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Issues in Business Management and Economics Vol.8 (2), pp.

12-24 July, 2020

Available online at
Copyright © 2020 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article ISSN 2350-157X

Original Research Article

Fraudulent financial reporting: fraud pentagon analysis

in banking and financial sector companies
Received 14 March, 2020 Revised 28 April, 2020 Accepted 5 May, 2020 Published 10 July, 2020

Mukhtaruddin*1, Fraudulent financial statements is a fraud form which is generally difficult to

Evlin Sabrina1, detect. The study was intended to examine the effect of fraud pentagon
theory in explaining the phenomenon of fraudulent financial statements.
Arista Hakiki1, The research population was all financial sector companies listed on the
Yulia Saftiana1 Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2016-2018 period. This research uses
and six independent variables to achieve this objective, namely: financial targets,
Umi Kalsum1 external pressure, ineffective monitoring, auditor change, change of
directors, and 5 frequent number of CEO's picture. The dependent variable
1Accounting Department, Faculty was used is fraudulent financial reporting that proxied by F-Score model.
of Economics, Universitas Purposive sampling technique was used to determine the research sample,
Sriwijaya Palembang and data analysis techniques used multiple regression. Based on the test
Indonesia. results, it shows that financial targets, external pressure, ineffective
monitoring, auditor change, changes in directors, and many numbers of
*Corresponding Author Email CEO’s pictures have no significant effect on the fraudulent financial
[email protected] reporting.

Keywords: Fraudulent financial statement, fraud pentagon, fraud score model

JEL Code:G32, M21, M41, M42


Every year cases of fraud always happen and become a management to carrying out illegal actions which are then
problem in the company, and the worse the fraud doers are hidden, and leading to the bankruptcy of the company. Not
people who have power in the company. The Association of to mention, the cases of financial reporting fraud that occur,
Certified Fraud Examiner (ACFE), there are 220 cases of also involve corporate auditors.
fraud in Asia Pacific. Financial statement fraud accounts for Financial statement fraud is not detected early can
13% of total fraud cases, with a median loss of USD develop into a big scandal. Research conducted by the ACFE
700,000. Misstatement on financial statements occurs found that 26% of fraud cases with the highest median loss
because of the motivation and encouragement from various of USD 1,000,000 were carried out by the company owner
parties, both from within the company and from outside the or board of directors. Besides, ACFE also found that more
company (Septriani and Handayani, 2018). Encouragement than half of the perpetrators of fraud were management.
and motivation so that the financial statements presented Major accounting scandals, such as Enron, have proven the
look good and attract the attention of investors or potential serious impact of financial statement fraud on a country's
investors so that managers will try to do various ways to economy and provide enormous lessons for the accounting
present good financial statements. Fraud techniques are world. Early detection of fraud in financial statements is a
varied, ranging from circumventing generally accepted must that must be prioritized. The ability to identify fraud
accounting principles, conducting aggressive earnings quickly also develops into a necessity. Also, demands for
Issues Bus. Manage Econ. 13

financial reporting that are increasingly comprehensive for example, can also be used as a kind of rationalization for
after the enactment of the International Financial Reporting management to manipulate financial statements. Especially
Standards for the last five (5) years, also do not guarantee if the opportunity to commit fraud, it is also a small risk to
to be able to reduce the opportunity for fraud in financial be detected. Opportunities will be the entry point for fraud,
reporting. With the more comprehensive financial while pressure and rationalization will encourage
statements that must be presented by management, there management to commit fraud. However, fraud with
are many gaps in the financial statements that open up complex techniques and a large nominal is not possible if
opportunities for unscrupulous management to commit there is no particular person with special capabilities in the
fraud through earnings management. company. In other words, people who commit fraud must
In practice, fraud does not only occur in manufacturing have the capability or competence to fool the internal
companies. Many financial and banking sector companies control, control the situation, and develop strategies to
also experienced it. Based on a survey conducted by the disguise fraud. Feelings of superiority and arrogance with
Indonesian Chapter ACFE in 2016, it shows the fact that the positions held, coupled with greed, make the perpetrators
financial and banking sector is the sector that experienced confident that internal control does not apply to them.
the most cases of fraud after the government sector. The Earning management practices are a form of
results of a survey conducted by the ACFE are also evident manipulation of financial statements that are often chosen
from banking and financial companies in Indonesia, which as short-term 'solutions' by management to maintain
until now, are still vulnerable to cases of fraud. Fraud that investor confidence in their performance (Yendrawati et al.,
occurred in the financial and banking sector in Indonesia is 2018). Earning management is a phenomenon that is
also not a new thing anymore. In 1997, Lippo Bank difficult to avoid because of the use of accrual basis in
reported that the company was at a loss with assets smaller preparing financial statements. Earnings management can
than the actual value of the asset. An example of a fraud make a company's performance look better than its
scandal in the Indonesian financial and banking sector, competitors so that investors who are not careful
which until now has not been completely resolved and is (inattentive investors) will be easily deceived by
still being discussed, is the fraud that occurred at Century management. Septriani and Handayani (2018) posited that
Bank, which was reportedly also dragged the names of earnings management is the beginning of financial
executives in Indonesia. statement fraud because financial statement fraud is often
In general, fraud will always happen when there is no preceded by misstatements or earnings management from
prior prevention and detection. In addition, the prevention quarterly financial statements that are considered
and detection of fraud in financial statements also often immaterial, but eventually develop into large-scale fraud
collides with the presence of other factors that motivate the and produce reports financially materially misleading.
emergence of fraud in various situations, as explained by Several studies have been conducted to see how
various theories of fraud such as Cressey’s Fraud Triangle pentagon fraud can detect the fraudulent financial
Theory, Wolfe's Fraud Diamond Theory and most recently, reporting (Antawira et al., 2019; Apriliana and Agustina,
Crowe’s Pentagon Theory Fraud. To Crowe (2011), 2017; Septriani and Handayani, 2018; Ulfah et al., 2017).
Pentagon Theory has five fraud risk factors that use Antawira et al. (2019) found that the financial target can
financial and non-financial ratios. Five fraud risk factors affect the tendency of fraudulent financial reporting. But
consist of pressure, opportunity, rationalization, other studies show different results, Husmawati et al.
competence, and arrogance. Pentagon Fraud is a new (2017) conclude that financial target has not influence on
theory that explores more on the trigger factors of fraud is fraudulent financial reporting. Saputra and
pentagon fraud. Kesumaningrum (2017) found that external pressure affect
The competencies described in the pentagon fraud theory fraudulent financial reporting, meanwhile Apriliana and
have the meaning which is similar to capability previously Agustina (2017) did not find the relationship between
described in the diamond fraud theory by external pressure and fraud. Research conducted by Ulfah
Wolfe&Hermanson (2014). Competence/capability is the et al. (2017) show that auditor opinion has effect on
ability of employees to ignore internal controls, develop fraudulent financial reporting.
hiding strategies, and control social situations for personal There has been no consistency from the results of the
benefit (Crowe, 2011). To Crowe, arrogance is an attitude of above research that caused this research to be still
superiority over the rights held and feels that internal interesting and relevant to be studied. In addition, the
controls or company policies do not apply to him. opposite results of the variable above give the author
Moreover, fraud doers now tend to have a more attention to reexamine whether the pentagon fraud theory
independent mindset, more adequate information and is able to detect fraudulent financial reporting.
access, compared to the era of fraud triangle (Marks, 2012). This study is different from previous studies, namely in
The behavior and reasons or motives of management to terms of the dependent variable measurement model used.
commit fraud in financial statements are mostly explained The measurements used for the dependent variable in this
in fraud theory. Pressures faced by management as agents study use the measurement model F-score proposed by
for investors such as pressure to improve performance or Dechow et al. (2012) for detecting fraudulent financial
increase the value of the company on the stock exchange, statements that are analyzed by Pentagon Theory Fraud.
Mukhtaruddin et al. 14

Figure 1: Crowe’s Fraud Pentagon


This model detect earnings management that explains the elements that cause fraud, is known as the
simultaneously improves test power and specification fraud triangle theory. The elements of a fraud triangle
(Dechow et al., 2012). The variable component of the F- consist of pressure, opportunity, and rationalization. These
Score includes two things that can be seen in financial three elements are risk factors that mutually support one
statements, namely accrual quality, and financial another and form pillars that cause fraud. The development
performance. Based on Kothari and Leone (2001), of the fraud triangle theory was carried out by Wolfe and
performance-matched discretionary accruals are more Hermanson (2004), known as the diamond fraud theory.
specific and powerful measurements than other Wolfe and Hermanson (2004) found four elements that
discretionary accruals. Kothari and Leone (2001) also cause fraud, namely by adding capability or capability to
explained that performance matching is designed to control the three elements previously described in the fraud
the impact of performance in measuring discretionary triangle theory.
accruals and performance-matched discretionary accruals Furthermore, the development of the latest fraud triangle
can be used as an alternative that can be used in theory a few years back was put forward by (Horwarth,
researching earnings management. Based on the 2011), known as the pentagon fraud theory. The renewable
background above, the author finally decided to conduct a theory that explores more deeply the factors that trigger
research entitled “Fraudulent Financial Reporting: Fraud fraud is the Crowe’s fraud pentagon theory. Pentagon fraud
Pentagon Analysis in Banking and Financial Sector theory adds elements of competence and arrogance to the
Companies”. three elements contained in the fraud triangle
Fraudulent financial reporting not only causes the theory(Figure 1).
declining in the ethical value of the accounting profession, Competence is the ability of a person to commit an act of
but also causes financial losses with a sizable amount cheating. In this case, for example the high position is one of
(Antawira et al., 2019). The role of the auditor profession in one's competencies to be able to commit fraud. Arrogance
this issue is very important for early detection and is an attitude that shows that the internal control, policies
prevention of the possibility of fraudulent financial and regulations of the company do not apply to him and feel
reporting so as to minimize the emergence of prolonged himself free from policies, regulations and internal control
problems. To Crowe (2011) the factors causing fraud acts of the company so that he feels innocent of frauds
consist of five elements, namely: pressure, opportunity, committed (Bawekes et al., 2018). According to Crowe
rationalization, competence, and arrogance. The five (2011), research by the Committee of Sponsoring
elements are more commonly known as Crowe’s fraud Organizations of the Treadway Commission found that 70%
pentagon theory. of the perpetrators of fraud have a profile featuring a
combination of pressure with arrogance and greed.
Literature review and hyphotesis development Crowe (2011), there are five factors that influence the
fraud actions, they are (1) Arrogance. Arrogance is
Theory of Fraud Pentagon identified as an attitude of superiority and feels entitled or
greed as part of someone who believes that internal control
The first theory put forward by Cressey (1953), which does not apply to his personality. Arrogance is proxied by
Issues Bus. Manage Econ. 15

Figure 2: How is occupational fraud committed in the Asia-

Pacific region.
Source: ACFE Report 2018

number of CEO’s picture; (2) Competence. Competence is misappropriation, financial statement fraud, and
the ability of employees to override internal controls, by corruption(Figure 2). Within these three main branches,
developing sophisticated and for deviation strategies several actions can be classified as follows: first, asset
controlling social situations for his benefit by selling it to misapropriation in the form of cash fraud. Second, financial
others. Competence in this research is proxied by change in statement fraud which is categorized in timing difference in
board of directors; (3) Opportunity. Weak control provides recording the transaction time is different or earlier than
an opportunity for someone to commit fraud. Opportunity the actual transaction time. Third, corruption is the most
is proxied by ineffective monitoring; (4) Pressure. There is difficult type of fraud to detect because it involves
the motivation to commit fraud. Pressure is proxied by cooperation with other parties in enjoying benefits such as
financial target and external pressure; and (5) bribery and corruption . Corruption is divided into bribery
Rationalization. Justification for theft or fraud has occurred. with the aim of influencing decision makers in making
Rationalization is proxied by auditor’s change. business decisions, giving gifts after an agreement (illegal
gratuity), and economic extortion.
Fraudulent Financial Statements Fraudulent financial reporting is an intentional error of a
company's financial condition through misstatements and
The actions of earnings management as a result of agency negligence of the amount or disclosure in the financial
problems that occur between agent and principal are statements to deceive financial statement users. Fraudulent
closely related to fraud (Septriani and Handayani, 2018). financial reporting includes the manipulation, falsification,
Fraud intentionally committed by management is an act or alteration of accounting records or supporting
that violates the rules set by the regulator. ACFE (2018) documents from the financial statements prepared not
fraud that an act of fraud or misconduct committed by a presenting the truth or deliberately eliminating events,
person or entity that knows that the mistake can result in transactions, and important information from the financial
some unfavorable benefits to individuals, entities, and other statements and deliberately applying the wrong accounting
parties. ACFE describes fraud in the form of a tree. Fraud principles (Annisya et al., 2016). The Australian Audit
tree has three main branches, namely asset Standard, Fraudulent financial reporting is a misstatement
Mukhtaruddin et al. 16

Figure 3: The conceptual framework of the study

Source: Processed by author

that intentionally includes negligence in the amount or profits set by the company makes the management does
expression in the financial statements to deceive financial various ways to make financial statements look good. ROA
statement users. is a ratio that shows the result of returns on the amount
that has been used by the company. The actual ROA that has
Conceptual Framework been achieved by the company in the previous year
becomes the standard for the company to achieve the same
The conceptual framework in this study is shown in Figure target or even higher in the next year. The higher ROA that
3 above. will be achieved by the company makes the probability of
fraudulent higher financial statements higher. The actual
Hypothesis ROA that has been achieved in the previous year will be
used by management to set financial targets in the
Pressure has a variety of meanings, namely a situation in following years (Rahmanti&Daljono, 2013). Research
which a person feels pressured or depressed and a severe conducted by Antawira et al. (2019) proves that ROA has a
condition when someone is facing difficulties. Both of these significant influence on fraudulent financial reporting.
meanings indicate that pressure can be a motivation for
someone to take action (Christian et al., 2019). The H1: Financial targets influence the fraudulent financial
manager is trying to improve its performance to achieve reporting
various company targets, one of which is the financial
target. Financial targets are targets in the form of return on Based on pentagon fraud theory, external pressure is
the business set by management. Agency theory explains excessive pressure for management to have requirements
the pressure got by management to generate high profits in or expectations from third parties. When excessive
accordance with the hopes of the owner. The high level of pressure from an external party occurs, there is a risk of
Issues Bus. Manage Econ. 17

fraud to the financial statements. This is supported by the company can be considered as a form to eliminate fraud
opinion of Skousen et al which states that one of the traces found by the auditor previous. The tendency is to
pressures that is often experienced by management in a encourage companies to replace independent auditor to
company is the need to obtain additional debt or external cover up the fraud contained in company (Tessa and Harto,
financing sources to remain competitive, including research 2016). Not only to eliminate traces of fraud, if a company
funding and development or capital expenditure (Yulianti begin to be dissatisfied with the performance of auditors
et al., 2019). Managers will increasingly feel under pressure that cannot be intervened or influenced by the company in
because they have to meet the need to obtain additional order to manipulate the results of the auditing then the
finance through debt and investment financing. Lou et al. tendency fraud will be higher. Saputra and Kesumaningrum
(2009) states that when a company decides to get a debt, (2017) stated that there was a significant effect of auditor
the company is subjected to external pressure and there is a turnover on financial statement fraud.
greater risk of material misstatement due to fraudulent
financial statements. External pressure is measured by H4: Auditor change influence fraudulent financial
leverage ratio that is the ratio between total liabilities and reporting
total assets (Septriani and Handayani, 2018). The results of
research conducted by Husmawati et al. (2017) shows that Wolfe and Hermanson (2004) argue that fraud will not
the pressure which is proxy by leverage has an effect on occur without the right person with the right ability to
financial statement fraud. carry out every detail of fraud. Capability means a person's
efforts to commit fraud in order to achieve certain
H2: External pressure influence the fraudulent financial objectives. The properties described by Wolfe and
reporting Hermanson (2004) related to the elements of ability
(capability) in the actions of fraud perpetrators, namely
Ineffective monitoring is a condition in which there is no capability such as: position, function, brains, confidence or
effective internal control system in the company. According ego, coercion skills, effective lying and immunity to stress.
to pentagon fraud theory, the lack of internal control can Based on the traits expressed by Wolfe and Hermanson
facilitate some parties to manipulate data in financial (2004), the position of CEO, board of directors, and other
statements. In SAS (No.99) According to SAS No. 99, it division heads is the most appropriate for these
happens because there is one person or a small group that characteristics. The position of CEO, board of directors, and
dominates management in the company without other division heads can be a determining factor for fraud,
compensation officers, ineffective supervision of the board by utilizing its position which can influence others in order
of commissioners, directors, and audit committee over the to expedite its fraudulent actions. Changes in directors are
financial reporting process, thereby opening up the transfer of authority from the old directors to the new
opportunities for fraud. An independent board of directors with the aim to improve the performance of the
commissioners is believed to increase the effectiveness of previous management. However, changes in directors can
supervision within the company, especially overseeing cause stress periods that result in opening opportunities for
management in managing the company, since the fraud (Zaki, 2017). Change of directors can be an effort of
independent board of commissioners stands alone and the company to improve the performance of the previous
cannot be influenced by anyone (Annisya et al., 2016). directors by changing the composition of the directors or
Septriani and Handayani (2018) argued that high level of choosing new directors who are considered more
fraud occurred in Indonesia is caused by, but not limited to, competent (Bawekes et al., 2018). Substitution of directors
poor monitoring so it leads to opportunity of an individual can also indicate a certain political interest to replace the
to commit fraud. This is supported by Skousen's (2009), in previous board of directors (Septriani and Handayani,
testing the variables that influence financial statement 2018). Saputra and Kesumaningrum (2017) uses changes in
fraud. The results of this study indicate fraud often occurs directors as a proxy for capability to find indications of
in companies that have few external members of the board financial statement fraud.
of commissioners.
H5: Changes in directors influence the fraudulent
H3: Ineffective monitoring influence the fraudulent financial reporting
financial reporting
Arrogance in the Pentagon fraud theory is a frau element
Annisya et al. (2016) said rationalization is how to justify that is not found in fraud triangle theory or fraud diamond
his thoughts in committing crime. Earnings management is theory. Pride or lack of awareness is an attitude of
a management decision-making process that paves the way superiority and the right or greed of someone who believes
for management's drive or understanding of terms that that internal control is something that is not necessary and
might lead to fraudulent financial statements (Skousen et should not be applied personally. Most fraud perpetrators
al., 2008). The auditor can provide several opinions on the are committed by people in very senior positions with big
company being audited according to the conditions that egos, who believe that the rules do not apply to themselves,
occur in the company. Change of auditors used by the they think that they can avoid internal control and will not
Mukhtaruddin et al. 18

be detected in committing fraud. Frequent number of CEO’s Where:ß0: Coefficient of regression constant, ß1, ß2, ß3, ß4,
picture is the number of photos of CEO displayed in the ß5, ß6: The regression coefficients of each proxy, F-SCORE:
company's annual financial statements. The many photos of Fraudulent Financial Statement, ROA: Return on Assets, LEV:
CEOs displayed in a company's financial statements can The ratio of total liabilities to total assets, BDOUT: Ratio of
show the level of arrogance and superiority that the CEO independent commissioners, AUDCHANGE: Auditor change
has. A CEO usually wants to show the public the status and BDCHANGE: Change of Directors, CEOPIC: Number of CEO
position he has in a company because he does not want to photos and: Error term
lose that status or position (Akbar, 2017). This is following
with one of the elements in the theory introduced by Crowe Operational Definition and Measurement of Variables
(2011), namely arrogance. A high level of arrogance can
lead to fraud because the arrogance of a CEO can make him Dependent Variable (Y)
do any way to maintain the position and position they
currently have (Septriani and Handayani, 2018). The The dependent variable used in this study is the fraudulent
results of the study (Apriliana and Agustina, 2017; Bawekes financial statement. This study detects fraudulent financial
et al, 2018) showed that the frequent number of CEO’s statements by using the fraud score model as determined
pictures had a positive effect on the occurrence of by Dechow et al. (2012). The F-Score model is the sum of
fraudulent financial reporting. two variables, namely accrual quality and financial
performance (Skousen and Twedt, 2009), can be described
H6: Frequent number of CEO’s picture influence the in the following equation:
fraudulent financial reporting
F-Score = Accrual Quality + Financial Performance

METHODOLOGY The variable component of the F-Score includes two things

that can be seen in financial statements, namely accrual
Population and Sample quality and Financial Performance. Accrual quality is
proxied by RSST accrual (Richardson et al., 2004), namely:
The population is the whole group of people, events and
things that are the object of research (Sekaran, 2003). RSST accrual = ( WC+ NCO+ FIN )/ATS
Population is a generalization area consisting of objects or
subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics Where: WC (Working Capital) = Current assets – Current
determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn a liabilities, NCO (Noncurrent Operating Accrual) = (Total
conclusion. The population in this study are all financial assets – Current assets – Investment and advances) - Total
sector companies that have been listed on the Indonesia liabilities –Current liabilities – Long term debt), FIN
Stock Exchange. The sample in this study was selected by (Financial Accrual) = Total investment – total liabilities and
the non-random method of purposive sampling. From 47 ATS (Average total assets) = ((Beginning total assets –
population of financial sector industry, there are 26 Ending total assets)/2).
companies fulfill the criteria of sample. In this case the Financial statement performance is considered capable of
sample is selected with the following criteria: predicting the occurrence of fraudulent financial
 Companies classified in the banking and financial statements (Skosen and Twedt, 2009). Financial
sector in a row during the period 2016 - 2018. performance is proxied by changes in accounts receivable,
 Companies that publish annual financial changes in inventory accounts, changes in cash sales
statements on the company's website or the IDX website in accounts, changes in EBIT, namely:
period 2016 - 2018.
 Companies got profits during an not delisted the Financial performance = change in receivable + change
observation period. in inventories + change in cash sales + change in
Based on these criteria, 26 companies were selected as earnings
Where: change inreceivable = (change receivable/average
Data Analysis Method total assets), change in inventories = (change in
inventories/average total assets), change in cash sales =
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis (change in sales receivable/salest) – (change in
receivables/receivablest) and change in earning = (earningt –
The data analysis method used is multiple linear regression earningt-1) – (average total assets t – average total assets t-1)
models. The relationship between variables refers to the
Skousen et al model with the regression model. Independent Variable (X)

FSCORE= ß0 +ß1ROA +ß2LEV +ß3BDOUT The independent variables in this study were arranged in
+ß4AUDCHANGE +ß5BDCHANGE +ß6CEOPIC +ε accordance with five fraud risk factors in the Pentagon
Issues Bus. Manage Econ. 19

Table 1. Statistical t-Test Results

Model Standardized Coefficients T Sig.

1 (Constant) -.457 .649
ROA .137 .972 .334
LEV -.023 -.164 .870
BDOUT .012 .102 .919
AUDCHANGE .173 1.456 .150
BDCHANGE .001 .008 .994
CEOPIC .031 .252 .802
Source: Processed by author

Theory Fraud proposed by Crowe Howarth, using financial Auditor change

and non financial ratios as follows:
 Pressure will be explained by (1) financial targets This research use the proxy of auditor change as
which are proxied by ROA, (2) external pressure which is rationalization of fraud theory. If the company stop the
proxied by the Leverage ratio, engagement of public accounting firm during the period of
 Opportunity will be explained by ineffective 2016-2018 is given code 1, and code 0 if the company stay
monitoring as proxied by the ratio of independent with the same public accounting firm(Annisya et al., 2016).
 Rationalization will be explained by Auditor Change in board of directors
 Competence will be explained by changes in Change in board of directors is measured by a dummy
directors. variable, code 1 if there is a change in directors in the
 Arrogance will be explained with frequent company, code 0 if there is no change in
numbers of CEO's pictures. directors(Husmawati et al., 2017).
Then the variable is measured by measurement as follows.
Frequent number of CEO’s picture
Financial Target
Frequent number of CEO’s picture is measured by the
ROA is a measure of operational performance that is widely total CEO photo that is displayed in an annual
used to show how efficiently an asset has worked. This report(Husmawati et al., 2017).
variable can be measured by the formula:

(Skousen and Twedt, 2009) ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS

External Pressure Hypothesis testing

External Pressure is excessive pressure for management to Hypothesis testing is done to obtain valid data analysis
meet the requirements or expectations of third parties. This results and support the hypotheses raised in this study.
variable can be measured by comparing liabilities (debt) to This hypothesis test is measured from the statistical value
total assets with the formula: of t and the coefficient of determination.

Partial Regression Coefficient Testing (Statistical t-

(Skousen and Twedt, 2009) Test)

Ineffective Monitoring This test aims to show how far the influence of the
independent variables individually has explained the
Effective monitoring is a company situation where there is dependent variable. The results of the statistical t test can
good internal control. This variable can be measured by the be seen in Table 1 following;
formula: This study uses regression coefficients as seen from
standardized coefficients because the independent
variables in this study consist of different measurement
scales. The results of the statistical t test showed that all
(Skousen and Twedt, 2009) independent variables are positive, except for LEV. It means
Mukhtaruddin et al. 20

Table 2. Determination Coefficient Test Results

model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .216a .047 -.034 .864111748
Source: Processed by author

that these variables have a positive relationship with goals. These predictions are based on the assumption that
financial statement fraud. The external pressure variable effort needed to reach the goal is not easy. In this condition,
which has negative value means that it has negative the individual will experience cognitive dissonance so that
relationship with fraudulent financial statement. The it will reduce it by increasing positive commitment to the
results of the statistical t test also showed that there is no chosen goal.
any independent variable had a significant influence on From this theory it can be concluded that someone who
financial statement fraud. A variable is said to have a has positive goals will not be bothered by cheating because
significant effect if the Sig. <0.05, while each variable Sig. of them will experience feelings that are uncomfortable and
exceeds 0.05. Thus, no hypothesis is accepted, means that not in accordance with beliefs they. Companies that have
six hypotheses are rejected. individuals with goals like this will reduce the risk of
cheating. Then, the company's financial targets are the
Coefficient of Determination (R2) higher will increase employee motivation to achieve it with
positive beliefs and behavior.
The coefficient of determination (R2) aims to measure how This is because the possibility of an increase in ROA in
much influence the independent variable has on the banking companies in Indonesia is due to improve the
dependent variable. The following are the results of the quality of the company in order to be able to compete with
coefficient of determination test. other companies by creating new products according to
Based on Table 2 above, the value of R2 is 0.047 or 4.7%. customer needs and that makes it easier for customers. In
This value indicates that the dependent variable that can be addition, most banks in Indonesia have good human
explained by the independent variable is 4.7%. This means resources so they are able to keep abreast of market
that 4.7% risk of financial statement fraud on infrastructure developments. In addition, the company will always hold
companies is influenced by financial targets, external fast to the principles of GCG without having to manipulate
pressure, ineffective supervision, change of auditors, financial statements in order to increase value for
change of directors, and the frequency of CEO images that shareholders.
appear in annual reports, while other 95.3% is influenced This research is in line with research from Ulfah et al.
by other variables are not examined in this study. (2017) that use the same sample category, that is financial
sector companies. Ulfah et al (2017) said that good quality
of human resources certainly will not be pressured because
RESULTING DISCUSSION of the demands of financial targets.On the other side, the
research of this study is not supported by the research
The results of the previous data analysis show that there is conducted by Rukmana (2017) who found that financial
no independent variable that significantly influences the target has significant effect on fraudulent financial
financial statement fraud. The presence or absence of statement.
influence of pentagon fraud on financial statement fraud is Rukmana (2017) analyzed the manufacturing companies
explained as follows. listed in IDX period 2012-2016 as the research sample,
different from this research that analyzes the financial
Effect of Financial Targets on Financial Statement sector companies. It indicates that ROA becomes a fraud
Fraud driver in the manufacturing companies compared to
financial sector company in general. The other research
The hypothesis testing found that financial target does not which result is also in contrary with this research is the
affect the fraudulent of financial statements or H1 is research conducted by Vivianita and Indudewi
rejected.The test results from this ROA are in accordance (2018)which analyzed the mining sector companies listed
with cognitive dissonance theory. In management in IDX period 2014-2016. Therefore, it can be concluded
accounting research, this theory provides an explanation that the difference of results may be related to the
regarding how beliefs and mental representations become difference in sampling approach and the time of research.
intermediate media difficulties in budgeting and
performance goals. (Birnberg et al., 2006) explains that Effect of External Party Pressure on Financial
when individuals have set goals for example budget or Statement Fraud
performance goals, commitment to achieve these goals
more high when individuals choose more difficult budget The results showed that the second variable, namely
Issues Bus. Manage Econ. 21

external pressure do not affect financial statement fraud. coefficient where the less the ratio of the independent
Richardson et al (2004) explain that debt has a high level of boards of commissioners, the higher the risk of financial
reliability, both short-term and long-term debt. A debt statement fraud. However, the results of this study are only
account is a corporate obligation to creditors or suppliers measured in proportions rather than in the regulation of
that is recorded at face value. If the company is going the functions and roles of the independent commissioners
concern, then usually the company must pay its debt. The in reducing the risk of financial statement fraud as
only source of subjectivity for a debt account is the explained by Harahap et al (2017). Therefore, a company
estimated discount for direct payments that may be offered with a small independent commissioner does not always
by suppliers. The amount of each discount is usually have ineffective internal supervision, it is the role of the
verified by suppliers so that the possibility of an error is independent commissioner that gives the company the
relatively small. One source of funding for companies is opportunity to cheat the financial statements or not.
from financial institutions or banks. In addition to have This study is in line with Ulfah et al (2017) which also
credit procedures and policies, financial institutions also uses ineffective monitoring as a variable of opportunity.
have a credit risk management system, a profile The results of the study showed insignificant results from
measurement system for each prospective debtor, and a the effect of ineffective monitoring on financial statement
database related to lending problems. Financial institutions fraud. Ulfah, et al (2017) conduct the research on financial
also continue to strive to make strategies to mitigate credit sector companies listed in IDX during the period 2011-
risk so as to reduce pressure from external parties to 2015.On the other hand, the results of this study are
commit financial report fraud (Wahyuningtias, 2016). If the different from Christian (2019). The results of this study
level of liability is high it will make the management of the indicate that opportunity has a significant effect on
company more difficult in making predictions for the financial statement fraud.Christian used the four variables
future. That is, the greater the debt the company has, the to proxy opportunity, namely ineffective monitoring, nature
more stringent supervision by creditors, so management of industry, BOD turnover, and multiple directorship. The
flexibility to commit fraud is reduced (Septriyani and effective monitoring is measured by the measurement from
Handayani, 2018). This shows that it is very difficult for Hasnan et al. (2013) and Lokanan and Sharma (2018). This
financial companies to cheat financial statements in terms study also differsin terms of the samplingapproach which
of debt, especially debt to other financial institutions. consists of companies that are not engaged in the financial,
In addition, the liabilities in financial sector companies property, real estate industry and/or construction industry.
are mostly consist of third-party funds or funds collected
from customers. It can be concluded that the large amount Effect of Authors Change on Fraudulent Financial
of liabilities is not seen as pressure from external parties Statements
but more as the trust from customer on the performance of
the financial companies. The fourth hypothesis stating that auditor turnover has a
This study is in line with research from Septriyani and significant effect on financial statement fraud is rejected.
Handayani (2017), where the resultshows no significant Then, the change of auditor has no effect on financial
effect on financial statement fraud in financial sector statement fraud.Change of auditor can be considered to
companies.Meanwhile, in the same study, external pressure eliminate the fraud trail found by the previous auditor.
has significant effect on fraudulent financial statement in However, the change of auditors is not always associated
manufacturing companies. The results of this study also with fraud that the company is trying to cover up. Article 22
differ from studies from Husmawati (2017) which have of Government Regulation Number 20 Year 2015
significant results from the effect of external pressure on concerning the practice of public accountants, states that:
financial statement fraud. Husmawati (2017)conduct her  For 1 (one) financial year can continue to provide
research on manufacturing companies. Therefore, it can be audit services in a row for the next 4 (four) financial years.
concluded that the difference of results may be related to  For 2 (two) financial years in a row can continue to
the difference in sampling approach and the time of provide audit services in a row for the next 3 (three)
research. financial years.
 For 3 (three) financial years in a row can continue
Effect of Ineffective Monitoring on Fraudulent Financial to provide audit services in a row for the next 2 (two)
Statements financial years.
Based on the explanation above it can be concluded that
The hypothesis testing found that ineffective monitoring the limit on providing audit services is 5 years. Change of
does not affect financial statement fraud.Ineffective auditors may occur because the public accountant used by
monitoring is a condition where there is no effectiveness of the company has expired his service. In addition, the
the company's internal control system (Tessa and Harto, change of auditors can be done as a result of companies
2016). Companies with a small number of independent who feel dissatisfied with the performance of the previous
commissioners will make internal supervision ineffective independent auditors, for example from the results of
and lead to increasingly high fraud. This explanation is audits (Sihombing and Rahardjo, 2014).
consistent with the results of the negative BDOUT The results of this study are in line with research from
Mukhtaruddin et al. 22

Antawirya et al. (2019). The similarities between the of 1 (one) intended term of office ". The end of the
researches might be caused by the same sampling approach directors' term of office allows the company through the
that includes financial sector companies. He stated that the GMS to appoint a new board of directors.
reason of company’s independent auditor turnover is not to The results of this study contradict the research of
cover the fraudulent company that has been detected but Christian et al. (2019) due to the difference in terms of
because the company wants to comply with the regulations companies being the object of the research. Christian
made by the Indonesian government, the regulation states conducted the research on companies which are not
the provision of audit services to financial statements for an engaged in the financial, property, real estate industry
entity can be carried out for a maximum of five consecutive and/or construction industry. Meanwhile this study used
years by the same public accounting firm. the financial sector companies as sample.Board of directors
However, the results of this study are different from the in financial sector companies are different from other
research from Ulfah et al. (2017) because Ulfah et al. (2017) sector’s because they are regulated and monitored specially
conduct her research during the period 2011-2015. In by Financial Services Authority.Article 8 paragraph 1 of the
2015, there is a difference in the regulatory environment, Regulation of the Financial Services Authority Number
since the regulation concerning the engagement period of 33/POJK.04/2014 concerning Directors and Board of
independent auditor in Indonesia is Article 22 of Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies states that
Government Regulation Number 20 Year 2015 about the members of the board of directors may resign from their
practice of public accountants which is effective as per April positions before their term ends. The additional regulation
2015. The former regulation allow independent auditor to may cause the difference in the result. However, this study
be engaged for 6 consecutive years. Meanwhile, the latest is in line with research from Antawirya et al. (2019). The
regulation limit the engagement period only for 5 results of the study showed that the change of directors had
consecutive years.Therefore, it can be concluded that the no significant effect on financial statement fraud.
difference of results may be related to the difference in the
regulatory environment surrounding the analyzed Effect of Frequency of CEO picture on Financial
companies at the time of research. Statement Fraud

Effect of Directors Change on Fraudulent Financial The sixth hypothesis stated the frequency of appearance of
Statements the CEO's image has a significant effect on financial
statement fraud is rejected. Previously, Yusof et al (2015)
The results of this study indicate that the fifth hypothesis explained that the many pictures of CEOs showed
which states that the change of directors has a significant themselves how to be known to the wider community and
effect on financial statement fraud is rejected. So, the to treat themselves as celebrities because of their arrogant
change of directors has no effect on fraud in financial nature. This arrogance and arrogance can be categorized as
statements.Change of directors is not always an indication one of the characteristics of narcissism. These criteria are in
of fraud in the company. There are several factors that can accordance with the criteria possessed in the arrogance
underlie the change of the board of directors as stated in element that is having a high ego so they want to be
the applicable regulations or laws as follows. considered superior or celebrity which is a factor of
Article 105 paragraph 1 of Government Regulation arrogance. However, the number of CEO images in the
Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies annual report may not necessarily be a form of narcissism.
states that Members of the Board of Directors may be The number of CEO images can be associated with positive
dismissed at any time based on a GMS decision by stating things, namely self-confidence. Self-confidence is built on
their reasons. the basis of success and achievements, life skills that have
Article 8 paragraph 1 of the Regulation of the Financial been mastered, principles and norms held firmly, and the
Services Authority Number 33/POJK.04/2014 concerning care shown to others (Quamila, 2017).
Directors and Board of Commissioners of Issuers or Public The results of this study do not prove that the large
Companies states that members of the board of directors number of CEO images in the annual report has a significant
may resign from their positions before their term ends. effect on financial statement fraud. Ulfah et al. (2017)
Article 94 paragraph 3 of Government Regulation stated the same result for the variable CEO’s picture. The
Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies study found that there is no significant influence of CEO’s
states that members of the board of directors are appointed picture towards fraudulent financial statement. The photo
for a certain period of time and may be reappointed. The included in the annual report is a photo of the results of the
term of office of the board of directors is set out in Article 3 activity, if the photo of the CEO is displayed in the activity
paragraph 3 of the Regulation of the Financial Services proves that the CEO participates in every activity carried
Authority Number 33/POJK.04/2014 Regarding the out by the company.
Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Issuer or However, the results of this study differ from studies
Public Company which reads "1 (one) term of service for from Bawekes et al. (2018) because population in the
members of the Board of Directors for a maximum of 5 research conducted by Bawekes et al. (2018) is all
(five) years or until the closing of the annual GMS at the end companies listed between 2011 and 2015 in Indonesia
Issues Bus. Manage Econ. 23

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uses the financial sector companies as the research object.
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