Shivam Kumar Ramchandra Saroj

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University of Mumbai


A project submitted to
University of Mumbai for Partial completion of the degree of


ROLL NO. 712

Under the Guidance of


Smt. Parmeshwaridevi Durgadutt Tibrewala

Lions Juhu College & Science
J.B. Nagar, Andheri (East),
Mumbai – 400059.


1|P age

This is to certify that Mr. SHIVAM KUMAR RAMCHANDRA SAROJ has worked
and duly completed her Project Work for the degree of Master in Commerce under
the Faculty of Commerce in the subject of MANAGEMENT of and her project is

I further certify that the entire work has been done by the learner under my guidance
and that no part of it has been submitted previously for any Degree or Diploma of
any University.
It is her/ his own work and facts reported by her/his personal findings and investigations.

Name and Signature of

Guiding Teacher

Date of submission:

2|P age
Declaration by learner

I the undersigned Mr. SHIVAM KUMAR RAMCHANDRA SAROJ here by declare

that the work embodied in this project work titled “A STUDY ON
SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING IN INDIA”, forms my own contribution to the
research work carried out under the guidance of PROF.MRS. N. SUNDARAJOTHI
is a result of my own research work and has not been previously submitted to any
other University for any other Degree/ Diploma to this or any other University.
Wherever reference has been made to previous works of others, it has been clearly
indicated as such and included in the bibliography.
I, here by further declare that all information of this document has been obtained and
presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct.

Name and Signature of the learner

Certified by

Name and signature of the Guiding Teacher

3|P age

To list who all have helped me is difficult because they are so numerous and the depth
is so enormous.

I would like to acknowledge the following as being idealistic channels and fresh
dimensions in the completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank the University of Mumbai for giving me chance to do
this project.

I would like to thank my Principal, DR. TRISHLA MEHTA for providing the
necessary facilities required for completion of this project.

I take this opportunity to thank our Coordinator PROF. RAJESH YADAV ,

for her moral support and guidance.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude towards my project guide PROF. MRS.
N. SUNDARAJOTHI whose guidance and care made the project successful.

I would like to thank my College Library, for having provided various reference books
and magazines related to my project.

Lastly, I would like to thank each and every person who directly or indirectly helped
me in the completion of the project especially my Parents and Peers who supported
me throughout my project.

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Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining website traffic or

attention through social media sites. Indian marketers are moving at a fast speed
to tap the new normal opportunity. Social media has gone mainstream. And for
businesses it represents an unprecedented marketing opportunity that transcends
traditional middlemen and connects companies directly with customers.
Customer acquisitions remain to be the prime goal of Indian marketers.
According to leading marketers of India, the top three online investment
channels for 2017 are social media, Email marketing and Search marketing.
90% of the top marketers said that it is extremely important to integrate email
marketing and social media. This is why nearly every business on the planet is
exploring social media marketing initiatives The focus of marketers is shifting
from ‘sending the message out’ to ‘start engaging with customers. In this
context, the role of a marketer is changing from ‘batch and blast’ processing to
creating ‘listening posts’ and ‘dialogue hubs’ in customer communities. A shift
from isolated pure play traditional platforms to an integrated multi-channel
approach is helping the marketers address the challenge of new consumers
expectations across many devices and channels. Indian marketers are leveraging
the power of various communication channels and technologies- be it Email,
SMS or social media in their portfolio. Here we will see the main trend of social
media marketing in India, the scope of it, the future and will undergo are search
to follow the Customer perception About social media for Brand management.
Mobile is growing and continues to be an important channel for brands as well
as consumers. 72% of the brands have a mobile app and a mobile-friendly

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In its current form, internet is primarily a source of communication, information

and entertainment, but increasingly, it also acts as a vehicle for commercial
transactions. Since the explosion of the web as a business medium, one of its
primary uses has been for marketing. Soon, the web could become a critical
distribution channel for the majority of successful enterprises. One among them
is marketing and spreading brand communication through social networking
sites (Thompson, 2002).

Social networking websites are online communities of people who share

interests and activities or who are interested in exploring the interests and
activities of others. They typically provide a variety of ways for users to interact,
through chat, messaging, email, video, voice chat, file-sharing, blogging and
discussion groups. As World Wide Web grew in popularity, social networking
moved to web-based applications. In 2002, social networking era really started.
In 2006, anyone with an email address could sign up in social networking sites
(Zarela, 2010). Now advertisers target more over to these media due to high rush
in varsity of audiences. So, they hire this as the ideal platform to communicate
their brand and create an effective brand identity through highly effective and
interactive communication strategy. Most of the advertisers present their ads in
interactive form so that people tend more to check them and gain a little
knowledge about the product. There are various forms of brand communication
available in social networking sites. The effective way of brand communication
present in these networking sites would be the main aim of the study.

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Social media advertising is a paid form of brand, service or business promotion

and requires a proper and planned communicative message and budget.
Advertising is customer centric in nature. Customers play an important role in
any major or minor communication because they are the one who are going to
decide the fate of the advertising communication. Some benefits of
social network advertising include:

1. Popularizing your brand, idea or service to the target group.

2. Informing target audience about your brand or service’s presence in the


3. Encouraging healthy competition in the market.

4. Providing social benefits for the brand.

5. Making the audience to interact and keep them intact with the brand.

Advertising in internet provides a major contribution to brand competition in

the market. Advertising here not only provides information about a product or
service but also promotes innovation. Besides it also facilitates consumer
satisfaction. Big and small companies, individuals of all walks of life, major and
minor events, concepts, etc., nowadays lay their base on social network
advertising to get recognized in the market (Zarela, 2010). With over 200
million active users, Face book, Twitter and Instagram have become a personal,
product and corporate branding hub in India. Every brand that exists on social
networking sites has the same core features and benefits, such as the ability to
create a page, share resources, add multimedia and much more (Eric, 2008). The
effective brand communication strategies are analyses to find the impact among
the users.

Social networking sites

A social networking site creates network communication among the user
community. Though social networking site serves for communication purposes
among special interest groups, the marketing strategy has also entered this
medium for its reach. People get exposed to various kinds of brand
communication through this media. They tend to interact with the brand and also
get awareness about the brand and its service in an interesting way (Nicole,
2007). Hence, there is a need to study the effective way of communication in
branding the product in social networking sites and analyses its reach among the
people and their perceptions in this research. In recent trend of marketing in
social networking sites, various brand communications are widely used to attract
targeted leads. So, this study would help to know the effectiveness of
communication and strategy done through social networking sites which make
the target audience to participate in this kind of advertising. This is mainly
studied on networking sites which are popular among Indian users were
Facebook, Twitter. This study would help the advertisers to understand the
effective communication strategy to communicate their brand among the users.

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Marketers place high value on social media: A significant 90% of marketers

indicate that social media is important for their business.

1. Measurement and integration are top areas marketers want to master: One
third of all social media marketers want to know how to monitor and
measure the Return on Investment (ROI) of social media and integrate their
social media activities.
2. Facebook and Twitter are the most popular social media platforms for
brands to be present on, followed by YouTube and LinkedIn.
3. Almost all the brands have their own website; a considerable number of
brands also have a mobile website and a mobile app. There is a significant
overlap among brands that have apps with those that have a mobile-friendly
website, which indicates that these brands are looking at mobile as a separate
engagement channel.
4. Despite the focus on social media, surprisingly, brands still considered
website as the most effective platform for customer engagement, followed
by Facebook, mobile sites, Twitter and mobile apps.
5. Brands are advertising on web, social and mobile, and driving traffic across
channels by cross-linking various platforms to attract users to their digital
touch points.
6. Brands are also looking to create compelling content such as storytelling,
contests and “creating strong content capsules where brand and brand
purposes are effectively interspersed” to drive users to digital and social
media channels.
7. This also includes publishing content that includes industry trends and other
points of interest to their users, as opposed to only product and service-
related information.
8. Instagram has gained immense popularity and is preferred by brands
and consumers alike. 60% of the brands we surveyed leverage
Instagram as a crucial social media tool.

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9. Report indicates that businesses are using 360° integrated campaigns/omni-
channel approaches to marketing, indicating that digital and social media
marketing is being integrated with traditional marketing strategies to engage
with customers through multiple touch points.
10. The number of brands spending 16% or more of their marketing budgets on
social media has increased over the last few years. Moreover, for the first
time in three years we are seeing some brands specify that they spent more
than 31% on social media.
11. The top-three challenges faced for marketing a brand on social media were
— sustaining or increasing engagement rates, content creation and
measuring effectiveness. These were same in the last edition, though
percentages varied marginally.
12. The top challenges to attract users to digital touch points relate to effectively
defining the target group/audience and the lack of dedicated budgets for
these channels/advertising.
13. While brands usually integrate their social media with their web or mobile
commerce initiatives through cross-linkages between platforms,
surprisingly, not all businesses link their website or app to their social media
14. Despite the statistics that show referrals from peers being considered
trustworthy, 16% of brands still do not allow word-of-mouth (WOM)
referrals through social sharing, which means they are not leveraging the
benefits of using their user base for WOM marketing.
15. To gain customer feedback, 88% of respondents conduct social listening;
however, only 56% brands use a listening tool (the most common being
Radian6, followed by Meltwater and Sysmon).
16. While 60% of brands still rely on traditional channels such as call centres
and email for Customer Servicing, 60% brands are also providing Customer
Servicing on social media.
17. Engagement (92%) and social reach (80%) are clear priorities for majority
of the brands surveyed, and 68% of participants also track brand mentions.

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1) Strong Brand
Having a strong brand is vital both for stability and long-term sustainability. In
2019, Facebook was ranked most valuable brand by Forbes. Facebook is the
strongest brand in the social media industry globally.

2) Diversified Portfolio
Diversification enhances the stability of companies by protecting their core
financial assets in case of revenues decline in one sector. Facebook clearly
understands that you shouldn’t put all your
eggs in one basket, opting instead to spread its investment across different areas.
With WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger, Oculus (virtual reality device),
Workplace (business tool), Portal (video calling device), and Calibri (electronic
payment system) under its portfolio, Facebook’s diversification is a major

3) Market Dominance
Companies that dominate the market can leverage their elevated positions to
their advantage. The leading social network of the world, Facebook and its
family products (Instagram, WhatsApp, Messenger), have Monthly Active
People (MAP) (Dec 31, 2019).

4) Loyal Customer Base

Nothing communicates a company’s strength, stability, and success more than
a large and ever-growing number of extremely loyal customers. About 40% of
the world population uses Facebook and its family products (Instagram,
WhatsApp, Messenger), putting Facebook in an irreplaceable position.

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5) World’s Best Employer
Facebook’s excellent HR policies are regarded as one of the best not only in the
social media industry but also globally across all other industries. It is known to
attract and retain top talent in the industry. Forbes ranked Facebook in the
following categories:

➢ 147 Best Employers for Diversity 2020,

➢ 144 World’s Best Employers 2019, and
➢ 71 America’s Best Employers 2019

6) Visionary Leadership
The impeccable and visionary leadership of Mark Zuckerberg is a strength that
most companies in the world can only dream of. The fruits of Zuckerberg’s
strong visionary leadership include company culture, stability, increased
profitability, innovation, and sustainability with minimum internal wrangles
within its ranks and management, unlike most other companies.

7) Focus on R&D
Regardless of the industry, success in the digital age requires technological
innovation through research and development. Facebook is one of the global
leaders in R&D spending and has increased investment in R&D from $4.8
Billion in 2015 to $13.6 Billion in 2019, which is about 19% of its annual

8) Strong Advertising Business

Even though Facebook is synonymous with social media networks, the major
source of its revenue is from the advertisement. In 2019, $69.66 billion (98.5%
of its $70.70 billion annual revenue) came from advertising.

9) Effective Marketing Strategy

Facebook’s marketing is simple. The fact that over 2 billion people use their
applications every day makes it a very powerful and effective marketing tool.

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Facebook’s Weaknesses
1) User’s Privacy Concerns
Facebook is facing backlash over its negligence in the protection of user’s
privacy, with the company experiencing a decline in popularity in some regions
across the world. If the company does not address users’ privacy concerns
promptly and effectively, it risks losing its popularity.

2) Overdependence on Advertising
Facebook business model relies heavily on advertising for its revenues. About
98.5 % of its annual revenue comes from advertising. In 2019, Out of $70.70
billion annual revenue, $69.66 billion was its advertising revenue.

3) Spreading Fake News

Facebook has been under a lot of criticism for spreading fake and misleading
information. Fakebook’s inability to control misleading information can be very
detrimental to society at large.

4) Friction in Management
Consecutive scandals have been disintegrating the harmony that existed
between top-level management since the company was founded. The need for
accountability is turning into a weakness as top executives point fingers and
seek to distance themselves from major scandals such as the Russia meddling

5) Allegations of Racial Bias

The recent inequality protests have highlighted numerous actions by Facebook
that amount to racial bias. The company has been allowing advertisers to
exclude minority groups from specific privileges on its platform. Also, less than
4% of Facebook’s employees are Black. It has also been impeding studies on
the impact of the platform on minority groups. The anger towards Facebook has
forced over 750 companies to stop advertising on the platform and was
pressured to analyze whether its algorithms are racially biased.

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6) Negative Publicity
In June 2020, Facebook’s reputation was tainted further after the revelation that
the company fired an employee who had protested Mark Zuckerberg’s inaction
against Donald Trump’s inflammatory posts.

Facebook’s Opportunities
1) Diversify Portfolio
Even though Facebook Inc. owns WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger, and other
platforms, the majority of its business revenue is dependent on social media and
advertising. Facebook has the opportunity to extend its portfolio beyond the
social media industry.
For example, develop a business model with additional paid services such as
online dating, peer to peer marketplace, hardware devices, e-wallet, news
subscription, etc.

2) Expansion of Existing Platforms

With billions of users, Facebook can expand its existing services such as
marketplace, online video streaming, online dating, business tools, e-wallet, etc.
to compete with giants such as Amazon, eBay, YouTube, Netflix, Apple,
Tinder, PayPal, etc.

3) Increasing Integration to other Applications generations generations

As technology advances, more and more applications and websites are
integrated, allowing users to connect via other platforms. Facebook can open its
platform to integrate with a variety of other applications such as e-commerce,
surveys, blogs, podcasts, videos, contests, reviews, games, etc.

4) Target Different Audience

Although Facebook is popular, the drivers of its popularity is mainly tech-savvy
and younger demographic. By introducing new features, Facebook can attract
other target segments such as older generations or high-end business platforms
such as LinkedIn.

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5) Expansion through New Acquisitions
Facebook has financial resources to expand its portfolio by acquiring established
entities. Also, it can acquire promising technology start-ups with the potential
to revolutionize the world, just like Facebook did.
For example, In Oct 2019, Facebook acquired a brain computing start-up
“CTRL – Labs” that specializes in sending brain signals to a computer and use
these signals to perform various tasks.

6) Exploit Changes in Advertising Trends

A majority of Facebook users access their accounts via mobile app. Facebook
has an invaluable opportunity to improve its mobile-based advertising to take
advantage of a 26% increase in mobile in-app ads.

7) Offer Remote Work Solutions

Recent events have increased demand for remote work solutions. Facebook
seeks to exploit this opportunity and announced in July 2020 that it is expanding
the features of its Messenger Rooms and Facebook Live to allow users to hold
live video conferences with up to 50 people at a time. These features will enable
Facebook to compete with service providers like Zoom and Google.

8) Deliver Libra
The demand for a globally interconnected monetary system is increasing rapidly
catalyzed by globalization. Facebook’s Libra is perfectly positioned to cater to
the demand.

9) Develop Autonomous Vehicles

Facebook has extensive expertise in artificial intelligence and can develop self-
driving software for manufacturers of autonomous vehicles. Rivals like Apple,
Google, and Amazon are already exploiting and benefiting from the self-driving
car market. A few years ago, Facebook’s COO Sheryl Sandberg attended the
Frankfurt Motor Show and created excitement about the company’s entry into
the automotive sector.

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Facebook’s Threats
1) Competition
Competition from both old and new platforms is threatening to reduce Facebook
users. As new entrants to the field, such as TikTok, provide customized
platforms targeting younger generations, Facebook’s future becomes dimmer
and dimmer. In an attempt to compete with TikTok, Facebook has launched its
own version of short, fun videos platform “Lasso.”

2) Increased Regulations
The number of unfavorable regulations to Facebook is being passed and adopted
at an alarming rate, fueled by recent scandals such as Cambridge Analytica.
In addition, issues with data safety, insensitive content, and infringement of
intellectual property rights have prompted several regulatory bodies in the
department of commerce to enact regulations that will force Facebook to adhere
to new transparency and accountability requirements.
These laws threaten to reduce the number of Facebook users, as some of its
customers can migrate to other platforms.

3) Bans in Several Countries

In democratic countries, regulations are being adopted to curb fake news used
to undermine democracy, while autocratic governments are restricting access to
Facebook to curb freedom of speech.
For example, Facebook is banned in countries such as China, Iran, and North
Korea. In addition, Russia has recently banned Facebook in its country.

4) Data Breach
Facebook has experienced many instances where its data was breached,
affecting millions of its users. For example, in December 2019, during a major
data breach, over 267 million Facebook users’ personal information (names,
user ID, phone numbers) was exposed to the dark web.

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5) New Digital Tax
Recently, the UK and the EU introduced a new digital tax that will require
Facebook to pay a higher tax threatening its dwindling profits. If digital taxation
is adopted by more countries, a large portion of Facebook’s profits will be
directed to paying digital taxes.

6) Tainted Reputation
From New Zealand’s terror live stream to Cambridge Analytica data scandal to
fake news, to hacked accounts, just to name a few, the spectacular image and
reputation of Facebook is going down the drain at a frightening rate. This is a
major threat.

7) Duplicate & False Accounts

Facebook estimates that out of its 2.5 billion (Dec 2019) Monthly Active Users
(MAU) worldwide, 11 % may represent duplicate accounts and 5% false
accounts. The majority of the duplicate and false accounts originate in
developing countries such as the Philippines, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

8) Financial Regulations
Since Facebook announced that it would launch its Libra digital currency,
central banks from across the world have coordinated their efforts to launch their
own digital currency. In the U.K., the Committee on Payments (CPMI) is laying
the founding blocks of a three-stage process to eliminate barriers to cross-border
payments and make it cheaper and faster to transact globally. It will be more
difficult for Facebook’s Libra to succeed if most central banks join this program.

9) Mass Boycott
In the recent past, the number of violent groups using Facebook to propagate
hate and racism has increased immensely. Unfortunately, the company has
failed to address the issue. More than 750 frustrated companies are boycotting
Facebook because they do not want their advertisements to appear alongside
hateful and racist posts. This is a major threat since Facebook depends heavily
on adverts.

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Social media is an excellent opportunity for you to grow your business.
Here are seven benefits of using social media marketing.

1. You reach large audiences

There are millions of people using social media platforms. It’s a great
opportunity for your business to reach a large pool of people that are interested
in your products or services.

According to Pew Research Centre, these are the percentages of U.S. adults that
use social media sites online or on mobile:
YouTube: 95%
Facebook: 68%
Instagram: 60%
Pinterest: 34%
Snapchat: 85%
LinkedIn: 40%
Twitter: 80%

U.S. adults use many of these sites, which creates great opportunities for your
business to reach leads. You have numerous opportunities to reach leads and
can engage them on these different platforms.
The ability to reach large audiences is a huge advantage of social media. It opens
the door for your business to find more leads that want your products or services.
A coffee shop in Washington, D.C., for instance, could use social media to reach
locals and tourists. They could target users within a certain radius or location
when creating social ads or boosting organic posts. Both these strategies could
help bring foot traffic to the shop.

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2. You have a direct connection with your audience
Social media is one of the few marketing strategies that allow you to connect
directly with your audience. You know who is interested in your business
because they choose to follow your social media account.

This social media advantage helps your business in numerous ways:

You get to know them better: When you know your audience better, you can
deliver more valuable content to them. You make the content more personalized
to their interests, which leads to more engagement on your page and with your
You provide better customer service: A direct connection with your audience
allows you to resolve issues easier. You can address them personally, deal with
their issues 1-on-1, and build your brand in a positive light in the process.
You gain valuable insight about your customers: The direct connection with
your audience helps you get to know your audience better. You see who interacts
with your posts and how they interact with them. It helps you adapt your strategy
to make it better for your followers.
You see how your audience perceives your business: It’s always good to
know how others view your business. With social media marketing, you know
what your audience thinks of your company. It’s a huge advantage of social
media marketing because you can capitalize on aspects people like about your
business and fix elements they don’t like.
The direct connection with your audience is a great way to improve your overall
marketing campaign. You’ll get insight from your followers and be able to adapt
your social media strategy better to meet their needs.

3. You can create organic content

The ability to post organic content for free is an incredible benefit of social
media for business. This opens many opportunities for your company to connect
with valuable leads at no cost. It’s one of the reasons why companies love using
these platforms.

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You can post as much content as you want to engage your audience too.

These platforms enable you to post photos, videos, and more, depending upon
the social media network. It’s a great way to put your brand out in front of people
interested in your business and help them get more familiar with it.

4. You have access to paid advertising services

If you want to go beyond organic posting, there is an option to run paid
advertisements. Each social platform offers its own form of paid advertising.
Your social media advertising capabilities will vary depending upon your
Paid advertisements offer your business the opportunity to connect with
interested leads that haven’t found your business yet. Social media platforms
allow you to tailor your ads to appear in the feeds of people who are looking for
your products and services.
This creates a great opportunity for your business to expand your reach and
obtain new leads. You help more interested leads find your business, which
results in new followers, as well as conversions for your business.

5. You build your brand

One advantage of social media marketing is the ability to build your brand.
When you connect with interested leads, you expose them to your brand. The
ability to post organic content for free allows you to build brand recognition
repeatedly with your audience.

This builds brand loyalty. The more people get exposed to your brand, the more
they become familiar with it. Brand familiarity leads to more conversions down
the line because people tend to buy from brands they know well.
Social media also helps you build your brand because it enables sharing. You
can share, retweet, and re-pin content on these platforms. This means that
followers can share your content with their friends and family, which helps
expose your brand to more people.

It’s an excellent way for you to gain new leads. You can reach leads that you
wouldn’t reach otherwise. It helps you grow your followers and earn more leads.

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6. You drive traffic to your website
Social media is a great catalyst for driving traffic to your business’s website.

Most social media platforms allow you to post content with a link to your
website. When you create compelling content, you can entice your audience
click on the link. This directs them to your site, where they can learn more about
your business.

It’s a great opportunity for you to help your audience get more familiar with
your business.

They can check out your website and learn about your products and services.

Depending on your business, you can even let people use your site to book
appointments or pay bills. A dental social media marketing strategy, for
example, may direct people to the practice’s website to book their first
appointment and complete any new patient forms.

More traffic on your site also helps your other marketing efforts because you’ll
drive more relevant traffic to your page.

7. You can evaluate your performance

The last advantage to social media marketing is the ability to assess your
performance. Whenever you run a marketing campaign, you want to know how
it’s performing. Social media platforms make it easy for you to track your
campaign to see if you’re driving valuable results.
You can determine how many people see your posts, comment, like, share, and
more. If you run an advertising campaign, you can view metrics for that, too.
You’ll see metrics like impressions, clicks, and conversions.

When you can evaluate your social media strategy’s performance, you can
optimize it and improve it to drive better results.

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8. You can join social media networks for free
One of the biggest advantages of social media marketing is that it is entirely free
to start. None of the largest platforms have signup fees of any sort, so the only
investment you’ll need to make is in the form of time.

That being said, there are paid advertising options on most social media
platforms. These can be a great tool for growing your following and reaching
more users, but are by no means mandatory for businesses.

9. You can create viral content

Perhaps the most unique advantage of social media is the ability to get help from
your followers. People love to share things with their networks, from photos and
recipes to interesting articles and hot deals.

Unlike other forms of Internet marketing, like your site and paid advertisements,
content on social media is often shared. However wide your reach, your
followers can share with their followers, who then share with their followers,
giving you a wider reach (with lower cost) than a traditional marketing

10. You can uncover valuable insights

You can also use social media to gain valuable information about your
customers that will help you make smarter business decisions. For example,
social listening allows you to discover how people feel about your company and
brand. With social listening, you can uncover conversations about your business
and answer questions about your offerings.

What do people like about your business? How can you improve your products
and services to better meet the needs of your target audience? Understanding the
answers to these questions can your business stand out from the competition and
reach more people.

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With any marketing strategy, there are always disadvantages. The disadvantages
don’t mean that the approach isn’t effective, but rather, present potential hurdles
you may have to jump through during your campaign.

Here are four downsides to social media:

1. You can receive negative feedback

People use social media to post content they love, but they also use it to share
experiences they didn’t love. If someone had a poor experience with your
business, it opens a door of opportunity for them to share their poor experience
with others.

This negative feedback comes in different forms. On platforms like Facebook,

someone can leave a negative review on your page and share their negative
experience. When someone checks out your business next, they’ll look at the
reviews and see the negative feedback.

On sites like Twitter, users can tag a company in their posts and share their
negative experience. People can retweet that poor experience and spread it
across the network.
Social media platforms are catalysts for complaining and leaving negative
feedback. People use their profiles to help others understand their poor
experience. Many people feel there is a social obligation to share their
experience to prevent others from having the same experience.

Having too much negative feedback can negatively impact your future
marketing efforts.

People trust others to give them insight into your company, especially if it’s the
first time they are hearing of your business. With social media, it’s possible that
negative feedback can hinder your business from earning leads.

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How to adapt to this social media disadvantage: Whenever you receive
negative feedback on social media, respond to it. Don’t leave people’s
complaints and concerns unaddressed. Not everyone is going to have a positive
experience with your business, but addressing the issues can speak volumes
about your company and its values.

2. You open up the potential for embarrassment

It’s easy for posts to go viral on social media. People keep a close eye on the
good and the bad on social media. If you aren’t careful about the content you
post, you can end up embarrassing your company and getting caught in an
awkward situation.

For example, at one point, the hashtag “Why Stayed” was trending on social
media. This hashtag was about victims of domestic violence sharing their story.
The hashtag took social media by storm and became a facilitator for
conversations about abusive relationships.

DiGiorno Pizza saw this hashtag trending and decided to jump in on an

opportunity for brand exposure. They shared a tweet that said, “Why Stayed you
had pizza.” Within minutes, people became outraged at the company for their

The pizza company hadn’t researched the tweet beforehand to realize what it
was regarding. The tweet was deleted in minutes, but the impact lasted a long
time. People were still talking about the tweet long after it was removed.

This was an embarrassing moment for DiGiorno that blew up over social media.
They spent the next few weeks doing damage control and addressing their
mistake with thousands of people on Twitter. The carelessness of the tweet made
people have a negative perception of DiGiorno.

When you post on social media, there is always an opportunity to embarrass

your business on accident. This is a big downside to social media.

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How to adapt to this social media disadvantage: Always do your research
before posting content on social media. Whether it’s a photo, a hashtag, or a
video, do your research to see if there is any way it could be construed the wrong
way. Research helps you adapt your content to prevent your company from

3. You must spend a lot of time on your campaigns

Social media isn’t a one and done type of marketing method. You must
constantly create new content, post content, and engage with your audience on
these platforms. A big drawback to social media is that it is time-consuming for

If you have a small business, small marketing department, or limited resources,

it’s challenging to manage a social media marketing campaign.

You have to find time to balance posting content, monitoring that content,
responding to people, and measuring your content’s impact. If you don’t have
the resources, it can be an overwhelming task.

If you aren’t doing enough with your social networks because you don’t have
time, people, or programs to help you run your marketing strategy, your
campaigns will suffer. You won’t be as effective as someone who has the
necessary aspects to run a successful social media campaign.

How to adapt to this social media disadvantage: If you don’t have the
resources, consider outsourcing your social media marketing campaign to a
social marketing company. You can hire a social media marketing company to
handle your campaign for you while you run your business. Not to mention,
you’ll partner with people who have years of experience running campaigns and
know how to drive success!

4. You have to wait to see results

When companies invest in marketing strategies, they want to see immediate
results. You want to know that your strategies are working and that the
investment is worth your time. With social media marketing, you don’t see
immediate results.

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Social media marketing’s success is predicated on the campaign’s overall
success. Posting one piece of content doesn’t determine the success of your
campaign. You must post multiple pieces of content over a period of time to
determine the true success of your campaign.

This is a downside of social media because you have to wait to see results. You
must be patient and wait a few weeks to see results before you can adjust your

How to adapt to this social media disadvantage: The only true adaptation for
this downfall is to be patient. You must remind yourself that you can’t see true
immediate results until your campaign is running for some time. The best thing
you can do is track the performance of your social media posts as you post them
to have them ready for comparison once your campaign is running for some

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Social media marketing can be considered as one of the most effective methods
available out there for the modern world business owners to enhance their online
visibility. The popularity of social media networks has contributed a lot towards
the above-mentioned fact. In other words, the modern world people have created
their own accounts in leading social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter
and Instagram. If you can promote your products or services in such social
media networks, you will be able to expose your business visibility to a huge
group of potential customers. However, you would not have a clear
understanding on how to launch an effective social media marketing campaign.
That’s why you need to seek the assistance of the best social media marketing
companies out there. Plenty of reasons are available for the modern world
business owners to get the assistance of a dedicated social media marketing
company. According to the statistics of 2016, more than 90% of the marketers
believe in social media. The time and energy that is invested on social media
marketing campaigns can yield excellent results in the long run. However, the
results you get at the end of the day depend on the social media marketing firm
that you select. Here is a list of features that you can keep in mind when hunting
for the best marketing companies out there.

1. Run Targeted Campaigns

First of all, you need to check whether the social media marketing firm that you
select runs targeted marketing campaigns. In other words, the social media
marketing firm you select should establish a strong relationship with your
business, deeply analyze it to figure out the potential customer base and then
run an effective marketing campaign based on the results. All the people who
have created their accounts on social media networks will not be interested in
the products or services that you offer. Therefore, you should promote
the business only to a target audience. In the meantime, you need to engage
existing customers by informing and educating them. The social media
marketing firm you select would take care of it and you will not have to worry
about anything.

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2. Have Maintained an Excellent Reputation
The reputation of the social media marketing firm you select will assist you to
get a better understanding about the quality of service that you can get at the end
of the day. Therefore, you need to do extensive research before you select a
company and let it run your social media marketing campaign. Spending a
couple of hours on the internet will assist you to get a better understanding about
the reputation of the company. Basically, you need to go through the reviews
that have been left by their customers. You need to keep in mind that you would
receive a similar experience through the company you hire. If there are negative
reviews, you need to think twice before you spend your money and time.

3. Run Focused Campaigns

The focused social media marketing campaigns have the potential to deliver
amazing benefits to you in the long run. Some people might think that social
media marketing is only available for the companies who can allocate enormous
marketing budgets. If you find a reliable social media marketing agency, you
will be able to experience the benefits of an effective campaign while keeping
the expenses low. That’s because they run focused marketing campaigns. The
main objective of such a company is to deliver the benefits of social media
marketing to all the companies in need regardless of their size and marketing

4. The Company Delivers Measurable Results

You need to be careful enough to look for a social media marketing firm that
can deliver measurable results to you within a short period of time. In order to
do that, the company you hire should set up appropriate metrics. Then they will
be able to get a better understanding about the success rate of your campaign
and align it accordingly. Otherwise, the social media marketing firm would have
a little control over the campaign and they will not be able to deliver the best
results to you. In fact, your campaign would deliver completely different
outcomes to you when compared to the ones that you expect. This can create a
tremendous impact on your business and all your plans as well.

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5. The Company Offers Great Content
When it comes to social media marketing campaigns, great content matters a
lot. Since most of the companies in the modern world have started working on
social media marketing, you can find a tough competition among business
competitors. If you want to beat the competition, you need to offer something
valuable to your potential customers through the marketing campaign. That’s
where great content comes into play. Promoting great content can guarantee
excellent results to any type of business that is engaged with social media
marketing. The content should be presented to your potential customers in an
engaging and interesting manner as well. Therefore, you need to double check
whether the social media marketing firm you select is in a position to deliver
great content and promote your business or not. The best social media marketing
firms put themselves in the shoes of their customers.

This helps them to come up with excellent content that can grab the attention
and increase your business visibility. If the tone of your social media marketing
campaign is not capable of delivering positive results, the social media
marketing firm should look for a different and an intriguing method to deliver
the content to your potential customers.

6. Keeps Your Campaign Simple As Possible

Most of the people browse social media networks during their leisure time. They
do not want to see complicated stuff during that time. That’s why it is important
to keep your social media marketing campaigns simple as much as possible.
When the social media marketing campaigns get complex, the customers will
find it as a hard task to get convinced. The best social media marketing
companies keep all their companies simple and immediate as much as possible.
This can help them to make the campaign fun, relevant and engaging as well.
The social media marketing campaigns launched by Evians Roller Babies (see
video below) can be considered as a perfect example to prove the above-
mentioned fact. Their simple campaign was capable of generating more than
54,000 comments and 60 million views. This created a positive impact on their
brand as well. This type of a marketing campaign can help a business to triple
its fan base.

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7. Select the Right Platform for The Message
Having a great message would assist any business to take its social media
marketing campaign to a whole new level. In other words, it would assist your
campaign to stand ahead of the rest and beat the competition. The best social
media marketing firms out there can assist you to achieve this objective.
Sometimes having a great message would not be enough to gain advantage over
your competitors. You need to communicate it to your potential customers
through right channels as well. In other words, many different methods are
available for the business owners to communicate their messages through the
social media networks such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. You will not
have the required expertise and time to figure out the best suitable channel for
you. The social media marketing firm you select can assist you in that kind of a
situation. For example, Facebook can be considered as the best social media
network available out there for opinion sharing. On the other hand, Twitter
would be ideal to get immediate responses from your customers. Moreover, you
need to make sure that your social media marketing campaign is integrated with
your other PR, advertising and marketing activities. You need to consider about
both online and offline activities. Otherwise, you will be delivering a negative
impression to your clients. That’s because you will not be putting any
contradictory messages that can confuse your audience.

8. The Company Should Run a Memorable Campaign

The social media marketing campaigns are in a position to establish an
emotional campaign between your audience and your brand. It is not achieved
by providing just great content. Delivering a quality experience is essential as
well. That’s why you need to look for a social media marketing firm that is in a
position to run a memorable campaign for you. The best social media marketing
campaigns tell stories that are equipped with an emotional resonance to the
audience. The audience can immediately identify such stories and it creates a
strong bond in between the audience and your brand. On the other hand, they
would engage potential customers in ongoing conversations. They would also
make the campaigns more personal. This will assist the customers to get a better
impression about your company and your brand. That’s because your potential
customers would think that you care for them. This can be considered as one of

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the most convenient measures that can be taken in order to enhance brand

9. Works Closely with Your Business

There’s nobody else who knows your business better than you. It is impossible
for you to convince the values of your business to the social media marketing
firm as well. Therefore, it is important for the social media marketing firm to
work closely with you throughout the span of the campaign. Otherwise, they
would do things that can harm your business and brand reputation. If the social
media marketing firm is working closely with you, they will ask before they do
any modifications to the marketing company. Then you can analyze it and let
them proceed with it or not. When it comes to social media marketing, effective
communication is a must. Moreover, the most reputed social media marketing
companies out there offer several possible solutions that they can take to deal
with an issue. This will assist you to stay away from frustration and hassle when
dealing with the issues that arise during the span of the social media marketing

10. Delivers Profitable Results

Last but not least, you need to look for a social media marketing firm that is in
a position to deliver profitable results to you. The main objective of you hiring
a social media marketing firm is to increase your sales volume. The company
you hire should therefore be in a position to help you achieve that objective
without any hassle. In fact, most of the companies think of social media
marketing campaigns as investments that can take their businesses to the next
level. You need to talk with the social media
marketing company you hire and make sure they are in a position to deliver
profitable results. The best companies would show you how you can generate
more sales with the results delivered through their marketing campaigns. Check
out this example video below from WestJet. The campaign was mentioned in
400 media outlets in 214 countries with over 2 billion media impressions! A
campaign miracle indeed!

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Social media is one of the most powerful marketing tools in your arsenal.

These days, some 90% of young adults use social media to communicate with
brands, and if anything, that’s only likely to increase.

Soon, social media will become the most important marketing strategy for all
target markets, and whether you’re just about to start your first social media
campaign or you’ve been at it for years, there’s always more you can learn to
improve your strategy.

To help, check out this guide to the most up-to-date resources designed to help
you maximize the impact of your social campaigns across each of the key
development and implementation phases.

1. Creating an Audience Persona

The core of effective social media marketing is about speaking to a specific
audience with your social posts. And unless you have an intuitive idea of who
your target audience really is, you’ll need to create audience personas.

Audience personas are a deep look at the demographics of your audience,

including their interests, fears, needs, and behaviors.

Here’s an example of what an audience persona might look like:

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Notice how the persona details the person’s goals and challenges (or pain

Having a good idea of who your audience really is will help you choose social
media platforms down the line. For example, according to Mary Meeker’s
Internet Trends, the most important social networks for teens and young adults

YouTube (85%)
Instagram (72%)
Twitter (35%)
Facebook (51%)
Snapchat (69 %)

2. Goal-Setting and Objectives

Once you've got a good idea of who your audience is, you’ll then need to identify
key goals for your social media marketing efforts. What do you actually hope to
achieve with your strategy?

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The top goals for most SMB social media marketing programs are:

Building brand awareness (74%)

Getting website traffic (53%)
Lead generation (41%)
Whatever goals you choose need to align with various metrics that you can use
to measure your success later on:

Without goals and associated metrics, you won’t be able to measure ROI, and
determine if your efforts are actually effective.

3. Budgeting
With your goals set, next, you need to determine how much money you can
allocate to your social media marketing strategy.

The share of overall marketing budgets devoted to social media is expected to

increase from about 10% on average to nearly 25% in the next 5 years.

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How much of your budget you allocate to social media will depend on a lot of
factors? Maybe you’ll need to get buy-in from higher-ups, or maybe your budget
is limited because you’re a small business. Itemizing your potential expenses
will show you (or your boss) where all the money goes.

You’ll need enough funds to invest in:

• Your campaign contents

• Paid social promotions
• Social media management tools
• Community engagement efforts
• Analytics tools

4. Resourcing/Team Building
Research by Simply Measured shows that while actually developing a social
media strategy is more difficult for small businesses, enterprise companies also
face significant challenges in securing enough internal resources to make it
happen. This is probably because SMBs are more open to the idea of outsourcing
to build their teams.

Your big decision here is deciding if your internal staff will head your social
media marketing strategy, or if you’ll outsource the work. You could utilize a
combination of both - it’s easy to find freelancers who will manage your social

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accounts on Upwork or Guru. But finding someone who will develop social
campaigns that speak to your target audience is a bigger task.

Some of your social media marketing tasks will be easier with the help of tools
- for example, PicMonkey and Canva are photo editing tools you can use to
make your visual social media posts:

Here are some other tools you can use to simplify social media campaigns for
you or your team:
Blog aggregator tools - Use a tool like Feedly to aggregate all your blog feeds
in one place. Easily select content to share with your audience all from one
Social media automation tools - Use Hootsuite, Buffer, or another tool and
schedule your social posts to go out at optimum times. They’ll also help you
analyze your results.
Social following tools - Use Manage Flitter or Follower to identify and follow
your target audience.

5. Research
Once you know who’s going to run your campaigns, and what tools they’ll use
to create it all, it’s time to research:
Your campaign content (What resonates with your audience?)
Your posting strategy
Your social media campaigns will likely involve using a combination of your
own native content and sharing content of others.
For this, you’ll need to spend some time finding relevant blog posts, memes,
and other social content to share. You can do this using a tool like Buzzsumo,
or by following social groups and lists related to your niche. You should also

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take this time to identify which types of content generate the best response from
your target audience.
Next, research your posting strategy - how often should you post, and on what
Research by HubSpot found the best times to post on Facebook are:
• 3 PM on Wednesdays
• 12-1PM on Saturdays and Sundays
• 1-4PM on Thursdays and Fridays
How often you should post your content will also depend on your platform:

6. Choosing Your Platforms

Did you know the average social media user maintains five accounts?
If you want to effectively target your audience, you’ll want to reach them on
several different networks - but that said, you shouldn’t plan to have a presence
on every single platform. You’re limited by your time and resources, so you
don’t want to stretch yourself too thin.
Having a social profile that hasn’t been updated in six months looks less
professional than having no social profile at all, so select your platforms
There are a lot of factors you should consider when choosing the right social
platforms for your business: Consider the purpose of each platform, and
how it relates to your business goals - Facebook's great for building brand
loyalty, for example, while LinkedIn is best for B2B business
development. You’ll also want to think back to the demographics of your
target audience to help decide which platforms are the most worthwhile.

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7. Producing Content
Your social media strategy will require a mix of content to be successful, so
you'll need to develop a process to create this content, and maximize its worth.
If you want to ensure optimal performance of your content, make sure it’s:
Visual - Did you know visual content is 40X more likely to get shared on social
media than other types of content? Including images as part of your social posts
is one of social media marketing’s best practices.
Emotional - Most brands shy away from sharing something polarizing or
opinionated, but this is the kind of content that resonates most with people on
social media. Create content that evokes awe, excitement, or amusement to
encourage engagement and shares.
Useful - People like to share content that they think might be helpful or
educational for others. One study by Berger and Milkman found that people like
to share useful content to help others, for self-help, and for social exchange. So
find a way to offer something of value to your social followers. Create
compelling social content and develop a powerful strategy to promote it.

8. Integrating with The Rest of Your Digital Strategy

Social media marketing isn’t all about brand awareness. More than half of
marketers using social media say it helps improve sales, which is why it’s
important to integrate social media marketing into your larger digital marketing
strategy to get the most out of it.
Thanks to tracking tools like Google Analytics, it’s easy to attribute web traffic
and site behaviour to different marketing channels. This data will help you
visualize how to make these different strategies work together to achieve your
overall marketing goals.
Some of the marketing strategies you want to integrate include are:
• Content marketing
• PPC and display advertising
• Email marketing
• Search engine marketing
• Offline marketing
All of these strategies can work in combination to nurture your leads and help
them move down the sales funnel.

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9. Tracking analytics
Analytics tracking is one of the most important things you can do to improve
your social media marketing strategy over time. Tracking analytics gives you a
detailed picture of what kind of content and promotion strategies work - along
with the ones that don’t - enabling you to adjust and improve.
So how can you measure the success of your campaigns? While 80% of
marketers use engagement metrics (likes and shares) to evaluate success, 56%
base social media marketing success on website traffic. You may want to use a
combination of the two - the specific metrics you focus on will be relative to
your goals (raising awareness might better align with social metrics, while
referral traffic is a better indicator of sales).

Here are the most common tools people use to measure social media marketing
• Native analytics tools on Facebook, Twitter, etc. (65%)
• Social media management platforms like Hootsuite and Buffer (62%)
• Web analytics such as Google Analytics (59%)
• Dedicated social media measurement platforms (22%)
Measuring ROI will likely require you to look at big-picture data, as well as
engagement metrics. This all goes back to your original marketing goals and
associated metrics - how well have your various social media campaigns helped
you achieve them?

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To analyses and find the effectiveness of communication strategy in developing

brand, communication through social networking sites was done with the survey
method and content analysis in the research.
Methods Of Data Collection
The survey method helped to identify the reach of the brand among its target
audience, ways of impact, usage of these social networking sites and access to
this form of communication. And the content analysis is another method used
to analyses the communication strategy of different social networking sites with
certain parameters among top three Indian social networking sites which are
tabulated with results.
Research Design
This research study adopted survey and content analysis in order to find the
effectiveness and the impact of communication in branding any product or the
service among the target market through social networking sites like Facebook,
Survey was conducted randomly among Facebook, Twitter user community, by
sending questionnaire through online to collect the individual opinion from the
Non probability sampling technique is used to collect the opinion from the
online respondents. The total population is social networking user community,
but to collect the effective data the sampling is constrained to the target
population like young adults, graduates within the age of 18 years to 30 years.

Sample Size - The Sampling Size is 63 Respondent.

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Review of literature is a written overview of major writings and other sources

on a selected topic. This provides a critical review of miscellaneous studies,
researches, books, scholarly articles, blogs and all other sources related with
social media marketing strategies.

1. Brendan James Keegan and Jennifer Rowley (2017) contributes to

knowledge regarding social media marketing strategy by developing a stage
model of SMM evaluation and uncovering the challenges in this process. The
research paper has developed a Social Media Marketing Evaluation framework.
This framework has the following six stages: setting evaluation objectives,
identifying key performance indicators (KPIs), identifying metrics, data
collection and analysis, report generation and management decision m aking.
Moreover, the paper also identifies and discusses challenges associated with
each stage of the framework with a view to better understanding decision
making associated with social media strategies. Two key challenges depicted by
the study are the agency client relationship and the available social analytics

2. Rodney Graeme Duffett (2017) examines the influence of interactive social

media marketing communications on teenagers‟ cognitive, affective and
behavioral attitude components in South Africa. The paper also studies the
impact of a number of additional factors such as usage (access, length of usage,
log-on frequency, log-on duration and profile update incidence) and
demographic (gender, age and population group) variables on young
consumers‟ attitudes toward social media marketing communications.

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The study ascertained that social media marketing communications had a
positive influence on each attitude component among adolescents, but on a
decline scale, which correlates to the purchase funnel model. Thus, this
investigation also makes an important contribution to attitudinal research in
developing countries, where there is a lack of research in social media marketing
communications. The practical implication n of the study is that the companies
and their brands should consider using and/or adapting their strategies based on
the declining impact of social media marketing communications on the
hierarchical attitude stages among young consumers and the divergent influence
on usage and demographic variables when targeting the lucrative and
technologically advanced, but capricious, Generation Z consumers.

3. Priyanka P.V and Padma Srinivasan (2015) in her research study identified
various factors that determine the purchase of a product using social media from
a customer's point of view. A model from the retailer's perspective has been
developed that explains how social media can be used for increasing customer
loyalty. The study concludes that continuous customer support services will
result in improvement of customer retention. New applications and social
platforms will flourish and allow even greater personalization and real-time,
location-based engagements in media.

4. In a recent case study by Christopher Ratcliff (2014) on a global

organization that appears to have mastered its social media strategy, Ford. In his
blog, he explains how Ford has included the key success elements in its strategy
including customized posts, user connectivity through tone of voice and perhaps
most importantly, a social media team that reads and responds to every single
comment made by followers. However, it is worth noting that Ford has worked
out what works for its own business, and this exact strategy may not necessarily
drive the same achievement for different organizations.

5. Ates Bayazıt Hayta (2013) in their research paper “A study on the of effects
of social media on young consumers' buying behaviors” determines the effects
of social media networks on purchasing behaviors of young consumers. The
study results indicate that social media tools directly affect the purchasing
behaviors of consumer, depending upon their age group and educational status.

6. Benjamin Ach (2013) in their bachelor thesis highlighted the evolution of

the marketing strategies of businesses and more specifically of their
communication strategies, with the important rise of social media influence,
which is changing the way people get informed as well as their purchasing
decision process. This research underlined the fact that businesses, small or big
sized, have to get online and to use social media and to adapt their business
models if they want to stay on top of the competition on their markets. The
research is supported by a case study of an Australian internet marketing
company, in order to get valuable insights from internet marketing experts.

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7. Robert V. Kozinets, Kristine de Valck, Andrea C. Wojcicki and Sarah J.
S. Wilner (2010) reviewed and synthesized extant WOM theory. This article
shows how marketers employing social media marketing methods face a
situation of networked coproduction of narratives. It then presents a study of a
marketing campaign in which mobile phones were seeded with prominent
bloggers. Eighty-three blogs were followed for six months. The findings
indicate that this network of communications offers four social media
communication strategies—evaluation, embracing, endorsement, and
explanation. Each is influenced by character narrative, communications forum,
communal norms, and the nature of the marketing promotion. This new
narrative model shows that communal WOM does not simply increase or
amplify marketing messages; rather, marketing messages and meanings are
systematically altered in the process of embedding them. The theory has
definite, pragmatic implications for how marketers should plan, target, and
leverage WOM and how scholars should understand WOM in a networked

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Social media marketing

Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to
promote a product or service. Although the terms e-marketing and digital
marketing are still the dominant terms in academia, social media marketing is
becoming more popular both amongst practitioners and researchers. Most social
media platforms have their own built-in data analytics tools, which enable
companies to track the progress, success, and engagement of ad campaigns.
Companies address a range of stakeholders through social media marketing
including current and potential customers, current and potential
employees, journalists, bloggers, and the general public. On a strategic level,
social media marketing includes the management of the implementation of a
marketing campaign, governance, setting the scope (e.g. more active or passive
use) and the establishment of a firm's desired social media "culture" and "tone".
To use social media effectively, firms should learn to allow customers and
Internet users to post user-generated content (e.g., online comments, product
reviews, etc.), also known as "earned media", rather than use marketer-
prepared advertising copy. While social media marketing is often associated
with companies, as of 2016, a range of not-for-profit organizations and
government organizations are engaging in social media marketing of their
programs or services.

Social media marketing tools

Besides research, various companies provide specialized platforms and tools for
social media marketing:

• Social media measurement

• Social network aggregation
• Social bookmarking
• Social analytics
• Automation
• Social media
• Blog marketing
• Validation

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Social network marketing is popularly called as Internet marketing. To day you
can find many ways for internet marketing. Many people who enter this online
marketing are less worried because of its guaranteed success. If you see in
Internet totally all types of products has been marketed online without much
effort. Internet attracts many business people to promote their business online.
Social network marketing is grown to such a height that today many people can't
earn without it. Some of the most recognized network marketing tools are
Facebook, Myspace, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn. Twitter became regular
place for people who have newly entered the field of social network marketing.

1. Blogging: When you start Blogging or posting your data about any product,
you can see less response from clients. Later it will become big business via
blog. Websites and blogs are most powerful tools for social network
marketing when matched with other networking tools. Blog is an amazing
tool which provides many other facilities in addition to just marketing your
business. It also helps you to communicate with other clients in case if you
have any problems.

2. Personal website or blog: It is important to have private website if you are

a freelancer. Your website will help your clients to know about you and it
will make them clear that you are a serious freelance marketer and help to
make huge revenue via online marketing.

3. Article selling: It is also best and cheap internet marketing method. It is a

mode of advertising our trade just by writing articles and attracting endless
number of users across world. We usually sell our articles to different article
database websites and article directories. Today it provided free business to
many advertisers and publishers and they are really benefited through their

4. Email sending: Electronic mail sending is the best way to marketing. Collect
list of email addresses through portfolio websites and email about your
business to all internet users. Your Email should be attractive in such a way
that your recipient will be impressed to get back to you.

5. Use social networking websites: Social networking websites like Twitter,

Facebook can be used to promote your sales. These provide best platform
for all who are thinking of online marketing.

6. Video promotion: Use several video distribution websites for your

marketing. These websites upload your service to the whole world. All that
you need to do is film a video about marketing and send it to video uploading
sites like You Tube. It seems it is the easiest way of marketing than any other
modes since many people will be interested in view videos rather than word
form of advertisement.

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7. Press Release or media release: It attracts several public clients and
increases relationship among them.

8. Search Engine Optimization: It improves the traffic to your website by

providing quality web content. It uses RSS feeds and many SEO techniques.

47 | P a g e

Social networking websites allow individuals to interact with one another and
build relationships. When products or companies join those sites, people can
interact with the product or company. That interaction feels personal to users
because of their previous experiences with social networking site interaction
social networking sites and blogs allow individual followers to ‘retweet’
or ‘repost’ comments made by the product being promoted. By repeating the
message, all of the user’s connections are able to see the message, therefore
reaching more people. Social networking sites act as word of mouth. Because
the information about the product is being put out there and is getting repeated,
more traffic is brought to the product/company. Through social networking
sites, products/companies can have conversations and interactions with
individual followers. This personal interaction can install a feeling of loyalty
into followers and potential customers. Also, by choosing whom to follow on
these sites, products can reach a very narrow target audience.

1. Engagement
In the context of the social web, engagement means that customers and
stakeholders are participants rather than viewers. Social media in business
allows anyone and everyone to express and share an opinion or idea somewhere
along the business path to market. Each participating customer becomes part of
the marketing department, as other customers read their comments or reviews.
The engagement process is then fundamental to successful social media

2. Example- 2008 Presidential Election

The 2008 presidential campaign had a huge presence on social networking sites.
Barack Obama, a Democratic candidate for US President, used Twitter and
Facebook to differentiate his campaign. His social networking site profile pages
were constantly being updated and interacting with followers.

3. Kony 2012
A short film released on March 5, 2012, by humanitarian group Invisible
Children, Inc. This 29-minute video aimed at making Joseph Kony, an
International Criminal Court fugitive, famous worldwide in order to have
support for his arrest by December 2012; the time when the campaign ends. The
video went viral within the first six days after its launch, reaching 100million
views on both YouTube and Vimeo.

4. Narendra Modi 2014

The 2014 prime minister campaign had a huge presence on social networking
sites. Narendra Modi, a BJP candidate for India Prime Minister, used Twitter
and Facebook to differentiate his campaign. His social networking site profile
pages were constantly being updated and interacting with followers.

48 | P a g e
5. Implications on traditional advertising Minimizing use
Traditional advertising techniques include print and television advertising. The
Internet had already overtaken television as the largest advertising market.
Websites often include banner or pop-up ads. Social networking sites don’t
always have ads. In exchange, products have entire pages and are able to interact
with users. Television commercials often end with a spokesperson asking
viewers to check out the product website for more information. Print ads are
also starting to include barcodes on them. These barcodes can be scanned by
cell phones and computers, sending viewers to the product website. Advertising
is beginning to move viewers from the traditional outlets to the electronic ones.

6. Leaks
Internet and social networking leaks are one of the issues facing traditional
advertising. Video and print ads are often leaked to the world via the Internet
earlier than they are scheduled to premiere. Social networking sites allow those
leaks to go viral, and be seen by many users more quickly. Time difference is
also a problem facing traditional advertisers. When social events occur and are
broadcast on television, there is often a time delay between airings on the east
coast and west coast of the United States. Social networking sites have become
a hub of comment and interaction concerning the event. This allows individuals
watching the event on the west coast(time-delayed) to know the outcome before
it airs.

7. Social Media Marketing Mishaps

Social media marketing provides organizations with a way to connect with their
customers. However, organizations must protect their information as well as
closely watch comments and concerns on the social media they use. A flash poll
done on 1225 IT executives from 33 countries revealed that social media
mishaps caused organizations a combined $4.3 million in
damages in 2010.The top three social media incidents an organization faced
during the previous year included employees sharing too much information in
public forums, loss or exposure of confidential information, and increased
exposure to litigation an example of a social media mishap includes designer
Kenneth Cole's Twitter mishap in 2011. When Kenneth Cole tweeted, "Millions
are in uproar in #Cairo. Rumor is they heard our new spring collection is now
available online at [Kenneth Cole's website]”. This reference to the 2011
Egyptian Revolution drew objection from the public.

49 | P a g e

• 62% of adults worldwide now use social media

• Social networking is most popular online activity, with 22% of time online
spent on channels like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest

• 65% of the world’s top companies have an active Twitter profile

• 90% of marketers use social media channels for business, with 93%
of these rating social tools as important

• 43% of marketers have noticed an improvement in sales due to social


• 72% of marketers who have worked in social media for three or more years
said that they saw a boost in turnover due to social channels (the longer
you’re working in it the better you get)

• 91% of experienced social marketers see improved website traffic due to

social media campaigns and 79% are generating more quality leads.

• The average time spent by marketers on social media is 1-5hrs per week
for those just getting started and 6+ hours per week for those with 3+years
of experience

• The most popular social networking tool for marketing is Facebook being
used by 92%, followed by Twitter (84%), LinkedIn (71%) and blogs (68%)

• LinkedIn is 4X better for B2B lead generation than Facebook and Twitter

• Only 10% of marketers are actively monitoring social media ROI

• Only 22% of businesses have a dedicated social media manager

• 45% of Fortune 500 companies have a public-facing corporate blog

• 80% of Fortune 500 companies have an active corporate Facebook

account, 83% have an active corporate Twitter account

• 67% of customers are somewhat likely to purchase from a brand that they
follow or like

50 | P a g e

• India’s Internet economy is expected to reach USD 250 billion, by 2020, as

the country’s growth rate in this segment is far ahead of many of
the developing nations, reported by BCG.

• According to BCG, the India Internet economy contributed to 10 trillion

rupees to the overall economy in 2018, 4.1% of the country’s GDP, & could
triple in 4 years’ time.

• More than 420 million Internet users who form 86% of the total Internet
audience, visited social networking sites in June 2017

• The total Indian social networking audience grew 45 percent in the past
year, more than tripling the rate of growth of the total Internet audience in

• India now ranks as the seventh largest market worldwide for social
networking India is adding Internet users at the rate of almost 5-7million a
month, and at the current pace it will surpass the US, which has about 245
million users, in less than two years.

• Active user base per month in India is close to 30 million marks which is
still a pretty large market but not as big as portrayed by some consultants.

• India has close to 10 million online shoppers and is growing at an

estimated 30%

• India e-tailing market in 2011 was about $600 million and expected to
touch $9 Billion by 2016 and $70 Billion by 2020 esti the country the third-
largest Internet market in the world after China and the United States.

• There are more Internet users in towns with a population of less than 5
lakh than in the top eight metros put together.

• About 2 billion people worldwide access the Internet and 25% of them are
from China. India contributes about 6% to the world's Net population and
the US 12.5%.

• The survey found that more than 75% of Internet usage is among school-
and college-going students and those who have recently graduated

• Mumbai has the highest number of Internet users (16.6 million) followed
by Delhi/NCR (12.15 million), Kolkata (6.27 million), Bangalore (6 million)
and Chennai (5.58 million).

51 | P a g e
• The percentage of countries using social media in top 5 markets is:

1. China: 82%

2. USA: 71%

3. India: 70%

4. Brazil: 68%

5. Canada: 51%

EMarketer estimates advertisers will spend $3.63 billion in the US and over $4
billion more in the rest of the world on social networking sites this year. And
that’s just paid ad spending.
When the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) surveyed US marketers
this year, 90% said they were using social networks for their efforts about even
with last year, at 89%. While this percentage has risen dramatically since 2007,
when just 20% of marketers used social media, growth has plateaued and shifted
to other new digital media platforms instead.

52 | P a g e

1. India has world’s largest number of Facebook Users with over 195 million
users, overtaking US by over 4 million subscribers.
2. There are 155 million Monthly Active Users (MAUs) in India, of which
147 million MAUs access Facebook via Mobile Phones and 73 million
users are active daily on Mobiles.
3. Top 5 countries accessing Facebook are India, USA, Brazil, UK and
4. Key Facebook Users from India are aged 18-24, which is the largest and
fastest growing population segment.
5. A users revisits Facebook more than 3 times in a day.
6. Indian users can access Facebook in 12 languages and 670 million users
are connected to at least one News Publishers page.
7. In India, 76% of Facebook users are Men, and 24% users are women,
which illustrates the barriers women face in India to access technology and
8. Most popular Indian Brand on Facebook is AajTak with 14.4 million
global fans.
9. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the most popular Indian on Facebook
with 32.9 million likes as of 2nd quarter of the year. Deepika Padukone is
2nd most popular person with 31 million likes.
10. Rajnikanth VS CID jokes is the most followed Indian Facebook Page with
over 11,894,377 likes.
11. Nearly 52% of Facebook Users in India hesitate or aren’t bothered to
mention relationship status on their profile.
12. In India, Facebook is the only social network to cross 150 million Users.
13. Most of the active Facebook Users like to keep their stories and posts to
“Only Friends”.

53 | P a g e

1. Twitter, the microblogging site has 23.2 million Monthly Active Users in
India, which is 2nd largest in Asia-Pacific after Japan with 26 million
2. Over all, Twitter accounts for only 17% of Indian Social Network users.
3. Again, PM Narendra Modi has Largest Audience following totalling over
25,148,264 fans. On the 2nd place, we have Amitabh Bachchan with
4. Most followed Indian Brand on Twitter is Reliance Mobile with 2,92,496
followers and Airtel India is on 2nd position with 1,813,07 followers.
5. In terms of Twitter Community, “Awkward” has the largest audience of
2,931,989 followed by “Pakalu Pepito” with over 2,474,466 followers.
6. Twitter is at 2nd place in terms of User Engagement after Facebook.
7. Globally, Twitter has 320 million users, 140 million of Daily Active Users
and 305 of Monthly Active Users.
8. According to twitter, 80% of users tweet from mobile devices.
9. Every second, around 6000 tweets are sent which means over 350,000
tweets per minute, 500 million tweets per day and 200 billion tweets per

54 | P a g e
1. There are over 30 million LinkedIn Users in India, while 467 million users
2. LinkedIn, comparatively, is the fastest growing professional network in
3. Currently, LinkedIn is the most frequently used social network for
recruiting, because it results in the most successful hiring.
4. Most active users on LinkedIn India are of age group 24-35.
5. 46% of LinkedIn users are Female and 54% are Male.
6. Microsoft acquired LinkedIn for $26 billion in 2016.
7. Top 5 countries posting on LinkedIn are USA, India, Japan, UK & Brazil.
8. India accounted for 6.76% of regional distribution of LinkedIn traffic after
United States with 33.53%.
9. A profile with photo makes users 36 times more likely to get a message on
LinkedIn, while it makes 14 times more likely to be found on LinkedIn.
10. Every second 2 members join LinkedIn.

55 | P a g e

1. YouTube, the video-sharing site has more than 60 million unique users in
India with users spending over 48 hours a monthly viewing video `content.
2. More than half of YouTube viewers watch YouTube Videos on their
Smartphone or tablet.
3. Chu Chu TV is the most subscribed animated YouTube Channel in India
with 3.43 million views, followed by CVS 3D Rhymes having 2.16 million
4. T-Series has the largest audience on YouTube India with total views of
12,505,859,352 followed by Zee TV with total views of 6,364,519,553.
5. Actor wise, Ranveer Singh has largest audience of 4,091,138 views, and Ver
Das is second most popular Actor on YouTube with total views of
6. Tanmay Bhat is India’s top YouTube star (co-founder of All India Bakchod
(AIB) having 1.55 million subscribers and 143.23 million views.
7. The estimated earnings of Chu Chu TV are $220,000-500,000 per month.
8. Over 70% of YouTube viewers in India are aged below 35, female users’
accounts for 38% and Male users are 62% on YouTube.
9. When compared to last year, YouTube in India is up by 90% while the
watch-time has grown by 80% in 2016.
10. Top 5 countries viewing YouTube are USA, India, Japan, Russia & Brazil.
11. Globally, YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine after Google. 1/3 of
Internet users use YouTube. Monthly 6 billion hours of videos are watched
on YouTube.
12. The Partnership Program of YouTube gives 55% of the advertising revenues
to the creators.

56 | P a g e

1. Globally, there are 176 million registered Pinterest users out of which 110
million are active users.
2. After Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest is 3rd most popular social network in
3. 80% of traffic to the site comes from Mobile device.
4. Pinterest has 80% female users and 20% male users.
5. Majority of daily active users on Pinterest are under 40.
6. The site generates more than 400% revenue per click as Twitter and 20%
more than Facebook.
7. The most browsed categories on Pinterest include- DIY & Crafts, Fitness,
Home Décor, Food & Drink.
8. 92% of overall Pinterest posts are photos.

57 | P a g e
1. There are 16 million Instagram users in India.
2. Globally, there are 400 million active Instagram users with 75% of users
from outside US.
3. 30% of overall Internet users are on Instagram
4. 74% of Instagram users in India are Men and 26% are Female
5. More than 90% of Instagram are below 35 in India.
6. The 1/4th Indian Population uses Instagram to post Selfies.
7. Instagram “Private Accounts” in India have increased in numbers.
8. Deepika Padukone is the most followed celebrity on Instagram with over
65.5 million followers, and Priyanka Chopra is at 2nd place with 75.8
million followers.
9. Top countries posting on Instagram are USA, Russia, Brazil, India &
10. Top 5 brands on Instagram are Nike, Starbucks, NBA, Adidas Originals &
Top Shop.
11. 48.8% of brands are currently on Instagram, by 2018 it is expected to touch
12. The average users post engagement rate of Instagram is 3.31%, while
Twitter has an average of 0.07% only.

58 | P a g e

1. In India, there are over 462 million internet users and 200 million are active
social media users
2. In 2016, 24.33% of Indian Population accessed Internet via Mobile phone
and the trend is predicted to grow at 37.36% by 2021.
3. India is second largest online market behind China.
4. Internet usage is male dominated in India with 71 percent to 29 percent
5. Google+ is 2nd most used in India with 82% accounts after Indonesia with
83% accounts.
6. Activities on Social Networking sites are high between 6 PM to 10 PM.
7. Mumbai and New Delhi accounts highest traffic to social media sites.
8. Over 60% of active social network users are college going students.

59 | P a g e

1. E-commerce in India is said to be the largest and most profitable for a new
business start-up.
2. India’s Digital advertising market has grown at 33% annually between 2010
and 2016.
3. E-Commerce in India is currently at 2 Lakh Crores and is predicted to grow
5 Lakh Crores in 2017.
4. 77% of online users buy products exclusively on social media.
5. 43.8% of Indian Internet Users has purchased at least one product online and
by 2019 it is expected to grow by 64.4%.
6. 59% users shop on tablets, 69% shop on Mobile devices, and 38% shop on
weekly basis.
7. 50% of shoppers buy products online based on recommendation through
social media networks and 74% of customers rely on social media for
making their purchase decisions.
8. The sale of physical goods via digital channels in India amounted to 16.8
billion U.S dollars in revenues.

60 | P a g e

1. Snapchat, the messaging app has more than 150 million daily active users,
which is bigger than Twitter.
2. 52 per cent of Indian instant messaging users are on WhatsApp, 5th most
downloaded application in the world.
3. India is top country to use WhatsApp Application followed by Brazil, Italy,
Turkey and Spain.
4. Globally, 64 billion messages are sent on WhatsApp messenger.
5. 42 per cent use Facebook Messenger. Skype is used by 37 per cent. WeChat
has a 26 per cent share in the market.

61 | P a g e

1. Adding Video while sending email can increase 200-300% of click-through

2. Video on a landing page could increase 80% of conversion rate.
3. A full-page ad with video can augment user engagement by 20%.
4. A real estate ad with video receives 403% more inquiries than a listing
without video.
5. 64% of users decide to buy a product after watching video
6. 96% of B2B marketers use video somehow in their marketing campaign,
which reports 73% of positive response on ROI.

62 | P a g e

1. Name

2. Age

• The above diagram depicts that 55.6% respondent belong to the age group
of 18 – 24. Whereas the 25.4% respondent belong to the group of 25- 30,
and the last of 19% belong to the group of 30 and above.

63 | P a g e
3. Occupation

• In the above diagram depicts that 52.4% respondent belong to the student
category, 36.5% belong to the Service class and the last 11.1% belong to the
Business category.

4. Gender

• In the above diagram depicts that 54% respondent belong to the Male
category, 46% belong to the Female category.

64 | P a g e
5. What social sites and/or services do you use regularly?

• In this diagram the 42.9% people use Instagram for social media, 22.2%
people prefer Snapchat, 19% people adopt YouTube and 15.9% respondent
belong to Facebook.

6. How often do you engage in social media?

• The above diagram interprets that 66.7% of the users are engage on social
media on daily basis, whereas 17.5% of the respondent prefer using social
media three times a week, 12.7% of the respondent are rarely engage on
social media.

65 | P a g e
7. Do you prefer to shop online or offline?

• In the above diagram depicts that 57.1% people prefer to use Online
shopping and 42.9% people prefer shopping through Offline mode.

8. How likely are you to buy a product recommended online?

• In the above diagram it shows that 39.7% people are buying products
recommended online, 28.6% people Very likely recommended online
products through ecommerce website, 23.8% belong to the Quite Unlikely
category and 7.9% people are Very Unlikely recommended to buy products

66 | P a g e
9. What kinds of ads have you come across in these sites?

• The above diagram say that 36.5% Video ads show are shown in the sites,
23.8% have come across other advertisement, 20.6% of the respondent have
come across ads shown in the Web banner, 11.1% of the respondent have
come across Flash ads and 7.9% are aware about the Pop ups advertisement
on social media websites

10. Do you agree ads appearing in SNS?

• In the above diagram depicts that 46% people agree to the Neutral ads, 19%
people Strongly Agree by appearing ads in SNS, 15.9% people belong to
Agree, 11.1% people are Disagree for the ads and 7.9% are Strongly
Disagree with the ads.

67 | P a g e
11. Have you ever accessed these ads coming on your way?

• In the above diagram it`s show that 52.4% people Sometime accessed these
ads coming on websites, 20.6% people are Oftently aware, 15.9% have
never accessed the ads.11.1% are aware and dependent on the
advertisements which influence the purchase decision of the consumer.

12. Did these kinds of ads made an impact over you?

• The above diagram interprets that 49.2% have neutral understanding about
the advertisement has an impact in influencing the consumer decision.
whereas 14.3% and 19% strongly agree that advertisement have created an
impact on the buying behavior, whereas 9.5% and 7.9% don’t agree with
the above fact.

68 | P a g e
13. What kinds of Brand communication attract you in SNS?

• In the above diagram 52.4% of the respondent are attracted by Banner ads
and Video ads, 41.3% respondent are influence by Flash ads and 36.5% are
influenced by Games, quiz, updates.

14. How often do you log in those networking site?

• In the above diagram shows that 60.3% people log in Daily in social
networking sites, 25.4% people log in to 2 to 3 times a day, 9.5% people log
in More than 3 times a day and 4.8% belong to the Once a week.

69 | P a g e
15. In which SNS do you find ads communicated well?

• The above diagram says that 44.4% respondent find ads well communicated
in Facebook, 34.9% respondent find Instagram ads relevant, 12.7%
respondent prefer message communicated on Twitter.

16. Are you aware of social networking site?

• In the above diagram it shows that 92.1% people are aware of networking
sites and 7.9% people are not aware of networking site.

70 | P a g e

Communication about the product or service provides a major contribution to

brand competition in the market. It not only provides information about a
product or service but also promotes creative innovation. Besides advertising, it
also facilitates consumer satisfaction. The hidden fact is that no brand can
progress without effective communication strategy to attract their customers or

Big and small variety of brands nowadays laid their base on social network
communication to get recognized in the target market. Social networking sites
users of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have become a personal, product and
corporate branding hub in India nowadays in digital era. Every brand that exists
on social networking sites has the same core features and benefits, such as the
ability to create a page, share resources, add multimedia and much more.

Social networking sites are filled with potential users who are mainly young
adults. They spend more time in these networking sites due to heavy commercial
contents, entertainment and social gathering. So, product or service
communicators throng their ads in these areas with more and more interactive
and with fascinating factors so that their brand identity is developed among the
right choice of focused audience. Advertisers and brands uses social networking
sites as the major resource for their promotion and developing brand identity
among the focused market.

71 | P a g e

Communication should be more preferred than advertising: people do not prefer

buying products through social networking sites. So, if the brand is
communicated well and remembered by the audience, then it is a greatest
success to the company for their promotion through social media. Promotional
way of advertising is best: the usual banner ads and pop-up ads make the users
to ignore them.

So, advertising must be interactive, promotional and in innovative form to hold

the audience. It should target the individuals than the mass. If an ad is hosted for
a group, then that would be no advantage in delivering specified information.
Adding more multimedia elements to have more interactive factors in fan pages
and group would benefit the brand user.

72 | P a g e

• Scott DM (2009). The New Rules of Marketing and PR. John Wiley & Sons
Inc., pp. 135-150

73 | P a g e
• Shih C (2009). The Facebook Era. Tapping online social networks to build
better products, reach new audiences and selling more stuff. Prentice Hall
Publication, pp. 85-128

74 | P a g e


1. Name

2. Age
❏ 18-24
❏ 25-30
❏ 30 and above

3. Occupation
❏ Student
❏ Service
❏ Business

4. Gender
❏ Male
❏ Female

5. What social sites and/or services do you use regularly?

❏ Facebook
❏ Instagram
❏ YouTube
❏ Snapchat

6. How often do you engage in social media?

❏ Everyday
❏ Three times a week
❏ Once a week
❏ Rarely
❏ Never

7. Do you prefer to shop online or offline?

❏ Online
❏ Offline

8. How likely are you to buy a product recommended online?

❏ Very likely
❏ Somewhat likely
❏ Quite Unlikely
❏ Very Unlikely

75 | P a g e
9. What kinds of ads have you come across in these sites?
❏ Web banner
❏ Pop ups
❏ Flash ads
❏ Video ads
❏ Others

10. Do you agree ads appearing in SNS?

❏ Strongly Agree
❏ Agree
❏ Neutral
❏ Disagree
❏ Strongly Disagree

11. Have you ever accessed these ads coming on your way?
❏ Often
❏ Sometimes
❏ Never
❏ Depending on ads

12. Did these kinds of ads made an impact over you?

❏ Strongly Agree
❏ Agree
❏ Neutral
❏ Disagree
❏ Strongly Disagree

13. What kinds of Brand communication attract you in SNS?

❏ Interactive Flash ads
❏ Banner ads
❏ Games, quiz, updates
❏ Video ads

14. How often do you log in those networking site?

❏ Daily
❏ 2 to 3 times a day
❏ Once a week
❏ More than 3 times a day

76 | P a g e
15. In which SNS do you find ads communicated well?
❏ Facebook
❏ Twitter
❏ Instagram
❏ Others

16. Are you aware of social networking site?

❏ Yes
❏ No

77 | P a g e

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