Long Test in UCSP. 1st QTR

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Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
1st Qtr-1st Semester S.Y. 2022-2023

General Instruction: Make sure your mobile phone is switched off and place it at the front
together with any bags, books, coats etc. Then find your seat. Remember that talking is not
allowed at any time during the exam. Listen carefully to instructions. Students are required to
comply with the instructions at all times.

Test 1: Multiple Choice

Direction: Read the questions of each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Remember, reading comprehensions is the key. Good luck and best wishes.

1. It promotes the claim that cultures must be understood in the context of their locality. Ethical
practices differ among cultures, that what is considered right from one culture may be considered
wrong with the other.
a. Acculturation c. Ethnocentrism
b. Cultural Relativism d. Deculturation
2. Ana always boast their local restaurants she always says “Perfect! Really. No cuisine is as good
as ours”. Her belief that her cuisine is the best is a classic example of ___________.
a. Acculturation c. Ethnocentrism
b. Cultural Relativism d. Deculturation
3. It refers to the socially constructed characteristics of women and men such as roles, norms and
a. Gender c. Sex
c. Nationality d. Deculturation
4. How can you best manifest cultural relativism inside the classroom?
a. Judging your classmate’s culture based on the standards of your own culture
b. Making fun of his unique accent and clothing style
c. Judging your classmate’s culture based on the standards of his/her own culture
d. Show to your classmates that your culture is superior than them
5. Biological characteristics of human such as male or female.
a. Culture c. Gender
b. Biology d. Sex
6. Nationality is very important to person’s political identity, furthermore, it is a ‘’group of people
who share the same history, traditions and language’’. Is this statement correct?
a. Yes c. Maybe
b. No d. None of the Above
7. These are the smaller cultural groups that share specific environments, traditions and histories
that are not necessarily subscribed by the mainstream culture.
a. Peer groups c. Ethnic groups
b. Communist groups d. Political groups
8. You are living in a deviant community, a lot of your childhood friends were engaged in deviant
activities like petty theft and smoking marijuana. You want to influence them to abandon those
kind of deviant behaviors but you are afraid to approach them. What is the best thing to do
according to the choices below?
a. Join them in their deviant activities and tell them to stop all of it
b. Make fun of them so they will notice you and listen
c. Inform their families and cooperate to the Barangay Captain and the council to make a
program that will help deviant people in your community to save them in further harm
and deviant activities
d. Just let them do their own business and activities
9. Which of the following is NOT a part of ethnic groups?
a. Mangyan c. Igorot
b. Cebuano d. Manileǹo
10. It refers to an identity that an individual adheres to in relation to the political systems and actors
within his or her society.
a. Cultural identity c. Political identity
b. Factual identity d. Societal identity
11. A person with this gender is inclined to be sexually attracted to a person of the opposite sex.
a. Asexual c. Heterosexual
b. Bisexual d. Homosexual
12. Sub-branch of Cultural Anthropology that studies marriage customs, kinship pattern, economic
systems and religious rites of cultural groups and compare it with the way of life of contemporary
a. Ethnology c. Archaeology
b. Linguistics d. Etymology
a. Bicameral, Supreme court, Congress, and Ombudsman
b. Legislative, Executive, Judiciary, and House of Representatives
c. Population, Territory, Government, and Sovereignty
d. Territory, Government, Tribunal, and Sovereignty
14. You have a classmate this school year who is a transferee from Maguindanao, he is a Muslim.
How can you make him comfortable in his new environment and his classmates inside the
a. Know his culture and the things that are taboo to his own culture
b. Make him feel out of place until he will decide to go back to his hometown
c. Bully him because he is a transferee student
d. Make friend to him in return of favor and snacks every recess
15. It is the compilation of ways and means by which humans interact with each other within the
confines of a society.
a. Social conflict c. Social Mores
b. Social interaction d. Social Life
16. Education provide students with knowledge, skills, and cultural values. What structural
functionalism in the society does the statement show?
a. Latent Function c. Manifest Function & Latent
b. Manifest Function d. None of these
17. It is the exchange of meaning through language and symbols—is believed to be the way in which
people make sense of their social worlds.
a. Comunication c. Communication
b. Comunnication d. Communicattion
18. What is the importance of studying political science?
a. To help understand the sociological aspects that affects the life of a human being.
b. To give insights to the different culture of ethnic groups on rural areas.
c. Ways on how to address social issues and improve our social relationships to one another.
d. We come to know our rights and obligations in the State
19. These are examples of material culture that can be found in an ancient civilization, Except?
a. Paintings c. Language
b. Artifacts d. Clothing
20. Filipinos are fond of colonial mentality nowadays. As a student, how can you preserve the
Filipino culture in your own ways?
a. Influence your family to adapt the American way of dressing in the street
b. Tell your classmates to avoid listening from the songs of Asin and Freddy Aguilar
c. Make fun of Filipino folk culture in some provinces
d. Practice and value the respecting elders and showing love and support to Original
Filipino music

Test II. Matching Type

Direction: Match the Column A to the Column B. Write the letter that correspond the correct answer to
the text in Column A.

Column A Column B

21. A group of people involved with each A. Culture

other through persistent relations.
B. Society
22. Is a complex whole which encompasses
Beliefs, practice, values attitude, laws,
norms, artifacts, and symbols. C. Enculturation

23. Focuses on the competition between

D. Acculturation
groups within society over limited
E. Material Culture
24. Sees society as a structure with interrelated
parts designed to meet the biological and
F. Structural Functionalism
social needs of the individuals in that
G. Latent Function
25. Focuses on the relationships among
Individuals within society.
H. Symbolic Interactionism
26. Things that are put in place intentionally to
keep society moving forward. I. Manifest Function
27. Is a process of accommodating desirable J. Conflict Theory
traits from other culture.
K. Non-material culture
28. It is what a person does and thinks as part
of society.
L. Polygyny
29. Is a process of learning your own culture.
M. Polyandry
30. It is the physical things that are created by
society? (e.g. painting and buildings)

31. It is a form of marriage in which one man

marries more than one woman at a given

32. It is the marriage of one woman with

more than one man. It is less common
than polygyny.


Direction: Read the statement of each item carefully. Write T if the statement is true and correct, while
F if the statement is False.
33. Culture is learned because an individual learns the set of beliefs, ideas, traditions and practices of
other culture.
34. Every society has a culture of its own that differs from other societies. Cultures are not uniform;
the culture of every society is unique.
35. The characteristic of culture is static. Culture is not dynamic due to changing needs of humans as
they interpret and survive in their environment.
36. Peer group is the most important agent of socialization. A primary group composed of individuals
of roughly equal age and similar social characteristics.
37. Receiving an award during graduation is a positive sanction for studying hard.


Direction: Below are the text which represent a correct statement of the underlined words. Spot the
wrong underlined words that have a wrong statement or claim, then choose in the letter of what number it
38. Formal Sanction are actions are enforced by an authoritative force. Rewards given for
conforming norms is a negative sanction, while the punishment or negative
consequence is a classification of positive sanction.

a. I only c. II & III

b. I & II d. No Error
39. Ethnocentrism feels that one’s culture is superior as compared to other cultures, while cultural
relativism promotes the perspective that cultures must be understood in the context of their locality.
The variation in human conditions promotes diversity and plurality in cultural traditions.
a. I & II c. III only
b. I, II, & III d. No Error
40. An individual who is unsure of and/or exploring their gender identity and/or sexual orientation
is a questioning person, while pansexual person accommodates all types of gender. Contrary to
the two, political identity refers to an individual adheres to in relation to the economic system of
his identity. III
a. I & II c. III only
b. I, II, & III d. No Error

Test V. Analogy
Direction: The analogies below are word problems that consist of two word pairs. Look at the
first pair and decide how the two words relate to each other. Then select one of the words below
so the second pair of words has the same relationship.

41. Conflict theory: Karl Marx; Structural Functionalism: __________?

a. Emile Durkheim c. Wright Mills
b. Howard Gardner d. Sigmund Freud
42. Primary group: Family; Secondary group: ______________?
a. Workmates c. Play groups
b. Mother d. Friendship groups
43. _____________: Mother side; Bilateral: Both mother and father side
a. Matrilineal c. Unilineal
b. Patrilineal d. Patriarchy
44. Sociology: ______________; Anthropology: ______________
a. Society - Politics c. Society - Culture
b. Politics - Culture d. Culture – Society
45. Material Culture: _____________; ______________: Intangible
a. Tangible - Culture c. Arts - Tangible
b. Intangible – Non-material culture d. Tangible – Non-material culture

Test VI. Essay Test (5 points)

Direction: Write an essay that contain at least 5 sentences of what the question is asking on the item
46.-50. Cultural relativism is the ability to understand a culture on its own terms and not to make
judgments using the standards of one's own culture. As a senior high school student, how can you best
manifest the cultural relativism to your schoolmates and classmates who have their own unique culture
and behavior than you, while inside the classroom or school premises?
Outstanding Satisfactory Needs Improvement
5pts 4pts. 2pts.
 Major points are stated  Major points are stated  Major points are not clear
correctly  Content is partially clear  Content is incomplete
 Content is clear  Transitions are only  Writing is disjointed and
 Transitions are logical present lacks transition of
and maintain the flow of  Grammar and thoughts
thought throughout the punctuation are followed  Essay contains numerous
essay. with minor errors grammatical and
 Grammar and punctuation error
punctuation are followed

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