Translation Studies Question Paper 2021 OBE

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Unique Paper Code: 12033904

Name of the Paper: SEC- Translation Studies

Name of the Course: BA(Programme) CBCS- SEC
Semester: III
Duration: 3+1 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

Instructions for Candidates:

1. Read the questions and instructions carefully.

2. This paper contains a total of six questions out of which the student must
answer any three.
3. Each question carries 25 marks and must be answered within 500-800
4. The maximum time allowed for the paper is 3+1 hours of which 1 hour is
given for downloading the question paper, scanning and uploading the
answer sheets.

1. How is consecutive interpreting different from simultaneous interpreting?

How can the interpreter and the speaker overcome the challenges in the
process of interpreting?

2. Evaluate the success of machine translation. Explain in detail the three

main approaches to machine translation.

3. The “main focus of the activity of the translator is on the quest for finding
adequate stylistic equivalents to the text of the original”. Discuss, with
examples, the various kinds of stylistic transformations that take place in a
cross-literary translation.

4. a) Translation has helped the expansion of the reach of media. Discuss with
examples. (15)

b) Translate the following passage into Hindi. (10)

In the seventeenth century, the Indian trading classes were large in
number, spread out all over the country, well-organised and highly
professional. Some specialised in long-distance, inter-regional trade, and
some in local, retail trade. The former were called seth, bohra or modi,
while the latter were called beoparies or baniks. In addition to retailing
goods, the baniks had their own agents in the villages and townships, with
whose help they purchased foodgrains and cash crops. There was a special
class of traders, the banjaras who specialised in carrying bulk goods. The
banjaras used to move over long distances, sometime with thousands of
oxen carrying foodgrains, pulses, ghee, salt, etc. But it was cheaper to move
bulk goods through rivers on boats. Boat traffic on waterways, and coastal
trade along the seashore was more highly developed than now. Foodstuff
and a wide range of textile products were the most important components
of inter-regional trade during the period. Movement of goods was also
facilitated by the growth of a financial system which permitted easy
transmission of money from one part of the country to another.

5. a) “A successful translator is not a mechanical translator of the text but is

creative as well”. Discuss, in detail, the qualities of a successful translator in
the light of the above statement. (15)

b) Give Hindi equivalents of any four of the following. (10)

1. birds of a feather
2. Jack of all trades
3. The apple of one’s eye
4. Pandora’s box
5. Bosom pal

6. a) Translate the following passage from Hindi into English. (15)

“मने वाटरलू के यु म जो सफलता ा की उसका िश ण ईटन के मै दान म िमला।”

ने पोिलयन को परािजत करने वाले एडवड ने न की यह पं खेल के मह को बयां करने के िलये

पया है । खे लों की मह ा को दु िनया के े क समाज व स ता म ीकृित िमली है । रामायण,
महाभारत से लेकर ीको-रोमन दं त-कथाओं म होने वाले खेलों का िज इस बात का माण है । पु नः
ओलंिपक की ारं िभक शु आत यह करती है िक खे लों को सं थािनक मह िमलता रहा है ।
खेलों ारा न केवल हमारी िदनचया िनयिमत रहती है ब ये उ र चाप, ड शु गर, मोटापा, दय
रोग जै सी बीमा रयों की सं भावनाओं को भी ू न करते ह। इसके अलावा खे ल ारा हम यं को चु -
दु रखने म भी मदद िमलती है ।

एक अ ा जीवन जीने हे तु अ े ा का होना ब त ज री है । िजस कार शरीर को अ ा और

थ रखने के िलये ायाम की आव कता होती है उसी कार खे लकूद का भी थ जीवन हे तु
अ िधक मह है । खे ल ब ों और यु वाओं के मानिसक तथा शारी रक िवकास दोनों ही के िलये अित
आव क है । नई पीढ़ी को िकताबी ान के साथ-साथ खे लों म भी िच बढ़ाने की ज रत है ।

b) Give English equivalents of any four idioms. (10)

1. तलवे चाटना
2. नाम कमाना
3. कु े का कु ा बैरी
4. खोदा पहाढ़ िनकली चुिहया
5. दु म दबा कर भागना

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