Waiting Lines PDF
Waiting Lines PDF
Waiting Lines PDF
(Queueing models)
Alok Raj
Office: Room No 14, 2nd Floor, Library Building, Tel. 3439
Email: [email protected]
Examples of Queue
❖ A queue is simply a line
✓ Many processes require that people or items wait for service or
❖ Weare interested in modeling such processes to answer
questions about
✓ How much time is spent in line?
✓ What proportion of time is a server idle?
✓ What is the average number of people/items waiting?
✓ What is the probability distribution of the number of customers
or of the waiting time?
Queueing system
Arriving Jobs Departure
Customer in
What would happen if arrivals were 1 every 4 minutes?
A Cost/Capacity Tradeoff Model
Cost of
Cost of waiting
Process capacity
Queueing system
Arriving Jobs Departure
Customer in
Parameters/Characteristics of a queueing system:
➢ Arrival Characteristics
➢ Waiting Line Characteristics
➢ Service System Configurations
Arrival Characteristics
Size of the calling population
❖ Finite or infinite
e − X
P( X ) =
e −2 20 0.1353(1)
P(0) = = = 0.1353 =14%
0! 1
e −2 21 e −2 2 0.1353(2)
P(1) = = = = 0.2706 = 27%
1! 1 1
e −2 22 e −2 4 0.1353(4)
P(2) = = = = 0.2706 =27%
2! 2(1) 2
Example: Poisson Arrivals
Also find the probabilities for 3 arrivals, 4 arrivals,
and 5 arrivals
e − X
P( X ) =
e−2 23 0.1353(8)
P(3) = = = 0.1804 = 18%
3! 6
e−2 24 0.1353(16)
P(4) = = = 0.0902 = 9%
4! 24
e−2 25 0.1353(32)
P(5) = = = 0.0306 =3%
5! 120
Poisson Distributions
• Two examples of the Poisson distribution for arrival rates
0.30 – 0.25 –
0.25 – 0.20 –
0.20 –
0.15 –
0.15 –
0.10 –
0.10 –
0.05 – 0.05 –
0.00 –| | | | | | | | | | 0.00 –| | | | | | | | | |
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
= 2 Distribution = 4 Distribution
Arrival Characteristics
❖ Balking: The customer may decide not to enter the
queue upon arrival, perhaps because it is too long.
❖ Reneging: The customer may decide to leave the
queue after waiting a certain time in it.
❖ Jockeying:If there are multiple queues in parallel the
customers may switch between them.
Arriving Jobs Departure
Waiting Line Characteristics
Waiting lines
❖ Limited
❖ Unlimited
(M / M / s) : (FCFS / K / P)
Arrival Time Dist.
Service Time Dist.
No. of servers.
Service Order
Waiting Space
Calling Population
(M/M/1) : (FCFS/∞/∞)
(M/M/m) : (LCFS/∞/P)
(M/G/1) : (FCFS/K/∞)
Assumptions of M/M/1 Queuing model
• Single queue single server system
• Infinite customer population
• No balking or reneging
• Arrivals are independent of each other but rate is constant
over time
• Arrival rate follows a Poisson distribution (random)
• Arrivals are served on a FIFO basis
• Service times are variable and independent but the average
is known
• Service times follow a negative exponential distribution
• Average service rate is greater than the average arrival rate
• The system operates under a steady state condition.
Basic Queuing Model
❖ Arrival process ~ Random(Poisson)
❖ Server ~ Single
❖ Nomenclature: M/M/1:FCFS//
Arrival and Service Pattern
❖ The standard assumption in many queuing models is that the
arrival process is Poisson.
✓ Average Arrival Rate (λ): Defines rate jobs arrive to the
❖ The most commonly used queuing models are based on the
assumption of exponentially distributed service times and
interarrival times(µ/hour).
✓ Average Service Rate (µ): The average rate at which jobs
are served.
❖ Assumption: <1
❖ Let us take a example 𝜆=5/hour and µ=6/hour
Performance Metrics for single server system
❖ Number of jobs in the system: Those in queue plus one being
Average number of units in the system (Ls)
Arrivals Server
at rate λ Customer Exits
the System
Customer getting
Single-Channel Single-Stage Model (M/M/1)
λ=mean number of arrivals per time period (for example,
per hour)
𝜇= mean number of people or items served per time period
The average number of customers or units in the system,
L𝑠 , that is, the number in line plus the number being
served: L𝑠 =
The average time a customer spends in the system, W𝑠 ,
that is, the time spent in line plus the time spent being
served: W𝑠 =
Single-Channel Single-Stage Model (M/M/1)
The average number of customers or units in the system, L𝑞 , that is, the number in
line plus the number being served: L𝑞 = 𝜇 𝜇−𝜆
The average number of customers or units in the system, L𝑞 , that is, the number in
line plus the number being served: W𝑞 = 𝜇 𝜇−𝜆
The utilization factor for the system, (the Greek lowercase letter rho), that is, the
probability that the service facility is being used: ρ = 𝜇
The utilization factor for the system, (the Greek lowercase letter rho), that is, the
probability that the service facility is being used: 𝑃0 = 1 − 𝜇
The probability𝑘+1
that the number of customers in the system is greater than k, Pn>k;
= 𝑃𝑛>𝑘 = 𝜇
In a small barber shop, only one customer can get hair cut
while another customer can wait in a chair. Any other
arriving customer has to wait outside as there is only one
chair available. The customers arrive randomly at 6 per
hour. The service is exponential and takes 6 minutes on
the average. Find the probability that an arriving customer
will have to wait outside.
ITC Hotels is a chain of hotels operating in India. The
company uses a toll-free telephone number to take reservations
for any of its hotels. The average time to handle each call is 3
minutes, and an average of 12 calls are received per hour. The
probability distribution that describes the arrivals is unknown.
Over a period of time it is determined that the average caller
spends 6 minutes either on hold or receiving service. Find the
average time in the queue, the average time in the system, the
average number in the queue, and the average number in the
In a tool crib, workers come to take tools at 4/hour on the average. Waiting for them
costs Rs. 10/- per hour. The service time per worker is in the tool crib is 12 minutes.
What will be total waiting cost of the workers per day if it is 8 hours a day? Assume
M/M/1 queuing system.
Problem: Arnold’s Muffler Shop
Arnold’s Muffler Shop in New Orleans. Arnold’s mechanic, Reid Blank, is able to install new
mufflers at an average rate of 3 per hour, or about 1 every 20 minutes. Customers needing this
service arrive at the shop on the average of 2 per hour. Arnold estimates that the cost of
customer waiting time, in terms of customer dissatisfaction and lost goodwill, is $50 per hour
of time spent waiting in line. The only other cost that Larry Arnold can identify in this queuing
situation is the pay rate of Reid Blank, the mechanic. Blank is paid $15 per hour.
Arnold finds out through the muffler business grapevine that the Rusty Muffler, a cross-town
competitor, employs a mechanic named Jimmy Smith who can efficiently install new mufflers
at the rate of 4 per hour. Larry Arnold contacts Smith and inquires as to his interest in
switching employers. Smith says that he would consider leaving the Rusty Muffler but only if
he were paid a $20 per hour salary. Arnold, being a crafty businessman, decides that it may be
worthwhile to fire Blank and replace him with the speedier but more expensive Smith.
Should Arnold hire Jimmy Smith as mechanic? Evaluate based on Total daily cost (Assume 8
working hours per day).
Problem: Arnold’s Muffler Shop
Probability of more than k cars in the system
k Pn>k = (2/3)k+1
1 0.444
2 0.296
3 0.198 Implies that there is a 19.8% chance that more than
3 cars are in the system
4 0.132
5 0.088
6 0.058
7 0.039
Example: Arnold’s Muffler Shop-Economic Analysis
A third option is now explored. Arnold finds that at minimal after-tax cost
he can open a second garage bay in which mufflers can be installed. Instead
of firing his first mechanic, Blank, he would hire a second worker. The new
mechanic would be expected to install mufflers at the same rate as Blank—
about per hour.
Customers, who would still arrive at the rate of 𝜆 = 2 per hour, would wait
in a single line until one of the two mechanics is free.
Multichannel Queuing Model with Poisson Arrivals and
Exponential Service Times (M/M/C)
❖ Multichannel queuing system, in which two or more servers or
channels are available to handle arriving customers.
The average time a unit spends in the waiting line or being serviced (namely, in the
The average number of customers or units in line waiting for service: 𝐿𝑞 = 𝐿 − 𝜇
The average time a customer or unit spends in the queue waiting for service: 𝑊𝑞 =
The average time a customer or unit spends in the queue waiting for service: ρ = 𝑐𝜇
Effect of Service Level on Arnold’s Operating Characteristics
Average waiting time in the queue: 𝑊𝑞 =
𝑁−𝐿 𝜆
Average time in the system: 𝑊 = 𝑊𝑞 +
3 Data Results
4 = 3 (mean arrival rate) L= 1.163
5 m = 0.2 (expected service time) Lq = 0.563
6 s= 0.1 (standard deviation)
7 s= 1 (# servers) W= 0.388
8 Wq = 0.188
10 r= 0.6
12 P0 = 0.4
A one time cost of approximately $XYZ million. Let us assume $500 million
The Four Approaches Under Considerations
Proposer Proposal Additional Cost
John Phixitt Maintain one-person territories, but $300 million per year
reduce number of machines assigned
to each from 150 to 100
VP for Engineering Keep current one-person territories, One-time cost of $500
but provide new state-of-the-art million
equipment to the tech-reps
Decision: Adopt fourth proposal (except for sparsely populated areas where
second proposal should be adopted).