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Research Monitoring Form

RESEARCH FORM 1 – Research Topic Identification Completion Date


Researchers: GROUP 1

Section: FB1-03-G11-STEM-P

A. GENERAL INTEREST 1. Challenges faced by the LGBTQIA+ individuals in the

STEM students.
What broad topic are you 2. Social media impact on STEM Students misbehavior
interested in doing research? towards their academic performance.
Write at least three (3) research 3. Challenges and coping strategies of senior high
topics based on your school STEM students during flexible learning.

B. REASONS/PURPOSE As an aspiring STEM student, we are keenly interested in

understanding the challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals in
Why are you interested to the STEM field Many people, like us, are familiar with and
research about it? engage with the LGBTIQ community; therefore, it is crucial for
us to comprehend the discrimination they face. Furthermore, we
are curious to explore how social media impacts on
misbehavior among STEM students and their academic
performance. Past studies have found that students who spend
more time on social media sites are likely to demonstrate poor
academic performance. This is because they spend time
chatting online and making friends on social media sites instead
of reading books. Social media can be a major distraction, and
excessive use can lead to decreased focus and productivity, as
well as poor time management. Furthermore, if not used
properly, social media can also lead to cyberbullying and other
forms of misbehavior that can have a detrimental effect on
students' well-being, which can in turn negatively impact their
academic performance. Lastly, as a senior high school student
transitioning into flexible learning due to COVID-19 pandemic
restrictions, it is important for me to gain insight into the
struggles and coping strategies of other senior high school
students navigating through this new educational system.

C.COLLECTING INFORMATION Literature review, questionnaires and interviews are the main
methods we can use to gather data. Through these methods,
How will you get information? we can obtain the current data we required for our study. In
Who or what will be the intended contrast, LGBTQIA+ students and STEM Students are
subjects (participants) of your participants in our study for the first, second and third research
study? topics, respectively.



This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Research Monitoring Form

The following is a presentation  1st Topic – The effect of culture on LGBT on

on how a broad topic is limited to STEM students
create a good research title.  2nd Topic – The increasing rate of violence against
the LGBT community of STEM Students
 3rd Topic – The influence of the internet on the
LGBTQIA STEM Students community

Second Reduction:
 1st Topic – Social media’s impact on STEM
student’s misconduct towards their academic
 2nd Topic – The relationship between social media
to the STEM students towards on their
 3rd Topic – The influence of social media on STEM
student’s performance.

Third Reduction:
 1st Topic – Copping mechanism of senior High
school STEM students towards flexible learning
 2nd Topic – Challenges encountered by senior
High school STEM students during their flexible
 3rd Topic – Senior High school STEM student’s
assessment of academic support on flexible

Approved by MEIL JAY E. SERAD

(Research Instructor)

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

Research Monitoring Form

RESEARCH FORM 2 – Annotated Bibliography (Background Information)

Completion Date 1/22/2023

Researchers: GROUP 1

Section: FB1-03-G11-STEM-P

3 Updated Related 1. What challenges do LGBTQ+ student face?

(Year 2012 and 2. The effect of social media on the development of students’
above) affective variables
3. The Academic Experiences of Senior High School Students in the
Write the complete Midst of Pandemic
research title of any
related studies or
literature that you find
from other sources.

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Research Monitoring Form

Source #1
From bullying to finding a safe bathroom, LGBT students navigate a
tough landscape at school. Bullying, harassment, and discomfort at
Annotation school are almost universal. According to the 2019 National School
(Provide a brief Climate Survey, "[GLSEN's] flagship report on the experiences of
summary of the source lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth in our nation's
or explain why it is schools," a majority of respondents felt unsafe at school because of their
important to your sexual orientation, and an even higher number reported hearing anti-
research topic.) LGBTQ language on a regular basis, both in the school environment as
a whole and directed at them specifically. While the survey reports some
areas of improvement over its two decades of data collection, others
Write at least 5 show stagnation — or even worsening. Middle school students, in
sentences in each particular, reported higher levels of harassment than high school
source and put the link respondents.
of the article below the
APA Citation: Prisma staff (2022 Sep. 20 ) What challenges do LGBTQ+
student face? From bullying to finding a safe bathroom, LGBT students
navigate a tough landscape at school.

Source #2
The use of social media among students is incomparably increasing,
influenced by globalized forms of communication and the post-pandemic
rush to use multiple social media platforms for education in various fields
of study. Given the increasing influence of social media on education,
the current paper aims to focus on affective variables such as
depression, stress, and anxiety, and how social media can potentially
increase or decrease these emotions in students. Though social media
is intended to keep people connected, it is likely that this social
connection is merely superficial, and not sufficiently deep and
meaningful to enable individuals feel emotionally attached to others.The
research on the impact of social media on students' affective and
emotional states has yielded conflicting results. According to the known
literature, there are some positive and some negative emotional effects.

APA Citation: Chen M and Xiao (2022, Sep. 15) The effect of social
media on the development of students’ affective variables.

Source #3
This paper uncovers the struggles of students with regards to the new
learning modality as a result of the pandemic; COVID-19.

The responses demonstrate how STEM students deal with the

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Research Monitoring Form

pandemic and the challenges it brings.Some students experience

barriers especially doing online classes in their own homes; such as
noise, doing chores, and lack of motivation. Some are not used to the
new learning set-up and they only try their best to adapt with this as
soon as possible. Not only with education prior but some also faced
mental health struggles as an effect of the change of learning practices.
Furthermore, most of the informants have comparable replies to the
many issues they have experienced. This study is also about conveying
a message to all students that in this fight, they are not alone.

APA CITATION:Jayben P.Locion,Johncarlo C.Sison,Sean Bazel

C.Suarez,Meriel T. De jesus,Jenessa C. Pelande,Maryknoll S. Uy(july
27 2022) The Academic Experiences of Senior High School Students in
the Midst of Pandemic

Approved by MEIL JAY E. SERAD

(Research Instructor)

RESEARCH FORM 3 – Research Title Formulation Completion Date 1/22/2023


Researchers: GROUP 1
Section: FB1-03-G11-STEM-P


1. The impact of violence and bullying of the LGBTQIA in

Note: As a guide, ask yourself if this STEM students studying in PHINMA COC Puerto
title will give a virtual insight on what Campus.
the research is all about. The title
2. Prevention and awareness of STEM students in
counts around 5-15 words only and
PHINMA COC Puerto Campus to avoid getting more

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Research Monitoring Form

it should summarize the main idea addicted of using various social media platforms that
of the paper. Write at least 1 title can affect their studies.
in each proposed topic. 3. The pros and cons of flexible learning in STEM
students in PHINMA COC Puerto Campus.


Note: Indicate what is the main

problem to be investigated in your 1. The impact of violence and bullying on LGBTQIA
research. Write it in a sentence students studying in Phinmha Coc Puerto Campus is
form. a major problem that needs to be addressed. This
issue has become increasingly prevalent in recent
years, as the number of LGBTIQA individuals enrolled
in STEM courses at this college has risen significantly.
The main problem to investigate here is how the
presence of violence and bullying affects these
students’ academic performance, social lives, and
overall mental health. In order for us understand how
best we can protect our LBGTQIA community on
campus it is important that we first determine what
types of violence are occurring most frequently among
this population group.
2. The main problem to be investigated in this title is the
prevention and awareness of STEM students at
PHINMA COC Puerto campus from becoming
addicted to using various social media platforms that
can affect their studies. This issue has become
increasingly concerning, as more students are
spending an excessive amount of time on these sites
instead of focusing on their academic work. The
effects that social media addiction can have on a
student’s performance in school are far-reaching,
including distraction during class or study sessions,
decreased attention span for tasks and assignments,
reduced motivation for learning new material due to
lack of focus, and even depression or anxiety caused
by comparing oneself with others online.
3. Flexible learning is an increasingly popular
educational model in which students are able to learn
at their own pace and within a more personalized
curriculum. This type of learning has been particularly
successful in STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics) fields as it allows for
greater exploration into complex topics without the
pressure of traditional classroom settings. However,
there are both pros and cons to this style of education
that must be taken into consideration when deciding
whether or not flexible learning is right for PHINMA
COC Puerto campus's STEM students.

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Research Monitoring Form

In the research about The impact of violence and
Note: Specify the factors or the bullying of the LGBTQIA in STEM students studying in
variables that significantly define or
Phinmha Coc Puerto Campus that may be significant in
is involved in the problem area. The
number of variables may vary defining or being involved in the problem area include:
depending on your research topic

1. Personal satisfaction for being a homophobic and

raise that LGBTQIA doesn't belong in a specific society.

2. They mostly used social media platforms to mock

LGBTQIA stem students with verbal violence.

In the research about Prevention and awareness of

STEM students in PHINMA COC Puerto campus to avoid
getting more addicted of using various social media
platforms that can affect their studies that may be
significant in defining or being involved in the problem
area include:

1. It affects students about not thinking about their

studies because there is more focus on like facebook
than their assignment

2. Students myself also experience different ideas from

the internet about how things are wrong and right about
research to find a right statement.

In the research about The pros and cons of flexible

learning in STEM students in PHINMA COC Puerto
campus that may be significant in defining or being
involved in the problem area include:

1. Technical issues faced by both teachers and students

such as internet access, audio clarity, system glitch on
online learning platforms.

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Research Monitoring Form

2. Students lack fluency or constantly struggles with

basic technological concepts related to the internet.

3. Students leading to feel unmotivated

4. Student's mental and physical preparedness of the

difficulties by the absence of face to face classes.

Approved by MEIL JAY E. SERAD

(Research Instructor)

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

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