Report Ladakh

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33.945641°, 077.656858°
Ladakh, India
Time zone: UTC+05:30, Asia/Kolkata [IST]

access_time Report generated: 26 Mar 2023


Map data Per year Map

Specific photovoltaic PVOUT

1469.1 kWh/kWp
power output specific

Direct normal irradiation DNI 1362.4 kWh/m 2

Global horizontal
GHI 1566.4 kWh/m 2

Diffuse horizontal
DIF 664.4 kWh/m 2

Global tilted irradiation at

GTI opta 1726.8 kWh/m 2
optimum angle

Optimum tilt of PV modules OPTA 32 /  180 °

Air temperature TEMP -3.7 °C 500 m

2000 ft Leaflet | Satellite tiles © Esri
Terrain elevation ELE 4426 m

Horizon and sunpath

300 km
200 mi Leaflet | PVOUT map © 2023 Solargis

© 2023 The World Bank Group Ladakh 1/3


Annual averages Average hourly profiles

Direct normal irradiation Direct normal irradiation [Wh/m2]

Jan Feb Mar Apr

kWh/m2 per year

0 0 0 0
0 12 24 0 12 24 0 12 24 0 12 24

Monthly averages May Jun Jul Aug

Direct normal irradiation


0 0 0 0
0 12 24 0 12 24 0 12 24 0 12 24

Sep Oct Nov Dec


0 0 0 0
0 12 24 0 12 24 0 12 24 0 12 24










Average hourly profiles

Direct normal irradiation [Wh/m2]

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
5-6 152 164 80 32
6-7 239 380 324 278 261 117
7-8 265 429 461 373 358 377 539 361
8-9 202 256 431 475 480 389 375 414 590 757 707 293
9 - 10 408 347 448 483 498 391 375 395 593 756 726 598
10 - 11 382 339 435 474 486 409 375 385 584 749 721 584
11 - 12 363 334 442 471 454 394 374 391 583 741 704 562
12 - 13 360 357 504 462 440 397 383 392 590 766 678 538
13 - 14 331 401 578 420 405 401 388 383 576 718 632 505
14 - 15 297 274 367 348 362 377 376 362 540 614 579 470
15 - 16 198 218 278 299 326 362 357 337 506 558 388 109
16 - 17 118 207 252 296 333 334 313 412 259
17 - 18 37 102 223 295 298 183 60
18 - 19 21 91 70 4
19 - 20
20 - 21
21 - 22
22 - 23
23 - 24
Sum 2542 2643 3992 4454 4984 4698 4421 4229 5690 6278 5137 3660

© 2023 The World Bank Group Ladakh 2/3


Acronym Full name Unit Type of use

DIF Diffuse horizontal irradiation kWh/m², MJ/m² Average yearly, monthly or daily sum of diffuse horizontal irradiation (©
2021 Solargis)
DNI Direct normal irradiation kWh/m², MJ/m² Average yearly, monthly or daily sum of direct normal irradiation (© 2021
ELE Terrain elevation m, ft Elevation of terrain surface above/below sea level, processed and
integrated from SRTM-3 data and related data products (SRTM v4.1 ©
2004 - 2021, CGIAR-CSI)
GHI Global horizontal irradiation kWh/m², MJ/m² Average annual, monthly or daily sum of global horizontal irradiation (©
2021 Solargis)
GTI Global tilted irradiation kWh/m², MJ/m² Average annual, monthly or daily sum of global tilted irradiation (© 2021
GTI_opta Global tilted irradiation at optimum angle kWh/m², MJ/m² Average annual, monthly or daily sum of global tilted irradiation for PV
modules fix-mounted at optimum angle (© 2021 Solargis)
OPTA Optimum tilt of PV modules ° Optimum tilt of fix-mounted PV modules facing towards Equator set for
maximizing GTI input (© 2021 Solargis)
PVOUT_total Total photovoltaic power output kWh, MWh, GWh Yearly and monthly average values of photovoltaic electricity (AC)
delivered by the total installed capacity of a PV system (© 2021 Solargis)
PVOUT_specific Specific photovoltaic power output kWh/kWp Yearly and monthly average values of photovoltaic electricity (AC)
delivered by a PV system and normalized to 1 kWp of installed capacity
(© 2021 Solargis)
TEMP Air temperature °C, °F Average yearly, monthly and daily air temperature at 2 m above ground.
Calculated from outputs of ERA5 model (© 2021 ECMWF, post-processed
by Solargis)


This pdf report (the “Work”) is automatically generated from the Global Solar Atlas online app (, prepared by
Solargis under contract to The World Bank, based on a solar resource database that Solargis owns and maintains. It provides the estimated
solar resource, air temperature data and potential solar power output for the selected location and input parameters of a photovoltaic (PV)
power system.

Copyright © 2021 The World Bank

1818 H Street NW, Washington DC 20433, USA

The World Bank, comprising the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development
Association (IDA), is the commissioning agent and copyright holder for this Work, acting on behalf of The World Bank Group. The Work is
licensed by The World Bank under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY 4.0 IGO) with a mandatory and binding addition (please
refer to the GSA website for full terms and conditions of use

The World Bank Group disclaims all warranties of any kind related to the provision of the Work.

The Work is made available solely for general information purposes. Neither the World Bank, Solargis nor any of its partners and affiliates
hold the responsibility for the accuracy and/or completeness of the data and shall not be liable for any errors, or omissions. It is strongly
advised that the Work be limited to use in informing policy discussions on the subject, and/or in creating services that better educate relevant
persons on the viability of solar development in areas of interest. As such, neither the World Bank nor any of its partners on the Global Solar
Atlas project will be liable for any damages relating to the use of the Work for financial commitments or any similar use cases. Solargis has
done its utmost to make an assessment of solar climate conditions based on the best available data, software, and knowledge.

Sources: Solar database and PV software © 2021 Solargis

© 2023 The World Bank Group Ladakh 3/3

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