Fruit Reception

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Fruit reception

The very first step of the production process is fruit reception. Fruit reception area collects
fruits that are delivered and discharge from the trucks. Fruits are unloaded onto a specially
designed tipping ramp. Fruits roll off from the truck through the ramp and land on the
conveyor. Fruits are then being sent to the prewash station. This step also prewashes fruits to
clean the immediate surface dirt and pesticide residue before any leaves and stems still
attached are removed. Fruits will go through the roller conveyor of the destemming to allow
leaves and twigs to fall through the conveyor bed. After prewashing, staffs will remove any
unsuitable fruit by manual inspection. A sample of fruit will be taken from each truck for
analysis of juice yield, color, acidity, and degrees of Brix. The sampling process provides the
processor an indication of fruit ripeness. This allows the factory to label, tag, and identify
every load of fruit. This makes the factory possible to choose and select the most suitable
fruit from different source for blending during the extraction process to attain the desired
quality of final product. Sound fruit is sent to the storage bins. Fruits are drawn from the
storage bins into the surge bin. This is the place where fruits from other storage bins may be
combined. Fruits are thoroughly washed immediately before the extraction process. The wash
water may contain low percentage of disinfectant to minimize the microbial presence on the
fruit surface. Fruits are then passes over a series of grading tables for visual inspection. At
this stage, any damaged fruit is removed and conveyed to the feed mil.


After arriving fruit reception, fruit is ready for extraction. During this process, fruit juice is
squeezed or reamed out of either whole or halved oranges by using mechanical pressure. The
primary aim of the juice extraction process is to extract optimum fruit juice from the fruit
while avoiding oil and other fruit components from entering the juice. These incidents may
cause bitterness in taste or unwanted defects during subsequent process. After fruit is being
thoroughly washed and graded, it is ready for the extraction process. Since there are various
types of extractors for different sizes of fruits, raw fruit mush be sorted according to its size
in order to optimize each extractor performance.
Fruit sizing

This process grades fruit into different streams according to fruit diameter. Fruit will go
through a sizing table that is made up of a series of rotating roller. The distance between the
roller is preset, and the gap gets bigger as the fruit travels over the table. The smallest fruits
drop onto the conveyor that brings them to an extractor set for their size range. As the gap
getting bigger, lager fruit will pass through the rollers and being sent to their extractors set.
Before fruit is being extracted, the fruit is separated according to its size into different
streams or lanes after final washing and inspection. Individual fruits are being sent to the
most suitable extractor so as to achieve optimum juice yield. This step will have various
extractor as the extraction operation determine the juice yield and quality. Therefore, using
the correct setting of extractor is very crucial in this process.


After the extraction process, fruit juice will be separated into two production line, which are
FC (concentrated fruit juice) and NFC (not-from-concentrated fruit juice). FC is the
traditional fresh juice. After the juice extracted from the juice extractor, it goes to dehydrated
and sterilize process, and finally added with water to become fresh juice. FC juice in the
market is generally added with edible essence, sugar, and other add additives to strengthen
the taste. On the other hand, NFC juice is made up of only pure fruit juice without any other

From-concentrate juice

The juice goes to the evaporator from the blending tanks after clarification. Within the
evaporator circuit, the juice is first pre-heated and keep at pasteurization temperature. After
that, the juice is passed through the evaporation stages of the process, the concentration is up
to 66 degrees of Brix. This process is crucial as it can flash off volatile flavor components.

Not-from-concentrate juice

Another alternative to concentrate production is to process as an NFC product. Fruit juice is

clarified and pasteurized before storage. This type of fruit juice is stored in frozen condition,
it may be stored up to a year.

After clarification, processed fruit juice will be packed and sent for distribution
The process strategy recommended for the plant is process focus strategy. Business
procedures assist organizations in achieving their own goals so that management can assess
and realign as market conditions, consumer demands, product developments, and business
strategies change. Due to evolving legislation, increased global rivalry, and saturated
markets, the generally unfixed character of business necessitates new growth. Without a
process-focused company, staff members waste time and money putting out fires, missing out
on opportunities, and generally being ineffective. The focus of a successful firm is on its
consumers, and in order to do so, management must be actively involved in and committed to
enhancing both staff and all operational procedures. Instead of only giving lower-level
managers the responsibility for training, senior management must be involved. Senior
representatives should have a clear understanding of the company's goals and priorities, pay
close attention to these processes, and provide guidance and mentoring to each lower level of
management. Leaders must be organized and possess a clear vision. Businesses require a
mission statement so they can pinpoint their primary procedures. Review the core principles
and operating procedures of the world's most prosperous businesses. It changes as the
business grows, and a plan is in place at every stage. Development is a necessary phase
before deployment and implementation of the strategy, which comes with it. Senior leaders
actively participate in this process to track advancements, spot issues, put in place new
procedures, and develop fresh chances to improve the plan.

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