Chapter 4 Securities Operations and Risk Management PDF
Chapter 4 Securities Operations and Risk Management PDF
Chapter 4 Securities Operations and Risk Management PDF
4.1 Risk Management
4.1.1 Risk Management Framework for Equities Segment
• A comprehensive Risk Management framework is the backbone of the Clearing
Agency/Corporation/house. A clearing corporation/house provides settlement guarantee
i.e., the settlement of securities and funds will take place even if there is a failure by a broker
to fulfill their obligation.
• In order to safeguard against such failures the clearing agency is required to carry out the
following risk management measures as specified by SEBI through its various circulars.
• In case of Capital Market segment, Trading Members should have a prudent system of risk
management to protect themselves from client default. Margins are an important element
of such a system. The risk management system should be well documented and be made
accessible to the clients and the Exchange / Clearing Corporation. However, the quantum of
margins and the form and mode of collection of margins is left to the discretion of Members.
• Risk Management framework consists of the following components:
➢Liquid Asset
➢Base minimum capital
➢Pre‐trade risk control
➢Risk Reduction mode
PART-2 Margin
• Margining is a process by which a clearing corporation computes the potential
loss that can occur to the open positions (both buy and sell) held by the
members. Based on the computation, the clearing agency will ensure that the
liquid assets deposited by members is sufficient to cover the potential loss.
• The clearing corporation computes and collects three kinds of margins
• Value at Risk Margin (VaR) to cover potential losses for 99% of the days.
• Mark to Market Loss Margin: Mark to market losses on outstanding
settlement obligations of the member.
• Extreme loss margin: Margins to cover the loss in situations that lie outside the
computation of the VaR margin
VaR Margin
• The VaR Margin is a margin intended to cover the largest loss that can be
encountered on 99% of the days (99% Value at Risk). For liquid stocks, the
margin covers one‐day losses while for illiquid stocks, it covers three‐day
losses so as to allow the clearing corporation to liquidate the position over
three days.
• For liquid stocks, the VaR margins are based only on the volatility of the
stock while for other stocks, the volatility of the market index is also used in
the computation.
• Computation of the VaR margin requires the following definitions:
• Scrip sigma means the volatility of the security computed as at the end of the
previous trading day.
• The computation uses the exponentially weighted moving average method
applied to daily returns in the same manner as in the derivatives market.
• Scrip VaR means the higher of 7.5 percent or 3.5 scrip sigmas.
• Scrip VaR for broad based ETFs based on indices shall be higher of 5%
or 3 time ETF sigma.
• Index sigma means the daily volatility of the market index (Nifty 50 or
S&P BSE Sensex) computed as at the end of the previous trading day.
The computation uses the exponentially weighted moving average
method applied to daily returns.
• Index VaR means the higher of 5 percent or 3 index sigmas. The
higher of the Sensex VaR or Nifty VaR would be used for this
For liquid stocks, the margin covers one-day losses while for illiquid stocks, it covers three-day losses so as to
allow the clearing corporation to liquidate the position over three days. This leads to a scaling factor of square
root of three for illiquid stocks.
➢ VaR margin is collected on an upfront basis by adjusting against the total liquid
assets of the member at the time of trade.
➢ VaR margin is collected on the gross open position of the member. The gross
open position for this purpose would mean the gross of all net positions across
all the clients of a member including his proprietary position. For this purpose,
there would be no netting of positions across different settlements.
➢ The VaR margin so collected shall be released along with the pay‐in, including
early pay‐in of securities.
• The applicable VaR margin rates shall be updated at least 6 times in a day, which
may be carried out by taking the closing price of the previous day at the start of
trading and the prices at 11:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2:00 p.m., 3:30 p.m and at the
end of the trading session.
Mark to Market Margin
• Mark to market loss is calculated by marking each transaction in
security to the closing price of the security at the end of trading.
• In case the security has not been traded on a particular day, the latest
available closing price is considered as the closing price.
• In case the net outstanding position in any security is nil, the
difference between the buy and sell values is considered as notional
loss for the purpose of calculating the mark to market margin
Mark to Market margin is collected in the following manner:
➢The clearing corporation collects mark to market margin (MTM) from the
member/broker before the start of the trading of the next day.
➢The MTM margin is collected or adjusted against the cash/cash equivalent
component of the liquid assets of the member.
➢The MTM margin is collected on the gross open position of the member.
The gross open position means gross of all net positions across all the
clients of a member including his proprietary position.
➢There would be no netting off of the positions and setoff against mark to
market profits across two different settlements.
➢The margin so collected shall be released along with the pay‐in, including
early pay‐ in of securities.
Yes bank
Extreme Loss Margin
• Extreme loss margin covers the expected loss in situations that go beyond those envisaged in the 99% value
at risk estimates used in the VaR margin.
➢ The Extreme Loss Margin for any stock shall be higher of:
➢ 5%, and
➢ 1.5 times the standard deviation of daily logarithmic returns of the stock price in the last six months.
➢ This computation is carried out at the end of each month by taking the price data on a rolling basis for the
past six months and the resulting value shall be applicable for the next month.
➢ The Extreme Loss Margin is collected/ adjusted against the total liquid assets of the member on a real time
➢ The Extreme Loss Margin shall be collected on the gross open position of the member. The gross open
position for this purpose would mean the gross of all net positions across all the clients of a member
including his proprietary position.
➢ The Extreme Loss Margin so collected shall be released along with the pay‐in.
Margins not to exceed the purchase value of a buy transaction
Impact cost = (Actual buy price- ideal price/ ideal price)x 100
Actual buy price = {(Quantity X Best sell price1) + (Quantity X Best sell price 2)}/Total Quantity
Actual buy price = {(1000 X 99) + (500 X 100)}/2500 = 99.333
• The Liquid Net Worth is defined as the total liquid assets deposited with the
Exchange/Clearing Corporation towards initial margin and capital adequacy, LESS initial
margin applicable to the total gross open positions at any given point of time on all trades to
be cleared through the clearing member. The clearing member’s liquid net worth must
satisfy both the conditions given below on a real time basis:
• Condition 1: Liquid Net Worth shall not be less than Rs. 50 lacs at any point of time.
• Condition 2: The mark to market value of gross open positions at any point of time of all
trades cleared through the clearing member shall not exceed 33 1/3 (thirty three one by
three) times his liquid net worth. The notional value of gross open positions at any point in
time in the case of Index Futures shall not exceed 33 1/3 (thirty three one by three) times
the liquid net worth of a member. Exposure limits are in addition to the initial margin
Liquid Assets
• At least 50 percent of the total liquid assets shall be in the form of cash equivalents viz. cash (debit
instructions/account payee crossed cheques/demand drafts/electronic funds transfer), bank guarantee, fixed
deposits, T‐bills and dated government securities.
• Liquid Assets for the purposes of initial margins as well as liquid net worth would include cash, fixed deposits,
bank guarantees, treasury bills, government securities or dematerialized securities (with prescribed haircuts)
pledged in favour of the Exchange/clearing corporation or bank guarantees as defined hereunder.
• Units of money market mutual funds and units of gilt funds may be accepted towards cash equivalent
component of the liquid assets of a clearing member. The unit shall be valued on the basis of its Net Asset
Value after applying a hair‐cut of 10 percent on the NAV and any exit load charged by the mutual fund.
• The valuation or the marking to market of such units shall be carried out on a daily basis. Clearing corporation
shall not accept Fixed Deposit Receipts (FDRs) from trading/clearing members as collateral, which are issued
by the trading/ clearing member themselves or banks who are associate of trading/clearing member.
Bank Guarantees
• The clearing corporation/house would set an exposure limit for each bank, taking into account all
relevant factors including the following:
• The Governing Council or other equivalent body of the clearing corporation / house shall lay down
exposure limits either in rupee terms or as percentage of the trade guarantee fund that can be
exposed to a single bank directly or indirectly.
• The total exposure would include guarantees provided by the bank for itself or for others as well as
debt or equity securities of the bank which have been deposited by members as liquid assets for
margins or net worth requirement. Not more than 5 percent of the trade guarantee fund or 1
percent of the total liquid assets deposited with the clearing house, whichever is lower, shall be
exposed to any single bank which is not rated P1 (or P1+) or equivalent, by a RBI recognised credit
rating agency or by a reputed foreign credit rating agency, and not more than 50 percent of the
trade guarantee fund or 10 percent of the total liquid assets deposited with the clearing house,
whichever is lower, shall be exposed to all such banks put together. The exposure limits and any
changes thereto shall be promptly communicated to SEBI. The clearing corporation shall also
periodically disclose to SEBI its actual exposure to various banks.
• Equity securities classified under Group I in the underlying cash market may be accepted towards liquid assets in the
derivative markets. Securities classified under Group I shall be those as defined by SEBI from time to time. The equity
securities shall be valued/marked to market on a daily basis after applying a haircut equivalent to the respective VaR of
the equity security. The list of acceptable equity securities shall be updated on the basis of trading and mean impact
cost on the 15th of each month.
• When a security is dropped from the list of acceptable equity securities, the existing deposits of that security shall
continue to be counted towards liquid assets till the end of the month. Equity securities shall be in dematerialized form.
Units of all mutual funds may also be accepted as the securities component of liquid assets. The unit shall be valued on
the basis of its Net Asset Value (NAV) after applying a haircut equivalent to the VaR of the units NAV and any exit load
charged by the mutual fund.
• The valuation or the marking to market of such units shall be carried out on a daily basis. The valuation / marking to
market of all securities, including debt securities, dated government securities and T‐bills, shall be carried out daily, with
appropriate haircuts. Debt securities shall be acceptable only if they are investment grade. Haircuts shall be at least
10% with daily mark to market. The total exposure of the clearing corporation to the debt or equity securities of any
company shall not exceed 75% of the trade guarantee fund or 15% of the total liquid assets of the clearing corporation /
house whichever is lower. Exposure for this purpose means the mark to market value of the securities less the
applicable haircuts. All securities deposited for liquid assets shall be pledged in favour of the clearing corporation.
Providing margin related information to clients
• Stock Brokersshould send margin related information to their clients, which shall,
inter‐alia, include:
➢Client code and name, Trade day (T)
➢Margin deposit available for the client on day T (with break‐up in terms of cash, FDRs,
BGs and securities)
➢Margin adjustments (including MTM losses) for day T after adjusting MTM profit if any.
Margin status (balance with the member / due from the client) at the end of T day.
➢Margin Collection and Enforcement: For the Equity Derivatives segment, the client
margins which are required to be compulsorily collected and reported to the
Exchange/Clearing Corporation, as the case may be, by the Clearing members/ Trading
membersshall include initial margin, exposure margin/extreme loss margin, calendar
spread margin and mark to market settlements.39
• Such margin related information (Daily margin statement) should be issued
by Stock Brokers to clients on a daily basis at the end of the trade day
(T‐Day) itself or by such timelines as may be specified from time to time.
Additionally, every Stock Broker shall maintain proper records of collateral
received from clients as under:
➢ Receipt of collateral from client and acknowledgement issued to client on
receipt of collateral
➢Record of return of collateral to client
➢Credit of corporate action benefits to clients Stock Brokers should have
adequate systems and procedures in place to ensure that client collateral is
not used for any purposes other than meeting the respective client’s
margin requirements / pay‐ins. Stock Brokers should also maintain records
to ensure proper audit trail of use of client collateral.
Enhanced Supervision of Stock Brokers 40
• To strengthen the Risk Management process and to increase investor confidence in the secondary
market, SEBI constituted a committee on “Enhanced Supervision of Stock Brokers”, which included
representatives from all stake holders that gave certain recommendations/guidelines under the
aforesaid heading. These guidelines cover the following broad areas:
➢ Uniform nomenclature to be followed by stock brokers for Naming/Tagging of Bank and
Demat Accounts and the reporting of such accounts to the Stock
➢ Monitoring of Clients’ Funds lying with the Stock Broker by the Stock Exchanges,
through a sophisticated alerting and reconciliation mechanism, to detect any mis‐utilisation
of clients fund.
➢ Changes in the existing system of internal audit for stock brokers/depository
1. Monitoring of financial strength of stock brokers by stock exchanges so as to detect any signs of deteriorating
financial health of stock brokers and serve as an early warning system to take pre‐emptive and remedial
2. Imposition of uniform penal action on stock brokers/depository participants by the Stock
Exchanges/Depositories in the event of non‐compliance with specified requirements.
3. Putting in place a mechanism and ensure that stock brokers upload following data on a monthly basis for every
client onto each stock exchange system
(a) exchange wise end of day fund balance as per the client ledger, consolidated across all segments and also net
funds payable or receivable by the broker to/from the client across all exchanges;
(b) end of day securities balances ISIN wise and end of day securities balances consolidated ISIN wise;
(c) ISIN wise number of securities pledged, if any, and the funds raised from the pledging of such securities and
consolidated number of securities pledged, if any and the funds raised from the pledging of such securities.
4. Other requirements including uploading client's funds and securities balances by stock brokers to stock
exchange system and onwards transmission of the same to the clients for better transparency, clarification on
running account settlement, Providing PAN details of directors, key management personnel and dealers, to stock
exchanges and any change thereof.
Graded Surveillance Measure (GSM) and
Additional Surveillance Measure (ASM)41
• To enhance market integrity and safeguard interest of investors, SEBI has
introduced Graded Surveillance Measures (GSM) on securities which
witness an abnormal price rise not commensurate with financial health and
fundamentals like Earnings, Book value, Fixed assets, Net‐worth, P/E
multiple, etc. Similarly, ‘Additional Surveillance Measures’ (ASM) on
securities with surveillance concerns viz. Price variation, Volatility etc. have
been introduced too
• The main objective of these measures is:
1. To alert and advice investorsto be extra cautious while dealing in these
2. To advice market participants to carry out necessary due diligence while
dealing in these securities.
4.2 Compliances and Regulatory Reporting
• SEBI and the Stock Exchanges issued directives to be followed by stock
brokers. These include directives on margin requirements, smooth
functioning of pay‐in/pay‐out, trading restrictions, base minimum
capital, etc. Other requirements include submission of audit reports
along with the annual reports to the Exchanges and payments of
turnover fees to SEBI.
• It is the duty of the stock broskers to inform the Exchanges of any
defaulting clients or defaulting sub‐brokers.
• The stock broker shall obtain SEBI’s permission to continue dealing in
securities in case there has been any change in his firm’s constitution or
status. The stock brokers shall not enter orders into the systems of the
Exchange in order to lower or raise prices or manipulate markets.
4.2.1 Failure to maintain or furnish documents as prescribed under the
various sub‐ sections of Section 15 of SEBI Act
• Section 15A deals with penalty for failure to furnish information, return, etc. It states that a person shall be
liable to a penalty which shall not be less than 1 lakh rupees but which may extend to 1 lakh rupees for each
day during which such failure continues subject to a maximum of one crore rupees, if he fails to:
1. Furnish any document, return or report to SEBI as required by the Act or who furnishes or files false,
incorrect or incomplete information, return, report, books or other documents.
2. File any return or furnish any information, books or other documents within the time specified, as required
by the Act or who furnishes or files false, incorrect or incomplete information, return, report, books or
other documents.
3. Maintain books of accounts or records.
• Section 15C deals with penalty for failure to redress investors' grievances. It states that, if any listed company
or any person who is registered as an intermediary, after having been called upon by SEBI in writing to redress
the grievances of investors, fails to redress such grievances within the time specified by SEBI, such company or
intermediary shall be liable to a penalty which shall not be less than one lakh rupees but which may extend to
one lakh rupees for each day during which such failure continues subject to a maximum of one crore rupees.
4.2.2 Failure to enter into an agreement with clients as prescribed
under SCRA