MODULE-8-IA - No Answer
MODULE-8-IA - No Answer
MODULE-8-IA - No Answer
A. Learning Outcomes
At the end of the semester, the student must be able to:
1. defined the electricity and its components.
2. demonstrated knowledge of the basic principles of electricity, electrical current and its sources.
3. valued the importance of electricity one’s life.
B. Pretest
Direction: Identify what is being ask in the following statements.
1. It plays an important role in man’s conquest for existence.
2. It is made by rubbing together two or more objects and making friction while current electricity is the flow of
electric charge across an electrical field.
3. It is produced by moving electrons and it is measured in amperes.
4. It is a static electricity which is generated by rubbing two materials.
5. It is an energy obtained from flowing water.
6. It is the kinetic energy of wind or the extraction of this energy by wind turbines.
7. It is a piece of rock or metal that can pull other metals towards it.
8. It is an electrical test tool that combines a basic digital multimeter with a current sensor.
9. It is the method in which steam is produced by heating water through a process called nuclear fission.
10. It measures electric current. Has near zero resistance. Connected serially.
C. Content
History of Electricity
The Discovery of Electricity
Electricity plays an important role in man’s conquest for existence. It has been said that it is here with us
since the beginning of the time. In 600 B.C, Thales a Greek philosopher accidentally discovered static electricity.
Noticing that his garment had bits of hair and straw, Thales decided to remove them by rubbing piece of amber
stone on his clothes. To his surprise, several pieces of straw clung to the amber when rubbed on the clothes, the
amber became electrified and it attracted the pieces of straw. Thales simply wrote the incident and did not do
anything about it because he could not explain the mystery. He did not know that he had just discovered static
In 1600, William Gilbert, an English Physician was able to put an electrical charged on the objects by
means of friction or rubbing. He observed that two materials when rubbed together received opposite charges,
that is, one object got a positive charge and the other a negative charge. He also noticed that two oppositely
charged materials attract each other. Gilbert experiment was a re-discovery of static electricity, the word static
means standing still or at rest. The Greek word for amber stone is “ELEKTRON” and so the term electricity came
The findings of Gilbert motivated him to publish his book “De Magnete” in 1600. Herein, he made use of
such terms as “electric attraction” and “electric force” which are still used and recognized today. It is for this
reason that he was given the honor of being considered the “Father of Electricity”.
II. Kinds of Electricity
There are two types of Electricity, Static Electricity and Current Electricity.
1. Static Electricity -is made by rubbing together two or more objects and making friction while Current electricity is
the flow of electric charge across an electrical field. Static Electricity Static electricity is when electrical charges
build up on the surface of a material. It is usually caused by rubbing materials together. The result of a build-up of
static electricity is that objects may be attracted to each other or may even cause a spark to jump from one to the
other. For example, rub a balloon on a wool and hold it up to the wall. Before rubbing, like all materials, the
balloons and the wool sweater have a neutral charge. This is because they each have an equal number of
positively charged subatomic particles (protons) and negatively charged subatomic particles (electrons). When
you rub the balloon with the wool sweater, electrons are transferred from the wool to the rubber because of
differences in the attraction of the two materials for electrons. The balloon becomes negatively charged because it
gains electrons from the wool, and the wool becomes positively charged because it loses electrons.
2. Current Electricity- Current is the rate of flow of electrons. It is produced by moving electrons and it is measured
in amperes. Unlike static electricity, current electricity must flow through a conductor, usually copper wire. Current
with electricity is just like current when you think of a river. The river flows from one spot to another, and the speed
it moves is the speed of the current. With electricity, current is a measure of the amount of energy transferred over
a period of time. That energy is called a flow of electrons. One of the results of current is the heating of the
conductor. When an electric stove heats up, it's because of the flow of current. There are different sources of
current electricity including the chemical reactions taking place in a battery. The most common source is the
generator. A simple generator produces electricity when a coil of copper turns inside a magnetic field. In a power
plant, electromagnets spinning inside many coils of copper wire generate vast quantities of current electricity.
There are two main kinds of electric current. Direct (DC) and Alternating (AC). It's easy to remember. Direct
current is like the energy you get from a battery. Alternating current is like the plugs in the wall. The big difference
between the two is that DC is a flow of energy while AC can turn on and off. AC reverses the direction of the
III. Sources of Electricity
3. Heat action - Two dissolution metals bonded together in a junction when heated, exhibits a difference of
potential. Such bond is called thermocouple. The trip of an iron wire, for example, may be welded to that of a
copper wire. When, this junction is heated, the iron wire shows a positive charge and the copper wire has a
negative charge. Electricity generated by heat action is called thermoelectric.
4. Light action - Photo cells are semi-conduction devices which convert light electrical energy directly into
electrical energy. Either sunlight or artificial illumination may be employed. This action is due to the ability of lights
energy to free electrons from the atoms of the semi-conductor material. This process is called photo-electricity.
5. Pressure - It is a difference of potential appears across the face of certain crystal such as quarts, when they are
squeezed or stretched. This is called piezo-electricity.
6. Mechanical action - All electricity in large useful amount is at present produced by rotating machines working
with the use of magnets. These machines, known as generator, are turned by water power, gas engines or steam
engines and sometimes by electric motor.
There are many different types of mechanical power plants to produce electrical energy.
1. Hydropower is an energy obtained from flowing water. Energy in water can be harnessed and used in the foot
motive energy or temperature differences. The most common application is the dam. Power produced by the fall
of water from a higher to a lower level and extracted by means of waterwheels or hydraulic turbines. Hydro-power
is a natural resource available wherever a sufficient volume of steady water flow exists.
2. Nuclear Power is the method in which steam is produced by heating water through a process called nuclear
fission. In a nuclear power plant, a reactor contains a core of nuclear fuel, primary enriched uranium. When atoms
of uranium fuel are hit by neutrons they fission (split), releasing heat neutrons. Nuclear power is an electrical
power produced from energy released by controlled fission or fusion of atomic nuclei in a nuclear reaction. Mass
is converted into energy and the amount of released energy greatly exceeds that from chemical processes such
as combustion.
3. Solar Power is a power derived from the energy of the sun. A radiant energy produced in the Sun as a result of
nuclear fusion reactions. It is transmitted to the earth through space by electromagnetic radiation in quanta of
energy called photons which interact with the earth’s atmosphere and surface.
4. Wind Power is the kinetic energy of wind or the extraction of this energy by wind turbines. Windmill machine
converts wind into useful energy. This energy is derived from the force of wind acting on oblique blades or sails
that radiate from a shaft. The turning shaft may be connected to machinery used to perform such work as milling
grain, pumping water, or generating electricity. When the shaft is connected to a load, such as a pump, the device
is typically called a windmill. When it is used to generate electricity, it is known as a wind turbine generator.
5. Fossil Fuel Power Plant (FFPP) – (also known as steam electric power plant in the US, thermal power plant in
Asia, or power station in UK). The most common source of energy is fossil fuel. Fossil fuels include coal, oil, and
natural gas. Fossil fuel is formed from the remains of plant and animals which live thousands of years ago. The
burning of those fossil fuel provides energy which can be used to generate electricity.
6. Geothermal power comes from heat energy buried beneath the surface of the earth. In some areas of the
country, enough heat rises close to the surface of the earth to heat underground water into steam which can be
tapped for use in steam-turbine plants. Geothermal Power is the energy extracted from the heat generated by
natural concentrations of hot water and steam in the earth’s interior. It can be used in electric power generation
and direct heat applications such as space heating and industrial drying processes.
7. Tides is another kind of energy that involves water. Ocean tides can be used to turn turbines to generate
electricity. For this to be possible, a dam must be built across the month of a bay. Water then in trapped behind
the dam at the high tide. At the low tide, the water is allowed to run out through the dam and used to turn on
electrical generator.
A magnet is a piece of rock or metal that can pull other metals towards it. The force of magnets is called
magnetism. Together with gravity and electricity it is a basic force of nature. Early humans discovered magnets
and magnetism thousands of years ago. They found out that certain types of rock, called loadstone, pulled iron
and other metal objects towards it. After some time, they found out that thin pieces of such a rock would
always point in one direction if you hung it on a piece of thread. The ends of such a metal are the poles of a
magnet. All magnets have a magnetic field around them, the force between the two poles.
Magnets attract or repel other metals. This is because every magnet has two poles: a north and a south
pole. North and south poles attract each other but two north poles or two south poles push each other apart.
Our planet is also a big magnet with a North and a South Pole. But the Earth’s magnetic poles are not in
the same place as the geographic poles. The magnetic North Pole, for example, is in northern Canada.
Compasses always point to the magnetic poles, not to the geographic ones.
Magnetism comes from electrons, the tiny particles that fly around the nucleus of an atom. They are
negatively charged and produce a very weak magnetic field. When many of these electrons point towards the
same direction they can pull metals to them.
It is also possible to make a magnet by taking an existing one and rubbing another piece of metal with it.
If you keep rubbing the new piece of metal in the same direction its electrons will start to point in
that direction, thus creating a new magnet.
If a magnet keeps its magnetic field all the time we call it a permanent magnet. However, not all magnets
are permanent. Some objects become magnets only when electricity passes through them. They are called
electromagnets. There are many examples of such electromagnets in everyday life: car motors, railway
signals, loudspeakers .
Magnetism and electricity
In the 1700s scientists discovered that magnetism and electricity had similar features. Just like magnets
have two poles, electricity has positive and negative charges . A positive and a negative charge attract each other
and two negative or two positive charges repel each other.
After they had found this out they started making useful tools and machines with the help
of electricity and magnetism. The Danish physicist Oersted sent electricity through a wire and put a compass near
it. To his surprise the compass needle moved. Soon after that the first electromagnet was made by making
a wire into a coil and sending electricity through it.
V. Instruments
A multimeter or a multitester, also known as a VOM (volt-ohm-milliammeter), is an electronic measuring
instrument that combines several measurement functions in one unit. A typical multimeter can
measure voltage, current, and resistance. Analog multimeters use a microammeter with a moving pointer to
display readings. Digital multimeters (DMM, DVOM) have a numeric display, and may also show a graphical bar
representing the measured value. Digital multimeters have rendered analog multimeters obsolete, because they
are now lower cost, higher precision, and more physically robust.
To measure voltage:
1. Set the mode to V with a wavy line if you’re measuring AC voltage or to the V with a straight line if you’re
measuring DC voltage.
2. Make sure the red probe is connected to the port with a V next to it.
3. Connect the red probe to the positive side of your component, which is where the current is coming from.
4. Connect the COM probe to the other side of your component.
5. Read the value on the display.
Tip: to measure voltage you have to connect your multimeter in parallel with the component you want to measure
the voltage. Placing the multimeter in parallel is placing each probe along the leads of the component you want to
measure the voltage.
What if you didn’t know what was the value of the voltage? If you need to measure the voltage of
something, and you don’t know the range in which the value will fall under, you need to try several ranges.
If the range you’ve selected is lower than the real value, on the display you’ll read 1 as shown in the
picture below. The 1 means that the voltage is higher than the range you’ve selected.
If you select a higher range, most part of the times you’ll be able to read the value of the voltage, but with
less accuracy.
What happens if you switch the red and the black probe?
Nothing dangerous will happen. The reading on the multimeter has the same value, but it’s negative.
Measuring Current
To measure current, you need to bear in mind that components in series share a current. So, you need
to connect your multimeter in series with your circuit.
TIP: to place the multimeter in series, you need to place the red probe on the lead of a component and the black
probe on the next component lead. The multimeter acts as if it was a wire in your circuit. If you disconnect the
multimeter, your circuit won’t work.
Before measuring the current, be sure that you’ve plugged in the red probe in the right port, in this case
µAmA. In the example below, the same circuit of the previous example is used. The multimeter is part of the
Measuring Resistance
Plug the red probe into the right port and turn the selection knob to the resistance section. Then, connect
the probes to the resistor leads. The way you connect the leads doesn’t matter; the result is the same.
To test the continuity of a wire, you just need to connect each probe to the wire tips.
In the 1700s scientists discovered that magnetism and electricity had similar features. Just like magnets have two
poles, electricity has positive and negative charges. A positive and a negative charge attract each other and two
negative or two positive charges repel each other.
After they had found this out they started making useful tools and machines with the help of electricity and
magnetism. The Danish physicist Ousted sent electricity through a wire and put a compass near it. To his surprise
the compass needle moved. Soon after that the first electromagnet was made by making a wire into a coil and
sending electricity through it.
Western Union Long-Tie Splice --- Used extensively for outside wiring. It is done using two equal length of #14
solid wire that is twisted horizontally to create a twisted loop. The remaining untwisted wire is loop around the
Western Union Short-Tie Splice --- Widely used in interior wiring and is done similar to western union long-tie
splice. The only difference is; it is done in small length of twisted loop than long-tie.
Tap Joint --- A very strong joint occasionally used in practice, particularly for temporary lighting system, where
time is not taken to solder joints. It will not untwist even though a strain is place upon it. Done by looping the solid
wire into the other to create a strong bond.
Small Aerial Tap Joint --- Mostly used on outside work, or in locations where wires are subjected to considerable
movements. It is done through looping wire to the other with large gap on the first and second loop to serve as a
space when movement is needed. The rest must be loop tightly.
Underwriter's Knot --- A knot made in a lamp cord used to relieve the strain on small wires and binding screws at
rosetics, sockets and male plug. It is neither a joint nor a splice that is done through creating a knot using a soft
wire to easily loop it.
Wrapped Tap or Tee Joint --- Used on large solid conductors where a heavy tap wire is difficult to wrap around the
main wire. Used strips of stranded wires to wrap around the T-formed solid wires to connect and paste them
Terminating Fixture Joint --- Used to join end run of the top conductor into the lead fixture. Done by looping the
other wire into the hook formed wire.
Rat Tail Joint --- Used to connect fixture lead to conductors and to join conductors in outlet boxes. Done by simply
twisting two solid wires together to form a rat tail like joint.
Britania Splice --- Used in both interior and exterior wiring where larger sizes of wires are to be joined together or
where large wire connectors or pliers are not at hand. Britania splices are done through forming two wires into
hook and wrap it using strips of stranded wire.
Mc Entire Sleeve --- Used for splicing telegraph line wires or copper or steel telephone. Done through twisting two
unwrap wires then, wrap the remaining wires and loop together.
Ordinary cross joint. This is used where two tap conductors are to extend away from the branch conductor in
opposite direction.
Double Wrapped Cross Joint --- Used where two tap conductors need to extend away from the branch conductor
in the opposite direction. Double Wrapped is somewhat similar to ordinary cross joint but done through looping
two wires simultaneously to secure strength.
Duplex Wire Splice --- Used in conduit systems wherein duplex wires are used. It is done by making two western
union small-tie splices adjoining together side by side using electrical tape.
Through Fixture Joint --- Used to connect fixtures to branch wires in an intermediate point. Through fixture joints
are made through using two bended wires looping around the remaining wires into the branch wire of each wires.
Multiple wrapped cable splice is used more extensively on small strand wires and cables because these stands
are more pliable and may be wound together without much difficulty. Large strands are rigid and require
considerable time in making such a splice.
Cable Tap or
Tee Joint is
used where
large stranded
wire or cables are tapped to a through conductor. To make the joint, the main strands should be scraped through
with a knife blade or sandpaper. The tap wire of similar wire size cable should be skinned about 6 inches’ distance
and the strands separated or fanned each strands of the tap into the shape.
Split Cable Tap or Tee Joint is used where stranded cables or wire are tapped to a through conductor. This
joint is stronger than the ordinary cable tap and will not unwrap even though a strain is placed upon it prior
Wrapped Tap, Tee Joint is used on large solid conductors where is difficult to wrap the heavy tap wire around the
main wire.
Direction: Write a video tutorial showing the right procedure or techniques in common wire splices and joints.
Choose from any of the samples in our lesson. The tutorial must be 2-3 minutes only.
F. REFERENCES: › application-solutions
10 8 6 4 2
CONTENT Appropriate terms One or two terms Not enough terms, Lacking in No real data or
and vocabulary. or jargon used vocab and jargon. appropriate facts are present.
More than enough incorrectly or Data is sparse. terminology.
data to make without Not enough facts or
claims. explanation. data.
Adequate amount
of data.
CLARITY Main idea is Main idea is Main idea is made. Video makes poor Main idea is
obvious and easy to understandable. Some graphics or initial impression. missing.
understand. No unnecessary visuals are Confusing.
Infographic makes graphics or visuals. unneeded.
a good initial
VOICE PROJECTION The voice is well The voice is loud The voice is shaky The voice is not The voice is not
modulated and the but some points but the important well modulated and clear.
information are are missed. points are shown. the information are
clearly stated. not well
H. Answer Key