Let's Read:: Words

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The document content provides stories that focus on phonics lessons with different ending sounds.

The story is about a boy named Nash who wakes up late for school one morning and rushes to get ready. He apologizes to his teacher Mr. Sash for being late.

The story is about a boy named Seth who finishes his homework and gets ready for bed. His bedtime routine includes taking a bath, brushing his teeth, and climbing into bed with his teddy bear.

Name: -ch

Let’s Read: -ch Words

I Can Identify
“-ch” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/-ch/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “-ch” words.

That bench looks Mr. Peach is such a nice guy! He is never a

very comfortable. grouch. Mr. Peach lives on a ranch in Texas.
Every March, he goes to the beach with his
There is no place like best friend, Mr. Birch. They love to catch
the beach. fish for lunch and search for shells. The
two of them always have so much fun on
Watching a rocket their trip!
launch is so Color a star after each
awesome! time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: -sh
Let’s Read: -sh Words
I Can Identify
“-sh” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/-sh/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “-sh” words.

Nash woke up late this morning. He quickly

That fish is swimming brushed his teeth and washed his face.
in the sea!
Then, he dashed out the door. Nash got to
The dish was very school in a flash. "Sorry I'm late," Nash said
pretty. to Mr. Sash, as he blushed. "No need to rush,
Nash" said Mr. Sash. "You're not late. You're
on time!
I use soap when I
wash my hands. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: -th
Let’s Read: -th Words
I Can Identify
“-th” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/-th/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “-th” words.

I wish my teeth were After Seth finished his math

that pretty. homework, he began to get ready
for bed. First, he took a bath.
I fold up the cloth Then, he brushed his teeth.
blanket. Finally, he climbed into bed with
his teddy bear and fell asleep!
The path leads to my
friend’s house. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: -ng
Let’s Read: -ng Words
I Can Identify
“-ng” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/-ng/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “-ng” words.
Rebecca loves to sing Ting’s favorite season is spring. She
whenever she gets a
chance. loves to sit outside and listen to the
The monkey loves to birds sing. She also likes to go on long
hang from the walks with her best friend, Ming. Ting
and Ming go to the park to swing!
The king wears his
crown. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: -mb
Let’s Read: -mb Words
I Can Identify
“-mb” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/-mb/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “-mb” words.

The comb is long Pam the Lamb loves to have her hair
and skinny. combed. She also likes to eat bread
crumbs. Pam the Lamb is not like
The cookie other lambs! She has six thumbs and
crumbles. long limbs. Her thumbs and long limbs
help her climb really tall trees!
James loves to
rock climb. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: -ss
Let’s Read: -ss Words
I Can Identify
“-ss” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/-ss/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “-ss” words.
Jess put on her dress and gave her mom a
The grass is getting sad look. “I am going to miss you today,
tall. Mom!” Jess said. “No need to fuss! Try to
have a great day,” her mom replied. Jess
walked across the street and got on the bus.
Chess is a hard Then, she blew her mom a kiss. On the bus, a
game to play. girl waved to her. “Hi, I’m Tess! Want to be
my friend? the girl asked. Jess smiled and
nodded. “I guess today won’t be so bad
The girl is trying to after all,” she thought.
kiss the frog. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: -dge
Let’s Read: -dge Words
I Can Identify
“-dge” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/-dge/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “-dge” words.

The fridge was “Let’s have a race to see who can run to the
bridge the fastest,” Madge said to her brother,
packed with food. Mudge. They asked their mom to judge. They
began to run. Madge ran fast. Mudge was right
The judge sat in his behind her. “Don’t fall off the edge of the
chair. ridge!” Madge yelled to Mudge. They both ran
and ran. They made it to the bridge at the same
time! “You tied! Fudge for everyone!” their mom
Police officers wear shouted.
badges. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.

Name: -tch
Let’s Read: -tch Words
I Can Identify
“-tch” says Say each picture. Write the word.
/-tch/, like in:

I Can Match I Can Read and Circle

Match each sentence to its picture. Read 3 times. Circle the “-tch” words.

Max made an Mr. Stitch plays fetch with his dog, Patch. Patch
awesome catch! knows how to catch the ball in his mouth. Patch
buries the ball in a big ditch. Mr. Stitch gives
The chick has Patch a good back scratch while Patch stretches
started to hatch. out on the grass and watches the birds fly by.
Mr. Stitch and Patch make a good match!
The pants had a
patch on the knee. Color a star after each
time you read the story.

I Can Write a Story

Write a short story using some of the words listed below.


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