Adherence To Medication. N Engl J Med: New England Journal of Medicine September 2005

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Adherence to medication. N Engl J Med

Article  in  New England Journal of Medicine · September 2005

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra050100 · Source: PubMed

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Lars Osterberg Terrence Blaschke

Stanford University Stanford University


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The new england journal of medicine

review article

drug therapy

Adherence to Medication
Lars Osterberg, M.D., and Terrence Blaschke, M.D.

Drugs don’t work in patients who don’t take them.

— C. Everett Koop, M.D.

a dherence to (or compliance with) a medication regimen is

generally defined as the extent to which patients take medications as pre-
scribed by their health care providers. The word “adherence” is preferred by
many health care providers, because “compliance” suggests that the patient is passively
following the doctor’s orders and that the treatment plan is not based on a therapeutic
From the General Medicine Division, Vet-
erans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care Sys-
tem, Palo Alto (L.O.); and the Division of
Clinical Pharmacology, Stanford University
Medical Center, Stanford (T.B.) — both in
California. Address reprint requests to Dr.
Osterberg at the VA Palo Alto Health Care
alliance or contract established between the patient and the physician. Both terms are System, 3801 Miranda Ave., Palo Alto, CA
imperfect and uninformative descriptions of medication-taking behavior. Unfortunate- 94304, or at [email protected].
ly, applying these terms to patients who do not consume every pill at the desired time
N Engl J Med 2005;353:487-97.
can stigmatize these patients in their future relationships with health care providers. Copyright © 2005 Massachusetts Medical Society.
The language used to describe how patients take their medications needs to be reas-
sessed, but these terms are still commonly used.1 Regardless of which word is pre-
ferred, it is clear that the full benefit of the many effective medications that are avail-
able will be achieved only if patients follow prescribed treatment regimens reasonably
Rates of adherence for individual patients are usually reported as the percentage of
the prescribed doses of the medication actually taken by the patient over a specified
period. Some investigators have further refined the definition of adherence to include
data on dose taking (taking the prescribed number of pills each day) and the timing of
doses (taking pills within a prescribed period). Adherence rates are typically higher
among patients with acute conditions, as compared with those with chronic conditions;
persistence among patients with chronic conditions is disappointingly low, dropping
most dramatically after the first six months of therapy.2-4 For example, approximate-
ly half of patients receiving hydroxymethylglutaryl–coenzyme A reductase inhibitor
therapy will discontinue their medication within six months of starting the therapy.5
The average rates of adherence in clinical trials can be remarkably high, owing to
the attention study patients receive and to selection of the patients, yet even clinical tri-
als report average adherence rates of only 43 to 78 percent among patients receiving
treatment for chronic conditions.3,6,7 There is no consensual standard for what consti-
tutes adequate adherence. Some trials consider rates of greater than 80 percent to be
acceptable, whereas others consider rates of greater than 95 percent to be mandatory
for adequate adherence, particularly among patients with serious conditions such as
infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Although data on adherence
are often reported as dichotomous variables (adherence vs. nonadherence), adherence
can vary along a continuum from 0 to more than 100 percent, since patients sometimes
take more than the prescribed amount of medication.8-10
The ability of physicians to recognize nonadherence is poor, and interventions to im-
prove adherence have had mixed results. Furthermore, successful interventions gener-

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ally are substantially complex and costly.11-14 Poor him or her to take prescribed medication, assess-
adherence to medication regimens accounts for ing clinical response, performing pill counts, ascer-
substantial worsening of disease, death, and in- taining rates of refilling prescriptions, collecting
creased health care costs in the United States.15-19 patient questionnaires, using electronic medication
Of all medication-related hospital admissions in monitors, measuring physiologic markers, asking
the United States, 33 to 69 percent are due to poor the patient to keep a medication diary, and assess-
medication adherence, with a resultant cost of ap- ing children’s adherence by asking the help of a
proximately $100 billion a year.15,17,20,21 Partici- caregiver, school nurse, or teacher. Questioning the
pants in clinical trials who do not follow medica- patient (or using a questionnaire), patient diaries,
tion regimens or placebo regimens have a poorer and assessment of clinical response are all meth-
prognosis than subjects in the respective groups ods that are relatively easy to use, but questioning
who do.22-24 Adherence to medication and placebo the patient can be susceptible to misrepresentation
regimens, therefore, both predict better outcomes, and tends to result in the health care provider’s
and collecting adherence data from subjects is now overestimating the patient’s adherence.
considered an essential part of clinical trials.25,26 The use of a patient’s clinical response as a mea-
Given the magnitude and importance of poor ad- sure is confounded by many factors other than
herence to medication regimens, the World Health adherence to a medication regimen that can account
Organization has published an evidence-based for clinical outcome. The most common method
guide for clinicians, health care managers, and pol- used to measure adherence, other than patient ques-
icymakers to improve strategies of medication ad- tioning, has been pill counts (i.e., counting the
herence.27 number of pills that remain in the patient’s medi-
cation bottles or vials). Although the simplicity and
measures of adherence empiric nature of this method are attractive to
many investigators, the method is subject to many
Adherence to medication regimens has been mon- problems, because patients can switch medicines
itored since the time of Hippocrates, when the ef- between bottles and may discard pills before vis-
fects of various potions were recorded with nota- its in order to appear to be following the regimen.
tions of whether the patient had taken them or not. For these reasons, pill counts should not be as-
Even today, patients’ self-reports can simply and sumed to be a good measure of adherence.8,9,32 In
effectively measure adherence.28,29 The methods addition, this method provides no information on
available for measuring adherence can be broken other aspects of taking medications, such as dose
down into direct and indirect methods of measure- timing and drug holidays (i.e., omission of medi-
ment (Table 1). Each method has advantages and cation on three or more sequential days), both of
disadvantages, and no method is considered the which may be important in determining clinical
gold standard.30,31 outcomes.
Directly observed therapy, measurement of con- Rates of refilling prescriptions are an accurate
centrations of a drug or its metabolite in blood or measure of overall adherence in a closed pharma-
urine, and detection or measurement in blood of cy system (e.g., health maintenance organizations,
a biologic marker added to the drug formulation the Department of Veterans Affairs Health Care
are examples of direct methods of measures of ad- System, or countries with universal drug coverage),
herence. Direct approaches are expensive, burden- provided that the refills are measured at several
some to the health care provider, and susceptible to points in time.33-35 A medical system that uses
distortion by the patient. However, for some drugs, electronic medical records and a closed pharmacy
measuring these levels is a good and commonly can provide the clinician or research scientist with
used means of assessing adherence. For instance, readily available objective information on rates of
the serum concentration of antiepileptic drugs refilling prescriptions that can be used to assess
such as phenytoin or valproic acid will probably re- whether a patient is adhering to the regimen and to
flect adherence to regimens with these medications, corroborate the patient’s responses to direct ques-
and subtherapeutic levels will probably reflect poor tions or on questionnaires.
adherence or suboptimal dose strengths. Electronic monitors capable of recording and
Indirect methods of measurement of adherence stamping the time of opening bottles, dispensing
include asking the patient about how easy it is for drops (as in the case of glaucoma), or activating a

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drug therapy

Table 1. Methods of Measuring Adherence.

Test Advantages Disadvantages

Direct methods
Directly observed therapy Most accurate Patients can hide pills in the mouth
and then discard them; impracti-
cal for routine use
Measurement of the level of medicine Objective Variations in metabolism and “white-
or metabolite in blood coat adherence” can give a false
impression of adherence; ex-
Measurement of the biologic marker Objective; in clinical trials, can also Requires expensive quantitative as-
in blood be used to measure placebo says and collection of bodily fluids
Indirect methods
Patient questionnaires, patient Simple; inexpensive; the most useful Susceptible to error with increases in
self-reports method in the clinical setting time between visits; results are
easily distorted by the patient
Pill counts Objective, quantifiable, and easy to Data easily altered by the patient
perform (e.g., pill dumping)
Rates of prescription refills Objective; easy to obtain data A prescription refill is not equivalent
to ingestion of medication; re-
quires a closed pharmacy system
Assessment of the patient’s clinical Simple; generally easy to perform Factors other than medication adher-
response ence can affect clinical response
Electronic medication monitors Precise; results are easily quantified; Expensive; requires return visits and
tracks patterns of taking downloading data from medica-
medication tion vials
Measurement of physiologic markers Often easy to perform Marker may be absent for other rea-
(e.g., heart rate in patients taking sons (e.g., increased metabol-
beta-blockers) ism, poor absorption, lack of
Patient diaries Help to correct for poor recall Easily altered by the patient
When the patient is a child, question- Simple; objective Susceptible to distortion
naire for caregiver or teacher

canister (as in the case of asthma) on multiple our knowledge of medication-taking behavior.40 Al-
occasions have been used for approximately 30 though certain methods of measuring adherence
years.32,36-38 Rather than providing weekly or may be preferred in specific clinical or research set-
monthly averages, these devices provide precise and tings, a combination of measures maximizes accu-
detailed insights into patients’ behavior in tak- racy.10,41,42
ing medication, but they are still indirect methods
of measuring adherence; they do not document
epidemiology of medication-
whether the patient actually ingested the correct taking behavior
drug or correct dose. Patients may open a container
and not take the medication, take the wrong amount Electronic medication-monitoring devices have
of medication, or invalidate the data by placing the provided very detailed information about the pat-
medication into another container or taking multi- terns of medication-taking behavior. Most devia-
ple doses out of the container at the same time. The tions in medication taking occur as omissions of
cost of electronic monitoring is not covered by in- doses (rather than additions) or delays in the tim-
surance, and thus these devices are not in routine ing of doses.11,43 Patients commonly improve their
use. However, this approach provides the most ac- medication-taking behavior in the 5 days before
curate and valuable data on adherence in difficult and after an appointment with the health care pro-
clinical situations and in the setting of clinical tri- vider, as compared with 30 days after, in a phenom-
als and adherence research10,39 and has advanced enon known as “white-coat adherence.”44,45 Stud-

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ies using these monitors have shown six general identify patients who are most in need of inter-
ventions to improve adherence.5,49,50 Table 2 lists
patterns of taking medication among patients treat-
ed for chronic illnesses who continue to take their
major predictors associated with poor adherence.
medications. Approximately one sixth come close Race, sex, and socioeconomic status have not
to perfect adherence to a regimen; one sixth take been consistently associated with levels of adher-
ence.59,61 When these predictors, listed in Table 2,
nearly all doses, but with some timing irregularity;
one sixth miss an occasional single day’s dose andare present, physicians should have a heightened
have some timing inconsistency; one sixth take awareness of the possibility of poor adherence, but
drug holidays three to four times a year, with occa-
even patients in whom these indicators are absent
sional omissions of doses; one sixth have a drug hol-
miss taking medications as prescribed. Thus, poor
iday monthly or more often, with frequent omissions
adherence should always be considered when a pa-
of doses; and one sixth take few or no doses whiletient’s condition is not responding to therapy.
giving the impression of good adherence.40,46 The simplest and most practical suggestion for
Simple dosing (one pill, once daily) helps to physicians is to ask patients nonjudgmentally how
maximize adherence, particularly when combined often they miss doses. Patients generally want to
with frequent reinforcing visits, despite the fact that
please their physicians and will often say what they
10 to 40 percent of patients taking these simple think their doctor wants to hear. It can be reassur-
regimens continue to have imperfect dosing.47,48 ing to the patient when the physician tells them,
In a large systematic review of 76 trials in which“I know it must be difficult to take all your medi-
electronic monitors were used, Claxton and col- cations regularly. How often do you miss taking
leagues7 found that adherence was inversely pro- them?” This approach makes most patients feel
comfortable in telling the truth and facilitates the
portional to frequency of dose (Fig. 1), and patients
identification of poor adherence. A patient who
taking medication on a schedule of four times daily
achieved average adherence rates of about 50 per- admits to poor adherence is generally being can-
cent (range, 31 to 71 percent). did.29,62 Patients should also be asked whether
they are having any side effects of their medica-
identifying poor adherence tions, whether they know why they are taking their
medications, and what the benefits of taking them
Indicators of poor adherence to a medication reg- are, since these questions can often expose poor
imen are a useful resource for physicians to help adherence to a regimen.63

barriers to adherence
Research on adherence has typically focused on the
barriers patients face in taking their medications.
80 Common barriers to adherence are under the pa-
Rate of Adherence (%)

70 tient’s control, so that attention to them is a neces-

60 sary and important step in improving adherence.
50 In responses to a questionnaire, typical reasons cit-
40 ed by patients for not taking their medications in-
cluded forgetfulness (30 percent), other priorities
(16 percent), decision to omit doses (11 percent),
lack of information (9 percent), and emotional fac-
tors (7 percent); 27 percent of the respondents did
Once Twice Three times Four times not provide a reason for poor adherence to a regi-
daily a day a day a day men.64 Physicians contribute to patients’ poor ad-
Medication Schedule herence by prescribing complex regimens, failing
to explain the benefits and side effects of a medica-
Figure 1. Adherence to Medication According to Frequency of Doses. tion adequately, not giving consideration to the pa-
Vertical lines represent 1 SD on either side of the mean rate of adherence tient’s lifestyle or the cost of the medications, and
(horizontal bars). Data are from Claxton et al.7 having poor therapeutic relationships with their

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drug therapy

More broadly, health care systems create barri- imen; such patients will often benefit from assis-
ers to adherence by limiting access to health care, tance in clinic scheduling and what is called “cue-
using a restricted formulary, switching to a differ- dose training” to optimize their adherence. Clinic-
ent formulary, and having prohibitively high costs scheduling strategies to improve adherence include
for drugs, copayments, or both.60,68,69 To improve making follow-up visits convenient and efficient
the patient’s ability to follow a medication regimen, for the patient. Delays in seeing patients and prob-
all potential barriers to adherence need to be con- lems with transportation and parking can under-
sidered. An expanded view that takes into account mine a patient’s willingness to comply with a
factors under the patient’s control as well as inter- medication regimen and to keep follow-up appoint-
actions between the patient and the health care pro- ments. Interventions that enlist ancillary health
vider and between the patient and the health care care providers such as pharmacists, behavioral
system will have the greatest effect on improving specialists, and nursing staff can improve adher-
medication adherence (Fig. 2).70,71 ence.12,74,75 Finally, enhancing communication be-
tween the physician and the patient is a key and ef-
interventions fective strategy in boosting the patient’s ability to
follow a medication regimen.11,18,76,77
Methods that can be used to improve adherence Most methods of improving adherence have in-
can be grouped into four general categories: pa- volved combinations of behavioral interventions
tient education; improved dosing schedules; in- and reinforcements in addition to increasing the
creased hours when the clinic is open (including convenience of care, providing educational in-
evening hours), and therefore shorter wait times; formation about the patient’s condition and the
and improved communication between physicians treatment, and other forms of supervision or atten-
and patients. Educational interventions involving tion.12,78-80 Successful methods are complex and
patients, their family members, or both can be ef- labor intensive, and innovative strategies will need
fective in improving adherence.72,73 Strategies to to be developed that are practical for routine clini-
improve dosing schedules include the use of pill- cal use.12 Given the many factors contributing to
boxes to organize daily doses, simplifying the regi- poor adherence to medication, a multifactorial ap-
men to daily dosing, and cues to remind patients proach is required, since a single approach will not
to take medications. Patients who miss appoint- be effective for all patients.81,82 Table 3 lists some
ments are often those who need the most help to simple strategies for optimizing a patient’s ability
improve their ability to adhere to a medication reg- to follow a medication regimen.

Table 2. Major Predictors of Poor Adherence to Medication, According to Studies of Predictors.

Predictor Study

Presence of psychological problems, particularly van Servellen et al.,51 Ammassari et al.,52 Stilley et al.53
Presence of cognitive impairment Stilley et al.,53 Okuno et al.54
Treatment of asymptomatic disease Sewitch et al.,55
Inadequate follow-up or discharge planning Sewitch et al.,55 Lacro et al.56
Side effects of medication van Servellen et al.51
Patient’s lack of belief in benefit of treatment Okuno et al.,54 Lacro et al.56
Patient’s lack of insight into the illness Lacro et al.,56 Perkins57
Poor provider–patient relationship Okuno et al.,54 Lacro et al.56
Presence of barriers to care or medications van Servellen et al.,51 Perkins57
Missed appointments van Servellen et al.,51 Farley et al.58
Complexity of treatment Ammassari et al.52
Cost of medication, copayment, or both Balkrishnan,59 Ellis et al.60

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to HAART that have been studied in randomized

Poor provider–patient communication
clinical trials include pharmacist-led individual-
Patient has a poor understanding of the disease ized interventions, cognitive–behavioral education-
Patient has a poor understanding of the benefits and al interventions based on self-efficacy theory, and
risks of treatment
Patient has a poor understanding of the proper use of cue-dose training in combination with monetary
the medication reinforcement.75,79 Cognitive–behavioral approach-
Physician prescribes overly complex regimen
es have resulted in more than 90 percent of pa-
tients achieving 95 percent adherence, but these
approaches require considerable resources, and
Patient Provider adherence is typically not sustained after the inter-
vention is withdrawn.86,87 Federally funded trials
of strategies to improve patients’ ability to follow
treatment regimens are ongoing, including the use
of handheld devices, two-way pagers, medication
vials equipped with alarms, and the enhancement
Health Care
System of social and emotional support.75

Patient’s interaction with the Physician’s interaction with
health care system the health care system Consistent control of blood pressure requires that
Poor access or missed Poor knowledge of drug patients with hypertension follow medication and
clinic appointments costs
Poor treatment by clinic Poor knowledge of dietary regimens. However, antihypertensive ther-
staff insurance coverage of apy may have untoward side effects and result in lit-
Poor access to medications different formularies
Switching to a different Low level of job satisfaction tle symptomatic relief, since hypertension often
formulary causes no symptoms. No matter how effectively the
Inability of patient to access
pharmacy clinician communicates the benefits of antihyper-
High medication costs tensive therapy, patients are still ultimately respon-
sible for taking their medications. Since adherence
Figure 2. Barriers to Adherence. is enhanced when patients are involved in medical
The interactions among the patient, health care provider, and health care sys- decisions about their care and in monitoring their
tem depicted are those that can have a negative effect on the patient’s ability care, the traditional model of the authoritarian pro-
to follow a medication regimen. vider should be replaced by the more useful dynam-
ic of shared decision making by the health care
provider and the patient.78,88,89 The patient must
actively participate in the selection and adjustment
of drug treatment and in changes in lifestyle in or-
examples of challenges
to adherence der to maximize the usefulness of the therapeutic
regimen. When feasible, self-monitoring of blood
hiv infection pressure can also enhance adherence.78,90 Sim-
In the treatment of patients with HIV infection or plifying instructions to the patient and medication
the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, it is es- schedules is essential, and minimizing the total
sential to achieve more than 95 percent adherence number of daily doses has been found to be more
to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in important in promoting adherence than minimiz-
order to suppress viral replication and avoid the ing the total number of medications.48,91
emergence of resistance.84,85 Achieving such high When inadequate adherence to medication has
rates of adherence is very challenging to such pa- been identified and the available strategies for im-
tients, because their regimens include multiple, of- proving adherence have not achieved the target
ten expensive medications that have complex dos- level of blood pressure, selecting “more forgiving”
ing schedules and may cause food interactions and antihypertensive agents that either do not depend
side effects that result in poor tolerability. In addi- on half-life or have a longer half-life — drugs whose
tion, lifestyle factors and issues in the patient–pro- efficacy will not be affected by delayed or missed
vider relationship may make adherence difficult.85 doses — will probably help to maintain a more
Promising strategies for improving adherence stable blood pressure, despite imperfect adher-

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drug therapy

electronic monitors. In more than 30 percent of

Table 3. Strategies for Improving Adherence
patients initially identified as having refractory
to a Medication Regimen.*
hypertension, blood pressure became controlled
Identify poor adherence merely as a result of monitoring, and an additional
Look for markers of nonadherence: missed appoint-
ments (“no-shows”), lack of response to medi-
20 percent of patients were identified as having
cation, missed refills lapsed adherence. Further control of blood pres-
Ask about barriers to adherence without being con- sure was achieved in a subgroup of subjects with
poor adherence who agreed to continued monitor-
Emphasize the value of the regimen and the effect of ing and adjustment of their medications.92
Elicit patient’s feelings about his or her ability to follow
psychiatric illness
the regimen, and if necessary, design supports
to promote adherence Patients with psychiatric illness typically have great
Provide simple, clear instructions and simplify the reg- difficulty following a medication regimen, but they
imen as much as possible also have the greatest potential for benefiting from
Encourage the use of a medication-taking system adherence.80,93 Half of patients with major de-
Listen to the patient, and customize the regimen in pression for whom antidepressants are prescribed
accordance with the patient’s wishes will not be taking the drugs three months after the
Obtain the help from family members, friends, and initiation of therapy.94 Rates of adherence among
community services when needed patients with schizophrenia are between 50 and 60
Reinforce desirable behavior and results when appro- percent, and among those with bipolar affective
priate disorder the rates are as low as 35 percent.56,57,95
Consider more “forgiving” medications when adher- In a systematic review by Cramer and Rosenheck,
ence appears unlikely†
Medications with long half-lives
among patients with physical disorders, the mean
Depot (extended-release) medications rate of medication adherence was 76 percent (range,
Transdermal medications 40 to 90 percent), whereas among those with psy-
choses the mean rate was 58 percent (range, 24 to
* Information in this table was adapted from Osterberg 90 percent) and among those with depression
and Rudd.83
† Forgiving medications are drugs whose efficacy will not the mean rate was 65 percent (range, 58 to 90 per-
be affected by delayed or missed doses. cent).96
A number of interventions to improve adher-
ence to medication regimens among patients with
ence.40,46 When choosing among the major class- psychiatric illnesses have been tried. Successful
es of antihypertensive agents — calcium-channel approaches include a combination of educational
blockers, angiotensin-converting–enzyme inhib- interventions (involving both patient and family),
itors, angiotensin II type 1–receptor antagonists, cognitive–supportive interventions, and the peri-
alpha blockers, and direct vasodilators — the prac- odic use of reinforcement techniques.73,89,97,98
titioner should consider selecting the agent with Educational approaches appear to be most effec-
the longest half-life in each class. The antihyper- tive when they are combined with behavioral tech-
tensive effect of some drugs, such as the thiazide niques and supportive services.80 Reinforcements
diuretics, is not related to plasma concentrations include a wide variety of techniques, such as mon-
or drug half-life, and for these drugs, timing doses etary rewards or vouchers, frequent contact with
and short lapses in adherence are probably clini- the patient, and other types of personalized re-
cally unimportant. The most forgiving medica- minders.79,99-101 Unfortunately, these interventions
tions, such as the thiazides or modified formula- require trained personnel and repeated sessions if
tions such as the transdermal clonidine patch, are increased adherence is to be maintained; without
more likely than less forgiving drugs to achieve an these resources, adherence falls with time.
acceptable therapeutic outcome if they are other- New antidepressant drugs and antipsychotic
wise tolerated. agents generally have fewer side effects than do
Another strategy used by Burnier and col- older medications, and, consequently, their use re-
leagues92 in a study of a highly selected group of sults in reduced rates of discontinuation.57,102-105
patients with refractory hypertension was to mon- New agents may be preferred to older agents for a
itor adherence objectively with the use of micro- variety of reasons, but factors such as cost and effi-

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cacy may be more important for some patients in medications successfully. The tokens can be used
achieving optimal adherence. Depot neuroleptic to obtain privileges, access to certain activities, or
agents are often the treatment of choice for pa- other rewards. Behavioral strategies often require
tients with schizophrenia who are not adhering to resources and trained staff, yet simple reinforce-
a regimen of oral agents.106,107 The recent devel- ment systems are practical for use by parents or
opment of atypical depot neuroleptic drugs has the other caregivers. The use of a more palatable med-
potential to improve adherence, since these agents ication than was initially prescribed has met with
combine the better efficacy and tolerability of the some success in improving adherence,123,124 and
atypical agents with the reliability of the depot for- the involvement of family members, schools, and
mulation.106,108 other social supports are valuable strategies for
maximizing children’s ability to adhere to medica-
illness in pediatric patients tion regimens.113,115
Anyone who has seen a child with clenched teeth
and a caregiver struggling desperately to adminis- conclusions
ter the next dose of a medication understands the
challenge of adherence to a medication regimen in Poor adherence to medication regimens is com-
the treatment of children. Achieving full adherence mon, contributing to substantial worsening of dis-
in pediatric patients requires not only the child’s ease, death, and increased health care costs. Practi-
cooperation but also a devoted, persistent, and ad- tioners should always look for poor adherence and
herent parent or caregiver. Adolescent patients cre- can enhance adherence by emphasizing the value
ate even more challenges, given the unique develop- of a patient’s regimen, making the regimen sim-
mental, psychosocial, and lifestyle issues implicit ple, and customizing the regimen to the patient’s
in adolescence.109-112 Although the factors that lifestyle. Asking patients nonjudgmentally about
contribute to poor adherence in children and ado- medication-taking behavior is a practical strategy
lescents are similar to those affecting adults, an for identifying poor adherence. A collaborative
added dimension of the situation is the involve- approach to care augments adherence. Patients who
ment of patients’ families.113-115 Rates of adher- have difficulty maintaining adequate adherence
ence to medication regimens among children with need more intensive strategies than do patients
chronic diseases are similar to those among adults who have less difficulty with adherence, a more for-
with chronic diseases, averaging about 50 per- giving medication regimen, or both. Innovative
cent, with decrements in adherence occurring with methods of managing chronic diseases have had
time.116-118 some success in improving adherence when a regi-
Many interventions to improve adherence have men has been difficult to follow.99,125-127 New tech-
been tried in pediatric patients but have had limited nologies such as reminders through cell phones and
success. Most of the successful interventions in pa- personal digital assistants and pillboxes with pag-
tients with chronic childhood illnesses have used ing systems may be needed to help patients who
behavioral interventions or a combination of be- have the most difficulty meeting the goals of a
havioral and other interventions. The most com- regimen.
mon intervention is the token reinforcement sys- Dr. Blaschke reports having received consulting fees from Jazz
Pharmaceuticals, Portola Pharmaceuticals, Gilead Sciences, Aero-
tem,119-122 which involves motivating adherence gen, Depomed, Kai Pharmaceuticals, and Pharsight, and reports
by providing tokens or other rewards for taking having shares in Johnson & Johnson and Procter & Gamble.

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