LBP v. Cacayuran, G.R. No. 191667, April 22, 2015
LBP v. Cacayuran, G.R. No. 191667, April 22, 2015
LBP v. Cacayuran, G.R. No. 191667, April 22, 2015
G.R. No. 191667, April 17, 2013
Topic: Other cases/updates in jurisprudence
Ponente: Perlas-Bernabe
This is a petition for Review on Certiorari of the CA affirming the RTC in declaring the nullity of
the loan agreements entered into by Land Bank and the Municipality of Agoo, La Union.
Agoo SB passed a certain resolution to implement a redevelopment plan to redevelop the Agoo
Public Plaza. To finance the plan, SB passed a resolution authorizing then Maor Eriguel to obtain
a loan from Land Bank, incidental to it, mortgaged a portion of the plaza as collateral. It has also
authorized the assignment of a portion if the IRA and monthly income in favor of Land Bank to
secure the payment. 10 Kiosks were made at the plaza, then were rented out. Later, a
commercial center on the Plaza lot was built too, with a loan from Land Bank, posting the same
securities as the first loan.
The commercial loan was opposed by some residents of the municipality embodied in a
manifesto launched through a signature campaign by the residents and Cacayuran. Invoking his
right as taxpayer, Cacayuran filed a complaint against the officials and Land bank assailing the
validity of the loans on the ground that the Plaza lot used as collateral is property of public
dominion and therefore beyond the commerce of man.
RTC Ruling:
Declared the nullity of the subject loans, saying that the loans were passed in a highly irregular
manner, as such, the Municipality is not bound by the same.
Aggrieved, Land Bank filed notice of appeal.
Ruling of CA:
Affirmed with modification the RTC's ruling, excluding the Vice Mayor from any personal
liability arising from the subject loans. Cacayuran has locus standi as resident and taxpayer in
the municipality and the issue involves public interest. The plaza cannot be a valid collateral to
a loans for it is of public dominion.