Answer Sheet 2020

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Name of the group: Teen Team

Name of the school and Kiskunfélegyházi

your teacher: József Attila Általános
Iskola Platán Utcai

Total points: .../75

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Part 1 15th anniversary of our School 6 points

Question 1 2020. 05. 29.

Question 2 József Csányi, Csaba Rokolya

Question 3 He was the director of teacher education.

Part 2 To survive wintertime, trees ditch those brilliant leaves 15 points

B 5
Which statement is a
CENTRAL idea of the

What are the colors the green, orange, yellow, red, amber, crimson, 7
article mention? tangerine-colored

What pigments are chlorophill, carotenoid, anthocyanin 2


What is the name of the photosynthesis 1

Part3 Family idioms 8 points

Exercise 1 Write in the correct letters to the empty spaces.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
f a h g e b c d

Exercise 2 5 points

Correct idiom
1 The apple doesn’t fall far from the the tree
3 Black sheep
4 Breadwinner

Part4 Video modul

Exercise 1 Write in the mistakes you have found. 10 points

1 Lowland Highland 6 thousand millions

2 clean murky 7 students scientist
3 decades sentries 8 pond lake
4 creation creature 9 heavy tiny

5 tailed necked 10 swimming hiding

Exercise 2 Which words -from the text!- match the definitions? 9 points

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
legend, belive extinction survived fragments proof depths hiding

Part5 Tips for being a super-organised student

Exercise 1 Write in the letters of the similar meanings. 8 points

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

d f h b c a g e

Exercise 2 6 points

True or 1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 6…
false? False True False True True True

Exercise 3 Gap-filling 8 points

gaps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

words them dates reminder desk dokuments before sections remove

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