
(Figures 12.1A–12.1F; from poor hair growth in lethargy, weight gain, low (however TSH can be normal in 25% of empty stomach; may be able to reduce to once daily after
Chapter 2, Figures. 2.31 areas of wear, bridge of exercise tolerance. hypothyroid dogs). response; monitor for recurrence of symptoms).
2.55; Chapter 3, Figures nose, trunk, tail; thickened
3.28, 3.79, 3.91A) skin/mucinosis of face Stunted growth in Sensitivity and specificity of testing improves Dogs with concurrent cardiac disease: Start with lower
  (“tragic expression”); dry congenital cases. when all 3 values assessed rather than levothyroxine dose of 0.005 mg/kg BID and increase dose
Seen in multiple breeds; brittle hair coat, seborrhea; individual tests. Response to supplement by 0.005 mg every 2 weeks to 0.02 mg/kg BID.
Retrievers and Doberman recurrent bacterial or yeast acceptable if testing inconclusive.
Pinschers may be infections; ceruminous Systemic signs respond within 2 weeks; Cutaneous signs
predisposed. otitis. Common clinical path changes: may take 8–12 weeks to resolve and hair loss/scaling may
  ↑cholesterol, temporarily worsen due to increased epidermal and
Boxers, Irish Setters may +/− mild, non‐regenerative anemia. follicular turnover.
have thickened hair coats.
Desired 4–6 hr post pill TT4 levels at or just above upper
end of normal range.
Spontaneous Variable; include dull hair Polyuria/polydipsia, Definitive tests: Pituitary‐dependent options:a
hyperadrenocorticism coat; alopecia (mostly polyphagia, weight gain, 1)  Low dose (0.01 mg/kg) dexamethasone 1)  Trilostane: Most common dosing is 1–2 mg/kg PO
(HAC, Cushing’s disease): truncal) from poor hair muscle atrophy, and suppression test (LDDST): Lack of BID, but published doses vary from 2.2–6.7 mg/kg PO
Pituitary dependent growth; thin skin; weakness; panting, cortisol suppression at 4 and/or 8 hours; q24h to off‐label low dose of 0.21–1.1 mg/kg PO BID.
hyperadrenocorticism comedones; seborrhea; pendulous abdomen, hepatic cortisol suppression at 4 hours and Dosing adjustments should be made on a case by case
(PDH)/or adrenal tumor milia; recurrent pyoderma; enlargement, hypertension, escape at 8 hours consistent with PDH. basis. Evidence suggests larger dogs respond to a lower
(AT) phlebectasia; calcinosis clitoral enlargement, False positive results can occur with stress/ mg/kg dose. See Table 12.2 for more monitoring
(Figures 12.2A–12.2D; cutis. testicular atrophy. illness. details.
Chapter 3, Figure 3.91B) 2)  ACTH stimulation (cosyntropin 1ug/kg 2)  Mitotane (o,p’‐DDD, Lysodren): 25–50 mg/kg/day for
  IV or 5ug/kg IM or IV, max dose induction phase; 35–50 mg/kg divided twice a week for
Dachshunds, Boston 250ug): Exaggerated cortisol level one maintenance.
Terriers, Boxers, and hour post cosyntropin. 3)  Ketoconazole: 5–15 mg/kg PO BID.
Poodles may be False negative and false positive results
predisposed. 4)  L‐Deprenyl: 1–2 mg/kg/day (less effective; not a first
can occur. choice).
See Chapter 20 for important details regarding monitoring.
Adrenal tumors: Lack of cortisol suppression
at 4 and 8 hours after high dose (0.1 mg/kg)
Adrenal tumor:
dexamethasone suppression test.
Adrenalectomy. If surgery refused or inappropriate, mitotane
can be used palliatively at 50–75 (up to 150) mg/kg/day
Adrenal imaging (ultrasound, CT, MRI),
divided; longer time to remission than PDH. When post‐
especially to differentiate pituitary vs
ACTH cortisol in normal range, maintenance therapy of
adrenal etiology.
75–200 mg/kg/week, divided, is started. Relapse is common.
Monitor ACTH stim every 1–2 months or based on patient’s
Screening/supportive tests: ↑urine
clinical symptoms. (This is extralabel use of mitotane.)
cortisol/creatinine ratio (UCCR), however,
UCCR can be increased with stress and
Ketoconazole and trilostane may be effective (at doses
other systemic diseases.
above for PDH). These medications are not adrenolytic
and will not slow tumor growth.
Common clinical path changes: ↑ALP, “stress”
leukogram, ↑ cholesterol, triglycerides, ↓ urine
Skin changes regress in 3–4 months. Some lesions of
concentration, proteinuria.
calcinosis cutis may be permanent.

0004322046.INDD 292 06/28/2019 03:27:20

Iatrogenic Same as spontaneous Same as spontaneous ACTH stim: ↓ post‐ACTH cortisol. Wean/taper off exogenous cortisone over 2 weeks.
hypercortisolemia condition. condition.    
(Figures 12.3A–12.3E) History of corticosteroid use or May take 3–4 months for cutaneous symptoms to resolve.
Supportive tests: ↑ALP; ↑UCCR
Atypical Cushing’s disease Same as HAC. Same as HAC. Same as HAC except adrenal function tests Treat as for Cushing’s disease; treatment of preference is
(ACD) are normal. debated.
Debated whether a separate High post ACTH 17‐hydroxyprogesterone. Scottish Terriers with ACD may have very high 17‐OHP
condition from HAC. and trilostane should not be used in these patients
  (trilostane may increase 17‐OHP).
May be a congenital adrenal  
hyperplasia‐like syndrome. Lignans plus melatonin can be tried: For details, see
University of Tennessee Clinical Endocrinology Service
website, treatment option considerations for
hyperadrenocorticism in dogs.
Most reported cases of ACD are adrenal tumors, which
may secrete cortisol intermittently or in normal amounts
but secrete excessive sex hormones. Another theory is this
is not a separate condition and that reference ranges for
HAC may be too high in some labs.
Food‐induced Cushing’s Same as for HAC. Same as for HAC. Normal ACTH response and LDDST tests, Administer trilostane or mitotane 2 hr prior to meal;
disease suppressed endogenous ACTH levels; monitor as recommended for spontaneous HAC.
(Possibly a subset of bilaterally enlarged adrenal glands; >100%
Atypical Cushing’s disease.) increase in UCCR 3 hr after a meal.
Topical corticosteroid Alopecia, thin skin/dermal Uncommon but can see Hx of cortisone application; biopsy; may Identify and stop topical steroid‐product.
application atrophy, milia, pyoderma; hypothalamic–pituitary– have suppressed ACTH stim. Can take several weeks to months to return to normal.
(Figures 12.4A–12.4C; pinnae most often affected; adrenal axis suppression Can progress to calcinosis cutis.
Chapter 3, Figures 3.134A ventral skin more with chronic and excessive
and 3.134B) susceptible. use.
Alopecia X/Hair Cycle
Arrest: See Chapter 13
Pituitary dwarfism Short hair coat of mostly Stunted growth apparent Hx, clinical exam findings; insulin‐induced 1)  Growth hormone (GH) injections (bovine, 10 IU SQ
  primary hairs (head and after 2 mo of age. prolonged hypoglycemia; growth hormone EOD × 30 days; porcine, 2 IU SQ EOD for 4–6 weeks);
Reported in several breeds; extremities are spared); May also have adrenal, (GH) stimulation tests, which need to be may be of limited availability.
most commonly in German progresses to alopecia and thyroid, and gonadal interpreted in light of thyroid and adrenal 2)  Medroxyprogesterone acetate, 5–10 mg/kg SQ every 3
Shepherd and Carnelian hyperpigmentation, thin insufficiency. function tests. weeks until response, then every 6 weeks.
Bear dogs. skin, comedones.    
May express fear or Side effects of progestin treatment include risk of immune
aggressiveness; shortened suppression, mammary neoplasia, pyometra.
life span.  
Poor long‐term prognosis.

0004322046.INDD 293 06/28/2019 03:27:20

Table 12.1  Canine endocrine skin diseases (Continued)

Condition Cutaneous symptoms Systemic symptoms Diagnosis Treatment, expected response, monitoring, comments

Calcinosis cutis Firm, small, white to pink Most often a sequela of Biopsy; confirmation of underlying cause. Identify and treat underlying cause.
(Figures 12.5A and 12.5B; plaques with surrounding iatrogenic or spontaneous  
Chapter 3, Figures 3.112 erythema; progress to large, hypercortisolemia; less often Topical DMSO gel applied once daily (wear gloves to
and 3.128) hard, ulcerated plaques; can associated with apply, apply a quarter sized amount and massage in to
progress to dermal hypercalcemia of infection. affected skin, rotate sites treated each day). Monitor
ossification. serum Ca2+ if using DMSO on large areas.
More common on head and Minocycline (anecdotal info.): 5 mg/kg/day PO; aluminum
trunk. Secondary bacterial hydroxide antacid; anecdotal info.): 1, 2, or 3 tabs PO BID
infection common. for small, medium, or large dogs, respectively.
Therapies can be done in combination.
“Gets worse before it gets better;” takes weeks to months
to resolve. Dermal ossification will not resolve.
Exogenous estrogen‐ Alopecia of, most often, None reported. Hx of owner use of transdermal estradiol Prevent exposure to transdermal or oral hormone; owner
related alopecia ventral neck, ventrolateral (hormone replacement therapy) or chronic should consult physician about altering or stopping
(Figures 12.6A–12.6D) chest, abdomen, lateral administration of oral estriol for treatment therapy.
thighs. of incontinence.  
  Improves within 3–5 mo of removing exogenous estradiol.
Biopsy, +/− high serum estrogen
Spontaneous Alopecia, often Female dogs: Increased risk R/o other endocrinopathies; palpable Thoracic radiographs to r/o metastasis.
hyperestrogenism symmetrical starting in for pyometra, vulvar edema testicular tumor; abdominal ultrasound;  
(Figures 12.7A–12.7C; perineal area progressing or overt estrus; can develop measurement of baseline estrogen may be Intact dogs: Castration or ovariohysterectomy.
Chapter 3, Figure 3.131) cranially; comedones on aplastic anemia. problematic but supportive if high.  
  ventrum and vulvar skin.     Spayed female dogs: R/o exogenous estrogen
Most common in intact   Male dogs: Attractive to Skin biopsy supportive of endocrine administration; retained ovarian tissue.
female and male dogs; Female dogs: Enlarged other male dogs, +/− alopecia but changes not specific for
associated with ovarian vulva, +/− gynecomastia. palpable testicular tumor; hyperestrogenism.
cysts or neoplasia and   prostate enlargement,
testicular Sertoli cell Male dogs: Alopecia, infection.
tumors. gynecomastia, comedones,
+/− linear preputial
erythema (pathognomonic),
+/− macular to diffuse
ventrum, perineal area.

0004322046.INDD 294 06/28/2019 03:27:20

Spontaneous Seborrhea oleosa, +/− palpable testicular mass. Clinical symptoms, high testosterone Castration. Will take 2–4 months for hair coat to return to
hyperandrogenism secondary pyoderma;   levels, response to castration. normal.
  +/− symmetrical truncal May shows signs of  
(Figure 12.8) alopecia; hypertrophy of aggression, hypersexual Antiseborrheic shampoo pending improvement; treat
  circumanal and tail gland behavior. secondary pyoderma.
Usually from testicular tissue; hyperpigmented Some glandular thickening may not revert to normal.
neoplasia (interstitial cell macules on scrotum,
tumor). perineal area, ventrum.
Tail gland hyperplasia Dogs: Hyperplasia of None Clinical signs, biopsy. Neutering intact animals (stops progression, but may not
  sebaceous and circumanal reverse; antiseborrheic topical agents may help control
(Figure 12.9; Chapter 3, glands resulting in large follicular plugging and secondary infection.
Figure 3.83) patch of alopecia, scaling,  
  greasy seborrhea, and often In cats, topical 0.1% retinoic acid gels can be effective but
Predisposition: Intact male hyperpigmentation about can be irritating.
dogs/cats. 2.5–5 cm from base of tail  
on dorsal surface. With If occurring in neutered animal, evaluation for a
progression, glandular functional adrenal tumor may be needed.
hypertrophy can become
cystic and secondarily
Cats: Most commonly
present with increased oily
secretions on tail. Can
become hypotrichotic to
alopecic, scaly and crusted
in some cases.

0004322046.INDD 295 06/28/2019 03:27:20

296 12  Endocrine skin diseases

Figure 12.1A  A hypothyroid Labrador demonstrating almost Figure 12.1B  A Golden Retriever with hypothyroidism caused
complete alopecia of the tail, a tragic facial expression, and patchy inguinal alopecia, comedones, and pyoderma.
truncal alopecia due to secondary bacterial pyoderma.

Figure 12.1C  Tail alopecia in a Golden Retriever caused by Figure 12.1D  Hypothyroidism in this Bloodhound caused severe
hypothyroidism. secondary bacterial and yeast skin infections.
12  Endocrine skin diseases 297

Figure 12.1E  The same patient as in 12.1D; note the alopecia on Figure 12.1F  Alopecia on the dorsal nose caused by
the tail. hypothyroidism.

(A) (B)

Figures 12.2A–C  Cushing’s disease in a Boston Terrier which caused calcinosis cutis and secondary bacterial pyoderma.
298 12  Endocrine skin diseases


Figures 12.2A–C  (Continued ) Figure 12.2D  Red, raised, gritty plaques on the groin of this dog
due to calcinosis cutis.

Figure 12.3A  Iatrogenic Cushing’s disease in a dog on prolonged Figure 12.3B  Prominent fat redistribution on the dorsal lumbar
daily steroids; there is abdominal distention and limb muscle area caused by chronic steroid administration.
12  Endocrine skin diseases 299

(C) (D)

Figures 12.3C and D  Extensive ventral truncal alopecia, cutaneous atrophy, and comedones in an Addisonian dog treated with an
excessive dose of steroids.

Figure 12.3E  Iatrogenic Cushing’s in a Pitbull, which caused ventral truncal alopecia as well as calcinosis cutis.
300 12  Endocrine skin diseases

(A) (B)


Figures 12.4A–C  Prolonged use of a potent topical steroid ointment caused cutaneous atrophy, tearing, and milia (cystic plugged
12  Endocrine skin diseases 301

(A) (B)

Figures 12.5A and B  Calcinosis cutis causing red, raised, slightly crusted plaques on the axilla and groin of a dog treated with chronic
high dose of prednisone.

(A) (B)

Figures 12.6A and B  Alopecia on the thigh and ventral trunk of a dog due to chronic exposure to the owner’s transdermal hormone
replacement gel (estrogen); note the comedones and prominent nipples in this young, neutered, male dog. The dog’s thigh contacted the
owner’s forearm where the gel was placed each day.
302 12  Endocrine skin diseases

(C) (D)

Figures 12.6C and D  Circumferential hypotrichosis and hyperpigmentation on the neck of a dog treated with chronic daily estriol as
treatment for incontinence.

Figure 12.7A  Linear preputial dermatosis caused by a testicular Figure 12.7B  A dog with a Sertoli cell tumor causing alopecia and
tumor in an older, intact, male dog. hyperpigmentation on the perineal area and ventral tail.
Figure 12.7C  The same dog as in Figure 12.7B also had hormone‐ Figure 12.8  Perianal gland hyperplasia due to elevated
induced follicular casting. testosterone levels in a dog.

Figure 12.9  Tail gland hyperplasia causing alopecia and small follicular cysts on the dorsal proximal tail. Source: Image courtesy of VIN
and Robin Rainford, DVM.

Table 12.2  Trilostane treatment and monitoring (from Vetoryl® package insert). Ten to fourteen days after starting treatment, do 4–6 hour
post‐dosing ACTH stimulation test as well as serum chemistry including electrolytes. If physical exam is acceptable, take action according
to Table 12.2:

Post‐ACTH cortisol levels Action

μg/dl nMol/L

<1.45 <40 Stop treatment. Restart at a decreased dose

1.45–5.4 40–150 Continue on the same dose
>5.4–9.1 >150–250 EITHER: Continue on current dose if clinical signs are well controlled
OR: Increase dose if clinical signs of hyperadrenocorticism are still evident
>9.1 >250 Increase dose

Alternatively, pre‐ and 3‐hour post‐trilostane cortisol concentrations, in one study to date (Macfarlane, Parkin, and Ramsey, 2016), have been
shown to be as accurate in assessing control as cortisol measured after ACTH stimulation testing. (Use values listed in Table 12.2.) This
information should be assessed in light of exam findings, electrolytes/serum chemistry values, and owner assessment.
When acceptable control is achieved, the patient should be monitored via exams and blood work in four weeks and every three months thereafter.
This information is not all‐inclusive regarding management of the Cushing’s patient. The reader is encouraged to review other appropriate texts
and resources for more in‐depth information on management of hyperadrenocorticism.
Table 12.3  Endocrine skin diseases of cats.

Systemic symptoms/clinical Treatment, expected response, monitoring,

Condition Cutaneous symptoms pathology changes Diagnosis comments

Hyperthyroidism In 30% of cats: Excessive shedding, Polyphagia, polydipsia, High TT4, high fT4 Thyroidectomy
  matting/unkempt haircoat, polyuria, weight loss, 10% of hyperthyroid cats have a  
Common endocrinopathy in seborrhea, overgrown claws, hyperactivity, tachycardia, normal T4 Radioactive iodine (I131).
cats; usually from thyroid traumatic alopecia, arteriovenous arrhythmias, vomiting, T3 suppression test.  
adenoma. fistulae, thin skin, and truncal diarrhea. Antithyroid drugs (methimazole,
alopecia in chronic cases.   carbimazole). Please refer to appropriate
10% of cats are lethargic. endocrinology text for treatment and
  monitoring details.
High liver enzymes,  
polycythemia. Low Iodine diet (<0.32 ppm).
Hypothyroidism Congenital: Full but dry, dull Congenital form: Stunted TT4 but poor specificity; fT4. Not well established.
  haircoat of secondary hairs. growth, lethargy, poor   0.05–0.2 mg l‐thyroxine PO every 12–24 hr.
Forms: Congenital (rare),   appetite, death. Too few cases to establish testing  
spontaneous (adult cats, Spontaneous: Dull coat, puffy face.   protocol. Systemic symptoms improve in 1 week;
rare), and iatrogenic   Spontaneous: Lethargy, cutaneous symptoms improve in
(secondary to hyperthyroid Iatrogenic: Seborrhea, decreased poor appetite, obesity. 2–3 months.
treatment). grooming, alopecia of pinnae,  
pressure points, tail base, symmetric Iatrogenic: Transient
alopecia of neck, trunk. lethargy.
High cholesterol, mild
Hyper adrenocorticism Thin, fragile skin (spontaneous Polyuria, polydipsia; Protocols for adrenal function testing Iatrogenic: Discontinue steroid
(HAC) tearing); alopecia of trunk/ventrum; muscle atrophy; +/− not well established but are reported; administration.
  easy bruising. lethargy, weight loss. reader is referred to Boland and Barrs  
(Figures 12.10A and 12.10B)     (2017) and Feldman, Nelson, and Spontaneous HAC (pituitary or adrenal‐
  Seborrheic skin and dull hair coat. Secondary diabetes Reusch (2015) for more detailed dependent): Poor prognosis. Reports of
Spontaneous and iatrogenic   mellitus (DM) common references. treatment success with trilostane: 0.5–
forms (both rare); pituitary‐ Curling of ear tips seen in iatrogenic and often hard to regulate   12 mg/kg or 15–30 mg cat PO q12–24h.
dependent more common form only. until HAC addressed. Dexamethasone suppression testing  
than adrenal tumor. more sensitive than ACTH stim test. Mitotane also tried; less successful.
Use 0.1 ml/kg dexamethasone IV. Use  
imaging to differential between Adrenalectomy.
pituitary and adrenal‐dependent  
HAC. Close monitoring of blood glucose
necessary as hypoglycemia/reduction in
insulin needs likely when HAC controlled.
Reader is referred to more detailed
endocrinology texts (Feldman, Nelson, and
Reusch, 2015) for further discussion.

0004322046.INDD 304 06/28/2019 03:27:38

Feline acquired skin Severely fragile and thin skin that In cases associated with R/o Cushing’s disease, diabetes Grave prognosis regardless of cause.
fragility tears due to minor trauma such as underlying illness, cats mellitus. Surgical repair not possible.
  scratching or restraint. display with accompanying    
(Figures 12.11A and 12.11B)   systemic symptoms. If not associated with Cushing’s, has Non‐advanced cases from spontaneous or
  Skin is NOT hyperextensible. been seen with liver disease, iatrogenic Cushing’s will resolve with
Usually middle‐aged and nephrosis, phenytoin administration, treatment/removal of causative agent.
older cats. histoplasmosis, and FIP (feline
infectious peritonitis). Some cases
Biopsy very difficult; histopathology
shows atrophic dermis with
disorganized collagen fibers, thin to
no panniculus.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) Not common but can see bacterial Reader is referred to Reader is referred to endocrinology Reader is referred to endocrinology texts
  pyoderma, yeast dermatitis endocrinology texts (e.g. texts (e.g. Feldman, Nelson, and (e.g. Feldman, Nelson, and Reusch, 2015)
(Figure 12.12) (Candida), seborrhea, thin skin, and Feldman, Nelson, and Reusch, 2015) for more detailed for more detailed information.
xanthomas. Reusch, 2015) for more information.
detailed information.
Acromegaly Mild to moderately thickened skin, Enlarged paws, skull; The diagnosis is made by Irradiation of pituitary tumor is the
  enlarged claws. prognathism, increased consideration of history, and preferred treatment.
(Figure 12.13) interdental spaces, cardiac suggestive physical examination and  
  failure, PU/PD, +/− labwork findings. Transsphenoidal hypophysectomy may be
Male cats; associated with insulin‐resistant DM.   an option at specialized veterinary centers;
pituitary tumor. Serum insulin‐like growth factor – 1 post‐surgical treatment with cortisone,
(IGF‐1) is usually elevated. thyroid supplementation +/‐ desmopressin
  is necessary.
Radiographs may reveal  
cardiomegaly/organomegaly, Medical treatments with a somatostatin
hyperostosis of the skull, mandibular analogue (octreotide), or dopamine agonist
protrusion, spondylosis of the spine, (l‐deprenyl) have not been successful in
and periosteal joint tissue reaction. cats.
Computed tomography or MRI are
useful for identifying pituitary

0004322046.INDD 305 06/28/2019 03:27:38

306 12  Endocrine skin diseases

Figure 12.10A  Iatrogenic Cushing’s in a cat due to prolonged

exogenous steroids caused bilateral drooping of the pinnal tips.
Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Sue Fluhr, DVM.

Figure 12.10B  In this atopic cat prolonged administration of a

topical steroid‐containing solution on the ear caused complete
alopecia and cutaneous atrophy with scaling.

(A) (B)

Figures 12.11A and B  Feline acquired skin fragility in a diabetic and Cushingoid cat.
12  Endocrine skin diseases 307

Figure 12.13  Acromegaly in a cat; note the enlarged skull and

prognathism. Source: Image courtesy of VIN.
Figure 12.12  The same cat as in Figures 12.11A and 12.11B also
had multifocal epidermal collarettes due to a secondary bacterial

­References/Further reading
Berger, D.J., Lewis, T.P., Schick, A.E. et al. (2015). Canine McKnight, C.N., Lew, L.J., and Gamble, D.A. (2018).
alopecia secondary to human topical hormone Management and closure of multiple large cutaneous
replacement therapy in six dogs. J. Am. Anim. Hosp. lesions in a juvenile cat with severe acquired skin
Assoc. 51 (2): 136–142. fragility syndrome secondary to iatrogenic
Boland, L.A. and Barrs, V.R. (2017). Peculiarities of hyperadrenocorticism. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc.
feline hyperadrenocorticism: update on diagnosis and 252 (2): 210–214.
treatment. J. Feline Med. Surg. 19 (9): 933–947. Mecklenburg, L., Linek, M., and Tobin, D.J. (2009). Hair
Feldman, E., Nelson, R., Reusch, C. et al. (2015). Canine and Loss Disorders in Domestic Animals. Ames, Iowa:
Feline Endocrinology, 4e. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders. Wiley‐Blackwell.
Galac, S., Kars, V.J., Voorhout, G. et al. (2008). ACTH‐ Miller, W., Griffin, C., and Campbell, K. (2014). Mueller
independent hyperadrenocorticism due to food‐ and Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology, 7e. Philadephia,
dependent hypercortisolemia in a dog: a case report. PA: Saunders.
Vet. J. 177 (1): 141–143. Valentin, S., Cortright, C., Nelson, R. et al. (2014). Clinical
Macfarlane, L., Parkin, T., and Ramsey, I. (2016). findings, diagnostic test results, and treatment outcome
Pre‐trilostane and three‐hour post‐trilostane cortisol to in cats with spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism: 30 cases.
monitor trilostane therapy in dogs. Vet. Rec. 179: 597. J. Vet. Intern. Med. 28: 481–487.


Non‐endocrine alopecia
Patricia Ashley, DVM, DACVD
Veterinary Allergy and Dermatology Services, Springfield, OR, USA

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
Table 13.1  Non‐endocrine alopecia of dogs.

Prognosis/expected response/
Clinical features Diagnostic test(s)a Treatment(s) monitoring/comments

Localized Alopecia
Post‐clipping alopecia Lack of hair growth >3 months after Hx, elimination of other No treatment recommended. May take 1–2 years to resolve.
(hair cycle arrest) clipping. causes of hair cycle arrest
  (endocrine disorders),
(Figure 13.1) +/−biopsy.
Traction alopecia Focal hair loss where hair retaining History, biopsy. Pentoxifylline may help in early lesions; Scarring may be permanent.
device placed. owner education; surgical removal of scar.
Congenital follicular/ Hypotrichosis to alopecia noted at Consider signalment (age), No treatment available. May or may not be hereditary.
ectodermal dysplasia <8 weeks of age. biopsy.
Regional to Multifocal
Color dilution alopecia Broken hairs, hypotrichosis, eventual Signalment: Color dilute Minimize trauma to hair coat. No systemic signs; life‐long
(Figures 13.2A–13.2H; alopecia of dilute colored hairs. breed.   condition.
Chapter 6, Figures 6.11A     Anecdotal reports of melatonin  
and 6.11B and 6.40) Secondary pyoderma can occur. Trichogram: Melanin stimulating hair growth (see doses listed Reported in many breeds.
clumping in hairs. for Cyclic Flank Alopecia).
Black hair follicular Broken hairs, hypotrichosis, eventual PE: Only dark hairs Minimize trauma to hair coat. No systemic signs; life‐long
dysplasia alopecia of black/pigmented hairs. affected   condition.
      Anecdotal information to try melatonin
(Figures 13.3A and 13.3B, Secondary pyoderma can occur. Trichogram: Melanin (see doses listed for Cyclic Flank Alopecia).
Chapter 3, Figure 3.93) clumping in hairs.
Non‐color, breed‐related Regional alopecia recognized in Signalment, trichogram, No systemic signs; life‐long
follicular dysplasia several breeds, including biopsy, and elimination of condition.
  Irish Water Spaniels, Portuguese endocrine disorders.  
(Figure 13.4; Chapter 6, Water Dogs, Curly‐coated Retrievers, In the author’s opinion, some cases
Figure 6.21) and Doberman Pinschers. of “cyclic follicular dysplasia”
  described in Airedales, Boxers,
Alopecia of caudal dorsum, ventral and other breeds are cases that
neck progressing to most of trunk could be called canine recurrent
usually starting 2–4 years of age. flank alopecia. Therefore
  treatment with oral melatonin can
Weimaraner: Diffuse truncal alopecia be justified (see doses for Cyclic
starting at 1–3 years of age; Flank Alopecia).
secondary pyoderma can occur.
Husky and Malamute: Loss of truncal
guard hairs and change of hair color
to red‐orange starting 3 mo to
3–4 years of age.

0004322047.indd 310 6/28/2019 3:20:31 PM

Cyclic flank alopecia Geographic alopecia of flanks PE, elimination of other Many self‐resolve in 3–8 mo. No systemic symptoms.
(canine recurrent flank +/− dorsum; hyperpigmented skin. causes of hair cycle arrest, Melatonin  
alopecia, seasonal flank   biopsy. Oral: 3–6 mg BID – TID; some use 0.5 mg/ May or may not recur in
alopecia) Onset: Fall or spring but varies with kg BID. Give for 4–6 weeks. Ensure subsequent years.
  latitude. melatonin supplement does not contain Permanent alopecia in some cases.
(Figures 13.5A–13.5C; xylitol.
Chapter 2, Figure 2.32A;  
Chapter 6, Figures 6.5 SQ constant release implants, 24 mg,
and 6.23) available from http://melatoninimplants.
Predisposed breeds: Caution: Implants occasionally associated
English Bulldogs, Airedale with SQ abscessation and efficacy
Terriers, Boxers, compared to oral form not evaluated.
Pattern alopecia Miniaturized hairs, symmetrical PE, signalment, +/−biopsy. No treatment necessary; melatonin may No systemic symptoms.
  hypotrichosis, pinnae, base of pinnae, trigger hair growth.
(Figures 13.6A–13.6D; ventral neck, caudal thighs.
Chapter 2, Figure 2.32B,  
Chapter 3, Figure 3.47; Young adult, short‐coated breeds
Chapter 6, Figure 6.10) (Dachshund, Boston Terrier, Boxer, etc.).
Follicular lipidosis Alopecia of mahogany hairs of face PE, biopsy. No treatment. No systemic symptoms.
  and paws.
Rottweilers, Dachshund
(1 case); young dogs.
Generalized Alopecia
“Alopecia X”/Hair cycle Progressively dull coat, alopecia, Signalment, Various treatment options; response to Cosmetic disorder which does not
arrest hyperpigmentation, +/− scaling on rule out other causes of treatment is often temporary: warrant aggressive treatment;
  trunk, caudal thighs, neck, perineal non‐inflammatory 1) Neuter/spay intact dogs. consider risk vs. benefit if
(Figures 13.7A–13.7D; area, tail. alopecia (e.g. 2) Oral melatonin: 3–12 mg BID–TID considering treatment.
Chapter 3, Figure 3.92;   hypothyroidism, sex based on size. Allow 4–6 weeks for  
Chapter 6, Figures 6.41 Spares head and distal extremities. hormone abnormalities, response; helps about 40% of dogs. Condition not well understood.
and 6.49) Hair regrows after trauma (e.g. Cushing’s disease, Avoid in diabetic patients, and make sure  
  biopsy, infection). follicular dysplasia). the supplement does not contain xylitol. Relapse of alopecia after all
Most common in young   3) Some recommend concurrent use of treatments is common;
adult Nordic and Usually no systemic symptoms. phytoestrogens (lignans) in cases of high recommended to discontinue
plush‐coated breeds (e.g. estrogen and cortisol levels (see https:// treatment when a response is seen
Husky, Malamute, Chow, to restart therapy when alopecia
Pomeranian, Samoyed) Endocrinology/Pages/News‐and‐Articles. recurs.
and Poodles. aspx for more information.
4) Mitotane: Induction of 15–25 mg/kg
daily, then same dose twice weekly.
(Editor’s note: The use of aggressive and
potentially toxic therapies for this cosmetic
condition is not recommended). 

(Continued )

0004322047.indd 311 6/28/2019 3:20:31 PM

Table 13.1  Non‐endocrine alopecia of dogs (Continued)

Prognosis/expected response/
Clinical features Diagnostic test(s)a Treatment(s) monitoring/comments
Alopecia X (cont.) 5) Trilostane: (0.5 ‐ 1 mg/kg) BID. Note:
Published doses for treatment of Alopecia
X with trilostane are high and vary greatly
(3–30 mg/kg q12h). Yet
hyperadrenocorticism can be managed
with trilostane doses as low as 0.5–1 mg/kg
q12h. In light of this, and that Alopecia X
is considered a cosmetic condition, the
authors encourage starting a lower twice
daily dose (0.5–1 mg/kg), adjusting dose if
needed based on response and monitoring.
See more discussion on
hyperadrenocorticism in Table 12.1.
Adrenal function tests must be
monitored as for Cushing’s disease.
6) Microneedling (using a Dermaroller)
has reports of success; requires heavy
sedation or general anesthesia.
7) Medroxyprogesterone injections;
5–10 mg/kg SQ once a month. Should not
be used in intact female dogs; possible side
effects include behavior changes,
mammary enlargement, diabetes mellitus,
alopecia of injection site.
8) Deslorelin, a synthetic GnRH agonist,
implants (4.7 mg/dog) have reported
success in intact male dogs.
Color dilution alopecia See comments under “Multifocal/regional alopecia”
Anagen/telogen Patchy to diffuse alopecia; “shedding History, trichogram; No treatment necessary. Hair will regrow within
effluvium (defluxion) to bald;” trunk most often affected. +/− biopsy. 1–3 months.
Follows significant stress, illness,
postpartum, or after chemotherapy
(especially doxorubicin) in some
dogs, especially dogs with
continuously growing haircoats.
Anagen effluvium occurs within days
and telogen effluvium within
1–3 months of the insult.
Non‐color breed‐related See comments under “Multifocal/regional alopecia”
follicular dysplasia
 It is beyond the scope of this text to discuss histopathology findings. The reader is referred to more detailed texts (e.g. Miller, Griffin, and Campbell, 2014; Gross et al. 2008) for
dermatohistopathology descriptions if needed.
PE, physical exam; Hx, history.

0004322047.indd 312 6/28/2019 3:20:31 PM

13  Non‐endocrine alopecia 313

Figure 13.2A  Color dilution alopecia in a blue Miniature Dachshund.

Figure 13.1  Post‐clipping alopecia on the neck of a dog; the area

was shaved for skin mass removal three months prior.

(B) (C)


Figures 13.2B–D  Color dilution alopecia in two Pomeranian dogs.

Figures 13.2E and F  Color dilution alopecia in two silver Labrador dogs. Source: Image 13E courtesy of Dr. Amy Shumaker, DACVD; Image
13.3F courtesy of Dr. Trish Ashley, DACVD.

(G) (H)

Figures 13.2G and H  Trichograms of a color dilute dog demonstrating pigment clumping in the hair cortex (Fig. 13.2G is 10×, Fig. 13.2H is 4×).



Figures 13.3A and B  Black hair follicular dysplasia in a Terrier.
13  Non‐endocrine alopecia 315

Figure 13.4  A young Doberman with follicular dysplasia.

(A) (B)


Figures 13.5A–C  Canine recurrent flank alopecia.
316 13  Non‐endocrine alopecia



(C) (D)

Figures 13.6A–D  Canine pattern alopecia. Source: Images 13.6A and B courtesy of Dr. Trish Ashley, DACVD.
13  Non‐endocrine alopecia 317

(A) (B)



Figures 13.7A–D  Canine Alopecia X. Source: Images 13.8A and B courtesy of Dr. Trish Ashley, DACVD.
Table 13.2  Non‐endocrine alopecia of cats.

Systemic symptoms/Clinical Treatment/expected response/

Condition Cutaneous symptoms pathology changes Diagnosis monitoring/comments

Congenital hypotrichosis Non‐color associated hair loss Affected Birman cats lack a Clinical appearance. No specific treatment.
  starting in first few weeks of life. thymus.    
Autosomal recessive     Biopsy: Only small, fine secondary Appropriate antiseborrheic topical
condition; reported in Birman cats may also have Otherwise healthy. hairs; decreased number of, or therapy when indicated.
Birman, Burmese, Siamese, abnormal or no whiskers, claws, absent, hair follicles, sebaceous
and Devon Rex cats or lingual papillae. and apocrine glands.
Hair shaft disorder of Primary hairs, whiskers are No systemic symptoms. Clinical history and exam; No specific treatment; minimize trauma
Abyssinian cats rough, dull and have a visible trichogram. to the hair shafts.
onion‐shaped bulge usually at tip  
of hair; hair susceptible to Biopsy: No follicular
fracture. abnormalities.
Pili torti Flattening and twisting of May have ocular abnormalities Trichogram, biopsy. Some kittens die at a young age; others
  secondary hair shafts. (blepharitis, cataracts, corneal report to do well past 1 year of age.
Unusual congenital   opacities).
condition. Fragile hairs susceptible to
Seborrheic dermatitis and otitis;
paronychia; accentuated skin
Feline preauricular Symmetrical, non‐inflammatory, None Clinical appearance and no This is a normal hair pattern of cats that
“alopecia” thin hair coat between the pinnae diagnostics indicated. is more noticeable in short‐ than
and the eyes of cat. long‐haired cats.
Feline pinnal alopecia Periodic, patchy to complete None Breed, clinical appearance, and Self‐resolving.
  pinnal non‐inflammatory otherwise healthy.  
(Figure 13.8) alopecia.   Once infectious causes eliminated, no
Siamese cats predisposed. Helpful to rule out demodicosis further diagnostics/treatment indicated.
and dermatophytosis.
Feline psychogenic Barbered alopecia of ventrum No systemic symptoms but Elimination of other causes of Clomipramine: 0.5 mg/kg PO q24h; can
alopecia +/− medial thighs, medial may show stress response to pruritus: increase to 1 mg/kg if no response.
  forelegs. Pulling or over‐ noises, strangers, other Skin scrapes/parasite treatment Fluoxetine: 1 mg/kg PO q24h.
Indoor and Asian breed grooming of hair. animals. trial, dermatophyte culture or Amitriptyline: 0.5 mg/kg PO BID.
cats appear predisposed. Can create focal erythemic   PCR. Elimination diet: Buspirone: 5 mg tablets: 2.5–7.5 mg per
plaques or streaks. May display ptyalism, 8 or more weeks. cat PO 2–3 times per day.
  tachycardia, tachypnea,   Endorphin blocker:
Nail chewing reported. increase or decrease in food Behavioral evaluation/thorough Naloxone 1 mg/kg SC (may be effective
  intake. history of home environment and for several weeks).
Uncommon disorder and most changes.  
cases suspected to be behavioral   See Chapter 20, Table 20.7.
over‐grooming are actually Lack of response to anti‐  
allergic dermatitis. inflammatory doses of Address suspected cause(s) of stress;
corticosteroids + positive pheromone therapy.
response to anti‐anxiety therapy. Environmental enrichment.

0004322047.indd 318 6/28/2019 3:20:34 PM

Mural folliculitis Multifocal to generalized alopecia Variable. Histopathologic evaluation shows If this is seen on biopsy, rule out
  that is clinically non‐inflammatory. inflammation suggestive of auto‐ infectious causes such as dermatophyte
(Figures 13.9A and 13.9B) immune disorder targeting the and Demodex and question history for
hair follicle. signs of underlying allergies, consider
food trial.
If no etiology found, consider repeating
biopsies; can progress to more apparent
cutaneous lymphoma.
Idiopathic cases reported but rare.
Mucinotic mural Generalized alopecia most Often lethargic. Biopsy; labwork to assess Poorly responsive to medications
folliculitis pronounced on the head; skin of Reports of some cats living metabolic health and test (corticosteroids and cyclosporine tried).
  face, including eyelids, thickened. with the condition long‐term. retroviral status.
Very rare condition. 3/7 cats in one case series were
FIV positive (Gross, Olivry,
Vitale, and Power, 2001).
Pseudopelade Variably‐sized, often symmetrical No other symptoms reported. Biopsy: Though clinically non‐ Generally poorly responsive to
  non‐inflamed areas of alopecia. inflammatory, histology shows treatment but anecdotal reports of
(Chapter 11, Figure 11.18A)   inflammation suggestive of auto‐ improvement with cyclosporine or
  May have abnormal or sloughing immune dermatosis. cyclosporine combined with
Very rare. claws. triamcinolone.
See also Chapter 11, Table 11.1.
Trichorrhexis nodosa Symmetric diffuse alopecia. None Trichogram: Nodes or swellings Stop any topical treatments; address any
    of hair shafts in affected area. cause of trauma to the hairs (such as
Very rare condition. May be associated with Hair shaft often fractures at a pruritus, overgrooming).
overgrooming or topical insecticide node leaving “frayed” ends
application plus underlying abutting each other.
(subclinical) hair keratin defect.
Feline paraneoplastic Dramatic hair loss of ventrum, Cats are usually systemically ill Skin biopsy: Histopathologic Grave prognosis.
alopecia then legs, face. when cutaneous symptoms findings are unique to this  
  Foot pads, nasal planum may be develop. condition. Complete tumor resection leads to
(Figures 13.10A–13.10D) involved.   resolution of cutaneous signs, but
    Ultrasound, exploratory neoplasia has usually metastasized by
Usually in cats 10 years and Alopecic skin appears shiny (not laparotomy to locate malignancy. time of diagnosis.
older. fragile); pads appear smooth.  
    Most cats euthanized within 8 weeks of
Always associated with Large sheets of scale and crusting onset of alopecia.
neoplasia, usually may be present.
pancreatic or bile duct  
carcinoma. Acute and rapidly progressive signs.
Secondary Malassezia infections

0004322047.indd 319 6/28/2019 3:20:34 PM

320 13  Non‐endocrine alopecia

Figure 13.8  Non‐inflammatory, bilaterally symmetric, outer pinnal hypotrichosis in a Siamese cat.

Figures 13.9B  Patchy alopecia and slight crusting of the eyelids

and muzzle due to feline mural folliculitis Source: Image courtesy
of Dr. William Miller, DACVD.

Figures 13.9A  Feline mural folliculitis causing patchy facial and

pinnal alopecia Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Emily Black, DVM.
13  Non‐endocrine alopecia 321

Figure 13.10A  Facial hair loss with easily epilated fur caused by Figure 13.10B  The same cat as Figure 12.12A; note marked
paraneoplastic alopecia due to a liver tumor Source: Image ventral truncal alopecia with a shiny appearance to the skin.
courtesy of VIN and Eric Clough, DVM. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Eric Clough, DVM.

(C) (D)

Figures 13.10C–D  Paraneoplastic alopecia in a cat causing easily epilated fur on the medial limbs. Source: Images courtesy of VIN and
John Ley, DVM.
322 13  Non‐endocrine alopecia

­References/Further reading
Frank, LA. (2014) Non‐inflammatory Alopecia, It’s not Guaguere, E. and Prelaud, P. (1999). A Practical Guide to
always Hormonal. Proceedings of the North American Feline Dermatology. Merial.
Veterinary Dermatology Forum, Phoenix, AZ, USA Mecklenburg, L., Linek, M., and Tobin, D.J. (2009). Hair
(12–14 Apr 2014). Ames, Iowa: Wiley. Loss Disorders in Domestic Animals. Ames, Iowa: Wiley
Frank, L.A. (2017). Alopecia X in a Pomeranian. Blackwell.
Clinician’s Brief Miller, W., Griffin, C., and Campbell, K. (2014). Mueller
alopecia‐x‐pomeranian. and Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology, 7e. Philadephia,
Gross, T.L., Ihrke, P.J., Walder, E.J. et al. (eds.) (2008). Skin PA: Saunders.
Diseases of the Dog and Cat, Clinical and Histopathologic Stoll, S., Dietlin, C., and Nett‐Mettler, C.S. (2015).
Diagnosis, 2e. Ames, Iowa: Blackwell Science. Microneedling as a successful treatment for alopecia X
Gross, T.L., Olivry, T., Vitale, C.B., and Power, H.T. (2001). in Pomeranian siblings. Vet. Dermatol. 26 (5):
Degenerative mucinotic mural folliculitis in cats. Vet. 387–390.
Dermatol. Oct 12 (5): 279–283.


Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis

Kimberly S. Coyner, DVM, DACVD
Dermatology Clinic for Animals, Lacey, WA, USA

14.1 ­Approach to otitis ●● If otitis persists or recurs more often than two to three
times/year, or in cases with chronic otitis, then further
●● Otitis externa is a common medical problem in dogs workup is indicated (see Algorithm 14.2) to identify a
and less common in cats. potentially resistant bacterial infection +/− otitis
●● When presented with a case of acute otitis (see media, as well as to identify and address the underlying
Algorithm 14.1), always obtain otic cytology and swabs primary cause(s) for otitis, including:
for mites in order to accurately identify and treat infec- –– Hypersensitivity (atopy, food allergy, contact
tion, and perform otoscopic examination to screen for hypersensitivity)
ear canal foreign bodies or masses. –– Parasite
●● If the ear canal is too painful or swollen for otoscopic –– Ear canal foreign body
examination, treatment of infection and a tapering two –– Ear canal tumor or polyp
to three weeks course of oral anti‐inflammatory ster- –– Endocrinopathy
oids may be needed prior to recheck and otoscopic –– Immune‐mediated disease
examination. –– Keratinization disorder
●● If cerumen/debris in ear canals prevent full otoscopic
examination (Figures 14.1A–14.1E), then gently clean-
ing the ear canal with a ceruminolytic flush may be 14.2 ­Otoscopic examination
needed +/− in severe cases sedation or anesthesia for
deep flush using a 5–8F red rubber catheter and a ●● Otoscopic examination is a skill which requires prac-
12–20 cc syringe through the otoscope head to guide tice to master; it is helpful to first practice otoscopy on
safe flushing and avoid iatrogenic ear canal or tympa- sedated or anesthetized animals to develop correct
num trauma (Figure 14.2); video otoscopic guided ear technique.
flushing has the benefit of increased magnification to ●● Grasp the pinna and gently pull the ear canal up and
visualize deep ear canal structures (Figure 14.3). outward to help straighten it and facilitate insertion of
●● Use cuffed ET tube for anesthetic procedures to pre- the otoscopic cone.
vent aspiration of ear flush fluid if the tympanum is ●● It is important to be able to recognize normal ear
not intact; for sedated procedures if any coughing is canal and tympanum anatomy (Figures 14.4A–14.4D)
observed then immediately stop the procedure. in order to be able to recognize abnormalities
●● Instill ceruminolytic agent for five minutes to loosen debris. (Figures 14.5A–14.5H).
●● Dogs: Flush ears with mild cleaner or 0.9% NaCl. ●● Using an otoscope head with magnification is often
●● Cats: Use warmed saline only! helpful, as is video otoscopy if available.
●● If tympanum ruptured, flush out cleaners with saline.
●● Use separate flushing materials/solution for each ear.
●● Repeat ear flush q7–10 days until infection controlled. 14.3 ­Choice of otic medications
●● Continue at‐home preventative cleaning q3–7 days.
●● Treat infection topically and recheck otic cytology and ●● Bacterial otitis
examination in two to three weeks to ensure infection –– Antiseptic flushes containing silver or chlorhex-
has resolved. idine commercial otic solution.

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
Algorithm 14.1  Diagnostic and treatment steps for acute otitis externa.

Acute Otitis Treatment

Cytology Swab for Mites

Rods Cocci Yeast Mixed Cerumen +/– inflammatory cells Otodectes Demodex
Figs. 14.12A–B Figs. 14.13A–B Figs. 14.14A–B Figs. 14.15A–B but no organisms Fig. 14.16 Fig. 14.17

1st line topical treatment 1st line topical treatment Topical azole Combination product Allergic otitis Contact Selamectin or imidocloprid/ Topical otic preparation
(atopy/food) hypersensitivity moxidectin spot on containing ivermectin or
Silver or chlorhexidine Silver or chlorhexidine Acetic acid product to topical otic milbemycin
commercial otic prep commercial otic prep medication or Topical otic preparation
cleaner containing ivermectin or Extra label: Instill 0.1cc of
*Aminoglycosides *Aminoglycosides milbemycin 1% ivermectin solution into
Topical otic ear once daily until 2 weeks
Polymyxin B Polymyxin B steroid drop Extra label: 1% ivermectin beyond negative ear swab
daily × 7 days, 0.2–0.3 mg/kg SQ/PO q 14
then q 2–3 days Stop all topical days x 2tx Isoxazoline parasiticides
medications and may be effective
Treat cleaners Isoxazoline parasiticides
2nd line topical treatment 2nd line topical treatment underlying also likely effective
allergic disease Tapering course
Fluoroquinolones Florfenicol of oral anti- All in contact dogs and cats
inflammatory should be treated
Fluoroquinolones steroids × 2–3

Small dog 0.25cc BID Medium dog 0.50cc BID Large dog 0.75–1cc BID Doses listed do not apply when using long-acting florfenicol products

In addition, use mild ear flush 2x/week (if bacterial use a salicylic acid or silver containing product, if yeast use ketoconazole containing cleaner)

Treat for 10–14 days then re–assess otoscopic examination and cytology

Resolved Not Resolved

Continue cleaner q 1–2 weeks Culture, adjust medications, workup/treat underlying 1° disease (see Algorithm 4.2: Chronic otitis)

*Aminoglycoside antibiotics should not be used if tympanum is ruptured.
14  Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis 325

Figure 14.1A  Accumulated exudate and cerumen on the canal Figure 14.1B  This atopic dog had chronic Malassezia otitis which
walls and obstructing the horizontal canal in this allergic dog will did not resolve with prior ear medications due to severe
prevent adequate penetration of topical antimicrobial otic accumulation of cerumen and exudate which sequesters the yeast
medications. organisms away from antifungal medications.

Figure 14.1C  After the exudate was flushed out, the tympanum Figure 14.1D  This Miniature Poodle also had chronic otitis
was revealed to be thickened and abnormal, suggesting otitis unresponsive to treatment; otoscopic examination revealed a
media also contributed to chronic infection; the dog’s otitis plug of fur and cerumen obstructing the horizontal canal which
resolved with topical antifungal drops combined with a four‐week was causing inflammation as well as sequestering infection.
course of oral antifungal medication and allergy hyposensitization
therapy to treat the underlying atopy.

–– Antibiotic drops or ointments (i.e. neomycin, ●● Repackage ointments and solutions into dropper
gentamycin). ­bottles or Yorkers and provide syringes to owners to
–– Reserve fluoroquinolones for resistant Pseudomonas facilitate dosing:
and for cases with questionable tympanum. –– Small dog: 0.25 cc BID
●● Yeast otitis –– Medium dog: 0.50 cc BID
–– Acetic acid/boric acid flushes may be effective but –– Large dog: 0.75–1.0 cc BID
can be irritating in some dogs. –– Doses above do not apply when using long‐acting
–– Antifungal products (i.e. clotrimazole, miconazole, florfenicol products
ketoconazole, thiabendazole, nystatin). ●● Long acting veterinary labeled florfenicol/terbinafine
●● Use steroid containing products to reduce inflammation. otic preparations may be appropriate for otitis in which
●● Do not tell owners to count drops, it is more accurate cocci bacteria and yeast are found on otic cytology,
and effective to deliver a measured dose of ear medica- however florfenicol is ineffective for Pseudomonas and
tion into the ear canal. should not be empirically used for otitis in which rods
–– The average ear canal volume is 2.7 ml are present cytologically unless culture and sensitivity
–– 1 ml = 15–20 drops data indicate bacterial susceptibility.
326 14  Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis

Figure 14.1E  Same dog as Fig. 14.1D; When the plug of fur/
cerumen was removed, the underlying tympanum was thickened/
abnormal, consistent with otitis media; otitis resolved with
antibiotics based on culture and did not recur.

Figure 14.2  Deep ear flush using a handheld otoscope to guide a

catheter through the otoscope cone and into the deep canal to
flush out accumulated debris; the dog is lightly sedated.

14.4 ­Indications for systemic
steroid/antibiotic therapy in otitis
●● Proliferative otitis which prevents effective topical
therapy (Figure 14.6).
●● Severe ulcerative and/or purulent otitis.
●● Owner inability to apply topical medications.
●● Adverse reaction to topical medications.
●● Topical therapy is not effective.
●● Otitis media (controversial, Figures 14.1E, 14.5H).

14.5 ­Choice of otic cleanser/flushes

●● Ear cleaning solutions can have several properties:
Figure 14.3  A Cocker Spaniel with chronic otitis due to atopy
–– Ceruminolytic  –  help cleaning by emulsifying
undergoing video otoscopy under anesthesia to flush out deep
ear debris and evaluate the tympanum. waxes/lipids.
–– Drying – reduce moisture accumulation in the ear
●● Use of a long‐acting veterinary labeled ketoconazole/ –– Antimicrobial – antibacterial and/or antifungal.
hydrocortisone preparation may be considered in dif- –– Combination products.
ficult to treat dogs with Malassezia otitis externa. ●● Ceruminolytics
●● Avoid compounded long‐acting otic preparations –– Use for ears that form large amounts of waxy exu-
except as a last resort in dogs which will not tolerate date which needs to be dissolved.
application of appropriate labeled otic medications; –– Potent ceruminolytic agents include surfactants
the carrier used in compounded otic medications can (DSS) and detergents to emulsify waxes and lipids.
cause ototoxicity and deafness and is very difficult to –– Milder ceruminolytic agents in commercial ear clean-
remove from the middle ear (Fig 14.5I). ers include propylene glycol, glycerin, and mineral oil.
Algorithm 14.2  Diagnostic and treatment steps for chronic otitis.

How to address chronic/recurrent otitis

Identify and treat 1° cause Flush out accumulated exudate Treat infection
• Atopy Figs. 14.18A–C • Take samples for cytology +/– culture • Obtain in clinic cytology at every visit to enable Figs. 14.28A–B
° 6 mo–5 yr, usually bilateral interpretation of culture results, guide empiric treatment
• If the canal is swollen, pretreat with tapering oral anti- Figs. 14.27A–B
° Seasonal or non–seasonal decision pending culture results, and assess response to
inflammatory steroids x 2–3 weeks and start topical otic antibiotics
° Often steroid responsive therapy and when to adjust or discontinue therapy
° Can occur in any breed, but some breeds more commonly atopic • Sedate (medetomidine +/– opioid), +/– anesthetize with cuffed ET tube
• In cases of bacterial otitis unresponsive to prior empiric therapies,
• Food allergy • Instill squalene based ear flush to soften cerumen × 5 min. obtain culture to guide topical +/– systemic antibiotic choice
Figs. 14.19A–C
° Any age, usually bilateral
° Non–seasonal • Use 5–8 F red rubber catheter and 12–20cc syringe, Figs. 14.2–14.3
° Not usually very steroid responsive guided through otoscope, or video-otoscope
° Can occur in any breed, but some breeds more commonly food
allergic • Syringe flush with mild ceruminolytic ear cleaner or saline Topical Treatment Systemic Treatment
• Use syringes to measure topical • Use oral antibiotics based on
• Contact allergy • If tympanum is not intact, flush with saline
Fig. 14.20 otic medications (not applicable culture x 4 weeks in addition to
° Suspect if inflammation or pain worsens with for long-acting otic preps) topical medications if canals
• After flushing all exudate out, aspirate canal dry, instill antibiotic
topical medications. ° Small animals < 10#: are severely inflamed/ulcerated/
+/– steroid drops
0.25cc per dose proliferative
• Parasite Figs. 14.21A–D • Continue topical ear medications based on cytology +/– culture 4 weeks ° Medium animals 11–50#: • Use oral antiyeast medication x
° Otodectes
0.50cc per dose 4–6 weeks if yeast otitis media
Most common cause of feline otitis • Send home mild ear flush to begin at home ear cleaning in 4–5 days,
° Large dogs > 50#: 0.75– suspected
° Demodex clean twice a week, NOT daily; separate cleaner and medicated drops by 1.0cc per dose • Use of a 4–6 week course of
May or may not have concurrent skin disease 8–12 hrs oral antibiotics for otitis media is
More common in young or immunosuppressed • Tell owners to not clean ears
• Continue tapering oral anti–inflammatory steroids 2–4 weeks beyond controversial and only
° Usually bilateral prior to instilling antibiotic drops
deep ear flush recommended if based on
• Tumor/polyp • Use long acting florfenicol otic culture of middle ear exudate
Figs. 14.22A–D
° Usually unilateral preps based on cytology +/– sample
° Polyps more common in young cats culture results
° Tumors more common in older pets º Cocci +/– yeast
º Not ideal empiric choice if
• Foreign body Figs. 14.23A–D rods present on cytology;
° Usually unilateral not effective for
• Endocrinopathy Figs. 14.24A–B
° Hypothyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism • Do not use long-acting
° Usually bilateral, older dogs compounded otic medications
° Usually other skin or systemic signs except as last resort if dog will
not allow owners to safely apply
• Keratinization disorder Figs. 14.25A–B topical otic medications
° Sebaceous adenitis
More common in Standard Poodles, Akitas
° Primary seborrhea
Very rare, Cocker Spaniels
When to refer for surgery
• Immune-mediated Figs. 14.26A–E • End–stage otitis (Figs. 14.29A–B, Fig. 14.5D)
° Usually bilateral
• Recurrent otitis media despite appropriate medical treatment
° Often other skin lesions present
• Recurrent benign ear canal mass or polyp after initial removal or benign mass which cannot be removed
° Pemphigus, juvenile cellulitis, erythema multiforme, vasculitis,
• Malignant ear canal neoplasia
drug eruption
• Multi-drug resistant bacterial otitis media with no available antibiotic options
328 14  Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis

Figure 14.4A  A normal canine tympanum with anatomic Figure 14.4B  A normal feline tympanum; the whitish structure
locations labeled. which can be seen behind the pars tensa is the boney septum of
the bulla, a normal structure. There is normal cerumen present on
the ventral aspect of the proximal horizontal canal.

Figure 14.4C  Some dogs have hair which grows from the Figure 14.4D  This dog’s tympanum was normal, however
epitympanic recess; this can be a normal variation which can increased middle ear pressure due to anesthesia caused the pars
complicate otitis due to tendency to accumulate cerumen which flaccida to bow outward, mimicking a mass.
is difficult to dislodge.

Use a mild ceruminolytic/mild drying formulation for

–– Most ceruminolytics and detergents are contraindi- ●●

routine cleaning, for prevention of cerumen accumu-

cated with ruptured tympanum.
lation, and for ears which tend to be moist.
–– Squalene is a milder surfactant cleanser, may be
Products with antimicrobial properties can also be
safer if tympanum ruptured. ●●

helpful in preventing recurrent otitis.

●● Drying agents can be used for prevention of “swim-
mer’s ear.”
–– Examples of drying agents in commercial ear clean- 14.6 ­Educate owners on how to
ers include: alcohol, boric acid, benzoic acid, sali- correctly use ear flushes
cylic acid, acetic acid, aluminum acetate, sulfur,
silicone dioxide. ●● Instill product until canal is full, don’t touch cleaner
●● Antimicrobial ingredients bottle tip to ear canal.
–– Ingredients in commercial ear cleaners which have ●● Massage ear canal gently for 20–30 seconds.
antimicrobial properties include propylene glycol, ●● Allow the pet to shake their head, then wipe out excess
acetic acid, salicylic acid, sulfur, silver, aloe vera, with dry cotton balls, never Q tips.
chlorhexidene, alcohol, miconazole, ketoconazole. ●● Cleanse one to two times weekly for most ears, two to
–– Often incorporated into a combination ear cleaner. three times weekly for infected ears.
Figure 14.5A  An ear canal mass in a dog; histopathology revealed an Figure 14.5B  An inflammatory polyp in a cat.
inflammatory polyp secondary to chronic allergic and bacterial otitis.

Figure 14.5C  Early polypoid otitis in a Cocker Spaniel with Figure 14.5D  End stage hyperplastic otitis in a different Cocker
chronic allergic and bacterial otitis; the entire canal is lined with Spaniel; the changes in this ear canal cannot be reversed and total
small masses of ceruminous gland hyperplasia; this ear can still be ear canal ablation will likely be needed.
salvaged by aggressive treatment with oral and topical steroids
for four to six weeks, treatment of infection, and treatment of
underlying allergic disease.

Figure 14.5E  French Bulldogs often have anatomically very stenotic Figure 14.5F  In this dog, an infiltrative horizontal canal mass has
canals which contribute to treatment difficulty in this breed. caused partial canal stricture.
330 14  Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis

Figure 14.5H  This thickened and abnormal tympanum which is

bowing outward indicates otitis media is present.

Figure 14.5G  This dog’s chronic otitis was due to a stricture which
narrowed the canal by 90%, it was unknown if the stricture was
congenital or acquired due to prior ear canal trauma. Total ear
canal ablation is indicated.

Figure 14.6  This atopic dog with chronic bacterial and yeast otitis
has developed severe external canal hyperplasia and stenosis
which prevents penetration of topical otic medications, and oral
steroids are indicated to reduce canal swelling and facilitate
medication administration.

●● Do not use out of date ear cleaners as they can be con-

Figure 14.5I  This atopic dog had chronic otitis and deafness with
ear canal pain after multiple administration of compounded taminated by bacteria.
antibiotic “ear packs” which had ruptured the tympanum and filled –– A study cultured the tips of the bottles as well as
the middle ear; removal of the gooey substance was extremely bottle contents of client‐used ear flush bottles
difficult and time consuming. (Bartlett, Rosenkrantz, and Sanchez, 2011).
–– Contamination rates increased for out of date products,
larger bottles, and products containing Triz‐EDTA.

●● In general, do not clean before instilling antibiotic ear

drops as it will dilute the drops. 14.7 ­Diagnosis and treatment
–– In cases of Pseudomonas otitis, instillation of a Triz‐ of otitis media
EDTA containing product 15 minutes prior to anti-
biotic drops can facilitate antibiotic penetration ●● Common in chronic otitis externa.
through bacterial cell walls. ●● Clinical signs:
●● If the pet ever seems painful/irritated by a cleanser or –– Recurrent otitis is the most common symptom.
ear medication, consider contact hypersensitivity. –– +/− Horner’s, mild head tilt, facial palsy (Figure 14.7).
14  Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis 331

●● Diagnosis:
–– Otoscopic exam: Tympanum thickened, bowing out-
ward, opaque, +/− torn (Figures  14.8A and 14.8B,
14.9A and 14.9B).
–– An intact tympanum does not rule out otitis media.
–– In chronic infections >6 mo, 50–90% have otitis media,
and 70% have intact but abnormal tympanum.
–– Bulla radiographs: May be normal or show opacified
bulla and/or thickened bullae walls.
–– CT scan: More sensitive; not as available.
●● Treatment
–– Treat bacterial otitis media with systemic antibiot-
ics based on culture for one to two months.
–– Treat yeast otitis media with systemic antifungal
medication for one to two months.
–– Myringotomy to sample middle ear for culture may
be needed to guide antibiotic therapy, as external
ear pathogens may not be the same as middle ear.

Figure 14.7  A Labrador with Horner’s syndrome caused by

chronic bacterial otitis media and middle ear neoplasia.

Figure 14.8A  An air bubble escaping from a small tear in the Figure 14.8B  This dog’s tympanum was intact but very thickened
tympanum. and abnormal due to otitis media.

Figure 14.9B  When the exudate was flushed out, there is no

Figure 14.9A  On initial view of the proximal horizontal canal of this recognizable tympanum, just residual shreds on the canal wall,
dog with otitis media, only a pool of purulent exudate can be seen. and the underlying bulla is visible.
332 14  Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis

Figure 14.10A  A myringotomy incision in the tympanum of a cat Figure 14.10B  The tympanum of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
with a head tilt. with deafness due to primary secretory otitis media (PSOM).

Figure 14.10C  Image taken after myringotomy and during saline Figure 14.10D  Post myringotomy; the incision in the pars tensa
middle ear flush to remove middle ear mucous. is visible.

●● Myringotomy
–– Performed if tympanum is intact but abnormal to
obtain samples for cytology and culture.
–– Informed owner release for potential complications
(i.e. temporary Horner’s, facial nerve paralysis, ves-
tibular disease, deafness).
–– Use handheld otoscope/sterile otoscope cone or
video otoscope.
–– Use sterile micro culturette swab or tomcat catheter
to incise the caudoventral quadrant of tympanum/
pars tensa, first sample for culture, then cytology
(Figures 14.10A–14.10E).
–– If no visible exudate on swab, the use the tomcat
catheter to infuse 1–2 cc sterile saline into bulla and
reaspirate for culture and cytology.
–– After samples are obtained, lavage the middle
ear with warm saline using a 5F soft red rubber
–– The tympanum normally heals in three to five weeks
Figure 14.10E  PSOM mucous collected from the patient. if infection is controlled.
14  Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis 333

–– Pending culture results, start empiric topical and 14.8 ­When to refer for surgery
oral antibiotics based on cytology and continue
medications based on culture for one to two months; ●● End‐stage otitis (Figures 14.5D, 14.29A–14.29B).
●● Avoid aminoglycosides. ●● Recurrent otitis media despite appropriate medical
●● Don’t use ear flushes (or use only saline flushes) treatment.
for two to three weeks post myringotomy. ●● Recurrent benign ear canal mass or polyp after initial
–– Tapering anti‐inflammatory steroids for two to removal or benign mass which cannot be removed.
three weeks and pain medications are indicated. ●● Malignant ear canal neoplasia.
–– Advise owner to monitor for any signs of ototoxicity ●● Multi‐drug resistant bacterial otitis media with no
from topical medications and discontinue otic available antibiotic options.
­medications if adverse symptoms occur.
●● If otitis continues to recur then consider bulla
osteotomy. 14.9 ­Ototoxicity
●● Cholesteatoma
–– Middle ear cholesteatoma can occur as a complica- ●● Topical otic medications and flushes can sometimes
tion of chronic otitis media. cause ototoxicity, with potential symptoms including
–– An epidermoid cyst lined by a keratinizing epithelium decreased hearing, deafness, and vestibular disease.
containing keratin debris (Figures 14.11A and B). ●● Medication volume/vehicle, treatment duration, and
–– The cyst expands, and destroys adjacent tissue, pre‐existing otic inflammation can influence risk of
including the bone of the tympanic bulla. ototoxicity.
–– Two theories: ●● Cats and younger animals are especially predisposed
●● Migration of the stratified squamous epithelium
to ototoxicity.
from the external auditory meatus into the ●● There is conflicting information in the literature
infected middle ear cavity through a perforated about ototoxicity of topical medications in the canine
ear drum. ear; most information about topical medication
●● Pars flaccida retracts into the middle ear due to
­ototoxicity is derived from studies on guinea pigs and
inflammation and/or negative pressure then the chinchillas.
pocket fills with keratin. ●● There have been a few studies in dogs with ruptured
–– History of chronic otitis, pain on opening of the eardrums using brainstem auditory evoked response
mouth and on temporomandibular joint palpation. (BAER) results after application of topical medications,
–– Neurological abnormalities, including head tilt, and these studies found that topical medications which
facial palsy, and ataxia can occur. had no significant effect on BAER (i.e. were not oto-
–– Treatment is surgery to remove all keratin toxic) included marbofloxacin, clotrimazole, gentamy-
debris and stratified squamous epithelium (bulla cin (diluted to 0.14% in Triz‐EDTA), 0.2% chlorhexidene,
osteotomy). and squalene (Mansfield et  al. 1997; Merchant et  al.
–– High (50%) risk of recurrence. 1995; Paterson, 2011).

(A) (B)

Figures 14.11A and B  Middle ear cholesteatomas in two dogs with chronic otitis media.
334 14  Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis



Figures 14.12A and B  Clinical and cytological pictures of bacterial otitis externa due to rod bacteria with fewer cocci; atopy was the
primary underlying cause. 100×

(A) (B)

Figures 14.13A and B  Clinical and cytological pictures of bacterial otitis externa due to cocci bacteria, likely Staphylococcus; atopy was
the primary underlying cause. 100×

●● Silver sulfadiazine cream diluted 50 : 50 in sterile water ●● The literature in cats is even more sparse. Topical genta-
had variable effect on BAER. mycin was found to be ototoxic when applied into the
●● Conversely, topical medications which were found to bulla at concentrations ranging from 3–10% (Copner
suppress BAER in dogs (i.e. were ototoxic) included Webster, Carroll, Benitez, and McGee, 1971), 2% chlorhex-
1% tobramycin, 2.5% ticarcillin, DSS, carbamide idene was found to be both vestibulotoxic and ototoxic,
­peroxide, and triethanolamine. See Table  14.1 for and 0.05% chlorhexidene was found to be vestibulotoxic
more information. (Igarishi and Suzuki, 1985; Igarishi and Oka, 1988a,b).
14  Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis 335

(A) (B)

Figures 14.14A and B  Clinical and cytological pictures of bacterial otitis externa due to Malassezia yeast; atopy was the primary
underlying cause. 100×



Figures 14.15A and B  Clinical and cytological pictures of mixed bacterial and yeast otitis externa; atopy was the primary underlying
cause. 100×

●● In humans, topical antifungal products which have ●● Discontinue all topical otic medications and flushes.
been found not to be ototoxic include clotrimazole, There are no published studies on the use of medications
fluconazole, ketoconazole, econazole, and miconazole. to treat ototoxicity, and any information on treatments is
Conversely, topical antifungal products which have anecdotal.
been found to be ototoxic include acetic acid, boric –– In rodent studies, coadministration of steroids or
acid, cresylate, and Gentian violet. antioxidants such as N‐acetylcysteine or glutathione
●● If a patient is presented with symptoms suggestive were helpful to reduce ototoxicity of topical or sys-
of ototoxicity, flushing prior otic medications out of temic ototoxic medications, but no studies have
the ear canal with warmed sterile 0.9% saline is evaluated utility or efficacy of these medications
needed. after ototoxicity has already occurred.
336 14  Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis

Table 14.1  Ototoxic agents.

Potentially ototoxic Potentially ototoxic Potentially ototoxic Potentially ototoxic

antibiotics antifungals antiseptics ceruminolytic agents Miscellaneous agents

All aminoglycosides Amphotericin B Acetic acid Carbamide peroxide Cytoxan

Bacitracin Griseofulvin Benzalkonium chloride DSS Dapsone
Chloramphenicol Acetic acid Cetrimide Propylene glycol Detergents
Erythromycin Boric acid Chlorhexidene Polyethylene glycol DMSO
Gramicidin Cresylate Ethanol Triethanolamine Diphenylhydrazine
Oxytetracycline Gentian violet Iodine and iodophors Toluene Cisplatin
Minocycline Potassium bromide
Polymyxin B Salicylates

Figure 14.16  Otodectes cynotis found in a dog with chronic Figure 14.17  A Demodex canis mite. 10× with digital zoom.
recurrent otitis externa. 4×

Figure 14.18A  Allergic otitis due to atopy in a dog. Figure 14.18B  Allergic otitis due to atopy in a cat.
14  Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis 337

Figure 14.18C  Severe inflammation and excoriations in an atopic Figure 14.19A  A food allergic dog with otitis externa.
dog with secondary bacterial otitis externa.

Figure 14.19B  A food allergic dog with severe ear canal swelling; Figure 14.19C  The same dog as in Figure 14.19B after a tapering
the dog was referred for total ear canal ablation. course of steroids, treatment of yeast otitis, and a hypoallergenic
diet trial.
Figure 14.20  This atopic dog had severe bacterial otitis which was complicated by a contact reaction to xenodine ear drops.

(A) (B)

Figure 14.21A and B  A dog with severe Malassezia otitis and dermatitis triggered by Otodectes infestation. (14.21B 4× magnification)

(C) (D)

Figures 14.21C and D  An elderly dog with otitis externa due to otic demodicosis. (Fig. 14.21D 10× magnification)
14  Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis 339

(A) (B)

Figures 14.22A and B  Chronic allergic and bacterial otitis in a Shih Tzu triggered this benign ear canal tumor which was successfully

Figure 14.22C  An inflammatory otic polyp in a cat. Figure 14.22D  Squamous cell carcinoma in the ear of a dog was
the trigger for its chronic bacterial otitis.

Figure 14.23A  This dog had acute head and ear shaking due to a Figure 14.23B  In a different case, chronic otitis triggered by
foxtail (grass awn) which can be seen just in front of the tympanum. foxtails had led to growth of an inflammatory polyp.
340 14  Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis

Figure 14.23C  This cat was shaking its head/ears due to a Figure 14.23D  A large concretion of fur and cerumen in the ear
ceruminolith which obstructed the horizontal canal. canal of a dog with chronic Malassezia otitis due to underlying atopy.

Figure 14.24A  Ceruminous otitis externa due to underlying Figure 14.24B  Chronic yeast otitis externa triggered by
hypothyroidism. hypothyroidism.

Figure 14.25A  Scaling and adherent, brown, epithelial debris on Figure 14.25B  Otitis externa due to underlying ichthyosis in a
the canal walls of a dog with sebaceous adenitis. young American Bulldog.
14  Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis 341

(A) (B)

Figure 14.26A and B  Otitis externa in a dog (14.26A) and cat (14.26B) with pemphigus foliaceus; typical pustular and crusting lesions
were present on the face and trunk as well.

Figure 14.26C  Otitis externa in a cat due to proliferative Figure 14.26D  Otitis externa due to erythema multiforme.
necrotizing otitis externa.

Figure 14.26E  Otitis externa and pinnal crusts in a puppy with juvenile cellulitis.
342 14  Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis

(A) (B)

Figure 14.27A and B   Severe Pseudomonas otitis externa due to underlying atopy; oral and topical steroids in addition to antibiotics are
indicated to reduce canal swelling and exudate.

Figure 14.28A  Cytology of bacterial otitis. 100× Figure 14.28B  Cytology of Malassezia otitis. 100×

Figure 14.29A  End stage proliferative otitis in a young French Figure 14.29B  This cat has complete ear canal occlusion due to
Bulldog; total ear canal ablation is indicated. apocrine cystomatosis, total ear canal ablation is indicated.
14  Diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic otitis 343

­References/Further reading
Angus, J.C. (2004). Otic cytology in health and disease. Igarashi, Y. and Oka, Y. (1988b). Vestibular ototoxicity
Vet. Clin. North Am. Small Anim. Pract. 34 (2): 411–424. following intratympanic application of chlorhexidine
Bartlett, S.J., Rosenkrantz, W.S., and Sanchez, S. (2011). gluconate in the cat. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol. 245 (4):
Bacterial contamination of commercial ear cleaners 210–217.
following routine home use. Vet. Dermatol. 22 (6): 546–553. Igarashi, Y. and Suzuki, J. (1985). Cochlear ototoxicity of
Bloom, P. (2009). A practical approach to diagnosing and chlorhexidine gluconate in cats. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol.
managing ear disease in dogs. Compend. Contin. Educ. 242 (2): 167–176.
Vet. 31 (5): E1–E5. Kennis, R.A. (2013). Feline otitis: diagnosis and
Cole, L.K. (2004). Otoscopic evaluation of the ear canal. treatment. Vet. Clin. North Am. Small Anim. Pract.
Vet. Clin. North Am. Small Anim. Pract. 34 (2): 397–410. 43 (1): 51–56.
Cole, L.K. (2010). Anatomy and physiology of the canine Mansfield, P. and Miller, S. (2000). Ototoxicity of topical
ear. Vet. Dermatol. 21 (2): 221–231. preparations. In: Small Animal Ear Diseases, 2e
Cole, L.K., Kwochka, K.W., Kowalski, J.J., and Hillier, A. (ed. L.N. Gotthelf ), 149. Elsevier.
(1998). Microbial flora and antimicrobial susceptibility Merchant, S., Neer, T., Tedford, B. et al. (1995). Ototoxicity
patterns of isolated pathogens from the horizontal ear assessment of a topical chlorhexidene otic preparation in
canal and middle ear in dogs with otitis media. J. Am. dogs. Prog. Vet. Neurol. 4: 72–75.
Vet. Med. Assoc. 212 (4): 534–538. Mansfield, P.D. et al. (1997). The effects of four commercial
Copner Webster, J., Carroll, R., Benitez, J., and McGee, T. ceruminolytics on the middle ear. J. Am. Anim. Hosp.
(1971). Ototoxicity of topical gentamicin in the cat. Assoc. 33: 479–486.
J. Infect. Dis., Supplement: Second International Munguia, R. and Daniel, S.J. (2008). Ototopical antifungals
Symposium on Gentamicin: An Aminoglycoside and otomycosis: a review. Int. J. Pediatr.
Antibiotic 124: S138–S144. Otorhinolaryngol. 72: 453–459.
Gortel, K. (2004). Otic flushing. Vet. Clin. North Am. Small Murphy, K.M. (2001). A review of techniques for the
Anim. Pract. 34 (2): 557–565. investigation of otitis externa and otitis media. Clin.
Gotthelf, L. (2005). Small Animal Ear Diseases, 2e. St. Tech. Small Anim. Pract. 16 (4): 236–241.
Louis: Elsevier. Nuttall, T. and Cole, L.K. (2007). Evidence‐based
Gotthelf, L.N. (2004). Diagnosis and treatment of otitis veterinary dermatology: a systematic review of
media in dogs and cats. Vet. Clin. North Am. Small interventions for treatment of Pseudomonas otitis in
Anim. Pract. 34 (2): 469–487. dogs. Vet. Dermatol. 18 (2): 69–77.
Greci, V., Travetti, O., Di Giancamillo, M. et al. (2011). Middle Paterson S. Safety of otic treatment and cleaners as
ear cholesteatoma in 11 dogs. Can. Vet. J. 52 (6): 631–636. supported by BAER testing. In: Proceedings of the
Griffin, C. (2009). Otitis: anatomy every practitioner should NAVC Conference 2011.
know. Compend Contin. Educ. Vet. 31 (11): 504–512. Paterson, S. (2016). Topical ear treatment ‐ options,
Griffin, C.E. (2006). Otitis techniques to improve practice. indications and limitations of current therapy. J. Small
Clin. Tech. Small Anim. Pract. 21 (3): 96–105. Anim. Pract. 57 (12): 668–678.
Haynes, D., Rutka, J., Hawke, M., and Roland, P. (2007). Paterson, S. and Tobias, K. (2013). Atlas of Ear Diseases of
Ototoxicity of ototopical drops: an update. Otolaryngol. the Dog and Cat. Oxford UK: Wiley Blackwell.
Clin. North Am. 669–683. Risselada, M. (2016). Diagnosis and management of
Igarashi, Y. and Oka, Y. (1988a). Mucosal injuries following cholesteatomas in dogs. Vet. Clin. North Am. Small
intratympanic application of chlorhexidine gluconate in Anim. Pract. 46 (4): 623–634.
cats. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol. 245 (5): 273–278.


Metabolic/nutritional/keratinization dermatologic disorders

Amy Shumaker, DVM, DACVD
VCA Southshore (Weymouth) Animal Hospital, South Weymouth, MA, USA

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
Table 15.1  Keratinization, metabolic, and nutritional disorders.

Disease Clinical signs Additional tests Diagnosis Treatment

Seborrhea (secondary) Seborrhea sicca: Focal, multifocal Skin scrapings for mites. Clinical signs, results of Correct underlying cause (e.g.
  to diffuse, white to gray   appropriate diagnostic tests. endocrinopathy) and treat secondary
(Figures 15.1–15.14) nonadherent scales. Coat is Cytology: Often associated with infections.
  generally dry, dull, and flaky. bacterial and Malassezia  
Most commonly secondary to   infections. Animals with long coats should be clipped
bacterial or yeast skin infections Seborrhea oleosa: Associated with   for best response to topical therapy.
and other inflammatory skin greasy skin and coat, and patients In older dogs, lab work should be  
diseases including demodicosis/ are often malodorous. performed to evaluate for Benzoyl peroxide shampoos can be used for
other external parasitism, endocrinopathy. seborrhea oleosa but can be drying with
dermatophytosis, cutaneous   long‐term use; change to milder shampoo
lymphoma, atopy; also Biopsy in cases occurring in very as condition improves.
endocrinopathies, nutritional or young or very old dogs if screening  
keratinization disorders (i.e. skin diagnostics/labs are not For seborrhea sicca, hypoallergenic and
sebaceous adenitis, ichthyosis), explanatory. moisturizing shampoos or sulfur/salicylic
environmental factors (low acid‐based shampoos are helpful, followed
humidity). by a cream rinse.
Antiseborrheic spot on applications also
helpful adjunctive therapies.
Vitamin A responsive Most prominent lesions are Pyoderma and Malassezia can Clinical signs, ruling out and 1000 IU/kg vitamin A daily with fatty meal
dermatosis hyperkeratotic plaques with appear similar; cytology and treating secondary until resolution; can often decrease to every
  superficial fronds and follicular treatment of any secondary infections. other day for maintenance.
(Figure 15.15) plugging. infection should be performed  
Breed predisposition: Cocker   before consideration of this Biopsy: Marked follicular
Spaniel. Additional lesions include scaling, disease and biopsy. hyperkeratosis.
crusting, alopecia, and papules.

Sebaceous adenitis Various presentations and can Biopsy: Granulomatous Topical moisturizing antiseborrheic/
  vary based on breed and type of inflammation targeted at keratolytic shampoos (avoid benzoyl
(Figure 15.12, Figures 15.16A–D; coat (short coat vs. long coat). sebaceous glands, secondary peroxide and tar), humectants, or oil
Chapter 2, Figure 2.41A and   follicular and epidermal treatments are recommended for all cases,
2.41B; Chapter 3, Figures 3.45, Symptoms can wax and wane. hyperkeratosis; complete are synergistic with cyclosporine, and
3.51, 3.84, 3.110; Chapter 6, Long‐coated breeds (Poodles, loss of sebaceous glands in reduce scaling more effectively than
Figures 6.33A and 6.33B and Akitas, German Shepherd Dogs, chronic cases. cyclosporine alone. Spot on lipid treatments
6.56A and 6.56B) Samoyed) may initially just have may be helpful between baths.
coat color changes or straightening
of coat.

0004322049.INDD 346 06/28/2019 03:42:49

Breed predisposition: Akita, Progression to dull, dry, brittle Oral omega‐6 and Omega‐3
Standard Poodles, Vizslas, coat with scaling, follicular casting supplementation.
German Shepherds, Samoyeds, and hypotrichosis to alopecia.  
Springer Spaniels, Havanese. Secondary infection often present. Oral
  Pruritus is variable. vitamin A daily 1000 IU/kg +/− isotretinoin.
Male predilection in some    
breeds. Short‐coated breeds (Vizslas), Cyclosporine 5 mg/kg/day PO is the only
lesions often present as annular treatment documented to cause
areas of scaling and alopecia, often regeneration of sebaceous glands
coalescing. Nonadherent, fine histologically.
scaling present and follicular  
casting varies. Combo of vitamin A with tetracycline or
  doxycycline and niacinamide may be helpful
Lesions generally affect head, base in some cases.
of pinnae, dorsum, but generally
spares the limbs.
Cats: Multifocal patches of scales,
crusts, follicular casts, and
alopecia. Lesions generally start
on the head and neck and progress
to body.
Schnauzer comedo syndrome Comedones along dorsum. Skin scrapings for mites, cytology Clinical signs, biopsy. Topical treatment of affected dorsum with
  for infection.   cleansing and antiseborrheic products
(Chapter 2, Figure 2.47; Cytology to rule out especially benzoyl peroxide or sulfur.
Chapter 3, Figure 3.108; secondary infections. Bathe twice weekly × 1 month then once
Chapter 6, Figure 6.44)   weekly for maintenance. Use benzoyl
Senior labwork in older peroxide only on affected areas to prevent
dogs to rule out excessive drying. Use human acne pads
endocrinopathy. daily between baths.
Control secondary bacterial infections with
topical chlorhexidine spray/mousse/wipes
or alternating chlorhexidine shampoo with
antiseborrheic shampoo.


0004322049.INDD 347 06/28/2019 03:42:49

Table 15.1  Keratinization, metabolic, and nutritional disorders (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Additional tests Diagnosis Treatment

Nasodigital hyperkeratosis This condition can result as an Clinical signs, cytology to Severe cases may need trimming with
  inherited disorder, concurrent rule out nasal scissors or scalpel blade; presoaking with
(Figure 15.17; Chapter 3, Figure with other disorders, due to breed mucocutaneous pyoderma. propylene glycol can be helpful.
3.2; Chapter 6, Figures 6.14A anatomic abnormalities    
and 6.14B) (brachycephalic breeds), or due to Senior labwork with thyroid Frequent use of hydration followed by
  senile changes. profile in older animals. antiseborrheic topicals; soak paws/nose in
Older dogs, Cocker Spaniels,     water or apply wet compress to hydrate
Boxers, and English Bulldogs The nasal planum becomes dry, Biopsy: Need to rule out then apply a keratolytic agent (50%
predisposed. hard, and hyperkeratotic (thick possible other diseases that propylene glycol, salicylic acid), or a balm
crusts). Fissures, erosions, and can cause crusting/ containing vegetable and essential oils),
ulcers may develop. hyperkeratosis including +/− tretinoin gel. Apply daily until adequate
  pemphigus, zinc‐responsive hydration then as needed for maintenance.
The digital pads can develop dermatitis, drug eruptions,
hyperkeratotic changes involving infections, cutaneous
the entire pad, however, more lymphoma.
frequently involves the margins of
weight bearing pads, and
accessory carpal and tarsal pads.
Pads can develop fissures and
erosions and result in lameness.
Callus Round to oval, hyperkeratotic, May need to consider skin scrapes Often diagnosed based on Encourage the patient to lay on padded
  lichenified plaque generally to rule out demodicosis or DTM clinical signs and location. surfaces. Can use special wraps that are
(Figure 15.18; Chapter 3, overlying bony prominences, to rule out dermatophytosis if padded for that site (e.g. elbow pad).
Figure 3.87) primarily the elbows and hocks. lesion is at an unusual location  
  (can occur if patient sits or lays in Surgical correction should be done with
Deep‐chested dogs (e.g. Great an unusual position). caution as these are mobile sites and
Danes) may be subject to callus generally sites that would create tension on
formation on the sternum. sutures.
Laying on harder and/or rough
surfaces is a predisposing factor.
Callus formation is a normal
protective response of the skin to
damage and inflammation induced
from pressure.
Can become secondarily infected.
Hygromas, fluid‐filled sacs/bursas,
may also be a sequela to repeated
trauma over pressure points.

0004322049.INDD 348 06/28/2019 03:42:49

Xeromycteria Unilateral drying, crusting, and Schirmer’s tear test may be low on Clinical signs, cytology to Topical hydrating therapies as for idiopathic
(a.k.a. parasympathetic nose, hyperkeratosis of the nasal planum the ipsilateral side. rule out nasal nasodigital hyperkeratosis.
neurogenic KCS due to impaired innervation of the mucocutaneous pyoderma.  
(keratoconjunctivitis sicca)) lacrimal gland secondary to an Pilocarpine 2% ophthalmic 1–2 drops PO in
  inflammatory, traumatic, or food daily.
(Figure 15.19; Chapter 3, Figure neoplastic process or can be  
3.5) secondary to otitis media. Lubrication of the affected eye with
ophthalmic emollients.
Ear margin dermatosis Seborrhea/follicular casting +/− Skin scrapings for mites, cytology Consider signalment, clinical Soften hardened debris with water then
  patchy alopecia occurs on pinnal for secondary infection. signs. gently wash with keratolytic shampoo
(Chapter 3, Figure 3.36) margins.   (benzoyl peroxide or sulfur/salicylic acid)
    Biopsy: Marked surface and followed by a hydrating conditioner
Predisposed breeds: Can progress to thickened follicular ortho‐ or (+/− application of a steroid cream or
Dachshunds, dogs with adherent debris/fissuring and parakeratotic hyperkeratosis. ointment if pinnal inflammation results
pendulous ears. discomfort, head shaking/ear tip   from the shampoo) QOD until debris is
trauma. If pinnal marginal ulceration removed, then prn for control.
is present then this is  
consistent with a pinnal 1–2 times weekly application of spot on
vasculitis and not seborrhea. antiseborrheic treatments may be helpful.
Canine acne Chin and lip papules that can Skin scrapings/hair plucks to rule Clinical appearance, With mild lesions (early onset) may respond to
  enlarge (progress to furuncles) out demodicosis. appropriate skin diagnostics. behavior modification to prevent self‐trauma.
(Figures 15.20A–15.20D) that can drain and ulcerate. Cytology to evaluate for secondary  
    infection. Benzoyl peroxide shampoos, gels, or wipes
Predisposed breeds (short‐ Local trauma/rubbing of the chin can be used daily initially until resolution
coated breeds): Bulldogs, Boxers, (during play, chewing toys, etc.) then as needed.
Doberman Pinschers, Great pushes the short muzzle hairs  
Danes, etc. under the skin, creating Secondary infections should be treated with
furunculosis. topical therapies (mupirocin ointment,
benzoyl peroxide) +/− a 4–6 week course of
oral antibiotics in severe cases.
Topical steroids (fluocinolone with DMSO
or betamethasone) can be used daily until
remission then tapered.
A 2 week course of tapering oral
corticosteroids can be helpful in more
severe cases.


0004322049.INDD 349 06/28/2019 03:42:49

Table 15.1  Keratinization, metabolic, and nutritional disorders (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Additional tests Diagnosis Treatment

Feline acne Clinical signs vary from presence Cytology +/− cultures to evaluate Clinical signs, appropriate Treatment is based on severity of
  of comedones on chin and presence of bacteria and diagnostic tests to rule out presentation:
(Figures 15.21A–15.21C; occasionally upper lips to Malassezia. Dermatophyte infection. Comedone phase: Can use antiseborrheic
Chapter 3, Figure 3.34) progression of papules, pustules, culture, skin scrapings for feline wipes or human acne wipes; caution with
  folliculitis/furunculosis, and Demodex. benzoyl peroxide products which can cause
Affects cats of any age or gender cellulitis. irritation.
Lesions can be associated with Papular/cystic phase: May need topical
secondary bacterial or Malassezia medicated cream/ointment (clindamycin,
infections or dermatophytes. erythromycin, metronidazole, or
Follicular cysts may develop.  
Scarring may occur in severe Topical retinoic acids can be helpful applied
cases. Pruritus is variable and daily for 4 weeks then every other day to
often present in more severely twice weekly for maintenance.
affected animals.  
Steroids can be used in cases with severe
inflammation: Prednisolone/
methylprednisolone 1 mg/kg/day tapering
q5 days or dexamethasone SP injection at
0.2 mg/kg IM or SC.
Oral isotretinoin (2 mg/kg/d) in refractory
Zinc responsive dermatosis Focal to multifocal areas, Screen dietary history to ensure Consider breed, diet history, Syndrome II: Dietary modification.
  erythema, alopecia, crusts, and that a balanced AAFCO appropriate diagnostics for  
(Figures 15.22A–15.22C; scaling. (American Association of Feed infection. Syndrome I: Oral zinc methionine or zinc
Chapter 2, Figure 2.40;   Control Officers) diet is being fed   sulfate dose based on elemental zinc
Chapter 3, Figures 3.20, 3.39, Most commonly affected areas are without unnecessary supplements; Biopsy: Marked epidermal content 2–3 mg/kg/day with food
3.44, 3.62; Chapter 6, Figures 6.4, mucocutaneous junctions, distal avoid diets high in phytates/grains and follicular parakeratosis. ●● Zinc methionine is 21% zinc, so 238 mg
6.34) extremities, footpads and boutique diets without zinc methionine contains 50 mg
  (hyperkeratosis), and frictional AAFCO certification. elemental zinc.
Breed predisposition: areas.   ●● Zinc sulfate is 23% zinc, so 110 mg zinc
Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian   Skin scrapings/plucks to rule out sulfate contains 25 mg elemental zinc.
Huskies (Syndrome I). Secondary infections are common. Demodex and skin cytology for
●● Zinc gluconate is 14.3% zinc, so 100 mg
Pruritus is often present. secondary infections.
zinc gluconate contains 14 mg elemental
Two syndromes:
Syndrome I: Zinc malabsorption.  
  if poor response can add in low dose
Syndrome II: In rapidly growing corticosteroids to increase absorption.
dogs/young adults fed zinc‐  
deficient diet, a diet high in Daily essential fatty acids can be helpful.
phytates or minerals that interfere  
with zinc absorption. Intact female dogs may benefit from

0004322049.INDD 350 06/28/2019 03:42:49

Necrolytic migratory erythema Erythema, crusting, and ulceration CBC may reveal anemia; Skin biopsy: Marked For glucagonoma: Surgical excision of an
  often involving the muzzle, distal chemistry panel may reveal parakeratotic hyperkeratosis identifiable glucagonoma. If nonoperable,
(Figure 15.23; Chapter 2, Figure limbs, elbows, hocks, and elevated liver enzymes, overlying inter/intracellular treatment with octreotide initially at 2 ug/kg
2.71; Chapter 3, Figures 3.4, 3.21, ventrum. hyperglycemia, elevated bile acids, epidermal edema and basal SQ BID.
3.63, 3.90C)   hypoalbuminemia. epidermal cell hyperplasia.  
  Crusting and erosion of     For hepatic disease, supportive medications
a.k.a. superficial necrolytic mucocutaneous junctions (oral, Cytology of crusted skin lesions Abdominal ultrasound may can include: S‐adenosylmethionine (sAME)
dermatitis, metabolic epidermal genital, anal). and paws often showed secondary reveal a “swiss cheese” or 18–22 mg/kg PO daily, vitamin E 400 IU PO
necrosis, or hepatocutaneous   pyoderma and/or Malassezia “honey‐comb” vacuolar q12 hr, ursodiol 10 mg/kg/day PO.
syndrome. Footpads are often crusted and infections. pattern to the liver or may  
hyperkeratotic and may be very reveal a pancreatic tumor. Nutritional supplementation 1 whole
pruritic.   egg/4.5 kg/day, oral zinc supplementation
  Amino acid levels: Low and fatty acids can be helpful.
Occurs due to end stage liver (especially glutamine and
disease or pancreatic arginine). Parenteral amino acid supplementation may
glucagonoma; may have be beneficial (Aminosyn® or procalamine at
concurrent signs of systemic 25 ml/kg IV over 6–8 hours); repeat 1–2
illness, or polyuria and polydipsia times weekly until clinical improvement
subsequent to concurrent diabetes then give q2–6 weeks for control.
Glucocorticoids can temporarily reduce
skin inflammation but are not
recommended as they can precipitate or
worsen diabetes mellitus.
Oral amino acid supplementation
anecdotally helpful; specific products
include Promod® (hydrolyzed collagen), at a
dose of 1 scoop per 10 pounds of dog per
day; or Procel (whey protein) 1 tsp. per
20–25 lb of dog per day.
Exfoliative dermatitis Non‐pruritic to mildly pruritic Skin changes precede signs of Skin scrapings, cytology, Resection of thymoma leads to resolution of
associated with thymoma scaling/crusting that starts on tumor; can see dyspnea, coughing, dermatophyte culture to rule symptoms.
  head/ neck and becomes decrease in appetite and weight. out infections.  
(Figures 15.24A–15.24D) generalized.     There are some cases of exfoliative
    Rare reports of concurrent Biopsy: Interface dermatitis dermatitis that were NOT associated with
Usually middle to older aged Can develop brown sebaceous myasthenia gravis and with apoptosis which can underlying thymoma; thymoma may just be
cats. debris on claw folds, interdigital megaesophagus. mimic erythema multiforme one cause of this reaction pattern.
skin, periocular, and perioral and graft vs. host disease but
areas. less apoptosis noted in
  exfoliative dermatitis.
Secondary yeast overgrowth can  
cause pruritus. Radiographs or ultrasound
evaluation can reveal
mediastinal thymoma.


0004322049.INDD 351 06/28/2019 03:42:49

Table 15.1  Keratinization, metabolic, and nutritional disorders (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Additional tests Diagnosis Treatment

Xanthomas Small, white to yellow papules, Usually secondary to Fine needle aspirates. Treat underlying condition (e.g. address
  nodules with surrounding hyperlipidemia (as from diabetes Biopsy: Infiltration of foamy diabetes, feed prescription low fat diet for
(Figure 15.25) erythema. mellitus, glucocorticoid use, macrophages, presence of idiopathic hypertriglyceridemia).
  progesterone administration or multinucleate giant cells.  
Rarely diffuse dermal thickening. feeding a high fat diet); can be Minimize trauma to the skin.
Most often on head, extremities, secondary to idiopathic
bony prominences. hyperlipidemia.
May be pruritic or painful. Rare cases in metabolically
healthy cats.
Split paw pad disease Splitting of paw pad and loss of Biopsy (of leading edge/ Immunosuppressive medications are of no
  superficial layers of pad in an axis margin of the split): Necrosis benefit since this is not an immune‐
(Figure 15.26) parallel to contact surface; pain or of superficial epidermis mediated condition.
Suspected to be related to an pruritus cause subsequent self‐ resembling a burn;  
anatomical defect in paw pad trauma which exacerbates paw pad separation of necrotic Protective boots, walking on soft surfaces,
cornification; exposure to trauma. Often starts with one pad epidermis from underlying and avoidance of moisture can be helpful.
moisture and friction can then similar lesions develop on viable epidermis, ulceration  
precipitate splitting event. other pads. and crusting occur. When lesions occur, treat symptoms with
  Repeated episodes can lead to pain medications and an Elizabethan collar
Young adult dogs are affected. irregular hyperkeratotic pads. to prevent self‐trauma until pad heals.
Adjacent haired skin is normal and Topical mupirocin antibiotic ointment and
no lesions are present on other dilute chlorhexidine soaks can be used if
parts of the body. secondary infection occurs; routine use of
  oral antibiotics is not recommended due to
Lameness often occurs but risk of promoting antibiotic resistance.
resolves when pads heal and dogs
are normal between events.

0004322049.INDD 352 06/28/2019 03:42:49

Figure 15.1  Fine, greasy, dorsal truncal seborrhea secondary to a Figure 15.2  Larger, greasy, truncal scaling due to bacterial
bacterial skin infection. pyoderma secondary to atopic dermatitis.

Figure 15.3A  This atopic Cocker Spaniel had generalized, fine, Figure 15.3B  When the dog was shaved for intradermal allergy
dry, truncal scaling and was very pruritic despite oclacitinib. testing, a generalized bacterial truncal folliculitis was revealed as
the cause for the scaling and itch.

Figure 15.4  Greasy, adherent scaling due to bacterial pyoderma secondary to atopic dermatitis.
Figure 15.5  Oily seborrhea due to bacterial and yeast skin infections secondary to underlying hypothyroidism and atopy.

(A) (B)

Figures 15.6A and B  Adherent scaling and follicular casting due to generalized demodicosis.

Figure 15.7  Exfoliative scaling in a Cocker Spaniel due to Figure 15.8  Adherent silver scaling and alopecia due to
Cheyletiella infestation. leishmania infection.
15  Metabolic/nutritional/keratinization dermatologic disorders 355

Figure 15.10  Exfoliative truncal scaling in a dog due to cutaneous

Figure 15.9  Dorsal lumbar scaling and patchy hypotrichosis due epitheliotropic lymphoma.
to dermatophytosis.

Figure 15.11  Truncal seborrhea in an older Labrador due to Figures 15.12  Adherent scaling and follicular casting due to
underlying hyperadrenocorticism and a secondary bacterial folliculitis. sebaceous adenitis.
356 15  Metabolic/nutritional/keratinization dermatologic disorders

Figure 15.13  Truncal seborrhea in a Golden Retriever with


Figure 15.14  Inguinal, silvery, adherent, fish scale‐like seborrhea

in an American Bulldog puppy with ichthyosis.

Figure 15.15  Hyperkeratotic fronds and follicular casting due to vitamin A responsive dermatosis on the inguinal area of a Cocker

(A) (B)

Figures 15.16A and B  Truncal hypotrichosis with a coarse, rough coat in a mixed breed dog; on closer inspection there was moderate
follicular casting typical for sebaceous adenitis.
15  Metabolic/nutritional/keratinization dermatologic disorders 357

Figure 15.16C  Facial hypotrichosis and follicular cast formation Figure 15.16D  Truncal hypotrichosis and scaling caused by
due to sebaceous adenitis. sebaceous adenitis.

Figure 15.17  Idiopathic nasal hyperkeratosis in an English Bulldog. Figure 15.18  An elbow callus in a large breed dog; focal, alopecic,
thickened lesion on the lateral elbow.
Figure 15.19  Chronic unilateral nasal hyperkeratosis in a dog due to parasympathetic nose.

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Figures 15.20A–D  Canine acne.
15  Metabolic/nutritional/keratinization dermatologic disorders 359

Figure 15.21A  Mild, dark, chin debris and comedones due to feline acne.



Figures 15.21B and C  More severe cases of feline acne with painful cystic chin furunculosis. Source: Image 15.21B courtesy of VIN and
Ray Snopek, DVM; Image 15.21C courtesy of VIN and Elizabeth Noyes, DVM.

Figure 15.22A  Periocular crusting in a Siberian Husky with zinc Figure 15.22B  Paw pad and elbow hyperkeratosis secondary to
responsive dermatosis. zinc responsive dermatitis.

Figure 15.22C  Hock and paw pad crusting secondary to zinc Figure 15.23  Marked paw pad hyperkeratosis and fissuring due
responsive dermatitis in husky. to hepatocutaneous syndrome.



Figures 15.24A and B  Generalized exfoliative dermatitis in a cat caused by a thymoma.
15  Metabolic/nutritional/keratinization dermatologic disorders 361

(C) (D)

Figures 15.24C and D  Exfoliative dermatitis in this cat was triggered by likely hepatic lymphoma and complicated by secondary bacterial
and Malassezia infections causing marked pruritus; the dark circle in Figure 15.24D is a marker to denote the planned site of skin biopsy.

Figure 15.25  Generalized, raised, crusted, truncal papules in a Figure 15.26  Split paw pad syndrome in a young German
pruritic cat; biopsy revealed xanthomas. Source: Image courtesy of Shepherd; ulcerative peripheral pad lesions would wax and wane
Dr. Ann Trimmer, DACVD. depending on activity and heal spontaneously regardless of therapy.
362 15  Metabolic/nutritional/keratinization dermatologic disorders

­Further reading
Bach, J.F. (2013). A case of necrolytic migratory erythema Lortz, J., Favrot, C., Mecklenburg, L. et al. (2010). A
managed for 24 months with intravenous amino acid multicentre placebo‐controlled clinical trial on the
and lipid infusions. Can. Vet. J. 54 (9): 873–875. efficacy of oral ciclosporin A in the treatment of canine
Catarino, M., Combarros‐Garcia, D., Mimouni, P. et al. idiopathic sebaceous adenitis in comparison with
(2018). Control of canine idiopathic nasal hyperkeratosis conventional topical treatment. Vet. Dermatol. 21 (6):
with a natural skin restorative balm: a randomized 593–601.
double‐blind placebo‐controlled study. Vet. Dermatol. Oberkirchner, U., Linder, K.E., Zadrozny, L. et al. (2010).
29 (2): 134–e53. Successful treatment of canine necrolytic migratory
Jazic, E., Coyner, K.S., Loeffler, D.G. et al. (2006). An erythema (superficial necrolytic dermatitis) due to
evaluation of the clinical, cytological, infectious and metastatic glucagonoma with octreotide. Vet. Dermatol.
histopathological features of feline acne. Vet. Dermatol. 21 (5): 510–516.
17 (2): 134–140. Outerbridge, C.A., Marks, S.L., and Rogers, Q.R. (2002).
Lam, A.T., Affolter, V.K., Outerbridge, C.A. et al. (2011). Plasma amino acid concentrations in 36 dogs with
Oral vitamin A as an adjunct treatment for canine histologically confirmed superficial necrolytic
sebaceous adenitis. Vet. Dermatol. 22 (4): 305–311. dermatitis. Vet. Dermatol. 13 (4): 177–186.
Linek, M., Rüfenacht, S., Brachelente, C. et al. (2015). White, S.D., Bourdeau, P., Rosychuk, R.A.W. et al. (2001).
Nonthymoma‐associated exfoliative dermatitis in 18 Zinc‐responsive dermatosis in dogs: 41 cases and
cats. Vet. Dermatol. 26 (1): 40–45. e12‐3. literature review. Vet. Dermatol. 12 (2): 101–109.


Congenital/hereditary dermatologic disorders

Heide Newton, DVM, DACVD
Dermatology for Animals, Tucson, AZ, USA

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
Table 16.1  Congenital/hereditary dermatologic disorders.

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Primary seborrhea Variable including ceruminous hyperplastic Rule out other more common causes of Topical treatments with moisturizing and
  otitis externa, dull coat with excessive clinical signs with cytology/skin scrapings antiseborrheic products (shampoo, spray,
Rare disorder. scale, greasy malodorous skin, follicular for bacterial/yeast/Demodex infections, spot on, ear cleaners).
  casts, scaly or crusty pruritic patches, labwork for endocrinopathy, hypoallergenic  
Breeds: American Cocker Spaniel, English digital hyperkeratosis, dry brittle claws. diet trial. For greasy seborrhea: Benzoyl peroxide,
Springer Spaniel, West Highland White     acetic/boric acid or tar‐based shampoo twice
Terrier, Basset Hound, Persian and Secondary bacterial and yeast infections Biopsy/dermatopathology: Marked weekly for 3 weeks then once weekly for
Himalayan cats. commonly occur. keratinization defect with ortho to maintenance.
  parakeratotic hyperkeratosis, follicular  
Onset of symptoms <1 year of age. keratosis and variable keratinocyte Control secondary bacterial or Malassezia
apoptosis. infections by alternating antiseborrheic
shampoo with miconazole/chlorhexidine
shampoos or sprays/mousse/wipes every
1–2 days on affected areas. For recurrent
Malassezia, oral ketoconazole daily × 14 days
then pulse.
Second‐line/refractory: Vitamin A 1000 IU/
kg/day PO.
Retinoids (isotretinoin or acitretin) have
been used in the past but are expensive and
difficult for veterinarians to obtain, though
compounded isotretinoin may be
inconsistently available.
Idiopathic facial dermatitis of Persian Dirty appearance to face (periocular, Clinical signs. Control secondary bacterial or Malassezia
and Himalayan cats perioral, chin) with adherent black exudate,   infections using miconazole/chlorhexidine
  inflamed skin and variable severity of Rule out infectious or allergic causes of containing wipes +/− oral itraconazole or
(Chapter 6, Figure 6.63) pruritus. clinical signs with skin scrapings, cytology, fluconazole 5 mg/kg PO daily × 14 days then
dermatophyte culture, hypoallergenic diet pulse.
  Topical treatment with acetic/boric acid
Biopsy/dermatopathology is non‐ containing wipes q24–48h.
diagnostic, with non‐specific inflammation  
including eosinophils and hyperkeratosis/ Second‐line/refractory (concurrent allergy
hyperplasia. likely): Allergen specific immunotherapy
+/− prednisolone 1 mg/kg PO daily tapered
to lowest effective dose or cyclosporine
7 mg/kg PO daily tapered after 2 months to
lowest effective dose.

0004322050.indd 364 6/28/2019 3:22:29 PM

Ichthyosis Excessive scale of variable size, color, and Clinical signs in early puppyhood. This is an incurable disorder but topical
  adherence; thickened nasal planum and   treatments with moisturizing products
(Figures 16.1A and 16.1B, Chapter 2, digital pads, ceruminous otitis externa. Rule out infectious or allergic causes of (shampoos, sprays, spot on) can be helpful to
Figure 2.37, Chapter 6, Figure 6.31) clinical signs with skin scrapings, cytology, reduce clinical signs.
  dermatophyte culture, hypoallergenic diet  
Breeds: Parson Russell Terrier, West trial if presents as adult. Typical regimen: Ceramide containing
Highland White Terrier, Golden Retriever,   shampoo followed by rinse or spray twice
Norfolk Terrier, Cavalier King Charles Biopsy/dermatopathology: Marked weekly for 3 weeks then once weekly.
Spaniel, Soft‐coated Wheaten Terrier, epidermal and follicular orthokeratotic Ceramide‐containing spray or spot on up to
American Bulldog, others. hyperkeratosis +/− marked daily between baths. Ceramide or acetic/
hypergranulosis. boric acid ear flush weekly.
Control secondary bacterial or Malassezia
infections by alternating moisturizing
shampoo with miconazole/chlorhexidine
shampoos, or similar sprays/mousse/wipes
every 1–2 days on affected areas. For
recurrent Malassezia, oral ketoconazole
daily × 14 days then pulse.
Nasal parakeratosis of Labrador Band of tightly adhered keratin on dorsal Clinical signs. This is an incurable disorder but topical
Retrievers aspect of nasal planum of variable thickness.   treatment daily with moisturizing products
    Biopsy/dermatopathology: Parakeratotic such as 50% propylene glycol BID‐TID can
(Chapter 6, Figure 6.39) Can develop fissures, erosions and ulcers. hyperkeratosis with lymphocytic to be helpful.
  neutrophilic exocytosis and multifocal  
Onset between 6 and 12 months of age. serous epidermal lakes. Refractory cases usually respond to a topical
steroid ointment or 0.1% tacrolimus ointment.
Dermatomyositis Alopecia, erythema, scale, crust, sometimes Rule out other differentials including First‐line treatment:
  ulcers in areas of mechanical trauma such as demodicosis, bacterial folliculitis, Minimize trauma and sun exposure.
(Figures 16.2A–16.2D; Chapter 2, Figure face, muzzle, pinna, carpus/tarsus, digits, dermatophytosis.  
2.33B; Chapter 6, Figure 6.15) tail tip.   Begin pentoxifylline 20–30 mg/kg PO
    Biopsy/dermatopathology: Hydropic basal q8–12h, vitamin E and omega‐3 fatty acid
Breeds: Collie, Shetland Sheepdog, Myositis may occur months after skin cell degeneration +/− subepidermal supplementation.
Beauceron Shepherd, Belgian Tervuren, lesions and correlates with skin lesion clefting. Follicular atrophy/fibrosis  
Portuguese Water dog, others. severity. common and vasculitis may be present. Second‐line/refractory cases: Add
  Muscle biopsy may show inflammation, immunomodulating treatment with oral
Lesions usually occur between necrosis, and atrophy. doxycycline and niacinamide, tacrolimus
8 weeks–6 months of age. ointment to localized lesions q12–24h.
In severe cases, oral prednisolone 1 mg/
kg/d × 2–3 weeks, tapered to lowest effective
dose, ideally 0.25–0.5 mg q48h or lower; for
steroid‐sparing effect, add cyclosporine
5 mg/kg PO q24h × 4–8 weeks then taper
to q48h.


0004322050.indd 365 6/28/2019 3:22:29 PM

Table 16.1  Congenital/hereditary dermatologic disorders (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Dermatomyositis (cont). Lesions in mildly to moderately affected dogs

may resolve as dogs mature, but scarring is
common and relapse or disease flares may
Severely affected dogs with myositis have a
poor prognosis due to difficulties in
eating/drinking and risk of aspiration
pneumonia; steroids improve skin lesions
but increase muscle atrophy and
compound pneumonia risk.
Congenital alopecia Juvenile onset alopecia. Clinical signs. Protect from sun exposure and trauma.
(Figures 16.3A and 16.3B; Chapter 6, Follicular structural abnormalities cause Biopsy/dermatopathology: In some cases Topical +/− oral retinoids may be considered
Figures 6.12, 6.66–6.68) development of comedones and numerous there is a complete absence of follicles, in patients with severe follicular cyst
  small follicular cysts which can be mild to other cases have hypoplastic follicles. formation.
Alopecic breeds: Mexican Hairless dog, severe depending on the patient. Chinese Crested dogs commonly develop
Chinese Crested dog, Sphynx, others.   numerous comedones and plugged cystic
  Some patients also show abnormalities of hair follicles.
Congenital alopecia can also rarely occur claws, teeth, or glands.
in numerous other breeds.
Cutaneous asthenia (Ehlers Danlos) Skin is excessively folded, hyperextensible, Skin extensibility index (EI) = (vertical No definitive treatment.
  easily torn and/or excessively scarred. height of skin fold/body length) x 100  
(Figures 16.4A and 16.4B) Dogs: EI > 14.5% Minimize trauma (clothing, nail trims,
  Cats: EI > 19% possibly declaw in cats).
Breeds: Beagle, Dachshund, Boxer, St    
Bernard, German Shepherd dog, Biopsies with Masson trichrome stain: May Vitamin C supplementation (dogs 500 mg
Yorkshire Terrier, Alaskan Malamute, show abnormal collagen fibers, but may be PO q12h, cats 50 mg PO q12h) anecdotally
English Springer Spaniel, Greyhound, inconclusive. helpful.
Manchester Terrier, Welsh Corgi,  
Persian, Burmese, others. Electron microscopy of skin biopsy:
Abnormal collagen structure/organization.
Mucinosis Excessive skin folding and vesicles Clinical signs. None needed as this is cosmetic problem.
  containing thick, clear sticky fluid.    
Figures 16.5A and 16.5B, Chapter 2, Biopsy/dermatopathology: Excessive Evaluate and manage any concurrent
Figure 2.17; Chapter 6, Figures 6.53A and dermal mucin. hypothyroidism.
  Labwork to rule out hypothyroidism. Short tapering course of anti‐inflammatory
Breeds: Chinese Shar‐Pei. prednisolone can be helpful to reduce
swelling in severely affected dogs.

0004322050.indd 366 6/28/2019 3:22:29 PM

Urticaria pigmentosa Variably pruritic, yellow‐tan to reddish Biopsy/dermatopathology: Moderate to Hydroxyzine or other antihistamines +/−
  brown macules or papules on head, neck, severe perivascular to diffuse dermal and methylprednisolone or prednisolone 0.5–1 mg/
(Chapter 6, Figure 6.68) ventrum, tail, and extremities. subcutaneous mast cell infiltrates. kg/d × 2 weeks then taper to lowest effective
    dose ideally 0.25–0.5 mg/kg q48h or lower.
Breeds: Sphynx, Himalayan, Devon Rex. Rule out allergic hypersensitivity with  
parasite prevention and hypoallergenic diet For steroid‐sparing effect, if needed add
trial. cyclosporine 5 mg/kg PO q24h × 4–8 weeks
then taper to q48h.
Ulcerative nasal dermatitis of Bengal Dry scale gradually progressing to Clinical signs and signalment. This is an incurable disorder but topical
cats hyperkeratosis, crusts and fissures +/−   therapies can be helpful to control symptoms.
  hypopigmentation of nasal planum. Biopsy/dermatopathology: Marked  
(Chapter 6, Figure 6.61B) epidermal parakeratosis and crusting with First‐line treatment: topical treatment
  mixed inflammation. q24–48h with moisturizing products (such
Age of onset: 4–12 months old. as petroleum jelly or lanolin), salicylic acid
containing ointment.
If moisturizing treatments are not helpful
then 0.1% tacrolimus ointment applied twice
daily is usually helpful.
Second‐line/refractory: prednisolone or
methylprednisolone 0.5–1 mg/kg/d × 2 weeks
then taper to lowest effective dose (ideally
0.25–0.5 mg/kg q48h or lower) or stop and
continue topicals only.
Dermoid sinus, a.k.a. dermoid cyst Solitary or multiple cystic swellings and/or Clinical signs, neurologic examination. Surgical excision: in cases in which lesion
(embryonic neural tube developmental draining tracts along dorsal midline.   penetrates into deep tissues, perform MRI or
defect   Myelography, fistulogram, and/or MRI may fistulogram to determine depth of lesion and
  Meningitis possible in severe cases with be needed for severe cases with spinal cord plan surgery.
(Figures 16.6A and 16.6B) connection of sinus to spinal cord. involvement.
Breeds: Boxer, English Bulldog, Kerry
Blue Terrier, Golden Retriever, Rhodesian
Ridgeback, Siberian Husky, Shih‐tzu,
Yorkshire Terrier, cats.
Acrodermatitis From birth, light/white skin pigmentation, Clinical signs and signalment. This is an incurable and lethal disorder and
  retarded growth, and difficulty swallowing   most patients are euthanized due to humane
Breeds: Bull Terrier, Miniature Bull and chewing due to high arched palate. Cytology to rule out secondary infections. considerations before 2 years of age.
By 6–8 weeks of age, tightly adherent scale, Biopsy/dermatopathology: Diffuse Control secondary Malassezia or bacterial
crust, and erythema at face, elbows, hocks, parakeratotic hyperkeratosis with focal infections.
and paws. crusting and intraepidermal pustules.  
  Genetic testing available to identify carriers
With progression, splayed paws, pawpad prior to breeding and affected dogs.
fissures, paronychia, onychodystrophy,
pawpad hyperkeratosis, and secondary
Malassezia or bacterial infections.

0004322050.indd 367 6/28/2019 3:22:29 PM

Table 16.1  Congenital/hereditary dermatologic disorders (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Acral mutilation syndrome Sudden intense licking, biting, and severe Clinical signs, signalment, no response to This is an incurable disorder and most
  self‐mutilation of one or more paws; auto‐ pain stimuli at affected distal limbs patients are euthanized.
(Figure 16.7) amputation of claws, digits, and footpads (sensory neuropathy), nerve biopsy.  
Breeds: Miniature Pinscher, German often results if not restrained; no evidence E‐collars, bandages, and close supervision to
Short Haired Pointer, English Pointer, of lameness or pain when walking. prevent self‐trauma.
English Springer Spaniel, French Spaniel.  
Control secondary bacterial or Malassezia
Age of onset: 2–12 months. infections.

Genetic testing available to identify carriers

prior to breeding and affected dogs.
Congenital keratoconjunctivitis sicca Curly or crimped coarse coat from birth; Clinical signs and signalment, Schirmer This is an incurable disorder and many patients
(KCS) and ichthyosiform dermatosis in progressive pawpad hyperkeratosis; tear test confirms KCS. are euthanized. Topical treatments with
the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel variable onychodystrophy and onycholysis;   moisturizing products (shampoos, sprays, spot
(CKCS) variable pruritus and hypotrichosis. Biopsy/dermatopathology: Irregular on) can be helpful to reduce clinical signs. See
  epidermal hyperplasia, with marked details of treatment for ichthyosis above.
Bilateral progressive, severe KCS. surface hyperkeratosis.  
Management of KCS.
Genetic testing available to identify carriers
prior to breeding.
Exfoliative cutaneous lupus Disease is characterized by scaling and Clinical signs, breed, rule out infectious Guarded to poor prognosis with generally poor
erythematous alopecia. causes of scaling. response to treatment; most affected dogs are
      euthanized within 2 years of onset of disease.
(Figures 16.8A–16.8D) Lesions generally first noted on the muzzle, Biopsy/dermatopathology: Interface  
  pinnae, and dorsum, with progression to dermatitis and mural folliculitis with Mycophenolate mofetil recently described as
Breed predispositions: involve the limbs and ventrum. Ulcerations frequent basal cell apoptosis and a successful treatment in one case.
German Short‐haired Pointer. may develop. inflammation of apocrine and sebaceous  
    glands. Cyclosporine combined with
Autosomal recessive condition; breeders Lymphadenopathy and pyrexia may be   hydroxychloroquine may improve and slow
should be alerted. present. ANA testing is negative. progression of the disease.
Onset of disease generally occurs in young Joint pain with lameness may be present Topical antiseborrheic and moisturizing
adults. but joint fluid analysis is unremarkable. products may be somewhat beneficial for
symptomatic therapy.
Epidermolysis bullosa Erosions to ulcers over bony prominences Clinical signs. Minimize trauma.
  of face, pinna, pressure points on limbs,    
(Figures 16.9A–16.9B) pawpads and/or in oral cavity in juvenile Biopsy/dermatopathology: Subepidermal Control secondary bacterial infections.
  patients. separation with little to no inflammation.  
Lesions usually develop shortly after birth. Mildly affected animals may have reasonable
  quality of life with environmental
Predisposed breeds include Beaucerons, management; prognosis for severely affected
German Shorthair Pointers, Siamese cats. animals is poor.

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16  Congenital/hereditary dermatologic disorders 369

Figure 16.1A  A young Golden Retriever with inguinal Figure 16.1B  An American Bulldog puppy with adherent
hyperpigmentation and adherent scaling due to ichthyosis. crusting on the face and pinna; a secondary Malassezia infection
was also present.

(A) (B)


Figures 16.2A–C  Dermatomyositis causing scarring alopecia with crusting in a young Sheltie, Australian Shepherd, and Chow.
Figure 16.2D  Alopecia and scarring on the distal limbs was also present in the Australian Shepherd.



Figures 16.3A and B  Two Chinese Crested dogs demonstrating typical congenital alopecia.

(A) (B)

Figures 16.4A and B  A young cat with easily torn skin due to cutaneous asthenia.
16  Congenital/hereditary dermatologic disorders 371

(A) (B)

Figures 16.5A and B  Mucinosis in a Shar-Pei.

Figures 16.6A  A dermoid sinus in a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Figure 16.6B  A dermoid cyst in a young Boxer dog. Source: Image
Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Michael Goldman, DVM. courtesy of VIN and David Silver, DVM.

Figure 16.7  Acral mutilation in a four‐month‐old German Figure 16.8A  Alopecia and scaling on the muzzle and pinna of a
Shepherd mix puppy. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Steven German Shorthair Pointer with exfoliative cutaneous lupus
Berry, DVM. erythematosus. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. William Miller, DACVD.
(B) (C)


Figures 16.8B–D  A German Shorthair Pointer with alopecia and marked adherent scaling on the face, ears, and trunk due to exfoliative
cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Source: Images courtesy of Dr. Martha Friedman, DACVD.



Figures 16.9A–B  Epidermolysis bullosa in a three‐month‐old kitten, causing sloughing of paw pads and oral mucosa. Source: Images
courtesy of Dr. Andrew Simpson, DACVD.
16  Congenital/hereditary dermatologic disorders 373

­Further reading
Bardagí, M., Montoliu, P., Ferrer, L. et al. (2011). Acral Fleming, J.M., Platt, S.R., Kent, M. et al. (2011). Cervical
mutilation syndrome in a miniature pinscher. J. Comp. dermoid sinus in a cat: case presentation and review of
Pathol. 144 (2–3): 235–238. the literature. J. Feline Med. Surg. 13 (12): 992–996.
Barnett, K.C. (2006). Congenital keratoconjunctivitis sicca Hartley, C., Donaldson, D., Smith, K.C. et al. (2012).
and ichthyosiform dermatosis in the cavalier King Charles Congenital keratoconjunctivitis sicca and ichthyosiform
spaniel. J. Small Anim. Pract. 47 (9): 524–528. dermatosis in 25 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Bergvall, K. (2004). A novel ulcerative nasal dermatitis of dogs – part I: clinical signs, histopathology, and
Bengal cats. Vet. Dermatol. 15: 28. inheritance. Vet. Ophthalmol. 15 (5): 315–326.
Bellini, M.H., Caldini, E.T., Scapinelli, M.P. et al. (2009). Mauldin, E.A. (2013). Canine ichthyosis and related
Increased elastic microfibrils and thickening of disorders of cornification. Vet. Clin. North Am. Small
fibroblastic nuclear lamina in canine cutaneous asthenia. Anim. Pract. 43 (1): 89–97.
Vet. Dermatol. 20: 139–143. McEwan, N.A., McNeil, P.E., Thompson, H., and
Bryden, S.L., White, S.D., Dunston, S.M. et al. (2005). McCandlish, I.A. (2000 Nov). Diagnostic features,
Clinical, histopathological and immunological confirmation and disease progression in 28 cases of
characteristics of exfoliative cutaneous lupus lethal acrodermatitis of bull terriers. J. Small Anim.
erythematosus in 25 German short‐haired pointers. Vet. Pract. 41 (11): 501–507.
Dermatol. 16: 239–252. Mecklenburg, L. (2006). An overview on congenital alopecia
Clark, L.A., Credille, K.M., Murphy, K.E., and Rees, C. in domestic animals. Vet. Dermatol. 17: 393–410.
(2005). Linkage of dermatomyositis in the Shetland Medeiros, G.X. and Riet‐Correa, F. (2015). Epidermolysis
Sheepdog to chromosome 35. Vet. Dermatol. 16: bullosa in animals: a review. Vet. Dermatol. 26: 3–e2.
392–394. Pagé, N., Paradis, M., Lapointe, J.M., and Dunstan, R.W.
Docampo, M.J., Zanna, G., Fondevila, D. et al. (2011). (2003). Hereditary nasal parakeratosis in Labrador
Increased HAS2‐driven hyaluronic acid synthesis in Retrievers. Vet. Dermatol. 14: 103–110.
shar‐pei dogs with hereditary cutaneous hyaluronosis Paradis, M. et al. (2005). Acral mutilation and analgesia in
(mucinosis). Vet. Dermatol. 22: 535–545. 13 French spaniels. Vet. Dermatol. 16 (2): 87–93.


Pigmentary dermatologic disorders

Jacquelyn Campbell, DVM, DACVD
Animal Allergy and Dermatology of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Author’s note: The pigment of skin and hair depends on tary changes to hair and skin that may not have an exact
a multitude of factors including but not limited to genetic etiology determined and may resolve with observation.
attributes, hormonal influence, UV exposure, inflamma- The table below highlights only some of the more com-
tion, drug exposure, viral exposure, and nutrition. There monly described conditions.
are numerous varied clinical presentations of pigmen-

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
376 17  Pigmentary dermatologic disorders

Table 17.1  Pigmentary dermatologic disorders.

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Lentigo (Canine) Flat, macular melanosis that is History and clinical findings. Cosmetic, no treatment
(Figures 17.1A and 17.1B) intensely black.   required.
    Histopathology: Increased
Occurs in mature dogs. Most commonly noted on number of melanocytes and
ventrum; may be grouped or melanosomes.
  Typically, minimal to no
Does not itch and of no concern structural changes within the
to the pet. epidermis.
May need to be differentiated
from raised pigmented tumors
such as melanoma,
papillomavirus induced lesions,
or pigmented nevi.
Lentigo Simplex (Feline) Asymptomatic flat, macular History, signalment, clinical Cosmetic, no treatment
(Figures 17.2A–17.2B; melanosis. findings. required.
Chapter 2, Figure 2.2)    
  Lesions start on lips and begin Histopathology: Marked
Typically occurs in orange cats as tiny asymptomatic spots that hypermelanosis, predominantly
<1 year. gradually enlarge and increase of basal layer of epithelium
in number. caused by increased
Nose, gingiva, and eyelids may
be affected in addition to lips.
Does not vary in intensity of
pigment, well circumscribed,
uniform, circular to coalescing.
Acquired Diffuse hyperpigmentation as a History, clinical exam, and Treatment of primary disease.
hormone‐associated result of metabolic or hormonal appropriate hematologic testing
(Figures 17.3A–17.3E) causes such as hypercortisolism, and endocrine testing.
hypothyroidism, and sex
hormone dermatosis.
Acquired post‐inflammatory The most common form of History, clinical exam, Identify and control underlying
hyperpigmentation hyperpigmentation. and identification of underlying disease.
(Figures 17.4A–17.4H)   disease.
  Many diseases characterized by
Common in dogs, and inflammation may undergo
uncommon in cats. hyperpigmentation; often a
sequela of underlying disease
such as pyoderma, demodicosis,
dermatophytosis, or
hypersensitivity, especially
atopic dermatitis.
May have a lattice‐like
appearance and is commonly
noted of glabrous skin of
Melanotrichia may also be
observed after healing of deep
17  Pigmentary dermatologic disorders 377

Table 17.1  Pigmentary dermatologic disorders (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment

Vitiligo Acquired disease of melanocyte History, physical exam, and Cosmetic disease; no treatment
(Figures 17.5A–17.5C; destruction. histopathology. documented as efficacious.
Chapter 2, Figure 2.3;      
Chapter 3, Figures 3.8 and 3.23; Often symmetric macular areas Histopathology shows normal In a case study of 4 canine
Chapter 6, Figure 6.3) of depigmentation of skin skin with absence of vitiligo cases, L‐phenylalanine
  (leukoderma), or of hair melanocytes. Transient (a precursor of melanin via
Uncommon with highest (leukotrichia). inflammatory phase may be tyrosine) 50 mg/kg/day PO for
incidence in Belgian Tervurens,   noted. 6 months then twice a week for
German Shepherds, Lesions typically affect nose, 4 months caused a reduction in
Rottweilers, Dobermans, and lips, face, and pawpads. depigmented areas within
Siamese cats.   2–6 months.
Typically, lesions are not  
clinically inflammatory but Small number of cases may
transient erythema and scaling spontaneously resolve.
can be observed.
Nasal hypopigmentation A common syndrome of History, physical exam. No treatment necessary or
“snow nose” seasonal lightening of the nasal effective.
“winter nose” planum; decrease in pigment of
(Figures 17.6A and 17.6B) nasal planum typically seen in
  winter months.
Most commonly observed in  
Siberian Huskies, Golden The normal nasal planum
Retrievers, Labrador reticular pattern is preserved
Retrievers, Bernese Mountain and there is no erosion or
dogs but can occur in any crusting to suggest immune‐
breed. mediated disease.
Nasal depigmentation Dogs that have a tan or flesh History, physical exam. No treatment necessary or
“Dudley nose” colored nasal planum rather   effective.
(Figure 17.7) than black; congenital condition. Histopathology demonstrates
absence of melanocytes with
normal epidermis.
Acquired aurotrichia Primary guard hairs turn from History, signalment, physical No treatment documented.
(Figure 17.8) silver or black to gold. exam.  
    May resolve within 6–24 months;
Originally described in These gold hairs occur primarily relapses may occur.
Miniature Schnauzers but can in patches over dorsal thorax
affect any breed. and abdomen.
Periocular and pinnal
involvement may occur.
“Dalmatian bronzing” Patchy brown haircoat History, signalment, physical No specific treatment for the
syndrome discoloration usually associated exam, skin cytology for brown discoloration is available;
(Figure 17.9; Chapter 8, Figures with bacterial folliculitis and infection. treat underlying bacterial skin
8.5E–8.5F) bacterial porphyrins production. infection.
Occurs in Dalmatian dogs or
any short‐coated white dog.
378 17  Pigmentary dermatologic disorders

(A) (B)

Figure 17.1A and B  Canine lentigo; multiple, flat, black macules on the ventral trunk.

(A) (B)

Figure 17.2A–B  Feline lentigo simplex; multiple, flat, black macules on the lips and eyelids.
Figure 17.3A  Inguinal hyperpigmentation due to hypothyroidism in a Cocker Spaniel.

Figure 17.3B  Marked inguinal hyperpigmentation and comedone Figure 17.3C  The same dog as in Fig. 17.3B; After thyroid
formation in a Pekingese dog. supplementation, comedones have resolved and
hyperpigmentation is improving.

Figure 17.3D  Truncal hyperpigmentation in a cushingoid Sheltie. Figure 17.3E  Alopecia and hyperpigmentation on the lateral
trunk of an English Bulldog with both hypothyroidism and canine
recurrent flank alopecia.

(B) (C)

Figure 17.4A–C  Post‐inflammatory hyperpigmentation due to allergy and secondary bacterial pyoderma in several atopic dogs.

Figure 17.4E  The same dog as in fig. 17.4D; After treatment of

Figure 17.4D  Severe bacterial and yeast skin infections caused infections, lichenification has resolved and there is residual lattice
lichenification and hyperpigmentation in this atopic Westie. hyperpigmentation due to atopy.
Figure 17.4F  Patchy inguinal erythema and hyperpigmentation with peripheral scaling due to bacterial pyoderma.

Figure 17.4G  This atopic Yorkie had both lacey, inguinal post‐ Figure 17.4H  Patchy truncal melanotrichia in a Miniature Poodle;
inflammatory hyperpigmentation due to atopy as well as this can occur as a sequela to prior infection/inflammation, to
numerous small, raised, pigmented viral plaques which developed sebaceous adenitis, or may be idiopathic in some mixed breed
after treatment with oclacitinib. Poodles.

Figure 17.5A  Patchy facial leukoderma in a Boxer with vitiligo.
382 17  Pigmentary dermatologic disorders



Figures 17.5B and C  Multifocal leukotrichia due to vitiligo in a Shepherd mix.



Figures 17.6A and B  Snow nose causing a central strip of nasal hypopigmentation; note the normal reticular “nose print” is retained.
17  Pigmentary dermatologic disorders 383

Figure 17.7  Dudley nose causing a tan rather than black nasal Figure 17.8  Aurotrichia in a Miniature Schnauzer. Source: Image
planum in a Labrador. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Lisa courtesy of VIN and Marcella Ramos, DVM.
Booth, DVM.

Figure 17.9  Brown discoloration of white fur due to bacterial folliculitis.
384 17  Pigmentary dermatologic disorders

­Further reading
Alhaidari, Z., Olivry, T., and Ortonne, J.P. (1999). a preliminary report of 4 cases. 6th World Congress of
Melanocytogenesis and melanogenesis: genetic regulation Veterinary Dermatology, Hong Kong. Vet. Dermatol. 19
and comparative clinical diseases. Vet. Dermatol. 10: 3–16. (suppl 1): 75.
Coyner, K. (2012 January/February). Challenges and new Scott, D.W., Miller, W.H., and Griffin, C.E. (2013). Muller
developments in canine Pyoderma: disease overview and & Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology, 7e. Philadelphia:
diagnosis. Today’s Veterinary Practice 36–44. Elsevier.
Guaguère, E. and Muller, A. (2008). Efficacy of Sulaimon, S.S. and Kitchell, B.E. (2003). The biology of
L‐phenylalanine in the treatment of canine vitiligo: melanocytes. Vet. Dermatol. 14: 57–65.


Environmental skin disorders

Kimberly S. Coyner, DVM, DACVD
Dermatology Clinic for Animals, Lacey, WA, USA

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
Table 18.1  Environmental skin disorders.

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Prevention/Treatment

Solar dermatitis Cats: Early lesions present with non‐pruritic Consider signalment and clinical signs. Sun avoidance
(Figures 18.1A–18.1G) erythema and fine scaling which progress to   Keep pet indoors during the day, especially
  skin peeling and crusting; pinnal margins Rule out other causes for scaly erythematous between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Also avoid
Prolonged and repeated sun damage leads may be slightly curled or take on a scalloped dermatitis or folliculitis (e.g. bacterial, reflected sunlight (i.e. white concrete
to keratinocyte proliferation, mutagenesis, appearance. Demodex, and dermatophyte infections). sidewalks or dog run flooring).
atypia and premalignant actinic keratoses,      
which can progress to invasive squamous Actinic keratosis or squamous cell Biopsy/dermatopathology: Prior to biopsy, If some sun exposure is unavoidable, then
cell carcinoma. carcinoma in situ can develop and appear as systemic antibiotics may be indicated for twice daily topical application of a
  chronically crusted or eroded lesions. 2–3 weeks to ensure that secondary waterproof, high SPF sunscreen that protects
In dogs, solar dermatitis most commonly   infection does not alter histopathologic against UVA and UVB should be used.
affects lightly skinned, short‐coated breeds Dogs: Sun damage usually occurs on interpretation.  
such as Pitbull and Staffordshire Bull nonpigmented thinly haired areas such as   A dog sun suit is available at www.
Terriers, Bull Terriers, Boxers, Dalmatians, the flank, inguinal and axillary areas, and Early lesions: Nonspecific inflammation,, or talented clients
American Bulldogs, and Whippets. the dorsal nose, but it can occur on the fibrosis, epidermal hyperplasia with may be able to sew a sunsuit for their pets
  dorsal and lateral trunk and lateral legs as intraepidermal edema is seen, and using sun‐blocking fabric available for
In cats, solar dermatitis most commonly well as other areas. vacuolated (sunburn cells) and apoptotic people.
affects non‐pigmented skin on the ear   keratinocytes may be seen. Solar elastosis  
pinnae, nose, and eyelids. In dogs that prefer to lie on one side of their (linear bands of degenerated basophilic Tattooing is ineffective, as the tattoo ink is
body, lesions may be worse on the more elastin accumulation arranged parallel to the deposited in the dermis, which does not
chronically sun‐exposed side. skin surface) may also be present. protect the epidermis; additionally, colorants
    absorb or reflect visible light but have no
Initial signs of actinic damage are In chronic cases, histologic examination protection against ultraviolet rays.
erythematous scaly lesions, which may be may show follicular cysts,  
tender. pyogranulomatous inflammation, and Acute therapy
  precancerous actinic keratosis or squamous For mild acute cases of solar dermatitis,
With chronic sun exposure, damaged areas cell carcinoma. topical application of 1% hydrocortisone
become thickened and scarred with daily to BID for a week), or a 5–7 day course
comedones, cysts, erosions, ulcers, crusts, of oral anti‐inflammatory prednisone may be
and draining tracts. helpful.
Secondary bacterial pyoderma is common.  
  Therapy for chronic disease and actinic
Actinic or solar keratoses can occur and keratoses
appear as non‐healing erythematous, scaly Systemic therapies
to crusty macules and plaques which Carotenoids: To decrease sun damage, it has
represent focal areas of abnormal been reported in dogs that beta‐carotene
keratinocyte proliferation/differentiation (30 mg orally BID for 30 days, then 30 mg/day
which with time may progress to invasive for life) in combination with anti‐
squamous cell carcinoma. inflammatory doses of oral glucocorticoids
  could be effective in early cases. In cats,
With chronic solar damage, sun‐induced beta‐carotene and canthaxanthin (25 mg
skin tumors such as squamous cell doses of active carotenoids) have been used
carcinoma, hemangioma, and cutaneous orally with mixed success. 
hemangiosarcoma may occur.  

0004322052.indd 386 6/28/2019 3:23:49 PM

Retinoids and Vitamin A: Skin damage may
also be reduced by administering oral
retinoids such as acitretin or isotretinoin
0.5–1 mg/kg PO q24h. Due to expense of
retinoids and difficulty in obtaining them for
veterinary use, oral vitamin A has been used
anecdotally for canine solar dermatitis,
suggested dosage of oral vitamin A for dogs
is 800–1000 IU/kg PO daily for 3 months,
then the frequency is reduced to three times
Non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatories:
Cyclooxygenase‐2 (COX‐2) expression has
been detected in actinic keratosis and
squamous cell carcinomas and
administration of an oral NSAID can cause
clinical and histopathological improvement.
Topical therapies
Imiquimod: Imiquimod applied three times
weekly for actinic keratosis/SCC in situ.
Potential side effects include erythema,
crusting, alopecia, discomfort, hepatopathy
if ingested.
Non‐medical options
Depending on lesion location, actinic
keratoses can also be potentially treated with
surgery, cryotherapy, photodynamic therapy,
or laser ablation.
Burns Clinical signs vary based on depth of burn History, clinical signs. Acute burns: Irrigate with cold tap water
(Figures 18.2A–18.2I) injury in skin.   (59 °F) for 20 minutes (no ice).
    Biopsy: Gradually tapering coagulation  
Can be caused by strong chemicals, electric Superficial (epidermis only): necrosis (“outside–in”) of epidermis and Wound care: Irrigation with antibacterial
currents, solar and microwave radiation, Erythematous desquamation, painful. Heals deeper tissues confirm thermal or chemical solution (chlorhexidene 1 : 40 dilution),
and heat (fire, boiling liquids including hot in 3–5 days via re‐epithelialization. burn. debride necrotic tissue (daily hydrotherapy
garden hose water, heating pads, dryers,   with handheld sprayer).
hot pavement). Partial thickness (epidermis, superficial to  
  deep dermis): Apply topical antimicrobial agents applied
Burn injuries can be hidden by fur and not Erythematous, moist, +/− blisters and edema; BID–TID, preferred topicals include silver
become evident for a week or more post black to yellow/white eschar formation if sulfadiazine cream or mafenide acetate
injury when necrotic skin appears. entire dermis involved. May be painful or cream.
  have decreased sensation depending on  
Heating pad injury can be exacerbated by depth. Milder burns heal in 1–2 weeks via re‐ Medical grade honey can be used initially,
duration of exposure, fluid pooling, epithelialization, deeper burns heal in stop when granulation bed formed and
hypotension and concurrent systemic disease. 2–3 weeks, may need surgical intervention.  change to non‐adherent dressings. 

0004322052.indd 387 6/28/2019 3:23:49 PM

Table 18.1  Environmental skin disorders (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Prevention/Treatment

Burns (cont.) Full thickness (complete destruction of Silver impregnated wound dressings are
epidermis, dermis and SQ): Bloodless white available which can remain in place for
eschar, hair easily plucked. Surgical 3–7 days on partial thickness burns for
intervention indicated, otherwise will heal outpatient therapy.
by contraction and hypertrophic scarring/  
deformation. Conservative wound management with daily
  trimming of separating eschar edges
Animals with deep burns >20% skin surface appropriate for smaller, less extensive
will develop electrolyte imbalance and fluid wounds and for unstable patients.
loss, burns >50% skin surface are usually  
fatal. Deep partial‐thickness and full‐thickness
  burns require eschar removal and topical
Necrosis of skin and damage to underlying antimicrobial treatment until wound closure
vasculature sets patients up for secondary or graft application possible.
infection which systemic antibiotics cannot  
reach. Monitor wound for local infection: Change
in wound color/depth, increased exudate or
pain, early separation of eschar.
Systemic antibiotics are not effective in
preventing infection due to impaired
vasculature; use only if systemic infection
Avoid steroids; pentoxifylline may help
reduce hyperplastic scarring.
Pain control essential: Opioids,
benzodiazepines, +/− combination
infusion with ketamine; manage fluid and
imbalances with fluids +/− colloids.
Nutrition very important: Institute enteral
feeding within 24–48 hours post injury, use
nasogastric (NG) or E‐tube (esophagostomy
tube) if needed.

0004322052.indd 388 6/28/2019 3:23:50 PM

Radiant heat dermatitis Variably shaped, often linear or lattice‐like Clinical signs, history of exposure to local Prevent exposure to heat source.
(a.k.a. erythema ab igne, Figure 18.3) areas of hyperpigmentation and alopecia, intense heat source such as stove, space  
  often on trunk. heater, heat lamp. Can lead to permanent scarring.
Results from prolonged and repetitive    
exposure to moderate heat sources such as May have areas of erythema or Biopsy: Atrophic hair follicles, fibrosis with
lying near a stove, radiator, space heater, hyperpigmentation surrounding central eosinophilic, wavy, elastic fibrils in dermis.
heat lamp, or on a kennel warming pad or hypopigmentation. May be scaly +/−
electric blanket. crusted or focally eroded.
Not pruritic or painful.
Frostbite Most commonly affects ear tips, digits, tail Clinical signs, history. Move patient to warm area and use warm
(Figures 18.4A–18.4C) tip, and scrotum. (not hot) water to thaw affected areas.
Occurs due to prolonged exposure to Initially skin is pale and cool to touch; after Healing will occur over days to weeks
freezing temperatures. thawing mild edema, erythema and depending on severity; a short course of
  discomfort +/− scaling occur. NSAIDs can reduce inflammation and
More common in debilitated animals or   discomfort and pentoxifylline may help
animals not acclimated to the cold. In severe cases, affected tissue becomes increase circulation and improve tissue
  necrotic and sloughs; pinnal margins may viability.
Wind, moisture/wetting and lack of shelter curl.  
increase risk of frostbite.   In severe necrotic cases, amputation may be
Scarring, alopecia, and leukotrichia may necessary.
occur post healing.
Irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) Lesions that develop from ICD typically Clinical signs, history (including any recent Identify and remove irritant.
(Figures 18.5A and 18.5B) develop only in the area of direct contact environmental changes or new topical  
A nonspecific inflammatory cutaneous (unlike allergic contact dermatitis which therapies), and response to removal from Bathe with cool water, with or without a
reaction caused by direct contact with an may extend beyond the area of contact). the irritant +/− re‐exposure. nonirritating shampoo to remove the irritant
irritating agent.   and soothe the skin.
  Acute lesions include edema, erythema and Skin scrapings and cytology to rule out  
Unlike allergic contact dermatitis, prior papules; lesions can be painful (but not infectious causes of dermatitis. Topical corticosteroids can be used for
exposure and sensitization is not required; usually pruritic, in contrast to allergic   localized lesions; in severe or generalized
can affect multiple individuals living in the contact dermatitis), and in severe cases Biopsy: Acute lesions show epithelial cell cases, systemic anti‐inflammatory
same household. necrosis and ulceration may occur. damage +/− ulceration and intracellular prednisone for 5–7 days may be helpful.
  vacuolation and edema with a mononuclear  
Typical causes include caustic chemicals Chronic lesions can be scaly, lichenified, and inflammatory infiltrate. Treat any secondary bacterial or yeast
such as fertilizers, petrolatum based fissured. Secondary bacterial and yeast   infections with appropriate topical or
products, strong acids/alkalis, cleansers, infections can occur and increase Chronic lesions show epidermal hyperplasia systemic antibacterial and antifungal
solvents, insecticidal dips/collars/ inflammation and discomfort. and hyperkeratosis with increased dermal medications.
shampoos, and components of paints, mononuclear cells.
carpets, and wood preservatives.


0004322052.indd 389 6/28/2019 3:23:50 PM

Table 18.1  Environmental skin disorders (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnosis Prevention/Treatment

Grass awns/burs Foxtails can cause interdigital granulomas Clinical signs. Exploration of draining tracts to identify and
(Figures 18.6A–E) and draining tracts, as well as acutely painful   remove the plant awns, flush liberally with
  otitis and head shaking or explosive Demonstration of plant awns on exploration dilute chlorhexidine, +/− a 3–4 week course
Grass seeds (commonly known as foxtails) sneezing and nasal discharge. of paw lesions or on otoscopic examination of systemic antibiotics for secondary
from Hordeum jubatum and similar grasses   (though in chronic cases the plant awns infection; much longer courses of antibiotics
often become lodged between toes, in As foxtails migrate, they can carry in have degraded or cannot be found due to needed for Actinomyces or Nocardia
external ear canals or in the nasal cavity. pathogenic bacteria such as Nocardia or migration or inflammatory and scar tissue). infections.
  Actinomyces and create chronic secondary,    
Burdock (Arctium) burs often become deep infection/draining tracts on the limbs Cytology of draining tract exudate +/− For foxtails trapped in deep tissues,
trapped in fur in between toes. and trunk. tissue culture indicated if lesion is chronic ultrasound may be helpful to locate lesions
  or if bacteria are present on cytology despite prior to surgical exploration.
Foxtails can migrate to the lungs or empiric antibiotics.  
abdomen, causing pyothorax and peritonitis.   For burdock burs, debridement of
  Biopsy: Foxtail‐induced lesions: non‐specific granulomatous tissue/burrs using a scalpel
Burdock burs cause intense oral pyogranulomatous inflammation; plant blade or curette under general anesthesia is
inflammation as the dogs try to remove the material is occasionally found. needed; aftercare includes soft to liquid
burs from their paws and coat; resultant   foods for several days and oral antibiotics for
lesions are 2–3 mm raised, white to pink Biopsy: Burdock induced lesions: 5 days. The procedure may need to be
papules to eroded plaques (granulomas) on pyogranulomatous to eosinophilic repeated more than once until the
the lips and dorsal tongue. inflammation centered on plant material. inflammation is resolved.
Prevention: Careful inspection and combing
of interdigital areas and coat to remove plant
material after pet has been in areas
containing seeded grasses or burdocks.
Post traumatic alopecia Hair loss begins on lumbar area or trunk History, clinical findings. In mild cases, lesions slowly heal
(Figure 18.7) 3–4 weeks post trauma; hairs are easily   spontaneously.
  epilated and underlying skin is non‐ Skin biopsy: Ischemic changes with basal In severe cases with ulceration, wound care
Has been described in cats 3–4 weeks after inflamed, often pale and shiny in cell vacuolation and follicular/adnexal as for burns is needed.
road trauma, often in association with appearance. atrophy.
pelvic fractures.  
  Erosions or ulcers may develop.
Suspected to be due to blunt force  
trauma causing shearing forces in the Not painful or pruritic, though cat may lick
skin which damage subcutaneous and the affected area.
skin blood vessels, resulting in ischemia  
to overlying skin. Healing is slow and permanent scarring
can result.

0004322052.indd 390 6/28/2019 3:23:50 PM

Hygroma Early lesions are soft to firm, fluid‐filled Clinical appearance/location. Early lesions respond to padded bandages,
(Figure 18.8) cysts which contain straw colored or red   donut bandages +/− orthotics such as
  tinged fluid. Aspirate/fluid cytology: Usually poorly Dogleggs® x 2–3 weeks.
A fluid‐filled cyst which forms over boney   cellular fluid containing scattered RBCs and  
prominences (elbows, hocks, ischia) due to More chronic lesions can become scarred/ inflammatory cells, purulent inflammation Severe lesions may require drainage or as a
repetitive trauma causes focal hemorrhage, fibrotic or inflamed with draining tracts if with bacteria may be present if secondary last resort surgery with prolonged post‐
necrosis, and inflammation. secondary infection occurs. infection occurs. operative wound care and bandaging to
  prevent dehiscence.
Biopsy (usually not necessary): Cystic spaces
surrounded by granulation tissue.
Pressure sore (decubitus ulcer) Early lesions are erythematous to purplish Signalment, clinical signs. Prevention is important; recumbent animals
(Figures 18.9A and 18.9B) skin discoloration which progresses to   should be provided with effective padding
  necrosis, exudation, and ulceration. Cytology to identify secondary infection such as an eggcrate foam rubber pad and
Results from prolonged pressure on bony   +/− culture if bacteria persist cytologically turned frequently or placed in slings; ensure
prominences which compresses skin Secondary bacterial infection is common. despite empiric antibiotics. bodily fluids do not accumulate to contribute
capillaries and causes skin ischemia. to tissue maceration and inflammation.
More common in older, large breed or If a pressure sore develops, additional
heavy dogs. padding will be needed in the affected area
in the form of soft bandages, donut
bandages, and/or protective orthotics such
as Dogleggs®.
Frequent wound care is needed to cleanse
wound bed and treat secondary infection;
helpful topical products can include
hydrocolloid dressings, sucralfate and silver
containing dressings, mupirocin antibiotic
ointment, honey, and collagen hydrolysate
gel (Collasate®, PRN Pharmacal).
Note: Preparation H hemorrhoid cream has
been a recommended topical treatment in
older references; the US formulation of this
product has changed and does not contain
the yeast extract (termed BioDyne) which
stimulates wound healing. However at the
time of this writing, the original Preparation
H formula is available at some Canadian
online pharmacies.
Low level laser therapy may be helpful.
In lesions with bone exposure, surgical
closure is needed, but may dehisce unless
animal is ambulatory.

0004322052.indd 391 6/28/2019 3:23:50 PM

392 18  Environmental skin disorders

Figure 18.1A  Truncal hypotrichosis, papules, comedones, and Figure 18.1B  Erythema and crusts caused by solar dermatitis in
serpiginous crusts due to solar dermatitis. a Pitbull.

Figure 18.1C  Raised, inflamed, cystic, crusted, truncal lesions Figure 18.1D  In this Pitbull with solar dermatitis, scarring and
due to solar dermatitis; note restriction of lesions to non‐ severe secondary deep pyoderma occurred and increased
pigmented skin. inflammation, causing draining tracts which affected both non‐
pigmented and pigmented skin.

Figure 18.1E  Erythema, scarring, crusts, and cystic lesions due to Figure 18.1F  Inflamed, cystic, inguinal lesions due to chronic
chronic sun damage. solar dermatitis.
18  Environmental skin disorders 393

Figure 18.1G  Serpiginous, scaly, inguinal lesions due to chronic Figure 18.2A  A thermal burn caused by a heating pad on the
sun damage and actinic keratoses in an Italian Greyhound. dorsal trunk of a dog.

Figure 18.2B  A thermal burn caused by a hot blow dryer on a Figure 18.2C  Close up view of thermal burn causing a focal
Bichon. necrotic eschar.

Figure 18.2D  A thermal burn caused by a heating pad on the Figure 18.2E  The margins of the superficial burn are visible as
inguinal area of a cat. Superficial crusting and erythema serpigenous areas of erythema and desquamation.
developed several days after anesthesia.
Figure 18.2F  The central area of the lesion showed partial Figure 18.2G  Solar‐induced thermal burns in a dog which
thickness burn when the overlying necrotic crust was moistened occurred after long hike in hot sunny weather; photos was taken
and lifted up to reveal underlying dermis. 2 weeks after event occurred, note the exclusively dorsal
distribution of crusts and scarring.

Figure 18.2H  Solar induced thermal burns in this dog caused Figure 18.2I  Thermal burns on the pawpads of a dog after
acute raised bullous blood filled lesions on the dorsal trunk. walking on hot asphalt.

Figure 18.3  Erythema ab igne in a dog caused by sleeping next to a space heater for several weeks; lesions resolved when the space
heater was removed. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Sandra Marky, DVM.
Figure 18.4A  Frostbite causing distal pinnal necrosis in a cat.
Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Tamara Goff, DVM.

Figure 18.4B  Frostbite caused toe necrosis in this dog; photo was
taken 9 days post injury. 9 and 15 days post injury. Source: Images
courtesy of VIN and Laura Carpenter, DVM.

Figure 18.4C  The same dog showing progressive frostbite

induced toe necrosis 15 days post injury. Source: Images courtesy
of VIN and Laura Carpenter, DVM.

Figure 18.5B  Close up of chlorhexidene induced irritant contact

Figure 18.5A  A dog with painful inguinal dermatitis caused by an dermatitis; lesions were restricted to only where the spray was
irritant contact reaction to a chlorhexidene‐based spray. being applied.
396 18  Environmental skin disorders

Figure 18.6A  Focal interdigital swelling/inflammation and

eventual draining tract due to a foxtail.

Figure 18.6B  The tiny foxtail/grass seed after removal.

Figure 18.6C  Foxtails in the proximal ear canal of a dog. Figure 18.6D  Close up of foxtail after removal from the ear canal.
18  Environmental skin disorders 397

Figure 18.6E  Burdock induced glossitis. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Vicky Smith, DVM.

Figure 18.7  Easily epilated, traumatic‐related alopecia in a cat

which occurred three weeks after an unknown trauma to the hind Figure 18.8  A hygroma on the elbow of a young, large breed dog.
end. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Gary Old, DVM. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Cassandra Struke‐Conrad, DVM.
398 18  Environmental skin disorders

Figure 18.9A  A deep decubital ulcer with bone exposure on the Figure 18.9B  Deep decubitus ulcers on the hocks. Source: Image
elbow of a geriatric dog. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Andy courtesy of VIN and Eric Stone, DVM.
Manoloff, DVM.

­Further reading
Alberts, D., Ranger‐Moore, J., Einspahr, J. et al. (2004). Fahie, M.A. and Shettko, D. (2007). Evidence‐based wound
Safety and efficacy of dose‐intensive oral vitamin A in management: a systematic review of therapeutic agents
subjects with sun‐damaged skin. Clin. Cancer Res. 10 to enhance granulation and epithelialization. Vet. Clin.
(6): 1875–1880. North Am. Small Anim. Pract. 37 (3): 559–577.
Albanese, F., Abramo, F., Caporali, C. et al. (2013). Clinical Frantz, K. and Byers, C.G. (2011). Thermal injury.
outcome and cyclo‐oxygenase‐2 expression in 5 dogs Compend. Contin. Educ. Vet. 33 (12): E1.
with solar dermatitis/actinic keratosis treated with Gnudi, G., Volta, A., Bonazzi, M. et al. (2005).
firocoxib. Vet. Dermatol. 24 (6): 606–e147. Ultrasonographic features of grass awn migration in the
Amalsadvala, T. and Swaim, S.F. (2006). Management of dog. Vet. Radiol. Ultrasound (5): 423–426.
hard‐to‐heal wounds. Vet. Clin. Small Anim. Pract. 36: Ho, K.K., Campbell, K.L., and Lavergne, S.N. (2015).
693–711. Contact dermatitis: a comparative and translational
Bardagi, M., Fondevila, D., and Ferrer, L. (2012). review of the literature. Vet. Dermatol. 26 (5): 314–327,
Immunohistochemical detection of COX‐2 in feline and e66‐7.
canine actinic keratoses and cutaneous squamous cell Hosgood, G. (2006). Stages of wound healing and their
carcinoma. J. Comp. Pathol. 146 (1): 11–17. clinical relevance. Vet. Clin. Small. Anim. Pract. 36:
Burrows, A.K. (2014). Actinic dermatoses and sun 667–685.
protection. In: Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XV, Kimura, T. and Doi, K. (1994). Protective effects of
480–482. St. Louis Mo: Elsevier. sunscreens on sunburn and suntan reactions in cross‐
Campbell, B.G. (2006). Dressings, bandages, and splints for bred Mexican hairless dogs. Vet. Dermatol. 5: 175.
wound management in dogs and cats. Vet. Clin. North Klocke, E. (2014). CVC highlight: the hunt for grass awns.
Am. Small Anim. Pract. 36 (4): 759–791. Vet. Med.‐
Declercq, J. (2004). Alopecia and dermatopathy of the highlight‐hunt‐grass‐awns (accessed 14 February 2019).
lower back following pelvic fractures in three cats. Vet. Kunkle, G.A. (1988). Contact dermatitis. Vet. Clin. North
Dermatol. 15 (1): 42–46. Am. Small Anim. Pract. 18 (5): 1061–1068.
18  Environmental skin disorders 399

Miller, W.H., Griffin, C.E., and Campbell, K.L. (2013). Rosenkrantz, W.S. (1993). Solar dermatitis. In: Current
Muller and Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology, 7e. St. Veterinary Dermatology (ed. C.E. Griffin, K.W. Kwochka,
Louis Mo: Elsevier. J.M. Macdonald, et al.), 309–315. St. Louis: Mosby‐Year
Mathews, K.A. and Binnington, A.G. (2002). Wound Book.
management using honey. Compendium Pract. Educ. 24: Schwartz, S.L., Schick, A.E., Lewis, T.P., and Loeffler, D.
53–59. (2018). Dorsal thermal necrosis in dogs: a retrospective
Mathews, K.A. and Binnington, A.G. (2002). Wound analysis of 16 cases in the southwestern USA (2009–
management using sugar. Compendium Pract. Educ. 24: 2016). Vet. Dermatol. 29 (2): 139–e55.
41–49. Swaim, S.F. and Bohling, M.W. (2005). Bandaging and
Olivry, T., Prélaud, P., Héripret, D., and Atlee, B.A. (1990). splinting canine elbow wounds. Clinician’s Brief 21–24.
Allergic contact dermatitis in the dog. Principles and Swaim, S.F. and Henderson, R.A. (1997). Small Animal
diagnosis. Vet. Clin. North Am. Small Anim. Pract. 20 Wound Management, 2e. Baltimore: Williams and
(6): 1443–1456. Wilkins.
Pavletic, M.M. (2011). Use of commercially available foam Tchanque‐Fossuo, C.N., Ho, D., Dahle, S.E. et al. (2016). A
pipe insulation as a protective device for wounds over systematic review of low‐level light therapy for
the elbow joint area in five dogs. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. treatment of diabetic foot ulcer. Wound Repair Regen. 24
239 (9): 1225–1231. (2): 418–426.
Peters‐Kennedy, J.P., Scott, D.W., and Miller, W.H. (2008). Thivierge, G. (1973). Granular stomatitis in dogs due to
Case report: apparent clinical resolution of pinnal Burdock. Can. Vet. Jour. 14 (4): 96–97.
actinic keratoses and squamous cell carcinoma in a cat Vigani, A. and Culler, C.A. (2017). Systemic and local
using topical imiquimod 5% cream. J. Fel. Med. and Surg. management of burn wounds. Vet. Clin. North Am.
10: 593–599. Small Anim. Pract. 47 (6): 1149–1163.
Quist, E.M., Tanabe, M., Mansell, J.E., and Edwards, J.L. Walder, E.J. and Hargis, A.M. (2002). Chronic moderate
(2012). A case series of thermal scald injuries in dogs heat dermatitis (erythema ab igne) in five dogs, three
exposed to hot water from garden hoses (garden hose cats and one silvered langur. Vet. Dermatol. 13 (5):
scalding syndrome). Vet. Dermatol. 23 (2): 162–166, e33. 283–292.


Skin tumors
Alexandra Gould, DVM1,2
 Dermatology Clinic for Animals, Lacey, WA, USA
 Animal Allergy and Dermatology, Las Vegas, NV, USA

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
Table 19.1  Benign and malignant skin tumors in dogs and cats.

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) Common locations: Biopsy Local surgical excision, including digit
(Solar and Non‐solar Origin) Non‐solar: Trunk, limbs, scrotum, lips, anus, digits/   amputation is often curative or prolongs
Canine clawbed Staging requires aspirate of draining survival times in case of digit masses.
(Figures 19.1–19.4) Solar: Ventral abdomen, head. lymph nodes and chest radiographs.  
    Local treatment options: Cryotherapy,
Older dogs (6–10 years). Variants: Strontium‐90 plesiotherapy (if
  1. Proliferative (papillary, cauliflower‐like mass; can superficial), topical imiquimod.
Non‐solar: Predisposition for large or giant develop cutaneous horns).  
breed dogs, possibly with dark coats. 2. Ulcerative (shallow ulcers that deepen over time). Avoid sunlight to prevent further UV‐
  3. Clawbed (single digit swollen/painful with induced SCC.
Solar: Predisposition for short, light‐ misshapen or no claw).  
colored coats.   Systemic treatments have no proven
Often individual masses, but can multiply (especially survival benefit, but options include:
in sunbathing dogs). NSAIDs (such as piroxicam), toceranib
  phosphate, carboplatin, or mitoxantrone‐
Behavior varies by location: based chemotherapy.
Cutaneous neoplasm: Metastasis rare. Digital SCC:  
Locally aggressive. Prevalence of distant metastasis to Consider oncology consultation.
lymph nodes and lungs ranges from 5–25% of cases.
Squamous cell carcinoma Common locations: Biopsy Best option for pinnae, nasal planum, and
(Solar and Non‐solar Origin) Non‐solar: Digit, thigh, neck.   eyelids: Surgical excision.
Feline Solar: Pinna, nasal planum, eyelid, lips. Staging requires aspirate of draining  
(Figures 19.5–19.7)   lymph nodes and chest radiographs. Cryosurgery of small lesions, but masses can
  Early lesion: Erythematous, crusted, sunken. recur, especially in lesions larger than 5 mm.
Older cats (10–12 years) Ears often thickened and curled at pinnal margins.  
  Chronic lesion: Deep erosion or mass. Nasal planum lesions can be treated with
Solar:   radiation or photodynamic therapy.
White cats at higher risk. Behavior:  
Siamese cats and long‐haired cats at Slowly progressive, locally aggressive, metastasis Topical imiquimod helpful for early
decreased risk. unlikely. superficial lesions.
Avoid sunlight or apply sunscreen to
prevent further UV‐induced SCC.
Consider oncology consultation.
Bowenoid in situ carcinoma Multifocal, well‐circumscribed, hyperpigmented Biopsy Local surgical excision may be ineffective,
(Bowen’s disease) plaques and macules which may be ulcerated. as lesions can develop in other locations.
(Figures 19.8A and 19.8B) Common locations: Localized treatments: Topical imiquimod
  Face, neck, limbs. cream, Strontium‐90 plesiotherapy (if
Middle‐aged to older cats. superficial), and CO2 laser ablation.
Often related to papillomavirus infection. Oncology consultation recommended if
generalized lesions.

0004322053.INDD 402 06/28/2019 04:08:23

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Basal cell carcinoma Single lesions. Biopsy Surgical excision, electrosurgery,

Canine and feline   cryosurgery; low risk of recurrence after
(Figures 19.9A–19.9F) Hardened plaques or umbilicated nodules, removal.
  commonly with overlying crusts. Masses are often
Older animals: black or blue pigmented.
Dogs over 8 years.  
Cats over 10 years. Common locations:
  Cats: Nose, face, ears; less commonly trunk, neck,
More common in cats than dogs. legs.
  Dogs: Trunk, rare only on glabrous skin.
Predisposed breeds: Siamese cats, Cocker  
Spaniel, Kerry Blue terrier, Shetland Low metastasis rate in cats, not documented in
Sheepdog, Siberian Husky, English dogs.
Springer Spaniel, Poodle.
UV light exposure implicated in humans,
but not proven in dogs.
Sebaceous gland tumors Four forms of sebaceous gland tumor: Biopsy used to differentiate type of Removal methods include surgical
Canine   sebaceous gland tumor. excision, cryotherapy, CO2 laser surgery,
(Figures 19.10–19.12) Nodular sebaceous hyperplasia: electrosurgery; recurrence is rare.
  Lesion: Solitary, yellow to white, firm, nodules or
Occurs in older dogs. plaques that can appear wart‐like but are more waxy
  than papillomas.
Nodular sebaceous hyperplasia:  
Predisposed breeds: Poodle, Cocker Common locations: Limb, trunk, ears, face, eyelids.
Spaniel, Manchester Terrier, Wheaten  
Terrier. Sebaceous epithelioma:
  Lesion: Single or multiple frequently ulcerated, firm,
Sebaceous adenoma: nodular or plaque‐like mass that are often
Predisposed breeds: Cocker Spaniel, hyperpigmented.
Siberian Husky, Miniature Poodle,  
Coonhound, Samoyed, Beagle, Dachshund. Common locations: Eyelids, head, ears, dorsum.
Sebaceous adenocarcinoma: Behavior: Locally aggressive with rare distant metastasis.
Predisposed breed: Cocker Spaniel.  
Sebaceous adenoma:
Lesion: Single or multiple, yellow and pearly or
hyperpigmented, dome‐shaped or papillated masses.
Common locations: Head most common, but can
occur in any location.
Sebaceous adenocarcinoma:
Lesion: Single, firm, nodule that is often alopecic
and ulcerated.
Common locations: Head
Behavior: Locally aggressive with rare distant metastasis.


0004322053.INDD 403 06/28/2019 04:08:23

Table 19.1  Benign and malignant skin tumors in dogs and cats (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Sebaceous gland tumor Lesion: Most commonly nodular sebaceous Same as dog. Same as dog.
Feline hyperplasia, but other sebaceous gland tumors can
Occurs in older cats  
Less common than in dogs. Lesions appear identical to dog.
Sebaceous adenoma:
Predisposed breed: Persian.
Follicular tumors Trichoepithelioma: Biopsy to differentiate types of hair Surgical excision, cryotherapy,
Canine Lesion: Single, solid or cystic, sometimes ulcerated follicle tumor. electrosurgery, observation.
(Figures 19.13A–19.13D) and hyperpigmented masses.  
  Common locations: Dorsal lumbar, lateral thoracic, Removal usually curative.
Trichoepithelioma: limbs.  
Older dogs (8–9 years average). Behavior: Rarely invade or metastasize. Trichoblastoma may respond to
Predisposed breeds: Infundibular keratinizing acanthoma:  
Golden Retriever, Basset Hound, German Lesion: Single or multiple, partially hairless nodules Oral retinoids are reported to help control
Shepherd. with central opening from which keratin may multiple pilomatrixomas and infundibular
  protrude. keratinizing acanthomas.
Infundibular keratinizing acanthoma Common locations: Dorsal trunk.
(intracutaneous cornifying epithelioma): Behavior: Benign.
Uncommon in dogs.  
Predisposed breeds: Norwegian Elkhound, Lesion: Firm, non‐ulcerated, ovoid nodule.
Keeshond, German Shepherd dog, Terrier, Common locations: Head and neck.
Lhasa Apso, Pekingese, Yorkshire Terrier. Behavior: Generally benign.
Tricholemmoma: Trichoblastoma:
Predisposed breed: Lesion: Single (rarely multiple), firm, rounded or
Afghan Hound. polypoid mass that can be ulcerated,
  hyperpigmented, or hairless.
Trichoblastoma: Common locations:
Middle‐aged dogs (6–9 years old). Base of ear, head, neck.
  Behavior: Benign in most cases with rare metastasis.
Predisposed breeds:  
Poodle, Cocker Spaniel, Kerry Blue Terrier, Pilomatrixoma:
Bichon Friese, Cockapoo, Shetland Lesion: Single (rarely multiple), firm or cystic,
Sheepdog, Siberian Husky. sometimes hyperpigmented and hairless,
  multilobular, rounded to plaque‐like masses.
Pilomatrixoma (Pilomatricoma, Calcifying Common locations: Shoulders, lateral thorax.
Epithelioma): Older dogs (average 8 years) Behavior: Rarely metastatic and invasive but can
  spread to lymph nodes, nervous system, lungs, bone.
Predisposed breeds:
Kerry Blue Terrier, Miniature Poodle, Old
English Sheepdog, Soft‐coated Wheaten
Terrier, Airedale Terrier, Bouviers des
Flandres, Bichon Frise, Standard
Schnauzer, Basset Hound.

0004322053.INDD 404 06/28/2019 04:08:23

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Follicular tumors Trichoepithelioma: Same as dog. Same as dog.

Feline Same appearance and behavior as dog.
  Common locations: Head, limbs, tail.
Rare in cats. Tricholemmoma:
Occurs in cats older than 5 years. Lesion: Small, rounded, hairless nodules that may be
  ulcerated when large.
Predisposed breeds: Behavior: Benign.
Tricholemmoma: Lesion: Single, firm, pigmented, rounded nodule
Rare in cats. that is often hairless and ulcerated.
  Common locations: Limbs, neck, head, cranial
Trichoblastoma: trunk.
Older cats most commonly affected
(average 9.9 years).
Dilated pore of Winer Lesion: Single, firm, cyst‐like structure protruding Biopsy Surgical excision is curative.
Feline mass of dense keratin that can appear horn‐like in
  some cases.
Middle‐aged cats (average 7.5 years).  
Common locations: Cervical region, head.
Behavior: Benign.
Follicular cyst Lesion: Usually single, firm nodules located in the Biopsy Observation or complete surgical
Canine and feline dermis or subcutis, with intact epidermis that is   excision.
(Figures 19.14A–19.14D) tinted blue, white, or yellow by cyst contents. Pores Cytology: Abundant keratinized  
  can be present and keratin can protrude to form a debris, sometimes mixed with Excision/laser ablation of ventral
  horn shape in some cases. Cysts can sometimes inflammatory cells and bacteria. interdigital follicular cysts is reported to
Predisposed dog breeds: rupture. be curative in multiple cases. Manual
Solitary cyst:   evacuation is contraindicated, as cyst
Boxer, Shih Tzu, Miniature Schnauzer, Old Common locations: Variable, can include pressure contents in the dermis or subcutis can
English Sheepdog. points of large breed dogs, over surgical scars, in lead to inflammatory response and
  clusters along dorsal midline of head, interdigitally. secondary infection
Clustered cysts on head:  
Boxer, Rhodesian Ridgeback. Behavior: Benign, can contribute to recurrent
interdigital dermatitis.
Cutaneous horn Lesion: Protruding, cone‐shaped or cylindrical mass Biopsy Surgical excision with biopsy
Canine and feline of keratin. Behavior: Morphologic diagnosis, look   recommended for removal and
(Figures 19.15A and 19.15B) for underlying associated lesions Immunohistochemistry and PCR for identification of underlying lesion.
  virus identification may be warranted.
Associated with FeLV, papillomavirus,
actinic keratosis, bowenoid in situ
carcinoma, invasive squamous cell
carcinoma, dilated pore of Winer, or
infundibular keratinizing acanthoma.

0004322053.INDD 405 06/28/2019 04:08:23

Table 19.1  Benign and malignant skin tumors in dogs and cats (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Apocrine gland tumors Epitrichial Sweat Gland Adenoma: Biopsy for diagnosis. Epitrichial Sweat Gland Adenoma:
Canine Lesion: Solitary, well‐circumscribed, firm or   Surgical excision, cryosurgery,
(Figures 19.16A and 19.16B) fluctuant, raised, hairless, often ulcerated mass. Atrichial sweat gland carcinoma observation.
  Masses can be blue or purple‑tinged when cystic. biopsies cannot always predict  
  Common locations: Neck, head, dorsal trunk. biological behavior. Atrichial Sweat Gland Carcinoma:
Epitrichial Sweat Gland Adenoma Behavior: Benign. Surgical excision should be considered,
(Apocrine Secretory Adenoma):   amputation of leg may be necessary.
Older than 10 years. Atrichial Sweat Gland Carcinoma:  
  Lesion: Single, poorly defined swelling with Apocrine Cyst:
Predisposed breeds: ulceration and adjacent bone lysis. Surgical excision, observation without
Great Pyrenees, Chow, Malamute, Old Common locations: Footpads and digit or distal leg. treatment.
English Sheepdog. Behavior: Aggressive with local recurrence or rapid
  metastasis to draining lymph nodes and adjacent leg
Atrichial Sweat Gland Carcinoma: subcutaneous tissue.
Extremely rare.  
  Apocrine Cyst:
Apocrine cyst: Lesion: Single (less often multiple) well‐defined,
6 years or older. firm or fluctuant nodules that are blue‑tinted and
  contain clear material.
Predisposed breeds: Old English Sheepdog, Common locations: Head, legs, neck, dorsal trunk.
Weimaraner. Behavior: Non‐neoplastic.
Apocrine gland tumors Epitrichial Sweat Gland Adenoma: Same as dog. Same as dog.
Feline Lesion: Same appearance as dog.
(Figure 19.17) Common locations:
  Head, pinna, neck, axilla, limb, tail.
Epitrichial Sweat Gland Adenoma:  
Older than 10 years. Atrichial Sweat Gland Carcinoma:
  Lesion: Single or multiple areas of lameness with
Predisposed breed: swelling of affected areas that often ulcerates.
Siamese. Common locations: Footpads and digits.
  Behavior: Malignant in almost all cases, rapid
Atrichial Sweat Gland Carcinoma: progression, can metastasize to lungs.
Extremely rare.  
  Apocrine cyst:
Apocrine cyst: Lesion: Single (less often multiple) well‐defined,
6 years or older. firm or fluctuant nodules that are dark brown to
  blue‐tinted and contain red–brown material.
Predisposed breed: Persian. Common location: Head.
Behavior: Non‐neoplastic.

0004322053.INDD 406 06/28/2019 04:08:23

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Feline ceruminous (apocrine) Lesion: Multiple, small nodules or vesicles that are Biopsy. CO2 laser ablation is preferred method to
cystomatosis dark brown, blue, or black colored. remove nodules.
(Figures 19.18A and 19.18B)    
  Common locations: External ear canal, eyelids, lips, Ablation of lesions with silver nitrate stick
Average age 8–9.5 years, but can occur in or inner pinnae/outer ear canals. or trichloroacetic acid has been described.
younger cats.  
  Behavior: Benign, may cause or contribute to
Predisposed breeds: Abyssinian and obstructive ceruminous otitis.
Male predisposition.
Can develop due to otitis externa, age‐related
changes, or sometimes are congenital.
Perianal gland tumors (Circumanal Lesion: Single or multiple, spherical to ovoid masses Location and cytology (sheets of Removal through surgical excision,
gland tumors, Hepatoid gland tumor) that become multinodular and ulcerated with mature, round hepatoid cells with cryosurgery, electrosurgery.
Canine growth. Can appear similar to nodular circumanal abundant pink‐blue cytoplasm) can be  
(Figures 19.19A and 19.19B) gland hyperplasia. sufficient for diagnosis. Adenoma/hyperplasia treatment of choice:
      Male: Castration, with surgical excision
Older dogs (11 years average). Common locations: Adjacent to anus (most Biopsy to definitively differentiate only if recurrent or ulcerated masses.
  common), tail, perineum, prepuce, thigh, dorsal from adenocarcinoma. Female: Surgical excision necessary in
Intact male dogs are predisposed. lumbosacral area. all cases.
Predisposed breeds: Behavior: Benign. Evaluate females and neutered males with
Cocker Spaniel, English Bulldog, Samoyed, recurrent lesions for
Afghan, Dachshund, German Shepherd hyperadrenocorticism.
dog, Beagle, Siberian Husky, Shih Tzu,
Lhasa Apso.
Apocrine gland tumors of anal Lesion: Palpable mass in anal sac (can be single or Biopsy Surgery of primary tumor combined with
sac origin bilateral).   removal of regional lymph nodes in cases of
Canine   Staging with thoracic radiographs, lymphadenopathy, recurrence is common.
  Accompanying signs: Tenesmus, scooting, abdominal ultrasound +/− CT or MRI  
Older dogs (10 years average). hypercalcemia, constipation, change in stool shape, recommended to rule out metastasis. Radiation therapy may help control local
  perineal swelling.   disease and lymph node metastasis.
Females may be predisposed.   Chemistry panel recommended to  
  Behavior: Highly metastatic; spread to regional screen for paraneoplastic Platinum chemotherapy may be helpful,
Possible breed predisposition: German lymph nodes as well as lungs, spleen, liver, bones. hypercalcemia. but no definitive benefit established.
Shepherds, English Cocker Spaniel,  
Dachshund, Alaskan Malamute, English Palliative options: Piroxicam, treatment
Springer Spaniel. for hypercalcemia.
Adenocarcinoma is most common tumor Recommend oncology consultation.

0004322053.INDD 407 06/28/2019 04:08:23

Table 19.1  Benign and malignant skin tumors in dogs and cats (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Lipoma Lesion: Single or multiple, well‐circumscribed, Cytology: Acellular with many lipid Surgical excision or observation if small.
Canine and feline variably sized, soft to rubbery masses that can be droplets.  
(Figures 19.20A and 19.20B) multilobulated.   Experimental treatment option: Dry
    Biopsy liposuction for simple encapsulated
Dogs and cats >8 years. Common locations: Thorax, chest, abdomen, lipomas.
  proximal limbs.
Predisposed breeds:  
Siamese cat Behavior: Benign.
Cocker Spaniel, Dachshund, Weimaraner,
Doberman Pinscher, Miniature Schnauzer,
Labrador Retriever, small Terriers.
Obese female dogs may be predisposed.
Infiltrative Lipomas Lesion: Poorly‐circumscribed swellings in the deep Biopsy Radical surgical excision +/− external
Canine and feline subcutaneous and intramuscular tissues. beam radiation (often both are necessary).
  Common locations: Deep tissue of neck, trunk,
Rare proximal legs.
Middle‐aged to older patients more Behavior: Non‐metastatic, but can be painful or
common. impair movement depending upon location. Local
  recurrence can occur after removal.
Females are predisposed.
Predisposed breeds:
Labrador Retriever, Standard Schnauzer,
Doberman Pinscher.
Liposarcoma Lesion: Variably sized and circumscribed, soft Biopsy necessary to differentiate from Surgical excision necessary; wide margins
Canine and feline masses that usually affect subcutaneous tissue. With lipoma. recommended to reduce recurrence.
  secondary dermal involvement, overlying skin is
More common in dogs than cats. thickened and hairless.
  Common locations: Shoulder, thorax, axilla, tail
Affects older dogs (average 9–10 years). base, hip, proximal legs. Rarely located in internal
Predisposed breeds: Shetland Sheepdogs,  
Beagles. Behavior: Locally invasive. Distant metastasis is rare,
but has been reported to spread to lungs, liver, and
bone. Best prognosis with wide excision, may recur
after surgery.

0004322053.INDD 408 06/28/2019 04:08:23

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Mast cell tumor Lesion: Alopecic, solitary to multiple, erythematous Fine needle aspirate cytology for Recommendations based upon tumor
Canine and edematous, nodular or pedunculated and diagnosis, but not grading or biologic stage, location, and grade.
(Figures 19.21A–19.21F) variably circumscribed and ulcerated if large. behavior: variably differentiated  
  Common locations: Trunk, extremities, head. round cells with metachromatic Surgical excision: 2 cm margins and fascial
Average age 8 years, but Chinese Shar-Pei   staining granules in cytoplasm and plane or wider. Revision surgery may be
at 4 years or younger. Location predilections can vary by breed: extracellular space. needed if incomplete resection.
  Hindleg: Boxers, Boston Terrier, Pug, English Setter,    
Predisposed breeds: American Staffordshire Terrier. Biopsy to determine histologic grade. Adjunctive treatment following
Boston Terrier, Boxer, English Bulldog, Bull Tail: Rhodesian Ridgeback.   incomplete resection: Radiation therapy,
Terrier, Fox Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, Head: English Setter. Staging tests: FNA or biopsy of systemic chemotherapy (corticosteroids,
Labrador Retriever, Dachshund, Beagle,   regional lymph nodes, abdominal vinblastine, toceranib phosphate, and
Pug, Golden Retriever, Weimaraner, Behavior: ultrasound with spleen or liver other tyrosine kinase inhibitors).
Chinese Shar‐Pei, Rhodesian Ridgeback. Consider all potentially malignant; histopathologic aspirate when enlarged, if grade III Metastatic disease treatment: Systemic
grading needed. tumor, or if lymph node metastasis chemotherapy with possible surgical
Generally locally invasive. and systemic signs present. debulking and palliative radiation
Grade 1 and 2 tumors often cured with surgical therapy.
excision. 12 to 18 months survival with treatment in  
metastatic cases. Consider antihistamines, H2 blockers.
Consider oncology consultation.
Mast cell tumor Lesion: Frequently multiple, occasionally single. Biopsy for diagnosis, but grading does Surgical resection or cryotherapy of single
Feline Firm to soft, tan papules, nodules, or plaques that not correlate reliably with prognosis in masses (Scott et al., 2013)
(Figures 19.22A and 19.22B) are occasionally ulcerated and pruritic. cats.  
      Consider H1 or H2 blockers.
Average age 9–11 years. Common locations: Staging is recommended for all cats  
  Head and neck. with multiple cutaneous masses Alternatives to surgery: Strontium‐90
Predisposed breed: Siamese.   (CBC, Chemistry panel, coagulation irradiation, chemotherapy with lomustine,
Behavior: profile, bone marrow aspirate, toceranib phosphate.
Mainly benign with low rate of recurrence at same thoracic radiographs, abdominal  
site and possible occurrence at new sites Multiple ultrasound and radiographs). Oncology consultation recommended in
masses may be secondary to visceral lesions cases of multiple cutaneous masses and
(spleen, alimentary tract). concern for visceral mast cell tumors.
Fibroma Lesion: Solitary, single, fluctuant, rubbery or firm, Biopsy Observation if slow‐growing and not
Canine and feline polypoid, dome‐shaped, or ovoid mass; can be uncomfortable.
  pedunculated. Mass can be hyperpigmented and  
Older dogs and cats. pin‐feathered in dogs. Surgical excision, cryotherapy, or
    electrosurgery if removal is required.
Predisposed breeds: Common locations: Head, legs.
Boxer, Boston Terrier, Doberman Pinscher,  
Golden Retriever, Fox Terrier. Behavior: Non‐metastatic but can be locally
Dermatofibroma Lesion: Single, well‐demarcated, firm, small, Biopsy Observation or removal (surgical excision,
Canine and feline alopecic nodule. cryosurgery.)
Dogs and cats younger than 5 years old. Common location: Head. Surgical excision is curative.
Behavior: Non‐metastatic and non‐invasive.


0004322053.INDD 409 06/28/2019 04:08:23

Table 19.1  Benign and malignant skin tumors in dogs and cats (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Nodular dermatofibrosis Lesion: Multiple, firm, 2–5 mm diameter Biopsy Surgical excision, or cryosurgery to
Canine subcutaneous nodules that are non‐pruritic   remove cutaneous masses.
(Figures 19.23A and 19.23B)   Abdominal ultrasound to evaluate  
  Common locations: Limbs, head. kidneys and uterus. Management of renal disease is important
Predisposed breeds: German Shepherd   for extending survival.
dogs. Behavior: Nodules are benign, but they are
  cutaneous markers for renal cystadenocarcinomas
Mean age of diagnosis: 6.4 years. or uterine leiomyomas.
Renal dysfunction signs usually develop within
3–5 years of cutaneous nodule development.
Acrochordon Lesion: Single or multiple, polypoid or narrow, small Biopsy Surgical excision is curative.
(Skin tag) masses; a proliferative response to chronic friction.
Canine and feline Epidermis can be thickened, hairless, or darkly
(Figures 19.24A and 19.24B) pigmented and sometimes eroded or ulcerated.
More common in dogs than cats. Common locations: Trunk, pressure points on legs
and sternum.
Behavior: Benign.
Mammary tumors Lesion: Biopsy Spay prior to first estrus reduces risk of
Canine General presentation: One or more discrete masses   tumor development.
(Figure 19.25) palpable in mammary glands that may be of varying Primary tumor fine needle aspirate  
  size, fixed or freely movable, sometimes ulcerated. helps distinguish benign and Wide surgical excision can be curative
Commonly affects older female dogs that Can be accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes. malignant tumors. for single tumors, consider complete
are sexually intact or were spayed late in     mastectomy for multiple tumors.
life. Inflammatory carcinoma: Acute presentation of Additional staging recommended:  
edematous, red, and firm mammary glands that may 3‐view chest x‐rays, regional lymph Adjuvant chemotherapy and NSAIDs
have palpable cutaneous nodules or mammary masses. node aspirate. (piroxicam) recommended in cases of
  inflammatory carcinomas.
Types of tumors:  
Carcinoma (multiple histologic forms), inflammatory Recommend referral to veterinary
carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, sarcoma (e.g. oncologist.
osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, fibrosarcoma,
hemangiosarcoma), benign forms (e.g. adenoma,
fibroadenoma, myoepithelioma), hyperplasia.
Behavior: Variable, likely <50% metastasis.
Inflammatory carcinoma shows high mortality rate,
mean survival time of 60 days.
Poor prognostic factors: Large tumor size, skin
ulceration, lymph node metastasis, high histologic
grade, vascular or lymphatic invasion, diagnosis of
sarcoma (worse prognosis than carcinoma).

0004322053.INDD 410 06/28/2019 04:08:23

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Mammary tumors Lesion: Single to multiple masses in mammary Biopsy Unilateral or bilateral mastectomy using
Feline glands, usually 2–3 cm diameter.   2–3 cm margins, with lymph node
(Figures 19.26A–19.26C)   Additional staging recommendations: removal.
  Types of tumors: 3‐view chest x‐rays, regional lymph  
Older females 10–12 years old, no Adenocarcinomas most common. Benign forms node aspirate, abdominal ultrasound. Doxorubicin‐based chemotherapy and
difference between intact and spayed cats. occur (e.g. duct papilloma, adenoma, fibroadenoma) NSAIDs can be helpful.
  along with non‐neoplastic lesions (e.g. cysts, focal  
Predisposed breed: Siamese cats. fibrosis, non‐inflammatory hyperplasia). Recommend consultation with veterinary
Behavior: Locally aggressive, over 80% metastasis to
nodes, liver, lungs. Prognosis guarded to poor,
average survival time if untreated is 12 months.
Poor prognostic factors: Tumor size over
3 cm, lymphatic invasion, higher clinical stage and
histologic grade, increased proliferation markers.
Hemangioma Lesion: Well‐circumscribed, blue to red/black Biopsy for diagnosis. Surgical excision, cryosurgery,
Canine pigmentation, ovoid or discoid mass. Solar‐induced electrosurgery, observation.
(Figures 19.27A–19.27D) masses are often multiple, ulcerated, and less well‐
  demarcated with frequent hemorrhage.
Adult to older dogs (9 years average age).  
  Common locations: Head, trunk, extremities,
Predisposed breeds: ventrum of dogs with lightly pigmented, sparse hairs
Boxer, Golden Retriever, German Shepherd associated with solar‐induced lesions.
dog, English Springer Spaniel, Airedale  
Terrier, Whippet, Dalmatian, Beagle, Behavior: Benign but large lesions can cause
American Staffordshire Terrier, Basset hematologic abnormalities/disseminated
Hound, Saluki, Bloodhound, English intravascular coagulation due to their vascular
Pointer. nature.
Hemangioma Lesion: Single, firm to fluctuant, round, blue to red/ Same as dog. Same as dog.
Feline black color.
Older (10 years). Common locations: No site predilection.
Possible predominance in male cats Behavior: Slow growing, but can spontaneously
(studies equivocal). bleed in some cases.


0004322053.INDD 411 06/28/2019 04:08:23

Table 19.1  Benign and malignant skin tumors in dogs and cats (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Hemangiosarcoma Lesions: Biopsy for identification. Cutaneous hemangiosarcomas are often

Canine Subcutaneous (SC) hemangiosarcoma: Single lesion,   not aggressive and can be effectively
(Figures 19.28A and 19.28B) poorly circumscribed, large, soft masses with dark Staging recommended when tumors treated with surgical excision.
  red or blue‐black coloration identified to rule out metastasic  
Older dogs (9–10 years old).   visceral hemangiosarcoma: CBC/ Radical surgical excision recommended
  Solar‐induced cutaneous hemangiosarcoma: Chemistry panel, urinalysis, thoracic for cutaneous hemangiosarcomas (often
Predisposed breeds: Multiple lesions, variably circumscribed, small radiographs, echocardiogram, including limb amputation), but
(subcutaneous hemangiosarcoma)German (2 cm), red to dark blue plaques or nodules abdominal ultrasound. recurrence is common.
Shepherd dogs, Golden Retrievers, Bernese    
Mountain dogs, Boxers. Shared features: Alopecia, thick skin, hemorrhage, Post‐operative chemotherapy (vincristine,
  ulceration. doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide) can
Cutaneous solar‐induced   improve survival in SC
hemangiosarcoma predisposed in short‐ Common locations: SC hemangiosarcoma: Trunk, hemangiosarcomas.
haired, light skinned dog breeds: extremities.  
Whippet, Dalmatian, Beagle, Greyhound, Solar‐induced hemangiosarcoma: Lightly haired Recommend consultation with veterinary
American Staffordshire Terrier, Basset ventral areas. oncologist.
Hound, Saluki, English Pointer.  
Behavior: Cutaneous hemangiosarcomas are often
not aggressive and can be effectively treated with
surgical excision.
SC hemangiosarcoma: Highly invasive and
malignant, with common metastasis.
Hemangiosarcoma Lesion: Single, poorly circumscribed, red to blue‐ Biopsy Radical surgical excision recommended,
Feline black plaques/nodules (dermal) or soft (SC) masses recurrence common.
(Figure 19.29) with hairless, thick skin, hemorrhage, ulceration.  
Older cats (12.5 years mean).   Amputation can be curative on distal
  Common locations: Head and pinna of white‐haired limbs and digits.
White cats predisposed to superficial cats, limbs, inguinal, axillary regions.  
hemangiosarcoma.   Recommend consultation with veterinary
Behavior: Fast growing, with variable metastasis, oncologist.
frequent local recurrence.
Cutaneous progressive angiomatosis Lesion: Dark red macules, patches, plaques, or Partially blanch with diascopy. Wide surgical excision or amputation
Canine and feline nodules with irregular margins that periodically   most commonly recommended.
(Figures 19.30A–19.30D) develop hemorrhage after irritation. Biopsy  
      Photocoagulation via Nd:YAG laser has
Young to middle‐aged dogs and cats most Common locations: Usually unilateral limb Screen for Bartonellosis. reportedly been helpful.
commonly affected. involvement of the digits and feet. Can include face,
  tongue, neck, axillary region.
May be triggered by Bartonella infection  
(bacillary angiomatosis) in some cases. Behavior: No reported metastasis. Progressive in all
locations, but destructive when involving the digits.
Spontaneous regression is not documented in dogs
and cats.

0004322053.INDD 412 06/28/2019 04:08:23

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Hemangiopericytoma Lesion: Single, multilobulated mass of variable Biopsy Aggressive surgical excision or
Canine appearance (often fatty, firm, or soft, white to red amputation of limb recommended.
(Figures 19.31A and 19.31C) colored).  
    Radiation therapy improves local control
Dogs aged 7–10 years. Common locations: if excision is impossible.
  Limbs (stifle and elbow most common).  
Predisposed breeds:   Recommend consultation with veterinary
German Shepherd dog, Boxer, Cocker Behavior: Rarely metastatic but locally invasive. oncologist.
Spaniel, Springer Spaniel, Irish Setter,
Siberian Husky, Fox Terrier, Collie, Beagle.
Lymphangioma Lesion: Large (up to 18 cm), fluctuant, poorly Biopsy Surgical excision recommended, but can
Canine and feline circumscribed swellings, which are spongy when recur without complete resection.
  touched and often leak lymph.
Dogs and cats often young or present at  
birth. Common locations:
  Ventral midline and limbs.
May develop after trauma.  
Behavior: Usually benign but can recur.
Lymphangiosarcoma Lesion: Single, diffuse, fluctuant swelling up to Biopsy Surgical excision or amputation if
Canine 20 cm diameter. Associated with pitting edema,   possible, combined with chemotherapy.
  lymph drainage, and ulceration. Staging is necessary (bloodwork, Doxorubicin, metronomic
All ages reported.   urinalysis, regional lymph node cyclophosphamide, and carboplatin have
Large breed dogs over‐represented. Common locations: palpation, thoracic radiographs, been reported to either slow recurrence or
Limbs, ventral areas (abdomen, cervical region, abdominal ultrasound). rarely induce remission.
and thorax).  
  Recurrence common.
Behavior: Malignant, metastasis to local lymph  
nodes common at time of diagnosis. Recommend consultation with veterinary
Lymphangiosarcoma Lesion: Diffuse plaque, edematous, ulcerated, or Same as dog. Recurrence common.
Feline cystic mass. Overlying skin is spongy, red to  
(Figures 19.32A–19.32C) purple‑tinged and leaking lymph. Surgical excision can be performed, many
    cats euthanized within months of surgery.
Adult and geriatric cats. Common locations:
  Caudal abdomen, ventral abdomen most common.
No definitive gender predisposition.  
Behavior: Malignant, rapidly growing, metastasis
seems rare.
Fibrosarcoma Lesion: Single, irregular and nodular, commonly Biopsy Complete surgical resection is often
Canine infiltrating, subcutaneous firm mass that ranges in curative; may involve amputation if
(Figure 19.33A) size from 1–15 cm diameter and is poorly extremities involved.
  demarcated; alopecia and ulceration common.  
Rare, occurs in older dogs.   Radiation therapy can prevent local
  Common locations: Limbs, trunk. recurrence if complete excision is impossible.
Predisposed breeds:    
Doberman Pinscher, Cocker Spaniel, Behavior: Low rate of metastasis but some cases will Recommend consultation with veterinary
Golden Retriever. grow to large sizes precluding excision. oncologist.


0004322053.INDD 413 06/28/2019 04:08:23

Table 19.1  Benign and malignant skin tumors in dogs and cats (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Fibrosarcoma Lesions: Same appearance as dogs. Biopsy Radical surgical excision recommended.
Feline     Radiotherapy recommended pre‐
(Figures 19.33B and 19.33C) Single lesion in older cats, multicentric Staging: operatively to reduce metastatic seeding
  if FeSV‐induced. CT or MRI to determine tumor size, or postoperatively to prolong survival.
Feline Sarcoma Virus (FeSV)‐induced   complete bloodwork, 3‐view chest  
tumors occur in younger cats (mean age: Common locations: Trunk, distal limbs, pinnae, x‐rays, lymph node palpation, Adjunctive chemotherapy for injection
3 years old). digits. abdominal ultrasound. site sarcomas has debatable efficacy,
    though doxorubicin has been found to
Older cats (12 years or more) are not Behavior: prolong survival.
FeSV‐induced. Non‐FeSV‐induced tumors are locally infiltrative
  and commonly recur.
Feline injection site sarcomas associated FeSV‐associated tumors show rapid spread and
with vaccines or other foreign substances, metastasis is more common (regional lymph nodes
microchip implantation, and trauma. and lungs).
Feline injection site sarcomas are highly locally
aggressive, rarely metastasize, and often recur after
marginal excision.
Worst prognosis on head, back, or limbs with
mitotic index of 6 or more. Survival time of injection
site fibrosarcomas is 6 months with only radical
surgery. Postoperative radiation prolongs survival
time by hundreds of days.
Cutaneous epitheliotropic lymphoma Lesion: Biopsy Systemic chemotherapy most common
(Mycosis fungoides, Epitheliotropic T Widespread skin erythema, developing into plaques,   recommendation (lomustine is most
cell lymphoma) scaled patches, ulcerations, and nodules (single or For tumor staging: Lymph node biopsy commonly reported in dogs).
Canine and feline multiple). Variable pruritus (more common in dogs). or aspirate, thoracic radiography,  
(Figures 19.34A–19.34K) Erythematous, ulcerated oral mucosa. abdominal ultrasound. Whole body radiation treatment induced
  Depigmentation of lips, nasal planum, and philtrum. remission for 18 months in one canine
Older dogs and cats.   case.
  Common locations:  
Potential breed predilection in Golden Dog: Trunk, head, paw pads, face, mucocutaneous Adjunctive treatments:
Retrievers. junctions, gingiva, palate, tongue. Systemic retinoids, interferons, linoleic
Cat: Face, eyelids, mucocutaneous junctions, elbow, acid.
  Recommend veterinary oncology
Behavior: Slowly progressive despite treatment. consultation.
Metastasis to lymph nodes or other organs is more
common in dogs than cats. Prognosis poor, survival
time is generally weeks to months, but may be more
variable in cats.

0004322053.INDD 414 06/28/2019 04:08:23

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Cutaneous non‐epitheliotropic Lesion: Single or multiple, infiltrative plaques or Same as epitheliotropic T cell Cutaneous excision rarely reported as
lymphoma nodules in the dermal or subcutaneous space. Oral lymphoma. curative in dogs.
Canine and feline cavity not commonly affected. Lymphadenopathy  
(Figures 19.35A–19.35C) and ulcers are common. Reported treatments: Glucocorticoids,
    lomustine, surgery, electron beam
Most common form of cutaneous Location: Any body site. radiation, vincristine with
lymphoma in cats.   cyclophosphamide, intravenous and local
  Behavior: Generally rapid progression and fibronectin.
Predisposed dog breeds: Weimaraner, metastasis to draining lymph nodes.  
Boxer, Saint Bernard, Basset Hound, Irish Lomustine reported to resolve skin lesions
Setter, Cocker Spaniel, German Shepherd, in one cat, but poor response to CHOP‐
Golden Retriever, Scottish Terrier. based protocol (vincristine, doxorubicin,
cyclophosphamide, prednisolone) was
reported in one cat with previous
traumatic fracture and metal implant.
Recommend veterinary oncology
Feline cutaneous lymphocytosis Lesion: Single, hairless, variably sized, crusted, Biopsy Variable response to surgical excision and
(Figures 19.36A–19.36D) ulcerated or excoriated and erythematous mass of   topical or systemic corticosteroids.
  varying size. Pruritus common. Bloodwork is non‐diagnostic. Chlorambucil and lomustine improve
Rarely reported condition.   response in some cats.
  Common locations: Thorax, but can affect all other  
Mean age: 12–13 years. body sites. Spontaneous remission rare.
Spayed females overrepresented. Behavior: Acute onset with slowly progressing,
waxing and waning lesions and rare systemic signs
(anorexia, weight loss); may be reactive or a low
grade indolent lymphoma in some cats.
Plasmacytoma Lesion: Firm, raised, dermal mass, less than 2 cm Biopsy Surgical excision is treatment of choice.
Canine diameter, sparsely haired or alopecic, rare ulceration.  
(Figures 19.37A–19.37E)   Megavoltage radiation therapy can
  Common locations: improve local disease control.
Average affected age of dogs: 10 years. Dog: pinnae, lips, digits, chin, oral cavity, legs and
  trunk, paws, mucosa.
Potential male predisposition.  
  Behavior: Benign, rarely recur.
Potential predisposed breeds: Cocker
Spaniel, Airedale Terrier, Kerry Blue
Terrier, Scottish Terrier, Standard Poodle.
Plasmacytoma Lesion: Same as dog. Biopsy Surgical excision is treatment of choice.
  Common locations:
Affects older cats. Paws, thorax, neck, shoulder, tail, metatarsus, lip,
  chin, oral cavity.
Potential male predisposition.  
Behavior: Benign.


0004322053.INDD 415 06/28/2019 04:08:23

Table 19.1  Benign and malignant skin tumors in dogs and cats (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Melanocytoma Lesion: Dermal and intraepidermal locations. Single, Biopsy Surgical excision is recommended, as
Canine and feline well‐circumscribed, blue, brown, or black colored, benign behavior cannot be predicted
(Figures 19.38A–19.38G) hairless nodules of varying shapes (plaque‐like, based on clinical or histopathological
  rounded, papular). appearance alone.
Average affected age in cats and dogs:  
9 years. Common locations:
  Cats: pinnae
Dogs with dark pigmented skin are Dogs: trunk, head (eyelids, muzzle). Less commonly
predisposed to melanocytic tumors. on extremities, especially between digits (usually
  dermal melanocytomas).
Higher incidence in female cats.  
Benign, malignant transformation can rarely occur.
Malignant melanoma Lesion: Single, variably circumscribed, variably Biopsy Radical surgical excision or radiation
Canine shaped (plaque, rounded, polyp‐like), variably therapy recommended.
(Figures 19.39A–19.39E) colored (gray, brown, black, or amelanotic), variably  
  sized (0.5–10 cm). Carboplatin combined with piroxicam
Mean age: 9 years.   did not significantly extend survival time
  Common locations: in oral, cutaneous, or digital melanomas
Predisposed breeds: Lips, eyelids, legs, nailbeds. in one study, but the medications were
Scottish Terrier, Airedale, Boston Terrier,   well tolerated.
Cocker Spaniel, Springer Spaniel, Boxer, Behavior:  
Golden Retriever, Irish Setter, Irish Terrier, Nailbed, mucocutaneous junctions, and oral mucosa Adjunctive treatments:
Miniature Schnauzer, Doberman Pinscher, melanomas show more malignant behavior; Oncept (xenogenic tyrosinase vaccine),
Chihuahua, Chow. recurrence after surgery and metastasis possible to mitoxantrone.
  lymph nodes and lungs.  
Predisposed breeds to nailbed melanomas:   Recommend veterinary oncology
Schnauzers, Scottish Terrier, Irish Setter. Prognosis: consultation.
Digital melanomas have 12 month median survival
time after surgery, cutaneous melanomas have
median survival time of almost 2 years.
Malignant melanoma Lesion: Single, variably circumscribed, variably Biopsy Surgical resection recommended and may
Feline shaped (rounded, plaque, polyp‐like), brown to prolong survival time.
(Figures 19.40A–19.40C) black colored, variable size (0.5–5 cm).  
    Xenogenic tyrosinase DNA vaccine
Mean age: 10–11 years. Common locations: (Oncept) found to be safely administered
  Head is most common (including pinnae), oral to cats, but no data on efficacy yet
Cats with melanoma of the pinnae are cavity (lip, gingiva), thorax, tail. available.
often younger than 10 years old.  
Behavior: Recommend veterinary oncology
Can metastasize to lymph nodes and lungs; consultation.
non‐pigmented melanomas may be associated with
worse prognosis; median survival time for
pigmented tumors was 179 days versus 71 days for
amelanotic tumors.

0004322053.INDD 416 06/28/2019 04:08:23

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Canine cutaneous histiocytoma Lesion: Single, dome‐shaped nodule or plaque Biopsy can show high mitotic index Spontaneous regression commonly occurs
(Figures 19.41A–19.41C) with associated lesion, alopecia, and ulceration; despite benign behavior. within 1–2 months of development.
  non‐painful lymphadenopathy can be present.  
Young dogs, usually <3 years.   Persistent lesions can be treated with
  Common locations: Head (most common, including surgical or electrosurgical excision or
Predisposed breeds: pinnae), limbs. cryotherapy.
Boxer, Dachshund, Cocker Spaniel, Great  
Dane, Shetland Sheepdog, Bull Terrier. Behavior:
Benign, usually fast growing but spontaneously
Canine reactive cutaneous histiocytosis Lesion: Multiple cutaneous and subcutaneous nodules Biopsy: select early lesions with intact Treatments that have been found to
(Figures 19.42A–19.42J) (up to 4 cm diameter), crusts or depigmentation with skin surface. induce remission include: tetracycline/
  rare overlying ulceration. Lesions may spontaneously niacinamide, glucocorticoids at
Middle‐aged to older dogs. regress then reappear elsewhere. immunosuppressive doses, cyclosporine,
    and azathioprine.
Possible male predilection. Common locations:  
  Skin: Face, ears, nose, neck, trunk, extremities, foot Patients can relapse without long‐term
Golden Retrievers may be pads, perineum, scrotum. maintenance therapy.
over‐represented. Involves draining lymph nodes.
Non‐neoplastic, rapidly growing with waxing and
waning behavior and possibility of spontaneous
Canine systemic histiocytosis Cutaneous lesions identical to cutaneous Biopsy needed for diagnosis and to Long‐term immune suppression by a
  histiocytosis, but ulceration of nodules is common. rule out infectious etiology. combination of medications often
Dogs 2–8 years old.     necessary and some patients may fail to
  Associated clinical signs: Weight loss, anorexia, CBC: Anemia, monocytosis, respond: cyclosporine, leflunomide,
Predisposed breeds: Bernese Mountain Dog conjunctivitis, stertor. lymphopenia. azathioprine, doxorubicin.
Irish Wolfhound, Rottweiler, Golden Common locations:  
Retriever, Labrador Retriever. Skin: scrotum, nose, eyelids most common. Ophthalmic cyclosporine drops used to
Internal organs: regional lymph nodes, lung, spleen, treat ocular lesions.
liver, bone marrow.
Non‐neoplastic, associated with waxing and waning
behavior, majority of cases are slowly progressive.
Feline progressive histiocytosis Lesions: Biopsy findings change with chronicity Poor long‐term response to high dose
(Figures 19.43A–19.43F) Single or multiple intradermal papules, nodules, or (histiocytes become less differentiated glucocorticoids or chemotherapeutics.
  plaques that are hairless, sometimes ulcerated, firm, over time). Surgical excision of solitary or a low
Affects middle‐aged to older cats. non‐pruritic, and non‐painful.   number of lesions can be attempted, but
  Common locations: Feet, legs, face. Rule out infectious agents early in recurrence can occur at surgery sites and
Females more often affected.   disease using special stains on biopsy. new lesions develop in other locations.
Slowly progressive, lesions can wax and wane. Can
spread to lymph nodes, lungs, kidney, spleen, liver.
Poor long‐term prognosis because treatments have
not been effective.


0004322053.INDD 417 06/28/2019 04:08:23

Table 19.1  Benign and malignant skin tumors in dogs and cats (Continued)

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Canine cutaneous langerhans cell Lesions: Biopsy CCNU effective in most cases, but
histiocytosis Multiple (can develop hundreds), masses resemble response is temporary.
  cutaneous histiocytomas.  
Predisposed breeds:   No response noted to cyclosporine or
Shar-Pei. Common locations: levamisole.
Can involve draining lymph nodes.
Can take up to 10 months to regress and develop
ulcerations that negatively impact quality of life,
leading to euthanasia.
Much worse prognosis if involves lymph nodes.
Systemic spread is rapid and euthanasia usually
necessary. Most often involves peripheral lymph
nodes and lungs, but other organs can be
Collagenous hamartoma Lesion: Single, small (<1 cm), dome‐shaped, firm, Biopsy Surgical excision or observation.
(Collagenous nevus) alopecic nodule.
  Common locations: Head, neck, proximal legs.
Middle‐aged or older dogs.  
Behavior: Benign, non‐invasive.
Calcinosis circumscripta Lesion: Usually single, 0.5–3 cm, rounded, firm, Biopsy Surgical excision for localized lesions.
Canine and feline white nodule to cystic mass that develops ulceration  
Figures 19.44A–19.44D) and discharge of white gritty material with Radiography shows soft tissue
  chronicity. mineralization.
Dogs, usually over 2 years old.  
  Common locations:
Rare in cats. Near pressure points and bony prominences
  (lateral metatarsi, phalanges, elbow, dorsal aspects
Predisposed breeds: of fourth to sixth cervical vertebrae), the tongue, or
Large breeds, especially German footpads.
Shepherds, Rottweiler, Labrador Retriever.  
Behavior: Benign, single lesions are associated with
localized trauma; multiple lesions can be associated
with chronic renal failure.

0004322053.INDD 418 06/28/2019 04:08:23

Disease Clinical signs Diagnostics Treatment

Transmissible venereal tumor Lesion: Cauliflower‐like, pedunculated, papillary, or Biopsy High rate of spontaneous regression.
Canine nodular shape. Masses are vascularized and friable.    
(Figures 19.45A–19.45C) Nasal masses develop epistaxis, sneezing, or facial Cytology can be definitive; round to Surgery shows low efficacy, high
  deformity. External genitalia masses increase risk of oval cells with multiple clear recurrence rate, and can cause damage to
Sexually intact young adult dogs. ascending urinary tract infection. cytoplasmic vacuoles, often containing nearby tissues.
  mitotic figures.  
Common locations: Nose or external genitalia. Vincristine is drug of choice for therapy;
Male: base of glans penis. better response may be seen alone, instead
Female: caudal to vagina or in vestibule. of in combination with other
Behavior: Usually transmitted during coitus. May  
spontaneously regress. Metastasis is rare (0–5%); Sterilization of dogs important for
central nervous system or eye can be affected. eradication in endemic areas.
Prognosis overall good to excellent.
Feline lung‐digit syndrome Lesion: Presentation for lameness or painful paws. Radiography: No effective treatment demonstrated.
(Metastatic Pulmonary Carcinoma) Swelling of distal digit, ulcerated digit or clawbed, Digits: osteolysis of third phalanx +/−  
(Figures 19.46A and 19.46B) purulent discharge, fixed exsheathment, deviation invasion into intra‐articular space and Digit amputation is not palliative;
  of claw, loss of claw. Rarely display respiratory or osteolysis of second phalanx. metastasis will continue to spread.
Elderly cats most commonly affected non‐specific systemic signs, i.e. weight loss, Thorax: evaluate for pulmonary
(average age 12 years old). lethargy, dyspnea, anorexia, pyrexia, cough. neoplasm, CT scan more sensitive.
Most often associated with bronchial and Common locations: Usually multiple digits, often Full digit amputation and biopsy is
bronchioalveolar adenocarcinoma. multiple paws. Third phalanx of weight‐bearing gold standard for diagnosis, but mass
digits most commonly affected. Not yet recognized fine needle aspirate and wedge biopsy
in dew claws. can be diagnostic in some cases.
Behavior: True confirmation of lung‐digit
Metastasis to digits is most commonly reported, but syndrome requires identification of
can also metastasize to muscle, skin, eye, vertebrae, same tumor type on biopsy of digit
and aortic trifurcation. and pulmonary neoplasm.
Prognosis grave. Median survival time of 67 days
after presentation. Majority of cats euthanized due
to poor prognosis and poor quality of life.

0004322053.INDD 419 06/28/2019 04:08:23

420 19  Skin tumors

Figure 19.1A  Ulcerated inguinal lesions due to solar‐induced Figure 19.1B  A raised, round, eroded mass, which was also a
squamous cell carcinoma in a Pitbull dog. sun‐induced squamous cell carcinoma.

(A) (B)

Figures 19.2A and B  Severe solar dermatitis and multiple squamous cell carcinomas in an American Bulldog.

Figure 19.4A  An ulcerative truncal lesion caused by squamous

Figure 19.3  Fine needle aspirate for cytology showed large, cell carcinoma in a Chinese Crested dog with a history of chronic
bizarre epithelial cells, some with retained nuclei. 100x sun exposure.
19  Skin tumors 421

Figure 19.4B  Impression smear of the surface of the ulcerated Figure 19.5  Solar‐induced squamous cell carcinoma in situ on the
lesion showed atypical epithelial cells. 100x nose of a cat.

Figure 19.6A  A cat with pinnal solar dermatosis and squamous Figure 19.6B  Solar‐induced squamous cell carcinoma in situ
cell carcinoma. causing small, non‐healing crusts and erosions.

Figure 19.7  A cat with a chronically thickened, ulcerated lip

Figure 19.6C  On the opposite ear, a large, ulcerated mass had which did not respond to steroids for suspected indolent ulcer;
developed which was a squamous cell carcinoma. biopsy revealed squamous cell carcinoma.
422 19  Skin tumors

Figure 19.8A  Irregular pigmented and lichenified plaques with

erosions caused by Bowen’s disease (viral induced squamous cell
carcinoma in situ) on the temporal area of a cat.

Figure 19.8B  A chronically crusted, pigmented plaque on the

inner ear pinna caused by Bowen’s disease.

Figure 19.9A  A raised, smooth, dark gray, dermal mass on the Figure 19.9B  Aspirate of a basal cell tumor for cytology shows
trunk of a dog; biopsy revealed basal cell tumor. Source: Image clumps of monomorphic, basaloid epithelial cells. 4x. Source:
courtesy of Dr. William Miller, DACVD. Image courtesy of VIN and Jennifer Beckwith, DVM.
19  Skin tumors 423

Figure 19.9D  Aspirate for cytology showed clumps of

monomorphic, basaloid epithelial cells. 10x. Source: Image
courtesy of VIN and Cheryl Matuszewski, DVM.

Figure 19.9C  A pink, eroded, basal cell tumor on the upper lip of
a cat. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Cheryl Matuszewski, DVM.

Figure 19.9E  A raised, smooth, dark gray, basal cell tumor on the Figure 19.9F  A large, ulcerated, basal cell tumor on the paw of an
head of an older cat. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. William Miller, older cat. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Karen Dowd‐Martin,
424 19  Skin tumors

Figure 19.10A  A small, raised, pink, lobulated, dermal mass on a Figure 19.10B  A larger sebaceous gland adenoma with typical
dog due to sebaceous gland adenoma. oily secretions.

Figure 19.10C  Fine needle aspirate for cytology showed typical Figure 19.11  Multiple benign, sebaceous gland tumors in a dog
bland sebaceous gland cells. 10x which could be mistaken for papillomas.
19  Skin tumors 425

(A) (B)

Figures 19.12A and B  Raised, erosive masses on the face of an older dog caused by sebaceous epitheliomas.

Figure 19.13A  An exophytic mass on an Elkhound due to Figure 19.13B  Larger dermal cysts with central pores also due to
infundibular keratinizing acanthomas. infundibular keratinizing acanthomas.

Figure 19.13C  An alopecic, raised, dermal mass caused by a Figure 19.13D  A large pilomatricoma on the paw of a dog.
Figure 19.14B  Aspirate of follicular cysts for cytology showed
typical amorphous keratin and follicular debris. 4x

Figure 19.14A  Firm, raised follicular, cysts and comedones induced

by chronic friction on the lateral elbow of a large breed dog.

Figure 19.14D  Aspirate of follicular cysts for cytology showed

typical amorphous keratin and follicular debris. 10x

Figure 19.14C  Follicular cysts on the paw of a Chinese Crested dog.

Figure 19.15A  A cutaneous horn overlying an infundibular Figure 19.15B  A small cutaneous horn on top of a small epithelial
keratinizing acanthoma. tumor.
Figure 19.16A  A raised, round, cystic, dermal mass caused by an Figure 19.16B  When the mass was aspirated a small amount of
apocrine cyst on a Chinese Crested dog. clear fluid was obtained and the mass collapsed.

Figure 19.17  Multiple, raised, dark gray, apocrine cysts on the lower lip of a cat. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Daniel Hall, DVM.

Figure 19.18A  Multiple, raised, gray, cystic, dermal masses on the Figure 19.18B  In the same Persian cat, ear canals were obstructed
eyelid of a Persian due to feline apocrine cystomatosis. Source: by similar blue‐gray, firm, cystic masses. Source: Image courtesy of
Image courtesy of VIN and Mike Bloomer, DVM. VIN and Mike Bloomer, DVM.
428 19  Skin tumors

Figure 19.19B  Aspirate and cytology of a perianal adenoma

showing clumps of hepatoid epithelial cells. 100x. Source: Image
courtesy of VIN and Sharon Regev, DVM.

Figure 19.19A  Raised, firm, alopecic, pink masses caused by

perianal adenomas. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Stephen
Skinner, DVM.

Figure 19.20A  A large, soft, subcutaneous mass on the medial Figure 19.20B  Aspirate and cytology of a lipoma demonstrating
thigh of a dog caused by a lipoma. clumps of delicate, thin‐walled lipocytes. 100x
19  Skin tumors 429

Figure 19.21A  This small, pink, dermal mass was found on Figure 19.21B  Aspirate of the tumor showed numerous, well
aspirate to be a mast cell tumor. granulated, mast cells. 100x with digital zoom.

Figure 19.21C  An erythematous, slightly raised plaque on the Figure 19.21D  The same dog had numerous other large, often
groin of a Pug caused by a mast cell tumor. crusted and eroded mast cell tumors.

Figure 19.21F  A large, ulcerated, mast cell tumor between the

Figure 19.21E    Mast cell tumor cytology. 100x toes of a dog.
430 19  Skin tumors

Figure 19.22B  A mast cell tumor on the proximal pinna of a cat

causing a raised, slightly eroded, dermal mass.

Figure 19.22A  A small, pink, raised, dermal mass on the temporal

area of a cat due to a mast cell tumor.

Figure 19.23A  Nodular dermatofibrosis in a German Shepherd Figure 19.23B  Multiple, rubbery, dark masses on the paws of a
dog causing multiple, raised, firm, dermal masses. Source: Image German Shepherd with nodular dermatofibrosis. Source: Image
courtesy of Dr. Michele Rosenbaum, DACVD. courtesy of Dr. Amy Shumaker, DACVD.
19  Skin tumors 431

Figure 19.24A  A small, pedunculated, pink skin tag. Figure 19.24B  The same dog had similar skin tags elsewhere.

Figure 19.25  Inflammatory mammary carcinoma in a dog

causing acutely progressive, painful, erosive, inguinal dermatitis. Figure 19.26A  Raised, firm, mammary masses in a cat, which
Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Steve Denley, BVSc. were found on histopathology to be mammary adenocarcinoma.
Figure 19.26C  Cytology of mammary carcinoma. 100x.
Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Sharon Nath, DVM.

Figure 19.26B  In this cat with mammary adenocarcinoma,

draining tracts were present in addition to nodules. Source: Photo
courtesy of VIN and Sharon Nath, DVM.

Figure 19.27A  A small, dark red, dermal mass caused by a Figure 19.27B  Numerous hemangiomas and solar dermatitis on a
solar‐induced hemangioma. Pitbull dog.

Figure 19.27C  The hemangioma on this Pitbull was slightly Figure 19.27D  A larger hemangioma also due to chronic sun
pedunculated. exposure.
Figure 19.28A  A dermal hemangiosarcoma due to chronic sun
damage on a Pitbull; note the comedones and scaly actinic Figure 19.28B  Cutaneous hemangiosarcoma on a dog, not
keratosis surrounding the mass. associated with sun exposure. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and
Charlotte Leong, DVM.

Figure 19.30A  Intradermal to raised, blood‐filled plaques caused

by cutaneous angiomatosis in a young Golden Retriever. Source:
Figure 19.29  A cutaneous hemangiosarcoma on the paw of a cat.
Image courtesy of VIN and Karyn Jones, DVM.
Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Eric Hoots, DACVS.

Figure 19.30B  A chronic, non‐healing, bleeding paw wound on a Figure 19.30C  Cutaneous angiomatosis in this cat was
cat with cutaneous angiomatosis. Source: Image courtesy of VIN characterized by indistinct, slightly raised, red dermal lesions on a
and Peter Gaveras, DVM. paw. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Howard Gittelman, DVM.
434 19  Skin tumors

Figure 19.31A  A large, firm mass on the leg of a dog due to a

hemangiopericytoma. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Marie
North, DVM.

Figure 19.30D  Angiomatosis causing a bleeding, crusted wound

on the paw pad of a cat. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Jillian
Kindermann, DVM.

Figure 19.31B  Fine needle aspirate of the hemangiopericytoma Figure 19.31C  Multi‐nucleate spindle cells on cytology of a
demonstrating spindle cells. 100x. Source: Image courtesy of VIN hemangiopericytoma. 100x. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and
and Marie North, DVM. Lisa Boals, DVM.
Figure 19.32A  Diffuse, inguinal bruising in a cat caused by Figure 19.32B  In the same cat close examination revealed small
lymphangiosarcoma. draining tracts which oozed serosanguinous fluid.

Figure 19.32C  Feline lymphangiosarcoma causing irregular Figure 19.33A  A large mass caused by fibrosarcoma on the thigh
bruising and vesicles on the groin of a cat; the sharpie marking is of a dog.
used to designate a biopsy site.

Figure 19.33B  A large, alopecic, ulcerated mass on a cat’s leg

which was revealed on biopsy to be a fibrosarcoma. Source: Image Figure 19.33C  A large, necrotic fibrosarcoma on the abdomen of
courtesy of VIN and Julianne Fisher, DVM. a cat. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Janet Edson, DVM.
436 19  Skin tumors

Figure 19.34A  A Pug with facial and nasal depigmentation due to

cutaneous epitheliotropic lymphoma.

Figure 19.34B  Alopecia erythema and exfoliative scaling due to

cutaneous epitheliotropic lymphoma.

Figure 19.34C  In this dog with epitheliotropic lymphoma, oral Figure 19.34D  Patchy depigmentation and hyperpigmentation
involvement was demonstrated by marked gingival hyperemia. with erosions on the inguinal area in a dog with epitheliotropic

Figure 19.34E  A Bulldog with epitheliotropic lymphoma Figure 19.34F  The inguinal plaques of the same dog as Figure
characterized by C‐shaped erythematous crusted truncal plaques. 19.34E.
19  Skin tumors 437

Figure 19.34G  Generalized, patchy hypotrichosis, erythema, and Figure 19.34H  Patchy depigmentation and hyperpigmentation
exfoliative scaling in an elderly Labrador with cutaneous with erythema on the inguinal area in a dog with epitheliotropic
epitheliotropic lymphoma. lymphoma.

Figure 19.34I  Marked paw pad crusting and ulceration in a dog Figure 19.34J  Marked exfoliative scaling due to cutaneous
caused by cutaneous epitheliotropic lymphoma. epitheliotropic lymphoma.

Figure 19.34K  Cytology of the eroded surface showed neoplastic lymphocytes. 100x
Figure 19.35A  A large eroded and crusted plaque on the lateral thorax of a boxer caused by cutaneous non‐epitheliotropic lymphoma.

Figure 19.35C  Chronic ulcerated digital lesions in a cat caused by

Figure 19.35B  Chronic ulcerated digital lesions in a cat caused by cutaneous non‐epitheliotropic lymphoma.
cutaneous non-epitheliotropic lymphoma.

Figure 19.36A  Patchy alopecia, erythema and erosions in a cat caused Figure 19.36B  Hypotrichosis erythema and scaling caused by
by cutaneous lymphocytosis. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Megan Solc. cutaneous lymphocytosis. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Megan Solc.
19  Skin tumors 439

Figure 19.36C  Focally crusted and inflamed paw pads in the Figure 19.36D  Surface cytology demonstrates numerous small
same cat as 19.36A. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Megan Solc. lymphocytes. 100x. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Megan Solc.

Figure 19.37A  A red, raised mass on the toe of a dog caused by a Figure 19.37B  A similar plasmacytoma on the lip of a dog. Source:
plasmacytoma. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Jillian Image courtesy of VIN and Kathryn Hahn, DVM.
Kindermann, DVM.
440 19  Skin tumors

Figure 19.37D  Fine needle aspirate and cytology demonstrates

numerous plasma cells. 100x. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and
Brittney Shaw, DVM.
Figure 19.37C  A pink, raised, round mass on the thorax of a dog
due to a plasmacytoma. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Katie
Dull, DVM.

Figure 19.37E  A large, ulcerated plasmacytoma on the paw of a Figure 19.38A  A slightly raised, pigmented dermal mass caused
dog. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Kathryn Hahn, DVM. by a melanocytoma.
Figure 19.38C  Canine melanocytoma. Source: Image courtesy of
VIN and Joanne Gonzalez, DVM.

Figure 19.38B  This round, raised, black, pinnal mass was also a
melanocytoma. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Kelly Green, DVM.

Figure 19.38D  A slightly raised melanocytoma on the eyelid of a dog. Figure 19.38E  Close‐up of a melanocytoma.

Figure 19.38F  A large, pedunculated melanocytoma on the leg of Figure 19.38G  Cytology of the mass in Figure 19.38F revealed
an elderly dog. numerous well‐granulated melanocytes. 100x
Figure 19.39B  Fine needle aspirate for cytology revealed poorly
differentiated melanocytes. 100x. Source: Image courtesy of VIN
and Mark Terry, DVM.

Figure 19.39A  A malignant melanoma on the claw bed of a

Labrador. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Mark Terry, DVM.

Figure 19.39C  A malignant melanoma on the lip of a dog. Source:

Image courtesy of VIN and Michael Goldmann, DVM. Figure 19.39D  A large, malignant melanoma on the toe of a dog.
Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Jennie Yarborough, DVM.

Figure 19.39E  Amelanotic melanoma causing swelling, depigmentation, and erosion on the metacarpal pad of a dog. Source: Image
courtesy of Dr. Amy Shumaker, DACVD.
Figure 19.40B  A raised, eroded mass on the nose of a cat caused
Figure 19.40A  A large, malignant melanoma on the nasal planum by malignant melanoma. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Karen
of a cat. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Adam Boardman, DVM. Fischer, DVM.

Figure 19.40C  A malignant melanoma encompassing the paw of Figure 19.41A  A large, red, raised mass on the eyelid of a young
a cat. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Paul Arora, DVM. Chihuahua which was a histiocytoma.

Figure 19.41B  Aspirate for cytology demonstrating typical

histiocytic round cells with abundant light blue, slightly granular,
and slightly vesiculated cytoplasm and large, open, sometimes Figure 19.41C  A pink, raised mass or “button” tumor typical for a
indented nuclei. 100x with digital zoom. histiocytoma.
444 19  Skin tumors

Figure 19.42A  A raised mass on the ear of a dog with cutaneous Figure 19.42B  The same dog had a large nasal swelling caused by
reactive histiocytosis. histiocytosis.

Figure 19.42C  A Golden Retriever with cutaneous reactive Figure 19.42D  The same dog as in 19.42C; the third eyelid
histiocytosis; numerous, slightly pink, dermal masses were present conjunctiva was involved.
all over the trunk.

Figure 19.42E  Raised, pink, dermal masses on the pinna caused Figure 19.42F  Irregular, erythematous plaques on the trunk of a
by histiocytosis. Labrador with reactive histiocytosis.
Figure 19.42G  The same dog as in 19.42F; swelling involved the Figure 19.42H  A pink, raised mass on the limb of a dog with
inner nares, causing strained stertorous breathing. cutaneous histiocytosis.

Figure 19.42J  This dog also had severe eyelid swelling caused by
Figure 19.42I  The same dog showing involvement of the toe. histiocytosis.

Figure 19.43A  Ulcerated, crusted, pink masses on the face of a cat due to feline progressive histiocytosis. Source: Image courtesy of
Dr. Megan Solc.
446 19  Skin tumors

(B) (C)

Figures 19.43B and C  The same cat as in 19.43A; large, erosive masses were also present on the chin and lips. Source: Image courtesy of
Dr. Megan Solc.

Figure 19.43D  Smaller masses were present on the trunk as well. Figure 19.43E  Cytology revealed atypical histiocytic cells. 100x.
Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Megan Solc. Source: Image courtesy of Dr. Megan Solc.
Figure 19.43F  Thoracic radiographs revealed extensive lung involvement. Source: Photo courtesy of Dr. Megan Solc.

Figure 19.44A  Raised, white, firm, pinnal masses on a puppy due

to calcinosis circumscripta. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Figure 19.44B  Calcinosis circumscripta on the ventral tongue.
Shawn Seibel, DVM. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Peter Jennings, DVM.

Figure 19.44C  A raised, gritty mass caused by calcinosis Figure 19.44D  Fine needle aspirate for cytology of calcinosis
circumscripta on the tongue of a young dog. Source: Image circumscripta shows amorphous, basophilic, crystalline material.
courtesy of VIN and Brett Bower, DVM. 10x. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Shawn Seibel, DVM.
448 19  Skin tumors

Figure 19.45A  Transmissible venereal tumor in the prepuce of a dog. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and Wen Yu Theng, DVM.

Figure 19.45C  Cytology of a transmissible venereal tumor

Figure 19.45B  A smooth, pink, vaginal mass caused by a demonstrating round cells, occasional bi‐nucleate cells and
transmissible venereal tumor. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and basophilic background. 100x. Source: Image courtesy of VIN and
Joshua Winston, DVM. Mariah Coakley, DVM.
19  Skin tumors 449

Figure 19.46B  Radiograph of the cat’s paw shows soft tissue

swelling and bony reaction to the neoplasia. Source: Image
courtesy of VIN and Shannon Donovan, DVM.
Figure 19.46A  A cat with feline lung digit syndrome
demonstrating swelling and crusting on multiple nailbeds. Source:
Image courtesy of VIN and Shannon Donovan, DVM.

­References and further reading

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Dermatology formulary
Anthea Schick, DVM, DACVD1,2
 Dermatology for Animals, Gilbert, AZ, USA
 Dermatology for Animals, Scottsdale, AZ, USA

Due to continual changes and new developments in books/literature and manufacturer recommendations
medical knowledge and medication doses/recommenda- prior to ­prescribing therapy.
tions, readers are recommended to consult current drug

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
Table 20.1  Systemic antibiotics.

Drug Indications Dose Side effects/Comments

Amoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea.
13.75 mg/kg PO q12h, or 20–25 mg/
kg PO q12h.
62.5 mg per cat PO q12h or
10–20 mg/kg PO q12h.
Azithromycin Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections, oral Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
papillomatosis, cyclosporine‐induced gingival 5–10 mg/kg PO q24h.
overgrowth, Mycobacteria infections.  
7–15 mg/kg PO q24h.
Cefadroxil Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy.
22–35 mg/kg PO q12h.
22–35 mg/kg PO q24h.
Cefovecin sodium Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs and cats: 8 mg/kg SC q14 days; Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, mild injection
per package insert do not exceed 2 site reactions.
Cefpodoxime proxetil Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs and cats: 5–10 mg/kg PO q24h. Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea.
Cephalexin Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs and cats: 22–30 mg/kg PO q12h. Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea.
Chloramphenicol Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, weakness,
40–60 mg/kg PO q8h. weight loss, neurotoxicity, rare myelosuppression
Cats: Monitor: Baseline CBC then q 3–4 weeks.
20‐30 mg/kg or 50 mg per cat PO
Ciprofloxacin Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, permanent cartilage
Not recommended due to poor GI damage in growing animals.
25 mg/kg PO q24h. NOT to be used growing animals.
20 mg/kg PO q24h.
Clarithromycin Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, generalized or pinnal
5–10 mg/kg PO q12h. erythema in cats and orange staining of the skin.
Cats: 7.5 mg/kg PO q12h.

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Drug Indications Dose Side effects/Comments

Clindamycin Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, colitis (dogs),
11 mg/kg PO q12h. esophageal stricture (cats).
11–33 mg/kg PO q24h for skin
Clofazimine Skin and soft tissue infections caused by Dogs: Vomiting, diarrhea, skin, eye, and body fluid orange‐
Mycobacteria. 4–12 mg/kg PO q24h. brown discoloration, hepatic and renal
Clofazimine is currently unavailable in the US Cats:  
except with individual patient FDA 25–50 mg per cat PO q24–48h or Monitor: Baseline chemistry panel then q 4 weeks.
compassionate use approval. 8 mg/kg PO q24h.
Difloxacin HCl Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, cartilage damage in
5–10 mg/kg PO q24h. young animals.
Unknown in cats. NOT to be used in growing animals.
Doxycycline Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs and Cats: 5 mg/kg PO q12h or Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, liver enzyme elevation
  10 mg/kg PO q24h. (rare), esophageal stricture (cats). Follow dose with
Combined with niacinamide: Various sterile 15–30ml water.
immune‐mediated skin diseases.  
Bone and dental abnormalities are much less likely
than with other tetracyclines, but use with caution in
pregnant and juvenile animals.
Compounded liquid doxycycline has been shown to
contain effective amounts of drug for only one week.
Enrofloxacin Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, elevated liver enzymes,
5–20 mg/kg PO q24h (recommend at permanent cartilage damage in growing animals,
least 10 mg/kg for skin infections). ocular toxicity (cats).
Cats: 5 mg/kg PO q24h. NOT to be used growing animals.
Erythromycin Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs and Cats: 10–20 mg/kg PO q8h Anorexia, vomiting.
or 15–25 mg/kg PO q12h.
Imipenem Used as a last resort to treat serious gram‐ Dogs and Cats: 5–10 mg/kg IV q6–8h. GI effects (vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea), CNS
negative infections based on culture, when toxicity (seizures, tremors), rare increases in renal/
multi‐drug resistant bacteria are documented liver values.
to be susceptible to imipenem.
Lincomycin HCl Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs and cats: 15 mg/kg PO q8h or Vomiting and diarrhea.
22 mg/kg PO q12h.  
Caution: resistance occurs easily.
Marbofloxacin Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs and cats: 2.75–5.5 mg/kg PO Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea.
NOT to be used growing animals.

(Continued )

0004322054.INDD 455 06/28/2019 04:00:09

Table 20.1  Systemic antibiotics (Continued)

Drug Indications Dose Side effects/Comments

Meropenem Reserved as last resort drug for treatment of 8.5 mg/kg q12h SC or q8h IV. Occasional GI upset, occasional hair loss at site of
multidrug‐resistant infections caused by injection.
Enterobacteriaceae or Pseudomonas  
aeruginosa. Reduce dose with renal disease.
Minocycline HCl Skin and soft tissue infections, including those Dogs and cats: 5–10 mg/kg PO or IV Anorexia, vomiting and nausea, liver enzyme
caused by Mycobacteria. q12h; up to 25 mg/kg q12h for elevation (rare).
Combined with niacinamide: Sterile immune‐  
mediated skin diseases. Give with small amount canned food,
dry food inhibits antibiotic
Orbifloxacin Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs and cats: 2.5–7.5 mg/kg PO Nausea, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy.
NOT to be used growing animals.
Ormetoprim + sulfadimethoxine Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections (Dogs). Dogs: Fever, thrombocytopenia, hepatopathy,
55 mg/kg PO on first day, then keratoconjunctivitis sicca, neutropenia, hemolytic
27.5 mg/kg PO q24h. anemia, crystalluria, arthropathy, uveitis, eruptions,
urticaria, angioedema, proteinuria, hypothyroidism,
diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia, seizures.
Schirmer tear tests, baseline then weekly. Monitor
CBC q2 weeks with long‐term therapy.
Pradofloxacin Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs: Nausea, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy.
Not approved for use in dogs in the  
US due to concern of bone marrow NOT to be used growing animals.
In Europe: 3–4.5 mg/kg PO q24h. Monitor CBC regularly with long‐term use,
  discontinue if leukopenia occurs.
Cats: Oral suspension: 5–7.5 mg/kg
PO once daily. Oral tablets: 3–4.5 mg/
kg PO once daily.

0004322054.INDD 456 06/28/2019 04:00:09

Drug Indications Dose Side effects/Comments

Rifampin Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections Dogs: Allergic reactions (cats), hepatopathy, pancreatitis,
including those caused by Mycobacteria Deep or resistant pyoderma: 5–10 mg/ red‐orange discoloration of body fluids/secretions
kg PO q24h. and mucous membranes, thrombocytopenia,
  hemolytic anemia, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, and
Mycobacterial infections: 10–15 mg/ death.
kg PO q24h always combined with at  
least one other antibiotic appropriate Give on an empty stomach.
for mycobacteria.  
  Monitor: Liver values q 2 weeks.
Mycobacterial infections: 10–20 mg/
kg PO q24h.
Sulfadiazine/ Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Skin or soft tissue infections: 30 mg/ Fever, thrombocytopenia, hepatopathy,
sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim kg PO q24h or 15 mg/kg PO q12h. keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dogs), neutropenia,
  hemolytic anemia, crystalluria, arthropathy, uveitis,
Nocardiosis: 45–60 mg/kg PO q12h eruptions, urticaria, angioedema, proteinuria, facial
(more concern with serious side palsy, hypothyroidism, diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia,
effects at this dose). seizures.
Cats: 15 mg/kg PO q12h. Monitor:
Schirmer tear tests, baseline then weekly.
CBC every 2 weeks with long‐term therapy.
Tetracycline HCl Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections. Dogs and cats: Infections: 22 mg/kg Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, renal damage, tooth
  PO q8h. discoloration.
Combined with niacinamide: Various sterile    
immune‐mediated skin diseases. Dog: Immune mediated disorders: NOT to be used in pregnant or young animals.
250 mg PO q8–12h for dogs <10 kg
and 500 mg PO q8–12h for dogs
>10 kg.
Ticarcillin disodium + clavulanate Otitis externa and/or media caused by Dogs and cats: Diarrhea and allergic reactions.
potassium resistant Pseudomonas. 15–25 mg/kg IV/IM/SQ q8h.  
  Drug is inconsistently available.
As an otic solution, dilute injectable
formulation as directed by
manufacturer, draw into 2.0 ml
aliquots and freeze. Thaw one aliquot
daily and instill 0.5 ml into affected
ear q12h.

0004322054.INDD 457 06/28/2019 04:00:09

Table 20.2  Systemic antifungals.

Drug Indications Dose Comments

Amphotericin Leishmaniasis, Dogs: Nephrotoxic, check CBC/Chemistry panel

B‐liposomal pythiosis, systemic 1–3.3 mg/kg IV over 2 hours. Give q48h and UA monitor pretreatment and at least
formulation mycoses. for 4 weeks or until cumulative dose of weekly thereafter during therapy.
24–30 mg/kg dependent on patient response
and drug toxicity (note doses are much
higher than conventional amphotericin B).
1 mg/kg slowly IV q48h for 4 weeks or until
cumulative dose of 12 mg/kg.
Caspofungin Deep infections caused Dogs and cats: 0.5–2 mg/kg q24h IV infused Side effects unknown; rarely used.
acetate by Aspergillus, Candida, over 1 hour. Suggested maximum daily dose
and Sporothrix. 50 mg total extrapolated from humans.
Fluconazole Systemic mycoses. Dogs: Increased liver enzymes.
  5–10 mg/kg PO q12–24h.  
Less effective treatment   Renal excretion, reduce dose or avoid with
option than other azoles Cats: renal disease.
for dermatophytosis, 50 mg per cat PO q12–24h or 5–10 mg/kg  
Malassezia dermatitis. PO q24h. Avoid compounded drugs, especially liquid
formulations due to poor manufacturing
Griseofulvin Dermatophytosis. Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea,
  Microsize: 25 mg/kg PO q12h or 50 mg/kg hepatotoxicity, myelosuppression.
Use only if other more PO q24h.  
effective treatments are Ultramicrosize: 5–10 mg/kg PO q24h or NOT to be used in pregnant animals.
unavailable. divided q12. Caution in cats.
Cats: Monitor: Baseline CBC then q 2–3 weeks
Microsize: 25 mg/kg PO q12h. in cats.
Ultramicrosize: 5–10 mg/kg PO q24h.
Itraconazole Systemic mycoses Dogs and cats: 5–10 mg/kg PO q24h. Anorexia, weight loss, vomiting,
dermatophytosis,   hepatotoxicity, vasculitis‐dogs (rare).
Malassezia dermatitis. Pulse dosing for feline dermatophytosis:  
5–10 mg/kg PO q24h on an alternating Monitor: monthly ALT (alanine
week schedule until 2 negative aminotransferase).
DTMs 1–2 weeks apart.  
Do not use compounded itraconazole as it
has very poor bioavailability compared
with generic and brand name formulations.
Ketoconazole Systemic mycoses Systemic mycosis: 5–10 mg/kg PO q12h or Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, reversible
dermatophytosis, 15–20 mg/kg q12h with CNS involvement. lightening of hair coat (rare),
Malassezia dermatitis.   hepatotoxicity.
Dermatophytosis: 5–10 mg/kg PO q24h.  
  Monitor: Liver enzymes.
Malassezia dermatitis: 5–10 mg/kg  
PO q24h. Caution in cats.
Posaconazole Systemic mycoses Dogs: Pruritus, hepatopathy (little information is
(Cats). 5–10 mg/kg PO q12–24h. known).
5–7.5 mg/kg PO q24h or divided into two
doses per day.
Terbinafine Systemic mycoses Dogs and cats: Dermatophytosis and Anorexia, vomiting, lethargy, lymphopenia,
Hydrochloride dermatophytosis, systemic mycoses: 30–40 mg/kg PO q24h. elevated liver values (ALP, ALT).
Malassezia dermatitis.    
Malassezia dermatitis: 30 mg/kg PO q24h. Monitor:
Baseline liver enzymes and during therapy
with long‐term use.
Voriconazole Systemic mycoses Dogs: Unknown in animals, avoid with liver
(Dogs). 4–5 mg/kg PO q12h. disease.
5 mg/kg PO q12–24h.
20  Dermatology formulary 459

Table 20.3  Systemic antiviral/antiprotozoal medications.

Drug Indications Dose Comments/Side effects

Allopurinol Leishmaniasis Dogs: Vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, pruritus,

15–30 mg/kg PO q12h. myelosuppression.
Cats: Monitor hepatic/renal function and
20 mg/kg PO q24h. for xanthine urolithiasis.
Famciclovir Herpes viral Cats: typical dose is 125 mg PO BID in adult cats, Possible renal side effects.
dermatitis. or up to 40–90 mg/kg PO BID–TID.  
Monitor: Chemistry/urinalysis in
long‐term use.
Meglumine Leishmaniasis. Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, nausea, lethargy,
antimoniate 100 mg/kg SC q24h or 50–75 mg/kg SC q12h for liver enzyme elevation.
30–40 days combined with allopurinol at
15–30 mg/kg PO q12h.

Table 20.4  Antihistamines.

Drug Indications Dose Comments/Side effects

Amitriptyline HCl Behavior disorders, Dogs: Sedation, constipation, urinary

neurogenic pain, and 1–3 mg/kg PO q12h. retention.
psychogenic and  
pruritic/allergic Cats:
conditions. 0.5–1 mg/kg PO q12–24h or 5–10 mg
per cat PO.
Cetirizine HCl. Pruritic/allergic skin Dogs: Sedation, transient vomiting,
conditions. 1 mg/kg or 10–20 mg per dog hypersalivation.
PO q12–24h.
1 mg/kg or 5 mg per cat PO q12–24h.
Chlorpheniramine Pruritic/allergic skin Dogs: Lethargy, paradoxical excitement (cats).
maleate conditions. 4–8 mg per dog (max. dose of
0.5 mg/kg) PO q8–12h.
Cats: 2–4 mg per cat PO q8–12h.
Clemastine fumarate Pruritic/allergic skin Dogs: Sedation, dry mouth, paradoxical
conditions. 0.05–1.5 mg/kg PO q12h (not hyperactivity, diarrhea (cats).
recommended due to poor
0.34–0.68 mg per cat PO q12h.
Clomipramine HCl Behavior disorders. Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy,
2–4 mg/kg PO q24h or divided q12h. liver enzyme elevations, and
  anticholinergic effects.
0.25–1 mg/kg PO q24h, Start a lower dose and slowly increase
to effect; taper off slowly to
Cyproheptadine HCl Pruritic/allergic skin Dogs: Lethargy, sedation, dry mouth,
conditions. 0.5–2 mg/kg PO q8–12h. paradoxical excitement (cats).
Cats: Little evidence to support antipruritic
2–4 mg per cat PO q12–24h. efficacy.

(Continued )
460 20  Dermatology formulary

Table 20.4  Antihistamines (Continued)

Drug Indications Dose Comments/Side effects

Diphenhydramine Pruritic/allergic skin Dogs and cats: 2–4 mg/kg PO q8–12h. Lethargy, dry mouth, urinary retention,
HCl conditions. paradoxical excitement (cats).
Doxepin HCl Pruritic/allergic skin Dogs: Cardiac arrhythmias, hyperexcitability,
conditions, behavior 0.5–3 mg/kg PO q12h. diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy/sedation,
disorders, neurogenic   polyphagia.
pain, and psychogenic Cats:  
dermatoses. 0.5–1 mg/kg PO q12–24h. Start a lower dose and slowly increase
to effect; taper off slowly to
Fexofenadine HCl Pruritic/allergic skin Dogs: None reported.
conditions. 2–5 mg/kg PO q12–24h.
10–15 mg per cat PO q12–24h.
Hydroxyzine HCl/ Pruritic/allergic skin Dogs: Sedation, dry mouth.
pamoate conditions. 2 mg/kg PO q12h.
5–10 mg per cat q12h.
Loratadine Pruritic/allergic skin Dogs: None reported.
conditions. 0.25–1 mg/kg PO q24h.
Cats: 0.5 mg/kg PO q24h
Table 20.5  Systemic glucocorticoids.

Drug Indications Dose Comments/Side effects

Dexamethasone Allergic dermatoses, Dogs: Polyuria, polydipsia and

Immune‐mediated Anti‐inflammatory: 0.07–0.15 mg/kg PO q24h or divided q12h to effect then taper off. polyphagia, weight gain, panting,
diseases.   vomiting, diarrhea, elevated liver
  Immunosuppression: 0.1–0.2 mg/kg PO q12–24h, taper to 0.05–0.1 mg/kg PO enzymes (ALP), pancreatitis,
8–10 times more q48–72h. diabetes mellitus, muscle atrophy,
potent than prednisone   skin and coat changes, behavioral
and has 48 hours Low dose dexamethasone suppression test: 0.01 mg/kg IV, obtain serum samples for changes, heart failure (cats).
duration of effect. cortisol measurement prior to injection and 4 and 8 hours post injection.  
  Monitor: Immunosuppressive
High dose dexamethasone suppression test: 0.1 mg/kg IV, same sampling protocol as doses; baseline CBC/Chemistry
for low dose panel/Urinalysis then q 2–4 weeks.
Anti‐inflammatory: 0.125–0.25 mg/kg PO q24h or divided q12h to effect then taper off
Immunosuppression: 0.2 mg/kg PO q12–24h, taper to 0.05–0.1 mg/kg PO q 2–5 days
Methylprednisolone/ Allergic dermatoses, Dogs: Polyuria, polydipsia and
methylprednisolone immune‐mediated Anti‐inflammatory disorders: 0.8–1.0 mg/kg PO q24h to effect then taper to 0.2– polyphagia, weight gain, panting,
acetate diseases. 0.4 mg/kg PO q48h/try to taper off. vomiting, diarrhea, elevated liver
  enzymes (ALP), pancreatitis,
Immunosuppression: 0.8–1.5 mg/kg PO q12h, taper to q 0.4–0.8 mg/kg PO q48h. diabetes mellitus, muscle atrophy,
  skin and coat changes, skin and
Cats: urinary tract infections, heart
Anti‐inflammatory disorders: 2 mg/kg PO q24h to effect then taper to 0.8 mg/kg PO failure (cats)
q48h/try to taper off.  
  Monitor: Immunosuppressive
Immunosuppression: 4 mg/kg PO q24h, taper to 0.8–1.8 mg/kg PO q48–72h doses: Baseline CBC/Chemistry
  panel/Urinalysis then q2–4 weeks.
Long lasting injection: Anti‐inflammatory or immunosuppression: 10–20 mg per cat SC
or IM (not recommended except as last resort due to risk of side effects such as
diabetes and heart failure).
Prednisone/ Allergic dermatoses, Dogs: Polyuria, polydipsia and
prednisolone immune‐mediated Anti‐inflammatory: 0.5–1.0 mg/kg PO q24h to effect then taper to 0.25–0.5 mg/kg PO polyphagia, weight gain, panting,
diseases. q48h/try to taper off. vomiting, diarrhea, elevated liver
  enzymes (ALP), pancreatitis,
Immunosuppression: 2.2 mg/kg PO q24h, taper to 0.5–1 mg/kg PO q48h. diabetes mellitus, muscle atrophy,
  skin and coat changes, urinary
Cats (use prednisolone only): Anti‐inflammatory: 2.2 mg/kg PO q24h to effect then tract infections, heart failure (cats).
taper to 1 mg/kg PO q48h/try to taper off.  
  Monitor: Immunosuppressive
Immunosuppression (use prednisolone only): 4.4 mg/kg PO q24h, taper to 0.8–1.8 mg/ doses: Baseline CBC/Chemistry
kg PO q48–72h. panel/Urinalysis then q 2–4 weeks.

(Continued )

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Table 20.5  Systemic glucocorticoids (Continued)

Drug Indications Dose Comments/Side effects

Triamcinolone Allergic dermatoses, Dogs: Polyuria, polydipsia and

acetonide immune‐mediated Anti‐inflammatory: 0.11 mg/kg PO q24h then taper to 0.05–0.1 mg/kg PO q48–72hr/ polyphagia, weight gain, panting,
diseases. try to taper off. vomiting, diarrhea, elevated liver
  enzymes (ALP), pancreatitis,
Immunosuppression: 0.4–0.6 mg/kg PO q24h, taper to 0.1–0.2 mg/kg PO q48–72h. diabetes mellitus, muscle atrophy,
  skin and coat changes, urinary
Cats: tract infections, heart failure (cats).
0.09–0.26 mg/kg PO q 24h; taper to 0.08 mg/kg PO q48–72h/try to taper off. Monitor: Immunosuppressive
  doses: Baseline CBC/Chemistry
Immunosuppression: 0.6–2 mg/kg PO q24h, taper to 0.6–1 mg/kg PO q 2–7 days. panel/Urinalysis then q 2–4 weeks.
For injectable product (package insert): 0.11–0.22 mg/kg SC or IM for inflammatory or
allergic disorders, and 0.22 mg/kg SC or IM for dermatological disorders. Effects
generally persist for 7–15 days; due to risk of side effects such as diabetes, long‐acting
steroids are not recommended unless oral steroids cannot be administered.
For intralesional injection: Usual dose is 1.2–1.8 mg; inject around lesion at 0.5–2.5 cm
intervals. Do not exceed 0.6 mg at any one site or 6 mg total dose.
Trimeprazine Allergic dermatoses, Dogs (package insert): Sedation, lethargy, hypotension,
tartrate + prednisolone (Dogs). Up to 10 lb: ½ tablet PO q12h. tremors, weakness, restless,
Temaril P® Each tablet contains 11–20 lb: 1 tablet PO q12h. polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia,
5 mg trimeprazine and 21–40 lb: 2 tablets PO q12h. panting, vomiting, diarrhea,
2 mg prednisolone. Over 40 lb: 3 tablets PO q 12h muscle wasting, thin skin, hair loss,
Give to effect then taper to lowest effective alternate day dose based on prednisolone calcinosis cutis, skin and urinary
dose of 0.25–0.5 mg/kg PO q 48h, or taper off if possible. tract infections, elevated liver
Baseline: CBC/Chemistry panel/
Urinalysis then q 6–12 months.

0004322054.INDD 462 06/28/2019 04:00:09

Table 20.6  Non-steroidal immunomodulating and immunosuppressive drugs.

Drug Indications Dose Comments/Side effects

Azathioprine Immune‐mediated skin diseases (pemphigus Dogs: Diarrhea, myelosuppression.

complex, blistering diseases, discoid lupus 1.5–2.5 mg/kg PO q24h until remission, then reduce to  
erythematosus, cutaneous vasculitis, sterile q48h. Monitor: Baseline CBC/Chemistry panel
pyogranulomatous disorders, uveodermatologic   then CBC q 2–3 weeks for the first
syndrome). DO NOT USE IN CATS 3–4 months, Chemistry q 2–3 months.
Chlorambucil Immune‐mediated skin diseases (pemphigus Dogs: Myelosuppression, vomiting, diarrhea,
complex, blistering diseases, cutaneous vasculitis) 0.1–0.2 mg/kg PO q24h to effect then taper to q48h. anorexia.
and lymphocyte, mast cell, and plasma cell    
malignancies. Cats: Monitor: Baseline CBC and platelet count
0.1–0.2 mg/kg PO q24h; usually ½ of a 2 mg tablet once then qo weekly or monthly for the first 3
daily for larger cats. months, then q 3–4 months.
Alternate dosing schedule: 2 mg PO q48h for cats >4 kg
and 2 mg PO q72h for cats <4 kg.
Colchicine Canine cutaneous amyloidosis, Shar-Pei fever and Dogs: Nausea, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, liver
acute neutrophilic vasculitis, epidermolysis 0.01–0.03 mg/kg PO q24h. enzyme elevation, myelosuppression.
bullosa acquisita.    
DO NOT USE IN CATS Monitor: Baseline CBC then q 2–4 weeks.
Cyclophosphamide Neoplastic disease, immune‐mediated diseases. Dogs: Myelosuppression (usually 7–14 days into
50 mg/m2 PO q48h or q24h for 4 consecutive days per treatment), hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity,
week. cardiotoxicity.
Cats: Oncologist consultation recommended.
2–2.5 mg/kg PO q24h 4 days per week.  
Monitor: Baseline CBC and urinalysis,
repeat after 10–14 days of treatment, then q
Cyclosporine Atopic dermatitis, perianal fistulas, sebaceous Dogs: Vomiting, diarrhea and anorexia, hirsutism,
adenitis, sterile nodular dermatoses, vasculitis 5 mg/kg PO q24h. lethargy, gingival overgrowth, viral
and many other immune‐mediated diseases.   papillomas, urinary tract infection, weight
Cats: loss (cats).
7 mg/kg PO q24h.  
Numerous drug interactions; refer to drug
Monitor: Baseline CBC/Chemistry panel/
Urinalysis then q 6–12 months.

(Continued )

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Table 20.6  Non-steroidal immunomodulating and immunosuppressive drugs (Continued)

Drug Indications Dose Comments/Side effects

Dapsone Skin and soft tissue infections caused by Dogs: Liver enzyme elevations, myelosuppression,
Mycobacteria, immune‐mediated diseases 1 mg/kg PO q8h until remission then 1 mg/kg q12–24h vomiting, diarrhea and anorexia.
refractory to other treatments; brown recluse or twice weekly as maintenance.  
spider bites.   Monitor:
DO NOT USE IN CATS Baseline CBC/Chemistry/Urinalysis q 2–3
weeks during first 4 months then q 3–4
Immunoglobulin, Immune‐mediated diseases (drug reactions, Dogs and cats: 0.5–1.5 g/kg IV in 5–6% infused over Vomiting, allergic reactions.
human intravenous erythema multiforme, severe auto‐immune 4–12 hours.  
(hIVIG) diseases). Monitor: CBC/Chemistry panel/Urinalysis
and TPRs with blood pressures during
Interferon alpha, Immunostimulant‐viral infections, T cell Dogs: PO side effects: Vomiting, nausea.
recombinant human lymphoma. 1.5–2 million units (MU)/m2 SC of alpha‐2a, 3 times  
weekly or 20 000 IU PO q24h. SC side effects: Allergic reactions, fever,
30 units per cat PO q24h on alternate weeks or
60–300 units per cat PO or SC q24h for 30 consecutive
days or on alternate weeks.
Interferon omega Labeled (in Europe) for treating FeLV & FIV in Dogs (extra‐label for atopic dermatitis):Per injection: Potential adverse effects: Fever, vomiting,
Recombinant feline cats and Parvo in dogs; has also been used to treat Dogs: diarrhea, lethargy.
herpesvirus dermatitis and calicivirus stomatitis 8–15 kg = 1 million units;
in cats and canine atopic dermatitis. 15–29 kg = 2 million units; Increases in liver enzymes and bone marrow
  29–40 kg = 3 million units; suppression have been seen.
Not commercially available in USA. 29–40 kg = 4 million units.
In one study, dogs were dosed SC on days: 0, 3, 7, 14, 21,
35, 56, 90, 120, and 150.
One cat with herpesvirus dermatitis responded well to 6
injections administered over 23 days of 1.5 million units
(MU)/kg of rFeIFN‐ω, in 4 treatments half the interferon
dose was injected perilesionally and intradermally and
the other half subcutaneously; the other 2 treatments
were SQ only.
Stomatitis/calicivirus positive: Daily oromucosal
treatment with 0.1 MU of rFeIFN‐ω was as effective as
daily oral steroids in one case series of 36 cats.
For treatment of FeLV or FIV as labeled (extra‐label in USA):
1 million units/kg SC once daily for 5 days. Three separate
5‐day treatments performed at day 0, day 14, and day 60.

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Drug Indications Dose Comments/Side effects

Leflunomide Systemic and cutaneous reactive histiocytosis, Dogs: Vomiting, anemia, and lymphopenia.
pemphigus complex. 3–4 mg/kg PO q24h to effect then taper to lowest  
effective dose/frequency. Monitor: liver enzymes, CBC.
2–3 mg/kg PO q24h to effect then taper to lowest
effective dose/frequency.
Levamisole HCl Idiopathic recurrent pyoderma, systemic lupus Dogs and cats: Vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, lethargy,
erythematosus, eosinophilic granuloma (cats). 2.5–5 mg/kg PO q48h. salivation, tremors, cutaneous drug reaction,
blood dyscrasias.
Lomustine Epitheliotropic and non‐epitheliotropic Dogs: Myelosuppression (neutropenia and
lymphoma, mast cell tumor, histiocytic sarcoma. 50–90 mg/m2 PO q 21–28 days. thrombocytopenia) with nadir occurring
  7–21 days after treatment.
50–60 mg/m2 PO q 21–42 days or 10 mg per cat. Monitor: Liver enzymes and CBC before
each dose and 7–10 days after dose.
Oncologist consultation recommended.
Masitinib mesylate Mast cell tumor (Dogs). Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy,
12.5 mg/kg PO q24h (may need to reduce dose if toxicity proteinuria, low albumin, myelosuppression.
Monitor: Albumin levels and urinalysis q 2
weeks, CBC and chemistry q 4 weeks.
Oncologist consultation recommended.
Mycophenolate Immune‐mediated diseases, most commonly Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy.
mofetil pemphigus foliaceus (Dogs). 20–40 mg/kg/day PO divided into three doses.  
Monitor: CBC/Chemistry panel pre‐
treatment, at 3–4 weeks then q4–6 months.
Pentoxifylline Various inflammatory and immune‐mediated Dogs: Vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia.
skin conditions (dermatomyositis, vasculitis, 10–30 mg/kg PO q8–12h.  
erythema multiforme, discoid lupus   Use cautiously with severe hepatic or renal
erythematosus, symmetric lupoid Cats: impairment or bleeding risk.
onychodystrophy, acral lick dermatitis, sterile 100 mg PO q12h.
panniculitis, interdigital furunculosis).
Piroxicam Oral and cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas, Dogs: GI ulceration, renal damage.
nasal carcinoma, mammary adenocarcinoma, and 0.3 mg/kg PO q24–48h.  
transmissible venereal tumor.   Monitor: Liver and renal values with long‐
Cats: term use.
0.3 mg/kg PO q48–72h.
(Continued )

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Table 20.6  Non-steroidal immunomodulating and immunosuppressive drugs (Continued)

Drug Indications Dose Comments/Side effects

Staphage lysate Canine recurrent pyoderma caused by Dogs: Pain, erythema, swelling, and pruritus at
Staphylococcus 0.5 ml SC twice weekly for a 10–14 weeks then 0.5–1 ml injection site.
(Dogs). once every 2–4 weeks. Rare: Vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, fever,
and lethargy.
Sulfasalazine Immune‐mediated skin diseases (vasculitis) Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting allergic reactions,
(Dogs). 20–40 mg/kg PO q8h or 15–22 mg/kg PO q8–12h. keratoconjunctivitis sicca, ataxia,
depression, clinical signs of hypothyroidism,
anemia, leukopenia, hepatopathy, orange‐
yellow discoloration of urine or skin.
Schirmer’s tear tests; baseline then weekly.
CBC–biweekly with long‐term therapy.
Toceranib phosphate Mast cell tumor Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, hematochezia
(Dogs). Induction dose: 3.25 mg/kg PO every other day (or three or hemorrhagic diarrhea, lethargy,
times weekly). lameness/skeletal pain.
Many oncologists recommend a lower dose of 2.5–  
2.75 mg/kg every other day or Mon/Weds/Fri. Monitor:
For the first 6 weeks: CBC weekly, chemistry
panel and urinalysis monthly.
Oncologist consultation recommended.

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20  Dermatology formulary 467

Table 20.7  Behavior modifying medications/analgesics.

Drug Indications Dose Comments/Side effects

Amitriptyline Behavior disorders, Dogs: Sedation, constipation, urinary

HCl neurogenic pain, and 1–3 mg/kg PO q12h. retention.
psychogenic dermatoses,    
pruritic/allergic conditions. Cats: Start a lower dose and slowly
0.5–1 mg/kg PO q24h or 5–10 mg increase to effect; taper off slowly to
per cat PO q24h. discontinue.
Clonazepam Self‐mutilation, compulsive Dogs: Sedation, ataxia, hepatic necrosis
disorders, acral lick 0.1–1 mg/kg PO q12h. (cats).
granulomas, hyperesthesia.    
Cats: Monitor: Liver values in cats.
0.025–0.2 mg/kg PO q12–24h.  
Start a lower dose and slowly
increase to effect; taper off slowly to
Clomipramine Behavior disorders. Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea,
HCl 2–4 mg/kg PO q24h or divided q12h. lethargy, liver enzyme elevations, and
  anticholinergic effects.
0.25–1 mg/kg PO q24h. Start a lower dose and slowly
increase to effect; taper off slowly to
Diazepam Self‐mutilation, compulsive Dogs: Sedation, ataxia, polyphagia, hepatic
disorders, acral lick 0.5–2.2 mg/kg PO q12–24h. necrosis (cats).
granulomas, hyperesthesia.    
Cats: Monitor: Liver values in cats.
0.2–0.5 mg/kg PO q12–24h.
Doxepin HCl Behavior disorders, Dogs: Cardiac arrhythmias,
neurogenic pain, 0.5–3 mg/kg q12h hyperexcitability, diarrhea, vomiting,
psychogenic dermatoses,   lethargy/sedation, polyphagia.
pruritic/allergic conditions. Cats:  
0.5–1 mg/kg PO q12–24h. Start a lower dose and slowly
increase to effect; taper off slowly to
Fluoxetine Behavior disorders, Dogs: Lethargy, anorexia, vomiting,
hydrochloride psychogenic dermatoses, 1–2 mg/kg PO q24h. diarrhea, tremors, anxiety, irritability.
Cats: Start a lower dose and slowly
0.5–2 mg/kg PO q24h. increase to effect; taper off slowly to
Gabapentin Neurogenic pain/pruritus. Dogs: Sedation, ataxia.
5–15 mg/kg PO q12h.
Suggested initial dosages range from
3 mg/kg PO q24h titrated upwards to
5–10 mg/kg PO q12h to effect.
Lorazepam Self‐mutilation, compulsive Dogs: Polyphagia, paradoxical excitement,
disorders, acral lick 0.025–0.2 mg/kg PO q12–24h. vocalization, aggression, anxiety.
granulomas, hyperesthesia.    
Cats: Monitor: Liver enzymes in cats.
0.025–0.08 mg/kg PO q12–24h.
Paroxetine Behavior disorders, Dogs: Lethargy, anorexia, vomiting,
hydrochloride psychogenic dermatoses, 0.5–2 mg/kg PO q24h. diarrhea, tremors, anxiety, irritability.
Cats: Start a lower dose and slowly
0.5–1 mg/kg PO q12–24h. increase to effect; taper off slowly to
Table 20.8  Systemic antiparasitic drugs.

Drug Indications Dose Comments/Side effects

Afoxolaner Flea and tick control Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea,

(Dogs). Minimum dosage of 2.5 mg/kg PO q 4 weeks. seborrhea, lethargy.
Doramectin Demodicosis, sarcoptic Dogs: Hypersalivation, mydriasis,
mange, notoedric mange. Demodicosis: 0.6 mg/kg SC or PO once weekly. blindness, lethargy, tremors,
Sarcoptic mange: 0.2–0.3 mg/kg SC once weekly. ataxia and pain or swelling at the
  injection site.
Demodicosis: Check heartworm status prior
0.4–0.6 mg/kg SC once weekly. to use.
Notoedric mange: 0.2–0.3 mg/kg SC q 1–2 weeks  
for 2–3 treatments. Caution in Collies/herding
Fluralaner Flea control, ticks, Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea.
demodicosis, sarcoptic Minimum dose of 25 mg/kg PO q 12 weeks
mange. (dosed on body weight range) or topical
minimum dose of 25 mg/kg (dosed on body
weight range).
Topical minimum dose of 40 mg/kg (dosed on
body weight range).
Ivermectin Demodicosis, sarcoptic Demodicosis: 0.3–0.6 mg/kg PO q24h until one Hypersalivation, mydriasis,
mange, notoedric mange, month beyond negative skin scraping. blindness, lethargy, weakness/
cheyletiellosis, Otodectes,   tremors, ataxia, depression,
nasal mites. Sarcoptic mange, notoedric mange, anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea,
cheyletiellosis: 0.2–0.4 mg/kg PO or SC every 2 injection site pain or swelling.
weeks for 3 doses.  
  Do not use in Collies, herding
Otodectes: 0.3 mg/kg SC every 2 weeks for 3 breeds or ivermectin‐sensitive
treatments or topically (Acarexx® 0.01% ivermectin breeds with ABCB1–1 (MDR1)
otic suspension) 0.5 ml per ear for 1–2 treatments. allele mutation.
Nasal mites: 0.3 mg/kg SC every 1–2 weeks for Check heartworm status prior to
2–3 doses. use.
Milbemycin Demodicosis, sarcoptic Demodicosis: 0.5–2 mg/kg PO q24h. Lethargy, vomiting, ataxia,
oxime mange, cheyletiellosis, nasal   trembling.
mites. Sarcoptic mange and cheyletiellosis: 2 mg/kg PO  
weekly for 3–8 weeks. Check heartworm status prior to
Nasal mites: 0.5–1 mg/kg PO once weekly for
two doses.
Moxidectin Demodicosis, sarcoptic Dogs: Urticaria, angioedema,
mange, Otodectes. Demodicosis: 0.2–0.4 mg/kg PO q24h until one erythema, restless, ataxia,
month beyond negative skin scraping. lethargy, anorexia, vomiting.
Topical moxidectin (Advantage Caution in ivermectin sensitive
Multi®) q1–2 weeks until one month beyond animals.
negative skin scraping (helpful in mild cases).  
  Check heartworm status prior to
Sarcoptic mange: 0.2–0.25 mg/kg PO or SC use.
weekly for 3–6 weeks.
Topical moxidectin (Advantage Multi)
q30d × 2tx.
Otodectes: 0.2 mg/kg PO or SC twice
10 days apart.
Otodectes: 0.2 mg/kg SC.
Demodex: Topical moxidectin (Advantage Multi)
q1–2 weeks until one month beyond negative
skin scraping.
20  Dermatology formulary 469

Table 20.8  Systemic antiparasitic drugs (Continued)

Drug Indications Dose Comments/Side effects

Nitenpyram Flea control, maggot Dogs: None reported.

removal. 11.4 mg tablet PO q24h (dogs 1–11.4 kg or
2–25 lb), 57 mg tablet PO q24h (dogs 11.5–
56.8 kg or 25.1–125 lb).
11.4 mg tablet PO q24h (cats 1–11.4 kg or
2–25 lb).
Sarolaner Flea control, ticks, Minimum dose of 2 mg/kg PO q 4 weeks (dosed Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea.
demodicosis, sarcoptic on body weight range).
Selamectin Flea control, sarcoptic Dogs and cats: Flea control: 6 mg/kg topically Pruritus, erythema, and alopecia
mange, notoedric mange, monthly. at application site.
cheyletiellosis, Otodectes,    
lice, Dermacentor variabilis Lice: 6 mg/kg topically, one dose. Check heartworm status prior to
ticks, heartworm,   use.
hookworm, and Otodectes: 6–12 mg/kg topically q 2 weeks for
roundworm prevention. two doses.
Cheyletiellosis: 6–12 mg/kg topically q 2 weeks
for three treatments.
Sarcoptic or notoedric mange: 6–12 mg/kg
topically q 2 weeks for 3–4 doses.
Ticks: 6 mg/kg topically q 4 weeks.
Spinosad +/− Spinosad: Flea control, Dogs and cats: Spinosad minimum dosage of Anorexia, vomiting, lethargy,
milbemycin (dogs and cats). 30 mg/kg spinosad (50 mg/kg for cats). diarrhea.
oxime   PO with food q 4 weeks (dosed on body weight  
Spinosad with milbemycin range). Do not combine with ivermectin
oxime: Flea control,   due to neurologic toxicity.
heartworm prevention, and Dogs: Spinosad with milbemycin oxime
hookworm, roundworm, minimum dosage of 30 mg/kg spinosad and
and whipworm treatment 0.5 mg/kg milbemycin.
and control (Dogs). PO with food q 4 weeks (dosed on body weight
470 20  Dermatology formulary

Table 20.9  Topical antiparasitics.

Active ingredient Targeted parasites Formulation Comments

Amitraz Demodex, Sarcoptes, Fleas and Concentrated May cause sedation, ataxia, bradycardia,
Ticks (Collar). solution, collar. vomiting, diarrhea, hypothermia, and a
transient hyperglycemia. Rarely, seizures
have been reported. Topical effects can
include edema, erythema, and pruritus.
Do not use with other MAO inhibitors,
or in cats.
Prescription only.
Dinotefuran Fleas, ticks and mosquitoes Spot‐on solution. Permethrin containing products are
Combination with (with permethrin). NOT to be used in CATS or dogs that
pyriproxyfen or permethrin are in contact with cats.
Fipronil ± combination Fleas, ticks, lice, chiggers, Spray, spot‐on Do not bathe within 48hr after
with methoprene Sarcoptes Cheyletiella, and solution. application.
Fluralaner Fleas, ticks. Spot‐on solution. Effective extra‐label for mites including
Imidacloprid Fleas and lice (imidacloprid Spot‐on solution. Hypersalivation if oral exposure.
Combination with and pyriproxyfen).  
pyriproxyfen, permethrin, Fleas, ticks, lice, flies and Permethrin containing products are
moxidectin mosquitoes (imidacloprid, NOT to be used in CATS or dogs that
permethrin, and pyriproxyfen). are in contact with cats.
Heartworms, fleas,
hookworms, roundworms,
whipworms, Demodex,
Sarcoptes, and Cheyletiella
(imidacloprid and moxidectin).
Lime sulfur Antifungal keratolytic, Concentrate Avoid contact with eyes or mucus
keratoplastic, antiparasitic, and membranes.
Stains skin, hair, clothes, jewelry.
Strong sulfur odor.
Methoprene Fleas Spot‐on solution. Permethrin or phenothrin‐containing
(insect growth regulator) products are NOT to be used in CATS
Combination with or dogs that are in contact with cats.
permethrin, phenothrin
Picaridin Mosquitos, flies, fleas, ticks, Spray, wipes.
and chiggers (repellent).
Pyrethrin Fleas, lice, ticks, and Shampoo, spray, Permethrin or phenothrin‐containing
Combination with Cheyletiella. dust, solution, dip. products are NOT to be used in CATS
methoprene, permethrin, or dogs that are in contact with cats.
piperonyl, pyriproxyfen
Pyriproxyfen Fleas Shampoo, spot‐on Permethrin or phenothrin‐containing
  solution, spray, products are NOT to be used in CATS
(insect growth regulator) fogger. or dogs that are in contact with cats.
Combination with
pyrethrin, tetramethin,
permethrin, piperonyl,
Rotenone Demodex Ointment
Spinetoram Fleas Spot‐on solution. Cats only.
May cause skin irritation, local alopecia.
20  Dermatology formulary 471

Table 20.10  Nutritional supplements/vitamins/retinoids.

Drug Indications Dose Side effects/comments

Acitretin Color dilution Dogs: Teratogenic in humans.

alopecia, Schnauzer 0.5–3 mg/kg PO once daily.  
comedo syndrome,   Keratoconjunctivitis sicca,
lamellar ichthyosis, Cats: anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea,
actinic keratoses, 3 mg/kg or one 10 mg capsule PO lethargy, behavioral changes,
epitheliotropic once daily. joint pain/stiffness, pruritus, skin
lymphoma, eruptions, polydipsia; adverse
intracutaneous effects more common in cats.
epitheliomas, Monitor:
idiopathic seborrhea. Baseline liver values and
Schirmer tear tests (dogs) then q
1–2 months, limit UV exposure.
Isotretinoin Sebaceous adenitis, Dogs: Teratogenic in humans.
vitamin A responsive Keratinization disorders and follicular  
dermatosis, sebaceous tumors: 1 mg/kg PO q 12–24h. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca,
adenomas, solar/   anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea,
actinic dermatosis, Cutaneous epitheliotropic lymphoma: lethargy, behavioral changes,
infundibular 3–4 mg/kg PO once daily or divided joint pain/stiffness, pruritus, skin
keratinizing twice daily. eruptions, polydipsia; adverse
acanthomas (multiple   effects more common in cats.
keratoacanthomas or Cats:  
intracutaneous Feline acne: 5–10 mg per cat PO Monitor:
cornifying once daily. Baseline liver values and
epitheliomas),   Schirmer tear tests (dogs) then q
ichthyosis. Epitheliotropic lymphoma: 10 mg per 1–2 months, limit UV exposure.
cat once daily.
Niacinamide Combined with Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea,
doxycycline: various ≤10 kg, give 250 mg PO q8h, >10 kg, increased liver enzymes (rare),
sterile immune‐ give 500 mg PO q8h. implicated in seizures.
mediated skin diseases.
Omega‐3 Fatty Acids Allergic and Dogs and cats: 180 mg EPA/10 lb. Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea.
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) inflammatory  
Alpha linolenic acid dermatoses. Contraindicated with
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) pancreatitis, coagulopathy.
Omega‐6 fatty acids Seborrhea sicca, Dogs: Topical spot on products Oral: Anorexia, vomiting,
Linoleic acid cutaneous containing fatty acids and plant diarrhea, weight gain.
epitheliotropic derived oils as directed by product
lymphoma (Dogs). manufacturer.
Cutaneous epitheliotropic lymphoma:
3 ml/kg safflower oil PO twice weekly.
Vitamin A Sebaceous adenitis, Dogs: (High doses) hepatopathy,
vitamin A‐responsive 1000 IU/kg PO q24h. anorexia, vomiting, constipation,
dermatosis, primary lethargy, skin and hair changes.
seborrhea, other
disorders (Dogs).
Vitamin E Various immune‐ Dogs: None known.
mediated skin diseases 400–800 IU per dog PO q12h.
(discoid lupus  
erythematosus, Cats:
dermatomyositis), 10 mg PO q24h.
pansteatitis (cats).
Zinc Zinc‐responsive Dogs: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting.
dermatosis, superficial Zinc methionine, zinc sulfate, or zinc
necrolytic dermatitis. gluconate;
dose on elemental zinc content of
supplement: 2–3 mg/kg/day with food.
Table 20.11  Non‐glucocorticoid hormones.

Drug Indications Dose Side effects/monitoring

Calcitriol Primary idiopathic seborrhea (Dogs). Dogs: Hypercalcemia.

10 ng/kg (0.01 mcg/kg) PO q24h. Monitor: Baseline calcium and phosphate levels then monthly
during treatment.
Corticotropin For diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism. ACTH stimulation test. For testing use, none.
(ACTH gel) Dogs:
2.2 IU/kg IM with serum cortisol measured
pre‐ and 2 hours post‐injection.
2.2 IU/kg IM with serum cortisol measured
pre‐ and 1 and 2 hours
Cosyntropin For diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism Dogs: 5mcg/kg IV (or 250 mcg per dog IM,
(Cortrosyn) IV) with serum cortisol measured pre- and 1
hour post injection.
Cats: 5mcg/kg IV (or 125 mcg/cat) with
serum cortisol measured pre- and 1 hour post
Levothyroxine Hypothyroidism Dogs: Panting, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss,
sodium 0.02 mg/kg PO q12‐24h on an empty stomach. nervousness, excitability, and tachycardia.
Cats: Dogs with concurrent cardiac disease: Start with lower
0.05–0.1 mg per cat PO q24h. levothyroxine dose of 0.005 mg/kg BID and increase dose by
0.005 mg every 2 weeks to 0.02 mg/kg BID.
Lignans Use in treatment of excess adrenal activity. Suggested doses (Clinical Endocrinology Available online or at vitamin stores.
  Service/College of Veterinary Medicine/
Lignan has phytoestrogenic activity, and University of Tennessee):
competes with estradiol for tissue estrogen SDG lignan: 2 mg/kg/day;
receptors, with less biological effect. Also HMR lignan: 10–40 mg/day for small to large
inhibits aromatase enzyme (lowers dogs.
estradiol). Available as flax hull (SDG)
lignan or HMR lignan.
Megestrol acetate Feline atopy (refractory, last resort). Cats: Pyometra, estrus postponement, acromegaly, mammary gland
Initial dose of 2.5–5 mg per cat hyperplasia, diabetes mellitus, lethargy, polyuria/polydipsia,
q48h × 1–3 weeks then reduce to 2.5–5 mg polyphagia, weight gain, hepatopathy, adrenocortical
every 7–14 days. suppression, alopecia, cutaneous atrophy, poor wound healing.
Blood glucose, liver values, and body weight regularly.

0004322054.INDD 472 06/28/2019 04:00:09

Melatonin Alopecia X, pattern baldness, canine Dogs: OTC supplement; ensure it does not contain xylitol, a
recurrent flank alopecia, color dilution 3–12 mg (depending on dog size) PO q12h. sweetener toxic to dogs.
Implant: 8 mg (dogs <9 kg), 12 mg (dogs Melatonin may cause sedation (rare), and impair fertility of
9–18 kg), and 18 mg (dogs >18 kg). intact animals.
Melatonin implants are contraindicated in pregnant or
juvenile animals; sterile abscesses can occur.
Methyltestosterone Alopecia X. Dogs: Aggression, hepatopathy, clitoral hypertrophy, vaginal
1 mg/kg (maximum dose 30 mg) PO q24h until discharge, prostatic hyperplasia, seborrhea oleosa.
hair regrowth is noted then 1 mg/kg q48h for  
2 months, followed by 1 mg/kg twice weekly for Monitor: liver values.
2 months, then once weekly for maintenance.
Misoprostol Atopic dermatitis (Dogs). Dogs: 5 mcg/kg PO q8h. Vomiting, diarrhea.
Mitotane Hyperadrenocorticism(HAC) Induction dose: Hypoadrenocorticism: Lethargy, depression, ataxia, anorexia,
(o,p’‐DDD) 30–50 mg/kg PO divided twice daily for vomiting, and/or diarrhea.
5–10 days or when post‐ACTH cortisol level  
is between 1–5mcg/dl. Monitoring:
  Perform ACTH stimulation test at 5–10 days or sooner if side
Maintenance dose: 35–50 mg/kg PO per week effects occur. Goal is to have basal and post‐ACTH cortisol
divided in 2–3 doses. between 1–5 mcg/dl. If basal and post‐ACTH cortisol <1 mcg/dl,
temporarily stop mitotane and supplement with
glucocorticoids until cortisol normal (2 weeks to months). If
post‐ACTH cortisol is above normal, continue daily mitotane
and recheck ACTH stimulation tests at 5–10 day intervals
until serum cortisol is between 1–5 mcg/dl.
Monitor maintenance therapy with ACTH stimulation test
after 1 month of maintenance treatment and then every
3 months.
Selegiline HCl Pituitary‐dependent Dogs: Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, central nervous system signs
hyperadrenocorticism, canine cognitive Start with 1 mg/kg PO q24h. If no response is (rare).
disorders (Dogs). noted after 2 months increase the dose to
2 mg/kg PO q24h.
Trilostane Hyperadrenocorticism (HAC). Dogs: Hypoadrenocorticism: Lethargy, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea,
HAC: 2–5 mg/kg/day PO q24h increased potassium.
or 0.21–1.1 mg/ kg PO q12h.  
Alopecia X: Check ACTH stimulation and electrolytes after 14 days at this
2 mg/kg PO q12–24h. dose, adjust dose according to package insert to a goal post‐
  ACTH serum cortisol of 1.45–9.1 mcg/dl. Recheck ACTH
Cats: stimulation test 14 days after every dose alteration then
15–30 mg per cat PO q12–24h. q 3 months.

0004322054.INDD 473 06/28/2019 04:00:09

474 20  Dermatology formulary

Table 20.12  Topical non‐steroidal antipruritic therapies.

Active ingredient Properties Formulation Comments

Aluminum acetate Astringent, soothing, antipruritic, Soak (powder packs and Also known as Burow’s Solution.
solution antiseptic/antimicrobial effects. tablets), solution.
Benzocaine Anesthetic, antipruritic. Spray, solution, gel, paste.
Calamine Soothing, antipruritic. Solution Calamine is a combination of zinc
oxide and ferric oxide.
Camphor Anesthetic, antipruritic. Lotion
Ceramides Soothing, moisturizing. Spray, foam, spot‐on. Ceramides include phytosphingosine.
Colloidal oatmeal Anti‐inflammatory, antipruritic. Spray, soak, shampoo,
conditioner, lotion.
Dimethyl sulfoxide Anti‐inflammatory, antipruritic. Solution, gel, cream. May cause irritation.
Also increases penetration/
absorption of other medications
when mixed.
Diphenhydramine Anti‐inflammatory properties, Spray, shampoo, conditioner,
hydrochloride mild analgesic properties. lotion, cream, gel.
Essential oils Soothing, moisturizing, antiseptic. Spray, shampoo, conditioner, Caution in cats with non‐veterinary
lotion, foam, spot‐on, balm, formulations.
Fatty acids Soothing, moisturizing, Spray, foam, spot‐on.
Hamamelis Astringent, soothing, antipruritic, Solution Also known as witch hazel.
antiseptic/antimicrobial effects.
Lidocaine Anesthetic, antipruritic. Spray, lotion, cream, gel.
Menthol Analgesic, soothing. Spray, solution, balm.
Pimecrolimus Anti‐inflammatory, Cream May cause irritation.
Prescription only.
Pramoxine Antipruritic, anesthetic. Spray, shampoo, conditioner,
lotion, cream, gel.
Tacrolimus Anti‐inflammatory, Ointment May cause irritation.
Prescription only.
Zinc gluconate Antipruritic, antiseptic/ Solution, spray.
antimicrobial effects.
20  Dermatology formulary 475

Table 20.13  Topical glucocorticoids.

Active ingredient Properties Formulation Comments

Betamethasone Medium to high potency Spray, cream, lotion, Often mixed into combination products.
depending on modification. ointment, gel.  
Can be absorbed systemically.
Long‐term use can cause skin atrophy, milia,
comedones, and poor wound healing.
Dexamethasone Low potency. Lotion Combination otic product.
Hydrocortisone Low to medium potency Solution, shampoo, spray, Often mixed into combination products.
depending on modification. cream, lotion, gel, wipes.  
Less likely to be absorbed systemically and less
likely to cause skin changes with long‐term use.
Isoflupredone acetate High potency. Ointment, powder. Often mixed into combination products.
Can be absorbed systemically.
Long‐term use can cause skin atrophy, milia,
comedones, and poor wound healing.
Mometasone furoate High potency. Suspension (otic), cream, Combination otic product.
monohydrate ointment, lotion.
Triamcinolone Medium potency. Spray, cream, ointment, Often mixed into combination products.
acetonide lotion, spray.  
Can be absorbed systemically.
Long‐term use can cause skin atrophy, milia,
comedones, and poor wound healing.

Table 20.14  Topical antimicrobials/otics.

Active ingredient Properties Formulation Comments

Acetic acid/boric Antibacterial, antifungal, Shampoo, spray, wipes. Acetic acid is the main ingredient in
acid ceruminolytic, keratolytic, vinegar, some products may have a
keratoplastic, astringent. slightly vinegar odor.
Bacitracin Antibacterial Ointment Combination ophthalmic product.
Benzoyl peroxide Antimicrobial (especially Shampoo, lotion, cream, gel. Avoid contact with eyes or mucus
antibacterial), keratolytic, membranes.
comedolytic (“follicular  
flushing”), and degreasing Can be drying to the skin.
Can bleach hair and fabrics.
Chlorhexidine Antibacterial, antifungal (at Solution, scrub, shampoo, Many combination products available.
gluconate higher concentrations). conditioner, rinse, spray, leave‐on  
spray, otic flush, foam, wipes. Irritant reactions may occur.
Chloroxylenol Antibacterial Shampoo, scrub, spray, wipes.
Clindamycin Antibacterial Solution, lotion, gel, wipes, foam. Used for feline acne.
Clotrimazole Antifungal Solution, suspension, ointment, Many combination products available.
cream, lotion.
Ethyl lactate Antibacterial, keratoplastic, Shampoo
Fusidic acid Antibacterial Ointment, cream, gel. Often mixed into combination products.
Can cause irritant reactions.
(Continued )
476 20  Dermatology formulary

Table 20.14  Topical antimicrobials/otics (Continued)

Active ingredient Properties Formulation Comments

Gentamicin sulfate Antibacterial Spray, ointment, cream, Often mixed into combination products,
suspension. many otic products can cause ototoxicity.
Can cause irritant reactions.
Hypochlorous acid Antibacterial Solution, spray, gel, flush. Very safe.
Ketoconazole Antifungal Shampoo, conditioner, spray, otic
flush, cream, wipes.
Lime sulfur Antifungal keratolytic, Concentrate Avoid contact with eyes or mucus
keratoplastic, antiparasitic, membranes.
and antipruritic.  
Stains skin, hair, clothes, jewelry.
Strong sulfur odor.
Miconazole nitrate Antifungal Shampoo, suspension, spray, flush,
rinse, lotion, gel, cream, wipes.
Mupirocin Antibacterial Ointment, cream. Effective vs. Gram positive bacteria only.
Nitrofurazone Antibacterial Solution, ointment, cream, Avoid contact with eyes or mucus
powder membranes.
Nystatin Antifungal Ointment, cream, powder Often mixed into combination products.
Povidone‐iodine Antimicrobial, antifungal, Solution, spray, scrub, shampoo, Can stain skin and fabric.
antiviral. ointment.  
Maybe drying.
Can cause irritant reactions.
Selenium sulfide Antifungal (including Shampoo, lotion. NOT FOR CATS
sporicidal activity),  
keratolytic, keratoplastic, Maybe drying.
and degreasing.  
Can cause irritant reactions.
Silver sulfadiazine Antibacterial, aids wound Cream Possible sulfonamide reactions when
healing. large surface areas are treated.
Terbinafine Antifungal Cream, spray, gel
Three Point Antibacterial, antifungal, Shampoo, rinse, spray, cream, Ingredients include:
Enzyme System antiviral. wipes. lactoperoxidase, lysozyme, lactoferrin
+/− hydrocortisone.
Triclosan Antibacterial Shampoo Can cause irritant reactions.
Table 20.15  Topical antiseborrheics.

Active ingredient Properties Formulation Comments

Acetic acid/boric acid Antibacterial, antifungal, ceruminolytic, Shampoo, spray, Acetic acid is the main ingredient
keratolytic, keratoplastic, astringent. wipes. in vinegar, some products may
have a slight vinegar odor.
Benzoyl peroxide Antimicrobial (especially antibacterial), Shampoo, lotion, Avoid contact with eyes or mucus
keratolytic, comedolytic (“follicular flushing”), cream, gel. membranes.
and degreasing actions.  
Can be drying to the skin.
Can bleach hair and fabrics.
Ethyl lactate Antibacterial, keratoplastic, antiseborrheic. Shampoo
Fatty acids Soothing, moisturizing, antiseborrheic. Spray, foam,
Lime sulfur Antifungal keratolytic, keratoplastic, Concentrate Avoid contact with eyes or mucus
antiparasitic, and antipruritic. membranes.
Stains skin, hair, clothes, jewelry.
Strong sulfur odor.
Phytosphingosine Antiseborrheic Shampoo, spray,
hydrochloride spot‐on.
Salicylic acid Antiseborrheic, antipruritic, antibacterial Cream, shampoo, High concentration products may
(bacteriostatic), keratoplastic, and keratolytic. ointment. cause irritation.
Selenium sulfide Antifungal (including sporicidal activity), Shampoo, lotion. NOT FOR CATS
keratolytic, keratoplastic, and degreasing.  
Maybe drying.
Can cause irritant reactions.
Sulfur Keratoplastic and keratolytic. Shampoo Often combined with salicylic acid.
Tar, coal Keratoplastic, keratolytic, vasoconstrictive, Shampoo Higher concentration products
antipruritic, anti‐inflammatory, and may have carcinogenic effects.
degreasing actions.

Table 20.16  Topical immunomodulators and retinoids.

Active ingredient Properties Formulation Comments

Adapalene Anti‐inflammatory, Cream, gel, May cause irritation.

keratoplastic. lotion, solution.  
Not to be used in pregnant or nursing animals.
Prescription only.
Imiquimod Antiviral, antineoplastic. Cream Do not cover after application, avoid sun exposure on
treated areas, may cause irritation and/or secondary
infections, may cause depigmentation and alopecia.
Prescription only.
Pimecrolimus Anti‐inflammatory, Cream May cause irritation.
Prescription only.
Tacrolimus Anti‐inflammatory, Ointment May cause irritation.
Prescription only.
Tazarotene Anti‐inflammatory, Cream, gel. May cause irritation.
Not to be used in pregnant or nursing animals.
Prescription only.
Tretinoin Anti‐inflammatory, Cream, gel. May cause irritation.
Not to be used in pregnant or nursing animals.
Prescription only.
478 20  Dermatology formulary

­Further reading
Koch, S. Torres, S. and Plumb, D. (2013). Canine and Papich, M.G., Davidson, G.S., and Fortier, L.A. (2013).
Feline Dermatology Drug Handbook, 1e. Ames IA: Doxycycline concentration over time after storage in a
Wiley‐Blackwell. compounded veterinary preparation. J. Am. Vet. Med.
Laporte, C., Boothe, D., Cruz‐Espindola, C. et al. (2016). Assoc. 242 (12): 1674–1678.
Quality assessment of compounded fluconazole Plumb, D. (2015). Plumb’s Veterinary Drug Handbook, 8e.
capsules and oral suspensions in the United States. Ames IA: Wiley‐Blackwell.
Vet. Dermatol. 27 (Supplement S1): 6–121. Renschler, J., Albers, A., Sinclair‐Mackling, H., and
Mawby, D.I., Whittemore, J.C., Genger, S., and Papich, M.G. Wheat, L.J. (2018). Comparison of compounded,
(2014). Bioequivalence of orally administered generic, generic, and innovator‐formulated Itraconazole in
compounded, and innovator‐formulated itraconazole in dogs and cats. J. Am. Anim. Hosp. Assoc. 54 (4):
healthy dogs. J. Vet. Intern. Med. 28 (1): 72–77. 195–200.


Page locators in bold indicate tables. Page locators in italics indicate figures. This index uses letter‐by‐letter
a breed‐related dermatoses  108 causes and workup in dogs and
abdominal distention  298 considerations in allergen cats 89, 90–92
abscesses  154, 157 formation  236 congenital/hereditary
acantholytic cells  4–5, 5, 26 dermatophytosis  178 disorders  33, 366, 369–372
ACD see atypical Cushing’s disease diagnostic hypoallergenic diet dermatophytosis  173–175,
acetate tape impressions  5, 7 trial  238, 239, 245 177–179
acne eosinophilic granuloma differential diagnosis  31–34,
bacterial infections  144, 147 complex  248, 249–252 31–33
facial lesions  57 facial lesions  53 ear lesions  53, 55, 57–60
metabolic, nutritional, and feline manifestations of cutaneous endocrine skin diseases  294,
keratinization allergy  244 296–297, 299, 301–303, 306
disorders  349–350, formulary  459–460, 475 environmental skin
358–359 hypersensitivity disorders and disorders  390, 392, 397
acquired aurotrichia  377, 383 treatment  216–225, facial lesions  47–49, 50–51,
acquired hormone‐associated 226–231, 238, 240–248 54–55
dermatitis  376, 379 intradermal and serologic allergy feline non‐endocrine
acquired post‐inflammatory testing  235 alopecia  318–319, 320–321
hyperpigmentation  376, otitis  325, 329, 336, 339 fungal, oomycete, and algal
380–381 pigmentation  380 infections  189, 192–193
acquired skin fragility  305, 306–307 protocols for allergen specific metabolic, nutritional, and
acral lick dermatitis  144 immunotherapy  237 keratinization
acral mutilation syndrome  368, 371 pruritus 85, 86–87 disorders  354–357
acrochordons  100, 410, 431 treatment of atopic dermatitis in non‐endocrine alopecia  309–321
acrodermatitis  367 dogs  231 parasitic skin diseases  120–121,
acromegaly  305, 307 treatment toolkit  232–234 123–125
actinic keratosis  393, 433 see also food allergy; individual pigmentation  379
actinomycosis  155, 158 conditions pressure point lesions  72
acute otitis  323 allergy testing  22, 226, 235, 249 protozoal dermatologic
adenocarcinoma  403 alopecia diseases  209
adenoma  62, 403–404, 406, 424 allergic skin diseases  227–228, rickettsial dermatologic
AISBD see autoimmune subepidermal 238, 246 diseases  209
blistering disease autoimmune and immune‐ skin tumors  425, 428, 435–439
algal infections  187, 196 mediated disorders  257, tail lesions  67, 68–69
see also individual species/ 259, 266, 273, 278, 280–283 truncal lesions  69–70, 72–75
conditions bacterial infections  141–142, vaccine‐induced alopecia  32, 33,
allergen specific immunotherapy 148 104, 108, 259, 277
(ASIT)  237 breed‐related dermatoses  viral dermatologic diseases  204
allergic skin diseases  215–252 96–105, 107–109 yeast infections  166
bacterial infections  135–137, canine non‐endocrine see also individual conditions
142, 147 alopecia  310–312, 313–317 amelanotic melanoma  442

Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology, First Edition. Edited by Kimberly S. Coyner.
© 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2019 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Companion website:
480 Index

amorphous keratinaceous debris  12, atrichial sweat gland carcinoma  406 meticillin resistance  139, 141,
30, 31, 426 atypical Cushing’s disease 146–147, 150–151
anagen/telogen effluvium (ACD)  293 mycobacterial infections 
(defluxion)  311 aurotrichia  377, 383 159–161, 162–163
analgesics  467 autoimmune and immune‐mediated pigmentation  380–381
angioedema  216, 226 disorders 255–288 pruritus 85, 86–87
antibiotics alopecia 89, 90–92 subcutaneous bacterial
systemic  454–457 breed‐related dermatoses  97 infections  154–156, 157
topical  153–154, 475–476 clinical signs, diagnosis, and superficial bacterial skin
antifungals  458 treatment  256–265, infections  133–134,
antihistamines  459–460 266–286 134–142
antiparasitic drugs differential diagnosis  31–32, 33, topical antibacterial
systemic  468–469 42, 42–43 products  153–154
topical  470 formulary  459–464, 477 underlying causes for recurrent
antiseborrheics  477 non‐steroidal immunosuppressant/ pyoderma  152
antiviral/antiprotozoal immunomodulatory see also individual species/
medications  459 drugs  287–288 conditions
apocrine cystomatosis  342, 406, perianal/perivulvar lesions  bacterial otitis
427 67, 68 diagnostic tests  9, 334, 342
apocrine gland tumors  406–407, treatment of canine pemphigus otoscopic examination  329–331,
427 foliaceus  269 339, 342
arteritis treatment of feline pemphigus secondary to other
autoimmune and immune‐ foliaceus  270 conditions  337, 339, 342
mediated disorders  263, typical glucocorticoid doses  286 treatment  323–325, 328
283–284 viral dermatologic diseases  206 bacterial overgrowth
breed‐related dermatoses  107 see also histiocytic disorders; syndrome  134, 137–139,
differential diagnosis  43 individual disorders 206, 228–230
arthroconidia  175 autoimmune subepidermal blistering BAER see brainstem auditory evoked
ASIT see allergen specific disease (AISBD)  258 response
immunotherapy barbering
atopic dermatitis b allergic skin diseases  228–230,
allergic skin diseases in cats  222– bacterial culture  19, 19 238, 240, 242–246, 249
223, 242–244, 249–252 bacterial folliculitis  134, 136, breed‐related dermatoses  108
allergic skin diseases in dogs  218, 140–142, 145 differential diagnosis  32, 32
228–231, 238 allergic skin diseases  226 ear lesions  59
bacterial infections  134, 136–142, alopecia 89, 90–92 facial lesions  50–51, 54
146–149 differential diagnosis  25, 28 parasitic skin diseases  128
breed‐related dermatoses  96, inguinal/axillary lesions  79 truncal lesions  74
101, 104, 106–109 metabolic, nutritional, and basal cell carcinoma  403, 422–423
differential diagnosis  23, 24, 26, keratinization disorders  353, behavior modifying
31–32, 39, 41, 45 355 medications  467
ear lesions  59 pigmentation  383 black hair follicular dysplasia  72,
endocrine skin diseases  306 truncal lesions  73 310, 315
facial lesions  48, 50–51, 54 bacterial infections  133–163 blastomycosis  182, 188–190
inguinal/axillary lesions  78–80 antibiotics for canine blepharitis  50–51, 204
metabolic, nutritional, and pyoderma  152 botryomycosis  155
keratinization approach to chronic recurrent Bowen’s disease  207, 402, 422
disorders  353–354 bacterial pyoderma  143 brainstem auditory evoked response
otitis  325, 330, 336–338, 342 deep bacterial skin (BAER) 333–334
paw lesions  62–63, 66 infections  144–145, breed‐related dermatoses 
pigmentation  380–381 146–150 93–111
pruritus 85, 86–87 formulary  454–457, 475–476 canine breed‐related
treatment  231 metabolic, nutritional, and dermatoses  93–95,
truncal lesions  73–74 keratinization 95–108, 310, 315, 347, 365,
yeast infections  166, 168–169 disorders  353–355, 361 368, 377
Index 481

feline breed‐related dermatoses  coccidioidomycosis  50, 184, 191 dermatophytosis  173–175,

107, 108–109, 318, 320, collagenous hamartoma  418 177–178
364, 367 collarettes 40, 40, 141, 179, 307 differential diagnosis  35–36, 35
bruising  435 color dilution alopecia ear lesions  53, 55–56, 57–61
bullae breed‐related dermatoses  97–98, endocrine skin diseases  301
bacterial infections  146 104 environmental skin disorders  392
breed‐related dermatoses  105 diagnostic tests  13 facial lesions  47–49, 48–49,
differential diagnosis  27–28, 27 differential diagnosis  32, 33 51–53, 55–56
burn  387–388, 393–394 non‐endocrine alopecia  310, fungal, oomycete, and algal
313–314 infections  188, 193–194, 196
c comedones inguinal/axillary lesions  71, 79
calcinosis circumscripta  418, 446 breed‐related dermatoses  104 metabolic, nutritional, and
differential diagnosis  29 differential diagnosis  36–37, keratinization disorders  359
paw lesions  65 37–38 non‐endocrine alopecia  320
calcinosis cutis endocrine skin diseases  296, 299, otitis  341
differential diagnosis  26, 27 301 parasitic skin diseases  121,
endocrine skin diseases  294, environmental skin disorders  392 124–125
297–299, 301 inguinal/axillary lesions  73, 80 paw lesions  57, 62–63, 63, 64,
inguinal/axillary lesions  81 metabolic, nutritional, and 65–66
truncal lesions  76 keratinization disorders  359 perianal/perivulvar lesions  67, 68
calicivirus dermatitis  201 parasitic skin diseases  120, 122 rickettsial dermatologic
calluses pigmentation  379 diseases  209
differential diagnosis  44, 44 skin tumors  426, 433 skin tumors  422, 429, 434,
metabolic, nutritional, and tail lesions  69 436–438, 445, 448
keratinization disorders  348, truncal lesions  70, 76 tail lesions  68, 70
357 congenital/hereditary truncal lesions  70, 74–75
pressure point lesions  70 disorders 363–373, viral dermatologic diseases  204
callus furunculosis  144, 148 364–368, 369–372 yeast infections  167–168
Candida spp.  165, 169 alopecia  33, 366, 369–372 cryptococcosis  182–183, 190–191
cellulitis follicular/ectodermal Ctenocephalides spp.  129
bacterial infections  155, 158 dysplasia  310 Cushing’s disease
fungal, oomycete, and algal hypotrichosis  318 atypical Cushing’s disease  293
infections  191, 195 contact dermatitis canine endocrine skin
see also juvenile cellulitis allergic skin diseases  217, 227 diseases  292, 297–298
cerumen plugs  323, 325–326, 328, bacterial infections  134 feline endocrine skin
340 environmental skin diseases  304, 306–307
ceruminous cystomatosis  407 disorders  389, 395–396 food‐induced Cushing’s
ceruminous gland hyperplasia  329 formulary  459–460, 475 disease  293
Cheyletiella spp. otitis  338 iatrogenic hypercortisolemia  293,
diagnostic tests  1, 3 corns  102 298–300, 306
differential diagnosis  34 cowpox virus  203 inguinal/axillary lesions  81
metabolic, nutritional, and crateriform ulcers  100 metabolic, nutritional, and
keratinization disorders  354 crusts keratinization disorders  355
parasitic skin diseases  114, 126 allergic skin diseases  238, pigmentation  379
chiggers  115, 127 241–243, 246–247 truncal lesions  72, 75, 77
cholesteatoma 332–333, 333 autoimmune and immune‐ cutaneous asthenia see Ehlers
chronic otitis mediated disorders  266– Danlos
allergic skin diseases  229 268, 272, 275–276, 278–281, cutaneous atrophy  299–300, 306
clinical approach  327 286 cutaneous epitheliotropic
diagnostic tests  336 bacterial infections  136, 138, 140, lymphoma  355, 414,
lesion location and 142, 148, 163 436–437
differentials  62 breed‐related dermatoses  95–96, cutaneous histiocytoma  417, 443
otoscopic examination  326, 330, 99, 102–103, 109 cutaneous horn  405, 426
333, 339 congenital/hereditary cutaneous Langerhans cell
referral for surgery  333 disorders  369 histiocytosis  418
482 Index

cutaneous lymphocytosis  415, otitis  122, 336 hypoallergenic diet trial  238, 239,
438–439 parasitic skin diseases  112–113, 245
cutaneous non‐epitheliotropic 120–123 indications 1
lymphoma  415, 438 paw lesions  63 otoscopic examination  323,
cutaneous progressive tail lesions  70 325–326, 328–333, 339–340,
angiomatosis  412, 433–434 truncal lesions  73, 75, 76 342
Cuterebra spp.  115, 127–128 dermatofibroma  409 polymerase chain reaction  18–19
cyclic flank alopecia  311, 315 dermatomyositis skin biopsies  19–22, 20–21
cystic furunculosis  359 breed‐related dermatoses  98 skin scrapings  1–4, 2–4
cysts congenital/hereditary trichograms 11–14, 13–14, 98,
dermoid sinus/dermoid cyst  367, disorders  365–366, 369 179, 314
371 facial lesions  55 Wood’s lamp examination  14–15,
differential diagnosis  30–31, dermatophytosis  170–172, 15–16, 175, 179
30–31 173–179 diascopy  226, 285
environmental skin disorders  392 alopecia 89, 90–92 differential diagnosis  23–46
ruptured cyst/granuloma  100 breed‐related dermatoses  109 alopecia 31–34, 31–33
skin tumors  405–406, 426–427 culture medium selection and callus 44, 44
see also follicular cysts incubation 16 comedone 36–37, 37–38
cytology culture technique  14–15, 14–15 crust 35–36, 35
allergic skin diseases  241, 243, dermatophyte PCR  18–19 cyst 30–31, 30–31
252 diagnostic tests  14, 16–19, epidermal collarette  40, 40
autoimmune and immune‐ 17–18 erosion 42, 42
mediated disorders  267 differential diagnosis  37 excoriation 41, 41
bacterial infections  138–139, 142, ear lesions  59 fissure 44–45, 45
147, 163 environmental follicular cast  36, 36
dermatophytosis  175–177, 180 decontamination  180 lichenification 43–44, 43–44
diagnostic tests  4–6, 4–8 facial lesions  54 macule/patch 23, 24–25
differential diagnosis  23, 26–30, identification of dermatophytes  nodule 29–31, 29–31
26, 31, 33–37, 40–45 16–18, 17–18 papule/pustule 23–26, 25–26
fungal, oomycete, and algal metabolic, nutritional, and pigment change  37–40, 38–39
infections  190–191, keratinization disorders  355 plaque 26–27, 26–27
194–196 parasitic skin diseases  120 primary lesions  23–40
mass aspirates  6–11, 11–12 paw lesions  64, 67 scale 34, 34–35
otitis  334–336, 338, 342 pruritus 85, 86–87 scar 40–41, 41
parasitic skin diseases  120 tail lesions  70 secondary lesions  31–45
protozoal dermatologic treatment of generalized ulcer 42–43, 42–43
diseases  212 dermatophytosis  181 vesicle/bulla 27–28, 27–28
skin and ear  4–6, 4–10 trichograms 13, 14 wheal 28–29
skin tumors  420–429, 432–434, truncal lesions  73 see also lesion location and
437–443, 446–448 Wood’s lamp examination  14–15, differentials
viral dermatologic diseases  206 15–16, 174, 178 dilated pore of Winer  405
yeast infections  166, 168–169 see also individual species/ discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE)
conditions autoimmune and immune‐
d dermoid sinus/dermoid cyst  367, mediated disorders  256, 266
Dalmatian bronzing syndrome  377 371 breed‐related dermatoses  101
decubitus ulcers  398 diabetes mellitus (DM)  305, differential diagnosis  38
Demodex spp./demodicosis 306–307 facial lesions  49
alopecia 89, 90–92 diagnostic tests  1–22 distemper  203, 207
bacterial infections  146 allergy testing  22 DM see diabetes mellitus
diagnostic tests  1–4, 3–4 bacterial culture  19, 19 dracunculiasis  116
differential diagnosis  24–25, 31, cytology ‐ mass aspirates  6–11, draining furuncles  57
36–38 11–12 draining granuloma  149
facial lesions  52, 55, 57 cytology ‐ skin and ear  4–6, 4–10 draining lesions  279
metabolic, nutritional, and dermatophyte culture  14–19, draining nodules  82
keratinization disorders  354 14–15, 17–18 draining tracts
Index 483

autoimmune and immune‐ epitheliotropic lymphoma  414, otitis  341

mediated disorders  280, 284 436–437 Eutrombicula spp.  115, 127
bacterial infections  146–148, 158, epitrichial sweat gland excoriations
162 adenoma  406 allergic skin diseases  228, 238,
breed‐related dermatoses  99–100 erosions 240, 242–245
fungal, oomycete, and algal allergic skin diseases  238, 247 differential diagnosis  41, 41
infections  188–193, 195 autoimmune and immune‐ otitis  337
inguinal/axillary lesions  78 mediated disorders  266, 268, exfoliative cutaneous lupus
perianal/perivulvar lesions  67, 68 276–277 erythematosus  368,
skin tumors  432, 435 bacterial infections  136, 163 371–372
truncal lesions  71, 77 breed‐related dermatoses  99, 101 exfoliative dermatitis/thymoma  34,
drug eruptions differential diagnosis  42, 42 351, 360–361
autoimmune and immune‐ ear lesions  54–56, 58, 60 exogenous estrogen‐related
mediated disorders  260, fungal, oomycete, and algal alopecia  294, 301–302
277–278 infections  193 exophytic mass  425
facial lesions  53, 56 oral cavity  84 exudates
Dudley nose  38, 50, 377, 383 rickettsial dermatologic allergic skin diseases  241, 245
diseases  209 autoimmune and immune‐
e skin tumors  422–423, 425, mediated disorders  280, 284
ear margin dermatosis  349 429–431, 436–438, 442–443, bacterial infections  136, 157, 169
Ehlers Danlos  76, 366, 370 446 breed‐related dermatoses  100
ehrlichiosis  208, 209 viral dermatologic diseases  204 fungal, oomycete, and algal
endocrine skin diseases  291–307 erythema infections  189, 193, 195
canine endocrine skin allergic skin diseases  226–230, otitis  325, 342
diseases  292–295, 296–303 238, 241–242
differential diagnosis  31–32, autoimmune and immune‐ f
32, 37 mediated disorders  266, 277 facial fold intertrigo  100, 135
feline endocrine skin bacterial infections  137–139, 142 Felicola spp.  127
diseases  304–305, 306–307 breed‐related dermatoses  102, feline infectious peritonitis
trilostane treatment and 104, 107–108 (FIP)  203
monitoring  303 dermatophytosis  173–175, fibroma  409
see also individual conditions 177–178 fibrosarcoma
end stage hyperplastic otitis  329 differential diagnosis  26, 26–27 canine skin tumors  413, 435
end stage proliferative otitis  342 environmental skin feline skin tumors  414, 435
environmental skin disorders  disorders  392, 394 FIP see feline infectious peritonitis
385–399, 386–391, 392–398 inguinal/axillary lesions  71, 78 fish scale lesions  35, 96, 101, 356
see also solar dermatitis metabolic, nutritional, and fissures 44–45, 45
eosinophilic dermatitis  264 keratinization disorders  fistulas
eosinophilic furunculosis  221, 241 351, 360 autoimmune and immune‐
eosinophilic granuloma oral cavity lesions  79 mediated disorders 
allergic skin diseases  221, 225, parasitic skin diseases  128 264, 284
241, 248, 249–251 pigmentation  381 breed‐related dermatoses  100
breed‐related dermatoses  109 protozoal dermatologic parasitic skin diseases  127
oral cavity lesions  83 diseases  209 flea bite hypersensitivity
eosinophilic inflammation  4, 4 skin tumors  429, 436–439, 444 allergic skin diseases in cats  224,
eosinophilic plaques viral dermatologic diseases  243, 246
allergic skin diseases  242–243, 204 allergic skin diseases in dogs  220,
548–249, 251–252 yeast infections  166, 168–169 240
breed‐related dermatoses  96 erythema multiforme dermatophytosis  181
epidermal collarettes  40, 40, 141, autoimmune and immune‐ differential diagnosis  26, 32
178, 307 mediated disorders  260, parasitic skin diseases  128
epidermolysis bullosa  368, 372 278–279 pruritus 85, 86–87
epidermolysis bullosa acquisita  274 ear lesions  60–61 truncal lesions  71–72
epithelioma  29–30, 103, inguinal/axillary lesions  81 fleas  117, 128, 130
404–405, 425 oral cavity  83 fly bite dermatitis  116, 128
484 Index

follicular casts systemic antibiotics  454–457 fungal, oomycete, and algal

breed‐related dermatoses  107 systemic antifungals  458 infections  196
differential diagnosis  36, 36 systemic antiparasitic see also eosinophilic granuloma
endocrine skin diseases  303 drugs  468–469 grass awns/burs
metabolic, nutritional, and systemic antiviral/antiprotozoal environmental skin
keratinization medications  459 disorders  390, 396–397
disorders  354–357 systemic glucocorticoids  lesion location and
follicular cysts 461–462 differentials  63, 77
breed‐related dermatoses  98, 100 topical antimicrobials/ otitis  339
diagnostic tests  11, 12 otics  475–476
differential diagnosis  30, 30 topical antiparasitic drugs  h
endocrine skin diseases  303 470 HAC see Cushing’s disease
pressure point lesions  71 topical antiseborrheics  477 hair shaft disorder of Abyssinian
skin tumors  405, 426 topical glucocorticoids  475 cats  318
follicular dysplasia topical immunomodulators and hamartoma  418
black hair follicular dysplasia  72, retinoids  477 happy tail  69
310, 315 topical non‐steroidal antipruritic hemangioma  411, 432
breed‐related dermatoses  99, therapies  474 hemangiopericytoma  413, 434
310, 315 foxtails see grass awns/burs hemangiosarcoma
congenital follicular/ectodermal frostbite  389, 395 canine skin tumors  412, 433
dysplasia  310 fungal infections  182–185, 187, differential diagnosis  29
differential diagnosis  31–32, 188–194 feline skin tumors  412, 433
32–33 formulary  458, 475–476 hemorrhage  433–434
non‐endocrine alopecia  310, 315 see also individual species/ hemorrhagic oily exudates  280
truncal lesions  72 conditions hepatocutaneous syndrome
follicular lipidosis  311 fur plugs  323, 325–326, 340 differential diagnosis  45
follicular tumors  405, 426 furunculosis facial lesions  48, 53
food allergy allergic skin diseases in dogs  metabolic, nutritional, and
allergic skin diseases in cats  223, 221, 241 keratinization disorders  360
245, 249 bacterial infections  144–145, paw lesions  64
allergic skin diseases in dogs  219, 146, 148–150 pressure point lesions  70, 72
238 facial lesions  56–57 hereditary disorders see congenital/
bacterial infections  136, 139, 147 metabolic, nutritional, and hereditary disorders
breed‐related dermatoses  96, keratinization disorders  herpesvirus dermatitis  50, 55,
100, 109 359 200, 204
diagnostic tests  22 truncal lesions  75 histiocytoma
differential diagnosis  28, 29–30, fuzzy coat  103–104 diagnostic tests  11, 12
31 fuzzy hair shafts  179 differential diagnosis  29, 30
ear lesions  59 skin tumors  417, 443
inguinal/axillary lesions  78 g histiocytosis  61, 417–418, 444–447
oral cavity lesions  83 glossitis  397 histoplasmosis  183, 191
otitis  337 glucocorticoids hives see wheals
truncal lesions  74 systemic  286, 461–462 hookworm dermatitis  115
food‐induced Cushing’s disease  293 topical  475 hormone‐associated dermatitis 
formulary 453–477 granuloma 376, 379
antihistamines  459–460 autoimmune and immune‐ Horner’s syndrome  330, 331, 332
behavior modifying medications/ mediated disorders  hygroma  391, 397
analgesics  467 261–262, 280 hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) see
immunomodulating/ bacterial infections  148–149, Cushing’s disease
immunosuppressive 160, 163 hyperkeratosis
drugs  463–466 breed‐related dermatoses  autoimmune and immune‐
non‐glucocorticoid 99–100, 109 mediated disorders  267
hormones  472–473 differential diagnosis  29 breed‐related dermatoses  96, 98,
nutritional supplements/vitamins/ ear lesions  61 103
retinoids  471 facial lesions  50 differential diagnosis  45
Index 485

facial lesions  48 fungal, oomycete, and algal keratinization disorders see

metabolic, nutritional, and infections  193 metabolic, nutritional, and
keratinization disorders  348, viral dermatologic diseases  205 keratinization disorders
356–358, 360 impetigo  133 keratoconjunctivitis sicca
viral dermatologic diseases  207 indolent ulcers  248, 252 (KCS)  368
hypersensitivity see allergic skin infiltrative lipoma  408 keratohyaline granules  10
diseases; contact dermatitis inflammation and swelling
hyperthyroidism  304 allergic skin diseases  227, l
hypoallergenic diet trial  238, 239, 229–230, 243 lagenidiosis  186, 195
245 autoimmune and immune‐ Langerhans cell histiocytosis  418
hypothyroidism mediated disorders  267, LE see discoid lupus erythematosus
bacterial infections  138, 140 279–282, 284 leishmaniasis  209, 210–211, 212,
canine endocrine skin bacterial infections  146–149 354
diseases  292, 296–297 breed‐related dermatoses  104 lentigo/lentigo simplex  23, 24, 376,
differential diagnosis  32, 39, 44 diagnostic tests  4, 4 378
facial lesions  55 differential diagnosis  23, 26, 34 leproid granuloma  61, 160, 163
feline endocrine skin environmental skin leprosy  160, 162–163
diseases  304 disorders  392, 396 lesion location and
inguinal/axillary lesions  80 formulary  474, 477 differentials 47–84
metabolic, nutritional, and fungal, oomycete, and algal claws/nails 66, 67
keratinization disorders  354 infections  189–195 ears 56–60, 57–62
otitis  340 otitis  325, 329, 337, 339, 342 face 47–49, 48–57, 53
parasitic skin diseases  121 paw lesions  57, 62–63, 65–66 inguinal/axillary 78–81, 78–83
pigmentation  379 perianal/perivulvar lesions  oral cavity  81–83, 83–84
tail lesions  68 67, 68 paws 60–65, 62–67
truncal lesions  72 pigmentation  376, 380–381 perianal/perivulvar 67, 68
yeast infections  166–167 skin tumors  431, 438, 442, pressure points  69, 70–71
hypotrichosis see alopecia 444–445, 448–449 tail 68–69, 68–70
yeast infections  166, 169 trunk 70–73, 72–77
i infundibular keratinizing leukoderma  381
iatrogenic hypercortisolemia  293, acanthoma  404, 425–426 leukotrichia  273, 382
298–300, 306 insect bites  116, 128, 226 L‐form infection  156
ICD see irritant contact dermatitis see also flea bite hypersensitivity; lice see individual species/conditions
ICE tumors see intracornifying mosquito bite hypersensitivity lichenification
epitheliomas internal neoplasia  120 allergic skin diseases  228–230,
ichthyosiform dermatosis  368 intertrigo 238
ichthyosis bacterial infections  133, 135 bacterial infections  137–139, 141
breed‐related dermatoses  96, 101 breed‐related dermatoses  100 breed‐related dermatoses  106
congenital/hereditary intracornifying epithelioma  103 diagnostic tests  5, 5–6
disorders  365, 369 inverted papilloma  205 differential diagnosis  43–44,
differential diagnosis  34, 35 irritant contact dermatitis 43–44
metabolic, nutritional, and (ICD)  389, 395–396 inguinal/axillary lesions  78, 79,
keratinization disorders  356 80
otitis  340 j perianal/perivulvar lesions  68
idiopathic dermatitis of Persian and juvenile cellulitis pigmentation  380
Himalayan cats  364 autoimmune and immune‐ skin tumors  422
idiopathic facial dermatitis  109 mediated disorders  yeast infections  166–167
idiopathic nasodigital 262, 281 lidocaine 19–20, 20
hyperkeratosis  45, 48 Demodex mimicking  123 linear preputial dermatosis  80
immune‐mediated disorders see facial lesions  52 Linognathus spp.  115, 127
autoimmune and immune‐ otitis  341 lip fold pyoderma  136
mediated disorders lipoma 7, 12, 408, 428
immunomodulating/ k liposarcoma  408
immunosuppressive drugs KCS see keratoconjunctivitis sicca liver cancer/tumor  175, 321
formulary  463–466, 477 keratinaceous debris  178 lung‐digit syndrome  419, 449
486 Index

lupoid onychodystrophy  67, 105 mast cell tumors mycobacteriosis  82

lymphangioma  413 breed‐related dermatoses  105 myiasis  115
lymphangiosarcoma canine skin tumors  409, 429 myringotomy 331–333, 332
canine skin tumors  413 diagnostic tests  8, 12
feline skin tumors  413, 435 differential diagnosis  29 n
inguinal/axillary lesions  82 feline skin tumors  409, 430 nasal arteritis  43, 263, 283–284
lymphoma MCLE see mucocutaneous lupus nasal parakeratosis of Labrador
diagnostic tests  8, 12 erythematosus retrievers  365
differential diagnosis  23, 34, 39, melanin granules  9 nasodigital hyperkeratosis  348,
43 melanocytoma 8, 12, 416, 440–441 357–358, 360
facial lesions  49, 53–54 melanotrichia  381 necrolytic migratory erythema  351
metabolic, nutritional, and metabolic, nutritional, and necrosis
keratinization disorders  355, keratinization environmental skin disorders  395
361 disorders 345–361, fungal, oomycete, and algal
oral cavity  83 346–352, 353–361 infections  194–195
paw lesions  64–65 formulary  471 parasitic skin diseases  128
viral dermatologic diseases  205 metastatic pulmonary skin tumors  435
Lynxacarus spp.  114, 126 carcinoma  419, 449 necrotizing fasciitis  155, 157
meticillin resistance necrotizing otitis externa  341
m allergic skin diseases  229, 238, neutrophilic inflammation  4, 6
MacKenzie toothbrush 245 nocardiosis  156, 158
technique  14, 15 bacterial infections  139, 141, nodular dermatofibrosis  410, 430
macroconidia  175–177 146–147, 150–151 nodular sebaceous hyperplasia  403
macules parasitic skin diseases  120 nodules
autoimmune and immune‐ microconidia  177 autoimmune and immune‐
mediated disorders  278 Microsporum spp. mediated disorders  284
breed‐related dermatophytosis  170–171, 173, differential diagnosis  29–31,
dermatoses  104–105 176, 178–179, 178–179 29–31
differential diagnosis  23, 24–25 diagnostic tests  14, 16, 17, 17–18 fungal, oomycete, and algal
pigmentation  378 milia  300 infections  189, 193, 196
rickettsial dermatologic mites see individual species/ skin tumors  432
diseases  209 conditions non‐epitheliotropic lymphoma  415,
maggots  115, 128 mold spores  11 438
Malassezia spp. mosquito bite hypersensitivity  56, non‐glucocorticoid
allergic skin diseases  230 225, 246–247 hormones  472–473
bacterial infections  135 MRSP see meticillin resistance non‐steroidal antipruritic
breed‐related dermatoses  mucinosis therapies  474
106, 108 breed‐related dermatoses  105 non‐steroidal immunosuppressant/
congenital/hereditary congenital/hereditary immunomodulatory
disorders  369 disorders  366, 371 drugs  287–288
diagnostic tests  4, 5–6, 8 differential diagnosis  27, 28 non‐tuberculous mycobacterial
differential diagnosis  31, 38, 44 mucinotic mural folliculitis  319 (NTM) infection  159
inguinal/axillary lesions  78–80 mucocutaneous lupus erythematosus Notoedres spp.
metabolic, nutritional, and (MCLE) ear lesions  58
keratinization disorders  361 autoimmune and immune‐ notoedric mange  125
otitis  325, 326, 335, 340, 342 mediated disorders  257, 272 parasitic skin diseases  125
parasitic skin diseases  119–120, breed‐related dermatoses  101 nutritional disorders see metabolic,
122 perianal/perivulvar lesions  68 nutritional, and keratinization
paw lesions  63, 67 mucocutaneous pyoderma  133, 136 disorders
viral dermatologic diseases  207 mucocutaneous ulcers  278 nutritional supplements/vitamins/
yeast infections  164, 166–169 mucous membrane pemphigoid  274 retinoids  471
malignant melanoma  416, 442–443 mural folliculitis  319, 320
mammary tumors  410–411, muscle atrophy  298 o
431–432 mycobacterial infections  159–161, obligate mycobacterial
mass aspirates  6–8, 11–12 162–163 infections  161
Index 487

onychodystrophy  105 dermatophytosis  173 pigmentation 375–383

onychomadesis  209 differential diagnosis  23–26, allergic skin diseases  230
oomycete infections  185–186, 25–26 autoimmune and immune‐
195–196 environmental skin disorders  392 mediated disorders  266, 273,
see also individual species/ fungal, oomycete, and algal 280, 285
conditions infections  192 bacterial infections  137–141
otic cytology  6, 8 inguinal/axillary lesions  79 breed‐related dermatoses  95–96,
otitis 323–342 parakeratosis  103 99–106, 109
allergic skin diseases  229 paraneoplastic alopecia  319, 321 common pigmentary dermatologic
breed‐related dermatoses  97 parasitic infections, otitis  336 disorders  376–377,
choice of otic cleanser/ parasitic skin diseases  111–130 378–383
flushes 326–328 canine and feline congenital/hereditary
choice of otic ectoparasites  112–117 disorders  369
medications 323–326 diagnostic tests  1–4, 2–4 dermatophytosis  173–174
clinical approach  323, 325, 327 flea control products  130 differential diagnosis  23, 24, 26,
diagnosis and treatment of otitis pruritus 85, 86–87 32, 37–40, 38–39
media 330–333, 331–333 tick control products  130 endocrine skin diseases  302
diagnostic tests  9, 334–336, 338, see also individual species/ facial lesions  47, 48–50, 53–55
342 conditions fungal, oomycete, and algal
education for owners  332–333 parasympathetic nose infections  188, 194
indications for systemic steroid/ (xeromycteria)  49, 349, 358 inguinal/axillary lesions  78, 80
antibiotic therapy  326 paronychia non‐endocrine alopecia  314
lesion location and allergic skin diseases  243 parasitic skin diseases  121
differentials  62 bacterial infections  66, 146, 243 paw lesions  65, 65
otoscopic examination  323, fungal, oomycete, and algal skin tumors  436–437, 440, 442
325–326, 328–333, 339–340, infections  189 viral dermatologic diseases  205
342 paw lesions  66 yeast infections  166–167
ototoxicity 333–335, 336 yeast infections  168 pili torti  318
parasitic skin diseases  122, 126 patches 23, 24–25 pilomatricoma  404, 425
referral for surgery  333 pattern alopecia  311, 316 pituitary dwarfism  293
secondary to other PCR see polymerase chain reaction plague  156
conditions  336–342 pedal folliculitis/furunculosis  145 plaques
Otodectes spp.  114, 125–126, 336, pediculosis  115 allergic skin diseases  241–243,
338 pedunculated lesions  431–432, 441 248, 251–252
overgrooming Pelodera spp.  116 breed‐related dermatoses  96
breed‐related dermatoses  108 pemphigus foliaceus (PF) differential diagnosis  26–27,
diagnostic tests  13, 13 autoimmune and immune‐ 26–27
inguinal/axillary lesions  78 mediated disorders  256, endocrine skin diseases  298, 301
266–270, 278 inguinal/axillary lesions  79, 81
p breed‐related dermatoses  98 pigmentation  381
papilloma differential diagnosis  25–26, skin tumors  422, 429, 433, 436,
breed‐related 25–26, 35 444
dermatoses  104–105 ear lesions  59 viral dermatologic
facial lesions  48, 54 facial lesions  48, 52, 56 diseases  205–207
paw lesions  64 inguinal/axillary lesions  79 plasma cell pododermatitis  262,
skin tumors  424 otitis  341 282
viral dermatologic diseases  201– paw lesions  64, 67 plasmacytoma  415, 439–440
203, 204–206 treatment algorithm for cats  270 pododermatitis
papules treatment algorithm for dogs  269 allergic skin diseases  230, 245
allergic skin diseases  227, truncal lesions  75 autoimmune and immune‐
246–247 pemphigus vulgaris  84, 256, 271 mediated disorders  262, 282
autoimmune and immune‐ perianal gland hyperplasia  303 bacterial infections  149
mediated disorders  278 perianal gland tumors  407, 428 lesion location and
bacterial infections  140 PF see pemphigus foliaceus differentials  63, 66
breed‐related dermatoses  104 phaeohyphomycosis  185, 193–194 yeast infections  167
488 Index

pollen, cytology of  10 approach to chronic recurrent differential diagnosis  43

polymerase chain reaction bacterial pyoderma  143 ear lesions  56
(PCR) 18–19 autoimmune and immune‐ parasitic skin diseases  113–114,
polyps  61, 329, 339 mediated disorders  284 124
post‐clipping alopecia  310, 313 bacterial infections  133–134, pressure point lesions  69
post‐grooming furunculosis  145 136, 139–142, 146–147 scales
post‐inflammatory breed‐related dermatoses  104 allergic skin diseases  226–227
hyperpigmentation  376, differential diagnosis  34–35, 38, autoimmune and immune‐
380–381 43, 45 mediated disorders  267, 282
post‐traumatic alopecia  390, 397 endocrine skin diseases  296–297, bacterial infections  141–142
pressure sores  391 307 breed‐related dermatoses  96,
progressive angiomatosis  412, environmental skin disorders  392 101–102, 106
433–434 facial lesions  51 congenital/hereditary
progressive histiocytosis  417, metabolic, nutritional, and disorders  369, 371–372
445–447 keratinization disorders  353 dermatophytosis  177–179
protothecosis  187 meticillin resistance  139, 141, differential diagnosis  34, 34–35
protozoal dermatologic 146, 150–151 endocrine skin diseases  306
diseases  209, 210–211, 212 parasitic skin diseases  121 metabolic, nutritional, and
formulary  459 pigmentation  380–381 keratinization
pruritus pressure point lesions  68 disorders  353–356
breed‐related truncal lesions  72, 74 otitis  340
dermatoses  107–108 underlying causes for recurrent parasitic skin diseases  126
causes and workup in dogs and pyoderma  152 protozoal dermatologic
cats 85, 86–87 pyogranuloma diseases  209, 212
dermatophytosis  178 autoimmune and immune‐ skin tumors  433, 436–437, 438
differential diagnosis  41 mediated disorders  261– tail lesions  66, 70
ear lesions  58 262, 281 yeast infections  166
facial lesions  50 bacterial infections  147 scar
formulary  459–460, 474 fungal, oomycete, and algal allergic skin diseases  252
metabolic, nutritional, and infections  193 autoimmune and immune‐
keratinization disorders  361 pyotraumatic dermatitis  133 mediated disorders  279, 281,
Pseudomonas spp.  135 pyotraumatic folliculitis  134 284
pseudopelade  262–263, 282–283, pythiosis  185–186, 195 bacterial infections  147–148, 162
319 breed‐related dermatoses  98–99,
psychogenic alopecia  318 r 103, 104, 106
purulent exudates rabies vaccine‐induced alopecia  32, congenital/hereditary
allergic skin diseases  245 102, 106 disorders  369
autoimmune and immune‐ rabies vaccine‐induced differential diagnosis  40–41, 41
mediated disorders  284 vasculitis  59, 65, 97, 277 environmental skin disorders  392
bacterial infections  136, 157 radiant heat dermatitis  389, 394 tail lesions  69
fungal, oomycete, and algal radiography  447, 449 viral dermatologic diseases  204
infections  189, 195 reactive cutaneous histiocytosis  61, SCC see squamous cell carcinoma
pustules 417, 444 Schnauzer comedo syndrome  104,
autoimmune and immune‐ recurrent flank alopecia  311, 315 347
mediated disorders  267 retinoids  471, 477 sebaceous adenitis
bacterial infections  140, 147 rickettsial dermatologic breed‐related dermatoses  101,
diagnostic tests  5, 5 diseases  208, 209 106
differential diagnosis  23–26, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever  208 differential diagnosis  36
25–26 ear lesions  60–61
viral dermatologic diseases  207 s metabolic, nutritional, and
pyoderma sarcoid  207 keratinization
allergic skin diseases  238, 245, Sarcoptes scabiei see scabies disorders  346–347,
252 scabies/sarcoptic mange 355–357
antibiotics for canine breed‐related dermatoses  101 otitis  340
pyoderma  152 diagnostic tests  1, 2 pigmentation  381
Index 489

tail lesions  68 oral cavity  84 topical glucocorticoids  475

truncal lesions  76 otitis  339 topical immunomodulators and
sebaceous adenocarcinoma  403 sterile granuloma/ retinoids  477
sebaceous adenoma  403–404, 424 pyogranuloma  261–262, topical non‐steroidal antipruritic
sebaceous epithelioma  29, 425 280 therapies  474
seborrhea sterile granuloma syndrome  50 topical steroids
congenital/hereditary sterile neutrophilic dermatitis  264, differential diagnosis  37
disorders  364 267, 284 ear lesions  60
ear lesions  57 sterile panniculitis endocrine skin diseases  293, 300,
formulary  477 autoimmune and immune‐ 306
metabolic, nutritional, and mediated disorders  261, inguinal/axillary lesions  80, 82
keratinization disorders  346, 279–280 oral cavity lesions  83
353–356 breed‐related dermatoses  97, 99 truncal lesions  76
sepsis  279 differential diagnosis  41, 43 toxic epidermal necrolysis
serosanguinous fluid  100, 435 truncal lesions  77 (TEN)  261, 279
serpiginous lesions  392–393 stertorous breathing  445 toxoplasmosis  211
Sertoli cell tumor  82, 302 stomatitis  204 traction alopecia  310
sex hormones  68 subcutaneous abscesses  154, 157 tragic face  296
Simonsiella spp.  10 subcutaneous masses  158, 162–163 transmissible venereal tumor  419,
skin biopsies  19–21, 20–21 subungual hemorrhage  209 448
skin fragility  305, 306 superficial suppurative necrolytic trichoblastoma  404–405, 425
see also Ehlers Danlos dermatitis  104, 265, 285 Trichodectes spp.  115, 127
skin scrapings  1–4, 2–4, 123 Sweet’s syndrome  264, 267, 284 trichoepithelioma  404–405
skin tags  100, 410, 431 swelling see inflammation and trichograms
skin tumors  401–449, 402–419, swelling breed‐related dermatoses  98
420–449 symmetric lupoid onychitis dermatophytosis  179
see also individual tumor types (SLO)  105, 263, 283 diagnostic tests  8, 13–14, 13–14
SLE see systemic lupus erythematosus systemic antibiotics  454–457 non‐endocrine alopecia  314
SLO see symmetric lupoid onychitis systemic antifungals  458 tricholemmoma  404–405
sloughing  157, 372 systemic antiparasitic Trichophyton spp.
snow nose  377, 382 drugs  468–469 breed‐related dermatoses  94, 102
solar dermatitis systemic antiviral/antiprotozoal dermatophytosis  170–171,
breed‐related dermatoses  104 medications  459 173–174, 177, 180, 181
differential diagnosis  25–26, 25, systemic glucocorticoids  286, diagnostic tests  16–18, 17–18
27 461–462 trichorrhexis nodosa  319
environmental skin systemic histiocytosis  417 trombiculosis  115, 127
disorders  386–387, systemic lupus erythematosus tuberculosis  161
392–393 (SLE) 42, 43, 265, 286 tufted fur  226
inguinal/axillary lesions  79
skin tumors  420–421, 432–433 t u
truncal lesions  74–76 tail gland hyperplasia  295, 303 ulcerative nasal dermatosis of Bengal
spider bite  116, 128 tearing  300 cats  367
split paw pad disease  65, 352, 361 TEN see toxic epidermal necrolysis ulcers
spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism testicular tumor  302 allergic skin diseases  245, 248,
(HAC) see Cushing’s disease thermal burn  387–388, 393–394 249, 252
spontaneous thrombocytopenia  209 autoimmune and immune‐
hyperandrogenism  295, 303 thrombocytopenic ecchymoses  23, mediated disorders  271–
spontaneous hyperestrogenism  294, 25 272, 274–279, 286
302–303 thymoma‐associated exfoliative bacterial infections  135–136,
sporotrichosis  184, 192–193 dermatitis  34, 351, 360–361 146–148, 157, 162
squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) ticks  117, 130 breed‐related dermatoses  96,
canine skin tumors  402, 420–421 topical antibiotics  153–154, 100–101, 102, 106, 107
ear lesions  58, 62 475–476 differential diagnosis  42–43,
facial lesions  54 topical antiparasitic drugs  470 42–43
feline skin tumors  402, 421 topical antiseborrheics  477 ear lesions  56, 57–59
490 Index

ulcers (cont’d) dermatophytosis  174 w

environmental skin disorders  398 differential diagnosis  41–42 Well’s syndrome  264
facial lesions  47–48, 53, 48, 50, ear lesions  57–59 wheals 28–29, 226, 247
53–54, 56 facial lesions  51 winter nose  377, 382
fungal, oomycete, and algal oral cavity  84 Wood’s lamp examination  14–15,
infections  188–196 paw lesions  65 15–16, 175, 179
inguinal/axillary lesions  80, 81 pressure point lesions  70
metabolic, nutritional, and rickettsial dermatologic x
keratinization disorders  361 diseases  209 xanthoma  352, 361
oral cavity lesions  82–83 tail lesions  69 xeromycteria (parasympathetic
parasitic skin diseases  120 vesicles 27–28, 27–28, 274 nose)  47, 349, 358
paw lesions  64, 65 vesicular cutaneous lupus
protozoal dermatologic erythematosus y
diseases  212 autoimmune and immune‐ yeast infections  164–165, 166–169
skin tumors  420–421, 423, 429, mediated disorders  metabolic, nutritional, and
435, 437–438, 440, 445 257, 272 keratinization disorders 
viral dermatologic diseases  204 breed‐related dermatoses  99 354
urticaria  216, 226 lesion location and otitis  9, 325, 325, 330, 335, 335,
urticaria pigmentosa  109, 367 differentials  81 337
uveitis  95 viral dermatologic diseases  200– pigmentation  380
uveodermatologic syndrome  95, 203, 204–206 pruritus 85, 86–87
257, 273 formulary  459 see also individual species/
pigmentation  381 conditions
v see also individual species/
vaccine‐induced alopecia  32, 33, conditions z
102, 106, 259, 278 vitamin A responsive zinc responsive dermatosis  35
vaccine‐induced angioedema  226 dermatosis  346, 356 breed‐related dermatoses 
vaccine‐induced vasculitis  57–59, vitamin supplements  471 96, 102
65, 97, 102, 277 vitiligo ear lesions  58, 59
vasculitis breed‐related dermatoses  96 facial lesions  52
autoimmune and immune‐ differential diagnosis  23, 24 metabolic, nutritional, and
mediated disorders  259, facial lesions  49, 53 keratinization disorders  350,
275–277 pigmentation  377, 381–382 360
breed‐related dermatoses  97, 99, vulvar fold dermatitis/intertrigo  paw lesions  64
102 135 zygomycosis  187

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