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JTK: Jurnal Tadris Kimiya 7, 2 (December 2022): 166-174

ISSN 2527-9637 (online) ISSN 2527-6816 (print)

Analysis of Students’ Chemical Bonding Misconception

with A Four-Tier Diagnostic Test

Rosyidah Syafaatur Rohmah 1*, Nikmatin Sholichah2, Yunilia Nur Pratiwi3, and Rizki
Nur Analita4
1Department of Chemical Education, Universitas Billfath, Lamongan, Indonesia
2Department of Physics, Universitas Billfath, Lamongan, Indonesia
3SMA Ar-Rohmah Islamic Boarding School, Malang, Indonesia
4Department of Chemical Education, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin,

*E-mail: [email protected]

Received: 28 September 2022; Accepted: 18 November 2022; Published: 31 December 2022


Students had difficulty understanding the chemical bonding concept because of its complex and abstract
nature. This difficulty could lead to chemical bonding misconceptions. This study aimed to investigate basic
chemistry students' misconceptions of chemical bonding. This study used a descriptive research design with a
four-tier diagnostic test. The research’s subjects were basic chemistry students. Chemical Bonding Diagnostic
Tool (CBDT) was used as an instrument to determine students' misconceptions. The results showed that
students who had misconceptions about ionic, covalent, and coordinate covalent bonding were 48.9%, 53.0%,
and 37.5%, respectively. The misconception in this course is that students need to learn about ionic bonds
formed by electrostatic forces between cations and anions. As a result, students cannot determine the
difference in electronegativity values in ionic and covalent bonds and the number of valence electrons of each
atom in a chemical bonding. Therefore, the misconception is in the moderate category.

Keywords: chemical bonding, four-tier diagnostic test, misconception


1. Introduction Misconceptions of chemical bonding had been

previously studied. Misconceptions of
Chemical bonding is one of the important chemical bonding occur at all levels.
abstract concepts in chemistry. The concept of Prodjosantoso et al. (2019) used a three-tier
chemical bonding was first taught to students diagnostic test to identify students’
in class X of high school, then continued in misconceptions. The results showed that the
college majoring in chemistry in the subjects students of class X at SMAN 1 Sewon and
of Basic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, SMAN 2 Banguntapan Yogyakarta experienced
Chemical Bonding, and Physical Inorganic misconceptions of chemical bonding,
Chemistry. The concept of chemical bonding including all metallic and non-metallic
includes bonds between atoms and/or elements that bond to form ionic compounds,
molecules that were invisible to the eye and ionic bonds in NaCl could be seen from metal
far from everyday life. This could cause elements and non-metals, covalent bonds are
students difficulties in understanding formed from the interaction between non-
chemical bonding (Perez et al., 2017). metal elements with non-metals, non-metals
could not form cations, covalent bonds were
formed due to interactions between cations
R. S. Rohmah, N. Sholichah, Y. N. Pratiwi, & R. N. Analysis of Students’ Chemical Bonding
Analita Misconception with A Four-Tier Diagnostic Test

and anions, HCl molecules had ionic bonds, chemical bonds (Fatokun, 2016). Structured
there were coordinate covalent bonds in essay tests were used to detect
ammonia molecules, the compounds misconceptions. Misconceptions include:
potassium hydroxide and sodium nitrate had atoms were attracted to each other and
only ionic bonds. formed ionic or covalent bonds; covalent
compounds were compounds in which each
Research conducted by Fahmi and Irhasyuarna atom contributes one electron to form a
(2017) on students of class X senior high covalent bond; the sodium chloride molecule
school in Banjarmasin, showed that students was represented by NaCl where the sodium
could not distinguish between ionic and atom donates one electron to the chlorine
covalent bonds, as well as molecules and atom; Na+Cl- bonds do not break when
atoms; students could not distinguish dissolved in water, only the intermolecular
between covalent and molecular lattices; the bonds were broken. This explains why we can
general concept of ionic bonds being stronger recover NaCl if water is removed; the
than covalent bonds; students cannot formation of the bonding electrons in a
distinguish between intramolecular forces and covalent bond can be identified and shared
intermolecular forces; students did not equally between the two bonding atoms; HCl
understand that only three of the four is an ionic compound because it can conduct
electrons of graphite were involved in electricity in water; Metallic bonds are bonds
bonding, of which one electron is delocalized, between metals. The presence of metallic
which causes the graphite to have an electric bonds increases the boiling point of a
charge. The students’ misconceptions were compound.
collected by administrating closed-reasoned
multiple-choice tests. To find out the students' misconceptions
about chemical bonding, a diagnostic test was
Research by Luxford and Bretz (2014) and used. A diagnostic test was an assessment tool
Vrabec and Proksa (2016) used the Bonding used to find out the difficulties of students and
Representations Inventory (BRI) to identify the the causes of these difficulties (Gurel et al,
misconception. The following misconceptions 2015). The forms of diagnostic tests that were
experienced by high school and college often used are interviews (Unal et al, 2010),
students are: covalent bonding had a large open-ended tests (Sampurna et al, 2020;
electronegativity difference, carbon is more Fatokun, 2016), multiple-choice tests (Rahayu
electronegative than chlorine, NaCl et al, 2021; Fahmi & Irhasyuarna, 2017; Perez
compounds share electrons, the small et al, 2017), and multiple-tier tests (Widarti et
electronegativity differences indicate the use al, 2018; Suri & Azhar, 2020; Noviani &
of shared electrons, in carbon tetrachloride an Istiyadji, 2017; Setiawan et al., 2017; Mellyzar,
electron transfer occurs, in phosphorus 2021; Sugiarti & Sanjaya, 2015). The form of
pentachloride an electron transfer occurs, diagnostic test used in this study was a four-
electrons were transferred to neutralize the tier multiple choice.
charge, electron transfer is more accurate than
attraction, cations release electrons to make According to Bakti and Analita (2020), and Yan
them more stable, bonds are formed by and Subramaniam (2018), the instrument in
sharing and transferring electrons the form of a four-tier diagnostic test had
simultaneously, ions of the same type attract several advantages, including (1) it can
each other, two electrons are attracted to each determine the level of confidence in each
other to form a bond, a bond is formed to gain question and the reasons for the research
eight electrons, only one Na and one Cl can subject; (2) more accurate in analyzing each
bond. research subject's answers and beliefs when
compared to other types of diagnostic
Students majoring in chemistry education in instruments; and (3) more efficient and
the 3rd and 4th years of Universities in Nigeria effective in analyzing the conceptual
still experience the misconception about understanding of research subjects when

167 Jurnal Tadris Kimiya 7, 2 (December 2022): 166-174

This is an open-access article under CC-BY-SA license (

R. S. Rohmah, N. Sholichah, Y. N. Pratiwi, & R. N. Analysis of Students’ Chemical Bonding
Analita Misconception with A Four-Tier Diagnostic Test

compared to open-ended questions and and not cause misconceptions in the next
interviews. The four-tier diagnostic test to find concept.
out the misconception of chemical bonding in
Basic Chemistry students is still rarely used. 2. Research Method

The research objectives were to determine The research method used was descriptive
misconceptions about chemical bonding research to identify students’ misconceptions
experienced by basic chemistry students. The by a four-tier diagnostic test. There were 20
urgency of the research is to find out the basic chemistry students, Department of
misconceptions about chemical bonding that Chemistry Education, Universitas Billfath, used
students had so that they could be corrected as research subjects.

Table 1. Combination of Four-Tier Answer

Answer Combination
No Confidence Confidence Category
Answer Reason
Answer Reason
1. Right Sure Wrong Sure
2. Right Not sure Wrong Sure Misconception
3. Wrong Sure Wrong Sure
4. Right Sure Right Not sure
5. Right Sure Wrong Not sure
6. Right Not sure Right Sure
7. Right Not sure Wrong Not sure
8. Right Not sure Wrong Not sure Partially understand
9. Wrong Sure Right Not sure
10. Wrong Sure Wrong Not sure
11. Wrong Not sure Right Not sure
12. Wrong Not sure Wrong Not sure
13. Wrong Sure Right Sure
Not understand
14. Wrong Not sure Right Sure
15. Right Sure Right Sure Fully understand

Chemical Bonding Diagnostic Tool (CBDT), The analysis was carried out to determine
developed by Analita et al. (2022), was used as students who had misconceptions using the
a research instrument. The CBDT instrument percentage technique. The categories of
had a content validity of 94.63%, which was students' level of misconceptions were
considered a very high criterion. CBDT presented in Table 2 adapted from Putri and
reliability was 0.679, which had high criteria. Subekti (2021) and Istighfarin et al. (2015).
The CBDT instrument was valid and reliable.
Table 2. Categories of Students’ Misconceptions
The research data analysis technique was Level
Percentage of Category of
descriptive analysis. Descriptive analysis was
Misconceptions Misconceptions
used to find the students' misconceptions
61%-100% High
about chemical bonding (Susanti, 2021; Fikri et 31%-60% Moderate
al., 2022; Setiawan & Ilahi, 2022; Jusniar et al., 0%-30% Low
2020; Fauziah et al., 2021). The identification of
students' misconceptions was based on Table
3. Result and Discussion
1. Combination of Four-Tier Test Answers
adapted from Jannah and Rahmi (2020).
A CBDT was used to find students'
misconceptions. The CBDT consists of 16

168 Jurnal Tadris Kimiya 7, 2 (December 2022): 166-174

This is an open-access article under CC-BY-SA license (

R. S. Rohmah, N. Sholichah, Y. N. Pratiwi, & R. N. Analysis of Students’ Chemical Bonding
Analita Misconception with A Four-Tier Diagnostic Test

questions in a four-tier test. Each question answer and the wrong reason and they are
consists of a question, answer choices (1st tier), sure about their answer then it categorized as
confidence answer choices (2nd tier), answer having a misconception. So, in question No. 1,
reason choices (3rd tier), and answer 80% of students had a misconception.
confidence reason choices (4th tier).

The CBDT measures students’ misconceptions

of chemical bonding including ionic bonding,
covalent bonding, and coordinate covalent
bonding. The result showed that 48.9% of
students experienced ionic bonding
misconceptions, 53.0% of students
experienced covalent bonding
misconceptions, and 37.5% of students
experienced coordinate covalent bonding
misconceptions. Students’ misconceptions
about chemical bonding are moderate
category because they range from 31%-60%
(Putri & Subekti, 2021; Istighfarin et al., 2015).
Students' conceptual understanding is given
in Table 3. Students' misconceptions about
chemical bonding are shown in Table 4.

Table 3. Students’ Conceptual Understanding of

Chemical Bonding
Concept (%) (%) (%) (%)
1 Ionic 48.9 21.1 10.0 20.0
2 Covalent 53.0 13.0 12.0 22.0
3 Coordinate 37.5 25.0 12.5 25.0
Bonding Figure 1. Question Number 1 with Percentage
Average 46.5 19.7 11.5 22.3 of Students Answer
M : Misconception There were 80% of students assumed that
PU : Partially Understand ionic compounds are composed of metals and
NU : Not Understand non-metals. It's because the common example
FU : Fully Understand of an ionic compound is NaCl which is
composed of metals and non-metals. Students
The students' misconception of ionic bonding do not understand that ionic bonding can also
was measured by questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, consist of non-metals and non-metals, for
13, 14, and 16. The most misconception about example, NH4Cl. This result was consistent
the ionic bonding concept is experienced by with the studies of Widarti et al. (2018) and
students in question No. 1, as given in Figure Suri and Azhar (2020).
1. Based on Figure 1, it is known that 70% of
students answered wrong in the answer Based on question No. 4, it is known that 75%
choices, and 80% responded wrong about the of students consider the formation of ionic
reason in question No. 1. Therefore 100% of compounds to involve the transfer of electrons
students are sure about their answer choices between atoms, this is also seen in question
and the reason. Based on Table 1, it's known No. 16. As many as 70% of students think that
that students who choose the right or wrong calcium atoms donate their valence electrons

169 Jurnal Tadris Kimiya 7, 2 (December 2022): 166-174

This is an open-access article under CC-BY-SA license (

R. S. Rohmah, N. Sholichah, Y. N. Pratiwi, & R. N. Analysis of Students’ Chemical Bonding
Analita Misconception with A Four-Tier Diagnostic Test

to oxygen atoms, then bond. In general, not understand that ionic bonds are formed
students do not understand the formation of from electrostatic forces between cations and
ionic bonds. This follows previous studies anions. Cations can come from metals such as
(Pikoli, 2018; Widarti et al., 2018; Vladusic et K+, Na+, Mg2+, and non-metals such as NH4+
al., 2016; Suri & Azhar, 2020; Taber, 2002; (Effendy, 2008; Robinson et al., 2020; Chang,
Nahum et al., 2010). Students understand that 2010; Silberberg & Amateis, 2018). This is
ionic bonds are composed of cations and similar to the research of Yastophi and Ritonga
anions, but students assume that cations (2019) which states that students do not
always come from metals, and electron understand the effect of electrostatic forces on
transfer occurs between atoms. Students do bond formation.

Table 4. Students’ Misconceptions about Chemical Bonding

Question Percentage
Sub-Concept Misconceptions Category
No. (%)
Ionic Bonding 1 Ionic compounds are composed of metals and 80 High
2 Ionic compounds are always solid 15 Low
In ionic compounds, there is a balanced
3 distribution of electrons, so that the electrons are 20 Low
distributed symmetrically on the atoms
The formation of ionic compounds involves the
4 75 High
transfer of electrons between atoms
11 The sodium atom has high ionization energy while 40 Moderate
the chlorine atom has a small electron affinity
The potassium atom has high ionization energy
12 while the bromine atom has a high electron 35 Moderate
13 Students have difficulty describing the bonds that 40 Moderate
occur in ionic compounds
14 Students have difficulty describing the bonds that 65 High
occur in ionic compounds
The calcium atom donates its valence electrons to
16 70 High
the oxygen atom, then bonds
Covalent 5 Covalent bonds are formed when non-metallic 35 Moderate
Bonding element bonds with a non-metallic element
6 Ionic bonds are formed when a metal element 40 Moderate
bonds with a non-metallic element
7 HI compounds tend to be ionic rather than 55 Moderate
AlCl3 compounds are derived from cations and
8 65 High
NaCl compound consists of molecules because
15 the sodium atom donates its valence electron to 70 High
the chlorine atom and the two bond.
Coordinate There are only covalent bonds in ammonium
Covalent 9 chloride because the compound NH4Cl consists of 45 Moderate
Bonding non-metal atoms
In the CO compound, there is one polar covalent
10 bond and one coordinate covalent bond with 30 Moderate
electrons more attracted to the O atom

Based on Table 4, it is known that students Based on question No. 7 it is known that as
experience the most misconception about many as 55% of students think that HI
covalent bonding in questions No. 7, 8, and 15. compounds tend to be ionic rather than

170 Jurnal Tadris Kimiya 7, 2 (December 2022): 166-174

This is an open-access article under CC-BY-SA license (

R. S. Rohmah, N. Sholichah, Y. N. Pratiwi, & R. N. Analysis of Students’ Chemical Bonding
Analita Misconception with A Four-Tier Diagnostic Test

covalent. Students assume that because HI is Misconceptions must be corrected so that

composed of cations and anions, HI is an ionic students can understand the concept correctly
compound. Students do not understand that and there are no misconceptions in other
ionic compounds have a difference in related concepts. To reduce misconceptions,
electronegativity of >1.7. Based on question Conceptual Change Text can be used. In
No. 8, it was found that 65% of students previous research, Conceptual Change Text
thought that AlCl3 came from cations and was effective in reducing misconceptions
anions. Students do not understand that AlCl3 about the matter and its changes (Rohmah et
is a covalent compound because the al., 2020) and acid-base (Rohmah & Virtayanti,
difference in electronegativity is <1.7. The 2021).
same result was obtained from the research of
Mellyzar and Muliaman (2020) which stated 4. Conclusion
that students did not understand the
mechanism for the formation of ionic bonds Based on the result and discussions, basic
and covalent bonds. chemistry students had misconceptions about
chemical bonding. Students who had
Based on question No. 15, it is found that 70% misconceptions about ionic bonding were
of students thought that the NaCl compound 48.9%, covalent bonding were 53.0%, and
was composed of molecules because the coordinate covalent bonding were 37.5%
sodium atom gave its valence electron to the which is considered a moderate category of
chlorine atom, then the two bonded. Similar misconceptions. The highest students’
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