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- I Answer all the questions

1) Explain the role of a manager in an organization

Ans: a manager is a person responsible for supervising and motivating employees and
for directing the progress of an organization. The term managerial roles Refer to
behavior attributed to a job or position. to fulfill the multifarious function and
There are three interpersonal roles that a primarily concerned with interpersonal relationships
1. (a) Figurehead- Managers represent the company legally and socially to those outside
of the organization. they play the figurehead role when they perform duties that are
ceremonial and symbolic. these include greeting visitors, handing out merit certificates to
workers, etc

b) Leader- The leader role defines the relationship between the manager and the
employer. it includes hiring, training, motivating, and disciplining employees. the leader
directs his subordinates towards the accomplishment of organizational objectives.

c) Liasion - Managers play the liaison role when they serve as a connecting link between
their organization and others or between their units and other organizational units

receiving and communicating information are the most important aspects of a manager's
job. To make the right decisions managers need information from various sources

2.a) Monitor role - in this role the manager receives and collects information by scanning
the environment. reading magazines, observing competitors moves are the activities
performed in this role

2.b) Disseminator role -In the role of disseminator the manager distributes subordinates
important information that would otherwise be inaccessible to them

2.c) Spokesperson role - in the spokesperson role the manager informs various people
who influence the organization’s goals. he advises the shareholders about financial
performance and assures consumer groups that the organization is meeting the social
The unique access to information places a manager at the centre of organizational
decision-making.. there are 4 decisional roles
3.a) Entrepreneur role -as an entrepreneur the manager tries to improve the unit by
initiating planned changes to adapt to environmental challenges.

3.b) Disturbance handler role - In this role, managers deal with threats to the
organization respond to situations that are beyond their control such as strikes,
grievances. this role equips the manager to take corrective actions needed to resolve
and unanticipated problems.

3.c) Negotiator role-In this role manager negotiates on behalf of the organization to
attain maximum gain. They mediate internal conflict and also carry out negotiations with
other units to gain advantages for their own unit.

2) What are various styles of management?

Ans Management styles make a difference in how we communicate, how we delegate,

and how we move businesses forward.
1. The Coercive Management Style - Manager who uses this is intent on obtaining
immediate compliance from employees. communication is one way. The manager wants
employees to do their work exactly as he wants it
2. The authoritative management style- The manager’s goal here is focused leadership and
clearly stated direction. Decisions are made by the manager but some employee input is
sought. The manager follows a firm but fair approach .this style also relies on influencing
skills to make employees Follow decisions.
3. The affiliative style -The manager uses this to promote harmony, cooperation among
employees. affiliative actions include accommodating family needs that conflict with work
goals, quickly smoothing tension between employees, or promoting social activities
within the team
4. The democratic management style- A participative leader gives order only after
consulting the group and works out the policies with the acceptance of the group. He
asks people to do things after sketching out the detailed plans and makes it clear that
praise or blame will be shared by all the group members. Thus, there is two-way
communication in the organization. Using this style is of mutual benefit. Subordinates
become part of the team and help the leaders make better decisions and achieve
5. .the pacesetting management style- Managers use this style to focus on accomplishing a
great deal of top quality work by themselves. employees are thought of as being capable
of achieving their own goals with little supervision and performance is not up to the
standard the manager will do it himself or herself.
6. the coaching management style- this style focuses on the professional growth of
employees. The manager creates an environment that supports honest self-assessment
and treats mistakes as learning opportunities in the development process.
3) Discuss. the contribution of Henry Fayol and his principles of management.

Ans Henry Fayol’s contribution to management theory is certainly remarkable. He gave overall
concepts of general management and suggested the basic functions of management. Fayol’s five
functions are still relevant to the discussion today about management roles and action.
1. to organize build up the structure, material, and human of the undertaking
2. to command maintain activity among the personnel
3. to co-ordinate bind together, unify and harmonise activity and effort
4. to control see that everything occurs in conformity with policy and practice

The fourteen principles of management suggested by him are related to these

basic functions of the management process and are generally accepted

Division of Work – Assign each employee a task that they can become
proficient at. Productivity increases as employees become more skilled,
assured, and efficient.

Authority – Managers must possess the authority to give orders, and

recognize that with authority comes responsibility.

Discipline – Everyone should follow the rulesTHE A . To help, you can

make agreements between the organization and employees clear for all to

Unity of Command – Fayol wrote that "an employee should receive orders from
one supervisor only." Otherwise, authority, discipline, order, and stability are

Unity of Direction – Teams with the same objective should be working under
the direction of one manager, using one plan
Subordination of individual interests to the general interest : Individuals should
pursue team interests over personal ones – including managers.

Remuneration – Employee satisfaction depends on fair remuneration for

everyone – financial and non-financial.

Centralization – Balancing centralized decision making (from the top) with

letting employees make decisions

Scalar Chain – Employees should know where they stand in the

organization's hierarchy and who to speak to within a chain of command

Order – Fayol wrote that, "The right man in the right place" forms an effective
social order. He applied the same maxim to materials

Equity: in order to obtain commitment from employees, they must be treated

equally and fairly. There should not be any discrimination as regards to
caste,gender or region.



Answer all the questions

1) Explain Maslow's hierarchy of needs with suitable examples.

Ans The academic model of needs was proposed by the eminent US psychologist
“Abraham Maslow” according to him human needs can be classified into 5 types. these
are known as the hierarchy of needs, the hierarchy of needs presented in a pyramid
form is given as follows :

1.Physiological needs: the needs that are taken as the starting point in motivations are called
the basic physiological needs. these are related to the survival and maintenance of human life,
they include the need for food, clothing, shelter, air, water etc which are the basic necessities of
eg:Lack of a and food will kill an individual, a lack of clothing will make the working of the
individual difficult due to the different weathers

2. Safety needs: These needs have to do with people’s yearning for a predictable, orderly world
in which injustice and inconsistency under control. these needs are important as they consist of
economic and social security, protection against changes, safety of property etc.
safety and security needs include
🠊 personal security
🠊 financial security
🠊 health and well being
🠊safety net against accidents/ illness and the adverse impacts
Eg: insurance,savings account

3. Social needs : After physiological and safety needs are fulfilled, the third layer of human
needs is social needs.Man is a social being, he is therefore interested in companionship,
recognition. love. Belongingness.they need to love and be loved by others.This need for
belonging can often overcome the physiological and security needs depending on the strength
of peer pressure..
eg: the act of buying gifts as a result of such needs

4. Esteemed needs- these are needs arising out of the desire to achieve self respect,
autonomy, status and prestige in the society. Esteem presents the normal human desire to be
accepted and valued by others. people need to to engage themselves to gain recognition and
have an activity that gives the person a sense of contribution to feel accepted and self valued
Eg: status,prestige,buying luxury items

5.Self actualization needs- these are the needs of the highest order. these are generally found
in persons whose first four needs have already been fulfilled. it is the quest of reaching one's
full potential as a person. self actualized people tend to have needs such as truth, justice,
wisdom, meaning
eg; India getting freedom from Britishers was Mahatma Gandhi self actualization or self
realisation need.

2) What are the various stages in the decision making process ?

Ans Individuals at all levels and all areas of organisations make decisions. that is, they make
choices is from two or more alternatives. although decision making is typically described as
choosing among alternatives,it is a comprehensive process not just a simple act of choosing
among alternatives.


. A problem exists when a manager detects a gap between existing and desired performance. T.
The problem has to be found and defined. The problem has to be found and
defined. Symptoms are identified and problems should be judged, symptoms
are not problems. They are warning signs of problems. So, managers should
search for symptoms for identification of problems. Such symptoms can be
falling of sales, profit etc. It is said that problem identified is half solved is
identification of problem should be effective.


Once a manager has identified a problem that needs attention, the decision
criteria important to resolving the problem must be identified. Managers must
determine what is relevant in taking a decision. For eg, before a manager
decides which job applicant to hire , he needs to determine the important
characters or outcomes needed. When several criteria are involved,it is often
necessary to weigh the various criteria.


A wide range of alternatives increases the freedom of decision maker. The manager
should limit himself to discover the alternatives which are strategic or critical to the
problem. The alternatives which are possible to accomplish should only be considered.
The decision maker’s past experience, practices followed by others and using creative
techniques are the various sources of identifying the alternatives.


Once the alternatives have been identified, the decision maker must critically analyze
each one. Each alternative is evaluated by appraising it against the criteria established
in steps 2 and 3. From this comparison, the strengths and weaknesses of each
alternative become evident.the non-feasible alternatives have to be eliminated.


All the pertinent criteria in the decision have been determined,weighed,identified and
analyzed. The alternative should also be such that it can be implemented.


After the best alternative is selected, it is implemented into action. Being a continuous
and ongoing process, decision-making process does not stop after choosing the
alternative but the decision maker should also know whether his choice has contributed
to the objective or not. Thus, implementation of decision is very important.


The implementation of the decision should be constantly monitored. It may be defective
and may cause loss to the organization. Its progress should be watched carefully to
minimize the chances of loss. If decision is not fulfilling the desired results, necessary
changes should be made in the decision or in its implementation

3) How is leadership different from management ? Discuss

People often mistake leadership and management as the same
thing, but in essence they are very different.Leadership is about
motivating people to comprehend and believe in the vision you set
for the company and to work with you on achieving your
goals.While management is more about administering the work
and ensuring the day-to-day activities are getting done as they
should.Leaders will have a vision of what can be achieved and
then communicate this to others and evolve strategies for
realizing the vision. They motivate people and are able to
negotiate for resources and other support to achieve their
goals.Managers ensure that the available resources are well
organized and applied to produce the best
results.While, managers maintain a smoothly functioning
workplace, leaders test the current position and
encourage new functions, so they are looking for long term goals.

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