What Does Extended Service Set Mean

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What Does Extended Service Set Mean?

An extended service set (ESS) is one or more interconnected basic service
sets (BSSs) and their associated LANs. Each BSS consists of a single access
point (AP) together with all wireless client devices (stations, also called
STAs) creating a local or enterprise 802.11 wireless LAN (WLAN). To the
logical link control layer (part of layer 2 of the 7-layer OSI Reference Model)
the ESS appears as a solitary BSS at any one of the STAs.

What is frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS)?

Frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) transmission is the repeated
switching of the carrier frequency during radio transmission to reduce
interference and avoid interception.

FHSS is useful to counter eaves roping, as well as to obstruct the frequency

jamming of telecommunications and to enable code-division multiple
access communications. It can also minimize the effects of unintentional

WiFi is a wireless technology that enables devices to connect to the internet
or communicate with each other wirelessly using radio waves. The different
types of WiFi standards are defined by the IEEE 802.11 standard.

The main difference between the different WiFi standards (802.11a,

802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n) is the speed and frequency of the wireless
signals they use.

802.11a: This was one of the earliest WiFi standards and it operates on a
frequency of 5 GHz. It supports maximum data transfer rates of up to 54
802.11b: This standard operates on a frequency of 2.4 GHz and supports
maximum data transfer rates of up to 11 Mbps.

802.11g: This standard operates on a frequency of 2.4 GHz and supports

maximum data transfer rates of up to 54 Mbps.

802.11n: This standard operates on both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequencies
and supports maximum data transfer rates of up to 600 Mbps.

Attenuation is the loss of signal strength in networking cables or connections. This

typically is measured in decibels (dB) or voltage and can occur due to a variety of
factors. It may cause signals to become distorted or indiscernible

Reflection .- This phenomenon usually occurs in mirrors. It can be defined as the

bounce of light when it hits the medium in a plane. The light entering the medium returns to
the same medium.

Refraction- usually occurs in lens .it can be defined as the process of the shift of light
when it passes through a medium leading to the bending of light. The light entering the
medium travels from one medium to another.

Point to Point wireless is a data connection between two points (known as “end points”). The
connection is delivered wirelessly through either radio waves or optical laser, and so does not
require the use of poles or cables. Point to point wireless is most commonly used to connect:
Buildings, CCTV Cameras, Sensors, Devices or anything else that needs a data connection.
They can be used to provide a direct link for both short and long range connections where line
of sight is available and delivers data at a comparable speed to a physical fiber line.

Point-to-multipoint wireless is defined by the fact that one of the devices in the network
(the “point”) can communicate over radio waves with several other devices at the same
time (hence “multipoint”). Devices in the former class are usually dedicated to serving as
communication nodes and are called base stations.

Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA) Mean?

A low-noise amplifier (LNA) is an electronic amplifier that is used to amplify
signals of very low strength, usually from an antenna where signals are
barely recognizable and should be amplified without adding any noise,
otherwise important information might be lost. LNAs are one of the most
important circuit components present in radio and other signal receivers.
Directional Antenna vs Omnidirectional
Every antenna has a specialized application. We have two commonly used types of
antennas, namely, the directional antenna and the omnidirectional antenna. To discern
whether a directional or an omnidirectional antenna is to be used, you must first
understand the essential functions of both types.

Directional Antenna
Directional antennas focus the RF energy in one direction. As a result, a directional
antenna has a higher antenna gain as compared with its omni-directional counterparts.
Directional antennas are usually used in elongated interior spaces, such as rooms along
a long corridor or warehouse lanes. For outdoor uses, a directional antenna can be
used in between distant buildings or on areas out away from a building.

Omnidirectional Antenna
Omnidirectional antennas or omni antennas are often formed in the shape of a thin
cylinder. It sends the signal away from the cylinder in all directions except along the
cylinder’s length. Omni-directional antennas provide wide-area coverage since they
distribute the RF energy throughout a broad area. However, it also results in a relatively
low gain.

Coverage: Omnidirectional antenna = 360-degree coverage; Directional antenna =

focused coverage in a specific direction

Range: Directional antenna > Omnidirectional antenna

Signal Strength: Directional antenna > Omnidirectional antenna

Interference: Directional antenna < Omnidirectional antenna

Size: Directional antenna > Omnidirectional antenna

Cost: Directional antenna > Omnidirectional antenna


is a background process that runs on a UNIX or Windows server and allows

businesses to maintain user profiles in a central database. When a user tries
to connect to a RADIUS Client, they must authenticate and authorize the
user, which depends on the RADIUS ecosystem. RADIUS Servers offer
businesses the ability to preserve the privacy and security of their system
and users, helping in security management and creating policies for server

How Does 802.1X Work?

802.1X is a network authentication protocol that opens ports for network access when an
organization authenticates a user's identity and authorizes them for access to the
network. The user's identity is determined based on their credentials or certificate, which
is confirmed by the RADIUS server. The RADIUS server is able to do this by
communicating with the organization's directory, typically over the LDAP or SAML

• 802.1x is a network authentication protocall.

• 802.1X is used for secure network authentication.
• 802.1X is used so devices can communicate securely with access points.
• It was used for large organizations hospitals universittys.

Shared key authentication better than open key authentication do you

agree? yes or no? why


• Shared key authentication is more secure than open authentication.

• In open key authentication client can access the network by using
SSID without any authentication or encryption.
• it means any person within in range of the network area that person
can access without owner’s permission.
• if the person need to connect to shared key authentication that
person need privet key for the enter for Shared Key authentication.
• this helps to enter only authorized clients can access network .and its
helps to prevent unauthorized access.
• Then the shared key authentication more secure than open key
authentication .
a) CISCO Air-2021 access point can operate on both 802.11ac (5GHz) and

802.11ad (55GHz) protocols.

1. Calculate the size of the antenna for this AP.

2. Calculate the center frequency of channel 1 in 802.11ad (Channel 1 highest frequency is

58.90 GHz and lowest frequency is 56.59 GHz)

3. By using the answer for section b) calculate the bandwidth percentage of channel 1 in

a) To calculate the size of the antenna, we need to use the formula:

antenna size = (speed of light) / (frequency * 2)

where the speed of light is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second.

For the 802.11ac protocol, the frequency is 5 GHz, so the antenna size
would be:
antenna size = (299,792,458 m/s) / (5 GHz * 2)

= 29.9792458 / 10^9 / (5 * 10^9 * 2)

= 2.998 meters or approximately 9.84 feet

For the 802.11ad protocol, the frequency range for channel 1 is between
56.59 GHz and 58.90 GHz. To calculate the center frequency, we need to
add the highest and lowest frequencies and divide by two:

center frequency = (56.59 GHz + 58.90 GHz) / 2

= 57.745 GHz

Therefore, the center frequency of channel 1 in 802.11ad is 57.745 GHz.

b) The bandwidth percentage of channel 1 in 802.11ad can be calculated

using the formula:

bandwidth percentage = (highest frequency - lowest frequency) / center

frequency * 100%

For channel 1 in 802.11ad, the highest frequency is 58.90 GHz and the
lowest frequency is 56.59 GHz, and the center frequency is 57.745 GHz, as
calculated in part a). Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

bandwidth percentage = (58.90 GHz - 56.59 GHz) / 57.745 GHz * 100%

= 4.0%
Therefore, the bandwidth percentage of channel 1 in 802.11ad is 4.0%.

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