Sustainable Home

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Sustainable Home

Energy-efficient and less

expensive to maintain, a
sustainable house should be. It
should be long-lasting and
manufactured of substances
that won't hurt you or the
environment. It should
account for any future changes
in your family and be flexible
enough to accommodate

Simple housing adjustments to Homes that are

Making your house more
help you accomplish your environmentally friendly and
environmentally friendly
sustainability goals sustainable to be inspired by
1. Make your doors and windows 1. Homes made from shipping 1. Make use of low VOC paints.
draft-free. containers 2. Install a rainwater
2. Purchase drapes or shades. collection system.
2. Small houses
3. Set up solar panels. 3. Alternatives to wood
3. Carbon-neutral housing
4. Check the insulation in your burning stoves
home. 4. Homes that are
4. Think about renewable
5. Clean the coils in your prefabricated
energy systems.
refrigerator. 5. Homes made of straw bales
6. LED or CFL bulbs should be used 5. Use what you already have.
6. Earthship dwellings
in place of fluorescent light

6 methods to increase the

sustainability of your house
Step 2: Invest in eco-
Step 1: Turn it off friendly technology
Conserving energy is one of the most Want to do more than just turn it off?
important things you can do to reduce Make sure your new appliances have the
your carbon footprint. Leaving your best energy-efficiency rating possible if
appliances on standby consumes you need to purchase any new ones. In
energy; merely pushing the off button this way, you consume significantly less
may result in huge energy savings. energy when the product is turned on,
hence reducing your energy output.

step 3: Change to step 4: Use

renewable energy environmentally
sources friendly cleaning
One of the most important things you can
do to address the climate catastrophe is to Many cleaning solutions include
choose power that is 100 percent renewable. dangerous chemicals that are neither
This is a terrific eco-friendly idea for any produced or disposed of in an
home. Unfortunately, given the state of the ecologically sustainable manner. In
energy sector at the moment, it's better to fact, prolonged exposure to certain
stick with your present supplier. However, cleaning agents can have a negative
you may subscribe to our newsletter to keep impact on both the environment and
informed about renewable energy and your health. Green cleaning products
climate change, as well as to learn when you employ cleaners that are more
can switch. organic and natural, which are more

step 6:Create an
step 5: compost
The average US household
produces 650 lbs. of organic garden.
trash a year, but most of that is
Water use is reduced in an
landfilled. In fact 60% of our
energy-efficient garden.
landfills are full of organic
Use plenty of mulch and
matter. Methane is 72% more
resilient plants that don't
powerful than CO2 which
require frequent watering.
means it’s responsible for
Gather rainwater for drip
hastening climate related

"For your better tomorrow, save energy today".

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