Week 10 - Six Yogas of Niguma Practice Outline Sheet 1
Week 10 - Six Yogas of Niguma Practice Outline Sheet 1
Week 10 - Six Yogas of Niguma Practice Outline Sheet 1
Week 10
● Four flames
● Dharmadayo & Ram practice
We meditate on the three channels: the blue central channel as well as the
red right and white left side channels.
Then we meditate on the chakras (traveling with our awareness through the
body): we have a white heart chakra with eight branch channels which are
facing downward, a red throat chakra with 16 branch channels which are
facing upward, a white (slightly rainbow colored) crown chakra with 32
branch channels that are facing downward, and a red navel chakra with 64
branch channels that are facing upward.
Within the navel chakra is a sun disc and on top of the sun disc is the red
Ah Tung, super hot, blissful and nondual in its essence.
Within the crown chakra on a moon disc is the white syllable Ham, hanging
upside down.
We place our mind on the white syllable Ham, we become the white
syllable Ham. Then our awareness travels to the throat chakra and we rest
in the throat chakra, then the heart, and finally our consciousness goes all
the way into the navel chakra, where we are becoming the Ah Tung on the
sun disc. We rest as the Ah tung on the sun disc for the majority of practice.
(If we like we can travel all for chakras up again and back down again and
repeat this cycle multiple times.)