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Vol. 14 (2), 2021, Page.


Design of Cognitive Conflict-Based Teaching Materials Integrating Real

Experiment Video Analysis on Momentum and Impulse to Improve Students'
Concept Understanding
Reni Defrianti1, Fatni Mufit1*,Gusnedi1 , Wahyuni Satria Dewi1, Zaitul Hidayat2
Study Program of Physics Education, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia, Jl.Prof.Dr.Hamka, Padang,
25131, Indonesia
Department of Physics and Research Institute for Basic Sciences, Kyung Hee,
University, Seoul, 02447, Republic of Korea
E-mail: [email protected]

Students do not understand concepts and misconceptions occur in momentum and impulses. Less available
teaching materials that can remediate misconceptions. This study aims to design cognitive conflict-based
teaching materials that integrate video analysis of real experiments to improve students' conceptual
understanding of momentum and impulses. This research is a development research using the Plomp model. In
the preliminary research, journal analysis, interviews with physics teachers, and literature studies were
conducted. At the prototyping stage, teaching materials are designed, self-evaluation is carried out, validation
by 3 lecturers and one-to-one practicality test for 3 students. The data analysis technique used descriptive
analysis for interviews, the Aiken-V formula for validation and percentage techniques for practicality tests. The
results of the preliminary research, it was found that students' understanding of concepts was low and there were
still misconceptions, the unavailability of teaching materials that corrected misconceptions. The results of the
prototyping stage, momentum and impulse teaching materials were designed based on four syntaxes of cognitive
conflict-based learning model (CCBL Model). In the third syntax, real-experiment video analysis is integrated
using the tracker program. The results of the self-evaluation showed that the teaching materials were complete
with very good criteria. The results of the validation test obtained a very valid value of 0.81. The results of the
practicality test obtained a very practical value of 90.27. So, the design of cognitive conflict-based teaching
materials integrating video analysis of real experiments on momentum and impulses is very valid and practical
in one-on-one evaluation.
Keywords: Cognitive conflict, Real experimental video analysis, Understanding of concepts, Momentum and
This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ©2021 by author and Universitas Negeri Padang.

Education in Indonesia has an important role in the progress of the nation. The purpose of education is to
create a generation that is faithful, knowledgeable, competent, critical, and creative that is able to compete with
the outside world in facing the times. To achieve this goal, the government made improvements in education in
Indonesia in accordance with the times, namely changing the curriculum to the 2013 curriculum, holding a
teacher certification program and providing facilities and infrastructure in stages to support the learning process
in schools.
Curriculum 2013 requires teachers to master the development of science and technology so as to facilitate
teachers in applying learning methods in the classroom and make lessons interesting. Teaching materials are very
useful in building understanding concepts of students. Understanding the concept of students in physics learning
is inseparable from the possibility of misconceptions. In physics learning, students' thinking increases in
analyzing the phenomena that occur around them. This phenomenon is explained through concepts, laws and
mathematical equations in finding the real answer. The explanation of this phenomenon is not only obtained

Submitted: .2021-5-23 Accepted: 2021-6-21 Published: .2021-6-30 Pillar of Physics Education,page. |97
Defrianti, et al

from learning in the classroom but also outside of school. The possibility of misconceptions in students causes
differences in the level of understanding of learning. Learning that is carried out rarely looks at the
preconceptions possessed by students so that the possibility of misconceptions is not identified even though the
subject matter has been studied. Misconception is an understanding of a concept that is not in accordance with
the agreement of the experts in the field. Misconceptions are caused by a person's mistake in understanding the
concept based on his experience [1].
The problem of misconceptions is often found in the study of physics. Based on the study of literature
found that misconceptions quite a lot occur in mechanical materials. In momentum and impulse materials,
student misconceptions were found at 48.61% [2]. Maulida and Suliyanah's research [3] on understanding
students' concepts of momentum and impulse material. Students who experienced misconceptions on momentum
material as much as 73.1%, impulse material as much as 86.1% and collision material as much as 84.3%, and
obtained from interviews with physics teachers that the learning process is still centered on the teacher and every
physics material taught is rarely practiced. Furthermore, Sutrisno's research, et al.[4] obtained students' ability on
momentum and impulse material is still low. Judging from the category of misconceptions as much as 33.1%, do
not know as much as 32.1%, guess as much as 17.1% and don’t answer as much as 0.9% .
Based on the results of teacher interviews conducted in three senior high schools, namely SHS A, SHS B
and SHS C, there were several problems in the learning process: (1) Physics learning in schools has not fully
implemented the model in accordance with the 2013 curriculum; (2) The teaching materials used have not used
certain models that can improve the understanding concepts of student , especially remediate misconceptions; (3)
Experiments on momentum and impulse matter are rarely conducted due to the limitations of available tools.
During the covid19 pandemic, experiments are needed that students can use IT-based devices, as a supporter of
online learning, therefore an innovation is needed that can overcome the problem of low understanding of
concepts and limitations of teaching materials and facilities that can overcome misconceptions even during the
covid19 pandemic.
One solution is to develop teaching materials that can improve the understanding of concepts and remediate
misconceptions. This teaching material have cognitive conflict models integrate real experiment video analysis.
Teaching materials are prepared based on the syntax of cognitive conflict-based learning models (CCBL Model)
consisting of 4 syntax namely [5]: (1) activation of preconceptions and misconceptions, (2) presentation of
cognitive conflicts, (3) the discovery of concepts and equations, and (4) reflections. The advantages of this
teaching material are can make students realize that they are experiencing concept misconceptions, improve the
understanding of student concepts, straighten students' view that the equations and concepts of physics is one
unity whole so that the new knowledge that students later have, will be in accordance with the scientific concept.
In the third syntax of CCBL model integrated real experiment video analysis using Tracker program. The Tracker
program is very appropriate to use for motion-related experiments [6]. Several cognitive conflict-based teaching
materials have been designed on atomic nucleus matter [7] and direct current electrical matter [8] by integrating
virtual laboratory. In materials related to the motion of an object, it can be done experiment real video analysis,
one of which is on the momentum and impulse.
On momentum and impulse material, Basic Competence 4.10 expected capable students to presents the test
results of the application of the law of conservation of momentum. This material is suitable for using real
experimental video analysis because it can make it easier for students to observe the motion of a colliding object.
Real experimental video analysis is an experiment that is carried out by recording the motion of an object, then
analyzing the motion through the Tracker program. Through real experimental video analysis, students can do
real experiments by recording movement phenomena and observing the movement process that occurs using a
tracker application [6]. Tracker is a modeling tool on open source physics with a java framework for analyzing
videos. This tracker combines video with computer models and is used to analyze the motion video of an object
[9]. The study aims to design and validate cognitive conflict-based teaching materials that integrate real
experiment video analysis into momentum and impulse.
The type of research used is development research or design research. The object in this study is cognitive
conflict-based teaching materials integrating real experiment video analysis. Cognitive conflict-based teaching
materials are designed to improve understanding of student concepts on momentum and Impulse materials. The
development of teaching materials using Plomp model consists of three stages, namely 1) preliminary research,
2) development or prototyping phase, and 3) assessment phase. This research is limited to two stages, namely
preliminary research and development or prototyping phase. Technical data analysis in preliminary research is by
descriptive analysis.

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Preliminary research conducted a needs analysis and problem analysis by interviewing three high school
teachers and analyzing 9 journal articles on understanding the concepts and misconceptions of students on
momentum and impulse materials. The instruments used are interview guidelines and journal article analysis
sheets. Preliminary research aims to find out common problems in the field and conduct literature studies to find
solutions. Table of literature studies on misconceptions that occur in momentum and impulse material.
In the development phase or prototyping is designed teaching materials that can overcome the low
understanding of concepts and remediate misconceptions on material the momentum and impulses. Furthermore,
formative evaluation consists of self-evaluation, expert review and one to one evaluation. Revisions are
corrected at each stage of formative evaluation. Self-evaluation is done by the researchers themselves to check
the completeness and see the obvious errors in the prototype. The instrument used for self-evaluation is a self-
assessment questionnaire with an assessment score using the Likert scale. The data analysis technique used is a
percentage technique with the following equations:

P = final grade
F = Obtained score
N = maximum score
Interpretation of self-evaluation results is found in Table 1.
Table 1. Results Interpretation of self-evaluation
No. Total Score Criteria
1 0-20 Not good
2 21-40 Not good
3 41-60 Pretty good
4 61-80 Good
5 81-100 Very good
(Source: modified from Riduwan) [10]
After the self-evaluation is carried out, it is followed by prototype validation through expert reviews. The
instrument used was a validity questionnaire with four aspects of assessment, namely content validity, construct
validity, language validity and face validity. Evaluation of the validity of the teaching materials prototype was
carried out by three physics lecturers. The technique of analyzing the validity evaluation data uses the Aiken V
formula (Aiken, 1985), namely:

Interpretation of validity evaluation results is found in Table 2.

Table 2. Aiken's V Rating Index
Validity Index Assessment
V <0.4 Less valid
0.4 <V <0.8 Valid
V> 0.8 Very valid
(Source: Aiken, 1985) [11]
After the prototype is declared valid, then done one to one evaluation to see the practicality of the
prototype. The instrument used is a practicality questionnaire consisting of practical aspects, namely: easy to
use, usable, benefit and efficiency. Scoring on the practicality sheet uses the Likert scale. Data analysis
techniques use percentage techniques as in equations (1). The interpretation of the practicality of the prototype is
found in Table 3.
Table 3. Product Practicality Criteria
Practicality Criteria
0-20 Impractical
21-40 Less Practical
41-60 Quite Practical
61-81 Practical
81-100 Very Practical
(Source: modified from Riduwan [10]

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A. Research result
Preliminary research has two research results. First, the results of interviews with three physics teachers at
senior high school. Second, the results of analysis of journal articles on understanding the concept and
misconceptions of students on momentum and impulse material. The results of interviews with three physics
teachers are found in Table 4.

Table 4. Results of Interviews with Physics Teachers

Senior Learning Model Used Instructional Learning Media Understanding
High Materials Used Used Student
School Concepts
SHS A Discovery learning There has not Virtual Lab and Learners
model, problem based been any use of videos on the memorize
learning model or using cognitive conflict internet. formulas.
other models that syntax.
students like
SHS B Discovery learning There has not Virtual Lab, Many have
model, using other been any use of Teaching is as memorized
models that are suitable cognitive conflict simple as formulas,
for students syntax. possible. explaining
material that is
prone to repeated
SHS C Discovery learning There has not Virtual Lab or Students
model, problem based been any use of learning videos. memorize
learning model or using cognitive conflict formulas.
other models according syntax.
to student interests

The results in Table 4 show that the learning model used by teachers is in accordance with the 2013
curriculum but in its implementation teachers are still using models that are not yet in accordance with the 2013
curriculum. So students memorize formulas more often than understand the meaning of the formula itself.
Teachers have not used cognitive conflict-based teaching materials, teachers already use virtual labs but still
rarely apply them in all physics learning materials.
The results of the analysis of 9 journals related to students' understanding of concepts on momentum and
impulse material showed that students experienced many misconceptions in the material. Momentum and
impulse material discusses sub topics: momentum, impulse, conservation of momentum and collisions. The
results of the analysis of articles on understanding the concept of momentum and impulses are found in Table 5.

Table 5. Journal Article Analysis Results

Journal Momentu Impuls Conservation of Collision
m (%) e (%) Momentum (%) (%)
Lusiana, et al (2016) 91 87 91 97
Maulida and Suliyanah (2016) 73.10 86.10 - 84.30
Anggraeni and Suliyanah 20.59 19.61 35.29
Arifin et al (2019) 82.76 86.21
Hikmatunnisa (2019) 96.68 98.68
Masril (2012) 48.61
Alawiyah (2017) 37.80
Agustin et al (2016) 63.10
Sutrisno et al (2015) 33.10

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The results in Table 5 show that the number of students who experience misconceptions on momentum and
impulse material. From 2012 to 2019, misconceptions were found in the sub-material of momentum, impulse,
conservation of momentum and collisions. The percentage of misconceptions is different in each research result,
but in general the percentage of student misconceptions is quite large so that a solution needs to be found to
overcome them.
Once known problems in preliminary research then conducted a literature study to find a solution. The results
obtained in the form of an effective learning model to improve concept understanding and mediate
misconceptions is a model of cognitive conflict-based learning (CCBL) by integrating real experiment video
The results on the development or prototyping phase, began by designing a prototype of teaching materials
that was prepared in accordance with four syntax models of cognitive conflict-based learning (CCBL) models.
The CCBL model consists of four syntax: (1) activation of preconceptions and misconceptions, (2) presentation
of cognitive conflicts, (3) discovery of concepts and equations, and (4) reflections. In the third stage integrated
real experiment video analysis by writing down the steps of student activities by recording the phenomenon of
motion objects and analyzing using the Tracker program. The first evaluation conducted on the design of the
prototype of the teaching material is self-evaluation. The results of self evaluation are in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Self-Evaluation Results

In Figure 1 there are five components that are assessed in self-evaluation, namely: 1) completeness of
teaching material structure in accordance with the Ministry of Education 2008, 2) completeness of CCBL model
syntax on teaching materials, 3) Integration of real experiment video analysis on the third syntax, 4) Language,
5) Graphing. Based on Figure 1, the value of each component ranges from 75 to 100, with an average score of
91.67 which is in the excellent category. Excellent categories range in numbers from 81 to 100. Furthermore,
expert review of teaching materials is carried out. The results of an expert review by three physics lecturers are
found in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Average Validation Results Through Expert Review

Based on Figure 2, it is obtained an average value on each aspect of the assessment of validity in teaching
materials ranges between 0.74 and 0.89, with an average value for all aspects of 0.81. Based on the results of the
value obtained that overall teaching materials of cognitive conflict-based momentum and impulse have been
valid in terms of (1) content validity, (2) construct validity, (3) language validity and (4) face validity. The
average validity of teaching materials is very valid. During the validity evaluation process, there were several
suggestions from experts, so that revisions were made to the teaching materials. Among them are revisions to the

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cover design to make it more attractive in terms of selecting background colors, writing and images. Revision of
prototypes as suggested by experts is in Table 6.
Table 6. Revision of Teaching Material Prototypes According to Expert Advice
A. Cover Design
Before the Revision After the Revision

On the cover, the validator's comments are that the colors, writing, images and background are less attractive.
The revision made is to provide brighter colors with attractive images and clear writing.

B. First Syntax Design: Activation of Preconceptions and Misconceptions.

Before the Revision After the Revision

In the 1st syntax, expert comments are questions that arise from a phenomenon that contain unclear and
immeasurable meanings. The revision made is to make questions that are in accordance with the phenomena
that occur in the daily environment.

C. Second Syntax Design: Presentation of Cognitive Conflict

Before the Revision After the Revision

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In the second syntax, expert comments are questions that arise in the presentation of confusing and illogical
cognitive conflicts, such as people shooting a beehive and others. The revision made was to make questions
logically and in accordance with the phenomena that occurred in the students' daily environment.

D. Third Syntax Design: Discovery of Concepts and Equations

Before the Revision After the Revision

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In the 3rd syntax, expert advice is to add Tracker data, namely time and position data. So, the output is velocity,
not momentum. The revision made was the experiment using 2 balls with different masses, and equipped with
tables and graphs.

E. Fourth Syntax Design: Reflection

Before the Revision After the Revision

In the 4th syntax design, expert advice is that this teaching material has not guided students well in finding
concepts. Revisions made to make questions related to the concept then provide calculation questions.

After revisions to the prototype and teaching materials were declared valid by experts, then a one to one
evaluation practicality test was carried out on three students who had high, medium, and low ability levels at
SHS B. The results of one to one evaluation are in Figure 3.

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Fig. 3. Average Practicality Results Through One to One Evaluation

Based on Figure 3, the average score for each aspect of practicality assessment on teaching materials is
between 86.9 and 98.33. Based on these values, it can be argued that overall the cognitive conflict-based impulse
momentum teaching materials are valid in terms of (1) ease of use, (2) attractiveness, (3) efficiency, and (4)
benefits. The average practicality of teaching materials is 90.27 which is in very valid criteria.
B. Discussion
Interview activities with physics teachers at SHS A, SHS B and SHS C. SHS A is senior high school with
high-level students’ abilities, SHS B is senior high school with moderate-level students’ abilities and SHS C is
senior high school with moderate to low-level students’ abilities. The results of the interviews obtained were (1)
the learning model used was not fully in accordance with the 2013 curriculum. (2) the teaching materials used
had not used a model that could improve concept understanding and remediate student misconceptions. (3)
Experimental activities on momentum and impulse materials in labor are rarely implemented due to tool
limitations. In the physics learning process that does not involve students actively in finding concepts [12], the
use of learning media that has not achieved the learning objectives [13] results in students preferring to
memorize formulas rather than understanding concepts [14], so that their understanding of concepts decreases
and experiences misconceptions [12].
Misconceptions are found in mechanical materials. One of them is impulse momentum material. Analysis
conducted on 9 journals about impulse momentum found that many students experienced misconceptions. This is
due to the ineffective implementation of the 2013 curriculum which causes errors in the learning process [7].
Previous research found that the lack of student activity was due to the conventional learning methods used [15].
Student learning outcomes depend on the learning model used.
The solution of the above problem is to develop teaching materials to overcome and remediate
misconceptions. cognitive conflict learning can overcome the problem of misconceptions in physics learning that
occurs in schools [16]. Teaching material designed based on cognitive conflict model integrate real experiment
video analysis. The cognitive conflict-based learning model consists of 4 syntax. Experiment activities are found
in the 3rd syntax. Experiments integrate real experiment video analysis. This is in line with the research of Mufit,
et al [6] which uses video analysis of real experiments in practical experiments to improve student’s conceptual
understanding. Especially in this pandemic period, learning is carried out online and laboratories are rarely used,
so a suitable solution is to use experimental activities [17].
The advantage of using real experiment video analysis is suitable for use in momentum and impulse
materials. The material of momentum and impulses is related to the motion of an object that is difficult to
observe with the naked eye. Real experiment video analysis makes it easy for students to observe the movement
of an object. Real experiment video analysis is a practical way of understanding the process of movement of
objects, there is a choice of representations of the experiment data that you want to analyze, and make physics
lessons more interesting [9]. This is in line with previous research that developed cognitive conflict-based e-
book that integrates video analysis of real experiments that can improve student’s conceptual understanding of
motion material, as an online learning facility [18]. Interesting pictures and video as well as virtual laboratories,
sparking curiosity, and leading students to find new ideas or ideas, especially the physics concept of force [19].
At the Develop / Prototyping Phase, cognitive conflict-based teaching materials have been designed
integrating real experimental video analysis to improve students' concept understanding. Then conducted self
evaluation on teaching materials by researchers. The results of self evaluation are in a very valid category. This is
because it corresponds to Ministry of National Education 2010 namely title, competency standards and learning
competencies, supporting information, materials in learning, practice and assessment [20], the syntax order of
the CCBL model is appropriate[5], the experiment using real experimental video analysis was appropriate, the

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language rules were appropriate and the graphics were appropriate. So the results of self-evaluation can
determine the validation process of teaching materials based on cognitive conflict [21].
Validation on teaching materials was conducted by 3 experts consisting of three lecturers of Physics.
Validation results are used as guidelines in revising the teaching materials and determining the feasibility of the
teaching materials that have been made. The component of the feasibility of the content of the teaching material
consists of (1) the description of the indicators in the teaching materials is in accordance with base competence
3.10 & 4.10, (2) The learning objectives of the teaching materials are in accordance with the indicators, (3) 4)
The physics symbol used is correct, (5) The physics equation used is correct, (6) The physics term used is
correct, (7) The image presented is in accordance with the material, (8) The phenomenon of physics is in
accordance with the material, (9) The material presented does not cause multiple interpretations from students,
(10) Images quoted from other people's work include references/sources, (11) Cognitive conflict-based teaching
materials contain cognitive conflict syntax, namely activation of initial knowledge of misconceptions,
presentation of cognitive conflict, discovery of concepts & equations and reflection, (12) Teaching materials
made to integrate the real experiment video analysis correctly. So, it is concluded that the teaching materials on
the feasibility of the content are valid. Accordance to the research of Lutfi, et.al [8] who obtained teaching
materials with the category valid because the material presented is in accordance with the 2013 curriculum, the
physics symbols used are correct, the material presented does not cause multiple interpretations, the teaching
material contains cognitive conflict syntax.
The presentation assessment component uses the following eight indicators; 1) Systematic teaching materials
are presented in accordance with the Ministry of Education 2008, consists of the titles, learning instructions,
competencies to be achieve, supporting information, tasks and steps of work and assessment, 2) Presentation of
the stage of 'preconception and misconception activation' in teaching materials can reveal knowledge students
have initial, 3) Presentation of the stage of 'presenting cognitive conflict' in teaching materials can trigger
students to think deeply, 4) Presentation of the stage of 'finding concepts and equations' in teaching materials
leads students to find concepts & equations, 5) Presentation of the 'reflection' stage in teaching materials it can
reveal the progress of student understanding, 6) The numbering of images is presented in order, 7) The naming
of images is presented appropriately, 8) The presentation of teaching materials that is made allows interaction
between teachers and students. According to Hanum, et.al [22]. The suitability of the presentation in teaching
materials is very important, because the presentation developed in teaching materials can attract students 'interest
in learning and increase students' curiosity in studying physics.
The language assessment component has eight indicators as follows 1) Language used in accordance with the
student's level of thinking, 2) The language used in teaching materials has a value of decency (ethical), 3) The
language used in the teaching material has a beauty value so that students enjoy reading it (aesthetic), 4) The
language used is communicative and informative so that the message conveyed is easy to understand (educative),
5) The language used does not mean double, 6) The terms used are in accordance with the agreed technical terms
of science, 7) The language used is appropriate good and correct Indonesian grammar rules, 8) The spelling used
refers to general guidelines for Indonesian spelling. The language component is valid according to the reading
rules according to general guidelines for Indonesian spelling because the information presented in the book
chapter model is clear and the language used in the book chapter model is effective in accordance with the
Indonesian language rules [23].
The graphic assessment component uses the following six indicators 1) The arrangement of the cover of the
teaching material is shown to be attractive, 2) The font used is correct, 3) The font size can be read clearly, 4)
The size of the title of the teaching material is more proportional to the size of the content of the teaching
material , 5) The cover color arrangement and design are correct, 6) The cover illustration describes the contents
of the teaching material. Graphic feasibility is very valid. This is in line with Yunita and Hakim [24]which states
that the illustration becomes attractive with the right layout. This opinion has similarities with Fadhilah, et al
[25] which states that the use of appropriate fonts, layouts, illustrations makes the teaching materials used more
attractive to read.
Cognitive Conflict-based Teaching Materials on Momentum and Impulse Materials to improve students'
concept understanding have very valid level to validity. The results of the validation of teaching materials were
obtained from the suggestions of experts for revision. Suggestions are given in the form of improving consistent
sentences of assignments in concept discovery, presenting material coherently, improving picture sentences,
making corrections to sentences for the same thing in writing in the form of teaching materials, repeating the
head of the table automatically and completing the summary on teaching materials. The advice from these
experts is used to improve the feasibility of the teaching materials that are made.

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The practicality test of teaching materials according to students in the one to one stage was carried out at
SHS B to three students who had high, medium, and low ability levels. The practicality test results were obtained
from the analysis of the practicality test sheet instruments according to the students. In the instrument the
practicality test sheet according to students consists of four components, namely: 1) ease of use, 2)
attractiveness, 3) efficiency, and 4) benefit. Field tests are conducted to determine the feasibility of reading
materials using student response questionnaires and comment/suggestion sheets. Based on the trials conducted,
it was found that the average student response to reading material was 82.73% with the very high category. After
conducting trials in the main field, [26]. According to research by Hanum, et.al [22] Regarding the learning of
cognitive conflict models, it was found that the teaching materials they developed were also of practical value in
accordance with the teaching materials that the researchers developed. According to Khairunnisa, et.al [27]
namely the importance of attracting students' attention in the learning process. Instructional material indicators
can be used to learn independently, namely by achieving an average value of 100 [25]. Thus, cognitive conflict
based teaching materials on momentum and impulse material can be continued with practicality and
effectiveness tests through small group evaluations and field tests, so that it can use by class X physics teachers
to improve concept understand and remediate misconceptions on materials momentum and impulses.


This research has produced teaching materials with characteristics composed of four syntax models of
cognitive conflict-based learning (CCBL model), as follows: (1) activation of preconceptions and
misconceptions, (2) presentation of cognitive conflict, (3) discovery of concepts and equations, and (4)
reflection. In the third syntax, real experiment video analysis is integrated on momentum and impulses material.
This teaching material is designed to overcome the problem of low conceptual understanding and
misconceptions in momentum and impulses material. This teaching material has gone through a series of tests
and revisions start from self-evaluation, expert review and one to one evaluation. Teaching materials on
momentum and impulse are appropriate in terms of content validity, construct validity, language validity and
face validity with very valid criteria. Teaching materials have practicality in aspects of ,convenience, benefits,
tariffs power and efficiency in one to one evaluation with very practical criteria. Advice for further researchers in
order to continue the development phase of the Plomp model, namely testing the practicality and effectiveness of
teaching materials through small group evaluation and field test.


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