Bio F1 MS

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NAME: ………………………………. ADM NO: ……………. CLASS: ……….


Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.

1. State the meaning of the following terms as used in Biology. (3 mks)

(a) Cytology – Study of cells

(b) Entomology – Study of insects

(c) Ichthyology – Study of fish

2. (a) Define the term specimen. (1 mk)

- A whole organism or part of an organism that is being examined.

(b) State two reasons for collecting specimens. (1 mks)

(i) Further observation and study

(ii) Preservation for future reference

3. How is irritability different between plants and animals. (2 mks)

- Animals respond rapidly to changes in environment.

- Plants respond slowly to changes in environment.

4. The Sciencitific name of three animals; Leopard, Wolf and Lion all in the family Carnivora
are Panthera pardus, Canis lupas and Panthera leo respectively.

(a) Why are scientific names given in Latin? (1 mk)

- Latin language is fairly static, it does not change with time or locality like other

x (b) What does Canis refer to? (1 mk)

- Generic name of Wolf (reject Genus name).

(c) State the organisms that are most closely related. (1 mk)

- Lion and Leopard

(d) Give a reason for your answer in 4(c) above. (1 mk)

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- They belong to the same genus Panthera

5. Name the organelles which would be numerous in the following cells. (2 mks)

(a) Liver cells – Golgi apparatus/bodies

(b) Palisade cell – Chloroplasts

6. Name the tissues that carry out the following functions in plants. (2 mks)

(a) Making new tissues – Meristematic tissues

(b) Protecting the inner more delicate tissues – Epidermal tissues

7. The diagram below shows an organelle present in most cells. Use it to answer the following

(a) Name the organelle (1 mk)

- Mitochondrion

(b) State its function. (1 mk)

- Site for respiration

(c) State the role of H. (1 mk)

- Increase surface area for attachment of respiratory enzymes

8. Define the following terms:- (3 mks)

(a) Diffusion – Movement of molecules/ions from a region of high concentration to a
region of low concentration.

(b) Osmosis – Is movement of water molecules from a dilute solution to a concentrated

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solution through a semi permeable membrane or is diffusion of water
molecules from a dilute solution into a concentrated solution through a
semi-permeable membrane.

(c) Active transport -

- Movement of molecules/ions from a region of low concentration
to a region of high concentration across a cell membrane using
energy in form of ATP.
Movement of molecules against concentration gradient across a
cell membrane using energy in form of ATP.

9. State the name given to:- (2 mks)

(i) Bursting of red blood cells when placed in distilled in water.

(ii) The final condition of a plant cell when placed in concentration solution.

10. The diagram below is a transverse section of a leaf. Study it and answer the questions

(a) Label the parts:- (2 mks)

A – (upper) cuticle

B – (lower) epidermis

C – palisade cell

X - Xylem

Y – Phloem

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(b) State the functions of:- (2 mks)
X – Transport water and mineral salts/conduct water from roots to leaf.

Y – Transports manufactured food from leaves to other parts of plant.

11. The diagram below represents a plant organelle.

(a) Name the organelle. (1 mk)


(b) State the function of the organelle. (1 mk)

- Site for photosynthesis

(c) Identify the stage of photosynthesis that occurs in:- (2 mks)

A – Light stage

B – Dark state

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