A Mock Sacrament.: Winged

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that lie before us, we may all go forward with the No other God man boasts
Is sure to win the battle.
courage I,uther has so nobly expressed in these
And were the World with devils sown,
winged words :- And would they quick us swallow,
A stable fort our God abides, We ne’er with sore affright should ~roan,
A buckler stout and weapon ; No good speed would them follow.
He helps us through whate’er betides, The Prince of Earth’s domain,
Or can us now mishappen. Howe’er he wrath may feign,
Our old Satanic foe Can nought ’gainst us achieve,
Now aims a deadly blow ; His might wins no reprieve :
Deep craft and dreadful might A single word can fell him.
Have mailed him for the fi~ht :
On Earth he still is matchless. The Word leave they to stand its ground,
For which no thanks they meril :
With our frail force, undone’s the plan, Our Cause to help He’s ever bound
Soon would our hopes be blighted ; With all I-Iis gifts and Spirit.

l3ut for us fights the true-born Man, Yea, let them take our life :
Whom God Himself invited. Goods, honour, children, wife,
Ask ye, Who hath sufliced ?P They far away may drive :
IIis name is Jesus Christ,
Jehovah, Lord of Hosts : I With no gain shall they thrive ;
God’s Kingdom still is with us.

A Mock Sacrament. xiii. 26.

"And when He had dipped the sop, He gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon."-JOHN
IT is often asked, Was Judas Iscariot at the Holy think and speak of the sacrament of the faithful ~J
Supper ? The sacred narrative shuts us up to the it may be well to say a few solemn words regard-
conclusion that he was. He shared in the sacred ing the sacrament of the unfaithful.
feast. But the sacrament of which the traitor par- At Eastern meals it is a customary thing for the
took was very different from the sacrament of head of the household, when he wishes to show
which the true disciples partook. Jesus gave to special attention to any one, to dip a piece of bread
Judas at the commencement of the supper a sop in the common dish and take up with it a portion
from the dish, and he went out immediately and of the solid or liquid food, and then hand it to the
left his Master, and separated from Him for ever. guest. This was what Jesus did on this occasion.
Jesus gave to the rest of the disciples at the close He and Judas were eating out of the same dish ;
of the supper the bread and wine which were the and Jesus gave him a piece of bread which He
symbols of His own broken body and shed blood, had dipped in the contents of the dish, and said
and which pledged them to remain with Him to him : &dquo;That thou doest, do quickly.&dquo; Here we
always as His servants and friends. Thus the have all the elements of a sacrament, the bread
sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at its first institu- given by Christ’s hand as a symbol of the relation
tion had two sides ; a side to the traitor, and a in which Judas stood to Him, and a pledge con-
side to the true followers of Jesus. It was like the firming his intention and leading to a practical
pillar of cloud that was darkness to the Egyptians result. But it is a perverted sacrament ; a sacra-
and light to the Israelites; like the ark which ment turned from a holy to an evil use, a privilege
struck the irreverent Uzzah dead, and was a converted into a curse. The true disciples partook
blessing to the house of pious Obed-Edom. It of bread and wine received from Jesus’ own hand
was like the magnet that has a positive and a nega- in felt and loving communion with Him, and they
tive pole, a point that attracts and a point that heard the gracious words : &dquo; This is my body,
repels ; like the air that quickens the living and which is broken for you. This cup is the New
decomposes the dead. We are accustomed to Testament in my blood, which is shed for you.&dquo;

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The false disciple, on the other hand, partook of person. That sop his reward. He got from
the sop received from Jesus’ own hand in bitter Christ the only he cared to get, for the
alienation of spirit, and heard the awful words : sake of which he became His disciple ; although
&dquo; Truly the Son of Man goeth as it was deter- Christ warned him that while foxes had holes,
mined, but woe unto that man by whom he is and the birds of the air nests, the Son of Man
betrayed.&dquo; The Holy Spirit entered into the had not where to lay His head, and no worldly
hearts of the true disciples vhen they had par- gain could be got in His service. And like the
taken of the bread and wine, and filled them with Hesh for which the Israelites clamoured in the
sacred peace, and united them more closely to wilderness instead of the manna from heaven, and
the Saviour whom they loved. Satan, on the which proved their destruction, he found that sop
other hand, entered into the heart of Judas when to be his bane instead of his blessing.
he had partaken of the sop, and filled him with The evil nature of Judas turned the favours of
moral darkness and confusion, and he went out Jesus into curses. He had the outward washing
to carry his work of hatred and wickedness into of his feet by the hands of Jesus like the other
immediate execution. What a terrible contrast disciples ; but while they were made clean by the
between the two sacraments received from the act, he was made fouler by the contrast between
same holy hands, the sacrament of the sop and the that wonderful proof of devotion and the treachery
sacrament of the bread and wine !I of his heart. He received from the hands of Jesus
Judas had a sacrament of his own !I He was the sop of bread which, according to Eastern
unworthy to receive the bread and wine which hospitality, was regarded as a special proof of
implied the most intimate fellowship with Jesus, favour to a guest, and which pledged the host to
and signified the higher satisfaction of the protect and show all kindness to the guest, and
hunger and thirst of the soul in Him who is the the guest to reciprocate ; but it was perverted by
living bread and the living water. That higher him into a sign of disaffection, and a means of
satisfaction was unknown to Judas. Of the hunger turning against his best friend and benefactor, and
and thirst after righteousness, he had no experience. betraying Him into the hands of enemies thirsting
He had no part nor lot with Jesus, though he went for His blood. The bread and wine of the Holy
in and out with Him in the most familiar inter- Supper was the bond of union and communion
course for three years. His spirit never touched between the other disciples and Christ, which
the spirit of Jesus. They had nothing in common. neither life nor death could break ; but the sop
He remained unchanged by all the words of which Judas received was a cause of division and
Divine wisdom that were spoken in his hearing, separation, for he went out from the blessed com-
and by all the wonderful miracles that were
pany and the presence of the Lord, into the outer
wrought in his presence. His hard, selfish, cove- darkness of a night upon which no dawn should
tous nature was utterly unaffected
by the display ever rise.
of the most tender and devoted and It is a solemn thought that what took place at
love which the world has ever seen. And there- the first institution of the Supper has often been
fore, when he sat at the same table with the other repeated in the after celebrations of it. Too often
disciples at the last supper, he got a portion it has had two sides, one to the faithful and
apart. His meal was not a sign of communion, another to the unfaithful ; for, alas !I there have
but of separation. It was not the bread and been Judases at almost every feast. The one
wine of a holy feast meant to satisfy the spiritual Lord’s Supper may be a sacrament of Satan or a
wants of the soul, but the
sop dipped in carnal sacrament of Christ according to the spirit in
food to satisfy the bodily appetite, and to which it is received. From Christ’s own hands
perish in
the using. may be obtained the bread that proves a savour of
That sop, like the sin of his soul, divided him life unto life or of death unto death. A body of
from Christ and his brethren. It was the emblem
professing members of the Church may be sitting
of his mean, sordid, selfish nature,
incapable of at the same table, doing to all appearance the
rising above the things of the world, and satisfied same thing ; and yet some of them may have the
with them. For that morsel of meat he sold his
spirit of Jesus, and be realising communion of soul
birthright, and showed that he wavs a profane with Him, and the others may have the spirit of

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Satan, and be changing the holy rite into a means torches of some when dipped in it, and extinguished
of greater worldliness, confirming them in their the torches of othersP It helps us as long as we
irreligion by the very seal of religion, driving them obey it, but &dquo; it turns by its own nature and harms
further from Christ by the very means intended to and hinders us as soon as we are disobedient.&dquo;
bring them nearer. The same God forms light and creates darkness,
It was Judas himself, as I have said, who makes peace and creates evil ; just as the same sun
changed the character of the sacrament to him, produces the sunshine or the shadow according as
who made Jesus give him the sop instead of the the object upon which it falls is turned towards it.
bread and wine. It was the evil in him that made This is the great truth which in many forms and
the feast of love an evil thing, sealing the evil of connections is constantly set forth in the Bible, in
his heart, and compelling him to manifest it by an order to warn us emphatically that we are made
outward deed of wickedness. And so it is the better or worse by the relation in which we stand
character of the communicant that determines the to God, and the spirit in which we perform the
nature of the sacrament to him, that makes it a acts and rites of religion.
spiritual communion or a mere piece of formality, Truly the strange sacrament which Judas par-
that strengthens faith and love or hardens the took of from Christ’s hands is fitted to suggest very
heart and confirms the soul in its sin. The feast solemn and searching thoughts. The true has
is the same, it is we ourselves who make it helpful always an imitation of it in the false. Satan
or harmful. Out of the same sacrament we get counterfeits that which is good, and seeks to
either the sop that strengthens us to betray our accomplish his own evil purpose by the resem-
Lord, or the bread and wine that strengthen blance of his mimicry to what men reverence and
us to confess Him. From Jesus’ own/hands we love. Judas betrayed the Son of Man with the
obtain the means of grace or the means of destruc- kiss of friendship ; and he sealed his treachery
tion. It was said of Christ at the beginning that against Jesus by receiving from His hands the sop
He was sent for the rising and falling of many in of the supper, the mock sacrament of the unbeliev-
Israel ; and He said of Himself at the close, &dquo; For ing, unloving heart.
judgment I am come into this world ; that they The hour of the Holy Communion is a time
which see not might see, and that they which of spiritual quickening, and of special revelation,
see might be made blind.&dquo; He compares Himself when the secrets of all hearts are made known
to a stone which shall be the corner-stone of the to them. The disciples when they heard from
faith of some, and against which others shall fall and the lips of Jesus that one of them should betray
stumble, and which shall fall on others and crush Him had a moment of spiritual insight. They
them. The same merciful and loving Saviour, who saw deeper into their own nature than they ever

received publicans and sinners, poured the vials saw before, and realised the possibilities of evil

of His wrath upon the self-righteous scribes and that lurked within them ; the &dquo; depths of Satan &dquo;
Pharisees. over which the deceitfulness of the heart usually

It is very strikingly said of Saul, the first king of kept the covering of respectability. Each of them
Israel, that &dquo; an evil spirit from the Lord troubled felt himself capable of doing the wicked deed,
him.&dquo; From the presence of the Lord came the and said to Jesus, &dquo; Lord, is it I &dquo; In the keen
good spirit that had blessed Saul so long as he searching light that beats from heaven upon the
was obedient to the high purpose of his life. holy place of the communion, we have a self-
From the same presence of the Lord came the revelation which we have nowhere else. Let us
evil spirit that wrought havoc in his life when he I, ask ourselves, then, whether we are turning the
turned away his heart from God, and acted accord- symbols of the Holy Supper into a sacrament of
ing to his own headlong will. And this is the law Satan or into a sacrament of Christ ; into a sop of
of our life too. It is the law of nature, for we find treachery to betray Him, or into a cup of love to
everywhere that the physical force which we under- serve Him better ?2 What is the nature of the
stand and obey becomes our friend and servant; pledge we are taking upon ourselves and sealing
whereas misunderstood and abused it works us with this sacrament2 Is it a pledge to continue
harm. It is the law of grace ; for is not the gospel in sin, to be as careless and selfish and worldly as
like that mythical river of Asia which kindled the we have been hitherto, having merely the form of

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and knowing nothing of its power-mere by throwing sop to so that he might suffer
godliness a

respectable, conventional Christians, having our fear them to cross over. It is to be feared that the
of God taught only by the precepts of man ? Or is it Holy Communion is too often used as a sop to
a pledge to become more Christ-like, more faithful Cerberus ; a mere performance of a formal rite in
and devoted to our heavenly Master, with more order to propitiate God, and as a passport to get
brotherly kindness to the Church and charity to to heaven. If any of us cherish this delusion, let
the world ? Satan enters into us when we receive us awake from it ere it be too late ; and the plea

the sacrament unworthily, and we go out into the which we address to Jesus at the shut door of
world to do harm to the cause of religion by our heaven, &dquo;we have eaten and drunk in Thy
coldness and selfishness and unkindness, by show- presence,&dquo; prove unavailing to open it. Let none
ing anything but the spirit of Jesus in our character of us substitute the flesh for the spirit, bodily
and conduct; or the Holy Spirit enters into us exercises that profit nothing for the living spiritual-
when we receive the sacrament worthily, and we ities of the heart, by which we exercise ourselves
feel that though the table is withdrawn, and the unto that godliness which is profitable unto all

company separate, we can still continue our com- things. Let none of us pervert the Lord’s Supper
munion with Jesus, and make our daily business a by receiving it while living in secret sin, and thus
part of our worship, and our whole life a life of oppose the design of Christ’s death, while out-
faith in the Son of God. wardly observing the ordinance by which it is set
In the old Greek myth, wc are told about the forth. As we take the bread and wine of the
three-headed dog Cerberus which guarded the supper from the Lord’s own hands, let us realise
passage of the river Styx, flowing betwixt this world in it the pledge which every receiver gives to
and the ne~t ; and how the ghosts of the departed depart from that sin for which Christ died, and to
crowded to the bank and tried to appease this dog live no more unto ourselves but unto Him.

Expository Papers. ~

t. 13. Idolatry was by this time a thing of the past ;

~~aia~ but this reformation had been, from above down-
I cannot away with iniquit)1 and the solenm
wards, a matter of statute enforced by the civil
authorities, and the spirit of revival had not yet
THESE words at the end of the clause, like the permeated the hearts of the people. In such cir-
expression &dquo;vain oblations,&dquo; or &dquo; an oblation of cumstances there is always a double risk, that of
vanity &dquo; (R. V. marg.), in the beginning of the verse, the old idolatry influencing the new profession,
furnish the key to Isaiah’s condemnation of the and that of the accessories being confounded with
sacrifices. One is tempted to apologise for ex- the essentials of religion and worship. Ritual,
plaining a point so obvious, though it is not to be the mere form of worship, is everything. Judah
forgotten that there are critics who argue, from was specially liable to this externalism, partly on
this and similar passages, for the late date of the account of the importance attached to ritual in
Levitical Law. The meaning clearly is, Better no the Mosaic. Law, partly because the prevailing.
sacrifice at all than the hypocritical service which heathen systems were satisfied with mere forms.
is a satire on the life. Thus Isaiah found them frequenting the temple
i. The time of this prophecy is an important of Jehovah in the same spirit in which they had
point. Various indications in the chapter, notably attended the shrines of false gods.
the description of the state of Judah overrun by 2. Isaiah condemned the hollowness of the
strangers,&dquo; and the absence of direct references reformation. There was no real connection
to open idolatry, lead to the belief that it dates between worship and life. The object of religion
from a period in Hezekiah’s reign subsequent to being holy, living sacrifices could not supply the
the great reformation. want of . practical godliness. Specially hateful was

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