In essence, it
involves evaluating concepts such as right and wrong, justice, fairness, and responsibility and knowing
how these concepts apply to different situations and contexts. Just like studying any other topic,
studying ethics also has an end goal. It is to promote ethical behavior and decision-making and to create
a more just and equitable society by developing a deeper understanding of moral principles and values
and using this understanding as behavior and decision-making guidance in a responsible and ethical
Provided that ethics has an end goal, it is also crucial to a person’s life as it provides a
framework for people to decide and choose based on morality and to behave in an accountable and
responsible manner. It shapes one’s beliefs, values, and actions and aligns these three, which can lead to
greater personal fulfillment and happiness and attain the good life.
Not only does ethics promote morality, but it is as well beneficial to a student. First, it develops
moral reasoning abilities. Ethics encourages a student to reflect on their own moral beliefs and values
and to understand how these influence their behavior. Second, it develops critical thinking skills.
Through the study of ethics, a student is involved in examining complex moral dilemmas and moral
cases or situations, considering different perspectives and arguments, which can develop his or her
critical thinking skills. Third, it enhances decision-making abilities. A student can learn to evaluate and
analyze different options and make informed choices that align with their ethical beliefs and values.
Consequently, one will be able to make responsible decisions based on moral principles and values.
Ethics can additionally mold a student to become a better person. It encourages a student to
consider the perspectives and experiences of other people and understand the impact of his or her
actions on others. Since ethics is concerned with issues of social justice and equity, it stimulates a
student to consider the impact of social structures and policies on different groups. A student may
become more aware of issues of inequality and discrimination and work to promote social justice in
their communities and beyond. Ethics, moreover, fosters responsibility, knowing that it promotes the
idea that individuals have a responsibility to act in ways that are moral and ethical. A student can
develop a sense of personal responsibility and accountability and understand the importance of making
choices that align with his or her values and beliefs.