Biology IGCSE Note - Blood & Circulation

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ok .CCuDe Cardio, VabeO” DISEORE) atsax, dca pe Mednlly i5 connected to Ris heart by A CIOL tory nerve increase, heart rate .|[symeathetic Nerve / AceRm | Pvasympat hetic Nerve /Dicceleratory nerve decreases; Meart rar WN! 1 1 | - medulla will stimulate the : sympainetic nerve +0 fou, ‘i unt ae increase the heart Pa Grae i fl heart Pate, pane aey go qhat = move amount of anygenared —pldod will fronsport — thravgh VES of CIV Ae HHI BAY Ay dhe body. balled et Blair 195 HIGY Ano! go 0 Covenary, Heart DISEASE + Voile vunyai dil] 02409, RIND. ONT bie PLGA ONT oy abivrma) bigunedion af an Mi Wided 4a SF RIK ‘ tygan js iar disease. 20 piv’ “DING Ct AQbY | The? inner nth oF covonayyvoibye, ee Nui alu 3 artery: js! composed with xe 9 fia) Pia cia. Sinoo jh “endo heliain, NTN) Tet yaa Ve (25.03. 2073) Biology [Heart] Te structive of the WT ; Wied! ise NOPE AO i ype yypgy igs is functun How the heard rave iS cohtrolled 7 ORT 1) 1 Heart yate — number of heart's. beat per minnie is called heart vate. Daring enercis© Co, concentration x Whe i D en (CSS VEC Increases S$ ony pody needs to COr ® abiectd i" remove ime encess (y, So the The = novta ana 7 heart’ starts t? bent faster in. tavottd alitry, of the ovder to provide move 0, heart. Media jy Known 95 cardiovascular) pk ANTS nnd carotid conten contol cemye oor 4) bs ATH send the respiratory control Centre. vj mG55A9@ fo. the Medulln of the brain. by Sensory nerves. ¥[Due to high blood — pressure, inner lining of artery is Idamaged Over the damaged aren, cholesievol will deposit and plnqyue Known as Aheyora. | over the —atheyomay — (nF (Ca\ciwm jon) nnd fibvous aise will epesit. And form on hitd pinane, So, hardening oF artery fs Known 05 athevasclevosis. it wil foym © soft, fatty * Any damaged aven in our body , atyact eolespt — cholesttral ge Samedimes, arity 15 blocked by Clot formation known as Yhromb95is * . Hardening of the artery js Known ay atherosclerosis x Any Wee of heart disease - arthevasclerasi will develop. * POrtIN blockage of avtery 5 knows as angina, ¥ Complete beer bloCKAge oF artery | Known as heart aH Ck.

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