Water Treatment For Green Hydrogen What You Need To Know 1672466456
Water Treatment For Green Hydrogen What You Need To Know 1672466456
Water Treatment For Green Hydrogen What You Need To Know 1672466456
Water treatment for green hydrogen
Water is essential for the production of green hydrogen and as
the market matures, crucial questions about the use of water
are starting to arise: How much water is needed? Which quality
is sufficient? And where should the water come from? Let’s shed
some light on these essential questions.
How much ultrapure water to produce H₂?
9 kg 1 kg
Electrolysis of 9 kg ultrapure
water results in 1 kg hydrogen.
©Silhorko-Eurowater A/S
Figure 1 The 1:9 rule for consumption of ultrapure water in green hydrogen
problematic ions and molecules will in was ever damaged by using water that
all certainty be below the electrolyser was too clean. Ensuring high quality
requirements. A good starting point and reliability in the water treatment
can be <1 µS/cm for standard alkaline may thus be the best investment to be
electrolysers1, and < 0.1 µS/cm made for an electrolyser system.
for PEM electrolysers and alkaline
electrolysers1 relying on advanced Consumption of ultrapure water
electrodes. However, it is worthwhile
to remember two things: 1) water We can accurately calculate the
treatment constitutes a relatively amount of ultrapure water required
minor part of the total CAPEX of a for production of green hydrogen,
hydrogen plant and 2) no electrolyser using the atomic composition of
Many will say that 5 µS/cm should be the limit for standard alkaline electrolysis, but what
we see from the market today is a trend towards higher requirements for water quality – also
for alkaline electrolysis.
How much ultrapure water per MW electrolyser?
1 MW
©Silhorko-Eurowater A/S
A flow of 200 L/h has proven to be that 400 L/h of cooling water is needed
an excellent rule of thumb as a first per MW electrolyser, or roughly twice
estimate of the requirements for the amount required for electrolysis.
ultrapure water (Figure 2). Thus a
10 MW plant needs 2 m3/h and It is important to have in mind that
a 1 GW plant needs 200 m3/h of cooling water and water for electro
ultrapure water. lysis will have very different quality
Consumption of cooling water
Consumption of raw water
While the consumption of ultrapure
water as feedstock will always be part To determine the impact of a green
of a green hydrogen facility, it is more hydrogen system on the local water
difficult to give a precise evaluation systems, it is necessary to not only
of the consumption of cooling water. focus on the consumption of ultrapure
Many of the smaller projects that water, but also on how much water
are realized today are based on dry must be taken from the raw water
cooling, while the very large electro source to produce the ultrapure water.
lyser systems currently in planning
may seek to integrate the waste heat Water can come from many sources.
into other water-based infrastructure For most of the smaller projects
systems such as wastewater treatment seen today, water from the drinking
plants and district heating systems. water network is used. However, as
Also, offshore based systems may rely hydrogen plants increase in size, this
on the use of seawater for cooling. approach becomes unsustainable, and
water must be sourced from elsewhere.
For the projects where a water-based
cooling system is chosen, the specific The three most common raw water
design of the cooling solution will sources for large scale hydrogen
determine the water usage. For an projects are: Groundwater, treated
evaporative cooling tower relevant wastewater and seawater. From the
parameters include the starting water perspective of a water treatment
quality, the ratio between conductive system, surface water from rivers and
and evaporative cooling, drift ratio, lakes will in many ways be similar
and concen tration factor. All these to treated wastewater and these can
factors make it complicated to come therefore be considered as one.
with an accurate number, but to get a
first estimate a good rule of thumb is
How much water for 1 m ultrapure water?
1 m 1 m 1 m
Ultrapure water Ultrapure water Ultrapure water
ready for electrolysis ready for electrolysis ready for electrolysis
©Silhorko-Eurowater A/S
Figure 3 Raw water quantities required for production of ultrapure water for
Each type of raw water will require high recovery values, >98%. Treated
different water treatment systems, wastewater filtered with ultrafiltration
and this affects how much raw water will typically have a slightly lower
must be extracted. Of these you need recovery of 90-95%. For seawater
to extract the least raw water using desalination, recovery is normally
groundwater and most when using limited to 40-50% due to increasing
seawater, see Figure 3. Extraction of osmotic pressure. The treatment to
treated wastewater will be similar to ultrapure quality comes with its own
groundwater. recovery, typically 75%.
The differences stem from the With these rules of thumb numbers, it
recoveries that can be obtained in is possible to quickly estimate the water
the initial pretreatment of each raw requirements for a given hydrogen
water source before it is polished to project. The same electrolyser
ultrapure quality. For groundwater designed to produce 100,000 tons
standard filtration can reach very of hydrogen will require 900,000 m3
of ultrapure water and will need to 4, turning seawater into ultrapure
extract 1,200,000 m3 of groundwater, water may require 3-4 times as much
1,300,000 m3 of treated wastewater or energy as groundwater and treated
3,000,000 m3 of seawater. wastewater, but it is still only around a
thousandth of the energy required for
Often concerns about the energy electrolysis.
consumption of the water treatment
process is brought up for discussion, Production of ultrapure water
especially when talking about seawater
desalination. However, it is important The process from raw water to
to remember that while water treatment ultrapure water can be divided into
must overcome the attractive forces two overall steps:
between water molecules and ions,
electrolysis must overcome the strong 1. Pretreatment of raw water
covalent bonds between the atoms in 2. Polishing to ultrapure water
the water molecules. As seen in Figure
Groundwater wastewater Seawater Electrolysis
2 kWh 2.2 kWh 7 kWh 5000 kWh
©Silhorko-Eurowater A/S
How is water trea
Groundwater Chlorinated
city water
Softening Demineralisation
n Degassing EDI/mixed-bed
Ultrapure water
ready for electrolysis
exchanged once spent while the EDI (2025) and 1 GW (2030) and seeks
can operate continuously due to a to provide green hydrogen for both
self-regenerating design. Often the mobility and industrial end users. For
two deionization technologies will be the first phase, an alkaline electrolyser
employed together with the mixed bed was chosen requiring a flow of
placed as a “police filter” after the EDI. ultrapure water of 4.5 m3/h with a
conductivity <5 µS/cm. The water
Figure 5 illustrates this general process was sourced from the drinking water
configuration, while Figure 6 shows an network with a hardness of 11 °dH
example of such a system. and no free chlorine. In this case the
quality criteria could be met using a
Case – Everfuel double pass RO system combined
with CO₂ removal and with an ion
As a specific example of water exchange softener in front of the
treatment for green hydrogen we RO membranes to ensure very low
can look to the HySynergy project concentration of multivalent ions.
by Everfuel. This project contains
3 phases: 20 MW (2022), 300 MW
Figure 7 Water treatment system for the 20 MW HySynergy project.
But what about the pumps? 500 times larger than the flow of
make-up water into the electrolyser
Finally, we must also address the need system. Because of this, pumps take
for pumping and the effect it has up a significant part of the CAPEX
on water quality. Pumps are used in for a green hydrogen system, 10-20%
several places in electrolyser systems, of the combined CAPEX for stack
but the most central role is for components and balance of plant,
circulation over the electrolyser stack. and this presents operators with a
Large amounts of heat are released difficult challenge. The cost of pumps
during electrolysis, and to maintain pushes for cost effective solutions,
an acceptable temperature differential but the strict quality requirements as
across the stack, very high flow rates well as the harsh operating conditions
are required. To keep the temperature pushes for high quality and specialized
increase between 2-4 °C a flow rate products. Part of the solution to
of 50-100 m3/h per MW is required. this challenge is to adopt a holistic
That means that the flow rate is 250- approach and think water treatment
1 MW
Feedwater Circulation
0.2 m⁄ h 50 - 100 m⁄ h
©Silhorko-Eurowater A/S
Figure 9 Modular water treatment solution for a 300 MW electrolyser.
EUROWATER develops and manufactures reliable
water treatment plants – and has been doing so since
1936. Our plants are designed and manufactured on
a quality principle of longevity and minimal need for
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