Report #2 Reflection and Analysis March 2022 PDF

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Report #2: Reflection & Analysis

Due: Week 11 (before 9:00am): Monday class 5/16 and Tuesday class: 5/17 (LMS Assignment section)

Purpose: To show your ability to reflect and analyze a film / episode that we have watched.

Assignment: Choose 1 film or episode we have watched in class (Master of None: Parents, Lady Bird, Veronica
Mars: Pilot, Catch Me if You Can) & write a paragraph fully answering the assigned questions. You can’t choose
Hunger Games as that was the topic of Report 1.

What to write:
 State the film / episode you have chosen. Only choose one for the entire Report.
 Tell me one character you like in your chosen film / episode and explain why you like them. Can be a main
or supporting character. Be specific and complete with your explanation.
 Give one scene that you loved in your chosen film / episode and explain why you like it. Only choose 1
scene. Be specific and complete with your explanation.
 Bechdel Test OR Representation in Hollywood: Choose one of these to write about.
 Bechdel Test: Did your chosen film / episode pass the Bechdel Test? Explain how it passed or failed.
 Representation in Hollywood: Do you think your chosen film / episode shows diversity? Explain.
● Would you recommend this film / episode? Explain why. Be specific and complete with your explanation.

Writing style:
● It should be written as 1 paragraph. Do not use bullet points or write as Question and Answer! The way you
write the sentences should make it clear what you are writing about! Don’t make me try to guess which
question you are answering!
● Do not write introductory and concluding paragraphs. The introduction should just be one sentence where
you clearly state which film / episode you have chosen. If your introduction is longer than 1 sentence, or
doesn’t clearly state your chosen film / episode you lose points.

● Include name, student number and a title. Your title should not be Report 2.
● Length: between ¾ page and 1 page, not shorter or longer.
● Type in 12-pt. size, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, black ink.
● Do not start each new sentence on a new line (that is a list not a paragraph)
● Check your spelling!
● Save as a .doc or .docx and uploaded to the Assignment section of the LMS (no .hwp or .PAGES). If the
LMS is not saving your formatting correctly you can submit a pdf in addition to .docx.

Important Notes:
● Remember a scene is a specific moment in the film / episode. General plot does not count as a scene.
● Be clear and specific when you are explaining yourself. Avoid short and/ or vague / general answers as
well as vague language (good, bad, sad...).
● Do all 5 parts of the Assignment: Stating your chosen film / episode in your 1st sentence and fully
answering the 4 assigned questions. Do not write about anything else, just the assigned questions.
● No bullet points or Q & A style! You are writing one paragraph.
● Stick to the assigned questions and answer in the order listed here. Don’t combine questions together.
Grading: See below:

≤ 15 20 +/- 25 total

Student’s answers are Student clearly stated their

missing or incomplete. It’s Student’s answers are chosen film / episode in the
hard to tell what questions somewhat lacking in 1st sentence. All 4 assigned
are being answered. specificity or questions were answered
Content Student chose more than 1 completeness. / Some completely. Student /25
film / episode for the mild confusion to which explained their thinking
Report. Student did not questions were being clearly and specifically for
follow many of the answered. all of the assigned
directions. questions.

≤6 8 +/- 10

Some mistakes in
Mistakes in grammar, grammar, vocabulary, and
English writing skills
vocabulary, and punctuation that affect
Language clearly communicate the /10
punctuation made it understanding /
student’s thinking.
difficult to understand. demonstration of

≤1 3 +/- 5

Deductions for incorrect: Deductions for incorrect:

Assignment is the correct
spelling, font & size, spelling, font & size,
length, has no spelling
Format spacing, length, using spacing, length, using /5
errors and followed the
bullet points, writing it in bullet points, writing it in
given formatting directions.
Q&A style, etc. Q&A style, etc.
Plagiarized assignments will receive a 0. Pretending other people’s words were written by you is plagiarism.
Copying from the internet or my PowerPoints is plagiarism!

*Points deducted for late assignments.*

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