Language Grammar Sem 1

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NAME: _________________
Prepositions of Time (on, in, at)

1. ___ Christmas

2. ___ noon

3. ___ Monday

4. ___ 08:20

5. ___ the morning

6. ___ Halloween

7. ___ 2017

8. ___ the weekend

9. ___ May 5th

10. ___ July 28th

11. ___ 2014

12. ___ Wednesday

13. My brother has a new job. He works ____ the evening

14. We’re going to have a picnic ____ Saturday afternoon. Would you like to


15. I’ll be finished my work ____ an hour. Then, I dan go home

16. When is the meeting? Is it ____ 02:00 pm?

17. I like to get up really early ____ sunrise, when the birds start to sing.

18. Tom’s birthday is next week ____ January 14.

19. My grandfather was born ____ the 1950s.

20.Will we be ____ time or will we miss our flight?

21. My family and I like to ski ____ winter.

22.Are there any holidays ____ October?

23.Our school cafeteria opens for lunch ____ noon.

24.What time does your son go to bed ____ night?

25.We moved to this city ____ 2012

26.Are you going to do anything special _____ your birthday?

27.I’m not going to watch that TV show. It starts ____ midnight.

Relative Pronouns (which, that, who, whose)

1. We don’t know the person _________ donated all the clothes.

2. He went to the same collage _______ my brother attended years ago.

3. Jeff is marrying a girl _______ his family does not approve of.

4. The 08:00 am flight is the flight _______ you need to take to make it

home in time.

5. Griff blamed himself for everything _______ had happened in the


6. The dog _______ had long hair, left fur balls everywhere he went.

7. Grace had a voice _______ was so beautiful to listen to.

8. The woman _______ house was at the top of the hill had the best

Halloween candy

9. This is the owl _______ lives in the tree outside my window.

10. The dog carried a stick _______ was long and heavy around the dog park
Verb + infinitive or ing

1. I hope ___________ (try) something new.

2. He’d like ___________ (eat) pancake mango.

3. We want to ___________ (eat) noodles but we don’t like want ___________

(have) ice cream.

4. Alexa can’t stand ___________ (buy) this novel.

5. Griff like ___________ (chat) with you.

6. Stevie doesn’t like ___________ (watch) the monster movie.

7. Kiara loves ___________ (travel) around the world with my mom.

8. Sabrina doesn’t want ___________ (text) you anymore.

9. My mom hates ___________ (cook) fish.

10. My husband like ___________ (read) this bedtime stories for our children.

11. Cecil hope ___________ (have) a little sister.

12. Clairine can’t stand ___________ (visit) her grandma.

13. My mom and my dad don’t like ___________ (go) fishing but they like

___________ (eat) fish so much.

14. Safira and Tommy would like ___________ (join) the red cross team.

15. They like ___________ (run) in Rampal.

Too many, too much, too few, too little

1. The dentist had ___________ patients in his office yesterday.

2. Sally had ___________ things to do.

3. There are ___________ people are in this class.

4. There is ___________ sugar in my coffee

5. The lawyer saw ___________ clients today

6. I have eaten ___________ watermelon today

7. There is ___________ time to finish the project.

8. There is ___________ milk in the fridge.

9. Liliy has ___________ things to do today.

10. James doesn’t have ___________ time left.

11. There are ___________ things to catch up to?

12. We use ___________ oil for fuel.

13. I have ___________ time to finish the project.

14. There are ___________ people signed up for the programme and it won’t go


15. ___________ time on our hands makes us rush while ___________ time on

or hands may make us bored.

Other, Another.

1. Can you manage ___________ piece of cake?

2. You wouldn’t remember me. I was in ___________ group.

3. I’m sorry, but I have ___________ plans.

4. Can I have ___________ cup of coffee, please?

5. I can’t speak about that now. Let’s discuss it some ___________ time.

6. This apple is sour. Can you give me ___________ apple from the basket?

7. Can you bring me my ___________ shoes please?

8. I’m so thirsty, I think I’ll have ___________ glass of water.

9. The TV is broken. We’ll have to buy ___________ one.

10. There were ___________ ones but I thought this was the best.

11. Were there many ___________ English people at the meeting?

12. I’m not a fan of salmon. What ___________ fish is there?

13. You need to buy ___________ pair of trousers for work.

14. Are there any ___________ nightclubs in town besides this one?

15. The ___________ day I saw Chuck, Norris fighting in the park.

16. What? ___________ chocolate? You’ll get fat if you aren’t careful!

17. Many ___________ cultures believe in some king of creator.

18. Do you have any ___________ names, like a nickname?

19. Sorry, but I’m leaving you. I’ve met ___________ woman.

20.You sat on my glasses! Now I’ll have to buy ___________ pair.

21. I can’t wear these pink shorts! Do you have any ___________?
Because or So

1. My cat was hungry ___________ it ate a fish.

2. I’m tired ___________ I didn’t sleep well last night.

3. Stewart bought lunch ___________ he was hungry.

4. Mary was sick last week ___________ she saw a doctor.

5. I was late for work this morning ___________ I overslept.

6. Sweden is a cold country ___________ people wear warm clothes in winter.

7. He didn’t study ___________ he failed the history exam.

8. They weren’t busy ___________ they helped me.

9. I wasn’t careful ___________ I fell off my bicycle.

10. Catherine didn’t spend much mone ___________ everything was on sale

11. The room is still messy ___________ I didn’t clean it.

12. I was angry ___________ my neighbor had a noisy party

13. Birds can fly ___________ they can travel long distances.

14. John has some more work to do ___________ he’ll be home late.

15. I’m afraid bees ___________ they might sting me.

16. It was raining ___________ I took my umbrella.

17. Thomas is sleepy ___________ it’s ten o’clock.

18. I was lost ___________ I asked for directions.

19. Olivia was happy ___________ she had a great time at the park.

20.Patrick can drive ___________ he took driving lessons last month

Before, After, When

1. They want to throw a party ___________ the Super Bowl is on TV.

2. ___________ we got to the party, we puton our costumes!

3. ___________ we arrived to the festival, we met our friends there.

4. I always buy gifts for my family ___________ I visit them

5. ___________ they launched fireworks, the police issued a fine, It was


6. We went home ___________ receiving the prizes

7. There was a competition in the festival ___________ the big celebration


8. I always have a great time ___________ I meet with my friends

9. ___________ they finished their performance, they took pictures with their


10. We went straight to bed ___________ getting home from the festival.

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