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a.) It is shown that the charges through the terminals (brushes, taps,
etc.) of the innumerable types of rotating electrical machines (except
of the alternator) are not true Lagrangian coordinates and the usual
form of the Equation of Motion of Lagrange

#t(:~) - :~ + :~ =fa
as interpreted by Maxwell for closed electric circuits moving in a mag-
netic field is not valid for them, neither is the Equation of Voltage (derived
from the former equation by ignoring the geometrical variables.)

ea = Ra~if3 + d<pa
= R ;f3 + d(L a{3i f3 )
all' dt
since the coordinate axes are not connected to the moving conductors.
The generalized form of the Equation of Motion valid for all electrical
machinery and in general for non-holonomic dynamical systems has been
given by Boltzman and Hamel as

!i (aT)
_ aT + aT (act _ ac~) C k C n i1' + of = f
dt a:t ax a aj;6 ax" ax k a l' aj;a a

which includes as a special case the usual form. The generalized form
of the Equation of Voltage for rotating electrical machinery becomes

- R ·tJ
ea - a~l
+ d<pa
dt + 'l'ta~
.1, .t _
R '8
+ d(LaBif3)
+L 1'6
act C k • t
axt alaV

where: 1.) the induced voltage La~itJ/dt is due to the variation of the
currents 2.) the Coriolis-yoltage (dLall;'dt)i tJ is due to the motion of
the coordinate and 3.) the last term is a voltage due to the motion
of the conductors.
b.) The theory of non-holonomic dynamical systems is developed in
* Engineering General DepL, General Electric Co" Schenectady, N, Y.

tensor symbolism and it is found that the usual explicit form of the
Equation of M olion for holonomic dynamical systems, that is
d2x~ dx~ dx'Y dxf3
aaf3 dt2 + [!3'Y, al dt de + Ra/J dt = fa

is also valid for "quasi-holonomic" dynamical systems (a special case of

non-holonomic dynamical systems in which gravitational and electro-
magnetic energies coexist) provided the Christoffel symbol of Riemannian
Geometry is replaced by the generalized asymmetrical Christoffel symbol
of Non-Riemannian Geometry subject to the restriction that the co-
variant derivative of the metric tensor aa~ is zero. In other words it is
shown that the explicit form of the generalized Equation of Mohon
d 2xfJ dxfJ dx'Y d x f3
aaf3 ----at2 + r i3'Y. a dt Cit + Rap dt = fa

remains invariant with respect to all quasi-holonomic transformations.

c.) Practical examples of such dynamical systems are the infinite
varieties of electrical machines that have not been analyzed before
from a dynamical point of view. Hence as quasi-holonomic dynamical
systems the performance of all rotating electrical machinery is described
during acceleration by the Equation of Motion
ea = Ra~i~ + Laf3 di~/dt + rp'Y. ai~i'Y

where r/J'Y. a is the asymmetrical generalized Christoffel symbol and

LalJ is the metric tensor representing all the self and mutual inductances
of the windings and the moment of inertia of the rotor. The per-
formance of any particular machine is found from that of a repre-
sentative machine by a routine transformation of coordinate axes with
the aid of a transformation tensor which is nothing else but a mathemat-
ical representation of the customary connection diagram.
By considering their connection tensors (or connection diagrams) the
various types of rotating electrical machines may also be looked upon as
holonomic or non-holonomic sub-spaces of one representative non-Rieman-
nian space. However each non-holonomic sub-space may also be
considered in its own right as a non-Riemannian space because of the
existence of electrical non-holonomic coordinates.
When various types of rotating (or stationary) electrical apparatus
are connected in any number and in any manner whatever, all the
operators of the group are found simply by adding the particular
operators of the individual units and transforming the sum by the

transformation tensor of the group. That is entire rotating machines are

added as simple impedances.
The Equation of Motion also can be written as

e" = R"f3ifJ + L"fJ difJ I dt + hJ3, aj i'( i f3 + T 'YfJ"i'YifJ

where bJ3, aj is the ordinary Christoffel symbol and T'YfJ" is a skew-
symmetric tensor of rank three. Also hJ3, aji'Yif3 is the Coriolis voltage
and T 'YfJ"i'YifJ is the rotor generated voltage and torque.
During an infinitesimal disturbance (hunting) the Equation of Small
Oscillations of all machines is

de" = R"fJdifJ + L"fJ d(::fJ) + ff3'Y,,,dl"f3i'Y + ffJ'Y,,,ifJdi'Y + a~;" ifJi'Ydx 8.

d.) For the special case of constant speed the Equation of Motion
reduces to
e" Z"f3ifJ

where Z"f3 is the "transient-impedance tensor." The Equation of Small

Oscillation reduces to

de" = Z"fjdif3

where Z"fJ is the "motional-impedance tensor." The routine performance

calculation of the various single and interconnected machines is immensely
facilitated by the use of these impedance tensors.
The "per-unit" concept used in synchronous machines is generalized
and is extended to all rotating machines by introducing the "contra-
variant" voltage vector e", the generalized Christoffel symbol of the
second kind f~'Y etc.
e.) In order to eliminate in the routine performance calculation of
the various rotating machines the necessity of using more or less compli-
cated formulae for the transformation of symbols to various coordinate
systems, the "tensor" concept is introduced. In terms of tensors the
Equation of Motion becomes

e" = R"fJifJ + L"fJ oifJ lot

where %t represents "absolute" or "covariant" differentiation. The
Equation of Voltage becomes

e" = R"f3if3 + oq>"IOt.


These forms show that the equations of rotating machinery are identical
with those of stationary networks if ordinary differentiation is replaced by
absolute differentiation. Or in other words the appearance of the
gravitational mass of the rotor during acceleration in a purely electro-
magnetic system chang(ls all ordinary drivatives into absolute derivatives
(agalljaX'Y=O) anditendowes the electncal coordinates x'l' with cylin-
drical properties. The Equation of Small Oscillations becomes

oea = Rafj?n·/l + L a{3 o(~;) + KO'Y{3aioilldxY + R y{3ailldX Y

where Koy{3a is the generalized Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor
and R'l'lla is a tensor of rank three introduced by the reRistances.
f.) These equations express the fact that the pmjormance calculation
of rotating electrical machinery is primarily a problem in mathematical
physics. It is the problem of the motion of a particle in an n-dimensional
non-Riemannian (affine) space with asymmetric connection (with torsion)
acted upon by a positional (non-conservative) force and opposed by a fric-
tional force proportional to its velocity.
g.) Throughout the paper emphasis has been laid upon a physical
interpretation of all abstract concepts introduced from the Absolute
Calculus and of the phenomena taking place inside of all machines
during acceleration and hunting. Complete examples are worked out
for the case of a salient-pole synchronous machine with amortisseur
windings having stationary and also moving rotor coordinate axes.
and for the most general unbalanced asymmetrical induction motor
Scattered examples for various other machines are also given. An
attempt is also made to explain briefly all symbols new to the general reader.
All examples worked out by the dynamical method give identical
results with those found by older methods by various writers like Park,
Doherty, Nickle etc. for salient-pole synchronous machines, Arnold,
Dreyfus, Lyon etc. for induction and commutator machines.
The step from complex numbers which electrical engineers are
acquainted with to hyper-complex numbers this paper deals with is logical
and is also inevitable sooner or later as the complexity of the electrical
systems to be analized increases.

a.) At the present time the performance calculation of the various

types of rotating electrical machinery is still in an unorganized state.
In a general way it can be stated that:

1.) Each rotating machine has a different theory so that an engineer

who can calculate the performance of say the single-phase induction
motor is usually unacquainted with the performance calculation of the
salient-pole alternator and vice-versa. The learning of the perform-
ance calculation of each machine requires usually an intensive study
of many months.
2.) Each leading engineer sets up his oU'n theory about the machine he
specializes in and as a consequence the engineer who is acquainted with
the method of say Steinmetz or Arnold for the calculation of the
alternator must learn an entirely new language and procedure in studying
the method of say Park or Doherty and Nickle for the same alternator,
just as zf it were an entirely different machine.
In the study of one particular machine the engineer has a selection
among innumerable theories of innumerable writers ranging from purely
analytical to purely graphical through various degrees of semi-analytical
and semi-graphical methods, each theory being usually independent of
the other. The diversity is still more emphasized by the various
assumptions as to the nature of the design constants, etc.
In the purely analytical study of one machine the procedure usually
consists of setting up a set of equations for the voltages, another set
for the fluxes, a third set of equations for the torque etc. The form of
the equations, however, i.s different with different writer3 a nd different
theories. The analysis of all these sets of equations is long and weary-
some due to the most primitive type of arithmetic that can be utilized
only with the customary methods of attack.
The above statements refer mainly to the steady-state analysis of
machines. Lately the knowledge of the tranBient performance of
machines is becoming of increasing importance and the articles that
already appeared indicate that the same multiplicity of equations and
variety of theories for each machine that makes the study of the steady-
state performance a drudgery will be more than ever an incentive for
the engineer to follow in his studies the path of least resistance, that is
to set up his own theory rather than try to find his way in a jungle
adding thereby to the confusion. Curiously enough it is the response
of rotating machinery to transient disturballres that brings out mOBt
emphatically the fundamental identity (group property) of all rotating
machines, more particularly it brings out the facts that:
1 ) all machines have the same magnetic structure and differ only
in the manner of connection of the electric circuits,
2.) in all circuits of all types of machines the same simple physical
phenomenon occurs, namelye = ir + dr.;/dt + if; X velocity.

A nd in spite of the fundamental identity of all machines and of all

circuit phenomena there are as many machine theories as there are types
of machines and there are types of engineers.
b.) It is the purpose of this paper to point out to electrical engineers
that there exists a new and powerful branch of mathematics, known
under various names of Tensor-Analysis, Absolute-Calculus, Ricci-
Calculus, etc., which is most ideally suited to unify the analysis of the
innumerable types of rotating machines. The power of the Calculus
lies in the fact that it unifies the analysis of It large variety of problems;
in particular
1.) it reduces the analysis of the differential equations of a whole
group of similar systems (like the group of all rotating electrical
machines) into the analysis of one representative member of the group
and the solutions for the other members of the group are found simply
by a routine transformation of coordinates.
2.) it sets up identical equations for each degree of freedom of the
representative system.
Although the Absolute Calculus found its first physical application
in relativity dynamics, it is now very extensively used in problems of
classical dynamics also. These classical problems mostly deal with
holonomic dynamical systems with true Lagrangean coordinates and
are formulated in terms of the motion of a particle in a Riemannian
space. 'Yhen non-holonomic constraints or non-holonomic transforma-
tions are introduced additional forces appear so that the particle
describes paths in a Riemannian space whose geometry is called "non-
holonomic." In electrical machinery the paths assume a special form
and their performance can be considered as the motion of a particle
in a nOll-Riemannian space with asymmetric connection. As far as the
writer is aware the equations of a non-Riemannian space have been
used in physical problems so far only in the theory of relativity, in
particular in the various unified field theories.
To avoid any misunderstanding it is emphasized that the subject
matter of this paper has nothing whatever to do with the theory of
relativity. What relative motions are considered they all are relative
motions in the classical sense treated in any book on dynamics. Also
it should be emphasized that the mathematical tool itself, the Absolute
Calculus, has no connection with relativity. It has been worked out
by Ricci about fifty years ago when there was not even any theory of
relativity. (Gauss, Riemann, etc. laid the foundation of the Calculus.)
The tool is nothing else but a systematic treatment of the theory of a

set of linear differential equations. However it has been immensely

improved in the hands of relativists, in fact the whole mathematical
apparatus of non-Riemannian space is the creation of relativists during
the last fifteen years in their attempts (so far futile) to unify the
differential equations of the gravitational and electromagnetic fields.
It is interesting that rotating electrical machinery whose differ-
ential equations are those of a non-Riemannian space are non-
holonomic dynamical systems in which also gravitational and electro-
ma!!;netic energies coexist. An important connection between the rela-
tivisl1"c dynamical treatment and the present classical dynamical treat-
ment of the unified theory of gravitational and electromagnetic systems
is that in both treatmen.ts the non-Riemannian space is subject to the
restriction that the co-variant derivative of the metric tensor gall is zero.
Also the cylindrical properties of the electrical coordinates are anal-
ogous to those of the recently developed five-dimensional relativity.
The cyc;ical properties of the coordinates even suggest quantum-theo-
retical analogies. It should be noted that as an alternative to the
present treatment of the performance as the motion of a particle, the
moving u·aves inside the machines could have been also analyzed. It
seems that any treatment of the non-sinusoidal space waves (subsyn-
chronous speeds, etc.) must take over a lar!!;e part of the theory of in-
finite-dimensional (Hilbert) spaces of modern quantum-dynamics (the-
ory of spectrum, etc.). It is also evident that many other formal anal-
ogies exist between the equations of interconnected rotating electrical
machinery and those of a group of spinning electrons.
Of course electrical machinery offer a more easily comprehensible
picture to visualize the more elementary concepts of a non-Riemannian
space than the unified field theory does. It is believed that the reader
will find he has been familiar with most of these concepts except that
they did not have such euphonious names as "metric tensor," "Christo-
fell symbol" etc., they were only called "inductance," "generated
voltage" etc. There is nothing in this paper that can not be understood
by anybody who ever attempted to understand textbooks on rotating machine
performance. The mathematical tool itself is easily learned, in words of
leadin!!; authorities it has "almost miraculous" power in simplifying
complicated mathematical processes and last but not least, it has a
certain beauty that will positively appeal to certain types of engineers.
c.) In the early days of rotating machinery the dynamical point of view
has been successfully applied to the study of the synchronous machine
(Hopkinson etc.) by applying to it the Equation of Motion of Lagrange

as has been interpreted by ~laxwell for a system where geometrical and

electrical (Lagrangian) coordinates are present. But the method failed
with every other machine where the coordinate axes (brushes, connections,
etc.) were not connected to the moving conductors. At that time
non-holonomic dynamical systems were not analized in a systematic
manner, only in the present century was their general equation set up
by BoItzman and Hamel but due to its scarcity of application even
today it is found only in the most advanced treatises on dynamics.
Since then sporadic attempts were made to bUIld up a dynamical
theory of rotating electrical machinery (Ingram, Dahlgren, etc.) but
they all gave the same equations found by Maxwell, they all used them
for the alternator only (if at all) and for no other machine. Similarly
the equations derived in treatises on electrodynamics for closed electric
circuits moving in a magnetic field are those of Maxwell applicable to
the alternator only, although usually remarks are made that they are
applicable to all dynamo-electric machines.
So Dynamics dropped out of the picture entirely and in its place
electrical engineers built up an immense but loosely knit structure of
physical and mathematical interpretation of the phenomena taking
place inside the yarious types of machines. The dynamical equations
of Lagrange have been expressly created to avoid just such an eventuality,
they were created to predict the performance of dynamical systems by
the aid of certain functions measured at the terminals, wdhout knou'ing
anything about the mechanism of the phenomena inside the system. In
other words if the resistances and inductances of the various windings
are given as measured at the terminals and also the diagram of connec-
tions of the terminals, no matter how complicated they are the dynamical
equations can be set up and the transient and steady-state performance
can be calculated in a routine manner by anyone who otherwise is
ignorant of the various theories of rotating machines given in textbooks.
That is this paper represents a formal mathematical approach to the
per,/ormance calculation of all rotating electrical machinery and the setting
up and solutions of the dynamical equations are independent of any
physical theories.
Of course dynamical equations may be interpreted physically after
they are set up, but the interpretation should be considered only as an
after-thought. It is employed mainly in an attempt to give a physical
picture of the concepts introduced from the Absolute Calculus like
"tensor" etc. and it has nothing whatever to do with the dynamical
set up and their solutions. Anyone interested only in performance

calculations may leave out the sections dealing with physical inter-
As expected, if the various terms in the generalized Equation of Mo-
tion are reinterpreted as physical quantities (flux-density, vector-po-
tential, etc.) the new forms are nothing else but the Field Equations of
Maxwell generalized for moving bodies and moving coordinate axes. It
is intended to treat the various forms of the Field Equations (wave,
impulse-energy, etc.) in another publication and to interpret physically
the various curvature quantities (Kall' K) and tensors (stress--energy,
electromagnetic, etc.) as they apply to rotating electrical machinery.
d.) It has been most gratifying to find that while other methods require
often many months of preparation and thought and calculation to set up,
even the steady-state performance of new types of machines (and that can
be done usually only by a few engineers experienced in such mental disci-
pline) the dynamical method presented in this paper gives identical results
by a routine calculation in only a few hours and it can be employed by
anyone who knows how to multiply matrices and find their inverse. Even
in cases where other methods are practically helpless as in case of most
machines with asymmetrical windings or magnetic structure and unbalanced
1·mpressed voltages or in cases where various types of machines are inter-
connected in any arbitrary manner, this method gives correct results with
equal facility.
Other advantages of this method are:
1.) In learning the performance calculation of one machine at the
same time the performance calculation of all other machines is learned.
2.) First the transient performance of machines during acceleration
is analyzed The transient performance calculation with the speed
maintained constant and the steady-state performance calculation
follow as special cases.
3.) The fundamental equations derived for the transient analysis of
rotating electrical machinery are identical with the fundamental equations
of Dynam1·cs and of multidimensional Differential Geometry, hence the
reseaJ:ches of these sciences can be applied to the study of electrical
4.) In introducing any future refinements into the analysis, for
instance the effect of space-harmonics, multiple phases, slot-openings,
brush-currents, etc. all fundamental equations set up in this paper
remain unchanged, only the value of the constants to be substituted
into the equations are to be changed.
3.) A powerful mathematical tool is acquired which can be used not

only in the study of rotating machinery, which is the case with all
other tools, but immediately can be applied in the most advanced
studies of mathematical physics.
e.) (In a previous paper the sudden short-circuit performance with
the speed maintained constant and the steady-state performance have
been analyzed in greater detail from purely physical considerations in
the vector and dyadic notation of Gibbs. In a second paper small
transient variations in speed and steady hunting have been covered
from the same point of view. Important labor-saving devices such as
X-matrices, complex vectors etc. have been also introduced in them.)
Anyone interested only in the dynamical aspect of the theory of
t'lectrical machinery may consult the following sections: II, III, IV, V,

I. Hyper-complex Numbers
a.) The quantities the Absolute Calculus deals with are generalizations
of the complex number A +jB. A more compact notation for complex
numbers is (A, B). A three-dimensional complex number is iA +
+ kC, which may also be written as (A, B, C). An evident extension
is to supply each number with two indices as Ajj +
Bjk +
Ckj +
+ .... This may be denoted by the compact form
A,B, ....

called "matrix." Set of numbers may have three or more indices.

A scalar is represented by a single number, a vector by a set of n
numbers (or functions) arranged in a row, a dyadic by a set of n 2 num-
bers arranged in a square (some of them may be zero), a triadic by a
set of n3 numbers arranged in a cube etc. In general they will be
called "polyadics."
Just as in steady-state a-c theory all quantities in the equations, say Z,
stand for a complex number I' + jx, similarly in the equations of this paper
all quantities stand for anyone of the above hyper-complex numbers.
b.) A component of a vector along axis d is denoted by an upper or
lower index as Ad or Ad. One term of a dyadic is denoted as A. q ,

Adq, AJq or A~q. The order or position of the indices can not be inter-
changed, since A dq and AJq belong to different sets of n 2 quantities.
One term of a triadic is written as A dqj or AJ/ etc.
An equation such as ea = ~ Za~if3 represents an equation along axis a
where the index {3 assumes all the possible values of the indices repre-
senting the various axes d, q, f, etc. There is one big difference between
this notation and the usual scalar equations however. Wht'le with the
usual scalar equations each coordinate axis has a different equation, in
tensor notation the equatiolls for all coordinate axes are identical. The
index a is simply replaced in turn by d, q, f, etc. for the various axes.
It should be noted that the indices to which the summation sign
applies appear twice in the same term (once as an upper and once as a
lower index). It is an accepted corwention to dispense with the summa-
tion sigll and to write the above equation as Ca = Zasif3. If a is say d,
Zaf3i~ = Zddid + Zdqi + Zd/if + ....

The summation sign may occur twice or more in the same term. For
instance ~~ Ra{3iai~ ~ R a{3i a i{3.
It should be noted that:
1.) The two indices that are written with the same letter are called
"dummy" indices, the others "free" indices.
2.) Any letter may be used in the same term as a dummy index.
For instance r a{3'1~'{3 = r a"'Ii".
3.) One of the dummy indices must be an upper, the other a
lower index.
4.) Since most equations of this paper are vector equations, in every
term of the equations only one of the indices will be a free index. This
index must be denoted by the same letter in each term of the equation
and it must be an upper or a lower index in all terms.

II. The Two Representative Machines

a.) The most general rotating machine consists of two structures:
1.) A stator having asymmetrical magnetic structure and several
layers of asymmetrical windings arranged in any manner whatever.
2.) A roior (not necessarily smooth) with several layers of windings
arranged in any manner whatever.
It is assumed that all brushes, sliprings, taps and connections are
removed from both structures.

b.) Two representative machines will be assumed, each with d(ffercnt

coordinate axes.
In the first machine:
1.) Each stator winding has its own axis as a stationary coordinate axis.
2.) Each rotor winding has its own axis as a moving coordinate axis,
all axes moving together with the rotor.
This machine will serve as the representative machine for which the
fundamental dynamical equations will be derived.
In the second machine:
1.) The stator coordinate axes are stationary and are located
2.) The rotor coordinate axes are also stationary and are located
All formulae calculated for the first machine will be transformed to
apply to the second machine and this second machine with stationary
coordinate axes will serve as the representative machine from which
the equations for all other rotating machines will be derived by a trans-
formation of coordinate axes.
c.) The duplication of representative machines is necessary for the fol-
lowing reasons:
1.) The derivation of the fundamental equations from the Lagrangian
equation is possible only for the machine with moving rotor coordinate
axes, because an axis must be connected to the moving conductors to serve
o.s a true Lagrangian coordinate axis. The only way to set the equations
up for other axes is by the process of "transformation of coordinate axes."
2.) The routine calculation process of transformation for any particu-
lar machine is simplest if the representative machine has stationary
rotor coordinate axes because all its inductances (that is all coefficients
of its metric tensor) are constants and the troublesome cos () and sin ()
terms are eliminated in most cases.
d.) Both representative machines have an additional coordinate axis t
along the shaft at right angles in space to all other axes, to represent
the direction of all mechanical vectors like rotor angular velocity, angu-
lar acceleration, torque, etc.
e.) The following notation of axes will be used:
1.) Anyone of the coordinate axes of the representative machine
with moving coordinate axes will be denoted by k, m, n ....
2.) Anyone of the axes of the machine with stationary coordinate
axes will be denoted by 7rPUT .•••

3.) In general the coordinate axes of any machine will be denoted by

ex, (3, /" 0 ....
Individual axes wIll be denoted by q, d, b, a, t .. "

III. The Test or Design Constants

In order to calculate the performance of any machine, it is necessary
to know two sets of quantitt'es either tested on an actual machine or
calculated from the design.
1.) The first set consists of the resistances of all windings and the
frictional resistance of the shaft (if any). The numbers are all con-
stants and can be arranged along the diagonal of a square array,
(matrix). It is denoted by a symmetrical dyadic Ra/1 (equ. 1).

q d f3 b a
q ~ 0 0 0 0
-- -- -- --
d 0 0 0 0
- - rdd - - - - - -
Rap = b 0 0 0 0
- - - - rbb - - - -
a 0 0 0 0
- - - - - - raa - -
0 0 0 0 r tt .... , ....... 1

2.) The second set of numbers represents the self and mutual induc-
tances of all windings along the axes considered, and the moment of
inertia of the rotor. The inductance of all rotor windings is expressed
as a function of the rotor angular displacement 0 = xt. The set is
represented by a square array and is denoted by a symmetrical dyadic
La{J. This dyadic will be called the "metric tensor" (equ. 2).

q d Ii b a
q Lqq Lqd Lqb (0) Lqa (0) 0
d L dq Ldd Ldb (8) Lda (0) 0
Laf3 = b. L bq (8) Lbd (0) Lbb (8) Lba (0) 0
a Laq (8) Lad (0) Lab (OJ Laa (0) 0
0 0 0 0 L tt ... 2

The knowledge of these two sets of numbers Ra/1 and La/1 1'S sufficient to
find the transient and steady-state performances of any machine assuming
no magnetic saturation and no iron losses.

I"V. The Ideal Representative Machine

a.) In all equations developed below the value of LaP having terms
with any functions of (J can be substituted and the performance can be
found by a routine calculation. That is a method of attack is given in
these pages by which the effect of space harmonics (slot openings, m.m.f.
harmonics, etc.) on the performance can be evaluated.
At this point however, it is not intended to work out a complete
problem on harmonics; that is reserved for a future paper. Examples
will be worked out in which the assumptions as regards to the variations
of the inductances with (J are the same as the most advanced treatises
on machine analysis have already used (e.g. in case of the salient-pole
alternator etc.) in order to show that the method of this paper gives
identical results in all cases worked out by other methods with by far
less mental and physical labor.
b.) An ideal rotating machine is one in which: (Fig. 1.)


FIG. 1

1.) The rotor windings are symmetrically distributed around the

smooth rotor.
2.) The stator has field-poles on it and asymmetrical windings
3.) The variation of rotor self and mutual inductances with (J follows
sine curves as shown below.
c.) In the body of the paper the following special case will be fol-
lowed through:
1.) One layer of winding exists on the stator with axes along q and
d and
2.) One layer of winding exists on the rotor with mutually perpen-
dicular axes a and b at an angle (J from d and q.
(A more general example would be to assume more than two sets of
axes on the rotor, for instance three sets at 120 degrees apart as it is
in a three-phase synchronous machine and also additional inductances,

like zero phase-sequence reactances. Since they form a special case of

a general treatment of space-harmonics that is intended to be attacked
systematically later, this isolated example will not be followed through
here, though all equations developed are equally valid for it.)
The value of the metric tensor for this particular machine is
d.• a b g8
ds Lsd 1\1 d cos 0 - .lfd sin 0 0 0
a Md cos 0 L} - L2 cos 20 L2 sin 20 Mq sin 0 0
Lmn = b - Md sinO L2 sin 2 0 L} + L2 cos 20 Mq cosO 0
g8 0 M'l sin 0 Nl q cos 0 L,q 0 I
0 0 0 0 Lit I .... 3

where Ll = (L,q +L"d)/2 and L2 = (L rq - Lrd)/2. The subscript s

refers to stator, r to rotor, d to direct-axis and q to quadrature-axis
quantities. L represents self-inductance and M mutual inductance.
La represents the maximum value of the self-inductance of a rotor
winding when its axis is along the field-poles (direct axis).
The values of Rmn are
g. b a d.
q. I~_O _0 1_0 11_0
b o ~ 0 0 0

Rmn a 0 ~ 0 0
d. o 0 0 1'", I' 0
o 0 0 0 1'" 1.•••..•...• .4

d.) For the representative machine ,',-ith two layers of windings on

the stator and two on the rotor Lm n is given in table I. Some of the
other derived constants of this machine are also given in the table to
be used in the analysis of machines whose connection diagram is given
in tables II and III. In the body of the paper the simpler machine
will be followed through since it is also identical with the two-phase
salient-pole alternator with amortisseur winding. It should be noted
however that these simpler matrices in the body of the paper can be
found from those given in the table simply by cancelling the rows and
columns that belong to the second layers of the stator and rotor. That
is all general expressions L,,~, Ral>, eir. refer to those given in the table.
The simpler expressions in the body of the paper serve only as illustra-
tions that can be easily checked.
ltt L',·(L;,+L'.I)/2, L~=(L~,-l~NZ, L~= ~1.L!I)/l L~=(L~1-L~I)IZ
d•' d' 1\
ba b,
• a, a. l q~ q~
L~d L~d HI cose ~cos9 -M"sin9 0 0 -Mlsin&
L~d L~d M~cose M..Icost -l"Idsin&
-H~sll\& 0 0
a. M~cos-& Md CO$& L:-L~cosZt L:-L~cosZ& L~,in2& L~sinZe M.sifte M.sille
ff\fI.-a Z Mdcos9 Md COS & L:-L~c:os2e LH!eosZt L!sin26 LhinU M.sine Moaine
b~ MJsillE -M.sift& L~5in2& l! ,ill 2& L~+L~cos2e L:+L~co~2& 1M-cos e,S
b, Md sin & ~sin& L~5inZe l~ sin 2& L:+ Ll cos2t L~+L! eosZe M.cos & M co~E
9~ 0 0 M.sill6 M,sin& M.cose M. cos 9 l~. L~.
'\: 0 0 M,sin & M,sillt M~C05e M,cos& L~. L~.

cJ: d~ a, a.. '" bz b, q~ q! d•1 d'• d•' d"• <S"q..I q~ q, Q;

d: I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d: q~ l~ H~ M~ 0 0 0 0
" d~ 0 / 0 0 0 0 0 0 " d; l;~ l:d Md M. 0 0 0 0
d; 0 o case 0 -sine 00 0 d~ Md Md L~~ L~. 0 0 0 0
C"'- d~ 0 0 0 cos9 -si"& 0 0 0 Lsd: Md Md L~d L~d 0 0 0 0
11'- ~ 0 1<6' •
0 0 s;,,& cos& 0 0 0 'I. 0 0 0 0 L~ l~. Mot Mot
ct~ 0 o s,nS 0 0 cos & 0 0 4!~ 0 0 0 0 L~ l'r. M. M
'IS 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 'I; 0 0 0 0 M M le. L••
~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I q~ 0 0 0 0 M. M L.. L ••

cs a.
d. d. q; q~ ~ q~

d~ ~ d~ d~ q .. q~ q;
d; 0 0 - Md -M. d'• 0 0 0 0 ~/G H./2 0 0
If d~ 0 0 -M. -~d "~ 0 0 0 0 M~/Z Md/2 0 0
d; 0 -l:" L~d 0
d~ 0 0 0 0 L;rl;.Ya L;.d-l~)IZ -M.!z -M,/Z
o 0 -l"'d L~~ 0 0 0 0 _d:
L~d-L~C! L~cL~ liZ :M../2 -M
L: Lt, 0 0 fna,c 9~ M.~ (L;'-l:')/, L~~-L! )/2 0 rvz 0 0 0
, L;, L; 0 0 9; MoIZ M l~4-L~J/2 a.; -L;.11Z 0 0 0 0
M M. 0 0 'I; 0 0 -M./z -MJZ 0 0 0 0
1'1. M, 0 0 9: 0 0 -M,,2 -N./Z 0 0 0 0

d'• d~ d~ d; '1~ 'I'- qs q;
d; "'d+L~p L~~p Io\jP MJP -M~pe -/lot/l,)9 0 0
" d~ L~dP r;. +L:dP M~p ~p - Motp& -M.p& 0 0
d; ~p M.p r: T L:4P L~p - L:41> 9 -L!~p& 0 0
d~ M.rp M.p l~4P r:+L~dP -L~jpe - L:~p& 0 0
'1~ 0 0 L:,p& l~,pe ~;+L~.p L:.p 1'1,,, M.p
'I: 0 0 L:"p& L!,p& L!.p r:+L:'P M,p M.p
9, 0 0 M.P9 M,pfr M,P H,r rl,·L:,r l:. p
~ 0 0 M.~e H,pe Mqp M,p U.1'l fol+ ll.p


ffi f6l FIG.2 - flC.3.
J. J ' ' ' '

els , ....9.' q.,
d; d'" . : as Os "r q;~.

d, cis I 0 0 0 ···.:·;;7·4-·~ ds ' 0 0 °

q, C" d, =q, 0
0 b •
... '. 'vrT
CO( =b
a. 0 CHit sine
0 j-sillit cosO

3<ts q. 0 0 0 I 'Ie 0 0 0 I

FIG. 5.

d. ~ d; cI~ q~ ~ ~
····;:;:1··· d.,,+---+-:--+:- • d5 ~IO 0 0 0
b .
• • oc.
.. a 0
C... =b

, «[llc" a
=a 0 ~osO( sill 0 0

:3 9, j...:...~~-:-~
~• ...:..0.L....:.0-L..--'_ 9~OO 001


ne;.6 riG. 7

.f ~
f!1 C:=7t-:+--=--l.~:""-
'" :'\:. P"



& el~ d! q! " q~ ck d~ d, d~<1~ w q~ q.

f n eosp-tosO( 0 0 sinp-sinOl 0 .. f " cesp-cosO( 0 0 ~',"p-s'on", oJ
o 0 ~os6 sinG DOc!,. 0 0 I 0 0 0
o 0 5i".~G 0 0 ~r 0 0 0 I 0 01
'il 0 illG<·sinp 0 0 COSjl-COSIIC n g 0"p 0 0 0SP-(O'OI n

fiG. 9.

,7r I I
d's d~" q~ d, q. qs

d. I 0 0 0 0 I 0

><r&·tp1. a 0 cose sinS 0 d. I 10 I 0

c.,= 0

b cose " q.
0 -sine I 0 oI I "
b"': . a.' f 0 0 0 n f 0 OIOln



fIG.IO. flG.11

~C:';~~+-4- ~
. J'd,7<,
• '1 r ,.

d C:.. d,~
: f f~

F"lG.'Z.~ flG.13.

~ c>rOO

d, ~ : cI.: "cI~ ,
". ~.:' "a coses",n9
: 0 0 I
.. ··. /::~f d,C,,= b sine coseJ : f
0 I J
'It L-.:........_ - ' 3<t s


~ d; cI~ d: riG
J( ~ 14q, q~
'. .::... ' ( n ,osC( 0 0 sinG( 0 f
\, ....')\:~... e" t< a 0 0 cose sine 0 0
0 0 0
:: or
.. boO -sine cose 0 0 ~: 0 0 0 0
8'\s qs 0 0 0 0 0 n 3 0 0 0 0 0 n


riG. IS f'IG./6

~ .....:..f cI.m ...',: ....)~. C'IC= d'Ld:-'t-:'-t-:'-t-:-

/ •... )V) ···T·· a '" a:-~~~1'~~~

f ~


FIG. 17. J(

dr,cI,. q,n"q,.,.I"q.,c!..q" a, b, a" ~ d., '1st do. q.,.

... d.." . . ' d.. .I, I cos~ -sini 0 0 0 0 0 f l o , 0 0 0 0 oj
">.:.. 'I'm '.:.:.. tm
: '. ,Lf/t. '. "M' 11
0( ct,
0 sin& C"~ I 0
0 0 0 0 I
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 I 0 I 0 0 0 01
0 0 0 0 I 0 0 oj
. CjI( '" ,,:: or 'ls' 0 0 0 I Q 0 I 0 01
0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0
-::::> d,.,0 0 000010 cia. 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 01
-=q" ...=:;1"!,0 Cf.. a 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ~ 000 0 0 0 0 I



v. The Equation of Motion

a.) Let in the representative machine with moving coordinate axes
the following quantities be defined:
1.) the total number of charges that passed through any winding,
counted from a definite time and the instantaneous angular displace-
ment of the rotor, measured from the center of the field-pole are denoted
by Xk where k may have any value q, d, ... t. (x t is also denoted as 8).
2.) the value of the instantal'leous current in each winding and the
instantaneous angular velocity of the rotor are ik = dxk/dt
3.) the instantaneous terminal voltage applied to any winding and
the instantaneous applied shaft torque are e".
The instantaneous stored kinetic energy is T = (1/2)Lmnimin con-
sisting of the sum of the magnetic and the mechanical kinetic energy.
The instantaneous dissipation function (one-half of the dissipated power)
is F = (1/2)Rmnimin. The potential energy of the machine is zero.
In a general dynamical system several types of coordinates may
exist, geometrical, elastic, magnetic, etc. In rotating electrical machinery
two types of coordinates occur, one geometrical coordinate 8 and n - 1
electrical coordinates (charges). Since electrical coordinates differ in
many respects from geometrical ones the resultant dynamical equations
are special cases of the usual equations of Particle Dynamics allowing
special treatments. (Electrical coordinates are also called "cyclic"
coordinates. )
b.) The Equation of Motion of Lagrange for a system containing kinetic
energy and d1°ssipation is

l#t(~) - ~ +;;: = ekl·················· 5

Substituting the values of T and F
! ~ (aLmnimin) _ ~ aLmn~"min + ~ aRmn1"mi n = e.
2 dt ai k 2 ax 2 a1°k I.

1 aLmnimi = Lmkim
2 ai k
1 aRmnimi Rmk10m
"2 aik

d(Lmki ) = L dim + dLmk im = L ,dim + aLmk dxn im
dt mk dt dt mk dt ax" dt

= L mk
+ aLax" mk 'm 'n
z ~ .

ek -_ R mk~'m dt + (iJL"'k
+ L dim mk ax" 1 aLmn)
- 2 axk 'm 'n
Z 1 •••••••••• 6

In this equation it is customary to divide the first term in parenthesis

into two components by interchanging the indices m and n, so that

aL mk 'm 'n _ 1 (aLmk

ax" z ~ - 2 ax"
+ aLnk)
ax'" ~
'm 'n
Z ••••••••••••••••

The expression in the parenthesis of equ. 6 is a triad1'c, it will be denoted

by [mn, k] and called the "Christoffel symbol of the first kind"

[m n, kJ 2! (aLmk + aL nk - aLmkn) I...... ,....... 8

ax" ax'" ax

Hence the Equation of Motion of the representative machine is

ek = Rmki m ;t + [mn, k] imin • •••••.•••...• 9

+ Lmk d'"
c.) It will be assumed that each term of this equation wz'll be represented
by the same symbols in any coordinate system, that is the Equation of

Motion will be assumed to be represented in any coordinate system
by replacing [mn, kJ by r/l'Y. a representing any function of La/l
ea = Ra/l ill + La/l + r/l'Y. a i/li'Y I .••.•...•.•.•• 10

1'1. Calculation of r ,n.

7l k

a.) It will be found advantageous to define r mn. k for the representa-

tive machine just as it follows from the dynamical equation 6

aL mk - -2 aL:n . .... , ............. 11

rlnn, k =
ax" ax
instead of as in equ. 8. Both definitions of r,nn. k W1'ZZ g1've 1'dentical
voltages and torques in all coordinate systems but with the latter definition

the actual calculation of voltages is cut into two and the physical
definitions are expressed in simpler forms
b.) In calculating r mn , k from equ. 11 it should be noted that one of
the indices must be t since Lmn is a function of Xl = (J only. That is
from equ. 11

1.) if 11 L,f," = a~~k

• . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. , .•• 12

2.) if k = t Lw, I = - ~ a!~;;n ................ 13

3.) ifm = t rtn,k = 0 ........................ 14
Differentiating every term of Lmn as given in equ. 3 with respect
to (J then

d. a b q.
d. 0 - Md sin fJ - }V!d cosfJ 0
a - Ma sin fJ 2(L rq - L rd ) sin fJ cos fJ (L rq - L rd ) (cos2 fJ - sin 2 fJ) MqcosfJ
r;'m.t = b - Md cos 0 (L rq - L ) (cos 2 0 - sin 2 O) - 2(L rq - L ) sin 0 cos 0 - MqsinO
rd rd
b 0 M q cosO - MqsinO 0 .. 15
a b
d. 0 (M d sin 0)/2 (Md cos 0)/2 0

a (Md sin 0)/2 (L rd - LrJ sin 0 cos 0 (L rd - Lrq)(cos2 0 - sin 2 O)/2 - 'M q cos 0)/2
r;'m.t = b (Md cos 0)/2 (L rd - Lrq) (COS2 0 - sin 2 0) /2 (Lrq - L rd ) sin 0 cos 0 (M q sin 0)/2
b 0 - (Mq cos 0)/2 (Mq sin 0)/2 0 .. 16

For instance rbt, q. = - Md sin 0, rd. q', t = O.

c.) With the aid of the two divisions of into r mt , k and r mn , 1 the r mn , k
Equation of M olion can be divided into two components. One is the
Equation of Voltage found by allowing the free index assume any
value but t

+ Lmk d';t + r.
ek = Rmd" d, kimi t (k = d., a, b, q.) .... 17

representing the voltage equation of each coordinate axis. The other

component is the Equation of Torque found by allowing the'free index
assume only the value t

et = Rtt~
+ Lit dit
dt + r mn,
t~ t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

where the torque developed by the machine is

ITorque = r mn. timi n I.................... 19

For instance if k = q. than the instantaneous voltage in the stator
along axis q. is found from equ. 17
a b

eq, -_ Rq. q,t'q. + M q sm 0 didt + M q cos 0 didt + t a 11-1 q cos Ot

. · 't
- t
'" "1
M q sm Ot .

d.) If the labor-saving device is not followed and r mn, k is defined as

the sum of three components as in equ. 8 than n , k is expressed in r.:.
three matrices

1.) r.:. 1
, = -2 aL
t k
ax n = one half of equ. 15 ........... 20

2.) r; n k
= -2 aL
= one half of equ. 15 ........... 21

3.) r,~n. t - 21 aLaxlm • = equ. 16................... 22

'With this definition the Equation of Voltage is

tk Rmkt
+ Lmk dim
- + r(mt),
t t .......•..••. 23


r(mt). k r(tm). k r mt • k + rtm. k •••••••.•••••• 24

The matrix of r(mt). k is equ. 15, that is the same as that of r mt • k.
e.) Also it should be noted that equ. 11 could have been defined as
r nm. k instead of r mn. k. With this definition equ. 15 would have been
denoted as rtm. k instead of r mt • ko


VII. The Transformatt'on of Coordinate Axes

a.) Let a new representative machine be assumed in which the rotor
coordinate axes are stationary along the direct and quadrature axes
dT and qT' Then the old variables x a and x b are replaced by new variables
X dT and x qr , while the variables xd', x q8 and xt remain unchanged.
In order to set up a relation between the new and the old variables
if possible, the variation of the mutual inductance between the new
and the old coordinate axes will be examined.
Returning to equ. 3 the mutual inductance between axes a and d.
is Md cos (J where Md is the value of the mutual inductance when axis a
is opposite axis d.. Hence the mutual inductance between axes a and
d T is assumed as LTd cos (J where LTd is the self-inductance of axis a
when it coincides with axis dr.
Similarly the mutual inductance between axis band d is assumed T

as - L rd sin (J.
b.) Hence the following identity exists between the flux-linkages set
up at axis d r by currents at the new and by currents at the old coordi-
nate axes
idrL rd iaL rd cos (J - ibL rd sin (J

since i"r produces no flux-linkages at axis dr.

The relation between the currents is found by cancelling L rd
i dr = i a cos (J - i b sin (J • •••••••••••••••••• 25

Following similar reasonings with respect to the flux-linkages set up at

axis qr by currents at the new and at the old coordinate axes
t'qr 1'a sin (J +i b
cos (J

The relations between the differentials of the new variables dx>: and

the old variables dx"' are found from the two current-equations by
cancelling dt

d:r dr cos 8 dx a - sin 8 dx b . ..........•.•... 26

d:r qr = sin 8 dx a + cos 8 dx b

• •••••••••••••••• 27

c.) The coefficients of the differentials can be represented in a square

matrix called the "transformation tensor" and denoted by C:,. Since
i q·, i qr and it remain unchanged C~~ = 1 etc. That is the transforma-
tion tensor C;,. is

ds dr ql' q8
d 1 0 0 0 0
-- -- --
a cos 8 sin 6 0 0
-0- -- --
C:, = b 0 - sin 6 cos e 0 0
-- ----
q. 0 0 0 1 0
-- -- --
0 0 0 0 1
........ 28

(Since the determinant is unity, the transformation is called "orthogo-

nal.") Hence

I dx~ = C;' dxm I· ..................... 29


_i"_ _C_m",-"_i_m_l ....................... 30

As an example the current along the new axis dr is found from its values
along the old axes
·dr _
L -
cdr ·d8
ds I
+ Cdra I·a +C drb L·b + cdr q 8 I
8 I·a _ .

The values of the other vectors and polyadics along the new coordinate
axes are also found with the aid of the transformation tensor C:, from
their values along the old coordinate axes, but their formulae of trans-
formation are different from that of i" in equ. 30.

rIll. Quasi-holonomic Transformations

a.) A very important point is to note that while an equatio/l was set up
betu'eetl the differentials of the old and the /lew variables, no equation can

be set up between the variables themselves such us J..dr = f'lr(X a , x b ••• ).

Consequently equ. 26 can not be written as

aj"' aj"' b
dx dr = -
axa d.ra + -axh dx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 31
If this last equation is assumed then

afdr cdr cos8 .................... 32

a.ra a

and the following contradiction results

aC d r . a2fdr a2~r aCdr
a _ sm 8 = J t O.
ax t axaax t axtaxa ax a

Hence C~ r can not be written as afdr j aJ.· a, in the expression aC:;'j ax n

the indices m and n can not be interchanged, the differential equation 26
can not be integrated and the function f(:rd r , x a . . . ) = 0 does not
exist. For this reason dx dr , dx qr are not exact differentials and conse-
quently the treatment of rotating electrical machinery differs from that
of other dynamical systems with true Lagrangian coordinates (called
"holonomic" dynamical systems) where always an equation can be set
up between the old and the new variables themselves.
b. ) However the treatment of electrical machinery differs also from that
of a general non-holonomic dynamical system due to the presence of both
geometrical and electrical coordinates which 1'nfiuences the forms of the
transformation tensor and of the metric tensor the follow1'ng way:
1.) The coefficients of the transformation tensor equ. 28 are either
constants or are functions of Xl = () only. (In general they are func-
tions of all the old coordinates.)
2.) The coordinate xt always remains unchanged, that is Xl can be
considered as an old and also as a new variable. Some of the other
coordinates also remain unchanged.
3.) The metric tensor Lafj is a function of J..t only, similarly rail. 'Y'
(In general they are functions of all the old variables.)
Due to this special form the number of unknowns (dependant variables)
in the transformed equations is n, that is the same as the number of
dynamical equation... Before the transformation the variables are xt
and the n - 1 currents dxmjdt (or the n - 1 electrical coordinates xm)
after the transformation the variables are xt and the n - 1 new cur-
rents dx" /dt or x". (J n case of general non-hoZonomic dynamical systems

the number of variables in the n transformed dynamical equations is 2n.

They are the n old coordinates occurring in L"13 and C'; and the n new
differentials or velocities. The n equations of transformations supply
the additional equations.)
Since in the transformed equations the new variables can be calcu-
lated, the expression "non-holonomic coordinates" is justified, even
though in case of general non-integrable transformations the expression
is meaningless and only "differentials of non-holonomic coordinates" is
admissible. In other words "electrical non-holonomic coordinates" do
exist but "geometrical non-holonomic coordinates" do not.
Following a suggestion of Lorentz who calls the system of electric
charges moving in a ponderable body a "quasi-holonomic" system
(although being non-holonomic it is solved as if it were holonomic)
rotating electrical machinery and similar dynamical systems will be called
"quasi-holonomic" dynamical systems since they are soluble as if they
were holonomic dynamical systems.
c.) With respect to the electrical coordinates the matrix of trans-
formation appears as containing only constant terms since (j is not trans-
formed. Hence the inverse transformation tensor C'; is found simply
by calculating the inverse of the matrix of C:;,. (In the general case
where C;;, = ax"/8;r m first the old coordinates must be expressed in
terms of the new coordinates and then only can C~ be calculated by
differentiation.) The inverse transformation tensor is
ds a b qs
d. 1 0 0 0 0
-- --
cm _
d,. -0- cos (j -sin (j 0 0
-- --
qr 0 sin (j cos (j 0 0
q. 0 0 0 1 o I
0 0
- - - - - -
0 0 1 I ......... 33

IX. The Connection Tensor of c1fachines

a.) Just as the representative machine with stationary coordinate
axes differs from that with moving coordinate axes only by a trans-
formation or connection tensor by the aid of which all polyadics L mn ,
r mn. k etc. are transformed into L,,-q, r,,-q., etc. according to certain
rules developed later, similarly all other rotating machines differ from
the representative machine wdh stationary coordinate axes by a trans-
formation tensor C~. Each machine has its own transformation or

connection tensor, which in fact is nothing else but a mathematical repre-

sentation of its connection diagram.
If the connection diagram of the machine is given, its connection
tensor can be set up immediately in a few minutes and that found all
its operators r"u. t etc. and hence its performance can be found by only
a routine calculation, which may be long or short depending on the
complexity of the connection diagram, but without any further analys~'s
or research into the physics of the problem. In particular:
1.) the steady-state performance of all single and interconnected
machines and the steady hunting performance are found by arith-
metical calculations.
2.) in case of machines with stationary coordinate axes (to which by
far the largest number of machines belong or can be reduced to) the
performance calculation for sudden short-circuits with constant speed
maintained, and for transient speed variations superimposed upon a
steady state is automatically put into a form in which the Expansion
Theorem of Heaviside (which is used mostly in stationary net work
analysis) can be immediately applied without the use of operational
In the accompanying table the connection diagrams and connection
tensors of a few representative types of machines used in industry are
given. They were discussed in detail in the previous papers where
important labor-saving methods (complex vectors, A-matrices, etc.)
were also introduced.
It should be noted that:
1.) When two circuits f and g are in series they can be replaced by
h and if becomes i\ also i u becomes ih
2.) In machines with sliprings on a rotor circuit like the Schrage
motor, (Fig. 8) [or the synchronous converter (Fig. 9)] where sliprings
are connected to the second rotor layer, the moving coordinate axes of
the sliprings a r 2, br2 can be replaced by the stationary coordinate axes
d r2 and qr2 in practically all problems.
3.) n represents the ratio of turns.
b.) The power of the new tool can be appreciated especially when
analyzing a group of machines interconnected in any manner whatever
as represented by a tensor C:. Every operator L af3 , r af3. 'Y of the group
is equal to the sum of that particular operator of each individual unit,
transformed by C:. The group connection diagram and the group
connection tensor of a few interconnected machines are given in figs. 15,
16 and 17.

In case of balanced polyphase machines with balanced impressed

voltages only one phase may be studied. To do that all "q" indices
along the stator and the brushes may be replaced by a "d" index and
the corresponding terms multiplied by - j representing a fundamental
frequency time lag. Also all slip-ring indices "b" may be replaced by
an "a" index and the corresponding term multiplied by - k representing
a slip-frequency time lag.
c.) Rotating machines can be grouped according to the form of the matrix
of the connection tensor into three classes:
1.) The matrix of C: is square, that is the number of old coordinates
is equal to the number of new coordinates.
2.) The number of new coordinate axes is less and the matrix of C:
is rectangular (also called "singular matrix").
3.) The number of new coordinate axes is more.
In the two latter cases the determinant of the transformation matrix
is zero and the inverse of C: can not be defined without further
Rotating machines also can be grouped into two classes according to the
nature of the variables occurring in the transformation tensor:
1.) Those connection tensors that contain no 0 can be represented
as axrjax a = C:.
2.) Those that contain 0 again represent non-integrable transforma-
tions in passing from the representative machine with stationary
coordinate axes to the particular machine and C: can not be repre-
sented as af" j ax a = ax '11/ ax a •
d.) It should also be noted that from fig. 2 the connection tensor of
the salient-pole alternator with amortisseur windings, the asymmetrical
unbalanced induction motor (split-phase, capacitor, etc. motors) the
single-phase induction motor and multiple-cage induction motor is the
unit matrix (having unity in the main diagonal and zero everywhere).
The final transient and steady-state formulae of these machines are
exactly identical in using the method of the paper, the difference is only
in the type of terminal voltage (d--c., a-c., balanced, unbalanced etc.)
that is applied to them.
X. Sinusoidal Space Waves
a.) The physical concepts so far introduced are:
1.) the charges and angular displacement x a
2.) the currents and angular velocity i a
3.) the applied terminal voltages and torque ea

4.) the inductances and moment of inertia La{J

5.) the resistance and friction Ra{J
6.) the flux-linkages and angular momentum La{Ji{J.
Besides these concepts no other physical quantity need to be introduced
throughout the rest of the paper. All other expressions that occur in the
equations like r a{J, 'YiaifJ or Lapdii3 jdt etc., can be considered simply as
mathematical symbols. This point of view has been followed more or
less consistently by other writers. In this paper however it is intended
to interpret physically every symbol and expression that occurs in the
equations to facilitate the understanding of the meaning of the symbols,
their peculiarities, manner of transformation etc. In fact rotating elec-
trical machinery offer a most clear-cut, easily ccmprehensible physical
picture by which the otherwise abstract concepts of the Absolute Cal-
culus can be immediately visualized .


FIG. 18

It will be assumed for the sake of a physical interpretation of symbols,

that at anyone 1'nstant during acceleration in each layer of winding the
current-density andfiux-density waves are sinusoidally distributed £n space.
These assumptions were made in the previous papers in setting up the
fundamental equations and the equations derived there are identical
with those derived here, though in this paper the assumptions are only
the sinusoidal variation of £nductances. Hence the assumptions are
legitimate; besides the actual space variation of quantities in most
machines is not far from sinusoidal, especially in the rotor. In any case
it is only assumed for visualization that the machine with sinusoidal
variation of inductances is replaced by another machine with sinusoidal
space variation of current and flux-densities, both machines giving
identical results.
[b.) The current ids is the current in the winding surrounding the
field pole along axis ds • This current however becomes i q• = i. q.
when considered as a current-density wave. That is what here is called
ids it was called in the previous paper i.q., i q8 was called i.d. etc. How-
ever all results of both points of view are identical if:

1.) the unit vectors and indices d and q are interchanged, also
a and b
2.) the instantaneous position of the coordinate axes used in the
previous paper are given in Fig. 18, while their position as used in this
paper is given in Fig. 1.]

XI. The Physical Interpretation of Symbol8

a.) A two-pole sinusoidal space wave in a winding like current density,
can be represented by a vector drawn from the center of the rotor
toward the positive maximum value of the wave.
A n n-dimensional space wave or vector consist8 of two-dimensional waves
or vectors in each layer of w7'nding, with an additional dimension along
the axis of the rotor.
h.) In every rotating machine the following n-dimensional space
waves or vectors can be assumed to exist at anyone instant during
1.) a current-density and velocity vector £a
2.) a vector La{Jili which includes the flux-linkage vector CPa (magnetic
vector potential) and the angular momentum Luil
3.) the rotor flux-density vector rat. ,,(ia = \[rl"( (or r(at). "(ia). Al-
though the expression stands for a dyadic, still the dyadic can be repre-
sented physically by a space vector. This calls attention to the fact
that two kinds of physical vectors can be differentiated "polar" and
"axial" vectors. The polar vectors like the above two are mathe-
matically represented by a vector CPa while an axial vector, like the flux
density is mathematically represented by a dyadic '¥f"(.
In addition the following voltage vectors exist:
1.) the impressed voltage vector and shaft torque ea
2.) the resistance-drop vector and frictional drop RafJiiJ
3.) the vector Lalidili / dt which includes the 7'nduced voltage vector
diPa/dt and the time rate of change of angular momentum Lttdit/dt
4.) the vector r ali. ,,(iaili which includes the generated voltage vector
\[rt,,(i t and the torque developed by the machine '¥{3ti{3. The two flux
density vectors \[rIa and '¥al are not identical. (See section XXVI.)
c.) In terms of these space vectors the Equation of Foltage (equ. 17)
can be written as

ea -R
- afll~+~+~1
de "'la1 • •.•.••••• , .•••••• 34

if d'Pa/dt is defined as L a{1di{1/dt, and the Equation of Torque (equ. 18) as

et = Rttit +L tt ~
+ '¥"ti" ........... 0 ••••• 35

These equations are the Field Equations of ~Iaxwell generalized for

moving bodies, expressed in terms of the magnetic vector potential
(assuming no electrostatic field).
d.) Hence in each layer of winding at all instant maximum four two-
dimensional vectors can be drawn in space always forming a closed
1.) the impressed voltage vector, if any,
2.) the resistance drop vector,
3.) the induced voltage vector,
4.) the generated voltage vector, if any.
e.) [In a former publication the writer developed a purely graphical
steady-state analysis of rotating machinery in which the loci of all
currents, having circular, elliptical or any other shape, were found with
the aid of these four vectors only and the current vector, which all do exist
actually inside the machine in each layer (that is they are measurable).
The advantages of this purely physical, graphical theory compared with
other graphical theories are:
1.) the only formula used in the construction of loci is r/x which
only serves as scale of measurements
2.) beside these actually existing vectors, practically no other auxiliary
construction lines are used
3.) at any desired point of any locus the magnitude of all currents,
fluxes and voltages actually existing in each layer of winding can be
immediately constructed without any auxiliary lines, in their correct
space and time phase relation to each other, just as they exist inside
the machine.
The results of the graphical treatment are identical with those of
this paper.
It seems that any eventual purely graphical, transient theory of
rotating machinery should be built upon the analytically and physically
sound principle of representing only actually existing vectors on the
diagram instead of hypothetical leakage fluxes, magnetizing currents,
etc. or even any other auxiliary construction lines.]
f.) In connection with the space vectors defined above a physical
definition can be given to the polyadics of this paper as follows:
1.) a dyadic is an operator which moves a space vector from one part

of space into another part by rotations and extensions. For instance

LafJ changes the current vector i fJ into a flux linkage vector 'Pa = LafJifJ.
In each layer of winding the position of 'Pa is different from that of i fJ
2.) a triadic is an operator which changes two vectors into one vector.
That is rat. fJ changes the current vector i a and the velocity vector it
into a generated voltage vector efJ = rat. fJiai t. Or r afJ • t changes two
current vectors i a and i fJ into a torque vector e t = r afJ. dai fJ .

XII. Polyadics and Tensors

One of the aims of the Absolute Calculus is to investigate how a particular
polyadic behaves when a new coordinate system is introduced.
Let a physical space vector, say a generated voltage vector, be con-
sidered, whose components A a and Abare known along the moving
coordinate axes band a. If stationary coordinate axes dr and qr are
introduced and the same physical vector is constructed again from its
components A dr and A qr along the new axes, then often the resultant
vector does not coincide with 1'ts former position. The vector may be even
zero in the new coordinate system, although everything remained the
same except the axes from which measurements are made,
If the magnitude and position of a vector is the same in any coordinate
system, it is called a "tensor" of rank one. Similarly if the result of an
operation by a polyadic is the same vector even if the polyadic is expressed
in various coordinate systems, the polyadic is called a "tensor" (or
"invariant") .
A tensor is transformed by multiplying each of its indices by the trans-
formation tensor C~. For instance the new coefficients AafJ'Y ' . , of a
tensor are found from the old coefficients Amnk ' " by

1 AafJ'Y . = A~nk .... C: C~ C; .... I· .............. 36

A polyadic which is not a tensor is transformed into a new coordinate
system by a more complicated formula. A great part of the work below will
consist of determining which polyadics are tensors and of finding the
formulae of transformation of those that are not tensors.
So far the only tensors established are dx7l' and i" since their formulae
of transformation as given in equations 20 and 22 are those of tensors,
If the matrix of transformation is not square but rectangular all
equations developed below and all physical interpretations are also
valid for them, except the above physical definition of a tensor. The

new polyadics der.ived with the aid of the rectangular matrices are called
"induced" polyadics

XIII. Covariant Tensors

a.) To establish the character of vector ea, let the input power which
is a scalar quantity, be P = emim. The value of the power input is an
invariant (or tensor) that is from physical considerations its value is
independent of the coordinate system in which it is measured just like
those of the other scalar quantities of output, stored energy etc.
Hence in new coordinates P = e"i r • But ir = C:,im from equ. 29.
Substituting P = e"i" = e"C;;'im = emim. Hence em = e"C;;' or

e.. C,: em . ....................... 37

Comparing this equation with equ. 29 it is found that C'; which

transforms em into the new coordinate system is the inverse of C;;. which
transforms i m into the new coordinate system. Hence to differentiate
ea and similar vectors from i a its index is a lower index. The vectors
that transform by equ. 29 have an upper index and are called "contra-
variant" vectors, those that are transformed according to equ. 37 have a.
lower index and are called "covariant" vectors. Tensors of higher rank
also may have any number of upper and lower indices, but for instance
La!3 and LaP are two different tensors with different n 2 coefficients.
b.) Since the kinetic energy U1)L a!3iaiP is a scalar invariant, its deriva-
tive with respect to i a that is La!3iP is a covariant vector 'Pa. Its deriva-
tive with respect to i!3, that is'L a {3 is a double covariant tensor. Simi-
larly the derivative of the dissipation function, a scalar, CY2)R a{3ia ifJ
is Ra{3ifJ, a tensor and also its derivative R a{3 is a double covariant tensor.
Hence the values of Lmn and Rmn in the new coordinate system with
stationary axes are by the formula

p:'r~~-L-:~c;C:--I ..................... 38
d. dr ~ qr q.
dB Lsd Md 0 0 0
"d Md L rd 0 0 0

Ln = qr 0 0 ~ ~ 0
q. 0 0 ~~ 0
0 0 0 0 L tt ........ 39

d. qrdr q.
d. r.d 0 0 0
-- -- -- --
dT 0 rr -0- 0 0
-- -- --
R". = qr 0 0 fj' 0 0
-- -- -- --
q. 0 0 0 ~ 0
-- -- -- --
0 0 0 0 r I ........... 40

c.) Among the space vectors so far all but two were found to be
tensors. It will be shown now that the remaining two vectors, L a{1difJ jdt
which includes the induced voltage and r aB, 'Yiai{1 which includes the gene-
rated voltage are not tensors, neither are di a, di ajdt or r a{1, 'Y and their
law of transformation does not follow the simple formula of equ. 36.
In other words the space vector, say di a has different lengths and different
positions when measured from different sets of coordinate axes, although
the vector i a is an invariant,

xn'. The Transformatioll Formula of di a

a.) From equ. 29 im = C;i". Substituting this value of im into dim

dim = d(i"C;) di"C; + i ac;

dx· . ........... .41

In rotating machinery C': is a function only of xt O. Hence

. = d'1, 1r cm
d lm + . ac,; dX
1T" - t I ••••••••.••••••• 42

The formula shows that the Ilew vector consists of the old vector dirC":
plus an additional vector which is a function of the instantaneous velocity
etc. If both old and new coordinate axes are stationary the additional
vector disappears and dim becomes a tensor.
b.) A physical representation is given in fig. 19. Let the current
vector in the rotor change from OA to OB while the axis of the sliprings
changes from 0 to 0 +dO.
The observers on the stationary axes measure the scalar value of the
current before the change along d r as OC and after the change as OD.
Along axis q they measure the change in current as EF. Hence they
construct the di" vector as AB.
The observers on the moving axes measure the scalar value of the
current before the change along axis a as OG and after the change as

01 = OL instead of OQ, since the axis itself from which the measure-
ment is made has also moved and the projection of OB on the changed
axis is 01. It is true that the observers also measure a change of dis-
placement de, but that does not appear to them as a change of current
as measured by an ammeter (it will be shown below that that appears
to them as an additional voltage). Similarly along axis b the change
of current is OH - 01 = HK. Hence the resultant dim as measured
from the moving axes is constructed as AM.

o 8

. ;,'
/ :". .
". .
. .. f"': ,.
O~E :: CI.

FIG. 19

From equation 42:

1.) dim = AM is the vector measured from the moving axes
2.) dirC'; = AB is the vector measured from the stationary axes
3.) i"dxt(aC,;/ax t ) = BN is a vector whose magnitude is equal to
i"dx t = OA .Ll/0L and which is rotated at right angles to i" by aC';/dx ' .
The vector N M remaining on the diagram, perpendicular to AB is an
infinitesimal of the second order, (its magnitude is di. de = AB. Ll/0L)
and would disappear from the drawing if the angle de and the length
AB could be assumed small enough.
c.) The transformation formula for dim/dt is

d;m di"
~ = -
dt dt"
cm + zO'. ~-
aC'; t'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

dim ~ a dt" m
Lmk -d = LnC kCm -d C.
t t
+ L ..aC kCmt't' ac,:
.. a"
diE C ...k
L ". -d + L "a c~ca""
mt t - - .............. .
t ax'
since C~nC': 0; unit matrix.

XV. The Transformation Formula. of r .... "

In the Equation of Motion (equ. 9)

ek = Rmkl
de + r mn t'm'n
+ L m" dim 1 .l.

ek is a tensor of rank one, similarly Rmkim. Hence it follows that the

sum of the remaining two vectors also must be a tensor. Since
Lm~im/dt is not a tensor, therefore r mn. dmi" is not a tensor, neither
is rmn. k.
The formula for the transformation of r mn. k can be found from the
fact that the sum of the above mentioned two vectors is a covariant
tensor of rank one. Hence according to equ. 37
L "'dt + r .... "l·/. ... = (L mkdi'
dim + r mn.kIt.n) C " ........ . 45
'm k

Substituting the value of Lmkdim/dt from equ. 44

L rE di'
dt + r .... ,,1'.'.,t -- L ".. diE
dt C"C
k + L ..... C"C"C k ','. ac:'
/, m ".11 ax' + r mn. kt'm'n1 C k..

r .... ".7·.·a1 = r mn. k7'. cm.7·. cnc"

.. ". + Lac,: C,,7"t'
mk - -
k ' •

r EO', 'lr
r mn, k Cmanc + Lac,: c
f 0'
11" ml..- - -
I ••••• •••••• • 46
This formula like every other transformation formula is true for any
two coordinate systems and is one of the fundamental formulae of the
Absolute Calculus. The first part leaves the operator unchanged, while
the second part again is a function of the velocity and it disappears if
both sets of coordinate axes are stationary.

X1T The Calculation of r .... "

a.) The calculation of the generalized Christoffel symbol for the
representative machine with stationary coordinate axes is made again
in two steps by dividing r ...... into r .1. " and r .... t.

1.) The value of r .t. ~ is found from

rtt.~ = r C~C~ +
mt • k Lmk - ' C~ ... ........... .47
(C: is unity). As an example r fl. ~ will be calculated in detail
d. a b q,
ds 0 0 0 _0_ _0_1
d --
axt = qr -0-
- sin (J
cos (J
- cos (J
- sin (J
- - - - II
-- --
o ° I

q. -0- 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 ...... 48

ds dr qr qs
ds 0 0 0 0 0
-- -- --
dr 0 0 - Lrq - ill q 0
-- -- --
aC"', e l.. qr -Md L rd
-- - -
0 0 0
Lin!. ax t ~ qs --
0 0 0 0 0
-- --
0 0 0 0 0 .... .49
ds a r qr q.

ds I 0 0 r
I - .'IJ"

r 0 0 Lrq - L rd
I'mt. k cmGk d
qr - Jfd Lrq - L rd 0

qs 0 JIq 0 .. 50
ds dr qr q.
• ds -0- 0 - I1Id 0
r d r -0- 0 - L rd 0
qr -0- Lrq 0
q. 0 Jlq 0 0 .......... 51
b.) If r.t. ~ is assumed as an operator in the old coordinate system,
the same value of r mt. k given in equ. 15 is found by the use of equ. 47
that is by
r rn t.k = rd. ~ C:, C~ + Lo ac~ C~ .. ............ 52
The recalculation of r mt. k serves as a check on the correctness of
r .t.~. That is
d. a b
m rl. - 0 - Md sin 0 - Md cos 0 0
n 0 (L rq - L rd ) sin 0 COl" 0 - (L rd cos 2 0 - Lrq sin 2 0)
b 0 Lrq cm;20 + L rd sin 2 0 (LTd - Lrq) sin 0 cos 8 0
- -
q. 0 Mqcos8 - Mq sin 0 0 ...53

a b
m d. 0 0 0 0
a - Md sin 8(Lfq - L rd ) sin 8 cos 8 L rd sin 2 8 + Lrq cos 2 8 Mq cos 8
b - Md cosO - (L rd cos 2 0 + 1-, q sin 2 8)
(LTd - L Tq ) sin 0 cos 8 - Mq .~inO

q, 0 0 0 0
~-- ---- --------------~--

the sum of these two matrices gives the matrix of equ. 15.
c.) The value of r.~. I is found from
= rmn,l C'; C: .................... 55
r H • 1

Since k = t, min Lmk also must be t and ac:';axl is zero.

d. dT ~
qT q.
• d. 0 0 Md/2 0
T 0 0 (LTd - LTq) /2 - M q/2
rH,I= d
qr Md/2 (LTd - L Tq )/2 0 0
q. 0 - Mq/2 0 0 ..56
In section XXVII r .~. t is not given by this matrix but by another
identical with that of 1'.1. ,,- in equ. 51 with opposite signs. The dis-
crepancy however is only apparent. This matrix is used only in the
calculations of torque, r .~. ti·i~. Forgetting for the time being about
the index t, the expression for torque is a homogeneous quadratic form.
That means that only the symmetrical part of the matrix is effective,
that is the matrix given in equ. 56.
d.) If the labor-saving device is not followed and r ~n.! is defined as
in equ. 8 then the coefficients of r :6,,,- would be given in three matrices,
two for the determination of voltages (instead of one) and one for the
torque, as previously. The three components of r ~in' k are given in
equs. 20-22.
1.) r: I, .. is found from r~l.k equ. 47. Hence r~t.kC:'C; is one half
of equ. 50 the other term is given in equ. 49. Their sum is
d. dT qT q.
• d. - Md/2
0 0 0
, dT 0 0 - (LTd + LTq ) /2 - M q/2
r .t, 1r qT - -
M d /2 (LTd + L rq)/2 0 0
q. 0 M q/2 0 0 .. 57
2.) r~u, .. is found from r;n.k by equ. 46. The matrix of r;n.kC~C;
is one half of equ. 50 the other term is however zero since IT is not equal
to t. Hence
d. dr qT q.
0 0 - Md/ 2 0
0 0 (L rq - L rq )/2 M q/2
r;u.1r d T

qT -Md/ 2 (L Tq - L rd )/2 0
q. 0 Mq/2 0 0 ... 58 ------

b.) Since the applied steady-state voltages along the direct and quad-
rature axes of the armature are constants eJr = e sin 0 and e qr = e cos 0,
the steady-state impedance tensor of the group is found by making p = o.
Hence (since pO = Vw = wand wL = X)

d; d. dr qr q. q;
d; r8d - 0
- X;"a sin 0 X;"d cos 0 0 0
d. 0 r.d 0 - Xmd 0 0
-- - - - --
dr 0 0
rr + r;
- sin o. - X rd - X;a cos2 0
0 0
cos 0 (X;q - X;a) - X;q sin2 0
= - - -- --
rr + r; + sin o.
X rq + X;asin20 +
qr 0 0 0 0
X;q cos2 15 cos 0 (X;q - X;a)
- - -- --
q. -0- 0 X mq 0 r8 q 0
q; 0 0 - X;"q cos 15 - X;"q sin 15 0 r,o

If the resistances are assumed to be zero the equations check with

those given by Doherty and Nickle.

XXI. Scattered Examples

1.) Fynn-Weichsel Motor. Fig. 14. Its transient impedance ten-
sor is

The sum of the two matrices 57 and 58 is the matrix of r.t, as 'If

given in equ. 51. Hence both definitions give the same voltages.
That is r(.t) , "i' = r(t,) , "i' = r,t, "i'.
3.) r: u, t is identical with r ,u, t given in equ. 56.
It should be noted that r: t . " is not equal to r tu , .. or in other words
r ,u, " is asymmetrical in the indices E and (j in either definition of r mn, k.
e.) With the definition of section VIe matrix 51 would have been
denoted as r I,. " instead of r,t, ".
XVII. The Coriolis Voltage
a.) An interesting physical interpretation can be given to the trans-
formation formula of r <>/3. 'Y in equs. 46 or 47 and 55.
Let the Equation of Voltage (equ. 17) be set up for the represent-
ative machine with stationary coordinate axes

e" - R",t + L", di'
dt + rEI. "t t
. . . • . • . . . . . . • . • . 59

b.) The observers on the stationary axes measure two voltages due to the
presence of flux lines:
1.) An induced voltage Lndi'/dt = d<p .. /dt in all stator and rotor
axes assuming:
a.) the rotor conductors stationary,
b.) the currents varying.
2.) A generated voltage r,l. "i'i f = itt"i t in all rotor axes assuming:
a.) the currents unvarying,
b.) the rotor conductors cutting the resultant rotor flux-density waves
with a velocity it.
c.) In changing over to any machine in which one rotor layer has
moving coordinate axes, not the whole length of the previous vector
L ..,di'/dt appears as' an induced voltage, only a part of it since the
moving observers measure a smaller d1'm (section XIV). The decrease
of the induced voltage vector appears however as an additional gene-
rated voltage vector. That is the mOV1'ng observers measure three
1.) An induced voltage in all stator and rotor 'axes, assuming:
a.) the rotor conductors stationary,
b.) the coordinate axes stationary,
c.) the currents varying.
This voltage is smaller than the corresponding voltage measured by
the stationary observers.

2.) A gen~rated voltage in all rotor axes, assuming:

a.) the currents unvarying,
b.) the coordinate axes stationary,
c.) the rotor conductors moving.
It is equal to the corresponding voltage measured by the stationary
3.) A generated voltage in all stator and rotor axes, assuming:
a.) the currents unvarying,
b.) the rotor conductors stationary,
c.) the coordinate axes moving.
Since the currents flowing into the moving coordinate axes are con-
stants, the flux-density wave produced by them also rotates and cuts
all stator and rotor windings. Above the moving conductors are cutting
the stationary flux-lines, here the moving flux-lines cut the stationary
conductors. This latter voltage is not measured by the stationary
observers. This difference in the measured generated voltage is equal to
the difference in the measured induced voltage.
It should also be noted that moving coordinate axes are introduced
not only by sliprings on a rotor winding, but also by revolving brushes
on a stator winding.
In analogy to its more or less dynamical equivalent, the "Coriolis
force" this apparently additional generated voltage may be called the
"Coriolis voltage." Also the flux density due to the currents in the
moving coordinate axes may be called the "Coriolis flux density."
d.) From the Equation of Voltage (equ. 17) of the machine with
moving coordinate axes the induced voltage is Lmkdi"'/dt the generated
voltage is r ml, kimi'. Each of these can be divided by their trans-
formation formulae into two components.
1.) By equ. 44 the induced voltage is

dim di'" " u aC';'

Lmk dt L", dt C k + L"uC"C ','1
axl ~ ~ ............ 60

The first term on the right hand side is the induced voltage measured
by the stationary observers, but expressed along the moving coordinates
by C~. The second term is the decrease of the induced voltage.
2.) By equ. 52 the total generated voltage is

r mt,k~.....I / r ./."C'C"'m'I+L
m k~ [
aC:' Crk~'m['l. . . . . . . . . . . 61

The first term on the right hand side is the generated voltage vector
measured by stationary observers but expressed along the moving
coordinates by C~. The second term is the Coriolis voltage, the
increase in the generated voltage.
e.) The decrease in the induced voltage is equal to the increase in
the ~enerated voltage, that is

L C"C' aC:
... " "' ax l
1 I
+ L...C.. aC,~
ax 1
k l
'm I

= L ...C,,7
.. ·'·I7 (ac:
ax t C·m + aC:'
ax cm) =
l '
L ...C"','I
k1 1
ax = 0t

since C:C:, is the idemfactor and its derivative is zero. Hence from
equ. 56

. l'IS \ .0 It age -- e-k

Cono L ,.. Ck.. aC:"
- 1'm'l
1 -
-,.. '1
'<'kit • • • • • • . •.
ax t
f.) The sum of equ. 60 and equ. 61 gives

Lmk({i +r 'm'l
ml . k 7 1 = L"'dt(di' + .'1) C . CI.,..t'Z k · •••••••. 63

which is the reverse transformation of equ. 45.


XVIII. The Transient Impedance Matrix

a.) In by far the largest number of problems the speed of the rotor
is assumed to be known. In that case the Equation of Voltage is
simplified to

ea = R afJ7'fJ ;t + rpI.aillil
+ LafJ d'fJ
= (RafJ + LafJp + rill. ail) i B

where p = d/dt. The expression in parenthesis is an important dyadic,

is denoted by ZafJ and called the "transient impedance matrix" repre-
senting the opposition of a machine to suddenly applied terminal
voltages while its speed is maintained constant, that is

I ZafJ = RafJ + LafJP +' 1· ............... 64


Hence for steady speed the Equation of Voltage is

, e-:~nZ-::;ii ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 65
from which the current is found by calculating the inverse of Za~ = yap
1i = eayafJ 1·······················66
yafJ may be called the "admittance matrix." (See section XXXId.)
b.) For the representative machine with stationary coordinate axes
the impedance matrix is

d. dr qr q.
d. r.d + L.dP MdP - MdP(J 0 I

dr MdP rr + LrdP - LrdP(J 0

ZafJ = qr 0 Lrqp(J rr + Lrqp Mqp
q. 0 Mqp(J Mqp r.q + L.qp . ... 67
It should be noted that Za~ is not a symmetrical matrix. For the repre-
sentative machine with two layers of stator and rotor windings to be
used in general work, the transient impedance matrix is given in Table I.
c.) For any machine whose connection tensor is given by its transient C:
impedance matrix is found from that of the above representative machine by

ali -- Z C"C~
a 'fJ + LH fiX! a 1 I• • . . • . . • . • • • • • • • • 68
ac~ C~·/

as follows from equs. 64 and 46. If no slip-rings exist the last term
disappears and ZafJ is a tensor. The torque is byequ. 19

Torque = r afJ, ,iaifJ 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

where r ali. t is found from r ..u. t given in Table I by the transformation

formula (equ. 55)

rafJ.t r ..u,tC~q ......................70

When the impressed voltage is a-c then p = d/dt is replaced by jw,
pL becomes jX and the impedance matrix may be called the "steady-
state impedance matrix." With an applied d-c e.m.j. p O. Also
p(J becomes vw where v is the ratio of the actual speed to the syn-
chronous speed.

d.) When any number and any types of rotating machines are con-
nected in any manner whatever the transient impedance of the group is
equal to the sum of the transient impedances of the individual units,
transformed by the connection tensor of the group C~. That is

IZ.,,8 = (Z~1l + Z~8 + Z~~' + .... ) C~C~I ... ....... 71

e.) Even when only the steady-state performance is desired it is
always a safe procedure to set up first the transient impedance matrix.
The transient impedance matrix Za/l gives the instantaneous voltage
appearing at each terminal due to a suddenly applied unit current at any
one of the terminals (with the speed maintained constant), while the transient
admittance matrix yall gives the instantaneous current flowing through each
terminal due to a suddenly applied unit voltage at anyone of the terminals.

XIX. The Repulsion Motor

a.) As an example let the performance of the repulsion motor be
calculated whose connection diagram and connection tensor are given
in fig. 6. Its transient impedance tensor is
~ a
Z..Il = ds rsd + LsdP I Md (cos ap - sin apO)
a Md cos ap rr + (L rd cos a + Lrq sin
2 2
alp - (L rd - Lrq) sin a cos apO

If the airgap is uniform, Lrq L rd = L r, the impedance tensor simpli-

fies to
d. a
_ dB
Z all -
rBd LsdpI + Md (cos ap - sin apO)
a Md cos ap rr+ LrP

If the determinant is denoted by D, the transient admittance tensor is

d., a
yall = d'l (rr Lrp)/D + I - Md (cos ap - sin apO)/D
a - Md cos ap/D (rsd+ L 8dP)/D

b.) With a suddenly applied terminal voltage eds = e1 where 1 is

the Heaviside unit function, ids = ed. Zds ds and i a = eds ZdB a or if pO
= vw
"ds eds h + Lrp)l
I =
rrr.d + p(rrLsd + rsdLr + Mi• cos asin ovw) + p2(LsdLr - Mi cos 2 vw

c.) With an a-c terminal voltage eds e sin wt = e the steady-state

admittance tensor is
ds a
Zaf3 = dsl (rr + jXr)/D (- jXm cos a + Xm sin o:v)/D
a - jXm cos a/D (rsd + jXsd)/D
D (rr + rsd + Xm 2 cos 2 aV - XsdX r) + j(rrXsd + rsdXr
+ Xm 2
sin a cos av)
ids = e(rr + jXr)/D and i a = -ejXm (cos a + jv sin a)/D.
d.) The value of r af3. t is
d. a
dsl 0 Md sin a/2
rail. t = a Md sin a/2 (L rd - Lrq) sin a cos a/2

For a machine with smooth airgap r af3. t = r ds a. t r ads. /. The +

torque is 2rds a. t idsia • Since the steady-state torque is to be expressed
in synchronous watts the expression should be multiplied by w. Hence
Torque = (X m sin a) . [e(rr + jX)/D] . [eXm(V sin a - j cos a)/D].
Each expression is a time vector due to the presence of j, hence the
products represent scalar products. Since the scalar product (a jb) +
+ +

(c jd) = ac bd
_ e-2X2m sm
0 a (r r0sm a - X r cos a )
r orque -
(rr + rsd + Xm COS at> - XsdXr + rrXsd + rsdXr + Xmsm a, cos av).-
2 2 )2 ( 2 0 0)

XX. Two Salient-pole Synchronous Machines

a.) The connection diagram and connection tensor of the group is
given in fig. 17. The transient impedance tensor of the group is found
from equo 71. The constants of the second machine are primed.
Also OII - Or = 00 Hence Zaf3 is (since i b = - i b ').
d's d.
d'• r:d + L;dlJ 0 -M;(cos op + sin op8') - M ~ (sin op - cos op8') 0 0
0 rsd + LsdP Mdp -Mape 0 0
rr + r; + (L,d + L;d cos2 0 (L;a - L;q) sin 0 cos op -
-M~ cos op Mdp + L;qsin2 0) p + (L;tl cos2 0 + L;q sin20) pe' 0 M~ sin op
(L; d - L: q) sin 0 cos ope' - L rd pe
(L;d - L;q) sin 0 cos op + rr + r; + (Lrq + L;a sin 2 0
-M; sin 0]) 0 (L;d sin2 0 + L;q cos2 0) pe' + L; q cos2 0) P - Mq]) - M~ cos op
+ Lrq p8 (L;d - L;q) sin 0 cos cpe'
0 0 Mqpe Mqp 0 0

0 0 -M~ (cos ope' + sin op) -M~ (sin ope' - cos op) 0 r;q+L;qp
f q.
2 L; sin ap -
(r; L; p)
+ (r.
+ L. p) n
+ + L; cos ap +
f M sin ap
2Mn cos ap - Mn sin ape L; sin apO +Mnp L; cos o'pa - Mnp
Mnp L; (cos ap - sin ape)
+ r~ + L~p - L~pO 0
L; (sin ap cos apO)
+ L~pO r~ + L~p Mnp
Mn (sin ap cos apO)
+ MnpO Mnp (r.+ L.p) n 2

For the calculation of torque

f d; q;
r afJ.t -_ f , I - M n sin a 0 I - Mn I
q8 M n COS a Mn 0

a.) For its steady-state performance as an induction motor p

=jw(1 - v) and pO = Vw.
b.) For its performance as a synchronous motor p = 0 and pO = w.
2.) Schrage Motor. Fig. 8. Its connection tensor as a polyphase
motor is

0 0~ka 1_0 I 0 1- (~kfJ0 ~ka) 1-0

d~ d! d; q; q~ q.
C" = f I~I ~kfJ - k - kn
a a ~16 - j~J6

If (f3 - a)/2 = 'Y and (a + (3)/2 = 0

f a

Cr. + jsX.) n + 2Xmsin 'Y (f-

2 10
S~iO) I jXmn _ 2X~ sin 'Y~io
- n
ZafJ =f + 4 (r! + jX!) sin 'Y 2

a jsXmn + 2X~ sin 'YC10 1'; + jX;

3.) Polyphase Induction Motor with slip-rings. Fig. 3. Its tran-
sient impedance tensor is
ds a
Z _ dsl r. + L.p Mp (cos 0 - j sin 0)
afJ - a Mp (cos 0 +
k sin 0) rr + LrP
4.). Frequency-Converter. Fig. 12. With fundamental-frequency
voltage on the slip-rings and slip-frequency voltage on the brushes
its transient impedance tensor is
a dr
Z _ a rr + LrP 1 (rr + LrP) (cos 0 - j sin 0)
afJ - d r (rr + LrP) (cos 0 + k sin 0) rr + LrP - j LrPO
5.) Induction Motor and Frequency-Converter connected to be used
as Phase-Advancer. Fig. 15. Its transient impedance tensor is found
simply by adding the two previous impedance tensors and multiply-
ing their sum with the connection tensor of the group according to
equ. 71. The steady-state impedance tensor of the group is

ds f a
d s rs + jX. jsXm 0
Za~ = f jX m (rr + jsXr) + (1'; + jX;) (r; + jX;) ~,a
a 0 (1'; + jX;) ~,a r; + jX;

XXII. The Equation of Motion of Holonomic Systems

a.) Comparing the definition of L~, 'Y as given in equations 12, 13
and 14 for the representative machine with moving coordinate axes and
its value given in equ. 51 and 56 for the representative machine with
stationary coordinate axes, it can be seen that rtf,,, is not equal to
aL,,,jax l neither is Cu, I equal to -(!)aL,u/ax l since every coefficient
of L"" is a constant (see equ. 39). That is, the following important
fact should be noted:
The generalized Christoffel symbol is defined in terms of the metric
tensor La~ by equ. 11 only for the representative machine with moving
coordinate axes. For every other coordinate system its value is found by a
transformation of coordinates from equ. 46 since as yet r a~, r has not
been defined for them in terms of the metric tensor.
This is the reason why the qualifying term "generalized" is added
to differentiate it from the ordinary Christoffel symbol of Riemannian
Geometry which is defined by an equation identical with equ. 8 for
every coordinate system and which of course also obeys the rule of
transformation of equ. 46.
This distinction in the definition of r a~, 'Y in terms of La(j for the two
coordinate systems is due to the fact that among the innumerable types
of rotating electrical machines there is one and one only whose coordinates
are true Lagrangian coordinates. This one is the representative machine
with moving coordinate axis having any number of layers of windings
on the stator and rotor, since in order that an axis should be a true
Lagrangian coordinate axis it must be connected to the mOl'ing conductors.
To this type belong only the synchronous machine and the slipring
induction motor provided the sliprings are taken as the coordinate axes.
It is only for these axes that Maxwell's form of the Equation of YoUage
(derived from equs. 5 or 17)

_ R 1'(j
ea - a13
+ dt
d<{'a _
- R 'Il
a13 1
+ --dt-
d(Lalli(j) -
'13 + L a/3 dill
Iii + dL ail
dt '131
1 .. 72

is valid. This equation is not valid for any other axes since it gives
only the induced and Coriolis voltages, but it does not give the generated
voltage due to the motion of rotor conductors. Any attempt of routine
substitution fails, which immediately can be seen in case of machines
with stationary coordinate axes where dL,,~/dt = ilaL,,~/axl = 0 as
mentioned at the beginning of this section.
This fact has not been recognized before and this is the reason why
numerous treatises and papers on rotating machinery start with
Hamilton's, Lagrange's or Maxwell's equation of the usual form, but
use them only for the alternator with moving coordinate axes and for
no other machine. They all are compelled to analyze the complicated
physical phenomena inside of each type of machine and even in the
alternator if its moving axes are changed to stationary axes along the
field pole and the interpolar space, since the routine substitution, which
after all is the whole purpose of all generalized equations, fails.
b.) In the following sections r ,,~, "'( will be defined in terms of the
metric tensor for all coordinate systems. The three matrices of r I~, "'(
r "I, "'( and r ,,~, I will be found to be defined slightly differently from the
matrices defined previously, but again the voltages and torques calcu-
lated from them are identical with those found by previous defini-
tions of r ,,~, "'(.
Also in the next three sections all rotating machines will be con-
sidered derived from the representative machine with moving coordinate
axes, that is their connection tensor C'; will be the product of the con-
nection tensor C: given in figs. 2-17 with that of the representative
machine with stationary coordinate axes C';. In other words CO; will
be equal to C:C';.

XXIII. The Equation of Motion of Non-holonomic Systems

a.) Let the Equation of Motion for true coordinates be used in the
form of equ. 6 that is, let

fk = R mkX·m + amk
-d + (aa
mk 1 aa
- 2- -k
mn ) ' 'm 'n I
X X .... , ...
t ax" ax

Instead of defining the term in parenthesis as r mn, k and calculating

its transformation formula (as has been done in section XV) let the
whole equation be transformed term by term to a new non-holonomic
system with axes E, 7[", <T ." by replacing amk by a".C;:'CL xm by r'C;
etc. where C;:. is not equal to ax" / axm

f,v Ckv = R av Cac v . Cm + C"C v dj;" Cm + v

m kXIl " aav m k -dt " aavCac
m kX." ac;;."
-ax" x

Cacv X·IlCm"x. 'YC" + aotV aC:;' cvk ."Cm.

"x 'YCn + a"v aC
k Cot ."rtm ·'Ycn
+ aaav
vX" m
!l k
'Y X
ax" mX v"..
'Y X 'Y

2 axk m nX "x 'Y
_!2• aaa aaxk
C a
mCa."cm.'Yc n
nX "x 'Y

- 21 aa8 ac!
axk ca.
m • C"
'Y .................. . 74


a CVil'j;n(aC~ C a + aC::' c m) - a CVj;I'j;" a (c~c::.) - 0

av k ax" m ax"" - 'av k ax"-

_! ·I'c mI'X·'YC"'Y (ac::.k Celn

+ aC! Cia) = _ aa8 X·I'Cm"x·'YC n'Y aC! Cam
2 ax ax k m k
since a and 0 also m and n can be interchanged in this expression.
Multiplying every term by the result is C:
f,v = R av X·a + aav dj;a
dt + [(aaav
ax'Y _ !2 aaa'Y)
axv + aa8C"c vax"
(act 'Y
k _ aC!)].a.'Y
axk x x 'I .. 75

This is the Equation of Motion for a non-holonomic dynamical system

and this is also the form of equation that should be used for the study
of various types of rotating machines. The correctness of the formula
can be checked by replacing aavxa by aT j axV where '1' is the kinetic
energy of the system in terms of new differentials, that is '1' = (!)aavxaXV.

idt (aT)
_ 0'1'V + 0'1' (act _ ac!) CkCnj;'Y
ax or ax" ax" v 'Y
+ axv
of = f,
I.... 76
This is the modified Equation of Motion of Lagrange valid for non-
holonomic dynamical systems as given by Whittaker in his "Analytical
Dynamics," with the notation slightly changed and aF jax v added.
It should be noted that in equ. 75 all aafJ and are functions of the C:
old coordinates and in the n dynamical equations there are 2n variables.
They are the n old coordinates and the n new differentials or velocities.
The other n equations are dx v = C'kdx k •

b.) If instead of transforming equ. 73 term by term the expression

in parenthesis is defined as r mn.k
and transformed just as in section XV
the result is

f = R XE· + dx,
-d + (r mn,k cmcnc" +
a amI. -ac~u ck) XO'"XE.
11" E1r a1l'"E E 11" 11'"
Even though in the general case of non-holonomic systems the expres-
sion in parenthesis is not a function of the n new coordinates but of
the n old coordinates and the n new differentials, still a geometry can be
defined, the so called "non-holonomic" geometry in u'h1'ch the expression
in the parenthesis plays the role of the "coeffidents of connection."
Schouten defines

A,u.". r mn. k C:C~C~ + amk BC';u

C~ I............ 77
so that the Equation of Motion of non-holonomic dynamical systems

a"., dt + A,u. ".XUX' + R",x' = f". I ...•....••.... 78
XXIV. The Equation of Motion of Quasi-holonomic Systems
a.) Due to the special character of the coordinates of electrical machinery,
equ. 75 and 78 assume special forms. All L", and C~ are functions of
one variable xt which is both an old and a new coordinate and so in the
n dynamical equations there are only n unknowns, the n new coordinates.
Hence equ. 75 and 78 must be identical with the Equation of Motion
as derived in equ. 10 for any coordinate system, that is it must be
identical with

I~=-Rauia + Lau ~ + r-ra.uiai-r I............... 79

Hence the generalized Christoffel symbol, must be equal in any coordi-
nate system to

r -ra.u = (BLau - !2 BLa-r) + L a6 cncA' (BCt. _ BC!) I 80

I Bx-r Bxu -r u Bx" ax" \ ......

This is the equation in which r a-r,u is e;rpressed in terms of the metric

tensor of the variolls machines and not equ. 11. This equation is a

generalized form of equ. 11 and is valid for any coordinate system.

In the special case of true coordinates the coordinates k and n can be
interchanged, the last term is zero and equ. 11 is left.
b.) The first expression in parenthesis on the right hand side is the
ordinary Christoffel symbol. Its formula of transformation is the same
as that of r a-y,u that is equ. 46.
Laudiajdt and the Christoffel symbol together form a tensor (see
section XV) and since the first three members of the right hand term
of equ. 75 are tensors, the last member also must be a tensor. That is,
the coefficient of ia i1 is a tensor of rank three (the "torsion" tensor).

T-yau = LaoC~C: (act

ax" _ aC~)·1
axk .............. 81

It 1'S important to note that T aoyu is skew-symmetric in l' and (]' that is
I T-yau = - Tua-y I....................... 82
Hence the generalized Christoffel symbol can be eJ:pressed as the sum
of the ordinary Christoffel symbol and a tensor of rank three,

1r1'a,u = [l'a,O"] + T1'M I· ................. 83

c.) The Equation of Motion of rotating electrical machinery can be
written in terms of the new symbols as

leu = Rauia + Lau ~ + l/'a,O"ji1'i + ~ ........ 84



XXV. The Equation of Yoliage

a.) The Equation of Voltage can be set up by making 0" assume all
indices except t. Because in C~ the index k also must assume any value
but t the negative terms in equ. 75 disappear and the Equation of
roltage is
eu = R ".la. + L au -d
di + (aLau
-- + L f'·C ku act)
- . . ...... . 85
t a~
b.) The value of T,.fI<u is if l' = t

TIM = La! aC l
t C~ . .......... , .......... 86

and if a = t the value of T "(aa is

T,,(la = 0.......................... 87
These equations are valid for any machine with stationary or moving
coordinate axes since Ta"(a is a tensor.
c.) The value of the Christoffel symbol is zero for machines with sta-
tionary coordinate axes since all coefficients of La{J are constants. Its
value for machines with moving coordinate axes is:
1.) If l' = t then from equ. 85

[ta, ul = oL~a . .. '" ................... 88

2.) If a = t then from equ. 85
[1't, ul = 0......................... 89
Hence in terms of this symbol the Equation of Voltage is
ea = Raaia + Laa ;t + [ta, u]iail + Tlaaiait . .......... 90
Comparing it with equ. 10
ul + T la...................... 91
ria ... = [ta,
d.) As an example let the value of ria, .. be calculated for the repre-
sentative machine with stationary coordinate axes from equ. 91. Since
the coordinate axes are stationary [ta, u] is zero. T la .. is found from
equ. 86
1.) LOla is given in equ. 39.
2.) ct is given in equ. 28.
dr qr
act a I - sin (J cos (J
axt b -cos(J - sin (J

4.) C~ is given in equ. 33.


dr 8 qr

acz C k =d T

ax! .. qrl~ 0

6.) Multiplying it by equ. 39 (that is changing in equ. 39 the column

J T to -qT, the column qT to dT and leaving out all other columns) the
result is identical with equ. 51. That is with the new definition ria, •
has the same matrix that previously r Oa ), • had.

XX l'I. Sumrnary of Voltage "Vectors

Summarizing the voltages due to the presence of flux lines (defining
r ta ,. by equ. 91)
1.) Laudia/dt = dIPu/dt = induced voltage due to the
variation of currents.
2.) [ta, CT 1iait = CPl. it Coriolis voltage due to the
motion of coordinate axes.
3.) Tta.iai t 1/; = generated voltage due to the
motion of rotor conductors.
4.) rta .•iai t 1/; total generated voltage. I.. 92
Summarizing the various flux-density vectors:
1.) 1/;al = -1/;ta = r a 1'.ti1' = Ta1'ti1' = ... rotor flux density.
2.) CPt. a = [toy, al i1' = ............ Coriolis flux density.
3.) ?tl. a = 1/;ta + CPt. a = r t 1'. ai1' = ... sum of the rotor and
Coriolis flux densities. I.. 93
Summarizing the induced voltages (if IPa = La~i~ is the flux-linkage
1.) La~i~ / dt = dipa/ dt = .... induced voltage
2.) (dLa~/dt)iP = . . . . . . . . . . . . Coriolis voltage
3.) d(L a{3i t3 ) /dt = dIPa/dt = .... sum of the induced
and Coriolis voltages I .... 94
The Coriolis voltage may be considered either as an induced or as a
generated voltage.
Hence the Equation of Voltage can be written in two different forms
in terms of flux~

I ~a = Ra~t.~ + dipa
+?t I. a
it I
•••••••••.•.••••• 95

I ~a - Ra~t.~ + dIPa
- (It
+ 1/;la i t I................ .96

'This latter equation reduces to the form given by :Maxwell equ. 72

when the rotor coordinate axes are connected to the moving conductors
since the last term drops out.
It should be especially noted that ifJdL"fJ/dt can not be interpreted
as the voltage due to the motion of the conductors. It is the voltage
due to the motion of the coordinate axes, the Coriolis voltage.

XXVII. The Equation of Torque

The Equation of Torque can be set up by making in equ. 75 u
equal to t.
The value of -!aL" .r!a.l·t = ["a, t] is zero in machines with stationary
axes.' In machines with moving axes its value must be equal to
LmkC~aC'!;/ax" from the transformation formula of r-ya. I (equ. 46)
changing from stationary to moving axes, which however is zero.
Hence in any coordinate system
["a, tl = 0 ......................... 97

(The Coriolis voltage [ta,u] or ht, u] never reduces to zero in a machine

with moving axes for any definition of ["a,O'] by equs. 8 or 11 or 80 if
equ. 46 is used since the denominator on the right hand. side is Xl at
least once, unlike for the torque.)
. The value of T -yat is

T -yat L,,&C~ ac;

.................... 98
Hence the Equati01l of Torque is

et Rltil :t
+ Lit d' + T -ya1i-yi" ....••..•....•.. 99

That is
r-ya. I T-yal ....................... 100

Since T ,,-yti-y represents the resultant rotor fiux-dedsity vector ifiat

equ. 93 the torque of all machines is due to the interaction of the rotor
currents and the rotor flux-density wave, that is

CTO~q~~ = ififJti
I·················· .101

XXYIII. The Equation of Power

a.) If the shaft coordinate is excluded, the Equation of Power is
found from the Equation of Voltage, equ. 90 by multiplying through with
the current ia

eaLa. = R"
aaLaL" + L a" di- a t". + [ta, (J 1'1"
l lal" + T laallala
'1" . .... 102
The time rate of change of the stored magnetic energy for machines
with moving coordinate axes is (if a and (3 are stationary, m and n
moving axes)

dT _ 1 d(La8C:C~imi") = L dim in
mn "t
+ ~2 dLa8
iai8 + La8 aC: iminit .. 103.
ax t
dt - 2
- rJ
Ht "

The last term is the power due to the Coriolis voltage, the previous
term is zero and

dT = L aa Tt
di la. + [ta, (J
l l"la . .............. 104

Cai" = Raaiaia + ~~ + :\lechanical Output ......... 105

where ~Iechanical Output = Ttaaitiaia . .............. 106
Since the output is also equal torque times velocity it follows that the
Coriolis flux-density does not contribute to the torque and the Coriolis
voltage does not contribute to the mechanical output only to the
variation of the stored magnetic energy.
b.) If the shaft coordinate is not excluded the Equation of Power is
found by multiplying through equ. 75 by i". Since -!aLa.,/ax" is
always zero
e"L". = R"
a"Lal" +
L a" -d-
di La. aLa"
- +
. . . . ......... . 107
- LaLal"
t aX'"
The other terms cancel. Since from equ. 104 the last two terms are
equal to dT / dt, hence

e"l". = R"
a"lal" + at
dT ................... 108

XXIX. The Farious Definitions of r a~, l'

a.) It should be noted that there are several definitions of r afJ,1' each
definition giving different matrices for Pill, 1', rOIl, l' and r a,3, / but still the
same final voltages and torques.
In defining r afJ, l' from the standard Lagrangian equation (sections V
and VI) there were four different definitions of rap, l' according to the
definition of the Christoffel symbol with two (equ. 11) or with three
terms (equ. 8) and ac~ording to the order of the indices in defining
them as r mn, k or r nm, k.
In defining r afJ,1' from the generalized equation oj Lagrange (section
XXIV) the same arbitrary definitions can be selected but even so the
three matrices of r afJ.1' are different from those above.
l.) The rotor generated voltage may be defined as r lll ,1'iiJ (equ. 91) or
r a', l' (equ. 51) with matrix 51 or as the sum of two matn'ces 57 or 58 when
defined as rUIl>, l' in section Yrd.
2.) The torque may be defined with matriJ: 51 as given in equ. 98 by
T 1'01/ or with £ts symmetrical part, matrix 56, since the torque is a homo-
geneous quadratic form and the skew-symmetrical matrix gives zero
3.) The Coriolis voltage may be defined as [tl3,')'] or [at,,),] or [(t13),')']
by equ. 8 or 11.
b.) Also it should be noted that the transformation formula 46 could
have been defined also as

r.~, .. r nm, kC~C~C; + Lmk a~ C; . ........... 109

if equ. 11 had been defined as r nm, k instead of r mn, k. The definition 46
was assumed to conform to the order of the indices as given by Schouten.
c.) For purposes of quick calculations r afJ,1' for the representative ma-
chine with stationary coo'rdinate axes should be defined as given by equ. 75
since that equation defines both r'a,~ and r1'OC,t with the same matrix 51 and
saves the calculat£on of different formulae for the torque and voltage. For
any other machine r afJ,1' is found by a transformation of coordinates w.zth
the aid of equ. 109.

XXX. Physical Definitions of the Dynamical Equations

a.) For the representative machine with moving coordinate axes
the Equa#ol/ of Motion of Lagro /lge

:t (:~) - :~ + :~ = fA .........•...... 110


can be divided into the Equation of Voltage

~ (:~) + ::k = ek·.................. 111

where the first term of the left-hand member gives all the voltages due
to the presence of flux lines. The Equation of Torque is

i (:~) - :~ + :~ = /t. ................ 112

where the first term represents the time rate of change of angular mo-
mentum and the second term the machine torque.
b.) The physical interpretation of the generalized Equation of Motion
valid for all electrical machinery

~(aT) _ aT + aT(act _ aC~)c:cni'Y + a~ = f ....... 113

dt ax" ax" ax" ax n axk "I ax"
is different from that of the standard form. The Equation of Voltage is

d (a!)
dt ax"
a!, act
+ aX" axn
c:c~x'Y + a~ =
e... ....... , .. 114

where the first term on the left-hand member represents now only the
induced and Coriolis voltages while the second member represents the
rotor generated voltages. The extra term appears however only in
the equations of the axes stationary on the rotor. For all stator axes
and for all axes moving with the rotor the generalized equation reduces
to the standard Lagrangian form.
The Equation of Torque is

d~t (a~)
- a~ - aa~
ac~ C~x'Y + ax
x ax
a~ = ft ... ....... 115

The second term on the left-hand side is identically zero (equ. 97) and
the machine torque is given now by the third term. It is interesting
to note that although axis t remaines unchanged still the original equation
is not valid for it only the generalized one.
Equ. 107 shows that the power due to the additional terms in the
generalized equation is zero. Hence the additional terms may be called
"gyroscopic forces."
c.) These interpretations are in conformity with the rule given by

Appell for non-holonomic dynamical systems of various orders. These

rules are the following:
1.) For the coordinate axes that are changed the generalized equa-
tions apply.
2.) For the coordinate axes that are not changed but occur in the
transformation tensor also the generalized equation applies.
3.) For the coordinate axes that are not changed and that do not
occur in the transformation tensor the generalized equations reduce to
the original Lagrangian equation.


XXXI. The Generalized "Per-unit" or Contravariant Quantities
a.) In connection with the analysis of synchronous machinery a
simplification is generally used to avoid the use of conversion factors.
It is assumed that the stator current is numerically equal to its fl.{x-
linkages in the rotor, that is the rotor flux-linkage i d8 M d is replaced in
analytical work by ids and iqaM q by i qs • As a consequence of this
assumption the currents and voltages are replaced by other quantities,
the so-called "per-unit" quantities. For instance the per-unit stator
terminal voltage is esdMd/rsd instead of esd, etc.
The disadvantage of this limited assumption is that:
1.) the symmetry of all scalar equations for the stator and rotor is
2.) it cannot be used for other machines.
b.) In the Absolute Calculus there is a fundamelltal process of simpli-
ficatt'on called the "rat'sing (or lowering) of indices" which in case of
rotating machinery is equivalent to a generalization of the per-unit concept.
The resultant flux-linkages of a winding a due to all currents is
represented by LafJifJ. In order to represent the resultant flux-linkages
of each winding by the current itself flowing in that winding every operator
of the machine is multiplied by the inverse of the metric tensor La fJ that is
by L,!fJ. If the Equation of Motion is multiplied through by Lao, then
L ao ea -- LaoR afJl'fJ + de
di + Laor fJ'Y.a 'fJ
11''1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

1.) eaLao is denoted by eO and is called the "contravariant voltage."

It corresponds to the expression "per-unit voltage."
2.) LaoR afJ is denoted by RO fJ and called the "mixed resistance tensor."
3.) Laor fJ-y. a is denoted by r L and called the generalized Christoffel

symbol of the "second" kind. The notation r ~~ a is not used because

rL is not a tensor. Its transformation formula is

r~,3 = n.C"
,3 (f
+ 8Xfi
aC: C1'
(f I.............. 117

The Equation of Motion becomes in terms of contravariant quantities

e" = R~,3ifJ + di"
+ r~ ifJi1' I
... ............ 118

e" = R",31'fJ + di" + { a} ifJi1' + T fJ ."illi1'

dt /3'Y l' I ......... 119

where {~} is the ordinary Christoffel symbol of the "second" kind.

It can be seen that L"'fJdi"/dt is replaced by di"/dt in all equations and:
l.) the symmetry of all equations is maintained,
2.) the simplification can be used for all rotating machines simply by
multiplying all their operators by the inverse of the metric tensor L"'fJ'
In calculating the contravariant operators of a machine whose matrix
of transformation is not square, first its covariant operators L"fJ,
r,31',a etc. should be calculated and then only its contravariant operators

r~1" R~,3 etc. (See section XXXIV.)

In the accompanying Table IV the calculated values of the contra-
variant operators of both representative machines are given.
c.) An important physical interpretation can be given to the inverse
of the metric tensor. Let L8d denote the inductance of the stator wind-
ing along the direct axis while the rotor winding is short-circuited.
Then A = L8~rd - M~ = L rdL 8d . If Md/L rd = Vrd then LafJ also can
be written as
d8 dr fJ qr q.
d. 1/L8d - Vrd/ L 8d 0 0
" d - Vrd/ L 8d l/L rd 0 0
qr 0 0 l/L rq - vrq/L.q ,
q8 0 -
- vrq/L. q l/L.q , ... 120

The equation e"L"fJ = efJ = i fJ represents the contravariant impressed

voltages as currents in the various axes due to covariant voltages
Lrl A =Lsi Lt. - (M4)2 ~"cI 8 =L.,L" - (M,)~
ds a " b ~
cI, L,d /A CK8 / A -M.lM.,siIl9/A 0 0
'" a M.c0I6/A L•.Ic05ze/A .. L.,siIl 2 e/B (L"/BYA)siI'l9 CO$& ~5i"e/B 0
L"''' :b M.,sin9/A (L.,/B-L..,/A)sill e cos& L,~sil\ze IA+ LRcoszelS -M. cosel.8 0
Cjs 0 -M,,sin6/B - M,co,s&/B !,WB 0
t 0 0 0 0 ilL
cis a. n b qs t
elf rItL,. A. -r, Hoi cos 6/A -~~cose/8 0 0
a rrK~c-A ,(LHcosIEHL"si."ze) Is r,(LJ~ IB-LH/A)Sill eeose .r...H,,5I11e/B 0
R~ ." r.4~·i!le/A rr(L,~ 15- L.. /A)si" 9cosE r,lLH5ir,,2./A+LJ~cO$aO)/8 K\~coselB 0
'Is 0 -r." e IB -r,~coselB ~L!!"B 0
t 0 0 0 0 tIL
cis ~
d 0 - M4L~si lIe/8 -&~cos9IB M. M.t/B
a 11. L's,si" e si"e c05e[Mi/A-~z/B+ e/A,+M,2c~aOI8+(l" 2
MlsiYl ~l'4 cose
A +(L,,-L,.)(Ls4 IA+L...IBj} -L,M(Lftcose/S-Lusin 2tVA) 8
r"t= _M.i L.~cos e H.! "co/e/A+M.,Zs'IYl e/B+{1" si1l8cose[M,z/B-M.z/A - -M~l,.$i1\e
'" b
A i-L~~6.Mcos2e/A -L,~5iIl2 9/5) -(LwL'i)~L d/.4,)) S
~ -M4M~/A ~L"C05e/A - r"~Ls4 s i" e/A 0

ds a " b ~
",c!, 0 M4si"e/2L
M. cose/2L 0
t a ~si"e/2L Lt. -L,,)(cos"e-si,,20)/2L -M,coselzL
jL,.-L.,).siYle CGse/L
rll"'''"b M4cos 6 12L (L"I-L~coS2e-5i\'l2e)12L (L!.!.- L,ils'llI I) coselL M\ si." 912L
Ojs 0 -M, cos6/ZL M,si"e/2L 0
ds d, 0 q. q, t J d, f1 'I, qs t
ds LtoI tA ~.. IA 0 0 0 ds rsdl,./A -',M4/A 0 0 0
It d, LM~1l Lsd /A 0 0 0 d. -r.dM./A r.lsd/A
'If 0 0 0
LII'·. Cj. i 0 0 L,~/B -Mq/f 0 R~IT= II, 0 0 r. L~!./B -!i9.~1B 0
0 0 M,/B L,~/B 0 lis 0 0 -.!..~B !!\L~8 0
t 0 0 0 0 IlL i 0 0 0 0 tIL
ds eI, 'If 9' II· d, dy q. ~
d) 0 0 M.L•• IB MdM~/e d, 0 £ Md/2L 0 0
r",,= 9,d. 0 0 Lr~~ ~L.vS d, 0 0 (L,rl~I2L ~..!:

,. M.iL,.tA .•,l,. /A 0 0
r"= II, ~ZL L,rL,,)IZJ
0 0

N,.MjtA. M,LsdtA. 0




impressed while all axes are short-circuited. Also while the metric
tensor is the measure of the permeances of the various magnetic circuits
with the windings open-circuited, the inverse metric tensor in the measure
of the reluctances of the magnetic circuits with the windings short-circuited.
In the first case the magnetic lines follow paths with the maximum
possible permeances, in the second case they follow the paths with the
minimum possible permeances.
d.) Each term of the inverse of a dyadic as Lap is found as follows:
1.) Replace each term by the determinant formed when the corre-
sponding row and column are removed.
2.) Multiply it by plus or minus one according as the term occupies
an even or odd element counted from the upper left hand corner.
3.) Interchange the two indices.
4.) Divide it by the determinant of the dyadic.

XXXII. Absolute or Covariant Differentiation

a.) It has been shown in section XIII that the derivative or the
differential of a tensor is not a tensor. In textbooks on the Absolute
Calculus a new type of differentiation is introduced, called the "absolute"
or "covariant" or "intrinsic" differentiation, denoted by Ii which:
1.) always produces a tensor from a tensor as a result of the differenti-
ation that is it determines another invariant from a known invariant
by a routine process
2.) also obeys all the rules of ordinary differentiation, among others
the following rule o(AB) = (OA)B + A(oB)
3.) as a special case reduces to ordinary differentiation.
The absolute differentials of tensors of rank one and two are:

1 OAa = dAa + r~-yAf3dx; I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

OA a = dAa - r~ pA-ydx f3 . ................. 122

OAafl = dAap + r~6A-Yf3dx6 + r~6Aa-Ydx6 . ..•...... 123

OAaf3 = dAail - r~ 6Ail-ydx6 - r~ 6Aa-ydx6 . ...•...... 124

b.) The absolute derivative of i a with respect to time is

dia dia
ot _ + r f3-y zf3. dx-Y
dt -- dt + r il'Y··
i f3 ;-y •••....... 125

If this equation is substituted into the two forms of the Equation of

Motion the contravariant form becomes

ea = Ra/3i/3 + ¥i ,.........,........... 126

The covariant form beccmes

'Il I

ea = Ra{3i/3 + La{3 ~ I.................. 127

Each term in these equations is a tensor and they express the fact
that the theory of rotating macht"nery during acceleration is identical with
that of stationary networks with resistances and inductances provided
ordinary differentiation is replaced by absolute differentiation.
The tensor form of the Equation of Voltage of Maxwell is

e" = R a (3i{3 + tf I······· ............ 128

L a {3Oi{3/ ot also aIP,,/ ot represent all the voltages due to the presence of
flux-lines, that is the sum of the induced, generated and Coriolis voltages.
c.) The absolute derivative of the metric tensor is zero. That is by
equs. 124, 82 and 8

OLa{3 = aLas _ r1' L _ r1' L aLa~ _ r _ r = aL a{3

ox. ax. a. /3")' /30 a1' ax" ao,{3 (3o,a ax.

- [aa,!31 - [!3a,a] - TaM - T{3oa = o ............. 129

d.) Since the sum of La{3di/3 / dt and r /11', aiil i1' is a tensor, in calculating
the performance of any particular rotating machine it is not necessary
to use their transformation formulae in equs. 44 and 46. As long as it
is not necessary to calculate separately the induced and generated voltages,
it is SUfficient to treat each expression in the Equation of Motion as a
tensor and use the simple formula of tensor transformations (equ. 36).
This represents large savings of routine labor.
If the rotating machine has no moving coordinate axes, then all expres-
sions are transformed as tensors.
r all,t and the expression for torque r a{3,tiai t are transformed in all cases
as tensors.


XXXIII. Types of Spaces

a.) The theory of a set of linear differential equations is usually
analyzed in the language of multidimensional geometry. The vari-
ables are assumed to form a curvilinear coordinate system in an
n-dimensional space or manifold and the equations represent lines,
two-, three- etc. dimensional surfaces curved in an n-dimensional space.
By denying the fifth postulate of Euclid that only orw line can be
drawn through a point parallel to a given line, two consistent geometries
have been set up during the last century, after two thousand years of
unsuccessful efforts of proving it. By assuming that more than one
parallel line are possible Lobachevsky, Bolyai, etc. built up the
"hyperbolic geometry" and by assuming that no parallel lines are
possible Gauss, Riemann, Klein, etc. built up the "elliptic geometry."
Both geometries give as special cases the Euclidean or "parabolic
geometry." It seems that physical phenomena can be described only
in terms of motions in a space whose geometry is elliptic. It is the
geometry of the various types of elliptic spaces that will be consid-
ered below.
b.) The various types of spaces differ from each other in the dejin£tion
of two all important concepts. These concepts are the "metric" and the
"co n nection. "
1.) To compare two vectors located in one point along different direc-
tions an infinitesimal length ds (called the "line element") has to be
defined. If ds 2 is defined in every coordinate system by the homo-
geneous quadratic form
ds 2 = Ya{Jdx adx f3 •••••• •••••••••••••••• 130
where Ya{J is a symmetric tensor of rank two (see equ. 3) the space is
called a "metric space," Ya{J the "metric tensor" and ds2 the "metric."
(The formula is a generalization of the Pythagorean Theorem for n
infinitesimal oblique axes.) If ds 2 is defined by a different function of
dx a the space is sometimes called "Finsler space."
2.) To compare two vectors located at different points of the space first
it is necessary to shift one "parallel to itself" to the other. To visu-
alize the problem let two equal vectors lie at different points on the
Earth's surface. If both lie in north-south direction, viewed from the
Earth's surface the difference between them oA a may arbitrarily be
assumed to be zero (after shifting one parallel to itself along a great

circle) or any other quantity. But viewed from the outside space the
difference between them is something else, dA, a definite quantity.
The relation between the two differences is
oA" = dA" + r~'YAIl dx'Y ................. 131
where r~'Y is any arbitrary number system of rank three (see equs. 15
and 16). Each coefficient is a function of the variables dx" and is
called the "coefficient of connection."
c.) If r~'Y 1'S defined in terms of the metric tensor as

_ I (a g{3'Y + ag'Y a agfJ'Y) "a _ {a}

II 'Y - 2 ax'Y
axfJ - axa g - fh .......... 2

the space is called "Riernannian" (see equ. 8) otherwise "non Riemannian"

or "affine" (see equ. 80). In a non-Riemannian space a metric mayor
may not be defined, also r~'Y may be symmetrical in {3 and 'Y (so that
r~'Y = r~ (3) or asymmetrical. A special case of the asymmetric affine
space is the "space with torsion" (equ. 129). All rotating electrical
machinery are equivalent to such spaces. A special case of the sym-
metrical affine space is the "Weyl space" and a special case of the
Riemannian space is the "flat" space for which the curvature tensor
Kali'Ya, defined later in equ. 157, is zero. If the line element is definite
that is if it is always different from zero the flat space is called
"Euclidean." If in a Euclidean space the axes are oblique instead of
curvilinear each coefficient of the Christoffel symbol is zero. (equ. 136).
If the axes are orthogonal the metric tensor reduces to a unit matrix.
d.) Among the spaces the only ones that can be visualized are;
1.) The one-, two- and three-dimensional Euclidean space.
2.) The two-dimensional Riemannian space (the various types of
XXXIV. Holonomic Sub-spaces
a.) It is important to note that the properties of a space are independ-
ent of the particular coordinate axes from which measurements are made.
In other words two spaces are equivalent if it is possible to pass from one
space to the other and back by a transformation tensor C~ = axil/ax" and
its inverse. If however C ~ can not be expressed as axil / ax a then no one-to-one
relation exists between the points of the two spaces (since no equation can
be set up between the two sets of variables xII and x a) and the two spaces
are not equivalent. Equivalent spaces are for instance the shunt poly-
phase commutator motor, fig. 4 and the induction motor, fig. 2.

h.) If the matrix of the transformation tensor C: = ax'-;ax" is not

square as above, but rectangular, then the space which has less coordinate
axes is said to be a "sub-space" of the other. For instance the repulsion
motor, fig. 6 is a sub-space of the induction motor, fig 2 or of the
Dery motor fig. 7.
Among the possible sub-spaces the only ones visualizable are:
1.) The plane as a two-dimensional Euclidean sub-space in a three-
dimensional Euclidean space.
2.) A surface like the sphere, as a two-dimensional Riemannian sub-
space in a three-dimensional Euclidean space.
c.) If in the transformation tensor C: the number of the old coordi-
nate 'axes is n and the number of the new coordinate axes is m then
all the polyadics of the old space that have only covariant (lou'er) indices
can be assigned to the sub-space by transforming them with the aid of the
formulae developed in the previous pages. For instance the metric tensor
LalJ of the sub-space can be and should be defined as
LalJ = L"q C:C~ ..................... 133
where the dummy indices 7f' and IT assume all values frem one to 11
while the free indices IX and (3 assume the values frem one to m. The
same variation of indices applies in the transformation of r 7rU," All
these polyadics of the sub-space are called "induced" or "derived"
Since the performance of many rotating machines is expressed in
terms of induced polyadics, their performance may be considered as the
motion of a particle describing a traiectory in an n-dimensional non-
Riemannian space but constrained to move upon an m-dimensional
non-Riemannian surface or sub-space.
d.) If it is attempted to transform a polyadic which has a contra-
variant or upper index, say r:. C:
the value of the inverse of is required.
But the matrix of C: is rectangular and its inverse can not be calcu-
lated without a definition.
In case of non-Riemannian spaces for which no metric is defined it
is customary to form a square matrix from the rectangular matrix by
assuming additional coordinate axes outside the sub-space in the
enveloping space with n-m dimensions. For instance an additional set
of brushes may be put on the rotor of the repulsion motor, fig. 6 (and a
winding on the stator quadrature axis) but they would remain perma-
nently open-circuited. Then the new transformation tensor of the
repulsion motor would be similar or identical with that of the shunt

polyphase commutator motor, fig. 4, it would have an inverse and all

"induced" contravariant polyadics could be calculated. Their value
however depends on the position of the additional axes.
e.) In electrical machinery the representative machine has a metric
tensor L"a and so the sub-space has an induced metric. It seems
obvious to define derived contravariant polyadics for the sub-space simply
by raising indices with the aid of LaP. That is r~{1 for the sub-space is
defined as r a{1,.£O"Y.
The above definition of r~{1 may be taken also as the definition of the
inverse connection tensor c~ corresponding to the formula
r~{1 = r;a C:qc-; = (r"u,1' C:qc~) £0"( = (r;u L"J C:C~C~V"(

which shows that the above definition of r~/l is equivalent to the follow-
ing definition of the inverse connection tensor
C-; = nLI',Lh . ..................... 134
C-; can be taken as the inverse of C; since
C~C: = C:n LI"£O"( = L"oLh = o~ ............ ]35
where 0; is a unit matrix with m unit coefficients in the diagonal.
xxx-v . .von-holonomic Sub-spaces
In many cases in which the number of new coordinates is less than
the number of old coordinates the transformation tensor C: can not
be written as ax" / ax". Such a case occurs for instance in the single-
phase alternator fig. 3 where axis b should be removed. (In general
moving coordinate axes form non-integrable transformation tensors.)
Lately the expression "non-holonomic sub-space" has been introduced
to denote the restricted positions of the particle.
For both types of sub-spaces with each point of the n-dimensional
space there is associated an m-dimensional infinitesimal surface element
and the particle must leave that point along the surface element. But
while in a true sub-space the surface elements may be combined to form a
family of surfaces so that the particle can never leave the particular surface
it happens to be on, in a non-holonomic sub-space the surface elements
can not be combined into a surface and the particle may pass from anyone
point of the n-dimensional space to any of its other points.
To visualize the problem, in a repulsion motor, fig. 6 which is a true
two-dimensional sub-space in a three- (or four-) dimensional non-
Riemannian space no current (or rather no charges) can flow along

axis b, at right angles to axis a. In a single-phase alternator where the

axis a is rotating no axis can be assigned in which no current (no charges)
could flow. Hence the single-phase alternator is a two- (or three-)
dimensional non-holonomic sub-space of a four-dimensional non-
Riemannian space, that is of the representative machine with stationary
coordinates. (It happens that it may also be considered as a holonomic
sub-space of a four-dimensional Riemannian space, the polyphase
alternator, or also as an independent three-dimensional Rieman-
nian space.
It should be remembered however that in case of electrical machinery
the enveloping n-dimensional space need not be considered even in case
of non-holonomic sub-spaces. Every m-dimensional sub-space, holo-
nomic or non-holonomic, is in its own right an m-dimensional non-
Riemannian space since the new coordinates, even though they are non-
holonomic, can be calculated immediately from the dynamical equations.

XXXVI. Spaces u'ith Infinite Dimensions-Hilbert Spaces

a.) If the number of the new coordinate axes m is larger than the
number of the old coordinate axes n, for instance in case of the fre-
quency converter fig. 12, than the same equations of transformations
may be used as previously with the tacit understanding that certain
quantities are neglected.
To visualize the problem if three sets of axes at 120 degrees apart
exist on the armature of a three-phase salient-pole synchronous machine
instead of two at right angles then zero phase-sequence waves exist
inside the machine (which may be considered as third-harmonic space
waves). However the metric tensor of the representative machine
given in equ. 3 does not contain zero phase-sequence reactances, hence
the final equations give only a first approximation to the actual phe-
nomena. A second approximation could have been made if the repre-
sentative machine itself would have had at least three coordinate axes
on each rotor layer, since then zero phase-sequence reactances could
have been incorporated in the metric tensor.
That is a more general representative machine has more than two axes
on each winding and the representative machine of section IV is a
sub-space of this more general representative machine.
b.) In the representative machines of this paper there are two axes
of magnetic symmetry assumed on the stator. In actual machines
each stator and rotor tooth and slot is also an axis of magnetic sym-
metry, hence to each of them a coordinate axis may be assigned.

Since the windings are distributed in slots the magnetomotive force

wave introduces additional harmonic waves in unbalanced phase wind-
ings etc. so that the most general representative rrwchine must have an
infinite number of coordinate axes representing a space with infinite
number of dimensions, some axes being stationary, some moving with
the rotor and some rotating with odd speeds. Such cases have practical
importance especially in squirrel-cage induction motors of smaller sizes
where the harmonics are known to distort the ideal performance beyond
recognition in many cases. It is intended to undertake the systematic
dynamical treatment of such generalized systems with infinite coordinate
axes in some future paper.
XXXVII. Euclidean Spaces
a.) If the speed of the rotor is assumed to be constant the Equation
of Voltage (equ. 17) "can also be written as
e", = Z"'f3if3 = (R"'f3 + rf3t,,,,it) i
+ L"'f3 ;t " .......... 136

where the terms in parenthesis are equivalent to resistances. Since

the coefficients of connection are zero, the sudden short-circuit per-
formance of rotating rrwchines with the speed maintained constant can be
represented by the motion of a particle in an n-dimensional Euclidean
space with oblique cartesian coordinate axes just as if the rotating machines
were stationary networks.
b.) If the rotor is assumed to be stationary then in the above equa-
tion r(3t,,,,iiif3 is zero and the transient impedance tensor Z"'i3 becomes sym-
-metrical. Such stationary electrical apparatus are the transformer,
induction regulator etc.
The transient impedance tensor of the single phase transformer is
p s
Z ",f3 -_ pl. rl + LIP MP
s Mp r2 + L 2P
The transient impedance tensor of the three-circuit transformer is

a b c
a ra + Laap Mohp MacP
Z"f3 = b MbaP 1'b + Lbbp Mbcp
c MoaP Mcbp rc + Leep

Similar matrix structures can be set up for other stationary electrical

apparatus also, such as vacuum tubes etc.
When resistances, inductances, transformers, vacuum tubes etc. are
connected with rotating machines in any manner whatever each unit
is considered as a rotating machine or better said each rotating machine
is considered as a simple impedance.
c.) With steady a-c voltages impressed at the terminals the variable
i a assumes complex values in each axis. The study of such spaces is
outside the scope of this paper.


XXXVIII. The Equation of Small Oscillations

Let an infinitesimal disturbance de a (infinitesimal terminal voltage or
shaft torque) be applied to any machine while it is either accelerated or
is in a uniform motion. Then the Equation of Motion (equ. 126)

e" = R ".
+ di"".,
-dt r.,,-Yzfjt-Y
changes to

e" + de" + 8e"

dx fj = (R"
+ dR" ) ,fj
(ifj + difj) + dU" +

+ (r;-y + dr;-y) (ifj + difj) (i-y + di-Y).

If the Equation of Motion is subtracted from it and all products of
infinitesimals are cancelled, the Equation of Small Oscillations in con-
travariant form is

de" + ae" dx
~ - R"·ri'fj
fj - ,f1U~ + dR" + d(di") + rex d'fj' + rexfj-yt'fjd' + dr"fj.,l'/3'
,fjl'fj ~ B., 1 ~-y 1" ~., ,137

In covariant form it is
de", + ae" dxll = R.fjdill + L"fj d(ddi ) + dL"fj ddifJ + r/3.""dill i-y + rfj-y,,,illdi" + drB-y,,,illir
axil t t [.. 138
Equ, 137 is equivalent to

de" = d(R~~i/3) + d(~t") +d(r;-yi~i-Y)", .. ,., ... 139


or to

de a = d(R af3 i (3
) + de:t ) ................. 140

XXXIX. Physical Interpretation

a.) The Equation of Small Oscillations also can be divided into two
component equations, the Equation of Small Voltages by allowing the
free index a assume any value but t. (The definitions of section VI
a, b, c are followed)
dea + 8e a
8xf3 dx13 = R ap d'f3
+ L af3 d(di
) + dL di + r
af3 dt
f3t. ad'13l l't

+ rl3t. a i 13 dit + drf3t . a i 13 it . ................ 141

In terms of physical space vectors the equation becomes

dea + ::; dxfJ = RafJdifJ + d d~a + d1/;t. ait + 1/;t. a dit . ..... 142

The Equation of Small Torques is found by allowing a assume the

value t only

det = R tt di t + L tt d(:t) + r p1'. t diP i1' + r p1'. t i 13 di1' + drfJ1'. t ifJ i1' .. 143
In terms of space vectors the equation is

det = R tt dit + L d~:t) + d1/;1'. t i1' + 1/;1'. t di1' . ........ 144


b.) At the instant of disturbance two sets of I'ecto/'s can be differentiated

inside the machine:
1.) the original vectors that exist before the disturbance satisfying
the Equation of Motion (equs. 34 and 35) and are given in section XI
2.) a set of infinitesimal vectors representing changes in each of the
above vectors.
c.) Some of the vector changes can be divided into two componeIflts.
Among the voltages:
A.) the change in the generated voltage vector can be divided into
1.) 1/;t. adit = r fJ1 • aif3dit due to the change of speed and the original
flux density 1/;t. a
2.) d1/;t. ait = r 13t . adillit + drfJt. aifJit due to change of 1/;t. a and to
original it
B.) the change in the torque vector can be divided into:
1.) 1/;1'. tdi1' = r fJ 1'. tif3di1' due to change of current and to original 1/;1'. t

2.) dl/;." ti" = r Il." tdilli" + dr Il." tilli" due to change of 1/;." t and to
original current.
Among the fluxes:
A.) The change in the flux-linkage vector dcp" = d(L"llill) can be
divided into illdL"1l and L"lldill
B.) the change in the rotor flux-density vector dl/;." t = d(rll." till) can
be divided into drll." till and rll." tdill
C.) the change in the Coriolis flux-density vector is d(~, t" - ~'Y' t).
In the equations occurs only dif;t,,, = d(r llt , "ill) = drllt, "ill + rllt, "dill.
To each of the six flux changes corresponds a change of voltage or
torque. The three changes due to dL"Il, dr i3'Y, t and dr itt,,, can be
measured only by the moving observers. Hence for a machine with
stationary coordinate axes the Equation of Small Oscillations reduces to

de" + ::~ dx ll = R"lldill + L"1l ~: + rll'Y, " dill i'Y + rll'Y, " ill di'Y .. 145
A more detailed physical discussion is given in the previous papers.
XL. The Motional Impedance
a.) Let any machine with stationary coordinate axes and without
sliprings be considered. If at the instant of disturbance the machine
is in equilibrium, that is if all its currents are known, the Equation of
Small Oscillation, equ. 103 can be written as
de" = (R"fj + L,,{3p + rll'Y, "i'Y + r'Yll, "i'Y)dill.
The expression in parenthesis is a tensor of rank two Z"1l called the
"motional impedance tensor" representing the opposition of a machine
to a suddenly applied infinitesimal terminal voltage or shaft torque,
allowing its speed also to vary, that is
I Z"r; = R,,1l + L"IlP + rll'Y, "i v + r'YB. "i'Y I.......... 146
Comparing it with the "transient impedance tensor" Z"it equ. 64, it
is found that Z,,1l is only a special case of Zall, that is
Z"1l = Z"fl + rll'Y, ti'Y + r'Yt. "i'Y + r'Yll, ti'Y ........ ... 147
Z"r; differs from Z"1l only by an extra row and column corresponding to the
additional axis t.
The Equation of Small Oscillations becomes
1 de" = z"lldilll· ....... " .... , ...... 148
from which dill is found as de"f""r; by calculating the inverse of Zall'
For the representative machine

d. rsd + L.dP Mdp - MdPf) 0 i qr Md
dr Mdp rr + LrdP , - LrdPf) 0 i qr (Lrd - Lrq) - i q• M q
Z.,~ = qr 0 Lrqpf) rr + Lrqp Mqp i dr (L rd - Lrq) + id'Md
qs 0 Mqpf) Mqp r.q + Lsqp - i dr Mq

0 i qr Lrq + i q, M q - i dr L rd - ids Md 0 r + Lp . . 149


For any machine or groups of machines with stationary coordinate

axes Zaf3 is found by equ. 68.
b.) If the machine has sliprings or revolving brushes, but the coordi-
nate axes are still assumed to be stationary, equ. 145 becomes

dea -- Z-af3 d'f3

~ - aeta
- dXt -- (z- ae a ) dx f3 . ....... . 150
af3 p - ---;,

and the dyadic in parenthesis (not a tensor now) is the motional

impedance. In actual calculations the form of the matrix may be
simplified by assuming all currents dif3 (fJ = d., q., qT, dT) and dx t as
unknowns. For a salient pole synchronous machine this simplified form
of motional impedance is (where edr = e sin (Or - 0) = e sin 0, eqr = e
-cos 0 hence aedr/aXt = -e cos 0 and aeqr/ax t = e sin 0).
d. r.a + Lsdp MaP - Mdp8 0 t'lTMd
_ d 0 i qr (LTd -
r Mdp rr + LTdP - L rd p8 L Tq ) - ir,8 M Q
~ -
Z,,~ = qr 0 L rq p8 1'r
+ Lrqp Mqp i dr (LTd - Lrq) + ids 111 d
q. 0 1I1 qp8 Mqp r8'1+ LsQP - dr
i Mq
0 (?""T Lrq +i q• M q) p + e cos b (- t dr L rd - tOds Md) p - e sin 0 0 (1' + Lp) P 0.151

The currents, torque etc. calculated by this dynamical method check

term by term with the expressions given by Park for the salient-pole

XLI. The Criterion of Dynamic Stability

If the coefficients in the motional impedance matrix of a machine
are all real numbers (as in case of the salient-pole synchronous machine)
an arithmetical method can be set up to investigate whether a ma-
chine will return to its former equilibrium position if it is disturbed
by any cause whatever.
The determinant of the Motional Impedance ZafJ has the form

D = aop" + alpn- + ...

an -lP + an ..... ........ 152
If all the real parts of the roots of the Determinantal Equation

\ ZafJ \ = o........................ 153

are negative, each current is of the form Ae(- a ±jfj)t all currents and
speed variations will die out eventually and the machine is dynami-
cally stable.
In order that the real parts of all roots should be negative, the
coefficients of equ. 110 must satisfy the following conditions set up
by Hurwitz.
1.) All the coefficients uo, all ... must be positive.
2.) All the following n determinants formed by the coefficients must
be also positive
alUaU5 • ••. U2X-l
UOa2U 4 U2X-2
tix = I 0 alaa U~x-a

o ...... .ax ................... 154

where A varies from 1 to n.


XLII. Variable Character of the Equations of Oscillations
a.) A very important property of the Equation of Small Oscillations
(equs. 137 or 138) should be noted as opposed to that of the Equation
of Motion:
1.) So term of the equation is a tensor.

2.) No combination of terms can be set up that are tensors.

From these facts it follows that in case of machines with moving
coordinate axes each term must be transformed by a more or less compli-
cated transformation formula. For instance dr~.,if3i" is to be trans-
formed by

dr a a+ aC~ ca)if3CEi'YCX
• xi'{1>. = d(r f3 'Y Cf3C'YC
X a
E ax a f3 'Y
= [(dr fa3 'Y ) Cf3C'YCa
• X a

+ r~'YdC~C~C! + r~'YC~dCrC! + r~.,C~CrdC! + axa:c~


+ ac:
dC!] if3C~i'YC~ . ..................... 155

b.) However the Equation of Small Torques (equ. 143) is a tensor

equation. The first three terms are evidently tensors and it will be
proved now that the sum of the last three terms, representing a change
in the machine torque, is also a tensor, that is both the stationary and
the moving observers measure the same change of torque, which of
course must be true from physical considerations also. By equations
42, 55 and 155, since = unity C:
rf3."tdif3 i'Y + rf3'Y,tif3di'Y + drf3'Y,tif3i'Y
= r.x,tCZC; (di"C~ + i"dC~) i"C; + r.x,tCZC;i"C~ (di"C; + irdC;)
3 ., '''Cf3 '''C'Y + r 'A, dC'CA
f3 '''Cf3 '''C., + r .X, CEdC
x '''Cf3 'rC'Y
+ drEX, tCf·Cx ~ "~,, t 'Y ~ f3
"~11' t 'Y ~ ,,~ 11'

= (rCT7f,tdi"i'" + ru,d"diTl' + dr"",d"i"')

+ r.A,tC;C; (qdC~ + dCZC~) + r'A,tC~C~ (C;dC; + dC;C;).
The last two expressions are zero since the terms in parenthesis are
d(C ,;C~) = d(1) = O.
c.) It is desirable to set up the Equation of Small Oscillations in a tensor
or invariant form, that is in such a form that it should be possible to pass
from one coordinate system to the other by the simple transformation
formula of tensors (equ. 36) instead of complicated formulae such as
Referring back to section XXXVIII and to equ. 140 the Equation of
Small Oscillations was found from the Equation of Motion by taking
the differentials of each term, that is by

de a = d (R':' f3 i(3 ) + d (oia)

5t .

This form suggests that an invariant form of the Equation of SmaU

Oscillations can be found by taking the "absolute" differential of each term
instead of the ordinary differential. That is

ae" = a (R~ ~i~) +a e:;) ................. 156

d.) It is necessary to have on the right hand side Oi" (or rather dx a )
as the independent variable. Hence it is necessary to change
1.) the tensor a(Oi"/at) into the sum of two tensors so that one of the
tensors should be (a/at)Oi"
2.) the tensor a(R'!~~) into the sum of two tensors so that one of the
tensors should be R'!~i~.
XLIII. The Generalized Riemann-Christoffel Curvature Tensor
a.) In order to find the difference between a(ai"/at) and (a/at)ai" let
each be developed in its component parts.

a (Oi,,)
= d(ai")
+ r~... "1
dx'Y = d di" + dr:! ifJi'Y + r~ dilii'Y
dt ... "1 ... "1

+ rp'YifJdi'Y + rp'Y ;t dx'Y + rp'Yr~ ,ixi'dx'Y
-a u~" ~. + r"{J u~
-d u~"
= dt •....Q.~'Y = -~"
d d' + drp'Y 'Qd + r "
--~. . x'Y ~ -
di dx'Y
at "I dt dt "I dt

+ r;;'YifJdi'Y + r;;'Ydi~i'Y + r;;'Yr~ Ai'dxAi'Y

-at - at-a u~"
.' = (ar p
- -0 - arpo
+ r" rio.fJ. _ r aA. rX~ ) ifJiodx'Y
h-y "I •

The expression in parenthesis is a tensor of rank four, is denoted by

K ~ ~ p" and called the "generalized Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor"
or shortly "curvature tensor." It plays a fundamental role in finding the
conditions of integrability of a set of linear differential equations. That is

·· ,,-
K hfJ - ar
ax'Y - ar;;'Y
+r" rio.
h-y~. - ~'Y
r"U rX ....... . 157

a (ai") _ a(ai") = K"~p"iOifJdx'Y I ............. 158

at at

b.) The difference between o(R~fJifJ) and R~pOifJ is (oR"'fJ)ifj . But by

o(R~fj)ifj == o(lS"'~R~fJ)ifj == (olSa~)R~fJifJ 1- lSa~(oR~fJ)ifJ
= (dlSa~ 1- lSu~r: ,dx' 1- lSaur~ ,dx') R~llifJ 1- lS"'~ (- r; ,Ru!3
- r~ ,R~u) ifJdx'

== (r>'~RXfJ - R(\r~~ 1- alSaA RX{J)i{JdX~.


The expression in parenthesis is a tensor of rank three, is denoted by

R~ dOl and can be called the "resistance tensor of rank three" to differ-
entiate it from the resistance tensor of rank two RafJ. That is

R~~a == alSaxRM1-r>'~RxfJ
- R"'xr~" .1 . . . . . . . . . . . 159

[ 0 (HOI fji fJ ) - Ra fjoi fJ = R~ fj",i/idx" [ .............. 160

XlSIV. The Equation of Small Oscillations in Invariant Form

a.) If equations 158 and 160 are substituted into equation 156 the
Equation of Small Oscillations becomes in terms of contravariant vectors
be a 1- oe dxfj == R"'fJoifJ
1- Il(oi"') 1- K,
Of 0" {J' "'ioifjdx" + R'~ {J' "'ifjdx" 1.161

In terms of covariant vectors it is

I oe", 1- ~;~ dx fj == RafjOifj + lS"fj ~ 1- K."fJ",i·ifjdx~ 1- R~fJ",ifJdx~

In the equations Ilia can not be replaced by (Il/Ilt)dx a. The two expres-
sions are not equal due to the asymmetry of rho
In terms of ordinary differentials equ. 161 becomes (if the disturbing
force oe" is left out and only the free variation of e'" that is (oe'" /Ilxt)dxt
is considered)
dea 1- q"efJdx" = d(R'" fjifJ) 1- r~.R~ fJifJdx· } Il(R~ fJifJ)
1- r~"efJdx~ - r~.w fJ ifJdx • + d(dia)/dt + r~~difJi~ 1- r~~ifJdi" 1 Il(Oia)
1- (ar~~/axo + r>.or~" - r>."r~o) ifJi·dx~ J at
1- (ar~./ax" - ar~y/ax·1- r>.~r~. - r>.or~y) ifJi·dx~ } K .. ~ d"'iOi~dxy . .. 162

It can be seen that the equation in invariant form consists of the previous
equation 137 with additional terms added and the same terms subtracted.
In equ. 137 the terms could not be grouped to form tensors but in the
presence of additional terms representing hypothetical voltages and
torques groups can be formed so that each group of terms is a tensor.
b.) In calculating all the possible coefficients K8~~a the following
should be noted
1.) K~~~a = - K~8fJa. This is the only skew-symmetry that occurs
in the generalized curvature tensor.
2.) a is always t. That is the curvature tensor is zero in the voltage

3.) Either or 'Y is t, that is only K i ~ ~ I and K ~ i ~ I exist where also
K ~ i ~I = - K i ~ fJI. Hence all possible coefficients can be represented in
a matrix form Kj~fJ' where only 'Y and f3 vary. All the other (n4 - n2)
coefficients are zero.
Hence the Equation of Small r oltages in invariant form is
a a
oe a + ae dX fJ
axfJ -
Ra.fJOI'fJ + o(oi
----u-) + R'"Yi3'a'fJd
~ X "Y

and the Equation of Small Torques in invariant form is

• t --
ue R .t luI
-u + K ~"Y..fJ I'~1 ~'fJd'X + R
+ oCOit) "Y
"Y fJ'/'fJd
I X "Y •••••.•• 164

XLV. Ricci Tensors

a.) In general r~"y is a function of all the variables and it can be
differentiated with respect to all the variables. In. the analysis of
rotating electrical machinery however r~"y can be differentiated only
with respect to Xl = 0, since it is a function only of O. Due to this
restricted variation, in calculating any coefficient in any coordinate
system it is found that two of the terms in equ. 157 is always zero, that is
· .. t
K t"YfJ -- - - -fJ"Y
t +r t
A"Y r (3tA • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 165
K8j~t = ~ - r~~r~t ................. 166
b.) In going over from one coordinate system to the other by a non-
holonomic transformation, for instance from K j;"~ t to K i ~ /, the right

hand side of the above equations does not behave as a tensor, that is the
transformation formula of K i ~~ t is
axt = (r k n rkm t _ ar!n)
rt"" r'""t _ ar;" axt cmcn _ rtmn ac~
axt C" •• 167


K · .. t -- K'tnm
.. t - r mn ac n
t - t" Cm 168
ax 11"0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Similar relations hold true in the corresponding terms of o(Oia)jot.

Certain polyadics, among them the curvature tensor, that behave as
tensors if the transformation is holonomic, loose their tensor character if
the transformation is non-holonomic. Such tensors are called by Dienes
"Ricci tensors." It can be seen that the tensors that appear in the analysis
of infinitesimal displacements (hunting) like K ~; ~a and o(Oia)jot are
Ricci tensors.
c.) However their sum is always a true tensor, which can be seen from
the following considerations by reference to equ. 162.
1.) The last three terms of eq u. 162 belonging to K ~ ; ~ a are cancelled
always by a similar expression belonging to o(Oia)jot, that is the sum of
the two sets of expression is always a so-called null-tensor with all its
coefficients zero.
2.) The remaining expression arLjax t belonging to Ki;;~a always
forms a tensor with the terms r ~..,di~i'" + r ~..,i~di'" belonging to o(oi a) jot
as is proved in section XXXVIII b.
Hence if the values of K~; fjai6if3dx'" and o(oia)/ot are calculated for any
coordinate systedi, their value can be found for any other coordinate
system as if each of them were tensors. This procedure is similar to
that followed in the calculation of the Equation of Motion in finding
separately diajdt and r~..,if3i'" as if each of them were tensorS (sec-
tion XXXII d).
XLVI. Calculation of the Curvature Tensor
a.) For the representative machine with moving coordinate axes the
coefficients of the curvature tensor as calculated from equ. ] 65 are
d. a b
m d• - MiL.q/2B - MdLrdL. qcos O/2B MdLrdL. q sin O/2B 0
cos 0(Lrq/2 - L rd 2L.q/2B) sin 0 cos O(L r d2 L. q/2B
a - MdL'dLsq cos O/2B - M qLr qL. d sin O/2A
- sin 20(L riL.d/2A - L,d/2) - Lr q/2 - L, q2 L.d /2A + L rd /2)
sin 0 cos O(L r} L.i2B cos2 O(L,d/2 - L, q2 L 8d /2A)
MdL'dLsq sin O/2B - MqLrqL.dcosO/2A
- Lrq /2 - L,iL8d/2A + Lrd /2) - sin 2O(L,d 2 L8 q/2B - L, q/2)
q. 0 - M qLrqL8d sin O/2A - MqLrqL. d cos O/2A - M q2L. d/2A .. 169

The coefficients of K ;,;.~t are the same as those of K tmnt each divided by L.

b.) For the representative machine with stationary coordinate axes:

1.) if K t"7rt is calculated from equ. 169 assuming K tmnt as a tensor

d. qr
- MiL8q/2B - M dL rd L. q/2B 0 0
- MdLrdL8 q/2B Lrq/2 - Lr/ L. q/2B 0 0
0 0 L rd /2 - Lr q2 L8 d/2A - MqLrqL8d/2A
0 0 - MqLrqL8a/2A - M q2 L8a/2A .. 170

2.) if it is calculated from equ. 165


d. - Md 2L.q/2B - MaLrdL. q/2B 0 0
dr Md/2 - M dL rd L. q/2B Lrd/2 - Lr/ L. q/2B 0 0
K tud =
qr 0 0 Lrq/2 - Lr/ L. d/2A M q/2 - MqLrqL8d/'2A
q. 0 0 - M qLrqL8d/2A - M/L ed /2A .. 171

The difference between equs. 170 and 171 ought to be·according to

equ. 167
d. dr qr q.
rt ae; em = drl- Md/ 2 / (L rq - L'd)/'2/ 0 1_ _
mn ax t
" qr 0 0 (L rd - Lrq) /2 - 1\1[/2 I.. 172

The sum of equs. 172 and 171 is actually equ. 170.

c.) The coefficients of R'Y/3a are too lengthy to be published here.


XLYII. The Geometry of Holonomic Dynamt·cs

a.) In a Riemannian space there are two lines of great importance.
They are:
1.) the geodesic line (the tangent to the curve is always "absolutely"
parallel to itself). Its equation is
{ a } dx/3 dx'Y
(3-y ds ds
• I................ 173
2.) a line at an infinitesimal distance from a geodesic line. Its equa-
tion is
2(d ) dx. dxfJ
li x"
~ hf3
K" . a - - dx'Y = 0
ds ds I ..........•.

b.) The set of differential equations of holonomic dynamics that are

derived from the Equation of Motion of Lagrange can be considered as
representing a particle describing a trajectory (path) under the action
of a force f" in an n-dimensional Riemannian space. The equation of
the trajectory is

fa = d:~2" + {{3~} d~fJ ~~'Y . ................ 175

The effect of a sudden infinitesimal disturbance is to force the particle
into a path infinitely close to its previous path. Eventually this new
path may diverge by a finite amount from its undisturbed path. The
equation of the disturbed path (as given by Synge) is for a Rieman-
nian space
<2(dx a)
+ K'."1/3.. ax· dx/3 dx'Y - _oe" dx/3
a __
dt dt lix/3
= o........ . 176

This equation also can be written as

6 fJ
fto r
+ K'" fJ a dx
6 'Y dt dx
dt d X'Y -
oe d fJ
oxfJ X =
0 ........ . 177

since o(dxa) is interchangeable with d(ox a) in a Riemannian space.

c.) If it is assumed that the particle is subjected to a frictional force
proportional to the velocities along the various axes, the equation of the
trajectory is

dxfJ d 2x'" dxfJ dx'Y

dt at
+ { /J'Y
-1 ........... 178

and the equation of the disturbed path is (replacing o(R~ fJifJ) by its two

o dx'" dx6 dxfJ dxfJ dx{3 oe'"

-0 - +K6 fJ"'- - dx'Y+ R ( 3 " ' - dx'Y+R~fJ- - -dxfJ = 01.179

ot at 'Y dt dt 'Y dt dt ox{3

d.) These equations are identical in form "'ith the Equation of

Motion and the Equation of Small Oscillations developed in the paper
except {~'Y I is replaced by r~'Y' Since in the equations of the machines
r~'Y is asymmetrical, the analogous dynamical problem can be stated
as follows:
The equations of rotating electrical machinery during accelerations are
identical with the equations of a particle moving in an n-dimensional non-
R1:emannian space with asymmetric connection acted upon by a positional
force and oppo~ed by a frictional force proportional to its insta.ntaneou8

XLVIII. The Geometry of Rotating Electrical Machinery

a.) The line-element of the surface on which the particle moves is
defined as

ds 2 = L",~xadxfJ ....... ............... 180

As long as the metric tensor of the surface L",{3 and the coefficients of
connection r "'fJ. 'Yare defined in any arbitrary manner, 1't is not necessary
to know the relations between the variables x"'. All (metric) properties of
the surface and of vectors on the surface in the neighborhood of a point
can be studied with the aid of the two sets of quantities LafJ and r afJ, 'Y
one having n2 the other n 3 terms.

b.) The projection of the instantaneous position of the particle along

the curvilinear coordinate axes represent the total charges that passed
through each winding.
The unit tangent vector to the trajectory is

X" = dx" ........................ 181

c.) The velocity vector is along the tangent of the trajectory, that is

- dx" - dx"
v"=~'" -Tt-dsdt- ds
- = " .... .......... . 182
Xv .

The projection of the velocity vector along the coordinate axes repre-
sents the instantaneous currents flowing in each winding. The magni-
tude of the velocity vector is

2 _ ds2 _ L dx" dxfJ

v - dt 2 - "fJ dt dt
= L"fJi"ifJ = 2T ........... 183

That is the square of the velocity vector is equal to twice the kinetic
energy stored in the machine at that instant.
d.) The acceleration vector e" can be divided into R"fJifJ which is in a
general direction and into 5i" /M

= d(X"v)
+ r~ "Y XiJX"Yv2 = (~X"
+ V2dX")
+ v2r~ "Y XiJX"Y = <!:!!.X"+v2hp.a
d)." ax"
hp." = ds + r~"yxllx"Y = 58··············· .184

hp." is the "first curvature vector," p." is the "principal normal" and h
is the "first curvature." Hence the voltage vector ai"/at (acceleration
vector) due to the presence of flux lines lies in the plane of X" and p.".
e.) The power is represented by the product of the acceleration vectors
and their projection along the velocity vector X". Since the power
represented by T"fJ"yi"ii3i"Y is zero (equ. 107) the generated voltage vector
due to the motion of rotor conductors and the torque vector must lie
in a plane perpendicular to the direction of motion that is to X".
Hence the product of ai" lot and its projection on X" gives dT / dt while
the product of e" and its projection on X" gives the power input.

.f!~" It is interesting to note that all physical space vectors actually

e'X'istil1g inside of all machines at each instant (current-density, ftux-
density, voltage) are represented geometrically by vectors located in
an n-dimensional space or upon an m-dimensional surface in an n-dimen-
sional space (velocity, acceleration), The space or surface itself is
represented by the charges that do not form a space wave inside the
machine, Also all the properties of the space itself and of the machine
can be investigated if the metric and the coefficients of copp.ection !;tre
given, the particle and the machine are at rest and no vectors appear
in the space or inside the machine, Vectors do appear in the space and
inside the machine only when a voltage is applied to the machine and the
particle begins to move under the action of a force, the vectors showing the
inst~ntaneous velocity, and acceleration of the particle. The manner
or' tli~motion of the particle of course depends on the type of the applied
forces but the characteristic properties of the space itself in which the
motion is described are independent of the applied forces, they only
depend on the metric and connection.

The theory of a set of linear differential equations has been attacked

from several point of views, algebraic, geometrical, dynamical etc. All
point of views may use scalar, tensor or other symbolism.
Scalar notation
A.) Algebra. The theories developed in them may 'be used as labor-saving
devices especially in the analysis of the "motional" and "transient" impedance
tensors and in their synthesis, due to their matrix form
Bacher: Introduction to Higher Algebra.
Turnbull: The theory of Determinants, Matrices, Invariants.
B.) Differential Geometry. They treat the theory of two-dimensional sur-
Eisenhart: Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces.
Weatherburn: Differential Geometry of Three Dimensions (uses Gibbs'
dyadic notation).
C.) Dynamics. The literature of the highly special dynamical systems to
which rotating electrical machinery belong is very scarce.
1.) Holonomic dynamical systems with mechanical and electromagnetic energy
are treated in
Maxwell: Electricity and Magnetism. VoL 11.
Thomson, J. J.: Application of Dynamics to Physics and Chemistry.
2.) Non-holonomic dynamical systems are treated in
Whittaker: Analytical Dynamics. (Page 45)
3.) Quasi-kolonomic dynamical systems are analyzed (not by the dynamical
equations howev'er).

Appell: Sur une forme generale des equations de la dynamique. Memorial

des sciences math. Fasc. 1. 1925.
Lorentz: Die Maxwell'sche Gleichungen. Encyclopadie der Math. Wis-
senschaften. V. 2.
TensQ!' symbol1'sm
A.) Differential Geometry: Multidimensional surfaces are analyzed usually
in ('onnection with the Theory of Relativity.
1.) R-iemannian spaces are treated in
Eisenhart: Riemannian Geometry (Princeton University Press).
Struik: Grundzuge der Mehrdimensionalen Differentialgeometrie.
Duschek-Mayer: Lehrbuch der Differentialgeometrie.
Levi-Civita: The Ahsolute Differential Calculus.
2.) Non-Riemannian spaces with sym'metric connection are treated in
Eddington: The Mathematical Theory of Relativity.
Weyl: Space, Time, Matter.
3.) Non-Riemannian spaces with asymmetric connection are treated in
Eisenhart: Non-Riemannian Geometry (Am. Math. Soc.).
Schouten: Der Ricci-Calcul (Springer, Berlin).
4.) Non-Riemannian spaces with torsion and a metric are treated in
Hayden: Sub-spaces of a space with torsion. London Math. Soc. Proc.
V.34. 1932.
B.) Dynamics: The literature of conservative dynamical ,systems in tensor
symbolism is very extensive. For non-conservative dynamical systems the
literature is scarce.
1.) Holonomic dynamical systems are treated in a fundamental paper by
Synge: On the Geometry of Dynamics. Royal Soc. of London, Phil. Trans.
A. 1926.
2.) Non-holonomic dynamical systems have been treated only during the last
five years.
Synge: Geodesics in non-holonomic Geometry. Math. Annalen. Bd. 99.
Schouten: Uter nicht-holonomen Ubertragungen in einem Lin' Math.
Zeitschrift. Rd. 30. 1929.
Dienes: On the fundamental formulae of the geometry of tensor sub-mani-
folds. Journal de math. puree et appliquees. Ser. 9 tome 11. 1932.

As introductory books to the Absolute Calculus may be consulted:

Veblen: Invariants of quadratic differential forms. Cambridge Tracts in
Math. No. 24.
Thomas, T. Y.: The elementary Theory of tensors. (McGraw-Hill.)
McConnell: Applications of the Absolute Differential Calculus. (Blackie
& Son, Toronto.)

Articles on rotating electrical machinery referred to in the paper are

Park: Two-reaction theory of synchronous machinery-I. Trans. Am.
Inst. Elec. Eng. June 1929.

Kron: Generalized theory of electrical machinery. Trans. A. I. E. E.

June 1930.
Kron: Tensor analysis of rotating machinery-I. Winter Convention
A. I. E. E. 1933.
Doherty & Nickle: Synchronous machines-I. Trans. A. I. E. E. Vol. 45.
Lyon: Transient conditions in -electrical machinery. Trans. A. I. E. E.
Vol. 42. 1923.
Arnold: Die Wechselstromtechnik.

The dynamical theory of the alternator as given by Maxwell appeared in

Ingram: The dynamical theory of a-c. machinery. Jour. Franklin Inst.
Sept. 1930.
Dahlgren: A general electromagnetic theory of electric machines. Ingeniors
Vetenskaps Akademien. Handlingar Nr. 99. 1930.
Basilewitch: To the problem of general theory of electrical machinery.
Electritchestvo. Jan. 1930.

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