The document lists the planned procurement of medicines for Al Mustofa Clinic in January 2023. It includes the supplier, medicine name, unit, stock on hand, reorder quantity, minimum order quantity, and status for over 70 different medicines. The total stock on hand value is over 1.9 million and medicines needing reorders are flagged as either below minimum stock levels or in need of a reorder.
The document lists the planned procurement of medicines for Al Mustofa Clinic in January 2023. It includes the supplier, medicine name, unit, stock on hand, reorder quantity, minimum order quantity, and status for over 70 different medicines. The total stock on hand value is over 1.9 million and medicines needing reorders are flagged as either below minimum stock levels or in need of a reorder.
The document lists the planned procurement of medicines for Al Mustofa Clinic in January 2023. It includes the supplier, medicine name, unit, stock on hand, reorder quantity, minimum order quantity, and status for over 70 different medicines. The total stock on hand value is over 1.9 million and medicines needing reorders are flagged as either below minimum stock levels or in need of a reorder.
The document lists the planned procurement of medicines for Al Mustofa Clinic in January 2023. It includes the supplier, medicine name, unit, stock on hand, reorder quantity, minimum order quantity, and status for over 70 different medicines. The total stock on hand value is over 1.9 million and medicines needing reorders are flagged as either below minimum stock levels or in need of a reorder.