Evidence - Vacations - Around - The - World 2
Evidence - Vacations - Around - The - World 2
Evidence - Vacations - Around - The - World 2
In this evidence you are going to read an article about the way people around
the world spend their vacations. Then you have to do a description about the
way people spend their vacations in your country and answer the questions. /
En esta evidencia usted va a leer un texto acerca de cómo pasan las personas
sus vacaciones alrededor del mundo. Luego debe hacer una descripción sobre
cómo son las vacaciones en su país y responder las preguntas.
A. Read this article about vacations around the world. / Lea este artículo sobre
vacaciones alrededor del mundo.
Vacation time is a very important part in the life of all people in the world.
People from different cultures spend their vacations in different ways. The
number of vacation days ranges from 10 to 30, being the Europeans such as
Germans, French and Swede the luckiest for having 30 days of vacations; the
Latin American countries with a big number of vacation days are Brazil,
Panama and Peru with 25 days. The unluckiest country is China having just 10
days and being vacations not mandatory. Taking into account this aspect,
people can decide what to do and how to enjoy their vacations. Let’s see what
people from Germany, Brazil and China say about their future vacations.
Wangshenbing (China)
In general, I don’t have much time to
travel, I want to sleep late, I’m going
to eat out with my family, and I’m
going to buy some things that I need
for my house.
Fuente: SENA
The first aspect is the time if you’re going to go travel is necessary to have a lot
of time in order to know a lot of tourist places on vacation.
By the way, is easy to travel around Colombia.
The second aspect is the money you need to have a lot of money for to buy some
things from the city.
The people like to eat different food; like fish and typical meals from the place if
you travel to the sea or Caribbean land the people like to eat patacon with fried
fish and guarapo.
Other aspect is young people like to go to dance at disco, drink some beers,
swim on the beach.
C. Write a short paragraph about how is the vacation time in your country.
Include information such as the typical number of days a person gets for
vacations, the most common activities people do, and the famous places
people visit. / Escriba un párrafo corto acerca de cómo son las vacaciones
en su país. Incluya información como el número típico de días que una
persona tiene para vacaciones, las actividades más comunes que las
personas hacen, y los sitios famosos que la gente visita.
When tourists come to Cartagena, they enjoy walking around the tourist city down
town, they go to the beaches of Bocagrande, and they can enjoy the historical
monuments that are in the city.
At night the plan is to walk under the nights of the beautiful Cartagena de Indias.
To go and enjoy a good coffee at “Café del mar” restaurant eat a delicious dinner at
the “Capilla del mar” hotel located in bocagrande neighborhood.
In Cartagena, tourists enjoy dancing at the discos on “Calle Del Arsenal”, places
where most of the celebrities that visit Cartagena the city go.
We can enjoy the beaches of “El Laguito” and eat a lot of fried fish with coconut rice
I love to invite you come to Cartagena, it is the best city in Colombia, it´s very beautiful.
When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:
1. Click the Activity 1 button on the main menu and then Evidence: Vacations
around the world.
2. Click the "See Evidence" button.
3. Attach the file which must be previously saved on the computer.
4. Leave a comment to the instructor (optional).
Criterios de evaluación
Usa términos y expresiones relacionados con las vacaciones, teniendo en
cuenta la estructura gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requerido.