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Recycling of Thermoset Materials and Thermoset-Based
Composites: Challenge and Opportunity
Elisabetta Morici 1,2, * and Nadka Tz. Dintcheva 2, *

1 Advanced Technologies Network (ATeN) Center, Università di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze Ed. 18,
90128 Palermo, Italy
2 Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze Ed. 6, 90128 Palermo, Italy
* Correspondence: [email protected] (E.M.); [email protected] (N.T.D.)

Abstract: Thermoset materials and their composites are characterized by a long life cycle with their
main applications in aircrafts, wind turbines and constructions as insulating materials. Considering
the importance of recovery and valorization of these materials at their end-of-life, avoiding landfilling,
the interest concerning their recycling grows continuously. The thermoset materials and their com-
posites, to be successfully recovered and valorized, must degrade their three-dimensional structures
and recover the mono-oligomers and/or fillers. The thermoset materials could successfully degrade
through thermal treatment at different temperatures (for example, above 1000 ◦ C for incineration,
ca. 500 ◦ C for oxidation/combustion of organic constituents, etc.), chemical degradation by catalyst,
irradiation with or without the presence of water, alcohol, etc., and mechanical recycling, obtaining
fine particles that are useful as filler and/or reinforcement additives. Among these recycling methods,
this mini-review focuses on the formulation and recovery method of innovative thermoset with
in-build recyclability, i.e., materials having chemical links that could be degraded on-demand or
containing dynamic covalent bonds to have re-processable and/or recyclable thermoset. This issue
could be considered the future perspective in developing novel thermoset materials. The aim of this
review is to get an overview of the state of the art in thermoset recycling and of the most commonly
used thermoset composites, recovering valuable reinforcing fibers. Additionally, in this work, we also
Citation: Morici, E.; Dintcheva, N.T.
Recycling of Thermoset Materials
report not only known recycling routes for thermoset and thermoset-based composites, but also new
and Thermoset-Based Composites: and novel formulating strategies for producing thermosets with built-in recyclability, i.e., containing
Challenge and Opportunity. Polymers chemical-triggered on-demand links. This mini-review is also a valuable guide for educational
2022, 14, 4153. https://doi.org/ purposes for students and specialized technicians in polymer production and recycling.
10.3390/ polym14194153
Keywords: thermoset; thermoset composites; recycling; polymer recycling
Academic Editor: Maria C. Paiva

Received: 5 September 2022

Accepted: 30 September 2022
Published: 4 October 2022 1. Introduction
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral Thermosets are large molecular weight polymers that are an appealing alternative to
with regard to jurisdictional claims in both thermoplastics and other traditional materials, such as metals and wood, due to their
published maps and institutional affil- structural and aesthetical advantages, cost and workability [1].
iations. Generally speaking, thermosets are polymers cured through heat or irradiation, such
as ultraviolet rays or electron beam processing, or through a chemical reaction, using a
hardener or catalyst [2–4]. The curing process causes non-reversible chemical reactions,
so the polymer chains come out crosslinked, and that is because they do not melt when
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
exposed to high temperatures and offer superior mechanical strength. Moreover, they do
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
not deform or lose their shape when exposed to cold temperatures. Therefore, they could be
This article is an open access article
successfully used in environments in which extremely variable temperatures are recorded.
distributed under the terms and
Additional advantages and enhanced properties are obtained because of the low cost
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
of production by combining a thermoset polymer with fibers, such as carbon, glass or
aramid fibers, to have thermoset composites [5–7]. Indeed, thermoset structural composites
have been mainly used in aircraft components, on the surface and in the water transport

Polymers 2022, 14, 4153. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym14194153 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/polymers

Polymers 2022, 14, 4153 2 of 12

industries, ensuring high performance for the final products and allowing savings in fuel
consumption because they are lightweight [8,9]. Additionally, the high thermal, chemical
and mechanical stability makes them suitable for structural and protective applications,
such as aerospace materials and wind turbines [10]. It was also reported that using fiber-
reinforced plastic composite materials instead of metals in airplane structures contributes
to a 25% CO2 reduction [11].
Today, approximately 12% of the global plastic production volume, i.e., approximately
44 million tons, are thermosets; they predominantly include epoxies, polyurethanes, sil-
icones, phenolics and also polyesters. Moreover, it is worth pointing out that the global
thermosetting plastics market is projected to grow in the next few years.
In particular, epoxy resins are widely employed as engineering composites, adhesives,
coatings and electrical insulation; the production of epoxy composites is evaluated to be
approximately at least 4 million tons in 2030 [12].
Polyurethanes are versatile polymers with stable physicochemical properties due
to their chemical composition, including urethane groups in the chains, formed by the
reaction of an isocyanate with alcohol; they are mainly used in insulation foams, chemical-
resistant coatings, sealants, furniture and packaging. The production of polyurethane foam
is estimated to be 17 million tons in 2030 [13].
Silicones have high flexibility and resistance to heat, chemicals, sunlight and aging;
typical applications include gaskets, heat insulation and soft-touch surfaces, but they
are also used as lubricants and anti-foaming agents. Silicon demand is forecast to reach
approximately 11 million tons in 2030 [14].
The wide and large-scale use leads to an accumulation of thermoset waste. Currently,
thermoset and thermoset composite wastes are grounded up into fillers, incinerated, or
digested using environmentally friendly technologies, and the vast majority are sent to land-
fills because they are considered difficult to recycle [15,16]. In the recent years, European
legislation has required recycling of this waste instead of landfilling, but still, nowadays,
no really satisfactory way has been found for thermoset composite production waste and
end-of-life products. The difficulty in recycling is due to the crosslinked three-dimensional
chemical nature of the thermoset matrix that cannot be re-melted by means of heat or
solvent, as it happens for thermoplastic matrices, so recycling is often an expensive and
low-rate process. Additionally, incineration offers poor energy efficiency and generates
polluting emissions; mechanical recycling only allows for recovering lower performance
reinforcements, while chemical and thermal recycling prove to be more commonly used
and functional; thermoset chemical recycling consists of chemical catalyzed reactions that
break down the polymer chains into building blocks and are reused in the same product as
before the recycling process or in other different products [17].
In the last 20 years, the issue of recycling thermosets has been widely investigated, and
although it is still a fully unsolved problem, some technologies are suitable for recycling
on a large scale. The most commonly used thermosets, i.e., are polyurethane foams and
epoxy composites. Therefore, polyurethane foams are usually converted into polyol, while
epoxies-based composites are recycled through catalyzed alcoholysis or are converted,
under certain conditions, into recyclable thermoplastics using polyamine curing agents
able to cleave at crosslinking sites [18,19]. These technologies promote the circular economy
and allow for business opportunities, as the waste of low-value products is turned into high-
value products. Furthermore, fiber-reinforced thermosetting composites can be recycled
to replace virgin materials, reducing both the raw thermoset matrix and the raw fibers
used, so as to lower the environmental footprint, contributing to a more sustainable society.
Researchers report that virgin carbon fiber manufacturing is a high-greenhouse-emission
process. Moreover, the energy cost to produce virgin fiber is approximately 14 times
higher than for the production of steel, and they should be recycled to have better resource
efficiency [20–22].
Thermoset recycling has become necessary and must continue to be investigated
as well to become an environmentally friendly and financially convenient solution for
Polymers 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 13

Polymers 2022, 14, 4153 3 of 12

Thermoset recycling has become necessary and must continue to be investigated as
well to become an environmentally friendly and financially convenient solution for waste
management, see Figure
waste management, see1Figure
and Table
1 and1. Table
The aim of this
1. The aimreview
of this is to get is
review antooverview of the
get an overview
state of the
of the artofofthe
state thermoset recyclingrecycling
art of thermoset infrastructure and of theand
infrastructure technologies that are able
of the technologies that
recycle therecycle
able to most commonly used thermoset
the most commonly used composites, while recovering
thermoset composites, the most val-
while recovering the
mostreinforcing fibers. Additionally,
valuable reinforcing in this work,inwe
fibers. Additionally, also
this report
work, we onalso
the report
new formulating
on the new
strategy to produce
formulating strategythermosets with
to produce built-in recyclability,
thermosets with built-in i.e., containing chemical-trig-
recyclability, i.e., containing
gered on-demand links.
chemical-triggered on-demand links.

Figure 1. 1. Schematic
Schematic diagram
diagram to to summarize
summarize current
current recycling
recycling strategies
strategies forfor thermoset
thermoset andand thermoset-
based composites,
composites, highlightingthe
highlighting thefuture


Recycling Process (+) Advantages and (-)(+)Disadvantages

Advantages andof (−Different Recycling
) Disadvantages Processes
of Different Recycling
Recycling Process
(+) Recovery of energy, oils and fillers Processes
(+) No use of solvent and catalysts
(+) Recoveryagents
of energy, oils and fillers
Thermal recycling
(-) Thermal
Reducedrecycling (+)properties
dimensions and No use of solvent and catalysts
of recovered agents
( − ) Reduced
(-) Production of emissions and CO2 dimensions and properties of recovered materials
(−) Production of emissions and CO2
(+) Recovery of fillers and matrix that can be used as additives to produce second-
(+) Recovery of fillers and matrix that can be used as additives to
life materials
produce second-life materials
Mechanical recycling (-)Mechanical
Long timerecycling
(−)to recover
Long time the materials to recover the materials
(-) Low mechanical performance of recovered materials of recovered materials
(−) Low mechanical performance
( − ) Impossibility
(-) Impossibility to re-manufacture the materials to re-manufacture the materials
(+) Recovery of mono-oligomers and fillers
(+) Recovery of mono-oligomers and fillers
(+) Recovered
(+) Recovered fillers with unchanged shape, fillersdimensions,
with unchanged shape, dimensions,
composition and mechani-
Chemical recycling Chemical recycling
cal properties composition and mechanical properties
(−) Use of solvents and catalysts agents
(-) Use of solvents and catalysts agentsto implement the process at a larger scale
(−) Difficult
(-) Difficult to implement the process at a larger scale
2. Thermal Recycling
2. Thermal Recycling
The thermal recycling techniques, involving processing at high temperatures, can be
The classified
mainly thermal recycling techniques,
as combustion involvingfor
or incineration, processing at high
only energy temperatures,
recovery can be
and fluidized-bed
mainly classified as combustion or incineration, for only energy recovery and fluidized-
combustion to principally recover reinforcement fibers, and anaerobic combustion, i.e.,
bed combustion
pyrolysis, to principally
to recover recover reinforcement
simpler molecules fibers,
used as feedstock for and
new anaerobic combustion,
chemical processing, see
i.e., pyrolysis,
Figure 2. to recover simpler molecules used as feedstock for new chemical pro-
cessing, see Figure 2.
Polymers 2022, 14, x4153
FOR PEER REVIEW 4 4ofof 13

Figure 2.
Figure 2. Schematic
Schematic diagram
diagramtotoillustrate thethe
illustrate thermal treatment
thermal andand
treatment recovery of energy,
recovery oils and
of energy, oilsfillers.
2.1. Incineration
Thermosetting polymers can be burned in an incinerator for energy recovery. The
2.1. Incineration
advantage of this technique involves the continuous processing of waste, mixed with other
Thermosetting polymers can be burned in an incinerator for energy recovery. The
types of municipal solid waste and/or contaminated waste streams. The drawbacks are
advantage of this technique involves the continuous processing of waste, mixed with
connected with legislative restrictions already enforced in some European countries, with
other types of municipal solid waste and/or contaminated waste streams. The drawbacks
public opinion resistance about the environmental effects of the harmful generated gases,
are connected with legislative restrictions already enforced in some European countries,
and no material recovery is achieved [23].
with public opinion resistance about the environmental effects of the harmful generated
In some measures, economic and ecological trouble can be overcome by co-processing
gases, and no material recovery is achieved [23].
thermoset composite waste in cement kilns. The waste parts turn into valuable new material
In some measures, economic and ecological trouble can be overcome by co-pro-
since the thermoset matrix burns, providing heat energy, and the incombustible residues
cessing thermoset composite waste in cement kilns. The waste parts turn into valuable
and fibers are used as raw material for the cement clinkers. Therefore, co-processing is both
new material
material since the
and energy thermoset
recycling, matrix
which burns,
allows providing
us to heat energy,
recover natural and the
resources andincombus-
save fossil
tible residues
fuels [24,25]. and fibers are used as raw material for the cement clinkers. Therefore, co-
processing is both
However, material
some and or
additives energy recycling,
mineral which allows
fillers enclosed in theus to recovermatrix,
thermoset naturalsuch
sources andcarbonate
as calcium save fossiland/or
fuels [24,25].
flame retardants, absorb energy or deteriorate during the
However, some additives
process, lowering the amount of orenergy
fillers by
enclosed in the [26].
incineration thermoset matrix, such as
calcium carbonate and/or flame retardants, absorb energy or deteriorate during the pro-
cess, lowering theCombustion
2.2. Fluidised-Bed amount of energy gained by incineration [26].
The process is mainly targeted at fiber recovery. The University of Nottingham was the
to develop a Combustion
fluidized bed process for carbon fiber recovery. At approximately 500 ◦ C,
The process
the organic matrix is is
mainly targeted
volatilized andatseparated
fiber recovery. Theother
from the University of Nottingham
components was
in a fluidized
bedfirst to develop
of silica sand; the a air
presencebed process
ensures forthe
that carbon
polymerfiber recovery.
matrix At approximately
is oxidized, so the fibers
are °C, the Nevertheless,
clean. organic matrixa is volatilized
secondary and separated
combustion fromoperating
chamber the other at
approximatelyin a
1000 ◦ C isbed
fluidized necessary
of silicatosand;
fully the
oxidize the organics.
air presence Thethat
ensures fibers
theare carried matrix
polymer out in aisgas stream
so thethen recovered
fibers are clean.in aNevertheless,
cyclone or inaasecondary
rotating separator.
combustion Thechamber
organic operating
components are
at ap-
used for energy
proximately 1000and°C isheat recovery
necessary to for
fullythe process,
oxidize thewhile the fillers
organics. can be
The fibers areused as raw
carried out
in [27]. The
a gas stream and drawbacks
then recovered of theinfluidized-bed
a cyclone or incombustion
a rotating are related The
separator. to the lower
mechanical properties
components are used for of the recycled
energy fibersrecovery
and heat with respect to the
for the virginwhile
process, fiber, the
also because
can be
of their
used discontinuous
as raw and flocculate
materials [27]. nature,ofhigh
The drawbacks temperature, pressure
the fluidized-bed of the
combustion areprocess
the energy
lower consumption.
mechanical properties of the recycled fibers with respect to the virgin fiber, and
also because of their discontinuous and flocculate nature, high temperature, pressure of
2.3. Pyrolysis
the process and high energy consumption.
The pyrolysis process is based on heating without oxygen so that the polymeric
matrix is decomposed to produce low molecular weight products in the form of liquids
2.3. Pyrolysis
or gases, while the inorganic components remain unmodified. As a result, the organic
The pyrolysis process is based on heating without oxygen so that the polymeric ma-
part can be re-used as fuel or as new resources for chemical processes, and the fibers and
trix is decomposed to produce low molecular weight products in the form of liquids or
the other recovered materials can be used as fillers or reinforcements for assembling the
gases, while the inorganic components remain unmodified. As a result, the organic part
new products.
can be re-used as fuel or as new resources for chemical processes, and the fibers and the
Currently, a few industrial plants around the world are already working on this. It
other recovered materials can be used as fillers or reinforcements for assembling the new
is worth pointing out that some issues have to be solved. For example, in sheet molding
compounds, the favorable temperature for the operating process is estimated to be ap-
Polymers 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 13

Currently, a few industrial plants around the world are already working on this. It is
worth pointing out that some issues have to be solved. For example, in sheet molding
Polymers 2022, 14, 4153 5 of 12
compounds, the favorable temperature for the operating process is estimated to be ap-
proximately 600 °C, but undesirable degradation processes for the inorganic part could
occur [28].
proximately 600 ◦ C,
Furthermore, thebut undesirable
removal of toxicdegradation
compounds,processes for the inorganic
such as bromine, could be part could
occur [28].
before pyrolysis so that the produced oils are safe to be used as fuels or as petrochemical
industry the removal of toxic compounds, such as bromine, could be necessary
feedstock [29].
before pyrolysis so
Post-treatments, that theasproduced
such oils are
fiber sizing, safebetorequired
could be used foras fuels
re-useor applications
as petrochemicaland
industry feedstock [29].
also the quality of the recovered fiber has to be satisfied to have an effective use. A two-
temperature such as
step pyrolysis fiber sizing,
treatment could
for glass be required
fiber recovery forwasre-use applications
investigated usingand in-
also the quality of the recovered fiber has to be satisfied to have
dustrial thermoset composites, i.e., wind turbine blades and automotive sheet molding. an effective use. A
two-temperature step pyrolysis treatment for glass fiber recovery was
The results showed that performed fibers improved tensile strengths and failure strains investigated using
but thermoset
also that pyrolysis composites,
optimization i.e.,can
wind turbinethe
improve blades andof
quality automotive
recovered sheet
The results showed that performed fibers improved tensile strengths
care to reduce the growth rate of pre-existing surface damages during the process and failure strains
also Microwave
that pyrolysis optimization
pyrolysis, candecomposition
i.e., the improve the quality of recovered
of organic fibers, taking
parts of composite care to
reduce the growth rate of pre-existing surface damages during the process [30].
through microwave heating to have fast heating jointly to lower energy consumption, was
Microwave pyrolysis, i.e., the decomposition of organic parts of composite materials
also explored. The method has several advantages over conventional pyrolyses, such as
through microwave heating to have fast heating jointly to lower energy consumption, was
uniform internal heating and easy control, but still, nowadays, it remains a laboratory-
also explored. The method has several advantages over conventional pyrolyses, such as
scale process. Technical challenges need to be overcome, such as the control of dielectric
uniform internal heating and easy control, but still, nowadays, it remains a laboratory-scale
properties of the feedstock, and the optimal operating conditions still need to be investi-
process. Technical challenges need to be overcome, such as the control of dielectric prop-
gated to prevent, for example, char residue on the fiber surface, compromising their me-
erties of the feedstock, and the optimal operating conditions still need to be investigated
chanical properties [31].
to prevent, for example, char residue on the fiber surface, compromising their mechanical
properties [31].
3. Mechanical Recycling
3. Mechanical recycling is an extensively investigated technique since it is simple and
economical. It consists
Mechanical recycling of theis reduction in theinvestigated
an extensively size of wastetechnique
to re-use as powdered
since fillerand
it is simple or
economical. It consists of the reduction in the size of waste to re-use as powdered filler to
reinforced fibrous materials to produce new composites, or they can be added or
partiallyand cement [32–34].
reinforced fibrous materials to produce new composites, or they can be added to
asphalt and cement they[32–34].
consist of different steps: collection and sorting, which are challeng-
ing and require they
Essentially, long-time
of differentfollowed by a crushing
steps: collection process
and sorting, whichand arefurther pre-
treatment, reducing the scrap components into smaller and processable
and require long-time processing, followed by a crushing process and further pre-treatment, sized pieces, see
Figure 3. Then, using a high-speed mill to grind the material, a finer
reducing the scrap components into smaller and processable sized pieces, see Figure 3. product is obtained.
The recycled
Then, using outcome
a high-speed is a mixture
mill to of polymer,
grind fibers and
the material, fillersproduct
a finer with a size ranging from
is obtained. The
small fibrous
recycled materials
outcome up to 10ofmm
is a mixture in length
polymer, to fine
fibers andpowders
fillers withof less than
a size 50 microns.
ranging The
from small
fibrous product
materialsisup fiber-rich
to 10 mm andin is usedto
length asfine
powders of while
less thanthe50powder
microns. is matrix-rich
The fibrous
and is often
product used as filler.
is fiber-rich and isSince
usedthis technique doeswhile
as reinforcement, not produce
the powder atmospheric pollution,
is matrix-rich and itis
offers environmental,
often used as filler. Sincesocial
this and economic
technique does advantages
not produceover the other
atmospheric recycling
pollution, tech-
it offers
environmental, social and economic advantages over the other recycling techniques.

Figure 3.
Figure Schematicdiagram
3. Schematic diagram to
illustrate the
the mechanical
mechanical recycling
recycling and
and recovery
recovery of
of materials.

At this time, mechanical recycling is a process available at the industrial scale, but
recovered fillers at times are not so economically competitive with conventional fillers,
such as calcium carbonates and silicates. Furthermore, because short and non-uniform
fillers and fibers can be recovered, the recycled materials have low values. Therefore, the
energy saved during the process could be utilized for further development on a large scale,
optimizing the overall profitability of the process. Shuaib et al. studied the impact of
At this time, mechanical recycling is a process available at the industrial scale, but
recovered fillers at times are not so economically competitive with conventional fillers,
such as calcium carbonates and silicates. Furthermore, because short and non-uniform
fillers and fibers can be recovered, the recycled materials have low values. Therefore, the
Polymers 2022, 14, 4153
energy saved during the process could be utilized for further development on a 6large of 12
scale, optimizing the overall profitability of the process. Shuaib et al. studied the impact
of processing rates and their granulator capacity in relation to reducing the energy de-
mand in the recycling of thermoset-based glass fiber. Additionally, they underline that
the rates and approach
used bottom-up their granulator capacity
can model in relation
the amount to reducing
of energy the energy
utilization and thedemand
in the recycling of thermoset-based glass fiber. Additionally, they underline that the used
ronmental footprint of other recycling unit processes [35].
bottom-up approach can model the amount of energy utilization and the environmental
Further improvements and more valuable recycled products could be realized by de-
footprint of other recycling unit processes [35].
termining an efficient way to prevent the agglomeration of fibers during re-processing
Further improvements and more valuable recycled products could be realized by
and improving the interface adhesion between the fiber waste and resin matrix. Recently,
determining an efficient way to prevent the agglomeration of fibers during re-processing
successful applications were presented for fused filament fabrication 3D printing, a grow-
and improving the interface adhesion between the fiber waste and resin matrix. Recently,
ing sector for short-fiber composite materials; the PLA reinforced with recycled glass fi-
successful applications were presented for fused filament fabrication 3D printing, a growing
bers shows modulus and tensile strength of 18% and 19%, respectively, which are higher
sector for short-fiber composite materials; the PLA reinforced with recycled glass fibers
than those of samples reinforced with virgin glass fibers. This last result was explained by
shows modulus and tensile strength of 18% and 19%, respectively, which are higher than
considering a better inter-facial interaction between the PLA matrix and recycled glass
those of samples reinforced with virgin glass fibers. This last result was explained by
fibers partially covered with epoxy particles [36]. Additionally, the recycled glass fiber
considering a better inter-facial interaction between the PLA matrix and recycled glass
reinforced polymer
fibers partially (GFRP)
covered was
with usedparticles
epoxy in a double-recycling route: the
[36]. Additionally, the incorporation
recycled glassintofibera
reinforced polymer (GFRP) was used in a double-recycling route: the incorporation into aa
silicate slag, a byproduct of non-ferrous metallurgy production, allowed for
greater level ofslag,
Fe-rich silicate GFRP waste incorporation
a byproduct (20 metallurgy
of non-ferrous wt%) in theproduction,
in-organic allowed
matrix and
for aflexural
level of GFRP waste incorporation (20 wt%) in the in-organic matrix and flexuralmaterials
enhancement (79%) when compared with fiber-reinforced cementitious strength
enhancement (79%) when compared with fiber-reinforced cementitious materials [37].

4. Chemical Recycling
The chemical recycling of thermoset could be successfully performed considering
different methods that degrade the 3D-links between the polymer chains, facilitating the
recovery ofofmono-oligomers
mono-oligomersand andfillers inin
fillers thethe
case of composites.
case The degradation
of composites. of ther-
The degradation of
moset linkslinks
thermoset could be carried
could out using
be carried solvents,
out using withwith
solvents, and without catalysis
and without systems,
catalysis and
andirradiation-assisted methods,
by irradiation-assisted see Figure
methods, 4. Based
see Figure on current
4. Based understanding,
on current the future
understanding, the
future perspective
perspective in the development
in the development of newofthermoset
new thermoset materials
materials will
will be be oriented
oriented towards
towards ma-
terials with
with in-build
in-build recyclability
recyclability andand degradability,i.e.,
degradability, i.e.,dynamic
chemical links
links that
will de-crosslink and re-crosslink “on-demand”
“on-demand” upon upon external
external stimulus,
stimulus, such
heat and mechanical stress, see paragraph five below. below.

Figure 4. Schematic diagram to illustrate the chemical recycling and recovery of materials.

Therefore, the
Therefore, recovery of
the recovery mono-oligomers of
of mono-oligomers thermoset is
of thermoset is aa hazardous
hazardous issue
issue because
of the use of solvents that could be harmful in some cases, and usually, adding
of the use of solvents that could be harmful in some cases, and usually, adding catalysts catalysts
is required.
is required. Although
Although the the management
management of of thermoset
thermoset waste
waste streams
streams must
must be
be correctly
correctly ad-
dressed, ininsome
dressed, some cases, the the
cases, ecological and economic
ecological sustainability
and economic of the chemical
sustainability recycling
of the chemical
of these materials could not be a convenient issue, especially for manufacturers of second-
life materials. To minimize the impact of thermoset materials and ensure correct waste
management, governments must offer adequate financial support and education to people.
Differently, the recovery of high-value fillers, such as carbon and aramid fibers, of thermoset
composite materials could be considered a sustainable and economically advantageous
issue, especially, if the fillers do not undergo any dimensional, structural and compositional
changes. Obviously, using appropriate solvents (i.e., water, alcohol, methanol, ethanol, etc.,
also in their supercritical state) and/or catalytic agents (i.e., chemicals and/or irradiation
Polymers 2022, 14, 4153 7 of 12

absorbers) or irradiations (i.e., electron beam, UV irradiation, gamma irradiation, etc.),

the recovery of fillers, having unchanged shape, dimensions and compositions, could be
successfully and advantageously carried out.
However, as documented, the classical approach for chemically recycling thermosets
and their composites is the solvolysis of crosslinked links. The main advantage of this
method is the possibility of recovering unaltered fillers, although the use of solvents limits
the scalability of this method at a large scale, while the solvents in their supercritical state
require the use of very expensive equipment. Supercritical methanol (270 ◦ C and 8 MPa)
has been used by Okajima et al. to break the ester bonds between the epoxy backbone and
to dissolve the matrix of the carbon fiber-reinforced sample. The authors demonstrated
that, using supercritical fluid, the ester bonds were selectively destroyed, while both the
C-C bond and the shape of the mechanical properties of the carbon fibers were preserved.
This offers the opportunity to use recovered mono-oligomers and carbon fibers for the
formulation of novel thermoset materials [38].
Interestingly, Liu et al. proposed the selective breaking of C-N bonds to recycle waste
of epoxy-based fiber-reinforced resins coming from the aerospace industry, using ethanol
as a solvent and ZnCl2 as a catalyst; the reaction was carried out at T = 190 ◦ C. Based on
the spectroscopy and spectrometry characterizations of productions, the authors prove
that the polymer fragments have a relatively low molecular weight of 650 g/mol and
terminal hydroxyl and amine groups that highlight the successful selective breaking of C-N
bonds [26].
Another strategy for selectively breaking C-N bonds in amine-cured diglycidyl ether
bisphenol A (DGEBA) filler reinforced resins was proposed by Wang et al. using acetic acid
as a solvent and AlCl3 as a catalyst, and with relatively mild conditions at T = 180 ◦ C. The
spectroscopy and spectrometry analysis highlighted that the C-N bonds were replaced by
N-H bonds, while the C-C and C-O bonds were preserved [39].
Upgrading to the previously commented approach, it was the introduction of an
oxidizer agent that could exacerbate the cleavage of chemical bonds in the recovery of
mono-oligomers from thermoset fiber-reinforced polymers, as proposed by Das et al. The
authors used a mixture of acetic acid and H2 O2 , which resulted in the formation of peracetic
acid, having string oxidation action, at relatively mild conditions, T = 65 ◦ C and reaction
time at ca. 4 h. The characterization of final products highlighted the presence of aliphatic
and aromatic compounds that suggested the simultaneous and un-selective breaking of
C-N, C-C and C-O bonds [40].
As discussed before, all these methods offer the possibility to recover mono-oligomers
and un-altered high-value fillers, although the use of solvents, catalysts and specific condi-
tions. Chemical recycling could be considered a valuable method for the recycling of some
thermoset filler-reinforced materials, although the novel strategy related to the formulation
of dynamic networks will offer further opportunities for successful recycling operations for
thermoset and thermoset composites.

5. Thermoset with Built-in Recyclability

In the last few years, researchers have developed a new approach to overcome the
difficulty of recycling thermosets by modifying the organic matrix with chemical linkers,
which makes the materials much easier to break down while retaining their mechanical
The idea consists of introducing degradable crosslinkers or converting permanent
crosslinked structures into dynamic crosslinked ones, to have them de-crosslink and re-
crosslink by means of exchange reactions of cleavable bonds, see Figure 5. These last
dynamic bonds are, indeed, stimuli responsive to heat, irradiation, acid conditions and so
on. They could be used to activate structural changes. Moreover, thermosets containing
cleavable bonds were also used for the preparation of fiber-reinforced polymer-composites
in which fibers could be easily recovered subsequent to the degradation of the resins [41,42].
crosslink by means of exchange reactions of cleavable bonds, see Figure 5. These last dy-
namic bonds are, indeed, stimuli responsive to heat, irradiation, acid conditions and so
on. They could be used to activate structural changes. Moreover, thermosets containing
cleavable bonds were also used for the preparation of fiber-reinforced polymer-compo-
Polymers 2022, 14, 4153 sites in which fibers could be easily recovered subsequent to the degradation of the resins
8 of 12

Figure 5.
Figure Schematic diagram
5. Schematic diagram to
to illustrate
illustrate the
the perspective
perspective in
in developing
developing the
the thermoset
thermoset with
with built-in

While the presence of degradable crosslinkers leads to recycled polymer needing to

While the presence of degradable crosslinkers leads to recycled polymer needing to
be re-synthesized or be used in low-performing applications, the new dynamic covalent
be re-synthesized or be used in low-performing applications, the new dynamic covalent
bond strategy allows direct re-shaping and recycling/re-processing, and so, conventional
bond strategy allows direct re-shaping and recycling/re-processing, and so, conventional
methods employed for thermoplastic matrices, such as injection molding or hot-press,
methods employed for thermoplastic matrices, such as injection molding or hot-press,
could also be carried out for thermoset composites.
could also be carried out for thermoset composites.
Different cleavable bonds, such as ester bonds, B–O bonds, acetal linkages, nitrogen or
Different cleavable bonds, such as ester bonds, B–O bonds, acetal linkages, nitrogen
phosphorus-containing structures, disulfide bonds, peroxide bonds, etc., have been largely
or phosphorus-containing structures, disulfide bonds, peroxide bonds, etc., have been
investigated for the preparation of recyclable thermosets [43–47].
largely investigated for the preparation of recyclable thermosets [43–47].
It was established that the presence of a thermally labile tertiary ester linkage in an
It was established that the presence of a thermally labile tertiary ester linkage in an
epoxy thermoset system lowered the decomposition temperature of the matrix; it happens
epoxy thermoset system lowered the decomposition temperature of the matrix; it happens
that some of the degraded components form new anhydride crosslinks that could be later
that some ofwith
eliminated the degraded components
proper solvents form
[48]. An new anhydride
efficient method forcrosslinks
the chemicalthatdegradation
could be later of
eliminated with proper solvents [48]. An efficient method for the chemical
anhydride-cured epoxy using the phosphotungstic acid aqueous solution as the catalyst degradation of
anhydride-cured epoxy using
system at a mild reaction the phosphotungstic
temperature of 190 ◦ C was acid aqueousThroughout
reported. solution as the
the reaction,
system at a mild reaction temperature of 190 °C was reported. Throughout
the ester bond in the crosslinked structure was selectively broken to obtain oligomers the reaction,
the ester bond
containing in thegroups
reactive crosslinked structure
that in turn werewas selectively
used broken to obtain
for the preparation oligomers
of a new con-
taining reactive
cured epoxy groups
system [49].that in turn were used for the preparation of a new anhydride-
curedNiuepoxy system [49].
et al. were the first to take advantage of the B-O boronic esters bond that could
Niu et
undergo al. were the
reversible first to take advantage
depolymerisation of the B-O
via hydrolytic boronic
cleavage to esters
preparebond that could
undergo reversible depolymerisation via hydrolytic cleavage to prepare
polymers [50]. Degradable polyurethane thermosets having high mechanical strength and self-repairing
synthesizedpolyurethane thermosets
by crosslinking having high mechanical
isocyanate-terminated prepolymers strength and
with boric
acids; the were synthesized
presence of a labile by under
crosslinking isocyanate-terminated
mild acid prepolymers with
condition triple boron–urethane bo-
dueacids; thereaction
to the presence of a labile
between under mild
hydroxyl groupsacidincondition
boric acidstriple
and boron–urethane
isocyanate groups bonds,
due to the reactionleads
the prepolymers, between hydroxyl groups
to a significant in boric in
enhancement acids
the and isocyanate
mechanical groups in
properties of the
degradable polyurethanes [51].
IBM researchers well-tested cycloaliphatic diepoxides with cleavable acetal links
dissolving in acid-containing solvent mixtures [52]. Acetal groups were also introduced to
methacrylates to generate re-workable UV curing coatings; the acid could be produced by
UV-cured methacrylates using a photoacid generator, so thermal degradation was achieved
without adding additional acids [53].
The epoxy resin containing dynamic disulfide bonds was synthesized to be an excel-
lent re-processable resin. Service temperature, thermal stability and mechanical properties
were comparable to common commercial epoxy resins; better welding performance and
Polymers 2022, 14, 4153 9 of 12

re-processability were exhibited. Ninety percent of the tensile strength was maintained
after three reprocessing cycles. Moreover, the chemical degradation in a thiol-based solvent
could be performed in a closed loop to recycle fiber, resin and solvent [54]. Fiber-reinforced
composites based on epoxy resin with exchangeable disulfide crosslink were easily syn-
thetized by just substituting classical diamine hardener (DETDA) with 4-aminophenyl
disulfide (AFD) as a dynamic hardener; the obtained composites showed vitrimer be-
havior and could be re-processed, re-paired and recycled using standard processes and
equipment [55].
Several studies consider the introduction of active covalent bonds in the epoxy system
triggered by external stimuli, such as heat, light or irradiation [56–60]; although the ideal
recovery rate is 100%, the high energy employed in the process leads to poorer perfor-
mance of the recovered material compared with that of the original thermosets because of
degradation [61].
In order to better design a material and its properties for a required application, some
researchers tested dual dynamic networks, i.e., polymeric materials combining two (or
more) distinct crosslinkers in one system [62,63]. In a recent work, Liang et al., reported
a feasible preparation of a dual dynamic network of waterborne polyurethane (WPU)
by using 1,3-dihydroxyacetone ketotriose serving as the chain extender; a covalent adap-
tive network was generated by the condensation of ketohydrazine and carbonyl groups.
The novel WPU exhibits effective adhesive strength to metal even after four times of
deconstruction-rebonding loops [64].
Finally, a complementary approach to the design of sustainable thermosets is the
introduction of a small number of cleavable co-monomers. Shieh et al. established that
the silyl linkers in modified industrial polydicyclopentadiene allow for the facilitation
of chemical deconstruction and are more effective with respect to the introduction of
degradable crosslinkers; optimizing the cleavable bond location of a controlled thermoset
degradation could be achieved and the original plastic thermoset’s material properties
could be improved [65].

6. Conclusions
The widespread use of thermoset composites in fields, such as aerospace, energy
production and the automotive industry, coupled with landfill disposal restrictions and
Polymers 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 13
with the inherent value of the materials resulting from recycling, leads industries and civil
societies to the need to recycle and to establish a market for recycled composite materials.
Therefore, researchers must intensively investigate the recycling process, focusing on
chemical recycling,friendly
environmentally using acidic, alkaline or catalyst
and economically attractivesolutions, promotes
technologies, the today,
and still recovery of
monomers andbe
actions must oligomers, which
taken to form can be reused
a growing markettoforprepare
recycledthermosets and/or
products. The their func-
tional materials.
of correct Anyway,
recycling the use of
of thermoset harmful
and and concentrated
thermoset-based chemicals,
composites dependscatalyst agents
on numerous
and the requirements
social, economic andfor more steps
cultural to complete
aspects, supporting thethe
recycling process
transition from can leadto
a linear toaacircular
economy, see
eco-friendly Figure
process 6. at this time, is difficult to implement on a large scale.

Figure 6. 6.
Figure Schematic diagram
Schematic to to
diagram illustrate needs
illustrate in in
needs transition towards
transition circular
towards economy.
circular economy.

To overcome the difficulty of thermoset composite recycling and the high recycling
costs, a new strategy for thermosets with inherent recyclability was developed. The new
topic of research was addressed to create easy matrix removal of recycling through low-
energy molecular de-bonding or covalent networks, which function via either associative
or dissociative mechanisms. In the last decade, the formulation of novel thermoset mate-
rials having built-in specific functions that are cleavable linkers or cleavable co-monomers
Polymers 2022, 14, 4153 10 of 12

Thermal recycling, indeed, must optimize the amount of energy employed in the
process, and eco-friendly technologies have to be employed to lower the cost and the
environmental impact. Mechanical recycling, allowing direct reuse, could be overall and
successfully employed when a lower quality of the recycled material is acceptable. At
least, chemical recycling, using acidic, alkaline or catalyst solutions, promotes the recovery
of monomers and oligomers, which can be reused to prepare thermosets and/or their
functional materials. Anyway, the use of harmful and concentrated chemicals, catalyst
agents and the requirements for more steps to complete the recycling process can lead to a
poor eco-friendly process that, at this time, is difficult to implement on a large scale.
To overcome the difficulty of thermoset composite recycling and the high recycling
costs, a new strategy for thermosets with inherent recyclability was developed. The new
topic of research was addressed to create easy matrix removal of recycling through low-
energy molecular de-bonding or covalent networks, which function via either associative or
dissociative mechanisms. In the last decade, the formulation of novel thermoset materials
having built-in specific functions that are cleavable linkers or cleavable co-monomers
triggered by external stimuli, such as thermal, chemical or optical stimuli, has been largely
investigated. The potential of the new approach to stimuli-responsive materials must
be fully exploited. Future perspectives are, indeed, stimulating and promising for new
frontiers in material science to replace traditionally non-recyclable thermosets with more
sustainable ones.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, E.M. and N.T.D.; methodology, E.M. and N.T.D.; re-
sources, E.M. and N.T.D.; writing—original draft preparation, E.M. and N.T.D.; writing—review
and editing, E.M. and N.T.D.; funding acquisition, N.T.D. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was financially supported by MIUR—Italy (Ministry of Education, University
and Research of Italy), grant: CLEAN—PRIN-20174FSRZS_002.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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