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Oracle® Application Express

Tutorial: Building an Application

Release 20.1
June 2020
Oracle Application Express Tutorial: Building an Application, Release 20.1


Copyright © 2017, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Primary Author: John Godfrey

Contributors: David Peake, Terri Jennings, Shakeeb Rahman

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Audience v
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Conventions vi

1 About Oracle Application Express

2 Before You Begin

3 Populating Your Workspace

3.1 Installing the Sample Datasets 3-1
3.2 Reviewing the Created Tables with Object Browser 3-4

4 Creating the Initial Application

4.1 Running the Create Application Wizard 4-1
4.2 Adding a Cards Page 4-2
4.3 Adding a Dashboard Page 4-3
4.4 Moving Pages in the Create Application Wizard 4-5
4.5 Configuring Features and Advanced Settings 4-6
4.6 Completing the Create Application Wizard 4-8
4.7 Running the Application for the First Time 4-9

5 Developing the Projects Page

5.1 Navigating to Page Designer from the Application Runtime 5-1
5.2 Creating a Form Page Using the Create Page Wizard 5-2
5.3 Linking Project Cards to Maintain Project Form 5-3
5.4 Updating the Maintain Project Form in Page Designer 5-7

5.5 Creating a Dynamic Action 5-16
5.6 Adding Validations to Completed Date 5-19

6 Developing the Milestones Page

6.1 Creating an Interactive Grid Page 6-1
6.2 Updating the Navigation Menu for Milestones 6-2
6.3 Hiding Columns in the Application Runtime 6-4
6.4 Adding Project Names to the Milestones Interactive Grid 6-7
6.5 Changing the Appearance of an Interactive Grid in Page Designer 6-9
6.6 Finalizing the Milestones Interactive Grid in the Runtime 6-10

7 Developing the Tasks Page

7.1 Creating an Interactive Report Page 7-1
7.2 Updating the Tasks Page in the Runtime 7-2
7.3 Applying Lookups to the Tasks Interactive Report 7-4
7.4 Updating the Remaining Columns in the Tasks Report 7-5
7.5 Updating the Project and Milestone Fields in the Update Task Form 7-7
7.6 Updating the Remaining Fields in the Update Task Form 7-10

8 Developing the Dashboard Page

8.1 Deleting Regions in Page Designer 8-1
8.2 Updating the Series in the Project Costs Chart 8-3
8.3 Updating the Appearance of the Dashboard Chart 8-5
8.4 Updating the Live Template Options for the Dashboard Chart 8-6
8.5 Adding a Classic Report Region from Gallery 8-7

9 Developing the Task Overview Page

9.1 Creating a Faceted Search Page 9-1
9.2 Updating the Task Overview Search Results 9-3
9.3 Updating the Task Overview Facets 9-5


Oracle Application Express Tutorial: Building an Application demonstrates how to build
a working application for managing projects and tasks using some of the latest
features of Oracle Application Express.

Oracle Application Express Tutorial: Building an Application is intended for workspace
administrators who want to set up an Oracle Application Express development
environment and application developers who want to learn how to build database-
centric web applications using Oracle Application Express.
To use this guide, you must have a general understanding of relational database
concepts and the operating system environment under which Oracle Application
Express is running.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

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Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
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if you are hearing impaired.

Related Documents
For more information, see these Oracle resources:
• Oracle Application Express Release Notes
• Oracle Application Express Installation Guide
• Oracle Application Express End User’s Guide
• Oracle Application Express App Builder User’s Guide
• Oracle Application Express Administration Guide
• Oracle Application Express SQL Workshop Guide
• Oracle Application Express API Reference
• Oracle Application Express Application Migration Guide


The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

About Oracle Application Express
Oracle Application Express is an environment designed for rapid application
development and deployment.
You can develop professional applications that are both fast and secure using only a
web browser and limited programming experience. Oracle Application Express
accelerates the application development process with features such as user interface
themes, navigational controls, form handlers, and flexible reports. The deployed
applications require only a browser and access to an Oracle database running
Application Express.
This tutorial is intended to guide you through almost every step of creating an app with
a focused amount of context. For more in-depth information about Oracle Application
Express, see the "Quick Start" section of the Oracle Application Express App Builder
User’s Guide.

About This Tutorial

In Oracle Application Express Tutorial: Building an Application, you create a simple
project management application for the fictitious AnyCo Corp. The application
manages IT project information stored in database tables. This tutorial shows you how
to build, modify, and run the application. Each chapter is a further lesson that
advances the work of previous one so that the concepts build on one another.
Oracle Application Express Tutorial: Building an Application is intended to be followed
in the order it is written.

Before You Begin
For this tutorial, you must have access to an Oracle Application Express environment
and an account with development privileges.

Accessing an Oracle Application Express Environment

You must have access to an Oracle Application Express release 19.2 or later. You can
access Oracle Application Express in one of the following ways:
• Request an account on
• Subscribe to an account on the Oracle Database Cloud Service which includes
Oracle Application Express.
• Install a local installation of Oracle Database which includes Oracle Application
Express release 19.2 or later.

Oracle Application Express Development User Account

If you are accessing Oracle Application Express in a hosted environment, requesting
an account creates a workspace and an account. If you are managing Oracle
Application Express locally, you will create a workspace and account manually. In
either scenario, your Oracle Application Express account must have developer

Populating Your Workspace
To build an Oracle Application Express app, you need a complete set of tables and

About This Lesson

In this lesson, you install Sample Datasets provided by Oracle.
Once installed, you also review the output of the scripts in Object Browser to confirm
the presence of the tables and data.
The sample tables and data that you load in these steps resemble the kind of
information that real Application Express project management apps use every day.
They include information typical of data sets for employees, projects, and calendars.

3.1 Installing the Sample Datasets

The Application Express SQL Workshop comes with several sample datasets intended
to enhance app experimentation.
1. To install the Project Data sample dataset in SQL Workshop:
1. Sign in to your Oracle Application Express workspace.
2. Click SQL Workshop, click Utilities, and click Sample Datasets.

Chapter 3
Installing the Sample Datasets

You can also click the down arrow icons to open the drop-down menus
on the tabs at the top of the screen to shortcut your way around your

3. Find Project Data in the list and click the adjacent Install button.

Chapter 3
Installing the Sample Datasets

The Manage Sample Dataset dialog displays.

4. Click Next.
5. Click Install Dataset.
6. In Results dialog, review the new objects.

Chapter 3
Reviewing the Created Tables with Object Browser

The script created the following objects:

7. Click Exit.

The Create Application button is a shortcut to the Create Application
Wizard loaded with the sample data.

You have populated the sample tables and data in your workspace.

3.2 Reviewing the Created Tables with Object Browser

Object Browser displays all the raw objects present in the Oracle database schema
associated with your workspace.

Chapter 3
Reviewing the Created Tables with Object Browser

1. To navigate to Object Browser:

1. Click SQL Workshop to return to the SQL Workshop home page.
2. Click Object Browser.

For quicker navigation, click the arrow next to SQL Workshop to display
a drop-down menu.

3. In the list of tables, select EBA_PROJECTS.

4. Click the Data tab. The Data tab displays the raw information of the EBA_PROJECTS

Chapter 3
Reviewing the Created Tables with Object Browser

You can edit the data directly by clicking the Edit icon on the Data report.
However, leave the data unchanged for now.

5. When finished, click the Oracle logo in the top-left of the page to return to the
Workspace home page.
You have fully populated your workspace and are ready to create a new application.
Proceed to the next lesson.

Creating the Initial Application
About This Lesson
In this lesson, you use the Create Application Wizard to build the foundational pages
of your application based on the sample dataset.
After you build the foundation of your app, use Page Designer’s Create Page Wizard
to add a new page to an existing app and run the app for the first time.

It is important to complete this chapter in one sitting. You cannot save your
work until the end. If you stop before completion and your session times out,
all your progress will be lost, and you will have to start the chapter again.

4.1 Running the Create Application Wizard

With the tables populated in your workspace, you can get started quickly with the
Create Application Wizard.
The Create Application Wizard enables you to create many different types of pages,
including reports, forms, and a master detail.
1. To create the initial application:
1. Click App Builder and select Create.
The Create Application Wizard appears.

You can also click the down arrow icon on the tabs at the top of the
screen to view a list of shortcuts to wizard and other pages.

2. Click New Application.

2. To customize your app name and appearance:
3. In Name, enter Demo Projects

The Create Application wizard creates a Home page automatically.

4. Click the Set Appearance icon.

Chapter 4
Adding a Cards Page

The Appearance dialog displays.

5. Click Vita - Red.
6. For Application Icon, click Choose New Icon.
The Choose Application Icon dialog displays.
7. Click the red circle icon.
8. Choose a new application icon, such as the trio of people.

9. Click Set Application Icon and click Save Changes.

4.2 Adding a Cards Page

Often at the beginning of development, you only know some of the pages that your
application requires. You can create as few or as many pages as you want in the
Create Application Wizard. Save some time by generating a small batch of pages now.
You can always add more later with a different wizard (the Create Page Wizard).
Start with a cards page that enables employees to quickly view and maintain their
contact information.

Chapter 4
Adding a Dashboard Page

A cards page consists of individual boxes, which resemble index cards, laid
out on a page. Each card holds up to three pieces of information.

1. To add a cards page based on the EBA_PROJECTS table:

1. In the Pages section, click Add Page.
2. Click Cards.
3. Enter the following:
a. Page Name - enter Projects
b. Table or View - click the LOV icon (bullet points and lines) and select
c. Card Title - select NAME
d. Description Column - select DESCRIPTION
e. Additional Text Column - select BUDGET

f. Click Add Page.

4.3 Adding a Dashboard Page

Next, add a dashboard page. A dashboard page consists of up to four charts. As a
developer you can specify the specifics of each chart or leave the default sample
charts, then update the page later.
1. To add a dashboard page:
1. Click Add Page.
2. Click Dashboard.
2. Dashboard pages come populated with useful metrics. Configure two of the charts
for tracking project budget and project status, and leave the other two
unconfigured. You can evaluate whether to keep them later.

Chapter 4
Adding a Dashboard Page

To configure the charts:

3. Enter the following for Chart 1:
a. Chart Type - click Bar
b. Chart Name - enter Project Costs
c. Table or View - select EBA_PROJECTS_V
d. Label Column - select NAME
e. Aggregate Type - click Column Value
f. Value Column - select COST

4. Click Chart 2.
5. Enter the following:
a. Chart Type - click Pie
b. Chart Name - enter Project Status
c. Table or View - select EBA_PROJECTS
d. Label Column - select STATUS_ID
e. Aggregate Type - click Count

Chapter 4
Moving Pages in the Create Application Wizard

6. Click Add Page.

4.4 Moving Pages in the Create Application Wizard

Once you create a page, you can click the Edit icon to edit the page name, change the
icon that displays in the navigation menu, edit Advanced options, or delete the page.
In addition to the Edit button, you can change the order of pages by dragging and
1. To move a page in the Create Application Wizard:
1. For the Dashboard page, adjacent to the Edit button, click and hold the menu icon
(horizontal lines).

2. Drag the Dashboard page above the Projects page and release the mouse.

Chapter 4
Configuring Features and Advanced Settings

The Dashboard page snaps into place.

3. Verify that your list contains three pages in the following order:
a. Home, Blank
b. Dashboard, Dashboard
c. Projects, Cards (eba_projects)

4.5 Configuring Features and Advanced Settings

Features provide application-level functionality and are typically added once per
application. Features broaden the application's capabilities, making it more suitable for
wide distribution, rather than just being suitable for a proof-of-concept.

Chapter 4
Configuring Features and Advanced Settings

While sometimes more complicated, you can also add Features to an
existing app later with the Create Page Wizard.

1. To add Features to the application:

1. Next to the Features heading, click Check All.

2. Settings are application-wide and define attributes used to generate the

To edit advanced settings:
2. In the Settings section, in the Advanced Settings field, click the Define Advanced
Settings icon (arrow in box).

3. Under the Description section, enter the following:

a. Short Description - enter Maintain project details
b. Description - enter This application is used to maintain project
details for the team. Projects include milestones, where you can
define due dates. Tasks can be defined against a milestone or
directly against the project. As well as tracking dates, this
application also tracks budget, for the project, and costs against
each task.

c. Click Save Changes.

Chapter 4
Completing the Create Application Wizard

4.6 Completing the Create Application Wizard

1. To complete the Create Application wizard:
1. Compare your app with the following screenshot:

2. Click Create Application.

A progress bar displays. When complete, Application Express navigates to the
Application home page in App Builder.

Chapter 4
Running the Application for the First Time

Page 0 is a global page where you can define components to be
displayed on all pages. Page 9999 is the Sign In page where end users
authenticate when first accessing the application (enter their username
and password). Pages 1000 and greater are administrative pages
created for the features that you selected.

4.7 Running the Application for the First Time

Your app is functionally ready to run.
When you "run" an app, you are telling Application Express to open a new browser
window and render the app. The rendered app is called the "application runtime" (or
just "runtime"). As you create new pages, you can run them individually, or run an
entire application.
Run the app for the first time from the Application home page and review the
application runtime.
1. To run the application from the Application home page:
1. Click Run Application.

A Sign In page appears.

2. Enter your Application Express credentials and click Sign In.
Your application opens to the Home page.

Chapter 4
Running the Application for the First Time

3. Click the menu icon (top-left) to view the navigation menu.

Chapter 4
Running the Application for the First Time

Memorize the location of the menu icon. You use it throughout the rest of the
tutorial to navigate the app.
4. Explore the application by clicking on menu items and navigating to different
pages in the navigation pane.
The sample tables and data display on various pages in a raw format. The rest of
this tutorial guides you through the development process to improve both the
presentation and functionality of this data for your end users.
Proceed to the next lesson.

Developing the Projects Page
Use the Create Page Wizard and Page Designer to add a sophisticated form page for
the Projects report.

About This Lesson

In this lesson, you are introduced to the two primary means of development: Page
Designer and the Application Runtime ("runtime" for short).
In Page Designer, use the Rendering tab and Layout tab to add new regions to the
Projects page. Then, use the Property Editor to edit a wide array of attributes for
region and page components, including SQL statements and appearance options.
In the runtime, you use the Runtime Developer toolbar to make changes on the page
immediately and to quickly shift back to Page Designer.

5.1 Navigating to Page Designer from the Application

At the end of the previous lesson, you ran the application from the Application home
page in App Builder and opened the Home page of the application.
Running an application from App Builder also displays the Runtime Developer
toolbar at the bottom of the window.

You can use the Runtime Developer toolbar to quickly edit the page (and some
aspects of the entire application). This toolbar only displays for users with developer or
administrator privileges.
1. To view the Home page in Page Designer using the Runtime Developer toolbar:
1. In the top-left of the application runtime, do one of the following:
• Click the name of the app Demo Projects.
• Expand the navigation menu (click the menu icon) and click Home. (Do not
click Home on the Developer Toolbar.)
The runtime Home page displays.
2. On the Runtime Developer toolbar, click Edit Page 1.
Page Designer displays page 1.

Chapter 5
Creating a Form Page Using the Create Page Wizard

The number in the Edit Page # button corresponds to its assigned page
number in Page Designer.

Page Designer is the primary asset for Application Express developers. It's a
powerful IDE (integrated development environment) with a robust array of
tools for building, maintaining, and enhancing applications. Up to this point,
you have mainly experienced the Create Application Wizard and SQL

You rely primarily on Page Designer for the rest of this tutorial.
You can always learn more about Page Designer with the official Oracle
Application Express App Builder User’s Guide.

5.2 Creating a Form Page Using the Create Page Wizard

Use the Create Page Wizard to add new pages to an app. It has a more robust
interface for adding new pages than the Create Application Wizard.
Add a form to the Projects report to give your users a way to edit the information
1. To open the Create Page Wizard in Page Designer:

1. Click the Create menu icon (top-right) and select Page.

Chapter 5
Linking Project Cards to Maintain Project Form

The Create Page Wizard appears.

2. Select Form.
3. Select Form (again).
4. Enter the following:
a. Page Number - enter 4
b. Page Name - enter Maintain Project
c. Page Mode - select Modal Dialog
d. Click Next.
5. For Navigation Preference, enter the following:
a. Select Do not associate this page with a navigation menu entry.
b. Click Next.
6. For Data Source, enter the following:

a. Table / View name - click the List of Values icon and select
b. Click Next.
7. For Create Form - Columns and Primary Key, enter the following:
a. Primary Key Type - select Managed by Database (ROWID)
b. Click Create.
Page Designer reloads displaying Page 4: Maintain Project.

5.3 Linking Project Cards to Maintain Project Form

You can now update the SQL queries on the Projects report to call the Maintain
Project form.
Reconfigure the cards on the Projects page to display Maintain Project form when
1. To navigate to the Projects page (page 3) in Page Designer:
1. On the toolbar, locate the Page Finder area.

Chapter 5
Linking Project Cards to Maintain Project Form

2. Do one of the following:

• Click the Page Finder icon and select 3 from the list.
• Change the page number to 3 and press Enter.
• Click the Navigate to Previous Page icon (down arrow).
Page Designer loads Page 3: Projects.
2. To update the SQL of the Projects region:
3. Do one of the following to select the Projects region:
• In the Rendering tab (left pane), under Regions - Content Body, select
• In the Layout tab (center pane), scroll down and click the Projects region.

4. In Property Editor (right pane), in the Source group, locate the SQL Query field.

Chapter 5
Linking Project Cards to Maintain Project Form

5. Click the Code Editor: SQL Query icon to read the code more easily.
Reviewing the SQL Query, you can see that the SQL uses alias names, such as
CARD_MODIFIERS and CARD_LINK. These specific aliases are required by the
Cards region to produce the correct output. The alias CARD_LINK can be updated
to link to the new page you just created.
6. In the SQL Query field, replace the contents with the following code:

select ' ' card_modifiers

, apex_page.get_url( p_page => '4', p_clear_cache => '4', p_items =>
'P4_ROWID', p_values => rowid ) card_link
, ' ' card_color
, ' ' card_icon
, apex_string.get_initials(name) card_initials
, name card_title
, description card_text
, 'Budget '|| to_char(budget,'L99G999') card_subtext

Chapter 5
Linking Project Cards to Maintain Project Form

7. Click the Validate icon to verify.

The message Validation successful displays at the top of the window.
8. Click OK.

9. Click Save and Run Page .

• If you receive a warning dialog, click Try Again.

You can also click the Save button and then Save and Run Page to
avoid this warning.

The Projects page loads in the runtime.

10. Click a project to view the Maintain Project form for that project.

Chapter 5
Updating the Maintain Project Form in Page Designer

Your users should not have unlimited access to several fields, either because the
field does not pertain to the task of updating project details (such as IDs) or the
access compromises data integrity and security (various timestamps).
3. To quickly return to Maintain Project form in Page Designer:
11. On the Runtime Developer toolbar at the bottom of the screen, click Edit Page 4.

Page Designer loads Page 4: Maintain Project.

5.4 Updating the Maintain Project Form in Page Designer

Use Page Designer to make the following updates to the Maintain Project form (page
4) to improve usability and security:
• Hide a column by changing the type to hidden
• Move an item within an existing region
• Change an item to a select list
• Change multiple items to text fields
• Create a sub region to organize items into a read-only, expandable group
1. End users do not need to see the ID column in the form. Change P4_ID to a
hidden column to keep it from rendering in the app at all.
To hide a column in Page Designer:
1. In the Layout tab, click the P4_ID item.
2. In Property Editor:

• Identification: Type - select Hidden.

Chapter 5
Updating the Maintain Project Form in Page Designer

2. To move an item in a region:

3. In the Layout tab:
a. Right-click the P4_STATUS_ID item.
b. Select Move To, Maintain Project, Items, P4_BUDGET, and After.

You can also use the mouse to drag and drop elements in the
Rendering tab and Layout tab.

Chapter 5
Updating the Maintain Project Form in Page Designer

4. Click Save:

3. To convert an item to a select list:

5. Ensure P4_STATUS_ID is still selected.
6. In the Property Editor:
a. Identification: Type - select Select List. (Ignore the warning icons that
b. Label: Label - enter Status
c. List of Values: Type - select SQL Query.
d. List of Values: SQL Query - enter the following:

select description d, id r
order by display_order

e. List of Values: Display Extra Values - click to disable.

f. List of Values: Null Display Value - enter the following:

- Select Status -

Chapter 5
Updating the Maintain Project Form in Page Designer

The above SQL uses the base table EBA_PROJECT_STATUS which includes a
column called display_order to ensure the records display in the correct order.
7. Click Save.
4. To change multiple items simultaneously:
8. Press and hold the Ctrl key and click the following items to select both of them:
a. P4_NAME
9. In the Property Editor:

Chapter 5
Updating the Maintain Project Form in Page Designer

• Identification: Type - select Text Field.

When selecting multiple elements, the Property Editor only displays the attributes
that all the selected elements have in common.
5. To create a collapsible sub region:
10. In the Rendering tab, right-click the Maintain Project region and select Create
Sub Region.

The New sub region appears within the Sub Regions folder.

Chapter 5
Updating the Maintain Project Form in Page Designer

11. In the Property Editor:

a. Identification: Title - enter Audit Details

b. Appearance: Template - select Collapsible.
c. Server-side Condition: Type - select Item is NOT NULL.
d. Server-side Condition: Item - enter P4_ROWID (you can also select the page
from a pop-up list).
Setting the Server-side Condition checks that the Rowid is not null and only
displays the region when a user updates the record.
12. Locate and click the Appearance: Template Options button (Use Template
Defaults, Expanded, Scroll - Default).

Chapter 5
Updating the Maintain Project Form in Page Designer

13. In Template Options:

a. General: Remember Collapsible State - select the check box

b. Default State - select Collapsed
c. Style - select Remove Borders

Chapter 5
Updating the Maintain Project Form in Page Designer

d. Click OK.
The Template Options button reflects the current configuration: "Use Template
Defaults, Remember Collapsible State, Collapsed, Remove Borders, Scroll -

14. Click Save.

6. Rather than using drag and drop, you can use Property Editor to move multiple
items into the Audit Details sub region, convert them to Display Only, and switch
their appearance template all at once.
To move items into a sub region with the Property Editor:
15. Hold the Ctrl key and select the following items:


Chapter 5
Updating the Maintain Project Form in Page Designer

16. In the Property Editor:

a. Identification: Type - select Display Only

b. Layout: Region - select ..Audit Details
c. Appearance: Template - select Optional - Floating

The double periods are a shortening device for the names of sub
regions in the interface. Think of it as actually reading "the sub
region Audit Details."

The items move into the sub region.

17. Click Save.

7. The Maintain Project form is a modal page. You cannot run a modal page directly
from Page Designer the way you can other pages. You must navigate to the
associated non-modal page in the runtime (in this case, page 3 - Projects), then
open the modal page from there.
To run the modal Maintain Project page:
18. Switch back to the runtime tab in your browser and reload the Projects page.
(Click your browser's refresh or reload button.)
19. Click a project card. Note the changed Status field and expandable Audit Details

Chapter 5
Creating a Dynamic Action

Trying clicking each and observe how the page responds.

20. When finished, click Edit Page 4 on the toolbar to return to Maintain Project in
Page Designer.

5.5 Creating a Dynamic Action

Add a Dynamic Action to the P4_STATUS_ID item select lists so that when the user
changes the project Status to "Completed," the completion date displays.

Chapter 5
Creating a Dynamic Action

Dynamic Actions within Application Express are used to declaratively define client-side
behaviors without writing JavaScript or AJAX. Instead, the Application Express engine
implements the necessary code based on your declaration.
1. To create a Dynamic Action:
1. In the Rendering tab, right-click the P4_STATUS_ID item and select Create
Dynamic Action.
A Dynamic Actions element populates as a child to P4_STATUS.

2. In the Property Editor:

a. Identification: Name - enter Show Completed Date
b. Client-side Condition: Type - select Item = Value
c. Client-side Condition: Value - enter 3

Entering 3 in the Value field (status_ID=3) targets the third item in
the select list, which in this case is the "Completed" status.

3. In the Rendering tab, under the Show Completed Date dynamic action, select the
Show element.

Chapter 5
Creating a Dynamic Action

4. In the Property Editor:

• Affected Elements: Items(s) - click the LOV icon and select

P4_COMPLETED_DATE (you can also enter P4_COMPLETED_DATE).
2. For some types of Dynamic Actions (such as Show, Enable, and Expand Tree),
you must also create the corresponding opposite action. With an opposite action, if
the True When Condition affects elements one way, then the False When
Condition affects elements the opposite way.
To add an opposite action:
5. In the Rendering tab, under Show Completed Date, right-click Show and select
Create Opposite Action.
The Hide dynamic action populates (Hide is the opposite of Show).

Chapter 5
Adding Validations to Completed Date

Here, the P4_COMPLETED_DATE item displays when P4_STATUS_ID equals

Completed. When any other status is selected, P4_COMPLETED_DATE is
6. Click Save.

5.6 Adding Validations to Completed Date

Page validations ensure the data entered by end users is correct. If a validation fails,
then an error message is raised, and the values are not saved to the database.
Add two validations to the Completed Date item so that:
• When a user changes the status to Completed, they must also add the date.
• A user cannot enter a date in the future.
1. To create a new validation:
1. On the Maintain Project page in Page Designer, click the Processing tab (rotating
arrows) at the top of the Rendering tab.

Chapter 5
Adding Validations to Completed Date

2. Right-click the Validations element and select Create Validation.

New validation populates.

3. In the Property Editor:

a. Identification: Name - enter Completed Date is Not Null

Chapter 5
Adding Validations to Completed Date

b. Validation: Type - select Item is NOT NULL

c. Validation: Item - enter P4_COMPLETED_DATE
d. Error: Error Message - enter #LABEL# must have some value.
e. Error: Associated Item - select P4_COMPLETED_DATE
f. Server-side Condition: Type - select Item = Value
g. Server-side Condition: Item - enter P4_STATUS_ID
h. Server-side Condition: Value - enter 3
This condition ensures that the validation only fires when the Status item is

The label from the associated item replaces the #LABEL# text within
the Error Message. If you update the item label, the error message
also updates automatically. This improves consistency and ensures
that messages have current label references.

When you click within an attribute in Property Editor, you can view
examples of content (such as error messages) for that attribute by
clicking the Help tab at the top of the Layout tab.

i. Click Save.
2. To copy a validation:
4. In the Processing tab, right-click Completed Date is NOT NULL and select
The item "Completed Date is NOT NULL_1" populates, selected.
5. In the Property Editor:
a. Identification: Name - enter Completed Date is not Forward Dated
b. Validation: Type - select PL/SQL Expression
c. Validation: PL/SQL Expression - enter :P4_COMPLETED_DATE <= SYSDATE

Ensure you include the colon ( : ) . To reference a page item in PL/
SQL, you use the :ITEM_NAME syntax. SYSDATE returns the current
date from the Oracle Database.

d. Error: Error Message - enter #LABEL# cannot be forward dated

e. Server-side Condition: Type - select Item is NOT NULL
f. Server-side Condition: Item - enter P4_COMPLETED_DATE

Chapter 5
Adding Validations to Completed Date

6. Click Save.
7. In the runtime, reload the Projects page (reload the browser tab) and click a
project card to display Maintain Project.
The form is complete.

Chapter 5
Adding Validations to Completed Date

Try the following tasks to see how the application behaves:

• Change the Status and see how the Completed Date displays or vanishes.
• Find an In-Progress project, change the status to Completed but leave the
Completion Date empty, and click Apply Changes. (An error message should
• Enter a Completion Date in the future and click Apply Changes. (An error
message should be displayed.)
When finished, click Application ##### on the Developer Toolbar to return to the
Application home page.

Developing the Milestones Page
Use the Create Page Wizard and Page Designer to add an interactive grid page to the
application so that users can manage project Milestones.
In this lesson, you use the Create Page Wizard to add a new interactive grid page.
Similar to the older interactive report, interactive grids do not require a paired form
page to change the content displayed on the page.
In addition to the EBA_PROJECTS table, the app also contains the
EBA_PROJECT_MILESTONES and EBA_PROJECT_TASKS tables. These two tables contain
data for incremental milestones and tasks that help to track the progress of an entire
project more precisely.
Currently, your app only supports changes to the status of entire projects. Develop the
Milestones interactive grid so that your users can view and change the status of these
tasks and milestones.
Add and configure a Milestones entry in the Desktop Navigation Menu so it displays
across the entire app.
Use Dynamic LOVs (or lookups) to intelligently substitute information from another
table by checking against the ID of the content in the original table.
Repeat some familiar tasks to clean up the interactive grid in Page Designer and in the
runtime to make it more user-friendly.

6.1 Creating an Interactive Grid Page

Start by using the Create Page Wizard to add a new page.
1. To add an interactive grid page to the application:
1. On the Application home page, click Create Page.
The Create Page Wizard displays.
2. Click Report.
3. Click Interactive Grid.
4. Enter the following:
a. Page Number - enter 5
b. Page Name - enter Milestones
c. Click Next.
5. For Navigation Menu, click Create a new navigation menu entry.
6. Use the default settings and click Next.
7. For Report Source, enter the following:
a. Editing Enabled - click to enable.

Chapter 6
Updating the Navigation Menu for Milestones

b. Table / View Name - click the LOV icon and select


c. Click Create.
The new Milestones page loads in Page Designer.
8. Click Save and Run Page.
The Milestones report displays in the runtime.

6.2 Updating the Navigation Menu for Milestones

On the Milestones page in the runtime, examine the Milestones entry in the navigation
sidebar (click the menu icon in the top-left to expand the menu).
Elements that appear on all pages (such as the Navigation Menu) are controlled in
Shared Components.
1. To view the Navigation Menu in Shared Components:
1. Click Edit Page 5 on the Runtime Developer toolbar to return to Page Designer.
2. Do one of the following:
• Above the Rendering tab, click the Shared Components tab. Click Desktop
Navigation Menu and in Property Editor click Edit Component.

Chapter 6
Updating the Navigation Menu for Milestones

• Near the Save button, click the Shared Components icon ( ). Under
Navigation, click Navigation Menu, and click Desktop Navigation Menu.

2. Update the sequence and the icon from the blank default for Milestones.
To update the Milestones list entry:
3. Click Milestones.
4. Enter the following:
a. Sequence - enter 50
Use 50 to stay in sync with the page number (5).
b. Image/Class - click the LOV icon and select fa-table-pointer

Use the search function in your browser to find the icon easily (Ctrl +
F or Cmd + F).

Chapter 6
Hiding Columns in the Application Runtime

c. Click Apply Changes.

5. Click the Run icon ( ) in the top-right corner to run the app. Note the
changes to the navigation sidebar.

6.3 Hiding Columns in the Application Runtime

Develop the Milestones interactive grid on page 5 in the application runtime by hiding
several columns from view and moving the Due Date column.

Oracle recommends hiding columns rather than deleting them in case you
need them in the future.

1. In the runtime, you can hide columns using the Column Heading menu or the
Actions menu.
To quickly hide a column in an interactive grid:
1. Click the Id column heading and select Hide.

Chapter 6
Hiding Columns in the Application Runtime

2. To hide multiple columns in an interactive grid:

2. Click the Actions menu and select Columns.

3. In the list of columns on the left, click the check boxes adjacent to the following
columns to deselect them:
• Created
• Created By
• Updated
• Updated By

Chapter 6
Hiding Columns in the Application Runtime

4. Click Save.
3. Rearrange the columns in the interactive grid to prioritize the Due Date over other
5. To move a column, do one of the following:
• Drag and Drop Column Heading
a. Hover the mouse over the Due Date column heading. Note the thin dotted
columns that display at the start of the heading. These are the grip handle.

b. Click and hold the grip handle and drag and drop the Due Date column
between Project Id and Name.

Chapter 6
Adding Project Names to the Milestones Interactive Grid

• Columns Dialog in Actions Menu

a. Click the Actions menu and select Columns.
b. Click the Due Date column to select it. (Do not click the check box.)
c. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons below the list to move Due
Date below Project Id.
d. Click Save.

4. To save your changes to the report:

6. Click Actions, select Report, and click Save.
The message "Default report saved for all users" displays.

6.4 Adding Project Names to the Milestones Interactive Grid

While the Milestones interactive grid is based on EBA_PROJECT_MILESTONES, note that
none of the columns provide alphabetical names for the projects. Project names are
stored in another table: the NAME column in EBA_PROJECTS. Report regions can query
other tables with a Dynamic LOV. This is also called a lookup.
First, create the Dynamic LOV in Shared Components and configure it to query

Then use Page Designer to convert the PROJECT_ID column to a Select List, and
choose the Dynamic LOV / lookup to display the alphanumerical name of the
referenced project instead of the numerical ID.
1. To return to Page Designer:
1. Click Edit Page 5 on the Runtime Developer Toolbar.
2. To create a new Dynamic LOV lookup:

2. Click the Shared Components icon (top-right).

3. Under Other Components, click List of Values.
4. Click Create.
5. Select From Scratch and click Next.
6. For Name and Type:

Chapter 6
Adding Project Names to the Milestones Interactive Grid

a. Name - enter Project Name

b. Type - select Dynamic
c. Click Next.
7. For Source Type, select SQL Query.
8. Copy and paste the following code:

select NAME d, ID r
order by NAME

9. Click Next.
10. Click Create.

The Lists of Values screen redisplays with the Project Name LOV present.
11. Click the Edit Page 5 icon in the top-right to return to the Milestones page in Page

3. To convert a column to a Select List:

12. Click the Rendering tab icon to switch back to it.

13. In the Rendering tab, under Milestones, expand Columns and select
14. In Property Editor:

a. Identification: Type - select Select List

b. Heading: Heading - enter Project
c. List of Values: Type - select Shared Component
d. List of Values: List of Values - select Project Name
e. List of Values: Display Extra Values - click to disable
f. List of Values: Null Display Value - enter the following:

- Select Project -

15. Click Save and Run Page.

Chapter 6
Changing the Appearance of an Interactive Grid in Page Designer

16. Review your changes to the Project column in the Runtime. When finished, click
Edit Page 5 to return to Page Designer.

6.5 Changing the Appearance of an Interactive Grid in Page

Perform some routine clean-up tasks to make the interactive grid more user-friendly:
• Change the heading of the Name column to instead refer specifically to Milestones.
• Convert the audit columns to Display Only to prevent end users from changing the
1. To change a column heading:
1. In the Rendering tab, under Milestones, expand Columns.
2. Select NAME.
3. In Property Editor:
a. Identification: Type - select Text Field
b. Heading: Heading - enter Milestone
2. To change multiple columns to Display Only:
4. Hold Ctrl and select the following columns:

Chapter 6
Finalizing the Milestones Interactive Grid in the Runtime

5. In Property Editor:

• Identification: Type - select Display Only

6. Click Save and Run Page to enter the runtime.

6.6 Finalizing the Milestones Interactive Grid in the Runtime

Perform some routine clean-up tasks to complete the default Milestones report:
• Sort the report so that it displays projects alphabetically.
• Save your changes to the report layout as the new default.
1. To set multiple columns to sort ascending:
1. Hover over the Project column heading and click the Sort Ascending icon (up
2. Hold the Shift key, hover over the Due Date column heading, and click the Sort
Ascending icon (up arrow).
Icons display next to the Project and Due Date column names indicating their sort

2. To save the report layout as the new default:

3. Click the Actions menu, select Report, and select Save.
You cannot use the Save button at the top of the report for this step because it
does not overwrite the report default.

Chapter 6
Finalizing the Milestones Interactive Grid in the Runtime

4. Click Application ##### on the Runtime Developer toolbar to return to the

Application home page.
The Milestones page is complete. Proceed to the next lesson.

Developing the Tasks Page
Use the Create Page Wizard to create a new Report with Form for end users to
manage their project tasks.

About This Lesson

In this lesson, you add a new pair of pages to your app: Report with Form.
"Report with Form" (or "Report and Form") is the most common page construct within
web applications. End users view the report and submit changes with a form page.
In your app, the Tasks report displays details for work to be done toward the
associated project (based on the EBA_PROJECT_TASKS table). The Update Task form
enables users to update the task, such as changing the status or moving the due date.
Use the Create Page Wizard to generate the pair of pages. Begin with the Report
page. Repeat some familiar tasks to develop the report (update Navigation Menu in
Shared Components, hide extraneous columns, apply lookups to the report).
Apply a format mask for columns with set date and numbering formats.
Use the decode SQL statement to convert all instances of "Y" or "N" in a Yes/No
column to display instead as Yes or No.
For the modal Form page, use Page Designer to refine the fields to mirror their
counterparts in the Report. Many of the procedures for the Form are very similar to
those for the Report.

7.1 Creating an Interactive Report Page

Use the Create Page Wizard to add a new interactive report with form page to your
app. Base it on EBA_PROJECTS_TASKS.

1. To add an interactive report with form to the application:

1. In the Application home page, click Create Page.
2. Click Report.
3. Click Report with Form.
4. For Page Attributes:
a. Report Page Number - enter 6
b. Report Page Name - enter Tasks
c. Form Page Number - enter 7
d. Form Page Name - enter Update Task
e. Form Page Mode - select Modal Dialog
f. Click Next.
5. For Navigation Menu:

Chapter 7
Updating the Tasks Page in the Runtime

a. Navigation Preference - select Create a new navigation menu entry

b. Click Next.
6. For Data Source:
a. Table / View Name - click the LOV icon.
c. In the list of Columns, double-click ID (Number) to move it to the left column
(this removes it from display in the report).
The ID column contains the numeric identifier for each row in the table. Users
do not need to view or access this information at any time. Since you would
hide the columns in both pages later anyway, this step saves you time.
d. Click Next.
Note that the wizard removes ID from the next section to match the columns in
the report in the previous screen.
7. For Create Form - Columns and Primary Key:
a. Primary Key Column - select ID (Number)
b. Click Create.
The wizard creates the pages. Page Designer loads the interactive report page
(page 6, Tasks).
The page contains the interactive report region Report 1.
2. To rename a report region:
8. Click Report 1 in Layout tab or Rendering tab.
9. In Property Editor:

• Identification: Title - enter Tasks

10. Click Save and Run Page to view the interactive report in the runtime.

In the runtime, note that as you scroll right, the report displays numerical identifiers in
several columns as well as audit detail columns.
Perform the same tasks as you did for Milestones to update the Tasks page.

7.2 Updating the Tasks Page in the Runtime

Complete some routine tasks in the runtime to perform an initial update to the Tasks
page (similar to those that you performed for the Milestones page, except Tasks uses
an interactive report instead of an interactive grid):
• Update the Navigation Menu in Shared Components
• Hide the audit columns from the default report in the runtime
1. To view the Navigation Menu in Shared Components:
1. Click Edit Page 6 on the Runtime Developer toolbar to return to Page Designer.

2. Near the Save button, click the Shared Components icon .

3. Under Navigation, click Navigation Menu.

Chapter 7
Updating the Tasks Page in the Runtime

4. Click Desktop Navigation Menu.

2. To update the Tasks list entry:
5. Click Tasks.
6. For List Entry:
a. Image/Class - click the LOV icon and select fa-table
b. Click Apply Changes.
7. Click the Run icon (play button) in the top-right corner to run the app. Click the
menu icon (top-left) and note the changes to the navigation sidebar.
3. Hide the audit columns from displaying in the default report in the runtime.
To hide multiple columns in an interactive report:
8. Click the Actions menu and select Columns.
9. In the list of columns under Display in Report, double-click the following columns
to move them to Do Not Display:
• Created
• Created By
• Updated
• Updated By

10. Click Apply.

4. To save the report layout as the new default:

11. Click the Actions menu, select Report, and click Save Report.

12. In Save Report:

Chapter 7
Applying Lookups to the Tasks Interactive Report

a. Save - select As Default Report Settings.

b. Default Report Type - select Primary.
c. Click Apply.

7.3 Applying Lookups to the Tasks Interactive Report

The dynamic LOV you created earlier is also called a lookup (because the query
"looks up" a value in another table).
First, copy the PROJECT NAME Dynamic LOV in Shared Components and configure

Then apply the two lookups to the PROJECT_ID and MILESTONE_ID columns.

1. To copy an LOV:
1. Click Edit Page 6 on the Runtime Developer toolbar to return to Page Designer.
2. Click the Shared Components icon.
3. Under Other Components, click List of Values.
4. Click Copy.
5. For Copy List of Values:
a. Copy List of Values - select PROJECT NAME - Dynamic
b. New List of Values Name - enter Milestone Name
c. Click Copy.
The Lists of Values screen redisplays with the MILESTONE NAME item.
7. Under Query, delete the contents then copy and paste the following code:

select NAME d, ID r
order by NAME

8. Click the Validate icon (checkmark) to confirm the query works.

9. Click Apply Changes.
10. Click the Edit Page 6 icon in the top-right to return to the Tasks page in Page
2. Apply the Project Name dynamic LOV to the PROJECT_ID column (similar to the
process for the Milestones page). Then apply the Milestone Name dynamic LOV to
To apply the PROJECT NAME LOV to an interactive report:
11. In the Rendering tab, under Tasks, expand Columns and select PROJECT_ID.

12. In Property Editor:

a. Identification: Type - select Plain Text (based on List of Values)

b. List of Values: List of Values - select PROJECT NAME
c. Heading: Heading - enter Project

Chapter 7
Updating the Remaining Columns in the Tasks Report

d. Click the Save button.

3. To apply the MILESTONE NAME LOV to an interactive report:
13. In the Rendering tab, under Columns, select MILESTONE_ID.

14. In Property Editor:

a. Identification: Type - select Plain Text (based on List of Values)

b. List of Values: List of Values - select MILESTONE NAME
c. Heading: Heading - enter Milestone
15. Click Save and Run Page.

16. Scroll down the report to review the Project and Milestone columns in the Runtime.
When finished, click Edit Page 6 to return to Page Designer.

7.4 Updating the Remaining Columns in the Tasks Report

Update the other remaining columns in the Tasks interactive report from their raw state
generated by the Create Page Wizard:
1. To update a column heading in an interactive report:
1. In the Rendering tab, under Tasks, expand Columns and select NAME.
2. In Property Editor:

• Heading: Heading - enter Task

2. To apply a date format mask to multiple columns:
3. In the Rendering tab, hold Ctrl and select the two following columns:
4. In Property Editor:
a. Appearance: Format Mask - click the LOV icon
b. Select 12-JAN-2004.

You can also enter DD-MON-YYYY in the field without opening the list.

c. Click Save.
3. To apply a dollar amount format mask to a column:
5. In the Rendering tab, select COST.

Chapter 7
Updating the Remaining Columns in the Tasks Report

6. In Property Editor:
a. Appearance: Format Mask - click the LOV icon
b. Scroll down and select $5,234.10.
c. Click Save.
4. To configure an interactive report with a _YN column to display "Yes" and "No"
(instead of Y or N):
7. In the Rendering tab, select IS_COMPLETE_YN.
8. In Property Editor:
a. Heading: Heading - enter Complete
b. Click Save.
9. Click the Tasks report region (under Content Body in the Rendering tab).
10. In Property Editor:

a. Source: Type - select SQL Query.

b. Source: SQL Query - delete the contents then copy and paste the following

select ID,
decode(is_complete_yn, 'Y', 'Yes', 'No') IS_COMPLETE_YN,

The decode statement is used to compare the column value against the first value
("Y") and replace it with the next value ("Yes"), and otherwise replace it with the
final value ("No").
11. Click Save and Run Page.

Chapter 7
Updating the Project and Milestone Fields in the Update Task Form

12. Review your changes to the report in the runtime. When finished, proceed to the
next section.

7.5 Updating the Project and Milestone Fields in the Update

Task Form
When you created the Tasks Report with Form in the Create Page Wizard, you chose
to make the form modal. (If you had left the check box unselected, it would be a
separate page in the runtime instead of a pop-up overlay.) To view a modal page in
the runtime, you must open it from its associated report.
Open the Update Task form by clicking one of the Edit icons in the Tasks interactive
1. To view a modal form for an interactive report in the runtime:
1. Click the Edit icon (pencil) for a row.

Chapter 7
Updating the Project and Milestone Fields in the Update Task Form

The Update Task form displays.

Note also that the page number on the Runtime Developer toolbar changed from
the report (page 6) to the form (page 7).
2. The form is still in a raw state, but because it is based on EBA_PROJECT_TASKS, the
development process is very similar to what you did for the report:
• The Milestone and Project name fields use numeric identifiers instead of

Chapter 7
Updating the Project and Milestone Fields in the Update Task Form

• The names of some fields (such as "Project Id") should be user-friendly.

• Some fields are editable text fields instead of restricted select lists or display
• The audit columns do not need to display here (they are present in the report).
Start by applying the PROJECT NAME and MILESTONE NAME lookups to the
appropriate fields.
To return to Page Designer using Quick Edit:

2. On the Runtime Developer toolbar, click Quick Edit ( ).

You enter Quick Edit mode. The screen darkens and when you mouse over
different elements a wrench icon displays.
3. In Quick Edit mode, click the Project Id field (do not click the wrench icon).

Page Designer loads with P7_PROJECT_ID selected.

3. To apply lookups to the Project and Milestone fields:
4. In Property Editor:
a. Identification: Type - select Select List.
b. Label: Label - enter Project
c. List of Values: Type - select Shared Component.
d. List of Values: List of Values - select PROJECT NAME
6. In Property Editor:
a. Identification: Type - select Select List.
b. Label: Label - enter Milestone
c. List of Values: Type - select Shared Component.
d. List of Values: List of Values - select MILESTONE NAME
7. Click Save.
8. Return to the runtime and refresh the page, then click an Edit icon (pencil) to
redisplay the form.
Remember that you cannot run a modal page directly from Page Designer. You
must run the non-modal page associated with it, then reopen it.

Chapter 7
Updating the Remaining Fields in the Update Task Form

9. Note the changed Project and Milestone fields. Click each to see how they
10. When finished, click Edit Page 7 on the Runtime Developer toolbar.

7.6 Updating the Remaining Fields in the Update Task Form

Finally, perform a series of small tasks to update the Update Task form's presentation:
• Name - change the Name field to a text field and change the label to Task.
• Assignee - change to a select list based on SQL query.
• Start Date and End Date - change the format mask to DD-MM-YYYY.
• Cost - change the alignment and format mask ($5,234.10).
• Is Complete Yn - change the label and type to a switch.
• Hide the audit columns (Created, Created By, Updated, Updated By).
1. To update the P7_NAME field:
1. Click P7_NAME.
2. In Property Editor:
a. Identification: Type - select Text Field.
b. Label: Label - enter Task
2. To update the P7_ASSIGNEE field:
3. Click P7_ASSIGNEE.
4. In Property Editor:
a. Identification: Type - select Select List.
b. List of Values: Type - select SQL Query.
c. List of Values: SQL Query - copy and paste the following code:

select distinct ASSIGNEE as d,

order by 1

d. Click Save.
3. To update the P7_START_DATE and P7_END_DATE fields:
5. Hold Shift or Ctrl and click P7_START_DATE and P7_END_DATE to select them
6. In Property Editor:
a. Settings: Show - select Both.
b. Appearance: Format Mask - click the LOV icon.
c. Select 12-JAN-2004.
7. Click P7_END_DATE to only select it.
8. In Property Editor:

Chapter 7
Updating the Remaining Fields in the Update Task Form

a. Layout: Start New Row - click to disable.

b. Click Save.
4. To update the P7_COST field:
9. Click P7_COST.
10. In Property Editor:

a. Settings: Number Alignment - select Left.

b. Appearance: Format Mask - click the LOV icon.
c. Select $5,234.10.
d. Click Save.
5. To update the P7_IS_COMPLETE_YN field:
11. Click P7_IS_COMPLETE_YN.
12. In Property Editor:

a. Identification: Type - select Switch.

b. Label: Label - enter Complete
6. To hide the audit column fields:
13. Hold Ctrl or Shift and select the four following items:

14. In Property Editor:

a. Identification: Type - select Hidden.

b. Click Save.
15. Return to the runtime and refresh the page.

16. Click an Edit icon (pencil) to redisplay the form.

Chapter 7
Updating the Remaining Fields in the Update Task Form

17. Review your changes. Try clicking around the form to explore the new interface.
When finished, click Application ##### on the Runtime Developer toolbar to
return to the Application home page.
The Tasks report with form is complete. Proceed to the next lesson.

Developing the Dashboard Page
Update and add new regions to the Dashboard page with Page Designer.

About This Lesson

In this lesson, you modify the regions of an existing page without the aid of a wizard.
You develop the Dashboard page generated by the Create App Wizard by deleting all
but one of the existing chart regions. You update the series, attributes, and Template
Options of the remaining chart region to improve usability and appearance.
You add a new report region from scratch using the Gallery instead of a wizard.
Reconfigure the report's SQL query and Template Options.

8.1 Deleting Regions in Page Designer

You created multiple charts for the Dashboard in the Create App Wizard. Review the
output in the runtime.
1. To view the runtime:
1. On the Application home page, click 2 - Dashboard.
2. Click Save and Run Page.
2. Note the four charts on the page. You decide that the bar chart is the best way to
present Costs info rather than a line or pie chart (Chart 3 and Chart 4). You also
decide to replace one chart (Project Status) with a report later.

Chapter 8
Deleting Regions in Page Designer

Start by deleting the charts you no longer want, then update the remaining chart
with another series to display more budget information.
To delete multiple regions in Page Designer:
3. Click Edit Page 2 on the Runtime Developer toolbar.
4. In Page Designer, hold Ctrl and click the three following items to select them:
• Project Status
• Chart 3
• Chart 4

Chapter 8
Updating the Series in the Project Costs Chart

5. With the three chart regions selected, do one of the following:

• Press Delete.
• Right-click one of the selected chart regions and select Delete.
Only Project Costs remains in Content Body.
6. Click Save and Run Page.

8.2 Updating the Series in the Project Costs Chart

The Project Costs chart only displays costs. This chart would be more meaningful if it
also displayed project budgets for comparison.
First, update the SQL for the existing series in the chart to change the display order of
the columns (among other updates), then create a new series in the chart to display
project budgets.

Chapter 8
Updating the Series in the Project Costs Chart

1. To update the first series:

1. Click Edit Page 2 on the Runtime Developer toolbar.
2. In the Layout or Rendering tab, click Project Costs.
3. In Property Editor:

• Identification: Title - enter Project Budgets and Costs

4. In the Rendering tab, under Series, click Series 1.
5. In Property Editor:
a. Identification: Name - enter Costs

b. Source: SQL Query - click the Code Editor icon ( ).

c. Copy and paste the following code:

select, sum(cost) value

from eba_project_tasks t
, eba_projects p
where = t.project_id
group by
order by 1

d. Click OK.
An error message displays under Column Mapping: Value.

The above SQL is a significant update to the old code. This revised
SQL joins the EBA_PROJECT_TASKS and EBA_PROJECTS tables so the
chart displays the project name instead of the project ID. This
requires including the where condition to link the primary key column
from Projects ( with the foreign key column from Tasks
(t.project_id). Finally, the group by clause was updated because
the specified column (PROJECT_ID) no longer displays (changed to

e. Column Mapping: Value - select VALUE

f. Click Save.
2. To add a series to a chart:
6. In the Rendering tab, right-click Series and select Create Series.
7. In Property Editor:
a. Identification: Name - enter Budgets
b. Source: Table Name - click the LOV icon.
d. Column Mapping: Label - select NAME
e. Column Mapping: Value - select BUDGET

Chapter 8
Updating the Appearance of the Dashboard Chart

8. Click Save and Run Page. Review the changes to the labels along the X-axis and
the new columns for each project. You can also mouse over each column for more

8.3 Updating the Appearance of the Dashboard Chart

While the chart is more usable now, it still needs some aesthetic improvements:
• The labels are too constrained by the space.
• The chart lacks a legend to indicate which column represents which value (cost or
• The chart does not fit vertically in the region (note the scroll bar).
• The cost and budget values lack a dollar sign.
These changes are in the region attributes and axis properties for the chart.
1. To change the attributes of a region:
1. Click Edit Page 2 on the Runtime Developer toolbar.
2. In the Rendering tab, under Project Budgets and Costs, click Attributes.
3. In Property Editor:
a. Layout: Height - enter 600
b. Legend: Show - click to enable
c. Legend: Position - select Top
d. Legend: Hide and Show Behavior - select No Rescaling
2. To change the properties of an axis:
4. In the Rendering tab, under Axes, click y.
5. In Property Editor:
a. Value: Format - select Currency
b. Value: Currency - enter $
6. Click Save and Run Page.

Chapter 8
Updating the Live Template Options for the Dashboard Chart

The runtime reloads, but you must scroll down within the region to see your
changes to the chart.

8.4 Updating the Live Template Options for the Dashboard

If you scroll down the chart region in the runtime, you can see your changes. (You may
need to maximize your window to view all the labels properly.) The individual elements
look good, but obviously you must alter the way the region displays on the page.
The final changes you need to make are in the Live Template Options, which you
access using Quick Edit on the Runtime Developer toolbar.
1. To open Live Template Options:
1. Click Quick Edit on the Runtime Developer toolbar.
You enter Quick Edit mode (screen darkens, mouse cursor becomes a crosshair).
2. Mouse over the Project Budgets and Costs chart region and click the wrench icon

The Live Template Options dialog displays.

Chapter 8
Adding a Classic Report Region from Gallery

3. In Live Template Options:

a. Body Height - select Auto - Default
b. Click Save.
The dashboard chart is complete.
Next, add a report region to replace the Project Status chart you deleted.

8.5 Adding a Classic Report Region from Gallery

Add a report to the page to display incomplete tasks.
Located beneath the central Layout tab, the Gallery is a quick way to peruse your
options for a variety of elements.

Chapter 8
Adding a Classic Report Region from Gallery

1. To add a classic report region from the Gallery:

1. Click Edit Page 2 on the Runtime Developer toolbar to return to Page Designer.
2. In the Gallery, click Regions.
3. Right-click Classic Report, select Add To, select Content Body, select Project
Budgets and Costs, and select After.

You can also add elements from the Gallery with the mouse using drag
and drop.

4. In Property Editor:
a. Identification: Title - enter Incomplete Tasks
b. Source: Type - select SQL Query
c. Source: SQL Query - copy and paste the following code:

select project

, milestone
, m.due_date
, task
, t.start_date
, t.end_date
from eba_projects p
, eba_project_milestones m
, eba_project_tasks t

Chapter 8
Adding a Classic Report Region from Gallery

where = m.project_id

and = t.project_id
and t.milestone_id = (+)
and nvl(t.is_complete_yn, 'N') = 'N'

5. Click Save and Run Page. Scroll down to view the report in the runtime.

2. The report displays an appropriate amount of information and columns, but it has
some residual layout problems. You can change this value in Live Template
To open Live Template Options in the runtime:
6. On the Runtime Developer toolbar, click Quick Edit.
7. Mouse over the Incomplete Tasks region and click the wrench icon (top-right).
8. In Live Template Options:
a. General - check Remove Body Padding
b. Click the Attributes tab (top).
c. General - check Stretch Report
d. Click Save.
9. Click Application ##### on the Runtime Developer toolbar to return to the
Application home page.
The report is finished and the Dashboard is complete.
Proceed to the next lesson.

Developing the Task Overview Page
Create a Faceted Search page based on the EBA_PROJECT_TASKS table that provides a
broad, easily sortable overview of all project work tracked in the app.

About This Lesson

In this lesson, you add the final page to your app: a Faceted Search page. Faceted
Search is a powerful tool for sorting through a large table.
You use the Create Page Wizard to add the page, then use Page Designer to update
the search results region, which resembles a classic report, and the search region,
which contains the facets users interact with to sort the results.

9.1 Creating a Faceted Search Page

1. To add a Faceted Search page to the application:
1. In the Application home page, click Create Page.
2. Click Report.
3. Click Faceted Search.
4. For Page Attributes:
a. Report Page Number - enter 8
b. Report Page Name - enter Task Overview
c. Click Next.
5. For Navigation Menu:
a. Select Create a new navigation menu entry.
b. Click Next.
6. For Report Source:
a. For Table / View Name, click the LOV icon.
b. Select EBA_PROJECT_TASKS (table).
c. Wait for the list of facets to populate below before proceeding.

Chapter 9
Creating a Faceted Search Page

The Create Page Wizard uses the Data Dictionary Cache to discover
valid facets. To learn more about this process, see "About Creating
Facet Search Reports" in the Oracle Application Express App Builder
User’s Guide.

d. Click Create.
When the wizard completes, Application Express loads the Task Overview page in
Page Designer automatically.
7. Click Save and Run Page to view the page in the runtime.

Chapter 9
Updating the Task Overview Search Results

8. When finished, click Edit Page 8 on the Runtime Developer toolbar to return to
Page Designer.

9.2 Updating the Task Overview Search Results

Perform some routine updates to improve the report area of the Task Overview page:
• Update the IS_COMPLETE column.
• Apply a format mask to the COST column.
• Update the Navigation Menu in Shared Components.
1. To update the IS_COMPLETE_YN column:
1. In the Rendering tab, locate the Search Results region (not Search).
2. Expand Columns and select IS_COMPLETE_YN.
3. In Property Editor:

• Heading: Heading - enter Complete

4. In the Rendering tab, click Search Results.
5. In Property Editor:
a. Source: Type - select SQL Query.
b. Source: SQL Query - delete the contents, then copy and paste the following

select ID,

Chapter 9
Updating the Task Overview Search Results

decode(is_complete_yn, 'Y', 'Yes', 'No') IS_COMPLETE_YN,

c. Click Save.
2. To apply a format mask to COST:
6. In the Rendering tab, select the COST column.
7. In Property Editor:
a. Appearance: Format Mask - click the LOV icon.
b. Scroll down and select $5,234.10.
c. Click Save.
3. To update the Navigation Menu entry for the Task Overview page:
8. Click the Shared Components icon.
9. Under Navigation, click Navigation Menu.
10. Click Desktop Navigation Menu.

11. Click Task Overview.

The List Entry screen displays.

12. Under Entry, for Sequence enter 80

13. For Image/Class, enter fa-table-pointer

14. Click Apply Changes.

15. Click the Run icon (top-right) to run the page.

16. In the runtime, click the menu icon (top-left) to expand the navigation menu.

Chapter 9
Updating the Task Overview Facets

The faceted search page is useful for quickly sorting through the contents of a
table. Interact with the facets to learn how they affect the results:
• Select and deselect facets on the left to narrow the scope of the display.
• Select multiple facets in the same category.
• Click Clear to deselect all facets in a category.
17. When finished, click Edit Page 8 on the Runtime Developer toolbar to return to
Page Designer.

9.3 Updating the Task Overview Facets

With the results report region updated, you can improve the look and function of the
search region with some basic tweaks:
• Change the order of facet items so that Milestones appear below Projects in the
Search region.
• Apply a Cascading LOV (List of Values) to the MILESTONE_ID column. A Cascading
LOV creates a dependency where the Milestone facet group only displays when a
Project facet is selected. This reduces clutter in the Search region.
• Add a search field to the Project facet group so that your users can quickly browse
the Projects list with a search string.
1. To change the facet order in Page Designer:
1. In the Rendering tab, under Search, click and hold P8_MILESTONE_ID facet and
drag it to display after P8_PROJECT_ID.
2. Click Save.
2. To apply a Cascading LOV to the Milestone facet group:
3. With P8_MILESTONE_ID still selected, in Property Editor:

Chapter 9
Updating the Task Overview Facets

a. List Entries: Sort by Top Counts - click to disable.

b. Cascading List of Values: Parent Facet - enter P8_PROJECT_ID
c. LOV Column - enter PROJECT_ID
d. Click Save and Run Page.
The runtime displays. Note that the Milestone group has disappeared.

4. In the runtime, click a Project facet. The Milestone category appears.

Chapter 9
Updating the Task Overview Facets

A Project filter displayed above the search results region.

You can select multiple facets, and a filter displays for each one. Click the X icon
to remove filters individually or click Clear All to deselect all facets.

If you select the Configure Web Environment project, the Milestone facet group
does not display because this Project does not contain any Milestones.
5. When finished, click Edit Page 8 on the Runtime Developer toolbar.
3. To add a search field to the Project facet group:
6. In the Rendering tab, under Search, select P8_PROJECT_ID.
7. In Property Editor:
a. List Entries: Zero Count Entries - select Show Last.
b. List Entries: Client-Side Filtering - click to enable.
Enabling Client-Side Filtering adds the text search field to the region. "Zero
Count Entries - Show Last" moves facets with no results for the selected
facets to the bottom of the list. They display as null.
c. Click Save and Run Page.

Chapter 9
Updating the Task Overview Facets

The faceted search page Task Overview is complete.

Congratulations! Your application is complete.

A list of values (LOV), 5-7
Live Template Options, 8-6
alias (SQL), 5-3 lookup, 6-7, 7-4
App Gallery, 8-7
Appearance Template, 6-9
application runtime, 4-8, 4-9
Navigation Menu, 6-2, 7-2
Cards page, 4-2
Classic Report, 8-7 opposite action, 5-16
Create Application wizard
Advanced Settings, 4-6
Features, 4-6 P
Settings, 4-6 Processing tab, 5-19
Create Application Wizard, 4-1 projects page, 5-2
Add Page function, 4-1

Quick Edit
Dashboard page, 4-3 Live Template Options, 8-6
Developer Toolbar, 5-1
Display Only, 6-9
dynamic action, 5-16 R
Dynamic LOV, 6-7, 7-4
region, 5-7
runtime, 4-8, 4-9, 5-1
form page, 5-2 S
Format Mask, 7-5
Save and Run Page, 4-8, 4-9
Select List, 6-7
H Shared Components
Navigation Menu, 6-2, 7-2
hidden column, 5-7 sub region, 5-7

interactive grid, 6-1 Template
interactive report Appearance, 6-9
column heading, 7-5 Template Options, 5-7

link (SQL), 5-3 validation, 5-19


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