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Great Brains, Great hands. 12 Owen Street, Jibowu, Yaba, Lagos [email protected]

March 21, 2023

Moyinoluwa Degun,


1. Position
1.1. Your position is the Virtual assistant to the manager
1.2. Your start date will be immediately or at the most, March 15, 2023.
1.3. Your employment will be of a flexible nature and on a commission base
1.4. You are required to perform your duties remotely and these duties are under the
direction of your employer.
2. Probation
2.1. A probation period will apply for the first six (6) months of your employment or such
extension as considered desirable by the Employer. During this time, we will assess
your progress and performance in the position.
2.2. During the probation period you or the employer may end your employment by
providing notice
3. Terms and Conditions of Employment
3.1. Flexibility
The nature of the job role makes it possible to work remotely at your convenience,
provided you’re able to meet up with deliverables.

3.2. Commission based employment

Hec Recruit will pay you on a commission only basis, pending the cessation of the 6
month probation period, after which your remuneration may be reviewed on the
basis of your track record of performance.

3.3. Assurance of Job traffic

Over the course of conducting business, we’ve developed a sizeable clientele base,
built solid credible relationships with them by providing them with quality
candidates, and are currently oversubscribed each month with respect to requests
for qualified candidates.

Furthermore, most of our clients have multiple office branches, and a staff strength
ranging from 10-100. These clients are fast paced businesses and their rapid growth
trajectory ensures that we get multiple requests and revenue each month.
As a fast paced organization ourselves, we’re constantly in search of innovative
strategies geared towards growth. This ensures that we retain a sustainable market
share, while working smartly to expand and grow.

3.4. Team work

We understand the value of synergy, collaboration and cohesion, and are constantly
in search of valuable, highly intelligent and skilled Personnel like yourself to join our
team. We collaborate with technologies like Google meets, WhatsApp, email, etc. We
also operate an open door policy which means communication is not limited to a
specific timeframe, but can be done anytime and anywhere.

4. Remuneration
4.1. Your remuneration is made on a basis of 10% of the first full months’ salary of each of
your successful candidates during the probation period.
4.2. Subsequently you may qualify for additional incentives after the 6-month probation
4.3. You will be informed when one or more of your candidates are selected for an
interview at least 3 days following the selection process
4.4. The responsibility to follow up and track payments rest on both parties but majorly
on you

5. Leave
You are entitled to leave (e.g. annual leave, personal leave, careers leave, compassionate
leave, parental leave, and long service leave)

6. Your Obligations to the Employer

6.1. Analysis of processing form and/or job description document to extract relevant
information about the type of candidate(s) our clients are looking for.
6.2. Advertising/publicizing each job role across the official social media platforms of the
company, job search websites such as indeed.com, Myjobmag.com, etc based on
information analysis.
6.3. The employer will suggest other free advertising and publicity website
6.4. Sorting and analysis of CVs from applicants to determine the most qualified
candidate for each role manually until June 2023 when a recruitment automation
system is installed
6.5. Sending CVs of qualified candidates to employer via email or WhatsApp number
6.6. Sometimes conducting phone, zoom, google meets or WhatsApp interviews with
prospects. However, this would be the responsibility of the employer.

7. Your Employer’s Obligation to you

7.1. Payment of commission
All outstanding payments due to you will be paid as soon as we confirm payment
from our clients, usually within 24 hours preferably to a Nigerian bank account you

7.2. Growth plan

Our current growth rate is about 800% Year on Year. We’re positive you’ll grow with
us because we’ll be implementing key strategic partnerships in the short to medium
terms that will ensure our partnership with multinational corporations and publicly
traded companies. For this, we will require your impute with respect to capacity
building, and especially the creation of a good legal framework, corporate
governance and compliance.

7.3. Employee pathway

Entry level- Personal Assistant (6 months) commission only
Intermediate Level- Associate Recruiter (1 -2 years) permanent and salaried
Mid Management level- HR manager officer (1-2 years)permanent and salaried
Mid upper management level- Senior HR manager (1-3years) permanent and salaried
Director level- Executive board member (5 years as a board member and indefinitely
as a shareholder) permanent, salaried and dividends.

7.4. Trainings
On the basis of the tasks at hand and consideration for promotion, periodic
performance appraisals will be carried out and appropriate trainings and
certifications recommended. Some of these trainings will be done in-house while
other certifications done externally, payment for which may be discounted by Hec

7.5. HMO
You’ll qualify for a HMO plan after 1 year.

7.6. Reward and Recognition policy

On the basis of performance appraisal outcomes, rewards such as bonuses,
accelerated promotions and other incentives will be implemented.

7.7. Profit sharing strategy

At the end of each year you will be entitled to a 13th month salary which is the
equivalent of your monthly salary paid twice in that month.

7.8. Incentives
You’ll be entitled to a 2 week annual leave, 3 months half paid parental leave, and
paid trainings among others as the management deems fit.

7.9. Performance Bonus

Whenever you bring in a client, you’ll get 5% of each transaction carried out e.g. 5% of
consulting fee. Also please refer to 7.7 above.

8. Termination of employment
8.1. You may terminate your employment at any time by providing the employer with a
one month’s notice in writing.
8.2. The Employer may also terminate your employment by providing you with prior
month’s notice.

9. Confidentiality
By accepting this letter of offer, you acknowledge and agree that you will not, during the
course of your employment or thereafter, except with the consent of the employer, as
required by law or in the performance of your duties, use or disclose confidential information
relating to the business of the employer, including but not limited to client lists, CVs of
applicants, trade secrets, client details and pricing structures.

10. Non-Circumvention
You acknowledge and agree that, as between you and the employer, Confidential
Information is, and shall remain, the sole property of the employer, and that the employer
shall continue to be the sole owner of, and retain all right, title and interest in and to, the
Confidential Information (including, without limitation, all intellectual property rights
contained in, embodied by or underlying the Confidential Information, including without
limitation, any patents, trademarks, service marks, trade names, copyrights or trade secrets
of the employer). You hereby undertake that without the prior written consent of the
employer, during the term of this Agreement and for a period of two (3) years after the
termination of your employment with the employer, you will not to enter into any
Transaction or the Business with the employers’ clients or any of their proxies with which you
came into contact or ought to have come into contact by reason of and in the course of your
employment with the employer.

11. Entire agreement

11.1. The terms and conditions referred to in this letter, constitute all of the terms and
conditions of your employment and replace any prior understanding or agreement
between you and the employer.
11.2. The terms and conditions referred to in this letter may only be varied by a written
agreement signed by both you and the employer.

To accept this offer of employment please return a signed and dated copy of this letter to the
employer on or before March 30, 2023

Yours sincerely

I, BAYO TAIWO, FOUNDER, HEC RECRUIT have read and understood this letter and accept the
terms and conditions set out in this letter.

Signed: _____________

Date: 21 /3 / 2023

I, ___________ have read and understood this letter and accept the terms and conditions set out in
this letter.

Signed: ____________

Date: // 2023

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