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Seminar report


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
degree Of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical



I would like to thank respected Mr…….. and Mr...........for giving me such a wonderful
opportunity to expand my knowledge for my own branch and giving me guidelines to present a
seminar report. It helped me a lot to realize of what we study for.

Secondly, I would like to thank my parents who patiently helped me as i went through my work
and helped to modify and eliminate some of the irrelevant or un-necessary stuffs.

Thirdly, I would like to thank my friends who helped me to make my work more organized
and well-stacked till the end.

Next, I would thank Microsoft for developing such a wonderful tool like MS Word. It helped my
work a lot to remain error-free.

Last but clearly not the least, I would thank The Almighty for giving me strength to complete
my report on time.


I have made this report file on the topic GPRS; I have tried my best to elucidate all the relevant
detail to the topic to be included in the report. While in the beginning I have tried to give a
general view about this topic.

My efforts and wholehearted co-corporation of each and everyone has ended on a successful
note. I express my sincere gratitude to..................who assisting me throughout the preparation
of this topic. I thank him for providing me the reinforcement, confidence and most importantly
the track for the topic whenever I needed it.


1. Introduction 1

2. A bit of history 5

3. Key network features of GPRS 7

4. GPRS architecture 9

5. GPRS in action 13

6. Interface and protocols 19

7. GPRS security 23

8. Implementation 26

9. GPRS applications 28

10. Conclusion 31

11. Glossary 32

12. References 35


Today's mobile professionals need to stay in regular contact with important sources of information
such as the Internet, email, corporate networks and remote databases. As demand for Wide Area
Networking (WAN) connectivity continues to grow, users and organizations are seeking ways to make it
more efficient and productive. One of the most promising new technologies for this purpose is General
Packet Radio Service (GPRS). GPRS is a packet-switching data network that is overlaid on the existing
cellular voice network, using the same radio frequencies and cellular towers. When combined with the
existing Global System for Mobile communication (GSM), GPRS offers a complete voice and data
solution with significant advantages over other solutions.

GPRS offers the flexibility and throughput of packet switching. GPRS uses packet switching to
transfer data from the mobile device to the network and back. On a packet switched network a device can
be always connected and ready to send information without monopolizing the channel. Channels are
shared in packet-switched network, but in circuit-switched each channel is dedicated to one user. There
are no call up or suspend delays.

By overlaying the GSM network, GPRS is able to take advantage of the world's leading digital
phone system with a global subscriber base of over 646.5 million.Theoretical maximum speeds of up to
171.2 kilobits per second (kbps) are achievable with GPRS. This is about three times as fast as the data
transmission speeds possible over today's fixed telecommunications networks and ten times as fast as
current Circuit Switched Data services on GSM networks.


Wireless wide area cellular network solutions have been around for many years. Widespread
adoption has been slow due to issues with coverage, cost, performance, and secure remote access to
business networks. The deployment of the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) based
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) has the potential to change this situation and to provide
connectivity any time and any where. GPRS is a packet based radio service that enables always on
connections, eliminating repetitive and time consuming dial up connections. It will also provide real
throughput in excess of 40 Kbps, about the same speed as an excellent land line analog modem

Need For a Wireless WAN Solution

Mobile workers who need to access information while they travel can do so using one of two
Wide Area Networking methods - wired or wireless. In the past, they relied mainly on wired methods
such as analog modems to connect over the public switched telephone network (PSTN). However, users
realized that using a dial up method to get a connection were relatively tedious and time consuming, and
connections were sometimes difficult to maintain. In addition, as networking has progressed, the circuit-
switched phone network has proved to have limitations for data transmission compared to packet-
switched networks such as the Internet and corporate LANs. And finally, wired methods do not provide
the same degree of mobility as wireless solutions. The advent of wireless data communication through the
use of mobile phones and alphanumeric pagers have provided a higher degree of flexibility over wired
mobile connections. Today, users are able to connect their notebook and handheld computers to data
sources using mobile phone connection kits, and the data is sent over the mobile phone network.
However, mobile phones are still relatively slow in terms of data throughput, and pagers can only display
small amounts of information. Manufacturers are rapidly developing a wide variety of new client devices,
and advanced transmission capabilities are also required. Mobile data users, businesses and other
organizations have asked for the freedom of wireless, but with the performance of wired connections. One
of the most promising technologies for meeting these needs is General Packet Radio Service (GPRS).
This wireless data transmission technology can be used to send data over large geographic areas to create
the next evolution of wireless WANs (WWANs).

Advantages of GPRS

GPRS provides faster data transfer rates, always on connection, robust connectivity, broad
application support and strong security mechanisms.

Fast Data Transfer Rates

GPRS currently supports an average data rate of 115 Kbps, but this speed is only achieved by
dedicating all eight time slots to GPRS. Instead, carriers and terminal devices will typically be configured

to handle a specific number of time slots for upstream and downstream data. For example, a GPRS device
might be set to handle a maximum of four slots downstream and two slots upstream. Under good radio
conditions, this yields speeds of approximately 50 Kbps downstream and 20 Kbps upstream. This is more
than three times faster than current 14.4-Kbps GSM networks and roughly equivalent to a good land line
analog modem connection. The aggregate cell site bandwidth is shared by voice and data traffic. GPRS
operators will vary in how they allocate the bandwidth. Typically, they will configure the networks to
give precedence to voice traffic; some may dedicate time slots to data traffic to ensure a minimum level of
service during busy voice traffic periods. Unused voice capacity may be dynamically reallocated to data
traffic. With its faster data transfer rates, GPRS enables higher bandwidth applications not currently
feasible on a GSM network.

Always-On Connection

An always on connection eliminates the lengthy delays required to reconnect to the network to
send and receive data. Information can also be pushed to the end user in real time. GPRS allows providers
to bill by the packet, rather than by the minute, thus enabling cost effective always on subscriber services.

Robust Connectivity

GPRS improves data transmission integrity with a number of mechanisms. First, user data is
encoded with redundancies that improve its resistance to adverse radio conditions. The amount of coding
redundancy can be varied, depending on radio conditions. GPRS has defined four coding schemes CS1
through CS4. Initially, only CS1 and CS2 will be supported, which allows approximately 9 and 13 Kbps
in each time slot. If an error is detected in a frame received in the base station, the frame may be
repeatedly retransmitted until properly received before passing it on to the GPRS core network.

Broad Application Support

Like the Internet, GPRS is based on packet-switched data. This means that all native IP
applications, such as email, Web access, instant messaging, and file transfers can run over GPRS. In
addition, its faster data transfer rates enable GPRS to accommodate higher-bandwidth applications (such
as multimedia Web content) not suited to slower GSM dial-up connections. GPRS is particularly well
suited for applications based on the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). WAP has gained widespread
acceptance in a new breed of micro browser enabled phones.

Security Support

GPRS builds on the proved authentication and security model used by GSM. At session initiation,
a user is authenticated using secret information contained on a smart card called a Subscriber Identity
Module (SIM). Authentication data is exchanged and validated with records stored in the HLR network
node. GPRS enables additional authentication using protocols such as RADIUS before the subscriber is

allowed access to the Internet or corporate data networks. GPRS supports the ciphering of user data
across the wireless interface from the mobile terminal to the SGSN. In addition, higher level, end to end
VPN encryption may take place when a user connects to a private corporate network.


First Generation Wireless Technology

The first generation of wireless mobile communications was based on analog signaling. Analog
systems, implemented in North America, were known as Analog Mobile Phone Systems (AMPS), while
systems implemented in Europe and the rest of the world were typically identified as a variation of Total
Access Communication Systems (TACS). Analog systems were primarily based on circuit-switched
technology and designed for voice, not data.

Second Generation Wireless Technology

The second generation (2G) of the wireless mobile network was based on low band digital data
signaling. The most popular 2G wireless technology is known as Global Systems for Mobile
Communications (GSM). GSM technology is a combination of Frequency Division Multiple Access
(FDMA) and Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). The first GSM systems used a 25MHz frequency
spectrum in the 900MHz band. FDMA is used to divide the available 25MHz of bandwidth into 124
carrier frequencies of 200kHz each. Each frequency is then divided using a TDMA scheme into eight
time slots. The use of separate time slots for transmission and reception simplifies the electronics in the
mobile units. Today, GSM systems operate in the 900MHz and 1.8 GHz bands throughout the world with
the exception of the Americas where they operate in the 1.9 GHz band. While GSM technology was
developed in Europe, Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technology was developed in North
America. CDMA uses spread spectrum technology to break up speech into small, digitized segments and
encodes them to identify each call. The Second Generation (2G) wireless networks mentioned above are
also mostly based on circuit-switched technology. 2G wireless networks are digital and expand the range
of applications to more advanced voice services, such as Called Line Identification. 2G wireless
technology can handle some data capabilities such as fax and short message service at the data rate of up
to 9.6 kbps, but it is not suitable for web browsing and multimedia applications.

Second Generation Plus (2G+) Wireless Networks

The effective data rate of 2G circuit-switched wireless systems is relatively slow for today's
Internet. As a result, GSM and other TDMA-based mobile system providers and carriers have developed
2G+ technology that is packet- based and increases the data communication speeds to as high as 384kbps.
These 2G+ systems are based on the following technologies High Speed Circuit-Switched Data
(HSCSD), General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution
(EDGE) technologies. HSCSD is one step towards 3G wide band mobile data networks. This circuit-
switched technology improves the data rates up to 57.6kbps by introducing 14.4 kbps data coding and by
aggregating 4 radio channels time slots of 14.4 kbps. GPRS is an intermediate step that is designed to
allow the GSM world to implement a full range of Internet services without waiting for the deployment of

full scale 3G wireless systems. GPRS uses a multiple of the 1 to 8 radio channel time slots in the 200kHz-
frequency band allocated for a carrier frequency to enable data speeds of up to 115kbps. EDGE
technology is a standard that has been specified to enhance the throughput per time slot for both HSCSD
and GPRS.


GPRS involves overlaying a packet based air interface on the existing circuit switched GSM network.
This gives the user an option to use a packet-based data service. .With GPRS, the information is split into
separate but related "packets" before being transmitted and reassembled at the receiving end. Packet
switching is similar to a jigsaw puzzle- the image that the puzzle represents is divided into pieces at the
manufacturing factory and put into a plastic bag. During transportation of the now boxed jigsaw from the
factory to the end user, the pieces get jumbled up. When the recipient empties the bag with all the pieces,
they are reassembled to form the original image. All the pieces are all related and fit together, but the way
they are transported and assembled varies.
Spectrum efficiency

Characteristic Circuit Switching Packet Switching

Need to establish a Connection Yes No
Dedicated Path Yes No
Bandwidth allocation Fixed Dynamic
Potentially wasted bandwidth Yes No
Same path for all data Yes No
Congestion can occur at Setup time Any time

Table 1 Circuit switching vs Packet switching

Packet switching means that GPRS radio resources are used only when users are actually sending
or receiving data. Rather than dedicating a radio channel to a mobile data user for a fixed period of time,
the available radio resource can be concurrently shared between several users. This efficient use of scarce
radio resources means that large numbers of GPRS users can potentially share the same bandwidth and be
served from a single cell. The actual number of users supported depends on the application being used
and how much data is being transferred. Because of the spectrum efficiency of GPRS, there is less need to
build in idle capacity that is only used in peak hours. GPRS therefore lets network operators maximize the
use of their network resources in a dynamic and flexible way, along with user access to resources and

Internet aware

For the first time, GPRS fully enables Mobile Internet functionality by allowing interworking
between the existing Internet and the new GPRS network. Any service that is used over the fixed Internet
today- File Transfer Protocol (FTP), web browsing, chat, email, telnet- will be as available over the
mobile network because of GPRS. In fact, many network operators are considering the opportunity to use
GPRS to help become wireless Internet Service Providers in their own right.. There is a trend away from
storing information locally in specific software packages on PCs to remotely on the Internet .Each GPRS
terminal can potentially have its own IP address and will be addressable as such.


GSM Network Overview

At a high level, GSM is a mobile telephony network based on the cellular concept. Users can
place and receive calls without being fixed to a specific location or wired to a physical connection. To
supply this capability, a GSM network consists of three basic components:

Subscriber Terminal Devices

Today, these devices are typically cell phones, but there are other devices such as personal digital
assistants (PDAs) with various input/output capabilities. All have integrated radio transceivers.

Types of devices : GPRS devices are also classified by their ability to handle voice and data calls. There
are three such classifications:

• Class A devices provide complete support of simultaneous voice and GPRS.

• Class B devices can be registered on both the GSM (voice) and GPRS (data) networks, but only one
connection can be active at a time. The user can select to put data delivery on hold while they receive
phone calls and vice versa.

• Class C devices require that voice calls must be cleared before GPRS can be used and vice versa. Thus,
the device will not automatically switch between voice and data, a hard switchover is required.
Radio Base Station Network

Cellular networks are composed of small, low powered, terrestrial radio cells that typically range
in coverage area from tens of kilometers in sparsely populated rural areas to less than 500 meters in
densely populated urban areas. The frequencies used by the network are reused again and again in
different cells throughout the network to increase network capacity.

Network Switching and Services Infrastructure

The traffic to and from the radio network is concentrated at a set of switching nodes that interface
to other fixed public or private networks. These nodes handle the call setup, channel resource allocation,
and the administration of subscriber services. These components allow the GSM network to provide
coverage as a user moves from an area covered by one cell to an area covered by another cell. The
network terminates the old cell connection and immediately establishes a new cell connection. This
process is designed to be transparent to the user. In addition, users can roam or travel outside of a home
coverage area to a new city, region, or country. The arrival of the visitor is detected by the new system

through an automatic registration process. The new system informs the user's home system of the new
location so that calls can be delivered.

Many registers are also maintained which contain information necessary for the smooth
functioning of the network. The HLR (Home Location Register) stores information about the current
location of all subscribers of the network. This information is necessary for routing all calls/messages to
their intended destinations. A VLR (Visitor Location Register) covers one or more cells and stores
information about the subscribers currently under its area of influence.

Fig 1 : GPRS Network Architecture

Additional Network Functionality

Although GPRS reuses existing GSM network elements, some new protocols, interfaces and other
network elements are required (see Figure 1 ). These include two major core network elements, the
Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) and the Gateway GPRS Support Node (SGSN).

Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN): The SGSN is responsible for tracking the state of the mobile
station and its movements as it roams in a geographical area. It also handles the data connection between
the mobile device and the network. SGSNs send queries to Home Location Registers (HLRs) to obtain
profile data of GPRS subscribers. SGSNs detect new GPRS mobile stations in a given service area; and,
finally, SGSNs process registration of new mobile subscribers and keep a record of their location inside a
given service area.

Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN): The GGSN handles the link
between the GPRS network and other data networks, i.e. the Internet and enterprise networks. Each of
those networks is given an Access Point Name

GSM Network Element Modification or Upgrade Required for GPRS

Subscriber Terminal A totally new subscriber terminal is required to
access GPRS services. These new terminals will
be backward compatible with GSM for voice
BTS A software upgrade is required in the existing
base transceiver site (BTS).
BSC The base station controller (BSC) will also
require a software upgrade, as well as the
installation of a new piece of hardware called a
packet control unit (PCU). The PCU directs the
data traffic to the GPRS network and can be a
separate hardware element associated with
the BSC.
Core Network The deployment of GPRS requires the
installation of new core network elements called
the Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) and
Gateway GPRS Support Node
Databases (VLR, HLR,and All the databases involved in the network will
so on) require software upgrades to handle the new call
models and functions introduced by GPRS.

Table 2 Modifications on GSM Network


When a user turns on a GPRS device, typically it will automatically scan for a local
GPRS channel. If an appropriate channel is detected, the

device will attempt to attach to the network. The SGSN receives the attach request,
fetches subscriber profile information from the subscriber's HLR node, and
authenticates the user. Ciphering may be established at this point. The SGSN uses the
profile information (including the access point name, which identifies the network and
operator) to determine which GGSN to route to. The selected gateway may perform a
Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) authentication and allocate a

dynamic Internet Protocol (IP) address to the user before setting up connections to
outside networks. This process is called the packet data profile context activation and
the setup may vary from one carrier to the next. It may include additional functions like
QoS management. When the mobile device is powered off or moved out of a GPRS
coverage area, its context is deactivated and the device is detached from the network.

How does a GPRS work?

Attachment and Detachment Procedure

Before a mobile station can use GPRS services, it must register with an SGSN
of the GPRS network. The network checks if the user is authorized, copies the user
profile from the HLR to the SGSN, and assigns a packet temporary mobile subscriber
identity (PTMSI) to the user. This procedure is called GPRS attach. For mobile stations
using both circuit switched and packet switched services it is possible to perform
combined GPRS/IMSI attach procedures. The disconnection from the GPRS network is
called GPRS detach. It can be initiated by the mobile station or by the network (SGSN
or HLR).

Session Management
To exchange data packets with external PDNs after a successful GPRS attach, a
mobile station must apply for one or more addresses used in the PDN, e.g., for an IP
address in case the PDN is an IP network. This address is called PDP address (Packet
Data Protocol address). For each session, a so called PDP context is created, which
describes the characteristics of the session. It contains the PDP type (e.g., IPv4), the
PDP address assigned to the mobile station (e.g.,, the requested QoS,
and the address of a GGSN that serves as the access point to the PDN. This context is
stored in the MS,
the SGSN, and the GGSN.

With an active PDP context, the mobile station is "visible" for the external PDN
and is able to send and receive data packets. The mapping between the two addresses,
PDP and IMSI, enables the GGSN to transfer data packets between PDN and MS. A
user may have several simultaneous PDP contexts active at a given time. The allocation
of the PDP address can be static or dynamic. In the first case, the network operator of

the user's home PLMN permanently assigns a PDP address to the user. In the second
case, a PDP address is assigned to the user upon activation of a PDP context. The PDP
address can be assigned by the operator of the user's home-PLMN (dynamic home-
PLMN PDP address) or by the operator of the visited network (dynamic visited-PLMN
PDP address). The GGSN is responsible for the allocation and the activation/

Activate PDP content request

IPDP type. PDP address,

Q D S requested, access point, .<.]
Security Functions Create PDP context request
[PDP type PDP addtrn. " QoS
n:go1at:d. acres; point, ,,.|
_ Crao 11? PDP enntrjet rKpnrar

1 Artivote PDP initial accept " [PDP type, Q. OS ne god ated ...]
[PDP type, PDP address,
QoS. negcibatrd....J

Fig 2 : PDP Context Activation Procedure

deactivation of the PDP addresses.

Figure shows the PDP context activation procedure. Using the message
"activate PDP context request," the MS informs the SGSN about the requested PDP
context. If dynamic PDP address assignment is requested, the parameter PDP address
will be left empty. Afterward, usual security functions (e.g., authentication of the user)
are performed. If access is granted, the SGSN will send a "create PDP context request"
message to the affected GGSN. The latter creates a new entry in its PDP context table,
which enables the GGSN to route data packets between the SGSN and the external
PDN. Afterward, the GGSN returns a confirmation message "create PDP context
response" to the SGSN, which contains the PDP address in case dynamic PDP address
allocation was requested. The SGSN updates its PDP context table and confirms the
activation of the new PDP context to the MS ("activate PDP context accept").

GPRS also supports anonymous PDP context activation. In this case, security
functions as shown in Figure are skipped, and thus, the user (i.e., the IMSI) using the
PDP context remains unknown to the network. Anonymous context activation may be
employed for pre-paid services, where the user does not want to be identified. Only
dynamic address allocation is possible in this case.
Data Packet Routing

The main functions of the GGSN involve interaction with the external data
network. The GGSN updates the location directory using routing information supplied
by the SGSNs about the location of a MS and routes the external data network protocol
packet encapsulated over the GPRS backbone to the SGSN currently serving the MS. It
also decapsulates and forwards external data network packets to the appropriate data
network and collects charging data that is forwarded to a charging gateway.

In Figure 3 , three different routing schemes are illustrated: mobile-originated

message (path 1), network-initiated message when the MS is in its home network (path
2), and network-initiated message when the MS has roamed to another GPRS operator's
network (path 3). In these examples, the operator's GPRS network consists of multiple
GSNs (with a gateway and serving functionality) and an intra-operator backbone

GPRS operators will allow roaming through an inter-operator backbone

network. The GPRS operators connect to the inter-operator network via a boarder
gateway (BG), which can provide the necessary interworking and routing protocols (for
example, Border Gateway Protocol [BGP]). It is also foreseeable that GPRS operators
will implement QoS mechanisms over the inter-operator network to ensure service-
level agreements (SLAs). The main benefits of the architecture are its flexibility,
scalablility, interoperability, and roaming.

Fig 3 Routing of Data Packets between a Fixed Host and a GPRS MS

Location Management

The main task of location management is to keep track of the user's current
location, so that incoming packets can be routed to his or her MS. For this purpose, the
MS frequently sends location update messages to its current SGSN. If the MS sends
updates rather seldom, its location (e.g., its current cell) is not known exactly and
paging is necessary for each down link packet, resulting in a significant delivery delay.
On the other hand, if location updates happen very often, the MS's location is well
known to the network, and the data packets can be delivered without any additional
paging delay. However, quite a lot of up link radio capacity and battery power is
consumed for mobility management in this case. Thus, a good location management
strategy must be a compromise between these two extreme methods. A state model
shown in Figure 4 has been defined for location management in GPRS . A MScan be in
one of three states depending on its current traffic amount.

In idle state the MS is not reachable. Performing a GPRS attach, the MS gets
into ready state. With a GPRS detach it may disconnect from the network and fall back
to idle state. All PDP contexts will be deleted.

The standby state will be reached when an MS does not send any packets for a
longer period of time, and therefore the ready timer (which was started at GPRS attach)
expires.In idle state, no location updating is performed, i.e., the current location of
theMS is unknown to the network.
An MS in ready state (active state) informs its SGSN of every movement to a
new cell. For the location management of an MS in standby state, a GSM location area
(LA) is divided into several routing areas (RA). In general, an RA consists of several
cells. The SGSN will only be informed when an MS moves to a new RA; cell changes
will not be disclosed. To find out the current cell of an MS in standby state, paging of
the MS within a certain RA must be performed . For MSs in ready state, no paging is


The channel allocation in GPRS is different from the original GSM. GPRS
allows a single mobile station to transmit on multiple time slots of the same TDMA
frame (multislot operation). GPRS can combine multiple slots in a single transmission,
the effective bandwidth is increased The theoretical limit for GPRS is eight time slots.
GPRS assigns a .5-millisecond time slot to each data packet. The system is notified at
the time of transmission as to how many time slots or kbps are needed on both the
sending and receiving devices. The ability to combine only the required number of time
slots for each transmission gives GPRS the flexibility to support both low-speed and
highspeed data applications in a single network.

Time Slot Aggregation

In conventional GSM, a channel is permanently allocated for a particular user

during the entire call period (whether data is transmitted or not). In contrast to this, in
GPRS the channels are only allocated when data packets are sent or received, and they
are released after the transmission. For bursty traffic this results in a much more
efficient usage of the scarce radio resources. With this principle, multiple users can
share one physical channel. A cell supporting GPRS may allocate physical channels for
GPRS traffic. Such a physical channel is denoted as packet data channel (PDCH). The
PDCHs are taken from the common pool of all channels available in the cell. Thus, the
radio resources of a cell are shared by all GPRS and non-GPRS mobile stations located
in this cell. The mapping of physical channels to either packet switched (GPRS) or
circuit switched (conventional GSM) services can be performed dynamically (capacity
on demand principle, depending on the current traffic load, the priority of the service,
and the multislot class. A load supervision procedure monitors the load of the PDCHs
in the cell. According to the current demand, the number of channels allocated for
GPRS (i.e., the number of PDCHs) can be changed. Physical channels not currently in
use by conventional GSM can be allocated as PDCHs to increase the quality of service
for GPRS. When there is a resource demand for services with higher priority, PDCHs
can be de-allocated.

Logical Channels in GPRS

On top of the physical channels, a series of logical channels are defined to

perform a multiplicity of functions, e.g., signaling, broadcast of general system
information, synchronization, channel assignment, paging, or payload transport. They
can be divided into two categories

• traffic channels
• signaling (control) channels.

The packet data traffic channel (PDTCH) is employed for the transfer of
user data. It is assigned to one mobile station (or in the case of PTM to multiple mobile
stations). One mobile station can use several PDTCHs simultaneously.
The packet broadcast control channel (PBCCH) is a unidirectional point-to-
multipoint signaling channel from the base station subsystem (BSS) to the mobile
stations. It is used by the BSS to broadcast specific information about the organization
of the GPRS radio network to all GPRS mobile stations of a cell. Besides system
information about GPRS, the PBCCH should also broadcast important system
information about circuit switched services, so that a GSM/GPRS mobile station does
not need to listen to the broadcast control channel (BCCH).

The packet common control channel (PCCCH) is a bidirectional point-to-

multipoint signaling channel that transports signaling information for network access
management, e.g., for allocation of radio resources and paging. It consists of four sub-
1. The packet random access channel (PRACH) is used by the mobile to
request one or more PDTCH.
2. The packet access grant channel (PAGCH) is used to allocate one or more
PDTCH to a mobile station.
3. The packet paging channel (PPCH) is used by the BSS to find out the
location of a mobile station (paging) prior to downlink packet transmission.
4. The packet notification channel (PNCH) is used to inform a mobile station of
incoming PTM messages (multicast or group call).

Channel Coding

Channel coding is used to protect the transmitted data packets against errors.
The channel coding technique in GPRS is quite similar to the one employed in

conventional GSM.. The selection of coding schemes is transparent to the user and
determines the level of error correction the network uses to send the data. The better
the link is between the user and the network, the less error correction is needed. Less
error correction means higher throughput. (Coding scheme 1 has the highest level of
error correction.)

Scheme Data rate (Kbps)

CS-1 91)5
CS-2 13.4
CS-3 15.G
CS-4 21.4

Table 3 : Channel Coding Schemes

Protocol Architecture

Transmission Plane

GPRS Backbone: SGSN GGSN As mentioned earlier, user data packets are
encapsulated within the GPRS backbone network. The GPRS Tunneling Protocol
(GTP) tunnels the user data packets and related signaling information between the
GPRS support nodes (GSNs). The protocol is defined both between GSNs within one
PLMN (Gn interface) and between GSNs of different PLMNs (Gp interface). The
signaling is used to create, modify, and delete tunnels. In the GPRS backbone we have
an IP/X.25- over-GTP-over-UDP/TCP- over-IP transport architecture.

Sub network Dependent Convergence Protocol The Subnetwork Dependent

Convergence Protocol (SNDCP) is used to transfer data packets between SGSN and
MS. Its functionality includes:
o Multiplexing of several connections of the network layer onto one
virtual logical connection of the underlying LLC layer. o Compression and
decompression of user data and redundant header information.

Signaling Plane

The protocol architecture of the signaling plane comprises protocols for control
and support of the functions of the transmission plane. Between MS and SGSN the
GPRS Mobility Management and Session Management (GMM/SM) protocol supports
mobility and session management when performing functions such as GPRS
attach/detach, security functions, PDP context activation, and routing area updates.

GPRS is secure. It is an overlay on the existing GSM network. Hence it uses all
security features of the GSM network, along with it's on options.

Subscriber Identity Confidentiality

The purpose of this function is to avoid an intruder to identity a subscriber on

the radio path (e.g. Traffic Channel or signaling resources) by listening to the signaling
exchanges . This function can be achieved by protecting the subscriber's IMSI
(International Mobile Subscriber Index) and any signaling information elements.
Therefore, a protected identifying method should be used to identify a mobile
subscriber instead of the IMSI on the radio path. The signaling information elements
that convey information about the mobile subscriber identity must be transmitted in
ciphered form. And also a ciphering method is used.

Identifying method

The TMSI (Temporary Mobile Subscriber Index ) is used in the method. I t s a

local number and only valid in a given location area. The TMSI must be used together
with the LAI to avoid ambiguities. The network manages the databases (e.g. VLR) to
keep the relation between TMSIs and IMSIs. When a TMSI is received with an LAI
that does not correspond to the current VLR, the IMSI of the MS must be requested
from the VLR in charge of the indicated location area if its address is known; otherwise
the IMSI is requested from the MS. A new TMSI must be allocated in each location
updating procedure. The allocation of a new TMSI corresponds implicitly for the
mobile to the de-allocation of the previous one . In the fixed part of the network, the
cancellation of the record for an MS in VLR implies the deallocation of the
corresponding TMSI. When a new TMSI is allocated to an MS, it is transmitted to the
MS in a ciphered mode. The MS stores its current TMSI in a non-volatile memory
together with the LAI so that these data are not lost when the MS is switched off.

GPRS Authentication
The GPRS authentication procedure is handled in the same way as in GSM with
the distinction that the procedures are executed in the SGSN. In some cases, the SGSN
requests the pairs for a MS from the HLR/AUC corresponding to the IMSI of the MS.

GSM confidentiality

The signaling information elements related to the user, such as IMSI, and
Calling subscriber directory number (mobile terminated or originated calls) need to be
protected after connection establishment . The user information such as short messages,
is transferred in a connectionless packet mode over a signaling channel. It should be
protected. And also User information on Physical Connections (voice and non-voice
communications) on traffic channels over the radio interface should be protected. In
order to achieve those confidentiality, a ciphering method, key setting, the starting of
the enciphering and deciphering processes, and a synchronization are needed.
A key setting completes a process that allows the MS and the network to agree
on the key Kc using in the ciphering and deciphering algorithms .It is triggered by the
authentication procedure and initiated by the network. Key setting must occur on a
DCCH not yet encrypted and soon after the identity of the mobile subscriber is known
by the network.

The transmission of Kc to the MS is indirect. A Kc is generated on both sides

using the key generator algorithm A8 and the authentication process. At the network
side, the values of Kc are calculated in the AUC/HLR. At the MS side, the Kc is stored
by the mobile station until it is updated at the next authentication. The encryption of
signaling and user data is performed at the MS as well as at the BSS. This is a case
called symmetric encryption, i.e. ciphering and deciphering are performed with the
same Kc and the A5 algorithm and start on DCCH and TCH. This process can be
described as follows: First, the network (i.e. BSS) requests the MS to start its
(de)ciphering process and starts its own deciphering process. The MS then starts its
ciphering and deciphering.The first ciphered message from the MS, which reaches the
network and is correctly ciphered leads to the start of the ciphering process on the
network sides. The enciphering stream at one end and deciphering stream at the other
end must be synchronized. GPRS confidentiality GPRS network still needs this security
feature. However the ciphering scope is different. The scope of GSM is between BTS
and MS. The scope of GPRS is from the SGSN to the MS. A new ciphering algorithm
GPRS-A5 is used because of the nature of GPRS traffic. The ciphering is done in the
Logical Link Control (LLC) layer. The GPRS-Kc is handled by the SGSN
independently from MSC .

There are a number of different ways the mobile professional can be connected
to the corporate network via a notebook computer, using the GPRS network. It will be
up to the IS manager and telecom manager to decide which option serves their needs
best. The following section provides information on the two most common scenarios:
enterprise controlled connection, and connection through an ISP.

Enterprise Controlled Connection

Enterprise Centric Model

Fig 5 Enterprise Controlled Connection

This scenario allows for strong authentication and seamless allocation of IP

addresses from the corporate network. The GGSN is configured with the IP address of
the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server, the IP address of the Remote
Access Dial-In User System (RADIUS) server, and the required radius key. The user's
device will need to be configured with the desired APN and any relevant information
about the DNS and Windows Internet Name (WINS) server. To become connected, the
user provides all credentials required at the logon screens. The user will then be
allocated an IP address and can gain access to the corporate network. The link between
the corporate network and the GPRS network can be physically implemented using a
variety of common methods such as leased T1/E1 lines.

Connecting Through an ISP

ISP Centric Model

• JPH Link
Fig 6 Connection Through ISP

Like the enterprise controlled connection, this method requires authentication

before gaining access to the corporate network. The difference is that the connection is
made by way of an Internet Service Provider (ISP). After connecting to the ISP by
selecting its APN, and completing the ISP authentication process successfully, the user
is allocated an IP address and obtains PDP context. Through this link to the Internet,
the user is able to connect to the corporate network. Configuration of the DNS and
WINS may involve client software tools. Once PDP context is activated, access is
similar to any other link from the Internet to the corporate network.

GPRS will enable a variety of new and unique services to the mobile wireless subscriber. These
mobile applications contain several unique characteristics that enhance the value to the customers. First
among them is mobility , the ability to maintain constant voice and data communications while on the
move. Second is immediacy, which allows subscribers to obtain connectivity when needed, regardless of
location and without a lengthy login session. Finally, localization allows subscribers to obtain information
relevant to their current location.


Communications applications include all those in which it appears to the users that they are using
the mobile communications network purely as a pipe to access messages or information.

Intranet Access

The first stage of enabling users to maintain contact with their office is through access to e-mail,
fax, and voice mail using unified messaging systems. Increasingly, files and data on corporate networks
are becoming accessible through corporate intranets that can be protected through firewalls, by enabling
secure tunnels.

Internet Access
As a critical mass of users is approached, more and more applications aimed at general consumers
are being placed on the Internet. The Internet is becoming an invaluable tool for accessing corporate data
as well as for the provision of product and service information. More recently, companies have begun
using the Internet as an environment for carrying out business, through e-commerce.

E-Mail and Fax

E-mail on mobile networks may take one of two forms. It is possible for e-mail to be sent to a
mobile user directly, or users can have an e-mail account maintained by their network operator or their
Internet service provider

Unified Messaging

Unified messaging uses a single mailbox for all messages, including voice mail, faxes, email,
short message service (SMS), and pager messages. With the various mailboxes in one place, unified
messaging systems then allow for a variety of access methods to recover messages of different types.
Some will use text-to-voice systems to read e-mail and, less commonly, faxes over a normal phone line,
while most will allow the interrogation of the contents of the various mailboxes through data access, such
as the Internet. Others may be configured to alert the user on the terminal type of their choice when
messages are received.

Value-Added Services

Value-added services refer strictly to content provided by network operators to increase the value
of their service to their subscribers.

E-commerce is defined as the carrying out of business on the Internet or data service. This would
include only those applications where a contract is established over the data connection, such as for the
purchase of goods, or services, as well as online banking applications because of the similar requirements
of user authentication and secure transmission of sensitive data.


Specific banking functions that can be accomplished over a wireless connection include balance
checking, moving money between accounts, bill payment, and overdraft alert.

Location-Based Services

Location-based services provide the ability to link push or pull information services with a user's
location. Examples include hotel and restaurant finders, roadside assistance, and city-specific news and


Advertising may be offered to customers to subsidize the cost of voice or other information
services. Advertising may be location sensitive where, for example, a user entering a mall would receive
advertising specific to the stores in that mall.

In summary, GPRS presents an intermediate step in bring high speed Internet access to GSM
users as the industry moves towards implementing 3 rd Generation mobile services, known as UMTS
(Universal Mobile Telephone Service). GPRS will thrive in both vertical and horizontal markets where
highspeed data transmission over wireless networks is required. The deployment of GPRS networks will
enable a plethora of new applications ranging from mobile e-commerce to mobile corporate VPN access.
Deployment of GPRS will also have a great impact on the wireless data traffic volume by generating new
sources of revenue for the service providers, especially since any current GSM network user can upgrade
services to include high-speed data. The only question is how soon it takes off in earnest and how to
ensure that the technical and commercial features do not hinder its widespread use.


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