SM Cie 3

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Faculty of Science and technology

Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Class: F.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science
Course Name: Statistical Methods Course code: BSCCS19105
CIE No. 2(2022) Total Marks: 25

Attempt any five Questions from the following..

1) The ranks of same 16 students in Mathematics and Physics are as given below. Calculate
the rank correlation coefficient of this group in Mathematics and Physics.

Ranks in Maths(X) Ranks in Physics(Y)

1 1

2 10

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 7

7 2

8 6

9 8

10 11

11 15

12 9

13 14

14 12

15 16

16 13
2) Define the following terms (Any 5)
(i) Karl Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (ii) Bivariate Data
(iii) Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient (iv) Scatter diagram
(v) Ultimate classes (vi) Attributes
(vii)Coefficient of Colligation (viii) Order of class
(ix)Yule’s Coefficient (x) Dichotomy

3) The coefficient of rank correlation between marks in Statistics and Mathematics obtained
by a certain group of students is 0.8.If sum of the squares of the difference in ranks is given
to be 33.Find the number of students in the group.

4) Calculate correlation coefficient for the following Heights (in inches) of fathers (X) and their

X 65 66 67 67 68 69 70 72

Y 67 68 65 68 72 72 69 71

5) Find if A and B are independent, positively associated or negatively associated in the

following cases:
(i)N=1000 ,(A)=470, (B)=620 and (AB)=320
(ii)(A)=490, (AB)=294, (α)=570 and (αB)=380

6) Let X and Y be discrete Random Variables. If V(X)=2, V(Y)=3 and Cov(X,Y)=4. Find V(2X-3Y).

7) Given that (AB)=150 ,(Aβ)=230, (αB)=260, (αβ)=2340,Find the other frequencies.

8) Given that (AB)=150 ,(Aβ)=230, (αB)=260, (αβ)=2340.

Find (i) the coeffient of association
(ii) the coefficient of Colligation

9) Complete the following table and comment on the consistency of the data:

Attributes A α Total

B 150 260

β 230 2340

10) Can vaccination be regarded as a preventive measure for smallpox from the data
given below?

‘Of 1482 persons in a locality exposed to smallpox, 368 in all were attacked.’
‘Of 1482 persons in a locality exposed to smallpox, 343 had been vaccinated and
of these only 35 were attacked.’

***Best of Luck ***

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