Cyber Notes Online

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1. Introduction
Cyber crime is not an old sort of crime to the world. It is defined as
any criminal activity which takes place on or over the medium of computers or
internet or other technology recognised by the Information Technology Act.
Cyber crime is the most prevalent crime playing a devastating role in Modern
India. Not only the criminals are causing enormous losses to the society and
the government but are also able to conceal their identity to a great extent.
There are number of illegal activities which are committed over the internet by
technically skilled criminals. Taking a wider interpretation it can be said that,
Cyber crime includes any illegal activity where computer or internet is either a
tool or target or both.
The term cyber crime may be judicially interpreted in some judgments
passed by courts in India, however it is not defined in any act or statute passed
by the Indian Legislature. Cyber crime is an uncontrollable evil having its base
in the misuse of growing dependence on computers in modern life. Usage of
computer and other allied technology in daily life is growing rapidly and has
become an urge which facilitates user convenience. It is a medium which is
infinite and immeasurable. Whatsoever the good internet does to us, it has its
dark sides too.1 Some of the newly emerged cybercrimes are cyber-stalking,
cyber-terrorism, e-mail spoofing, e-mail bombing, cyber pornography, cyber-
defamation etc. Some conventional crimes may also come under the category
of cybercrimes if they are committed through the medium of computer or
2. History and Evolution of Cybercrime
During the period of 1950’s, it would be an astonished feeling for
everyone who uses palmtops and microchips today, to know that the first
Prof. R.K.Chaubey, “An Introduction to Cyber Crime and Cyber law”, Kamal Law House,
Page |2

successful computer was built and the size of the computer was so big that it
takes the space of entire room and they were too expensive to operate. The
functioning of these computer were not understandable to large number of
people and only select people with expertise had direct access to such
computers, and has the knowledge to operate them. For obvious reasons, the
computer technology was extremely expensive and beyond the purchasing
capacity of almost the entire population until IBM’s came into being wherein
it introduced its stand-alone “personal computer” in 1981 and exposing many
to the rewards of quick data access and manipulation that, up to that time, had
been realized by few. The Personal computers become cheaper and become
household item at the start of 21 st century in India. The Internet was first
started by the US department of defence, after World War II with the idea to
have a network which could work in the event of disaster or war and securely
transmit information. The First Network was known as ARPANET, with the
development of Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, World Wide
Web and Hypertext the internet become rage all over the world. With the
growth of Internet the quality and variety of information grew. However at
that point nobody anticipated the opportunities’ the internet is going to provide
the technology savvy criminals.
In India the internet services started by the state-owned Videsh
Sanchar Nigam Limited in year 1995 and in 1998 the government has ended
the monopoly of VSNL and market is opened to private operators. At that
point, the internet users in India are 0.1% of total population, and now India
has become the 2nd largest country in terms of internet users after china with
33.22% people using internet.2
The process of criminalization of human behaviour judged to be
harmful the public is typically one that builds slowly in common law
jurisdictions. Momentum gained through problem identification and pressures

2 (Accessed on
3rd February, 2016)
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exerted mg special interest groups can easily span decades before undesirable
actions are classified as “crime”. In some instances, this process is accelerated
through the occurrence of certain “catalyst events” that capture attention of the
public and the attention of lawmakers.3
The first recorded cyber crime took place in the year 1820. That is not
surprising considering the fact that the abacus, which is thought to be the
earliest form of a computer, has been around since 3500 B.C. in India, Japan
and China. The era of modem computers, however, began with the analytical
engine of Charles Babbage. In 1820, Joseph-Marie Jacquard, a textile
manufacturer in France, produced the loom. This device allowed the repetition
of a series of steps in the weaving of special fabrics. This resulted in a fear
amongst Jacquard’s employees that their traditional employment and
livelihood were being threatened. They committed acts of sabotage to
discourage Jacquard from further use of the new technology. This is the first
recorded cyber crime.4
In the case of computer crime, legislators grew increasingly attentive is
the 1980s as businesses became more dependent upon computerization and as
catalyst event cases exposed significant vulnerabilities to computer crime
violations. Criminals can now easily encrypt information representing
evidence of their criminal acts, store the information and even transmit it with
little fear of detection by law enforcement. Due to the extraordinary impact of
the Internet, a computer crime scene can now span from the geographical
point of the victimization (e.g., the victim’s personal computer) to any other
point on the planet, further complicating criminal investigative efforts. In
effect, computer technology has dramatically altered the criminal justice
terrain such that enterprising and opportunistic criminals have consciously
turned to the computer to commit their illegal acts in situations in which the
computer serves as the instrument of the crime, the means by which the crime

Abraham D. Sofaer, Seymour E, .The Transnational Dimension of Cyber Crime Terrorism,
Hoover Institution Press, 2001.
4 (Accessed on 4th February, 2016)
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is committed, as well as in cases in which the victim’s computer, or computer

system, is the target, or objective, of the act. And, as stated above, the
presence of new computer technology aids cyber criminals in situations in
which the computer’s role is incidental to the crime; situations in which the
computer is used to house and protect information that is evidence tying the
offender to criminal acts. A commonality among these types of crimes is that
the offender, to a great degree, depends upon the lack of technological skills of
law enforcement to successfully commit the offenses and escape undetected.
Based upon what empirical evidence has been available on self-assessed skills
of investigators in this area, computer criminals would have good reason to
feel some confidence in their chances to evade detection of their crimes.5
As we advance towards the 21st century, it van be observed that the
technological innovations have laid the way for the entire population using
computer technology today, to experience new and wonderful conveniences in
their daily life ranging from how to educated, shop, entertain, to availing the
understanding of the business strategies and work flow. Our day to-day lives
have been forever changed thanks to rapid advances made in the field of
computer technology. These changes allow us to communicate over great
distances in an instant and permit us, almost effortlessly, to gather and
organize large amounts of information, tasks that could, otherwise, prove
unwieldy and expensive. The technological treasures that have improved the
quality of our lives, however, can reasonably be viewed as a doubled-edged
sword. While computer technology has opened doors to enhanced
conveniences for many, this same technology has also opened new doors for
3. Definition of Cyber Crime

Stambaugh, H., et. al, Electronic Crime Needs Assessment for State and Local Law
Enforcement, National Institute of Justice Report, Washington, Dc: U.S. Department of
Justice, March 2001.Available at :
(Accessed at 04th February, 2016)
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The Indian Legislature doesn’t provide the exact definition of Cyber

crime in any statute, even the Information Technology Act, 2000; which deals
with cyber crime doesn’t defined the term of cyber crime. However in general
the term cybercrime means any illegal activity which is carried over or with
the help of internet or computers.
Dr. Debarati Halder and Dr. K. Jaishankar define cybercrimes as:
“Offences that are committed against individuals or groups of individuals with
a criminal motive to intentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause
physical or mental harm, or loss, to the victim directly or indirectly, using
modern telecommunication networks such as Internet (Chat rooms, emails,
notice boards and groups) and mobile phones (SMS/MMS)”6
We do not have any precise definition of cyber crime; however
following is the general definitions of term cyber crime:
The oxford Dictionary defined the term cyber crime as “Criminal
activities carried out by means of computers or the Internet.”7
“Cyber crime may be said to be those species, of which, genus is the
conventional crime, and where either the computer is an object or subject of
the conduct constituting crime”8
“Cyber crime means any criminal or other offence that is facilitated by
or involves the use of electronic communications or information systems,
including any device or the Internet or any one or more of them”9
Professor S.T. Viswanathan has given three definitions in his book The
Indian Cyber Laws with Cyber Glossary is as follows -
1 Any illegal action in which a computer is the tool or object of
the crime i.e. any crime, the means or purpose of which is to influence the
function of a computer,

6 (Accessed on 4th January,
7 (Accessed on 4th January,
8 (Accessed on 4th January, 2016)
9 (Accessed on 4th January, 2016)
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2 Any incident associated with computer technology in which a

victim suffered or could have suffered loss and a perpetrator, by intention,
made or could have made a gain,
3 Computer abuse is considered as any illegal, unethical or
unauthorized behavior relating to the automatic processing and transmission of
4. Nature and Scope of Cyber Crime
Crime is a socially correlated phenomenon. No matter how much we
try, we cannot experience a society without cybercrime. In actual sense, when
we are not yet able to control the crime rate to the desirable minimum in the
real world, how would it be possible to curb the same in the virtual world, as
the same is comparatively more unreal, everlasting and legally less
controllable. However with the time, nature and scope and definition of crime
changes in a given society. Crimeless society is a myth and crime cannot be
segregated from a society. Thus the nature of the crime depends upon the
nature of a society.
Complexity of the society determines the complexity of the crime that
evolves’ around it. To understand the crime in a society, it is essential and
crucial to verify all the factors which influence and contribute to the crime.
The socio- economic and political structure of the society needs to understand
the crime and the recourse that may curb the same. The preventive and
corrective measures adopted by the machinery to control the crime and
delinquent behaviour in the society are also taken into consideration while
studying the nature and scope of a crime.
The advancement of the technology has produced new socio-economic
and political problem in the society and instead of helping the state in
controlling the problem it has created new complex situation which is difficult
to understand and even more difficult to apply current law to face the

S.T. Viswanathan, The Indian Cyber Laws with Cyber Glossary, 2001, p. 81.
Page |7

situation. The state machinery is not equipped with enough sources and
knowledge to handle the modern crime.
Computers have transformed the modern society beyond expectations
in last three to four decades. It has made life not only convenient but has also
immensely helped different sections of the world come closer socially,
economically and culturally. The Computer technology has made it possible to
have access to all corners of the world while sitting in a room. Modern
technology has put an end to the barriers of time and space. However, unlikely
with the remarkable merits of having computers today, due to this the
jurisdictional issue has been created in legal system.
Jurisdiction is one aspect which is very difficult to determine in
transnational transaction over the internet. There was unmanageable ambiguity
when courts were subjected to questions pertaining to jurisdiction law and
were unable to decide the proper forum to entertain cases involving cyber
crime as the cyberspace or virtual world is borderless if we compare it with
physical world and that is why it is very difficult to control cybercrime.
Through the local machinery we are not able to tackle the problem related
with cyber crime because our machinery is not compatible to deal with
transnational crimes. The law applicable to the territory is not advanced
enough to regulate the cyber crime as their nature is far different from the
existing crime.
Thus, the global dimension of cyber crime is made it difficult to handle
and dealt with. The evolution of internet technology has given us so many
advantages to deal with future problems and grow with rapid rate but also it
has provided the scope for criminals to commit their crime with least chance
of detection. The cyberspace has proved a boon to the deviant behaviour in the
society. The concept of cyber crime has gained speed and we are facing great
threat of its impact on world society. The human society is become vulnerable
to cyber crime due to more and more dependence on technology.
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Cyber crime becomes a global phenomenon and hence the nationwide

generalization of crime cannot workable in present scenario. Our
understanding and regulation of cyber crime cannot be national but has to be
international. We have to enact new laws and prepare preventive and
defensive mechanism globally, only then we can able to protect our society
from this evil called ‘Cyber Crime’.
Therefore, the threat of cyber terrorism throws serious challenge to
world and its agencies. The terrorist organizations using technology to spread
hatred among people and using it to recruit militants and train them using
teaching tools. They are also launching websites which show them how to use
weapons make bombs etc.
4.1 Doctrine of Mens Rea & Actus Reus in Cyber Crime
As far as Traditional Crime is concerned Mens Rea and Actus Reus are
the two most important elements to crime. Actus Reus means “Such result of
human conduct as the law seeks to prevent” 11. There must be commission or
omission to constitute a crime. As far as mens rea is concerned, it means “A
guilty state of mind”12. The mental element forms the other important
ingredient of crime. The act remains the same while the state of mind makes
the act ‘reus’ and hence an offence. Almost all the crime requires proof of
mental element of some sort.13 As far cyber crime goes it is very difficult to
determine the mens rea in cybercrimes.
In Cyber crimes, one should see what the state of mind of hacker was
and that the hacker knew that the access was unauthorised. Thus, a “Particular
Computer” needs not to be intended by the hacker, it is enough if the
unauthorised access was to “any computer”. Awareness on the part of the
hacker becomes easier to prove where he is an outsider and has no authority to

J.W.C. Turner, Kenney’s Outlines of criminal law (19th Edition University Press, Cambridge
1966) 17. also at Talat Fatima, Cyber Crime (1st Edition, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow
2011 ) p. 64-68
R.C. Nigam, “Law of Crimes in India”, Principals of criminal Law, Vol 1, (Asia Publishing
House, 1965) 6.
Talat Fatima, Cyber Crime (1st Edition, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow 2011 ) p. 64-68
Page |9

access. But where hacker is already has limited authority as ion the case of the
employee of a company, it becomes difficult establish that he exceeded his
limits and was even aware of the fact that he is exceeding it.
Actus Reus in cybercrimes has become a challenge as the entire act is
committed in intangible surroundings. The perpetrator may leave some
footmarks in the machine itself though it becomes a herculean task for the law
enforcement machinery to prove it in the courts, as it is required to be in
physical form or atleast in such a form where it becomes admissible in
5. Characteristics of Cyber Crime
The Concept of cyber crime is very different from the traditional
crime. Also due to the growth of Internet Technology, this crime has gained
serious and unfettered attention as compared to the traditional crime. So it is
necessary to examine the peculiar characteristics of cyber crime.
1. People with specialized knowledge – Cyber crimes can only be
committed through the technology, thus to commit this kind of crime one has
to be very skilled in internet and computers and internet to commit such a
crime. The people who have committed cyber crime are well educated and
have deep understanding of the usability of internet, and that’s made work of
police machinery very difficult to tackle the perpetrators of cyber crime.
2. Geographical challenges – In cyberspace the geographical
boundaries reduced to zero. A cyber criminal in no time sitting in any part of
the world commit crime in other corner of world. For example a hacker sitting
in India hack in the system placed in United States.
3. Virtual World –The act of cyber crime takes place in the cyber
space and the criminal who is committing this act is physically outside the
cyber space. Every activity of the criminal while committing that crime is
done over the virtual world.

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4. Collection of Evidence - It is very difficult to collect evidence of

cyber crime and prove them in court of law due to the nature of cyber crime.
The criminal in cyber crime invoke jurisdiction of several countries while
committing the cyber crime and at the same time he is sitting some place safe
where he is not traceable.
5. Magnitude of crime unimaginable- The cyber crime has the
potential of causing injury and loss of life to an extent which cannot be
imagined. The offences like cyber terrorism, cyber pornography etc has wide
reach and it can destroy the websites, steal data of the companies in no time.
6. Classification of Cyber Crime

The researcher in this chapter examines the acts wherein computer or

technology is tool for an unlawful act. The kind of activities usually involves a
modification of conventional crime by using informational technology. Here is
the list of prevalent cyber crimes, some of them widely spread and some are
not prevalent on larger scale. The cyber crimes are discussed below-

6.1 Cyber Pornography

The word ‘Pornography’ derived from Greek words ‘Porne’ and

‘Graphein’ means writing about prostitutes, or referred to any work of art or
literature dealing with sex and sexual themes. Defining the term pornography
is very difficult and it does not have any specific definition in the eyes of law
as every country has their own customs and tradition. The act of pornography
in some countries is legal but in some it is illegal and punishable.

Cyber pornography is in simple words defined as the act of using

cyberspace to create, display, distribute, import, or publish pornography or
obscene materials. With the advent of cyberspace, traditional pornographic
content has now been largely replaced by online/digital pornographic
content.15 Pornography has no legal or consistent definition. The definition of

15 (Accessed
on 5th February, 2016)
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pornography depends how the society, norms and their values are reacting to
the pornographic content.

The reason why we do not have a clear definition as far as

pornography is concerned is that we do not have uniform standard culture and
ethics in the world nor do we have uniform laws which defines the
pornography. The concept of obscenity and pornography varies from country
to country and time to time. The terms obscenity and pornography are
different but related to each other. The same material which was banned in
some countries may be allowed in some. The Indian law doesn’t define the
term pornography and not deal with this term.

In the modern world sex sells and sells extremely well, and the fact is
that present pornography industry is larger than any other company or
combination of companies in the world. The advent of internet in the world
has started the new chapter in the porn industry. The porn industry find perfect
place in internet to spread pornographic material all over the world. According
to the internet filter review report of 2010, there are 4.2 million websites
offering porn content to the world. 68 million daily search engine requests are
made and 72 million worldwide user visit adult sites per month. 42.7 percent
of total users who use internet watch pornographic material over the internet.16

In the initial years or we can say before internet available to the public,
DVD’s and Videotapes are the popular medium of distributing pornography.
But after that internet is available to general public and it becomes the most
popular medium to make pornography available to user in the comfort of their
homes. An individual who due to the peer pressure or shame doesn’t have
access to the pornographic material, nowadays easily watch picture or video
on the internet. The rise of pornography websites offering photos, video clips
and streaming media including live web cam access allowed greater access of

(Accessed on 6th February, 2016)
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pornography. Information technology has made it easier to create and

distribute pornographic materials through the internet; such as material can be
transmitted all over the world in a matter of seconds, the geographical
restrictions which prevented to a certain extent, foreign publication to enter
local territories have disappeared.17

6.1.1 Test of Obscenity and Pornography

To understand the gravity and effect of pornography and obscenity on

society, we need to understand these terms in their widest possible amplitude.
The Word Pornography has not been defined legally in any part of the world.
The basic reason behind this is very simple; neither we do have any uniform
standard of moral cultural, values and ethics and nor we have any uniform
standard of law.

The term obscene means relating to materials that can be regulated or

criminalized because their depiction of nudity, sex, or excretion is patently
offensive and without artistic or scientific value.18

The test of obscenity was first laid down in the case of Regina V.
Hicklin19 as the tendency “to deprave and corrupt those whose minds are open
to such influences and into whose hands a publication of this sort may fall”,
and it was understood that this test would apply only to the isolated passage of
the work.

In Miller v. California20, the Supreme Court of United States in

landmark judgment gave the basic guidelines and three point tests to
determine obscenity in the work i.e.

Gorman, L. and Maclean, D. Media and Society in Twentieth Century, Blackwell
publishing, 2003.
18 (Accessed on 7th February, 2016)
(1868) 3 QB 360.
413 US 15(1973)
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1. That the average person, applying contemporary “community

standards”, would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient

2. That the work depicts or describes, in an offensive way, sexual

conduct or excretory functions, as specifically defined by applicable state law
or applicable law.

3. Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic,

political, or scientific value.

Before the miller’s (supra) case, in Roth v. United States21 The

Supreme Court of United States in landmark case held that “obscene material
was not protected by the First Amendment and could be regulated by the
States rather than by a singular, Federal standard and also a new judicial
standard for defining obscenity that invoked the average person’s application
of contemporary community standards to judge whether or not the dominant
theme of the material taken as a whole appeals to prurient interest.” The
Supreme further held that “to decide obscenity derived we need to consider the
following five-part structure:
(1) The perspective of evaluation was that of an ordinary, reasonable
(2) Community standards of acceptability were to be used to measure
(3) Obscenity law will only apply to the works whose theme is in
(4) A work, in order to be evaluated for obscenity, had to be taken in
its entirety.
(5) An obscene work was one that aimed to excited individuals’
prurient interest.”

354 US 476 (1957)
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However, in India miller test was not adopted by the Supreme Court,
instead it has adopted the Hicklin’s Test in leading case of Ranjeet D. Udeshi
v. State of Maharashtra22; the Supreme Court has decided many issues
pertaining to the obscenity. The apex court doesn’t consider obscenity a vague
concept but a word which is well-understood even if persons differ in their
attitude to what is obscene and what is not. The apex court has stated that “In
judging a work, stress should not be laid upon a word here and a word there,
or a passage here and a passage there. Though the work as a whole must be
considered, the obscene matter must be considered by itself and separately to
find out whether it is so gross and its obscenity so decided that it is likely to
deprave and corrupt those whose minds are open to influences of this sort. In
this connection the interests of contemporary society and particularly the
influence of the impugned book on it must not be overlooked. Where,
obscenity and art are mixed, art must so preponderate as to throw the
obscenity into a shadow or the obscenity so trivial and insignificant that it can
have no effect and may be overlooked. It is necessary that a balance should be
maintained between “freedom of speech and expression” and “public decency
or morality”; but when the latter is substantially transgressed the former must
give way.”

The court however, sounded a note of caution that treating with sex
and nudity in art and literature cannot be regarded as evidence of obscenity
without something more. In the words of court “It is not necessary that the
angels and saints of Michelangelo should be made to wear breeches before
they can be viewed. If the rigid test of treating with sex as the minimum
ingredient were accepted hardly any writer of fiction today would escape the
fate Lawrence had in his days. Half the book-shops would close and the other
half would deal in nothing but moral and religious books.”

AIR 1965 SC 881
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In this case the Supreme Court has decided that Hicklin’s test cannot
be discarded, and said “It makes the court the judge of obscenity in relation to
an impugned book etc. and lays emphasis on the potentiality of the impugned
object to deprave and corrupt by immoral influences. It will always remain a
question to decide in each case and it does not compel an adverse decision in
all cases.”

In Samresh Bose v. Amal Mitra, 23 the Supreme Court has held that “A
vulgar writing is not necessarily obscene. Vulgarity arouses a feeling of
disgust and revulsion and also boredom but does not have the effect of
depraving, debasing and corrupting the morals of any reader of the novels,
whereas obscenity has the tendency to deprave and corrupt those whose minds
are open to such immoral influences”. In this case the court differentiated
between vulgarity and obscenity and further held that while judging the
question of obscenity “the Judge should ... place himself in the position of a
reader of every age group in whose hands the book is likely to fall and should
try to appreciate what kind of possible influence the book is likely to have in
the minds of the readers”.

In India, the Indian Penal Code, 186024 deal with the issue of
obscenity. However with the evolution of internet technology, obscenity and
pornography takes electronic form and it becomes impossible to convict the
perpetrator under Indian penal Code, 1860(supra). To deal with this new
technology, the government of India has enacted Information Technology Act
200025. Section 67 of Information Technology Act, 2000; deal with obscenity
and pornographic content on internet. Section 67 of the IT Act provides:

“Whoever publishes or transmits or causes to be published in the

electronic form, any material which is lascivious or appeals to the prurient
interest or if its effect is such as to tend to deprave and corrupt persons who

AIR 1986 SC 967
Act 45 of 1860
Act No 21 of 2000.
P a g e | 16

are likely, having regard to all relevant circumstances, to read, see or hear the
matter contained or embodied in it, shall be punished on first conviction with
imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two three
years and with fine which may extend to five lakh rupees and in the event of a
second or subsequent conviction with imprisonment of either description for a
term which may extend to five years and also with fine which may extend to
ten lakh rupees.”26

The Section 67 of IT Act 2000 is comparable to Section 292 of Indian

Penal Code, 1860. In Ranjit D. Udeshi v. State of Maharashtra 27 held that
unlike other provision which have words like “knowingly” or “negligently”
and thus make mens rea a condition precedent to establish the guilt. Section
292 does not make knowledge of obscenity an ingredient of the offence. The
prosecution does not prove something which the law does not burden it with.
The difficulty of obtaining legal evidence of the offender’s knowledge of the
obscenity of the book, etc. has made the liability strict. The absence of such
knowledge may be taken in mitigation but does not take the case out of the
provision. If we apply the Ranjit D. Udeshi case judgment (supra) to Section
67 of IT Act, 2000, it can be concluded that mere publication and transmission
of obscene material is an offence notwithstanding the mental state of offender.
However, this cannot be a blanket rule applicable to all and sundry.28

6.1.2 Child Pornography a menance in modern world

The children especially adolescents are in modern world want to

explore everything on information highway. The children in today’s
generation have access to internet and computer’s at home, the internet and
computer are part of their studies. The access to computer and internet makes
them vulnerable to the potential danger of internet. The children are sometime

Information Technology Act, 2000, S. 67
AIR 1965 SC 881
Prof. R.K.Chaubey, “An Introduction to Cyber Crime and Cyber law”, Kamal Law House,
2012, p. 440
P a g e | 17

curious about sexuality and sexual explicit material. The parents don’t have
too much control over the children and the children are busy exploring the
internet and other medium to fulfill their wishes through the on-line access.
Sex–offenders exploit these conditions and fulfil the need of children. The
child at this tender age doesn’t understand and recognise the potential danger
of these contacts. The internet is highly used by the abusers to abuse children
sexually worldwide. The children in India become viable victim to the cyber
crime, as internet becomes the household item in India. The children are
becoming victims to the aggression of pedophiles.

In the physical world parents know the dangers, so they warn their
children about the danger and tell me how to avoid or face the problems by
facing simple guidelines. But as far as cyber crime or crime related to internet
is concerned the parents themselves doesn’t know about the problems or
danger posed by various service offered over the internet. The pedophiles take
advantage of these things and lure children and win their confidence and then
exploit them because parents or teachers doesn’t tell them about what is wrong
or right over the internet.

The Information Technology Act, 2000 doesn’t contain any specific

provision related to child pornography but later a new section 67B 29 has been
inserted in Information Technology Amendment Act 200830. This section
provides that: “Whoever,- (a) publishes or transmits or causes to be published
or transmitted material in any electronic form which depicts children engaged
in sexually explicit act or conduct or (b) creates text or digital images,
collects, seeks, browses, downloads, advertises, promotes, exchanges or
distributes material in any electronic form depicting children in obscene or
indecent or sexually explicit manner or (c) cultivates, entices or induces
children to online relationship with one or more children for and on sexually
explicit act or in a manner that may offend a reasonable adult on the computer
Information Technology Act, 2000, S. 67B
Information Technology Amendment Act 2008, Act 10of 2009
P a g e | 18

resource or (d) facilitates abusing children online or (e) records in any

electronic form own abuse or that of others pertaining to sexually explicit act
with children, shall be punished on first conviction with imprisonment of
either description for a term which may extend to five years and with a fine
which may extend to ten lakh rupees and in the event of second or subsequent
conviction with imprisonment of either description for a term which may
extend to seven years and also with fine which may extend to ten lakh rupees:

Provided that the provisions of section 67, section 67A and this section
does not extend to any book, pamphlet, paper, writing, drawing, painting,
representation or figure in electronic form- (i) The publication of which is
proved to be justified as being for the public good on the ground that such
book, pamphlet, paper writing, drawing, painting, representation or figure is
in the interest of science, literature, art or learning or other objects of general
concern; or (ii) which is kept or used for bonafide heritage or religious

Explanation: For the purposes of this section, "children" means a

person who has not completed the age of 18 years.”31

Recently Lt. Col. Jagmohan Balbir Singh was arrested by the Cyber
Cell of the Crime Branch police on the charge of uploading sexually explicit
images and clips of children on child pornography websites. Lt. Col. Singh
was charged under Section 67 B (punishment for publishing or transmitting of
material depicting children in sexually explicit act, etc. in electronic form) of
the Information Technology Act. It was the German police who first spotted
the activity from Mumbai on a server located in the United States. They sent a
report to the Interpol, which in turn forwarded it to the CBI Delhi, and
subsequently to the Mumbai Crime Branch. The Cyber Cell tracked the server
activity to the Internet Protocol (IP) address of Lt. Col Singh and subsequently

Information Technology Act, 2000, S. 67B
P a g e | 19

he was arrested from his residence and charged with section 292 of IPC and
67B of IT Act 2000.32

6.1.3 Obscenity and Freedom of Speech and Expression

Freedom of speech and expression is recognized as fundamental right

subject to reasonable restriction to maintain law and order, public health
morality, decency etc. in Indian Constitution. However freedom of speech and
expression is restricted by section 292 and 499 of Indian Penal Code 1860. It
means that one can’t while exercising their basic right of freedom of speech
and expression defame anyone and prohibits expression through obscene
material or publication and distribution of obscene material.

The Fundamental right of freedom and speech is not absolute and

reasonable restriction are imposed by article 19(2) of Indian constitution
which says that reasonable restrictions on the exercise of the right conferred
under article 19(1) in the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India, the
security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States, public order,
decency or morality, or in relation to contempt of court, defamation or
incitement to an offence.33

In Maqbool Fida Husain v Raj Kumar Pandey 34 the fact of the case is
that famous painter MF Husain painted an art work of a nude lady in grief
without giving it any title. The untitled painting was sold to a private collector
in 2004. In 2006 it was included as part of an online charity auction for
victims of the Kashmir earthquake under the name ‘Bharat Mata.’ Husain had
no role or involvement in this auction. There were large-scale protests against
the painting, which appeared in an advertisement for the auction. There were
multiple complaints filed under section 292, 294, 298 of the Indian Penal

pornography/article763433.ece (Accessed on 6th February, 2016)
The Constitution of India, Art 19(1) and (2)
Maqbool Fida Husain v Raj Kumar Pandey, Delhi High Court Crl. Revision Petition No.
P a g e | 20

Code, 1860. The question was that whether portrayal of the nude lady in the
painting as “Bharat Mata” should be considered as obscene under section 292
of IPC. The Court held that “…the aesthetic touch to the painting dwarfs the
so-called obscenity in the form of nudity and renders it so picayune and
insignificant that the nudity in the painting can easily be overlooked.” The
nude woman was not shown in any peculiar kind of posture, nor was her
surroundings painted so as to arouse sexual feelings or lust. The placement of
the Ashoka Chakra was also not on any particular part of the body of the
woman that could be deemed to show disrespect to the national emblem.

The Court pointed out that “...the literature of India, both religious and
secular, is full of sexual allusions, sexual symbolisms and passages of such
frank eroticism the likes of which are not to be found elsewhere in world
literature.” It went on to state that “While an artist should have creative
freedom, he is not free to do anything he wants. The line which needs to be
drawn is between art as an expression of beauty and art as an expression of an
ill mind intoxicated with a vulgar manifestation of counter-culture where the
latter needs to be kept away from a civilian society.” The Court also said,
“There should be freedom for the thought we hate. Freedom of speech has no
meaning if there is no freedom after speech. The reality of democracy is to be
measured by the extent of freedom and accommodation it extends.”35

In K.A. Abbas v. Union of India,36 the Chief Justice of Supreme Court

M. Hidayatullah held regarding film censorship that “our freedom of speech
and expression is not absolute rather limited by reasonable restrictions under
Art. 19 (2) in the interest of general public to maintain public decency and
morality. Therefore, film censorship has full jurisdiction in the field of
cinematograph film to prevent and control obscenity and pornography.”

(Accessed on 7th February, 2016)
(1970) 2 SCC 780
P a g e | 21

In Raj Kapoor and Others v State and Others 37, The Supreme court
while deciding whether the movie, “Satyam Shivam Sundaram,” was obscene
and indecent or not has said that “While a certificate issued by the Censor
Board is of relevance, it does not preclude the court from deciding if a film is
obscene or not.”

Justice Krishna Iyer further stated that “An act of recognition of moral
worthiness by a statutory agency is not opinion evidence but an instance or
transaction where the fact in issue has been asserted, recognized or affirmed.
The Court will examine the film and judge whether its public policy, in the
given time and clime, so breaches public morals or depraves basic decency as
to offend the penal provisions. Yet, especially when a special statute (the
Cinematograph Act) has set special standards for films for public consumption
and created a special Board to screen and censor from the angle of public
morals and the like, with its verdicts being subject to higher review, inexpert
criminal courts must be cautious to “rush in” and must indeed “fear to tread”
lest the judicial process become a public footpath for any highwayman
wearing a moral mask holding up a film-maker who has traveled the expensive
and perilous journey to the exhibition of his “certificated” picture. Iyer went
on to state, “Art, morals and laws, aesthetics are sensitive subjects where
jurisprudence meets other social sciences and never goes alone to bark and
bite because state-made strait-jacket is inhibitive prescription for a free
country unless enlightened society actively participates in the administration
of justice to aesthetics.” He observed, “The world’s greatest paintings,
sculptures, songs, and dances, India’s lustrous heritage, the Konarks and
Khajurahos, lofty epics, luscious in patches, may be asphyxiated by law, if
prudes and prigs and state moralists prescribe paradigms and prescribe

AIR 1980 SC 258
(Accessed on 7th February, 2016)
P a g e | 22

The Indecent Representation of Woman Act, 198639 also related to

pornography and obscenity as section 3 and 4 of the act has specifically
prohibited the indecent representation of woman through advertisement or in
publication, writing, paintings, and figure or in any other manner and or
matters connected therewith or incident thereto. Every website on internet
constitutes the indecent representation of woman would fall in the ambit of
these sections.

In Jayesh S. Thakkar v. State of Maharashtra,40 the petitioners wrote a

letter to the Chief Justice of the Bombay High Court, about pornographic
websites on the internet. The letter was treated as suo motu writ petition. The
Bombay High Court passed an order to appoint a committee to suggest and
recommend ways of preventive and controlling measure and means to protect
children from access to pornographic and obscene material on the internet.
The Committee upon identifying key issues made recommendations on cyber
cafes that asking Cyber Cafés to maintain proper logs and registers of persons
entering and using their facilities was feasible and desirable. The Cyber Café
operators to keep physical records with addresses, checked against Photo
Identity cards, of persons who use their machines. Regular users can be given
free ‘membership’ to obviate the need for re-entering details on each occasion.
That minor ought to be restricted to using machines that are not behind
partitions or in cubicles and, preferably, are loaded with suitable checking
software. This, the Committee felt, would serve both as a check and as a
deterrent. The committee placed a special emphasis on lack of technical
knowledge in police and recommends special training of cyber cops. The
reports of the committee were well accepted by the courts and being put into
practice by the police and cyber cafes jointly.41

The Indecent Representation of Woman Act, 1986, (Act 60 of 1986)
Bombay H.C. Writ petition No. 1611 of 2001, ; See also /html.vol1.pdf.
41 (Accessed on 7th February, 2016)
P a g e | 23

In the first case of this kind, the Delhi Police Cyber Crime Cell
registered a case under section 67 of the IT act, 2000. A student of the Air
Force BalBharti School, New Delhi, was teased by all his classmates for
having a pockmarked face. He decided to get back at his tormentors. He
created a website at the URL The website was
hosted by him on free web space. It was dedicated to Air Force BalBharti
School and contained text material. On this site, lucid, explicit, sexual details
were given about various “sexy” girls and teachers of the school. Girls and
teachers were also classified on the basis of their physical attributes and
perceived sexual preferences. The website also became an adult boys’ joke
amongst students. This continued for sometime till one day, one of the boys
told a girl, “featured” on the site, about it. The father of the girl, being an Air
Force officer, registered a case under section 67 of the IT Act, 2000 with the
Delhi Police Cyber Crime Cell.42

In Tamil Nadu v. Suhas Katti,43 The defendant was charged for

annoying, obscene and defamatory message in the yahoo message group
relating to a divorcee woman. E-Mails were also forwarded to the victim for
information by the accused through a false e-mail account opened by him in
the name of the victim. The posting of the message resulted in annoying phone
calls to the lady in the belief that she was soliciting. Based on a complaint
made by the victim, the Police traced the accused to Mumbai and arrested him
within the next few days. The accused was a known family friend of the
victim and was reportedly interested in marrying her. She however married
another person. This marriage later ended in divorce and the accused started
contacting her once again. On her reluctance to marry him, the accused took
up the harassment through the Internet.The Charge Sheet was filed u/s 67 of
IT Act 2000, 469 and 509 IPC. On the basis of the expert witness the court (Accessed on 8th February, 2016)


File No. CC No. 4680/2004/February;

P a g e | 24

held that the crime is conclusively proved and the accused was convicted and
sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment for 2 years and to pay Rs. 500
fine u/s 469 of the IPC i.e. forgery for the purpose of harming reputation; for
the offence u/s 509 of the IPC. This is considered as the first case convicted
under section 67 of Information Technology Act 2000 in India.44

In case,45 the story started when a sexually explicit video

clip of two school students was shot with a cell phone camera and then
distributed among friends through the Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS).
The clip, showing a young girl engaged in oral sex with a boy, was shot with
her consent but was circulated to the others without her permission. The clip
then landed in the hands of a smart entrepreneur who tried to make easy
money out of it. Mr. Ravi Raj, a final year M.Sc. Geophysics student of Indian
Institute of Technology, Kharagpur had opened an account under the name
‘Alice Electronics’ on the auction site on 21’st of July, 2004. He
posted the clip in that account on the 27 th of November, 2004 under the header
‘DPS Girl having fun’ and it remained there till 29 th November, 2004. Mr. Raj
was arrested on 14th December and produced before a Delhi court two days
later. The Court remanded him to three days police custody. Meanwhile, the
CEO of, Mr. Avnish Bajaj, was sentenced to jail for six days by a
Delhi court. Mr. Bajaj sought his release on bail on the ground that he had
been co-operating with the police in the investigation of the case and had
flown in from Mumbai to assist the probe. He was granted bail later. The DPS
boy who was at the centre of the MMS controversy was also arrested and
bought before a Juvenile Court in Delhi. Describing the alleged act as a
‘misadventure’ and not ‘moral depravation’, The Principal Magistrate of
Juvenile Justice Board granted him bail. On December 24, 2004 the other
accused Mr. Ravi Raj was also granted bail by a Delhi court considering the

l (Accessed on 8th February, 2016)
P a g e | 25

fact that the prime accused has already been released on bail. The impact of
the incident was that the Delhi government by its notification dated February
1, 2005 banned the use of mobile phones not only by students but also by
teachers in all government-run or aided schools. The most ironical part of the
story is that it concluded without even knowing what the female student
visible in the clip had to say or confess. Thus, Delhi Public School scandal
was not only the issue of child pornography but also MMS clip in cyberspace.

In Feb, 2008, A Fast track court in Chennai Sentence orthopaedic

surgeon Dr. Prakash to Life imprisonment in case relating to taking obscene
picture of the women and uploading them on to internet. Dr. Prakash became
the first person to be arrested under the Information Technology Act. He was
accused of sexually exploiting women and uploading their obscene pictures on
the internet with the help of his brother based in the US. He was charged with
offences punishable under Section 67 of the Information Technology Act,
besides the provisions of the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition)
Act, 1986 read with Section 27 of the Arms Act, 1959, and 120-B of the
Indian Penal Code.46

Addressing a national seminar on the enforcement of cyber law former

chief justice Mr. K.G. Balakrishnan has said that “the government could place
restrictions on websites that exclusively circulated pornography and hate
speech, though it would not be right to clamp blanket bans on all categories of

He stated that “it was also important to distinguish between

intermediaries such as network service providers, website operators and
individual users for placing liability for wrongful acts. Further said that
Liability cannot be mechanically placed on Internet intermediaries, when it is
specific individuals who engage in reprehensible conduct. That would be

case/articleshow/6088338.cms? (Accessed on 8th February, 2016)
P a g e | 26

comparable to punishing the persons who build roads for the rash and
negligent driving of other persons who operate vehicles on the roads.”

He further states that “Democratic values such as freedom of speech

and expression, freedom of association and the freedom to pursue an
occupation, business, profession or trade must be promoted in the online
domain as well.”47

The Supreme Court of India in Kamlesh Vaswani v. Union of India &

Ors.48 told the Centre on 27th February, 2016 to take steps and frame rules to
stop access to websites featuring child pornography, classifying them as
“obscene” and a threat to social morality. A Bench of Justices Dipak Misra
and S.K. Singh was reacting to a submission made by the Supreme Court
Women Lawyers Association that there were instances where school bus
drivers and conductors forced children under their care to watch porn and
sexually assaulted them owing to easy and free access to porn, including child
pornography, in the country.

Hearing this, Justice Misra said, “freedom of speech is not absolute,

liberty is not absolute” when such rights were misused to subject innocent
children to such sexual perversions.

The Supreme Court said, drawing the line on where rights ended and
criminality began has said that “Innocent children cannot be made prey to this
kind of painful situations and a nation cannot afford to carry on any kind of
experiment with its children in the name of liberty,”

Further stated that “The Centre is required to make certain rules and
regulations to initially stop child pornography,”

The Supreme Court, however, said a clear distinction had to be made

between art and obscenity and stated that “There are those who feel that even

cji/article425172.ece (Accessed on 8th February, 2016)
Writ Petition No. 177 of 2013, Titled as Kamlesh Vaswani v. Union of India and others
P a g e | 27

Mona Lisa (painting) is pornography. A distinction has to be drawn between

art and obscenity.”49

6.2. Cyber Stalking

Stalking in general means behaviour of harassing or threatening the

other person. Cyber Stalking is an extension of physical form of stalking,
which is committed over the online medium with the use of information
Technology. In cyber stalking the internet, e-mail, chat rooms etc. are used to
stalk another person.
The Wikipedia defines cyber stalking, where the Internet or other
electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, a group of individuals, or an
organization. It include the making of false accusations or statements of fact
(as in defamation), monitoring, making threats, identity theft, damage to data
or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sex, or gathering information that
may be used to harass.50
Stalking is a continuous process, consisting of a series of actions, each
of which may be entirely legal in itself. The definition of Cyber stalking is not
universally acceptable as it varies place to place. According to Professor
Lamber Royakkers -
“Cyber stalking is the repeatedly harassing or threatening of an
individual via the internet or other electronic means of communication. A
cyber stalker is someone with amorous and/or sexual motives who constantly
harasses someone else electronically: via the bulletin board, chats box, e-
mail, spam, fax, buzzer or voice-mail. Stalking generally involves the constant
harassment or threatening of someone else: following a person, appearing at
someone’s house or workplace, making harassing phone calls, leaving written
messages or objects, or vandalizing someone’s property. Because the stalking

centre-told/article8287151.ece (Accessed on 28th February, 2016)
50 (Accessed on 10 the February, 2016)
P a g e | 28

activities are so diverse and have to be seen in their connection it is difficult to

give a precise description of stalking.” 51
Cyber stalking doesn’t not involve any physical contact yet stalking
through the internet has found favour among the offenders for certain
advantages available like, ease of communication access to personal
information and anonymity.52
As far as cyber stalking is concerned, the offender has the advantage
that he can sit anywhere in the world and harass the victim by posting certain
derogatory comment or post comments on common discussion boards or put
the mobile number of the victim and his email address on certain social sites
which prompt the other users to send massages or phone calls to the victim in
misconceived notion. The internet has wide reach, the way we communicate
online, the personal data of individual and other information is easily accessed
by the offenders through the internet medium, and this makes the individual
vulnerable to the offence such as cyber stalking.
Today internet become the integral part of each other life be it personal
or professional life. The ease of communication in today’s world made it
easier for the offenders or person who seeks to take revenge may use this
medium to malign the victim by threatening and harassing by sending
offensive mails. The fact that cyber stalking does not involve physical contact
may create the misperception that it is more benign than physical stalking.
This is not necessarily true. As the Internet becomes an ever more integral part
of our personal and professional lives, stalkers can take advantage of the ease
of communications as well as increased access to personal information.
Whereas a potential stalker may be unwilling or unable to confront a victim in
person or on the telephone, he or she may have little hesitation sending
harassing or threatening electronic communications to a victim. As with

51 (Accessed on 10Th February, 2016)
S. K. Verma, Raman Mittal, Legal Dimension of Cyberspace, Indian Law Institute, New
P a g e | 29

physical stalking, online harassment and threats may be a prelude to a more

serious behaviour, including physical violence.53

Stalking has become a problem to women and children on a larger part

in comparison to men. Women are threatened, vandalized, assaulted when it
comes to real world but the same things happen when cyber stalking takes
place. Obscenity also adds up with the, threatens and harassment. No doubt
men also become the prey of the same but its lower when it comes to females.
Children also undergo the same trauma by adult predators and pedophiles. The
victim is normally a person who is less thorough regarding internet services
and its applications. The stalker is generally a person who is a paranoid with
no self-esteem. But the traits differ from one stalker to another. Some harass to
seek revenge or some do so for their own pleasure. While some just to do it for
playing a mischief.54

There are three ways in which cyber stalking is conducted i.e.

1. stalking by E-mail - where the offender directly sends e-mail to the

victim to threaten her or to harass her. It is the most common form of stalking
in the modern world. The most common is sending hate, obscene,
pornographic material and threatening mail to the victim.

2. Stalking through Internet – this is global form of cyber stalking. In

this the offender doesn’t invade the private space of the victim but harasses
her through the global medium publically. The offender through the internet
medium post the phone numbers and email address of the victim on porn sites
and put morphed photos of the victim on cyber space and threaten them. This
is the serious nature of cyber stalking where the stalker chases all the activity
of victim on the net and posted false information about her on the websites.

cyber/ (Accessed on 11th February, 2016)
Verma Amita, ‘Cyber Crimes & Law’, Central Law Publication, p-157-158 also available at
(Accessed on 11th February, 2016)
P a g e | 30

3. Stalking through Computer - In this form the offender is

technocrat and he can take control of the computer of the victim as soon as the
computer starts operating. In this the stalker gets control of the victims
computer address and gets control over it. This form of cyber stalking requires
high degree of computer knowledge to get access to the targets computer and
the option available to the victim is to disconnect the computer and abandon
the current internet address.

The term stalking is not new to the world, in the physical space it
existed for many centuries. The stalking in the physical world is done by the
former friends, employees, or the person who wants to force his will over the
target are the examples of stalkers. But after the advent of cyberspace, the
reach of the stalker is widened, he can reach to any part of the world and
threaten and harass the target. It is not necessary now to disclose his identity,
most of the stalkers are the dejected lover’s, ex-boyfriends, colleagues, who
failed to satisfy their desire and wants to harass the victim. Most stalkers are
man and most victims are women. The common reason behind the cyber
stalking is rejection in love or one sided love, harassment, revenge and show-
off by the offender.

Following are the methods use by the cyber stalker to target the

1. The stalker if he is a associates of the victim then he can gather all

the information about the victim easily and if he is stranger then he collect all
the information through internet from various social network sites and collect
all and every information about the victim from Date of birth, place of
residence, place of work, phone numbers, email ID’s to places of visits

2. The stalker may post all the information on any website related to
sex-services or dating service, and uses filthy and obscene language to invite
P a g e | 31

person as if the victim himself posted these information so the interested

person may call the victim on his numbers to have sexual services.

3. All the people from the world would call the victims on his phone
numbers at home or on mobile asking for sexual services.

4. Some will send e-mail to the victim attaching pornographic material

with it and sometimes posted these emails on the pornographic sites.

5. Some will post morphed pictures of the victim on these

pornographic and sex-service websites or keep asking for favour and threaten
them if they do not fulfill their demands then they will put these pictures all
over the internet.

6. Sometimes the stalkers send them repetitive e-mails and call them
day and night at his phone numbers and keep track on them. The stalkers
sometimes get the help of third party to harass the victim.

The Social Networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Orkut, Google

plus, Instagram and many more are becoming a medium to cyber stalking in
the modern world.

6.2.1 Legal Recognition and Position in India

Though the behaviour widely identified as stalking has existed for

centuries, the legal system has only codified its presence in the statues in the
recent decades. Cyber stalking only gather importance after the evolution of
the internet in the nineties. The rise in crimes related to cyber stalking through
the online medium is an extension of traditional stalking that utilizes a high
tech modus operandi.

In each jurisdiction the statute is different as far as cyber stalking is

concerned. In The United States, California is the first state to pass the anti
stalking law in 1990. But as far as the stalking through computers is concerned
there are few states or countries that passed laws related to cyber stalking.
P a g e | 32

Indian law do recognise cyber stalking but we do not have law to deal
with this issue specifically. The Information Technology act 2000 doesn’t
contain any provision regarding cyber stalking or cyber bullying or cyber
harassment. It is glaring lapse on the part of the government agencies.

The gravity of cyber stalking came into focus in India with Ritu
Kohli’s Case, is the first case in India dealing with cyber stalking. The Delhi
Police arrested Manish Kathuria the culprit of the case. In the said case,
Manish was stalking a person called Ritu Kohli on the Net by illegally
chatting on the website with the name of Ritu Kohli. Manish
was regularly chatting under the identity of Ritu Kohli on the said Website,
using obscene and obnoxious language, was distributing her residence
telephone number and inviting chatter to chat with her on telephone.
Consequently Ritu Kohli was getting obscene calls from different chatters
from various parts of India and abroad. Ritu Kohli reported the matter to the
police and the Delhi Police swung into action. The police had registered the
case under Section 509 of the Indian Penal Code for outraging the modesty of
Ritu Kohli. But Section 509 of the Indian Penal Code only refers to word,
gesture or act intended to insult modest of a woman. But when same things are
done on internet, then there is no mention about it in the said section. None of
the conditions mentioned in the section cover cyber stalking. Ritu Kohli’s case
was an alarm to the Government, to make laws regarding the aforesaid crime
and regarding protection of victims under the same. As a result Section 66A of
the Information Technology Act, 2008.55

However, now the Indian Information technology Amended Act

200856 directly addresses cyber stalking. The provision for regulating cyber
stalking in India is section 66A which runs as follows;

(Accessed on 11th of February, 2016)
Information Technology Amendment Act, 2008, Act no 10 of 2009
P a g e | 33

Punishment for sending offensive messages through

communication service, etc.57: any person, who sends, by means of a
computer resource or a communication device,

a) Any information that is grossly offensive or has menacing character;


b) Any information which he knows to be false, but for the purpose of

causing annoyance, inconvenience, danger, obstruction, insult, injury, criminal
intimidation, enmity, hatred, or ill will, persistently makes by making use of
such computer resource or a communication device;

c) Any electronic mail or electronic mail message for the purpose of

causing annoyance or inconvenience or to deceive or to mislead the addressee
or recipient about the origin of such messages,

Shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to

three years and with fine.

Incidents like sending persistent text massages and sexually explicit

photographs/MMS have emerged in the recent past as major cyber offences.
The intent behind this section is curbing the menance of sending offensive
massages by means of computer resource or through internet device. The
offences like obscenity, cyber stalking, defamation, bullying etc. come under
the ambit of this section.

However critics felt that section 66A would be used as a tool to curb
individual freedom of speech and expression and violative of article 19(1) of
the constitution of India, and in year 2015 in the writ petition titled as Shreya
Singhal v. Union of India58 the Apex court struck down the section 66A of
Information Technology Amendment Act 2008, as it is grossly misused by the
authorities and violative of Article 19(1) of Constitution of India.

Ibid, s. 66A
WP (Crl.) No. 167 of 2012
P a g e | 34

Thus now, Information Technology Amendment Act 2008 does not

directly address stalking. But the problem is dealt more as an “intrusion on to
the privacy of individual” than as regular cyber offences which are discussed
in the IT Act 2008. Hence the most used provision for regulating cyber
stalking in India is section 72 and 72A of the Information Technology
Amendment Act, 2008 which runs as follows59;

Breach of confidentiality and privacy60:

Save as otherwise provided in this Act or any other law for the time
being in force, any person who, in pursuant of any of the powers conferred
under this Act, rules or regulations made there under, has secured access to
any electronic record, book, register, correspondence, information, document
or other material without the consent of the person concerned discloses such
electronic record, book, register, correspondence, information, document or
other material to any other person shall be punished with imprisonment for a
term which may extend to two years, or with fine which may extend to one
lakh rupees, or with both.

Punishment for Disclosure of information in breach of lawful


Save as otherwise provided in this Act or any other law for the time
being in force, any person including an intermediary who, while providing
services under the terms of lawful contract, has secured access to any material
containing personal information about another person, with the intent to cause
or knowing that he is likely to cause wrongful loss or wrongful gain discloses,
without the consent of the person concerned, or in breach of a lawful contract,
such material to any other person shall be punished with imprisonment for a

59 (Accessed on 12th February, 2016)
Information Technology Amendment Act, 2008, s. 72
Ibid, s. 72A
P a g e | 35

term which may extend to three years, or with a fine which may extend to five
lakh rupees, or with both.

However, after the December, 2012 Delhi gang rape incidence, the
Indian government has enacted or amended several new laws. In this anti-
stalking law was also passed. The Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2013 added
S.354D to the Indian Penal Code to define and punish the act of stalking. This
is as follows –

Section 354D62. (1) Any man who—

(i) Follows a woman and contacts, or attempts to contact such woman

to foster personal interaction repeatedly despite a clear indication of disinterest
by such woman; or

(ii) Monitors the use by a woman of the internet, email or any other
form of electronic communication, commits the offence of stalking:

Provided that such conduct shall not amount to stalking if the man who
pursued it proves that—

(i) it was pursued for the purpose of preventing or detecting crime and
the man accused of stalking had been entrusted with the responsibility of
prevention and detection of crime by the State; or

(ii) It was pursued under any law or to comply with any condition or
requirement imposed by any person under any law; or

(iii) In the particular circumstances such conduct was reasonable and


(2) Whoever commits the offence of stalking shall be punished on first

conviction with imprisonment of either description for a term which may
extend to three years, and shall also be liable to fine; and be punished on a

Inserted by Section 7 of ‘The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013
P a g e | 36

second or subsequent conviction, with imprisonment of either description for a

term which may extend to five years, and shall also be liable to fine.

In July 2015, the Metropolitan Magistrate court convicted a senior

executive of a private company in a cyber stalking case for four months
imprisonment. This case became first conviction case of cyber crime in the
state of Maharashtra. Additional Metropolitan Magistrate N R Natu convicted
and sentenced Yogesh Prabhu to four months imprisonment for cyber stalking
his colleague working in a cargo handling firm in Panvel. The complainant
stated in her complained that the stalker had sent her pornographic images and
videos. She also said that she was getting scared as somebody was stalking her
movements. “When she went to watch movie at Adlabs, she received an email
asking her “How was the movie you enjoyed it?” Another email said why she
did not come to temple Prabhadevi on that particular day? Where were she
went she got email asking about her visit which scared her and she lodged a
complaint. A few days later she started getting emails of pornographic images
and movies which shattered her. During the course of investigations the CCIC
first traced the IP address of the server from where the emails were sent. The
trail led police to her office in Panvel and another IP address was of Gurgaon.
Both the IP address was found to be of the same company having its office in
Panvel and Gurgaon. Police than wrote to the Gmail server asking them to
provide the details of the account holder. During the course of investigations
police learnt that Prabhu and the victim used to see each other and wanted to
tie knot but due to their age differences, victim’s family were not keen on their
relationship. Everything ended between them but Prabhu continue to like her
and started stalking her. He used to follow her and then immediately send her
emails of her locations and other details which scared her.63

In year 2011 Delhi University law student has been accused of stalking
and threatening a woman online. He also created her fake profiles on social

Maharashtra/articleshow/47927461.cms (Accessed on 11th February,
P a g e | 37

networking sites to defame her. The woman has lodged a complaint with Delhi
Police alleging the accused has been harassing her for over a year now. She
said the law student has been making obscene phone calls and sending
threatening emails. The victim, while working in Delhi last year, became
acquainted with the accused. He asked her to marry him. She alleged that
when she refused, he assaulted her and also threatened to kill her. The victim
also lodged a complaint with the police earlier and after that, the accused
apologized and promised not to bother her in future and also given a written
statement to police that he will not stalk her in future. The victim then moved
to Goa to live with her parents. But soon after she left Delhi, the accused
created her fake profiles on social networking websites. He then uploaded
photographs on these sites and declared her to be his wife. The accused also
impersonated the victim online and made contact with her friends through
these profiles and due to this the girl’s marriage was called off. A case under
Section 66-A of Information Technology Act was lodged in New Delhi.64

In India there are few cases which are coming to limelight but cases
related to cyber stalking are rapidly increasing. There are thousands of cyber
stalking cases talking place in the nation, but only few reported the cases to
the police due the fear or threat. The crime related to cyber stalking is
increasing as its counterpart stalking in physical space as tracking the person is
too difficult task and he can be anyone from billions sitting anywhere.

Few People now about the cyber stalking crime. Some even do not
know that cyber stalking exists in the society or it is termed as crime. Very
few people are aware about the legal aspect of cyber stalking. We need to
aware people about these crimes and how can they avoid these kinds of crime.
The legal provision has to be stringent and the police personnel too need to get
regular education and training regarding the new emerging crime in the world.

stalking/articleshow/8917937.cms (Accessed on 11th February, 2016)
P a g e | 38

6.3 Cyber Terrorism

The terrorism phenomenon is very complex issue in the current

generation. The attacks of terrorist on the mankind have increased rapidly in
last decade. Everyone from normal people to the statehood of the country has
suffered due to the violent act of terrorism. The threat of terrorism has become
a challenge for the world after post cold war. The state agencies are not
adequate enough to tackle or control the terrorist attack on human kind;
numbers of people were killed by the inhuman act of the terrorists worldwide.
Several counter measures are adopted by the national and international front
but they were failed to control the terrorist attack. However, most of these are
designed in a conventional pattern, which might be successful in a usual terror
attacks. But at present, we live in digital age and computers and internet are
also playing their part and becomes a useful tool in the hands of terrorist.
A number of economies were thrown into disarray with the recent
financial turmoil. Opinions remain divided on which way the road ahead leads
to. But even when household names and industry heavyweights were being
brought down to their knees, technology remained steadfast. In fact,
technology today has so inconspicuously become a business enabler that it’s
almost easy to overlook. A new page in the information warfare book comes
in a sinister form. Cyber-terrorism involves highly targeted efforts made with
the intention of terrorism. It is an emerging threat that has the potential to
cause serious damage. While we’d often associate terrorism with loss of life,
we cannot overlook important results like intimidation or coercion that can be
brought about by cyber-terrorism.65
A prolonged and targeted terrorism campaign against a country has the
potential to render it weak in the long-run. Given the varied economic,
financial, and even psychological effects such a campaign could have, cyber-
terrorism poses a significant hurdle in times to come. Technology is the
backbone of most countries in the world today. A hard hit on such a critical
Dr. Sirohi M. N., Cyber Terrorism and Information Warfare, Alpha Editions Delhi
P a g e | 39

back- bone would be an ideal strategy for attackers. The United Nations
telecommunications agency warns that the next world war could well be in
cyberspace. This should come as no surprise. Wars have often included attacks
on installations or facilities that are critical to the enemy, delivering a
crippling blow to gain the higher ground. Considering the sheer magnitude of
dependence that the modern world places on technology, it would logically
make a fine target if a war were to ensue.66
Cyber Terrorism becomes an international threat to the global
population as through the terrorism, the terrorist are spreading false
propaganda in line with political and religious ideologies. The word “Cyber
Terrorism” is of recent vintage and was coined by computer whiz Barry C.
Collin67. The Term cyber terrorism is the combination of cyberspace and
terrorism and we do not have any definition of cyber terrorism which can be
accepted worldwide. Every researcher or scholar in the subject gives a
different dimension while defining the term cyber terrorism. In this research
the definition of cyber terrorism is divided into intent based and effect based.
It refers to attacks on the computers, networks and network grids of the
country which heavily depend on networks and create havoc or fear among the
minds of its citizens.
6.3.1 Definition of Cyber Terrorism
The definition of cyber terrorism cannot be made extensive as the
nature of crime is such that it must be left to be comprehensive in nature. The
nature of “cyberspace” is such that new mode and tools are invented regularly;
Hence it is not wise to put the definition in a straightjacket formula or pigeons
hole. In fact, the first effort of the judiciary should be to understand the

Dr. Sirohi M. N., Cyber Terrorism and Information Warfare, Alpha Editions Delhi
Barry Collin, “The Future of Cyber Terrorism,” Proceedings of the 11th Annual
International Symposium on Criminal Justice Issues, the University of Illinois at Chicago,
P a g e | 40

definition as liberally to punish the terrorist stringently, so the government can

tackle the evil of cyber terrorism.68
Some efforts have been made to define cyber terrorism precisely. Most
notably, Dorothy Denning, a professor of computer science, has put forward
an admirably unambiguous definition before the House Armed Services
Committee in May 2000: “Cyber terrorism is the convergence of cyberspace
and terrorism. It refers to unlawful attacks and threats of attacks against
computers, networks and the information stored therein when done to
intimidate or coerce a government or its people in furtherance of political or
social objectives. Further, to qualify as cyber terrorism, an attack should
result in violence against persons or property, or at least cause enough harm
to generate fear. Attacks that lead to death or bodily injury, explosions, or
severe economic loss would be examples. Serious attacks against critical
infrastructures could be acts of cyber terrorism, depending on their impact.
Attacks that disrupt nonessential services or that are mainly a costly nuisance
would not.”69
According to NATO (2008), cyber terrorism is “a cyber-attack using
or exploiting computer or communication networks to cause sufficient
destruction to generate fear or intimidate a society into an ideological
The US National Infrastructure Protection Centre, a part of the
Department for Homeland Security: “a criminal act perpetrated through
computers resulting in violence, death and/or destruction, and creating terror
for the purpose of coercing a government to change its policies.” 71
In the Federal Government, the FBI describes cyber terrorism as:
“Cyber-terrorism is a criminal act perpetrated by the use of computers and

(Accessed on 13the February, 2016)
69 (Accessed on 13the February, 2016)
NATO, (2008). Cyber defence concept MC0571. Brussels, Belgium.
71 on
12th February, 2016)
P a g e | 41

telecommunications capabilities, resulting in violence, destruction and/or

disruption of services to create fear by causing confusion and uncertainty
within a given population, with the goal of influencing a government or
population to conform to a particular political, social, or ideological
A universal acknowledged definition of cyber terrorism is “a criminal
act perpetrated by the use of computers and telecommunication capabilities
resulting in violence, destruction and/or disruption of services to create fear
within a given population with a goal of influencing a government or
population to conform to a particular political, social or ideological
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation defines cyber terrorism as
“Cyber terrorism is any premeditated, politically motivated attack against
information, computer systems, computer programs, and data which results in
violence against non-combatant targets by sub- national groups or clandestine
The Former chief strategist at Netscape, Kevin Coleman, has given the
definition of cyber terrorism as: “The premeditated use of disruptive activities,
or the threat thereof, against computers and/or networks, with the intention to
cause harm or further social, ideological, religious, political or similar
objectives or to intimidate any person in furtherance of such objectives.”75
The term cyber crime and cyber terrorism is different all together we
cannot say that every cyber crime is cyber terrorism. We have to see whether
the cyber crime is politically and ideologically motivated or not, to tag it as

H. M. Hendershot, ‘Cybercrime 2003 – Terrorists’ Activity in Cyberspace and also at (accessed on 12th February, 2016)
73,%20IPS548.pdf (accessed on 12th
February, 2016)
74 (accessed on 12th
February, 2016)
K. Coleman, ‘Cyber Terrorism’ (2003) Directions Magazine, also at
I149.pdf (accessed on 12th February, 2016)
P a g e | 42

cyber terrorism. In Present scenario the aim of the terrorist organization is to

destroy the communication, infrastructure, transportation and financial
network of the country through the use of computers and networks to create
fear in the minds of the people, as every country in the world is heavily
depend on the technology. Recent attacks in India as well as in world have
proved that the terrorist are also utilizing the computers and networking to
carryout terrorist attacks.
6.3.2 Objectives of Cyber Terrorism
The Basic objective of the cyber terrorist organization while attacking
a nation, a place and an organization, to destroy tangible property or assets and
killing human beings to prove their agenda or political ideologies, Thus there
is no doubt that technology advancement in computers and networking has
played a vital part in providing them opportunity, which influenced terrorists
methods and behaviour considerably. The researcher can identify three main
objectives of cyber terrorism:
1. This organizational objective of cyber terrorism includes functions
like recruiting, instigation training, fundraising, communication, planning,
spying, etc. Following the intelligence reports, terrorist groups nowadays
recourse to the Internet on a daily-basis. Their knowledge and skills in regard
to computer technology is steadily growing and this build-up of knowledge
and skills would eventually provide the necessary expertise for finding and
exploiting vulnerabilities in the online security systems of governments or
critical infrastructure institutions.76
Although those researching the terrorist use of the Internet often
describe them as radical factions seeking some sort of virtual jihad, the actors
committing cyber terrorism do not have to be religiously motivated.
Furthermore, the organizational function of cyber terrorism enables the

Wilson, C. (2005). “Computer Attack and Cyber terrorism: Vulnerabilities and Policy
Issues for Congress”. CRS Report for Congress.
also at and (Accessed on
13th February, 2016)
P a g e | 43

wrongdoers to pursue their objective either through the means of traditional

warfare or technology.77
2. Self-explanatory, the goal which terrorists seek to achieve here is to
hinder the normal functioning of computer systems, services, or websites. The
methods used are defacing, denying, and exposing. Since the Western
countries are highly dependent on online structures supporting vital services,
these methods are of proven merit. However, disruptive activities usually do
not entail grave consequences, except perhaps in cases of an unpredictable
knock-on effect.78
3. This purpose is directed towards achieving the same or similar
results as classical terrorism, it is labeled pure cyber terrorism. Through the
use of computer technology and the Internet, the terrorists seek to inflict
destruction or damage on tangible property or assets, and even death or injury
to individuals. There are no cases of pure cyber terrorism up to date, but
perhaps its occurrence is only a matter of time, given the fact that the states’
critical infrastructures have significant security flaws.79
6.3.3 Whether the Threat is real or not
The danger caused by cyber terrorism has grabbed the attention of the
mass media, the security community, IT industries, Defence sector, politicians,
and experts in variety of fields have popularized a scenario in which cyber
terrorists electronically break into computers that control dams or air traffic
control systems, wreaking havoc and endangering not only millions of lives
but national security itself.80

Brickey, J. (2012). Defining Cyber terrorism: Capturing a Broad Range of Activities in
Cyberspace. Combating Terrorism Center at West Point also at
in-cyberspace and also at
cybercrime/ (Accessed on 13th February, 2016)
Gabriel Weimann, Cyber terrorism: How Real Is the Threat? Special Report No.119,
United States Institute of Peace, December, 2004.also at
counter-terrorism-committee.pdf (Accessed on 14th February, 2016)
P a g e | 44

Just how real is the threat that cyber terrorism poses? Because most
critical infrastructure in today’s world is networked through computers, the
potential threat from cyber terrorism is very alarming. cyber terrorist through
the help of Hackers can gain access to sensitive information and to the
operation of crucial services and can cripple or at least disable the military,
financial, and service sectors of advanced economies.81
The growing reliance of our societies on computers and internet has
created a new form of vulnerability, giving terrorists the chance to approach
targets that would otherwise be utterly watertight, such as national defense
systems and air traffic control systems. The more technologically developed a
country is, the more vulnerable it becomes to cyber attacks against its
infrastructure. Concern about the potential danger posed by cyber terrorism is
thus well founded.82
The Crime related to cyberspace has been increasing rapidly; however
there is no cyber terrorist attack in Indian public facilities, transport systems,
nuclear power plants, power grids, or other key machinery of the national
infrastructure. Cyber attacks are regular, but they have not been carried out by
terrorists and they have not sought to inflict the kind of damage that would
qualify them as cyber terrorism.
6.3.4 Recent Incident of Cyber Terrorism in World
The following are the number of incident which has created problems
for nations or which can be termed as terrorist attack by the terrorist group
with the help of information technology in the world –
Cyber Attacks in Middle East
With the Middle East Conflict at a very heated moment between
bordering countries Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Israel Cyber Groups have been
launching an offensive against websites and mail services used by the political
sectors the opposing groups show support for. The attacks had been reported

Terror on the Internet: The New Arena, the New Challenges USIP Press Books, 2006. also
at (Accessed on 14th February, 2016)
P a g e | 45

by the NIPC (National Infrastructure Protection Center) in October of 2000 to

U.S. Officials. The attacks were a volley of e-mail floods, DoS attacks, and
Ping flooding of such sites as the Israel Foreign Ministry, Israeli Defense
Forces, and in reverse, sites that belonged to groups such as Hamas and
India and Pakistan Conflict
As tensions between the neighbouring regions of India and Pakistan
over Kashmir grew over time, Pro-Pakistan cyber-terrorists and recruited
hackers began to target India’s Internet Community. Just prior to and after the
September 11th attacks, it is believed that the sympathizers of Pakistan began
their spread of propaganda and attacks against Indian Internet based
communities. Groups such as G-Force and Doctor Nuker have defaced or
disrupted service to several major entities in India such as the Zee TV
Network, The India Institute of Science and the Bhabha Atomic Research
Center which all have political ties. The Group, Pakistani Hackerz Club also
went as far as to target the United States Air Force Computing Environment
and the Department of Energy’s Website.84
Retribution by China
In May 1999 the accidental bombing of a Chinese embassy in
Yugoslavia by U.S. Bombers, led to a massive website defacement and email
bombardment attack on American companies and agencies. Pro Chinese
hackers and political groups executed the attacks to gain sympathy for Chinese
cause. US Government sites such as the US department of energy and the
interior and the National Park Service were all hit and had website defaced
along with the White House website. The sites were downed for three days by

“Middle East E-mail Flooding and Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks” – National
Infrastructure Protection C enter – October 26, 2000 and also at and
assault-931 (Accessed on 14th February, 2016)
“Cyber Attacks during the War on Terrorism" India/Pakistan Conflict, Institute for Security
Technology Studies - Dartmouth College Vatis, Michael A - September 22, 2001. also at (Accessed on 14th February, 2016)
P a g e | 46

continual e-mail bombing. Although the attack was rather random and brief
and affected a small number of U.S. sites, the effects could have been worse.85
Cyber attack by Tamil Tigers
In 1998, with surges of violence committed in Sri Lankan over Several
years, attacks in cyber-space were the next area to target. The group known as
the Tamil Tigers, a violent guerrilla organization bombarded Sri Lankan
embassies with over 800 e-mails a day. This was carried out over a two week
period. The attack by the e-mail message conveyed the message, “We are the
Internet Black Tigers and we are doing this to disrupt your communications.”
After the messages created such major disruption the local Intelligence
authorities were dispatched to investigate. The authorities declared the attack
as the first known attack on the Sri Lankan by the terrorists on any computer
system in the nation.86
Yugoslavia Conflict
When NATO87 air strikes hit Former republic of Yugoslavia in Kosovo
and Serbia, NATO web servers were subjected to sustained attacks by hackers
employed by the Yugoslav military. All NATO’s 100 servers were subjected
to “ping saturation”, Distributed Denial Of service assaults and bombarded
with thousands of e-mails, many containing viruses. The attacks on NATO
servers coincided with numerous website defacements of American military,
government, and commercial sites by Serbian, Russian, and Chinese
sympathizers of Yugoslavia. These attacks cause serious disruption of NATO
communications infrastructures.

Cyber Protests: The Threat to the U.S. Information Infrastructure, October 2001. Also
available at
terrorismthe-cyber-assault-931 (Accessed on 14th February, 2016)
Cyber Terrorism – “Testimony before the Special Oversight Panel oil Terrorism”- Dorothy
E. Denning - May 23, 2000. also at
room/whitepapers/threats/conventional-terrorismthe-cyber-assault-931 (Accessed on 14th
February, 2016)
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is
an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed
on 4 April 1949. The organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its
member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party. (Source
Wikipedia accessed on 16th February, 2016)
P a g e | 47

Cyber Attack on Estonia

The small Baltic country of Estonia was cyber-attacked from Russia.
Ever since the government of the Baltic state decided to remove a war
memorial to the Red Army from a square in the capital, Tallinn, Russian
outrage has ensued. This took the form of demonstrations and even riots. But
then something extraordinary happened: quickly, and wholly without warning,
the whole country was subjected to a barrage of cyber-warfare, disabling the
websites of government ministries, political parties, banks and newspapers.
Techniques normally employed by cybercriminals, such as huge remotely-
controlled networks of hijacked computers, were used to cripple vital public
services. NATO has sent its top cyber-terrorism experts to Tallinn, with
western democracies caught on the hop over the implications of such an
attack. The Estonian defence ministry said: “We’ve been lucky to survive this.
If an airport, bank or state infrastructure is attacked by a missile, it’s clear
war but if the same result is done by computer’s, then what do you call It. IS It
a state of war? These questions must be addressed.” Estonia has blamed
Russia, predictably enough; which, if true, would mean this is the first cyber
attack by one sovereign state upon another. The Estonian attacks were more
likely to be the work of angry young Russian hackers working alone than any
sort of organised blitz by the Kremlin. But either way, the implications are
Sony PlayStation Network, Microsoft’s Xbox Live network case
In this case the confidential data of the employees and their families
has been leaked in 2014. The company has faced loss in revenue due to
movies being leaked, sensitive employee information was disclosed including
their salaries and social security numbers, and executive emails were
publicized. The attack was hatched by the Lizard Squad, an organization that
refers to itself as a cyber-terrorist. Then they launched a massive Distributed

See “Attack of the cyber terrorists” by MICHAEL HANLON Available at: (Accessed
on 16th February, 2016)
P a g e | 48

denial of service attack against Sony’s PlayStation Network and Microsoft’s

Xbox Live networks. They followed up these disruptions with an attack
against the Tor Project, a network of virtual tunnels that allow people and
groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet and after that
North Korea attacked the network infrastructure and network has gone down
for almost Ten hours due to the attack affecting the lives of millions. Due to
that many think that it is an act by the US government. However it is not but
they manage to create doubts regarding purchasing the product among the
consumer and people regarding the multinational companies. The Motive
behind these cyber terrorist attacks is collateral damage involved and the
obvious ties to geo-political situations that we see in so many attacks. The
Current President Barack Obama of United States has said that “cyber-
terrorism is perhaps one of the greatest threats against the U.S. today.
Unfortunately, the attacks are not only here to stay, but given the utter reliance
on the Internet today, they are likely to grow in a very serious manner”.89
6.3.5 Indian Law & Cyber Terrorism
It is the easiest way in modern scenario is attack a country is through
cyber network. India is in developing stage and the impact of cyber attack on
Indian infrastructure and communication is going to be immense, because
India now heavily depends on computers and information Technology.
There is need of series of innovative laws and global standards on
dealing with cyber crimes. The Computer/Internet is changing the process of
knowledge creation and dissemination of information as well as deeper
transmission is taking place towards redefining the communication process.
Thus a fine balance can be achieved between terrorism and Law enforcement
with due care and consideration. Thus we have enacted Information
Technology Act, 2000 to punish the cyber criminals.

See “Is Cyber-Terrorism the New Normal?” Available at (Accessed on 16th
February, 2016)
P a g e | 49

Earlier there was no specific provision in the IT Act, 2000 which deals
specifically with Cyber terrorism due to this, a new section 66F has been
inserted by Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008. It is a welcome
change brought by the IT Amendment Act, 2008 in view of increasing terrorist
activities in India and neighbouring nations.
Punishment for cyber terrorism90 - (1) whoever, -
(A) With intent to threaten the unity, integrity, security or sovereignty
of India or to strike terror in the people or any section of the people by –
(i) denying or cause the denial of access to any person authorized
to access computer resource; or
(ii) attempting to penetrate or access a computer resource without
authorisation or exceeding authorised access; or
(iii) introducing or causing to introduce any computer contaminant,
and by means of such conduct causes or is likely to cause death or injuries to
persons or damage to or destruction of property or disrupts or knowing that it
is likely to cause damage or destruction of supplies or services essential to the
life of the community or adversely affect the critical information infrastructure
specified under section 70; or
(B) knowingly or intentionally penetrates or accesses a computer
resource without authorisation or exceeding authorised access, and by means
of such conduct obtains access to information, data or computer database that
is restricted for reasons of the security of the State or foreign relations; or any
restricted information, data or computer database, with reasons to believe that
such information, data or computer database so obtained may be used to cause
or likely to cause injury to the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of
India, the security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States, public
order, decency or morality, or in relation to contempt of court, defamation or
incitement to an offence, or to the advantage of any foreign nation, group of
individuals or otherwise, commits the offence of cyber terrorism.

Information Technology Act, 2000, s., 66F
P a g e | 50

(2) Whoever commits or conspires to commit cyber terrorism shall be

punishable with imprisonment, which may extend to imprisonment for life.
For the prevention of cyber terrorism we can use the method of
“Counter strike through aggressive Defence”. The concept of counter strike
through aggressive defence presupposes the adoption and use of information
technology to produce legitimate and legalized disabling and reasonably
destructive effects. Some adopted measures completely destroys the
functioning of the offending computer while others simply disable the
computer for the time being by either shutting it down or making it
temporarily non-functional. The technology adopted must not only be safe and
effective, but it must also be “legal and law-abiding”. A counter-measure,
which is not very accurate, and law abiding would be a remedy worst than the
malady and hence it should be avoided. For instance, if a virus has been
launched by using a public server, then by disabling that server the genuine
and legitimate users will be unnecessarily harassed and they would be denied
the services which they are otherwise entitled to. Thus, the countermeasure
measure adopted must be job specific and not disproportionate to the injury
sought to be remedied.91
In March 2013, suspected Chinese hackers breached the computers of
India’s top military organisation, the Defence Research and Development
Organisation (DRDO), in what was touted to be amongst the biggest such
security breaches in the Indian history. India has seen many such attacks on its
critical installations and the misuse of social media and Internet has brought
home the threat of cyber-terrorism, the country is vulnerable to such cyber-
terrorism attacks with some countries and vested interest groups bent on
espionage and destruction.92

Article by Praveen Dalal, Cybercrime and cyber terrorism: Preventive defence for
cyberspace violations, Computer Crime Research Center, March 10, 2006.
(Accessed on 16th February, 2016)
P a g e | 51

According to Pavan Duggal the threat of cyber attacks remains

“imminent”, the country lacks an institutionalised mechanism of a cyber army
to deal with the threat. Further stated that “the recent DRDO breach was a
classical case of cyber war attack rather than mere hacking. It was an attack on
India’s critical information infrastructure. Cyber warfare as a phenomenon is
not covered under the Indian cyber law. Clearly, India’s cyber security is not
in sync with the requirements of the times.”93
Over the past few years, India has witnessed a growing number of
cyber terrorist attacks, with government departments, particularly defence
establishments, coming under attack. There are following cases of cyber
terrorism in India.
1. In 2012, hacker group ‘Anonymous’ carried out a series of
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks against a number of government
websites, in retaliation against the alleged Internet censorship.
2. Also in 2012, Hackers from Algeria carried out an attack on
websites run by the DRDO, the Prime Minister’s Office and various other
government departments.
3. Hackers from Pakistan and terrorist organization are increasing
their attacks on Indian Websites to provide a new dimension to the ongoing
conflict over Jammu and Kashmir. ‘GForce’ a group of anonymous hackers
whose members write slogans critical of India and its claim over Kashmir,
have owned up to several instances of hacking of Indian sites run by the Indian
government like breaking into the high security computer network of Bhabha
Atomic Research Center.
4. Indian Parliament attack is one of the deadliest attacks on Indian
Democracy. It is a case of cyber terrorism where accused committed cyber
forgery and made passes, downloaded official logo and layout map of the
parliament has been downloaded through the Pakistan service provider. They
controlled the e-mail and identity system of Indian Army.

P a g e | 52

5. In March, 2016 the Indian Infrastructure was attacked by the Terror

outfit with the name of Al Qaeda who, allegedly hacked a micro site of the
Rail net page of the Indian Railways to show its sinister reach for the first
time. The hacked page of Bhusawal division of Personnel Department of the
Central Railway and part of a large intranet created for the department’s
administrative needs was replaced by a message of Maulana Aasim Umar, Al
Qaeda chief in south Asia, for all Indian Muslims to participate in Jihad.94
Information Technology becomes an easy tool in hands of terrorist.
They use computers and networks to communicate with their operatives all
around the world in codes without detected by the enforcement agencies.
Cases like Ayodhya incident, attack in Mumbai in 2006, defacement of Indian
Military sites in India by hackers in July 2005, attack on American Center at
Kolkata and Pathankot Terrorist Attack etc., are the major cyber terrorist
attacks in India.
As per the cyber law and cyber security expert Prashant Mali “The
threat landscape remains very threatening, India is awakening to the global
threat of cyber warfare now. Our cyber security is still ineffective as mass
awakening towards it is missing or inadequate. Even though NTRO and
DRDO are mandated with cyber offensive work, only time will show
effectiveness of these organisations.”
With cyber security impacting the country’s security, Shiv Shankar
Menon, the national security adviser, announced that the government is
putting in place national cyber security architecture to prevent sabotage,
espionage and other forms of cyber threats.
Shantanu Ghosh, vice president at India Product Operations-Symantec
Corporation, which developed Norton Antivirus has said that “The past few
years have witnessed a dramatic shift in the threat landscape. The motivation
of attackers has moved from fame to financial gain and malware has become a

message-to-join-jihad-1283023 (Accessed on 21 March, 2016)

P a g e | 53

successful criminal business model with billions of dollars in play. We have

now entered a third significant shift in the threat landscape, one of cyber-
espionage and cyber-sabotage.”
Rikshit Tandon, advisor to the Cyber Crime Unit of the Uttar Pradesh
Police, said: “Cyber terrorism is a grave threat not only to India but to the
world. It can come to any country and, yes, a proactive measure by
government and consortium of countries needs to be taken as a collective
effort and policy since internet has no geographical boundaries”.95
6.4 Hacking

Hacking is labelled as amongst the most serious of all cyber crimes. It

is said that hacking erodes the faith of people in information technology and
the Internet. Hacking a computer system has been projected as a menace
requiring harsh laws to act as deterrents. Such a general projection is
somewhat misconceived.
Hacking a computer simply implies getting into another’s computer
without permission. Gaining unlawful access to another’s computer is
hacking. Unauthorized entry into a computer belonging to another is hacking.
It is equivalent to phone-tapping. Hackers see the weakness in the target
computer programme and then find ways to enter and access therein. Anti-
hacking tools such as the ‘Firewall’ technology and intrusion detection
systems are preventive measures that can be taken to protect a computer from
being hacked. Firewall, like a wall of fire, prevents hacking. Intrusion
detection systems will in addition also try to detect the source of hacking.
Hacking perse, in simple terms, is criminal trespass into a computer
that is a private property. Criminal trespass under the Indian Penal Code, 1860
is simply defined as entering into property in the possession of another with
intent to commit an offence or to intimidate, insult or annoy any person in
possession of such property, or having lawfully entered into or upon such
property, by unlawfully remaining there with intent thereby to intimidate,
P a g e | 54

insult or annoy any such person or with intent to commit an offence.96

Criminal trespass entails a punishment of imprisonment upto three months or
fine upto rupees five hundred, or with both 97 Criminal trespass perse is thus a
minor offence.
Here is a short list of great hackers of the world.
The most famous hacker in the history is Kevin Mitnick. At the tender
age of 17 in 1981, he hacked into a phone exchange that allowed him to
redirect subscriber calls in any way he wanted. In 1983, he accessed a
Pentagon computer. In 1990s, he cracked/hacked/broke into the computer
systems of the world’s top technology and telecommunications companies like
Nokia, Fujitsu, Motorola and Sun Microsystems. He was arrested by the FBI
in 1995 and later released on parole in 2000.98
Gary McKinnon, an Englishman, was arrested in November 2002 on
the accusation that he had hacked into more than 90 US military computer
systems in the U.K.99
Vladmir Levin, a Russian computer ‘expert’ is said to be the first to
hack a bank to steal money. In early 1995, he hacked into Citibank and robbed
US$ 10 million. He was arrested by Interpol in the U.K. in 1995, after he had
transferred money to his accounts in the US, Finland, Holland, Germany and
A Los Angeles radio station announced a contest that would reward the
102nd caller with a ‘Porsche 944S2’. Kevin Poulsen took control of the entire
city’s telephone network and ensured he was the winner being the 102 nd caller.
He also hacked into ‘Arpanet’ that was the precursor to the Internet. Arpanet
was a global network of computers.101

Indian Penal Code, 1860., s. 441
Indian Penal Code, 1860., s. 447
98;wap2 (Accessed on 20th
February, 2016)
P a g e | 55

US based hacker Timothy Lloyd planted a malicious software code in

the computer network of Omega Engineering which was a prime supplier of
components to NASA and the US Navy. Omega lost US$10 million due to the
attack by which its manufacturing operations were impaired.102
Species of criminal trespass have been treated with more deterrent
punishments. For instance, punishment for house-trespass is punishable with
imprisonment upto one year.103 House-trespass in order to commit an offence
punishable with death (i.e. murder etc.) is punishable with imprisonment for
life or rigorous imprisonment upto ten years.104 House-trespass in order to
commit an offence punishable with imprisonment for life is punishable with
imprisonment upto ten years.105 House-trespass, other than the above, entails
punishment with imprisonment extending to two years and if the offence
intended to be committed is theft, the term of the imprisonment may extend to
seven years.106 For house-trespass committed after preparation to cause hurt,
assault or wrongful restraint or putting any person in such fear, the punishment
prescribed is imprisonment extending to seven years.107 Lurking house-
trespass or housebreaking is punishable with imprisonment extending to two
years.108 Lurking house-trespass or housebreaking in order to commit an
offence punishable with imprisonment, is liable for imprisonment upto three
years and if such intended offence is theft, the term of imprisonment has been
extended to ten years.109 The punishment for lurking house-trespass or
housebreaking by night is punishable with imprisonment extending to three
years.110 Grievous hurt caused whilst committing lurking house-trespass or
housebreaking, is punishable with imprisonment for life, or imprisonment

Indian Penal Code, 1860., s. 448
Indian Penal Code, 1860., s. 449
Indian Penal Code, 1860., s. 450
Indian Penal Code, 1860., s. 451
Indian Penal Code, 1860., s. 452
Indian Penal Code, 1860., s. 453
Indian Penal Code, 1860., s. 454
Indian Penal Code, 1860., s. 456
P a g e | 56

extending to ten years.111 All persons jointly concerned in lurking house-

trespass or housebreaking by night, are liable to be punished with
imprisonment for life or extending to ten years, where death or grievous hurt is
caused or attempted to be caused by any one or more of them.112
Another instance of an offence that has numerous species is
“mischief”. Every species of mischief is separately laid down in the I.P.C.
with differing punishments, depending upon the magnitude thereof.113 Many
of the offences in the I.P.C. such as robbery, criminal breaches of trust,
cheating etc., have their respective species that are treated differently from one
The legal approach towards hacking should be the same as that of
criminal trespass, mischief and the innumerable other offences in the I.P.C.
All forms of hacking cannot be treated alike. It needs to be understood that
hacking too has numerous dimensions and species like other offences.
A person who enjoys exploring computer systems is also a hacker.
Many teenagers obsessed with the Internet and computers hack for fun and
excitement. Excitement to make an impact, show of capability and knowledge
of computers, fun and publicity, and the desire to explore are some of the
motives of these teenagers to hack into computer systems.
Another form of hacking is by Internet security companies, to test the
computer systems of their clients and potential clients, to impress them and get
business assignments of setting up security systems for the clients.
Hacking is also committed to damage the business of competitors and
enemies. Disruption of a computer and denial of access to a person authorized
to access any computer, are some of the damages that may be caused by
hacking. Hacking is also done to spy into others computer systems and for
stealing information/data residing therein. Hacking is also used as a Weapon

Indian Penal Code, 1860., s. 459
Indian Penal Code, 1860., s. 460
Indian Penal Code, 1860., s. 425-440
P a g e | 57

to commit other crimes such as cheating and misappropriation of funds

electronically from the bank account of another.
Hacking is done at the country level too. Frequently, Pakistani hackers
are accused of hacking Indian web-sites. For instance, the web-site of SEBI
(Stock Exchange Board of India) was hacked whereby a link to a pornographic
web-site was inserted.
Hacktivists are protestors against governments or institutions /
organizations, who protest through hacking. For instance, anti-globalization
protests have been made through hacking the web-site of WTO.
There are therefore numerous species of hacking, though in essence, it
is the offence of criminal trespass. All forms of hacking cannot thus be treated
alike. It is the intent, purpose and consequences of hacking that determine its
gravity. A twelve year old, who, for excitement and playing a prank enters
restricted web-sites, should not be treated as a national enemy. A terrorist
organization hacking into a protected system such as the defence computer
systems to steal nuclear secrets, or a criminal syndicate hacking to
misappropriate huge amounts, cannot be treated on par with a teenager prying
into the computer system of his best friend’s girlfriend or even the CBI
(Central Bureau of Investigation) for fun and excitement. The nature of the
hacking determines the gravity and all forms of hacking should not be
projected or legally treated in the same manner. Hacking has so many species.
Hacking is a skill that can be used positively as well as negatively. A man
opening locks to help people who have lost the key is a locksmith. However, a
person who opens locks to steal is a thief.
The seriousness of hacking depends upon the nature, purpose, intent
and the extent of loss and injury that are caused to the victim. For instance, in
a reported incident in the U.S., the owner of a hobby web-site for children
received an e-mail informing her that a group of hackers had gained control
over her web-site. They demanded a ransom of one million dollars. The threat
was overlooked as a mere scare tactic. A few days late, she discovered that the
P a g e | 58

hackers had ‘web-jacked’ her web-site. ‘Web-jacking’ has been equated with
hijacking an aeroplane, as forcibly assuming control of a web-site, for diverse
motives. The hackers had altered a part of the web-site which said “How to
have fun with goldfish”. The word “goldfish” was replaced with “piranhas”.
Piranhas are tiny but extremely dangerous flesh eating fish. Many children
visiting the web-site, purchased ‘piranhas’ from pet shops and tried playing
with them, thereby hurting themselves badly. 114
Hacking in various forms is already part of several offences, either as
the means to their commission or as a consequence. For instance, hacking
could be a tool and means to commit cheating, misappropriation, criminal
breach of trust, theft, copyright violations, spying into official secrets, or as
part of the conspiracy to wage war against the State, that are all well defined
offences. Some of the species of hacking have been defined as contraventions
as well as criminal offences in the LT. Act, 2000 as amended by the I.T.
(Amendment) Act, 2008. In the original version of the I.T. Act, 2000, section
66 defined and punished hacking in the following terms:
“Hacking with Computer System - (1) Whoever with the intent to cause
or knowing that he is likely to cause wrongful loss or damage to the public or
any person destroys or deletes or alters any information residing in a
computer resource or diminishes its value or utility or affects is injuriously by
any means, commits hacking.
(2) Whoever commits hacking shall be punished with imprisonment up
to three years, or with fine which may extend upto two lakh rupees, or with
The title of the aforesaid section 66 was a misnomer, which created
confusion. It was widely believed as if section 66 was the only legal provision
that dealt with the offence of hacking a computer system. This confusion has

“Hack Attack” by Shuchi Nagpal, Asian School of Cyber Laws in Indian Express Vigil,
March 2002. also available at (Accessed on
20th February, 2016)
Information Technology Act, 2000., s. 66
P a g e | 59

been done away with, by certain amendments made by the I.T. (Amendment)
Act, 2008. The words “Hacking with Computer System” have been deleted
from section 66, the scope of which has been substantially widened:
“If any person, dishonestly or fraudulently, does any act referred to in
section 43, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may
extend to three years or with fine which may extend to five lakh rupees or with
The various species of the offence of hacking that are provided (even
though not called ‘hacking’ specifically) for or may have elements of hacking,
in the amended version of the I.T. Act, 2000 are:
 Access to a computer.
 Downloading, copying or extraction of data from a computer.
 Introducing computer virus and contaminants.
 Causing damage to a computer.
 Causing disruption of a computer.
 Causing denial of access to a computer.
 Affecting critical information infrastructure.
 Cyber terrorism.

6.5 Virus117 and Contaminants

Computer contaminants and virus have a long history. Theories of self-

replicating programs were first developed in 1949. In 1981, Apple Viruses 1, 2
and 3 were found on Apple II operating systems. These viruses had spread
through pirated computer games. In 1987, the ‘Lehigh’ virus infected the

Sec. 66 of the I.T. Act, 2000 as amended by the I.T. (Amendment) Act, 2008.
A computer virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without
your knowledge and runs against your wishes. Viruses can also replicate themselves.
All computer viruses are man-made. A simple virus that can make a copy of itself over and
over again is relatively easy to produce. Even such a simple virus is dangerous because it will
quickly use all available memory and bring the system to a halt. An even more dangerous type
of virus is one capable of transmitting itself across networks and bypassing security systems.
P a g e | 60

‘’ computer files. In 1988, one of the most common viruses,

‘Jerusalem’ was unleashed. This virus was activated every Friday the 13th and
affected both ‘.exe’ and ‘.com’ files and deleted any programs run on that day.
In 1990, Symantec launched ‘Norton Anti-virus’ that was amongst the first
anti-virus programs developed by a large company. In 1992, it was discovered
that 1300 viruses were in existence, that was an increase of 420% from
December, 1990. This was the year when the ‘Dark Avenger Mutation
Engine’ (DAME) was created, which was a toolkit that turned viruses into
polymorphic viruses. In 1994, the ‘Good Times’ e-mail hoax tore through the
computer community. The hoax warns of a malicious virus that would erase
an entire hard-drive just by opening an e-mail with the subject line "Good
Times". In 1995, ‘Word Concept’ became one of the most prevalent viruses,
which spread through Microsoft Word documents. In 1996, the ‘Baza’,
‘Leroux’ and ‘Staog’ viruses infected Windows 95 files, Excel and Linux
respectively. In 1998, ‘Strange Brew’ was the first virus to infect Java files.
This year, the ‘Chernobyl’ virus also spread quickly via ‘.exe’ files. The virus
was quite destructive, attacking not only files but also the chip within infected
In 1999, the ‘Melissa’ virus infected about one million computers.
Also, ‘Bubble Boy’ was the first worm that did not depend on the recipient
opening an attachment for the infection to occur. As soon as the user opened
the e-mail, the worm started its destruction. This year, ‘Tristate’ was the first
multi-program macro virus to be deployed and it infected Word, Excel and
Power point files. In the year 2000, the famous ‘Love Bug’, also known as the
‘I LOVE YOU’ virus multiplied itself via the Outlook program. The virus
came as an attachment and deleted files including ‘MP3’, ‘MP2’ and ‘JPG’. It
also sent usernames and passwords to the author of the virus. Also, the
‘W97M.Resume.A’, like the Melissa virus, infected ‘Outlook’ and spread
itself. Unlike the previous viruses, ‘Stages’ was hidden in an attachment with a

118 (Accessed on 01 March, 2016)
P a g e | 61

false ‘.txt’ extension, luring recipients to welcome it. The year 2000 was also
the year when the ‘distributed denial-of-service’ attacks knocked out leading
web-sites such as ‘Yahoo’, ‘eBay’, ‘Amazon’ etc, for several hours.
Shortly after the ‘9/11’ attacks in 2001, the ‘Nimda’ virus infected
hundreds of thousands of computers in the world. This virus has been amongst
the most sophisticated ones, with five different methods of replicating and
infecting computer systems. The ‘Anna Kournikova’ virus mailed itself to
people enlisted in the victim’s Microsoft Outlook address book. Several
worms were also born this year such as ‘Sircam’, ‘CodeRed’ and ‘BadTrans’.
‘Sircam’ spread personal documents over the Internet through e-mail, while
‘Code Red’ attacked vulnerable web-pages. It infected about 359,000
computers in the first twelve hours or so. ‘BadTrans’ captured passwords and
credit card information.
In 2002, the creator of the ‘Melissa’ virus, David C. Smith was
sentenced to twenty months in the federal prison. Several viruses named after
celebrities like ‘Shakira’, ‘Britney Spears’ and ‘Jennifer Lopez’ also spread
during this year. In 2003, the ‘Slammer’ worm, the fastest spreading worm till
date, infected about 75000 computers in ten minutes. This year, the ‘Sobig’
worm became amongst the first few worms to make the infected computer
systems spam relay points. In the year 2004, a computer worm called
‘MyDoom’ or ‘Novarg’ spread through e-mails and file-sharing software
faster than its earlier cousins. ‘MyDoom’ enticed e-mail recipients to open an
attachment that allowed hackers to access the hard-drive of the afflicted
computer system. The objective of the worm was to make a ‘denial of service’
attack on the ‘SCO Group’ that was suing various groups for using an open-
source version of its ‘Unix’ programming language. SCO offered a reward of
US $2, 50,000 to anyone giving information leading to the arrest and
conviction of the worm’s authors. Also, the ‘Sasser’ Worm affected about one
million computers using Windows. An 18-year-old German high school
student confessed to developing this worm. The year 2005 ‘welcomed’ the
P a g e | 62

world’s first cell-phone virus called ‘Common warrior-A’. It is said to have

originated from Russia, spreading through a text message. In the year 2008,
the ‘Conficker’ virus infected between nine and fifteen million computer
server systems across the world, including servers of the French Navy, the
U.K. Ministry of Defence, Norwegian Police and other large government
Computer virus is as common as the common cold. Every computer
even that of Mr. Bill Gates, the creator of Microsoft would suffer from a
computer virus at some point of time or other. Just as some dust and insects
are likely to creep into the home howsoever many precautions are taken,
computer virus must get into the computer through a CD, floppy or pen-drive
that is corrupted or through the Internet where they float like their cousins in
the air that cause common cold, viral fever or more serious diseases.
Section 43-(c) of the I.T. Act, 2000 imposes a monetary liability of
upto rupees one crore upon a person who, without the permission of the owner
or incharge of a computer, introduces or causes to be introduced any computer
contaminant or computer virus into any computer, computer system or
computer network. “Computer virus” means any computer instruction,
information, data or programme that destroys, damages, degrades or adversely
affects the performance of a computer resource or attaches itself to another
computer resource and operates when a programme, data or instruction is
executed or some other event takes place in that computer resource.
“Computer contaminant” means any set of computer instructions that are
 to modify, destroy, record, transmit data or programme residing
within a computer, computer system or computer network; or
 by any means to usurp the normal operation of the computer,
computer system, or computer network;

119 (Accessed on 01 March, 2016)
P a g e | 63

Section 43 imposes a strict liability upon the person who plants any
computer virus or contaminant. All the violations stipulated in section 43
including clause (c) that covers the violation of introduction or causing the
introduction of any computer contaminant or computer virus into any
computer, have also been made criminal offences.120 Hence, dishonestly or
fraudulently introducing or causing the introduction of a computer virus or
computer contaminant into another’s computer, would also constitute a
criminal offence entailing an imprisonment of two years. Even with mens rea,
to penalize the introduction of computer contaminant or virus into another’s
computer, in the present state of information technology in our country, is
totally unjustified. Our law makers should have at least asked themselves
certain fundamental questions before criminalizing the planting of computer
virus and contaminants:-
 What is the level of general awareness in our country about computer
contaminants and virus?
 How many people in our country, who use computers, are aware of
anti-virus software and how many out of them use the same?
 What is the general level of consciousness amongst people, that
before sending a computer file to another through a CD, floppy, pen-drive or
the Internet, it should be checked whether there is virus in it or not?
 With computer contaminants and virus floating everywhere in
floppies, CDs, pen-drives and the Internet, how will it be proven prima facie
or otherwise, as to who introduced/transmitted the contaminants or virus in
 Are our law enforcement agencies and the judiciary equipped to
determine the source of the computer contaminant and virus?

It is extremely difficult to find the source of a virus and contaminant in

a computer system. The offence of planting virus and contaminant in a

Sec. 66 of the I.T. Act, 2000 as amended by the I.T. (Amendment) Act, 2008.
P a g e | 64

computer system is susceptible to gross misuse and erroneous application. The

author of a virus and contaminant, who infects multiple computer systems,
like the viruses and worms discussed above, would stand on a different
footing. A harsh liability including corporal punishment, on the author of a
virus that is circulated by him, is justifiable. However, to prosecute persons
who merely transmit virus and contaminants is ex-facie draconian. There is
hardly any awareness in our country about computer virus and contaminants
or anti-virus software. Our law enforcement agencies have no expertise to
determine the precise source of the virus. It is practically very difficult to
locate the source of a virus, especially with viruses and contaminants floating
in the cyber world like dust, and virus that causes common cold. Our
legislators ought to have conceived various other situations and problems. For
instance, a person may not even know that there is virus in his computer. New
types of virus come into existence from time to time and many of them are not
detectable by anti-virus software. Hence, even if a person installs anti-virus
software, virus can creep into the computer and unknowingly such virus can
be transmitted to others. Since intention/mens rea is inferred from the incident
and its consequences, apart from the allegations by the complainant, false and
misconceived criminal cases alleging planting virus and contaminants are
likely to be galore in our country. Adding insult to injury, it would be only at
the end of the ordeal of facing prosecution-cum-persecution, that the accused
would get an opportunity to prove his innocence during defence evidence.

To make transmission of virus and contaminants, a criminal offence,

should have waited for our people to mature as users of computers and the
Internet, which would take at least another fifteen to twenty years. A nominal
fine like a traffic challan to start with, would have sufficed and the law should
have evolved with the growth of awareness, consciousness and maturity
amongst computer users at large. Transmission of virus or contaminant, as a
civil violation under section 43 of the IT Act, 2000 with a nominal fine is still
P a g e | 65

However, dealing with the law as it is, a heavy responsibility lies on

our judiciary to protect citizens from harassment of being implicated for
transmitting computer virus and contaminants. It would be a tragic comedy to
see every computer user in the country as the complainant/victim of computer
contaminants and virus, and also a criminal being accused of introducing
computer virus and/or contaminants into another’s computer.

6.6 Cyber Crimes related to Finance

The Price Waterhouse Coopers organization, which deals with the

economic crime survey, has defined economic crime in cyber world as “an
economic crime committed using computers and the internet. It includes
distributing viruses, illegally downloading files, phishing and pharming, and
stealing personal information like bank account details. It’s only a cyber
crime if a computer, or computers, and the internet play a central role in the
crime, and not an incidental one.”121
According to the findings of survey on Economic Crime in India in
Global Economic Crime Survey 2011. The use of the internet in India is
growing rapidly. According to a recent Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
(TRAI) survey, we currently have 354 million internet subscribers. 122 While
burgeoning growth in the use of internet provides multiple options to cyber
citizens in all possible spheres from entertainment to education, it has also
given rise to cyber crime. This new breed of tech-savvy fraudsters poses a new
set of challenges. 24% of the respondents, who reported economic crime, have
experienced cyber crime in the last 12 months. We believe that this data alone
shows how serious the risk of cyber crime is to organizations. In the
background of the recent incidents of cyber crime on multinational companies
and financial institutions, a greater number of organizations are becoming
victims of cyber crime. One potential reason that may explain this sudden rise

As defined in the Global Economic Crime Survey 2011 by PwC in conjunction with our
survey academic partner, Professor Peter Sommer
P a g e | 66

in cyber crime is the rise in the volume of e-business, greater penetration of

internet and e-commerce.
Economic crime does not discriminate. It is truly global. No industry
or organization is immune. We have seen that despite fraud being a serious
business issue, 10% of the respondents in 2011 as compared to 6% in 2009
was not aware if their organization has been a victim to economic crime in the
last 12 months. The reason for awareness levels being low can be attributed, to
an extent, to the frequency of performing fraud risk assessment. One third of
the respondents to the survey do not perform fraud risk assessment due to a
perceived lack of value. This trend is exposing more organizations to the risk
of fraud. The fallout isn’t just the direct costs: economic crime can seriously
damage employee morale, brands or tarnish reputation, leading organizations
to lose market share. As society becomes less tolerant of unethical behaviour,
businesses need to make sure they are building – and keeping – public trust.
Today, most people and businesses rely on the internet and other technologies.
As a result, they are potentially opening themselves up to attacks from
criminals anywhere in the world. Against a backdrop of data losses and theft,
computer viruses and hacking, this survey looks at the significance and impact
of this new type of economic crime and how it affects businesses worldwide.
Cyber crime ranks as one of the top four types of economic crime. More than
half (58%) perceive Information Technology department as a high risk
department with respect to committing cyber crime. 96% said that their
organizations monitor internal and external electronic traffic and web-based
activity. About 80% of Indian respondents reported that cyber crime threat
originates within India or through a combination of in and outside the country.
About 2/3rd of respondents did not have access to forensic technology tools
that are useful in combating cyber crime. 35% of respondents did not have any
cyber security training in the last 12 months. Asset misappropriation has not
only been the most common type of economic crime but also shown a
remarkable increase - 20% in 2007 to 68% in 2011. Nearly two-thirds of the
P a g e | 67

respondents found that the perpetrators were among their own staff. In most
cases, perpetrators of fraud were male, between the ages of 31 and 40, and
educated to degree level or higher. 80% of respondents said their organization
terminated the individual who committed the fraud and more than half of the
respondents ceased to conduct business with outsiders who engaged in
fraudulent conduct. Despite the growing confidence that organizations
surveyed have in their risk management systems most fraud (35 %) is still
detected by chance.123
The cyber crime offers low risks and high rewards as compared to
traditional crimes. For example, in an externally perpetrated cyber crime, a
fraudster infiltrates a banking system, remotely, to steal money or personal
information. The fraudster is at a lesser risk when compared to someone who
physically steals assets from an organization. There are fewer risks when
committing cyber crime. The fraudster is not present at the location; hence the
chances of getting caught are less. It is difficult for law enforcement agencies
to follow traditional investigative steps to prosecute the perpetrator owing to
the different location and jurisdiction of the perpetrator. The perpetrators can
return to the scene of the crime with relatively minimal fear of detection.124
The Financial Cybercrime includes cheating, credit card frauds, money
laundering, forgery, online investment frauds etc. such crimes are punishable
under both IPC and IT Act. A leading Bank in India was cheated to the extent
of 1.39 crores due to misappropriation of funds by manipulation of computer
records regarding debit and credit accounts. Most cases involving computer-
related fraud have been prosecuted under existing criminal legislation and this
has been adequate to cope with these offences. However applying traditional
criminal concepts to acts involving intangible information has meant that some

Economic Crime in India: an ever increasing phenomenon, Global Economic Crime Survey
2011, India, Price Waterhouse Coopers, 2011. also available at
report.pdf (Retrieved on 17th February, 2016 )
P a g e | 68

amendments have proved necessary to resolve issues of applying existing

definitions to the new technology.
There are various legislations in India which deals with the Fraud and
related activities, some of them are: Section 25 of Indian Penal Code 125 does
attempt to define the word fraudulently by saying that there can be no fraud
unless there is an intention to defraud. In general, fraud is used in different
ways viz.
 To deprive a man of his right either by obtaining something by
deception or by taking something wrongfully without the knowledge or
consent of the owner.
 To withhold wrongfully from another, what is due to his or to
wrongfully prevent one from obtaining what he may justify claim.
 To defeat or frustrate wrongfully another’s right to property.
 Whenever the words fraud, intent to defraud or an intent to expose
some person to actual or possible injury.
 The main intent and object of the fraudulent person is in every case,
his own advantage.
A conclusive test as to the fraudulent character of a deception for
criminal purposes is whether to it is the deceit derived any advantage from it
which he would not have had if the truth has been known. If so, that advantage
would generally have an equivalent in less or risk of less to someone else and
if so, there is fraud. Fraud encompasses within its fold the scam of the
Internet. Both the essential requisites of fraud i.e. deceit or intention to deceive
and actual a possible injury to an individual or a group of individuals are
present in such scams. All such scams whatever their modus operandi, are
intended to gain advantage for some almost always at the risk of loss to others.
Sections 415 to 420, IPC detail the law relating to cheating, in the case
of Internet Scams relevant sections relating to the crime of cheating such as
cheating by impersonation (Section 416) cheating with knowledge that

Indian Penal Code (Act No. 45 of Year 1860).
P a g e | 69

wrongful loss may ensure to person where interest if offender is bound to

protect (Section 418), etc. may be applied according to the facts of the case.
The word Fraud is clearly defined under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. 126
Section 7 - “Fraud” Defined: “Fraud” means and includes any of the following
acts committed by a party to a contract or with his connivance or by his agent,
with intent to deceive another party thereto or his agent, or to induce him to
enter into the contract.
The IT Act, 2000127 deals with the crimes relating to Internet fraud and
online investment fraud in sections 43(d), 65 and 66. Section 43(d) penalizes a
person who damages or causes damage to data. ‘Damage’, under clause (iv) of
the Explanation, means to destroy, alter, add, modify or rearrange any
computer resource by any means. Therefore, unauthorized alteration of data
would come within the ambit of section 43 (d) which is sufficient to cover
computer crimes like issuance of false stocks or market manipulation schemes
since they essentially involve alteration and/or addition of data. Section 65of
the IT Act makes tampering with computer source code an offence. ‘Computer
source code’ has been defined as the listing of programmes, computer
commands, design and layout and programme analysis of computer resource
in any form. Internet fraud would also come within the scope of section 66 of
the IT Act dealing with wrongful loss or damage to the public or any person
due to destruction or alteration of any data residing in a computer resource or
due to diminishing its value or utility or affecting it injuriously by any means.
Other related enactments are the Companies Act, 2013 and the Securities and
Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 as also sections 415 to 424 of the IPC
pertaining to cheating.
6.6.1 Recent cases relating to Financial Cybercrime
1. In 2005 a student of MBBS of Bangalore was arrested; he used to
post juicy advertisements for high-performance laptops on different websites.

The Indian Contract Act, 1872 (Act No. 9 of 1872)
The Information Technology Act, 2000 (No. 21 of 2000)
P a g e | 70

Many took the bait and made online purchases but the laptops never reached
them. He had made several lakhs in the bargain. After complain was made he
was arrested by tracing his IP address, on the charge of Online Fraud.128
2. In May 2006: In a landmark judgment, the Delhi High Court passed
an injunction order against four lawyers including a Nigerian national,
restraining them and their representatives from using in any manner the
proprietary data and confidential information stolen from their erstwhile
employer Titus & Co. Advocates. In this Data theft case that involved law
firm Titus & Co, its four employees had illegally copied and removed
electronic records including protected and confidential information from
computers belonging to Titus & Co. These lawyers later formed a new
organization relying on the pilfered data. Thereby action was brought by Titus
& Co against these former employees to restrain them from using the “copied
material” from their erstwhile employer firm.129
3. Chennai Cyber Crime Police arrested four persons last week, who
formed part of a UK-based gang. For withdrawing money from ATMs through
the use of forged credit cards, whose data was stolen through the Cyber Crime
of Skimming.130 They had cheated people of over 20 lakhs rupees three days
prior to their arrest. And police recovered 160 fake credit cards from their
4. In 2011, two persons who fraudulently made online transactions
with credit cards of other customers were arrested by Central Crime Station
sleuths. According to police, the duo used to call up people randomly and
collect credit card data of cardholders, their phone numbers and other personal

Bangalore MBBS student held for internet fraud Express News Service Delhi Newsline,
New Delhi, March 21, 2005.
India Cyber Law and Cases, one of the largest Database of Cyber Law and Cases from
India. Available at:
Skimming: Fake card entry slots are used by criminals who perpetuate this crime. The
information on the card is recorded on a device hidden in the card entry slot. In it the criminal
use a small machine called a skimmer that reads the data on the magnetic strip of the card and
clones it.
131 on
17th February, 2016 )
P a g e | 71

details by posing as agents of banks. “Once they received the data, they
created a fake email ID in name of the credit card holder and register the same
on EBay”. Before creating the ID, they change the card holder’s phone
number to their phone number by contacting the customer care of the bank by
furnishing all details of the actual card holder. By misusing the above data, the
fraudsters did online shopping. While making online purchases, they give false
delivery address and their phone number. Once the courier agent calls them
for delivering the goods, they insist they come to their office to deliver. To get
the goods, they prepared fake ration cards, voter ID cards and PAN cards in
name of the actual card holder with help of Photoshop software on their laptop
and by producing the same, they get the goods.132
5. In 2013, A con man from Maharashtra who cheated ICICI Bank
customers by obtaining their credit card data has fallen into the Delhi Police
net after illegal online transactions of over Rs 1 crore in the past one year. He
was misusing the data of around 4,500 credit card holders for the last one-and-
half years, police said, adding that employees of the bank could be involved in
leaking the data to him. He, claiming to be an ICICI Bank employee, assured
the victim to refund their money. But just after getting the card details, he
made an electricity bill payment of Rs 44,911 to Maharashtra district
electricity board, there is a strong possibility of the involvement of employees
of the ICICI Bank,” said SBS Tyagi, deputy commissioner of police.133

6.7 Phishing and Vishing

In computing, phishing is a form of social engineering, characterized

by attempts to fraudulently acquire sensitive information, such as passwords
and credit card details, by masquerading as a trustworthy person or business in
an apparently official electronic communication, such as an e-mail or an

425297.html(Retrieved on 17th February, 2016 )
623798.html (Retrieved on 17th February, 2016 )
P a g e | 72

instant message.134 The term phishing arises from the use of increasingly
sophisticated lures to “fish” for ‘users’ financial information and passwords.
The act of sending an e-mail to a user falsely claiming to be established
legitimate enterprises in an attempt to scam the user into surrendering private
information that will be used for identity theft. The e-mail directs the user to
visit a Website where they are asked to update personal information, such as
passwords, credit card, social security, and bank account numbers, that the
legitimate organization already has. The Website, however, is bogus and set
up only to steal the user’s information.135
The motive behind phishing is that people will share their credit card
information, passwords, bank account numbers and other information thinking
that they are sharing their information to the legitimate organization but in real
they are sharing their information with bogus website or organization which is
going to steal their money.
Vishing is also alike phishing; it is the criminal practice of using social
engineering and Voice over IP (VoIP) to gain access to private .personal and
financial information from the public for the purpose of financial reward. The
term is a combination of “voice” and phishing. Vishing exploits the public’s
trust in landline telephone services, which have traditionally terminated in
physical locations which are known to the telephone company, and associated
with a bill-payer. The victim is often unaware that VoIP allows for caller ID
spoofing, inexpensive, complex automated systems and anonymity for the bill
payer. Vishing is typically used to steal credit card numbers or other
information used in identity theft schemes from individuals.136
Recently in a landmark judgment in India in the case of Uma Shankar
v. ICICI Bank, the Adjudicator of Tamil Nadu has passed an award for

Lance James, “Phishing Exposed”, Elsevier 2005. also at (Retrieved on 17th February, 2016 )
135 (Retrieved on 17th February, 2016)
Dr. B. Muthukumaran, “Cyber Crime Scenario in India” Criminal Investigation
Department Review- January2008 also at
(Retrieved on 17th February, 2016)
P a g e | 73

payment of Rs 12.85 lakhs to a petitioner who alleged a fraudulent withdrawal

from his ICICI Bank account. Bank contended that the issue involved
customer negligence and did not fall under the jurisdiction of the adjudicator.
The Adjudicator held that an offence is made out under ITA 2000 and it falls
under the jurisdiction of the adjudicator. The honorable adjudicator proceeded
to accept the petitioners argument that the Bank had not exercised due
diligence and therefore was liable under Section 85 of the Act to pay the
Most methods of phishing use some form of technical deception
designed to make a link in an e-mail appear to belong to the spoofed
organization. Misspelled URLs or the use of sub domains are common tricks
used by phishers, For example, the link
http://[email protected]/ might deceive a casual observer
into believing that the link will open a page on, whereas the
link actually directs the browser to a page on, using a
username of; were there no such user, the page would open
normally. This method has since been closed off in the Mozilla and Internet
Explorer web browsers, while Opera provides a warning message and the
option not to follow the link.138
Nowadays Phishing attacks are becoming common form of risk in
Internet based Banking. Banks have been largely forcing the customers to
believe that the liability for Phishing should be borne by the customers
because they were negligent in responding to the Phishing mail. However, the
legal position can be different. Phishing is a result of multiple contraventions
of Information Technology Act 2000 particularly after the amendments of
2008. It results in wrongful loss to the customer. The contravention therefore

security and also at (Retrieved on 17th February, 2016)
“Phishing, n.” OED Online, March 2006, Oxford University Press. Oxford
English Dictionary Online. and also at (Retrieved on
17th February, 2016 )
P a g e | 74

attracts provisions of Section 43 for adjudication. Already, several complaints

have been registered against Banks in Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad.

The Banks are basically being held liable under the age old Banking
law that “Forgery cannot be held against the customer, however clever or
undetectable the forgery is”. Additionally, Banks are ignoring the law of the
land through IT Act 2000 as well as the Guidelines of RBI and not using
digital signatures for authentication of Internet transactions. This makes them
negligent under Sections 79 and 85 making them liable for any offence
attributable to a computer belonging to the Bank. Recently Bank of India has
set precedence by accepting liability for Phishing in one the cases filed in
Bangalore and repaying the amount along with interest to the customer who
was a victim of a Phishing fraud.139

6.8 Denial of Service Attack

This is an act by the criminal, who floods the bandwidth of the victim’s
network or fills his e-mail box with spam mail depriving him of the services
he is entitled to access or provide Short for denial-of-service attack, a type of
attack on a network that is designed to bring the network to its knees by
flooding it with useless traffic. Many DoS attacks, such as the Ping of Death
and Teardrop attacks, exploit limitations in the TCP/IP protocols.140
In a typical connection, the user sends a message asking the server to
authenticate it. The server returns the authentication approval to the user. The
user acknowledges this approval and then is allowed onto the server. In a
denial of service attack, the user sends several authentication requests to the
server, filling it up. All requests have false return addresses, so the server can’t
find the user when it tries to send the authentication approval. The server

139 (Retrieved on
18th February, 2016)
Understanding Denial-of-Service Attacks (US CERT) also at
crimes/denial-of-service-attack.html (Retrieved on 18th February, 2016)
P a g e | 75

waits, sometimes more than a minute, before closing the connection. When it
does close the connection, the attacker sends a new batch of forged requests,
and the process begins again tying up the service indefinitely.141
Attacks can be directed at any network device, including attacks on
routing devices and Web, electronic mail, or Domain Name System servers. A
DoS attack can be perpetrated in a number of ways. There are three basic
types of attack:
1. Consumption of computational resources such as bandwidth, disk
space or CPU Time;
2. Disruption of configuration information, such as routing
3. Disruption of physical network components.
Distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) occurs when multiple
compromised systems flood the bandwidth or resources of a targeted system,
usually one or more web servers. These systems are compromised by attackers
using a variety of methods. Malware can carry DDoS attack mechanisms; one
of the more well known examples of this was MyDoom. Its DoS mechanism
was triggered on a specific date and time. A system may also be compromised
with a Trojan, allowing the attacker to download a zombie agent. Attackers
can also break into systems using automated tools that exploit flaws in
programs that listen for connections from remote hosts. This scenario
primarily concerns systems acting as servers on the web. It is important to note
the difference between a DDoS and DoS attack. If an attacker mounts a smurf
attack from a single host it would be classified as a DoS attack. In fact, any
attack against availability would be classed as a Denial of Service attack. On
the other hand, if an attacker uses, a thousand zombie systems to

Manthan M Desai,“Hacking For Beginners: a beginners guide to learn ethical hacking”
also at (Retrieved on 18th
February, 2016)
P a g e | 76

simultaneously launch smurf attacks against a remote host, this would be

classified as a DDoS attack.142
The major advantages to an attacker of using a distributed denial-of-
service attack are that multiple machines can generate more attack traffic than
one machine, multiple attack machines are harder to turn off than one attack
machine, and that the behavior of each attack machine can be stealthier,
making it harder to track down and shut down.143
Trinoo was the first well known Distributed denial of Service attack
used against the University of Minnesota in August 1999. This two day attack
involved flooding servers with UDP packets originating from thousands of
machines. Source addresses were not spoofed, so systems running the
offending daemons were contacted. However, the attacker responded simply
by introducing new daemon machines into the attack. Trinoo was first found
as a binary daemon on a number of compromised Solaris 2.x systems.
Malicious code had been introduced through exploitation of buffer over-run
bugs in the remote procedure call (RPC) services.144
6.9 Data Theft
The biggest case of data breach/data theft/identity theft was exposed in
January, 2009, in which Albert Gonzalez, a 28-year-old American along with
his two Russian accomplices, were arrested for masterminding a global
scheme to steal data of more than 130 million credit and debit cards by
hacking into the computer systems of five major companies including
Hannaford Bros Supermarkets, 7-Eleven and Heartland Payment Systems, a
credit card processing company.145 Gonzalez has been said to be one of the
nation’s (U.S.) cyber-crime kingpins, by prosecutors. Previously, he was
alleged to be the kingpin who masterminded a data breach of over 40 million

Internet security by Wikipedians, Pediapress, p. 29 also at (Retrieved on 18th February, 2016)
trinoo-and-wintrinoo/9/10 (Retrieved on 18th February, 2016)
145 (Accessed on 01 March, 2016)
P a g e | 77

credit card numbers from TJX Cos and others, causing the parent company of
TJ Maxx retail chain, losses of about US$ 200 million.
Data and information are valuable assets in this digital age. Business
secrets, technical knowhow, designs, music, films, books, personal data
including usernames, credit card numbers and passwords, are some forms of
property that drive the information economy. Money, time, effort and
creativity go into the creation and compilation of data and information.
Stealing of data and information through hacking and other means, is the most
prevalent cyber crime.146
Data is like a chameleon that plays comedy with our traditional law
relating to theft. Theft is a crime that has existed in our law since time
immemorial. Section 378 of the Indian Penal Code defines ‘theft’ in the
following words:-
“378. Theft. - Whoever, intending to take dishonestly any moveable
property out of the possession of any person without that person’s consent,
moves that property in order to such taking, is said to commit theft.”
As per the aforesaid definition, there can be theft in law of only
moveable property, which is required to be moved. The term ‘moveable
property’ is intended to include corporeal property of every description except
land and things attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything
which is attached to the earth.147 Theft has been held to be an offence that
applies only to tangibles. Electricity, for instance, has been held as not covered
within the ambit of ‘moveable property’. The Supreme Court in Avtar Singh v.
State of Punjab148 held that stealing of electricity is theft because of section 39
of the Electricity Act, not section 378 I.P.C. The Court said:

Vivek Sood, Cyber Crimes, Electronic Evidence & Investigation – Legal Issues 137-139
(NABHI Publications, New Delhi, 2010) also at
fileticket=KX1_Imk_gDs%3D&tabid=589 (Accessed on 01 March, 2016)
Indian Penal Code, 1860., s. 22
AIR l965 SC 666
P a g e | 78

“With regard to the first reason that Section 39 of the Act extended the
operation of Section 378 of the Code, it seems to us beyond question that
Section 39 did not extend Section 37 8 in the sense of amending it or in any
way altering the language used in it. Section 378, read by itself even after the
enactment of section 39, would not include a theft of electricity for electricity
is not considered to be moveable property. The only way in which it can be
said that Section 39 extended Section 378 is by stating that it made something
which was not a theft under Section 378, a theft: within the meaning of that
section. It follows that if Section 39 did so, it created the offence itself and
Section 378 did not do so. In this view of the matter we do not think it possible
to say that the thing so made a theft and an offence, became one by virtue of
Section 378”.
Applying the law of theft to information and data is a comedy of sorts.
When information and data are encapsulated in a tangible form, for instance,
stored in a floppy, CD, or pen-drive, they are part of moveable property and
hence can be said to be stolen if the medium (floppy, CD, or pen-drive) is
moved without the consent of the person in possession. Also, if the computer
itself is stolen, since data and information are a part thereof, they too can be
said to be stolen. However, in the online environment, where data and
information are intangible i.e. mere combinations of binary numbers, the legal
definition of ‘theft’ falls short. Stealing of data and information online is no
‘theft’ in the eyes of section 378 I.P.C.
In this sense, the expression ‘data theft’ is a misnomer from the legal
perspective. It is an expression of common parlance. For instance, if an
employee dishonestly and without the consent of his employer sends/transmits
critical data through e-mail to an e-mail account belonging to him or another,
it would not amount to theft under the I.P.C. However, if he were to store the
data in a CD and take it away, it would amount to theft.
Data/information theft can be said to be committed in six ways, in
other words, it has the following species:
P a g e | 79

 The first unauthorized copying of data / information;

 Making unauthorized subsequent copies;
 Making a copy and dishonestly sending the data/information online;
 Unauthorized copying of data / information in a floppy, C.D. or pen-
drive and dishonestly taking it away;
 Stealing the computer itself;
 Data / Information already reside in a movable storage medium
(floppy, C.D. or pen-drive) that is dishonestly taken away.
Applying the definition of theft in the Indian Penal Code, 1860 to the
above species, only the latter three constitute the offence of ‘theft’ under
section 378.
Similarly, for the offence of dishonest misappropriation of property
also (as defined in section 403 IPC), the property must be moveable i.e.
tangible. As per the definition, whoever dishonestly misappropriates or
converts to his own use any moveable property, shall be punished with
imprisonment upto two years.
The I.T. (Amendment) Act, 2008 however brings into existence the
offence of ‘data theft’ (even though not encapsulated in a medium such as CD,
computer pen-drive or floppy). The following clauses of section 43 read with
the new version of section 66 that makes the said clause a penal offence,
incorporates the offence of ‘data theft’ in the true sense of the expression from
the legal perspective:
“43. If any person without permission of the owner or any other
person who is incharge of a computer, computer system or computer network,
(b) Downloads, copies or extracts any data, computer data base or
information from such computer, computer system or computer including
information or data held or stored in any removable storage medium.
(c) Steal, conceals, destroys or alters or causes any person to steal,
conceal, destroy or alter any computer source code used for a computer
resource with an intention to cause damage.”
P a g e | 80

Another form of data breach is breach of trust with respect to data and
information. The I.T. industry primarily deals with data and information in
some form or the other. A call center uses data to answer queries of customers
of banks, telecom service providers etc. A software company develops
software using data and information. A web-site compiles information and
presents it online.
Data and information drive the I.T. industry. They are the inputs, raw
material and outputs for the I.T. industry. Data and information may be
entrusted to employees of the organization, its business associates, service
providers, agents and other parties for specific purposes. Incidents of breach of
data and information, by such trusted parties frequently confront the I.T.
industry. Misappropriation of data / information by a person who holds it in
trust would amount to criminal breach of trust under the Indian Penal Code.
In 2010, the two cases of data theft have come to light, first is v. and second is JustDial v. Infomedia. In the
first case Travelocity has filed an FIR with Gurgaon Police against CEO,
Cleartrip and former MD of Desiya alleging criminal breach of trust, data
theft, cheating, criminal misappropriation and criminal conspiracy. It was
alleged that MD Desiya has pass on the company’s intellectual property, trade
secrets, sensitive data, proprietary technology source codes, their entire hotel
business model and projections to the CEO of Cleartrip. In the second case it
is reported that JustDial has obtained injunction against Infomedia 18 Limited
for running website, as it was alleged that Infomedia 18
Limited had copied JustDial database onto its newly launched website:, thereby violating JustDial’s database copyrights. The
injunction was granted exparte by the Hon’ble High Court and further order
has been made for search and seizure to be carried out at Infomedia’s Delhi
P a g e | 81

and Mumbai offices, as prima-facie case was made out by the Just Dial
6.10 Data Diddling

Data diddling involves changing data prior or during input into a

computer. In other words, information is changed from the way it should be
entered by a person typing in the data, a virus that changes data, the
programmer of the database or application, or anyone else involved in the
process of having information stored in a computer file. The culprit can be
anyone involved in the process of creating; recording, encoding, examining,
checking, converting, or transmitting data. This is one of the simplest methods
of committing a computer-related crime, because it requires almost no
computer skills whatsoever. Despite the ease of committing the crime, the cost
can be considerable.150
Electricity companies are the one who mostly suffer due to this kind of
crime in India. The NDMC Electricity Billing Fraud Case that took place in
1996 is a typical example. The computer network was used for receipt and
accounting of electricity bills by the NDMC, Delhi. Collection of money,
computerized accounting, record maintenance and remittance in the bank were
exclusively left to a private contractor who was a computer professional. He
misappropriated huge amount of funds by manipulating data files to show less
receipt and bank remittance.151
6.11 Salami Attacks
A salami attack is a series of minor data security attack that that
together result in a larger attack. For example, a fraud activity in a bank,
where an employee steals a small amount of funds from several accounts, can
he considered a salami attack. Crimes involving salami attacks typically are

infomedia-askme-data-theft/(Retrieved on 18th February, 2016)
150 (Retrieved on
18th February, 2016)
151 (Retrieved on 18th February, 2016)
P a g e | 82

difficult to detect and trace. These attacks are used for the commission of
financial crimes. The key here is to make the alteration so insignificant that in
a single case it would go completely unnoticed. A bank employee inserts a
program, into the bank’s servers, that deducts a small amount of money (say
Rs. 5 a month) from the account of every customer. No account holder will
probably notice this unauthorized debit, but the bank employee will make a
sizable amount of money every month.152
To cite an example, an employee of a bank in USA was dismissed
from his job. Disgruntled at having been supposedly mistreated by his
employers the man first introduced a logic bomb into the bank’s systems. The
logic bomb was programmed to take ten cents from all the accounts in the
bank and put them into the account of the person whose name was
alphabetically the last name of Ziegler. The amount being withdrawn from
each of the accounts in the bank was so insignificant that neither the account
holders nor the bank official noticed the fault. It was brought to their notice
when a person by the name of Ziegler opened his account in that bank. He was
surprised to find a sizable amount of money being transferred into his account
every Saturday.153
6.12 E-mail Bombing
In internet usage, an e-mail bomb is a form of net abuse consisting of
sending huge volumes of e-mail to an address in an attempt to overflow the
mailbox or overwhelms the server. Mail bombing is the act of sending an e-
mail bomb, a term shared with the act of sending actual exploding devices.
Mail bombing is sometimes accomplished by giving the victim’s e-mail
address to multiple spammers. In the Russian internet community, there is

Kabay, ME Salami fraud,


Smith RG, Grabosky PN and Urbas GF 2004. Cyber criminals on trial, Cambridge

University Press.
P a g e | 83

another sense for mail bomb. There, mail bomb is a form of denial of service
attack against a computer system.154
E-mail bombing refers to sending a large number of e-mails to the
victim resulting in the victim’s e-mail account(In case of Individual ) or mail
servers (in case of a company or an e-mail service provider) crashing. In one
case, a foreigner who had been residing in Shimla, India for almost thirty
years wanted to avail of a scheme introduced by the Shimla Housing Board to
buy land at lower rates. When he made an application it was rejected on the
grounds that the scheme was available only for citizens of India. He decided to
take his revenge. Consequently he sent thousands of mails to the Shimla
Housing Board and repeatedly kept sending e-mails till their servers crashed.
E-mail bombing is characterized by abusers repeatedly sending an e-mail
message to a particular address at a specific victim site. In many instances, the
messages will be large and constructed from meaningless data in an effort to
consume additional system and network resources. Multiple accounts at the
target site may be abused, increasing the denial of service impact.155
E-mail spamming is a variant of bombing; it refers to sending e-mail to
hundreds or thousands of users. E-mail spamming can be made worse if
recipients reply to the e-mail, causing all the original addressees to receive the
reply. It may also occur innocently, as a result of sending a message to mailing
lists and not realizing that the list explodes to thousands of users.156

6.13 E-mail Spoofing

E-mail spoofing is a term used to describe fraudulent e-mail activity in

which the sender address and other parts of the e-mail header are altered to
appear as though the e-mail originated from a different source. E-mail

A general overview of e-mail bombing is available at and also at (Retrieved on 18th February, 2016)
Atul Jain (ed.), Cyber Crime: Issues Threats and Management, Isha Books, 2005. (Retrieved on 18th February, 2016)
156 (Retrieved on
18th February, 2016)
P a g e | 84

spoofing is a technique commonly used for spam e-mail and phishing to hide
the origin of an e-mail message. By changing certain properties of the e-mail,
such as the From, Return-Path and Reply-To fields (which can be found in the
message header), ill-intentioned users can make the e-mail appear to be from
someone other than the actual sender. It is often associated with website
spoofing which mimic an actual, well-known website but are run by another
party either with fraudulent intentions or as a means of criticism of the
organisation’s activities.”157
It is the forgery of an e-mail header so that the message appears to
have originated from someone or somewhere other than the actual source.
Distributors of spam often use spoofing in an attempt to get recipients to open,
and possibly even respond to, their solicitations. Spoofing can be used
legitimately. Classic examples of senders who might prefer to disguise the
source of the e-mail include a sender reporting mistreatment by a spouse to a
welfare agency or a “whistle-blower” who fears retaliation. However,
spoofing anyone other than you is illegal in some jurisdictions.158
E-mail spoofing is possible because Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP), the main protocol used in sending e-mail, does not include an
authentication mechanism. Although an SMTP service extension allows an
SMTP client to negotiate a security level with a mail server, this precaution is
not often taken. If the precaution is not taken, anyone with the requisite
knowledge can connect to the server and use it to send messages. To send
spoofed e-mail, senders insert commands in headers that will alter message
information. It is possible to send a message that appears to be from anyone,
anywhere, saying whatever the sender wants it to say. Thus, someone could

Deb Shinder, Understanding E-mail Spoofing,, April 6 2005
also available at (Retrieved on
18th February, 2016)
Tom Merritt, What is E-mail Spoofing? (Retrieved
on 18th February, 2016)
P a g e | 85

send spoofed e-mail that appears to be from you with a message that you
didn’t write.159
Recently Flipkart CEO Binny Bansal’s email account was spoofed.
The Official statement from the company has stated that the CEO’s e-mail
account has been spoofed and the spoofed email does not originate from the
real source but from a different source falsifying the name and address with an
ulterior motive. The company also filed a police complained and released the
statement that they have filed a case of email spoofing which involves use of a
forged email header to make it look like a legitimate email. This case of email
spoofing was immediately detected and a report was filed with police.160

6.14 Logic Bombs

In a computer program, a logic bomb is a programming code, inserted

surreptitiously or intentionally, that is designed to execute (or “explode”)
under circumstances such as the lapse of a certain amount of time or the
failure of a program user to respond to a program command.161 Software that
is inherently malicious, such as viruses and worms, often contain logic bombs
that execute a certain payload at a pre-defined time or when some other
condition is met. This technique can be used by a virus or worm to gain
momentum and spread before being noticed.162 Many viruses attack their host
systems on specific dates, such as Friday the 13th or April fool’s Day. Trojans
that activate on certain dates are often called “time bombs”. It is in effect a
delayed-action computer virus or Trojan horse. A logic bomb, when

E-mail Spoofing is a new form of spam, FAQ’s on e-mail spoofing and Phishing, Available
at (Retrieved on
18th February, 2016)
bansal-email-account-spoof-hack/ (Retrieved on 18th February, 2016)
M. E. Kabay, Logic bombs, Part 1, Network World Security Newsletter, 08/12/02.
Julian Layton, How does a Logic bomb work? available at (Retrieved on 18th February,
P a g e | 86

“exploded,” may be designed to display or print a spurious message, delete or

corrupt data, or have other undesirable effects.163
These are event dependent programs. This implies that these programs
are created to do something only when a certain event (known as a trigger
event) occurs. E.g. even some viruses may be termed logic bombs because
they lie dormant all through the year and become active only on a particular
date (like the Chernobyl virus).

6.15 Internet Time Theft

Theft of Internet hours refers to using somebody else’s internet hours.

Section 43(h) of the Indian Technology Act, 2000, lays down civil liability for
this offence. It reads as, whoever without the permission of the owner or any
other person who is incharge of a computer, computer system or computer
network, charges the services availed of by a person to the account of another
person by tampering with or manipulating any computer, computer system,
computer network is liable to pay damages not exceeding one crore to the
person on office.164
Normally in these kinds of thefts of the Internet another person uses up
surfing hours of the victim. This is done by gaining access to the login ID and
the password. E.g. Colonel Bajwa’s case165 this case reported before the
enactment of the Information Technology Act, 2000. In May 2000, the
economic offences wing, IPR section crime branch of Delhi police registered
its first case involving theft of Internet hours. In this case, the accused,
Mukesh Gupta an engineer with Nicom System (p) Ltd. was sent to the
residence of the complainant to activate his Internet connection. However, the
accused used Col. Bajwa’s login name and password from various places

Meaning of Logic bombs at (Retrieved on 18th
February, 2016)
Information Technology Act, 2000., s. 43
Cyber Crimes - Technical Issues, Internet Time Theft, Available at (Retrieved on 18th February,
P a g e | 87

causing wrongful loss of 100 hours to Col. Bajwa. Delhi police arrested the
accused for theft of Internet time.
On further inquiry in the case, it was found that Krishan Kumar, son of
an ex army officer, working as senior executive in M/s Highpoint Tours &
Travels had used Col Bajwa’s login and passwords as many as 207 times from
his residence and twice from his office. He confessed that Shashi Nagpal, from
whom he had purchased a computer, gave the login and password to him. The
police could not believe that time could be stolen. They were not aware of the
concept of time-theft at all. Colonel Bajwa’s report was rejected. He decided
to approach The Times of India, New Delhi. They, in turn carried a report
about the inadequacy of the New Delhi Police in handling cyber crimes. The
Commissioner of Police, Delhi then took the case into his own hands and the
police under his directions raided and arrested Krishan Kumar under sections
379, 411, 34 of IPC and section 25 of the Indian Telegraph Act. In another
case, the Economic Offences Wing of Delhi Police arrested a computer
engineer who got hold of the password of an Internet user, accessed the
computer and stole 107 hours of Internet time from the other person’s account.
He was booked for the crime by a Delhi court during May 2000.166
6.16 Cyber Crime related to Intellectual Property Rights

6.16.1 Domain Name violations and passing off

A domain name identifies a computer or a sub Network of computers
in the Internet. In simple terms, a domain name is a name-cum-address on the
Internet, of any person or entity. A computer or device that is attached to the
Internet has an address popularly known as Domain name. With the
advancement of internet communication and growing e-commerce and its
future potential, domain names today are serving as trade names or brands and
carry with them the goodwill and reputation of the websites they represent.
Domain names being used as business identifiers have attained importance and
legal sanctity as a means of differentiation between e-players since e-
166 (Retrieved on 18th February, 2016)
P a g e | 88

commerce is conducted in the absence of personal interaction or the

opportunity to inspect the goods.
In Cardservice International Inc. v. Mc Gee167, it was held that the
domain name serve same function as the trademark and is not a mere address
or like finding number on the Internet and, therefore, it is entitled to equal
protection as trademark. It was further held that a domain name is more than a
mere Internet address for it also identifies the Internet site to those who reach
it, much like a person’s name identifies a particular person.
The word ‘domain’ as per Chambers 21 st Century Dictionary means a
territory owned or ruled by one person or Government.
Webster’s defines it in different contexts as under:—
 A field of action, thought, influence;
 Territory governed by a single rule or Government;
 Region characterised by a specific features;
 Law;
 Land to which their superior title and absolute ownership.
Thus, in common parlance any title or name or mark or brand or
identity in any field of activity or a trade name over which a particular
individual has the exclusive, prior and lone claim is the domain name or trade
name for any kind of activity. Trade mark is at par with a territory and the
owner of any trade mark is placed in the same position as owner of
territory.168Domain name registrations and protection of a trademark in
relation thereto has been recognised by courts.
The law relating to passing off is fairly well settled. The principle
underlying the action is that no man is entitled to carry on his business in such
a way as to lead to the belief that he is carrying on the business of another man
or to lead to believe that he is carrying on or has any connection with the
business carried on by another man. The principles of common law govern
Cardservice International Inc. v. Mc Gee, 42 USPQ 2d 1850

Pfizer Products Inc. v. Altamash Khan, 2006(32) PTC 208 (Del);


Acqua Minerals Ltd. v. Pramod Borse, 2001 PTC 619 (Del)

P a g e | 89

actions of passing off. As held by courts, the purpose of this tort is to protect
commercial goodwill to ensure that people’s business reputations are not
exploited. It is based on economic policy, the need to encourage enterprise and
to ensure commercial stability.
There is a difference between statute law relating to trademarks and the
passing off action; for, while registration of relevant mark itself gives title to
the registered owner, the onus in a passing off action lies upon the plaintiff to
establish the existence of the business reputation which he seeks to protect.
The asset protected is the reputation the plaintiffs business has to the relevant
mark. It is not always necessary that there must be in existence goods of that
other man with which the defendant seeks to confuse his own. Passing off may
occur in cases where the plaintiffs do not in fact deal with the offending
With the advancement and progress in technology, services rendered in
the Internet has also come to be recognised and accepted and are being given
protection so as to protect such provider of service from passing off the
services rendered by others. In an Internet service, a particular Internet site
could be reached by anyone anywhere in the world who proposes to visit the
said Internet site. As a matter of fact in a matter where services rendered
through the domain name in the Internet, a very alert vigil is necessary and a
strict view is to be taken for its easy access and reach by anyone from any
corner of the globe. It is also observed that considering the vastness of the
Internet and its relatively recent availability to the general public, many
Internet users are not sophisticated enough to distinguish between the subtle
difference in the domain names of the parties.
The degree of the similarity of the marks usually is vitally important
and significant in an action for passing off.
The two marks/ domain names ‘Yahoo’, and ‘Yahooindia’ are almost
similar except for use of the suffix ‘India’ in the latter. There is every
possibility of an Internet user being confused and deceived in believing that
P a g e | 90

both the domain names belong to one common source and connection,
although the two belong to two different concerns. As held by the Supreme
Court, the word ‘India’ added to one mark is of no consequence. Thus there is
every possibility of the Internet users to believe that ‘Yahooindia’ is another
name in the series of Yahoo marks/ names and thereby there is every
possibility of confusion being created and thereby preventing these users from
reaching the Internet site of plaintiff, ‘’.169
In another case, the defendants were found manufacturing, selling or
offering for sale the products like Supari and Chewing Tobacco under the
trademark ‘Yahoo’.170
Under the trademark INFOSYS, the plaintiff company was
incorporated in the year 1981 and has earned a very high degree of goodwill
having acquired the status of one of the leading exporters of computer
software. Defendants use of trade mark/ name INFOSYS, also engaged in
computer business, amounts to infringement of the plaintiffs registered trade
mark numbers. Defendants hosted a website and
mark INFOSYS was posted on such website prominently.171
Pen Books Pvt. Ltd. got registered the domain name ‘’
in 1999 but, due to some technical snags could not launch the website. The
validity period of registration of the said name expired on 2-3-2001. When the
plaintiff sought to launch the website again in 2002, it found that the domain
name ‘’ stood registered in the name of defendant and it was
advertised on the Internet for sale. The Court found such a registration in the
name of the defendant to be an abusive registration of domain name in
violation of the rights of trademarks and service marks. Considering the
Uniform Domain Name Disputes Resolution Policy, the Court found that the
domain name having been registered by the defendant for the purpose of

Yahoo! Inc. v. Akash Arora, 1999 PTC (19) 201 : 1999 II AD (Del) 229 : 78(1999) DLT
285 also in Ruston Hornby Ltd. v. Zamindara Engineering co., AIR 1970 SC 1649
Yahoo! Inc. v. Sanjay V. Shah), 2006(32) PTC 263 (Del)
Infosys Technologies Ltd. v. Akhil Gupta, Decided on 21-11-2006 (Del)
P a g e | 91

selling or transferring the same was to be treated as having been registered in

bad faith.172
The trade mark VIAGRA is registered in the name of plaintiff in 147
countries. Its application for registration of the trade mark in India is pending.
The plaintiff having spent a lot of time, money and effort in developing the
product and the trade mark VIAGRA as its registered owner does have a
legitimate interest in protecting its brand. Defendant does not have any interest
in the domain name ‘’ apart from putting it up for sale. In any event,
the domain name ‘’ is, if not identical, confusingly similar to the trade
mark VIAGRA and the domain name ‘’ of which plaintiff is the
proprietor. The domain name ‘’ is inactive. The Court held that the
conduct of the defendant, is nothing but of ‘cyber squatting’. Squatting on an
address in cyber space over which the rights and interests of the plaintiff far
outweigh those, if at all, of the defendant.173
6.16.2 Software Piracy
Copyright subsists throughout India in the following classes of works:-
 Original literary, dramatic and musical;
 Artistic works;
 Computer Programme;
 Cinematograph films; and
 Sound recording.
In India, the Copyright Act, 1957 governs computer software. So as to
keep pace with the advancement of science and technology especially in the
field of communication and data processing, Parliament has amended the
Copyright Act, 1957 in year 1995. ‘Computer Programme’ within the meaning
of Section 2(ffc) of the Copyright Act is included in the definition of a literary
work as per section 2(o) of the said Act. The definition of ‘literary works’
specifically includes computer programmes, tables and compilations including

Pen Books Pvt. Ltd. v. Padmaraj, 2004(29) PTC 137
Pfizer Products Inc. v. Altamash Khan, 2006(32) PTC 208 (Del);
P a g e | 92

computer databases. The term ‘computer programme’ as defined by Section

2(ffc) of the Copyright Act, means a set of instructions expressed in words,
codes, schemes or in any other form including a machine readable medium,
capable of causing a computer to perform a particular task or result. Computer
programs are the product of an intellectual process. It may be copyrightable as
intellectual property. Therefore, reading section 2(i), 2(ffc) and Section 13 and
14 of the Copyright Act, it becomes clear that a computer programme is by
very definition original literary work, therefore law protects such copy right.
Some common methods of copyright infringement in relation to computer
software as stated are:—
 Reproducing the original owner’s software and packaging of that
software, so that purchasers are deliberately misled into believing that the
product they are buying is genuine software.
 Reproducing or ‘burning’ the original owner’s software onto a blank
CD, where no attempt is made to represent that the copy is genuine.
 Reproducing a number of the owner’s programme on a single CD-
ROM, known as a ‘compilation’ CD.174
Another form of piracy that is assuming alarming shape in the
information technology age is that of internet piracy when software is
downloaded from the Internet or distributed via internet without the
permission of the copyright owner.
Due to fast expanding consumer base of computer products, it is a
common knowledge that there is voluminous counterfeit and piracy of
hardware and software of leading companies. Under Section 63 of the
Copyright Act, any infringement of the copyright in a computer programme /
source code is punishable. Therefore, prima facie, if a person alters computer
programme of another person or another computer company, the same would
be infringement of the copyright. What is a computer source code is defined in
the Explanation to Section 65 of the Information Technology Act, 2000. The

Microsoft Corporation v. Deepak Raval, 2006( 33) PTC 122 (Del)
P a g e | 93

courts have frowned upon the conduct of the violators wilfully calculated to
exploit the advantage of an established work and held that in such
circumstances, the plaintiff would be entitled to compensation. In India also a
positive trend has started. Here also courts are becoming sensitive to the
growing menace of piracy and have started granting punitive damages even in
cases where due to absence of the defendant’s exact figures of sales under the
infringing copyright and / or trade mark, exact damages are not available. The
courts in India have followed the same path and applied the same principles as
applied by the US, UK and Australian courts in awarding the damages.175

Microsoft Corporation, a company world famous for its business

software such as Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office etc. which are installed
and used on million of computers all over the world, including India, also
manufacturer a large range of computer peripherals (hardware). The company
received information that the defendants are infringing their copyright by
carrying on business of unauthorised hard disk loaded i.e. pre-loading various
software’s of the plaintiff company onto hard disc of the computer that were
being assembled and sold by them. The software loaded onto the machine,
naturally, were not accompanied by the Original Media, being the Compact
Disc (s) / Floppy Discs, Certificates of Authenticity (COA), End User Licence
Agreements (EULAs), User Instruction Manuals, Registration Cards and so on
that accompany the plaintiff’s genuine software. The defendant, inspite of
notice, had failed to respond. The Court held it as wilful, intentional and
flagrant violation by the defendant of plaintiff’s copyrights in MS DOS, MS
WINDOWS and trade mark in Microsoft.
Section 63-B of the Copyright Act, 1957, as inserted by the 1994
Amendment, makes an end user of an infringing copy of a computer program
liable for corporal punishment.

Aktiebolaget Volvo v. A.K. Bhuva, decided on 5-5-2006 (Del); Hero Honda Motors Ltd. v.
Shree Assuramji Scooters, 2006(32) PTC 117 (Delhi); Time Incorporated v. Lokesh
Srivastava, 2005( 30) PTC 3.
P a g e | 94

Section 43(b) of the Information Technology Act, 2000 provides

compensation and imposes a liability to pay damages by way of compensation
if any person without permission downloads, copies or extracts any data;
computer data base or information from such computer, computer system or
computer network including information or data held or stored in any
removable medium. Section 43 covers two issues relating to ‘Data Protection
and Privacy’ i.e. Unauthorised access to computer system and unauthorised
downloading/copying of data.
6.16.3 Copyright and Digital Music
The rapid Increase of the internet has made it possible to transfer huge
data of all types over the internet in a simple and cost effective way. Further
compression technology has also played very important role in transferring
data at fast speed and in less time.
In A& M Records Inc. v. Napster Inc., 176 also known as Napster’s case
is considered to be the landmark first case where legality of digital music
sharing over the internet was questioned. Napster, on the internet had changed
the way people listen to music. People could download free software from
defendant’s website and this software lets them share music in the form of
MP3 files. Basically Napster developed a software called Napster’s Music
Share Software, which is available free of charge from Napster’s Internet site,
and Napster’s network server. It facilitated the transmission of MP3 files
between and among its users, through peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing, Napster
allowed its users to:
(1) Store MP3 music files on individual computer hard drives available
for copyright by other Napster users;
(2) search for MP3 music files stored on other users’ computers;
(3) Transfer exact copies of the contents of other users’ MP3 files from
one computer to another via the Internet.

114 F. Supp 2d 896 (N.D. Cal 2000)
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Napster became the rage among music fans particularly in Colleges

and universities around USA. The use of Napster’s site was so high that
several colleges had to ban it from their networks not because it was illegal but
because its heavy usage was taking up enormous amounts of bandwidth. For
the young company there could hardly be any better news.
There was just one little problem. Recording companies that produce
the music in the first place have copyrights on them and what Napster started
doing was questionable and illegal. It is not that Napster was unaware of the
possible legal problem but it was hoping its new technology would let it
survive in the courtroom by using a "fair use" defense against copyright
infringement charges since nobody sold the music to anyone else but merely
distributed it for free. Therefore, Napster was hoping to strike a deal with the
recording companies and actually work with them rather than fight with them.
However this did not happen. The Recording Industry Association of
America (RIM) sued Napster for copyright violation. A complaint was filed
against Napster for injunction as he was a contributory and vicarious copyright
Napster raised ‘fair use’ defense which includes uses for such purposes
as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for
classroom), scholarship, or research. It is important to note that if a use is fair
then it is not an infringement of copyright. It identified three specific uses in
1. Sampling, where users make temporary copies of a work before
2. space-shifting, where users access a sound recording through the
Napster system that they already own in audio CD format; and
3. Permissive distribution of recordings by both new and established
The Court applied the following factors to decide whether fair doctrine
can be applied:
P a g e | 96

1. The purpose and character of the use;

2. The nature of copyrighted work;
3. The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the
work as a whole; and
4. The effect of the use upon the potential market for the work or the
value of the work.
The court held that Napster users are not fair users because:
1. Downloading MP3 files does not transform the copyrighted work;
2. Copyrighted musical compositions and sound recordings are
creative in nature and thus need copyright protection;
3. Users engage in wholesale copying of copyrighted work because
files transfer necessarily involves copying the entirety of the copyrighted
4. Harms the market in at least two ways: it reduces audio CD sales
among college students and it raises barriers to plaintiff’s entry into the market
for the digital downloading of music.
On July 26, 2000, the District Court for the Northern District of
California granted plaintiffs a preliminary injunction, thus prevented
defendant Napster from engaging in, or facilitating, or distributing plaintiff’s
copyrighted musical compositions and sound recordings, without express
permission of the right owners.
The Court held that a majority of Napster users use the service to
download and upload copyrighted music and by doing that, it constitutes direct
infringement of plaintiff’s musical compositions, recordings. Regarding
contributing copyright infringement, the Court held that: the record clearly
shows that Napster had actually knowledge that specific infringing material
was available using its system. That it could block access to the infringing
material and but it failed to remove the material.
Therefore, it is liable for copyright infringement. Further the District
Court, by an order, imposed an obligation: on the record company to notify
P a g e | 97

Napster of specific infringing files; and on Napster to constantly search its

index and block all such particular files.
The record companies appealed but this order was upheld and it was
reaffirmed that the plaintiffs were supposed to provide notice to Napster of its
copyrighted music files before Napster was to prevent access to such
objectionable content. That means that Napster still has to remove copyrighted
material whenever it was made aware of its presence on its network. As
Napster was unable to do this therefore, it was left with no option but to shut
down its service in July 2001.
6.16.4 Rights of reproduction and Database
A database is a collection of data in cyberspace, which is organized so
that its contents can easily be accessed, managed and updated. It is important
to note that reproduction rights are equally affected if a copyright material of
the author is reproduced in an electronic form without his consent and made
part of a database. In New York Times Co. v. Tasin,177 there was an agreement
between six freelance authors and publishers whereby the articles of authors
were to be published in three print periodicals. However, without the
freelancers consent, two computer database companies placed copies of the
freelancers’ articles, along with all other articles from the periodicals in which
the freelancers’ work appeared, into three databases. The freelance authors’
complaint alleged that their copyrights had been infringed by the inclusion of
their articles in the databases. The publishers, in response, relied on the
privilege of reproduction and distribution accorded them by Section 20l(c) of
Digital Millennium Copyright Act, l998.
The US Supreme Court held that the Electronic Publishers infringed
the author’s copyrights by reproducing and distributing the articles in a
manner not authorized by the authors and not privileged by Section 20l(c). It
was further held that even the Print Publishers infringed the authors’

533 U.S. 483(2001)
P a g e | 98

copyrights by authorizing the Electronic Publishers to place the articles in the

Databases and by aiding the Electronic Publishers in that endeavour.
In Kelly v. Arriba Soft Corp.,178 the plaintiff, Leslie Kelly, a
professional photographer had copyrighted many of his images of the
American West. Some of these images were located on Kelly’s website or
other websites with which Kelly had license agreement. The defendant, Arriba
Soft Corporation operated an internet search engine that displayed its results in
the form of small pictures rather than the more usual form of text. Arriba
maintained its database of pictures by copying images from other websites
including plaintiff’s website. By clicking on one of these small pictures, called
thumbnails, the user could view a large version of that same picture within the
context of the Arriba web page.
Subsequently plaintiff, Kelly discovered that his photographs were part
of Arriba’s search engine database, he filed a suit for copyright infringement.
The District Court found that plaintiff; Kelly had established a prima facie
case of copyright infringement based on Arriba’s unauthorized reproduction
and display of Kelly’s works, but that this reproduction and display constituted
a non-infringing fair use under Section 107 of the Digital Millennium
Copyright Act 1998.
Kelly filed an appeal in the Circuit Court which held that “the creation
and the use of the thumbnails in the search engine is a fair use, but the display
of the larger image is a violation of Kelly’s exclusive right to publicly display
his works. This use of Kelly’s image doesn’t amount to copying them but,
rather, importing them directly from Kelly’s website. Therefor it cannot be
copyright infringement based on reproduction of copyrighted works. Instead
this use of Kelly’s image infringes upon Kelly’s exclusive right to display the
copyrighted work publicly.

6.17 Cyber crime with Mobile and Wireless Technology

280 F. 3d 934 (9th Cir. 2002)
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As it is clear that at present the mobile is so developed that it becomes

somewhat equivalent to personal computer, as we can do a lot of work on our
mobile phones which were earlier possible on the computers only, such as
surfing, sending e-mails etc. there is also increase in the services which were
available on the mobile phones such as Mobile Banking, mobile wallet and
other economic transaction done over the phone through internet which is also
prone to cyber crimes on the mobile. Due to the development in the mobile
and wireless technology day by day, the commission of cyber crimes on the
mobile is becoming a major threat along with other cyber crimes on the net.179
6.17.1 Types of Crimes committed through Mobile and Wireless
When a thing is made or a new invention is done or something has
been explored which never earlier had been known to humans, the thing which
is invented was surely with the intent to provide benefit to the mankind and for
the growth and prosperity of the world. But the history tells us that most of the
time anything invented, it was used for the good cause and the bad cause that
is for constructive as well as destructive purposes. We can take a lot of
example to understand this such as ‘Nuclear Energy’, when it was discovered
it was not known to the scientists that its most large-scale use in the future will
not be as an alternative source of energy for the benefit of mankind but in
making nuclear bombs which will put question mark even on the very
existence of humans, we can also take example of Internet, which was
developed to facilitate the communication across the world, but we can see
that it is now almost equally for beneficial activities and harmful once such as
frauds, pornography, theft, hacking, harassment etc. This is the same case with
Wireless Technology and The Mobile Phone system, which were also been
misused a lot in illegal and destructive activities.180

Ling Rich, The Mobile Connection: The Cell phone’s impact on society, 2004

Prof. R.K.Chaubey, “An Introduction to Cyber Crime and Cyber law”, Kamal Law House,
2012. p. 569
P a g e | 100

Mobile telephones ore at the centre of a rapidly growing crime

wave, the stolen mobile even used as a criminal ‘Currency’. At the same time,
the technological complexity of a phone fraud makes detection and
prosecution difficult. Thus we need new law to deal with the crime related to
mobile phone and problems arising therefrom.
6.17.2 Phreaking
Phreaking is a slang term coined to describe the activity of a subculture
of people who study, experiment with, or exploit telephones, for the purposes
of hobby or utility. The term ‘phreak’ may also refer to the use of various
audio frequencies to manipulate a phone system. It is often considered similar,
and therefore grouped in category with computer hacking. This is sometimes
called the H/P culture (H for Hacking and P for Phreaking.) Most phreakers
range from the ages of 12-17. Most stop after this because punishments can
become more severe once the perpetrator is no longer a minor. 181
Many Phreaking techniques can be implemented with small electronic
circuits, easily made by hobbyists once the secret of their operation is known.
The first circuit to generate the switching tones needed to reroute long-
distance calls was nicknamed the blue box by an early phreak who had built
one in a blue enclosure. Soon, other types of Phreaking circuits were given
similar names. Dozens of other type of ‘boxes’ were invented. Modern
Phreaking often involves taking advantage of companies Private Branch
Exchange systems, especially those which are accessible via toll-free numbers,
to make phone calls. Phreakers do not always do illegal things. In fact, they
may be thought of as a hacker in the computing world Phreakers may just be
interested in the telecommunication world, about the more unknown side of
6.17.3 Mobile Phone Theft

181 (Accessed on 17th February,
P a g e | 101

Increased pressure of competition in mobile telephony sector has led to

competitive tariffs, which in turn have spurred telecom growth and increased
teledensity. The cost of the handset is probably the main inhibiting factor at
the low end of the market. Though this cost has also been falling steadily,
there still is a gap between the prices in the grey market (consisting of
stolen/smuggled handsets) and the legitimate market. In order to curtail the
illegal grey market and protect consumer interest, some action is required to
be taken to discourage this crime of handset theft.183
Mobile phone instrument theft is becoming a major problem in all
countries and is a key driver behind city crimes and robbery. Globally this is
seen as a major issue and the problem is being studied to find an effective
solution. In the UK, a law (Mobile Phones Reprogramming Act 2002) has
been made to curb the reprogramming of handsets. Reprogramming would
make possible re-use while making it difficult to identify any theft of the
handset. Other efforts are also going on, such as the establishment of a global
Central Equipment Identifying Register (CEIR) at Dublin, Ireland, and a
“Mobile Industry Crime Action Forum” representing Operators,
Manufacturers and retailers for tackling mobile phone theft and related issues.
In the European Union, data is being gathered by the UK through
questionnaire responses to address the matter of mobile phone theft. These
various initiatives, including responses to the questionnaire in EU, show that a
number of collaborative efforts are needed to tackle the problem of mobile
phone theft.184
Efforts need to be taken by various parties concerned, based on
specific database, institutional structures, and co-operation among
manufactures, Network Operators, and among Government agencies. In fact,
there is a need for even collaboration among Governments to address this

Preliminary Consultation Paper On Mobile Phone Theft, Telecom Regulatory Authority Of
India, New Delhi, January, 2004. also available online at
(Accessed on 17th February, 2016)
P a g e | 102

matter. Based on an examination of the efforts being made internationally, it is

possible to identify some of the main factors/agents that have emerged as
being important for tackling mobile phone theft. In summary, these include:
1. Several countries do not hold mobile phone theft data. Database of
the relevant phones which need to be tracked is an essential ingredient of any
effective effort to curb the theft of mobile phones. A major effort is required to
build up such a database, and co-operation of all concerned would be crucial
for its effectiveness. In India, no authentic data is available regarding the
number of mobile handsets stolen in a year. In those countries that have
statistics on mobile phone theft, data is collected by the police, and the scale of
the problem in some cases involves up to 330,000 stolen mobile phones a
2. There is an international market for stolen mobile phones and an
acknowledgement that these phones are being exported. However, there is no
hard evidence or intelligence on the import/export of stolen mobile phones.
There have been no joint operations between police forces from different
countries to date.
3. Reprogramming makes it difficult to identify the original phone,
because through re-programming the identification number of the phone, i.e.,
the International Mobile Station Equipment Identity (IMEI), is altered.
Reprogramming is undertaken by independent mobile phone retailers/repair
shops and private individuals. However, again, there is no hard intelligence on
the scale and nature of reprogramming activity.
4. Reprogramming activity is illegal in a few countries and legislation
is planned or under consideration in some others.
5. There has been limited joint working across Ministries to tackle
mobile phone theft to date.
6. In most countries, discussions with the mobile phone industry on
addressing the problem of mobile phones have either not taken place or have
P a g e | 103

only just begun and are at an early stage. Further actions to address mobile
phone theft have therefore not yet been agreed.
7. In some countries all network operators have joined the global
database of stolen and lost phones whilst in others no network operators are
participating in the Central Equipment Identifying Register (CEIR).
8. Discussions have either not taken place or are only just beginning.
No forward actions have been agreed yet, either in terms of making the
International Mobile Station Equipment Identity (IMEI) tamperproof/tamper-
resistant or in enhancing mobile phone handset security in other ways.
The issue of mobile phone theft needs to be addressed through a
concerted effort made globally. The more countries take action, the greater the
combined impact of this action. Countries need to work together
collaboratively to tackle this shared problem as lasting change can only be
secured through effective multi-country co-operation, such as the process
initiated among European countries. During the period when efforts are being
made for such collaboration, we should begin certain efforts within our own
jurisdiction and look for various possible solutions.185
6.17.4 Use of mobile and wireless technology in Terrorist activities
Along with other crimes one of the most dangerous applications of the
wireless technologies and mobile phones is their use by the terrorists in
performing their activities. With the help of these latest technologies the
terrorists were keeping in contact with their peers more easily than in the past
when communication is the biggest barrier in successful implementation of a
plan. Now the terrorist groups around the world is well equipped with the
latest technology communication gadgets such as ‘Satellite Phone’, the
communication on which is very hard to trace. Advanced mobile technology,
cooperation between international mobile communications providers and

Preliminary Consultation Paper On Mobile Phone Theft, Telecom Regulatory Authority Of
India, New Delhi, January, 2004. p. 4-5 also available online at
(Accessed on 17th February, 2016)
P a g e | 104

international financial institutions, and the lack of regulations make for a

swift, cheap, mostly untraceable money transfer known as "m-payments”
anywhere, anytime, by anyone with a mobile telephone. Since both terrorism
and m-payments are global, the m-payment service provider, as all those
monitoring terror financing, should have immediate real-time access to an
integrated, closely monitored list of all individuals, organizations, businesses,
and countries suspected of links to terrorists.186
With the use of Sim cards issued on fake addresses the terrorist can
easily get in contact with their masterminds and receives instructions and after
that they dispose off the Sim card and there will be no chance for the
investigation agencies to trace their location once the card is destroyed. In an
interrogation of a terrorist in Kashmir after a recent arrest disclose a new fact
that the terrorists is now using a mobile phone as a timer device in a bomb, the
boy tells the mechanism that they tied up the mobile phone to the bomb and
set the mobile phone on ‘Vibration Mode’ and the bomb lied to the mobile is
sensitive to the frequency of the vibration of the mobile, then when they want
to detonate the bomb they used to call on the mobile tied to bomb (obviously
the Sim used in the phone is one which earlier be issued on false identification
and the number of which is not known to others) and then due to the mobile
was in vibration mode so it not rings but vibrate, due to that vibration the
bomb explodes. This is only an example of on what levels the latest
communication techniques can be used by the terrorists in their activities.96
To understand that how efficiently these latest techniques is used by the
terrorists we can take the example of most wanted terrorist for the USA,
Osama Bin Laden, he used to give messages on the internet, releases his audio
and video tapes and gives instructions to his subordinates on his satellite
phone, even then one of the most developed country, both in economy and

The flip Side - Terrorists use mobile payment systems to transfer money, Available at
transfer-money/. (Accessed on 17th February, 2016)
P a g e | 105

information technology, USA is not able to catch him even when they tried
fully and spend millions of dollars for this.187
6.17.5 Rechipping and cloning of mobile phones
The electronic serial number (ESN) of an analogue, or the International
Mobile-Electronic Identity number (IMEI) of a digital, mobile phone is its
unique identity and was originally intended to be inviolably incorporated into
the phone. However, the security features which protect the number can be
overcome and a new set of numbers installed. The change of identity is called
‘re-chipping’ and can be achieved on analogue phones in a number of ways.
Sometimes, the ESN can be altered directly from the keypad using supposedly
secret combinations of keystrokes; in other cases, connection to a computer
can allow the phone chip to be re- programmed. The software to do this is
available via advertisements in specialist magazines or even available free
over the Internet. Re-chipping is not illegal and was started to bypass the
service providers when reconnecting a secondhand phone, replacing a faulty
one or upgrading to a new phone. Once available, however, the equipment
could be readily applied to give a stolen phone a new identity so it can be
connected to a network, and to clone another mobile phone.188
A clone is an analogue mobile phone which has been programmed to
impersonate one owned by a legitimate subscriber by using its ESN and
telephone number (these numbers are usually obtained by interception with a
‘scanner’ radio, theft of a dealer’s or service provider’s records or directly
from the impersonated phone). New types are coming to the UK from the
USA and Hong Kong: ‘tumbling’ phones automatically seek an identity from

Jim Boulden, Mobiles used in high-tech terror, CNN, Apr 4, 2004 (Accessed on 17th
February, 2016)
“mobile telephone crime” available at
(Accessed on 17th February, 2016)
P a g e | 106

a preprogrammed list, and the most recent ‘magic’ phones act as their own
scanners copying identities from nearby phones in use.189
Mobile cloning is copying the identity of one mobile telephone to
another mobile telephone Mobile cloning is also known as cell phone piracy
and has been taking place throughout the world since decades. Mobile phones
have become a major part of our everyday life. On the one hand, India’s
mobile phone market has grown rapidly in the last decade on the back of
falling phone tariffs and handset prices, making it one of the fastest growing
markets globally. On the other the number of mobile phone subscribers is
exceeding that of fixed-line users.190
Today millions of mobile phones users, be it Global System for Mobile
communication (GSM) or Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), run the
risk of having their phones cloned. And the worst part is that there isn’t much
that you can do to prevent this. Such crime first came to light in India in
January, 2005 when the Delhi police arrested a person with 20 cell phones, a
laptop, a SIM scanner, and a writer. The accused was running an exchange
illegally where ii he cloned CDMA based phones. He used software for the
cloning and provided cheap international calls to Indian immigrants in west
Asia. A similar racket came to light in Mumbai resulting in the arrest of four
mobile dealers. Each year, the mobile phone industry loses millions of dollars
in revenue because of the criminal actions of persons who are able to
reconfigure mobile phones so that their calls are billed to other phones owned
by innocent third persons. Often these cloned phones are used to place
hundreds of calls, often long distance, even to foreign countries, resulting in
thousands of dollars in air time and long distance charges. Cellular telephone
companies do not require their customers to pay for any charges illegally made
to their account, no matter how great the cost. But some portion of the cost of

Duggal Pawan, Mobile Law, Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. 2nd Edition available
at (Accessed on 18 th
number-sim-subscriber (Accessed on 18th February,2016)
P a g e | 107

these illegal telephone calls is passed along to cellular telephone consumers as

a whole. Many criminals use cloned cellular telephones for illegal activities,
because their calls are not billed to them, and are therefore much more
difficult to trace. This phenomenon is especially prevalent in drug crimes.
Drug dealers need to be in constant contact with their sources of supply and
their confederates on the streets. Traffickers acquire cloned phones at a
minimum cost, make dozens of calls, and then throw the phone away after as
little ‘as a day’ use. In the same way, criminals who pose a threat to our
national security, such as terrorists, have been known to use cloned phones to
thwart law enforcement efforts aimed at tracking their whereabouts.191
6.17.6 SMS spoofing
SMS spoofing is like e-mail spoofing, which looks to originate from
your acquainted number but in reality it is spoofed, and send from some evil
minded individual. We can take this by an example. Suppose if a woman
receive a Short Messaging Service (SMS) in her cellphone in the middle of a
night from the mobile of her spouse asking her to bring cash as he has met
with an accident. The chances are that she would check the mobile number
and if she confirms that the cell is her husband’s then she would rush out with
cash. If this could be the response then the chances are that she is not aware of
“Mobile Spoofing”. Using web-based software, a cyber criminal could send
anyone a message from any person’s cell without even touching his mobile
and no cellular service provider can say that it was a spoofed or faked one.192

What is mobile phone cloning?, Laxmi Devi, India Times News Network
sim-subscriber (Accessed on 18th February, 2016)
The new phony crime: SMS spoofing, PTI, Jul 11, 2004
spoofing/articleshow/773923.cms (Accessed on 18th February,

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