Kervin Jude D. Manahan-Written-Revalida
Kervin Jude D. Manahan-Written-Revalida
Kervin Jude D. Manahan-Written-Revalida
City of Malolos, Bulacan
Level of Date Identified Assessment Cues Nursing Diagnoses Justifications / Bases in Prioritizing the Problem
I Subjective: Constipation related to This has been the priority among all problem because, from the given scenario
inflammation within bowel and the patient is already showing manifestations of constipation with date being
Abdominal pain; pain with malabsorption as evidenced by provided. As this problem being the priority, possible complications of the
abdominal pain and liquid fecal current illness of the patient will be avoided to be happened.
defecation; nausea;
vomiting; headache;
indigestion; generalized
II Subjective: Disturbed body image related to Body image is how a person feels about his or her body and what they do about
loss of control of bowel those feelings. Some may feel inferior about their bodies and try to improve
Bulacan State University
City of Malolos, Bulacan
Objective: elimination as evidence by actual them through a variety of means called appearance management behaviors. As a
change in structure and function significant component of one’s self-concept, body image disturbance can have
of ostomy. an intense impression on how individuals see their overall selves. Physical
changes associated with aging may result in body image disturbance for the
older adult. Personality traits such as perfectionism and self-criticism can also
affect the development of a negative internalized image of the body.
III Subjective: Acute pain related to physical The unpleasant feeling of pain is highly subjective in nature that may be
factors e.g disruption of experienced by the patient. The International Association for the Study of Pain
Objective: skin/tissues as evidenced by (IASP) defined pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience
reports of pain. associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such
damage.” Another great and influential definition of pain is from Margo
McCaffery, a nurse expert on pain, who defined it as “pain is whatever the
person says it is and exists whenever the person says it does.”
Bulacan State University
City of Malolos, Bulacan
Patient’s Initial: R.S Age: 50 y/o Gender: Male Date Handled: October 27 2022
Subjective: Constipation related to Short Term Goal: Independent: Short Term Evaluation:
inflammation within bowel
and malabsorption as
Abdominal pain; evidenced by abdominal After 1-2 hours of nursing Review medical, surgical, To identify In a span of 1-2 hours,
pain with pain and liquid fecal intervention the patient will and social history conditions the goal to show an
defecation; particles. show an improvement in commonly improvement in
nausea; constipation as manifested associated with constipation was
vomiting; by: constipation
Partially Met.
headache; Note color, odor, Provides a baseline
1. Occasionally abdominal
As evidenced by:
indigestion; consistency, amount, and for comparison,
1. Occasionally abdominal
cramping frequency of stool promotes
generalized fatigue cramping
2. relieved from nausea, recognition of
2. relieved from nausea,
vomiting as well headache. changes.
vomiting as well headache.
3. Minimal pain when Encourage client to To facilitate 3. Minimal pain when
defecating. maintain elimination diary, monitoring of long- defecating.
if appropriate term problem.
Note client’s age Many older adults
experience Long Term Evaluation:
constipation as a
result of duller
nerve sensations,
dehydration and
Bulacan State University
City of Malolos, Bulacan
emptying of the
bowel, or failing to
attend to signals to
Patient’s Initial: R.S Age: 50 Gender: Male Date Handled: October 27 2022
Medication Date Ordered/ Route of Mechanism Indications Contraindications Client’s Response Nursing
Omeprazole N/A PO potassium adenosine contraindicated to the manifestations are Check if the patient
triphosphatase I. Erosive following: the anticipated has an adverse
Brand: Dosage:
(H1/K1 ATP pump), Esophagitis I. Hypersensitivity therapeutic and reaction to
Prilosec Date given or 20mg
an enzyme on the II. Poorly to the drug or non-therapeutic omeprazole and its
Classification: taken: Frequency: surface of gastric Responsive any excipients responses of the components.
Proton N/A Two parietal cells. III. Gastroesophagea from the dosage patient. Wash hands and wear
Pump time a Therapeutic Effect: l Reflux Disease form THERAPEUTIC PPE if needed as per
Increases gastric pH, (GERD), II. Patients taking This drug has not the hospital protocol.
Inhibitors Date day
reduces gastric acid IV. Active Duodenal dosage forms any therapeutic
discontinued: Assess whether the
production. Ulcer, containing effect based from
client has certain
V. Prevention/ apomorphine. the given scenario
conditions that may
Treatment of however, it is
affect the
NSAID-Induced expected theoretically
effectiveness of this
Ulcers that the patient will
drug or will
Bulacan State University
City of Malolos, Bulacan
Precaution is indicated have an adverse or toxic contradict its effect.
such as: reactions such as Prepare the
I. Mild to moderate pancreatitis, medication
hepatic hepatotoxicity, and Check for its
impairment interstitial nephritis that expiration
II. Pts at risk for QT occurs rarely. Gather and align all
prolongation or NON- the necessary
ventricular THERAPEUTICS materials that will aid
arrhythmia The patient experienced in giving the
(congenital long frequent headache, medication.
QT prolongation occasional diarrhea,
III. Medications abdominal pain, nausea.
prolonging QT And in some rare cases
interval dizziness, asthenia
IV. Hypokalemia, (loss of strength, During:
Administer the
medication to the
right patient
with right
Bulacan State University
City of Malolos, Bulacan
frequency and
he/she needs an
assistance in
taking the
✓ Offer a glass of
water to the
patient if needed.
Bulacan State University
City of Malolos, Bulacan
Gather all the used
materials in giving
set aside.
Evaluate for
response (relief of
GI ymptoms).
Question if GI
nausea, diarrhea
Watch for
manifestations of
Perform a health
teaching to the
patient if
applicable; instill
the possible
by a physician. As
well as the
manifestations of
the complications
that needs an
urgent attention.
to take medicine
before eating