Rave Moms Packing List

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RAVE Mom’s packing list

Hi Shambhalovlies, I’m Britz aka “Rave Mom”. I’ve been attending Shambhala and many other festivals
throughout North America since 2003. Over the years I’ve learned a lot about camping comfortably at
festivals. This list was originally created in 2007 to help members of our Forum pack for Shambhala.
I’ve updated it and broken it down into sections for your packing ease! Print it and personalize it any way
you want.
See you on the dancefloor, and happy packing.

- Rave Mom
* = optional/if applicable


ОО Your Ticket! ОО Tent ОО Sleeping Bags / Bedding
ОО 2 pieces Gov’t issued ОО All your tent poles and fly (seriously ОО Pillow
ID (at least one piece – double checkbefore packing) ОО ☐ Air Mattress / Foam Mat
photo ID) ОО Tent pegs and mallet ОО ☐Extra Blanket(s)
ОО Tarp
ОО Extra tarp and poles (or other
shade structure)
ОО Rope


* Note: some items in this section are intended for planned coordination * Note: some items in this section are intended for planned
with your campmates. coordination with your campmates.
ОО Cooler ОО Toothbrush, toothpaste and floss
ОО Camp Chairs ОО Earplugs (very important! Protect your
ОО Lantern (preferably battery hearing!)*
or solar powered) ОО Deodorant
ОО Tape (electrical, duct, whatever – you’ll probably need it ОО Body lotion
for something) ОО Towel
ОО First Aid Kit (at the very least, bandages + sterile wipes) ОО Shampoo and Conditioner (DO NOT use
ОО Large water containers (4L jugs, 5 gal water cooler style these products in the river! Respect the River,
jugs with pump, etc) Respect the Land)
ОО A wagon or dollie (to transport gear from the parking ОО Face wash/cleanser (DO NOT use in the river)
lots and water refills back to camp)* ОО Soap (DO NOT use in the river)
ОО Garbage bags, recycling bags and gloves (Respect the ОО Hand sanitizer
River, Respect the Land) ОО Sunscreen
ОО Dishtowels/Rags ОО Insect repellent
ОО Camp stove (Some restrictions apply, see Fuel Section ОО Baby wipes
of the What to Pack section)* ОО Toilet paper
ОО Portable camp table* ОО Tweezers
ОО Dishes, cutlery, pots, pans* ОО Lip balm
ОО Can opener* ОО Smokers: Small container for cigarette butts
ОО Wash/rinse bins and biodegradable dish soap (for (keep those butts off the ground)
camp dishes)* ОО Vision impaired: Extra contacts, solution and
ОО Solar Shower* contact case (and/or glasses)*
ОО Sewing kit (for mending costumes)* ОО Condoms (if you forget, you can pick some
ОО Safety Pins (always handy)* up free at ANKORS+Options for Sexual Heath.
ОО Permanent Markers* Play safe.)*
ОО Personal touches for your camp (flags, banners, signs, ОО Any medications you normally take*
solar lights, etc)* ОО Tylenol/Aspirin*
ОО Multi-vitamins, melatonin, Emergen-C, etc*
ОО Ladies: tampons/pads (even if you don’t need
’em, one of your girls might)*
RAVE Mom’s packing list


Prepare for all types of weather. Seriously. Our mountain climate is unique, ОО Flashlight (w/ new batteries)
making for hot days and very cool, sometimes damp nights. Plan your ОО Extra batteries
wardrobe for extremes.
ОО Reusable coffee mug*
ОО Bandana (or filtered cycling mask for those who are extra ОО Reusable water bottle*
sensitive to dust) ОО Backpack w/ water bladder, like a CamelPak
ОО Sunglasses (highly recommended for any festival)*
ОО Socks (more than you think you need) ОО Snacks for between meals
ОО 2-3 pairs of footwear, at least 1 waterproof (more than just ОО Groceries (if you’re planning to cook some of
sandals) your meals)
ОО ☐Raincoat ОО Alarm clock*
ОО Warm coat (the temperature can drop to the 10s C/50s F ОО Umbrella or parasol*
at night) ОО Toys or props (hoops, poi, flags, etc – no fire
ОО Warm clothes toys/fuel)
ОО Undergarments ОО Body/face paints/bio-glitter or other
ОО Bathing suit (or your birthday suit, your call) makeup*
ОО COSTUMES ОО Musical instruments*
ОО Festival belt/fannypack/backpack (handy when you ОО LED Glowsticks or El-Wire (ditch the
don’t have pockets)* disposables)*
ОО Bicycle (or other pedal-powered, non-
motorized transportation)*
ОО Notebook or sketchbook*
ОО Spray bottle (for misting yourself +
campmates on hot days)*

ОО Valuables (Anything expensive or sentimental – if you
can’t live without it, don’t bring it)
ОО Anything on the Banned Items List:
- Alcohol
- Fire
- Fuel
- Generators
- Glass
- Lasers
- Illegal Substances
- Motorized Vehicles
- Pets
- Weapons
- Hate Speech
- Confiscated Items
- Synthetic Feathers and Boas

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