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Electrolysis of sodium chloride solutions on Ti/Pt anodes under current

reversal conditions

Article · March 2020

DOI: 10.32434/0321-4095-2020-129-2-36-43

6 743

3 authors:

D. V. Girenko Olesia Shmychkova

Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology


A.B. Velichenko
Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology


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36 ISSN 0321-4095, Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii, 2020, No. 2, pp. 36-43

UDC 544.65+661.43

D. Girenko, O. Shmychkova, A. Velichenko


Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

An increase in the current efficiency of hypochlorite up to 80–85% and a possible decrease

in the current efficiency of chlorate up to 5–8% are observed if the electrolysis of NaCl
occurs on a pre-reduced Ti/Pt electrode surface. However, the time of the electrolysis on
a reduced surface is limited and significantly decreases with increasing current density.
The need for the reduction of the surface every time before the electrolysis almost negates
the practical value of the above results. The duration of the transition from the reduced
surface to the oxidized state can be appreciably decreased in low-concentrated solutions of
NaCl (0.15–0.45 M NaCl solutions are commonly used in practice to prepare hypochlorite
solutions by direct membraneless electrolysis). For instance, the duration of the transition
is 1200 s and only 80 s in 0.3 M and in 0.15 M solutions, respectively (at 20 mA cm–2).
Moreover, it becomes possible to refuse the procedure of the pre-treatment of the anode
and conduct the electrolysis at any duration on the reduced surface under current reversal
conditions. If the electrolysis of 0.15 M NaCl is performed in a «usual» regime at 20–40
mA cm–2, then the current efficiency of hypochlorite does not exceed 26% and the current
efficiency of chlorate is at least 21%. It is shown that carrying out the electrolysis under
current reversal conditions allows increasing the current efficiency of hypochlorite up to
39% while reducing the current efficiency of chlorate to 5%. An increase in the concentration
of NaCl to 0.3 M improves the performance of reverse electrolysis even more significantly.
In this case, the current efficiency of ClO– formation increases to 78% and the current
efficiency of ClO3– formation decreases to 2%.

Keywords: platinum, platinized titanium, anode, sodium hypochlorite, chlorate, reverse

polarity electrolysis, reverse current.

DOI: 10.32434/0321-4095-2020-129-2-36-43

Introduction eliminate microcirculation disorders of physiological

Sodium hypochlorite is known to be used on a fluids [3]. In modern medical practice, low-
large scale in agriculture, chemical, paint- and lime, concentrated solutions of sodium hypochlorite,
food, glass, paper, pharmaceutical, synthetics and additionally containing 9 g L–1 of sodium chloride,
waste disposal industries, etc. NaClO can be are widely used as antiseptic agents for external and
effectively used for water purification, bleaching, odor local use, as well as for direct detoxification of the
removal and water disinfection. It can be easily stored body intravenously [3]. Sodium hypochlorite
and transported when it is produced on-site [1]. solutions are practically non-toxic, do not cause
Sodium hypochlorite solutions exhibit high allergic reactions and their components do not
biological activity against many gram-positive and accumulate in humans and animals.
gram-negative bacteria, most pathogenic fungi, However, the electrochemical synthesis of high-
viruses and protozoa [2]. The active components of purity solutions of 0.01–0.1% sodium hypochlorite
these solutions (hypochlorite ion and hypochlorous by electrolysis of low-concentrated sodium chloride
acid) can reduce the resistance of microflora to solutions remains challenging. The main difficulties
antibiotics, increase their effectiveness, neutralize here are the choice of electrode materials,
toxic metabolites represented by the decay products configuration and type of electrolyzer and
of microbes, white blood cells and tissues, and optimization of the conditions of electrolysis [4].

© D. Girenko, O. Shmychkova, A. Velichenko, 2020

D. Girenko, O. Shmychkova, A. Velichenko

ISSN 0321-4095, Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii, 2020, No. 2, pp. 36-43 37

The electrochemical synthesis of sodium participation of strongly bounded (inert) chemisorbed

hypochlorite solutions is most often carried out on oxygen-containing particles and atomic oxygen on
composite coatings based on titanium and tin oxides the oxidized surface. The desorption of the products
modified with platinum group metals. Anodes, based of primary oxidation of Cl– becomes slower, and an
on RuO2–TiO2 seem to be the best for the electrolysis increase in the degree of surface filling with active
of concentrated NaCl solutions [5,6], whereas it is oxygen-containing particles of the Oads type leads to
better to use anodes coated with mixed oxides of a significant increase in the rate of chlorate formation.
titanium, tin and iridium for the electrolysis of low- However, the platinum surface is easily turned
concentrated NaCl solutions (less than 30 g L–1) into a reduced state at a short-term cathodic
[7,8]. However, such anodes are expensive and labor polarization in the region of hydrogen evolution. This
intensive. The proper anode coatings are practically feature of the behavior of platinum and platinized
impossible to apply, for example, on the inner surface titanium can be used by realizing electrolysis under
of a tubular anode when creating coaxial flow- current reversal conditions on two identical platinum
through electrochemical modules. They poorly electrodes.
tol erat e cathodic polarization. The above The main characteristics of the electrolysis of
disadvantages are practically avoided by platinized sodium chloride solutions on platinized titanium
titanium electrodes, which have a very high corrosion electrodes in non-diaphragm electrolysis cells in the
resistance in various aggressive environments, and periodic current reversal mode are discussed in this
can work both in the range of high anodic and paper in order to create affordable and highly efficient
cathodic polarizations. However, the use of platinum electrolyzers for the synthesis of high-purity sodium
as an electrocatalyst for the oxidation of Cl– is limited hypochlorite solutions.
by high current efficiencies (CE) of the oxygen Material and methods
evolution reaction and chlorate formation [9,10]. All che micals w ere reagent grade.
It is known that the surface of platinum can be Electrochemical measurements were carried out in
in reduced and oxidized states [11]. The electrolysis 1 M HClO4 with computer controlled MTech PGP-
of NaCl solutions over the entire concentration range 550 M potentiostat (Ukraine) in a standard
most often occurs on the surface of platinum coated temperature-controlled three-electrode cell. All
with a layer of phase oxides. In this case, the main potentials were recorde d an d re port ed vs.
three parallel processes are realized with comparable Ag/AgCl/KCl(sat.). The reference electrode was
rates: (i) the oxidation of Cl– to hypochlorite, (ii) brought to the working electrode through the Luggin
the oxidation of Cl– yielding chlorite and chlorate, capillary. The temperature was 25±10Ñ.
and (iii) the reaction of oxygen evolution. On the Platinized Ti anode was obtained by platinum
reduced surface, CE of hypochlorite reaches 90% deposition from a nitrite electrolyte on a prepared
when the CE of ClO3– is less than 10%, while lower titanium surface at 10 mA cm–2 and 800C [13]. The
electrode polarizations of 400–450 mV are realized surface content of platinum was 2.0 mg cm–2.
[12]. However, during the electrolysis, the reduced The catalytic activity of the obtained anodes
surface gradually oxidizes. Layers of labile and then with respect to the sodium hypochlorite synthesis
inert chemisorbed oxygen-containing particles begin reaction was evaluated under the conditions of
to form on the Pt surface in the region of low anodic accumulative electrolysis of 300 mL of 0.15, 0.30,
polarizations. The formation of atomic oxygen and 1.0 M NaCl solutions of in a non-diaphragm
becomes possible with increasing polarization and cell at 250C for 60 min. Mixing was carried out by a
phase oxide layers are formed [11]. The formation compact mixer.
of phase surface oxides occurs rapidly, and the oxygen The concentration of NaClO and NaClO3 in
evolution proceeds on a completely oxidized surface solutions was determined by iodometric titration [14].
in a supporting solution. The presence of Cl– in a The standard deviation in determining of the
solution significantly decelerates this process. concentration does not exceed ±3 mg L -1 and
Chloride ion acts as a depolarizer. When discharging, ±2 mg L-1 for sodium hypochlorite and sodium
it interacts with surface oxygen-containing particles, chlorate, respectively. Moreover, standard deviations
thereby slowing down the oxidation of the surface. for current efficiencies are ±1.0 and ±0.5% for
Thus, both direct oxidation of Cl– and its oxidation hypochlorite and chlorate, respectively.
by labile oxygen-containing particles of the OHads Results and discussion
type occur on the reduced platinum surface. The As stated above, the surface of platinum may
formation of hypochlorite proceeds directly on the be in oxidized and reduced states [12]. The platinum
surface of the platinum phase oxides layer with the surface is free from phase oxides at the cathodic

Electrolysis of sodium chloride solutions on Ti/Pt anodes under current reversal conditions
38 ISSN 0321-4095, Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii, 2020, No. 2, pp. 36-43

polarization in the region of hydrogen evolution. Such forms on a platinum surface even in rather highly
state hereinafter will be referred to as a reduced state. concentrated NaCl solutions. Therefore, the potential
A layer of phase oxides is formed on the surface of shifts by almost 500 mV to the anode region and the
platinum with the anodic polarization in the region selectivity with respect to the products of Cl– ion
of oxygen evolution. This state hereinafter will be oxidation changes: the CE of hypochlorite decreases
referred to as an oxidized state. Oxidation and surface and the CE of chlorate increases [12].
reduction occurs almost instantly in a supporting The data obtained after the cumulative
electrolyte (for example, in 1 M HClO4 or 1 M electrolysis of 1 M NaCl solution are given in Table 1.
NaClO 4) at the current densities higher than In order to reduce the influence of the growth of
10 mA cm–2. A previously reduced Ti/Pt surface pH value from the initial 5.5 to 8.5–9.0 during the
during anodic polarization remains in a reduced state electrolysis, the initial solution was made alkaline
for a long time, if more than 0.5 M chloride ion is (pH 8.5). To decrease the reduction rate of ClO–
present in the solution. Chronopotentiograms on a and HClO on the cathode, the electrolysis was carried
previously reduced Ti/Pt sample in a 1 M NaCl out at a minimum rate of electrolyte mixing and at
solution at various anode current densities are shown the ratio of cathodic to anodic current densities of
in Fig. 1. An increase in potential more than 1.3 V 4:1 [15]. The electrolysis duration was 60 min, which
characterizes the transition of the surface to the does not exceed the time within which the surface
oxidized state. Therefore, the previously reduced was in the reduced state at 20 mA cm–2 (Fig. 1). As
platinum surface with an anodic polarization at follows from the results of the experiment, on the
80 mA cm–2, 40 mA cm–2 and 20 mA cm–2 remains reduced surface, the CE of ClO– is 10–12% higher
in the reduced state for 700, 1500 and 3000 seconds, than on the oxidized one and is more than 80%.
respectively. This allows obtaining quasi-stationary The CE of ClO3– is almost 2 times higher on the
current-voltage curves on the reduced Ti/Pt surface. oxidized sample than on the reduced one and is
A series of curves recorded in a galvanostatic 16% at 16 mA cm–2.
mode are shown in Fig. 2. Curve 1 was obtained on As one can conclude from the obtained results,
the oxidized surface of the sample, then the surface it is possible to increase the CE of hypochlorite up
was reduced and curve 2 was recorded; further, curve to 80–85%. In addition, it is possible to reduce the
3 was obtained on the oxidized and finally curve CE of chlorate up to 5–8%, however the duration
4 was recorded on the newly reduced surface. The of the electrolysis on the reduced surface is limited
reproducibility of the curves indicates the and significantly decreases with increasing current
reproducibility of the surface during sequential density. The need for reducing the surface every time
oxidation/reduction of the surface of the sample. As before the electrolysis almost negates the practical
one can see from Fig. 2, the surface state significantly value of the above results. It should be also noted
affects the polarization of the electrode in the that solutions of 0.15–0.45 M NaCl are used in
presence of Cl– ions. At 10 mA cm–2, the change in practice to prepare hypochlorite solutions by direct
polarization is 430 mV, which indicates the membraneless electrolysis. The transition time of the
electrocatalytic nature of the Cl– oxidation. reduced surface to the oxidized state significantly
Unfortunately, a layer of phase oxides gradually decreases in low-concentrated solutions of NaCl.
42 31
1 2 3
E / V (vs. Ag/AgCl)

430 mV
1.6 10
j / mA cm -2


1.4 5

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7

t/s E / V (vs. Ag/AgCl)

Fig. 1. Chronopotentiograms recorded on reduced Ti/Pt Fig. 2. Steady-state polarization curves recorded on Ti/Pt in 2
electrode at ja=80 (1), 40 (2) and 20 (3) mA cm–2 in 1 M NaCl M NaCl. The curves numbering is explained in text

D. Girenko, O. Shmychkova, A. Velichenko

ISSN 0321-4095, Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii, 2020, No. 2, pp. 36-43 39

Table 1
Current efficiencies of NaClO and NaClO3 during one-hour electrolysis in 1.0 Ì NaCl on Ti/Pt

Reduced Ti/Pt Oxidized Ti/Pt

ja, mA cm–2
CE(ClO–), % CE(ClO3–), % CE(ClO–), % CE(ClO3–), %
5 85 5 73 11
10 83 7 72 13
20 81 8 71 16

For instance, the transition time is 1200 s in 0.3 M (Fig. 5). The chronopotentiograms obtained on the
solution, whereas it is only 80 s in 0.15 M at oxidized surface of Ti/Pt in 0.15 and 0.3 M NaCl
20 mA cm–2 (Figs. 3 and 4). It is possible to refuse solutions by cathodic current polarization are shown
the procedure of the pre-treatment of the anode and in Figs. 6 and 7. As the concentration and the cathode
conduct the electrolysis with any duration on the current density increase, the surface reduction time
reduced surface by performing the electrolysis under decreases too. However, the transition time to the
current reversal conditions. reduced state does not exceed 15 s and 5 s even in
It is possible to realize reversible electrolysis in 0.15 M NaCl at jc=–10 mA cm–2 and –20 mA cm–2,
«asymmetric and symmetric» modes. When carrying respectively. A decrease in current density to
out the process in an asymmetric mode, the main 5 mA cm–2 increases the reduction period up to
electrolysis is performed at low anodic and high 100 s in 0.3 M NaCl (Fig. 6, curve 4). It should be
cathodic current densities (Sa>Sc, jc>40 mA cm–2) taken into account that the reverse current density
in order to decrease the reduction of hypochlorite at must be at least 10 mA cm–2 to ensure a rapid
the cathode. A short current reverse occurs after a reduction of the anode surface (up to 15 s) when
predetermined period to reduce the anode surface. carrying out the reversible electrolysis in asymmetric
In this way, it is correct to start the electrolysis with mode. When performing reversible electrolysis in a
the cycle of anode reduction. For the implementation symmetric mode, the reversal time is determined by
of a symmetric method, the electrodes must be the the transition time of the anode to the oxidized state
same and equal in their area. The reverse of the under these conditions of electrolysis. The service
current is done at regular intervals. life of such electrolysis cells is significantly increased
The cycle time of the anode polarization can because the anode workload is distributed alternately
be determined by recording the E vs. t dependences to both electrodes.
on a previously reduced anode at a given current The CE of hypochlorite of 80% with a
density, solution concentration, and hydrodynamic sufficiently low CE of chlorate (5–6%) is observed
electrolysis conditions. It should be noted that the at the electrolysis of 1.0 M NaCl under the current
time spent by the anode in the reduced state increases reversal conditions on Ti/Pt. Compared to standard
as the intensity of mixing of the solution increases electrolysis, an increase in CE of ClO– is almost

1.8 1 2 3

1.6 4
1 2 3
E / V (vs. Ag/AgCl)

E / V (vs. Ag/AgCl)



1.2 1.2

0 50 100 1200 1400 0 50 100 900 1000

t/s t/s
Fig. 4. Chronopotentiograms recorded on reduced Ti/Pt
Fig. 3. Chronopotentiograms recorded on reduced Ti/Pt
electrode at ja=40 (1), 30 (2), 20 (3) and 10 (4) mA cm–2
electrode at ja=40 (1), 30 (2) and 20 (3) mA cm–2
in 0.15 M NaCl
in 0.3 M NaCl

Electrolysis of sodium chloride solutions on Ti/Pt anodes under current reversal conditions
40 ISSN 0321-4095, Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii, 2020, No. 2, pp. 36-43


E / V (vs. Ag/AgCl)
E / V (vs. Ag/AgCl)

2 1 3 4
1.6 0.0
1.4 3
-1.0 1

1.2 0 5 10 15 20
0 100 200 300 400
Fig. 7. Chronopotentiograms recorded on oxidized Ti/Pt
Fig. 5. Chronopotentiograms recorded on reduced Ti/Pt electrode at jc=–40 mA cm–2 (1), –30 mA cm–2 (2),
electrode at ja=20 mA cm–2 in 0.15 M NaCl. Rotational –20 mA cm–2 (3) and –10 (4) mA cm–2 in 0.15 M NaCl
velocity of mixer (rpm): (1) – 0 (without mixing), (2) – 660,
(3) – 1400 and (4) – 2000 time of the reduced surface to the oxidized state in
0.15 M NaCl is 90 s and 10 s at the current density
of 20 mA cm–2 and 40 mA cm–2, respectively. The
0.5 electrolysis in reverse polarity mode at 20 mA cm–2
4 with a minute period of current direction reversal
E / V (vs. Ag/AgCl)

showed a 1.5-fold increase in CE of hypochlorite

(from 26 till 38%) and a four-fold decrease in CE of
chlorate(from 21 to 5%). It should be noted that
-0.5 carrying out the reverse electrolysis at 20 mA cm–2
1 2 3 with a reverse period exceeding 3 times the surface
reduction time (300 s) practically has no effect on
-1.0 the CE of hypochlorite and chlorate (Table 3).
The composition of the resulting solutions and
0 2 4 6 8 10 current efficiencies registered at 40 mA cm–2 in the
reverse polarity mode with 10-second reverse time
are the same as those observed at 20 mA cm–2 and a
Fig. 6. Chronopotentiograms recorded on oxidized Ti/Pt
60-second reverse time. At 40 mA cm –2 and
electrode at jc=–20 mA cm–2 (1), –15 mA cm–2 (2),
10-second reverse time, CE of ClO– was 39% and
–10 mA cm–2 (3) and –5 (4) mA cm–2 in 0.3 M NaCl
CE of ClO3– was 5%. At 60-second reverse time,
10%, and the CE of ClO3– is decreased by 3 times CE of hypochlorite decreases to 31% and CE of
(Table 2). chlorate grows to 9% since more than half of the
When conducting the electrolysis in 0.15 M electrolysis time is realized on the oxidized surface
NaCl in a non-reversible mode at 20 mA cm–2, the of the anode. Accumulative electrolysis was
integral CEs of hypochlorite and chlorate are performed under the conditions of the normal and
comparable and are 26 and 21%, respectively. This reverse current reversal on platinum-plated electrodes
indicates the unsuitability of Ti/Pt electrodes in the made of porous titanium at an overall current density
synthesis of hypochlorite in low-concentration of 40 mA cm–2 in order to compare the effect of the
solutions. As it has been shown above, the transition substrate. A rather high CE of hypochlorite (51%)
Table 2
Current efficiencies of NaClO and NaClO3 at electrolysis of 1.0 M NaCl at Ti/Pt electrodes in different modes

Conditions j, mA cm–2 CE(ClO–), % CE(ClO3–), %

Traditional mode. Anode is pre-oxidized 20 74 16
Reverse polarity mode (trev=5 min) 20 84 5
Traditional mode. Anode is pre-oxidized 40 71 17
Reverse polarity mode (trev=5 min) 40 79 6

D. Girenko, O. Shmychkova, A. Velichenko

ISSN 0321-4095, Voprosy khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii, 2020, No. 2, pp. 36-43 41

Table 3
Current efficiencies of NaClO and NaClO3 at electrolysis of 0.15 M NaCl at Ti/Pt electrodes in different modes

Conditions j, mA cm–2 CE(ClO–), % CE(ClO3–), %

Traditional mode. Anode is pre-oxidized 20 26 21
Traditional mode. Anode is pre-oxidized 40 23 24
Reverse polarity mode (trev=60 s) 20 38 5
Reverse polarity mode (trev=300 s) 20 37 7
Reverse polarity mode (trev=10 s) 40 39 5
Reverse polarity mode (trev=60 s) 40 31 9
Traditional mode. Porous pre-oxidized Ti/Pt anode 40 29 14
Reverse polarity mode (trev=300 s). Porous Ti/Pt 40 51 5

Table 4
Current efficiencies of NaClO and NaClO3 at electrolysis of 0.3 M NaCl at Ti/Pt electrodes in different modes

Conditions j, mA cm–2 CE(ClO–), % CE(ClO3–), %

Traditional mode. Anode is pre-oxidized 40 53 13

Reverse polarity mode (trev=50 s) 40 68 3
Traditional mode. Anode is pre-oxidized 20 54 11
Reverse polarity mode (trev=300 s) 20 78 1.5

and low CE of chlorate (5%) were observed in the usual mode at 20–40 mA cm –2 , the CE of
reverse polarity mode with 300-second reverse time. hypochlorite does not exceed 26 and the CE of
Thus, the electrolysis in reverse polarity mode allows chlorate is at least 21%. Carrying out the electrolysis
solving the problem of chlorate accumulation during in reverse mode allows increasing the CE of
the synthesis of sodium hypochlorite for medical hypochlorite up to 39% while reducing the CE of
and veterinary purposes by electrolysis of isotonic chlorate to 5%. An increase in the concentration of
0.9% NaCl solutions on Ti/Pt electrodes. NaCl to 0.3 M improves the performance of reverse
An increase in the concentration of sodium electrolysis even more significantly. In this case, CE
chl oride in the initial sol utio n to 0.3 M of ClO– reaches 78% and CE of ClO3– decreases to
simultaneously with electrolysis in reverse polarity 2%.
mode on Ti/Pt allows obtaining high-purity solutions Thus, platinized titanium electrodes with
of sodium hypochlorite with a CE of the target 2 mg cm –2 platinum content can be used in
product up to 78% and practically free of chlorates diaphragmless flow and accumulative electrolysis cells
(Table 4). for the electrolysis of low concentration NaCl
Conclusions solutions in order to obtain highly pure NaClO
The electrolysis of 1 M NaCl solutions on a solutions. In this case, the electrolysis must be carried
previously reduced surface of Ti/Pt in diaphragmless out under the current reversal conditions, the period
electrolysis cells allows synthesizing sodium of which is determined in accordance with the
hypochlorite with the current efficiency of more than specified electrolysis parameters (current density,
80%, the current efficiency associated chlorate being NaCl concentration and hydrodynamic conditions).
less than 10%. The use of these concentrated
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D. Girenko, O. Shmychkova, A. Velichenko

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Electrolysis of sodium chloride solutions on Ti/Pt anodes under current reversal conditions

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