2 Mora y Robinson Loxocemus - Lepidochelys

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, 32(1): 1 6 1-162, 1 984

Predation of sea turtle eggs (Lepidochelys) by the snake

Loxocemus bicolor C ope *

José Manuel Mora and Douglas C. Robinson

Escuela de Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica.

(Received for publication September 23, 1 983)

Resumen: Muy poco se conoce de la historia natural de la serpiente Loxocemus bi�olor Cope. Se informa
que esta especie incluye en su dieta huevos de la tortuga marina Lepidochelys ollVacea Eschscho1tz y se
discute su comportamiento para depredarlos con base en observaciones hechas en Costa RIca.

In recent times the snake genus Loxocemus snake was suspected of eating eggs or hatchlings
has been variously considered to belong to the and was inconc1usively identified as L. bicolor.
Loxocemidae (McDowell, 1 975), Boidae
On August 29th, 1 983, at 6 : 30 p.m. after
(Willard, 1 977), Xenopeltinae (Dowling and
dusk on Ostional Beach, 90 km south of
Duellman, 1 978) and Pythonidae (Alvarez del
Nancite, in the same province, we observed a L.
Toro, 1 982). Loxocemus bicolor Cope, the
bicolor approximately 1 .25 m in total length
only recognized species, occurs from Nayarit,
crawling through the sand. An arribada of
México through northwestem Costa Rica on
perhaps several thousand L. olivacea was
the Pacific coast of Middle America and in
occurring at the time, with the turtles in various
Chiapas, México and northeastem Hopduras on
stages of nesting. The snake was observed for
the Atlantic (Nelson and Meyer, 1967). In
about one hour during which time it consumed
Honduras it is known from sea level to an
three eggs. The first was encountered on the
altitude of approximately 600 m where it is
surface near a nest taken by poachers. The
reported from Tropical Moist F orest, Tro�ical
second was eaten within this same nest. The last
Dry Forest and Tropical Arid Forest formatlons
was tossed in the vicinity of the snake together
(Wilson and Meyer, 1 9 80). Scrub or thomy
with a hermit crab but only the egg was taken.
open forest occurs through most of its range
In each case the snake attempted various times
where it has been found in rock piles, holes in
to bite the egg and on succeding, enveloped it
the ground, under leaf litter, logs and the bark
with about two loops of the anterior third of its
of logs (Nelson and Meyer, 1 967) and occa­
trunk using the method termed category 1 by
ssionally abroad at night or on rainy days, as
Willard ( 1 977) in which "The snake makes coils
well as frequently inside ant hills, but primarily
with its venter toward its own head". This
subterranean (Alvarez del Toro, 1 982). The
pressure enabled the snake to pierce the egg,
latter states that little or almost nothing is
after which the entire egg was engulfed with
known of its habits. little or no loss.
One of us (Robinson) received a photograph
of a snake emerging from a sea turtle (Lepido­ The snake continued probing until it was
chelys olivacea Eschscholtz) nest on Nancite frightened by something and escaped.
Beach, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. The Willard ( 1 977) does not specify the prey
item used in his experiments with Loxocemus.
The distribution of this genus conforms well
*Partially financed by a World Wildlife Fund grant to
with that of sea turtles and large iguanid lizards
D.C. Robinson and administered under Pro! � ct
02-07-08-95 by the Vicerrectoría de InvestlgaclOn, whose eggs could well be, at least seasonally, a
Universidad de Costa Rica. stable portion of its dieto

LlTERATURE CITED reference to those in the Bernice P. Bishop Mu­

seum. Part 11. Anilioidt:a and Pythoninae. J. Herp.,
9: 1-80.

Alvarez del Toro, M. 1 9 82. Los reptiles de Chiapas. Nelson, C. E., & J. R. Meyer. 1967. Variation and
33 ed. Instituto de Historia Natural. Tuxtla Gutié­ distribution of the Middle American snake genus
rrez, Chiapas, México. 248 p. Loxocemus Cope (Boidae?). Sthwest. Natur.,
1 2 : 439-453.
Dowling, H.G., & W. E. Duellman. 1 978. Systematic
Herpetology: A Synopsis of Families and Higher Willard, D. E. 1977. Constricting methods of snakes.
Categories. Hiss Publications, New York. (unpa­ Copeia, 1 9 7 7 : 379-382.
Wilson, 1. D., & J. R. Meyer. 1 982. The snakes of
McDowell, S. B. 1 975. A catalogue of the snakes of Honduras. Milwaukee Public Museum. Wisconsin.
New Guinea and the Solomons, with special 159 p.

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