Apriani Physicochemical 3 2018

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Journal of Ecological Engineering Received: 2018.01.

Accepted: 2018.03.15
Volume 19, Issue 3, May 2018, pages 1–10 Published: 2018.05.01

Physicochemical Properties of Sea Water and Bittern in Indonesia:

Quality Improvement and Potential Resources Utilization
for Marine Environmental Sustainability

Mirna Apriani1,2*, Wahyono Hadi1, Ali Masduqi1

Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil, Environment and Geo Engineering, Institut
Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Study program of Safety Engineering, Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya
60111, Indonesia
* Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]

The traditional salt production in Indonesia was investigated to report the preparation and processing of salt,
determine the characteristics of sea water and bittern as well as explore the potential of bittern management with
appropriate technology. Field study and comprehensive analysis were performed so as to better understand the
salt making, providing valuable information for the proposal of targeted management strategies in salt quality
improvement and wastewater recovery. The results show that Na+, Cl– and Ca2+ in East Java Province seawater
were found greater than the majority of values found in the literature. The highest concentrations of Na+, Cl– and
Ca2+ were measured in Camplong-Sampang District. The highest concentrations of Mg2+ and trace metals were
recorded in Panceng-Gresik District. The trace metals found in sea water and bittern need particular concern to
be removed without disposing of sea water minerals. The potential number of bittern in Indonesia promoted the
development of the bittern management for magnesium recovery and achieving marine environment sustainability.
High purified material recovery can be achieved by using crystallization technology.

Keywords: magnesium, management, recovery, sustainability

INTRODUCTION East Java Province is second largest Indone-

sia salt buffer zone of after East Nusa Tenggara.
Traditional salt production plants are man- East Java is located between Longitude 111°0ˈE
made systems exploiting sea water for salt pro- – 114°4ˈE and Latitude 7°12ˈS – 8°48ˈS has 229
duction by wind and solar evaporation. Sea water islands with a total land area of 47,995 km2. It
bitterns are encountered in the sea salt production is divided by two areas; Java Island and Madura
and desalination process in which large quantities Island, which constitute about 90% and 10% area
of bittern and brine are produced as by-product of this province, respectively. East Java coastal
and waste-product. Bittern (supernatant liquid) re- area is the largest, compared to other coastal area
mains after evaporation and crystallization of so- in Java Island. It is grouped into the north coast,
dium chloride salt, rich in compounds of magne- the east coast and the south coast. Generally, the
sium, potassium, chloride and sulfates (Rodrigues north and east coastal areas are used for marine
et al. 2011; Hussein et al. 2017). Indonesia, a mar- transportation, environmental protection, tour-
itime country with the second longest coastline ism and fishing settlement. On the other hand,
in the world, has to develop good management the southern coast, is generally a rugged coast-
in order to achieve high marine productivity and line washed by large waves of the Indian Ocean.
environmental marine sustainability (Ministry of Therefore, only certain parts can be used as a
Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, 2017). fishing settlement and tourism area. The coast of

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 19(3), 2018

East Java has almost twice the land area, reach- ditional salt maker in Indonesia and promote the
ing 75,700 km2. It was calculated from 12-mile technology of magnesium recovery from bittern.
border province, while the coastline has ± 2,128 Several studies have been conducted on bittern
km along the active and potential coast. East Java utilization; however, there are no data showing
is not only characterized by wide area; it also has the real number of bittern resulting in Indonesia
rich natural resources, such as carrying capacity per year. This data contributes to the stimulation
for province development (Ministry of Maritime of the on national program to manage bittern,
Affairs and Fisheries, 2013). Indonesian salt was i.e. readily-available and promising raw material
produced in more than 70% in Java Island by tra- for magnesium recovery. Comprehensive bittern
ditional processes (Susanto et al., 2015). management has the possibility of giving an eco-
Tewari et al., (2003) reported that bittern, as nomic value for bittern and to protect the marine
effluent from salt production, could be a pollutant environment. Safe marine environment can sup-
for marine when discharged directly to the sea. port its sustainability resulting high marine pro-
The experiment investigated the effect of bittern ductivity. Appropriate technology for magnesium
discharged to the coastal water. The experiment recovery is needed for the production of new,
was conducted using mangrove Avicennia marina. highly-purified materials.
The bittern could be growth inhibitory with 50%
concentration for mangrove. The 100% concen-
tration of bittern was lethal after 8 hour-exposure METHODS
during 10 days for mangrove Avicennia marina.
Sea water, as a part of marine environment, Study area
has to be protected due to its sustainability. Sea
water has a role of supporting good conditions for East Java Province is located in eastern Java;
the development of marine life. As marine envi- it includes the island of Madura, which is con-
ronment, sea water addresses the aquatic ecosys- nected to Java by the longest bridge in Indone-
tem and supports mankind’s life in coastal areas. sia, the Suramadu Bridge. In order to represent
Sea water is used as raw material for traditional the characteristic raw water for salt in East Java,
salt production and constitutes environment for twenty sampling locations, code named 1 to 20,
marine life to support fisheries. Salt production were selected. The assumed sampling location is
and fisheries can support economy for communi- shown in Figures 1 and 2.
ties who live in coast.
The main purpose of the experiment is to pro- Sampling, on site analysis and interviews
mote utilization bittern to add economic value and
to protect marine environment. The first objective Field studies were conducted to investigate
of this work is reporting the preparation stages the traditional salt preparation and production
and processing to produce salt. To our knowl- process through on site visits of salt ponds, inter-
edge, there are no studies on the traditional salt view with the salt farmer and sample collection to
ponds preparation and processing of sea water. characterize the raw material. Raw water sample
However, understanding how these preparation were collected in plastics bottles and stored at
stages and processes interact to product sea salt room temperature prior to the laboratory analysis.
traditionally remains a major challenge in marine
productivity. The second objective is to observe Physical and chemical analysis
the characteristics of sea water as raw material for
traditional salt production in Indonesia as well as The conducted analyses were based on the
a waste by-product. More information is needed standard methods given by American Water
to closely define the possible range in the major Works Association. Atomic Absorption Spec-
mineral and trace element composition of raw trometry method used to measure Na+, K+, Br–,
material and bittern. Reporting the preparation B–, Sr2+ and trace metals (Pb2+, Cu2+, As2+, Hg2+).
stages, processing and characterizing sea water Complexometry method was used to measure
and bittern would provide valuable information Ca2+ and Mg2+. Argentometry method used to con-
for the improvement of Indonesian salt quality, duct the measurement of Cl–. Iodometry method
develop environment sustainability and add value was used to analyze I–. Spectrophotometry meth-
for itself. The third objective is to investigate the od was employed to measure F–, 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁2− , 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁3− , 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁4+ ,
potential of waste by-product utilization from tra- 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃43− , 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆42− . Furthermore, salinity of the sample

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 19(3), 2018

Figure 1. Sampling location in the present study (code name 1–12 and 18–20)

was measured by salinometer. Baume degree of called caren (A). Water was distributed in several
sea water was determined by means of a hydrom- ponds using a windmill that utilized wind as an
eter, whereas pH was measured by using a pH energy source (B). In some cases, when wind is
meter (CyberScan pH 510-Eutech). not available or insufficient to move windmill,
the water distribution in salt ponds is performed
using a long bamboo scoop (C). The preparation
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION phase for salt production processing is started by
draining water and cleaning up the plants grown
The preparation stages and processing of during the rainy season from the pond (D). If
traditional salt production there are holes in the pond, they will be closed
manually (E). The land surface of a pond is flat-
The results of the field study showed that tra- tened using a wooden tool called serkot, i.e. short
ditional salt production used some ponds to evap- serkot (F); long serkot (G). After flattening the
orate the sea water. In general, the ponds involve pond surface, pond is dried by sun evaporation
(i) stabilization, reservoir of feed sea water as raw (H). Surface dried pond is then smoothed by a
material and settling to remove large particle from traditional cylinder called guluk (I). After being
sea water (ii) evaporation (iii) concentration, and smoothed (J), the pond is filled with sea water and
(iv) crystallization (Susanto et al., 2015). Tradi- allowed stagnant for approximately two days. If
tional salt production ponds can be illustrated in the pond surface become cracked (K) or a foot-
Figure 3. The pond preparation stages were re- print is left when tread on (L), the farmer has to
ported in the following reviews. At the rainy sea- repeat stages F to I until the surface pond is flat,
son, some of salt ponds are utilized for fish pond as well as no cracking and or footprints are visible
or are allowed to be filled by rain water. Sea wa- when tread on (J). The preparation stages can be
ter flowed to the ponds through sea water channel illustrated in Figure 4.

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 19(3), 2018

Figure 2. Sampling location in the present study (code name 10–20)

Figure 3. Illustration of traditional salt production (Susanto et al., 2015)

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 19(3), 2018

Figure 4. The stages of preparation traditional salt production

After all of the ponds have been prepared for Physical and chemical characteristics of raw
use, the next step involves processing sea water water
to produce the salt. Sea water constituted the raw
material distributed by gravity in the ponds and The results of the physical parameters and
exposed to sunlight. The density of sea water in chemical characteristics of the raw water samples
are reported in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1 represents
every pond has to be monitored regularly dur-
the physical characteristics, including pH, °BE
ing the salt production process using the Baume
and salinity in the sampling location villages in
(°BE) degree hydrometer. Densities of seawater
some districts of East Java. Table 2 shows the
every pond in the salt production process will
chemical characteristics of the raw water sam-
be regularly monitored during the process flow
ples. The pH parameter was around 6–8 for all
of water in a salt pond. The success of salt pro-
samples. The °BE varied from 0 to 29, while sa-
duction process depends on the density. Initially,
linity varied from 4 to 92 ppt. The correlation of
the stabilization pond was filled with sea water
°BE and salinity showed the linear relations, the
(0°BE), after rising up to 5°BE, it flowed to the higher the °BE, the higher the salinity. The chemi-
evaporation pond. In the evaporation pond, evap- cal characteristics represented by various parame-
orated sea water became 11°BE and flowed to ter of major ions are dominated by Na+, K+, Ca2+,
the concentration pond. After sea water reached Mg2+, Cl–, 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆42− , F–, Br–. The highest concentration
22°BE, it was poured to the crystallization pond of Mg2+ is 28,714 mg/L, found in Campurejo Vil-
until 29°BE was achieved. The sea water in the lage, Panceng Sub District, Gresik District with
crystallization pond became sodium chloride °BE of 28 and concentration of Ca2+, Na+, K+ and
crystal salt and was ready to harvest. The sea wa- Cl– of 0 mg/L, 181,640 mg/L, 23.23 mg/L and
ter is poured into the pond in the sequence start- 280,000 mg/L, respectively. In Sumenep District,
ing from stabilization-evaporation-concentration- the highest concentration of Mg2+ is 14,914 mg/L
crystallization. Salt harvesting was conducted was found in Kalianget Timur Village, Kalianget
in crystallization ponds. The salt deposit on the Sub District. This sample has the concentration of
crystallization pond floor is piled up next to pond Ca2+, Na+, K+and Cl– of 0 mg/L, 166,062 mg/L,
and left to dry. Some salt farmers discharge con- 32.6 mg/L and 256,000 mg/L, respectively, while
centrated liquid remains of salt harvesting back to °BE amounts to 29. Compared with the previous
the sea. Others recycled the bittern in salt plot for studies in measurement sea water parameter, rela-
mixing with sea water as raw material. tively high concentration of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 19(3), 2018

Table 1. The physical parameters of the water samples

District/City Sub-district Village °BE pH Salinity (ppt)
1 Sumenep Dungkek Lapa Taman 0 7.08 6.79
2 Sumenep Gapura Gersik Putih 0 7.7 10
3 Sumenep Kalianget Kalianget Timur 29 6.5 92.6
4 Sumenep Kalianget Kalianget Barat 0 8.3 4.09
5 Sumenep Kalianget Kalanganyar 4 7.25 31.9
6 Pamekasan Pademawu Bunder 0 8.35 10.1
7 Pamekasan Tlanakan Tlanakan 3 8.05 28.4
8 Sampang Torjun Ragung 8 6.75 57.4
9 Sampang Camplong Tamba’an 10 6.57 76.3
10 Bangkalan Kwanyar Pesanggrahan 5 7.35 38.6
11 Bangkalan Sepulu Maneron 3 7.7 20.8
12 Gresik Manyar Manyarejo 4 7.9 23.9
13 Gresik Panceng Campurejo 28.5 6.7 100
14 Lamongan Brondong Brengkok 4 8.3 33.7
15 Tuban Palang Pliwetan 11 7.3 77.2
16 Surabaya Pakal Benowo 10 7.1 69.9
17 Surabaya Benowo Romokalisari 5 7.4 39.3
18 Surabaya Asemrowo Tambak Langgon 5 7.45 34.6
19 Sidoarjo Sedati Tambak Segoro 0 6.8 26.9
20 Sidoarjo Sedati Gisik Cemandi 5 6.75 31.2

Table 2. The chemical characteristics of the water samples

Major ion (mg/l)
location Na+ K+ Mg2+ Ca2+ Br– 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁4+ F– Cl– I– 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁2− 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁3− 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆42− 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃43−

1 3.374 2.71 123 57 0.001 0.39 2.44 5.200 2.31 0.005 - 644 -

2 4.670 2.53 128 91 0.001 - 2.7 7.200 2.41 0.009 0.12 2.726 -

3 166.062 32.6 14.914 - 0.002 1 3.18 256.000 3.12 0.005 0.1 46.919 -

4 2.595 2.42 49 30 0.001 - 2.62 4.000 2.28 0.006 - 5.291 3.37

5 14.790 4.08 498 160 0.001 0.36 2.87 22.800 2.8 0.002 0.32 3.051 -

6 5.060 2.61 99 69 0.001 0.42 2.81 7.800 2.52 0.008 - 751 2.84

7 12. 975 3.28 399 171 0.001 0.51 2.96 20.000 2.61 0.004 - 2.618 -

8 6.490 2.53 3.300 1.714 0.001 - 2.42 10.000 1.83 - 0.15 9.544 -

9 86.826 35.55 6.986 1.786 0.003 0.3 3.86 28.800 3.08 - 0.32 8.964 -

10 7.005 2.58 2.751 1.014 0.001 - 2.48 10.800 1.96 - 0.23 7.581 -

11 3.244 2.01 1.440 800 0.001 0.45 2.18 5.000 1.48 - 0.13 5.178 -

12 17.640 5.75 1.766 286 0.05 0.51 1.58 27.200 3.63 - 0.12 5.167 0.03

13 181.640 23.23 28.714 - 0.03 - 5.09 280.000 14.13 - 0.27 17.717 0.76

14 19.720 8.12 1.903 486 0.18 0.45 2.18 30.400 4.06 - 0.31 4.676 -

15 77.846 17.89 6.429 1.286 0.24 0.68 3.62 120.000 6.56 - 0.29 12.100 0.01

16 62.277 16.26 6.343 1.143 0.11 0.86 3.56 96.000 11.7 - 0.14 9.384 0.01

17 21.530 9.62 2.280 1.257 0.21 0.61 2.51 33.200 6.02 - 0.2 5.464 0.03

18 21.537 8.39 2.143 543 0.06 0.64 2.24 33.200 4.04 - 0.15 3.859 0.01

19 12.974 3.3 1.817 229 0.001 4.57 2.92 20.000 2.09 - 0.22 5.285 0.38

20 15.569 3.96 2.143 114 0.003 13.13 3.08 24.000 2.57 - 0.3 6.865 0.78

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 19(3), 2018

Cl– was observed in the present study. Literature ration process depends on the Sun. Susanto et
data are listed in Table 3. al., (2015) reported that the salt traditional pro-
duction was conducted by inserting gravity me-
Trace metals concentrations of raw water dia filter (GMF) and black HDPE tarpaulin in
the crystallization pond. GMF was installed be-
This work was conducted to characterize the tween the concentration pond and crystallization
trace metals as polluted matter. The aim of this pond. GMF was used for removing the suspend-
work is to contribute to the decision regarding ed solid in sea water in the concentration pond.
the pollutant removal method. Trace metals are GMF consists of natural fiber, sand and gravel.
represented by Pb2+, Cu2+, Hg2+ and As2+ con- Black HDPE was used for blocking sea water
centration in the water sample. The results of the permeation into the soil in the crystallization
trace metal raw water samples are presented in pond. Sea water in the crystallization pond lim-
Table 4. The concentration of Pb2+ and Cu2+ in all ited by 24–29 °BE. Sea water over 29°BE was
samples are varied from 0.07 to 0.42 mg/L and circulated in the evaporation pond or concentra-
0.08 to 1.56 mg/L, respectively. The Hg2+and As2+ tion pond. Setyaningrum et al., (2014) reported
concentrations in twenty samples are not detected that in order to improve the salt quality, the salt
by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry method. The production process was conducted by physical
raw water for salt production process in East Java treatment. The physical treatment involved the
Province is polluted by Pb2+ and Cu2+. The high- adding the carbonate or oxalate to precipitate the
est concentration of pollutants is found in sample magnesium, sulphate and calcium in order to form
from Campurejo Village, Panceng Sub District- a salt crystal with high purity NaCl. (Kasedde
Gresik District. The concentrations of Pb2+ and et al. 2014) reported that the nature, quality and
Cu2+ are 0.4 mg/L and 1.56 mg/L, respectively. quantity of salts are influenced by the chemical
The lowest Pb2+ and Cu2+ concentrations are composition of the sea water as raw material to
found in Lapa Taman Village, Dungkek Sub Dis- define appropriate processing.
trict-Sumenep District.
b) Potential for bittern resources recovery and uti-
Strategies to utilize sea water and treat waste lization in Indonesia
by product from traditional salt production Magnesium concentration in bittern can reach
a) Salt production 20–30 times of sea water, 1 m3 of bittern is pro-
duced by 1 ton of salt produced (Hussein et al.
Traditional salt production is highly depen- 2017). Indonesia has traditional salt-works loca-
dent on the season because the sea water evapo- tion spread over 44 districts with the total salt pro-

Table 3. The chemical and physical characteristics of sea water and bittern from a number of coastal and
salt ponds
Major ion (mg/l)
BE pH Reference
location Na+ K+ Mg2+ Ca2+ Br3+ 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁4+ F– Cl– 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃43− 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁2− 𝑁𝑁𝑁𝑁3− 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆42− 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻32−

SW Egypt 10.760 387 1290 413 67 - - 19.350 - - - 2.710 - - -
Bittern. Estefan
18.729 15.280 95.120 - 3200 - - 292.500 - - - 113.210 - - -
Egypt 1983
SW Liu et al.
8.850 565 1248 410 - - - 13.467 - - - 900 - - -
Singapore 2013
Yang et al.
SW China 10.560 - 1.272 160 - - - 18.980 - - - 2.560 142 - -
Lake 66.700– 11.000– 2.2– 0.24– 398– 42.600– 31.500– 11.800– Kasedde
- - - - - - -
Katwe. 144.000 39.400 66.2 3.6 1.500 145.000 67.400 21.000 et al. 2014
SSW Tewari et
10.880 394 1.311 423 - 0.63 - 19.655 1.73 0.47 5.38 2.742 - 3.5 8.15
India al. 2003
Bittern Tewari et
77.890 7.630 31.740 150 - 1.5 - 191.160 1.0 0.21 0.22 43.230 - 28.5 6.95
India al. 2003
SW East
2.595– 2.01– 49– 30– 0.001– 0.3– 1.58– 4.000– 0.01– 0.002– 0.1– 644– 0–1 6.57– Present
Java -
86.826 35.55 6.429 1.786 0.24 13.13 3.86 120.000 3.37 0.009 0.32 12.100 1 8.3 study
166.062– 23.23– 14.914– 0.002– 3.18– 256.000– 0– 0.1– 17.717– 28.5– 6.5– Present
East Java - 0–1 0.005 -
181.640 35.55 28.714 0.03 5.09 288.000 0.76 0.27 46.919 29 6.7 study

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 19(3), 2018

Table 4 Trace metals concentrations of raw water

Trace metal (mg/l) Trace metal (mg/l)
Sampling location Sampling location
Pb2+ Cu2+ Pb2+ Cu2+
1 0.07 0.17 11 0.12 0.08
2 0.21 0.18 12 0.1 0.51
3 0.42 0.28 13 0.4 1.56
4 0.08 0.28 14 0.15 0.52
5 0.28 0.23 15 0.32 1.32
6 0.18 0.16 16 0.28 1.09
7 0.24 0.21 17 0.16 0.6
8 0.18 0.16 18 0.14 0.53
9 0.26 0.22 19 0.09 0.26
10 0.16 0.17 20 0.12 0.41

duction of 2,915,461.17 ton/year by 2016. Indo- c) Removing trace metal

nesia has 2,915,461.17 m3/year of bittern which On the basis of the obtained results, all sam-
has a potential as a less expensive and more abun- ples contaminated by heavy metal are represented
dant magnesium source. The Indonesian govern- by lead (Pb2+) and copper (Cu2+). Water contami-
ment has to take advantage of the local conditions nated by toxic heavy metals cause health prob-
to develop the mineral recovery from bittern as lems. Lead is one of the most toxic metals. Lead
raw material with abundant availability. and copper can accumulate in the environment
Bittern could constitute a promising, cheap and human body, cause hypertension, nervous
source of magnesium from sea minerals (Estefan, disease and kidney failure (Blais et al., 2008).
1983; Liu et al., 2013). As a by-product from salt The techniques for heavy metal remediation
production, bittern was explored as a magnesium are coagulation-precipitation (Blais et al., 2008;
source to recover nitrogen and phosphorous from Aziz et al., 2008; Fu & Wang, 2011), activated-
wastewater. It reported that ammonia and phos- carbon adsorption and ion-exchange (Blais et al.,
phate could be removed with high efficiencies 2008), membrane separation (Hajdua et al., 2012)
using bittern as magnesium resources at treated and electrochemical (Fu & Wang, 2011).
wastewater to produce struvite (Li & Zhao 2002). The success of metal removal in the coagu-
Utilization of bittern into Nigari which serves as lation-precipitation method is determined by the
food/drink supplement is widely patented by some pH conditions appropriate for each type of metal
people in Japan, Indonesia and USA. Cardiofit or (Apriani et al., 2016). Coagulation-precipitation
nigarin is an isotonic liquid processed from bit- method is cheap and simple to operate. However,
tern that has been granted a patent in Indonesia the coagulation-precipitation method produces
on behalf of Suwarno and Sembiring. In Japan, a a large amount of sludge that requires process-
product from bittern called Nigari as “Siotakijii- ing (Kurniawan et al., 2006; Fu &Wang, 2011).
Activated-carbon adsorption is one of the cheap
notennennigari” is producted by Yuriya-seienjyo
and easy methods, while its ion selectivity is
Ltd., Nagasaki and “Sesanonigari” producted by
low (Babel & Kurniawan, 2003; Fu & Wang,
Nihon-kaisui Co., Ltd. Tokyo (Haga et al., 2005).
2011). Ion exchange has been widely applied for
J.Q. Dickinson salt work in USA produced nigari metal removal in wastewater. Ion exchange is a
from salt work in liquid form besides a variety of relatively expensive method for applying large
salt products. amount of metal removal in wastewater. Mem-
Lozano & Sanvicente (2002) conducted the brane separation principle uses monovalent and
experiment to recover bittern as Mg-K-PO4 salt divalent separation. Membrane separation has a
also containing B. Mg-K-PO4 fertilizer is charac- high selectivity for metal removal while requir-
terized by low solubility and has advantages for ing high operating cost (Kurniawan et al., 2006).
use in acidic tropical soil. In addition to the use as The electrochemical method requires low chemi-
a fertilizer, bittern can also function as a liquid- cals dosage and produces less sludge. However,
desiccant cooling for green house cooling system. the electrochemical method is expensive in terms
Bittern containing MgCl2 can be utilized for sup- of investment and operation especially taking into
porting cooling system (Lychnos et al., 2010). account the electrical needs (Fu & Wang, 2011).

Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 19(3), 2018

Technology approach for pure magnesium 49–28,714 and 0–1,786 mg/L, respectively. The
recovery trace metals for Pb2+ and Cu2+ parameter were
0.07–0.42 and 0.08–1.56 mg/L. The highest con-
The common method of solids and liquid sep- centration of Na+, Cl–, and Ca2+ in seawater were
aration is precipitation, which is a combination of found in Camplong-Sampang District. The mea-
coagulation-flocculation or flotation process for sured concentrations were obviously greater than
the separation of solids and solutions (Blais et al., in the case of the seawater from Egypt, China, In-
2008). The separation of solids and liquid through dia, Singapore and Uganda. The highest concen-
precipitation results in the production of sludge tration of Mg2+ in bittern was 28,714 mg/L that
which requires advanced treatment. Crystalliza- was found in Panceng-Gresik District. This con-
tion technology is the separation between solids
centration was smaller than the bittern from Egypt
and liquids, through the formation of dissolved
and India. The highest concentration of trace met-
crystals from solution into pure solid crystals.
al was measured in Panceng-Gresik District.
This makes crystallization an effective technique
Traditional salt production in East Java has
for the recovery of useful and economically valu-
high potential to utilize the bittern as cheaper
able compounds from waste (Lu et al., 2017). The
mineral from sea. Bittern can be used as magne-
crystallization technique that can be used for inor-
sium sources for magnesium carbonate hydrate
ganic ion recovery is reaction crystallization (RC)
product, mineral supplements for drink/food,
(Lu et al., 2017). The RC technique is crystallized
struvite, supporting fertilizer and cooling system.
through the reaction between several solutions
The technology for magnesium recovery with
or between gas and solution which can produce
a dissolved substance. This technique is one of high purification degree and less sludge produc-
the separation technologies that can produce tion was crystallization through fluidized bed
products with high purity (Huang et al., 2014). crystallization.
RC can produce crystals in the form of hydrox-
ides, carbonates or sulfides (Chen et al., 2015). Acknowledgements
Technology developments apply crystallization
using fluidized beds for the removal of pollutants This study was funded by Ministry of Re-
and recovery of reusable products. Separation search, Technology, and Higher Education. The
through fluidized bed can reduce the problem of authors also wish to thank the staff at the Water
sludge disposal. The application of fluidized bed Treatment Technology Laboratory, Department
crystallization (FBC) has been widely developed of Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknolo-
to eliminate hardness, fluoride and phosphate gi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia, for
from waste and heavy metal recovery. FBC pro- their excellent technical assistance.
duces less sludge than chemical precipitation and
has the potential for cost recovery. The hydrody-
namic behavior to be observed on the FBC is the REFERENCES
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