Name:: TICKET-IN WEEK 2 & Writing Workshop 1

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TICKET-IN WEEK 2 & Writing Workshop 1


A. Fill out the chart based on the video. Write real examples about you.

The Present Perfect

Affirmative Form Negative form Questions:
_____________________________ _____________________________ _________________________________
Example: Example: _
Uses of Present Perfect:
Example with already:
Example with yet:
Example with just:
Example with for:
Example with since

B. After the video: Read the text about the importance of music in our lives and complete it using the Present Perfect and the
verbs in parentheses.

Let’s talk about music

(1) _______ you ever ________________ (think) about what life would be like without music? Well, I have, and I
think the world would be a very quiet place. In my opinion, music is something extraordinary; it is what makes
humans “human”. Music is in several ways the fabric to our lives and the definition of society. It (2)
______________ (be) described as one of the most treasured human experiences; everyone enjoys music, and this
(3) _______________ (become) more apparent in significant events such as weddings, graduation ceremonies,
formal inaugurations and birthdays. No matter what it is used for, music is the perfect art and our lives would be
incomplete without it. Over the past years, many musicians and producers (4) _____________________ (make)
new music genres, and they (5) __________________ (mix) traditional rhythms with current tunes to create new
catchy music.

There are many different genres and styles for every occasion. For instance, the ambience in any room can be set
just by adding some music, and even there is soothing and relaxing tunes which can make our bad days better.
Every culture makes music and every past culture (6) _____________________ (create) music too. Several studies
(7) ____________________ (show) how music affects many parts of our brain deeply, creating strong feelings and
lasting memories. The more we learn about music, the more we will be able to say what we want in music.
Listening to music (8) ______________ (prove) to be like therapy for our souls.

C. Personalization: Answer the following questions about your favorite artist or band. Search for some information on the
internet if you need to. Write complete sentences using the Present perfect: Example: She has sung in more than 10
important music festivals around the world.
1. Who is your favorite artist or band? _______________________________________________________________________
2. Why is he/she/it your favorite? ___________________________________________________________________________
3. What is your favorite song? ______________________________________________________________________________
4. Has he/she won any prizes? Which ones? ___________________________________________________________________
5. How long has he/she been a musician? _____________________________________________________________________
6. Has he/she been to Colombia? ___________________________________________________________________________
7. Has he/she sung in a different language from his/her native one? _______________________________________________
8. Extra information: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Watch the Class Preparation Session Video (Effect Essay) and answer the following questions. Complete ALL the points
before class.

A. Read the following essay example and identify its parts. Use different colors to highlight each component.


Did you know video game addiction is a serious problem in many parts of the world -Hook________
today? It is no secret that children and adults in many countries throughout the world, -____________
including Japan, China, and the United States, play video games every day. Many
players have developed an addiction to playing video games, resulting in isolation and -____________
the disruption of the user’s career.

Firstly, one common effect of video game addiction is isolation and withdrawal from -____________
social experiences. Video game players often hide in their homes for days at a time
creating a breakdown of communication skills. As a result, the social networking in -____________
these online games often gives the users the impression that they are interacting -____________
socially, while their true social lives and personal relations may suffer.

A second unfortunate product that often accompanies video game addiction is the
disruption of the user’s career. While many players manage to enjoy video games and
still hold their jobs without problems, others experience challenges at their workplace. - ____________
Some may only experience warnings or demerits as a result of poorer performance, or others -____________
may end up losing their jobs altogether. Playing video games for extended periods of time
often involves sleep deprivation, and this tends to carry over to the workplace, reducing -____________
production and causing habitual tardiness.

Taking everything into account, video game addiction may impact on the person’s
social experiences and career. The fact that people spend a lot of time playing video
games without being able to share time with their families, friends or colleagues affect
people’s emotional conditions negatively impacting citizens’ quality life. - ___________

- Linking words
 The hook is the first sentence of your introduction which captures the attention of the reader.
 A hook may be an interesting question that relates to your essay or paper.
 Make sure it will catch the reader’s attention It can be helpful to relate your topic to surprising statistics,
current events, or experiences.

1. Did you know that women are two times more likely to experience clinical depression than men?
2. Have you ever stayed up all night to study for an exam, only to sleep through your exam the next morning?

C. Read the examples above and determine what kind of information they use. (Statistics, current events, or
1. Did you know that women are two times more likely to experience clinical depression than men?
2. Have you ever stayed up all night to study for an exam, only to sleep through your exam the next morning?
3. Did you know that 50 percent of children going to primary school drop out of school by the time they are 13
or 14? ___________________

According to the video, what are some signal words to focus on effects?
1. result in 2. 3. 4. 5.

E. Identify the parts of the following thesis statements:

Example: Computers have affected our lives in the economic field and in the field of communications.
Topic: Computers Focus: have affected Effect 1: economic field Effect 2: field of communications.

- Offshoring results in economy efficiency, on the one hand, but also in loss of local jobs, on the other hand.
Topic: Focus: Effect 1: Effect 2:

- Excessive intake of fast food lead to people’s health and psychological problems.

Topic: Focus: Effect 1: Effect 2:

F. Now it is your turn!

STEP 1: Read the topic for your essay (This is the topic for the 1st term):

What are the effects of music on people’s lives?

STEP 2: Write a hook for the topic given above, using one of the models given in exercise B. It must be a catchy
question related to the topic written in Step 1.



STEP 3: Brainstorming

In the following box write keywords about the topic you have been assigned for the essay. Do not search on the
internet, only write information that you know because of your experience or knowledge.

General information about the topic (20 words max):

What question(s) do I have for class?


G. Finally, copy-paste this completed workshop onto your Writing Portfolio (Teams), with today’s date.

Excellent job! You are ready for class 😊

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