F - RA - 04 High Frequency Poker Vibrator

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Task risk assessment (TRA) - Attendance list

Business of work: Refractory Job discipline: Working at heights

Area: Sasol Secunda & Sasolburg Occupation: Skilled artison & oparators

Date: 23 - 04 -2022 Operational status when task is preformed: Stationary

Site Manager (16.2): Hannes Potgieter Nature of the work: Cold and hot work

Initial & Last Name Designation Signature

Hannes Potgieter Installations Manager

Danielle Coetzee Safety Officer

Anne-Marie Bosman SHE Manager

Johannes Mokoena Safety representative

Itumeleg Mokhosho Operator

Task risk assessment (TRA) - Control sheet Approval by Site Manager:

Business of work: Refractory Initials & last name: L W Zuma

Area: Sasol Secunda & Sasolburg Signature:

Date: 23 - 04 - 2019 Date:

Next review
No. Task steps Task description (Analyses) Critical task (Yes / No) Date reviewed

Vibrator pre-use Inspection

Work area

Flammable liquids, gases or dust.


1 Inspection


Exposure to rain or water

Protective hose and power cable.

Personal protective equipment

Fatigue, drugs and alcohol

Connection and
Dressing & jewellery

On and off

Plug into the power sources.

Hold the tool

3 Start-up poker vibrator



Remove from concrete

Switch off

Decommissioning poker
4 Wait for standstill

Put down

Pull out the plug

5 Housekeeping Cleaning
Site Manager: Hannes Potgieter Task risk assessment Doc no: F/RA/04

Business of work: Refractory Rev no: 0.2

Vibrate refractory with high frequency poker vibrator
Area: Sasol Secunda & Sasolburg Date: 23/04/2022

Initial Risk Score Revised Risk Score Residual risk Yes / No



Risk Rating

Risk Rating

Risk Rating


Description of High risk rating
No. Description of task steps Hazards description Risk description Mitigation of the risk Responsibility
task measured
Critical Task

Wear safety gloves. Ensure pre-use inspection checklist

Vibrator pre-use Inspection Pinch points and sharp edges Hand enjuries 3 2 48 2 2 L Skilled Operator
is fully completed.
Hand enjuries and material Keep work area clean and well lit, dark and congested
Work area Congestion 3 2 48 2 2 L Skilled Operator
damage. areas invite accidents.
Flammable liquids, gases or Supervisor & Skilled
Sparks Ignite the dust or fumes 3 3 72 Do not operate power tools in explosive atmospheres. 2 3 48
dust. Operator
Bystanders Distractions and lose of control Injury or serious material damage. 3 2 48 Keep bystanders away while using vibrator. 2 2 L Skilled Operator

Injury, electric shock and serious Never modify plugs or the tool in order to
Modification Electrical energy 3 2 48 2 2 L Skilled Operator
material damage. reduce risk of electric shock.
1 Inspection
Injury, electric shock and serious Do not expose power tools to rain or wet conditions.
Exposure to rain or water Electrical energy 3 2 48 2 2 L Skilled Operator
material damage. Water entering increase the risk of electric shock

Never use the cord for carrying, pulling or unplugging the

Protective hose and power Injury, electric shock and serious power tool. Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges
Electrical energy 3 2 48 2 2 L Skilled Operator
cable. material damage. or moving parts. Damaged or entangled cords increase
the risk of electric shock

Personal protective Dangerous dust, poor visibility, Hard hat ,hearing protection, safety glasses, dust mask,
Pinch points, dust and sparks. 3 2 48 2 2 L Skilled Operator
equipment body injuries & eye injuries not flammable overall, gloves and safety boots.

Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use common Supervisor & Skilled
Fatigue, drugs and alcohol Lose of control Injury or serious material damage. 3 3 72 2 3 48
sense when operating a tool. Operator

Never overreach when vibrating, this will enables better Supervisor & Skilled
Overreach Lose of control Injury or serious material damage. 3 3 72 2 3 48
control of the tool in unexpected situations. Operator
Connection and
disconnection Hand and body injuries, and Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery. Keep your hair,
Dressing & jewellery Moving parts & Electrical energy. 3 2 72 2 2 L Skilled Operator
electric shock. clothing, and gloves away from moving parts.
Deactivate the machine before connection to the electric
Injury, electric shock and serious
On and off Electric shock 2 2 L power supply. To eliminate danger of injuries from 1 2 L Skilled Operator
material damage.
uncontrolled starting of the machine.
Pinch points, Sharp edges and Check if the voltage of the current source is compatible
Plug into the power sources. Hand injuries & electric shock 2 2 L 1 2 10 Employee
electricity. with the machine

Injury, electric shock and serious Use the protective hose to hold machine with both hands Supervisor & Skilled
Hold the tool Electrical energy 3 3 72 the near the vibrator head. 2 3 48
material damage. Operator
Start-up poker Switch on the machine via the ON/OFF switch. Wait for
3 Injury, electric shock and serious Supervisor & Skilled
vibrator Start-up Lose of control and electric shock 3 3 72 control lamp on the inverter to lights green, which means 2 3 48
material damage. the machine is ready for operation. Operator

Immerse the vibrator head in the fresh concrete,

Pinch points & sharp edges, and
Vibrating Injury or serious material damage. 2 3 48 formwork and compact the fresh concrete. Hold it for 1 3 24 Skilled Operator
several seconds and slowly pull it out again.

Pinch points & sharp edges, and Injury or danger of damage to Slowly remove the machine from the fresh concrete, use
Remove from concrete 2 3 48 1 3 24 Skilled Operator
dust. property the protective hose to hold machine with both hands.
Pinch points & sharp edges, and Injury or danger of damage to
Switch off 2 3 48 Switch off the machine via the ON/OFF switch 1 3 24 Skilled Operator
dust. property
Do not operate the machine with the internal vibrator not
Decommissioning Wait for standstill Hot surface Burns and excessive wear. 2 3 48 immersed in the fresh concrete. Because the vibrator 1 3 24 Skilled Operator
4 head heats up if it is turned.
poker vibrator

Put down Pinch points Injury or serious material damage. 2 3 48 Put down the machine slowly to avoid excessive wear. 1 3 24 Skilled Operator

Never use the cord for carrying, pulling or unplugging the

Injury, electric shock and serious power tool. Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges Supervisor & Skilled
Pull out the plug Electrical energy 3 3 72 2 3 48
material damage. or moving parts. Damaged or entangled cords increase Operator
the risk of electric shock
Clean the machine and all components with water after
5 Housekeeping Cleaning Pinch points Hand injuries 2 2 L each use. remove concrete residuals by immersing the 1 2 10 Skilled Operator
running machine into gravel.
Doc no: F/RA/04

Task observationhigh for frequency poker vibrator Rev no: 0.2 1

Date: 23/04/2018

Job discipline: High frequency poker vibrator Person observed Supervisor/observer:

Business of work: Refractory Name: Name:

Area: Sasol Secunda & Sasolburg C/No: C/No.

Date: 27 - 03 -2019 Date: Date:

Site Manager: Lizwi Zuma Signature: Signature

Name of person who Task observation results

Is the control checked the

Description of task Description of task steps Hazards description Risk description Mitigation of the risk effectiveness
effective effectiveness of the Task observation
checked Corrective actions
risk control comments
Wear safety gloves. Ensure pre-use inspection
Vibrator pre-use Inspection Pinch points and sharp edges Hand enjuries
checklist is fully completed.
Hand enjuries and Keep work area clean and well lit, dark and
Work area Congestion
material damage. congested areas invite accidents.
Do not operate power tools in explosive
Flammable liquids, gases or dust. Sparks Ignite the dust or fumes
Injury or serious
Bystanders Distractions and lose of control Keep bystanders away while using vibrator.
material damage.
Injury, electric shock
Never modify plugs or the tool in order to
Modification Electrical energy and serious material
reduce risk of electric shock.
Injury, electric shock
Do not expose power tools to rain or wet conditions.
Exposure to rain or water Electrical energy and serious material
Water entering increase the risk of electric shock

Never use the cord for carrying, pulling or

Injury, electric shock
unplugging the power tool. Keep cord away from
Protective hose and power cable. Electrical energy and serious material
heat, oil, sharp edges or moving parts. Damaged or
entangled cords increase the risk of electric shock

Dangerous dust, poor Hard hat ,hearing protection, safety glasses, dust
Personal protective equipment Pinch points, dust and sparks. visibility, body injuries & mask, not flammable overall, gloves and safety
eye injuries boots.
Injury or serious Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use
Fatigue, drugs and alcohol Lose of control
material damage. common sense when operating a tool.
Injury or serious Never overreach when vibrating, this will enables
Overreach Lose of control
material damage. better control of the tool in unexpected situations.

Connection and disconnection Hand and body injuries, Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery. Keep your
Dressing & jewellery Moving parts & Electrical energy.
and electric shock. hair, clothing, and gloves away from moving parts.

Injury, electric shock Deactivate the machine before connection to the

On and off Electric shock and serious material electric power supply. To eliminate danger of
damage. injuries from uncontrolled starting of the machine.

Pinch points, Sharp edges and Hand injuries & electric Check if the voltage of the current source is
Plug into the power sources.
electricity. shock compatible with the machine
Injury, electric shock Use the protective hose to hold machine with both
Hold the tool Electrical energy and serious material hands the near the vibrator head.
Switch on the machine via the ON/OFF switch. Wait
Start-up poker vibrator Injury, electric shock for control lamp on the inverter to lights green,
Start-up Lose of control and electric shock and serious material which means the machine is ready for operation.

Immerse the vibrator head in the fresh concrete,

Pinch points & sharp edges, and Injury or serious
Vibrating formwork and compact the fresh concrete. Hold it
dust. material damage.
for several seconds and slowly pull it out again.

Slowly remove the machine from the fresh concrete,

Pinch points & sharp edges, and Injury or danger of
Remove from concrete use the protective hose to hold machine with both
dust. damage to property
Pinch points & sharp edges, and Injury or danger of
Switch off Switch off the machine via the ON/OFF switch
dust. damage to property

Do not operate the machine with the internal

Burns and excessive
Wait for standstill Hot surface vibrator not immersed in the fresh concrete.
Decommissioning poker wear.
Because the vibrator head heats up if it is turned.
Injury or serious Put down the machine slowly to avoid excessive
Put down Pinch points
material damage. wear.

Never use the cord for carrying, pulling or

Injury, electric shock
unplugging the power tool. Keep cord away from
Pull out the plug Electrical energy and serious material
heat, oil, sharp edges or moving parts. Damaged or
entangled cords increase the risk of electric shock

Clean the machine and all components with water

Housekeeping Cleaning Pinch points Hand injuries after each use. remove concrete residuals by
immersing the running machine into gravel.
Doc no: F/RA/04
Competency declaration on task risk assessments, practical and theoretical 0.2
Rev no:
training: High frequency poker vibrator.
Date: 23/04/2018

I hereby confirm that I am fully acquainted with the content of the below mentioned task riskassessments.

Task-risk assessment Evaluation on theory & practical Direct line management

List of task risk assessments
Sup.. Sign. Date I/M Sign. Date Name S/M Sign. Date
Connection & disconnection
Start-up poker vibrator
Decommissioning poker vibrator

Name C/no Signiture Name C/no Signiture

According to my knowledge the above mentioned persons has successfully completed an awareness session for the required task Risk Assessments.

Signature Site Manager: C/No.: Date:

Doc no: F/RA/04
Risk Register
Vibrate refractory with high frequency poker vibrator: Rev no: 0.2
Date: 23/04/2018

Nr Task list Critical & High Risk Task Risk Mitigation


Doc no: F/RA/04
Critical & High risk task observation schedule Rev no: 0.2
Date: 23/04/2018
Nr Task Description Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec






Doc no: F/RA/03


Date: 01/03/2018


1 2 3 4 5
Safety Health Likelihood Rating
-5 -11 -24 -70 -100
Expected outcome for most occurrences; Frequent (daily) exposure at Almost Certain M H C C C
Many times per annum > 100%of OEL -10 50 110 240 700 1000
Will probable occur; Frequent (daily) exposure at Likely M H H C C
Once or twice per annum > 50% of OEL -6 30 66 144 420 600
Infrequent exposure at
> 100%of OEL
Has occurred before; Frequent (daily) exposure at Moderate L M H C C
Once in 2 year likelihood. > 10% of OEL -3 15 33 72 210 300
Infrequent exposure at
> 50%of OEL
Has never occurred at but could; Frequent (daily) exposure at Unlikely L M H C
Once in 5 years likelihood. < 10% of OEL -2 10 L 48 140 200
Infrequent exposure at
> 10%of OEL
Has never occurred at and should not; Infrequent exposure at Rare L L M H H
Practically impossible. < 10% of OEL -1 5 11 24 70 100

STEP 2 What is the Maximum Reasonable Consequence?


Safety Health Rating

Minor Temporary – irritation, first aid Reversible health effects of concern – first
treatment required aid treatment required
Insignificant 1

Major Temporary – medical treatment Severe reversible health effects of concern –

required medical treatment required
Minor 2

Minor Permanent – loss of body part or Irreversible health effects of concern – partial
function loss of body function, some impact on
Moderate 3

Major Permanent – single fatality, total Life-threatening or disabling illness – major

blindness, quadriplegia impact on body function / lifestyle
Major 4

Threat of multiple fatalities – long term

Multiple Fatalities
chronic health effects to many people
Catastrophic 5


Risk Level Safety Control Health Control

Stop, or do not start, the work. Stop, or do not start, the work.
Take corrective / preventative action immediately to reduce the risk to as
Critical low as reasonably achievable. Immediate mandatory medical surveillance.

(> 200) Review system controls. Change controls after immediate review.

Only (re)commence activity when safeguards are in place and assessed Establish monitoring program based on medical
risk has been reduced. advice.
High Implement safeguards immediately to reduce the risk to as low as Low-level medical surveillance.
reasonably achievable.
(> 60, < 200) Review or establish permanent control measures. Review controls.
Establish monitoring program based on medical
Implement safeguards within a reasonable timeframe to reduce the risk to
Moderate as low as reasonably achievable. Consider medical surveillance.

(>24, < 60) Review permanent control measures where appropriate. Review controls.

Monitor for any change in the risk. 2 yearly monitoring.

Low Implement safeguards as considered necessary to further reduce the risk Periodic review.
to as low as reasonably achievable.
(< 23) Monitor for any change in the risk. No monitoring required.
Doc no: F/FD/01

Flow diagram: How to conduct a professional task risk assessment Rev no: 0.1

Date: 27/03/2019

Perform task
analyses on TRA
control sheet

Break task down into Consequence

Perform TRA on Task description in Describe the hazard description in column
logical steps in
TRA sheet provided column B in column D E
column C

Task risk List mitigation

Initial risk rating in Inherent risk rating
assessment If low control measures in
columns J, K & L in columns F,G & H
complete column I

If high

Identify additional Assign Responsible

Residual risk rating
risk control person for additional
and reporting level
measures in risk control measures
columns S, T, U & V
column N in column R

Identify hazard types related to the task step

List task as critical task on the Should risk rating

sheet provided and complete Task risk
remain high select
the required steps as for a assessment
as critical task in
critical task complete
column W/V

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