Guidelines For The 2nd Call For Membership of The Stakeholders' Chamber

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Guidelines and Procedures for the 2nd

Application of Membership to the Stakeholders’ Chamber on the


I. Background

The government recognizes the importance of a systematic, high-quality

engagement, and an integrated approach to achieving the fundamental goals of
the 2030 Agenda. Understanding the interlinkages between the goals and engaging
various stakeholders is critical to the successful implementation of the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development.

NEDA, as the core government institution monitoring the progress of SDG

implementation, recognizes the need to create an environment to integrate
diverse perspectives through effective stakeholder engagement. This is the
foundation for economically and environmentally sustainable policies and plans.
Responding to this, NEDA acknowledges that a venue to create opportunities for
social transformation is essential.

The Stakeholders’ Chamber is a venue to promote understanding, develop

ownership and facilitate the emergence of well-aligned partnerships for the
achievement of the SDGs. It shall provide space for the engagement between
government and non-government actors such as businesses, non-government
organizations, civil society organizations (including trade unions and professional
associations), media, academe, and development partners. It shall also serve as a
platform for better resource management and coordination for the achievement
of the SDGs ensuring complementarity and support between the efforts of the
government and non-government actors through matching of existing resources
and investments required for achieving the goals and targets.

Member Stakeholders stand to gain from a wide array of benefits. As an

institutionalized multi-stakeholder body commissioned by the government,
members are provided privileged information and the opportunity to make
recommendations to government on the implementation of the SDGs. Besides
policy mainstreaming, the Chamber is also a venue for convergence. Information
sharing is a priority of the chamber as NEDA seeks to promote more joint ventures
and partnerships among its members and also between government and non
government entities. As the Chamber is also tuned to outreach and the promotion
of the SDGs, membership here will naturally
align with many organizations’ existing CSR and sustainability programs. This is in-
line with NEDA’s emphasis on a whole of-society approach where sustainable
development becomes an agenda for all development actors.
II. Rationale

The initial call for membership for the Stakeholders’ Chamber during the first
quarter of the year 2022 resulted into the admission of forty-two (42) member
stakeholders. These stakeholders range from non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) and civil society organizations (CSOs), to private businesses and
conglomerates, and media partners. Acknowledging that there is a wider gamut of
development actors working on the SDGS, the Subcommittee on the SDGs will
launch a 2nd call for membership applications for the Stakeholders’ Chamber that
will focus on underrepresented sectors based on the demographics of the
Philippines and the United Nations Major Groups and Other Stakeholders system.

III. Eligibility

To supplement its current roster, the Stakeholders’ Chamber of the Subcommittee

on the SDGs are prioritizing the following sectors:

• Academia and think tanks > CREOTEC?

• Trade unions

• Scientific and technological community

• Micro small and medium enterprises > PCCI & ECOP Members

• Specific basic and vulnerable sectors1 2

̶ Farmers and fisherfolk
̶ Children and yout > YFPH
̶ Women
̶ Indigenous peoples
̶ Informal sector workers
̶ Migrants
̶ Urban poor and/or people experiencing poverty
̶ Faith groups
Children and youth, as basic sectors, shall be represented by “Youth organizations”
Women, as a basic sector, shall be represented by the organizations working on Goal 5: Gender Equality.

- Older persons and senior citizens

̶ Persons with disabilities > UOPWD?
̶ Social movements > ZONTA?
̶ Socially excluded minorities
̶ Volunteer groups
̶ Lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and/or
ally (LGBTQIA)

Meanwhile, this 2nd call for membership for the Stakeholders’ Chamber remains
open for the following interested groups from already represented sectors of the
chamber but is subject to consideration.

• Business and industry > EMSG

• Civil society > SEIPI?

• NGOs

• Media partners

• Other organizations working on the SDGs

IV. Selection Criteria

A. Legal personality and ongoing operation

1. The organization is in operation for at least three years

B. Broad-based representation/reach

1. The organization is national in representation and preferably with regional

2. Preference will be given to consortia of organizations, secondary
organizations, or tertiary organizations
3. Organizations with partnerships at the community level, government agency
and/or with any other groups working for SDGs will have an advantage >
endorsement letter of partnership with PIs x5 (SV5A, MDF, PAOFI, LAHI,
Marillac,EGV, MTST); FIFFI ℅ EDG to draft letter - for PI’s signature

C. Productive engagement

1. The organization is recommended by a nominating government agency or

development partner > from PCCI ℅ Paula (EDG - for follow-up)
2. Participation by the organization in government committees for the
Millennium Development Goals or sustainable development (e.g. Multi
Sectoral Committee on International Human Development Commitments 3 or
Philippine Council for Sustainable Development or the UN’s Business
Advisory Council) is an advantage
3. Preference will be given to organizations with existing engagements related
to the Sustainable Development Goals and/or have contributed to any of the
SDG targets. Additional points may also be given based on the number of
years of operation, number of past engagements, and scope of the
organization’s existing and past programs and projects. EDG - prepare EMSG
SDG Journey Presentation (4Q22)
4. Organizations with dedicated resources and/or budget for projects on the
implementation of the SDGs will have an advantage > EMSG & FIFFI SDG

D. Niche focus on underrepresented sectors of the Stakeholders’ Chamber 1.

Preference will be given to organizations representing one or more of the
underrepresented sectors as identified in Section III. Eligibility
2. Organizations that work with or represent one or more of the
underrepresented sectors in the context of the SDGs is highly desirable.

V. Requirements
1. Letter of intent indicating why your organization should be part of the
Stakeholders’ Chamber. Please address the letter to NEDA through:
Undersecretary Rosemarie G. Edillon
Policy and Planning Group
National Economic Development Authority
12 St. J. Escriva Drive, Ortigas Center, Pasig City 1605

2. Organizational profile and structure > from AIyen or PD?

3. Accomplished application form > ℅ FIFFI
4. Official endorsement letter from a government agency and/or
development partner > from Paula - PCCI

The MC-IHDC also uses participation in international conference related to MDGs as one of
its criteria

VI. Process for Selection

The selection of the non-government stakeholder representatives shall be guided
by the following:

A. The Stakeholders’ Chamber, through NEDA, shall issue the call for membership
via email, the NEDA SDG website ( and NEDA’s social
media platforms. Interested parties shall submit through email the
documentary requirements (See Section V) to the SDG Secretariat (sdg Interested parties seeking endorsement4 from
government agencies or development partners may contact their counterpart
agency at their own preference and process. The organizations applying for
membership must be endorsed in writing by the head of nominating member
agency to the Secretariat of the Technical Working Groups (TWG).

B. Additional qualifications or documentary requirements (i.e. articles of

incorporation, annual report, organizational portfolio, and other relevant
documents) may be requested by the nominating agencies and/or NEDA for the
conduct of verification or validation and assessment on the alignment of the
organization’s functions or activities with that of the TWG. The nominating
agency or NEDA may also opt to require the nominated organization to provide
a list and/or photographs of projects implemented by the nominated
organization, including sources of funds. > SDG Comm. to submit photos to
FIFFI - Jhoanna by 20 March 2023.

C. A NEDA selection team will make a shortlist of all qualified members based on
the criteria provided in this Guideline. The shortlist will be provided to NEDA
officials for the final selection of members.

D. The Subcommittee on the SDGs shall issue a certificate of membership or

accreditation (with a validity of three (3) years) to the non-government
stakeholders approved to become part of the Stakeholders’ Chamber. The
Secretariat shall also issue a formal correspondence to all the approved
applications to the Stakeholders’ Chamber.

Organizations with an endorsement from government agencies will be preferred, though it does not preclude
organizations without endorsement from submitting their Letter of Intent.

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