Time Table

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St Mary's English Medium School, Raipur

Time Table

Class 2

Timing Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

9 to 10 AM English I English I English I English II English II English II
10 to 11 AM EVS EVS EVS Maths Maths Maths
11 to 12
Maths Maths Hindi Hindi Hindi Hindi

St Mary's English Medium School, Raipur

Time Table

Class 3 C
Day Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Period 5
Monday Maths Eng - I SST Hindi Computer
Tuesday Maths Eng - I SST Hindi Computer
Wednesday Maths Eng - I SST Hindi GK
Thursday Maths Eng - II Science Hindi GK
Friday Maths Eng - II Science Hindi Games
Eng Hindi
Saturday M Sc Drawing _
Writing Writing
*syllabus Unit test -1 Session 2022-23

English 1 ( Grammar)

Lesson 1 The sentence

Lesson 2 Subject and Predicate

Lesson 3 The Noun and it's kinds

English ll Reader

Lesson 1 Success Takes Time

Lesson 2The Golden Mangoes



पाठ 1 भाषा और लिपि

पाठ 2 वर्ण विचार, शब्द विचार,वाक्य , वाक्य विचार


पाठ 1 हिन्द दे श के निवासी

पाठ 2 भाग चह
ू े ,भाग

Unit 1- Revision

Unit 2- Numbers beyond one thousand

Unit 3- Addition of numbers


1.Our Houses

2.Our Neighbourhood

3.Our clothes


1. The Living and the Nonliving.

2. The Human Body

Syllabus Unit test 2 Class 3

English l English ll
L-4 The pronoun L-3 Puppy and I
L-5 The Adjective L-4 True Friends
L-6 The verb
Hindi वर्तिका
वाटिका संज्ञा
पाठ 3 रसगुल्ले की जड़ सर्वनाम
पाठ 4 - सुलतान का संदक
ू विशेषण
पाठ 5 - सुबह
Unit-4 Subtraction
Unit-5 Multiplication
( Multiplication of four digits number by one digit
Multiplication of three digits by two digits)

S.st Science
4. Our food 3. The Respiratory System
5. Our Festivals 4. Birds
6. Means of Transport

St Marys Eng Med School, Raipur

UNIT TEST - II 2022-23 Time- Table

Class 3

Date Day Subject

22-08-2022 MONDAY SST

23-08-2022 TUESDAY HINDI





Half yearly examination
Session 2022-23

English I
L- 4 The Pronoun English II
L-5 The Adjective L-2 The Golden Mangoes
L-6 The Verb L-3 Puppy and I
L-7 The Verb Forms L-4 True Friends
L-8 The Adverb L-5 Choose Your Sports
L-17 Comprehension
L-19 Paragraph Writing

वाटिका वर्तिका
पाठ- 3 रसगुल्ले की जड़ संज्ञा
पाठ -4 सुलतान का संदक
ू लिंग
पाठ -5 सुबह वचन
पाठ -6 बोल अनमोल सर्वनाम
पाठ -7 शर्त एलियन की विशेषण
पाठ -8 तितली की उड़ान क्रिया और काल

Subject :-Maths
Tables:- 14 ,15, 16
Unit 2:- Numbers Beyond One Thousand
Unit 3:- Addition Of Numbers
Unit 4:- Subtraction Of Numbers
Unit 5:- Multiplication Of Numbers
Unit 6:- Division Of Numbers { Exercise:-34,(Division Of Two Digit
Numbers By One Digit Numbers With and Without Remainder)}

Subject :- S.St Subject:-Science

1. The Living and the
3. Our Cloth Nonliving
4. Our food 2. The Human Body
5. Our Festivals 3. The Respiratory System
6. Means of Transport 4. Birds
7. Communication 5. Insects
8. The Sun,the Moon and
the Stars
9. The Earth

Moral science Gk
Unit-1 The World Around
L- 1 Remembering God Us
L- 2 A Good Citizen Page no.7-10

Unit-2 Words and More

Page no.11-13

Unit-3 The Magic of

Page no.14-15

Unit-4 Young Scientist

Page no.16-19

Unit-5 Explore India

Page no.20-22


1. Computer System
2. GUI Operating System
3. Word Processor:Ms
Word 2010

Half Yearly Time table

Class 3

Date Day Subject


20-09-2022 TUESDAY MATHS



23-09-2022 FRIDAY HINDI

24-09-2022 SATURDAY S. ST


27-09-2022 TUESDAY M. Sc

28-09-2022 WEDNESDAY G. K.

Time 8 AM to 10 30 AM

Land Line : 0771-2972780
Mobile      :  8269801982                (Please call on holidays between 10:00 AM To 5:00 PM) 
Email:  [email protected]
Science Assignment

Q.1 . Draw / Paste some harmful insects and write 2 lines each about them.

( Note:-Write down your Assignment in your Science Fair copy)

Q.2 Make any 2 vegetables or Fruits using mud or clay

S.St Assignment

Q.1 Paste some pictures of junk food that we should try not to eat.

( Note:-Write down your Assignment in your S.St Fair copy)

*Q.2 .*Make a poster of your favourite festival.

Hindi Assignment

ईद (निबंध)पेज नम्बर -60

लिख कर याद करें गे ।

अपनी हिंदी की कॉपी (वर्तिका ) में लिखें ।

ENg 1
Draw and colour ( in A4 size white colour paper) the verbs with green, the adjectives with
red and the adverbs with blue.

Eng Activity

Write and complete this activity in your book only. Write in neat and clean handwriting

For Class 3-C

Maths Assignment

Worksheet book page no.19-26


Class 3

Date Day Subject

29-11-2022 TUESDAY SST



02-12-2022 FRIDAY MATHS


05-12-2022 MONDAY ENGLISH - II

Syllabus Unit test 3

Session 2022-23

English I English ll
L-9 The Preposition L-7 A courageous boy.
L-10 The conjunction L-10 The Bird
L-18 letter writing (Leave

पाठ-9 चला किसान
पाठ-10 परीक्षा
पाठ-11 कहाँ गया बल्ला
पाठ-11 पर्यायवाची शब्द
पाठ-12 विलोम शब्द
पाठ 17 पत्र-लेखन (चाचा जी को उपहार के लिए धन्यवाद पत्र )

Unit 6 :--Division of Numbers
Ch 6. - Parts of a plant
unit7 :-Fractions-(-exercise 42, 43,
44 ,45, 46) Ch 8. - Matter


Ch 10. - Continents and Ocean

Ch 12. - Maps and Directions

Ch 13. - Our states and Union Territories

Annual Time table

Class 3
Date Day Subject



09-02-2022 THURSDAY G.K.


14-02-2023 TUESDAY S. ST



21-02-2023 TUESDAY ENGLISH-1




Syllabus Annual exam 2022-23

English I (Grammar) English ll ( Reader)

L-1 The sentence L-5 Choose your sport
L-2 Subject and Predicate L-7 A courageous boy
L-3 The Noun and its kinds L-8 Why
L-4 The pronoun L-10 The Bird
L-5 The Adjective L-11 Beautiful bee
L-6 The Verb L-12 The wooden Bowl
L-7 The Verb- Forms L-13 Don't tell
L-8 The Adverb L-14 Healing Mother earth
L-9 The Preposition L-16 All things bright and
L-10 The Conjunction beautiful
L-11 The Noun : Gender
L-12 The Noun: Number
L-13 Comparison of Adjectives
L-14 The Article
L-15 Punctuation and capital letters
L-16 Tenses
L-17 Comprehension
L-18 Letter writing
L-20 Story writing

English (Oral) Topics Good Habits

Save trees
Hindi वाटिका वर्तिका
पाठ-1 हिन्द दे श के निवासी *संज्ञा
पाठ- 3 रसगुल्ले की जड़ *लिंग
पाठ -4 सुलतान का संदक
ू *वचन
पाठ -5 सुबह
पाठ -6 बोल अनमोल
पाठ -8 तितली की उड़ान
*क्रिया और काल
पाठ -9 चला किसान
*पर्यायवाची शब्द
पाठ-10 परीक्षा
पाठ-11 कहाँ गया बल्ला *विलोम शब्द
पाठ-12 बालवीर *अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द
पाठ-13 धरती कितनी बड़ी किताब *अनेकार्थी शब्द
पाठ -14 बीज-यात्रा *मह
ु ावरे
पाठ-15 मनभावन मसरू ी *पत्र-लेखन
पाठ -16 वन की शान *निबंध-लेखन
Unit 1: Revision S.St
Unit 2: Numbers Beyond One Ch 2- Our Neighbourhood
Thousand Ch 5 - Our Festivals
Unit 3: Addition Of Numbers Ch 7 - Communication
Unit 4: Subtraction Of Numbers Ch 8 - The Sun the Moon and the stars
Unit 5: Multiplication Of Ch 9 - The Earth
Numbers Ch 10- Continents and Ocean
Unit 6: Division Of Numbers Ch 11- Mountains and Valleys
Unit 7: Fractions Ch 12 - Maps and Directions
Unit 8:Money Ch 13- Our States and Union Territories
Unit 9: Metric Measurements Ch 15 - Things India is known By
Unit 12 :Pictograph Ch 16- Our National Days
Ch 18- Our Past
Ch 19- The story of Early Humans
Ch 20- Humans learn New Things
Science L.5 - Being Courteous
Ch.6 - Parts of a Plant L.6 - Gaining Knowledge
Ch.7 - What Plants Give Us L.7 - The Builders of Our Lives.
Ch.8 - Matter L.8 - Precious Gifts
Ch.9 - Water L.9 - Welcoming Guests
Ch.10 - Water in Our Lives L.10 - Hobby
Ch.11 - How we get Energy
Ch.12 - Health and Happiness
Ch 13 - Clean Surroundings
*Sports,Art and Culture
*Go green L.4 - The Internet: An Introduction
*Life Skill L.5 - Fun with Paint
*The World Around Us L.6 - File Management :
*Words and more Organisation of Folders
*The Magic of books
*Young Scientist
*Explore India
*Sports,Arts and culture
*Go Green
*Life Skill

1. Plant more trees.

2. Minimise the use of paper.
3. Buy recycled paper products.
4. Use cloth products.
5. Increase plantation awareness in your community.
6. Volunteer yourself to trees plantation.
7. Start an online campaign to save trees.
 Trees purify our air and combat climate change. ...
 Trees provide housing to millions of species that protect us from disease. ...
 Trees cool our streets and cities. ...
 Trees protect against floods and water pollution. ...
 Trees ease the mind during stressful times.
1. Trees are fundamental to our life.
2. Trees provide oxygen, the air we breathe.
3. They provide foods like fruits, vegetables, etc.
4. They are themselves food to a lot of herbivore animals.
5. Trees cool up our atmosphere and make it habitable for us.

How To Save Trees?

1. Trees are fundamental to our life.

2. Trees provide oxygen, the air we breathe.
3. They provide foods like fruits, vegetables, etc.
4. They are themselves food to a lot of herbivore animals.
5. Trees cool up our atmosphere and make it habitable for u
Below are some points for your reference.

 Plant more trees

 Minimise the use of paper
 Buy recycled paper products
 Use cloth products
 Increase plantation awareness in your community
 Volunteer yourself to trees plantation
 Start an online campaign to save trees
2) Trees are very important to us just like food and water are for life.

5) Trees also help to have better rainfall and prevent soil erosion against floods.
6) Trees also give us woods, medicines, habitat to birds, and shelter to animals etc.
7) They also contain a whole ecosystem within them and support various forms of life.
8) Save trees campaign spreads awareness regarding the importance of trees in our life.
9) Campaigns, processions and rallies are organised to promote reforestation and tree
10) Huge number of people gather and support save trees campaigns and request people
to plant trees in their surroundings.
2) Trees give us life by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon di-oxide
which is very essential for the existence of any kind of life.

1) ‘Save Trees’ can be often heard when people are talking about pollution.
2) Trees must be saved as they are a very important natural resource.
3)  ‘Save Trees’ means don’t make a land survive without Trees.
4) Trees are an important resource of Oxygen for human so they must be saved.
5) Saving Trees is all about making nature beautiful and attractive.
6) Trees are asked to be saved because they purify the air, provide oxygen and save the
land from erosion.
7) Saving Trees means not cutting the trees in a huge number.
8) There have been many movements launched in the whole world to protect the Trees.
9) Many NGOs work for saving Trees and one can join them very easily.
10) Saving the Trees is indirectly saving the human from calamities.

5 Lines on Save Trees

1) Trees give us oxygen.
2) It maintains climate change.
3) It supports the lives of many species.
4) It cleans the environment.
5) It gives us wood, fruits, rubber, medicines, etc.
1. Trees are important for human life. They give us oxygen and called Green Gold.
2. Trees play an important role in photosynthesis by converting solar energy into chemical
3. Trees take carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
4. They are also the source of fuelwood, charcoal etc.
5. They prevent soil erosion. Trees reduce pollution.
6. Deforestation is an important world issue. The government plants thousands of trees
during Van Mahotsav every year.
7. Every year in July we plant trees on this day.
8. Trees are the reason for good rainfall. 
9. They provide us with shade during the summary. It gives us cool and fresh air.
10. Trees give us fruits, used as medicine.

1. As trees are our most trustworthy friend, we should try to save them, and in the process, we will
save more lives.
2. For us to enjoy the benefits provided by trees for a long time, we should plant more trees.
3. They provide us with fruits and vegetables to eat, wood for shelter.
4. Trees also give fodder to animals and help balance the environment.
5. Trees form forests, which are a home for the wild animals; this prolific wildlife is important for
6. They are a source of natural shadow to the Earth’s inhabitants, a reason for which we must do our
best to save it.
7. They filter the sewage that is present in the soils.
8. To save trees, a ban on unnecessary cutting of trees is essential.
9. The effects of tree cutting can be seen in climate changes.
10.Our precious trees are the lungs of Earth.

Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate the

 Brushing twice a day. Dental hygiene is very important. ...

 Bathing every day. ...
 Eat breakfast. ...
 Hand wash. ...
 Drink water, not soda. ...
 Regular physical activities. ...
 Read everyday. ...
 Family time.
 Rid your home of clutter and keep it tidy. ...
 Wear sunblock every day. ...
 Boost your brain power with dark chocolate. ...
 Give more hugs. ...
 Get a massage once a month. ...
 Spend time in nature. ...
 Spend 10-15 minutes of one-on-one time with each of your children, each day. ...
 Wash your face every night.

1. Observe your food.
2. Drink on time and in appropriate amounts!
3. Eat Green Vegetables.
4. Eat the appropriate amount of protein.
5. Chew the food well.
6. Eat home food.
7. Never leave breakfast.
8. Digest food.
9. Focus on eating.
10. Stay away from 10 fast-food and cold drinks.

1. Do not look at other’s mobile/laptop.

2. Return the things you borrow from others.
3. If your mother does not know how to use mobile / FB / WhatsApp and you are asked most often
then do not get angry on them.
4. Try to sleep and wake up at the same time every day.
5. Chew the food 32 times and eat it.
6. Eat the appropriate amount of protein.
7. Eat Home Food.
8. Focus on eating.
9. Drink on time and in appropriate amounts.
10. Digest food.

1. Always keep a packet of Parle and a bottle of cold water while driving. Give it to someone when
2. Do not use the phone while talking to anyone.
3. When you have spent time at your friend’s house, thank his parents for giving them the good
time you had.
4. Keep personal conversations and arguments away from social sites.
5. Drink a glass of water immediately after waking up.
6. Eat lots of fruits and green vegetables and avoid junk food.
7. Spend more time with older people.
8. Always maintain a to-do list. When it comes to your mind, write even the smallest task.
9. Keep quiet if people around are gossiping.
10. Accept your flaws. Become more self-aware.
St Marys Kinder Garten Annual Time table
Nursery ORAL

Date Day Subject



24-02-2022 FRIDAY HINDI

27-02-2023 MONDAY RHYMES

28-02-2023 TUESDAY GK/M.SC

WRITTEN 8 30 TO 11 30



03-03-2023 FRIDAY HINDI

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