Easy Baking Recipes
Easy Baking Recipes
Easy Baking Recipes
A selection of
Scones, bread, rolls, puddings, pastries, cakes and buns
Publisher’s note: the recipes in this book have not been formally tested by us;
we therefore do not provide any assurances or guarantees, nor do we accept
any responsibility or liability with regard to their quality or nutritional value. Be
aware that there may be variations in raw product, ingredients, temperatures,
typographic errors or omissions that may affect the final outcome. Because they
are untested, please use your judgement to achieve the best results.
Bake and Cook Safely!
For your safety and that of others, especially children, be careful using sharp
knives, glass, hot pans and heated cooking surfaces while working with these
recipes. Keep children at a safe distance from the stove while heating
products and leaving them to cool.
1 lb. flour
3 teaspoonfuls Baking Powder
2 ozs. butter
1 egg
2 teaspoonfuls ground cinnamon
Milk to mix, sugar to taste, salt to taste
Make a light scone mixture, roll out quickly, sprinkle cinnamon, fold in
three, roll lightly to required thickness, cut to shape, bake in quick oven.
1½ lbs. of flour
½ lb. butter
¾ lb. Sugar
2 eggs
2 teaspoonfuls Baking Powder
2 ozs. currants
2 ozs. candied peel
1 teaspoonful carraway seeds
Little milk
Rub the butter into the flour, add the sugar, baking powder, cleaned
currants, carraway seeds, and finely-chopped candied peel. Mix to a stiff
paste with the well-beaten eggs, and a little milk. Roll out on a floured
board, cut into shapes, and bake in quick oven.
2 breakfastcups of wheatmeal
1 breakfastcup plain flour
3 teaspoonfuls Baking Powder
3 ozs. butter (or lard)
2 heaped dessertspoonfuls sugar
1 egg
Large cup milk. Salt to taste
Mix the wheatmeal, flour, sugar and Baking Powder, then rub in butter
(or lard), beat the egg and milk together, and make into stiff dough. Roll
and cut into shapes, place on hot floured oven shelf, and bake in quick oven.
2 breakfastcups flour
3 moderate teaspoonfuls Baking Powder
2 tablespoonfuls butter
2 dessertspoonfuls sugar
1 egg, half pint milk, salt to taste
1 oz. sultanas or currants
Rub the butter (or lard) into the flour, and add the sugar, sultanas, and
baking powder. Beat the egg, and add the milk to it, then mix all together to
a wet dough. Roll out on floured board; cut into shapes, and bake in
moderate oven 20 minutes.
2 breakfastcups flour
2 heaped teaspoons Baking Powder
2 ozs. butter
1 cup milk
Salt to taste
Mix flour and baking powder, then rub in 2 ozs. butter, half a pint milk,
mix quickly, roll and cut into shapes, bake in hot oven.
To soften scones always turn out on clean towel, and cover them with
the ends.
3 breakfastcups flour
2 tablespoonfuls butter
3 teaspoonfuls Baking Powder
1 egg
½ pint milk, or more if needed.
1 tablespoonful sugar
Mix baking powder and flour together. Beat butter and sugar to a cream;
add egg (beaten), then milk, shape dough oblong, and cut. Make dough
same consistency as for scones.
2 breakfastcups flour
2 tablespoonfuls butter
1 breakfastcup milk
2 heaped teaspoons Baking Powder
Mix into a stiff dough, roll into oblong shape, cut into pieces, brush over
with milk, and bake about 20 minutes.
2 lbs. flour
2 moderate dessertspoonfuls of Baking Powder
½ teaspoonful salt
1 pint milk
Mix the baking powder and salt thoroughly with the flour, and work into
light dough with milk. Bake in quick oven.
2 breakfastcups of wheatmeal
1 small cup flour
1 teaspoon sugar
2 heaped teaspoons Baking Powder
1 small teaspoon salt
1 tablespoonful butter
1 breakfastcup milk and water
Mix all the ingredients with the milk and water into dough, turn out and
flatten with hand, inch thick, cut four lines across the top, and prick with
fork. Bake about 20 minutes.
RICE PUDDING (Without Eggs).
Stir sufficient rice in boiling water, let boil quarter of an hour, then drain
water off, stirring into the boiled rice a cupful of milk and dessertspoonful
of sugar. Make a custard (see direction for Custard, page 41), put the rice
into a dish, mix thoroughly with the custard while hot. Grate nutmeg on
top; bake as usual.
SAGO PUDDING (Without Eggs).
Stir sufficient sago in boiling water, let boil 15 minutes, then drain water
off, stir into the sago a cupful of milk and dessertspoonful sugar; make
custard (see direction for Custard, page 41); pour the stewed sago into a
dish, mix well with the custard while hot. Grate nutmeg on top; bake as
Slice sufficient white or brown bread (stale) to fill a good-sized pie dish,
and spread each slice thinly with butter. Grease the dish, then lay in the
slices, sprinkling some currants, sultanas, and sliced candied peel between
each layer, adding a little sugar and spice also. Then moisten the bread with
a cup of milk. Prepare a pint custard (see direction for Custard, page 41),
and pour over while hot, grate nutmeg on; bake as usual.
¼ lb. butter
¼ cupful sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoonful Baking Powder
2 tablespoonfuls raspberry jam
1 breakfastcup flour
MODE.—Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add eggs (well beaten), then
the flour, baking powder and jam; put into a buttered basin, and steam 2½
3 ozs. butter
6 ozs. flour
2 or 3 eggs
1 small teaspoon Baking Powder
4 ozs. sugar
4 ozs. dates
3 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon lemon juice
MODE.—Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add eggs, and beat well. Then
add milk, dates (chopped up fine), lemon juice, and last sift in the flour and
baking powder mixed. Steam 2 hours in a buttered mould.
4 apples
½ pint milk
2 eggs
1 tablespoon flour
½ nutmeg
1 tablespoon minced suet
½ teaspoon Baking Powder
Sugar, sweeten to taste
Core and halve the apples, beat eggs, add flour, baking powder and milk.
Grease a pie dish; lay the apples in (cut part down), pour the mixture over,
then sprinkle in the minced suet, and grate nutmeg on top. Bake moderate
1 breakfastcup flour
½ breakfastcup sugar
1 tablespoonful butter
1 egg
½ cupful sweet milk
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
Rub butter into flour and Baking Powder, add sugar, beat egg and milk
together, and mix all into batter. Place some raisins at bottom of mould or
basin, pour batter over, and steam for 1¼ hours.
Roll out a nice suet crust as for rolly poly, scatter over some chopped
figs, dates, apple or lemon juice, finely chopped candied peel, breadcrumbs,
golden syrup, ground ginger, and nutmeg, little pieces of butter here and
there, roll up, secure ends, tie in cloth, and boil about 2 hours; put pudding
into boiling water.
1 teacupful flour
2 tablespoonfuls chopped suet
Cold water
pepper and salt to taste
½ teaspoon Baking Powder
1 dessertspoonful chopped parsley
Mix all the dry ingredients, rubbing suet into the flour, and make all into
stiff paste with cold water. Cut and roll into balls, covering the outsides
with flour, which prevents breaking. When ready, drop them into the stew,
which must be boiling slowly, and cook for half-hour longer.
3 ozs. flour
½ teaspoon Baking Powder
3 apples
3 ozs. suet
3 ozs. breadcrumbs
¼ teaspoon salt
3 dessertspoonfuls sugar
Prepare the apples, make a paste of flour, suet, breadcrumbs, add baking
powder, salt, and water to mix. Place a piece of paste round each apple, put
dessertspoonful sugar in each, then cover the top. Put dumplings loose into
pan of boiling water, when they come to surface give them ½ hour.
½ lb. flour
4 ozs. dripping (or lard or butter)
Salt a little
½ teaspoon Baking Powder
½ teaspoon Sugar (fine)
Water to mix
Beat butter (or dripping) to a cream, add all other ingredients, and
sufficient water to make a dough, roll out into shape, and spread with
apricot or raspberry jam, sliced apples, plums, or any fruit desired could be
substituted for jam. Put in a baking dish; bake in moderate oven.
3½ breakfastcups flour
1 breakfastcup sugar
½ breakfastcup butter
4 eggs
1 cup milk
3 teaspoonfuls Baking Powder
½ teaspoonful salt
Beat sugar and eggs together in a separate basin, rub butter into flour,
add salt and baking powder, mix well, then mix flour with the eggs and
sugar, roll out, cut into rounds, and fry in hot lard; serve hot.
½ lb. flour
7 ozs. butter
½ teaspoonful Baking Powder
Water to mix
MODE.—Place the flour on a pastry-board with the butter, chop the
butter into the flour with a knife, then put into a basin, add baking powder,
and sufficient water to make a soft dough. Roll out several times.
1 teacup curds
1 oz. butter
1 oz. sugar
1 egg
1 tablespoon currants
MODE.—Cream butter and sugar, mix with the curds, mix all ingredients
together. Fill patty-pans, lined with pastry.
To prepare the curd, boil 2 quarts of milk, and as it rises pour in either
½ pint of vinegar or buttermilk to turn it to curds. Draw the pan to side of
the fire, let it stand 5 minutes, then strain through a sieve.
Pastry requires a hot oven; if it contains baking powder—must be baked
at once.
½ lb. butter
1 lb. flour
2 teaspoonfuls Baking Powder
Mince 2 or 3 apples
1 cupful clean currants
1 piece of peel
1 dessertspoonful cinnamon
1 lemon
1 egg
2 tablespoons sugar
MODE.—Rub butter into flour, then add baking powder, make into a firm
dough with water. Roll out to required thickness; mince all other
ingredients together, and mix in egg last. Place mince between pastry, and
¼ lb. pastry
1 teacupful raw potato
1 teacupful raw meat
A small piece of onion chopped fine
½ teaspoonful salt
¼ teaspoonful pepper
3 tablespoonfuls cold water or gravy
Mix all ingredients together on a plate, roll pastry into an oval shape, put
the mixture on the paste, wet the edges on the top, and prick well. Brush
over a little egg or milk, and bake in a hot oven for about half-an-hour.
4 breakfastcups flour
2 heaped teaspoonfuls Baking Powder
1 level teaspoon salt
1 lb. butter (lard or dripping may be used)
Mix well together, then add 2 cups of water, and roll out. This makes
light paste for pies, tarts, custard, etc.
2 tablespoonfuls sugar
1 egg
2 tablespoonfuls butter
½ teaspoonful Baking Powder
1 teaspoonful flour
1 tablespoonful Custard Powder
MODE.—Cream butter and sugar together, add the egg; mix flour, baking,
and custard powder together, and add by degrees to mixture. Place in
greased patty-tins on cold oven shelf, and bake ten minutes. When nearly
baked, place a teaspoonful of raspberry jam on each, and then bake a little
4 eggs
Their weight in butter, sugar and flour
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
4 ozs. currants
Flavouring to taste
Beat butter and sugar to a cream, then beat in eggs. Mix currants with
flour and baking powder, and add to mixture. Bake in hot oven.
2 breakfastcups flour
2 heaped teaspoons Baking Powder
2 tablespoonfuls sugar
2 tablespoonfuls butter
1 egg
Spice, and milk to mix
Rub all dry ingredients together, mix with milk to desired paste, roll out,
cover with spice, and sugar, and bake as usual.
1 breakfastcup of flour
¼ lb. butter
2 ozs. sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add yolk of egg, and beat well. Mix
flour and baking powder together, and add to mixture with the hand. Paste
must be very stiff. Roll out thin. Make the icing with the white of the egg,
spread on top of paste. Place chopped almonds on. Cut into fingers; bake
moderate oven.
Take ½ lb. butter, and ½ lb. sugar, beat these well together with the
hand to a cream, add 4 eggs, one at a time, beat well into the butter and
sugar, lightly mix in 2 breakfastcups of flour previously mixed with one
heaped teaspoon of Baking Powder, then lightly mix in ½ lb. sultanas. Bake
at once thoroughly in fairly quick oven.
1¼ breakfastcups flour
¼ lb. butter
2 eggs
¾ breakfastcup sugar
2 teaspoonfuls Baking Powder
Cream butter and sugar, add eggs beaten, mix flour and baking powder,
and add to mixture, then enough milk to make thin. Cook in sponge
sandwich tins. Put together with lemon honey or raspberry jam. Icing on
¼ lb. butter
3 ozs. sugar
2 small cups flour
1½ teaspoonfuls Baking Powder
1 egg
Beat butter and sugar, add egg and flour mixed with baking powder, roll
small pieces between the hands, dip in sugar, and put on cold tray; bake in
moderate oven till slightly brown.
1 breakfastcup flour
1 dessertspoonful sugar
1 egg (well beaten)
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
¾ breakfastcup milk
1 oz. butter
Mix flour, sugar, and Baking Powder together, then mix egg and milk,
make a well in centre of dry ingredients, and mix to a smooth paste with
milk. Cook in small lots on hot greased girdle.
3 eggs
1 cup sugar (small)
1 cup flour (small)
½ teaspoon Baking Powder
Beat eggs and sugar well, then add flour and baking powder mixed; bake
in hot oven in sandwich tins.
½ lb. cornflour
½ lb. butter
½ lb. sugar
½ lb. flour
4 eggs
2 teaspoonfuls Baking Powder
Cream butter and sugar, add eggs beaten and flavouring, mix baking
powder, flour, and cornflour, and add to mixture; mix until quite light, drop
in teaspoon lots on cold oven shelf, bake in quick oven; when cold, fasten
together with jam.
1 lb. butter
1 lb. currants
1 lb. raisins
1 lb. sultanas
¼ lb. mixed peel
¼ lb. almonds
4 breakfastcups flour
2 breakfastcups sugar
10 eggs
1 heaped teaspoon Baking Powder
Wine glass brandy
Beat butter to a cream, add sugar, then eggs one by one (unbeaten); mix
baking powder with flour, and put in, then fruit dredged with flour. Brandy.
Cook 4½ hours, moderate oven.
1 breakfastcup flour
1 teacup sugar
2 teaspoonfuls Baking Powder
3 eggs
¼ cup milk
(Essence vanilla or lemon)
Mix flour, sugar, and baking powder together, beat in the eggs and milk,
put into small greased tins. Bake in moderate oven about 20 minutes.
1 breakfastcup flour
1 tablespoonful sugar
1 heaped teaspoon Baking Powder
1 egg
3 ozs. butter
Rub the butter into flour, sugar, and baking powder, then add the egg
well beaten, and enough milk to make a stiff dough. Place in heaps on cold
greased oven shelf. Bake quick oven 10 to 15 minutes.
1 breakfastcup flour
2 heaped dessertspoonfuls sugar
2 ozs. currants
2 ozs. butter (or lard)
1 oz. or 1 round candied peel
1 dessertspoonful Baking Powder
Milk to mix
Rub the butter (or lard) into flour, then add other dry ingredients, the
egg beaten, and sufficient milk to make stiff dough. Place in rocky shapes on
cold greased oven shelf, and bake in hot oven 10 or 12 minutes.
2 breakfastcups flour
3 ozs. dripping
1 teaspoonful Baking Powder
¼ lb. sugar
¼ lb. sultanas
1 oz. peel
½ teaspoonful salt
1 egg
MODE.—Rub dripping well into the flour, add all dry ingredients. Beat
the egg well, mix with a breakfastcup nearly full of milk. Mix all together,
and bake in greased patty-tins about 15 minutes.
2 breakfastcups flour
½ lb. butter
½ lb. sugar
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
8 eggs
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 lb. currants
4 ozs. almonds
½ lb. mixed peel
MODE.—Beat butter to a cream, add sugar gradually, then white of eggs
(beaten 10 minutes), then yolks (beaten 10 minutes), then flour and other
ingredients. Bake 2½ hours moderate oven.
2 breakfastcups flour
2 teaspoonfuls Baking Powder
Pinch of salt
Mix well in dry state, add two eggs, well beaten, and enough milk to
make thin batter. Fry with lard or butter.
1 cup flour
1 tea cup sugar
3 eggs
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
2 tablespoons cold water
METHOD.—Beat eggs and sugar till stiff and frothy, sift flour and baking
powder, add water to eggs and sugar, then stir in the sifted flour and
baking powder lightly and quickly, pour into greased tin, and bake in hot
oven from 8 to 10 minutes. This recipe will also serve for a Jam Sandwich.
1 cup flour
½ cup ground rice
¼ lb. sugar
3 ozs. butter
1 egg
½ cup milk
1 teaspoonful Baking Powder
A pinch of salt
Cream butter and sugar, sift dry ingredients together, whisk the egg
well, and mix all thoroughly. Add flavouring, and a few currants if liked.
Bake in patty pans in moderate oven about 10 minutes.
½ lb. sugar
½ lb. butter
½ lb. sultanas
¼ lb. peel
¾ lb. flour
6 eggs
1 small teaspoonful Baking Powder
A few almonds and flavouring
MODE.—Whip butter and sugar to a cream, beat in eggs one by one, then
add flour and baking powder, fruit, peel, almonds, and flavouring. Bake in
moderate oven 2 hours.
1½ breakfastcups flour
¼ lb. desiccated coconut (or almonds)
6 tablespoonfuls sugar
4 ozs. butter
½ teacup milk
1 dessertspoonful Egg Powder
Mix coconut with the flour, sugar, and Egg Powder. Soften the butter a
little, then rub it lightly into the other ingredients, moisten the whole with
the milk slightly warmed, and bake in moderate quick oven in buttered
patty pans.
1 breakfastcup flour
2 heaped dessertspoonfuls sugar
3 ozs. butter (or 3 tablespoonfuls)
1 egg (well beaten) and some milk
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
Jam (raspberry preferred)
Rub butter into flour, then add sugar and Baking Powder, mix well, add
egg and sufficient milk to make a light dough. Roll and cut into rounds;
place a little raspberry jam on each, wet the edges, and press them
together. Put on cold, greased oven shelf, and bake about 10 minutes.
RICE CAKES (Without Eggs).
1 cup flour
½ cup ground rice
¼ lb. sugar
4 ozs. butter
½ cup milk (good measure)
1 heaped teaspoonful Egg Powder
Pinch salt
Cream butter and sugar, sift and mix dry ingredients into same, mix all
thoroughly with the milk, add flavouring, and bake in patty pans in
moderate oven from 10 to 12 minutes.
¼ lb. flour
¼ lb. sugar
2 eggs
2 tablespoonfuls butter
1 teaspoon chocolate (or 1½ teaspoons cocoa)
½ teaspoonful vanilla essence
½ teaspoonful Baking Powder
Beat butter and sugar together, then add flour, baking powder, cocoa
and essence. Bake in moderate oven 15 to 20 minutes in sandwich tins. Ice
with chocolate icing.
½ lb. butter
½ lb. sugar
1 lb. (or 2 breakfastcups) flour
2 eggs
1 teaspoonful Baking Powder
Flavour with essence of lemon
Cream butter and sugar together, add eggs, then flour and powder
mixed well, roll out thin, cut into shapes and bake.
½ lb. butter
½ lb. sugar
6 eggs
½ lb. dates
1½ breakfastcups flour
1 teaspoonful Baking Powder
Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add eggs 2 at a time; beat well, add
flour, powder, and fruit. Bake about 1½ hours.
1 breakfastcup flour
2 teaspoonfuls Baking Powder
1 teaspoonful cornflour (or potato flour)
¼ lb. sugar
¼ lb. butter
4 eggs
Beat butter and sugar to a cream, well whisk the eggs, sift dry
ingredients together, make a hole in centre of flour, in which put butter and
eggs, mix thoroughly but lightly; add flavouring liked, and bake in small
patty pans in hot oven for about 10 minutes.
1½ breakfastcups flour
3 tablespoonfuls butter
2 tablespoonfuls sugar
1 dessertspoonful Egg Powder
Milk to mix
Rub butter into flour, then stir in sugar, egg powder and sufficient milk
to make firm dough. Roll and cut into rounds, place one teaspoonful of
raspberry jam in the centre; wet the edges and press them together. Place
on cold greased oven shelf. Bake 12 minutes.
½ lb. butter
½ lb. sugar
6 eggs
2 cups flour
1 teaspoonful Baking Powder
Caraway seed, lemon peel
Beat butter and sugar to a cream, then add the eggs, beating in one by
one with the hand; lastly, add flour and baking powder, mixed together,
with seeds and lemon peel as desired.
2 breakfastcups flour
1 teacup sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
1 teacup golden syrup
1 teacup butter
1 teacup milk
2 eggs
2 dessertspoonfuls ground ginger
1 teaspoonful cinnamon
½ teaspoonful spice
Mix dry ingredients, add eggs well beaten, and butter (melted) last of all;
bake three-quarters of an hour.
1 lb. flour
½ lb. butter
½ lb. sultanas
½ lb. sugar
4 eggs
3 ozs. peel
1 heaped teaspoonful Baking Powder
A little milk
Cream the butter and sugar together, add eggs well beaten, then the
other ingredients; bake in moderate oven two hours
TEA CAKES (Without Eggs).
1 lb. flour
4 ozs. sugar
4 ozs. butter
2 teaspoonfuls Egg Powder
½ lb. dates (or sultanas) chopped
Milk to mix, salt a pinch
Rub butter into flour, add all dry ingredients, mix all together to a paste
with milk, turn out on board, form into a roll, and cut in equal parts, put on
cold greased and floured tray, and bake in quick oven.
1 breakfastcup flour
3 heaped dessertspoonfuls sugar
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
1 egg
3 ozs. butter
Candied peel and milk
Essence of lemon to taste
Rub butter into flour, add other dry ingredients, mix well, then add the
egg well beaten, and enough milk to make a stiff dough. Place in small lots
on a cold greased oven shelf. Put a piece of candied peel on top of each.
Bake in quick oven about 10 minutes.
1 breakfastcup flour
2 dessertspoonfuls sugar
2 ozs. currants
4 ozs. butter (or lard)
½ oz. or 1 round candied peel
1 dessertspoonful Egg Powder
Milk to mix
Rub the butter (or lard) into flour, add the other dry ingredients, and
sufficient milk to make a stiff dough, place on cold greased oven shelf in
rocky shapes. Bake in hot oven.
½ cupful butter
1 cupful sugar
3 eggs
½ cupful lemon peel (cut up)
3 breakfastcups flour
3 teaspoons Baking Powder
Beat butter and sugar to a cream, add the eggs, and beat few minutes
longer, add other ingredients, and mix into moderate paste with milk. Place
on cold oven shelf (greased), and bake about 12 or 15 minutes in hot oven.
Special.—If Baking Powder should appear lumpy in tin, it will easily
powder up again (with back of spoon) before using in cooking.
1 breakfastcup flour
4 ozs. desiccated coconut
2 dessertspoonfuls sugar
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
2 ozs butter (or 2 tablespoonfuls)
Rub butter into flour, mix in coconut, baking powder, and sugar, making
into stiff dough with milk. Place in small lots on cold greased oven shelf,
and bake in hot oven about 20 minutes.
Cut up stale sponge cakes in dish, spread over with jam (raspberry
preferred), then make a pint custard, (as per direction for Custard), and
pour when cooked over the cakes. Let stand till cold, then spread whipped
cream on top. This dish is improved by adding a little sherry or wine to the
cut sponges.
Two large cups of milk; take sufficient to mix smooth 1 heaped teaspoon
of Custard Powder. Place remainder in saucepan with 2 teaspoonfuls sugar;
when it boils add mixture, stir and place immediately into glasses (grate
nutmeg on top to taste).
From a pint of new milk take enough to mix smooth one large
dessertspoonful of Custard Powder, sweeten the remainder of the milk to
taste (say, a heaped dessertspoonful sugar), and when the milk is boiling,
pour the mixed custard into it, stir and pour immediately into jug. When
cold, place in glasses (grate nutmeg on if desired).
1 lb. sugar
Rind and juice of 4 lemons
4 ozs. butter
4 eggs
Grate only the yellow part of the lemon rinds (avoid white part, as it is
bitter), strain the juice, beat eggs a little, put all ingredients into enamelled
pot; cook slowly until thick and smooth. Do not let it boil. Put in jar, and
cover when cold.
Slice in equal quantities some nice bananas and freshly preserved figs,
sprinkle castor sugar over each layer, add lemon juice if desired, place in
glass dish, and cover with whipped cream flavoured with vanilla, put in a
cool place for 2 hours.
Golden syrup
Wipe some large sound pears, arrange them in an enamel baking dish
with stalk ends upwards, pour a little water over them, and enough golden
syrup to sweeten (say one tablespoonful to every three pears). Bake in a
slow oven 2 hours or more. If baked slowly they will be juicy, tender and
sweet, baste them frequently with the syrup and water, if oven is too hot
cover with oven shelf. Serve with cream or custard.
¼ lb. macaroni
Tomatoes, onion, butter
Pepper and salt
Break up macaroni and boil in plenty of water slightly salted, boil one
onion in the same water, strain and put a layer in a buttered pie dish, put
next a layer of sliced tomato and the boiled onion, another layer of
macaroni, and so on with pepper and salt on each layer till dish is full; have
tomato on top layer, sprinkle bread crumbs over, and some little pieces of
butter. Bake till tomatoes are cooked about one hour.
12 lbs. tomatoes
2 lbs. onions
2 ozs. garlic (chopped fine)
1 oz. ground ginger
½ oz. cloves
4 ozs. salt
½ oz. cayenne pepper
Place spices in a bag, and boil with rest of ingredients 2 hours
(occasionally squeeze the spice bag), then beat through a sieve or colander
till nothing but skin and seed remains. When cool, add a quart of best malt
vinegar, half a lb. brown sugar, boil again until it is as thick as cream. Bottle
and cork when cold. Always put sauce in small bottles if convenient, it
keeps better, and seal top of same.
12 lbs. tomatoes
2 lb. cooking apples
1 lb. onions
¾ lb. sugar
¼ lb. salt
2 ozs. each of allspice and garlic
¼ oz. each of chillies, mace and cloves
1 quart best English malt vinegar
Wipe and break the tomatoes, cut up garlic, apples, and onions. Boil all
together with rest of ingredients 3 to 4 hours. Strain and bottle.
2 lbs. tomatoes
1 oz. butter
2 ozs. sago
1 large onion
1 quart stock
Pepper and salt
Slice the tomatoes and onion, and boil in stock until tender, strain
through a colander, and return to the saucepan, then add butter, sago, and
seasoning; boil till sago is cooked.
Pare and core six large apples, cut up, and stew half hour with small cup
of water, then add small cup sugar, mash together with a wooden stirrer.
Stew gently some tomatoes with a little butter, pepper and salt, when
soft mash with a fork, and add to them a well-beaten egg until they thicken.
Serve on hot buttered toast.
½ teaspoonful mustard
Pinch of salt
Little pepper
2 heaped dessertspoonfuls sugar
Yolks of 2 hard-boiled eggs
Mix all together, add sufficient milk (breakfastcup), then vinegar,
stirring it until it thickens.
4 eggs
1 tablespoon flour
Large breakfastcup milk
Parsley, onion, salt and pepper to taste
Beat eggs, mix flour smooth with a little of the milk, then add remainder;
stir into the eggs, add parsley, onion, pepper and salt; put a small piece of
butter or dripping in frying-pan, pour in the mixture, and cook gradually.
When brown underneath, cut in pieces, and turn.
Milk, seasoning
1 onion
Brown some crusts of bread in the oven, shell peanuts and put them
through the mincer, putting the bread through the mincer afterwards.
Take a cup of the bread crumbs, pour on them a little milk, just enough
to moisten, but not to make them too soft.
Mix with them half a cup of the ground peanuts, salt, and a little
powdered herb, either sage or thyme, and one minced onion, put all into a
buttered pie dish, and bake slowly till nicely browned. If it appears to be
getting too dry, a very little water may be put on top as it is cooking, or a
few pieces of butter on top makes a fine improvement.
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