Mapeh 2nd Quarter Exam

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Test I.Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The following are the different performance practices in the Cordillera except

A. death rites
B. peace
C. courtship and marriage

It is a ceremonial song for the dead

A. Ulalim
B. Gangsa
C. Badiw
1. A single handled smooth surfaced going with a narrow rim. It is played according to the
traditions of the different tribes of the Cordillera.
A. Palook
B. topayya
C. Gangsa
2. A group that occupies the northern part of both Oriental and Occidental Mindoro
A. Alangan
B. Ratagnon
C. Iraya
3. A type of vocal music in Palawan sung during the wake
A. Pa Hesus
B. Koirdas di la Bordon
C. Sandaw

6. A martial arts forms and standards, comprising of basic physical movement patterns and philosophies.
It is also known as “Hyung”.

A. Arnis C. Karate Kata

B. Poomsae D. Anyo

7. A stance of arnis where the player stand straight while legs are wide apart.

A. Straddle Stance C. Power

B. Open leg Stance D. Flexibility

8. It is a popular indoor and outdoor sport.

A. Poomsae C. Badminton

B. Tennis D. Arnis
9. A type of grip where your palm should be placed 90 degrees at the bottom of the plane.

A. Semi-western Grip C. Eastern Grip

B. Full-western Grip D. Continental Grip

10. A kind of sport or recreational activity using combined arms and legs motion under body propulsion
and natural floatation in the water.

A. Snorkelling C. Diving

B. Swimming D. Kayaking

11. Considered as one of the easiest among the swimming strokes. The body’s movement is also the
same with freestyle but it is done while in supine lying position.

A. Freestyle C. Butterfly Stroke

B. Backstroke D. Breaststroke

12. When and where was the sport swimming began?

London, 1873

London, 1837

London, 1877

London, 1833

13. Considered as the hardest among all the swimming strokes.

Back stroke

Butterfly stroke



14. It is an individual choreography creation a dance-like form using the different skills acquired in Arnis.

Arnis de mano



15. A kind of Poomsae that symbolizes “Seonbae” which means a “learned man” characterized by strong
martial spirit.

Poomae Taeguk

Poomsae Koryo

Poomsae Keumgang

Poomsae Taebaek

16. Below are examples of foods rich in protein except _______.

A. Cheese B. Eggs C. Fish D. Tofu

17. Which of the following nutrients helps maintain the proper function of the cells?

A. Calcium B. Carbohydrates C. Iron D. Protein

18. What nutrient prevents constipation, intestinal problems, reduces risk of heart

diseases and controls diabetes?

A. Calcium B. Fiber C. Iron D. Protein

19. Which of the statements below is true?

A. Adolescents experienced the same body changes.

B. Adolescence needs normal nutrients at this stage.

C. Adolescence creates increased demands for energy and nutrients.

D. Adolescent’s body needs lower supply of calcium, protein, iron,

carbohydrates and fiber.

20. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Calcium regulates the transmission of nerve impulse.

B. Calcium helps move waste through the digestive system.

C. Calcium helps build bone mass that will lessen the chance of


D. Calcium regulates the vital body function such as blood clotting, heart muscle contraction and
21. A product usually in capsule, tablet, powder or syrup that contains vitamins and minerals intended

add nutritional values to the diet.

Food fortification C. Dietary supplement

Dietary diversity D. Bio fortification

22. Any condition in which an individual intake of nutrients is inadequate, excessive, or imbalance.

Nutrition C. Malnutrition

Protein D. Malnourish

23. It is the lack or shortage of essential vitamins and minerals for proper growth and development.

Protein malnutrition C. Micronutrient malnutrition

Energy malnutrition D. Nutrient malnutrition

24. _________ is an eating disorder where there is an uncontrollable urge to eat large amounts of food.
It is

also called compulsive overeating.

Bulimia Nervosa C. Binge-eating disorder

Anorexia Nervosa D. Bulimia Disorder

25. The following are some of the signs and symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa except

Exercising excessively

Going to the bathroom immediately after meals

Nutritional deficiencies

Soaring in the mouth and throat


Direction: List at least 5 good food for adolescence.





Direction: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.


____1. Dagon a. Bamboo buzzer

____2. Matud Nila b. Bamboo xylophone

____3. Kandu c. “fear of water”

____4. Kudyapi d. death song

TEST III. Matching Type

____5. Marayaw e. Lullaby

____6. Iyaya f. Spirit song

____7. Pa Hesus g. a kind of lute

____8. Pamuybuyen h. Epic Song

____9. Patatag j. Christmas Songs i. Serenade Song

____10. Bungkaka

TEST IV. Essay

Do you agree that art can be used to show one’s social status? Explain how?


Ideas are thoroughly explained, highly coherent writing, almost no grammatical errors

Ideas are explained, coherent writing, few grammatical errors


Ideas are poorly explained, incoherent writing, many grammatical errors


Direction: Why do we need to know the different sports? Explain how important it is using your own
understanding. Write your short essay inside the box.

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